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Sample Exploratory Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Sample Exploratory Essay" can present both challenges and
opportunities for the writer. The difficulty lies in the nature of exploratory essays themselves, as they
require a unique approach compared to more traditional essay formats. The task involves delving into
a subject without a predetermined thesis, encouraging the exploration of various perspectives and

One of the initial hurdles is defining the scope and boundaries of the essay. Without a clear thesis
statement to guide the writing, the author must carefully select and organize information to maintain
a coherent and logical flow. This lack of a predefined argument can make it challenging to strike the
right balance between providing sufficient background information and avoiding information

Moreover, the writer must navigate the intricacies of presenting diverse viewpoints while avoiding
bias. Striking a neutral tone is essential in an exploratory essay, as the goal is to allow readers to
form their own opinions based on the presented information. This requires thorough research and a
nuanced understanding of the topic, which can be time-consuming.

On the positive side, the exploratory essay format offers a chance for creative expression and
intellectual exploration. It allows the writer to engage with the topic on a deeper level, fostering
critical thinking and analytical skills. However, this freedom can also be a double-edged sword, as it
necessitates a higher level of responsibility in handling information objectively.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Sample Exploratory Essay" demands a delicate
balance between openness to diverse perspectives and the need for structure and clarity. It requires a
skilled writer who can navigate the challenges of presenting information without a predetermined
thesis. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other writing tasks, various resources are
available, and can be explored for professional support.
Sample Exploratory Essay Sample Exploratory Essay
Vibrio Fischeri Is A Bacterium That Served As The Model...
Vibrio fischeri is a Gram negative bacterium that served as the model organism in this
experiment. We isolated only the luxAB portion of the entire lux operon and inserted it
into the pGEM vector plasmid to transcribe the luciferase enzyme required for
bioluminescence. Within the lux operon, luxAB is responsible for producing subunits
that form luciferase, which oxidizes the aldehyde made by luxCDE into the reduced
flavin mononucleotide FMNH2 and results in the production of light known as
bioluminescence[6]. The luxI genethat is also present on the operon produces the
autoinducer which interacts with a regulator, LuxR, [and] activates transcription of the
lux operon at high cell density to induce bioluminescence[4]. This interaction between the
products of luxI and luxR is known as quorum sensing and serves as an evolutionary
purpose in the symbiotic relationship with Euprymna scolopes, a type of squid that
contains the light organ where the bacteriaresides[6].
In the first portion of the experiment, Vibrio fischeri chromosomal DNA was isolated by
lysing the bacterial membranes and removing the proteins and lipids. Addition of a
lysozyme solution breaks down the peptidoglycan layer in Gram negative bacteria and
proteinase K/SDS degrades the proteins and disrupt the membranes. Liquid liquid
extraction using Tris buffered phenol permits separation of proteins and lipids from the
DNA into the organic layer. It is also essential that the isolated DNA is pure and free of
The Victorian Er The Victorian Period During The Victorian...
One of the darker and more mysterious periods in history is the Victorian Era. The
nineteenth century was a major point in literary history, with stories mostly related to
supernatural beings, poetry, and fantastic literature. There were also multiple different
religions, such as Christianity and Judaism. The people in England were very religious
and went to church every sunday. Despite their social class, women were always home
and doing their housework, while men were out working to earn money for the family.
The clothing style was very formal and posh; the rich having finer cloths. The Victorian
Erawas an interesting time period because of its politics, literature, society and culture.
The political history of the Victorian Era was based on Queen Victoria and her views and
outlooks on everything. Queen Victoria was the reigning queen during the nineteenth
century, with her husband and several children. This showed femininity, which centered
around family and homely feels. She was described as the mother of the nation. She
became the model of marital stability, with her husband Albert. Their marriage was said
to represent marital harmony. Literature was somewhat related to the political history of
the family feel.
Literature during the Victorian Era had a variety of writing types. People in the Victorian
Era read and/or wrote things; such as novels, children s literature, poetry, drama, and
supernatural and fantastic literature. The
Group Conflict Theory
Methodology Public Support for Political Compromise on a Volatile Racial Issue: Insight
from the Survey Experiment Glasser draws from the group conflict theory which
advocates that competition among different groups for political, social, and economic
resources can contribute to political hostility between members of the groups. He draws
from this theory, and, implicitly, the Racial Threat Thesis, in order to form two
hypotheses: (1) Public support for political compromise should come even from people
with preexisting beliefs about the Confederate flag, not just those without an opinion, and
(2) that white flag proponents should be more resistant to compromise than blacks
seeking to take the flag down. Glaser runs a survey, relying upon... Show more content on ...
This allows a larger number of flag proponents to be surveyed over the course of
treatment. The structure of the third survey is very similar to those previous. The
respondents are asked the same initial question as mentioned before: whether or not they
wish for the flag flying above the state capitol to be taken down. The difference in this
experiment is that each respondent is then randomly placed into one of two groups, and
asked a follow up question corresponding with their group. To test the Negotiated
Compromise Hypothesis, the compromise category response included the following
phrase: A political compromise negotiated by black and white leaders... This leaves little
to nothing to the imagination about the source of the compromise. To test the Majority
Power Hypothesis, the compromise category response included the following phrase: A
compromise supported by a majority of South Carolinians... In each case, the wording of
the compromise response was the only variable changed. Comparing the responses of
each question to each other and the initial survey allows us to test the effects different
political dimensions might have on supporters of the Confederate flag and their response
to compromise. The first hypothesis, the Negotiated
The Republicn and a Brief History of Philosphy
In The Republic there are six reoccurring themes education, justice, specialization,
philosopher king, soul, and truth. Plato uses justice though as the folk point and the
remaining five trace back to justice. Socrates defines justice as that one man should
practice one thing only, the thing to which his nature was best adapted (Plato123).
Socrates then goes to discuss the three parts to the soul, A man reasons, we may call the
rational principle of the soul, the other... may be termed the irrational or appetitive and
then there is the spirit (Plato 130). Kant proposes that justicesays that only good people
should be happy, and happy in proportion to their goodness (Gustafson 67). Plato and
Socrates saw justice as giving what is owed, while Kant saw justice as being happy in
proportion to their virtue. Yet each strived for justice and look to eliminate the
injustices in the world. These themes and ideas were not just something that once
occurred and then no one thought of again. These themes still play a role in everyday
life, some more predominate then others but apparent just the same. In the film Crimes
and Misdemeanors the view is introduced to a group of people with all different
struggles. As the movie progresses the characters dive deeper into their hardships, and
some may never be able to get out of them. This film deals with many of the ideas that
Plato speaks about. The theme of justice is one that is featured as the most important in
the film. Secondary to
My Greatest Day
My greatest day ever Sometimes life doesn t go the way you expected it. Sep/8/2015
My house I just turned 12 today and I can t wait to open my last present.I was wearing
my new Jeff Gordon t shirt, under armor shorts, and some Nike shoes, I was really
happy and excited. My dad was wearing a Dallas Cowboys shirt and shorts that were
really nice. My mom was wearing an Oklahoma t shirt and shorts and being really
sweet to me. Mathew, my brother was wearing only a long sleeve shirt and shorts. He
has autism. James, my older brother couldn t come back home because he was in
college at Oklahoma State. When I opened my last present I saw that I got a NASCAR
15 victory edition game for the Xbox 360. I played it for over 2 hours before my mom
told me that the cake was ready. So I turned off my Xbox, went downstairs and sat
down to eat cake. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me for 2 minutes, after they
stopped singing I thought about my wish and I said I wish that my new video game
would come to life then I blow out the candles. I spent the next hour playing on
NASCAR 15 game before I had to go to bed before I went to sleep I said to myself this
was the best birthday ever then I went to sleep. Sep/9/2015 The next day came around
the corner and it happened to be a school day so I had to get ready. After I got dressed I
went to my mom s 2009 Chevy Suburban and went to school. 12 hours later I was
home, My dad had to go on a business trip to Alabama and my mom had to run some
Essay On Grand Jury
A regular court trial grand jury usually consist of 6 to 12 people, but a grand jury for
the federal court can be anywhere from 16 to 23 people. The grand jury plays an
important role in the criminal process, the purpose of a grand jury is to help the
prosecutor decide on criminal charges or an indictment against the defendant. From my
understanding the juryselection comes from people who are registered voters and
people who has a driver s license within each judicial district. There is a questionnaire
process which help determine a selection which eliminates convicted felons, the list
helps ensure that the jury is a broad cross section from the community in regards to
sex, race, and religion. Then begin the voir dire selection process in which the
attorney for the case questions the juror s background and during this process potential
jurors can be rejected if they can relate to closely to the case that they re being called for.
Once selected for the grand jury it will be a process that will take place... Show more
content on ...
Grand jury proceedings are kept in STRICT CONFIDENCE this will encourage a
witness to speak freely without the fear of retaliation (a witness should always feel
comfortable) and it always helps protect the reputation if the jury decide to not indict. A
unanimous decision isn t required from the grand jury when trying to indict, however, it
does require a supermajority vote, even if a grand jury doesn t choose to indict the
defendant the prosecutor still has the power to bring the defendant to trial if they have a
strong enough case. The grand jury indictment helps get a trial started more quickly
without an indictment from the grand jury it makes the prosecutor will have to present to
the judge that there is enough to proceed on with the

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