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Nama : Mariana

No. Absen : 10


Answer: ( Words)
The pie charts presents the presentage of female several sector graduate occupation of
Charlotte University in two different years.

In common, both different pie charts presented different presentation of the equal
distribution of women's occupation sectors. The first pie chart was evident that the uneven
distribution of women's work across all sectors. While the second pie chart was proved that a
fairly even distribution of women's work in all sectors.

Firstly, female graduates showed interest in education was four in ten and the art was the
second most significant profession in 1985. Similiarly, medicine was chosen by a fifth.
While, in 2010 education was the highest profession that were chosen by female graduate in
presentage A quarter. Then, medicine was elected in presentage A quarter too.

In conclusion, the two pie charts show the same job lists with different sectoral
distribution in the two years.

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