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Today zakat officer paper mcqs

Noor Mehal In Which City.

Jinnah Was Born In Year.

Eiffel Tower In which Country.

Which Emporer was Poet and Emperor both.

Distance b/W stars calculated by.

Which Continent has no desert.

First Governor of West Punjab.

Writer of Saif Ul Malook.

Which emporer died after falling from horse.

Which Country Has 2 Capitals.

Naji Ullah Was The title of.

City on 188 Islands.

What was the name of the Son Of Hazrat Ismail AS whom he left in Hijaz.

Zolnorain Was The title of.

Members of NATO.

1960 treat was signed with which international organisation.

Name the wife of Holy Prophet PBUH who was scholar.

Book written by Hazrat Ali was ( Nehjul blagha)

City with 118 island

Capital of france

Name the person who died in 1910 while playing polo

Muslim first time offered nmaz e juma at

Neck and neck idiom meaning

Name the chief justice of pakistan

Pull your socks up idiom meaning

Ranifort is located in

Najiullah is the title of which prophet.

‫ غبار خاطر‬ks ka majmua h

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