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Research a real-case example of evidence-based decision-making (EBDM) in any business

organization or government entity of your choice. You can use examples from your own work
experience if applicable. After finding and reviewing an example of evidence-based decision-
making applied in a real-world context, answer the following questions in a 2-3-page, APA
formatted paper. Cite at least three scholarly, academic sources throughout your paper and
reference page to answer the following questions.

1. How did the organization or company apply the stages of evidence-based decision-
making (EBDM)?

Imagine being CEO of reputed business where you need to make one of the greatest
decisions that can eventually make or break your business. Will you make that decision based on
your feelings or based on data and facts which will give best possible outcome? Definitely, you
will go for using qualitative and quantitative data to develop informed decision. Thus, you will
choose evidence-based decision making over you gut feeling or intuition. Evidence based
decision making is the process by which one makes decision from the best available research
evidence and informed by experiential evidence from the field and relevant contextual evidence.
As per Clancy & Cronin (2005), Evidence based decision making best possible decision from all
available evidence of data and facts and avoiding all the instinct, intuition or gut feelings. It is a
strategic technique where we apply empirical knowledge and research-supported method
principle to justify the decision making. Evidence based decision making often benefits the
business, as it did to my business. I have been associated to Lifeline Surgical Supply Pvt. Ltd. for
5 years. After studying about evidence-based decision making in my syllabus, I have realized
that the CEO of the company has always made evidence-based decision which have made it a
million-dollar business.

Covid-19 pandemic is definitely a nightmare to most of us. While there was chaos
everywhere, only few people saw the opportunity and took some risky decision. Seeing the
shortage of Oxygen during the pandemic, our company has to decide where or not to invest on
Oxygen Plant. Since, it was a million-dollar project, there must be critical analysis of every
aspect because one small mistake could take company to ground zero. Thus, CEO of the
company made an evidence-based decision and company invested in million-dollar project of
Lifeline Oxygen Supply Plant.

As per Papadakis & Barwise (2002),

Consider one evidence on which decision was made and it succeed.


Carrying out huge project in the face of adversity is definitely not easy. But company
took that risky step and as a result got lots of positive outcome form it. As there was a huge
demand of oxygen across the country, company succeed in fulfilling the demands, thus mitigated
the impact of oxygen shortage on Covid-19 patients. Here, company saved the lives of thousands
of people and improve the healthcare outcomes. Moreover, business is definitely done to get
profit, and here due to the increasing demand, company got very good return on investment.
Since, company helped lots of people, it enhanced the company’s reputation for socially
responsible decision making. Thus, it increases the market share of the business. Here, the name
that was known to few of the distributors and medical hospitals, was known to most of the
people in medical industry as well as public. Positivity doesn’t come all alone; it carries
negativity with itself. That’s what happened in our business. While we were experiencing the
increase in market share, we faced a huge challenge in logistic while setting up the plant and
delivering the product, since there was lockdown causing lack of enough human resources. Our
business would not run, if we were unable to deliver our product, so it was really difficult for us
to manage everything. Moreover, we also experienced financial crisis, because of increase in the
price of machineries and equipment. Here, while making evidence-based decision, this was the
worst-case scenario we expected. So, we were somehow aware about the occurrence of these
situations in future, and we had already managed for the back up from angle investors to bounce
back in business. After experiencing both negative and positive outcome from that one evidence-
based decision making, our business is now well-established business in the market and growing
really well.

Looking ahead to my future career, I will undoubtedly, apply the principle of evidence-
based decision making in future. As I just pursuing my BBA, there are many areas where I need
to make decision on, like Where to pursue my MBA? Which car to buy? Where to get settled?
Where to invest? How to skyrocket my business? and many more. In those situations, I will
make best decision form all available choices by collecting the evidences, interpreting them, and
applying my insights to make unbiased decision. Moreover, I will try to answer some critical
question like if the decision is urgent or not? If the evidence is reliable or not? If I am able to
properly integrate the expert opinions and clinical expertise into decision making or not? If there
is long term positive impact of the decision or not? If I can continuously evaluate and monitor
the outcome to adapt strategies as need or not? Critical answer from these questions will
definitely help me to take best decisions for my career or company in future.

While navigating through ethical consideration in my future career I must ensure the
reliability and validity of the evidence. While making a decision, we should respect the
confidentiality of the data and data provider (Fisk, 2007). So, I must respect the privacy and
maintain confidentiality of the data and data provider. I must also consider all the potential
impacts of decisions on all stakeholders. While deciding for company, I must ensure that the
company’s decision align with ethical standard and legal requirement. While being on any crisis,

I must consider the equitable distribution of benefits and resources. Thus, I must maintain
integrity in my while making evidence-based decision.

Clancy, C. M., & Cronin, K. (2005). Evidence-based decision making: global evidence, local
decisions. Health affairs, 24(1), 151-162.

Fisk, J. D., Beattie, B. L., & Donnelly, M. (2007). Ethical considerations for decision making for
treatment and research participation. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 3(4), 411-417.

Papadakis, V. M., & Barwise, P. (2002). How much do CEOs and top managers matter in
strategic decision‐making?. British Journal of management, 13(1), 83-95.

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