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Memorandum NST 2016 Term 4 Question 1 LLEV 1.2.FV 1.3.AV 14.BV 1.5.CV 1.6.DV ae 73-10 107 e.poes:_ Question 2 2.1, True V 2.2, False V 2.3. True V 2.4. True V (4) Question 3 3.1, Island: a piece of land that is smaller than a continent, V and surrounded by sea.V 3.2. Continent: one of seven large pieces of earth’s v land surface. V 3.3. Atmosphere: the layer of air V that surrounds / covers the earth V 3.4. Surface: the outside part Vv or top layer of something V (8) Question 4 p-190 : - v OPiceur + The rocket is propelled upwards M- | Payload Ke Fuel is stored here N= wr Fuel burns here AS v uM Gases shoot downwards - (6) Page S Question 5 5.1 * It extends about 600km above the Earth’s surface. V * Earth's atmosphere contains the gases that living things need to breathe. V * This layer of air also acts like a blanket. V «This blanket helps to keep the Earth’s surface warm enough for living things to survive. V 5.2 AtmosphereV 5.3 v an) Question 6 6.1. Phases of the moon V 6.2. 29.5 days V 6.3. [A. New moon V B. Crescent moon V |C. Half moon V__ | D. Three quarters V | E. Full moon V F. Three quarters ¥_|G. Half moon V_[H. Crescent moon Vv | (10) TOTAL = 40 Page 6

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