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1. Which of the four main institutions of the EU was institutionalized most recently?

- European Council
- SEA/ Maastricht 1993

2. According to realism, cooperation between states is almost impossible except in one

specific situation. What is it? Why may cooperation take place?
- the cooperation in unipolar system (hegemon)
- because by realists IOs are in interest of most powerful ones and IR are zero-sum game
- (problem of cooperation..)

3. Define the concept of international organization (Reading 1).

- is formal organization (aggrupation) of at least 3 states
- these states share same goals (specific purpose)
- it is based on international contract between state’s governments

X 4. What is the principle of subsidiarity (European Union)?

= one of the key principle of EU
- EU can pass EU legislation only when/if the states can’t achieve on their own national level

5. When were the European Communities transformed into the European Union?
- 1993, Maastricht

X 6. Explain how, according to neo-institutionalism, an organization such as the

International Atomic Energy Agency can foster cooperation in IR.
- we can benefit
- there are few things you can do -> talk to others, provide information
- if you know that someone is doing something others will also do
- you can’t force the states but if the states know that the others are doing this they also
-providing information!

X 7. Why is it argued that the European Council and the Council of the EU form a dual
- European Council adopts the political decisions and then is transformed to Council of the

8. When did the Eastern enlargement take place?

- 2004 -
- 2007 + two more states Bulgaria, Romania,

9. What is COREPER?
- part of the Council of the EU
- representing national states, members of states in Brussel
- examine legislation, tries to decide and maybe send it back to ministers
10. Explain the four scenarios modeled by the Prisoner’s dilemma.
- lack of cooperation
- situation in which
- if there is cooperation, then there is benefit
- nějaká tabulka
- it explains cooperation (Both cooperate, no one cooperate, cheat,

11. According to what voting rule are most of the decisions of the European Council
- consensus

12. Europe Day (9 May) was created in the mid-1980s to commemorate the Schuman
Declaration. Why is this document so important?
- need to find the way to cooperation, plan to cooperate in coal industry
- basis of the philosophy of European integration
- plan for ECSC

13. What is bureaucratic culture (Reading 2)? Why do the authors argue that taking it into
account matters?
- rules, beliefs,
- how you deal with
- IO are created by powerful states, IO are more autonomous than we think
- importance of identity
- your beliefs, values, norms

14. Appointment of the Commission. What happens once the European Council and the
President-elect of the Commission have agreed on a list of candidates to form the College
of Commissioners?
- EP look if the candidates are competent
- EP adopts or rejects the Commissioners
EP – hearing, assessment

15. Explain the difference between the logic of appropriateness and the logic of (expected)
consequences. With which theories are these ideas associated?
- logic of appropriates
- is associated with constructivism
- we do something because we know that it is expected for us
- logic of consequences=
- is associated with neo-inst. and realisms
- think about consequences of our acts

16. What is the current qualified majority used in the Council of the EU? How different is it
from the previous system (Nice treaty)?
- 55% of member states of EU
- 65% of EU’s population
- previous system: triple majority: majority of member states, 74% of the weighted votes,
62% of the population

17. Cite 5 countries that aspire to become members of the EU.

- Ukraine, Moldavia, Makedonia, Turkey, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia

18. The European Parliament plays a key role to counterbalance other EU institutions. Cite
two prerogatives of the EP that illustrate this function.
- EP can reject whole European Commission
- EP adopt EU’s budget which was proposed by Commission
-EP vote president of European Council

19. According to Barnett and Finnemore (Reading 2), what are the three ways in which
international organizations regulate and constitute international relations?
-> Classification of the world
-> Fixing the meanings
-> Diffusion the norms/ ideas

20. Which EU institutions are involved in the implementation of EU legislation?

- European Commission “guarantee EU laws”and also European Court of justice takes part in

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