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27th June, 2023


By Pragati Rajesh, 12D

01-02 Introduction
Table of

03-05 Body

06 Conclusion

07 Bibliography
Research Question:-
Even the voiceless have a voice. Draw a comparison between the poem Dolphins and any
advertisement/campaign that elucidates the truth of this statement.

The research question aims to investigate the notion of giving voice to the voiceless, drawing a
comparison between the poem "Dolphins" by Carol Ann Duffy and a relevant advertisement or
campaign. Both the poem and the chosen campaign serve as representations of the idea that
even beings without conventional speech have a voice that can be recognised and amplified.
The research will delve into the artistic expression and thematic elements of the poem
"Dolphins," analysing how it portrays the voiceless dolphins as sentient beings deserving
empathy and understanding. Simultaneously, the study will explore a specific advertisement or
campaign that aligns with this theme, assessing its visual and narrative strategies in advocating
for the voiceless and raising awareness about their experiences and rights. By examining these
two mediums side by side, the research seeks to shed light on the power of creative expression
and activism in giving voice to those often overlooked and marginalised in society.

Reason for Choice of this Question:-

This research question is particularly relevant in today's scenarios due to the pressing need to
advocate for the rights and well-being of marginalized and voiceless beings, including animals
and vulnerable communities. In contemporary society, there is a growing awareness of
environmental conservation and animal welfare issues, prompting a heightened interest in
understanding and addressing the plight of voiceless creatures.

This research question was chosen because it embodies the essence of empathy and
compassion for all living beings, urging us to listen and respond to the silent suffering and
needs of the voiceless. It aligns with my desire to explore the intersection of art and activism,
as well as the potential of creative endeavors to ignite social consciousness and drive positive
transformation. Additionally, the topic of dolphins and advocacy campaigns holds personal
significance for me, as I have always been deeply interested in marine conservation and the
ethical treatment of animals. By examining this subject, I hope to contribute to the ongoing
dialogue surrounding the importance of recognizing and respecting the voiceless, fostering a
more compassionate and responsible society.
How I plan on comprehending this
To comprehend this research question, I plan to approach it with a multi-faceted perspective.
Firstly, I will thoroughly analyse the poem "Dolphins" by Carol Ann Duffy, examining its themes,
symbolism, and underlying messages about the voiceless beings. I will seek to understand the
emotional impact and empathy it elicits and how it portrays dolphins as intelligent and sentient
creatures deserving of consideration.

Next, I will conduct in-depth research into various contemporary advertisements or campaigns
that align with the theme of giving a voice to the voiceless. I will evaluate their visual and
narrative strategies, exploring how they effectively communicate the plight of marginalized
individuals or animals, generating awareness, and inspiring action.

To support my findings, I will review relevant literature on marine conservation, animal rights,
and advocacy strategies. I will also consider the broader social and environmental contexts in
which these works exist, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the research question's
significance in today's scenarios.

In conclusion, by employing a comprehensive approach that encompasses literary analysis,

visual communication evaluation, and a consideration of broader societal contexts, I intend to
gain a deeper comprehension of how art and advocacy can empower the voiceless and foster
a more compassionate and responsible world.
By Carol Ann Duffy

Themes of the Poem:-

Freedom and Captivity: The poem delves into the stark contrast between the freedom of
dolphins in the open sea and their captivity in tanks. It highlights the longing for liberty that
dolphins experience when confined, and the sense of confinement that ensues in captivity.

Intelligence and Communication: Duffy emphasizes the intelligence and complexity of

dolphins' communication, depicting them as sentient beings with a unique way of connecting
with each other. The poem explores the idea that communication is not limited to verbal
language and can be expressed through clicks, whistles, and physical interactions.

Human-Dolphin Connection: The poem draws attention to the bond and connection between
humans and dolphins, hinting at the possibility of shared emotions and understanding
between the two species. It subtly explores the ethical implications of human fascination with
dolphins and the responsibilities that arise from this connection.

Nature and Environment: Duffy's poem showcases the beauty of the natural world, portraying
dolphins as magnificent creatures thriving in their natural habitat. It underscores the
importance of preserving their environment and raises awareness of the impact of human
actions on marine ecosystems.

Empathy and Compassion: The poem elicits empathy for the voiceless creatures,
encouraging readers to empathize with dolphins' experiences and emotions. It urges the
audience to understand the importance of respecting and protecting all living beings,
regardless of their ability to communicate verbally.

Symbolism of Dolphins: The poem uses dolphins as a symbol of grace, freedom, and
wisdom. Their portrayal transcends their physical existence, representing broader ideas
about the human desire for freedom and the connection to nature.

Overall, "Dolphins" by Carol Ann Duffy invites readers to reflect on the interplay between
nature and captivity, intelligence beyond words, and the significance of empathy and
compassion in our relationship with the natural world. The themes explored in the poem
resonate with broader environmental and ethical concerns, making it a thought-provoking
and relevant piece of literature.
Free the Whales Campaign:-
The "Free the Whales" campaign is a global movement advocating for the protection and
welfare of whales, especially those held in captivity for entertainment purposes. It began in
the 1960s and 1970s, gaining momentum as concerns about the treatment of captive marine
mammals, particularly whales and dolphins, grew. The campaign's origins can be traced
back to events like the capture of Namu, a wild orca, which raised public awareness about
the adverse effects of captivity on these majestic creatures.

One of the key events that sparked the "Free the Whales" movement was the capture and
confinement of a wild orca named Namu in 1965. Namu was taken from his natural habitat
off the coast of British Columbia, Canada, and displayed in marine parks for profit. This
incident, along with subsequent similar cases, prompted animal welfare activists, scientists,
and concerned citizens to speak out against the captivity of whales and advocate for their

Throughout the years, the "Free the Whales" campaign has evolved and expanded globally,
encompassing various advocacy organizations, grassroots efforts, and educational
initiatives. These efforts have led to increased public awareness about the ethical
considerations surrounding captive whales, and they have played a significant role in
shaping public opinion and influencing policies related to marine mammal captivity.

The campaign has been instrumental in pushing for legislative changes and regulations
aimed at improving the welfare of captive whales and dolphins. It continues to be a powerful
voice for these voiceless creatures, promoting a greater understanding of their natural
behaviors and advocating for their right to live free from captivity and exploitation.
Similarities between 'Dolphins' and Free
the Whales Campaign:-

Theme of Captivity: Both "The Dolphins" and the "Free the Whales" campaign focus on the
theme of captivity. Carol Ann Duffy's poem depicts dolphins confined within tanks, longing
for the open sea. It evokes a sense of empathy for their constrained existence. Similarly,
the "Free the Whales" campaign advocates against keeping whales in captivity,
emphasizing the importance of their natural habitat for their well-being and survival.

Awareness and Education: Both the poem and the campaign seek to raise awareness and
educate the public about the voiceless beings they represent. "The Dolphins" invites
readers to contemplate the impact of captivity on these intelligent creatures and the ethical
considerations surrounding their treatment. The "Free the Whales" campaign educates the
public about the negative effects of keeping whales in captivity, promoting a deeper
understanding of the issue.

Empathy and Activism: Both "The Dolphins" and the "Free the Whales" campaign aim to
evoke empathy and inspire action. The poem engages readers emotionally, encouraging
them to empathize with the dolphins' longing for freedom. The campaign utilizes emotional
storytelling, engaging visuals, and appeals to public support to mobilize people in
advocating for the release and protection of captive whales.

Voice for the Voiceless: Both the poem and the campaign emphasize the idea that the
voiceless can still be heard. "The Dolphins" gives voice to the dolphins' silent suffering,
shedding light on their mistreatment and advocating for their freedom. The "Free the
Whales" campaign provides a platform for the voiceless whales, empowering individuals to
speak up and take action on their behalf.

Overall, "The Dolphins" and the "Free the Whales" campaign share a common goal of
giving a voice to voiceless creatures, raising awareness about their captivity, and inspiring
empathy and activism. Both works utilize artistic and advocacy platforms to highlight the
importance of respecting and protecting these majestic animals, ultimately striving for their
freedom and well-being.
In Carol Ann Duffy's poem "The Dolphins," she presents a powerful portrayal of dolphins as
intelligent beings that symbolize freedom and grace. The poem explores themes of captivity,
exploitation, and the longing for freedom. It highlights the voiceless plight of these majestic
creatures and raises awareness about their mistreatment.

A comparable advertising campaign that aligns with this message is the "Free the Whales"
campaign by a marine conservation organization. This campaign aims to give a voice to
whales, advocating for their protection, and raising awareness about the negative impacts of
captivity. It utilizes impactful visuals, compelling narratives, and social media outreach to
amplify the voice of these voiceless creatures, inspiring public action and support.

Both "The Dolphins" and the "Free the Whales" campaign emphasize the idea that even those
without a literal voice can still have a powerful impact. Both works aim to shed light on the
struggles faced by voiceless beings and advocate for their rights. They serve as reminders that
it is our responsibility to protect and respect the voiceless members of our ecosystem, ensuring
their well-being and freedom.

By drawing attention to the plight of dolphins in her poem and through campaigns like "Free the
Whales," artists and activists strive to give a voice to the voiceless, fostering empathy and
driving positive change in how we perceive and treat these magnificent creatures.

Newly risen Research Questions:-

"To what extent does captivity impact the well-being and cognitive abilities of dolphins,
and how can advocacy campaigns contribute to raising awareness and promoting the
protection of these intelligent marine mammals?"

This research question delves into the effects of captivity on dolphins, exploring the physical
and cognitive well-being of these animals when confined. It also considers the role of advocacy
campaigns in generating awareness and driving action to protect dolphins. The research could
involve studying the behavioral and physiological changes in captive dolphins, examining the
impact of captivity on their cognitive abilities, and analyzing the effectiveness of advocacy
campaigns in fostering public engagement and policy changes.

"What are the similarities and differences in the messages, strategies, and impact of
Carol Ann Duffy's poem 'The Dolphins' and the 'Free the Whales' campaign in
advocating for the rights and welfare of marine mammals?"

This research question allows for an in-depth analysis of the similarities and differences
between the artistic approach of the poem and the advocacy campaign. It explores the core
messages conveyed by both works, the strategies employed to raise awareness, and the
impact they have on public perception and action. The research could involve studying the
themes and symbolism used in the poem, analyzing the campaign's visual and narrative
techniques, examining the public response to both works, and evaluating their effectiveness in
promoting the rights and welfare of marine mammals.

Thank You!

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