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Social media platforms have become ubiquitous in modern society, transforming the

way people connect, communicate, and share information. While these platforms offer
unprecedented opportunities for social interaction and networking, they also
present significant challenges to mental health and well-being. The constant
exposure to curated images, idealized lifestyles, and unrealistic standards of
beauty can fuel feelings of inadequacy, comparison, and low self-esteem among
users. Moreover, the pervasive nature of social media can lead to excessive screen
time, disrupted sleep patterns, and a heightened sense of social isolation.
Cyberbullying, harassment, and online trolling further exacerbate mental health
issues, contributing to anxiety, depression, and other psychological disorders. As
social media continues to evolve, it is essential to address these negative impacts
and promote digital well-being through education, awareness campaigns, and
responsible platform design. By fostering a culture of digital literacy, empathy,
and self-care, we can harness the positive potential of social media while
mitigating its adverse effects on mental health.

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