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HP transmigrated into Domeric Bolton

(GOT and HP crossover)

By: Fortunate Soul


Chapter 1: Chapter 1

28 year old Head Auror Harry Potter groggily woke up and

found laying on a bed made of the most uncomfortable material
to ever exist. He opened his eyes and looked around, nding
himself to be in a strange room that had stone walls and was lit
by candles.
Well, this is certainly not what he thought would happen when
he jumped into the veil, tired from all the loneliness and betrayal
over the years. And generally just tired from life.
'Is this where everyone arrives when they jump into the Veil?' he
wondered 'Or does the owner of the 3 deathly hallows get a
special concessions.'
A glance outside the window showed that it was nighttime and
another glance upward showed him a surprisingly large amount
of stars and a clear night sky. And he found out two things quite
quickly by simple looking at the sky.
First, wherever he was, the air in this place was clean without
any trace of pollution in it.
Second, this was not London, as the constellations in the sky
were completely unrecognizable to him. In fact, he doubted that
he was even in Earth anymore.
'So an alternate world.' He mused to himself before he tried to
get up and suddenly found it a bit disorienting when he realized
that the body he was in was not his own either.
In fact, this new body was a fair bit thinner and smaller than his
own body. And he knew that this was not his own body either.
He would have recognized it if that were the case.
'So someone else's body then.'
He felt strangely resigned about that fact, which he realized was
rather unnatural. After all, he had just lost his own body.
Shouldn't he feel… something about that?
A light pain in his head prompted him to touch his head and
found that it was covered with some kind of rough cloth. He
grimaced when a prickle of pain from the back of his head hit
him once again and then let out a sigh.
His last body had been exposed to dark spells like the Cruciatus
Curse frequently and was used to feeling pain. He would have
never shown any outward sign even when he felt a pain that was
ten times worse than this had this been his old body.
'Whoever this body belonged to had lived a privileged life then.'
He realized before he gave a grunt and pushed himself off of the
uncomfortable mattress with some dif culty.
He felt weak and disoriented.
He wondered if he should be feeling a bit worried with this new
and unknown situation but he was so tired that he just couldn't
bring himself to care about anything at this point.
Then he heard someone's soft footsteps from the outside the
door before it opened and a young teenage girl entered the room.
And then she ran away shouting something like "My Lord, My
For a moment, he wondered if all of this was a carefully crafted
illusion. He had seen cleverly crafted illusions that befuddled
your mind and left you utterly confused once in the deep crypts
in Egypt but it was nothing as elaborate as this.
'Perhaps he really did came into a different world and took
possession someone else's body.'
He didn't have the chance to think anymore as a few distinct
hurried footsteps came from outside the room and the door was
suddenly ung open as a large handsome woman in medieval
ladies cloth, a plump man in grey robes and a man with cold
eyes wearing a lordly out t entered the room.
And then he was engulfed in a motherly hug by her. And he
stiffened in shock.
The only one who has ever hugged him like this was Molly
Weasley. Now this woman. Did he steal her son's body?
He felt a bit of sympathy for the woman before he crushed it and
simply enjoyed the hug lled with motherly affection.
When he jumped into the veil, he didn't want to come here but
now that he was here, in a new body, he had the chance to live a
whole new life without any burdens.
A life that he would live without any regrets.
After a long and tearful hug, the woman nally let go of the hug
but held onto his shoulders as if he would run away if she didn't.
"Oh Dom… I'm so glad you're okay. I was worried you would
never wake up." She said as tears fell down her chin and he had
a feeling that she wasn't a woman who cried a lot.
He felt the urge to move forward and wipe the tears of her face
but he held back his urges and simply asked "Forgive me… but
who are you again?”

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

The plump man in grey robe, someone known as Maester

Wolkan informed the man with cold eyes that he had probably
lost his memories after the fall from the horse and that the
memories will probably return sooner or later.
The cold eyed man, whom he now knew was someone named
Roose Bolton and his supposedly lord father looked
unimpressed and simply left after making sure that he won't die
from the head injury.
It then fell onto the woman who he now knew was not his
mother but his aunt and someone named Barbrey Dustin to tell
him that his father was not a cunt and did love him even if he
never showed it.
Despite his lack of wand, he was an accomplished legilimen, an
art that he had not forgotten when he arrived in this new body
and a simple look into the mind of Roose Bolton had told him
that the man was a sociopath and didn't felt anything for him
aside from a mild attachment.
He had not delved deep into the man's mind but he knew that he
would sooner or later and considering how that man was a
sociopath and a man in power in a medieval society, he had a
good feeling that he was not going to like whatever he saw in
that man's mind.
His Aunt Barbrey on the other hand saw her sister in him and
loved him like how a mother loved her child. Especially because
she was a widow and didn't have children of her own.
Having her around gave him a little idea of how he it would
have been if he had a mother in his past life. It was… a good
feeling. To have some love and care for you so much without
any reservation.
Though that same amount of love was what pushed his aunt to
force him to learn how to ride a horse at such a young age.
Something that his father agreed to and something that turned
into a disaster when the past occupant of this body fell from the
horse and hit his head on the ground and almost broke his skull.
Then came the questions and answers.
His name, or the name of the body he currently resided in was
Domeric Bolton. The only son of Lord Roose Bolton and the
heir of Dreadfort.
What kind of person names his castle Dreadfort. Though he had
to agree that the name had a certain ring to it.
That feeling changed when he heard more about his house and
found out about how they practiced the art of Flaying people in
the past.
He knew that he lived in a medieval society but didn't knew how
barbaric the society was until he heard about his family's deeds
and it's reputation and immediately realized that he'll have to do
something about it at a later date.
He continued to ask his aunt questions related to the world.
She continued to answer him patiently without any suspicion.
That might have something to do with him using slight
compulsion on her to not be suspicious of him.
She was like a mother to him and he loathed to use compulsion
charm on her but he didn't want her to be suspicious of him and
lose her love.
No, he wouldn't let that happen no matter what.
So he sat on her lap and continued to ask questions and she
continued to answer them.
They lived in a kingdom simply known as 'The North' because it
was at the north of the continent. He snickered at that and got
the feeling that whoever named this place didn't give it too much
Their kingdom fell under the coalition of kingdoms known as 7
kingdoms which resided in a Continent named Westeres best the
continent was in the Western part of the known world.
He was now really wondering if the person who named these
continents and kingdoms was a person with simple tastes or if he
was just lazy.
The 7 kingdoms were united by a person named Aegon
Targaryen who conquered the kingdoms under his rule with the
help of his and his sister-wives' dragons.
Dragons that were large enough to eat a horse in one bite.
He had a good feeling that the dragons in this world were fairly
larger and smarter than the dragons in his world. Because he had
fought a few dragons back there in his own time and he was
fairly certain that they didn't have jaws large enough to t a
horse inside of it.
Thank the gods that the dragons were dead. Because he was not
sure that he would be able to win a battle against such large and
powerful dragons even in his prime let alone when he was in a
new body without any wand in hand.
He wondered why the people still followed the Targaryens when
they lost their dragons all those decades ago.
If such a thing happened in his past world then the 7 kingdoms
would have immediately fallen in a civil war as soon as the last
dragons died.
What a curious little world.
Still, the Targayens didn't last too long after the death of their
dragons and now a new Baratheon Dynasty ruled the 7
He wanted to know more about the world but was too tired to
listen to anymore of her words and fell asleep in her arms.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

His father, yes the Sociopath ordered him to continue with his
lessons once he was able to walk around properly.
Being treated like a child and having his freedom taken away
irritated him to no end and brought up some bad memories from
his own childhood.
Thankfully he was a child and the only thing he needed to learn
right now some lessons from Maester Wolkan and then some
lessons on courtesy and manners from his sociopath father who
by the way still kept prisoners in the dungeons under the castle
whom he ays at his leisure time.
But he didn't have a wand and couldn't use advanced magic like
Obliviation or Imperio to get what he want.
Thank the gods he was still able to cast some compulsion
charms wandlessly or he would be totally helpless in this new
and unknown world.
So he followed his father's orders and attended Maester
Wolkan's lessons like was expected from him. Except that
instead of learning his lessons, he gathered more knowledge
about the world and his current situation.
'The North', which he now knew was the largest kingdom in
Westeros, was much like the Russia.
It was cold, had few people living in it and had never been
conquered by an outside army except for the dragons.
The people in the Kingdom followed the Old Gods (whatever
that meant) and thought the Old Gods watch over them with the
help of Weirwood trees (whatever that was).
But regardless of his scepticism about gods, he was quite
interested in the magical Weirwood tree. And thankfully, there
was one such tree in the Castle.
And that was how he got his rst magical wand.
A simple 8 inch wand made up of a Weirwood branch with a
core of his blood.
It was not very powerful or very accurate. In fact, it was by far
the weakest wand he had ever used in his life and he held no
delusions that he would be able to cast any of his powerful spells
with it. But it was a wand. It worked. And a whole new world of
possibilities were open to him because of it.
Now he'll just have to be sure to not cast magic in front of
others. People in these medieval times were superstitious and
might try to burn him on a stake. Not that they'll succeed but
such a thing would de nitely annoy him.
Plus, when he went to the magical tree, he found out that it was
releasing a good amount of ambient magic in the atmosphere
and he knew he would be planting more of such trees in his
backyard if it was the last thing he did.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

"How are your studies going?" Roose asked softly while writing
something on a parchment.
He knew it was an intimidation tactic. Asking something in a
soft voice would force the listener to listen more carefully to
you. And not giving them your attention would make them feel
less important and uncomfortable.
Now that he had a wand in his hand, the tides had turned. He
now had power over Roose Bolton and he knew it.
A single spell and Roose Bolton would tell him all of his dirtiest
secrets. Another spell and he would stab himself in his own eye.
Not that he would kill Roose Bolton. Not now at least.
He still didn't knew much about this world and didn't want to
burden himself with running the Bolton lands of his own just
Plus, the men under his father would not want to serve a boy
lord. At least until he wins their loyalty.
So he would keep Roose Bolton around as long as he was
useful. After that…
"They're going ne." He replied in a disinterested manner.
Roose raised an eyebrow, probably hoping for him to elaborate
but that was all he was going to get from him.
Finally, Roose put down his quill and looked at him and he
immediately dove into the man's mind.
Turns out that Roose had a very bad impression of his own son
Domeric who was kind andinnocent boy. Roose Bolton didn't
want kind and innocent. He wanted someone who was ruthless
and cunning.
And even though Roose didn't show it, the recent changes in his
son pleased him to no end, even if Domeric had to learn all of
the Maester's lesson from the start once again.
'What a ruthless man.' He thought.
"Is there something else you wanted to talk about father?" he
"My lord." Roose Bolton replied.
"I'm your lord and you're refer to me as such." Roose Bolton
said in his soft voice.
"Very well, my lord." He said. If saying a few respectful words
appeased the fucker then so be it. It was not like he had long to
live anyway.
"I've heard that you spend a considerable amount of time in the
godswood these days." Roose Bolton said and he had to stop
himself from making a snarky reply.
He really didn't cared about Roose Bolton's intimidation tactics
or his wish to be respected and feared by everyone.
"Is there a question in there?" he asked in a bored tone.
"You never went to the godswood before. Why the sudden
interest?" Roose asked.
'Because it's the only source of magic in these lands and staying
near it allows my magical reserves to ll at a faster rate. Plus,
there's a collection of souls residing inside the tree which I nd
fascinating.' "It's peaceful under the Wierwood tree." He replied
without any hesitation.
Roose didn't show any signs of whether he believed him or not
and just gave a nod and said "Close the door upon your exit."
Well, that was Roose's polite way of saying 'Get out' so who was
he to deny his request.
He rose up from his chair and left the room.
He then went to the servants quarter and talked with the
bewildered men and women for a good while and casted
multiple compulsion charms on them to make them like him and
be more loyal to him.
He had noticed that Roose Bolton and even his aunt Barbrey
Dustin had the habit of ignoring the servants when these
servants could easily act as a spy for some other lord.
He was not going to make the same mistake.
If he was going to own this castle, then he wanted everyone
living inside it to be loyal to him.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

"You want a piece of land?" Roose Bolton asked and even

though he didn't show it, Harry (or Domeric as he was called
now), could easily sense his surprise by reading his surface
"Yes. A piece of land with a small keep which I could rule under
your name." He said and took out a map that he'd borrowed from
Maestar Wolkan and pointed his nger at one of the dots in the
map "Lord Mollen died in the last war without any heirs and his
keep is now being run by a Castellin. You could take this as a
test and see if I'm really worthy of being your heir or not. Allow
me to rule this keep in your name. You can send one of your
man with me to check my progress." He nished, subtly using
the compulsion charms to make him more amiable to his
After all, House Bolton was one of the greatest house in the
North and were the lord of a large tract of land with many
smaller houses under it. Roose Bolton didn't have anything to
lose by allowing him to rule a small keep of his own. It would
be a good learning experience for him and he could start his
plans to modernize the world by a small amount away from the
prying eyes of other people.
He waited patiently as he Roose Bolton stood up from his chair
and went to the window and gazed outside at the scenery in front
of him and he cursed himself for losing eye contact with the man
and the legilimency connection along with it.
Both of them stayed quiet as he patiently waited for his answer.
In the end, Roose Bolton asked "Do you know why your aunt is
here Domeric?"
"No" he replied, even though he knew why she was here in
Dreadfort when she had her own castle to run.
She wanted him to act as a page for her.
She wanted to teach him about ruling herself as he was her
beloved nephew.
And the original Domeric would not only have learnt a lot from
her but would have also been quite thankful for her support.
But he was not the original Domeric and he doubted that there
were many things a woman from a medieval era could teach
him. Even if the woman was the lady of a castle.
"She has requested me to send you along with her to act as her
page." Roose Bolton said in his soft monotone voice "And I'm
inclined to accept her request, even though your own idea was a
good one and had a lot of merit."
'So the compulsion charms failed. Oh well, it won't be the rst
time it had happened.'
"So you plan to send me to Barrowton with her?" he asked.
"You're against the idea?" Roose Bolton asked without looking
at him and he wondered how to respond to that.
He wanted to stay in Dreadfort and start a revolution in his lands
by allowing people to progress with the help of his magic and
modern day knowledge. Going to Barrowton and acting as aunt
Barbrey Dustin's page would destroy any chance of that
happening. And as much as he loved his aunt, he knew that he
would be in no position to make any decision in Barrowton.
But he could also see that Roose Bolton had already made up his
mind and wouldn't budge on his decision.
"I'm not opposed to your decision." He said carefully "But I'm
your only son and the heir of Dreadfort. And despite what
people might believe, we Boltons are different from the rest of
the North. We're more ambitious than others and are the only
house that has challenged the Starks time and time again and
still stood against the test of time. I can see that going with aunt
Barbrey would be good for me but I believe that staying here in
Dreadfort and learning from you would be more bene cial in the
long term."
Roose Bolton turned around and looked at him with a piercing
gaze and he used a subtle compulsion charm to effect his
But in the end, Roose simply shook his head and said "You have
a good point. But I've already made an agreement with your
aunt. You'll go to Barrowton with her at the end of her visit and
act as her page for the next three years."
Like hell he was going to waste that much time learning
something that he already knew. "Yes father" he said and
decided that it was nally time to remove Roose from the world.
After all, he had already stayed within the castle for a good two
weeks and most, if not all the people in the castle were now
loyal to him.
It was nally time to remove Roose Bolton from the game.
He took out his wierwood wand and pointed it at Roose who
looked at it with a raised eyebrow.
"De uet Mortem" he casted the and red ball of energy ew out
of his wand and struck Roose Bolton's chest whose eyebrow
grew at the display and before Roose could shout out to his
guards, he casted an obliviate on the man.
The wand in his hand turned warm from the amount of magic
that was just channeled through it. After all, the Withering curse
was a rather dark and powerful curse.
The curse would take some time to show it's true effects. But
when it does, his 'father' won't know what hit him. Roose Bolton
would die within two weeks and everyone will just assume it to
be a natural death.
No doubt would be casted on him and he'll inherit Dreadfort and
all it's lands by the right of succession even though he'll have to
rule under a regent for the time being.
Roose's glazed eyes sharpen once again as the effects of the
Obliviation charm wore off and he got up from his chair and
asked "If there's nothing else my lord."
Roose blinked for a moment and then gave him a nod "Yes. You
can leave."
He went out of the room and as he closed the door, he wondered
if he should feel a bit bad about killing a man who was
essentially the father of the body that he was in. He probably
But over the past two weeks, he had read Roose's mind as well
as the mind of his most loyal subordinates and knew what kind
of twisted man Roose Bolton was.
Plus he had killed far too many dark wizards in his time as the
head auror to care about someone who had done worse deeds
than those dark wizards.
He won't be loosing any sleep over Roose Bolton's death.

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

"You'll like Barrowton." His aunt Barbrey Dustin said with a

gentle smile "There are a lot of horses there. You like horses
don't you?"
"Your bribery skills need some work auntie." He drawled and
she mussed his hair affectionately and murmured 'cheeky brat' as
he packed the last of his bag inside the wooden trunk. It
reminded him of the trunk that he used in Hogwarts when he
was a young student.
Except that this trunk neither had an expansion charm nor a
featherweight charm.
I was a wooden trunk. Simple as that.
Thankfully, the servants picked up the trunk for him as he
frankly doubted that he would have been able to lift it himself.
His young body was rather weak at this point.
"I'm going to miss this place." He said and meant it. He knew
that he won't be gone for long but he was going to miss the
relative comfort and safety provided by this castle from the
harsh world out there.
Travelling on horses in a cold climate was not comfortable at all.
His aunt stayed silent as they moved out of the castle where both
Roose Bolton and Maester Wolkan waited for him along with
the aunt Dustin's guards who would escort him to Barrowton.
"Keep up your studies Domeric. You're a smart lad." Maester
Wolkan said with a smile, the loyalty compulsion charm subtly
making him more truthful and loyal to him.
"I will Maester Wolkan." He said with a smile before he moved
onto Roose Bolton whose complexion looked far paler than it
usually did. No one else noticed it as the man used leeches on
himself on a weekly basis to keep himself healthy and had a
natural pale complexion as a result. But he did and he knew that
the Withering curse was already rotting him from the inside. The
man was already dead. He just didn't knew it yet.
"Goodbye son." Roose Bolton said and he froze for a moment.
It was the rst time Roose Bolton had called him a son. In fact,
he didn't remember Roose calling him his son even when he
recovered from the horse accident.
What with this sudden show of attachment?
He felt like he should read his mind to nd out what Roose
Bolton was thinking but he had already sentenced the man to
die. He didn't want to violate his mind anymore.
So he simply nodded and climbed on the horse carriage Lady
Dustin was seated in.
They left the castle soon afterwards and once they were at a
suf cient distance from the castle, he wondered if Roose Bolton
knew that he was going to die. And calling him his son was the
last bit of affection that the cold hearted sociopath could
He would probably never nd out.
A week after departing from Dreadfort, a group of Bolton riders
caught up to them and gave them the grave news.
He was the new Lord of Dreadfort and it's surrounding lands.
Chapter 7: Chapter 7

450,000- 600,000. That's the amount of people that lived in the

Bolton lands.
The number was disappointingly small for how large his lands
were. In fact, the Bolton lands were so large that they would
have easily matched the size of a small country back in Earth.
And to know that only so few people lived in his lands irritated
him a bit.
After all, despite the fact that such a number might seem quite
large, he was well aware that all the people in his lands could
easily t inside one King's Landing.
And it was medieval city and not a modern day one.
A modern day city could easily hold a population of tens of
millions of people in it with ease. So no. He was not impressed
by the small number of people living in his lands as small
number meant smaller revenue.
Still, perhaps not everything was as bad as he was thinking it out
to be.
After all, the lesser people he had under him, the easier it'll be
for him to control them.
Or so he thought, but even he was not delusional enough to
believe that all the minor lords under him would just follow him
without putting any efforts to put him down.
After all, he was just a 7 years old boy. So why would they
support him when they can intimidate him and pressure him into
giving them more lands, more privileges and more everything.
Which was why he had to resort to magic and some trickery.
So once he, his aunt and their party heard about Roose Bolton's
death and started returning to Dreadfort, he snuck out of the
camp on the third night.
His aunt found him missing from his tent quickly and to say that
she was terri ed for him would be an understatement.
She quickly sent out all the guards in order to search for him, not
caring about her own safety in the dark woods.
They found him three hours later. Except that they didn't found
him all alone.
This time he was riding a Direwolf the size of an adult horse. It
was fully black in color and had blood red eyes that would
intimidate even any man.
The men lost control of their horses as soon as they found him
as the horses neighed and cried out in fear, trying to run away
from the Direwolf before he decreased the intimidation effect of
the Direwolf by a little bit so that his own men won't lose their
lives by getting crushed under their own horses.
The direwolf was of course nothing but a magical construct.
Something that he had created by using almost all of his magical
reserves and losing two different wand in the process.
It was a good thing that he always kept a dozen spare wands on
himself at all times.
He had never seen a real direwolf so he had just taken the shape
and form of a wolf and increased it by a little. And even if he got
something wrong and the direwolf wasn't as accurate as the real
deal, it wasn't like anyone else had seen a real direwolf either. At
least not in the south of the wall.
The intimidation and fear cause by the wolf was more tricky to
pull off and he had to ll it's whole body with runes to pull that
off. Runes that were not visible due to it's black fur.
He hoped that this little trans gured direwolf would be enough
to intimidate the other lords and make them more compliant buy
if they didn't then he could always use other unsavory methods.
Being a powerful wizard with loose morals in a medieval society
was awesome.
Then he met with his aunt. And despite being scared of the
direwolf, she had still scolded him for leaving the camp without
telling her. He felt bad for scaring her like that and decided not
to do so in the future.
As for the Direwolf, he had the strange urge to name it Sirius
Black. Since both the direwolf and his godfather's animagus
form had a lot of things in common. But he didn't want to name
a mere magical construct after his godfather so he settled for
naming it Black.
And to think that he once ridiculed the man who named this
kingdom the 'North'.
When he returned to Dreadfort, most of the lords in his lands
had already arrived to swear fealty to him even though their
main motivation was to intimidate him into submission or gain
something from him.
The man working under him had already received several offers
of bribery from the other minor lords so that they could keep an
eye on him.
Thankfully, his men were now loyal to him and gave him the
name of each and every lord that tried to bribe them.
And the fact that all the minor lords under him were trying to
gain some semblance of control over the boy lord made his
decision to take away their power in the future all the more
Roose Bolton was a feared person but nobody loved him. So
when the news of his death reach the other minor lords, they
were no doubt happy and ecstatic to raise the power of their own
house by controlling the little lord.
They were not so happy anymore when he entered the Castle
while riding on top of a Direwolf. Nor were they happy by the
fear they felt by even being near his presence.
"I'll take your oaths of fealty in the solar one by one." He said
and left on his direwolf before they could utter another word.
The minor lords under the Bolton banner quickly gave oaths of
their fealty after that. But not before he used a deep legilimency
on them to nd out their long term plans in regards to him
before obliviating them. Thankfully, none of them were
particularly smart or what he would call a long term thinker and
won't pose any problem to him in the future.
Their was a small feast held in his honor once he had taken care
of Roose Bolton's funeral. Though none of the lords really
enjoyed the feast as the constant presence of Black standing
beside him like a erce protector put a constant pressure on
them, showing them just how unwelcome they were in his
They left the Dreadfort with their men quickly the next day. He
was sure that he'll have to keep an eye on them from time to
time but they were cowed enough for now and wouldn't try
anything as long as the men in Dreadfort remained loyal to him.
Which they will.
And now that he had taken care of his 'father's' funeral and had
take the oaths of fealty from the minor lords under him, it was
time to go and give his own oath of fealty to the Lord Paramount
and Warden of the North.
He just had to take care of a few more things before he did that.

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Domeric, or Harry as he was once called was not much of a

botanist. No, that badge would go to Neville who was a genius
when it came to understanding and nurturing magical plants. But
he had learned Herbology in Hogwarts until his 7th year and
some of the lessons he learned in those classes stuck in his mind.
So with his knowledge of magical plants and with the help of all
the history books in the Maester's library, it didn't take him very
long to understand the mystery that was the Weirwood tree.
And the rst thing he found out about them was that they were
not nature's creation but man made. Or 'Children' made if that
made sense. From what little he could nd out from the history
and his own research, he was sure that Heart trees were just
Weirwood trees that the children carved a face on. But that was
not all there was to it.
He was sure that some kind of sacri ce was used to create the
Heart trees. He would have guessed that the Children used
human sacri ces but the rst humans to ever arrive in Westeros
were the rst men and the Weirwood trees have already existed
in the Continent if history is to be believed.
Perhaps the Children used to sacri ce other Children for the
purpose but from what he had heard of them, they seemed like a
peaceful species so he somehow doubted that. Maybe they just
used their blood to create new Heart trees. Blood sacri ces after
all, were rather common even in his past life.
The particular event in which the rat forcibly took his blood in
order to revive his dark master came to mind before he shook his
head and removed such thoughts with the help of Occlumency.
The main reason why Heart trees were so different from other
Weirwood trees aside from the face carved into them was that
the Weirwood trees were able to tap into the magical network
running through the world and are connected in some way to the
Old Gods.
He was not 100% but he had a feeling that if he had the ability
of the seers, then he would be able to use the magical network
from the Weirwood tree to look at anything and everything that
happens in the world. Though in the end, he was no seer and this
speculation would remain just that.
He turned to many Weirwood saplings that he had tried to grow
with the help of his magic and found that none of them had
connected to the magical network going around in the world.
That was unfortunate. He was sure that if put a lot of time and
effort in it then he'll be able to create a proper Heart tree.
Something that generate magical energy and increase the level
of ambient magic in the world allowing his magic to regenerate
at a faster rate and to have large magical reserve over time.
But now he was the lord of his own lands and he had plans to
bring new reforms in these lands so it was doubtful that he'll
have enough time to research the magical trees.
In the end, he probably have to go North and search for Children
of the forest. If they even exist in the world anymore. He hoped
they did. The people in the world already seem intent on killing
magical beings. If possible, he'll help the magical beings and try
to protect as many of them as possible.
Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Lord Eddard Stark was having breakfast with his family in the
great hall when a majestic eagle entered through the door, being
chased by a few of the family guards and ew straight toward
them before gently landing on a the middle of their table.
Eddard Stark put his hands in front of his wife and children in
order to protect them. The older ones among his children
jumped from the seat in fright at the sight of the giant eagle
while watched at it in fascination.
It took a while for the commotion to die down. Only then did
Robb, his eldest noticed the roll of parchment attached to the
eagle's leg. The parchment was larger than any raven could
handle and for a moment, Eddark Stark wondered if that was
why the Gaint Eagle was sent instead of a raven.
But if that was the case, then who did the Eagle belonged to.
Seeing one of these birds in the North was a rare sight. To tame
them was almost an impossibility. In fact, he doubted any
maester had ever done it before. If this was the job of a Maester
at all.
Slowly but surely, he approached the Giant eagle and then
looked at it's eyes, as if to ask for it's permission. When it didn't
react, he felt bolder and reached for the letter before unfastening
it from it's legs.
The eagle then gave a loud cry that startled everyone in the great
hall before it unfurled it's mighty wings, making Eddard realized
once again just how large it was. Then the eagle took ight and
left the great hall and everyone watched it go in silence before
they started murmuring to each other as some pointed at the
letter at his hands.
He clutched it tightly for a moment before noticing the sigil in
the seal.
The sigil was that a Weirwood tree. But there were no such sigils
in the North or in the South as far as he knew. So who sent this
letter to him.
He contemplated on his thoughts for a moment before the told
everyone to go back to enjoying their breakfast. Once everyone
had taken their seats, he looked at his wife and upon her nod,
unfurled the letter and started reading it.
Despite it's length, it was a short letter written to him by none
other than Domeric Bolton, son of Roose Bolton who was now
the new Lord of Dreadfort and it's lands if the letter was to
"What is it my love?" Cat asked and he passed on the letter to
"Lord Domeric Bolton is going to arrive in Winterfell within a
week along with Lady Barbrey Dustin whom he had chosen for
his Regent." He told her and she frowned upon hearing the name
of Lady Dustin.
Everyone in North knew that there was bad blood between Lady
Barbrey Dustin and him. And it was not like he could blame Lad
Barbrey for hating him either. He felt too guilty to blame her for
But Boltons and Starks had never been friends. Liege lord and
bannermen, true. But never friends. And now, the last Bolton in
the lands was going to raised by a woman who hated him to the
He didn't knew how he felt about that.
The thought of using his authority as the Lord Paramount and
choosing another regent for young Lord Bolton did cross his
mind but he removed that thought as soon as it entered his mind.
"What do you plan to do lord husband?" Cat asked as she held
little Arya to her breast. Arya. Their second daughter and third
"Nothing for now." He said "Domeric Bolton is arriving in
Winterfell within a week. I'll talk with him then and see what I
can do about his regent."
Cat gave a nod before she went back to feeding baby Arya and
he wondered why Domeric Bolton would sent his message with
an eagle. And why was the sigil that of a weirwood and not the
traditional 'Flayed man'.

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

"You've skipped your lunch." Aunt Barbrey chided gently as she

came and stood behind him "And a Lord like you shouldn't get
yourself dirty like this. Leave the tasks of gardening to the
He felt a hint of annoyance rise at her telling him what he should
do or not do but he clamped on that bit of negative emotion and
went back to planting the Weirwood sapling. It would likely
grow up to be a normal Weirwood tree with no connection to the
Old gods instead of the Heart tree that he wanted. But he'll solve
that bit of hurdle in the future.
For now, he was just enjoying himself by doing some simple
It always fascinated him how he had gained a hobby from
something that he was forced to do as a child by Aunt Petunia.
Cooking had also become one of his habits nowadays and he
was very good at it too.
But his new Aunt, Lady Barbara Dustin of course hated it when
he partook in such 'lowly' activities that were better left for the
And in a sense, she was right too.
Because unlike his position as an Head Auror in his past life,
this time he was a lord. Someone who had to take responsibility
for hundreds of thousands of people in his lands.
And unlike Roose Bolton, who only thought of the people as
fodder for his own amusement, he was actually going to take
care of them and make sure that they receive a better future.
For that, he needed more power. And one way of getting more
power was to grow some more Heart trees and increase the
ambient magic in the surroundings as a result. Even though he
had only met with failure put till this point.
Of course, his aunt didn't understand it and was adamant in
making sure that he only does things that a proper lord should do
and not waste his time on things like gardening.
But still, it was the rst time someone had shown familial care
for him and he was going to make sure that nobody can ever
harm his aunt.
Domeric looked at the new Marauder's Map of Dreadfort
attached to the wall of his bedroom and let out a smile.
After he had nished his NEWTs, he had studied the Marauder's
map created by his father and his friends. It took time him a
whole month to decipher the whole map and nd out what kind
of runes and charms were used to create such an amazing
After studying it, he had created one of the Ministry without
anyone knowing. Except that this map not only showed the
name and location of a person but also it's intent toward him.
That single additional charm was something that helped him
root out many enemies and spies in the organization over the
years, something that he was always grateful for.
And now, he had created one for Dreadfort as well.
It was not surprising to him that Dreadfort was in fact, smaller
than Hogwarts in terms of size even though Hogwarts had so
few inhabitants living in it.
With the help of this map, he'll have an easier time rooting out
any spies that try to enter his domain.
But now that he was nished with this task, it was nally time to
go and do something that he had been avoiding up till this point.
He had to go and swear fealty to his liege lord, and the thought
alone annoyed him to no end.
The fact that he would have to kneel and bow in front of man he
didn't even knew and swear his allegiance irritated him to no
end. It was not his nature to bow down to anyone to get what he
wanted. Not after he was freed from the clutches of the Dursleys
who had treated him like a servant.
But if he wanted to remain the lord of Dreadfort and modernize
the place then he'll have to swear an oath to this Lord Stark and
bend his knee. The oaths were not magical and could be broken
without consequence but then people would think that his words
didn't hold any weight. So the whole thing was a bit annoying.
He was sure that he'll have a powerful enough base to contest
with the whole Northern kingdom within 5 years and the whole
7 kingdoms within 10 years if he decided to introduce
gunpowder and rearms. But he was not sure about doing that as
introducing rearms could have a lot of disadvantages if
someone stole the formula and started manufacturing rearms
on their own.
He let out a sigh and went out to the courtyard where his aunt
and a few of her guards as well as the Bolton guards were
waiting for him patiently.
He gave them a nod and climbed on top of Black. The direwolf
was slightly smaller than the other horses but it was far more
intimidating that any of them.
"Let's go." He said and held onto the velvety soft fur of the
direwolf as it started moving forward.
He had already cast half a dozen spells to make the journey on
top of the Direwolf more comfortable but he knew that the week
long ride to Winterfell would annoy him to no end.

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Ned was standing in the courtyard along with his lady wife and
their three children Robb, Sansa and baby Arya.
Just a few minutes ago, the giant eagle that he had come to
associate with Domeric Bolton entered the Maester's rookery
with a message on his leg, claiming that Lord Bolton and his
entourage would arrive in Winterfell within half an hour.
He knew that it was not necessary for him to wait for one of his
own bannerman like this. But House Bolton was one of the
greatest house in the North, second only to the Starks and he
knew that he needed to show his respects to Lord Bolton even if
the lord in question was just a 7 year old boy.
The guards had already announced that Lord Bolton's party of
20 men was already within sight.
Arya squirmed uncomfortably under her mother's grip and he let
out a sigh before giving Cat a sympathetic look.
Of all the children that were born to them so far, Arya was the
one that gave them the most trouble. He just hoped that she
would grow up fast or all the hairs in his head would become
gray before long.
It was then that he heard the beat of hoofs coming closer to them
and looked up see their guests and froze.
A silence descended upon the courtyard as a large black direwolf
entered the Winterfell gates with a snarl on it's face and Ned felt
intimidated by the sight.
He was the veteran of a war, was the Lord Paramount and
Warden of the North and had killed numerous men in life and he
felt intimidated.
And not only at the sight of the direwolf but also at the boy who
was riding the direwolf with such ease and grace as if he had
been riding one since his birth.
There was just… something about that boy that screamed
'danger' to his senses and as their eyes met, time stopped.
Ned Stark felt naked as the boy gazed in his eyes. As if each and
every single one of his secrets were laid bare in front of the boy
and as if hearing his thoughts, the boy's lips quirked in a slight
smile and then averted his gaze from him and Ned let out a
breath he didn't knew he had been holding.
But despite the fact that the boy was now observing the rest of
his household, there was a slight pressure on him. As if he was
standing in the presence of a king and not a 7 year old boy.
And then the boy smiled and pressure was gone. The time that
seemed to have stilled until this point started to ow as the boy
descended from the black Direwolf.
A direwolf that could easily kill him and the rest of his family
before his household guards even had the chance to take out
their blades.
A direwolf that was the sigil and symbol of House Stark.
A direwolf that now belonged to Lord Bolton.
He wondered if this was a show of power on the young Bolton's
part. If he wanted to show off his direwolf and tell him that them
that he was better than them.
There was also the question of how on earth did the boy found a
direwolf south of the wall. And how did he tamed it.
And then his eyes went to the banner that his men were ying
and he was surprised to see that instead of the Flayed man like
he had been expecting, there was now a Weirwood tree in the
banner with a black background. He had not known that the
Boltons had changed their banner. And the fact that the boy had
done so on his own violation clearly spoke of him having
enough conviction to change his house and create a whole new
reputation for it. A reputation that he would have never gained if
he had continued to y the 'Flayed man' banner.
There were so many questions running through his mind but as
the boy climbed down from the Direwolf and moved toward him
along with his retainers, Ned forced those thoughts back for
Then the boy looked in his eyes and held the eye contact for a
second before he went down on his knees, an action that was
then followed by the rest of his men except for the woman
whom he remembered as Lady Barbrey Dustin.
Then Lord Bolton spoke his oath of allegiance, a short
ceremony. And once it was done, Lord Bolton and Lady Barbrey
along with the rest of his guards were taken to the great hall for
a feast.
Later that evening, Lord Bolton and Lady Barbrey arrived in his
Solar and they talked about various things. Him often forgetting
that Domeric was only a 7 year old child and not an adult
because of how mature and intelligent he was.
By the end of their discussion, Lady Barbrey Dustin had become
the of cial regent of Lord Bolton and he had signed the charter
for the expansion of Dreadfort into a town as well as the charter
for creating a port town at the mouth of the Weeping Water river.
He was not sure exactly why he did that. Signing a charter like
this to a house that were once the enemy of the Starks was not a
wise thing to do. He just knew that the young lord Bolton could
really persuading when he wanted to be.
The next day, Lord Bolton and his entourage left Winterfell and
he was left with the feeling instead of dooming his house 'as
most boy lords did', Domeric Bolton was going to change his
house for the better.

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

"What are you thinking about my love?" Cat asked as they

nished their love making and she laid on his chest.
He stayed silent for a moment, thinking about the young lord
who left Winterfell early in the morning after he gave his oath
and nished his business in Winterfell.
"Domeric Bolton." He said and left it at that. There were so
many things about the young lord that he didn't even knew
where to begin.
"Aah… Domeric. He seemed like a good boy. So intelligent and
mature for his age. And to have lost both his parents in such a
young age." Cat said with a hint of sympathy in her voice "I
wonder what our little Robb would have done if he lost both his
parents at such a young age. Would he mature as fast as
Domeric?" she asked while looking in his eyes and he held a
sigh at that.
Of course, Cat, being a woman and a mother would sympathise
with the recently orphaned boy. But was that all she noticed
when she looked at the boy? Didn't she noticed the direwolf he
was riding. Or how he gave off an aura of intimidation. How
despite being escorted by Lady Barbrey Dustin, it was clear that
all the Bolton men answered to him and him only.
To see grown men have such loyalty for a young boy was both
fascinating and worrying.
The decision to change the banner was not anything that just
about anyone could make either. After all, the banners of a house
are what give them their identity.
House Stark had the gained the Direwolf for it's sigil because it
was said that their ancestors rode giant Direwolves in battle. He
had believed that to be a mere rumors and legends until today
when he saw young Lord Bolton riding the black direwolf.
House Bolton had similarly gained it's sigil because of it's
practice of aying their enemies. A practice that was only
outlawed about a few hundred years ago. And something that the
Boltons were said to have still performed inside closed doors.
Changing a house's sigil was not something that could be done
lightly. Especially by someone whose position was not secure
within his own household.
So either Domeric Bolton was a stupid boy who didn't knew
what he was doing. Or he was very smart and had the loyalty of
most of the people in Dreadfort.
He wanted to believe the truth to be the former one but for some
reason, he had a feeling that it was the latter.
He clutched Cat tightly to his chest, her warm body calming his
frantic heart as he thought about the charters for the expansion
of Dreadfort and the Port town and he wondered if the boy
would even use those parchments.
"I don't know Cat." He said and then kissed her soft lips gently.
"And I hope that we live a long life and that Robb won't have to
pick up the mantle of the Lord of House Stark for many many
She gave his a small smile and then kissed him in the neck,
eliciting a moan from him before she removed the blanket
covering them and sat down on his lap.
It seemed that he would have to work extra hard to please his
lady wife this night.

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

"We shouldn't have left so early after meeting with Lord Stark."
Aunt Barbrey gently chided as they made camp in one of the
clearings near the grass trail which these people call road as the
sun fell. "It can be considered rude."
"Lord Stark is not the kind of person who would take slight over
things like this." He told her as he tried to recall all the
knowledge he had from his past life that he could use in this
Despite having a very rm grasp in Occlumency, he still didn't
have an eidetic memory and could still forget things. So it was
important that he wrote down everything that he could before he
"And how would you know that?" She scoffed but not in a
mocking manner "How long have you known Lord Stark for?"
"Long enough to take his measure." He said "Don't worry. If
anything, Lord Stark was relieved that we were about to leave
his castle once all the business was done. He was rather
intimidated by my direwolf."
She rolled her eyes at his words "He was intimidated by Black
because he had a good brain between his head. If he was not
fearful of it, then I would think that living with the Tully bitch
has addled his brain." She said with a hint of bitterness in her
voice and he sense some pain and a lot of resentment in her
mind. He would have used legilimency to nd out why she hated
the Tullys but she was kind of a mother gure to him and he
would rather not invade her privacy for such a simple reason.
"You don't like the Tullys?" he asked.
"Yes. I don't like those fucking opportunistic bastards. Fucking
Hoster Tully who sold his bitch daughter in order to get his paws
at the North." She said before she suddenly remembered
something and looked him over, as if just remembering that she
was talking with a 7 year old child and not an adult "But you
don't need to hear about all that. Tell me, how did you like
"I didn't." He answered with a shrug "It's just as unimpressive as
She raised an eyebrow at that but didn't comment on his words
and instead asked "And what about young lady Sansa. Did you
like her. A cute little child. She's probably grow up to be like her
mother. The Tully might be a bitch but she was a well bred
bitch. She would de nitely be a beauty when she grows up. Do
you want her?"
"You're not honestly asking me if I want a 4 year old child are
you?" he asked, giving her a 'are you serious' glance and she
waved her hands away as if it was unimportant.
"Children grow up fast. And you have grown up faster than
others. Sooner or later you'll have to get married to someone.
And what other best choice then the daughter of a Stark. You go
on and on about changes everyday. How about marrying a Stark
to a Bolton. That would be a good change for everyone in the
North I reckon." She said and he let out a groan.
"Let's… let's not talk about my marriage life just yet okay." He
said as he went back to writing the formula to gunpowder. He
didn't plan on introducing rearms to this world anytime soon
but it was always a good thing to keep your options open.
"Alright then. If you want to be a craven about it. Then tell me,
why did you have him sign the charter for a Port City. You're
seriously not thinking about creating a port in the Weeping
Water river are you."
"Port Town." He corrected. "And yes. I am."
"You do know that a port town like this might take a lifetime to
create right?" she asked.
"Are you really only going to give me two word answers?" she
"Yes." He said with a wink and she rolled her eyes and got up
from the trunk they were sitting upon.
"I'm tired from all the riding. If you want something then just
call me." She said and sidestepped Black by a good amount
before going to the tent that her guards had set up in the elds
alongside that of his.
He gave her a negligent nod before going back to his notes.
He had to trans gure a notebook and pen for himself as such
things didn't exist in this world.
Oh there were old brown papers and quills lying around but they
were not of good quality and the paper was very expensive so he
had to use trans guration to make do with what he had.
He gave one last look to Black who was resting behind him and
keeping it's ears open for any bandit of wild animal roaming
around these parts and then went back to doing his own thing.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

"This is the spot." I said and stopped the direwolf as I looked

down from a small hill.
The men riding behind me stopped as well and one of the men
whom I had selected because of his literacy came in front of me
and started looking at the area before he found out the exact
location and made a black dot in the map and wrote down the
description of the area.
"Which one is this my lord?" he asked after nishing the
description on the parchment and I let a feral smile grace my lips
and said.
"Silver my lord?" he asked in surprise and I smiled back at him.
"Yes. I had heard that Lord Manderly had two silver mines in his
lands but had not thought that I would nd some in my lands as
well. Regardless. This is a pleasant surprise and a boon that I
intend to take full bene t of." Then I looked back at the man
once again "Make it a priority and send one third of our miners
here. I want them to open a mine and start the extraction of
silver ore as quickly as possible."
"Yes my lord." He said and bowed his head before writing down
my instructions as I frowned and thought about the problems
that were rising in front of me.
The biggest problem being a lack of miners.
So far, the Bolton lands only had two iron mines which were
used to provide all the steel that their men needed.
But within the span of a month, I had managed to uncover 17
places with high ore deposit in the Bolton lands.
For now, we only had enough miners to open 3 more mines if
we stretch the numbers. And I was under no illusion that the
work would be slow.
I needed more miners, something that I can ask for from the
other Great and minor neighbouring houses. Of course, I would
have to pay a good amount of gold for that. Not to mention that
the men I would need to recruit to work in the new mines would
need to be paid a good amount of gold as well.
The Boltons had enough wealth to open half a dozen mines
without decreasing the gold by a signi cant amount. After all,
the Boltons may not be particularly rich but they were a great
house with a history as long as the Starks. But that much wealth
would not be enough to fund the larger projects that I had in
And although I could simply trans gure dirt into gold, the
trans guration spell would break if someone damaged the coins
too much. So I had no choice but to either borrow the gold from
other sources. Or steal from others.
I decided that I would do both.
But in order to do that, I would have to either go to Kings
Landing which had the largest amount of gold owing through it
at any given moment. Or go across the Narrow Sea and deal
with either the Iron Bank or the other smaller Tyroshi banks.
It was time for me to step up and start travelling the world.
I also knew that ship travel during this era takes a signi cant
amount of time so I wanted to start another one of my plans
before I left.

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

"Are you not done yet?" Aunt Barbrey asked as he continued to

carve runes in the Glasshouse that he had recently built inside
Dreadfort with the use of trans guration magic.
The sole purpose of the glasshouse was to act as an experimental
lab for growing High Yeilding Variety Seeds that would increase
the production grain by a signi cant amount by the time he
returned from his voyage.
With the help of the runes and the Heartwood tree that supplied
it with constant magic, the Glasshouse would increase the
growth of the wheat to the point where it turn from a seed into a
crop ready for harvest within a single day.
After selecting the the grain from plant with the largest amount
of yeild, the grain would then be planted once again in the glass
house the very next day.
Selected breeding in such a manner would see the quality of
wheat rise by a signi cant amount within a short time.
In short, if he went on a 2 month voyage, then by the time he
returned back to Dreadfort, the Wheat in the glasshouse would
have already gone through 60 cycles of selective breeding.
"Yes. That's the last one." He said as he nished the last stroke
in the glass house with the magical ink that he had created from
the Weirwood sap.
It was a far cry from the magical ink that he used in his past life
which was made of dozens of carefully selected magical
ingredients but it did it's job.
"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" Aunt
Barbrey asked, looking a bit worried.
"I'm sure. I know that this task might not sound very important
but I assure you that a Green Revolution is one of the greatest
thing that I'll bring to this world. After printing press, Steam
engine, Industrial revolution and an education system of
course." He said with a smile and his Aunt simply rolled her
eyes at his words as she didn't really understand what he meant
by the last few words.
"So I just need to follow your instructions and make sure that
the glass house is provided with enough horse manure
everyday?" She asked with a bit of disgust and he nodded.
"Yes. And if you don't understand something, then just contact
me with the Mirror like I showed you last evening."
"Are you sure that the mirror will work from such large
distances?" she asked and he simply shrugged.
"It should in theory. But I've never done this before so I can't say
for sure." He said "Regardless. Your task in not that hard. Keep
doing what I taught you and you'll be just ne."
"As you wish my lord." She said with a mock courtesy before
pinching both his cheeks, something that both irritated and
amused him to no end.

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

"The Silver and iron mines are in operation. But the extraction
of the ore is a slow process." Aunt Barbrey informed him and he
gave a slight nod at her words.
"Have you sent riders to other villages telling the peasants about
the work in the new mines and the hefty pay?" he asked.
"I have. But we don't have a lot of literate people in our midst so
it'll take some time." She explained "Regardless. More and more
people are coming to join the mines everyday and it won't be
long before we'll be able to open the copper mine as well. How
was journey to Braavos?"
"Good." He said with a sly smile "Very good, in fact. I borrowed
100,000 Bravossi gold coins from the Iron Bank. Then I stole
1,000,000 gold coins as well as two Valyrian steel daggers and a
fossilized dragon egg that could easily be sold for 100,000 gold
dragons itself."
His aunt raised an amused eyebrow at that "You know that
stealing is a bad habit right Domeric?"
He simply shrugged at her words and replied "If they can't
protect their gold properly then they don't deserve to have it."
She scoffed at his words "As if they would be able to protect
anything from the champion of the old gods."
"I've told you before Auntie, I'm not a champion of the old
gods." He said with some exasperation which only led her to roll
her eyes at his words.
"You use a stick made of the heartwood tree. You spent half your
time in the godswood and you have planted many Wierwood
trees in the grove in order to try and make new Heartwood trees.
And you yourself told me that you use the magic generated from
the Heartwood trees. I don't see why you would be able to do
that if you were not chosen by the Old gods." She said with a
smirk as if she had solved a puzzle that eluded her up till this
"You're free to believe what you will." He said, not wanting to
lie to her but not wanting to tell her the truth either. "Did you
asked the other lords for miners?" he asked, changing the
"Yes." She said with a slight exasperation "The Karstarks and
Umbers rejected our proposals immediately but we've made a
deal with the Starks, the Manderlys, the Flints and the
Hornwoods. But we'll only be able to open 3-4 more mines with
the people they are going to send our way."
He thought about her words for a moment before nodding. He
knew that even if he made deals with all the houses in North
(which was essentially a pipe dream because of the bad
reputation of House Bolton), he would not be able to open all
the mines in his lands anytime soon.
Which was why he was going to Kings Landing next. In order to
nd a leverage that would allow him to make a deal with the
Warden of the West and gain all the Miners and other craftsmen
that he desired.
"Very well. By the way, did you gain the shipment of the 1000
cows and buffalos that I sent to you from Pentos?"
"Not yet. And I doubt it'll arrive here so fast. But I know what I
have to do. Open an animal husbandry and take care of them. I
know. I swear that I'll go grey with all the responsibilities and
work that you're giving me." She said with mock indignation but
he knew that she liked to remain active and order people around
instead of sitting inside a castle and count the days.
"And the Wheat in the glasshouse?" he asked.
"It's coming along well." She said with a slight frown "When
you told me about selective breeding and what not, I didn't
really believe that it would work on plants as well. Horses, I can
understand but not plants. But I can already see the results."
"And the result is?" he asked, curious despite himself.
"A wheat plant in the glasshouse is now able to produce three
times more grain than the original wheat plant despite the plant
itself being of a smaller size."
"Good. Keep it up and by the time I return we'll be able to start a
farm of our own by hiring farmers and giving them buffaloes to
tilt the land and new equipment that would make their job
easier." He said with a smile while his Aunt frowned in distaste.
Despite willing to do a lot of things for him, she was still
reluctant to deal with the peasants too much, or smallfolk as the
lords and ladies call them.
But she was loyal to him if nothing else and he knew that he
could trust her no matter what.
"If there is nothing else Auntie?" He said more than asked and
upon her nod, he murmured a short 'goodbye' before closing the
communication mirror.
He sat down on his room in the ship he had recently bought in
Braavos. The Bolton lands still didn't have a port so he'll have to
ask the Manderlys to allow him to dock it at White Harbor. At
least until they make a port of their own in the Weeping Water

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

The rst thing he noticed upon reaching Kings Landing was the
horrible stench.
The second thing was the tiny amount of ambient magic in the
But it was understandable.
Braavos and Pentos didn't have a lot of ambient magic either.
And he found that the further he went away from the North and
from the Weirwood trees, the lesser amount of magic there was
in the air.
Which also meant that he had to be more conservative with his
magic as his magic restored at a slower pace because of that.
He'll have to deal with the lack of Weirwood trees in the South
sooner or later. When he found the way to carve faces on the
trees and turn them into Heartwood trees which allows them to
connect with the magic currents running through the world.
The third thing that he noticed upon entering Kings Landing was
the large amount of corruption within the Gold Cloaks.
The fourth thing was the hundreds upon thousands of poor
people and orphan children running around in the street with
clear sign of malnutrition and lack of hygiene.
At least now he knew where to pick up people from in case he
wanted to increase the population within his own lands.
After settling his men in a tavern and giving them some silver
stags to enjoy themselves, he went to the middle of the Dragon
Pit where he could start his search.
"Point me, Valyrian Steel Sword." He said and his wand pointed
in the air turned downward until it was pointing underground
and he instantly understood that the sword that he was searching
for was most likely buried underground.
Which was probably the reason why no one ever found out
where it was.
"Accio Valyrian Steel Sword." He chanted while pointing down
at the oor and the ground shook for a moment before a sword
covered in lth and soot tore through the ground and ew
toward him.
He ducked in the last second and the sword ew in the other
direction until it clanged on the wall of the Dragon Pit before
falling down to the oor.
He gazed at the Weirwood wand he was using and found it
crumbling to dust as the excess magic broke it down into
cellular level. He let out a sigh and wiped his hand off the dust
before taking out another wand from the bottomless bag he had
created before coming to the south.
"Tergeo." He mumbled while pointing the new wand at the
sword and a second later, all the dirt was wiped off the Valyrian
sword and it looked as good as new.
He picked up the sword and the description matched.
He had nally found the Valyrian Steel sword named
Lamentation belonging to House Royce which was lost in the
'Storming of the Dragonpit' 160 years ago.
Now he only needed to reforge it, add a pummel with a lion's
head and sell it to Tywin and he'll get all the miners that he
To other people, Valyrian sword's might be invaluable. But to
him, it was just an expensive peace of metal. Nothing else.

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

The realm was fucked. Totally Bankrupted.

There was no other way of putting it.
Like, how else could a realm be under 1 million golden dragon
debt to the Iron Bank and half a million golden dragon debt to
the Lannister house.
And that is during peace time.
How the fuck did the King put the realm under 1.5 millions debt
during peace time.
If there was ever any question about the incompetency of Robert
Baratheon as a king, then these statistics were a proof that he
was clearly not worthy of being a king.
Especially because the Mad King Aerys might have been mad
but he had left the coffers lled with gold before he died.
Finding all these documents were not hard as I just had to give a
visit to the Master of Coin at night and do a deep legilimency
When I saw the gures, I just sat there and wondered what the
fuck the king and his hand were doing. And if they wanted to
bankrupt the whole realm by the end of their lives.
If that was their plan, then they were de nitely succeeding
A deeper legilimency search showed him that no, Robert and his
hand didn't really want to bankrupt the realm. In truth, Robert
had just lost all reason to live and wanted to drink and whore his
way to an early grave. As for his hand Jon Arryn, he was too
busy trying to run the 7 kingdoms in his foster son's stead that he
didn't have the time to check the nances properly. Which was
why upon his wife insistence, he chose Petyr Baelish to become
the Master of Coin and left everything regarding the realm's
nances to him.
And that's where the genius of Petyr Baelish shown through as
he used various backdoor means to steal from the crown a bit at
a time without anyone knowing. He also created his own
business empire in Kings Landing as well as took control over
all the gold cloaks in the the city. Not to mention the fact that
half of the mercenaries living in the city were in his pocket.
To be frank, I was rather impressed by pure genius of Petyr
Baelish. And what made his story even more fascinating was the
fact that he was doing this because he couldn't get the love of his
Petyr was a someone whom everyone underestimated. And he
took advantage of this and fucked everyone else.
In essence, Petyr was a total badass.
A cunning ruthless and cruel badass so manipulated the events
from the shadows but a badass nonetheless.
It was just a pity that Petyr had to cross paths with me.
Especially when I was needed to raise funds for my own
I took all the gold dragons that Petyr had hidden in multiple
locations that night. Which amounted to a total of 600,000 gold
dragons. The rest of his wealth was in the form of Whorehouses,
real estate or businesses so he left those alone.
I waited a few more days for the Blacksmith named Tobho Mott
to nished reforging the blade after which I took out the location
of Casterly Rock from Grandmaester Pycelle's mind before
sending a trans gured giant eagle with a letter regarding the
Valyrian Blade that I wanted to sell.
With all that done, I gave my men the order to hold a rope and
with another word, the portkey activated and we landed back in

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

"It does work." Aunt Babrey commented as she saw the newly
created printing press.
"Yup. But now I'm thinking that I've wasted all my time and
effort for nothing." I said and looked at the new bundle of pages
I had recently received from Braavos.
To say that paper was an expensive commodity during this era
would be a huge understatement.
And what was even more disappointing was the fact that the
Citadel and the Paper making guilds in Essos only sold a limited
amount of paper to their temporary customers.
So in the end, I realized that I won't be able to open my book
producing business as long as I don't have a steady supply of
Which meant that sooner or later, I'll have to open a paper mill
of my own. Because buying such a large supply of paper from
some Braavosi guild was just asking to be bankrupted.
"How is the work at the port going on?" I asked as I started
remembering all the methods that were used in the 16-18th
century to mass produce paper.
"It's a slow going process." She said with a shrug. "We've made
enough space for 5 ships to dock in the port but that's all the
progress we've been able to make in the past 2 months. Though
I'm surprised that you were able to buy so many ships from
Braavos. I didn't think that they would give away their ships and
crews so easily." She said, giving him a shrewd look.
"I am persuasive guy." I replied with a careless shrug. "And no,
I've not bought 5 but 10 ships. The other 5 are still docked in
White Harbor. Or have you forgotten about them."
"Of course I remember them." She lied unconvincingly and he
had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.
"Regardless. Put more men at the port. I want it expanded as
quickly as possible." I said and got a weird look in return from
"Why do you want a large port?" she asked "It's not like we have
anything substantial to export or import from Dreadfort."
"Yes. I know. But believe me that we'll have many things to
export and import very soon in the future."
She gave me a skeptical look but then simply gave a nod and I
knew that she'll follow my command.
"And don't worry about the gold either. We've enough gold in
our coffers to hire tens of thousands of men for decades without
emptying it. And if we start running out of gold then I'll just go
and steal more of it from Little nger or the Iron Bank of
She chuckled at my words before her chuckles turned into full
blown laughter.
After coming from the Kings Landing, I had shared the story
about the corruption in the small council and incompetency of
the king. I also told her about the absolute genius of Little nger
who stole from the Crown but got hoodwinked by me instead.
But despite saying that, I was sure that we would not need to do
that as I had already started sharing the magically created High
Yielding Seeds to some farmers who lived close to Dreadfort.
Before giving away the seeds, I had magically altered them so
that the grain procured from them won't grow new Wheat plants.
Otherwise some of the farmers might sell the seeds to other
people and I'll lose my Monopoly on the High Yielding seeds.
Regardless, the point was that within a year, I'll have all of the
farmers within my land work with High Yielding Seeds. That
would easily increase the amount of wheat I get from the
peasants by 8 times.
And since the many of the Northern houses usually import food
from the Riverlands or the Reach, I'll be able to sell it to those
houses at a cheaper price and still gain a good amount of gold
from them.
And that was just the start of one of the many industries that I'll
soon be forming within my lands.
"My Lord. My Lord…" my thoughts were interrupted as their
was a frantic knocking in the door.
"Come in" I said, looking up at my Auntie whose face scrunched
up in disgust as Maester Wolkan entered the room.
"What is it grey rat?" Auntie asked in an irritated voice and the
Maester looked slightly pale under her scrutiny before he passed
on a piece of paper to me.
"The Greyjoys have risen in Rebellion. Balon Greyjoy has
named himself the King of the Iron Islands and burnt down the
Lannister eet and pillaged and raped their way through the
Westerland coasts my lord." He said "The king has called for the
banners and Lord Stark has sent us a message to start gathering
our levies and meet him in Winterfell within a moon's worth of
I stopped for a moment and then wondered if I heard that right.
The Greyjoys had risen in Rebellion against the 7 kingdoms and
started the Rebellion by attacking the Westerlands.
Did they really think that they would win the rebellion?
It was unlikely. But now that they have smashed the eet of the
Lannisters, the only sizable eets that remained intact were the
Redwyne eet and the Royal eet. If the Ironborns were able to
defeat these two eets in the sea then they'll have an open
passport to raid and reave though the coast of the entirety of
I didn't knew how large this Iron eet was and was doubtful that
it was capable of destroying the two other eets.
But even if they did, it was unlikely that Robert Baratheon
would just accept his defeat and allow the Iron Islands to gain
So even if the Iron eet won (which was unlikely in my mind),
and the Ironborn raze and reave the entire coastal area of
Westeros North and Reach, Robert Baratheon and the other
kingdoms would just raise another eet and ght again and
again until the Ironborns are brought to their heels.
And the rest of the kingdoms would de nitely support Robert
because everyone hate the Ironborns.
"What are your orders My lord?" Maester Wolkan asked.
"Send for the levies and the bannermen. Tell them to convene in
Dreadfort within two weeks. We'll leave for Winterfell from
there." I said and the Maester bowed before leaving.
Once the Maester left my Aunt turned to look at me with a
slightly worried gaze and asked "Who is going to lead the
I raised an amused eyebrow at that "I am of course."
"No. De nitely not. I'll not allow to go to a war at such a young
age. There are many experienced men in Dreadfort who have
taken part in Robert's Rebellion. I'm pretty sure that they can
lead your armies in your stead. Plus you're a 7 year old boy and
the last of your family. No sane person would blame you if you
don't participate in the war."
I nodded at her words but also knew that I have to go to the Iron
Islands for a personal reason.
If we lost then I would be able to retreat back with what remains
of my army properly.
And if we won the war (which was likely to happen) against the
Iron Islands then I would be able to poach a lot of the miners
and ship builders from those islands as well. After all, Iron
Islands were given that name because of the large amount of
iron mines in those islands. And the ship builders in Iron Islands
were no doubt the most talented ship builders in all of Westeros.
Then there was the fact that I planned on nally selling the
reforged Valyrian Steel to Tywin Lannister and poach some
talented smiths, miners, wood workers and architects from
Lannisport as well.
It took me another half an hour to convince Aunt Barbrey that
I'll be the only leading the army and stay away from any real
battles. She was of course not happy with my decision and left
the room with a stormy expression. I doubt that the next few
days with her are going to be easy. But she's family and I would
not use compulsion charms to in uence any of her decisions.
The Ironborn Rebellion also reminded me of something that I've
ignored up until this point.
I'll probably have to employ a Master of Whisperer very soon if
I want to remain informed about the things going around in the
Oh well, one thing at a time I guess.

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

To say that the Northern lords were surprised or even shocked to

see a 7 year old boy leading 3,000 men on the back of a black
direwolf would be an understatement.
Literally no one had expected me to join in the war efforts and
some of the lords even told me to go back to the castle. Lord
Rickard Karstark was rather vocal with his choice of words and
treated me like a child, which admittedly I was. But I was also
the lord of Dreadfort. Something that he should not have
forgotten. And something that I'll be sure to remind him in the
future in one way or another.
Unfortunately, I was not allowed to bring Black in the tent and I
didn't want to use magic to intimidate so many people in case
someone might gure out that there was something wrong. So
every other lord treated me like a child which irritated me to no
end. And no one asked me for a suggestion in the war table even
though I had some good suggestions to give, what with being a
Head Auror and having participated in a magical war myself.
Regardless, it took two more weeks for the other lords to
convene in Winterfell during which I spent most of my time
with Robb Stark and Sansa Stark, using compulsion charms to
make Robb a loyal friend to me and Sansa Stark have a slight
crush on it.
It was rather despicable of me to mind in uence children like
this but I already knew that this was a cruel world and wouldn't
take any risk if possible. So if I could become friends with the
heir of Winterfell and the future Lord Paramount and Warden of
the North, then I would do it.
I also made sure to apparate back to Dreadfort every now and
then to make sure that the construction work in the Port was
going well. I had also sent for the 10 trading ships under me to
Lannisport. Because I would need those ships for the miners and
other craftsmen that I wanted to transport to Dreadfort.
At the same time, I also started training our levies in the art of
war. Mainly training in formations, tactics, marching, etc. I
knew that I would have to create a standing army for my lands
sooner or later as levies are just not very practical. And these
men would be the ones who'll form the base of my standing
Once most of the lords from all across the North had arrived, we
started our slow march to the Neck to join Robert Baratheon's
huge host near Seaguard where Balon Greyjoy's eldest son
recently suffered a defeat and perished.
As our army crossed the Neck, we heard news about Stannis
Baratheon leading a pincer attack on the Iron Fleet with the help
of the Redwynes. Something that resulted in total destruction of
the Iron Fleet.
From what little I knew about Iron Islands, I was sure that they
have already lost the Rebellion.
Their main strength laid in Naval warfare and despite how much
they may boast about being great warriors, the truth was that
they were just as good as any other levy. Except that they were
lightly armored and very few in numbers.
In fact, I was sure that the Iron Islands weren't even capable of
raising 15,000 in total while Robert's host has more than
100,000 men in total.
There was no way that Balon Greyjoy was going to win this
Rebellion. Not unless he has a dragon in his possession or some
other miraculous advantage.
Our men continued our march toward Seaguard where Robert's
huge host was camping in all it's glory.
As the Northern group entered the main tent where Robert and
his most trusted advisers were making plans for the invasion of
Iron Islands, Robert turned around to face Ned Stark and a huge
smile blossomed in his face.
"Ned. You're nally here." Robert boomed and quickly strode
forward before hugging his childhood friend with all this might.
I could see that Ned looked a little uncomfortable, perhaps still
remembering the death of Elia and her children but gave a small
smile to his king before he knelt down in front of his king. The
rest of the Northern lords and me followed suit and knelt before
the king as well.
"Your grace. The North and it's men are at your command." Ned
said in a stoic voice.
Ah get up Ned. There's no need for such formalities between
us." Robert said as he bent down and picked his friend up and
the rest of the Northern Lords followed. I gazed and almost
smiled at the fat Wylis Manderly getting up from his position as
if it was the toughest task in the world.
"You brought your son as well Ned?" Robert asked and I looked
up to see that Robert was looking at me and so was everyone
else in the tent.
I looked back un inchingly at the King and no one spoke for a
moment before I bowed my head "Lord Domeric Bolton in your
service your grace."
"Hah! You're a Bolton then. What's happened to your father
boy? Is he sick or something." Robert asked in his booming
voice and my eyes narrowed for a moment but I simply nodded
my head.
"He died while leeching himself with an unknown species of
leech a few moons ago." I said and the tent fell silent for a
moment before Lord Rickard Karstark started laughing to
himself. Something which was immediately followed by the
king and some of the other lords so people like Tywin Lannister,
Ned Stark, Ser Barristan Selmy and some others stayed silent.
I let out a sigh as realized that I couldn't let them laugh at my
dead 'father' as it would be seen as weakness so he put my hands
behind my back and the took out the wand before quickly using
it and a loud howl echoed loudly outside, quickly silencing
every single person in the tent before they heard some screams
and shouts coming from outside before the ap of the tent burst
open and his direwolf entered the tent with a snarl, scaring the
shit out of everyone as many lords including Rickard Karstark
fell back on the bums.
I turned to Lord Karstark and advanced along with his direwolf
at the fallen lord and increased the intimidation level to the
maximum until the lord looked at the Direwolf's eyes and pissed
his pants.
"You think my father's death is funny Lord Karstark?" I asked
softly and caressed the Direwolf's soft fur Black sniffed the
lord's throat who was panting bucket of sweat from his face.
"N…. No my lord. It's… it's… not funny." He stammered out
quickly and for a moment everyone in the tent remained silent
before I caressed Black's fur once again and it slowly backed
away from the fallen lord who also seemed to have shat himself
from the fear. I then turned to King Robert who gulped upon
feeling the effects on the intimidation spell on him.
Well, he didn't piss himself so that's saying something.
"Your Grace." I said and bowed before I climbed on Black's
back and left.
Later I heard about all the humiliation that Rickard Karstark had
suffered. His sons Torrhen and Harrion Karstark had also come
to his camp and told him to come and suffer their wrath or be
called a craven. The joke was on them as they were challenging
a 8 year old boy to a duel in order to save their honor. An action
that only made them fall even lower in the eyes of the other
Northern lords.
Suf ce to say that it was likely that House Bolton and House
Karstark would not be friends anytime soon.
Chapter 21: Chapter 21

A few days later, the Royal eet and the Redwyne eet arrived
in the shore of Seagard. From there, King Robert and rest of his
lords and their men climbed atop the various ships and sailed
toward the various islands in the Iron Islands.
Once he read the mind of Robert Baratheon, he found the plan
made by Robert and the other Lord Paramounts, it was decided
that he and his men will go with the king as well as Lord Stark
and siege the Pyke.
And so started a bloody siege that would go on for two whole
months before Pyke nally fell. The Greyjoy lost their rebellion.
Balon Greyjoy lost both his older sons during the war and has
now surrendered his crown to the Iron throne.
As a punishment Balon's eldest son was to be taken as a ward so
that the Ironborn will think twice about rebelling against the
crown the next time.
That was all the punishment that the Iron Islanders were going
to get.
He looked around and could see that all the lords standing there
had disgruntled expressions. Especially Tywin who wanted to
make an example of the Greyjoys for having burnt the Lannister
So as soon as Robert stopped talking, he raised his voice and
said. "Your grace. My lords. I know this is my place to talk but if
you would listen to a suggestion of mine."
Everyone was now focused on him. They knew that it was a bit
disrespectful to speak after the king had made his decision but
they were curious as well since they were not happy with
Robert's decision.
Robert snorted at his words "Go on then boy. Speak your mind."
"My Lords. The Ironborns have a history of reaving and raping
and pillaging our lands. They have been doing it since before
Aegon arrived in Westoros. And they won't stop no matter how
many times we defeat them until we do something permanent
about this situation."
He met Robert's eye and could feel the impatience building in
mind. The only thing Robert wanted to do right now was drink
some wine and nd a wench to fuck. So he quickly cast a minor
calming charm on the fool wandlessly as well as a compulsion
charm so that the fool would listen to his words.
Robert looked like he wanted to say something but the he visibly
composed himself and said "Go ahead then. What do you
The surrounding lords looked a bit surprised that the king would
want to listen to the words of an 8 year old but they didn't
interrupt so he continued his little speech that would bene t him
more than anyone else.
"I propose three things."
"First, is to sent away all the male Greyjoys to the wall and all
the female Greyjoys to the silent sisters. Executing them would
just make them a martyr for the people who follow the drowned
gods. Sending them to the wall to freeze off their balls would
instead make them look pathetic. After all, this is the least
amount of punishment Balon and his family should receive for
the destruction they have caused to Westeros. And this will also
set a future precedent for anyone who even thinks of rebelling
against you."
Ned looked a little worried at the prospect of sending the 8 year
Theon Greyjoy to the wall but didn't said anything. Tywin had a
little gleam in his eyes even as his face remained stoic while
Stannis for the rst time looked a little satis ed.
The compulsion charm that he had cast on the king as well as
the loyalty charm he had been casting ever since he joined the
war did their work and Robert nodded at his suggestion so he
quickly went to the second and most important point.
"The second is to remove all the thralls and salt wives from the
Islands and then ban the practice of keeping them as 'thrall' and
'salt wife' is just another name for a slave. Without the slaves to
mine their iron and grow their food, the Iron Islanders would not
be able to gather their strength for a long time. Who knows they
might even learn to sow their own elds."
Everyone in the room laughed at his words while Balon Greyjoy
just gave him a venomous glare which he easily ignored.
"But where do you plan to take these thralls and saltwives boy?"
Robert asked "I doubt any one else would be keen on giving
them shelter in their own lands as their status as slaves make
them even lower than the smallfolk in the eyes of other people.
Unless you are volunteering to take them to your own lands and
feed them yourself?"
Some of the lords sniggered at that as it was no secret that
Northern houses were not as rich as the other Southern houses
either in gold or in food.
But his house was not any other house.
"I'll take them." He said and everyone in the room turned silent
at once before Robert settled him with a glare. Well, at least the
loyalty charm is working if the fat fool is worried about him
doing something reckless.
"Do you know what you're talking about boy?" the man asked
"There would be a lot of thralls and salt wives in these Islands.
Do you have any idea how much food and resources it'll take for
you to feed these men and women?"
He simply nodded his head and said "A lot. I have no doubt
about that. But these thralls and salt wives already know how to
work hard and North has an abundance of lands. I'm sure that in
due time, these people will be able to create their own farms and
would be able to support themselves without my help."
Robert's face contorted for a bit before he waved his hand away
at him. "Very well then. You can take the thralls and salt wives
away from this shit hole and then settle them back into your
lands. Stannis, you and Lord Redwyne will make sure to transfer
those men and women to Dreadfort once you land our army
back in Lannisport."
"Yes your grace." Stannis bowed with a stoic face before Robert
turned to him once again.
"Very well then. Get on with the third suggestion boy."
He felt slightly irritated at being called a boy again and again as
it brought up memories of another life but he pushed down on
his irritation and said "I propose that you give the post of the
Lord Paramount to someone who believes in making a life with
trading rather than by reaving and raping. Someone like that
would allow the Iron Islands to stand up on their feet once again
and focus on trading. Even if only for one generation."
Robert stroked his beard for a moment before he nodded "Aye.
That seems like a good idea as well. Lord Tywin. Do you know
of someone like this within the Iron Islands?"
Tywin thought about it for a moment before he replied "House
Orkmort is one of the largest house within the Iron Islands who
opposed the old ways even though they joined Balon in the end.
Making them the Lord Paramount seems as good a decision as
"Very well then. I'll make him the lord paramount of this shit
hole once I meet him. It's decided then." Then he turned to
Eddard Stark and said "Ned. Make sure that these Greyjoys are
sent to the Wall and their women are sent to the silent sisters."
"Yes your grace." Lord Stark nodded before the king bellowed
out a laugh "What are you all still looking at. This meeting is
over. Go drink some of the ale, pick up some wench and enjoy
yourself. You've deserved some rest after all this bloodshed."
And just like that. The Greyjoy rebellion came to an end.

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Domeric watched with a stoic expression as the various workers

climbed on board of the Royal Fleet which would eventually
take them to Dreadfort.
As soon as the King Robert had nished the war, he had started
collecting men and women who knew how to build and sail on
boats and large ships because he knew that he would be creating
a navy for himself sooner or later.
And despite his dislike for the Iron Islanders, it was clear to him
that there were few men who knew more about ships than these
After all, they live in an archipelago and have to rely on ships to
travel from one island to another whenever they want to travel to
another place.
So once he was free to do as he liked, he went with his men and
gathered all shipbuilders and other such men from the other
Some of them were too old and set in their way of the drowned
gods. Even his heavy manipulations with the promise of gold
and a good life as well as the compulsion charms didn't changed
their mind so he left them to their own devices and took all the
men that he could.
By the end of it all, he had collected some 3500 men who knew
about building and sailing ships as well as boats and some
40,000 thralls and salt wives from these lands.
As decreed by the King, the Royal eet and Redwyne eet
helped in transferring these men and women to Dreadfort.
Once they landed back in dry land at Seagard, he told his men to
return home with the other men in Northern army while he went
to a secluded place and Portkeyed back to Dreadfort where he
quickly told his aunt to prepare food and temporary
accommodations for the men and women about to arrive in his
She was not very happy with such a decision on his part but he
was sure of one thing.
There would have no shortage of miners once these thralls
reached Dreadfort.
"The rst batch of grain has been harvested my lord." Maester
Wolkan said as he entered his solar.
After all, he had spent a good amount of in magic and time in
creating those HYV seeds and it would be rather sad if his hard
work bore no result in the end.
"And… the results are amazing my lord. The farmers that you
hired to work in your elds have produced thrice the amount of
grain than the other farmers.
"I see. Send Locke to take the harvest and give each farmer the
200 silver stags just like I promised." He said and his aunt
frowned from beside him.
"200 silver stags. Isn't that a bit too much for a single harvest?"
His aunt said more than asked.
"It is. But I want people to know that they'll earn more gold and
silver by working for me than they'll do by working on their
own." He said as he stood up and looked at the large canals that
his people were working on in order to take water from the the
river irrigate their elds. It would take some time for these
people to increase the size of the canals so he'll probably have to
hire some more men to work in those canals.
After all, the more farmers that work for him in these elds, the
more grain he'll have. The more grain he'll have, the more
people in his lands will be free to work on other things like
building roads, houses, mining, joining army, etc.
"So I'm assuming that you want to hire more men for other
jobs?" she asked.
"I do. And I also need to talk with the Hornwoods and negotiate
a contract that would allow me to take the timber from their
His aunt scoffed at his words "The Hornwoods have never been
friends of the Boltons. What makes you think that they'll sign a
contract with you?"
"Gold." He said with a shrug. "And you know very well that I
can be very persuasive when I want to be."
His aunt shook her head with mirth in her eyes "Are you sure
that you would be able to create better paper than the ones
created by the Citadel and the Braavosi Guilds."
He gave a shrug and said "Most likely. There is always the small
chance that I'll fail at something but that chance is rather low."
"So once you create this paper mill and it starts producing paper,
you'll be able to publish hundreds of books in a day with the
help of the Printing Press. Is that what you're saying?" She
"Yup. It shouldn't be…" His words were cut short as he felt
something vibrate within his pocket.
"Who's that?" His aunt asked as he took out the Mirror.
"Merion. The caption of the ships that I sent out to Lannisport."
I said "He must have reached Lannisport with the rest of the
"That magical mirror of your is rather handy." She commented
and he shook his head before he took a deep breath and exhaled.
"I need to go to Lannisport so that I could meet with Lord Tywin
Lannister and exchange the Valyrian Sword for the men that I
"So. Wasn't this your plan from the start?" she asked and he
shook his head.
"It was. But I thought that I had more time and would be able to
make the deal with the Hornwoods and lead the construction of
the Paper Mill. It seems like I have so much to do and so little
time." He said and let out a sigh before he felt his aunt put her
hands on his shoulder as she started massaging him.
"I can go to Lannisport and deal with Tywin Lannister in your
place." She said but he shook his head.
"No. This is something that I must do on my own. And the
Hornwoods would consider it an insult if I didn't went to
negotiate with them on my own." He said "I'll do it on my own
when I return with the men. Till then, you can focus on hiring
more men and increasing the size of the Port so that we would
be able to dock more trading ships and war galleys there in the
"Alright. Leave me behind to do all the hard and boring tasks
while you gallivant around all over Westeros." She said with no
bite in her voice and he let out a smile before he stood her and
embraced her tightly.
As an 8 year old boy, he still only reached her stomach so she
was easily able to wrap her arms around him without any
He let out a sigh of content as she hugged him tightly. He had
never known the love of a mother in his previous life. And this
was as close to a mother's love as he was ever going to receive.
So he basked in the embrace for a long moment before he let go
of her.
"I need you to know that I'm very grateful that you're here for
me auntie. Without you I would be rather lost and would have a
far harder time ruling my lands and create the new innovations."
She just smiled at his words and cupped his cheeks "It's alright.
Family is supposed to take care of each other."
He gave her a smile before he took out his wand and said "Accio
Valyrian Sword."
The reforged Valyrian sword with an intricately carved pommel
in the shape of a lion came ying toward him before he froze it
with an arresto momentum and then put it inside his limitless
"I still nd it hard to believe that you're able to use such magic.
The old gods have really blessed you my nephew."
He remembered the Heartwood tree that constantly generated
the ambient magic and released it in the atmosphere and smiled
"That they have."
"Goodbye aunt." He said with a smile "I'll come back within a
moon's worth of time."
"Very Well. Stay safe Domeric." She said with a sad smile and
he said "I will" before he activated the portkey and landed inside
a room in the trading ship that recently landed in Lannisport.

Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Tywin looked at Jamie winning the joust against a knight from

house Frey and had to hold back a smile at the pride he felt for
his son.
The pride then quickly turned into annoyance as he remembered
how his golden heir de ed his orders and continued to serve as a
glori ed guard for another worthless king.
"Heh! Good work Kingslayer. You showed those Freys what
they're made of." King Robert's booming voice entered his ears
and he held back a frown as he saw that the king was already
deep in his cups and openly groping a serving girl in front of
The fact that King Robert forced him to host a tourney after the
end of the Greyjoy Rebellion was one thing. The fact that he
was not even paying any attention to the Tourney was another
thing entirely.
If he got up and left all of a sudden the it would seen as highly
disrespectful so he forced himself to sit beside his son-in-law
who was cheating on his wife in full view of everyone else.
He was brought out of his thoughts as there was a sudden
commontion outside the Tourney grounds. He frowned at the
screams and yells coming from out there as the guards rushed
outside to contain whatever or whoever it was that was making
all this fuss.
"Tyrion." He said in a commanding voice and the misshapen
dwarf whom he had the misfortune to sire turned around to look
at him.
"Go and check what all this commotion is about." He ordered
and the dwarf took one last sip from his goblet before he nodded
and left the area on his stunted legs.
Tyrion cursed his father for disturbing his drinking binge as he
moved toward the place where all the commotion was
Regardless, he was also curious about all the screaming and
shouting that had been going on outside the area until he heard a
loud roar from and his feet stopped at once.
He had very familiar with that roar from the lions that were
caged inside Casterly Rock.
Was it possible that some of the lions broke through their cages
and came down to Lannisport.
That was highly unlikely as the guards would kill it before it
could do too much harm.
So does that mean that a stray lion had entered Lannisport.
That thought in itself was laughable as well so he shook his head
and forced his stunted legs to move faster as he nally reached
an area where a lot of smallfolk had form a large circle around
"Excuse me. Move aside please. Let me through." He said as he
carved a path through the people until he nally arrived in a
clearing where half a dozen Lannister guards were pointing their
spears at…
A boy riding on top of a Lion.
Tyrion rubbed his eyes and wondered if he had drunk a little too
much before he looked he at scene once again and found that the
boy and the lion were still there.
The boy who was looking nonplussed at the Lannister guards
who were shaking in their feet as the Lion gazed at them.
The boy couldn't have been older than a 6-8 years old and was
wearing a regal looking red colored robe of the nest quality
with a Wierwood sigil on his chest and he suddenly understood
This was the boy who from the North who rode on the back of a
giant direwolf. The boy who made that other Northern lord piss
and shit his pants in fear. The boy suggested ending the House
of Greyjoy by sending their men to the Wall and women to the
Silent sisters.
The boy… what was his name again?
"I want to meet with someone who's in charge. Could you lead
me to them?" the boy's clear yet authoritative voice pierced
through all the murmers and whispers as the guards looked at
them fearfully.
Tyrion couldn't understand why they were so afraid of the lion
when it was clear that the boy was able to command it, judging
by how he easily sat upon its back.
"I… I…" the guard stammered and Tyrion felt ashamed on
behalf of all the Lannisters and moved forward to introduce
himself in case the guards fuck this up.
"Hello there my friend. My name is…" that was as far as he
went before the lion turned it's gaze upon him and he felt a spike
of terror shoot through his heart and froze until the boy put his
hand on top of the lion in a comforting gesture and it lowered it's
head in submission.
Tyrion took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off his face all
the while thanking the gods that he didn't piss his breeches. That
would be rather embarrassing. A lion of the Casterly Rock
pissing himself upon meeting a real lion.
He turned to look at the boy once again and started to introduce
himself once again before the boy cut him off.
"I know who you are. You're Tyrion Lannister. Son of Tywin
Lannister and heir of the Casterly Rock." The boy said and gave
him a nod which he returned.
"That I am" he replied, even if it was unlikely that he'll ever
inherit the Rock. "But I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage
my lord."
"I'm Lord Domeric Bolton." The boy said before he took out a
well designed golden scabbard from behind himself.
The guards standing behind Tyrion tensed upon seeing the
scabbard and the sword but he quickly mentioned them to stay
behind and not fuck this meeting up as he had a feeling that
Lord Bolton would not come here without any reason.
"As for why I came here." The boy said and took out the blade
from it's sheath and Tryion gaped as he saw the rippling effect
that was said to be present in all the Valyrian swords.
Since when did the Boltons have a Valyrion sword of their own.
"I heard that your father has been asking around for a Valyrian
sword. I wonder… does he still want one?" the boy asked but
the smirk in his face clearly showed that he already knew the
"Y…" he gulped and tried once again "Yes. My father still want
a Valyrian Steel sword for our house. De nitely."
"Then please lead me to your father." The boy said and Tyrion
nodded quickly before he turned to face the guards who were
still pointing their spears at the boy or the lion and cursed the
fools in his mind.
"Lower your weapons you fools. This is Lord Bolton. Our
esteemed guest." He shouted and hoped that the mindless fools
wouldn't offend the boy lord.
If his father found out that he was about to receive a Valyrian
Steel Sword but didn't because the guards disrespected the
person who wanted to sell him the sword, he doubted that the
guards would live to see another day.
And as he took the boy and the lion toward the Tents outside the
Tourney grounds, he wondered how much gold his father would
pay in order to get the sword for the Lannister House.

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

"How much gold do you want for this?" Tywin asked as he

looked at the beautiful sword in his hands as they sat inside a
large tent outside the Tourney Grounds.
It only took a mild legilimency probe to nd out that Tywin was
totally spellbound by the Sword and wanted it at all costs.
But then again, he had pumped Tywin Lannister lled with
compulsion charms so it was no surprise that the lord didn't want
the blade for himself.
Not to mention the fact that he had crafted the pummel himself
with trans guration and it looked very much like a real lion
There was no way that Tywin wouldn't have liked the sword
even if he didn't use any compulsion charms but by using them
he made sure that he would get what he wanted from Tywin
"I don't want any gold for the sword." He replied with a smile.
Tywin frowned a little at that and turned to look at him sternly
"What is it that you want then. Lands. Title. A keep of your own.
A marriage with a Lannister."
At that moment, he was sure that Tywin would have even given
him the hand of his granddaughter Myrcella if he asked for it.
But he didn't want to be betrothed with someone at such a young
age. Especially the princess of the kingdom when his plan was
to separate himself from the kingdom in the future.
"No. I don't want any land, title or something else. But men."
"Yes. Miners, Literate men who know how to read and write,
blacksmiths, men who know how to ght and can teach it to
others, craftsmen, builders. People like those."
Tywin gave him a long hard look as if he couldn't believe what
he just heard before he composed himself and asked "How many
of these people do you want?"
"These many." He said and passed on a slip of parchment to the
old lion that was lled with the occupation and number of
people that he want.
Tywin carefully read through the entire letter before he gave him
a nod and said "Done."
He opened his mouth to say something before wondering if he
kept the numbers too low.
He took the page back from the old lion who looked at him with
a raised eyebrow.
He then slowly pointed his wand at the page and doubled the
number of men in each occupation before he pointed it at Tywin
and said "Obliviate."
Tywin's eyes glazed over for a moment before they returned
back to their normal color and settled on him as he asked
"Where were we again?"
"These are the number of men that I want." He said and passed
on the list to Tywin who looked at it with a slight frown before
he shook his head.
"I'm afraid I can't provide you with these many blacksmiths. If I
did then Lannisport will have a shortage of them in the near
future. The same could be said for ship builders. I cannot give
you these many of them as we'll need them in order to rebuild
our Fleet that we lost to the Ironborn."
He gave a nod to the old man and found out that he was telling
the truth with a slight legilimency probe.
Oh well, it was negotiation time then.
By the end of the negotiation, he had gained more men that I had
wanted at the start of his meeting. 1,500 miners. 25 literate men
who could read and write, 6 blacksmiths and 10 apprentice
blacksmiths, 2 old maesters, 50 architect builders, 500 ship
builders, 1000 of the best horses in Westerlands, 10 ships for
transport and 100,000 gold dragons.
All in all, it was as good a deal as he was going to get for a
Valyrian sword that he didn't cared about.

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Domeric watched from the distance as his men worked hard to

run the Paper mill and he had designed and created with the help
of all the blacksmiths and builders under him.
The task was harder than he had initially thought and there were
far too many trials and errors in the process for his liking. But it
was what it was. They have nally nished the construction of
the Paper mill and it had start mass producing paper a week ago.
The mill was only being run with the power generated by the
water wheels that were attached to the Weeping Water.
The Printing press had also started producing written copies of
the books that he wanted published before anything else and he
had already realized that they would be needing more printing
press in the future as one machine was not enough.
But that was alright. He had not been idle over the past few
months and had already designed several parts for an advanced
Printing press that would be able to produce at least 100 books
in a single day. The machine just needed to be assembled
properly and he would have to do that task on his on in case
someone else doesn't fuck it up by mistake.
He was brought out of his musings as he heard footsteps from
behind him and turned to face the Maester who seemed rather
excited by something.
"Maester Ryne." He said with a nod as the man neared him. This
was one of the maester that Tywin gave to him in exchange for
the Valyrian Sword. The man was ercely loyal to Tywin when
he rst came here and was sent here with the intention to spy on
his lands. But the loyalty charms soon turned his allegence to
House Bolton. Just as it did for everyone else who were loyal to
House Lannister or any other house that was not House Bolton.
Because of his chain links, he had given the man the speci c
role of focusing on the Food supply within this region. And he
was happy to nd that the man was more than competent at his
"My lord. The third batch of the Harvest has arrived my lord."
The man said with excitement and he gazed patiently at the man.
"It's a bumper harvest my lord. The amount of grain that arrived
this time was 9 times more than a normal harvest. This is a huge
improvement my lord. The seeds that you distributed worked
wonders my lord. I've never seen something like that in my life."
"Hmm…" he hummed as he thought about the numbers in his
"And how much of that grain would we need Maester Ryne?" he
asked and the man put his hands inside his pocket and took out
an account book that was lled with so many numbers that he
received a headache just by looking at it.
"Maester Ryne. I don't need an exact number. Just tell me what
you can from the top of your mind." He said and the man stood
still for a moment and put on a thinking expression before he
"Some 28-31% of the food if we don't count the Miners and
other builders. And some 38-41% if we do." He explained.
"Hmm… So we only need about 40% of our food in order to
feed our people?" he asked and the man nodded quickly.
"And we don't need to buy food from the Southern kingdom
ever again?"
"No my lord. In fact, we have enough food now that we would
even be able to sell it to the other lords in the North. Do you
want to sell it to others my lord? It would provide an excellent
source of income for you if you do."
"No." He declined without a second thought "Save all the food
we have for now. We'll only start selling the food we have to the
other lords once we have enough food to last a 4 year long
"As you wish my lord." The Maester bowed to him "If there is
nothing else my lord."
"No. But send Master Tobho Mott to me." He said and the man
nodded once again before leaving.

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

A few minutes later, another haggard and dirty looking man

covered in soot from head to toe entered the room and bowed to
"Master Tobho Mott. Have you started the construction of the
Blast Furnace?" he asked while looking at the men working in
the Paper mill.
"Yes my lord. Though I've never seen something like this and
am not sure if this will work or not."
"It will. Believe me." He said and was about to remind the man
to hurry in it's construction when his aunt arrived beside him.
"Auntie." He said with a warm smile which she returned in kind
before looking pointedly at the blacksmith standing behind him.
"Keep up the good work Master Tobho Mott. You may leave
now." He said and the man gave a deep bow before leaving.
"I still don't believe the fact that you managed to snatch the best
Blacksmith from Kings Landing." She said with some
amusement. "There was a time where there were only two
Blacksmiths in Dreadfort. Now, I've lost count.
"Thirteen." He replied "There are thirteen Blacksmiths in the
Castle. And 26 Apprentice. Two for each master blacksmith,
though some of the apprentices are good enough to be called
masters in their own right."
"And even they are not able to exhaust the supply of iron that we
now have." She lamented and he raised an eyebrow at her.
"You're not here to complain about the pig iron once again are
you?" he asked with some amusement and she frowned before
turning to face him.
"And what's wrong with complaining about it. We have 19
operating mines in our lands. 19!! And 14 of those mines
produce iron. The Blacksmiths do what they can to produce
Armour, weapons as well as the steel plough and the other
things that you want them to produce for the small folk. But
even they're only capable of using a small amount of the iron
that we produce. The rest of it is gathering dust in our
werehouses. What do you plan to do what all the pig iron Dom.
Why don't you just sell it to the other houses. I for one know that
the Manderlys and Karstarks would de nitely buy as much of it
as you could throw at them."
"I won't throw anything at the Karstarks." He said with a hint of
warning in his voice. Ever since the end of the last war, the
relationship between his house and the Karstarks have continued
to deteriorate to the point that they have even started sending
some of their soldiers masked as bandits to harass his peasants.
They may irritate him for now but once he creates his army, he
would destroy any bandits that they send in his lands.
"And I told you that we'll have use of the iron in the future."
"You keep saying that. But when."
"When we are able to construct the Blast Furnace." He
explained "We'll have no more discussion about this auntie.
Plus, it's not like we are lacking gold at the moment. And if my
idea fails" which it won't "then I'll simply follow your words and
sell all the iron to other houses in North or some houses even in
the Vale and Riverlands."
"Very well then. Still. Just because we have gold right now
doesn't mean that we should take it for granted. The sooner we
start making an earning from our businesses, the better."
He gave a nod to her but he already knew that if he started
selling the excess food, iron, weapons, armors and silver (from
the mines) and the books that the Printing press is producing
then he would easily be able to get a good amount of gold each
But he was in no hurry. Especially as he had his mind focused
on something else these days.
"How is the work in the Port going auntie?" he asked.
"Slowly as ever." She replied "Because of all the things that you
continue to import from the other kingdoms and Essos, there is
already a huge village forming near the port which would soon
turn into a town. We'll have to make a plan for the town that's
about to form near the Port or it's turn into a huge disaster like
Kings Landing."
"I know." He replied "I've already sent Maester Devan and 500
men with a plan for the new town. He'll take care of it. And if he
can't then you'll go and deal with the situation."
"You know, you can go to the Port and take a look at the
situation yourself." She commented "With your powers, it won't
even take you a single second to do so."
"I know that. Of course I do. But I am too preoccupied with
something else these days and don't want to divert my focus too
"Preoccupied with what. You spend all your time these days
with the Weirwood trees." She japed and started laughing on her
own before she realized that he was not laughing along with her.
"Dom. Why do you spend all your time in the godswood these
days?" she asked with slight concern in her voice.
He wondered if he should evade her question but the decided
that if he couldn't be honest to his only family member then who
else could he trust.
"The Heartwood tree." He begin. "I told you that it released
ambient magic in the air which allows me to use magic, didn't
"Well, normal Weirwood trees are not capable of doing it. I want
to understand how the children carved the faces in Weirwood
tree which turned them into Heartwood trees but I've not been
able to gure out the trick so far."
They both remained silent for a long moment before she nally
asked "And what do you plan to do about it?"
"I could try to understand how the whole face carving thing
works and spend an unknown amount of time failing at it." He
said in a sarcastic voice "Or I could go North of the Wall in
order to nd the 'Children of the Forest' if they have not already
gone extinct."

Chapter 27: Chapter 27

The man jolted awoke at once and looked around frantically

before his eyes set on him.
"Who are you? How did you get in here?" the man shouted,
probably hoping to bring in the guards that stood outside his
bedroom as he put his hands below his pillow and took out a
knife and pointed it at him.
Unfortunately, his voice would never carry outside his room and
the guards would never even know that he was attacked in his
own bedroom.
Petyr looked a little worried when none of the guards outside
came in but regained his con dence when he looked at
Domeric's stature.
"You're a boy. A mere boy. Who sent you. Was it Varys? And
where are my guards. GUARDS." He shouted but none came.
Thankfully, the man was too cautious to attack him which was
good enough for him.
"Is that a Valyrian blade." He commented as he noticed the
ripples in the knife that little nger was pointing at him. "Good.
It's always good to have more Valyrian Steel. Who knows, I
might just collect enough of these small daggers and trinkets to
create another Valyrian Steel sword." He mused to himself.
The he pointed at the dagger and said "Accio" and the blade ew
from Petyr's hands into his.
He put the dagger into his botttomless pouch and then gazed
back at Petyr who was suddenly looking very worried at his
blatant use of magic.
"W… who are you?" he stammered out in fear.
But he was not here to listen to Little nger's ramblings.
"Imperio." He said and the man's expression suddenly went
slack and his eyes developed a slight haze.
"Good. Now, give me the names of all the girls you have that are
excellent in spying."
"Wait… stop. Write down the names in a parchment."
Petyr followed his command and did as he was told and handed
him a list lled with a dozen names.
"Good." He commented "Now give me the name of someone
who could run a spy network for me. Someone who would be
able to become a Master of Whisperers with enough funding and
"Chataya." Petyr said without waiting for second.
"Very well." He pointed his wand and the name was written in
the parchment. "Now tell me how you run your network of
spies. And tell me everything. As well as any suggestions you
might have of your own."
"Yes." Petyr said and went ahead to explain to him how his
whole Spy System worked in detail.
By morning, the most important girls working in Petyr's brothel
were missing as well as his Valyrian steel dagger and the
300,000 gold dragons he had managed to steal away from the
crown over the past year.

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

"I didn't knew that we were going to Kings Landing in order to

steal women and little boys." Euron Greyjoy (or Muron as he
was called now) said with a laugh and he rolled his eyes as the
half demented pet gazed lustfully at the women.
"They're not here for the reason you think they are Muron." He
said before he thought about it and said "Ah well, the women are
whores, you're correct in thinking that. But I've not brought
them on board for that purpose. Neither are the boys for that
purpose either."
"Then what. You want to marry them?" Muron asked
"No. They'll build a spy network for me." He explained to the
man whom he had saved from freezing off into the wall a few
months ago.
Despite his sadistic tendencies, Domeric had no doubt in his
mind that Euron Greyjoy was one of the best sea captions in
Westeros. That is why he rescued the man from freezing off in
the Wall and took his time to make sure that the man was loyal
to him. And then he used some high level trans guration to grow
his missing left eye as well as changed his face to a degree that
no one else would ever be able to recognize him as Euron
And now the man worked as his Fleet admiral. Not that he had
much of a eet at the moment. But he'll have one in the future.
"Spy network." The man spat before his mind started working a
mile a minute and he nodded reluctantly "Aye, I guess such a
thing would be useful to you. Unless you can use your magic
and nd out about everything that goes around in the 7
"No. If could do that then why would I waste my time in
building a spy network?" he asked but then gestured the man to
stop talking "Take care of these girls and travel to Myr next.
From there we'll go to Tyrosh and Lys."
"As you say my lord." Muron bowed deeply though he could
feel the sarcasm dripping out of each word that he said.
Apparently being loyal to him didn't mean that Muron would
stop using his unwanted sarcasm at him.
"Report to me once you reach your destination." He ordered and
Muron gave him a nod.
"And what'll you be doing until then?" Muron asked. "You're not
even old enough to wet your cock on a nice and wet pussy."
"No. And it's a damn good thing otherwise I would be rather
distracted with all the pussies that are being offered to me these
days." He said "No. I'll be planning for the expedition North of
the wall."
"Don't see what you nd so tempting that you would be willing
to freeze off your balls in that desolate land. But it's your
funeral." Muron joked and he rolled his eyes before he said
Goodbye and Portkeyed back to Dreadfort.

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

"How are the troops coming along?" he asked Walton as they

looked at the thousand men running laps around Dreadfort early
in the morning just before dawn.
It was rather cold outside but these men needed to prepare for
cold if they were to be of any use to him North of the wall.
"They aren't worth the food they eat." Walton grunted and he
almost let out a sigh at the man's bluntness and his bad review of
the men he was training.
Because regardless of what Walton said, a simple use of
legilimency told him that the men were coming along well and
that Walton was secretly rather proud of them.
"How long until they're ready for the expedition North of the
wall?" he asked.
"You're too impatient." Walton retorted without any heat and he
felt the need to chastise the man before he realized that Walton
was not wrong in saying that.
"Yes. I'm a bit impatient. Things are always so slow in this
world." He murmured to himself and rued the amount of time
that took for things to happen in this world.
Even travelling from Dreadfort to Winterfell took a whole week
of his time if he didn't use magical means of transportation. A
journey that would have hardly taken a day for a modern day
human with access to car or a bike.
"Don't worry. Give them two moons worth of time and they'll be
ready for the expedition."
"And if they're not?" he asked.
"Then they'll die." Walton said in his brutally honest way with a
shrug as if the lives of these men weren't worth a damn.
But he couldn't blame Walton for that kind of thinking when
more than 95% lords and ladies think the same way when the
look at the smallfolk.
Something that would only change once he started educating the
smallfolk. And that was not going to happen in a fortnight.
"Did Lord Stark replied to my message?" he asked to his aunt
who had remained strangely silent up until this point. Maybe
because she was pissed that he woke her up so early in the
"Yes. He asks for the reason behind your expedition." His aunt
replied frostily and he added 'waking her up in the morning' to
his list of things that he would not repeat again.
"Then send him a letter telling him the reason behind the
expedition." He said and could see Walton trying to listen on to
their talks. It was understandable as aside from him and his aunt,
no one else knew why he was preparing for the Expedition to the
North of the Wall. 'The real reason.'
His aunt's gaze fell back upon him as she scrutinized him for a
long moment before she asked "Are you sure. I don't think Lord
Stark would believe us if that's what we tell him. And even if he
did, it's likely that he'll think of us as fools more than anything
"Let him think what he will about us as long as he gives the
permission to travel North beyond the wall." He said without
any worry.
"And if he doesn't?" she asked
"Then I'll pay him a visit myself." I replied "But he knows better
than to deny me my request. Especially when I named his son
Bran Stark my heir in case I perish North of the wall."
He could see that his aunt was worried about him so he simply
put a hand on her hands and gave her a sweet smile "Don't
worry. You know what I'm capapble of. And we both know that
nothing will happen to me."
"Do we?" she asked as her worry turned into anger at his
reckless behaviour.
"Yes. Even if we are ambushed by the wildlings North of the
wall, I'll just use my portkey to come back here." I said with a
smile and she gave him a hesitant nod which was followed by a
shaky smile.
As we were talking, the recruits, quite a few of whom were the
veterans of the Greyjoy Rebellion and Robert's Rebellion
nished their lap across the Dreadfort and were then drilled even
further by Walton and his men.
"Any other news for me auntie?" he asked and she gave him a
nod before she climbed on top of her horse and told him to
follow her.
He gave a nod and climbed back on Black's back and followed
behind her as she led him toward the section of the river where
he had built the Water wheels and the Blast Furnace.
"You were right." She said after a long silence as they reached
toward the large furnace that was currently empty at the
"So they completed it?" he asked after a long silence and the
look in her face (which reminded him of someone who had
eaten a sour lemon) made him laugh at her.
"They did." She said bitterly "The rst day when Master Tobho
Mott ran the Furnace, he produced 40 steel ingots within six
hours. 40 steel ingots. Can you believe that?" she asked with a
slight fascination and he had a feeling that she had a love-hate
relationship with the blast furnace.
Love because of how bene cial it was for them. Hate because it
proved her wrong.
And despite all her good qualities, he knew that his aunt was a
woman who could hold her grudge for a long time over really
petty matters.
So instead of egging her on, he simply gave a nod and asked
"How many steel ingots have they been producing everyday
since then?"
"About 150 steel ingots over 3 shifts per day." She replied curtly.
"Hmm… and the quality of that steel?" he asked.
"I don't know much about such things but Tobho Mott informed
me that the steel produced here is ever more sturdy than Castle
forged Steel and armor and weapons made from it will be highly
sought after once they are released in the market."
"I see." He said and hummed a little before asking "I believe that
even all the blacksmiths in the castle combined are not able to
deplete our Steel ingot supply?"
She laughed at his words. It was not a derisive laugh. But a
laugh lled with amusement.
"No. They are not even able to nish 1/3rd of the Steel Ingot that
we produce everyday. And now, instead of pig iron our
warehouses are lled with High Quality steel."
"Not for long." He replied and she looked at him with a raised
eyebrow, asking him what he meant by those words and he
smiled back at her before taking out a parchment from his
bottomless pouch and gave it to her.
She unrolled the parchment and looked at the diagram drawn in
it before she looked back at him once again "I don't understand
what it is. I can see that it will be using the power from the river
judging by the Water Wheel drawn in it. But I don't know what
the rest is all about." She returned the parchment to him "You
might as well tell me what that is."
"It's a Water wheel powered hammer." He replied "The water
wheel will supply the power to raised the large hammer before
letting it fall on the steel ingot. This will save the smiths hours
of time in forging armor and sword along with other
equipments. It'll de nitely take some time for them to set up this
design and even more time to get used to it but in the end, it'll
increase the supply of Steel products created by us by a huge
As he nished, he could see that his aunt was enamoured by the
whole idea.
After all, high quality steel was better than Pig Iron. And High
quality weapons and armors were better than high quality steel
The more armors and weapons that they produce in Dreadfort,
the more easily they'll be able to arm their men. And once
they've armed all their men properly, they'll be able to sell the
remaining steel products to the other houses. Gaining more gold
which will lead to more prosperity.
She was right in her views, in a way. Except for the fact that
even if gold did brought prosperity to the people of a kingdom,
there were other ways to make a place more prosperous.
"Give it to Master Tobho Mott when he wakes up in the
morning." He said "He'll understand what to do with the
His aunt gave a nod and then carefully pocketed the design in
her pocket as he wondered how long it'll take for the
blacksmiths to forge these Waterwheels.
Maybe a month. Maybe less. Maybe more.
The point was that when it does, he'll start making steel ploughs
and other such things for the smallfolk in huge quantities so that
they'll be able to increase their harvest even more in the future.
That would de nitely be more useful to him than making
weapons and selling them to other houses.
"You're leaving already?" his aunt asked sadly and he realized
that he had indeed not spent a lot of time with her since the start
of the Greyjoy Rebellion.
"Yeah. Sorry about that auntie." He said with a bitter smile but
knew that he needed to leave in order to search for ingredients
that would allow him to create a better and more powerful wand
for himself.
He also planned on searching for priceless artifacts like Valyrian
Steel blades and Dragon eggs once he was out there on his
search but knew that he had to use his magic wisely as there
were few Weirwood trees below the Neck.
Regardless, having a simple breakfast with his aunt wouldn't
delay him too much.

Chapter 30: Chapter 30

"Beautiful girls. Little boys. And now old men. Is there no end
to your perversions?" Muron asked as Domeric deposited the
last glass maker in the ship.
In ltrating Myr's glass facilities and stealing their formula as
well as these men had been a hard task for him. But he had done
And after seeing the way they made their glass, he was sure that
he would be able to make better ones.
He was also sure that by doing so, he would be declaring
himself an enemy of the Magisters of Myr. But you cannot
befriend everyone. And if he wanted to bring reform in this
world, then he'll probably step on a lot of toes.
This fact was insinuated when the Citadel and Faith led their
complaints against him in the Small Council because his cheaper
and higher quality books led to them not being able to sell most
of their own books.
The High Septon even had the audacity to ask him for the design
of the Printing Press for the Faith so that they would be able to
spread the message of the god to more people.
"So now that you're here. What else do you want from Tyrosh
and Lys?" Muron asked curiously. The man was no doubt a
sadist and a psychopath but as long as Muron was loyal to him,
it was okay.
"There are many Slaver Fighting pits in Tyrosh. And some of
them have people in them that have been ghting in those pits
for years. People who are experienced in the art of killing.
People who I could use."
"So you want the slaves to ght for you instead?" Muron asked
in amusement and he gave a curt nod.
Of course, he had no doubt that he'll have to use a lot of
Imperius and Compulsion charms to buy or steal those
experienced ghting slaves. But it was a price he was willing to
pay for good Sworn Shields.
Once they reached Tyrosh, it took him and his crew a whole
week to nd all the top gladiators in Tyrosh.
"What do you think about his skills?" Muron asked and he
shook his head.
"I'm not a ghter. Nor have I seen many people ght in life and
death situation. So you'll have to judge how good he is." He said
as he looked at the middle aged man who was duel wielding two
swords in the arena against three people at once.
The man name Varko was one of the Gladiater champions in the
Fighting Pits and have been ghting for 5 years in the pits.
The fact he was still alive and kicking even after 5 years of
continuous ghting showed just how good of a ghter he was.
"I've seen Jamie Lannister and Barristan the Bold ght once."
Muron mused to himself "I would say that this guy is as good as
"Are you sure?" he asked skeptically and Muron nodded
con dently.
"Good. How much will the Tyroshi Magisters ask for him if I
wanted to buy him?" he asked and Muron instantly shook his
"They would not sell such a champion to anyone." Muron said.
"But what if they did? Humor me."
"Hmm… De nitely 300,000-1,000,000 gold dragons." Muron
His jaw almost dropped at that number. How the fuck does a
single slave sell for that much.
"I know what you're thinking." Muron said with a smirk "But
look at all the people in the arena. Most of them have come here
to see their champion ght against high odds and get his victory
"I see." He said as he looked at the tens of thousands of men and
women baying for blood as Varko played with the last man
remaining in the arena. "So kidnapping it is."
"Yup. As if the Tyroshi Magisters would have ever given us
anything cheaply."
"Very well. You were right. I was wrong. Now tell me about the
other Gladiator champions in these Slaver Pits that I might be
interested in." He asked as he sent a tracking charm on Varko
and left the Pits along with Muron.
"There is this woman." Muron said as they walked out of the
pits "Her name is Baka the Giant. And you'll not believe me but
she'll almost as big as the mountain."
He turned to look at Muron at those words and the Ship caption
gave him a shrug "Don't look at me. I was just as surprised as
you when I heard about her the rst time. She has been in these
pits for 7 years. Though some people even say that she's half
mad so I don't know how useful she'll be to you."
"I'll nd some use for her." He said as he went in an alley and
disapparated back to their ship with Muron.

Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Varko was sleeping in his straw mattress and thinking about the
life he had lost 5 years ago when he was caught by the Slavers
and sent into these pits.
He looked at the locket given to him by his beloved. She was
probably already happily married to someone else by this point
but he couldn't help but think of her even now.
The locket was the only thing that reminded him of the freedom
he once had. And without it, he would truly have lost all hope by
Thankfully, he had managed to hide the locket from slavers
when they stripped him naked and searched his whole body by
eating it and vomiting it out when it was safe to do so.
He was thinking about the ght he'll have to participate within a
few days when he heard a large explosion at the other end of the
ghting pits.
He quickly got up from the mattress and looked outside from his
prison cell but couldn't make out anything except for the red hue
above the building denoting that the explosion had probably led
to re. Just as he was thinking what could have happened there a
second and a third explosion shook the place and the guards
looking over them either ran to subdue the re or escape with
their own lives.
"Hey wait!" he shouted desperately as he caught one of the
eeing guards "What about us? We'll die if we remain here."
"None of my business scum." The guard shouted back and
slammed him with the back of his spear before escaping on his
He felt a slight concussion in his head and raised his head to see
the red coming closer to them as the heat within his prison cell
rose to a higher degree and he started looking around for a way
to get out of this place when he heard a voice.
The voice was so calm and so out of the place that he instantly
stopped what he was doing and looked at the source of the voice
and was a little disgruntled when he found himself looking at a
9-10 year old boy.
"Get out of here boy. Or you'll die along with us." He snarled
and was a little surprised at the little humanity that he was able
to show despite how many people he had killed till this day in
the Slaver pits.
"I asked you a question. Do you want to leave this place?" the
boy asked once again, ignoring the heat easily even though he
himself was starting to sweat profusely because of it.
Only then did the words of the boy register in his mind and he
quickly ran toward the bar of his prison and asked the boy in a
desperate voice.
The boy gave him a nod and said "If you promise to serve me
for a year, then I'll free you."
He thought about the boy's words for a moment and realized that
being a slave to a boy for one year was de nitely better than
being a slave for the Megistors for his entire life and quickly
gave him a nod.
The boy gave him a nod of his own before handing him a piece
of rock and his heart plummeted.
"What is this?" he asked, losing all the hope he had gained so
far. So the boy didn't plan on freeing him and was just playing
with him until now.
"It's a portkey." The boy replied in a perfetly calm voice as the
re started getting closer to them "Now hold it and say 'Back to
"Just say 'back to ship'." The boy said in a perfectly calm
manner and he wondered if the boy was crazy or what.
"Just do it." The boy said and he nally have had enough so he
threw the stone down on the oor and snarled at the boy "No.
I've had enough of your games boy. So either let me out of this
place of leave."
The boy looked at him silently for a long moment before he
nally shrugged his shoulders "Very well then. You leave me
with no choice then." Then the boy took out a stick from within
in sleeves and pointed the stick at him "Imperio."
All of a sudden his mind dulled and he felt a sense of calmness
wash over him.
Then the boy said something and the idea of picking up the
stone or portkey as the boy called it seemed rather good. So he
picked up the stone and repeated the phrase that the boy had told
him about and the next moment, he felt something pull at him at
the navel and then felt himself being squeezed through a thin
tube and then he was promptly deposited in a dark prison cell.
"What?" was as far as he went before his mind cleared and he
promptly emptied his lunch on the oor.

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

"You're right. She is half mad." Domeric commented as he

watched the 8 foot tall woman snarling at him from inside her
prison cell as she tried to bite through the steel bar.
It had come to him as a huge surprise when she had initially
been able to bent the steel bars out of shape and he had to
quickly stun the woman so that she won't escape her cell.
Then he trans gured the bars back to it's original shape and cast
the Unbreakable charm in it.
Now she was no longer able to bend the bars with her pure
strength. But that didn't stop her from trying.
"Aye. You sure you still want it?" Euron asked "Because I'm
sure that we'll be able to sell it to the other Slavers at a very
hefty sum."
"She's a her. Not an it. And yes, I'm very good at mind arts and
will be able to heal her with enough time." He said as he then
turned to the next cell where Varko was quietly sitting in his new
bed and staring at him.
"You promised to serve me for one year in exchange for freeing
you from the re." He said.
"I did. But I didn't knew that you were a Megae." The man said
with a snarl. Clearly he had some prejudice against mages and
wizards from this world. And if what he had heard about these
Megae and Warlocks was correct then he didn't blame the man.
"So you plan on breaking our agreement?" he asked and Varko
stared back at him for a long moment before he shook his head.
"No. A deal is a deal. I'll serve you for a year."
"Then use your blood and thumb sign this contract." He said and
gave a piece of paper to the man who scrutinized it for a long
moment with a frown.
"I can't read. What does it say?" he asked.
"It says that you'll serve me faithfully for a year. And if you
betray me during that time then you'll forfeit your life and the
magic in the contract will kill you."
The man looked a bit disconcerted for a time before he nally let
out a sigh in defeat and bit his thumb before using the blood to
thumb sign it.
"Good. Now I just need to repeat this process a few dozen times
more." He said with sarcasm as he looked at the other cells
which were lled with Gladiators from the Slavers pit.
None of them were as good as Varko or Baka the Giantess but
they were still far better than any average knight in Westeros.
And once he arms them with magically charmed weapons and
armors. They'll be a force to be reckon with. But rst he'll have
to win their loyalty which would mean spending a good amount
of time among these people.
Oh well, he was sure that he'll be able to nd some time for
them. And he had to heal Baka's mind sooner or later so why not
do it now.

Chapter 33: Chapter 33

It took us another moon's worth of time to reach Lys. Then two
more weeks to nd the best pleasure slaves that were also smart
enough to gather information for me.
During our time here, I also bought any slave who was literate.
Because sooner or later, I'll open a School for my troops and the
smallfolk and I want as many teachers in my hands as possible.
Not to mention that as my lands advance, I'll have need of more
educated people who would be able to follow my orders written
on parchments.
Aside from that, Aunt Barbrey called me in the mirror and told
me that Lord Stark had given me the permission to go on an
expedition North of the wall. Now I only need to get the
permission of Lord Commander of the Nights Watch and I know
exactly how to do it. So it shouldn't be a problem.
As for the Gladiator Slaves that I rescued from the Slaver Pits in
Tyrosh. They have all signed the contracts with their blood and
won't be able to betray me without losing their lives.
The constant use of Compulsion charm has also made them
more amiable to my suggestions as well as more loyal to me. I'm
certain that by the time we reach back home, all these men and
women would become loyal to me and won't try to leave even
when I give them their freedom.
There's also the headache that I'm suffering because of Baka.
After reading her mind, I quickly understood why she had gone
half mad.
The reason for that was that she was sold to a house of freaks at
a very young age by her parents because of her being far taller
than any girl had the right to be.
Then before she was even 10 years old, she was captured by
slavers and raped repeatedly by them before being sold to
pleasure houses that catered to the needs of men with 'different'
tastes. But once she grew up and people found out about her
immense strength, she was once again sold as a Gladiator to the
Fighting Pits.
The truth was the Baka was only 22 years old at the moment.
That someone so young could suffer so many cruelties in their
life saddens me to no end.
I've already erased a good portion of her memories which led to
deep trauma in her mind.
The unintended side effect of that was that Baka's had once
again turned into that of a 8 year old child.
Imagine that. An 8 foot tall women with the mind of an 8 year
old girl.
Thankfully, she had spent 7 whole years ghting in the pits so
she was able to regain back her ghter's instincts after a bit of
sparring with Varko. The only man in the ship who was able to
provide her with a challenge.
Still, at least she was not half mad anymore.
Now I just have to teach her not to hug me ercely or one day
she might break all the bones in my body.

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

"You've talked with the Umbers already I take it?" he asked as

he climbed on the back of his faithful Direwolf. Even though it
was only a magical construction, he had grown attached to it.
"Yes. Smalljon will meet you near their border and will lead you
toward the Wall." She said as she looked at him with worried
eyes "Do remember to stop at the Last Hearth and dine with
Greatjon for a little while at least."
He gave a nod but the worried look in her face didn't go away.
She was a bit of a worrywart but he couldn't blame her.
If he had a son who wanted to go North of the wall with a 1,000
men in order to search for Children of the Forest and Giants as
well as Direwolves and wargs then he would be worried too.
"Don't worry aunt. I'll be ne." He said and gently placed a hand
in her shoulder in order to reassure her when he heard loud
footsteps coming from behind him,
"Dom… Domm… How do I look in my new dress? Domm…"
he looked back and found Baka the Giantess posing for him in
the White woolen military dress that he had given to each and
every one of his men to combat the cold in the North of the
"Yes Baka. You look very pretty." He said with a smile and she
smiled back while showing all her crooked teeth and he let out a
grimace at the sight.
Years of ghting the Slavers Pit had cost her a fair bit of her
teeth. A problem that he intended to deal with very soon. After
all, she was his sworn shields as well as someone he cared about
so he'll make sure that she at least looks presentable.
"I do. Don't I." She said and moved forward to hug him and
missed as he ducked out and escaped at the last moment.
"Baka. What did I told you about hugging me?" he asked and
she looked horri ed for a moment before she pouted and her lips
quivered slightly, showing the she was about to cry and his heart
melted right then and there.
He had no idea how it happened but over the past few months,
he had come to care for this giantess a good deal and almost saw
her as a little sister even though there nothing little about her.
"Now now. It's alright." He said and went forward and hugged
her in the waist "You can hug me. But only very lightly. Okay?"
She put her hands gently around him as if he was a piece of
fragile glass and nodded her head "Okay."
Then she smiled once again.
"Let's go Dommy. I want to see the giants that you told me
about." She said and started pulling him away and it took a
while for him to calm her down.
She has been rather excited to meet the Giants that live in the
North of the Wall ever since he told her about them.
As he once again climbed on the back of his direwolf he looked
back at his aunt who was looking sceptically at Baka with a
worried expression. Wondering if the giant woman was more
likely to kill him rather than save him.
"Don't worry aunt. It'll be alright." He said and hoped that he
looked more con dent than he felt.
At that moment, Walton rode on his horse and stopped beside
him "Are you sure you want to take that giant woman with
you?" the man whispered in his ears and he gave a nod.
"Very well then. All the men and supplies are ready. We're
prepared to move. Just give the order."
He gave Walton a nod and looked back at the thousand men who
had trained extensively for the past 6 months for this expedition.
All of them were wearing a white fur and thick clothes in order
to deal with the weather in the true North. Each of them also had
a spear and a short sword each with enough training to deal with
any wildling in the hostile region they were going into.
Every ve men in the group was given a Northern horse that
they would use to carry around their food and supplies. He was
doubtful that they would nd food in the True North so they had
to go prepared. And if they ran out of food, then they'll just have
to butcher the horses and eat them.
"Very well then. Send the scouts ahead of us. And then give
them the order to start moving." He told Walton before he bid
one last goodbye to his aunt and left the gates of Dreadfort with
a thousand men marching behind him as Varko and Baka moved
beside him on their own horses as his sworn shields.

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

"Lord Commander Jeor Mormont." He said with a stoic voice.

"Lord Bolton." The leader of the Nights Watch replied back in
an equally stoic manner "I see that you've prepared well for you
expedition North of the Wall."
"That I have. And I also brought gifts for you."
"Gifts?" Jeor Mormont asked.
"Yes." He said and gave an order to the men as they started
bringing forth carts upon carts lled with food, weapons, furs
and gold.
"200 swords made of Froststeel. A new type of steel this is
sharper and more durable than Castle Forged Steel." He said as
he removed the cloth from the rst cart and showed the swords
to the old man whose eyes gleamed with surprise as he picked
up one of the sword and swung it around a few times.
"It's a good sword." Jeor Mormont admitted long moment "A
very good sword. Ser Alliser. Have the recruits take these
swords to the Armory." He commanded and a disgruntled
looking middle aged man started ordering some young recruits
to do as was ordered by the Lord Commander.
"Next is Furs and blankets for the men of the Night's Watch." He
said as more carts came forward that were lled with 500 fur
coats and 100 blankets.
"That is… too much. Thank you for the contribution my lord."
Jeor Mormont said as he looked at all the black furcoats and the
blankets in shock.
"We're not nished yet." He said as the men led 70 more carts
inside the gates of Castle Black "I heard that you have a
thousand men in all the Wall. These carts have enough grain to
last you for 2 whole years. After which my house will continue
to send you the food that you require each year."
"You'll do that for us. Why?" Jeor Mormont asked with shock as
he had no idea about the bumper harvest in the Bolton lands.
"Because I could." He replied simply. And it was the truth. With
the large amount of food that the Bolton lands were generating,
he now had enough food in his disposal that sparing enough
food for the Night's Watch was like chump change for him "And
last but not the least."
He gave a motion and Baka came forward with a giant chest on
her shoulder before she carefully put it down on the ground in
front of him.
He could already hear the men from the Night's Watch
murmuring about Baka's height and he tuned them out easily.
After all, with her height, Baka would pull the attention of
people anywhere she goes. There was no denying that fact so it
was better for them to get used to such unwanted attention.
"Ahem." He coughed and Lord Commander Jeor Mormont who
was also looking at Baka in shock (and making her
uncomfortable), looked back at him and then rubbed his eyes
before going back to his stoic expression.
"Last but not the least." He said and opened the chest to show
gleaming gold to the old man whose jaw opened once again at
the sight of so much gold "10,000 gold dragons for any and all
supplies that I was not able to bring to you."
By now he realized that the entire Castle had gone silent and
everyone was looking at him with shock, admiration and awe.
After all, he doubted that they had ever received such large
donations from anyone in living memory.
"That… is…" Jeor Mormont rubbed his eyes which had become
a little wet from happiness "Thank you my lord. Thank you very
much." The old man took his hands and bowed in front of him.
"The Nights Watch thanks you for your contribution."
And that was how he introduced himself to the men of the
Nights Watch.
From there on, persuading them to open the gates so that his
1,000 men could pass through and go on their expedition was a
simple task.
He might not have needed to donate so much gold to these men
to get them to open the gates but if he found what he wanted in
the North, then he would de nitely need their goodwill or they'll
not allow him to enter back in through the Wall.

Chapter 36: Chapter 36

Varamyr looked at the large group of men while hiding behind a

thick foliage along with his three direwolves and a shadowcat.
These men were not like anything he had seen before.
At rst when he had seen them, he had thought that they were
Thenns. After all, only Thenns would be able to muster such a
large group and then give them proper gear, food and weapons
to venture in these areas. But that theory was proven wrong
when he observed them for a while.
Their clothes were different than any other that he had seen
before. They were far too 'clean' to belong to any free folk clan.
And their weapons were not the bronze and wood that the
Thenns use but of steel instead.
Their way of talking and their manners were also different than
any other clan that he had seen before. And last but not the least,
these men were far too disciplined to belong to any free folk
All these evidence clearly told him that these men were not of
the true North but had come from the South instead.
But these men were not Crows. As Crows wore black clothes
and these men wore white from top to bottom. A color that helps
hide them in these lands rather easily.
So who were these men and what were they doing so close to his
He direwolf and it's two companions suddenly heard footsteps
coming from a distance and became alert at once as a group of
four men rode on horses and went past the foliage where his
direwolves were hiding without seeing them.
He knew what these men were doing.
He had already dealt with a pair of scouts yesterday by attacking
and killing them before they could shout for help.
That was probably why there were more scouts roaming around
the Camp today.
He was sure that he and his direwolves would not be able to kill
the four of them without them alerting the others. And once they
shout for help, the people in the camp will know that someone is
attacking them and will go on an alert.
A pity a that he didn't have enough men and women that would
be able to ght these men.
As of now he only had 1200 people in the villages under him of
which only 700 were capable of ghting.
But those 700 ghters didn't have any decent weapons, armors,
discipline or the training required to ght an army like this.
So if he decided to attack these Southron then he'll only be
leading his people to a slaughter.
So it would be wise to stay away from them for the time being.
Perhaps he'll be able to ask Weeper for help and make an
alliance with that fool. The thought of asking anyone for help
angered him but desperate times call for desperate measures
Maybe even talk with the Thenns for a change.
After all, these men were equipped with a lot of weapons.
Weapons that any man and woman would risk their life to get in
the True North.
It was likely that by allying with the Thenns, he'll only get a
small portion of these weapons or even none at all. But it would
be better than having such a large army in his backyard.
He turned around just in time to see his last direwolf falling to
the ground before his shadowcat snarled and started climbing a
tree faster than anyone man would ever be able to climb before a
red ball light hit her and she went stiff for a moment before her
body went slack and she fell down on the ground.
He looked at his four most trusted companions and felt his heart
freeze before he looked up and found a young boy pointing a
thin branch at his shadowcat.
The sight was so surreal that he was not able to understand what
he was seeing for a time.
A boy had brought down his three direwolves and shadowcat.
With the help of magic.
"Are you the children of the forest?" he asked, showing more
boldness than he actually felt.
"No. My name is Domeric Bolton." The boy replied "And you're
the one they call Varamyr Fiveskins. I don't see your snow bear
beside you."
"My snow bear is too huge and too loud for scouting." He said.
He had no idea why he was so freely giving away that bit of
information to a stranger but decided not to think too much
about it.
"I see." The boy said before he pointed his stick upward and a
loud 'bang' resonated from it making him close his ears as he
wondered what the boy was trying to do.
Then he realized that the boy had called for his scouts and
probably intended to capture him as well as his direwolves and
shadowcat. Seeing that his four animals were not going to wake
up any time soon, he decided to make a run for it.
However he was not able to run very far before a red light struck
him and everything went black.

Chapter 37: Chapter 37

"So this is a warg?" Walton asked as he looked at the

unconscious man with an impassive gaze "He doesn't look
anything special."
"That's because he's just as human as you or me." He explained
as Baka dragged the last direwolf and put it inside the cage
along with the others. "The only difference he has from other
humans is the fact that he is able to control animals with his
mind. Nothing else."
"The direwolves are so cute. Can I have one as well Dommy?"
Baka asked as she closed the wooden door of the cage and
looked at him hopefully.
"I don't think you'll be able to control a direwolf Baka." He said
with a smile "But if you want one for yourself, then I'll try to
nd another one for you. But you can't take those ones as they
belong to Varamyr over here."
"They belong to him?" Baka asked while pointing at the
unconscious man.
"So if I kill him, then can I take his wolves?" she asked
innocently and he held the urge to facepalm himself.
"You may not kill him Baka. He has use for me. And you cannot
take his wolves either. As I said, I'll get another one for you." He
said with some exasperation as Baka pouted at his words while
Walton and some of his men snickered at him before he leveled
them with a glare.
"If you're done laughing, then make some forti cations as we'll
be staying here for some time." He ordered "Also send out some
men to forage and food supplies that we might nd in these parts
along with the Wildlings that we captured. The longer our food
supply lasts the better it'll be for us."
Walton gave him a nod and went away to follow his orders.
Then he looked at Varamyr that he had heard about from his
other Wildling prisoners and wondered if his compulsion charms
would work on the man.
"It's been a whole moon since we came North of the Wall and
we've not seen any giant so far. Nor any Children of the Forest
that you claim still exist somewhere in his hellhole my lord."
Walton complained as he sat quietly inside the tent as a erce
storm raged outside "The men are starting to become restless.
Especially because we're so far from home and have no one else
to rely on in case we were attacked by any large wildling war
"We've still farther to go in order to get to our destination." He
said while wondering why he didn't took the time out to make a
tent with expendable space for himself. Unfortunately, he had
been too busy building a plumbing system with hot shower,
sinks and setting up a modern day toilet with ush as well as
other such luxuries for himself in Dreadfort that he forgot about
making a magical tent.
Oh well, this'll teach him to put his duties before luxuries. For
now, he'll just have to sit inside a normal tent like the rest of his
"Give or take a few days. Not a week. Don't worry. We're close
to our destination." He assured the man who looked skeptical
but accepted his words.
Walton was after all one of the few men and women within his
inner circle who knew about his magical abilities.
"How long do you think this storm would last?" Walton asked
and he shrugged in return.
"I'm a wizard. Not a seer."
"Greenseer." Varamyr supplied from the side as he snuggled
closer to his snow bear due to the cold.
"Greenseer. That's what we call people who are able to see
everywhere and everything." Briar said from the side as she sat
beside her shadowcat and watched them warily.
It has been a few days since they captured Briar and her
shadowcat. She was a warg but unlike Varamyr she was only
able to warg in a single Shadowcat and was still wary of him
and his group.
But she was also curious like a cat and he knew that she was no
danger to his group as she wanted to see what he and his magic
could do.
Plus, he had promised both her and Varamyr a better life and
that he'll be able to increase their mental capacity with his magic
which'll allow them to warg in more animals.
Any warg worth his salt would know how important it was for
wargs to have more animals within their control.
Varamyr himself had become the Chieftan of 5 villages because
of his ability to warg into 5 different animals. So no warg would
be able to refuse his offers.
He just hoped that he would be able to nd more wargs to take
south with him once they go back to their own castle.

Chapter 38: Chapter 38

"How's your old tongue Tormund?" Mance asked as they

climbed their party climbed the hill. Despite what he wanted to
believe, he was not young anymore and tired more easily these
Regardless, he had a duty to his people. A duty to unite them all
together and get them behind the wall before the end of this
summer. And he gave his everything for this duty. For his
"As bad as it was yesterday. Why don't you ask the Thenn boy
instead." Tormund asked in a disgruntled tone.
"I would. But where's the fun in that." Mance said and let out a
chortle as Tormund simply shook his head.
Any other day Tormund would have participated in the banter
but right now he was feeling too fearful to do such a thing.
After all, it was not everyday that you decide to enter a cavern
lled with Giants in order to talk with them about alliance.
If the giants didn't like them then they might just to squish them
all like red paste. He Tormund knew that despite people calling
him Giantsbane, he had never killed a single giant in his entire
life. And he seriously doubted that he would be able to do so if
the giants decided to kill them in their caverns.
"Is Tormund Giantsbane fearful of the giants?" Mance asked
with an amused expression and Tormund felt his irritation rise at
being baited like that.
Little did he know that Mance Rayder was only trying to annoy
him in order to deal with his own fear.
After all, the only tribe that had any connections with the giants
were the Thenns. Aside from them, every other human that cross
the giants either end up being ignored or end up dead.
As their group reached the clearing where some of the
mammoths were lazying around near the recamp, they realized
that there were no giants in the camp at all.
The situation was a bit strange for them and Mance Rayder
wondered if they were about to be ambushed but giants were not
known for their intelligence. And they were de nitely not known
for ambushing the free folk.
So they went toward the cave with large entrance and heard loud
voices coming from inside they they walked forward.
But as they continued to walked forward, the voices coming
from inside the cave continued to rise until the voices rose to
such high levels that Mance was sure that some kind of ght was
taking place inside the cave.
He had never really heard of giants ghting each other and
wondered what such a thing would mean for his own cause.
Well, he'll just have to wait and see.
"Are we going in there?" Tormund asked as he marched forward
and he could see the clear apprehension and fear in his friends
eyes. But Mance nodded nonethess and hoped that Tormund
didn't see the fear in his own eyes as he marched forward to the
But before he entered the cave, they all heard a loud thud, as if
something large had fallen to the ground and the cave went
As if all the giants inside the cave died at once.
And to Mance Rayder, this silence was far more unnerving than
the earlier loud arguments.
Giants have very good sense of smell so they probably smelled
them in their camp and stopped ghting themselves?
Frankly, he had no idea. But he wanted to know. So he forced
his legs to move and entered the cave and froze at the sight in
front of him.
Because in front of him was a large cavern that was lled with
about 80 or so giants who were sitting around in a circle. In the
middle of the circle was a giant that looked to be even larger
than the other giants but the giant was currently lying down on
the oor.
And on the shoulder of the giant was a young 8-10 year old boy
in exotic white clothes with a Weirwood branch in his hand as
he stared at the rest of the giants with an imperious gaze.
They were all bowing to this boy.
And as Mance watched all this happening in front of him, there
was only one question running through his mind.
What the fuck was going on here?

Chapter 39: Chapter 39

When Domeric Bolton went to the cave in order to talk with the
giants and their leader, he had never thought he he would
become their leader by the end of their talks.
It was only later did he found out that the giants were not as
smart as humans. And despite their thicks skulls, they did not
have even a fraction of the magical resistance that the Giants or
Trolls of his own world did.
So when he cast the compulsion charms and loyalty charms over
them after defeating their leader by apparating over his shoulder
and casting ve stunners on his head, the charms along with this
show of might by easily defeating their Chief worked a little too
well and they proclaimed him to be their new Chief.
The whole thing was rather strange when he thought about it.
Regardless, he had nally achieved what he wanted.
The fact that he met a group of Wildlings right after his
coronation as their chief was a strange sight as Wildlings usually
don't associate with giants. The fact that their group leader was
an former member of the Nights Watch was even stranger.
But as strange as the whole day had turned out to be, he still
offered bread and salt to the men once he went back to his camp
and allowed them to talk with him.
And the day turned even stranger.
"White Walkers." Mance Rayder corrected Baka who was
standing beside him while giddily looking at the giants who had
just entered the camp along with their mammoths.
"White Walkers and their army of wight. A large army made up
of dead people and animals. Just like in the legends." He told
Baka who was not even listening to him anymore.
"You believe me?" Mance Rayder asked suspiciously.
"Yes. You cannot lie to me. If you do, then I'll know." Or he'll
know as long as he used legilimency while talking. Which he
was at the moment.
Mance looked slightly uncomfortable for a moment before he
asked "Is that why you're taking the giants South of the Wall?"
"No. I'm taking them to the South because I want to create a
sanctuary for them where I'll be able to keep them safe. Or that's
my plan at least." He said "We humans are afraid of anything
that we don't know or don't understand. That is why we killed or
chased away the Children of the Forest and Giants. I want to
give them a sanctuary where they'll be able to repopulate once
again without any danger because I owe it to them." He did
however left out the part where he wanted the Children of the
Forest to tell him the secrets of carving the faces and connecting
the Wierwood trees to the magical laylines in the world.
Because the truth was that he would have tried to save the
Children of the Forest even if he didn't need them mainly
because they were a magical species and being a Wizard
himself, he felt the obligation to save any magical species in the
"But you know that the White Walkers are coming. So you'll
help us?" Mance asked with no small amount of hope in his
eyes. A hope that he unfortunately had to crush.
"No." He replied "The fact that you are telling the truth just
means that you 'believe' that there were white walkers out there.
Just because a desperate sailor sees land where there is none
doesn't make his belief true. So you won't get any help from me.
At least until I nd out about these White Walkers myself."
"And if they are real?" Mance asked and he instantly went silent.
If the White Walkers are real, then he'll have to introduce gun
power and cannons as well as rearms sooner in the world than
he had initially thought.
"If they're real." He nally said "Then I'll allow the wildlings or
free folk as you like to call them in my lands. But only those
who're willing to bend their knees and follow the rules dedicated
to them."
Mance face scrunched up and he already understood what
Mance wanted to say with Legilimency before the words even
left his mouth.
"We Freefolk don't kneel."
"Aye you don't. But if you want me to allow you to come and
live in my lands. Then that's what you'll do." He said, giving his
"So you'll just leave these people here to die. To let women and
children die at the hands of White Walkers because you're they
don't bend their knee and kiss your feet. Just because you're too
prideful to do what is right?" Mance asked loudly and every
single one of his guard instantly took out their sword, ready to
protect him with their lives before he raised his hand and
signalled them to stop.
"Prideful. Too prideful am I? Do you know how many people
live in my lands? Around 530,000. 530 thousand men, women
and children who rely on me to keep them safe. People who rely
on me to keep them fed. People who rely on me as their lord to
settle their disputes. People who rely on me to give them shelter
and food when the winter comes. People who rely on me to keep
them safe. So no, I won't let your people enter my lands as long
as I'm sure that they will follow my rules and not cause any
trouble in my lands. And if need be then I'll even send my men
to defend the walls so that your men won't enter our lands and
cause anarchy."
"So you'll rather have us as your enemies than allies."
"Yes. Better to have untrustworthy people as your enemies than
as allies. I would rather ght them head on than risk the chance
of having them stab me in the back."
"I see. So I guess you won't change your mind?"
"No. But if can change the mind of your people, then send them
to Hardhome by the end of the year. I'll send my ships to take
them to my lands. But I'll only take those who will truly submit
to my rules and not try to run wild in my lands. That is all I have
to say in this matter."
"Very well then. I'll see how many people I'll be able to persuade
to bend their knee." Mance said bitterly, as if not believing that
he'll even be able to do it.
"One more thing." He said as Mance turned to leave.
"Yes." Mance asked as turned to look at him.
"I'll accept the women and the children if they want to come to
the South."
"Even if they're not willing to bend the knee?" Mance asked.
"Yes. But as long as they don't hurt other people in my lands."
He said.
"Why?" Mance asked and he shrugged back in reply.
"Because of their nature. A child's nature can be changed if he or
she is raised in a new and different area. They adapt faster to
changes than adults. As for women, their nature is that of a
protector. As long as they have enough to feed their children.
Enough to survive, they'll not pose a problem." He said "Men on
the other hand, are more ambitious. And an ambitious and
foolish person can cause disastrous results."
"I… see. I'll talk with this to the others. See what they think
about your decision." Mance said and left the tent.
"Oh and one more thing." He said as Mance came back once
again and looked at him with an annoyed expression.
"What is it now?" Mance asked.
"Your warg. Orell. Send the man in. I have a proposal for him."
"We need the warg." Mance said through gritted teeth.
"I'm sure you'll nd someone else in these wilderness." He said
with a negligent wave of his hand "Plus, it's not like I'm
forcefully taking the man away from you. I'm just giving him a
proposal. If he doesn't like it, then he can stay with you. He's a
free man after all. Isn't he."
Mance grimaced at his words but then simply nodded his head
in defeat "Aye. I'll send him in." Before he left.
"That giant is so huuuge." Baka said in wonder while looking at
the giant in the distance as soon as Mance left and he let out a
chuckle at her words.
"Never change Baka." He chuckled to himself.

Chapter 40: Chapter 40

"So… you're saying that you'll go and search for these 'Children
of the Forest' on your own. While we are to return back to the
Wall on our own. Without you. My lord." Walton said with
barely hidden anger and he nodded in return.
"I believe that's exactly what I said."
"And what if something happens to you in the forest while
you're searching for those damned 'Children'. How will we be
able to protect you from hundreds of miles away."
"Nothing will happen to me." He said it in a matter-of-fact
manner. Like the sun rises from the East. Winter is cold. Rain is
wet. And nothing harmful will happen to him.
He would not leave alone if he didn't have that much con dence
in his abilities.
"Enough Walton." He said raising his hands "I thank you for
your worry but we are running out of food. If we don't reach
back to Wall soon enough then we'll have to resort to butchering
horses and foraging the wild once again and even then quite of
us might die. I don't want that to happen. I don't want my men to
die needlessly for me. So this is a trip that I'll make on my own."
Walton opened his mouth to say something but then struggled
within his mind for a long while before nally accepting his
"Very well my lord" he said as he bowed to the waist "Please
take care of yourself my lord or Lady Barbrey would skin me
alive for leaving you alone like this."
He chuckled at Walton's words.
"Very well then. Take them back to Wall safely. That's an order."
He said as he apparated out of the area.
"Point me Children of the forest" he said as the cold wind hit his
He quickly cast a warming charm on himself before he looked at
the direction in which his wand had pointed a few moments ago.
At times like these, he hoped that he had his Firebolt with him.
Travelling large distances would be so much easier with it.
But he unfortunately didn't knew how to craft a ying broom.
And trying to make one from ground zero would take up a
substantial amount of his time.
So for now, he'll just have to make do with apparating from
horizon to horizon to cover large distances.
He was already beginning to feel cramps all over his body from
having used apparition a dozen times already.
He was sure that he would only be able to apparate a few times
more before the risk of splinching become too much.
Still, he looked at the horizon and set his sight on the mountain
at the distance and with a crack and navel pulling sensation, he
was standing on top of the mountain the very next second.
He grimaced as the cramps became worse and took rest for a
few moments before he continued his journey once again.
Except that when he apparated the next time, he was in front of a
large Heart tree that looked so out of place that he simply stared
at it for a moment before he got control over himself.
The tree was beautiful. Probably more beautiful than any other
Heart tree that he had ever seen before. The reason why it
looked so beautiful might have someone to do with the scenery
and the hill it was standing upon. But it was mostly because of
how he could literally feel waves of magic rolling out of the
The tree was practically brimming with magic.
In fact, it would not be wrong to say that this tree produced more
than a dozen times the amount of magic that his own Heart Tree
back in Dreadfort did.
He took a deep breath as he took in the scenery before he
performed a few charms to make sure that he was safe and then
simply plopped down on the snow.
For a moment, he simply enjoyed being where he was.
Only after a few minutes, he could feel his magical reserves
increasing back once again and he wondered how powerful he
would be if his own Heart Wood tree was a magically potent as
this one.
Was this the reason why there was more ambient magic in the
atmosphere North of the Wall than back in Dreadfort. Were all
the Heart Trees here as powerful as this one.
He thought about it for a while but then realized that he would
not nd an answer until he searched for the ones who connected
the trees to the magical laylines in the rst place.
He wanted to nd the Children of the Forest.
The rest he could deal with later.
So he got up and took out his wand once again and chanted
"Point me Children of the Forest."
Unlike the other time when his wand pointed in the horizon, this
time the wand this time pointed downward. Under the roots of
the Weirwood tree.
He looked at the direction in confusion for a moment before he
noticed the slight cave like hole jutting under it's roots and he

Chapter 41: Chapter 41

Barbrey Dustin was not the kind of person who would sit before
a Heart Tree and pray to the Old gods. Not after all that she had
suffered in her life.
But her nephew, her dear departed sister's son had gone North to
the Wall despite all her protests. And now she had not heard
from him for whole two moons.
Before leaving, he had told her that the Wall was probably a
gigantic ice construct standing only because of the magic deeply
embedded in it and that they will probably not be able to reach
each other with the magical mirror because of it's interference.
As always, he was correct. The magical mirror didn't work. So
she had not heard about him for a long time and as a result, she
was worried.
And with nothing else to do, she had come here in the godswood
in order to pray to the old gods.
It was unlikely that they would hear her prayer. They never
heard hers when she prayed for them to allow her to marry
Brandon Stark. And they didn't listen to her when she prayed for
the return of her husband's safety or the safety of her sister.
But she was desperate and sitting in front of the Heart Tree
would at least allow her to get some peace of mind.
So she sat in front of the Heart Tree and was about to pray when
she heard a loud Crack and turned around to nd herself staring
at the surreal scene of Domeric standing in front of her with a
bright smile on her face.
Except that he was not alone and was holding hands with two
other children of his own height.
Those children were not the children of humans but the
'Children of the Forest'. The legends that she had heard so much
about as a child.
She stared dumbly at their group as the Children started
dgeting under her stare until Domeric nally coughed in his
hands and her eyes widened for a moment before she lunged at
him and enveloped him in a hug before crying out her
grievances at him.
It took him a good amount of time to console his aunt who was
rather worried that he might have gotten himself killed by the
Wildlings North of the Wall.
In his own experience, the Wildlings were not as scary as the
men made them out to be. But then again, he was living in the
middle ages where every news you get was based on rumors.
And rumors had the tendency to grow and exaggerate as they
pass from one man to another.
After that, he had told her that he had to go back so that he could
bring back his people safely and she threw another temper
tantrum which took even longer to calm down and by the end of
it, she was rather cross with him once again.
In the end, he told her to take care of Leaf and Ash and hide
their existence from the other humans as they could go about
carving faces in the dozens of Weirwood trees he had planted in
She accepted his request and with a nal nod he apparated to the
top of the Wall from where he used his portkey to reach his

Chapter 42: Chapter 42

The brothers from the Nights Watch were having their lunch in
the Great Hall of the Castle Black when the door of the Great
Hall was ung open and one of the new recruits ran in while
breathing heavily with a fearful look on his face.
"Lord Commander. Lord Commander."
"What is it boy?" the Lord Commander of the Nights Watch
asked gruf y as stood up from his chair and everyone went
silent at once.
"Lord Commander." The recruit said once again before he took a
long breath and continued "Lord Bolton and his men had
returned from their expedition."
Jeor Mortont raised an eyebrow at that as the rest of his brothers
cheered. After all, Lord Domeric Bolton had a very good
reputation in the Watch because of his recent gifts. But while the
brothers were cheering for Lord Bolton's safe return, Jeor
Mormont wondered if the young lord succeeded in his mission
North of the Wall or not. As he looked at the young recruit who
had given them the message, he could tell that they boy wanted
to say something more but couldn't because of the noise.
So he picked up his cup and banged it in the table three times
which quieted down the hall at once.
"What else?" he asked the boy and the new recruit gulped before
he said.
"Lord Commander. He… he brought giants with him."
After a erce discussion between the brothers of the Nights
Watch on whether they should allow Giants to come through the
tunnel, it was nally decided by everyone that the Giants were
technically not Wildlings as they had never really fought any
Giants or even seen one for that matter.
So in the end, Jeor Mormont allowed them to open the gate and
went ahead to meet with Lord Bolton.
He was frankly surprised by how few causalities the Bolton men
had suffered in the expedition as he knew that they have never
travelled North of the Wall before.
Perhaps, their training was just as hard as that Walton guy had
claimed it was instead of hot air.
In the end, Jeor Mormont met Lord Bolton in front of his army
of 1000 men, 83 giants and 27 mammoths.
"I see that you've succeeded in your venture my lord." Jeor
Mormont said as he looked at the Giants in the distance,
wondering how many men it'll take to kill one of them. 'More
than the Nights Watch could afford.' His mind told him.
"I have my Lord. On all three of my ventures." Domeric Bolton
said with a satis ed smirk and Jeor gave a nod in return.
Before Domeric had left the wall, he had told the Lord
Commander of the three reasons why he was going on the
expedition. For the Giants. For the Wargs and For the Children
of the forest.
And Jeor Mormort could clearly see the giants as well as the
Wildling men and women at the back of the group with their
animals who could be none other than wargs. But he couldn't see
the fabled Children of the Forest in front of him.
As if reading his mind, Domeric Bolton smirked at him and said
"You're searching for the Children. Don't worry. They're already
South of the Wall."
Jeor raised an eyebrow at those words and asked "Did they
climbed across the wall?" to which Domeric simply shook his
"No my lord. But the Wall is made up of Ice and magic. Magic
that was imbued into it by the Children of the Forest. So it's not
hard for them to come and go across the Wall. They just don't do
it because they didn't want to leave their caves before this."
"And they're now willing to leave those caves because of you?"
Jeor Mormont asked and Domeric shook his head.
"No. Not for me. But for their duty. For a promise."
Jeor Mormont knew that he wouldn't get any more answers so
he simply nodded his head and said "The hospitality of the
Nights Watch is yours Lord Bolton."

Chapter 43: Chapter 43

After three weeks of travel, we nally reached Dreadfort.

The rst thing I noticed upon coming back home was the
increased amount of ambient magic in the atmosphere.
I had no doubt it was the work of the Leaf and Ash whom I'd left
in charge of the Godswood.
Once we reached back to the Castle, a large feast was held by
his aunt for coming back home safely.
Once the short feast ended, I went to the Giants and talked with
them about a suitable habitat for them. And after a few hours, I
gave them a good amount of land in the Lonely hills along with
a steady supply of food until they are able to set themselves up
in their new home.
Suf ce to say that I'll have to create armors for them soon
After all, despite being 14 feet tall, they were still impervious to
arrows and spears. And I didn't want them dying so cheaply
when I eventually take them to war.
Wearing a Frost Steel armor that was imbued with
Featherweight charm would de nitely keep them safe from such
things as well as allow them to move around without any
dif culty.
I'll also have to commission some large swords, warhammers
and shields for them. Just thinking about what kind of damage
they could do in a battle eld gave him goosebumps.
Yup, de nitely have to create some magical armors and
Warhammers for them.
The other thing that came to my notice was the fact that the
blacksmiths had gotten used to the Blast Furnace as well as the
Water Wheel powered hammer. And because of the constant
supply of good quality steel, they were now able to mass
produce swords, armors and spears for the roman style legion
that I was about to train in the near future.
I now had enough armour and weapons to equip an army of
6000 men easily. That was a bit of a bummer because I didn't
even have that many soldiers in my army at the moment.
So it was decided that most of his blacksmiths would now start
creating equipments that would bene t the farmers and other
And any weapon and armor made by them would be sold to the
other houses of Westeros and Essos.
The greatest thing about this was the fact that the armors that
they created were not only sturdier than the ones created by
other blacksmiths, they also took far less time to be made thanks
to the water wheel hammers. Not to this would stop him from
selling those things at an expensive price. But he had no doubt
that he could easily create another industry focused solely on
smithing in his domain.
But for now, he needed to start creating the army that he would
need to protect his prospering domain.
Chapter 44: Chapter 44

Robb Stark was sitting in his father's solar and learning how to
rule the North from him when they heard a knock on the door.
"My lord." Maester Lewin's voice came from outside the door.
"Come in." His father called out and the old Maester entered the
room and gave him a small nod before he walked up to his
father and handed him a missive.
"Letter from the Wall?" his father asked and Maester Lewin
"Yes my lord. A rider named Yoren just arrived from the Wall
with this letter." Maester Lewin said.
"Rider?" his father asked "Why would they send a rider and not
just a raven?"
"I'm afraid we'll only nd out the reason once we read their
letter." Maester Lewin said and his father gave a nod before he
opened the letter and started reading it.
And the more his father read, the more incredulous his
expression became until he too became curious about the letter.
Why would a letter from the Nights Watch elicit such a response
from his father?
He remember hearing the rumor that his friend Domeric led a
thousand men across the wall on an expedition.
No one knew why Domeric would do such a thing and most
people had guessed that the boy lord would die North of the
Wall but Robb doubted that such a thing would happen.
He had seen Domeric when he arrived in Winterfell while riding
on top of his large black Direwolf and had spent a good amount
of time with him when he stayed in Winterfell before he went to
participate in the Greyjoy war. And he knew that the boy didn't
seem the type of person that would make foolish decisions and
die such a wasteful death.
No, there must be a good reason behind Domeric's expedition to
the North of the Wall. And if his guess was correct, then this
letter was probably contained some news about his friend.
Otherwise why else would the Nights Watch send a rider to
deliver it instead of a simple raven.
After his father nished reading it, he looked at the letter
incredulously for a moment before he controlled his expression
once again and looked at Maester Lewin.
"Perhaps I need to meet this Nights Watch brother after all." His
father said and Maester Lewin gave a nod before going out to
call Yoren.
"What does the letter says father?" he asked curiously once the
Maester had left the room and his father looked at him with
apprehension and he thought that his father won't tell him for a
moment when his father let out a sigh and said.
"Lord Domeric Bolton had come back from his expedition from
the North of the Wall." His father said and stayed silent after
that, as if wondering how to say the next few words.
He grew impatient and asked "And…"
"And it seems that Lord Domeric Bolton had brought back some
giants and wargs with him."
It took a few moments for him to properly register what his
father had said and then his jaw dropped.

Chapter 45: Chapter 45

"The land from this stream to that mountain in the distance is

yours." Domeric said in old tongue to Mag the Mighty as his
men brought wagons after wagons worth of food while looking
at the giants in disbelief and shock.
"Land. Ours." The giant said as he pointed at the stream and
then at the mountain.
"Yes. All this land is yours. You can do whatever you want
within these lands." He explained in old tongue in a slow
manner so that the giant would understand what he said.
"Though you won't have to worry about food as I'll continue to
send that to you every 3 months." He explained and the giant
gave another nod to him.
"Do not harm the men that I'll send to bring you food. Okay." He
said and the giant gave him another nod and a simple use of
Legilimency told him that Mag at least understood what he said
on a basic level.
He gave a nod and the giant climbed on his mammoth before
leaving for the place given to them to build a new shelter upon.
"I had not believed that they were true." His aunt's voice came
from behind him once the gaints and the mammoths had left "In
hindsight, I should have believed you when you told me about
He turned to look at her and found that she was still gazing at
the giants with an disbelieving gaze.
"It's alright." He said "These are the kind of things that a person
nds hard to believe until they see it for themselves. I have no
doubt that any Northern lord or lady who hear about giants
would nd it similarly hard to believe. And I'm even going to
point out what the Southerners would think when they hear
about this news."
His aunt stayed silent for and they both watched the giants
vanish behind the hill before she nally broke it "Giants,
Children of the Forest, magic. It seems like I'm living in the Age
of the Heroes once again." She said with a chuckle before she
turned to look at him "You are serious about protecting them.
Aren't you?" she asked and he nodded.
"Yes. I'll protect them. And in return, they'll protect me and my
lands when we are attacked by other people."
"You seem pretty sure that you'll be attacked by other people."
She said with a raised eyebrow and he gave a careless shrug.
"A prosperous land attracts attention. And not always the good
kind. That is a simple truth of this world. And sooner or later, I'll
attract the bad kind of trouble as well. It's just a matter of time
before we're attacked by other people."
She gave him a nod and he turned to look at another woman
who worked as a seamstress within Dreadfort.
"Did you take all of their measurements Elena?" he asked and
the woman gave him a shaky nod in return.
"Good. Walton. Take the measurement from her and give them
to Tobho Mott. I want him and the other black smiths to create
armor for all the giants with those measurements."
"It'll be done my lord." The man said with a feral grin and left
with the paper in hand and he took a deep breath before looking
at the lands in front of him once again.
"You do know that other people might try to attack these giants
right?" his aunt asked and he nodded before picking up the give
Weirwood saplings that he had brought with him in order to
plant them around these lands.
"I know. That is why I'll plant these Weirwood saplings and
create a magical parameter around these lands. Parameter that
would repel any human with the intent to harm these giants."
"You can do such a thing?" his aunt asked and he gave a nod.
"Easily. It'll take some time to grow so many Weirwood trees
and the Children would have to spend some time turning those
Weirwood trees into Heart trees by carving the faces but after
that, I won't have to worry about other humans harming the
"Is there anything that you cannot do?" his aunt asked with
barely hidden amusement and he gave a snort.
"Many things. But let's return to the Dreadfort for now. After all,
we have many things that we need to take care of." With that he
gave Walton a nod and then took his aunt's hands in his. And
then with a tug and a twist, the next moment they were back in
Dreadfort once again.

Chapter 46: Chapter 46

"Maester Wolkan" he said in greeting as the Maester came out of

the room after nishing his daily teaching classes.
"Lord Bolton." The Maester said and gave a cordial bow "What
can I do for you?"
"I'm here to ask you about the status of the clay that I gave you."
He said as he glanced at the dozens of teenage boys and girls
who had lost their parent in the Greyjoy Rebellion.
They were now learning how to read and write under his
Maesters and would work as of cials in his city in the future.
After all, the more literate people there are working under him,
the easier it'll be for him to run his lands.
"Very well then Lord Bolton. Please come with me." The
Maester said and they followed him to another building in a
distance where he could see some men working on mud and
"Please follow me my lord." The maester said and he followed
the chubby man inside the large room where hundreds of
different kinds of bricks were kept on the side.
"We followed your orders and created 25 different bricks from
all the clay that you gave us." The maester said and took out a
paper kept under on of the bricks.
"We've not yet nished all the work but 19 of the 25 bricks have
already been prepared for your inspection." The maester said
and gave him the paper which showed which clay belonged to
which location.
He turned to Varko who was standing silently in his magically
enhanced armor and said "Varko. Try breaking three brick from
group and give them a rating from 1 to 10."
The man gave a nod and then went about breaking all the bricks
one by one.
A few of them broke easily. Most of them took some effort in his
part to do so. And some were rather hard to break with the
By the end of his inspection he didn't need Varko's response as
he already knew which bricks was the strongest out of them all.
He looked down on the paper and found that the three bricks
belonged to the group that was brought from the bank near Last
river, a deep cavern in the Lonely Hills and near the broken
The closest location was the Last River but relations with
Karstarks were bad and he didn't want to go to them for
anything so that a no go.
After some deliberation, he nally decided that he would use the
clay from the banks of the 'Broken Branch' river which fell
under the domain of the Hornwoods.
"Use the clay that I brought from the Broken Branch river and
discard the rest." He told his Maester "The brick is quite sturdy
as it is but it's not sturdy enough. Try making it under different
temperatures. You have a moon's worth of time to show me the
results." He said and the Maester gave a quick nod before he
gave the paper back to the Maester and left the room.
Chapter 47: Chapter 47

"You're going to the Hornwoods once again?" his aunt asked,

looking slightly concerned.
"I need the clay and coal from them in order to make bricks." He
said with a shrug.
"Coal. They don't have any coal mines." His aunt said with a
frown as she tried to work her memory.
"That's because they don't. At least not yet." He said.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"I wanted to search for Coal within my lands as coal is one of
the best fuel available to us at the moment. But there were no
coal deposits within my lands." He said with a shrug "When I
nally found the Coal deposits, I realized that it was not within
my domain."
"Those deposits fell under the Hornwoods?" she asked,
understanding the context and he nodded.
"They have three different coal deposits within their lands. Do
you understand what that means?" he asked.
"What?" she asked with a little annoyance.
"It means three different coal mines. Three different sources of
fuel. And three more reasons why I plan to create a supply line
from the Hornwood lands to Dreadfort." He said "After all, we
are already buying timber from them for paper and ships. And I
need the coal from their lands. So why not buy clay from their
lands as well."
"Wood, Coal, Dirt. It seems like the Hornwoods have
everything." She said with a groan and he shook his head.
"Not at all." He replied "We have far more iron mines within our
lands than the rest of the North and Riverlands combined. Not to
mention the Silver and Copper mines. In fact, we have many
things that the Hornwoods don't and probably will never have.
And with the creation of the new factories within my lands, our
wealth and power will only continue to grow."
"If you don't bankrupt yourself rst." She said with a sigh and he
let out a chuckle.
"Don't worry. It may sometimes look like I'm wasting my wealth
on unnecessary things like the Expedition North of the Wall or
selling the Valyrian blade in exchange for skilled men or using
the Maesters under me to educate people. But believe me, all of
the things that I do will bring huge returns to our house in the
His aunt gave him a nod and he nodded back before he rode on
Fenerir, a real adult direwolf he had found in the Expedition
North of the Wall and left for Hornwood with 50 of his most
trusted men along with Baka and Varko.

Chapter 48: Chapter 48

"This is preposterous." Halys Hornwood shouted and banged the
table with his hand "I will not accept so few gold dragons for 3
coal mines and the dirt within my lands."
The young Bolton lord however remained unperturbed at his
anger and the boy even had the audacity to yawn in front of him.
As if this was a matter of no importance to him. And despite his
anger for the Bolton boy lord, there was often times within his
life when he wished that his own son was more like Lord
Domeric Bolton.
After all, everyone knew how much the Bolton lands had
prospered under their new lord. What kind of lord wouldn't want
to see their own lands become more prosperous.
That was why he was so happy when the Bolton boy lord had
told him that there were three large Coal deposits within his
And that was why he was so angry when the boy told him that
he'll take those coal deposits for a monthly price of 100 gold
dragons. He was sure that he would be able to earn double or
even triple that amount of money if he opened the new mines on
his own.
The only problem was that…
"But you don't 3 coal mines do you." The boy lord said while
looking at him with his intense pale eyes. "In fact, you don't
even have a single mine within your lands. And you have no
idea how where the coal deposits are. Isn't that right."
They both already knew the answer so he simply glared at the
boy, hoping to overwhelm him with his age and experience but
he had failed once before when the boy came to negotiate the
price of the timber within his lands and he very much doubted
that he would succeed in intimidating the boy lord this time.
So after a long confrontation of will, he nally looked away,
accepting his defeat and secretly hoping once more that he had a
son as capable as Domeric Bolton.
"You're right. We don't have any coal mines. And I have no idea
where the coal deposits are." He had not wanted to say that but
for some reason, Domeric Bolton's unyielding gaze seemed to
force him to speak his mind instead of playing political games
like he did with others.
"That is correct." The boy lord said "So wouldn't it be better to
simply accept the gold I'm giving you. 300 for the mines and
200 for clay. 500 each month and 6,000 within a year. Wouldn't
it be better to simply accept that gold than have nothing at all."
Any other time he would have been stubborn and denied the
boy's offer.
Any other time, he would have denied the offer and then used all
his manpower to nd the Coal deposits within his lands even
though it was unlikely that he would nd anything any time
But for some reason, he felt strangely calm and rational at this
moment and decided that having 6,000 gold dragons every year
was a far better option than having nothing.
After that, they ironed out the details and signed a contract
within an hour and the boy lord and his host of 50 men had left
his Castle before nightfall.
Leaving him with a contract that'll last for 20 years.
He looked at the box lled with 30,000 gold dragons which were
the payment for the rst 5 years and started thinking about the
best way to use it.

Chapter 49: Chapter 49

Tom stood outside the large castle and waited in the line as the
people from each village were given a bags lled with seed for
sowing in their elds.
Seeds that gave birth to a harvest that had eight to ten times
more grain in it than a harvest from normal seeds.
It had been a few years since the Lord Bolton of Dreadfort
started giving away these seeds to every village within his lands.
Seeds that were the reason behind the prosperity within their
He remembered a time within his life when he and his six
siblings would go hungry at night because of the lack of food
within their home but such a thing had not happened ever since
Lord Bolton started giving them these High Yielding Seeds,
whatever that meant.
In fact, they had produced so much grain with the help of these
seeds within the past few years that his father, the village elder,
told them to construct a granary so that they could store away
their excess food that they could either sell to their own lord or
keep for themselves.
Similar things were happening within their surrounding villages
as he had not seen a single hungry child within those villages
either. Something that was a miracle onto itself.
After a long wait, he nally reached the front where a sturdy
looking man was sitting on a desk with a pen and paper on the
The man wrote something on the paper for a while before he
looked up at him and asked.
"Blue Valley village." He said, reciting the name that the young
lord Bolton had given to their village.
"Number of families in the village?" the man asked and Tom
took out a piece of paper and gave it to the older and stern
looking man.
He had repeated this process for a few times already but he
always felt nervous when standing in front of men like these.
A pity that he didn't knew how to read and write or count his
numbers for that matter or he would be able to recite the number
from the top of his head like some other learned men.
Granny Abba was the only learned on in his village so she wrote
down these things before he came here in order to take the
"84." The man murmured as he looked at the paper "Last time
there were only 81 families in your village. How did that
change?" the man asked sternly and Tom felt like a little rabbit
under the gaze of a erce lion before he remembered the answer
and said.
"Some folk from the nearby lands came to live within our lands
because their own lands didn't produce so much food."
The man continued looking at him for a long moment, as if
searching for any lies within his words before he nally gave a
nod and he let go of a breath that he didn't knew that he was
"Very well then." The man said before he started to calculate
some numbers within a piece of slate with a white stone.
After a while, the man nished his numbers and shouted at the
guards standing behind him.
"Luton. Bring out 8 ploughs, 8 seed drills, 16 oxen and 28
shovels." He shouted and the men behind him started to move in
unison and within the breath of a few minutes, all those things
were brought up to him while he wondered what all this was
Sure they had followed the orders given by their lord and
created a large barn for cattle but he didn't knew that they would
be receiving so many oxen.
And his eyes almost came out of their socket as he looked at the
ploughs, shovels and the so called seed drills that were being
brought up to him. So far, the only thing that they use to tilt their
lands was a wooden shovel. But those shovels and ploughs were
clearly made of steel. Steel that only the high lords and the men
under them used for their weapons.
In fact, the only time he had seen Castel Forged steel within his
own village was when his father showed him the spear with a
steel tip that he was gifted at the end of the last war by the late
Lord Bolton for his bravery within the battle eld.
To think that they would be receiving so many things made of
steel was almost unthinkable to him.
Then the stern man turned to him and said "Every 10 family in
you village will receive 1 plough. 1 seed drill and 2 ox. And
every 3 family will receive a steel shovel. Is that understood?"
"Then repeat what I said." The man ordered sternly and he
repeated what he heard. He was good at that.
The man nodded in satisfaction and said "Every family within
your village will give 2 more bushel of grain for the next three
years in order to pay for these things. Is that understood?"
"Y… yes." He stammered out. There was a time when giving 2
more bushel of grain to the lord for taxes would have left them
with nothing to feed their family but now a days they were could
give 2 bushel of grain and still have enough food to eat 3 times a
day easily.
"Good. These men." The man said and pointed at the dozen or so
guards standing behind him "Would help you in carrying these
things back to your village and make sure that no harm comes to
you on the way. Is that understood?"
Then the man gestured and a boy who was a few years younger
than him came up to them while holding a stack of a paper, ink
and quill and the man said.
"Tom. This boy's name is Rodrick. He'll come to your village
and take the names and numbers of all the families in your
village. He is personally being sent to your village by the lord
and you're to follow all his orders and do as he tells you to do
like the orders came from the Lord Bolton himself. Is that
"Yes." He said and the man gave a satisfactory nod before
gesturing him to leave and he bowed in thanks before leaving
the place with the dozen of guards and the teenage boy who
turned out to be someone who knew his numbers and letters.
"Can I ask why you're being sent to our village?" he asked the
boy cautiously once they were on their way and the boy gave a
con dent nod and said.
"Yes. I'm going to write the names of every person within your
village give that report to Lord Bolton so that he could know
how may people are living in his lands. I'm also going to teach
you a new method of farming called 4 eld crop rotation that
Lord Bolton himself invented."
"4 eld crop rotation?" he asked, tasting the word in his mouth
and the boy gave a nod.
"And last but not the least, I'm going to read this letter in front of
all the villagers."
"Letter." He asked as he saw a page lled with words in the
boy's hands and kicked himself once again for not learning the
letters from Grandma Alba when he had the chance.
"What does it say?" he asked and the boy gave him a feral grin
as he said.
"It says that Lord Bolton is offering work to everyone from the
age of 15-40."
"What kind of work?" he asked.
"Oh. Many kinds of work. Making bricks. Making roads.
Mining. And lord Bolton is even creating a standing army of his
own in order to ght off the growing number of bandits within
his lands."
"Army?" he asked with childish fascination as he remembered
the stories his father told him about war and glory.
"Yes. And the pay is quite good as well." The boy said and his
eyes bulged opened once again.
"Pay. I don't think my father was paid the last time he went to
war." He said with some confusion and the boy nodded.
"Yes. Levies don't usually get paid aside from any loot that
they're able to pick up from the enemy lands and loot from
enemy corpses. But the army that Lord Bolton is creating won't
be a levy but a standing army that would be taught how to ght
and taught and trained with the sole purpose of ghting in a
"Is that so?" he asked, wondering if he should ask his father to
join this 'standing army' that Lord Bolton was making. But then
he thought of something and asked "And how much will I get
paid in this army?"
Here, the boy smiled mischievously at him and said "5 gold
dragons each year."
He would join this army even if his father tried to stop him from
doing so.
After all, his father himself only earns 1-2 gold dragon per year
and that too is spent in buying things for their house with almost
nothing left to their name by the end of the year. If he could join
this army, then he would be able to rise above his station in an
"You plan on joining it?" the boy asked and he nodded.
"And you. Are you not going to join it?"
The boy thought about it for a moment before he shook his head
"I want to but I'm going to join the profession of a teacher once I
grow up."
"A… a person who teaches others how to read and write.
Something like a maester." The boy explained.
"Why would you want to become a teacher when the army has
such good pay?" he asked while scratching his head and the boy
grinned at him for a moment and then said.
"Because I'm being paid 10 gold dragons for my services
already. And once I learn everything that I need to learn and
become a teacher, I would receive 20 gold dragons each year for
my services. More, once I get more experience."

Chapter 50: Chapter 50

To anyone else, his stoic face might look like it has always been.
After all, he had never been good at showing any emotions and
hid behind his icy expression whenever something bad
happened. But Catelyn has lived with him for a decade so she
She knew that he was worried about something.
But she also knew that he would never share his burdens with
others so she decided to confront him about it after dinner at bed
once their children had been sent off.
And once she confronted him about it and learned what had
worried him so much, she was shocked.
"Four times the amount of food? And 15 times the amount of
iron?" she asked, not really believing what she had heard.
After all, how was it possible that the peasants a particular land
are able to increase the quantity of their food production by such
a large amount within the duration of a few years,
Had the Bolton lands suddenly turned as fertile as the lands of
the Reach and the Riverlands?
Such a thought was rather foolish but how else were the
peasants within that area able to produce so much grain.
As for the 15 times iron being produced by the Boltons, she had
no idea what to even think about it.
After some prodding, she found out that before Domeric Bolton
became the lord of Bolton lands, they only had 2 mines, they
now have 16. And the increased amount of miners from both the
Iron Islands and the Westerlands made it so that each Iron mine
is producing much more Iron ore than it earlier did.
Not only that, the Boltons now also had a Silver and a few
Copper mines.
She almost felt her mind shut down from all the information.
Where did all these mines sprung up from within the Bolton
Was it true that Domeric Bolton blessed by the old gods?
Once upon a time, she would have laughed at the absurdity of
such a thought but now she was not so sure anymore.
And from the way her husband was looking at the paper, she
knew that he had similar thoughts about Domeric Bolton even
though he would never admit it to anyone else.
Still, did they not know of the signi cance of a person owning a
Silver mine.
It was after all, the second most precious metal in Westeros
followed only by the Gold.
Did her husband not understand how much wealth a person
could accumulate if they just own a Silver mine.
From the worried look on his face, she felt that he had a good
idea about what having a silver mine might mean but so far Lord
Bolton had not done anything wrong so her husband didn't knew
how to deal with this situation.
Still, The Boltons had been the enemy of the Starks for a long
amount of time and watching your enemy grow stronger day by
day was very frustrating.
After all, she might be born a Tully but she was a Stark now and
had children with the same name whose lives will be in danger if
the young Lord Bolton continued to amass his wealth and power
like that.
"Ned. What do plan to do about the Boltons?" she asked and
couldn't help but shake her head at the irony of it as there was
only a single Bolton alive in the North at the moment.
A single Bolton who has taken his house to the height of
prosperity never reached before by any Northern house.
"Nothing." Her husband said with a self deprecating smile.
"Nothing?" she asked incredulously.
"Yes. He may be gaining power but growing crops and opening
new mines as well as creating paper and books is no crime Cat."
He said with a tired sigh.
"Yes. But we still need to do something that would curb his
growing power. Or the Boltons would become too powerful and
we won't be able to do anything in the future." She said
imploringly but her husband simply shook his head with a sigh.
"I truly cannot do any harm to him without any reason. He has
done nothing wrong except for making his lands more
prosperous. Something that every lord desire to do. It would not
be honorable."
She almost grimaced at that. Almost.
Because even if she was proud of her husband being an
honorable man, she knew that sometimes honor can create more
problems in the long term than solve it.
After all, if Lord Tywin Lannister forgave the Raynes and
Terbacks because of honor then the Westerlands would always
remain in the brink of Civil war because of their presence.
Sometimes, honor needed to be sacri ced in order to do what is
right. Unfortunately, this was a lesson that her husband never
managed to learn.
But after thinking for a while, she was able to see a solution that
would not go against her husband's sense of honor but that
would stop the young Lord Bolton from plotting against them.
"Lord husband." She said and sensing the change in mood, he
put down the paper and turned to look at her with a serious
"What is it my lady?" he asked gently.
"Lord Domeric Bolton is a bachelor." She said.
"Lord Domeric Bolton has not even reached his teenage years.
Of course he's a bachelor." He said with a smile though she
could feel that he understood where she wanted to go with this
but didn't want to say the words himself.
"Our little Sansa is only a few years younger than him." She said
imploringly and he grimaced as soon as he heard those words.
"I'm not going to betrothed one of my daughter at such a young
age." He said with a sad expression and a faraway look on his
face. "I don't want to put such a heavy responsibility on her at
such a young age."
"I don't want to do such a thing either." She said, thinking about
her young and naive girl "But we need to bring Lord Bolton in
the fold somehow. And what better way to do so other than form
a marriage alliance with him."
He still didn't look all that convinced so she sat up and looked at
him seriously.
"I know you don't want to do this Ned. But this is something that
needs to be done. And quickly before Lord Domeric Bolton is
betrothed to someone else."
"I know." Her lord husband said miserably "I just… hoped that I
wouldn't have to betrothed my children for the bene t of the
"Yes. But doing so might stop a civil war in the Northern land in
the future." She said, hoping he would realize how serious this
situation was.
Because if the reports that they occasionally receive about Lord
Bolton were true then House Bolton must have already gained
more power than House Stark. Something which was a clear
recipe for a disaster.
And her husband understood this as well because after thinking
about it for a while, he took a deep breath and nodded at her.
"I'll see what I can do." He said and she knew that she had
convinced him for betrothal.

Chapter 51: Chapter 51

The Bricks are here. And the Cement and Steel are here as well.
My people have already started to create some houses based on
the designs I gave them.
The houses would be made up of simple apartments with
internal plumbing and cost a pretty penny to make. Only the
richest in my land would be able to live in these brick houses.
But I'm con dent that with time, the price of brick and cement
would come down and more and more people will be able to
afford these houses.
But for now, I have given them orders to construct a large
building with many rooms that would serve as the rst School in
this world. Aunt Barbrey thinks that opening a school is a waste
of my wealth and resources. But I'm con dent that increasing
the literacy of my people will only bene t me in the future.
And if all that fails, then I could simply turn the School into a
pseudo military academy where the future leaders of my army
will be molded.
As for the news on other places, I heard that the giants have
found a nice cave in the lands I gave them and have settled
down in that area without any problem.
The training of the wargs I brought South with me is also
coming along quite well.
A distinct use of legilimency to increase the health of their
mental state did a lot to increase their mental prowess.
Already, the woman named Briar is able to control half a dozen
birds. And as for Varamyr Six Skins. He is able to control
hundreds of rats at once without losing his mind and is able to
scout any castle or fortress for weak points rather easily.
I already know that all the wargs that I've trained so far will be
highly useful to me if a war ever broke out in my lands.
The news about the port being created at the mouth of the
'Weeping Water' River however is not all that good.
The port is still rather small and is not able to hold the growing
number of ships in my eet. That problem became even more
apparent when I told the shipwrights to start the construction of
large ships that are able to hunt the whales in The Shivering Sea.
After all, Whale are a good source of meat and oil. And there are
plenty of whales in the sea. So why not hunt some of them to
feed my people and bring new resources to sell in the market.
As for the port, I'm thinking about having my people dig a large
hole in the ground and ll it with water after that, effectively
creating an arti cial port.
I know that such a project would require a large amount of men
and time but I'm willing to sacri ce it if it would allow me to get
a large enough port.
So far, the is not even able to handle the 30 or so ships in my
eet. If nothing else, I want the port to be large enough to take
care of the needs of hundreds of ships. Such an undertaking
would de nitely take a lot of time and wealth. But I'm willing to
do it if it means that I'll be able to challenge the Redwynes, the
Royal Fleet and the Ironborns in the future with a naval eet of
my own.

Chapter 52: Chapter 52

Tom reached the nal line and ran a little distance more before
he fell to the ground in exhaustion.
His muscles burned with an intensity that he had never felt
before and he felt like retching out all the food he ate in the
morning. And he was thirsty. Oh so thirsty.
Someone suddenly passed him a cup of water and he looked up
with some dif culty and realized that it was a boy who was
giving water to all the participants.
He murmured a quick thanks and gulped down the water as
quickly as possible and gave it back to the boy who moved on in
order to quench the thirst of the other participants.
He looked around him to nd how many people have arrived
and found that only a hundred or so many people have
completed the race so far.
Thank the gods. It at least meant that he would pass this round.
They had started the day with some 4000 men who arrived
outside Dreadfort in order to join the Army.
Of those quite a few were disquali ed because of their lack of
height and unhealthy bodies.
Of the ones that were left. They had to go through a lot more
exercises. Like pushing himself off the ground 30 times with his
hands and pulling himself up on a bar a dozen times.
And in the end, the selected participants were all told to run in a
long path that was created especially for them. They were told
that only the top 500 people who arrived in the nishing line
would be selected in the army.
And he had clearly arrived among the the top 500. He was sure
of it even if he didn't knew his numbers.
He had no idea why they were told to run like this but he was
sure that the men under Lord Bolton knew what they were
As he nally stood up despite all the protest of his leg, he saw
that more and more men were arriving in the nish line with
each passing minute and was glad that at least he would be
selected in the army.
Now he just hoped that he wouldn't have to run so much
everyday once he joined the army.
Though he did wonder how their instructors will train them in
order to prepare them for the wars that they might have to ght
in the future.

Chapter 53: Chapter 53

"Ser Jorah Mormont recently sold some prisoners as slaves.

Lord Stark found out about this and when he went to dispense
justice, he ran off with his wife are bankrupting the Mormont
family." His his new spy mistress informed him and he took a
moment to absorb the information he had just heard.
"Ser Jorah Mormont. The person who earned his knighthood
from the king after the battle at Pyke and then won the Jousting
Competition in Lannisport as well as the hand of that Hightower
girl there?" he asked and his spy mistress nodded.
"What would promote him to sell men to slavers. And how did
he bankrupt his family?" he asked curiously.
"His wife had expensive tastes." The spy mistress deadpanned
and he looked incredulously at the woman for a long moment
before he burst out in laughter.
"Wow! I've heard about husbands being devoted to their wives.
But to think that he bankrupted his whole house in order to
impress his wife." He said and shook his head, not liking this
Mormont fella at all.
"Do you want me to put a bounty on his head?" his spy mistress
asked and he shook his head.
"No. The life of a disgraced knight who has lost his home will
he harder for him than a quick death. Plus, how long will his
wife remain with him now that he doesn't have any money to
spend on her." He said with a snort. "Not to mention that it
would improper for me to put a bounty on him as he didn't
belong to the Bolton house."
After that, they sat in silence in his solar as he wondered what he
should do next.
"Lord Jeor Mormont left Bear Island in order to Serve the
Nights Watch a few years ago. So who is running the Bear
Island right now?" he asked, remembering the stoic old man
who had greeted him at Castle Black.
"Jeor Mormont's sister Maege Mormont." His spy mistress
"A woman?" he asked with some amusement.
After all, men in Westeros had the tendency to think that women
are only good for running household duties and nothing else.
But if there are no other men left in House Mormont to run the
house then such a thing would be understandable.
"House Mormont's women are said to be erce warriors." His
spy mistress said and he gave a nod in return.
If his people are constantly harrassed by the Wildlings from the
North and Iron Islanders from the South then the women within
his lands would learn how to wield an axe as well.
You need to adept in order to survive.
"Send them 20 ploughs, 20 seed drills, 40 oxen and 4 bags of
HYV seeds." He said.
"My lord?" she asked with some surprise.
"Did I stutter?" he asked with some amusement as she shook her
head calmly.
"No. But you've never given the High Yielding Variety Seeds to
anyone else." she pointed out and he gave a shrug.
"I'm feeling charitable today." He said. Left unsaid was the fact
that the Boltons had a rather bad reputation thanks to the actions
of his ancestors and he wanted to change that reputation within
his life time.
"I'll see it done. But I'm afraid that they won't accept charity.
The people of Bear Island might be bankrupted and be desperate
for help. But they have a erce pride of their own." She
informed him and he nodded.
"If they don't accept it as charity, then simply tell them to pay
me back when they have enough wealth of their own." He said
"And don't charge them too much as it would defeat the purpose
of helping them."
The spy mistress gave a bow and he expected her to leave but
when she didn't, he looked at her with a questioning glance.
"The Whaler ships that we sent out in order to hunt the whales in
the Shivering Sea got interference from the Ibbenese people."
"That is understandable." He said "The Ibbenese people have a
monopoly on the Whaling business and wouldn't like it if
someone else interfered with it."
"I'm guessing you already know how to deal with this problem?"
she asked and he gave a nod.
"Send Muron to hunt down anyone who tries to interfere with
my ships." He said. "Tell him to take the new war galleys that
the Shipwrights from the Lannisport and Iron Islands made."
"You mean the war galleys that they made with your designs?"
she asked with some amusement and he gave a nod.
"Yes. Muron is and excellent caption and should be able to deal
with them on his own. But if he fails then I'll go to Ibben and
deal with this situation myself."
His spy mistress nodded and bowed her head to him before
leaving the solar.
As she left the room, he sat down on his rotating chair and
looked outside the Castle where the men were digging the
foundation of the building which would serve as a school for his
His men had already bought 'learned' slaves from across the
Essos to his lands. By now, he had more than 200 people within
his lands who were literate and he was already putting them to
good use by giving them administrative work or having them
teach the new generation of his citizens.
The blackboards and chalk that he invented as well as the new
books printed by the Printing Press helped matters as well.
Now he just needed to deal with the bandits and poachers that
have propped up in his lands.
Chapter 54: Chapter 54

"I don't like this." His aunt murmured anxiously as she walked
to and fro in the room while he stoically looked outside the
window where a large procession of 1,300 wildlings were being
taken to one of the empty pastures that he had selected for them
at an earlier date.
"I know. But it is done. Worrying about it won't change
anything." He said with a shrug though he was slightly worried
about how anxious she seemed about this whole affair.
After all, he did love her like a mother he never had and didn't
want to cause her too much trouble.
"They're wildlings." She cursed while looking at them though all
he could see were some desperate people who were running
from the Others.
After reading the mind of some of the people, he was sure that
there were undeads rising beyond the wall. Undeads who had
bright blue eyes and didn't die even if your tore them in half.
But none of them had ever seen a White Walker so he was not
still not sure of their existence. Though in his heart, he knew that
they existed.
The problem was that he couldn't just go around telling such
things to the other lords as it would cause too much panic among
He looked outside and where his aunt saw these cursed
'Wildlings', he just saw children, women, old people and few
When he had gone to Hardhome with his small eet in order to
ful ll the promise he had given to Mance Rayder, he had found
more than 2,100 people waiting for him in the shores as well as
Mance Rayder and Tormund Giantsbane.
Those 2,100 free folk were being led by 6 different leaders.
Unfortunately, 2 of them were lying to him and had no intention
of settling down quietly within his lands. They instead planned
to pillage his lands and go further south to nd 'safety'.
He had denied them the passage to his lands, telling Mance
Rayder about their true intentions.
A ght almost broke out right then and there as the 2 leaders
refused to accept his decision but Mance Rayder was nally able
to calm everything down and I was able to bring the remaining
1,300 free folk to my land but not before all the leaders
promised to follow the law and not harm other men and women
in my lands.
Thankfully, Muron was capable of braving the sea without
sailing near the sea shores so the men from the East Watch didn't
found out about secret his trip to Hardhome.
Now he'll just have to make sure that other people didn't nd out
about him harboring Free Folk within his lands. But even if they
did, it was not like there was any law against doing such a thing.
And if it came to war, then he already had a standing army of
1,300 men with 1,000 more being trained in a hidden place. Not
to mention the levies that he'll be able to raise, the giants and the
wargs that would ght for him should someone tried to
challenge him.
Though admittedly, he would rather have peace than see his men
ght a meaningless battle.
Chapter 55: Chapter 55

I apparated to my Braavos a few days ago and took a good look

at the large bookstore that was selling books that were produced
by my Printing Press.
It was the largest bookstore there was in Braavos and similar
bookstore have opened up in some of the other Free Cities as
well as Kings Landing and Gulltown.
After checking up on the Bookstore, I went to the Iron Bank
where I returned the 100,000 gold dragons as well as the
interest. Not that I ever used the wealth that I borrowed from
them in the rst place. But appearances needed to be kept.
After that, the Iron Bank showed it's interest in buying the
Printing Press from me and I would have been willing to sell
them the new Printing Press my people were producing but they
wanted an exclusive trade deal for it so I refused.
After all, once I started selling my Printing Press, I would sell it
to as many people as possible so that literacy could spread in the
world. And selling them solely to the Braavosi people would
defeat that purpose.
After that deal fell through, they were still interested in buying
the armor and weapons made up of Frost Steel and placed a
large order which I had no reason to decline.
Not like I was hurting for money but working on as many
projects as I was doing currently took a lot of wealth and I
would rather not steal any more gold from the others as it was a
bad strategy in the long term.
Once I left the Iron Bank, I went to check up on the main reason
why I came to Braavos.
And the main reason was the Ship Building factory in Braavos
that was capable of building 1 War Galley in a single day during
war time.
Currently, I had a lot of Shipwrights in my lands as well as a lot
of engineers and builders so I decided that instead of having
them build ships of their own designs one by one, I would rather
create a whole new factory where they would all be able to work
in unison and produce better results.
So I spent the next few days noting down all the details of the
Ship Building Factory. Something that I wouldn't have been able
to do had I not been a wizard. But in the end, I was able to take
careful notes of every single procedure and was sure that my
men would be able to create such a factory within half a year.
And even if my men shipwrights were not as experienced as
these men from Braavos, they would still be able to produce
better ships with the new ship designs that I had in my hand.
With that done, I returned to Dreadfort and started the
construction of the Ship Building Factory at the mouth of the
Weeping Water River where the Port was being built.
Because of all the construction work going in my lands, more
and more people are arriving from different parts of Westeros
but I had a feeling that with the way I was starting new projects
everyday, I would never have enough manpower under me.
After all, the idea of the building the Grandest Library in the
whole world was still just an idea would take some time for me
to create.
I would probably start it's construction by the end of the year
once the builders have completed the other projects and are able
to start building the library that would even put the Citadel to

Chapter 56: Chapter 56

"Lord Stark has send us both an invitation." Aunt Barbrey said

as he chewed on the Vinson for a moment before he drank some
water to wash it down.
"Invitation for what?" he asked as Maester Wolkan bowed and
left the room.
"For Robb Stark's 10th name day." She said with a frown and he
instantly realized that there was something wrong with this
He was not very good at politics but he was good at reading
people. And his aunt's current expression and the emotions
churning inside her mind clearly told him that she was
suspicious of the Invitation letter for some reason.
"Is there something wrong with that?" he asked and her frown
deepened as she read the letter once again.
"Lord Stark is not someone who throws such extravagant feasts.
Even if it's the 10th name day of his heir." She said as she put
down the paper on the table and thought about it for a moment
"And the timing is too convenient."
"Convenient for what?" he asked.
"You conscripted some 1000 men in your army a few weeks
ago." She explained to him "He must have heard about it by
now. But coming here to check on his own would be too risky
for him and calling you to personally meet him could be seen as
rude. Calling you like this on the other hand would serve the
purpose of interrogating you and deal with the situation properly
as the other lords would be there to support him in any decision
he makes against you."
"This all seems a bit too much to me." He said and picked up the
letter on his own before reading it's content quickly "I didn't
thought that Lord Stark was the kind of person to make such
cunning decisions."
"It was probably done by his wife, Lady Catelyn Stark." She
said with some venom in her voice. Her hate for Maesters,
Starks and Tullys was an open secret to everyone "And I doubt
that this is something as simple as an interrogation."
He raised an eyebrow at that, wondering where this all was
leading to.
"Do you know that Lord Stark has a daughter named Sansa
who's only a few years older than you?" she asked and he
instantly understood what all this was about.
"They plan to betrothed her to me." He said with a frown, not
liking the idea of someone deciding the future of such a young
girl. Not that he would let anyone decide his own life for that
"It's a smart decision." She said with a shrug though there was a
bitter smile on her face "Your power and wealth is increasing
day by day and the Starks are feeling threatened, as they should.
But they cannot attack you without any provocation. Lord
Stark's honor wouldn't allow it. So marrying you to their
daughter and cementing the alliance between the two houses is a
rather smart decision. One that I would have made as well had I
been in their shoes."
He raised an eyebrow at her and she simply smiled at him.
"You should be happy with this. A marriage with a Stark would
be a great boon to your house."
He grimaced at the idea of being betrothed to a child and shook
his head "I'll not be betrothed to someone so young." He said
and before she could open her mouth to protest, his raised his
hand to stop her.
"And I won't marry her if she's not deserving of being my wife."
He said and that was his nal decision.

Chapter 57: Chapter 57

Domeric sat quietly on a chair while looking over the training of

his 1000 men in the hidden location while Varamyr, Briar and
Orell sat beside him and looked over at the hundreds of
drawings kept in front of them.
Those were the drawings of all the animals, birds and other
living beings that could be controlled by a warg.
He had promised them any animal or bird that they desired since
they have worked very hard for the past year and he wanted to
reward their hard work.
After a long moment, Varamyr stood up from his place and gave
him a piece of paper that he selected from the pile and said "I
want this."
He looked at the paper and found at it looked like a komodo
dragon from his past life. Just much more larger and with six
legs to support it's weight.
"You want a Basilisk?" he asked.
"I want this. Yes." Varamyr replied without any preamble and he
gave a nod.
Then Varamyr left along with the dozens of animals that he was
now able to control with his will.
After he had left, Briar stood up from her seat and gave him a
paper. It had the drawing of a Brownbelly Wyvern and whistled
in appreciation.
"Good choice. You do realize that it will be very hard for me to
nd and bring you this Wyvern. And that even if I bring it here,
there is a small chance that you might not be able to to control it
with your warging abilities, yes?" he asked and Briar nodded
with a mischevious smile.
"I won't fail in this." She said con dently before she took a
horse and left along with the dozens of ravens that she had
started to control on her own.
In the end, Orell gave him a diagram as well and he gave sigh
upon looking at it.
"A Shadow Wing Wyvern. Can't say I fault your choice." He
said with a thin smile. After all, these Wyverns were the largest
Wyvern there were and only came out to hunt in the dark. Which
meant that even nding one of them was going to be dif cult for
people, let alone capture it.
Which meant that he'll have to go the Southoros personally if he
wanted to keep his promise to his wargs.
"You promised." Orell said with a frown and he gave a nod.
"Yes. That I did. But I'll only be able to bring you a smaller one
as the larger ones won't t in a ship. You understand?"
Orell bristled at being given a small Wyvern instead of a full
adult one but he knew better to test his patience and gave a short
bow and left.
Once they had left, his spy mistress, a talented woman whom he
had bought in Lys came up to him.
"My lord. Most of the wood and plants that you asked for have
nally arrived in Dreadfort."
He raised an eyebrow at that bit of news.
He had wanted to create a ying broom for himself so that he
could travel to places which he had not seen before. But
selecting the proper wood for it was important so he had asked
his subordinates to bring him all the wood from the different
kind of trees that were present in Westeros.
And it seemed that his order was nally here.
"Call me Domeric Lyra." He said and she gave him a short bow
which clearly showed him all the right curves.
"As you wish my lord." She said with a mischievous smile and
Once she had left, he once again gazed at the men training in the
eld up ahead and wondered how long it'll take before they're
able to learn proper discipline.
Chapter 58: Chapter 58

I'm writing this entry from a guest room in Winterfell.

House Bolton was one of the last ones to arrive in Winterfell and
Robb Stark's 10th name day.
We came to Winterfell with only 20 men along with Aunt
Barbrey Dustin. I didn't brought any Direwolf with me as riding
a direwolf (which was Stark's symbol) in the Stark house might
be taken as an insult by the other lords. I didn't brought any
wargs or giants with me either.
Despite the fact that no one has said anything to me just yet, the
fact remains that the people are nervous of me. Of the power
that I've accumulated over the past few years. And they're even
nervous of Baka who is easily the largest person they've seen in
the whole North.
I wonder how they would have reacted if I had brought the
giants and the wargs with me. Good thing I didn't.
But I understand their fear to an extent.
The Boltons have a bad history. And reading the mind of the
other lords made it very clear that even if some of them smiled
at me and tried to act con dent, they were slightly nervous about
the whole thing.
Even Lord Wyman Manderly who acted like a kind grandfather
to me held a slight resentment because of the amount of business
that is being taken away from his lands after I opened the new
port at the Weeping Water.
They shouldn't have worried as I wouldn't take any action
against them as long as they don't act with any hostility toward
my people.
And they likely won't act directly against me as long as Lord
Stark has control over the situation.
And after looking at Lord Starks' mind, I easily understood his
game plan to control my growing power.
And that game plan was to marry me to his oldest daughter. The
young girl named Sansa Stark.
Just as my aunt has guessed.
But I could also see the hesitation in Lord Stark's mind when he
thought about this topic as he didn't want to promise his
daughter's hand to anyone just yet.
At evening, the feast started and I despaired at having to drink
piss like ale in order to wet my throat.
People in this world don't know about germ theory. Which
means that they don't know that boiled water is just as safe to
drink than ale if not safer.
Well, the rest of the food was slightly better even if it paled in
comparison to the food that we ate on an everyday basis in
After all, I have set aside a good amount of wealth to import the
wine and cheese from Arbor, different quality of fruits from the
different houses of Reach and vegetables from Braavos as well
as a renowned chef from Pantos so it is understandable that the
food I ate on an everyday basis would be better than the feast
prepared here.
Not that I was looking down on the Starks. I had no doubt that
Lady Catelyn Stark had done the best she could with the
resources she had in hand and she had my respect for that.
During the feast, the Karstarks, the Umbers and Manderlys sat
on one table to show the support for Lord Stark while I sat on
another table along with the head of House Ryswell, House
Dustin and House Whitehill who showed their support to me by
sitting on my right and left side.
The feast was a bit tense because of the clear divide between the
houses and even Lord Stark was a little worried about it even
though his stoic expression didn't show much of anything.
Thankfully, the hour long feast ended without any hostility and
as the Stark children were taken to their beds, I got bored of the
whole thing and left the great hall as well with the head of
House Ryswell, House Dustin and House Whitehill following
behind me to show the unity between our alliance even though I
didn't particularly cared about any such thing.
But if they want to show their support to me, then I must show
my support to them as well. Which was why I plan to give them
a discount on the Frost steel as well as any food that they might
want to buy from me.
The day ended without much fanfare even though I knew that
tomorrow, I'll have to talk with Lord Stark about the betrothal of
his daughter.
Chapter 59: Chapter 59

Domeric looked at the snow falling outside Winterfell and took

out his wand before casting a warming charm on himself and his
aunt who was standing beside him.
"Thank you." She said warmly as they went back to looking at
the snow in a peaceful silence.
"I don't like summer snow." He said after a long while and she
turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Why not?" she asked curiously.
He wanted to say that it was because it disrupted the lives of the
smallfolk who had to continue their hard work in the cold
weather and risk losing their lives to the cold but he knew that
his aunt or any other lord or lady in this medieval era didn't
cared about the people as much as he did. So there was really no
point in explaining it to her.
"I have my reasons." He said after a long moment and she
continued to look at him for answers for a while before she
nally gave a shrug and went back to looking at the snow falling
in the Winterfell courtyard.
The snowfall would only last a few hours and the snow would
melt away by the end of the day but that didn't make it any less
He was just glad that the summer snow didn't fall while they
were on their way to Winterfell. That would have been
After a bit of silence, he turned to his aunt and asked "You met
with Lady Stark yesterday?"
Her calm expression turned frosty at once at the reminder of
Catelyn Stark who was betrothed to the man that she once loved.
Brondon Stark, who died in Kings Landing many many years
"I did." She said, clearly unwilling to say anything more on the
He decided to not push it and instead asked "And what about
their daughter. Sansa Stark. Did you talk with her?"
"For a small moment. Yes." She said and pursed her lips, clearly
unwilling to say anything more about the girl but he kept
looking at her and she nally gave in and continued.
"Sansa Stark is a naive little child who has her head lled with
chivalrous knights and beautiful ladies and thinks that the South
is a magical place from the songs." She said with pursed lips and
he almost groaned at that description. Almost.
"So she's dumb?" he asked with some amusement wondering
about the best way he could turn down this betrothal.
After all, while he was interested in creating an alliance with the
Starks so that there won't be a civil war in the North, he was not
going to marry a foolish girl who didn't deserve to be his wife
for that.
"No. I won't say that she's dumb. But she de nitely needs a
wake up call before it's too late." His aunt said "And removing
the in uence of the Septa from her life would de nitely be a
good thing."
"Who else would ll her head with all those Southern songs if
not her if not the septa." His aunt said with some steel in her
"Are you sure you don't like the septa because of her teaching
Lord Stark's children about the Faith of the Seven?" he asked
and she pursed her lips once more but didn't reply.
He himself didn't like the Faith of the Seven as it reminded him
of all the negative points of the Medieval church in Europe.
The church that burnt innocent girls by naming them witches.
He had no doubt that if his magical powers came to light then
the Faith of the Seven would de nitely not look upon him
He rather liked the Old Gods' philosophy of 'live and let live' in
that regard.
"Do you want to create a snow man?" he nally asked after a
long silence and she turned shook his head almost immediately.
After all, it would be rather unseemly of a lady to play games
like children. And Lady Barbrey was nothing if not a proper
He gave a shrug and covered himself with another warming
charm and went down the stairs with the plan to create a large
snow man.
There were few other ways to pass time in this medieval world.

Chapter 60: Chapter 60

He was halfway done with the snowman who he heard footsteps

from behind him and saw two boys coming toward him and
looking at him and the snowball curiously.
"Domeric." The red haired boy said with a nod of his head and
the black haired boy behind him followed his lead and bowed to
him as well.
"Robb Stark." He said with a nod and then went back to putting
snow on the ball "How may I help you?"
"What are you doing?" Robb asked curiously as he moved
forward to glace at the white ball that he was now moving
around the courtyard to make it larger.
A simple look in his mind showed that Lady Stark had just
reminded him to have a proper friendship with him as his house
one of the strongest ones in the North after their own.
She did not know that Rob Stark already looked up to him as an
older brother gure due to all the loyalty charms he placed on
the boy.
He still felt bad for doing so as Robb Stark was a decent sort of
boy who followed after his father's footsteps in being honorable
and kind hearted. But he didn't want there to be any enmity
between the two houses for no reason so a small sacri ce of his
morality was a small price to pay.
"I'm making a snow man." He replied with a gentle smile as he
continued to roll around the ball and both Robb and Jon looked
at him in confusion.
"What's a Snow man." Jon asked with a frown and when he
raised an eyebrow at him Jon's eyes widened in shock and he
instantly bowed to him.
"I meant no disrespect my lord." Jon said quickly with his
bowed head and Robb frowned at Jon with a sad expression on
his face.
Reading his mind told him that Robb was frustrated because he
considered Jon to be his brother and felt bad when other lords
and ladies looked down on Jon Snow because of his birth.
Not that he cared about bastards as he believed that the lords
who fucks other women outside wedlock should be the one to be
blamed rather than their innocent children.
"No disrespect taken." He said with a smile and then went ahead
to explain the concept of a Snow man to the two boys.
By the end of the hour, they had created two Snow men and he
had made a decent sort of friendship with the boys when one of
the Stark guards came up to him and told him that Lord Stark
was expecting him in his Solar.
He bid Robb and Jon goodbye and went to meet Lord Stark in
order to talk with him about the betrothal.
"Lord Bolton." The stoic man said with a nod.
"My lord." He replied with a nod.
"Please take a seat Lord Bolton." Ned Stark said as he pointed at
the chair and he nodded at sat down.
"Call me Domeric my lord." He said "There's no need for
formalities when there's only two of us."
Ned Stark looked a bit taken aback at his words and frowned in
confusion for a moment before he slowly gave a cautious nod.
"Very well. Then you can call me Ned as well." He paused and
then continued "In private."
"Alright. Then let's get straight to the point Ned. What do want
with me?" his directness surprised Ned Stark who wanted to
start the conversation by praising him for leading his people to
prosperity despite becoming a lord at such a young age so as to
put him at ease before talking about the betrothal. But his
directness left Ned Stark fumbling over what he should say next
even though none of his emotions showed in his stoic face.
After a moment, Ned Stark started "You're a clever lad Domeric.
Your recent inventions of Printing Press, Paper Mill, Frost Steel
making device, the dozens of iron mines being opened in your
lands and the immense amount of increase in the amount of food
that your people produce. All these things have made your house
far more powerful in the recent years. Such power imbalance
usually lead to a civil war. So we can't allow you to gain any
more power. Not unless something is done about this whole
"And by something, you mean my betrothal to your daughter
Sansa Stark?" he stated without any preamble and Ned's eyes
slightly widened in surprise before he took control of his
emotions once again.
"How did you know about it?" Ned asked cautiously and he
gave a shrug.
"I didn't." He replied "But my aunt guessed that you would ask
for such a thing on my visit here because of the new wealth that
my house had accumulated. And I agreed with her in that
Ned gave a stoic no of understanding but I his mind, he was
relieved that he didn't nd this bit of information from any spy
that he might have planted in Winterfell.
"Yes, Sansa is only 7 namedays old at the moment and won't
marry you until she is of age. And to tell you the truth, I don't
want to promise her hand to someone just yet. But given the
circumstances, I have no other choice. So what do you say. Do
you agree to this betrothal?" Ned asked but within his mind, Ned
already believed that he would not disagree with this match.
If Ned Stark thought so, then he had something else coming for
"I'll like to meet your daughter Sansa Stark before I make my
decision Lord Stark." He said and Ned looked a bit surprised for
a moment but then he gave a nod of understanding.
"That's perfectly understandable. You have my permission to
court my daughter during your stay here in Winter fell." He said
with gritted teeth. Clearly, he didn't like the idea of anyone
courting his daughter at such a young age "But I want your
answer before you leave Domeric."
He gave a nod "If there's nothing else Lord Stark?" he asked and
upon Ned Stark's nod, he left the solar.
Chapter 61: Chapter 61

For the next few days, he spent his time talking with the other
lords or in the company of Robb and Jon as well as in the
Library of Winterfell.
The other lords had also brought their children along with them
in order to betrothed them and make new alliance and he had no
doubt that Wyman Manderly would have tried to betrothed one
of his granddaughters to him had Lord Manderly not known
about my deal with lord Stark.
Robb and Jon also called him for a spar in the courtyard. An
invitation that he easily declined as he had never learned how to
use a sword. And never used it to kill anything aside from the
Basilisk back in Hogwarts.
He was an administrator, a scholar, a wizard and a warrior. But a
swordsman he was not.
Robb, being the good boy that he is, informed him that the other
Northerner lords will look down upon him if he is not able to
swing a sword. To that, he simply replied that he didn't cared
about the other lords who looked down upon him as long as his
people lived in prosperity.
From the way that Jon Snow looked at him once he said that, he
had a feeling that he made another admirer that day.
Last but not the least, he spent some of my time with Sansa
Stark each day.
And while she grew more and more enamoured with him each
time they talked, he grew more and more frustrated with her
naivety and her utter detachment with the reality.
So when Lord Stark called him and asked for his response, he
spoke truthfully and declined the betrothal.
Lord Stark looked slightly angry at his evaluation his Sansa
Stark and his decline of the betrothal but even though we're
usually blind to the vices of our loved ones, Ned Stark
understood that he had spoiled his daughter and understood his
reasons behind declining the marriage.
But in the end, if he didn't made a betrothal pact with House
Stark, then the power imbalance within the two houses might
cause a civil war to happen in the future.
So something needed to be done.
And so, he gave Ned Stark four different options.
Option 1- Ned Stark sends his eldest son, Robb Stark as a ward
to live in Dreadfort. This way, both him and Robb Stark could
form a brotherly bond that would stop any notion of civil war in
the future.
Option 2- Ned Stark sends his baseborn son Jon Snow as a ward
instead of Jon Snow.
Option 3- Ned Stark teaches Sansa Stark about the realities of
life instead of lling her head with useless notions of chivalric
knights of the south. That way, if Sansa became a reasonable girl
in the future then he might consider being betrothed to her.
Option 4- He courts Arya Stark when she is older and if she also
doesn't have her head stuck up in the clouds then he'll consider
being betrothed to her.
After thinking about it for a while, Ned declined his rst two
Option 1st on the basis that Robb Stark was the heir of
Winterfell and he didn't want his heir to serve as a ward to some
other house.
Option 2nd on the basis that Jon Snow was a bastard and
sending him as a ward would not be proper. But when he read
Ned Stark's mind, he was surprised to nd the Jon Snow was not
Ned Stark's son at all.
In fact, Jon Snow was the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar
Targaryen and Ned didn't want anyone else to nd out about
In the end, Ned told him that he'll try to work with his daughters
and they'll talk about the betrothal the next time.
He agreed to these terms and left the solar.
The next morning, most of the lords left Winterfell and went on
their way back to their own castles and keeps and he too bade
goodbye to Robb Stark and Jon Snow, whom he had become
good friends with and left for Dreadfort.
Chapter 62: Chapter 62

His people have nally learned how to make ice cream.

Ice was yet another thing that they could sell to the Southern
houses and he was a bit miffed that it took him so much time to
invent it.
Now, his chef and other cooks were trying to mix different fruits
and dry fruits with the ice cream to see which would make the
best ice cream.
He had no doubt that they would be able to create a few different
avours by the time his people create some more ships that
would be able to sell Ice to the Southern houses.
The Ship Building factory that he copied from Braavos was
within it's nal stages and would start creating one Carrack or
one trireme war galley every week. He could nally stop relying
on Braavos to buy ships for his navy.
On a side note, his spy master recently told him that King
Robert Baratheon planned on hosting a grand tourney for the
10th name day of his heir Joffrey Baratheon. But everyone that
knew anything about the king knew that he was hosting this
expensive tourney just so he could amuse himself and enjoy his
pathetic life by watching some bloodshed even as he emptied the
coffers of the whole realm while doing so.
The realm was already 3 million gold dragons in debt by this
point. 1.5 million to the Iron bank. 1 million to Tywin Lannister
and 0.5 million to the Faith of the Seven.
The sheer fact that the King was wasting away gold like water
while his subjects in Kings Landing lived in abject poverty
sometimes lled him with great anger but that only made him
more determined to make his lands more prosperous and his
people more literate.
He had already sent a literate person to all the villages in his
domain with the order to teach children how to read and write
and do some simple counting at the very least and had no doubt
that such a thing would show result over a long period of time as
the percentage of literate people in his domain grew higher and
And because of that, he also planned to increase his military
might through other means so that he would be able to protect
his people when his protection is needed.
For that matter, he wanted to go to Kings Landing and meet the
Pyromancers who made Wild re. A liquid substance that could
either act as a napalm or a bomb if used in large quantities.
Because of that, he planned on going to Kings Landing. And
since the fat king was hosting a tourney, he might as well have
his sworn shield participate in the melee.
He had no doubt that they were as capable as some of the
greatest warriors in Westeros and giving them the proper
magical armor and weapon would make it so that they would
most likely win the melee.
Plus, he could take a sample of ice cream and give it to the royal
Since Robert Baratheon was so adamant in throwing away his
wealth and bankrupting the realm, his might as well take
advantage of it and earn some of the money that way.
And even if this ice cream venture fails, he'll at least have a
good desert to share with his friends and family.

Chapter 63: Chapter 63

"Look. The King don't like you. And Queen absolutely hates
anyone and everyone that isn't her immediate family. So it's
unlikely that you'll get any funding from them anytime soon."
He told the three Wisdoms who were sitting opposite to him in
the dark and danky room which smelled heavily of perfume.
It had come as a huge surprise to him when he found out that
The Alchemists had other inventions to their name beside the
infamous Wild re. Like the rose perfume and the sented Oil and
soap that they sold at a high price to the nobility.
But despite their talent, they were not good at marketing their
products and didn't have many clients which resulted in the poor
condition in which he found them.
In fact, if no one lend them a helping hand then their guild
would die by the end a decade or two.
Which was why the three wisdoms, who were the co-leaders of
the alchemist guild didn't talk back to him when he pointed out
how fucked up their situation was.
"And you'll be generous enough to hire us boy?" the oldest and
crankiest looking man asked sarcastically "Do you think the
products that our guild make are cheap. This is not any pigshit
you're dealing with boy. This is art. Pure work of art." The man
said as he looked hungrily at the jar lled with green uid sitting
in front of them in the desk.
And if he had any doubts about them by pyromaniac before he
met them, then he was now sure that they were indeed fascinated
with burning objects.
He once again wondered if bringing them to his lands would
turn out to be a disaster or not but then decided that he'll just
have to give them a remote location where they would be able to
experiment with their precious wild re without putting his
people in risk.
"You're in fact correct. I'm being generous enough to hire you."
He said and waved his hand to his men who walked up to the
table and put down a big and heavy chest which was lled to the
brim with gold.
"10,000 gold dragons. For 6 months of your services. And you're
get 10,000 more when you arrive in my lands."
The Wisdoms looked at the glittering gold with an insane
fascination and he knew that they would be working for him in
no time.

Chapter 64: Chapter 64

"I bet 100 dragons on my sworn shield." He said

conversationally while taking a bite from the ice cream bowl.
"The one with the Weirwood sigil and two swords." Little nger
said mockingly, as if humoring a little child, which he
admittedly was. Even if only in body and not in mind.
"That's the one." He nodded.
"A ne swordsman no doubt. But why would anyone bet on him
when they could bet upon someone like the Mountain. Or better
yet, Ser Barristen the Bold or Ser Jamie Lannister… the
"Because I believe that my sworn shield is better than them." I
said as the King nally shouted at the men to start ghting and
the melee started as 40 men jumped into the arena and started
attacking anyone they met.
It was chaos incarnate and even someone very skilled could get
injured if they're not aware of their surroundings.
But unlike the nobility of Westeros, Varko had spent 5 years in
the ghting pits, ghting against numerous opponents more
times than he could remember.
So to say that Varko was in his element while ghting in the
melee would be an understatement.
"How bold." Little nger drawled "To say that your sworn shield.
A man of unknown origin is better than the best swordsmen in
Westeros. Are you sure you're not mere boasting."
"Are you sure you're not afraid of losing 100 gold dragons." He
asked challenging as Varkos destroyed men after men down in
the arena.
Little nger hesitated for a moment upon witnessing how good
Varkos actually was but a single wandless Complusion charm
did the trick.
"Very well then. 100 dragons on the Mountain."
"Add my bet as well." Tyrion Lannister shouted from his seat
behind them. "100 gold dragons. On my brother Jamie. And
someone bring some more of this… Snow Cream?"
"Ice Cream" he helpfully supplied, watching from the corner of
his eyes as the Royal children greedily ate the Ice Cream they
were supplied with and King Robert drank Wine that was lled
with Ice.
With the Royal Patronage he was sure that establishing the Ice
Cream Business in Kings Landing would be easy.
"Ice Cream. Girl. Bring me some Ice Cream." Tyrion shouted
and the girl who was giving the Ice Cream came to give it to
"A fascinating and delicious thing. This Ice Cream." Little nger
admitted. "Makes me wonder why no one ever thought of selling
Ice before this. Are you sure you don't want to partner with me
in this business venture of yours."
Left unsaid was the fact that if he didn't ally himself with
Litt nger in this highly pro table business ventures, then he
would do his best to do everything to make this business fail in
one way or another.
"I wouldn't mind your help if you're really all that much
interested in this business venture." He nodded "But only in
Kings Landing. As I doubt that your in uence reach as far as
Dorne or the various cities in Essos."
"I still don't understand how you're able to transport so much Ice
from all the way North to Dorne without it melting." Tyrion
"Ice packed in a dense manner in a wooden container and
sprinkled with some salt takes far more time to melt than normal
ice." He said with a shrug "And even if more of it melts the
further down my ships go south, the costs are easily redeemed as
Ice Cream is more expensive down in the Southern areas due to
how hot it is there."
"Talking about business while watching a melee. You're truly a
strange lord Lord Bolton." Little nger drawled but his eyes held
a hint of respect.
"You're someone who has reached the position of The Master of
Coins despite coming from very humble beginnings. I could say
that you're plenty strange yourself Lord Baelish."
"To strange people and their strange alliences then." Little nger
said and raised his glass while he did the same and they cheered.
"100 gold dragons." Tyrion growled as he threw a purse in
between them. He looked down and noticed that Jamie Lannister
had just been defeated by Ser Barristan Selmy while Varkos
fought against the Mountain and after a short and erce bout, he
won by knocking the Mountain out by striking his head with the
pommel of his sword. Repeatedly.
"It seems that I've lost as well." Little nger said and gave the
100 dragons to him.
At this point, even if his champion lost against Ser Barristan
Selmy, he would still gain 200 dragons as his champion went
further then theirs. Not that he really cared about such paltry
He still sat and watched as Varko traded blows with Ser
Barristan Selmy again and again in a whirlwind.
He knew that Varko was as good as the best swordsman in
Westeros but 'knowing' something and actually seeing it happen
in front of himself was something else entirely.
Of the two swordsman, he could tell that Ser Barristan was
slightly more skilled than Varko. But Varko more than made up
for that with his duel wielding, speed and sheer brutality.
After a slight bout of attacks, Ser Barristan fell in defense,
parrying, blocking and dodging Varko's blades until at last, he
couldn't and Varko disarmed Ser Barristan Selmy.
The arena was silent for a moment. After all, no one had
expected a Knight with an unknown sigil defeating 'The
Mountain' and 'Ser Barristan Selmy' one after another in the
Then as if a dam broke and all the smallfolk started cheering at
once while the nobility followed a moment later and started
clapping as well.
By the end of the day, Varko was 20,000 gold dragons richer and
he had set up a business partnership with Petyr Baelish with a
magical contract signed by Petyr that would subconsciously
force him to adhere to the agreement and not try to steal from

Chapter 65: Chapter 65

"I heard that it was completed." He stated as he entered the large
and new building with his aunt and two sworn shields.
Nycho Nystoris, the leaders of the glassmakers he'd liberated
from Myr nodded with a bow and led the way to the inner
portion of the building where the main work was going on.
They had to pass through a security check because of how
tightly secured the whole building. Or they would have if he was
not the lord who initiated the construction of the whole building.
After passing through another room, they nally came out in a
large storage room where a few wooden crates were kept.
"Here my lord. Here." Nycho said enthusiastically, opened one
of the crate and took out a panel of rectangular glass from it the
size of 1x1 meter and displayed it to them proudly.
He noticed that the glass looked a little impure and had a few
bubbles but despite that it was still in far better condition than
the glass made my the Glassmakers from Myr with their
primitive methods which left the glass with a milky texture and
more than it's fair share of bubbles inside it.
"This is the best glass we've ever made." Nycho said proudly
and he could see some tears building up at the corner of his eyes
"Even when I was a slave working under the Magisters of Myr, I
never made a glass of such high quality."
At that point, the tears started falling down his cheeks and he
gave an awkward look to his aunt and sworn shields who looked
unaffected by it.
"There there." He said, awkwardly trying to pet the older man's
"Thank you my lord." Nycho sobbed. "Thank you for freeing us
from that hellhole. And thank you for giving us the opportunity
to continue our work even here."
Then the man bowed to him and continued to bow until he told
the man that it was alright.
After that, he and his aunt surveyed the rest of the glass panels
which were of about equal in quality if not size and once the
older man got back control over his emotions, he started
thinking about the best ways to sell this new produce of his
Myr would no doubt declare him their sworn enemy once they
found out that he had taken their monopoly on Glass.
So he'll probably have to keep an eye on the Magisters of that
city and make sure that they don't do something foolish like
sending an army at his domain or a faceless assassin after him.
If they truly make any plans for such a thing to happen then he'll
just have to kill all of them in a giant ery explosions.
He usually avoided killing people who had not directly harmed
him or those close to him. But being a head auror had also
taught him to be ruthless when it was required of him.
The survey ended with him thinking about using trans guration
magic to make a glass sculpture made of pure glass. His glass
workers would never be able to duplicate it but it would
de nitely be a good advertisement.
Something like Robert caving in the chest of Rhaegar Targaryen
in the Battle of Trident would de nitely put him in good royal
graces and get him free taxes over the export of his glass.
And then maybe he could later take similar commissions for a
minimum of 100,000 gold dragons? Just a thought.

Chapter 66: Chapter 66

"I see that your glass is of slightly better quality than the one
provided to us by Myr." The Braavosi merchant drawled,
downplaying how much better his glass was than the glass sold
by Myr.
And it was not only the fact that his glass was of great quality.
By he had created magical blade that were used when cutting the
glass which left the glasses without any cracks.
Not only that but his transportation method was also more
secure than the one of Myr so that about 99% of the glass
reached it's location without breaking up unlike the ones sent by
Myr which has 90% chance of breaking apart.
So the fact that the Braavosi had the gall to downplay the quality
of his glass really got on his nerves. But he understood the game
that the man was playing and that getting frustrated would only
work on the merchant's favor.
He would admit that he was not as good as the Merchant in
negotiations. In fact, he was rather average at negotiating. It was
a skill that he really needed to work on in the future.
Procrastinating will only get him so far.
But what he lacked in negotiating skills, he made up for with his
"We've a long working relationship with the Magisters of Myr."
The Braavosi merchant complained "Braavos has been buying
glass from them for many decades. You on the other hand are
entirely new to this whole business. How can we be guaranteed
that you will be able to send a continuous supply of glass our
Though the merchant said that, using a simple surface
Legilimency told him that the man was rather desperate to buy
his glass and set up a contract with him before the other
merchants could show initiation and become a competition.
If he was not so desperate, then he would not have come all the
way to Dreadfort for this. After all, it takes 3 weeks to get from
Braavos to Dreadfort. And 3 weeks more to return. No merchant
would spend so much time to come here to look at low quality
And there was also the fact that he had been using magic to
make the merchant more and more desperate since the start of
this meeting, making him realize that if he couldn't set up a
contract with him then his future would truly be in shambles.
Playing with other people's emotions didn't give him any joy.
And that thankful for that. But he had long since got used to
doing it on muggles to get what he want.
He scoffed at the man "Cut the bullshit Master Xerfar. You and I
both know that there are no such things as guarantee in this
world. Even the glass sold by Myr only has 90% chances of
reaching Braavos without getting cracks or shattering into
pieces. And that is if the whole shipment is not attacked and
looted by pirates in the rst place. You'll have no such problems
when buying from me."
"The only pirates of any note surrounding the sea route between
Braavos and Dreadfort are the pirates operating from the Three
Sisters. Or they would have, if my naval forces had not routed
and destroyed them a few moons ago. So you know very well
that you've a better chance of getting your glass if you buy it
from me than from those Magisters of Myr."
"Not only that. You call my glass of decent quality but you're not
fooling anyone here. The glass sold by me here is better than
even the best grade glass sold by Myr." He said, continuing his
onslaught while the merchant looked paler and paler "So let's get
to the main point. Here's the price of the glass that I'm willing to
sell to you. If you want to buy it then you'll have to do so at the
set price. If not…" he shrugged "Then there are other merchants
in line to buy this. The door is that way."
He pointed toward the door with one hand but used the other to
send hidden and subtle compulsion charms to make the
merchant more desperate for them.
And considering how he was selling his glass at the same price
as the Glass from Myr, he knew that the merchant was getting a
great deal out of this.
He just didn't want to deal with any more merchants after this.
So if he could set up a yearly contract with the man and then
never see his face again then that would be just perfect.
"The prices… are fair." The merchant said through gritted teeth.
The greedy man no doubt wanted to get the prices even lower to
make more bene t for himself but was not willing to push the
ball at this point.
"So how much glass are you willing to buy from me?" he asked
and the merchant spoke.
The negotiations continued for two more hours after that as they
set up the details of their deal before the merchant nally left the
room, a little tired but eager to see his new merchandise.
"I don't like that man." Varkos said as soon the doors closed and
he fell back down on his luxurious chair, his throat a little
parched from all the talking.
"They're from Braavos Varkos. They'll take out your kidneys
and then sell to you at a high price while claiming to be fair and
generous. You'll seldom meet more cutthroat and ruthless
merchants then the merchants from Braavos. But just because
they're greedy by nature doesn't mean that we couldn't use
"You're using them Dommy?" Baka asked curiously as she
started playing with her braids.
"Yes. I am using their services. Just like they're using mine. It's
an equal yet fair trade, though a little on their favor as I want to
make good business relations with Braavos at the start." He
explained to them.
Baka hummed, not really understanding while Varkos nodding,
understanding but choosing to remain silent.
He let out a huff, wondering why his sworn shields made for
such bad conversation partners.
At least they were loyal.

Chapter 67: Chapter 67

"So… is it completed?" he asked the small being respectfully as
he gazed at the Weirwood grove in front of him all of which had
a carved face on them.
"It's hard to explain in human words." She said with a
melancholic look "But even if it looks complete, it'll still take it
months if not years or decades to turn into a true Heartwood. A
sacred place where the soul of our ancestors can reside."
"You mean a place where the Raven can spy from?" He asked
with raised eyebrow and she looked at him sadly.
"You humans. Always so full of con ict." She said before going
His eye twitched at her words. Because he was generally not the
kind of person who would go out and seek con ict with other
people. But with his long history of being in con ict with other
people, he supposed that it was his nature whether he wanted to
accept it or not.
After all, what 11 year child goes out and ghts an adult
mountain troll to save his friend.
He shook his head nostalgically, closed his eyes and took a deep
He could feel that with the addition of the dozens upon dozens
of Heart trees in the godswood, the density of ambient magic in
the air has increase by 5 times than before when there was only
1 Heart tree.
It was still not much when compared to the Heart tree where the
Children of the Forest resided which alone generated twice the
amount of ambient magic than all these trees combined together.
And if Leaf's words were to be believed then the Heart wood
tree had not fully connected with the magical laylines beneath
the earth. Which was understandable.
The fact that the Children of the Forest were able to perform
rituals that was able to take out ambient magic from magical
laylines was a miracle onto itself and not something that even
wizards from his past life were able to do.
The reason Hogwarts held so much ambient magic in his past
life was not because of the magical laylines running under the
earth but because of it's long history and the thousands upon
thousands magical spells performed within it every single day.
But in this world. It was different.
He could take out the magic running through the magical lay
lines and use that magic to cast large country scale wards if he
chose to do so. Though the effort itself would require years if
not decades of his time but a thing was possible to him now
when before he would not have even thought about doing such a
All in all, it meant that with the growth of the Heart trees, the
ambient magic would grow along with it. Which meant that he
would able to use more powerful magic at an easier rate as time
goes on.
Essentially, he was creating something akin to a Wizard's tower
where he would be far more powerful than anywhere else.
Though in this case, it would be more of a castle than a tower.
"So… now that you've done what you set out to do, what do you
want to do in the future?" he asked the magical being who was
old enough to be Headmaster Dumbledore's great great great
Leaf stayed silent upon his enquiery, looking at the Weirwood
groove with her usual melancholic look. He was beginning to
suspect that she didn't hear him when she answered. "Ash" she
said "She has grown fond of the Heart Trees here and want to
care for them. It is the rst time in a long time that she has
grown this attached to something. It would be cruel to take that
away from her. And I won't leave her alone among you humans."
"I see…" he said, feeling that it was a little wrong of her to
blame the entire humanity for her own life. But then again, the
humans did kill all the Children of the Forest that they could get
their hands on so there was that.
After a moment of thought he spoke once again "I was thinking
of planting more Weirwood trees throughout my domain at
important places. Do you…"
"Your greed is showing." Leaf commented in her sad and
melancholic tone but there was no bite in her words. As if she
was just pointing out the facts. Which in a way, she was.
"Perhaps." He admitted "So… would you be willing to carve
more faces… I mean, connect the Weirwood trees to the old
Leaf hummed and then gave him a nod. "You may go back to
the cave and call more of my friends. Perhaps, they would nd a
sense of purpose in this." She said before leaving his side to go
deeper in the godswood where she and Ash lived in seclusion.
He looked at her back for a moment longer before he turned and
left the place.
He had some more Wierwood saplings to plant after all.

Chapter 68: Chapter 68

Today, the alchemists I had hired in Kings Landing nally

arrived by ship to Dreadfort after two whole moon's worth of
If I had not used portkey to travel back from Kings Landing
after the end of the tournament and I would similarly have
wasted two months on a ship. The thought gives me shudders.
I was never a fan of conventional muggle vehicles. Especially
the ones that travel on water. And the fact that these medieval
ships rocked a lot even in a rather calm ocean made it so that the
only time he travelled in these ships was when he had to put up a
show so that people won't suspect him using his teleportation
After meeting with the Wisdoms, I led them to their new
workshop which was larger and cleaner than the one in Kings
Landing and gave them their rst task.
Create cement. And concrete after that.
The thing was that despite being medieval world, these people
already had some kind of mortar made up of Volcanic ash that
acts as a decent substitute for Cement and is used in the
construction of their castle, buildings and walls.
The problem was that the concrete made from this mortar did
not hold up to the elements. Which meant that making roads
from it would be foolish and far more expensive than it had any
right to be.
So he had found a quarry of limestone in Skagos and had
imported it here along with the few other core materials required
to make cement and gave all this material to the Alchemists
along with a decent explanation of how cement was made.
If they succeed in this then I'll have access to concrete and
would nally be able to build roads in my domain.
Decent concrete roads and not the dirt path that everyone else
seem to accept as proper roads in this world.
Merlin knows that a proper cement factory along with the brick
factory would work wonders to improve the infrastructure of
this world.

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Chapter 69: Chapter 69

By this point every other lord in the North knew about the
rapidly expanding businesses in the Bolton Lands.
Paper mill, Brick factory, Steel factory, Shipyards, Glass Guild,
Weapon Manufactoring factory, Printing Press Workshop, school
building (still under construction), etc.
All these things and more have been built around Dreadfort over
the past few years and the more his businesses succeeded and
orished, the more people came to his lands to work for him.
All of this led to a rapid increase in the amount of people living
around Dreadfort which resulted in them forming a sort-of-
village around him.
A collections of temporary houses and tents constructed
haphazardly with no care for asthetics or order.
This was the reason why he had called architectures from his
lands to design the plans for a city around Dreadfort and the
Weeping Water River.
It took his men three days to come up with a proper design and
two more to revise it as the plans didn't held the numerous
Weirwood gardens that he wanted in his town.
The architects warned him that having luxuries like Gardens
would then force them to expand the size of the city which
would in turn cost much more to build. But he knew that
planting Weirwood trees was not a luxury for a necessity for
someone like him.
Plus, with a Brick and Cement factory of his own along with
ships that would transport the raw material from Skagos and
Sisterton, and stones from the mines in Lonely Hill, the costs
had already become far less than it would be for any other lord
who had to import these things from outside sources.
The difference was so large that if some other Lord of the North
wants to build a 2 story building for a tavern than it would cost
him about 20-30 gold dragons but to him, it would only cost
about 5-10 gold dragons thanks to everything required for the
construction of a building already being present in his domain.
A week after planning and replanning the whole design, they
nally came up with one that he was satis ed with.
The construction of the whole city around Dreadfort was going
to cost him an estimated cost of 150,000 to 400,000 gold
dragons. A number that his treasury can handle thanks to all the
gold he stole from Petyr Baelish and the 1 million gold coins
that he stole from Braavos.
But he cannot simply show the extent of his wealth like this as it
would make the other lords wary of him.
Which meant that he would once again have to go to Braavos to
get another 100,000 gold coins for loan as a show to other
Or maybe he'll send his aunt for this job. After seeing him
gallavanting around Westeros and Essos, she had shown some
desire to travel the world as well.
Of course, she didn't say any such things to him but he picked it
up from her surface thoughts.
Going to Braavos and travelling the city and seeing it's culture
and people would be a good change for her. Especially because
she spends a good deal of her time being cooped up in
It could be like a vacation for her after working for all this time.
Hmm… yes. That would be good. Though he would have to
plan for the bodyguard detail that would guard his aunt in her
journey to Braavos. Along with an emergency portkey and few
other things that would protect her if something goes wrong.
She was after all, the only family he had and he would do
everything for her safety.

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Chapter 70: Chapter 70

With his aunt Barbrey about to go on a vacation, he realized that

he would have to stay in Dreadfort for the upcoming two or
three months and actually rule for once instead of delegating
most of the boring tasks to his aunt.
But before that, there was another important thing that he
needed to do.
He looked at the frankly large list of books that the men from
the Printing Press workshop had asked him to bring.
After all, they needed a source of material to create books from
and as books were a rare commodity in the North, he would
have to bring it from someplace outside the Kingdom.
And he knew just the place where he would be able to get all the
books in the list without any problem.
So he activated the portkey and with a tug and a twist, he was
standing at the walls of Old town during night time.
In ltrating the Citadel from there was an easy task for him.
Sure there were Hightower guards guarding the large building
but they were few and far in between and were far too lax in
their duties as no one usually tries to steal from the Citadel.
Once he successfully in ltrated Citadel, he came to the library
and was a little stunned at the sheer volume of books in this
He was sure that he could spend his whole life reading all the
books in this place and that still won't be enough.
The library was closed during night time and despite the
moonlight shining through the windows, it was pretty dark in
So he brought his wand to his eyes and chanted "Vigilia
A few seconds later, it was as if someone had removed a dark
lm from over his eyes and he was able to see everything clearly
in the dark library.
He glanced at the library once again before he took out the list
and read the rst book on it.
'Wonders made by man' - Lomas Longstrider
Hmm…This was a book that he himself wanted to read for some
"Point me. Wonders made by man book." He said and the wand
rose in the air and pointed in a direction.
He found the book rather easily after that and then took out an
empty notebook from his trunk.
"Omina Verba Ef ngo." He casted and a few seconds later, all
the words from the original book were copied in the notebook.
A notebook that he would later give to the men working on the
Printing Press so that they could copy the book and sell it in
their bookstores across the cities in Westeros and Essos.
Once the spell ended, he put the original book back in it's place
with no one being the wiser and moved on to the second book
on the list.
By morning, he had copied the hundreds or so many books from
the great library in Citadel, had lost 2 Weirwood wand in the
process and was starting to feel slight magical exhaustion as
there was very little amount of ambient magic in the air so far
down in the south.
But before he could go back home, there was something else
that he needed to check here in Citadel.
"Point me Valyrian Candles." He said and the wand once again
rose to point in a particular direction.
He followed the direction and found a room being guarded by
two guards.
A confundus to each of them did the trick and an alohamora
opened the door, allowing him to enter a dark and empty room
with three Valyrian Candles that started to glow as soon as he
entered the room.
All three Valyrian Candles were calling him to use them but he
knew better than to use an artifact that he knew nothing about.
So for now, he simply put the three Valyrian Candles inside his
expended trunk and quietly left the room in search for more
hidden rooms in the Citadel.
Half an hour later, he was sitting in another hidden room at the
top of the tower and was going through all the secrets of the
Maesters that was recorded in the books kept hidden in here
along with various other things like Valyrian trinkets, Magical
artifacts, books of magical origin and gold. Lots and lots of gold.
Who would have ever thought that the Maesters, the wise and
humble maesters would secretly be so rich.
But it was understandable. The Maesters held monopoly on the
supply of paper, books and ravens all of which cost a pretty
penny. So there was no reasons why the Maesters shouldn't be
rich after all these years.
But the secrets he found in the hidden ledgers were
disconcerting. The biggest secret being that the maesters had a
hand in the downfall of the dragons over decades as they slowly
poisoned the dragons one by one until the last once was a feeble
little thing the size of a cat and died at a young age.
Not only that, the Maesters had also been stealing all and
everything magical that could exist in Westeros just because it
didn't align with their view of the world.
He felt rage bubble in his heart as he was once again reminded
of the 'Witch hunts' that took place back in Earth. The maesters
had done similar if not worse deeds to remove magic from this
Something that destroyed any sympathy he had for them.
So in an act of petty revenge, he stole every single thing of value
from the room.
By the end of the hour, he was 2.4 million gold dragons richer
along with various Valyrian trinkets like Valyrian spoon, glass,
crown, knife, etc that when put together were enough to create
another Valyrian sword.
He still felt angry at the Maesters but knew that he couldn't
destroy their tower.
A single Fiendfyre would have been enough to kill everyone in
the building but with such a weak wand, he wouldn't be able to
control the cursed re and it would spread throughout the city
and kill every single man woman and child, which was
something that he couldn't do.
But even if he had the means to do so, he still wouldn't kill the
Maesters. After all, a good portion of the Maesters are made up
of scholars who only want to forge their chains and study in
peace while only a small portion were the manipulative old
coots who pull the strings of the world from the shadows.
He made sure to remind himself to give another check up to his
maesters once he went back to Dreadfort even though he had
done everything possible to make sure that those men were loyal
to him and him only.
After he was done stealing every single gold, silver and copper
coin from their hidden treasury, he gave the Citadel one last
scornful look before he said the password and then with a tug
and a twist, he was once again back in Dreadfort, tired and
magically exhausted from all the work but with a happy smile
on his face thanks to all that he'd achieved in the past few hours.


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Chapter 71: Chapter 71

"You're worried." Varko said as he moved to and fro inside his

study at Dreadfort.
"I'm not worried." He replied as he clenched his hands sts and
stared in the distant horizon where he just saw his aunt leave in a
ship toward Braavos.
"You're worried." Varko once again pointed out patiently "You
shouldn't be. She'll be ne."
"Miss Barara will be… neeee." Baka squealed from beside him
as she played with the Valyrian candle he'd brought back a few
days ago from Citadel. By this point, he didn't even have the
energy to tell her to not play with it.
Not like it was going to break. Made of Valyrian Steel and all
"I'm… I know. I know she'll be alright. Subconsciously." He
admitted "But… it's just her rst time leaving the kingdom to
travel the world outside. And… I wish I could have been there
for her. Instead I'm stuck here, doing paperwork and listening to
people complain and moan about one thing or another." He let
out a sigh and plopped down on the chair, pulling the Valyrian
Candle from Baka's hands and ignoring her whine.
"Paperwork is foundation of all bureaucracy. As you yourself
told us." Varko reminded him wisely "And how else will you
know about the troubles of your people if you don't listen to
"But it's the third time the Alchemist guild have come asking me
for more funds. And they're not even doing anything all that
expensive." He knew because he had checked "Greedy
bastards." He said and put the Glass Candle in the desk before
he gazed at it for a long moment and nally dove inside it.
Diving inside a Glass Candle was not all that different from
diving inside a pensieve. You send your consciousness inside the
artifact to use it in both cases.
Which was perhaps why it was so easy for him to learn how to
use the Candle as he already had a lot of experience with using
Pensieves in his past life.
As soon as he dove inside the Glass Candle, he found himself
getting a 360 view of the Dreadfort and the growing town
around it from up in the sky.
Viewing everything at 360 degree was a bit disorienting as
human usually don't even see half of that but it was not so
different once you learn how to focus on one particular thing
while ignoring everything else.
And for now, he was focused in the growing port city that could
be seen at the horizon at the Mouth of the 'Weeping Water' river.
Well… calling it a city at this point would be generous. It was
barely large enough to be counted as a town. But with all the
import and export taking place in via the ships as well as his
growing eet and port size, he had no doubt that the port would
grow up to be the size of a city sooner or later.
It might not become as large as Gulltown or Oldtown let alone
Kings Landing but it would de nitely become larger than White
Harbor in size and population within a decade or two. He was
sure of that.
Already, a lot of the business that once went to the White Harbor
had started coming to Bolton Port. Mostly because his lands
were much closer to the other houses in North than the
Manderlys who were at the most Southern point in the North.
But also because the high class food and pleasure services being
provided in the town by the High Class Taverns that sold fast
food invented himself. And the brothels that held that spy girls
that he brought from Lys and Kings Landing.
And of course, since he held the ownership of these
establishments (in secret), he got all the gold from it as well.
Which was yet another steady source of income and information
for him.
He was also thinking about opening casino in the port. The
concept of a Casino was not yet present in this world but he
played his cards right, then he could de nitely turn the growing
port town into a medieval version of Las Vegas within a decade
or two.
Just something to think about and keep in mind.
He gave the Bolton Port one last look before he moved one to
the sea and after searching for a while, he came across the large
Galleon which was his personal transport vehicle.
He looked closer and found his Aunt Barbrey standing on a deck
with her hand maidens and gazing out in the world with a
curious look while the Sailors ran and worked in the
Happy with his ndings, he turned his attention North and gazed
at the Horizon as his consciousness started to y faster and
faster until he was ying across hills, forests, empty elds lled
with snow, the Wall and nally arriving at a place that was lled
with thousands upon thousands of people bustling around in the
This was the new batch of Free Folk that Mance Rayder had
managed to gather up in the past year. Telling them about the
threats of the White Walkers (even if he himself had yet to see
one of them) and promising to take them South where they won't
have to go hungry or die due to the cold.
Just like last year, he was sure that among these thousands of
people, there would be many who would not bend the knee to
him and if they did bend the knee, then they would not mean it.
He needed to scout out the people with ambitions among them
who think that they would be able to do whatever they want
once they came down South.
After all, he was taking a big risk by brining these people within
his domain. So he would have to be strict with the selection and
stop anyone who don't want to integrate within his society.
He counted the people in Hardhome and found that there were
7000-9000 people waiting down there for his ships to come and
take them to a better place.
Ships that he had already sent to take them away from the True
Once he was done surveying the place, he stopped channeling
magic in the Valyrian Candle and his consciousness was pulled
back into his body, leaving him a little disoriented for a while.
He shook he head and found himself being held by Varko and
Baka. Without their support he would have de nitely fallen to
the ground thanks to the disorientation caused by the Glass
Still, a little disorientation was a good enough price to pay if it
meant that he could spy across the horizon with such ease.
"You saw your aunt?" Varko asked and he gave a nod in return.
"Her… And the Free Folk waiting for me up in Hardhome." He
"Ah… It's that time of the year." Varko stated and he nodded.
"I just hope that this batch would be satis ed what I've prepared
for them and won't cause any trouble." He said.

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Chapter 72: Chapter 72

Harry planted the sapling on the ground and then started

drawing runes around it. Runes that would make it grow at a far
faster rate than an average plant so that the Weirwood sapling
would reach the size of 2-3 storey building in a matter of months
instead of the usual decades.
Once he was done with the runes, he took out his new and
improved Snakewood wand and cast a few powerful charms on
the ground to make it more fertile.
His new wand was made of a special and rare type of wood that
was only found in Dorne and whose leaves were said to be so
poisonous that they rivalled the venom of some of the most
venomous snakes in Dorne.
It was one of the few woods that he found across Westeros and
Essos that held a small bit of magic inside them.
The wand he now held had the wood of the Snakewood and
Core of a hair of the Children of the Forest. Freely given.
This particular wand was three times as stronger as the
Weirwood wands that he still kept in the Bottomless pouch for
emergency uses.
The wand was still no where as strong as his Holly-Pheonix
wand let alone the Elder wand but he was at least able to cast
some more powerful spells with it.
"What are you doing?" the red haired girl of about his age asked
from behind him.
He turned around and rolled his eyes at her. "What does it look
like I'm doing Ygritte?"
"It looks to me like you're use your stick to do your dark vodoo
magic on the little plant. Are you going to turn it into a little
rabbit too?" she asked as she sat down and looked curiously at
the sapling he had just planted.
"No. That rabbit trans guration… it was a one time thing. And
it's not dark vodoo magic. Where do you even learn such things
from?" he asked in exasperation.
The girl shrugged. Not deigning to answer him. "Why are you
doing this?" she asked.
"What? Planting the saplings?" he asked. She nodded. "It's a
hobby of mine." He said and shrugged.
"What's a hobby?" she asked. "Is it something you can eat."
He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it once again and
thought about it as he spoke "A hobby is something you do in
your free time for your enjoyment."
"Like fucking?" Ygritte asked and he opened his mouth once
again before he closed it and gave her a look.
"Aren't you a bit too young to know about it?" he asked and as
he asked that question, he wondered if 'Fucking' counted as a
hobby. True it was something that people do in their free time
for their enjoyment but there was so much more to the act of
having sex than that.
The girl scoffed at him "You lordlings sit in your towers and
think that not talking about things makes you so much better
than us. How do you think your mother had you. By being
fucked by your father. That's how."
Yeaaa… he really didn't need that image in his mind. He
doubted that he would be able to think about James and Lily the
same way ever again.
"Don't you have to go to school?" he asked and the girl ducked
her head and looked away. "Does Karsi knows that you're
skipping your classes? Again."
Indeed, one of the few conditions that he had given to the
Freefolk before they came to my lands was that they would send
their children to the School he had created outside Dreadfort.
Creating a building for it, along with the uniforms, books,
providing food and black slates for the students, paying and
providing for the teachers were just a few of the things he
needed to do in order to start a school in this medieval world.
It was nothing compared to Hogwarts. A place that studied in for
7 years. But it was a start.
And he wanted the Free Folk children as well as the children
living in Dreadfort and the surrounding areas to come to School
to learn.
And since he was the lord of his lands, his word was the law.
Especially if he himself was providing for the books, uniform
and food for the children.
Aunt Barbrey never quite saw the bene t of having a school and
'teaching smallfolk things beyond their station' and considered it
a waste of his wealth but this was one of the few things that he
didn't budge on.
"It's boring. And a waste of time anyway." Ygritte complained
while kicking a stone "It's not like learning how to write a fancy
letter is going to ll my stomach at the end of the day."
He looked at her and let out a sigh.
"Since you're here, you might as well come and help me with
this instead of being idle." He said as he took out another sapling
from inside his Bottomless bag.
"Sure." She shrugged and started taking out the dirt with a
Well, whatever you might say about the Free Folk, they at least
didn't shy away from hard work.
It was probably why he gave them 10,000 cattle and 20,000
sheep, 20,000 goats and 1000 horses to tend to.
The unfortunate fact about them living in the True North was
that the land there was always covered with snow so they
couldn't plant anything on the earth. Which led to them being
totally ignorant about farming.
But what they did have was the experience to tend to the goats
and cows that were able to survive in the cold and the
knowledge to make clothes and other essentials from the body of
those animals.
Which was why instead of giving them free land to farm, he
instead provided them with animals, that they could easily look
He might have to provide them with some food for now but once
they're set up, he would start receiving a steady supply of milk,
beef, leather and manure from them.
And for those men among the Free Folk who still wanted to ght
and pillage, he conscripted them in his hidden army which has
now grown up to 2500 infantry, 1000 archers and 500 cavalry.
The leader of the free folk in his lands, Karsi told him the Free
Folk who live in these new lands are content with their lot in
He was glad to hear that.
It seems that so far, the risk he'd taken to bring Free Folk within
his lands was paying off.
Then he remembered the 2000 something people that he rejected
and left behind in Hardhome due to their violent nature and
wondered if they'll cause trouble for him down the line.
Even if they did decided to get violent, it was not like they'll be
any problem for him as long as the Wall stands between the
North and the 'True' North.


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Chapter 73: Chapter 73

"Alright. Give me the monthly report about the current situation

of my eet." He said with a tired yawn as he saw at the main
chair in what he called his 'Meeting Room'. Or Planning room as
he met with his subordinates here on a bi weekly basis and made
plans regarding the future of his domain.
He has been sitting in this meeting for the past two hours and
was starting to feel the affects of his young body.
Children were not supposed to work as hard as he did. He really
needed to get even better at working on his 'Delegation' skills.
But considering that he was the Lord of the Bolton Lands as
well as the only wizard in his employee, there many things that
he do on his own. Things that just could be delegated to others.
Aunt Barbrey nodded and took the list from Maester Wolkan.
"The current Bolton Fleet has 124 ships. 44 Carrack that we
bought from Braavos. 60 Galleons that were created in our Ship
factory by our Ship wrights and 20 War Galleys."
"That's what… 6 Galleons more than last month?" he guessed
and she nodded at him.
"Yes. The shipwrights had gotten more experienced at making
ships in the factory. Along with the help of the new workers,
they are now able to craft a Galleons with ve days. An
improvement from the time when they were only able to Craft 1
ship in ten days." She informed him.
"Good." He nodded "Tell them to continue making new ships for
me at this rate. With how successful the Ice trade has become
these past few months, I'm afraid we'll have to loan some trade
ships from the Redwyne if we are not able to keep up with the
Then he turned a blond middle aged woman with exotic features
and asked "Celly. Give me a report on the various businesses
and the pro ts we're earning from them."
Celly, the daughter of a very successful merchant who was
captured in her youth and sold into slavery and a woman who
had a bright mind for business and was working as a CEO for
his various branches in business spoke "We've opened 8 new
book shops in total in the past month as well as 13 new Ice
Cream Shops. The business, as you guessed is gaining more and
more pro t for now and I don't think that we'll reach the plateau
any time soon. For now we need to focus on expanding as much
as possible. Here's the pro ts gained form the various businesses
in the past month." She said and handed an opened ledger to
Food - 36,800Gold Dragons
Books - 14,400 Gold Dragons
Ice - 18,570 Gold Dragons
Weapons - 8,800 Gold Dragons
Silver(mine)- 300,000 Silver Stags = 1400 Gold approx.
Copper (mines)- 500,000 Copper Star= 350 Gold approx.
Glass - 23,000 Gold Dragons
Fleet Trade- 7,200 Gold Dragons
Taverns - 3,400 Gold Dragons
Brothels - 7,900 Gold Dragons
Total Pro t- 111,020 Gold Dragons.
So he earned about 110,000 Gold Dragons in a month.
That number was huge. Like, really huge. From what he knew
so far, even the Starks only gained about 4,000 gold dragons per
month from the tax collected from their lands and the other
lords. And the Manderlys also only earned about 10,000-20,000
due their the port.
And those were the richest houses in North. He was sure that the
poor houses like Umber or Karstark only earned about a
thousand Gold Dragons per month.
Compared to them, he earned a lot more.
But then again. Compared to them. He spent a lot more as well.
Creating a town, creating roads, opening schools, building new
ships, building a port, building canals, building an army, paying
the sailors, etc. It took a lot of gold.
About 120,000 gold. So instead of gaining any wealth, he was
losing about 10,000 gold dragons per month.
But he wasn't discouraged in the least.
After all, many of the things he was spending a lot of money on
like creating road, building new ships, building canals, etc were
investments that would start paying for themselves after a time
and start increasing his pro ts.
And even then he had stolen enough gold by this point that he
had about 4.4 million gold dragons and 1 million Braavosi Gold
With such a large amount of wealth in his possession, he didn't
need to worry about running out of gold any time soon.
"Master Nycho Nystoris." He spoke.
"My lord." The leader of the Guild of glass makers said.
"I want you to increase the production of the glass you make by
100% by the end of the year."
"Entirely Possible. I'll pay for the infrastructure you need to
build more glass and you won't lack for any workers either."
"I… that's… very generous of you mu lord." The man spoke
cautiously "I know it's not my position but… do you want to
further increase your Glass Business my lord?"
"No." He replied while shaking his head and took out a paper
from his bottomless bag and gave it to the older man.
He opened the scroll and read through it quickly. "This… my
"Yes. Glass houses. Like the one that we have in Dreadfort." He
spoke. "I want to make more glass for me Master Nycho. But
instead of selling the glass. I want you to horde it and make new
glass houses with them. I have already carved out a new piece of
land with the city being built around Dreadfort. I want you to
erect at least 100 glass houses within that piece of land."
Everyone's eyes widened at his declaration.
"But… my lord… that would be…"
"Very expensive? Unprecedented? Wasteful?" he asked.
"You don't need to speak Master Nycho. I know what I'm doing.
Just complete the order." He spoke while using some
compulsion charm and the man hesitated for a moment before
nodding his head.
"Very well then. That'll be all." He said and everyone sitting in
the table stood up and bowed to him before leaving the room.
Everyone except for his aunt.
"Dom." She said carefully "Why do you want to build so many
glass houses within the city?" she asked.
"For Growing spices, exotic fruits, rare magical plants and
coffee." He said. "These are some of the things that can only be
found in hot climate like Reach, Dorne or Summer Islands. Once
the glass houses have been completed, I'll carve runes on them
to make them sturdy so that they won't break easily while
controlling the temperature inside."
"I know this new project to make so many glass houses might
seem extravagant, impulsive and wasteful. But I've given a lot of
thought to it and have found that once they start working
properly, we'll be able to make a good amount of pro t from the
plants we grow and sell within those glass houses."
His aunt thought about his words and nodded at him. "So what
kind of plants have you decided to grow in these glass houses."
He took out a paper in which he had made the list of spices,
exotic fruits and coffee that he want to grow and started telling
about it to his aunt.


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Chapter 74: Chapter 74

Domeric sat upon a horse and gazed at the roads being within
his domain.
Watching hundreds of people working together to achieve a
common goal on his behalf. There was just something
sensational about that. Everywhere he went, the people would
stop their work and bow to him until he went past them.
Yes, being a lord could be addictive. He could admit that to
himself. Perhaps this was the main reason why old Voldy wanted
to rule Britain. To feel this powerful and respected.
The concrete road for the City that was going to be built around
Dreadfort was almost completed. Now they were expanding the
roads to the North, South and East. To the lands of Umbers,
Manderlys and Starks.
To be fair, he himself was a bit surprised by how quickly the
work was progressing. He was sure the work would not have
gone so fast even if he himself was at the head of this project.
But then again, he supposed that this is what happened when
you pick the right man for the task.
This particular task of building the roads had been delegated to a
slave that he liberated from Essos. A slave who was once under
the contract of Iron Bank to build new real estate for the Bank.
Now, the man worked for him because of the gratitude he felt
for having been saved from his status as a slave enhanced by a
small dose of mind magic.
Was it despicable of him to use mind magic to make people feel
more grateful to him so that they would more compliant toward
him. Probably. But as long as he was harming no one… he didn't
see the big deal.
He and his men travelled through the concrete road for half an
hour before taking a sharp right and taking a dirt path leading to
a small forest.
After travelling for another hour on their horses, he and his men
came out to a large clearing inside the forest that had been
cleared for the purpose of building a large building three large
training yards that could hold hundreds if not thousands of
people at once.
And within those training yards, he could see thousands of
people doing drills right now.
Is it just me or have their numbers grown once again?" his aunt
asked from behind him in a subdued voice and he could see that
even she was a little stunned by the thousands of men working
in le and order while following the command of their of cers
at once.
"They've grown. I conscripted 500 more men for the infantry. So
it's 3,000 infantry now. Along with 1000 archers and 500
"Training so many people, feeding them and accommodating
them couldn't have been cheap." His aunt complained. And she
was correct for once. Training an army of this size cost him
about 4,500 gold dragons per month. And that was only because
the food, clothes and weapons for them were coming from his
own lands. Otherwise creating an army of this size would have
cost him about 8,000-12,000 per month.
After all, building and sustaining a professional army in
Westeros was no joke. Especially one that was as well equipped
as these men.


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Chapter 75: Chapter 75
As they stood atop the hill and looked down at the men going
through the drills, their presence was soon noticed by the
commanders and the general of the army broke apart to come
and greet them.
"Little lord." General Bronn said with an exaggerated bow from
atop his horse before he gave a more serious bow to his aunt.
"My lady."
"How is the training of the men going General Bronn?" he asked
the man whom he had scouted due to his vast experience as a
mercenary and some who lot a lot of experience in actual battle
eld. Bronn was not the only mercenary turned soldier working
under his command. In fact, the ranks within his army was lled
with mercenaries and other veterans of the war who had a lot of
experience in actual battle.
After all, he might have his own ideas about creating an army
but it would not work without the feedback of someone who has
actually taken part in a battle and knew how the whole 'war'
thing worked.
"Can't believe I'm saying this. But the lads are coming along
well. Better than I had expected." General Bronn said as he
looked at the soldiers marching together in a formation before
turned to face him. "For someone who has never taken part in a
real battle, you seem to have a lot of good ideas about forming
an army."
He shrugged in response to Bronn's words. After all, how was he
going to tell them that he had based this army of his on the
model of the Roman empire army from back on earth.
"You here for enjoying the sight or do you actually want
something?" General Bronn asked him "Because if you want
hospitality or some shit like that then I'm afraid you've come to
the wrong man."
His aunt bristled at the crass words of the man but he knew that
despite his insolence, Bronn was highly loyal to him. This was
just how the man talked. Nothing more. Nothing else.
After all, it would be height of stupidity if he goes to a great
length to form an army but then doesn't make sure that the
General is loyal to him.
"As good as it would have been if you had offered us some
bread and tea. You're right. We're not here for that." He said and
moved his horse forward toward the training area as his men and
General Bronn followed after him.
"I'm here for some of your men. Admiral Muron is having some
trouble hunting down the pirates from around Sisterton and
ghting the Whaler Ships from Ibenesse intruding upon our
domain at once and has asked us for some support." He said
"This is also a decent enough time to bloody our troops and give
them experience in actual combat."
"You're right in that. Most of the lads here are green as piss. And
now matter how much you might train them here. You do not
become a veteran without actually participating in a war. No
matter how much you train, war is something that you just can't
replicate." General Bronn spoke, Varko making a noise of
agreement from behind him.
"But before that." He said, turning the horse so as to wall
parallel to the training grounds "How are the studies of the men
coming along."
General Bronn grimaced at his words. "Not very good. Tell the
lads how to take an axe and chop a tree and they'll do it. No
question asked. But tell them to sit straight in a… class and they
start to gossip like shmongers. Half of them fall asleep while
other half can't concentrate."
He grimaced at those words. Maybe the course he had selected
for the men was a little too hard and needed to be brought down
a few notches in dif culty.
After all, he might have a vision in his mind about the perfect
army. But he knew that reality and imagination were two
different things by now. And no matter how much he wished it
was otherwise, he knew that literacy rate in his domain was not
even at 1%. Something that he was doing his best to change.
"Hmm… I'll come back with the maesters at a later date to
revise the course for your men."
"Still don't see the point in learning to read and write." General
Bronn grumbled but he ignored the man to gaze at the army in
front of him.
"General Bronn." He said "What are your opinions in building a
regiment of Horse Archers."
General Bronn thought about his words for a while before
shaking his head.
"Hard. Very hard. Expensive and time consuming." Bronn
replied "Training a cavalry regiment on it's own is a hard task.
Do you know how long it takes a man to learn how to ride a
horse. And then teach the same man to weild a Lance or a sword
while doing so. Well… it is ten times harder to teach them how
to ride the horse and use a bow and arrow at the same time. It is
not something you can do without lots and lots of training. In
fact, the people who are good at it are the Dothraki. And that is
because they've been living their entire live on horses. So unless
you've ready to invest a lot of gold and time into this thing.
Don't even think about it."
"I see." He said and went in deep thinking about building a new
regiment of Horse Archers within his army.
After all, he knew that if he was able to train a regiment of horse
Archers then they would be able to do a lot of damage in a
battle eld thanks to their mobility.
In fact, if used correctly, then Horse Archers held the potential to
destroy a whole army as a support group.
Not to mention that the Horse archers could be used as
messengers, for scouting or for harassing the enemy.
Yes. Bronn might be correct when he said that it would take time
and gold to create Horse Archer regiments. And he was lacking
in none at the moment.
"There's another thing I need to inform you about General


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Chapter 76: Chapter 76

Everyone in the group watched in stunned silence as the

armored giant used his giant sized sword to cleave through trees
after trees without any dif culty.
Domeric gulped and wondered if he might have gone a bit too
far in enchanting the sword and armor for the giants.
But then he realized that this was just his irrational fear talking.
The giants might look scary -and hoo boy did they look scary-
but they were loyal to him. Maybe even more loyal than the men
working under him considering how the Giants considered him
their leader after he defeated Mag the Mighty.
"By the old gods." His aunt muttered "When you told me that
you were going to arm these… giants. I…" she tried to speak but
words wouldn't come out of her mouth.
He could understand her shock. After all, the armor he'd
designed for the Giants covered their entire body from head to
toe. Even the weak points that existed within a normal human
armor were absent in the giant's full body armor with the help of
magical means.
At this point, the giants were walking fortress in their own rights
with hundreds of pound of armor on their body. Armor that
weighed ten times less in reality due to the magical runes carved
on them.
All this meant that there was no way a human soldier would be
able to kill the giants. Not without the help of a magical sword.
In truth, he wasn't sure if his magical enchantments would hold
against a Valyrian blade. But even if they didn't, how likely was
it that the Giants would face a Valyrian Steel Sword wielder
during the war.
And even if they did, how likely was it that the swordsman
would come closer to the death machines that were the giant and
kill them without dying themselves.
"I'd heard that you brought some giants from North of the wall."
General Bronn commented "But I didn't believe it. But you
really did it. You crazy bastard."
"Watch your tongue sellsword." His aunt warned and Bronn held
up his hands in surrender.
"Give these giants a war hammer and I believe that they'll be
able to break down the weaker walls of small to medium sized
keeps and castles on their own." Varko told him from behind.
"Aye. Looking at these giants, I'm starting to wonder if the men
I'm training would be of any use." General Bronn joked even
when the both of them knew that despite their grandeur, 30
giants would never be able to replace the infantry of an army.
After that, they stayed silent for a moment and just watched the
destruction wrought onto the tress by the fully armored giants
before he spoke "So General Bronn. I want you to think about
all the ways these giants could be used in a battle eld and write
a detailed report about it with the help of the Teacher I sent for
"Yes my lord." Bronn grumbled but didn't say anything more as
they turned around and went back the way they came from.

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Chapter 77: Chapter 77

Domeric looked in the eyes of Briar and sent another

legillimency probe with the ef ciency of a hammer as he tried to
forcefully extract her deepest memories from inside her mind.
To her credit, Briar had gotten used to the pain that came with
her training and only inched a little but didn't move or close
her eyes.
He paused and came out of her mind. "Again." He said and
when she nodded, he sent another painful probe into her mind.
Something that he'd realized a while ago about these people was
that despite their ability to control the animals and birds with
minds, they were not wizards and could not perform the magic
like him.
It was also the reason why none of them were able to create
Occlumency shields despite how hard he practiced his
legilimency on them.
But even if they weren't able to create mind shields to oppose
him, the wounds suffered by their psyche allowed them to grow
after a while. Which in turn, lead to them being able to control
their animals and birds without much effort.
He came out of her mind and found her panting and clutching
her head in slight pain.
The fact that she was showing any sign of pain at all meant that
she must be in a huge amount of pain.
But if there's another thing he'd learned about these people. It
was that they had a very high level of pain tolerance.
He stayed quiet and allowed her to recover. Once she did he
asked "Again?" She nodded and he was able to send another
powerful probe in her mind when they heard a knock on the
He frowned. He had told his subordinates that they were not
supposed to disturb him until or unless they had something
important to report.
Which meant that they had something important to report. As he
knew that his subordinates were anything but incompetent.
"Enter." He said softy and the few seconds later, the Baka
opened the door with a sheepish expression and allowed Lyra to
enter the room.
"Lyra." He said, greeting his spy mistress.
"My Lord." She bowed, showing a generous amount of cleavage
to him while doing so.
"What is it Lyra? If you're disturbing me right now then it must
be something important." He said "Get on with it then."
"My lord" She spoke once again, but this time her voice was a
little cautious, as if she was afraid of telling him the news. But
before he he read her surface thoughts, she continued "The king
is hosting yet another tournament in Kings Landing."
He waited for her to continue but when she didn't, he rolled his
eyes and spoke " 'King Robert' holds these tournament every 3
months or so. That is one of the main reason why the realm is
under so much debt. But you're not here to tell me about the
Tournament. So whatever it is. Just go ahead and say it. I
promise I'll not be angry at you."
"My lord" she spoke "We've found a boy… in a village some
distance away from the Dreadfort. We've found that the boy is…
the bastard son of late Lord Roose Bolton."
His eyes sharpened at her words. "You're saying I've a half
brother somewhere out there. And I've not known about it until
now?" he asked, a hint of anger in his voice even as he told
himself that he promised to not get angry at her.
Still, he held 'family' in the highest esteem in his mind as that
was something that was robbed away from him in his past life.
The reason why he killed Roose Bolton was that the man was a
psychopath who tortured people regularly in his dungeons for
his amusement. And also because despite taking the new body,
he never saw the man as his father.
But Aunt Barbrey had shown him more love and care than his
aunt Petunia ever did and became a sort of psuedo mother for
him in his time in this world.
So to know that he had another family member in this world and
he didn't even know about him was… upsetting.
"Apologies my lord. Very few people knew about the bastard
son of late Lord Roose Bolton as he had hidden this from
everyone except his most trusted people." She spoke "The only
reason we were even able to nd about the bastard boy named
Ramsey Snow was because his mother came to our castle door a
few days ago begging for some stipend to raise the boy."
"A few days ago. And I'm only hearing about this now." He said
as his eyes once again sharpened at his spy mistress. A little
upset that she had hidden such a thing from him.
"Apologies my lord." She said quickly "I wanted to make sure
that the woman spoke the truth before I could give the news to
you. There are after all, times when the women among the
smallfolk try to pass of their children as the bastards of lords
even when it is not true."
"I see." He said, controlling his misplaced anger "And if you're
telling me now about all this then you must be sure that the boy
is by half brother."
Lyra nodded and he got up from his chair and looked at Briar.
"We'll continue this session tomorrow." He told her and then
turned to look at Lyra "What is name of my half brother?"
"Ramsey Snow." She replied.
"Is he in the castle right now?" he asked.
"They're staying in the 'Sleepy Eye' tavern outside Dreadfort."
She informed him.
"Very well. Take me to the boy then." He spoke and the woman
hesitated for a moment before she bowed and lead him out of the
door, Varko and Baka quickly following him as his sworn
As they walked through the halls of Dreadfort, he could feel
Lyra hesitating about something so he stopped and turned to face
her once again.
"You've something else to tell me." He said with con dence in
his voice as Lyra and the others stopped with him "Go ahead.
Let it out."
To her credit, the woman only hesitated for a moment longer
before she continued "My lord… Are you aware of the rumors
surrounding the Boltons before… well… before you changed
He furrowed his brows and tried to think of what she could have
meant. Then it clicked and he spoke "About the Boltons still
aying men in their dungeons and wearing the skin of their
The thought of wearing someone's skin nauseated him despite
his experience. And the fact that his 'father' truly used to torture
people in the dungeons and that the Bolton ancestors truly wore
the ayed skin of their victims as intimidation tactics left with
without any rebuttal.
"Yes. Those one. Well… you might want to know that there are
rumors about your bast… half brother being a little… off in the
village he lives in."
"Off. In what way?" he asked, a little cautious of this 'half
brother' of his even as he tried to hold judgement about the boy
before truly meeting him.
"The rumors say that he butchers wild animals for fun. And
rumors that he uses the dogs in his possession to 'hunt' down the
women of other villages" She spoke cautiously.
"Only rumors?" he asked and she hesitated.
"Three girls have gone missing from the nearby villages in the
past year." She spoke, not saying anything more in this matter.
He thought about all of this with a heavy heart before he turned
to his sworn shields "Varko. Baka. You'll stay behind me during
me meeting with this boy. Since I'm the only true Bolton left in
the world, it is likely that the boy and his mother might try to
kill me through some nefarious means. If they do, then I'll more
than likely nd out. And in that occasion, I'll give you the signal
that we've prepared for such an occasion and you'll act to subdue
both the mother and the boy."
Varko nodded at him in his usual stoic manner and even Baka
showed a strangely mature sight for once and nodded with a
serious expression.


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Chapter 78: Chapter 78
"Domeric. Domeric." The voice came closer and closer until he
could hear her footsteps "Domeric… Oh.. I've been searching
for through the entire Castle. Are you alright."
She picked him up like the 12 year old child he was and turned
around to look over him carefully "You're not hurt are you?" she
asked worriedly as she gave him a once over.
He didn't even have the energy to roll his eyes so he just sighed
and said "I'm alright auntie. You don't need to worry about it."
"Worry. How can I not worry about it." She almost shouted
before she took a few deep breaths and visibly composed herself
"How are you doing?"
"I'm ne." The words came out automatically from his mouth
but she didn't seem to buy his words and continued to stare at
him until he sighed and nodded "Well… Not ne… I guess."
It was not everyday that your own half brother tried to kill you
after all.
"That boy." She spoke, and the venom in her voice was clear for
him to hear "Where is he now?"
He shook his head. Feeling too tired to do anything else at this
point and wishing that she would just… let him be.
"Gone? As in 'gone' gone?" she asked.
"No. Gone. As in I sent him to the Wall with some of my
guards." He left out the part where he sent a dark curse inside
the boy which would slowly but surely kill him within a year.
This way, he won't get the moniker of 'kinslayer' that these
ignorant people seem so willing to give each other.
"Are you sure that sending him to the wall was the right move?"
she asked and he nally snapped.
"I don't care if it was the right thing to do. I did it. It is done now
and I don't want to talk about this anymore." He told her and
turned around to look at the various Valyrian steel trinkets on the
ground in front of him and sat down to observe them once again.
He heard her let out a sigh behind him as she sat down beside
him before pulling him in a tight hug.
I'm sorry for worrying so much." She whispered to him "It's
just… you're the last thing I've left of my sister." Left unsaid
was the fact that since she herself didn't have any children, she
saw him as her own son by now.
But they both already knew that, even if they didn't
acknowledge it.
"That is… a lot of Valyrian Steel." She commented after a long
silence, deliberately changing the topic of conversation. Not that
he minded.
"It is." He said, feeling more emotionally tired than he had felt
in a long while "Most of it is from the Royal Treasury and
Citadel. The rest are from the magisters in the various cities
across Essos."
"What are you going to do with them?" she asked.
"Forge a new sword with them." He replied "There's enough
Valyrian steel here to create a decent long sword. I may not
know how to use a sword but I can at least look pretty while
holding it."
His aunt chuckled at his words "Only you Dom can see a
Valyrian Steel sword as nothing more than an ornament." She
paused and he already knew that words that were going to come
out of her mouth "That said… perhaps you should start learning
how to use a sword. I know it's a bit too late and that you have
no interest in learning how to use a sword but knowing it come
in handy one day."
He shook his head at her words "I would rather spend my time
in the advancement of my domain and enhance the lives of my
She opened her mouth to speak but perhaps she could feel how
emotionally exhausted he was as she simply closed her mouth
and didn't speak anything after that.
"Have you thought of a name for the Valyrian Sword?" she
asked "You may not use it and might look down upon it but a
Valyrian Sword is a very important symbol to the people in
Westeros. So you might as well give it a name before the people
decide to give it one in your stead."
He thought about it for a while before he nally said "Lily. I
want to name the sword Lily."
"Lily?" his aunt asked, a little confused by his chosen name
"That's a strange name for a sword."
"Perhaps." He replied, not really caring about the opinion of
other people. Especially when he was naming it as a tribute to
his mother.
"Well… if that's what you want to name it." His aunt shrugged,
not caring about it either.
They remained in the same position, with her holding him
closely until it was nally time for the dinner.


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Chapter 79: Chapter 79
Ned was laying on his bed with his wife after dinner when
Maester Lewin asked for an audience and gave him a letter sent
to him by none other than Lord Rickard Karstark.
After giving the letter, Maester Lewin bowed and left, leaving
with the letter which he quickly opened and started reading.
"What does the letter says my love?" his wife Catelyn asked
from beside him.
He opens his mouth to tell her but then decided otherwise and
give the letter for her to read instead.
She quickly skimmed through the letter, a pensive expression
growing on her face as she nished the letter.
"It's seems like Lord Rickard Karstark is not happy that his
subjects are leaving their lands to go to the Bolton Lands for
better opportunities." She commented on the obvious.
"I doubt any lord will be happy if their smallfolk start leaving
their lands to go to other lands." He said, remembering the
similar letter of complaints he got from the Hornhill and
Manderlys. "But be as it may, we cannot punish the smallfolk
for wanting to choose a better life. Nor can we stop them from
going to greener pastures."
"So what can we do?" his wife asked worriedly. After all, taking
smallfolk from the land of other lords might not be counted as
breaking the law but everyone could agree that it was morally
wrong as it hurt the economy of the other lords whose economy
are mostly based on the products produced by their smallfolk.
"As it is, Lord Bolton has not broken any of the Kings Laws so I
cannot intervene in this matter. Nor can I ask him to stop paying
his workers so well that it might attract the other smallfolk from
nearby lands." He told her "But I can see that this is not a matter
that we can just leave be and hope it to solve itself. I'll just have
to go to the Bolton Lands and see the situation for myself to
make a decision before my lords start a civil war among


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Chapter 80: Chapter 80

As their procession of 50 men trudged through the small amount

of snow collected on the dirt road thanks to the Summer Snow,
Ned Stark realized that it has been a long time since a Stark
visited the Dreadfort.
After all, the Boltons might have been his subjects but they were
never truly loyal to the Starks. Only subservient until they could
once again get a chance to stab the Starks in the back.
Or so he thought. But it has been 5 years since Roose Bolton
died and despite how uncomfortable he felt about young Lord
Domeric Bolton, it was a well known fact that the boy did not
follow in the ways of the Boltons.
He even went as far as to totally change the sigil of his house
from a Flayed man to a Weirwood tree to prove his point.
And then there were the rumors of how the smallfolk in Bolton
lands lived in far better conditions than the smalfolk in other
lands. Which led to the smallfolk from other lands migrating to
the Bolton lands. Which was the reason why he was here in the
rst place.
Still, no matter how much trust that the Boltons had changed, his
wife had not been happy with his decision to go and meet young
Lord Bolton in Dreadfort. And then she had been outright angry
when he declared that he would be taking both Robb and Jon
with him as well along.
If this had been the domain of any other lord then he would have
not thought about bringing his son (nephew) Jon Snow with
him. After all, brining your bastard to someone else's home
could be seen as an insult.
But when Domeric Bolton came to Winterfell last year with the
tax, he had still be good friends with both Robb and Jon and had
treated them both equally no matter their station.
Not only that but the boy had been in touch with both Robb and
Jon since then. Telling them about the changes he's brining to his
domain or the places he has travelled to in the letters brought to
them by the giant eagle.
To say that the two boys admired the young lord for the changes
he'd brought in his domain would be an understatement.
Which was why he had gambled and brought his two sons with
him. So that even if he couldn't nd a solution to this mess, the
bonds between his sons and Domeric would grow and the boy
lord won't think about rebelling in the future.
It took them 5 days of travel before they nally reached the
Bolton lands. And the change was immediate as it was shocking.
The rst thing he and his men noticed were the people working
on the new agricultural canals being builts for the lands around
the villages.
The second thing they noticed were the buffalos working around
in the elds. Even in his own lands, a single village only had
about a buffalo or two at most or none at all in most cases. But
here, the rst village they passed by easily had dozens of
buffalos that were being worked in the elds.
The third thing they noticed were the steel ploughs and the other
steel equipment being used by the farmers to work their elds.
Steel was after all, a very expensive and rare commodity. So to
see simple farmers having so much steel and using it for simple
farming pained his heart. After all, even since he was a child, he
had learned that steel was a valuable commodity and was
supposed to be used wisely.
It this had been any other lord who had given such good steel to
his smallfolk, he would have though them to be fools. But then
again, Lord Domeric Bolton had increased the food production
within his lands by 10 times and was the main supplier of food
to the other houses in the North and the main reason why they
didn't have to buy the expensive food from Reach and
Riverlands anymore. So he knew that Lord Bolton was no fool
and he didn't have any place to complain.
The fourth thing they quickly noticed were the horsemen
travelling down the roads at regular intervals. Upon asking, he
found that they were a new army regiment called Police Force
found Lord Bolton for the protection of his lands and smallfolk
from bandits.
Understandable. Considering how expensive steel was, he had
no doubt that the other lesser lords would have already tried to
steal it from the smallfolk a few times. That was the main reason
why he had allowed Lord Bolton to create the 1000 men army in
his lands in the rst place.
It was good to see that the men he had allowed Lord Bolton to
raise were being put to such good use.
The fth thing they noticed were the large store houses built in
the villages to hold the excess grain that is harvested from their
elds. The policeman who had joined them as an escort told
them that Lord Bolton had been the one who had invested in the
storehouses so that the harvest won't rot away by being left in
the open to the elements.
The fact that Lord Bolton had enough wealth to construct
multiple buildings in all of his villages came as a shock to him.
Before this, he had known about the great amount of wealth
being accumulated by Lord Bolton thanks to this silver, copper
and iron mines along with his glass production, book production
and ice cream business.
But to simply about someone's wealth and then actually see the
wealth being used and nally understanding just how wealthy
Lord Bolton truly was. He could see the difference in just
'knowing' and truly 'understanding'.
The sixth thing they noticed were the children in the villages
sitting under a large tree with black slates and studying from
another man whom the Policeman reported was called a Teacher.
In one of the letters that Lord Bolton sent to Robb, Lord
Domeric Bolton proclaimed that he was doing his utmost best to
educate his smallfolk and increase the literacy rate within his
At that point, he had not even known the meaning of literacy
rate. And after he found out what that meant, he had not truly
seen the reason behind Lord Bolton trying to increase the
literacy rate of his people.
He still didn't know what trying to teach the small folk would
achieve. But to hear about Lord Bolton trying to increase the
literacy rate of his people in a letter and then to actually see it
happen in real life as the 'Teachers' sent by Lord Bolton sat
down and educated the children of the villages, the difference
between knowing and understanding was truly large.


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Chapter 81: Chapter 81

They travelled on their horses for another day and saw the true
extent of riches within the Bolton lands which how well the
smallfolk within his lands were living.
So far he had yet to see a single child living in cold and sleeping
in empty stomach.
No wonder the smallfolk from the other lands were pouring in
the Bolton lands for the hope of a better future.
And it was on the third day within Bolton lands that they nally
came across a sight that he had wanted to see for some time.
Because right in front of him, there were hundreds, if not
thousands of man and woman working together to build the road
that he'd heard Lord Bolton had been pouring so much of his
gold on.
And truly, it was a sight.
The road itself was large enough for two carriages to walk side
by side with enough space left for another carriage to pass by
without much problem.
These roads were different from any dirt road he had ever seen
before. He had heard about roads like these built by the Valyrian
But now that the construction work was going in front of him,
he was clearly able to see that the road was not made up of a
single large rocks which was the case with the Valyrian roads
but with a molten black material that became solid once it
cooled down as people moved huge stone roller on top of the
molten black material to make it plain.
He didn't even have to crane his neck to see the procession of
people that were bringing raw material from Dreadfort in carts
led by strong horses to build these roads.
And this was just one of the roads being built by Lord Bolton.
From what the Policeman told him, there were three other roads
being built by the people working under Lord Bolton to the East,
North and South as well.
And after seeing the work being done by these hard working
small folk, he realized that he had been wrong. That couldn't
even begin to truly understand the wealth of Lord Bolton as he
was sure that just building a single such road would see the
Starks losing all the pro ts they gained from the taxes, let along
four of them.
From what the Policeman told him, after the construction of the
four main roads, Lord Bolton planned to build a vast array of
roads within his domain that would lead the way to all the major
keeps and holdings within his domain and make travel from one
place to another much more faster.
So as he laid in his room inside a newly built inn (once again
sponsored by Lord Bolton) and thought about he future, he
wondered what other surprises were held for him and his
children when they eventually reach Dreadfort.

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Chapter 82: Chapter 82

The next day, they continued their travel to Dreadfort and he

was abbergasted by how smooth it was to travel on such a
Carts and horse carriages especially had a far easier time in
these 'Concrete' roads than in dirt paths.
Travelling through the straight road, it took them only two more
days of travel before they nally reached Dreadfort.
And every single person within his party was shocked by the
fact that the whole castle was surrounding by a canopy of
weirwood trees, giving it a ethereal feeling.
And as he looked at the red leafed trees, he started wonder if the
rumors about Lord Domeric Bolton being blessed by the Old
Gods was something more than mere rumors.
After all, Weirwood trees were one of the rarest trees in the
whole north. Not to forget the fact that every Weirwood tree
takes decades if not centuries to reach maturity and can live for
thousands of years.
There was also the fact that the wood of Weirwood tree was
perhaps the most sought after wood in Westeros if not in the
whole world.
By just selling the wood from some of the trees surrounding
Dreadfort, Lord Demoric Bolton could gain enough wealth to
raise another Dreadfort castle beside the original one.
Of course, because of the fact that Heart trees were made up of
Weirwood tress, the trees were considered sacred in the North
and no one would even think about cutting the trees up for some
more gold dragons.
After gaping at the Weirwood trees surrounding Dreadfort for a
long and embarrassing moment, he came out of his shock and
took notice of the lands surrounding Dreadfort.
History lessons about Dreadfort told him that it was a large and
dreary castle. Hard to siege thanks to it's tall walls and
surrounded by barren lands for a couple of miles with no village
or settlement within eye sight.
Well, it seems the history book were either outdated or Lord
Bolton had created a miracle once again.
For instead of empty and barren land, the Dreadfort was
surrounded by a small bustling town that was still growing in
size if the numerous workers and the pre-built road was anything
to go by.
"Father." He heard Robb call out to him and when he looked at
his son, he found that the boy gaping at something in the
distance "Look." His son said.
He did and saw the start of the wall that would one day surround
and protect the city growing outside Dreadfort.
But that was not what caught his eyes when he looked upon
sight. Nor what caused his jaw to fall to almost fall to the oor.
No, it was the dozens or so giants and the 4 mammoths pulling
heavy weights and helping the builders in building the wall that
had caught his attention.
Giants. Something that he had once thought to be a subject of
myth and legend.
Until Lord Domeric Bolton took thousand men and became the
rst lord to go the North of the Wall in centuries. And return
with a tribe of Giants and a herd of mammoths.
Well, he had known that young Lord Bolton brought giants,
mammoths and wargs with him from North of the wall. But
knowing something and actually seeing it with his own eyes.
"Let us continue." He told his men and they nally entered the
growing town which held the factories that produced Steel
weapons Glass, Books and other products built by the one
favored by the Old gods.
As they came closer to Dreadfort and the canopy of trees
surrounding the Castle, he nally saw something that once again
shocked him to the core.
Because the trees that he had thought simple Weirwood trees
had faces carved onto their trunks, making them the Heart trees
that he had been taught to worship since childhood.
But… there has been no new Heart Tree since the First Men
chased the Children of the Forest from the North.
Does that mean that lord Bolton carved the faces on his own?
No, doing such a thing would be too blasphemous.
But what if he was truly blessed by the old gods?


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Chapter 83: Chapter 83

His internal thoughts continued to war with each other until he

nally saw something that halted the gears in his mind at once.
Because a child was currently singing a melodious song and
carving a face in one of the Weirwood trees.
No… a better look told him that it was not a child at all. In fact,
the being singing and carving faces in Weirwood tree was in
His mind came to another halt as he nally realized that he was
yet again seeing a being from the legends of the North.
"Children of the Forest." The head of the Police force who met
with them a day ago informed him with a voice lled with
reverence. "Lord Bolton brought them with him down South
when he came from the expedition beyond the Wall. He has
placed them under protection and anyone who even thinks about
harming them will suffer the harshest of punishments."
He nodded in reply and once again picked up his jaw from the
He was getting too many surprises ever since he entered the
Bolton lands that had stopped resembling a Northern kingdom
and has started resembling something entirely new and foreign
He was about to continue once again when the Portcullis of
Dreadfort lowered (he had not even known that there was a moat
surrounding Dreadfort) and a contingent of horsemen came out
from inside the castle.
The contingent was being led by a woman whom he instantly
recognized as Lady Barbrey Dustin. Following the lady were
two bodyguards, one of whom was large enough to equal The
Mountain in size. The other woman was much shorter in stature
but was riding a direwolf the size of a horse.
Following them were dozens of horsemen armed to the teeth in
what he could only assume was a blatant display of power.
And if they were trying to intimidate him with their blatant
power display, he was slightly ashamed to admit that it worked.
The horsemen following the woman were armed in far better
armor that any of his own men possessed not to mention that
they also seemed far better trained and disciplined.
In fact, his trusted and loyal guards looked like mere smallfolk
playing at being a knight in comparison to them.
But all of this was not what worried him the most.
What worried him the most was the fact that Lord Domeric
Bolton himself had not come out to greet him.
This was either a blatant insult to him or Lord Domeric Bolton
was currently not present in Dreadfort.
He dearly hoped that it was the former.
Because after seeing the wealthy and prosperity along with the
presence of giants and Children of the Forest in the Bolton
lands, he had no wish to be in con ict with Lord Bolton.
Because by this point, he was sure that if the Boltons and their
allies decided to rebel against the North, then the Starks might
still prevail but it would be at a very high cost.
"Lord Stark" Lady Barbrey spoke as soon as the contingent
arrived in front of him and even from this distance, he could see
the revulsion and hate in the eyes of Lady Barbrey when she
looked at him and his men.
He was slightly grateful for the fact that her hate did not extend
to his children.
"Lady Barbrey." He nodded.
"You are a long way from home." She said testily and the men
behind him bristled in anger at the breach of decorum. Any other
lord of the North should have bowed to him and offered him
their hospitality.
But considering the history between them… he could
The saying 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' held true
for Lady Barbrey. But not only had she been scorned when his
elder brother took her maidenhead but then proceeded to break
his promise to her when he was betrothed to someone else.
When his elder brother died, he took her husband to a war and
didn't even came back with his ashes.
Yes. Lady Barbrey had very good reasons to hate the Starks.
And as it was now, he could do nothing but shoulder her hate on
his own.
"Indeed." He replied with a calm nod "I've received a lot of
complaints from your neighbor lords and came here to mediate
on your behalf. With that said, I don't see Lord Bolton here."
"Lord Bolton went to Braavos for some business two moons
ago. Your 'unannounced visit' caught us off guard." She said
with some reluctance.
He thought about what to say next but he was never the brightest
when it came to Diplomacy and for once, he found himself at a
loss for anything to say.
How is a Warden supposed to react when his own lords bar him
entry from their castles. Especially when the lord doing so is one
of his strongest and wealthiest vassel.
If Brandon were here then he would have de nitely known what
needed to be done. He was never meant to be a lord. But now
that he was here he had to do what needed to done.
Except that he didn't knew what he should now.
So he stayed silent. And stared.
Lady Barbrey stared back with cold eyes and the both of them
continued their stare off for a long moment before she nally
gave a snarl and broke gaze from him in order to give him a
short bow.
"The hospitality of Dreadfort is yours Lord Stark." She said
through gritted teeth.


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Chapter 84: Chapter 84

Ned sat on his room overlooking the settlement growing outside

Dreadfort and gazed out at the horizon while drinking wine from
a glass.
He was usually not one to give in to his vices but the wine was
made by none other than Lord Bolton. A wine made from
fermented rice.
He still didn't know what to think about it.
It was a decent drink, he would admit. And cheap. So cheap that
even the small folk could easily afford it without much
dif culty.
It was no match for Arbor Gold or Dornish Red but he doubted
it was supposed to match those drinks. But it kept him warm.
He had seen it being sold in the taverns owned by Lord Bolton.
Rice wine along with another new drink called Whiskey. Made
up of fermented Rye, Wheat and Barley.
"How's the drink my lord?" Celly Jeastro, the CEO (he still had
no idea what that word meant) of the various businesses owned
by Lord Bolton asked in a soft voice from the chair beside him.
"It's… more than good enough for the small amount of copper
that has been paid for it." He replied diplomatically. Hah! And
wasn't that a joke. Him, Eddard Stark, being diplomatic. Well,
let it not be said that he didn't try.
"A wise answer." Celly said with a small smile "I've no doubt
that you heard the term wine and started comparing it to the
vintage made by the Rewynes. But in truth, this particular
vintage along with Whiskey are much easier to make. So easier
to make in fact, that Lord Bolton could open a small distillery in
any village within his lands and they'll be able to provide him
with a steady supply of Wine and Whiskey after a little
"I… see." He didn't. He had no idea why she was trying to offer
him these vintages or telling him about the ease with they were
If it was done by the lady of some poor house then he would
have thought that they were trying to ask him to invest in this
small venture of theirs.
But by now, he had seen enough displays of wealth to know that
the Boltons were far ahead of the Starks in terms of wealth.
"Do you?" the woman asked with a raised eyebrow and a
challenging stare "Do you really understand the signi cance of
the presence of a wine distillery in each and every village in the
Bolton lands?"
"No. I don't." He said, reverting back to his usual cold bluntness.
So much for diplomacy.
The woman smiled once again. But it was not a condescending
smile. Even if it irritated him to no end.
"The presence of a wine distillery in each and every village will
mean that the people of that village will have another source of
income aside from farming." She told him "Another means to
earn gold and grow richer. After they've paid back the loan for
the distillery rst. Of course."
"Lord Bolton want… his small folk to grow rich?" he asked in
slight confusion.
After all, in all his years in the North, he had never heard of any
lord actively trying to increase the wealth of his small folk.
In fact, many would consider it foolish to give more power to
the small folk and do everything in their power to make sure that
the small folk doesn't rise from their status.
"He prefers to call them peasant." The woman replied with a soft
and warm smile "Or 'his people'. But yes. He want his people to
grow richer. In fact, he wants everyone around him to grow
"Yet he takes away the small folk from his nearby lords." He
replied, being bluntly honest once again. "Tell me Lady Celly.
How does that make anyone aside from him richer."
Celly simply raised an elegant eyebrow at that his blunt
accusation "Tell me Lord Stark. When you hear Lord Bolton
'stealing' small folk from the lands of nearby lords. What do you
think is happening behind the scenes. Do you think lord Bolton
sends his men to kidnap the small folk from the other lands in
the dark night. Or does he holds their family hostage and
threaten them to come to his lands. Or does he send his men
from town to town and bribe them for a better future? Tell me
lord Stark. The lords who sent you those letters of complaints.
Did they ever tell you, why their people left their lands, their
homes and travelled all the way to the Bolton lands?"
He stayed silent for a long moment, taking sip from the glass to
hide the uncertainity he was feeling over this whole mess "No."
He replied in the end. Blunt honesty. Right there.


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Chapter 85: Chapter 85

"Because Lord Bolton does none of those things." She replied

"He has no reason to. In fact, I would go so far as to say that
Lord Bolton has nothing to do with the people coming from
other lands. No. The only thing he has done is make the lives of
the people in Bolton lands far better than the lives of smallfolk
in any other place in the North."
"That doesn't change the fact that he does accept those people in
his lands." He pointed out.
"Better than barring them access to the lands and telling them to
go back where they came from." She said with a shrug "Tell me
lord Stark, do you know how much an average smallfolk farmer
earns in the North in general?"
He frowned at those words and then guessed "1 to 2 gold
dragons." He guessed.
"True." She nodded "Recent surveys have told us that an average
Northern farmer earns about 1.32 gold dragons in a year. The
same surveys told us that after paying the tax, for the daily
necessities and new equipment, the farmer is left with less than
20 silver stags."
"I don't see what this has to do with anything." He said, not
really understanding why the woman was spouting all these
facts. Though the fact that Lord Bolton had done surveys like
these once again showed the power within his hands.
"Do you know how much an average small folk farmer in the
Bolton lands earns in a year?" she asked.
"This year, the survey found that an average Bolton farmer earns
about 15 gold dragons each year."
He did a spit take at that and then started coughing at the wine
that went down the wrong pipe in his throat.
The woman gave an amused smile and gave him a handkerchief
and as he wiped his mouth, he thought about the implication of
those words.
He knew that the people of Bolton lands enjoyed much more
wealth than other people but damn. He had no idea that the
disparity was that great.
"Of course." She continued "After paying the taxes, the loans for
the steel equipments, the loan for buffaloes, the loan for the
canal, and the tax payment for the Police force guarding their
lands, the people are left with less than 3 gold dragons. But
considering that one gold dragon makes for 210 silver stags, an
average farmer in Bolton lands still earn about 30 times more
than an average farmer any where else in North."
"I… see." He said, trying to regain his bearings even as he tried
and failed to understand the full impact of what has been told to
But even if he didn't understand the full details, he did
understand the point that Lady Celly was trying to make.
"The 'smallfolk' do not travel to Bolton lands because Lord
Bolton has coerced them to come to his lands. But because they
see a brighter future for themselves and their children in these
"That is good and all. But that still doesn't change the fact that
the lords from the nearby lands are angry for losing their
smallfolk, their only source of revenue to the Boltons. That still
doesn't change the fact that if this continues, then we'll have a
civil war in our hands. Something that I'm trying to stop."
"I know Lord Stark." She said with a smile "For this very
reason, me and Lady Barbrey have decided to hold a tourney
and have called for all the lords in our kingdom to come and
participate. That way, all the lords would be here and you and
Lord Bolton will be free to discuss the terms with them without
causing a civil war."
"A tourney. But isn't you're lord still travelling back from
Braavos?" he asked. "How can spend so gold on something
without his permission."
To that, the woman simply smiled a coy smile that told him that
she knew something that he didn't and found a lot of amusement
in that fact.
Maybe Lord Bolton had given her more control over his nances
than he thought? If so, then this Lady Celly held far more power
and wealth in her hand than almost any other lord in North. A
frightening prospect on it's own.
So far he had thought that he was talking to a representative of
Lord Bolton because Lady Barbrey herself wouldn't come to
meet him.
It was a good thing that he was respectful and courteous to her.
The woman might not hold power in the traditional sense of
lands and people but someone who can hold a tourney costing
tens of thousands of gold dragons with such ease was someone
was supposed to be feared and treated with caution.
"Lord Bolton will arrive in the castle within a week." She
replied, not answering his question as she got up from her chair
and bowed to him "By your leave Lord Stark."
He gave her a nod and she returned it with her own before
leaving the room.
Once Lady Celly had left the room, he took another sip from the
glass and let out a breath that he didn't even knew he had been
Then he got up from his chair and looked at the courtyard
through the glass windows.
Down in the courtyard he could Robb and Job play tag with the
other children of their age and… were those direwolf pups?
He looked around and saw Briar, the warg woman whom Lord
Bolton brought back from his expedition North of the Wall
sitting beside her direwolf. An intelligent creature who was
paying close attention to it's half dozen pups who were playing
tag with the other children.
He looked at the guards on top of the walls and could see that
they were not even paying any attention to this.
Well, if playing with Werewolf pups was a common occurrence
within Dreadfort then he supposed he had nothing to fear.
He could also see that the direwolf pups have grown attached to
both Robb and Jon with how they were circling them.
And as he looked at the carefree smile on Jon's face as he played
with the direwolves and the other children, he realized that
despite all the trouble that these lands were causing him, the
Bolton lands were not such a bad place after all.


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Chapter 86: Chapter 86

Lord Stark's abrupt arrival in Dreadfort had forced him to

change his plans.
Unlike what the people in his small council had been told, he
had not in fact gone to Braavos for some deal but had instead
gone to Dragonstone in search for any dragon eggs that might
still be hidden in some hidden underground vault or at the crack
of the Volcano where the Dragons once used to live.
The search had been long and had him many days and a good
deal of magical exhaustion before he nally stumbled upon a
hidden cave some distance from Dragonstone castle which lead
to an underground vault which held a few hundred thousand
gold dragons, books, treasures and three dragon eggs.
He didn't care about the gold coins as much as he did for the
dragon eggs, even as he took everything in the cave and put it
inside his magical trunk.
Adding to the dragons eggs that he'd previously stolen from the
rich magisters of the various cities in Essos, he now had a grand
total of 7 large Dragon eggs in his possession.
7 dragon eggs that his magical sense told him were not as dead
as people thought them to be due to their petri ed nature.
He just needed to nd the right ritual to perform and then…
well… he'll have dragons.
But for now, he needed to return to Dreadfort and deal with Lord
Stark as well as the lords in his nearby lands who had been
whining about losing their 'precious' smallfolk to him.
Well, despite her dislike for the man, his aunt had told him that
their situation was indeed a delicate one and without the calming
presence of Lord Stark, it was likely that a civil war would erupt
if the smallfolk continued to ow to his lands.
Which was why he had then held a meeting with his small
council via a magical mirror and they had decided to hold a
tourney to call all the lords from North.
This way, he won't have to run from castle to castle in order to
make deals with his neighbours to sooth any ruf ed feathers and
would be able to deal with them all at once and not need to
waste any more time on them than absolutely necessary.
With that said, he took his trunk and gave one last look at the
island where he had spent his past few weeks and then with a
password, a tug and a twist, he was back home.


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Chapter 87: Chapter 87

"I did not know that the Boltons had a Valyrian sword of their
own." Lord Stark murmured in wonder as he gazed at the
Valyrian Steel sword being held being a thick sheet of glass that
was further reinforced with magical runes so that it won't break
even if a nuclear bomb fell upon Dreadfort castle.
"It's not really a secret." He said with a shrug "After all, it's just
there. Sitting in a display behind the glass wall in the study.
Anyone who comes here can see it and I guess most of my
people already know about it. It's a wonder the news about it has
not already spread throughout Westeros."
"Hmm… Does it has a name?" Lord Stark asked.
"Lily." He said with a nod "Named after a woman who was dear
to me."
Lord Stark rose an eyebrow at that, probably coming to the
wrong conclusion but didn't comment on his words.
A long silence ensued between the two of them as he gazed
outside the window at the people working in the town down
below while Lord Stark gazed at the newly built Valyrian
"Have you thought about what you're going to do for this whole
mess?" Lord Stark asked in a tired voice after a long moment,
breaking the silence between them.
"Yeah. I have." He said turning to look at the lord who was
gazing intensely at him now.
"And you have a solution for to solve this civil unrest?" Lord
Stark asked.
He shrugged in reply. "First thing rst. I think we can both agree
on the fact that none of this is the fault of House Bolton. The
people who came to live in my lands. The people whom I
welcomed with open arms did so because they saw a better life
for themselves and their children in my lands. And despite how
the lords of these lands might treat their subjects, the truth
remains that the smallfolk are not our slaves. They're their own
people and are free to do with lives as they please."
Lord Stark reluctantly nodded at his words and was about to
open his mouth before he cut him off.
"That said. It is also the truth that the lords in these lands rely on
the peasants and the tax payed by them to sustain their
households. And it is also the truth that despite all the owery
words I've said, I'm the one who has gained the most from this
mass migration."
A population increase of 200,000 people in fact. A number that
would only go up and up in the upcoming years.
He himself had been shocked to hear the in the past two years,
the amount of people living in his lands had grown by 25%
thanks to the immigrants from other lands who came to his lands
for more work and better life.
He just… didn't knew that the problem was so severe.
The North itself only boasted a population of about 5 million
people in total. So the fact 4% people migrated to his lands in
the past 2 years was not a small thing at all.
In hindsight, he should have noticed that such a large amount of
people ocking to his lands for the work and gold he was
offering would de nitely cause some friction.
Oh well. Spilled milk and all that.
"So here is what I suggest." He said "I'm willing to pay for 10
times the amount of wealth that a peasant family pays in tax in a
year to all the lords who had lost their smallfolk to me in the
past two years."
"That is…" Lord Stark said, looking at him suspiciously "Rather
generous of you considering how you're not even in the wrong
in this matter."
"Perhaps." He shrugged "But I don't want people to think that
I'm some kind of end who just takes and takes from them
without giving anything in return. In fact, if the the people
whom I'm about to pay for their displaced population invest all
that gold in my lands, then I'm sure that their capital would
easily increase to two or three folds in a few years."
"You seem rather unconcerned about this whole matter." Lord
Stark pointed out. "Do you even realize how many families
you'll have to pay for?"
"About 46,800 families. Yes Lord Stark, I'm aware." He replied,
not caring about the icredulous look of Lord Stark's face at the
precise information he held. That's what happens when you have
competent subordinates working under you and the populace is
willing to work with the government. "I'm also aware that I'll
have to pay about 190,000 gold dragons for these people."
Lord Stark raised an eyebrow at his words "You do realize that
190,000 gold dragons is no small amount."
And it was true. North was the second poorest kingdom in the
Westeros, followed only by the Iron Islands due to their lack of
natural resources. But that didn't mean that he himself was poor.
No. In fact he was sure that by this point his house could be
counted among one of the richest houses in Westeros. Followed
only by House Lannister, Tyrell, Hightower, Martell and
Redwynes due to their long history.
The fact that he was richer than House Arryn, Stark, Baratheon,
Tully and Greyjoy, all of whom were the high lords of their
kingdoms spoke for itself.
Still, appearances needed to be kept.
"I know Lord Stark." He nodded "But it is not an very large
amount either. And I would rather pay for the people whom I've
indirectly taken in my lands and see an end to this mess rather
than surround myself with neighbours who hate my guts."
Lord Stark was about to say something when their was a knock
on the door.
Both of them frowned at the interruption as the door opened an
inch and Maester Wolkan peeked inside the room.
"My lord. Lady Barbrey sent me to inform you that Lord
Rickard Karstark and his men have arrived for the Tourney."
"Lord Karstark has arrived, has he. Then send one of the sewer
cleaner to escort him out of my lands."
"My lord. That would be seen as a huge insult. Lord Karstark
would not let such disrespect go without any retaliation."
"Disrespect huh… Good enough for an old fossil that I don't
respect at all." He mumbled.
"My Lord." Maester Wolkan hesitated "Lady Barbrey said that if
you don't arrive to welcome the lord within 5 minutes, then
she'll come here on her own to ask you politely to come with
He grimaced at the Maester's words and shot a glare at Lord
Stark who started chuckling at the Maester's words.
"Very well then." He nodded grudgingly before a feral smile
took place in his face "Call for all the wargs, giants and the
entire horse riders around Dreadfort. Tell Briar to call for the
entire Direwolf pack as well. Lord Karstark wants a welcome
doesn't he. I'll give him such a proper welcome that he won't
dare to come back to my lands ever again."
Maester Wolkan paled at his words but went to follow his words
as soon as he glared at the man.
His enmity for Lord Karstark might be petty but he can be petty
sometimes too.
"Lord Stark, if you would give me leave. I would go and
welcome Lord Karstark with all the proper respect that he
deserve" he said with a feral grin and Lord Stark grimaced
before nodding at him.
Suf ce to say that the look of Lord Karstark's face when his
welcoming party came out of Dreadfort and surrounded the
Karstark men completely was one for the book.


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Chapter 88: Chapter 88

"Lord Karstark offered me the hand of his daughter in marriage.

The gall of the man. Can you believe it?" he asked in slight
anger and annoyance as he huffed and sat down on the chair in
his study, trying not to look at the amused smiled on his aunt's
face as that would only serve to annoy him even more.
"And what's wrong with that?" his aunt asked innocently. Too
innocently "Alys Karstark is the same age as you and is the
daughter of one of the Great Houses of the North."
He gave an annoyed look to his aunt who barely managed to
keep a straight face for a short moment before she started
giggling to herself.
"Very funny auntie. Very funny."
"Okay okay. Perhaps not Alys Karstark then." Her smile dimmer
and her expression turned a little serious "But that doesn't mean
that you can remain a bachelor much longer. You need to think
about your house and about having an heir."
"I'm only 13 years old auntie." He said with a long suffering
sigh but she was not one to be deterred by such feeble excuses.
"Old enough to marry and sire a child." She said "Dom. Listen
to me. Despite the great amount of progress you've brought to
your lands. Despite all you've done for your people. As long as
you remain without an heir, the people in your lands will always
feel insecure. I know that you want to enjoy your freedom for a
while longer but you have to stop thinking about yourself and
start thinking about your people."
He let out a sigh at her words "That was a cheap shot auntie."
He mumbled to her. She knew how much he cared for his people
and was not above using it to manipulate that fact to help him.
"So. Will you think about it?" she asked and he sighed once
again and felt himself slide down on his chair in an inelegant
"I don't really have much of a choice in that matter." He told her
and she sharply turned to look at him and frowned.
"What do you mean that you don't have a choice?" she asked.
"Well…" he hesitated for a moment but then realized that she'll
nd out soon enough anyway so he continued "Lord Stark thinks
that House Bolton has amassed too much power in the last half a
Her face turned grim "Well, he's not wrong there. If it was me in
his position then I would have done everything to stop your
advance. Maybe even try to assassinate you if the opportunity
arose. Though I have a feeling that he still doesn't understand the
true scope of your powers."
He gave her a deadpanned gaze and she just gave a shrug.
"Well… The point is that Lady Catelyn Stark has convinced
Lord Stark that he couldn't leave such a powerful vassal all
alone without having familial ties to them."

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Chapter 89: Chapter 89

"That… That Tully bitch…" his aunt hissed as he face contorted

in rage. "How dare she think that she could just… just… take
your hand in marriage without even consulting us."
"The Starks can do it." He told her bluntly. "Well… they
technically can't force the marriage on me. But as things stand, if
Lord Stark decided to betrothed his daughter to me and I
refused, then all relation and trust that I've built with the Starks
over the years will crumble down to dust. Something that create
huge civil unrest in the North and eventually lead to a civil war.
Something that I have no intention of causing."
"This… that… doesn't make what they're doing right." She told
him and he smiled helplessly at her.
"They're desperate. He might not show it but I could see the
worry and fear hidden deeply in Lord Stark's eyes whenever he
looks at how much more richer our lands are and how well
disciplined and trained our men are. Plus, I might not like Sansa
Stark but that doesn't mean that I can't make use of her."
"And how are you going to make use of her?" his aunt asked.
"By getting bethrothed to her of course." He said with a cheerful
smile and his aunt gazed at him in shock before she shook her
head and gave him an annoyed look.
"Well. After I met Lord Stark and found out about this plan of
his, I went to Winterfell and spied on Sansa to see what kind of
girl she was."
"And what kind of she was she?" his aunt asked.
"Well…" he grimaced as he wondered to explain this without
insulting Sansa "Do you remember how I met her all those years
ago during the Greyjoy Rebellion?" he asked.
"A 4 year old child who clung to her mother and hid behind her
"Well, I suppose she has grown taller since all those years ago.
But aside from that, she is still the naive immature child living
in a fairy tail world of her own in which knights are chivalrous,
maidens are kind hearted and people marry and then live happily
after." He grimaced once again, not really wanting to bash the
girl's personality in front of his aunt but he had been really
unimpressed by her.
His aunt gestured him to go on, seemingly too curious at the
peace of gossip he was giving her.
"It's not that there's something wrong with the girl. It's just
that… Lord Stark sheltered the girl too much from the reality of
the world. And the septa brought from the South is not helping
in any real manner. The girl really has no outstanding abilities
that stand out. She doesn't know how to administer. She doesn't
know how to rule. She doesn't know how to lead. She doesn't…
well, I guess I could go on and on about the things that she
doesn't know about. But the point is that I'm not going to marry
the girl."
His aunt frowned "But you just said that you're going to be
betrothed to the girl."
"That I am." He said "The betrothal with the daughter of Lord
Stark will bring peace to my lands. And give me 7 more years to
bring more progress to my lands and gain more strength. At that
point, I'll have grown too strong that even a war against the
entirety of North won't put a dent on us. At that point, I'll nd
some way to break my betrothal with the girl."
"And take the North from the Starks." His aunt added and he
would have done a spit take if he was drinking something. As it
was, he merely gaped at her.
"What? No. I'm not going to take the North from the Starks.
Why would you even think that?"
"Why not. If you become strong enough to defeat the armies of
all the other houses in North, then I don't see why you wouldn't
just take the North from the Starks." She said as if it was the
most obvious thing in the world.
"Three reasons why I won't be taking over the North." He
explained to her.
"1st. King Robert Baratheon loves Ned Stark like a brother. So if
I rebel against Ned Stark then I won't only have to ght the
forces of the North but also the men of the other kingdoms that
King Robert would rally against me. And even if I'm sure about
my victory, I would rather not ght against such a large force."
"2nd. Even if won against them and became the King of the
North, the other houses won't follow me willingly. And I have
really no interest in leading a realm in which most of the people
hate me."
"And 3rd. I don't want to rule the North. As simple as that. I
have my own ambitions, goals and plans for the future and none
of them involve me ruling the North. Simply said, being the
King of the North is not a burden that I want to pick up on my
shoulder. Is that enough explanation for you."
His aunt gave him a scrutinizing gaze for a long moment before
her shoulders dropped and she let out a sigh "I suppose. It seems
like you've put a lot of thought into this and have already made
up your mind in this matter so I'll not ask you to kick the Starks
from their seats just because I don't like them."
He gave her a grateful smile and wondered when Ned Stark was
going to ask him about the betrothal with Sansa.
Ned had certainly been thinking about it whenever the two of
them talked.
He just wished that this farce would be over as quickly as


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Chapter 90: Chapter 90

The next few days went by in a urry of activities as various

lords from all across the North arrived in Dreadfort for the
They were all very surprised by the amount of wealth on display
in his lands and quite a few of them tried to set up a betrothal for
him with their daughters. Lord Manderly himself talked with
him six times about having a betrothal with one of his
And while he would admit that it was a little attering at the
start, it got annoying far too quickly for him.
By the end of another week, almost all the lords from the North
had arrived in Dreadfort and he nally started the Tourney.
Unlike the South, the North don't have very many horsemen or
knights. And even those who knew how to ride a horse didn't
knew how to use a lance with it. So he skipped the joust entirely
and started with melee.
But instead of having people ght one on one against each other,
he had people sign as a group and ght in group vs group ghts.
This lead to all the great houses forming their own groups while
the smaller houses joined together to form a decent block of
warriors on their own.
It was quiet fascinating to watch.
The competition was especially tense because instead of gold or
silver as a reward, he had decided to give 1000 Full plate armor
as a reward for the 1st group, 100 horses for the runner up and
50 swords for the 3rd place.
These things might be expensive for other lords. For example, a
full plate armor easily cost between 10 gold dragons to 30 gold
dragons depending on how good it was. And his own armors
sold for about 25 gold dragons.
But their production cost was only 5 gold dragons at best. So in
truth, he was giving away a reward of 5,000 gold dragons while
to the others, it seemed like he was giving a reward of 25,000
gold dragons.
Not that he would have faced any particular problems by giving
away 25,000 gold dragons as a reward. But years of living in
near poverty under the Dursleys taught him to rest money so he
the habit of trying to save wealth whenever he could get away
with it.
Other than the Melee, there were other individual and group
cometitions as well.
The group section of 'tug-of-war' became especially famous as
the other lords like Greatjon, Rickard Karstark and Lord Ned
Stark himself descended on the eld to lead their teams in this
show of strength.
Lord Greatjon Umber became even more pumped when he told
them that the winner team will get to take part in a tug of war
against a single giant.
The whole tourney lasted for a whole week and there was a
festive atmosphere in his domain during that whole time.
Of course, he had to import some more whores for the brothels
to serve as Taverns waitress and maids during this week as he
would have been pissed if some lordling tried to paw at the
women working in his castle just because they were 'smallfolk'
and no cares about them.
Regardless of the the precautions and his subordinates had
taken, he still increased the amount of Bolton guards in
Dreadfort by 3 times and the police force in the outside town by
5 times for maintaining the order.
13 men were sent to Nights Watch during this time because they
tried to rape the women in the town. Of course, all of them were
caught before the act could happen thanks to all the precautions
he had taken in place.
Some lords grumbled about him sending their men to the Wall
when the rape didn't even took place. He made sure to rip a new
one into them with his own counter arguments.
He might have made a few enemies among the small lords but
the other lords got his message clear enough and started to reign
in their men after that.
No one wanted to be humiliated by their own host in front of the
whole North.
Lord Stark seemed especially proud of him for protecting his
people with such fervour.

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Chapter 91: Chapter 91

The other matter of importance was the amount of spies that

tried to in ltrate the town and Dreadfort during this week.
Thankfully, he had already created and completed the equivalent
of the Marauder map for his lands along with the intent sensing
capabilities. With it's help, his spy mistress Lyra was able to rout
out each and all the spies sent to spy on him by Varys,
Little nger, the Queen, Tywin Lannister, Olenna Tyrell,
Braavosi merchants, Myrish merchants, Pentoshi merchants, etc.
His men Interrogation department captured those spies at the
dead of night, interrogated them during the night and sent them
packing to the Wall by morning.
Lord Jeor Mormont had been especially happy with all the new
recruits he had sent them this time with the biyearly support
items of food, gold and clothes.
He also had to make time to meet with all the lords of the greater
houses one by one to set up business proposals with them and
make them aware of the things they could accomplish with his
He was glad that he had people like his aunt, Celly and a host of
other competent subordinates that were able to keep the castle
and the whole tournament running without him having to worry
about it.
He had no doubt that he would be truly lost if he didn't have
these people working under him.
By the end of the Tourney, The Boltons won the melee as well as
the archery contest thanks to the presence of his two sworn
shields Varko and Baka.
Baka had especially earned a great reputation in the North
thanks to her Herculean strength.
It had been more than a little awkward for him when Lord
Greatjon Umber asked him for her hand in marriage to one of
his sons.
He had declined of course. Because despite her strength and her
own growing maturity, Baka was still a young and naive little
girl at heart and he might not admit it out loud but had grown
quite fond of her over the years. Treating her like a little sister
rather than his sworn sword more often than not.
The archery contest on the other hand had been won by none
other than his friend Ygritte. Though he would have to admit
that she cheated a bit by using the enchanted bow he had granted
her but even the bow would not work without being used by a
very competent archer so he let it slide.
It had been more than a little amusing to nd that both Rob
Stark and Jon Snow had developed a little crush on her.
Especially because she was not like the other young ladies of the
North and neither showed them the respect they deserved nor
gave them the time of the day.
Aside from that, the swimming competition was won by a man
from the Bear Island. The Tug of war was won by Lord Greatjon
Umber and his team, though they went ahead and lost
spectacularly against the Gaint.
The running competition was won by a teenage girl who came
from a nearby village. He had to take her under his own wing to
make sure that other people won't try to kill her and take the
reward from her.
The drinking competition was once again won by Lord Greatjon
Umber and team though the Mormonts came a close second and
both the teams had to nurse a splitting headache the very next
There had been a few other competitions that were won by
various other people and teams.
But all good things had to end so with the end of the prize
distribution, he declared the end of the tourney. Something that
he proclaimed he would hold every 2 years in his lands on this
very day.
The announcement was met with cheers from everyone and with
that, the Tourney of cially ended.
By the end of the day, he and Lord Stark held a meeting with the
Lords who had lost their small folk to the grand migration that
took place when people started coming to his land for work and
a better life.
Lord Stark was impressed him by quickly taking control over
the meeting and explaining the points that he had already
discussed with the lord prior to the meeting.
When Lord Stark told them that he was willing to compensate
for the displaced smallfolk, some of the greedier lords tried to
bargain so that they would get more out of the deal but a single
scathing and disappointed look from Lord Stark put them in
their place.
By the end of the meeting, he was 200,000 gold dragons poorer
but the issue had been solved once and for all.
The next day, all the lords from all over the North started to
trickle out of the town and by the end of the day, Dreadfort and
it's town were once again bereft of all the lords and ladies who
had come to the tourney and despite the annoying nature of
some of them, he felt that the Dreadfort seemed more empty in
their absence.
Of course, Lord Stark had still not left Dreadfort. And both of
them knew that the time to talk about the betrothal had nally


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Chapter 92: Chapter 92

"I do not want to be betrothed to your daughter." He told the

man to his face.
Lord Stark gaped at his direct refusal as he quickly went on to
explain "It is not that there is anything wrong with your
daughter. In fact, from what I'd heard of Sansa from Rob and
Jon, she is growing up to be a splendid woman with a kind and
gentle disposition. The problem in fact, lies with me."
Lord Stark's frowned softened slightly though his posture
remained stiff "Explain."
"I… well, I don't know how well you'll take it. But the truth of
the matter is that when I marry, I do not want to do it out of
some social or political obligation. When I eventually marry,
something that I don't plan to do anytime soon, I want to do it
for love."
Lord Stark continued to give him 'The Look' for a good few
moments before he nally let out a sigh as his shoulders
slumped and he nodded.
"I… understand." The lord said "It's just that…"
"I know." He said, cutting of the lord mid sentence.
"Huh…" came the elegant response.
"I said, I understand the reason why you want to betrothed your
daughter to me." He said softly "The Bolton lands have
prospered a lot since I took the position as the head of the house
after the untimely death of my father Roose Bolton. I understand
that under my guaidance, House has grown and prospered to the
point that the house has become a major threat to the house of
Stark. And even if I might not hold any ill will toward your
house, it is highly possible that my son or the son of my son
might hold different values from me at which point a civil war
would take place and the North would break into pieces. As the
Warden of the North, you cannot allow such a thing to happen."
He stopped speaking for a moment and looked pensively at Lord
Stark before he continued "For that very reason, for the
prosperity of my people and the peace in the North, I will accept
this betrothal to Lady Sansa Stark."
Lord Stark looked surprised and happy at his declaration but
before Lord Stark could open his mouth to speak, he raised a
hand to stop him and continued.
"But… I have conditions."


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Chapter 93: Chapter 93

Lord Stark's face turned solemn once again and the man nodded
at him to continue.
"Condition number 1. If Sansa wants to marry me, then she'll
stop following the Faith of the Seven. She'll stop learning from
the Septa and start following the Old Gods."
Lord Stark frowned at his words "Is there any particular reason
for it."
He nodded at Lord Stark's words. "Many. But the most
important one is that the whole religion is corrupt to the core. I
do not like it and will not tolerate the presence of someone in
my house who would want me to build a sept for her so that she
could spread that religion in my lands."
Lord Stark slowly nodded at his words "It's understandable. I'll
have to talk with my Lady wife and see what we can do about
"Very well. Condition number 2. Sansa will spend 4 months
every year in Dreadfort until she is married to me. If she wants
to be my wife, then she needs to understand my lands and my
people before everything else."
Lord Stark nodded and he continued.
"Condition number 3. She'll stop wasting her time on lessons of
music, poetry, singing, dancing, embroidery and other such
traditional activities. If I want to marry a singer, I would marry a
bard. If I wanted to marry someone who can do embroidery, I
would have married a seamstress. If I wanted someone beautiful
to marry, then I would have married a Lyssini whore. No, if she
wants to be my wife and rule beside me, then she'll learn things
like administration, accounting, horse riding, negotiating skills,
diplomatic skills, etc. In fact, I'll send two of my very best
maesters to see to her education."
Lord Stark grimaced at his harsh words "These… are a lot of
"No." He shook his head "These are the bare minimum of what
your daughter needs to do if she wants to be my wife. If I'm
sacri cing my happiness and freedom for this marriage, then I
want her to at least be worth the effort."
"Is there anything else Lord Bolton?" Lord Stark asked and he
shook his head.
"No, that'll be all Lord Stark."
"Very well." Lord Stark said and got up from his chair "I… need
to think about it. And talk about this with my lady wife. Rest
assured, I'll give you an answer by the end of the month."


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Chapter 94: Chapter 94

"Here." He said as he handed out a pair of direwolf pups to Lord

Stark who looked at them in surprise and trepidation.
"And… what am I to do when them Lord Bolton?" Lord Stark
asked while holding the two pups awkwardly.
"My friend Briar told me that the pups have grown overly
attached to your two boys." He said with a shrug "She also tells
me that both your boys have a little talent for warging." A talent
that became even more prominent once they started living in the
magically rich area of Dreadfort.
Lord Stark looked at little shocked at the revelation and he
"Briar told me that Rob and Jon have already started getting
wolf dreams and have formed a bond with the direwolves. It is
unfortunate that I myself don't have a talent in this area, but if
they ever want to learn how to warg into the wolves then you
can send me a letter and I'll send one of my more experienced
wargs to teach your boys how to warg into the direwolves."
Lord Stark looked rather uncomfortable by this whole revelation
but simply nodded along at his words.
He smiled "Don't worry lord Stark. Direwolves are one of the
most loyal creatures you'll ever nd. And rather intelligent in
their own way. Your family will be far more safer thanks to these
Direwolves than without."
Lord Stark nodded and looked at his sons who were having a
last minute conversation with Ygritte and the other kids they'd
become friends with in their month long stay in Dreadfort.
He himself was had very limited amount of free time due to all
the added duties thanks to the tourney but he made sure to spend
some quality time with them every now and then. And after
seeing the prosperity of his lands and the success he'd gained in
only half a decade, he had a feeling that Robb and Jon would
have looked up at him in admiration even if he had not used any
compulsion charms on them.
In the end, he bid goodbye to Lord Stark and his two sons before
sending them off with an escort that would follow them till the
end of Bolton lands.


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Chapter 95: Chapter 95

A year later. 14 years old

"What is the status of the roads?" he asked while sitting at the
head of the table with his small council. Not that there was
anything 'small' about it as there were 24 people in it.
Head of the Glassmakers, Head of Education, Head of
Infrastructure and Roads, Head of Steel Industry, Head of
mining operations, Head of the Department of Law and Justice,
General Bronn, General Karsi, Admiral Muron, Head of The
Trading Fleet, his regent and aunt Lady Barbrey, Maester
Wolkan, Spymistress Lyra , CEO Celly being just some of the
many members of the small councils sitting in front of him.
"The road going down south have connected all the major
villages speci ed by you and have nally reached Castle
Hornwood. The road going North have crossed the Last River
where the construction of the bridge have nally ended. The
name of the bridge have yet to be decided." The Head of
Infrastructure and Roads said "The road have split up from there
and the road to Northwest leading to Last Heart from there has
already started. The construction of the road going to North East
to Karhold has been halted because we've yet to gain permission
from Lord Karstark."
"I see. Stop the construction of the road going to Karhold. Put
all the resources and men power in building the road to Last
Hearth." He said in his Lordly voice "What about the Road to
the East and West."
"The Road from Dreadfort to Bolton Port has already been
completed. So now we're focusing on building the roads to the
nearby Silver and iron mines." The man replied "The road to
West has been halted due to it reaching White Knife. A stone
bridge is currently under construction. The work would continue
once the bridge has been nished."
He nodded and then turned to face his his regent and Aunt Lady
Barbrey Dustin "Auntie. The newest survey for the population of
the Lands of Bolton have been completed I assume."
His aunt nodded back at him and took out a folder from her
purse and started reading the information in it. "The population
of your lands have shown a steady increase in the last year. The
number of people living in your lands have crossed the 900,000
mark and now sits at about 921,000 people."
"40,000 of the increased population is due to the immigrants
from other lands coming for work while 6,300 are the new born
He hummed as she nished the rest of her report and thought
about the amount of people that he could arm based on the
Depending on the level of prosperity in his lands, he could easily
create a standing army of 2% from the total population. So a
population of 900,000 should be able to give him an army of
18,000 men.
Compared to him, the other lords would hardly be able to raise
an army of 0.5% of their total population due to the low level of
prosperity and lack of food which resulted in the North raising
an army of 25,000 men from it's population of 5 million people
in the last two wars.
Still, right now he only had enough training facilities to train
9,000 men who were divided in two Legions between General
Bronn and General Karsi. With 1000 more men being train as
horse archers by a Dothraki blood rider who chose to embrace
the life of a mercenary instead of trying to avenge his khal when
his khal died.
The problem was that he could not make such a large standing
army without scaring the crap out of the other lords in the North.
Which was understandable.
Despite his betrothal to Lady Sansa Stark, Ned Stark had still
forbade him from increasing the size of his standing army
anymore once it reached the 3000 mark.
That Ned Stark even allowed him to create a standing army of
3000 men was a huge surprise in and of itself. But he still had to
hide most of his men most of the time.
So creating another legion at this point would be more
counterproductive than anything.
Still, there are more than 1 ways to increase the size of his army.


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Chapter 96: Chapter 96

"Varamyr." He said and the greatest warg within his ranks rose
his head to look at him.
"How many direwolves do we have without our ranks now?" he
The warg scratched his head and closed his eyes for a moment
before replying "14 adult ones. 43 pups and… 4 more were born
last month."
He nodded "What about the Weirwood bows and the Ironwood
arrows I'd given to the Giants. Are they working as they
should?" he asked.
At this, Varamyr's face took a decidedly savage grin and he
snarled "Better. Much much better."
He raised and eyebrow at that. It seems like he needed to go and
see the training of the Giant Archers if Varamyr was so
impressed by them.
Truth be told, he had even known that there were archers among
the giants and only found out about them when Ygritte told him
about it.
Even after that, he had thought the concept to be strange as
Giants have rather bad eyesight. Still, he could see the merit in
that idea and thus gave a few enchanted giant sized Weirwood
bow and Ironwood arrow to the Giants, not really knowing what
to expect from them.
But if Varamyr's reaction was any indication then he might gain
another lethal weapon in his arsenal very soon.
He nodded and turned to look at Mocqo, a dothraki bloodrider
who chose to embrace the life of a mercenary after the death of
his Khal. A fairly recent addition to his forces.
"Mocqo. How goes the training of the Horse Archer regiment?"
he asked.
Mocqo stopped leering at General Karsi and frowned for a
moment before replying in broken Westerosi language "It… not
Knowing that talking in the common language would take too
long, he spoke in uent Dothraki "What is the problem?"
"The problem…" Mocqo scrunched his eyebrows "The problem
is simple. Your people are shit at riding horses." He said with the
uncharacteristic bluntness that he only ever hears from Walton,
the head of his personal guards and the Security Chief of
"Then make them better at it." He replied with bluntness in
Dothraki "Those are your men now. If they don't know
something then it falls on you to teach them. I don't want to hear
your complains Mocqo. That is not why I hired you. I want
results." He said, using his magic to slightly intemidate the man.
And although the Dothraki didn't show any outward sign of
being affected by him, a brief use of legilimency told him that
the man was still afraid of ever going against him.
He then turned to the rest of the men who looked slightly
confused at the use of dothraki language and continued.
"Admiral Muron. What of our war eet?"
Muron shrugged at his question. "Nothing much. After the
defeat they suffered at our hands, the Ibbenese have kept their
heads down. The pirates from Sisterton have mostly been
eradicated. But they pirates. The scum will return sooner or
later. And then we'll have to make another sweep to kill them
once again." He said without any care. Not that he himself felt
anything for the pirates.
There was a time when he would have tried to empathized with
the pirates and would have tried to understand why they did
what they did. But years as the head of the Auror department
had taught him that some people were just not worth saving.
True, not all pirates are bad. In fact, some of them even have
their own families in the Free Cities. But does this make all the
crimes they committed any less forgivable.
No, time and experience had taught him to harden his hard and
give the correct order instead of being benevolent when it was
required of him.
With that said, the battle against the Ibbenese for the Whaling
rights of the Shivering Sea could have been averted with small
compromises. But the Shivering Sea didn't belong to Ibbenese
and they had been the one who had attacked his ships at rst.
So a compromised had been reached. After he and Muron broke
their war eet and burned their ship yard before they could
launch an attack on them.
They still had to ght the remaining Ibbenese ships but it was
not a very hard task and he had left Muron to it.
The Ibbenese didn't attack his ships anymore.
He nodded in Muron's direction and got up from his seat, the
Small Council standing up with him.
"That'll be all for today. You're all dismissed." He said and his
subordinates bowed to him before leaving the room.
All except for his aunt, Maester Wolkan, Spy Mistress Lyra and
his CEO Celly.
The true small council with whom he shared almost all of his
plans regarding the future of his people and the few people
whom he trusted the most aside from his two sworn shields who
were stil quietly standing behind him in their full armor.
His spy mistress took out a folder lled with reports from inside
a bottomless bag that he had given her as a gift in her birthday
and gave it to him.
"It seems you were right to be cautious. The Magisters of Myr
are planning something. They're gathering men and gold and
forming a coalition. It seems like they intend to attack our ships
in the sea by either hiring pirates or camou aging their own
ships as pirates. They might have other plans for us but so far
I've yet to nd any."
"I see." He said, looking pensively at the le in his hands as his
mind already started coming up with various ways in which he
could divert or destroy this potential threat to his people. "Any
ideas on how to deal with this?" he asked them to see if they had
any better ideas.
And so the meeting continued for two more hours after which he
got too tired to continue the meeting and dismissed them so that
he could go to his room and sleep in his soft and velvety bed.


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Chapter 97: Chapter 97

Domeric opened his eyes and looked at the sun shining on his
face through the window.
Still feeling a little sleepy, he pulled his pillow to his face and
tried to go back to sleep once again but he knew that he won't be
able to so after trying for a little while, he pulled himself off the
bed and looked outside at the growing city through his one way
He could see the half completed wall in the distance. At the rate
with which it was building, the whole wall will only take one or
two more years to complete.
The main reasons why the wall was being built at such a rapid
pace was because 1. He had used a vast area magic to create a
strong foundation for the wall so they didn't have to waste time
to dig a deep foundation themselves. 2. He had made the every
resource available to the builders at a walking distance. And 3.
He had hired a 'lot' of builders. And the builders were quite
dedicated to the work as the slackers got their pay cut while
those who showed results gained bonuses.
He supposed that this was his mantra for all the infrastructures
he was building all across his realm.
Produce all the building materials required, the hire a lot of
workers and put competent people in charge.
He looked to the right side of the growing city and could see the
marvel of the hard work of his Glass Makers.
The 100 glass houses he had commissions had already been
completed. He had also put a lost of effort by bringing some of
the most fertile soil from down south and putting that soil inside
the glass houses along with a good deal of fartilizer.
By now he had already completed carving runes in half of them.
But regardless, the farmers selected for this task have already
planted the plants he provided them with and they would be
ready for harvest in due time.
Then, he won't have to go to the Arbor whenever he wanted
some fresh tropical fruits for breakfast. Or won't have to import
every damn spice from either Dorne or Summer Isle.
He looked to the East and although he could not see the port
from where he was standing, he could still see the boats going
along the Weeping Water river from Dreadfort to Bolton Port.
The port had also grown by a fair amount in the past year. And
so had the eet which now stood at 200 ships strong.
The ships builders had worked hard in the last year, building and
adding one more ship to his eet every 4-5 days.
The result was that he now had 60 Carracks, 60 Galleons, 30
brig, 20 whaler ships and 30 War Galleys. Plus there were 20
more galleys that Muron took from the various skirmishes with
the pirates. Most of which had already been repaired and added
to his eet, taking it to a total of 220 ships.
Of course, his eet was still nothing compared to the Redwynes
who had an impressive Fleet of 1200 ships. 1000 trading ships
and 200 War Galleys. Let alone the Behemoth known as
Braavos which had a eet of 3400 ships to it's name. 3000
trading ships and 400 War Galleys.
But then again, Braavos and Arbor are both large trading hubs
and have built such a large eet over a long period of time while
his eet is only 4 years old.
He still took a great amount of pride in his Fleet. Because even
if it was no match for the Redwynes or Braavosi Fleet, it was
still the second largest Fleet in Westeros, overtaking the Royal
Fleet and Iron Fleet with the 160 ships and 100 ships by sheer
numbers alone.
Not that he felt much of an accomplishment as the Royal Fleet
and Iron Fleet didn't give him much of a challenge.
Still, there were so many great houses in Westeros that had a
port of their own. Lannisters, Hightowers, Arryn of the
Gulltown, Baratheon of the Storms end and the Martell. And he
had not only built a port out of nothing but had also created the
second largest eet in the Seven kingdoms in only 4 years.
Yes, he was proud of his eet.


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Chapter 98: Chapter 98

"Lady Sansa. Is the food to your liking?" he asked as he chewed

on the Whale cuisine that his chef had learned from one of his
Ibbenese Prisoners who chose to give up various kinds of
information about his homeland rather than be sent to live in the
Wall for life.
"Mmm…" the girl elegantly wiped her lips with a handkerchief
and gave him a pretty smile that he had come to dislike over the
past few months because of just how fake it was. "It is. The food
is delicious my lord."
"Then you should nish it all sweet girl." His aunt, her words
lled with sweet poison that threatened to end his appetite right
then and there.
"You concern is noted but I think you should worry about your
own health instead of poking in other people's business Lady
Barbrey." Lady Catelyn snarked from the other side of the table
where she was sitting beside Sansa. "If your maintained your
beautiful gure then you might even catch the eye of some
hedge knight and become a married woman once again."
Oh… that was a cheap shot. Lady Catelyn should not have
poked his aunt's marital status. Especially considering how the
war caused by the Stark was the main reason why his aunt's
husband died in the rst place.
Judging by the abrupt silence in the dining table, perhaps Lady
Catelyn also realized that she had crossed the line because her
face went pale and even Sansa, who didn't understood
everything that was going on was starting to look worried.
Now, if someone else had insulted his aunt in such a manner,
then he would have thrown them to the prison and then shipped
them off to the Wall. But this was Lady Catelyn Stark. Plus, as
much as he was ashamed to admit it, it was his aunt who started
this whole argument. So he didn't have any moral high ground
Still, in a ght between Lady Catelyn and Lady Barbrey, he was
always going to take the side of his aunt. Because she was
"Lady Catelyn." He said in what he had dubbed his 'lordly' voice
and every head in the table turned to him as he seriously looked
at the woman with an apathetic but slightly angered expression
"Lord Stark sent a letter to you this morning. It seems he cannot
take such long time of separation with his dear wife and
daughter. The love he holds for you has moved me and I'm
willing to break the 4 month agreement and will allow you to go
back to Winterfell. In fact, I feel that you should go as quickly to
your husband as possible. Today in fact. I'll allow you to go and
pack your bags."
Sansa Stark still look confused but Lady Catelyn's expression
had turned furious at the blatant way in which he was telling her
to 'fuck off' back to Winterfell.
But really, did she really think that she would be able to live in
his home and then insult his own aunt in front of him.
In hindsight, perhaps the idea to have Sansa spend some time
here in Dreadfort was not such a good one after all.
But in hindsight, when he had called for Sansa to stay here, he
had really not expected that Lady Catelyn Stark would come
with her. In hindsight, he should have guessed that this could
have happened.
The presence of Lady Stark changed everything because even if
his aunt was willing to tolerate the Stark children, as was shown
by her disinterest toward Robb and Jon during their stay here,
she had a lot of hate toward Catelyn Stark because the Tullys
were the main reason why Brandon Stark was not able to marry
And with Catelyn always staying close to her daughter as if they
were in a hostile territory, the hate that his aunt held for Catelyn
also started extending to her daughter Sansa who had no
personality of her own and tried to emulate her mother in just
about everything.
His aunt and Catelyn had mixed like oil and water from the start
and any event that saw the two of them come together would be
a tense one.
Because of that, the breakfast and dinner had been tense affairs
these past few months but as long as they didn't cross the line,
everything was just about alright. Except. Lady Catelyn crossed
the line this time.
Lady Catelyn had the right to be angry on her daughter's behalf
but she had no right to say what she did to his aunt.
He maintained his ice cold facade as Lady Catelyn angrily got
up from her chair and pulled a confused Sansa along with her
Once Lady Catelyn and Sansa left the room, it plunged into
silence once again.
He hated this silence. Everyone in the dining table was like a
family to him. His sworn shields, Ygritte, Karsi, Lyra and Celly.
They should be enjoying the food and each other's company. Not
be silent in such a tense atmosphere.
"Lady Barbrey. Come with me." He said and got up from his
chair. The occupants in the dining table got up along with him
but he shook his head. No reason why he should let them go
with empty stomachs for his mistake "You all can continue in
my absence." And with that, he left the room, his aunt following
behind him in a subdued manner.
As soon as they got to an empty room, he closed the door and
cast a sound muf ing barrier around it and turned to glare at his
aunt who inched at his expression.
"Did sniping at the heels of a little girl really give you so much
satisfaction that you're willing to put my alliance with the Starks
in jeopardy?" he asked in a cold and apathetic tone "Or was that
your intention from the start."
His aunt looked hurt at his accusation "Dom. Listen to me."
"No." He cut her off "I've been listening to you ever since I was
a child. But it was time for you to extend the same courtesy for
me, you did not. You continued you childish spat with Sansa and
Catelyn. And now this is the result. How do you think Lord
Stark will take it when he nds that I threw his wife and his
daughter out of my home. Huh?"
His aunt chose to remain silent in the face of his anger and he
continued to glare at her before he nally felt a deep exhaustion
come over him and he let out a sigh.
"I'll go with Lady Catelyn and Lady Sansa to Winterfell where
I'll take full blame for this whole debacle and ask for forgiveness
from Lord Stark."
"YOU… on the other hand, will go to the Bolton Port where
you'll live as the Castellin for the next three months." He said,
effectively exiling her from Dreadfort for the next 3 months.
"4 months." He replied in a cold voice.
His aunt continued to look imploringly at him for a long
moment before she nally lowered her head and gave him a nod.
"I… I understand my lord."
And then she left the room, leaving him in silence that made him
wonder if he should have used some compulsion charms on
Lady Catelyn when she rst started butting heads with his aunt.
That would have made things so much easier. But Sansa was his
betrothed. His ancee. And even if he had no plans to marry her,
that still made her his pseudo family for the time being. And he
had a rule to never use mind magic on his family members.
He was such a fool to put Lady Catelyn and Lady Barbrey in the
same room and hope that the whole thing won't blow up in his


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Chapter 99: Chapter 99

"How far are the Direwolves able to run while wearing the
Chainmails?" he asked Varamyr who chewed on an apple and
made a moaning noise lled with satisfaction that he did not
want to hear coming from any man.
"Just as far as they usually do." Varamyr replied "A little less
perhaps. But the chain mails you gave us are far too light and
don't really burden the wolves all that much."
"And are the chain mails able to hold up well under arrows?" he
asked, feeling a little irritated at how casually Varamyr took this
whole thing. Hell, if he had not thought about creating body
armor fo the direwolves then Varamyr would have never even
asked for it. The man was either oblivious or he didn't care for
his bonded animals all that much.
"Umm… Yes. They hold up decently enough. At least I've yet to
see any of my wolves get hurt under the arrows. You did a good
job with the chain mails kid." Varamyr
For a moment he thought about reminding the man of his
position as a lord and not as a kid but then he thought better of it
and decided to let it go for now.
The free folk, as their name implied, are too free spirited. And
trying to pull their chains whenever they got out of line would
only breed resentment in their hearts.
He could empathise with them as he too considered himself a
free spirited man but that didn't change the fact that their
attitudes got on his nerves every now and then.
He was about to ask Varamyr to bring him one of the direwolves
so that he could check on the chain mails himself when he heard
footsteps coming from the distance.
He turned around and found Sansa coming toward him with a
few Stark guards following behind her.
"Lady Stark." He said while dismissing Varamyr and telling
Varko to remain at a distance, an order that was also obeyed by
the Stark guards as he took Sansa on a walk in the godswood
surrounding the Castle.
"My lord… Is father really calling us back home?" asked the
naive girl in a somewhat worried voice.
It seems like Sansa had been enamored colored walls, richly
furnished rooms, the fountain, the tiled oors, the soft beds, the
ushed toilets and showers along with the myriad of other
changes he had brought to Dreadfort to make it resemble a
modern mansion.
He doubt that she would be able to look at Winterfell the same
way after living in such luxury for so long.
"The situation is… more complicated than that." He told her,
wanting to use compulsion magic on her to not ask such
complicated questions from him and ruin his day but holding
himself back because of his own rules.
For a moment he wanted to tell her to not think about it too
much as it was an adult matter but then he realized that if he
didn't tell her then she'll remain naive and nothing will change.
About the history of the Starks and his aunt. About how Brandon
Stark promised marry his aunt and took her maidenhead but
couldn't follow on his promise because his father betrothed him
to the Tully. About how his aunt was later married to William
Dustin who later died in a war when he went with Lord Ned
Stark to rescue his sister Lady Lyanna Stark.
About how Lord Stark brought back the body of his sister but
left behind the body of William Dustin due to the circumstances.
By the end of it, he told Sansa about all the reasons why his aunt
hated her family. And that no one was really wrong in this
matter. Which was why he didn't try to stop the bickering of his
aunt and Lady Stark.
"But when your mother, commented on the marital status of his
aunt, that crossed the line." He explained to her. "A very grave
insult that no one should have given to my aunt let alone a Stark
who her indirectly the reason why she is a Widow in the rst
place. So you see. I know that my aunt was in the wrong when
she threw barbs at you. But I cannot allow your mother to insult
my aunt in such a manner either."
"So… there's no letter from father calling us back?" she asked,
looking a little confused and hurt.
"No Sansa. That was effectively me punishing Lady Stark for
insulting my aunt in front of me." He told her "And before you
say otherwise, I've punished Lady Barbrey as well by exiling her
to Bolton Port for the next few months for her part in this
Sansa became quiet at that and stayed that way until she nally
turned to look at him with a worried expression "You will not
break the betrothal with me, will you?"
"No my lovely lady." He said as he took her hand and kissed her
knuckles, getting an embarrassed giggle out of her "I'll not break
the betrothal from my side. Though I can't say that same for
your father. You mother is rather angry at me at the moment and
might in uence his decisions."
"I… I'll talk with my father." She said with conviction that
seemed entirely alien on her face "I don't to break the betrothal
with you. I want to marry you and… and be your wife and give
you lots and lots of children."
How the girl was able to say such words with such an earnest
expression would always remain beyond his understanding.
Lord Stark had followed on the agreement and had removed the
Septa's in uence from Sansa but it was too late in that regards.
The Septa had already lled Sansa's head with ideas about how a
lady's task was to remain loyal to the lord and give him lots of
children or crap like that.
The whole thing frankly disgusted him to no end. The fact that
Lady Catelyn hired the Septa who taught these things to Sansa
lowered his opinion of the woman even further.
"I'm sure you will Lady Sansa." He managed to say in the end
with a not too strained expression and continued the walk before
she could say anything more in this topic.
"There's one more thing Lord Bolton." Sansa said demurely after
she caught up to him.
"Go ahead." He told her, wanting to take out the information
with a legilimency probe but holding himself back due to his
own rules.
"I… I wanted to see… wanted to ask you… if you could show
me the 'Titanic'?" she asked in a hopeful voice and he stopped
walking and turned to her with pursed lips.
"The shipyard is half a day away from Dreadfort my lady." He
told her "If we go now, then it'll be night time by the time we
return. Did you take your mother's permission for this?"
Sansa looked uncomfortable under his gaze but nodded at him.
He pursed his lips as he thought about this for a moment before
he turned to one of the guards who were given the task to guard
"Jory." He called out to the man who moved forward to meet
"Be a good man and tell Lady Catelyn Stark that I've granted
Lady Sansa's wish and would be taking her to the Shipyard to
show her the 'Titanic'. Also tell her that we'll return to Dreadfort
my evening and that she can spent the night in Dreadfort. You
can leave for Winterfell tomorrow in the morning."
"Yes. Lady Catelyn had give her permission for this trip. Go
now." He told the man who bowed and left to give the message
to Lady Catelyn Stark.
Then he turned to Sansa once again and smiled "Let's get a horse
carriage for you my lady."


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Chapter 100: Chapter 100

By this point in time, he had spent hundreds of thousands of

gold dragons on the construction of roads all in his domain.
What people didn't knew was that he had also spent a good
amount of gold coins on the construction of very advanced
Horse Carriages that had rubber covering and suspension spring
on their wheels along with a large interior that made travel
inside those carriages as comfortable as it could be in this
medieval era.
But despite such luxuries, he refrained from travelling inside the
Horse Carriages and preferred to travel on a horse back as riding
on a horseback gave him more of manly feeling than riding
inside a carriage.
Plus, riding in horse back for long hours could be considered an
exercise for his thighs and back anyway.
So as he and Sansa left Dreadfort with a guard detail of 100
horseriders led by Ser Walton, one of his most trusted man. he
rode in the middle of the formation on his horse beside Sansa
who was sitting inside the horse carriage and was looking at the
scenery with a curious expression, asking him questions about
various things on various topics every now and then, with Varko
riding a few meters behind him so as to not intrude on their
private conversation.
But regardless of how beautiful the scenery was or how
luxurious the carriage was, both him and Sansa eventually got
bored and spent the next few hours of their journey in
companionable silence until they nally reached their
They had reached the shipyard where all the ships in his eet
were built. Except for the few ships that he bought from Braavos
or took from the defeated pirates.
And at the centre of the shipyard stood the Ship factory in all it's
glory. The single largest building in Westeros that was not a
The building was 100 feet tall, 200 feet wide and 2500 feet long.
The building had enough area inside it to hold 7 football elds
inside and still have some area left.
It was designed in such a way that the wood, steel, cloth along
with all resources required to build would go inside from other
end where the workers would start working on it in sections and
move it forward once their work was done.
So the wood, steel, ropes and clothes go from one end and a
fully completed ship came out of the other end.
A design that he had copied from the Braavosi with good results.
"Let's go inside Lady Sansa." He said as he helped her out of the
carriage and led her to a building opposite to the Ship factory.
Sansa gave him a questioning look and he smiled "The Titanic
has already been completed." He told her while pointing at a
brand new building that he had built for the simple purpose of
holding his ag ship. "It is in that building. Getting some
nishing touches."
As they reached the large building, the workers quickly ran and
opened the gate of the building for him.
He nodded and entered the building, hearing Sansa as well as the
guards behind her gasp at the sight of the ship in front of them.
Because while his Titanic might not be much in comparison to
the real Titanic from his past life but it was still by far the largest
ship even built in the known history of Westeros.
It was a truly a monster of a ship. A tetrareme galley with four
levels of rows in each side. Each row had 150 seats. Which lead
to a total of 1200 rowers and could hold 300 more men on the
deck with four ballista and a Steel ram at the front.
The most important thing about Titanic was that the ship was
made entirely of Iron wood.
In fact, it was also the only ship in Westeros that was built
entirely of Iron wood. Mostly because of how expensive Iron
Wood really was.
Buying the wood for the ship alone cost him 160,000 gold
Even since the ship completed a month ago, he had been coming
here in secret and have been carving magical runes on it's entire
It would still take a month or more before the runic arrays he
had carved at the side and the runic matrix at the bottom would
be completed. He had planted 10 small bonsai Weirwood tree in
the Captain's room to power the runes.
Once the runes are completed, the ship will sail two times faster
than the fastest ship in his eet and turn just as quickly as any
small war galley allowing it to quickly maneuver the waters and
act like a beast in a battle. Not to mention give it an additional
defense from blunt damage and elemental damage from
lightening or re.
The largest ship in Westeros before the Titanic was built was the
Arbor Queen owned by the Redwynes which could hold about
600 men at a time. Titanic on the other hand could hold about
1500 men at full capacity. There was really no comparison at all.
"Do you want to go and check it from the inside my lady?" he
asked, feeling a little pride at the slack jawed expression on her
face and the shocked and fearful expression on the face of the
Stark guards.
Sansa gave him nod while looking a little dazed and he smiled.
He spent the next two hours showing her the interior of the
Titanic before they had to return back to Dreadfort so that they
won't be late for dinner.
The next day, aunt Barbrey left to Bolton Port while he led the
escort of Lady Catelyn and Sansa back to Winterfell where he
could explain the 'circumstances' to Lord Stark.

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Chapter 101: Chapter 101

He escorted Lady Catelyn and Lady Sansa in a luxurious horse

carriage till they reached the White Knife where the Concrete
roads ended as his workers were still building a large concrete
"The carriage will not be feasible anymore." He told Sansa as he
handed both her and her mother a horse of their own. In fact, he
was sure that his carriages were strong enough that they would
not break down in a dirt path which these people call roads. But
there was no reason to take the risk as both Lady Catelyn and
Lady Sansa knew how to ride a horse.
The Coachman took the Carriage back to Dreadfort while the of
the procession continued on it's way to Winterfell.
3 days later, they nally reached Winterfell where Lord Stark
and the rest of the family was already waiting for them, courtesy
to a rider he sent ahead to inform Lord Stark about their arrival.
"Lord Bolton. You're here early." Lord Stark said with a cold
expression hiding the worry he was feeling.
"So I am. Let's go to your solar and have a talk Lord Stark."
Ned Stark nodded and hugged his wife and daughter while he
met Robb and Jon before they went to the Lord's Solar in
"So… Wanna explain why you came back with my wife and
daughter home before the 4 month time line?" Lord Stark asked
as he sat behind the table with his wife and daughter standing to
his left and right while he sat on the other side of the table.
"Escort. More like threw us out of his castle." Lady Stark said
venomously. It seemed like she did not like the actions he took
in regards to her and her daughter.
Lord Stark looked at him with a cold expression and asked "Is
that true?"
"If I had thrown her out of my castle, then I would go to the
great length of escorting her back to Winterfell myself." He
replied calmly "With that said, I am now exiling her from my
lands. She will not step back into my lands. Not now not ever."
Lord Stark looked a little lost at what was going on even though
he hid it well behind his cold expression while Lady Stark
seethed in anger behind him.
"How dare you…" Lady Stark said but was halted as Lord Stark
raised his hand to shut her up.
"May I ask why that is?" Lord Stark asked.
"There is a long story behind what led to the situation. And a lot
it is my fault as well for not curbing the situation in the bud
when it rst started. But if you want me to get to the point, then
I exiled Lady Stark from my lands because she mocked Lady
Barbrey for being a widow in my own table in front of my
At his words, Lord Stark's face snapped to his wife whose face
had gone a little pale at the reminder of what had happened all
those days ago.
"Is that true?" Lord Stark asked but his cold and serious voice
made it clear that he already knew that it was.
Lady Stark stammered in response before she visibly composed
herself and pointed at him "Only because his aunt would not
leave my dear Sansa all alone."
Now it was his turn to be pinned by the oh so infamous Lord
Stark's 'Cold Gaze'.
"Is that true?" Lord Stark asked and he nodded.
"Lady Barbrey has no love for the Tullys. Especially Lady
Catelyn. When Lady Catelyn rst arrived in Dreadfort, the two
of them would throw barbs at each other whenever they were
around each other. In hindsight, I should have told her to stop
antagonizing Lady Stark when this behaviour rst started. I'm to
take blame for that mishap. But as I did not, the enmity between
Lady Stark and Lady Barbrey grew. And since Sansa was often
in the presence of Lady Stark, the hatred that my aunt felt for
Lady Stark was also transferred to her daughter." He explained
calmly "In hindsight, I supposed that well all acted with
immaturity unbecoming of us and set bad example for Lady
Sansa. The situation erupted some days ago when my aunt said
some words to Lady Sansa which led to Lady Catelyn crossing
the line and calling out my aunt on her status as a widow.
Something I could not have let go with any response."
Lord Stark listened to his words with a stern face and remained
silent for a long while afterwords before he nally nodded.
"If you would Lord Bolton, I need to have some words with my
wife and daughter." Lord Stark, sounding more tired than he
ever did before.
He simply nodded, got up from his chair and left the room.
The sound of Lord and Lady Stark quarreling with each other
was the last thing he heard before the door was closed.
That evening, he had another meeting with Lord Stark. In the
meeting, they con rmed that despite all the unpleasantness, the
betrothal will continue. Lady Sansa will continue the education
he had set up for her and come to spent 4 months in Dreadfort
the next year as well. Lady Catelyn will not be accompanying
her in the visit.
Lord Stark was satis ed with him exiling Lady Barbrey to
Bolton Port for the next 4 months and didn't ask for any further
rami cations for his part in the whole situation.
In the end, he spent two more days in Winterfell, spending most
of his time either talking with Robb and Jon, Lord Stark or Lady
Sansa before he left to go back to Dreadfort.


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Chapter 102: Chapter 102

He huffed and braced himself for an impact as Varko swung his

heavy wooden sword at his shield, sending a jolt of pain through
his arms as he tried to stand his ground while the older and far
more experienced swordsman continued his barrage of attacks
on him, forcing him to lower his shield until at last he couldn't
hold it up anymore and it dropped to the ground.
"Hold your shield up." Varko chastised him with a frown. "Keep
it up to your shoulder and pay more attention to your footing. It
might not have seemed like it but a strong kick could have
blown you off like the papers you're so fond of."
He let out a tired grunt and took a few deep breaths while
massaging his sore and tired shield before the hellish training
started all over again.
As he had expected, his aunt had been upset with him sending
her to the Bolton Port, even if the mansion he'd sent her to was
only slightly less luxurious than Dreadfort.
The problem was that he didn't have any family aside from her
and he didn't want her to be upset with him. So when he had
gone to her a few days later to talk with her, she had told him
that she'll continue to be upset with him unless he does her a
The favor had been for him to learn swordsmanship so that he
would get good enough with it to beat an average mook.
So far, the training had been very hard for him as being a
wizard, he had never really needed to push his physical
capabilities to the limits.
The only time he ever remembered physically exerting himself
was when he was training under Oliver Wood for the Quidditch.
And even then, they were mostly ying on their Brooms so he
was not sure it even counted.
And now. Now here he was. Trying to defend himself against
one of the best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms.
Sure the swordsman was going easy on him but that still left him
beaten, bruised and sore by the end of the day.
Varko brought his sword up for one powerful strike and he took
this moment to change the placement of the shield so that the
next blow would be parried away, leaving Varko open for a
He swung his wooden sword at Varko who easily batted away
his strike but didn't retort with a strike of his own, allowing him
to swipe his sword a few more times against Varko before he
locked their swords together and then kicked him in the legs,
making him stumble pathetically to the ground.
"Foot work." Varko reminded him. "And don't simply swing
your sword with your arm. Put all of your body behind it or else
it won't do any signi cant damage."
"Wow! Briar wasn't lying when she said that you were shit at
this." Ygritte's snarky voice rang from behind him "I bet my
little brother could knock you on your ass if he wanted to."
He wanted to tell her to 'fuck off' but realized that such doing
such a thing would be too childish.
So he use wandless magic and manipulated the branch of a
nearby Heart tree to coil around Ygritte's ankle and pull her up
in the air.
She yelped as she was ung up in the air and the arrows in her
quiver clattered down to the ground even as she held onto her
Hmm… maybe he should create a magical quiver for her with
unlimited arrows and anti gravitational charm. Considering how
she was the best archer in his lands and the main reason why he
invited her to his home in the rst place.
Well, she was rather good looking so there was that as well.
Or maybe it was the red hair. His godfather Sirius Black told
him that all the Potters had a thing for Red heads.
He shook his head as he noticed that she had taken out a knife
and was trying to unsuccessfully cut through the Weirwood
Fun fact: Weirwood might not be as strong and sturdy as
Ironwood but it came a close second.
Seeing her dangling in the air like that, a mischievous idea
entered his mind and he sent a ticking hex in her direction.
A few seconds later, the unrestrained laughter of Ygritte rang in
the Godswood.
Leaf came out of an underground cave and glanced at the
commotion. She looked emotionlessly at the scene in front of
her for a long moment before she shook her head and went back
inside her cave.
"Domeric… haahaha… I'm sor… haahaaa. Sorry.
Soorrrry .hahahah .Pleasee…" Ygritte managed to say in
between bouts of laughter and he got up from the ground and
dusted cast a cleaning charm on himself before looking at
Ygritte in amusement.
"What? I thought your brother could knock me on my ass. How
come you're dangling in the air and opping like a sh then?" he
asked and Ygritte cursed at him before she quickly apologized
and started begging him to let her down.
"Very well then." He said and gently put her down to the ground
before removing the ticking hex from her.
So got up from the ground while glaring at him from between
her messed up hair before she took the knife and charged at him
with a war cry.
She never reached him as he had been ready for her and various
ropes rose from the ground and wrapped themselves around her
in a Shibari rope design, highlighting her budding curves and
pulling her in the air.
"Put me down you. Argh…" she opped around in the captivity
before she let out a huff and stopped trying.
"You like what you see?" she asked him with a raised eyebrow
as she found him staring at her growing curves.
"Hmm… I don't know" he said as he stepped toward her and
cupped her cheeks, sending a surface legilimency probe and
nding that the ropes grinding against her nether regions had
given her a slight arousal. And she was attracted to him and
wanted to take her right then and there.
It was not the rst time he had felt such thoughts coming from
her. In fact, by this point, he had heard such thoughts from so
many woman that he was not even surprised anymore. Though it
did sickened him a little when older women looked at him with
desire. That was just plain creepy.
After all, he was the most powerful lord in the North aside from
Ned Stark and the only bachelor around. There was no way that
woman won't desire him. Not that he was too proud of that fact
because he knew very well that such attraction was only
super uous and none of those woman would have glanced at
him a second time if he didn't have any magic and was just
another commoner instead of being a lord.
But that doesn't mean that he couldn't take advantage of the
He moved forward, pulled Ygritte's face up by her chin and
place a kiss on her soft and tantalizing lips.
Then he stepped back and smirked evilly at her before turning
around and looking at Varko who was waiting patiently for him
with a bored look on his face "Let's continue Varko."
Varko nodded and picked up his wooden sword.
Because even if he had any feelings for the girl, she was still
only 15 years old and that a still a little young for him.
"Hey… Are you just going to leave me here. Domeric!" Ygritte
shouted but he ignored her and continued his sparring session
with Varko.
Maybe he should go to one of his Brothals and do something
about the sexual frustration he had been feeling ever since he
entered puberty.


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Chapter 103: Chapter 103
Domeric looked at the moon hiding behind the clouds in the
night sky. The cold wind ruf ed his hair and made a shiver go
down his back. He closed all the windows in his room and put a
note in the bed before with a tug and a twist, he was in another
A place he had build purely with magic over the past year. An
underground base that was accessible to him and only him. A
base underneath a cluster of Weirwood trees he'd planted in the
middle of no where which would provide it with more than
suf cient energy to keep the base running.
He looked at the room he had entered. It was lled with soft
lights coming from dozens of runes that illuminated the room.
The room was mostly empty except for a few suits that were
also created by him by using magic.
He picked the most advanced one that covered his face from top
to bottom without letting even the slightest bit of his body out in
the element. The suit had an oxygen breather and a glass mask
that he had charmed to be unbreakable. In fact, he had charmed
the whole suit with to be unbreakable along with a few other
dozen charms that would save him in most physical
But the place he was going now, the suit was the bare minimum
that was required of him to survive.
After wearing the suit, he took out an iron ball from a tray lled
with similar Iron balls and said the password.
The portkey activated and dropped him in the mountain of
Dragon Stone. He took a moment to center himself before he
spoke another password and the repeatable portkey then took
him to one of mountain near Volantis. Another moment to deal
with the slight nausea that came with using portkey and then
another password and portkey use.
This time, he found himself standing in outside the middle of
main city of the Valyrian empire.
The air outside his suit was hot, humid and lled things that
would kill a human within a minute of inhaling them.
The area in front of him was lled with a think fog that gave him
zero visibility of what laid behind the fog.
He took a moment to prepare himself before he took out a stick
hanging from the side belt in his suit and enlarged it.
It turned into a broom made of a Wierwood branch. He rode the
self made broom and took out a Wierwood branch and chanted
"Expecto Petronum."
A memory for the rst time he had made love to Ginny. And
even if it was tinged with the slight bitterness that they
eventually fell apart, the memory still served him well enough
and a few moments later, there was a giant house sized glowing
Stag standing proudly in front of him.
And as always, despite the large amount of magic used to
perform the patronus Charm, the Weirwood wand didn't broke.
He still has not found the reason behind that.
But the fact remained that the Weirwood wand would not serve
him well anymore so he put it back in his pocket and took out
the Snakewood wand.
Then he directed the Stag to run toward the thick maismic fog
and as it did, he ew after it in his broom.
5… 4… 3… 2… 1… The ethereal stag and fog made contact
and the fog recoiled from the patronus as if it was terri ed of it.
Before the fog could get a chance to retaliate, the stag increased
it's speed. Tearing through the darkness inside the fog like a
butter through knife, him following behind the stag as it
effortlessly plowed ahead in the darkness that now surrounded
him. He made sure to keep close to it at all times. He had been
stuck inside the fog once before.
He travelled through the fog for a whole minute, the patronus
glowing as strong at it did before even if he noticed that it had
slightly decreased in size.
Then the patronus broke through the darkness, coming out of the
other side and as he followed after it, he came back to the scene
that always reminded him of hell itself.
The broken civilization of what was once the greatest empire
known to man.
The city was a rubble. The tall towers were once the homes of
the Dragonlords now lay in runes. Glowing magma still owed
through parts of the city that had been submerged completely
under the lava.
And just like always, he could hear the tortured screams of the
ghosts that still roamed the place even centuries after their
demise. So, so many ghosts.
He pointed the wand at himself and chanted "Clypeus Fortium
spiritus". A golden sphere took form around him before
becoming invisible.
He nodded at his patronus charm. It had lost it's primary use
after going through the magma, it still provided him with a
source of light and a source of emotional support.
Just like before, the Stag lead and he followed behind on his
On the way to his destination. Hundreds of ghosts tried to come
to him, wanting to share their misery. But the invisible shield lit
up whenever someone tried to touch him and repelled them with
ease. The ghosts didn't try again and went on their way crying,
screaming and begging.
His heart went out to them but he still had no idea what it was
that anchored them to this realm. For all he knew, it might have
been the whole city in which case, he would not be able to do
anything to help them.
The stag lead him from the front and he followed behind in
silence until they nally reached his destination.


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Chapter 104: Chapter 104

Domeric gazed at the half broken tower in front of him as well

as the magma that ew around it's bases.
This particular tower was built on top of hill which saved it from
the fate of being consumed by the magma like so many others.
That didn't change the fact the place was still unbearably hot and
the magical runes in his suit were working overtime to keep the
temperature inside at normal. The wardstone he had put at the
center of the chest area was still only slightly grey. When it turns
completely white, the suit would run out of magic and would
start using his own magic to run it's functions. Though he had
always been careful to leave the city before the Wardstone could
turn light grey.
He ew on the broom and entered the tower through one of the
broken windows.
The patronus lit the dark inside of the tower. The was once lled
with dozens of ghosts but he had exorcised them. He might not
have the power to exorcise the hundreds of thousands of ghosts
roaming the city but he could easily exorcise a few of them.
He carefully ew down on his broom, going down and down
until he nally came in front of the vault that he had reached the
last time before he had to leave because of his wardstone
running out of power.
He looked at the 10 foot large Steel door barring his way to the
vault that he had found in one of his magical scans.
The Vault door was lled from top to bottom with runes that
were carved in the Valyrian magical language. Thankfully, the
runes had run out of magic centuries ago and by this point, the
doors were simple steel and nothing more.
He used his magic to peel off the surface of the steel door, taking
away all the magical runes with them. He would study them at a
later date.
The peeled off surface was then folded into a roll and safely put
inside his Bottomless bag.
Another magical scan told him that there was no other magical
rune in the vault door. So he used trans guration to turn the
center of the steel door into water. Making a large enough hole
in it for him to pass easily through.
The stag once again led the way and he followed it into a large
and spacius room the size of half a foot ball eld that was lled
with gold, treasures, magical artifacts that had run out of magic,
magical stones that could be used as wardstones, beautiful and
ancient dragon eggs. And the most important of them all…
Of course, centuries of time had turned most of the books to
dust. So he had to use magic to repair them back to their prime.
That… took more out of him than he had expected.
He shook his head and opened the mouth of his bottomless bag.
Then with another wave of his wand, the books ew out of their
place in the shelves and entered the bag one by one.
Once that was done, he moved toward dragon eggs and put his
hand on top of one of them. Even through the rubber gloves, he
was able to feel the magic inside the eggs.

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Chapter 105: Chapter 105

He moved on to the next one. Dead. Dead. Dead. Until he nally

put his hand on top of one of the dragon egg and found a faint
sense of warmth emanating from inside it, telling him that
dragon inside was not dead but in it's petri ed stasis form.
He took out a small box from the side belt that was enhanced to
have large space inside it and put the living eggs inside it. The
Charms and runes placed in the bottomless bag stopped him
from putting in any living thing inside it so he had to come up
with another method to take the eggs that he found here.
After he put away all the living eggs in the box and the dead
eggs in the bottomless bag, he moved on to the place where the
magical artifacts were kept.
Of course, all the magic inside those artifacts had dried years
ago but he could still charge them with magic and see if they
were any use to him or learn from them.
Beside the magical artifacts were a few Valyrian steel blades, a
dozen other Valyrian trinkets and a single Valyrian armor.
The tower he had broken into before this had three Valyrian
armors. One of which had various runes embedded into the
Valyrian steel along with a very powerful magical stone that
could have ravelled the wardstone that held the wards of
Grimmauld Place back on Earth.
Unfortunately, that particular Valyrian armor was magically
warded to only be used by a particular bloodline so he would not
be able to use it anytime soon. At least not until he learns
enough about the Valyrian magic and is able to break through it's
bloodline wards.
He transformed the gold coins lying on the oor into a golden
box and put the Valyrian Steel blades, armor and trinkets inside
it before he closed it and put it inside the Bottomless bag.
After all, the Valyrian blades are a magical in nature and fully
capable of cutting through the magic he had carved in the
bottomless bag. It would be the height of foolishness to put a
sharp magical blade inside a bottomless bag without anything to
protect the bag.
His gaze then fell on the rare and expensive gems that were not
magical in nature but were still very expensive and beautiful to
look at.
Maybe he'll give one of these jewelleries to his aunt as a gift.
Another wave of his wand and all the magical gems ew inside
his bottomless bag until the only thing remaining inside the
Vault were the gold coins.
Something that did not entice him at all.
After all, he already had a few such mountains pilfered from the
last few Vaults he broke into.
One look at the magical wardstone on his chest told him that it
was still dark grey and he still had more than enough time in his
So he took out another magical bag that he had prepared for
situations in which he had to carry something very heavy.
And then with another wave, the gold ew up in a line and
started falling inside the magical bag.
It was a slow and tedious task and he had to maintain a little
concentration throughout the whole process.
By the time half of the gold coins entered his bag, he was
already starting to feel the beginning signs of magical
exhaustion. So he stopped the process and closed the mouth of
the magical bag and dangled it from his side belt along with the
bottomless bag as well.
The patronus charm was the size of a normal stag by this point.
He gave a nod and both of them left the vault though not before
he closed the vault with trans guration.
The chaotic and dark magic owing through the city made it
dangerous for him to use his portkeys so he had to go out of it
before he could even think about using it safely.
Another Patronus charm and he had slumped on his broom due
to magical exhaustion.
There was a time in his life when he was able to cast spells like
these as if giving candies. A time when he was the head auror of
Magical Britain.
Now… now he was not even 1/10th as powerful.
But at point in his life, he had grown as strong as Dumbledore
himself. Not to mention that the Elder wand helped.
Now, he was still young and there was no Elder wand in sight.
Oh well. He had always done well with what he had. And
nothing had changed in regards to that.
The patronus charm took him safely out of the dark fog.
And once he was out, he used the return portkey. Three magical
travel later, he was back home.

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Chapter 106: Chapter 106

And by back home, he meant that he was in the underground

base inside a large room that he had made for the sole purpose
of containment and quarantine.
After all, Valyria was lled with all manner of magical
anomalies, any one of which could have stuck to his suit. That
was not even mentioning the magical and mundane diseases that
could cause a plague to spread in his lands if he brought it back
with him.
So as soon as he came inside the room, the runic arrays in the
walls activated at once and a white gas started to emerged from
four different facets at the top corners of the room and lled the
He quietly let out a breath and started to remove everything
from the Bottomless bag and box. The items he brought from
Valyria also needed to be cleaned at they were also contaminated
with the atmosphere in that magically destroyed area.
The gold was in too large a quantity and he would have to nd
some other time to clean it. Right now, he was still feeling a
little exhausted due to using such large amounts of magic back
in Valyria.
After taking out everything and putting them in the white fog, he
down down on the ground and waited.
After an hour of waiting, there was a 'ding' sound and the white
fog retreated back to the facets they came from and the door of
the room unlocked with a hiss.
He let out a sigh and put all the items back in their respective
bags and left the room.
He entered long corridor and after crossing the corridor, he came
across three doors in left, right and front. He opened the one on
the left and found himself in a room so large that it could ll a
whole stadium inside it.
Half of the room was lled with gold. So much gold in fact that
if he introduced it to the world then the economy would
The gold he had brought in this run would be added to this pile
as well. Once it was clean.
For now, he went to the place where the place where Valyrian
swords were kept. There, he could see hundreds of Valyrian
swords hanging on the wall. He levitated the 5 new swords he
brought from this run and used a permanent sticking charm on
them to stick them to the wall.
Then he went to the next section where a dozen or so Valyrian
Steel armors were kept and added the newest armor to the pile.
Then he went to the next section where various trinkets made of
Valyrian steel were thrown haphazardly in a large pile. Valyrian
steel glass, plates, mirror, cane, bracelet, crown, rings, etc. He
took out his newest bounty and added it to the pile.
Then he did the same with the gems, jewelleries, dead dragon
eggs and magical artifacts. Though he did kept a Valyrian staff
that had runes carved and embedded in it's body and held a
white stone at the top.
If his guess was correct then this was a magical staff that was
currently in an inactive state. He would have to study it carefully
before he even thought about using it because powerful magical
artifacts like these usually have a bloodline restriction on them
and anyone without the proper bloodline who tries to use it
usually suffers a harsh backlash from it.
He put it back into the bottomless bag before he nally left the
room and entered the room that was in the front.
Well, it was less of a room and more of an incubation chamber
where he had kept a total of 23 eggs.
The temperature and magical saturation in the area would
eventually bring out the dragon eggs from their petri ed stasis
Of course, he had no plans to hatch any of the dragon eggs until
he had studied enough about them from the magical tombs he
brought from Valyria and had a way to control them.
After all, the adult dragons in this world were 3-4 times larger
than the dragons in his world and in his weakened state, he was
not sure that he would be able to stop such a dragon if it got out
of control.
He put the 2 new dragon eggs in the empty slots and then closed
the glass.
With that done, he went out of the room and entered the room on
the right.
It was a library. A library lled with magical books that he found
in Valyria. Later on, he planned on travelling through and
learning all kinds of magic that could be found in the world.
But for now, he was going to learn from the magic of old
He took out the new books and added them to their own
sections. Books regarding dragons went to that pile. Books on
magical runes went to that pile. Books on ritual magic went to
their own pile and so on.
Then he plopped down on the comfortable chair in the center of
the room and looked at the large desk in front of him that was
lled with books on ritual magic as well as half completed runic


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Chapter 107: Chapter 107

It has been more than 7 months since he brought the rst

Magical tomb from Valyria and started reading them.
In that time, if he had come to learn one thing, then it was that
the Ritual magic of Valyrians was highly inef cient.
This had been a huge surprise to him because the Valyrians were
well known for the large amount of slaves they sacri ced for
their rituals.
Perhaps the fact that they were so inef cient in this particular
eld of magic was the main reason why they had to sacri ce so
many slaves and became so famous for it.
Regardless, the fact that they were inef cient in using the
sacri ces didn't meant that it was not powerful.
After all, they had ritual magic in their arsenal that could be
used to bind dragons to a particular bloodline. Such magic was
anything but weak even if it required the sacri ce of thousands
of slaves to do so.
Aside from the ritual used the bind the dragons to the bloodline,
the one ritual that caught his attention the most was the Physique
enhancing ritual that could be used to increase the strength,
agility, stamina, beauty and lifespan of a person.
Unfortunately, this particular ritual was not bound to the
bloodline and required a 1000 slaves as sacri ce. So even if he
gave the sacri ce and enhanced his body, his children would still
be normal humans.
He had been studying this particular ritual for the past two
months and with the help of his own brand of magic, he was
able to lower the requirement of the sacri ce by ten times and
add a few more things to the ritual like enhanced brain function,
greater magical power and immunity to all forms of poison,
magical or mundane.
It would take him a few more months to complete the whole
ritual and stabilize it.
As for the 100 sacri ces.
There was a time in his life when he would have balked from
such a thing. Thinking that performing such rituals would make
him no different than people like Voldemort.
But he had seen so many horrible people since that. Especially
ever since he came to this world that his heart had hardened and
he knew that some people were better dead than alive.
He read through the magical tomes for the next few hours before
he nally got too tired to continue and used apparition to return
to his room.
The note he had left was still in it's original place.
The faint light coming from the horizon told him that if he slept
now then he would be late for breakfast once again.
Oh well… he could afford to be a little late every now and then.


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Chapter 108: Chapter 108

"Is this the new invention that you've been crowing about since
last week?" Karsi asked, looking at the Pump Action Crossbow
with feigned disinterest even though a simple legilimency probe
told him that she was quite curious about the new crossbow as
she knew that he won't waste her time on something useless.
"Indeed. This thing here is going to give a huge advantage to our
range troops." He said before giving the crossbow to Varko.
"A small demonstration." He told his two generals as Varko got
is position and pointed the crossbow at the human shaped
wooden target wearing a leather gambeson in 50 meter distance.
Varko looked at him for permission and as soon as he nodded,
Varko took aim and pressed the trigger.
The bolt shot out from the crossbow and hit the wooden target,
easily piercing through the leather gambeson and entering the
wooden target's stomach.
Before the bolt could even stop vibrating, Varko made a pump
action that reloaded another bolt from the magazine attached to
the crossbow.
Then he released the trigger and the blot ew in the air. Then
another pump motion. Another reload and another shot.
This continued until Varko red a total of six bolts in the target
before he turned to look at him.
"Now watch this." He told both his generals who were looking
rather impressed by the speed with which Varko was ring the
Crossbow. "Change the magazine." He told Varko and he
removed the wooden magazine and took another magazine lled
with crossbow bolts and attached it to the top of the crossbow.
Then Varko continued and red another 6 bolts within 12
"Continue" he told Varko and he added another magazine, red
all the bolts in the wooden target. Then another magazine. Then
another until he had red a total of ten magazine and lled the
wooden target with bolts.
"That's enough." He told Varko and the man stopped and
lowered his hands, a slight sheen of sweat covering his forehead.
He would not say it out loud be he was rather proud of his sworn
shield's stamina. Especially because he himself didn't even have
the strength to pump the crossbow even once properly.
Then again, his body was that of a 14 year old boy who never
needed to physically exert himself so he felt that he could be
forgiven for such things.
He then turned to his two Generals and asked "So… How was
"Complicated." Bronn replied instantly.
He raised and eyebrow and Bronn explained.
"The thing is too bloody complicated. Sure it might look fancy
and yes, it can shoot faster than even a damn bow. But how
much time did it take for your men to make it. And how many of
these things can those men make within an year. Not enough I
reckon." Bronn said as he took the crossbow from Varko and
gave it a closer look.
"Maintaining a crossbow like this is going to be a pain as well.
Not to mention that right now, it might work well enough but
will all the crossbows made my your people be of the same
"A single mistake. One mistake and the thing will jam itself. No
use to anybody. Now I'm not saying that it is completely useless.
If your people are able to make… say 25 by the end of the year.
Then you can give it to your personal guards and they can use it
against any idiot trying to murder you."
With that Bronn gave the Pump action crossbow back to him
and sat down on a tree stump.
He looked at Karsi for her own review on this matter and she
remained silent for a moment with a contemplative expression
on her face before she spoke "Bronn is not wrong. This thing
de nitely looks very complicated and would take a long time to
make for any wood craftsman. But… despite your young age,
you are no fool. You must already known these things. So, have
you found a way to mass produce these… Pump action
"Indeed. Do you remember how the Ship factory works?" he
Both Karsi and Bronn nodded at him.
"This crossbow will be built just like that." He told them "I've
already created the design of the workshop and have begun it's
construction. By the time the workshop is ready, every worker
will have to focus on a single part of the crossbow and at the end
of the workshop, a few workers will t the whole thing together.
This way, we won't have to rely on experience wood craftsman
who are only able to build on crossbow in a month or so and
would be able to produce 2 or even 3 Pump action crossbows on
a daily basis."
"You plan to build another regiment of ranged troops who'll be
using these Pump action crossbows of yours." Karsi pointed out
and he nodded in response.
"De nitely. I also plan on creating one more workshop so that I
would be able to provide every member of the garrison with a
Pump action crossbow of their own."
He looked at Bronn for any other criticism but the man simply
shrugged. "If you can create a lot of them then that's alright. The
men could be taught how to take proper care of them.
Otherwise, it's de nitely much better than a bow and a simple
crossbow so I don't have any problem with it."
"Very well then. I want you to recruit a 1000 more men to create
this new Crossbow regiment." He told them "Make sure that all
of them already have some experience with a bow or crossbow. I
think there are a lot of the men among the freefolk who lived as
hunters right?"
"Yes." Karsi nodded. "A lot of them have already joined the
Archer regiment."
"Good. See if any more of them are interested in joining the
army. I want them ready the end of the third month. We should
have about 200 PA Crossbow ready by then." He told her and
both the Generals gave him a half hearted salute before leaving.
As they left, he turned to hand over the crossbow to his Sworn
shield but noticed that he was distracted by the rm posterior of
his second General.
"Ahem…" he coughed and Varko jolted and then gave him an
embarrassed look. Huh… he didn't even knew that Varko could
look embarrassed.
"You interested in her?" he asked Varko who looked indecisive
for a moment before his expression became rm and nodded.
"She's a… strong woman. And after I…" he hesitated "I want a
family of my own as well."
"Well. If you want to pursue her, then I suggest you learn a bit
about the traditions of the Free Folk. I think Ygritte will be
willing to help you with that. With how strong you are, I doubt
you would have any problem in stealing Karsi away." He said
with a smile "Aside from that, you have my blessing for this
union. I think both of you will be good for each other."
Varko looked at him with an indescribable emotion for a
moment before he simply bowed to him.
"Thank you my lord. For all that you've done for me. I doubt I'll
be able to pay you back for all that I owe you but I'll certainly
try till the end of my life."
At rst he thought about waving his gratitude away but then
realized that doing so would hurt Varko's pride. So he just
smiled in return "You're welcome. And you've been an excellent
subordinate so far. And I thank you for your service as well.
Now let's go back to the Castle. I need to hold another meeting
with the Head of Infrastructure and Roads."
With that, they turned and left the training eld.


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Chapter 109: Chapter 109

Domeric sat under the shadow of a large Weirwood tree and

looked at the huge construction site in front of him.
The library that he had dreamed of for so long was nally being
It has taken a long time for this to happen. In fact, if it had been
up to him then he would have started it's construction years ago.
As it was, the decision had indeed been up to him but he had
prioritized the construction roads, mines, shipyards, houses and
walls instead of the library.
But now that he had more workers on his hands, it was nally
time to start work on the building that he had designed four
years ago.
Four years… How fast the time ies by when you're so busy.
He was once again reminded that he had been in this world for
almost 7-8 years. There were days when he would wake up and
still be surprised that this was all real. That he had died but
instead of leaving for the afterlife, he came to this world instead.
He was brought out of his musings when he heard footsteps
coming from behind him.
He saw the 50 guards surrounding him move apart to allow the
Head of the Infrastructure and Roads as well as the men working
under him to come to him.
"My lord." Brandon Snow, a man old enough to be his
grandfather and the Head of the Infrastructure and Roads said
and gave him a bow, the other men behind him following his
lead and bowing to him.
"Brandon." He said with a nod "It seems like the construction of
the Library of Alexandria is is off to an excellent start."
"It has my lord. The steel and concrete foundations are mostly
completed and we'll move on to the construction of the pillars
after this." Brandon replied in an enthusiastic manner despite his
old age. Well… not that old considering that he was only 50. But
still. That man had the tendency of becoming giddy like a child
whenever he is handed a big project like this.
"Good. Tell me Brandon. Do you think that the library's
construction will nish before the 2 years time I've given you."
"It should my lord. If no complications occur then the work
should nish even before the estimated 2 years. But even if
some complications occur, the construction should still nish
before 3 years."
He stayed silent for a moment as he gazed at Brandon before he
stood up and looked at the men behind Brandon. Each of them
suf ed nervously as his eyes met theirs before he nally nodded
and turned to Brandon once again.
"I'll not be able to oversee this project as much as I did for the
others." He told the man in a soft voice "I trust that you'll
continue the work and not slack off in my absence."
Brandon for his part looked indignant "Never my lord. I'll all my
life and soul in this and see the library completed to your
He stayed silent for a moment, looking at Brandon's eyes and
reading his intent. The man believed everything he said and was
truly dedicated to this project.
"Good." He said softly "You're dismissed."
Brandon nodded and bowed to him, his subordinates following
the bow before they left the area.


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Chapter 110: Chapter 110
A few minutes after the left, a beautiful blond woman with half
her face hidden under a hood sauntered up to him.
"My lord." She said with a bow, extenuating her assets to him
while doing so.
He felt heat rush to his groins at the sight and wondered if he
had been as much of a horn dog in his teenage years in his past
Oh… he been too busy surviving Voldemort in those years but
he still remembered some dreams about Cho Chang or even
Ginny, not that he would have ever admitted any such thing to
"Lyra." He said and his spy mistress rose from her bow and
removed her hood, her blue eyes lled with mirth at the raging
boner she had gotten out of him.
Her mirth died away quickly once she saw the seriousness in his
"The man in the blue garb who was following Brandon. What is
his name?" he asked.
"Syrion Lotrak my lord… Is he…"
"Yes. It seems like he thought that embezzling gold from me
would be wise."
"My lord. Every person under the position of authority embezzle
some gold every now and then. Even I…" here her voice
became a whisper as she came closer and trapped his hand
between her heavenly bosoms "…embezzle some gold from you
from time to time."
He rolled his eyes at her "Oh I know all that. And I don't mind as
long as it is done in moderation. But what this man is doing is
on the level of Petyr Baelish."
"Oh my… what would we do if such were to be case." The
woman mock gasped while rubbing her assets around his arm,
making him resort to using Occlumency to keep his thoughts in
"You know what you need to do." He told her calmly "Send a
few spies after him. Catch him doing the deed. Expose him in
front of everyone. Then send him to the T&I department."
"Hmph… You're no fun." She mock pouted at him before she
caught the look in his eyes and became serious, taking a step
away from him and bowing "As you wish my lord."
"Is there any other way… I can serve you my lord?" she asked
softly after he gave her a nod. And he had no doubt as to what
she was referring to when she asked to be 'serve' him.
"Not now Lyra. You're dismissed." He told her and she sighed.
"If you need me for anything my lord. Anything… then send for
me." She said in a breathy whisper before leaving.
As soon as he did, he let out a sigh he didn't knew he had been
He didn't know if sleeping with a subordinate would be wise.
From what he had seen so far, she mostly wanted to sleep with
him so that she could have more in uence over him and gain
more power that way. The fact that she did consider him quite
handsome and that he treated her kindly and fairly also served to
make him more attractive in her eyes.
But the main reason she and any other woman under him who
was trying to seduce him was so that they could gain more
A sad thing but using mind magic showed you the real thoughts
of a person. And the real thoughts of most people are not pretty.
He looked at the construction one more time before he turned to
Varko who was having a quiet conversation with Walton.
"Let's go back to the castle." He told them and then immediately
snapped in attention.
"Yes my lord." They replied in unison.
Well, at least some of his subordinates were not trying to seduce
He shivered at the mental thought of Walton and Varko trying to
seduce him and immediately used Occlumency to purge the
thought from his mind.
Yeah… never thinking about that ever again.

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Chapter 111: Chapter 111

Domeric stood on the deck of Titanic and gazed at the series of

tent in Hardhome.
This was the rst voyage of his Flag ship. And despite all his
fears, the ship thankfully did not struck an iceburg and went to
the depths of the ocean.
He had placed extra runes at the front of the ship so that it will
be able to sustain a collision with an Ice burg.
In hindsight, he wondered if naming that ship Titanic was really
such a wise move. It had seemed like a cool thing to do at that
moment but now he was starting to wonder if he'll always live in
fear of Icebergs or something similar while sailing on this ship.
"There are less free folk this time." Karsi pointed out the
obvious as she used the telescope (or far eye, as the people of
this world called them) to locate the main tent among the sea of
"A lot of these people are wounded." She told him and he
frowned upon hearing that.
Mostly because he had brought very few medics with him in the
"What do you think happened here?" she asked and he shrugged.
"The ones I rejected and are doomed to stay in the True North
probably attacked these people in a bid for them to stay here as
well." He replied.
It seemed like he should have kept a better eye on the going on
in the True North with the Valyrian Candle. But he had been too
busy working on the Ritual magic and learning from the magical
tombs these past few weeks and had little time to manage his
own lands let alone care about people who had yet to become his
"I don't see Mance anywhere." Karsi told him.
That was unusual. Whenever he came to Hardhome to take the
people to his lands, Mance would always come to the shore to
greet their arrival.
"Let's send a envoy to make sure that this is not some kind of
trap." He said and was about to turn and select one of his men
for the job when Karsi spoke once again.
"That won't be necessary. I think I see… yes, that's de nitely
Tormund and his people." She told him.
He put a wandless charm on his eyes and looked at the shore
once again. True enough, Tormund and his people had come out
to greet him.
Does that mean that something happened to Mance Rayder?
That would be a pity. Mance was quite a capable man and
someone whom he was thinking on taking as a subordinate. It
would be a great pity if Mance died in this snowy hellhole.
"Ready the boats." Then told the captain of the ship. No he was
not the captain of Titanic. He hardly knew how to navigate a
small boat let alone a ship as large as this. Plus, he had only
joined Karsi and his men when they were about to arrive at
He looked at Mance Rayder's right leg. Or what was left of it
and grimaced.
"That doesn't look pretty." He said in lieu of not knowing what
else to say.
"Heh…" Mance chuckled "What is done is done. I am in no
position to help my people anymore. Take my people South
Domeric. Help them settle in your lands. And prepare well for
what's coming this Winter. And burn my body. I don't want
"You're talking about as if you're already dead." He pointed out
"You look pretty alive to me."
"Heh…" Mance chuckled weakly "I've lost too much blood. My
body is already going cold Domeric. A man knows when his
time has come. And my time has come."
He rolled his eyes at how melodramatic the man was becoming
and took out his wand and cast a charm at Mance to nd his
blood group.
He might not have enough ingredients to create a Blood
Replenishing potion but doesn't mean that he can't simply take
some some blood from the others to replenish Mance's lost
And as it happened, he always had a supply of blood that he'd
kept for emergencies like this.
Being an auror for years had taught him to be prepared for
"So… you really are a warlock." Mance chuckled "Never saw
you use that stick before. Even if I heard about it from others."
"Yeah. I'm not really a Warlock. I don't sacri ce children to gain
the blessings of some eldrich demon these people worship as
their god. But that's beside the point." He took out a pouch lled
with the right blood group and removed the stasis charm from it.
"The point is… you're not going to die anytime soon Mance.
Your people still have need of you." 'And I still want you as my
subordinate.' He thought to himself.


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Chapter 112: Chapter 112

"Mance will live." He told Tormund who had a slightly worried

look on his face and the tent erupted with cheers.
Mance might have been a man of the Nights Watch once but he
was truly loved by the free folk now.
The cheers lasted for a while and once everybody had calmed
down, he took a seat opposite to Tormund with Karsi and Varko
standing behind him (yes, he had been trying to get them
together every chance he could get) and asked the million dollar
The atmosphere turned grim as soon as he asked the question
and he could see a hint of anger in Tormund's eyes.
"Weeper took the men you had told to fuck off and made a large
band of his own." Tormund said with barely restrained anger in
his voice "Should have killed that fucker when I had the chance.
Now he had fashioned himself the King Beyond the Wall though
with how few people he had left after the battle, I doubt anyone
else thinks of him as the same."
"We had some 10,000 people before Weeper attacked us." One
of Tormund's son said "Now we barely have half of that."
"The main point is… Weeper might have lost as many as us in
the battle… but he still has a good deal more." Tormund said
"So he's stopping anyone else who wants to go to South with
you. I have no doubt that he has already made a few examples of
anyone he found coming to Hardhome." Tormund shook his
head sadly "We'll not be able to bring any more people South
from here."
He thought about what Tormund had said and mulled the facts in
his mind.
In the past few years, he had already brought about 40,000 Free
Folk to his lands. Of the remaining Free Folk in the North,
20,000 were Thenns. People who were known for their
Cannibalistic tendencies. He didn't even want to touch them
with a ten foot pole let alone bring them to his lands.
This Weeper had about 10,000 people under him. There must be
about 10,000 more whom he rejected who are currently scattered
in the North and about 20,000 who did not rejected Mance offer.
Well… he could go to the 20,000 who are scattered in dozens of
different tribes all over the North and see if they're worth saving.
If they are, then he would have to kill this Weeper and defeat his
men before he had any hopes of brining anyone to Hardhome.
Did he really wanted to put so much effort and risk his life for
people who rejected Mance's offer in the rst place.
There was a point in his life when he had a Savior's complex but
he had been cured of that long ago.
Now he was a more pragmatic man.
"This will be the last time then." He told Tormund with the
seriousness that this news deserved. "Prepare your people
Tormund. I want them in the ships before Nightfall." He said
and got up from his chair, turning to leave before he stopped and
said "And don't worry about Mance Rayder. I'm taking him with
me to my lands personally. When you reach Dreadfort you'll be
able to meet him once again."
With that, he left the tent with Varko walking behind him and
Karsi talking with Tormund and his men and telling them about
life in his lands as they had discussed beforehand.

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Chapter 113: Chapter 113

Robert Baratheon, King of the Seven Kingdoms was nursing a

hangover when there was a knock on his door.
"Who is it Selmy?" he slurred out through the blasted headache
and reached for another bottle of wine only to nd it out of his
And he found himself not wanting to put the effort to get up his
arse to get to it.
Where is the dumb cunt Lancel when he wanted a drink.
"It's Queen Cersei your grace." Barristan Selmy's elegant and
respectful voice came out from the outside.
"Send her in." He growled out as he wiped his face and tried to
make himself look the slightest bit more decent. Knowing very
well that the cold bitch he had married was going to look at him
in disgust anyway.
The door opened and Cersei sauntered in like she owned the
fucking place.
With how many Lannisters cunts there were crawling around the
keep nowadays, she might as well have owned the blasted Red
Keep instead of him.
"What do you want so early in the morning?" he asked as he
nally got up and reached for the wine he so desperately wanted.
She gave him a look that was lled with disgust because of
course she did as he removed the cork and took a swig off the
bottle and allowed the delicious wine to go to his gullet.
"Varys' spies informed him that they saw Bolton's agship
passing through the Weeping Water a month ago along with a
few dozen other ships."
"What of it?" he asked with a burp. "The boy want to go
somewhere on his toy. Why do you care about any of that?"
"I care because this ship… Titanic is reported to be twice as
large as the largest ship in the Royal Fleet and could hold three
times the men."
"Titanic hah! What a name. How come I never thought of such a
good name for any of my ships." he mused to himself, only
paying half a mind to anything that was spewing out of the cold
bitch's mouth.
"You do not understand Robert. This ship is made out of
Ironwood. One of the most expensive wood in Westeros. The
wood required to make such a ship alone would have cost
hundreds of thousands of gold dragons."
"Penny pinching." He scoffed though internally he was starting
to wonder how the boy lord was able to pay for such an
expensive toy. Must have taken a hefty loan from the Iron Bank.
Or maybe the old gods gave him the Ironwood for it like they're
supposed to have given him everything else "Why do you care
about what the boy is spending his gold on?"
"I care because the boy now has a eet large enough to rival
both the Iron Fleet and Royal Fleet put together. I care because, I
think the boy is preparing for a war."
"War? As if you care about any such things. Stop wasting my
time and get to the point woman. What do you want?"
The bitch huffed at him like he was some simpleton who was
not understanding the preaching of a maester. Fucking cunt.
"The Boltons have grown too rich. Too powerful. Too
in uential." She said in a calmer tone "They already have the
2nd largest Fleet in Westeros. If House Bolton grow any more
powerful then I would pose a serious threat to your savage
Northern friend."
"Mind your words woman." He said in warning "Ned is ten
times the man your father will ever be. Or your brother for that
matter." He took a savage glee at the rage burning in her eyes at
that even as she took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.
And truly, the fact that the Bolton boy has such a large Fleet
didn't bother him that much. If the boy ever thinks about
rebelling, then has Ned in the North to put the boy back in his
The boy's ships won't be able to do shit against the full might of
the North.
"The point I was making… is that the boy is a threat." Cersei
said with forced calmness. "You should not allow him to grow
any more powerful."
He scoffed at her words "And what do you want me to do. Take
away his ships. Take away his lands."
"No. If you do such a thing then your own lords will rebel
against you." She said conspiratorially "But… you can take
away the glassmakers that he himself stole from Myr. My father
would even be willing to wipe away half of all the loan you own
him if you give him those Glassmakers"
"Hah!" he barked out a laugh, startling the woman "So that's
what you were after. His glass. Do you think me foolish woman.
That I would tarnish my own reputation to give more gold to
your father." He scoffed "Get out of here. And don't bother me
unless you have something important to talk about."
The rage in the woman's expression was truly a sight to behold.
And so much better than the disgusted face she usually wore.
She clenched her sts and for a moment, it felt like she was
trying to murder him with her glare. Hah! As if such a thing
would work.
In the end, she simply snarled at him and visibly composed
herself before leaving the room.
Ser Barristan moved out of the way. The old knight had more
than enough brains to know to not to get in front of her.
Truly… what a horrible woman he had married for the sake of
the realm.
The realm should worship him for the sacri ce he had made by
marrying the cold bitch.
If only Lyanna had not died. If only he was married to Lyanna
instead of this cold bitch. His life would have been so much
better. If only…
"Ser Barristan." He called out. "Send for Baelish. I want a few
whores in my bed. Make them Northerners."
The knight bowed and called out to one of the servants working
in the Red Keep while he opened another bottle of Red Arbor
and gulped it down in one go.

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Chapter 114: Chapter 114

Tywin read the letter sent to him by his daughter from Kings
Landing and let out a displeased grunt before throwing it at the
table where his brother caught it and started reading through it.
Once Kevan read through it, he waited for his brother to speak
"It was a shot in the dark. I'm not surprised that Cersei failed in
this task. She never held much sway over the king." Kevan said
"And even if she somehow did managed to convince the King to
take action, it wasn't as if the Bolton boy would simply hand
over the Glassmakers to him. The boy would have just refused.
And then what. It's not like Robert Baratheon could go to war
with one of his vassals for such a reason."
He grunted in response. In truth, he knew that this half baked
plan was bound to go nowhere. But ever since the mines of the
Casterly Rock became empty, he knew that there were in a ght
against time.
It was not as if the emptying of the gold mines was a huge blow
to them. The Lannisters had been mining the gold for centuries.
They were going to run out sooner or later.
So the past Lannisters had started saving the gold and by now,
their treasuries were lled with enough gold to mint out tens of
millions of gold coins.
That doesn't change the fact, that they were still losing gold day
by day, month by month. Year by year.
Creating a Fleet after the destruction of the last Fleet in the
Greyjoy Rebellion. Paying for the thousands of Red Cloaks in
his employ. Loaning gold to his son-in-law that he very much
doubted that he'll ever see again.
Yes, the Lannisters were losing gold everyday. It was not a
substantial amount. In fact, even if they continued spending gold
like this, his sons and their sons would still live a life of luxury
before they run out of gold.
But the fact remained that if they continued like this, then they
will run out of gold one day.
And he was not going to let such a thing happen in his watch.
House Lannister was the greatest family in Westeros. And he
was not going to let it fall to poverty in his watch.
Which meant that he needed to devise ways in which his house
would be able to earn gold instead of merely spending it.
And one of the best ways of doing so was by Creating Glass.
Until a few years ago, the only people who knew how to do so
were the Glassmakers of Myr who were kept under strict watch
by the Magisters of Myr.
Then, everything changed as Lord Bolton supposedly stole some
of those Glassmakers and put them to employ under him.
Producing glass that was even better in quality than that
produced in the City of Myr.
And that was just one of the methods the Bolton boy had
devised to earn more gold for himself.
Weapons and armor made of Frost Steel. Great Food Production.
Book Production. You name it and the boy has it.
Tywin would never admit to anyone but he was even willing to
allow his granddaughter to be betrothed to the Bolton boy if he
would share even half of his secrets with him.
Tywin opened the drawer in his desk and took out another letter
he had received and showed it to his younger brother.
This time, he spoke before his brother could even read the thing.
"A letter from our spies from White Harbor." He explained.
Went unsaid was the fact that all the spies he sent to either
Dreadfort or White Harbor kept on disappearing so he had to
make do with the spies in the nearby towns. "People are talking
about a giant War Galley, dwar ng any other built in the 7
kingdoms. A ship that could hold more than a thousand men. A
ship made entirely of Ironwood."
"Ironwood?" his brother asked in surprise with raised eyebrow.
He had the same reaction when he read it the rst time. Iron
wood was damn expensive. Even to a Lannister. The wood
required for such a ship alone would cost hundreds of thousands
of gold dragons.
"A loan from the Iron Bank perhaps." His brother said, looking
like he himself didn't believe the words coming out of his
"No." He replied instantly "The boy took loans twice from the
Iron Bank. And unlike my son-in-law, the Bolton boy pays his
"The boy has more gold than we had expected." He pointed out
"Even if his ancestors had saved any gold for him to pay for the
roads, the city around Dreadfort, the Porttown at the mouth of
Weeping Water, the Bolton Fleet and all the other things he's
spending his gold on. The boy is either earning more than we
previously assumed. Or he has the luck of a devil and came
across some great treasure horde in his travels." He said with a
snort. Kevan knew that he had never believed in a thing as ckle
as luck.
The boy was de nitely wealthier than they had assumed.
The both of them sat in silence after he nished talking. He
could see Kevan contemplating his words before his brother
nally spoke.
"We need to know how rich the boy truly is. And if he is as rich
as you're making him out to be… then we need to make an
alliance with him. But… any spy we send out keep on
disappearing. How do you… oh… you plan to send an envoy."
Well, let it not be said that his brother Kevan did not have a
brilliant mind
"Tyrion" he said "The boy is doing nothing in Kings Landing
aside from drinking and whoring. A trip up North will be good
for him."
Left unsaid was the fact that if Tyrion did 'disappear' in his
journey to Dreadfort like all the other spies, then he would serve
the purpose of ridding him of the monster as well give him the
chance to allow rami cations from the Bolton boy lord.
As if reading his mind, his brother looked slightly uneasy at the
prospect of sending Tyrion to Dreadfort. After all, his dislike for
his youngest son was no secret to anybody.
But to his credit, Kevan remained silent and simply bowed to
"I'll write a letter to Tyrion. Telling him about his purpose as an
envoy." His brother said and started writing the letter.
"Tell Tyrion to see if the Bolton boy would be interested in a
Union between Myrcella or any of the Lannister from one of the
branch of House Lannister."
"Myrcella? his brother looked incredulously at him and he
"Yes. Princess Myrcella." He replied and Kevan nodded and
went back to his letter.
Tywin turned around and looked at the portrait of his father that
he had hung in his room as a reminder to never be weak again.
He then remembered one of the rumors he had heard from the
North and hoped that the boy was not betrothed to Sansa Stark.


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Chapter 115: Chapter 115
Domeric got up from his bed and groggily wiped his eyes, the
pleasant smell of Lavender and Jasmine registering in his senses
as he gazed in the fairly dark room.
He looked beside at his bed and noticed the half covered form of
the beautiful young woman he had bedded last night.
She still looked beautiful and his manhood throbbed at the sight
of her pale ass jutting out from the blanket.
He used Occlumency to control himself. He has work to do.
Indulging himself every now and then is alright but there much
more to life than meaningless sex.
He thinks about waking her up and sending her home but then
decided to leave it be. It was still quite early in the morning and
he didn't want to ruin it for her.
Her… what was her name again. Something with Ka… it was
just at the tip of his tongue as well. If he could use Occlumency
then he knew he would be able to remember but was there a
He shook his head and summoned his bottomless bag to his side
and took out a 10 Gold coins from it and put it beside the table
for her when she wakes up.
He gazed at the beautiful heart shaped face once again,
remembering how she moaned and writhed below him, even if a
Legilimency probe had told him that she was mainly doing it to
impress him.
He had then used the same Legilimency to nd her sweet spots,
taking her to Orgasm three times before he nally came inside
her velvety folds.
Thankfully he had cast a charm on himself for such an occasion
so that he won't get her pregnant. Gods! He didn't want the
responsibility of a child. Now or any time soon.
Then with a tug and a twist, he was in his underground base
once again.
The luminescent nodes of lights became brighter upon his
arrival, illuminating every inch of the Room.
He shook his head from the slight disorientation. He never quite
got the hang of magical travel even after all these years even if it
became more tolerable.
He blinked his eyes and looked at the books and notes laid on
the large table. Just as he left them.
He sat down on the chair and looked at all his notes with a
careful eye once again.
He was close. He knew it. There's just… something that was
A wardstone powerful enough to sustain the pressure of the
powerful spiritual magic coming out from hundred of sacri ces.
The only wardstone he had that was so powerful was the one
that was embedded to the chest of the Runic Valyrian Armor.
Except that he didn't knew how to take it out. Weak as he was in
this new body, cutting a Valyrian armor was beyond him as he
did not have access to the strongest and deadliest spells in his
And even if he was powerful enough to do so, he would not
have done it. The armor was such a precious magical artifact. He
had only read and understood half of the magical runes it was
covered with and it was already beyond any armor he had seen
back on Earth.
No, he would rather eat his own ngers than destroy the armor.
He had tried using more than one Wardstone to power this ritual.
3 Wardstones. 7 Wardstones. Nothing worked.
He continued work on it for the next few hours. He was always
very motivated in the morning, the reason why he had come here
so early in the rst place.
But still… there was no success in sight.
After a few hours of no progress, he let out a defeated sigh and
plopped down on the chair, looking around at his library as if
hoping that the answer would jump out at him. What a silly
Then his eyes went past the section of book holding the tomes
about Dragon Eggs and his body jolted awoke as he realized
He was still skeptical about this new idea of his but it doesn't
hurt to try.
He left the library and went to his treasury room where he could
see hundreds of dragon eggs he had discarded because of them
being dead.
A dragon is the more magically powerful than any other being
on Earth. They were so powerful in fact, that if the magical
tomes about them are to be believed, then they radiated magic in
waves around themselves wherever they went. Any Archmage
sitting on top of his bonded dragon was usually three - ve times
more powerful than he was on his own.
Perhaps they are the reason why Valyria was so lled with
magic in the rst place.
Oh… he was getting away from the topic.
He piked but a black colored egg with purple lines jutted across
it and tried to pour magic in it.
The egg turned stone soaked in his magic as if it was an eternal
A huge grin broke out in his face as he felt his heart soar with
He nearly did a dance jig right there but composed himself even
as the elation within his heart remained.
He knew that he was still not out of the waters yet. That he still
needed to nd just how much energy can be channeled through a
Dragon egg Wardstone. But with this… he was much closer to
his goal of completing the Ritual.
And for now, he was happy.


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Chapter 116: Chapter 116

Domeric sat in his study table in his solar, looking at the pile of
paperwork kept in front of him that refused to go away.
Sending his aunt away from Dreadfort had it's consequences.
Namely the duties that she had done so far fell upon him.
And he was not really a fan of paperwork. Not in the past life
and not in this one. But then again, he doubted that anybody
ever really liked Paperwork. But it was just one of those things
that came with advancement.
Regardless, he didn't actually felt guilty for exiling his aunt like
that. She had also crossed the line when she let her hatred get the
better of her and started sending barbs at Sansa who was
innocent of the wrongs done by her parents.
That wouldn't stop him from grovelling at his aunt's feet when
she came back. The sacri ce of his pride would be well worth
the effort if he wouldn't have to do these blasted paperwork
A huge yawn broke him out of his thoughts and he turned and
noticed Baka lying down on his sofa (which looked rather small
with lying on it) with her belly up in a totally disgraceful manner
as drool dribbled down her mouth and she snored loudly without
a care for the world.
It was her turn to guard him outside the door right now.
She was usually much more obedient than this. But with both
Varko and his aunt being absent…
He thought about waking her up for a moment and chastising
her for her behaviour.
But then the thoughts of what happened to her before she came
into his service came to his mind.
Raped at a young age. Thrown at the brothel of Freaks for her
unnatural height where she was once again raped repeatedly.
Then once she became 15 years old, she was thrown at the
slaver pits where she had to ght for her life everyday until the
necessity for survival made her one of the ercest warrior in
those pits.
He looked at her innocent expression and realized that he truly
couldn't bring himself to chastise her after the hand life had dealt
to her.
Plus, there was also the fact that he liked to spoil her.
Despite her large appearance, she had the mind of a child. An 8
foot tall ugly child but a child nonetheless. And he treated her as
such. Spoiling her every now and then just to see the innocent
smile on her face.
Feeling like the cool uncle that he should have been for his
godson Ted as well as Rose and Hugo.
Huh… he never thought about it before but by spoiling her like
this, maybe he was compensating for being absent from Ted's
life when he really should have been there for the child.
He let out a sigh once again. He was doing that a lot these days.
His aunt's absence from the Castle had left him with more work
than he had anticipated. Not to mention that he was also taking
out large chunks of his time to study the Valyrian magic as well
as work on the ritual.
But even if being a cool uncle was good in it's place, he couldn't
let Baka grow lazy and pampered. The sight of a 8 foot tall
petulant child throwing her toys around came to his mind and he
Yeah. He really needed to instill some discipline in Baka's life.
And since he himself couldn't do it and his aunt was absent.
He took out the magical mirror from his Bottomless bag and
called Varko.
A few seconds later Varko picked up the phone and the rst
thing he noticed were the black eye, bruised cheek and busted
lip. As well as the huge stupid grin that Varko was wearing. The
whole thing left him speechless.
For a second, he wondered if some Faceless had killed Varko
last night and taken his face.
Because Varko… the Varko he knew was one of the greatest
warrior in Westeros and not one beat him like that. No one.
And… Varko didn't grin.
Yeah… the whole grin thing was giving him the goosebumps.
That grin just… looked unnatural in his face.
"My lord." Varko said a few moments later, waking up him from
his stupor and he realized that Varko was back to his usual stoic
self, though the bruises were still there.
But that couldn't happen. He had given a magical bracelet to all
his subordinates. The bracelet gave him slight advantages
against elements and physical damage. It also informed him if
one of the people wearing it died.
And no… he would have known if one of his subordinate took
out the bracelet as well. So now, Varko was still very much alive
and well.
He wondered if he had imagined the whole thing. Maybe he
should stop sleeping so little if this was the consequence of
losing on his sleep.
"Do you have some time Varko?" he asked "Baka is being
unruly once again."
Varko smiled at that… he smiled. What the hell. "Yes my lord.
I'll be right there."
With that he cut the connection from the mirror and looked out
the window, wondering if the sky was falling down and the
world was ending.
Because Varko grinning and smiling was just as weird as Tywin
Lannister smiling and grinning.
He shivered at the mental image of Varko grinning once again.

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Chapter 117: Chapter 117

Varko arrived. Kicked Baka on her butt and told the huge girl to
get back to her post..
Baka didn't even complain. She just sleepily rubbed her eyes,
put the helmet back on and went outside.
And now he was alone in the room with Varko. Who had
grinned like a loon just a few minutes ago in the Communication
Yeah. The unsettling feeling was still there.
"So…" he spoke nonchalantly "Any reason why you were
smiling so much in the mirror?"
The grin came back full force and held back the urge to
Patri cus Totalus the man.
Varko much have picked up on his discomfort because he
coughed in embarrassment and then smiled weakly at him.
"Well… I stole Karsi last night. She beat me bloody for it but
she accepted me in the end." And just like that, the foolish grin
came right back though his cheeks were tinged pink this time.
"It was… great." The man said more to himself than him.
He blinked at the news for a moment.
Then a similar grin entered his face.
"Good! I knew you could do it. Congrats man. I'm so proud of
He got up from his chair and went around the table to clap Varko
on his shoulders.
"I suppose you deserve a reward for this." He said and thought
about what kind of reward he could give his two newly married
"How would you like to go to Summer Island with Karsi and
spend a week there. Just enjoying your times with her?"
Varko smiled at his question but then shook his head.
"As much as I would like that my lord, I'm afraid I cannot take
the offer." Varko said "Both Karsi and I have our own duties.
Without me there to protect you, I would always feel uneasy.
And Karsi is a general and had to take care of her own troops as
well. She can't just leave them whenever she wants."
Hmm… he had expected that something like this would happen.
But it was still annoying.
"What do you want then?" he asked "Tell me. If it is something
within my power then I'll give it to you."
Varko thought about his words for a few moment before he
carefully spoke "Karsi has two daughters. Johnna and Willa.
Both of them are excellent archers. Well… not anywhere near as
good as Ygritte. But still pretty good. If you could make a
magical bow for them as well…" Varko trailed off, probably
wondering if he had asked for a bit more than was proper.
He just smiled in return. "Not only a magical bow. But a magical
quiver as well." He said with a smile.
The whole thing should take him some four hours to make but
he was willing to put this much effort for the best swordsman
under his service and his 2nd General.


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Chapter 118: Chapter 118

"How are you doing Mance?" he asked as he looked at the man

sitting on the bed and looking at his own missing right leg.
Mance looked up at him and smiled a toothy smile.
"For someone who lost his right leg and almost died a week
ago? I'd say I'm doing pretty darn well." Mance said with a
toothy smile. "What with this place anyway. The white walls and
the clean room. I've been to Winterfell once before. And I know
that the Castle was not half as clean as this place."
"It's a place called hospital." He replied.
Mance looked confused at that "Hosti… what? I've never heard
of that term before."
"It' a new term. Created by yours truly." He said with a smile "In
essence. It is a building that has a few maesters and Midwives in
it. Except that the only thing that they do in here is heal people."
"A building to heal people. Huh! Even the commonfolk?"
"Especially the commonfolk." He nodded "Anyone who comes
here pays 10 copper stars for a meeting with the Healer. The
healer then nds what af iction the man, woman or child has
and then prescribes the right medicine for it which they buy
from the nearby shop."
"And made this all on your own?" Mance asked, looking
"Yes." He replied "But I'm not here to talk about my
accomplishments. I'm here so that we could talk about you."
"Me… What's there to talk about crippled old me?" Mance
asked toothily but a simple legilimency probe told him that
Mance was being cautious now.
His face became serious "Crippled or not. You were once the
King beyond the wall. Before the Weeper took that title at least.
But you were the leader of the Free folk for a decent amount of
time. And the people followed you then…"
"Out of necessity." Mance interrupted him "I told them that if we
don't move South then we'll all die come Winter. The Free folk
didn't follow me because they liked my beard. No. They
followed me out of necessity. Because they knew what is
His lips thinned at that "I know. But the fact remains that you
were their King once upon a time. And titles such a these hold
"You're afraid of me." Mance said in realization.
"No Mance. I'm not afraid of you but what you represent." He
"And what do I represent?" Mance asked.
He pulled a chair, put it near the bed and sat down on it "I've
worked long and hard for the past few years to make my lands
as prosperous as they are." He said in a somber tone while
looking outside the window "You and I both know that I took a
risk when I brought the Free Folk to my lands. Till now I've kept
the various tribes apart and given them their own livelihoods to
live a better life than the that was granted to them North of the
Wall. But the fact remains that despite all that I've done, in their
hearts they still consider themselves Free Folk. And should the
relationship between them and the people of the North
deteriorate, then they can rally behind the King who once united
them before."


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Chapter 119: Chapter 119

"I will never do such a thing." Mance told him seriously.

"Oh I know that. I know that you did not become a King for any
ambition of attacking the Walls for glory so that you could be
immortalized in the annals of history. Though I'm sure that the
such thoughts did cross your mind every now and then." He said
"But the fact remains that despite your own wishes, you're a
symbol to the Free Folk. A beacon that allows them to hold onto
their identity as someone who belong to the true North."
"So what? You gonna kill me now?" Mance Rayder asked with a
smile. And he was surprised to nd that it was a genuine one.
The man in front of him considered the purpose of his life
complete. He did not fear death.
He smiled back at him "No. Why would I ever do such a thing? I
cherish people with talent Mance. And you're one of the most
talent I've ever seen. No. I want you to pledge your loyalty to
me, like your people did. I want you to work for me."
"Free Folk have a hard time bending their knees." Mance said
with a chuckle.
"Yet, your people did it. Because I offered them a better life than
what they had in the True North. I offered them my protection. I
offered them a better life for their children. And they bend the
knee. You have a wife of your own. One day you'll have children
of your own. And my lands are an excellent place to raise
children. Or so I've heard."
"It's de nitely warmer than the True North." Mance said with a
smile and he smiled back. A moment of silence passed between
them before Mance spoke "If… I bend my knee to you, then
what task do you have in mind for me."
He smiled at Mance's question.
"From what I know, before you came, the Free Folk were
divided in hundreds of tribes scattered all over the North. The
Cave Dwellers. The Hornfoots. The Ice River Clans. The Night
Runners. The Men of the Frozen Shore. Hell, I'm sure that I you
had found the Giants before me then they you would have
convinced them to follow you as well."
They both chuckled at that particular memory all those years
"Yeah. I remember that. Me, Tormund and a few others walked
all the way up to the Giants to ask them for to join our cause."
Mance said "I still remembered how… afraid I was, that one of
the giant could just pick me up and break me in two like a toy.
But I also knew that with giants in my band, I'll have an easier
time convincing the others. So we walked all the way to the
giants. And the rst thing I saw when the saw the tribe… was
you standing on top of the Leader of the Giants with the other
giants bowing to you in submission." Mance said with a faraway
look as he gazed outside the window, remembering the memory
from all those years ago.
"You were just a boy then." Mance said with a smile "Hell, look
at you, you are still a boy now. But when I looked at you that
day. And when I look at you now. I can't help but think that… I
would not mind bending my knee to someone like him."
Mance got down from the bed with some effort even as he tried
to put the man back in the bed and then with the help of the bed,
the man knelt in front of him.
"I, Mance Rayder, swear my Allegience to you Lord Domeric
Bolton from now, till the end of my days."
"And I Lord Bolton, swear that you'll always have a place in my
hearth." He said, feeling a little embarrassed at not knowing
what he was supposed to say when someone gave him their
allegiance like this. Oh well… It'll have to do.
Mance Rayder got up from his kneeling position, having a little
dif culty for only having one leg so he helped the man and sat
him down on the bed.
"You still haven't told me what I'm supposed to do." Mance
pointed out.
"If you can go to unknown places and convince people who
would rather kill you to follow you, then I think you can do just
about anything else." He said "You'll be my Ambassador Mance.
You'll go to other places when I'm unavailable and be my voice.
Of course, you'll need to learn some things before I send you out
but I think you'll just ne regardless."
"Hah! So she said." Mance Rayder said and burst out in laughter
while he rolled his eyes at the man.
"Oh! I almost forgot." He said and took out a bionic magical leg
from his Bottomless bag and gave it to Mance.
"It's not a real leg and you won't get a feeling from it." He told
the man "But in the absence of your real leg, I think that this will
do just ne."


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Chapter 120: Chapter 120

Domeric bent down and looked at the little marvel inside the
It was a rat. A common rat that you would nd skulking around
just about anywhere.
Except that it was not an ordinary rat anymore. In fact, this rat
was strengthened by the sacri ce of 100 of it's brethren that
were now lying dead inside a large runic array. Their bodies
decayed and hollowed by the ritual.
That was a few hours ago.
Since then, he had performed various tests on the rat and
con rmed that it was now indeed much stronger, faster and
smarter than before.
The Ritual was a success.
Or that's what it seemed for now. He'll have to keep the rat under
observation for some time to see if there were any side effects of
the ritual.
If not, then he would move on to larger specimen.
He had already ordered a batch of monkeys from Pentos.
Creating a whole serious of cages for all of them was going to
be a repetitive and annoying task.
Oh how he missed his cute little house elves now. Things would
be so much more easier with them around.
He observed the Rat for a few more moments, wondering if
there was anything he missed when he felt Communication
Mirror vibrate in his pocket.
He frowned and picked up the call.
"Lyra. What have I told you about not bothering me when I'm
busy." He asked with a frown.
Lyra, for her part looked apologetic and gave him a sincere bow,
as well as a good view of her own bountiful cleavage that sent a
jolt of heat to his loins.
"My apologies my lord" she said huskily "But I think that this
might be important to you."
"Speak then." He said, using Occlumency to calm his raging
hormones that were telling him to apparate to her side, bend her
down on a table and ravage her to his heart's content. Puberty
was a bitch.
"Do you remember me telling you about Tyrion leaving Kings
Landing on his father's orders to spy on you?" Lyra asked.
"Yes. The report sent by Chataya. I remember it. That was
what… two months ago. How come he's not here yet?"
"Yes. Well, Tyrion went by the land route instead of the sea."
"That… Why would he do that?" he personally knew from
experience that travelling long distances in a horse was really a
"From what I know of Tyrion, he seems like an adventurous
sort." Lyra replied "Or maybe he was just doing so on purpose to
piss off his father."
"Perhaps. The last time I met him, he hated his father. I doubt
that has changed since then. But do go on with your report."
"Yes. Well, it seems like Tyrion has reached Winterfell and has
stopped there for a few days."
"What does he want from the Starks?" he asked.
"I don't know. But I guess he wants to con rm the rumors about
your and Sansa's betrothal without seeming rude." She replied.
What? "Rumors?" he asked "What rumors. How come
everybody does not know about my and Sansa's betrothal?"
"Well… by the time you and Lord Stark set up the betrothal, all
the lords had already left Dreadfort. And since neither you nor
Lord Stark held a Feast to announce the betrothal, everything is
still very unof cial. Plus, as the saying goes, what happens in
Dreadfort stays in Dreadfort. And I doubt Lord Stark would tell
others about the betrothal because of all the conditions you set
for him. If words about it reached the ears of the other people
then Lord Stark would look weak in front of his lords."
Huh… he didn't even knew that he was supposed to hold a feast
and of cially announce the betrothal in front of the other lords.
His aunt was the one who usually informed him about such
things… Oh…
Knowing the hatred she held for the Starks, he was not even
surprised that she would hide such an important thing from him.
In hindsight, he should really have kept another adviser to
advice him in matters dealing with the Starks.
He should also start learning about the customs and traditions of
the Northern people even if he didn't really felt like a true
"Keep an eye on Tyrion." He told her "Inform me when he leave
"I will my lord." She said giving him another sensual bow that
revealed much of her cleavage to him.
He cut the Communication mirror after that and grimaced at the
tent in his pants.
He would need to call for another whore at night if that did not
go away.


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Chapter 121: Chapter 121
"I saw your new Glass houses yesterday." The Lannister dwarf
spoke "It's fascinating. This new glass. No bubbles. No milky
texture. Pure unadulterated glass. Of course, I had seen it in
Kings Landing before. But seeing it here in your glass house as
well as your windows reminded me that Lord Bolton truly lives
in the North and not in some alien land that I've never heard
Ned stayed quiet for a moment. For all that he disliked the
second son of Tywin Lannister for his debauchery, he cannot
deny that Tyrion was more clever than people ever gave him any
credit for.
'Your own best friend lives a life of debauchery.' A voice similar
to his own spoke in his mind and he ignored it, even as he
realized that he was being a hypocrite for disliking Tyrion for his
vices when he tolerated it well enough when his friend Robert
did the same.
No, the true reason he hated Tyrion and all the Lannisters was
because of what Tywin had done that day in front of the Iron
He could still close his eyes and see the bashed skull of Aegon
Targaryen to this day. And the girl too…
What Ser Gregor Clegane and Ser Amory Lorch had done was
unforgivable. And then Lord Tywin had presented the corpse of
those poor innocent children like he was presenting some grand
And his friend. His own friend had laughed and them and called
them dragonspawn.
To this day, he wondered if the war had truly changed Robert so
much or if he was always like this and he refused to see it.
He remembered the other Lannister as well. Sitting on the Iron
Throne with a smirk on his face. Cleaning the same sword that
he had used to kill the King he had sworn to protect.
No, the true reason he disliked Tyrion Lannister was not because
of his debauchery, though that was there as well but because of
his family.
That didn't make Tyrion any more wrong.
"Lord Bolton… is one of a kind." He said, not wanting to
disrespect the dwarf who might become the Warden of the West
one day. Though he personally doubted that such a thing would
happen. "His presence in North is a boon to all of us."
"Is it Lord Stark?" Tyrion asked from behind his glass. How
many has the man drunk since morning. "If my memory serves
me well, then I think that Boltons and Starks have a history. In
fact, some might even say that the Boltons are to the Starks what
the Raynes and Tarbecks were to the Lannisters."
"You don't need to worry about any of that Tyrion. The matters
of the North will be solved among the Northerners."
"Solved. As if by a betrothal?" Tyrion said while wagging his
eyebrows. "I heard rumors in Kings Landing that you have set
up a betrothal with Lord Bolton. I had wondered if there was
some truth to the rumor."
He stayed silent, not wanting to admit the truth but not wanting
to outright lie either. He was an honest man and lies had never
come easily to him.
Tyrion took his silence for what it was. "So I see… It seems like
you'll have one heck of a good son in a few years Lord Stark.
Though I do wonder, why the news of this betrothal did not
reach far and wide. I doubt there was any reason to hide such a
betrothal. From what I've seen and heard, Sansa is a wonderful
young lady on the cusp of becoming a beautiful woman and the
reputation of Lord Bolton speaks for itself." Then Tyrion bent
forward and said in mock whisper "He doesn't… play for the
other team does he. I mean I'm judging or anything but…"
"I think you've had enough drink Tyrion." He said and took the
glass away from his hands.
Tyrion looked at his empty hands in surprise, as if not believing
that the wine had suddenly went out of his reached before he
blinked and smiled "You right Lord Stark. It seems I've had a bit
too much to drink. I'll leave you to your… thing and go back to
my room."
Then Tyrion jumped down from the chair and wobbled out of
the room on his stunted legs.
Only once Tyrion left the room did he let out a breath he didn't
knew he had been holding.
The cunning man had managed to take out the secret of Sansa's
betrothal from him.
Though in hindsight, the betrothal was really not much of a
secret. Everyone in Winterfell already knew about it.
But the conditions attached to the bethrothal were thankfully not
revealed so there was really nothing lost there.
That said, he really needed to watch himself in front of Tyrion.
The dwarf was smarter than people really gave him any credit


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Chapter 122: Chapter 122

"This seat is soft." Tyrion commented as he jumped up and

down the seat to check it's softness "Even the carriage built by
my sister to carry her royal ass from one place to another is not
as soft as this. Or as smooth for that matter. My sister would be
envious. We mustn't tell her."
"Seems like you're not much of a fan of your sister." Ambassdor
Mance, a man with strange accent and important enough to be
escorted by 20 guards spoke. He wondered what the man had
done to be in favor with Lord Bolton.
He discreetly looked at his own two Lannister guards, noticing
how uncomfortable they looked in between the stoic Bolton
"Considering that she's been trying to kill me ever since I was
born for the monstrous crime of killing my own mother, I would
say I have just about as much love for her as I have for my
father." He commented softly, not really feeling very
comfortable talking about his family situation with others even
though what he was telling was no secret to anybody. "But let's
put that aside. Tell me Mance… I can call you Mance right."
"Sure. Ambassador Mance makes me feel like a pompous fool
anyway." The older man said with a smile.
"Mance then. Tell me Mance, are those smallfolk really using
Steel ploughs or have I had a bit too much drink this morning."
"No. You're not drunk. And I was just as shocked at rst when I
saw this. In the North of the Wall, the tribes would go to war
with each other for such good Steel."
"North of the Wall?" he asked in surprise, the value of the man
sitting in front of him going up a few notches in his mind "Are
you perhaps one of these 'wargs' that I've heard so much about?"
he asked, hiding the giddiness he was feeling under a curious
facade. Though judging by the grin on Mance's face, he doubted
that he was succeeding.
"Unfortunately no." Mance said with a smile "Though I would
have loved to enter the mind of a bird and y above the ocean,
I'm not a warg."
Not a warg then. He wondered why Lord Bolton brought him
down South then. Was it something about the person that made
him so valuable? Oh he loved mysterious like these.
"So you're not one. But wargs do exist. Like, they're real."
"As real as you and me. As real as the giants. And as real as the
Children of the Forest." Mance said with an easy grin and he
almost felt his heart burst from childish excitement right then
and there.
"There are rumors down South that when Lord Bolton came
down from his expedition up the North of the Wall, he brought a
tribe of Giants with him. Can you tell me about them. How
many of them were there? How did he control them? Do they eat
meat or not? And what's this about the children of the forest."
Mance chuckled at his words as an amused father chuckles at his
enthusiastic son. It made him feel warm inside his heart. At the
same time, it made him feel empty for not having a loving father
of his own.
"One question at a time Tyrion. The Carriage might be
comfortable but it'll still take us some 3 days to reach Dreadfort.
We've all the time in this world." Mance said with a warm smile
as he laid back on the seat and looked out of the window. Just
enjoying the sight.
He wondered if the guy was some sort of hermit up in the North.
And that Lord Bolton brought him here to his wisdom. Despite
his unassuming appearance, the man de nitely seemed wise
"Okay. First question rst then. Do Giants and Children of the
Forest truly exist?" he asked, holding his breath. The legends of
Giants and Children of the Forest was as old as Wall itself if not
older. And even if they not dragon, Tyrion would consider
himself satis ed if he got just one look at them.
"They do." Mance replied, not adding anything to that, much to
his irritation.
"And…" he asked "Is it true that Lord Bolton brought some of
them back from the North of the Wall."
"He has." Mance replied with a nod and he felt his heart bubble
in excitement once again.
"Will I be able to see them?" he asked, desperately trying to
conceal the eagerness and hope in his voice and failing
"Oh you will." Mance said with a knowing grin and he had to
wonder what Mance meant by that.
"On to the next question then." He said, getting back his calm
"How are those farmers able to afford a Steel plough. And the
buffalo pulling it. And the canals as well as all the better clothes,
better houses and all that…"
"The Steel Ploughs as well as the Buffalo and Canals were
provided to them by the Bolton lord himself." Mance replied.
And he felt his jaw drop open at that. "What? Why? How?
And… why?"
"Why help the smallfolk?" Mance asked with some amusement.
"Yes. Well… not to sound rude or anything but I don't think
there's any lord in the whole realm who would do so much for
his subjects. Is it true that Lord Bolton was blessed by the Old

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Chapter 123: Chapter 123

"I…" Mance hesitated "As much I would like to say no. At the
risk of sounding superstitious like many others, I feel that the
Old gods indeed favor him. Even if Lord Bolton himself don't
made any comment on this subject."
Tyrion just stared at the Ambassador who had been more honest
with him than anyone in Kings Landing would ever be with
anyone. And he found himself wondering if Lord Bolton was
truly blessed by the gods.
He was not a superstitious man but the things he had seen in the
Bolton lands so far. The prosperity. The wealth. And the things
he was about to see in the near future.
He wondered what it must be like to be favored by the gods.
He supposed he would see soon enough.
"On that note. I almost forgot…" Ambassador Mance said and
handed him a enveloped letter with the sigil of House Bolton
(the Weirwood one, not the Flayed Man one) on it.
"What's this?" he asked as he looked at the paper which had ne
print that seemed to be printed by the Printing Press that he had
heard so much about.
"It's a Warning from Lord Bolton to any and all Lords that enter
his domain." Mance explained to him "In the last Tourney held
by Lord Bolton, many lord came to his domain. A lot of their
men treated the small folk like they did in their own domain.
The results were… not pretty. Now there a few hundred more
men in the Nights Watch. And Lord Bolton has earned a few
more enemies in the Lords of those men."
"I… see." He said as he carefully read through the paper seeing
how even an assault or rape of one of the Freefolk woman was
considered a criminal offense with the criminal either losing
both his hands, being sent to the wall or paying a ne of 20 gold
"It seems like Lord Bolton favors his people even more than the
Starks." He said as he continued to read through the paper.
"He does." Mance said with a smile "He once told me that his
people were like this children. And he was like their father. I
doubt even the Starks as loved by their people as Domeric is by
his own."
"I… see." This was a news for him. Down in the South, there
were all manner or rumors about Lord Bolton. But none of them
entailed how he dealt with the smallfolk.
But then again, down in Kings Landing, no one truly cares for
the Small Folk.
He was reminded of his own Father and with a sharp pain in his
heart, he was reminded of Tysha. His rst wife. And how she
was raped by 50 men on the order of his father for the crime of
being a low born who dared to marry a Lannister.
"Are you alright Tyrion." Mance asked in a surprisingly soft
voice and he realized with sudden clarity that there were tears
streaking down his cheeks.
He quickly wiped them off, wondering why he was acting so
vulnerable in front of this man that he has not even known for a
"Bad memories?" Mance asked once he had wiped his eyes and
he nodded, not elaborating anymore and thankfully, Mance
didn't ask anymore.
"To love and be loved by his own people." Tyrion said, mostly to
himself "Tell, me Ambassador Mance. Did you know that I was
once a married man?"
"No. I don't believe I've heard anything about you being married
to anyone."
"No you wouldn't have. My father did everything to remove any
rumors about my marriage with the threat of torture and death"
he said and chuckled bitterly as he clenched his sts and took
out a wine bottle from his stash under his seat. He was going to
need it for this talk.
He didn't even know why he was telling anything to this man.
But it was good to nally talk about this to someone.
Mance remain silent, listening. So he continued his tragic tale.


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Chapter 124: Chapter 124

Tyrion looked at Dreadfort. Or Winterhold the named given to

the City outside Dreadfort. And he realized that this was
different from any city he had ever seen before in his life.
Mostly because the city was so covered with trees that it seemed
like a half forest itself.
And the trees were not just any trees either but the Heart wood
trees that the Northerners like to pray to so much.
There were thousands of these trees in the city. Their crimson
foliage covering the roof of the city until many houses and
establishments seemed to have been buried under these trees.
Considering that the Heart tree was said to have the Old Gods
reside inside them. And even the Starks only have one of these
tree in their Godswood, he could see this City getting the title of
'Holy City of the Old Gods' or something equally pretencions
like that in the future.
Though that didn't take away the beauty of the city.
There was also the fact that there was no smell of shit of piss
wafting in the city.
That was a huge accomplishment onto itself considering how
even Lannisport, the jewel of the Westerlands have the constant
smell of shit and piss coming from it. Even if the smell was not
as intense and nauseating as it is in Kings Landing.
Truly, he must talk with the architects who designed the sewers
of this City and see what they did differently than the other cities
to make it so… clean.
Yes. A clean city. The concept almost seemed foreign to him.
But he supposed that it was just 'one of those things' that were
different in the Bolton lands.
"We're still in Westeros are we not?" he asked Mance who
seemed perfectly comfortable by all this.
"We are. Though I could see why you would ask such a thing."
Mance said with a soft smile "This city. It seems like it came
from a dream itself. Does it not."
He could only nod in silence as the sight of the 100 Glass houses
greeted him. 'More than 100 now' his mind informed him.
And to think that even the Starks only had two of these.
This just went to show the difference of Wealth between House
Bolton and any other House in the North.
In fact, he had a feeling that even his own father, Lord Tywin
Lannister, He who shits gold, would nd this whole endeavor an
unnecessary extravagance.
He did not even want to think about the Giants he had seen
working outside the Walls, helping the other building dig a Moat
outside the City Wall.
Considering that the city's wall were 1 and half times taller than
that of Lannisoport and the walls were lled with Scorpions and
Catapults, he doubted that anyone would ever get to the City
without losing 5 times their own men.
"I know that I've asked this a few hundred times already." He
spoke "But how the hell is Lord Bolton able to pay for all of…
this" he said, pointing his hand at everything.
Considering that Lord Bolton nanced the construction of the
whole city from his own purse, he was not wrong either.
"A question that has stumped many. Myself included. But Lord
Bolton always remains tight lipped about matter." Mance replied
"Some people joke that like the Lannisters, Lord Bolton has also
found a gold mine underneath his Castle. But I've never seen
any such thing in my time living here. So truly. I've just as much
idea as you in this regards."
He didn't reply. He had heard this answer a few times before
Suddenly, he saw something out of the corner of his eyes and his
head swiveled around to take a loot at the small child like gure
darting around a Heart tree.
And then the sight was lost to him as the carriage moved on.
"Was that…" he turned to Mance who simply smiled at him.
To think that he would not only see a Giant but also a Children
of the Forest in a single day.
After all that he had seen since the start of the day, he was
surprised that he was able to feel some more excitement instead
of merely feeling numb to it all.
"Lord Bolton has warned his populace to not interact with the
Children of the Forest on the threat of heavy punishment. The
Children of the Forest are an endangered magical species. And
Lord Bolton had to go to great lengths to bring a few of them
down the Wall. Some kids get curious every now and then but
either the policemen or their own parents set them straight."
"Hmm… That would explain how the Children of the Forest was
able to play around in the open without being accosted by
"Ash. The Child of the Forest that you saw. Her name is Ash.
She and some of her friends were the ones who carved a face on
the trees that you see around yourself."
"I see." He said, not knowing what else to say in this matter. So
he remained silent as the Carriage drew closer to the Well
forti ed Castle of Dreadfort that seemed to loom over every
other building in the vicinity.


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Chapter 125: Chapter 125

"I did not know that the walls of Dreadfort were this tall." He
commented absent mindedly as he craned his neck to look at the
tall towers surrounding the castle "Nor that there was a moat
around it."
"There wasn't." Mance replied, not offering anything more on
the topic and he didn't ask for more.
The Portcullis was already down so after a strict identi cation
check, they were allowed to enter the Castle, which was once
again, lled with Weirwood trees.
The whole tree with the face thing would have looked creepy if
it not so peaceful and calming to his soul.
In fact, after entering the Castle made, he felt like a weight had
been lifted off his shoulder that he didn't even he had.
"How do you feel?" Mance's voice brought him out of the stupor
and he realized that the Carriage had stopped a while ago.
"I…" how do you explain an experience like this? He truly had
no idea.
"Yeah. I know the feeling too." Mance said and he could only
nod back at the older man.
"Let's… meet with this Lord of yours shall we." He said with a
smile and climbed down from the surprisingly comfortable
He would have to ask Lord Bolton for a carriage like this.
Travelling in the carriage was unlike anything he had
experienced before. In fact, he had a feeling that the Carriage
might have spoiled him for horses in the future.
But when they climbed down from the Carriage, instead of
nding Lord Bolton waiting for him in the Courtyards, he
Varko. The man who defeated his brother not once but twice in
single combat in the past few Tournaments down in Kings
Landing. The man who won the melee 5 times in a row. The
man who refused the a Knighthood because of his faith in the
old gods. The man who had declined King Robert's offer to join
the Kingsguard time and time again because of his unwavering
loyalty to Lord Bolton. And the man who was the undisputed
greatest swordsman in 7 Kingdoms and someone who was said
to equal Ser Arthur Dayne himself.
He had a feeling that he should feel insulted that Lord Bolton
himself did not came to welcome him but how could he when
the Greatest Warrior in the 7 kingdoms has been sent to greet
"Lord Tyrion. Welcome to Dreadfort." Varko said as a beautiful
maid came forward with a plate of salt and bread.
As Tyrion took and ate the bread, partaking in the guests right,
he wondered how Lord Bolton got hold of such a beautiful maid.
And beautiful she was. More beautiful than even his own sister
thanks to the pleasant smile she was wearing.
And not only beautiful but also curvaceous and well mannered.
King Robert would love to have a maid like her in the Red
But he had important things to pay attention to right now.
"Varko… I do not see Lord Bolton anywhere. I hope he is in
good health." He asked cautiously. The matter of the Lord of a
Great house being absent to even welcome the son of Lord
Tywin could be seen as a huge insult.
Not by him of course. He was more than happy to have Varko
invite him in Lord Bolton's place. But other people might not
look at it the same way if they heard of this.
His father would de nitely not.
"Unfortunately, Lord Bolton has gone to attend to a personal
errand and won't be able to meet you for the time being. In fact,
I am not even sure when he'll return to Dreadfort. But despite his
absence, Lord Bolton has ordered us to treat you with the full
hospitality of Dreadfort. Please come inside and make yourself
A lord who is absent from his own castle.
He wondered if Lord Bolton has gone to have a meeting session
with the old gods or something.
As absurd as the thought was, he was surprised to nd that he
didn't nd it to be totally unbelievable.


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Chapter 126: Chapter 126

"How are you doing today Irontooth?" Domeric asked as he

looked at the man inside the cage who glared at him balefully
with nothing but pure hatred in his eyes.
"Are you really going to remain silent?" he asked.
Despite the greater strength, agility and intelligence the man had
gained from the ritual, it seemed like the man was still not
intelligent enough.
Or maybe he was just stubborn.
"Very well then." He pointed the wand through the hole in the
glass and sent a painful curse to the man whose eyes widened in
fear before the curse hit and the man started writhing painfully
on the ground.
It was not Crucio. No that curse was far too powerful and left…
traces. Plus, he needed to use a lot of hate to use that curse
which was the main reason why he never really used the
This curse was one or two step below the Cruciatus Curse in
pain and took more magic from him to perform. But it was
clean. Once he removes the curse, it won't leave any lasting
effect on the victim. Except for the psychological ones of
course. And he don't have to channel any negative emotion to
use this curse.
It was quiet handy for a on sight interrogation when he was the
Head auror.
After half a minute he removed the curse and the man fell on his
back pitifully, taking deep breaths to compensate for all the air
he expelled out while shouting.
Jakka Irontooth. A pirate and a slaver. Someone with multiple
counts of rape, murder, slavery and torture. A sociopath who
thinks nothing of all the life he had taken in his life.
One of the many men that Muron captured and sent his way for
his 'Experiments'.
"Are you willing to talk now Irontooth." He asked patiently and
the man glared balefully at him though there was more than a
hint of fear in his eyes this time.
The man nodded and he took out the notepad, opened the 7th
page and started asking questions.
He looked at the various reports he had gained from all his
experiments and deduced that there was truly no negative side
effect of the Experiment.
He had done his fair share of brain scans before and after the
ritual and came to the conclusion that aside from gaining a better
memory, better re exes and better observation skills, the brain
doesn't show any other change. Especially in the region of the
brain that was responsible for emotions.
Yes, all intents and purposes, the Ritual was a success.
Now only one thing remained.
He looked at the 100 strong Dothraki men he had captured for
this experiment.
The Dothraki. A tribe of savages that spread pain and misery
everywhere they went.
He was usually not this harsh in his opinion of people from
different culture but the Dothraki just rubbed him in all the
wrong ways.
They didn't built anything of their own. They destroyed any city
or civilization that they're powerful enough to destroy. They
prey on the weak and defenseless, calling themselves fearless
warriors for doing so. They killed indiscriminately and they
practiced slavery.
Yes, there was a reason he hated the Dothraki so much.
But the fact remained that they were strong. And healthy. Far
more so than any back alley drunk pirate who could be found in
the seas.
For this ritual, the stronger the sacri ce, the better the results.
So he had captured them for this ritual.
He completed drawing the runes on the ground with an ink made
from the blood of Children of the Forest (willingly given), the
sap from the eyes of the Weirwood tree, dragon bone dust,
moonstone and a dozen other elements to make the ink more
magically potent and keep it stable.
Once completed, he carried the unconscious men and put them
in the hundred circles in the large runic matrix.
Man, he really missed the house elves when he had to perform
menial tasks like these himself.
Once the sacri ces were put into their places, he took out a
Petri ed Dragon egg from the Bottomless bag and put it near the
head of the Runic Matric.
Then he went to the Center of the matrix, removed his clothes as
well as any other possession from his body and laid down naked
on the cold hard oor.
Then with a ick on his wand, the ritual started and the whole
world went white as a searing pain went through his body.


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Chapter 127: Chapter 127

"For being the centre of attention of the whole Westeros. This

place is certainly very peaceful." Tyrion commented as he went
past shelves after shelves of books from Lord Bolton's own
private library.
It has been a week since he arrived in Dreadfort and since then,
he had walked with Giants, talked with Children of the Forest,
rid on the back of a direwolf, played with the children of
smallfolk and done an innumerable number of things that he
would have once thought to be impossible.
And even if he had yet to meet Lord Bolton himself, he had still
found a great many things about Dreadfort and the Winterhold
city. Things that made him want to stay in this place rather then
go back to the shithole known as Kings Landing.
"I did not know that we were the Centre of attention of the
whole Westeros." Mance Rayder replied as he sat in a
comfortable sofa and read a book on the history of the North and
the Long Night.
A grim book if Tyrion said so himself.
"Making Glass. Producing enough food to feed the whole North
and some of the Vale. Producing enough Steel weapons to arm a
few armies of your own. Making roads that could challenge the
Valyrian roads of the old and put the Royal road to shame.
Having the greatest warrior of the realm. Producing books 3
times cheaper than the books produced by Citadel and the Faith.
Are you really that surprised that the Bolton lands are the topic
of almost every conversation in the Red Keep these days?"
Tyrion asked he nally found the book he had searching for and
sat down on the sofa opposite to Mance.
In the past week, he and Mance had developed a steady
friendship of sort. And though Mance had still not told Tyrion
anything about his own past, he still trusted Mance almost as
much as he trusted his brother Jamie.
And hadn't that been a surprise. After living in Kings Landing
for so long, he was surprised to nd that he still had it in him to
trust other people.
"If you put it that way, then I suppose I'm not." Mance said
while turning the page of his book "Live here in Dreadfort for
long and you forget that compared to this place, the outside
world has become stagnant and resistant to change. But then
again, I suppose that is one of the charms of this place."
"One of the charms indeed." He said with a smile that signalled
the end of their conversation as they both went quiet and started
reading their books.
At least they did until a stable boy came running in the library
and informed them that Lord Bolton was here.
Tyrion quickly walked out of the room, following the servant at
a fast pace while Mance limped behind at a leisurely pace.
The servant led him down the stairs the past a corridor until they
came out in the back Courtyard where the sound of Clashing
blade could be heard from.
When they reached the courtyard, he could see a huge crowd
made of guards, scholars, maids and guests looking forming a
huge circle around someone that he couldn't see due to his
"Move aside. Let me in." He said as he pushed people out of the
way and forced his way in on the circle.
The people gave him irritated glace but he paid them no mind
and nally pushed his way at the front of the crowd where the
sight in front of him took his breath away.
Because in front of him, Varko was clashing blades against a
youth who could be none other than Lord Bolton himself if the
cheering around him was to be believed.
"Is that Lord Bolton." He asked the maid beside him who was
looking at the youth with unconcealed lust.
Oh, he might have been able to fuck the maids in the castle by
showering them with gold but he doubted that he would ever
win their hearts like this.
He was not tall enough. Not beautiful enough. Not strong
And he was de nitely not a swordsman who could dance circles
around Varko, the greatest warrior of the 7 kingdoms.
Because that's exactly what Lord Bolton was doing right now.
A single look at the spar and you could tell that Varko was in the
backfoot and struggling to keep up with his lord who was as fast
as the wind itself and as nimble on his feet as a cat with the
re exes to match.
Varko was breathing heavily and beads of sweat were owing
down his chin.
It was hard for him to believe that this was the same Varko who
had fought and bested his own brother twice in the past few
But with how fast Lord Bolton was on his feet, it was not really
that hard to believe.
The two swordsman disengaged from each other and while
Varko was left panting, struggling to catch his breath, Lord
Bolton walked around his opponent like sizing a prey. His steps
easy on the ground. His pose perfect. And the with which he
carried and twirled the blunted sword might have you mistaking
it for a thin needle.
The whole thing was strange because even to his untrained eye,
he could tell that Lord Bolton was not nearly as skill as Varko
who had perfect control over his twin blades.
But what Lord Bolton lacked in skill he made up with his fast
speed, his unnatural strength, his nimble footing and his
inhuman re exes that allowed him to dodge any counter attack
form the Greatest swordsman of Westeros.
Their was a lull of silence as everyone in the courtyard went
silent. The wind blew his hair. And then both the swordsman
charged back into a fray of metal and steel. So fast that he was
having a hard time comprehending the battle.
Tyrion, along with the whole crowd watched enraptured as the
battle went on for what seemed like hours even though in reality
it merely lasted a few minutes before Varko nally became so
exhausted that he put up his guard just a moment too late.
That was all Lord Bolton needed and with a resounding thud,
Varko fell to the oor and laid there, painting like a man starved
for breath.
The silence was deafening.
And then Varko spoke the two words.
And the castle erupted into cheers.


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Chapter 128: Chapter 128

"So… you're Tyrion Lannister." Domeric said as he lounged on

his chair across the Lannister dwarf "You're a long way from
Kings Landing Tyrion. Pray tell, what are you doing in my
Tyrion gulped "I… I heard that you recently completed the Glass
house project and have an abundance of glass in your domain. I
was wondering if you'll willing to sell more of it to House
"You came all the way here to buy glass?" he asked skeptically
"Are you sure Tywin didn't want to know more about my lands
and he sent you because you were the most expendable
Lannister in his eyes."
Tyrion's eyes wend wide for a moment before he shook his head
and chuckled weakly "I suppose this whole endeavor was
destined to fail from the start. Though regardless of my failure in
knowing more about you, I have already learned a great deal
more about your lands. Are you just going to let me get away
like this?"
"Oh… Do I seem like the sort that would hold you as a hostage
Tyrion. Wouldn't that be me simply playing in your father's
hands and give him a chance to force the King into pressuring
me for my knowledge of glassmaking."
"Perhaps. But I won't say I know sort of person you are." Tyrion
said "Not after you won the spar with Varko. The greatest
swordsman in the 7 kingdoms when there has never been any
words about you being a swordsman at all. The Chosen One of
the Old Gods. The Miracle Maker. The one as rich as the
Lannisters. And so many more rumors. But none about your
sword prowess. Tell me Lord Bolton. How did you get so good
at swordplay when my own brother wasn't half as good at your
"That would be telling, wouldn't it."
"Yes. I suppose it would." Tyrion admitted "But then again,
you're not really a great swordsman. Are you. I mean, I admit
that I'm not much of a swordsman myself- I prefer my books to
swords- but even an untrained can tell that you're not a great
swordsman. You're just… very strong fast and have almost
inhumane re exes. Some would even use the term…
He smiled at the man in front of him "Oh you're good. I had
known not to underestimate you but you're still very very good.
Would you like to work for me Tyrion? I could de nitely use
someone as talented as you."
Tyrion frowned at his proposition "I'm… honored by your offer.
But you must understand that I am the heir of the Casterly Rock
so I can't just drop my obligations to go work for other lords. No
matter how kindly they might treat me."
"Heir of Casterly Rock." He chuckled at that, feeling the anger
rise in Tyrion's heart. "Oh… I've not heard a better joke in a long
time. Tyrion. Don't take this the wrong way because I do like
you my little friend. But you inheriting the Casterly Rock is
almost as likely as Jon Snow inheriting Winterfell. It is possible.
If all the other Starks die, then I suppose Jon Snow might get to
become the next lord of Winterfell due to him being Lord Stark's
son. But it is very very unlikely."
"Unlikely as it may be." Tyrion said through restrained anger "I
would rather pit my chances to get what I am owed then work
under someone I don't know or care about."
"Hmm… How about this then." He said, more amused than
anything "You tell me one thing I want to know. And I'll tell you
one thing that you want to know."
Tyrion's eyes sharpened at that "You're just… tell me your
secrets for my own. Why? What do you get out of this?"
"Well… that's for you to gure out my clever friend. Isn't it?
And since I proposed this game, I get to start. I hope you won't
"Well… there's really not much to know about little old me. In
fact, I'm almost attered that you want to give away your secrets
for mine. But do go on…"
"Very well then. The rst question I want to ask is… Why do
you hate your father so much Tyrion?"

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Chapter 129: Chapter 129

Tyrion understandably froze in his seat and using surface

legilimency probe, he was able to get the images of… a
marriage? The face of his father. A gang rape. A broken heart.
The main reason why he started to drink and whore so much.
He could already see a picture forming in his mind and he didn't
like it one bit. If what he had thought was correct then Tywin
was truly as monster in human form.
"I… I don't think there's much of an answer to that question."
Tyrion said, his voice shaking a bit from the grief inside his
heart. "You can see what I am. A misshapen dwarf. The one who
murdered his own mother to crawl out into the world. The whole
world knows that Tywin Lannister has hated me since the day I
was born and has done everything in his power to make my life
miserable. I suppose some of that hatred was bound to return
sooner or later."
As Tyrion spoke, he continued to see more and more fragmented
images and the feeling of love, loss, betrayal, soul crushing
guilt, pain and grief. But he still didn't had the story.
"No. I suppose everyone does know about the reasons you gave
me. But there's more to it, isn't there. A single particular
incident. Something that you would never forgive your father
for. What was it Tyrion? An open insult in front of all the lords
and ladies of the West? A imprisonment of some sort… The
death of a loved one?"
Tyrion shook at his last sentence and the images in his mind
came forward to paint a brighter picture and he dove in.
Two minutes later, Tyrion shook his head in pain as he came out
of his mind. Having found the reason why Tyrion hated Tywin
Lannister so much. And he could understand.
For Tywin to have his man rape and de le Tyrion's wife Tysha
even as he made Tyrion watch the whole thing and then have
him rape his wife in front of everyone.
His heart pulsed with pain at the thought of something like this
happening to Tyrion.
And for what… Because the boy was born a dwarf? Because his
mother died in childbirth.
His opinion of Tywin was never very high because of the actions
of his men in Kings Landing. But after this… it wouldn't be
wrong to say that saw Tywin in the same like as he did the
slavers and pirates roaming the Narrow Sea. Or the Dothraki in
the Grass Sea.
"What… what did you do?" Tyrion asked, massaging his head
"What did you do to me?"
"I'm sorry about that Tyrion." He said. And he truly was. He
didn't like to invade the minds of other people forcefully like
this. It reminded of him too much of Voldemort.
But then again. He supposed that ghting monsters for so long
had made him a monster as well.
He helped Tyrion back to the chair and cleaned his clothes from
when he fell to the ground.
"But don't worry. You'll forget about all of this soon enough." He
said, as if it was any sort of consolation.
It took a few seconds for Tyrion to recover from the effects of
the Obliviation spell. By that point, he was back in his seat in a
similar position like before.
"You're a talented person Tyrion. In fact, I would go as far as to
say that you're one of the most talented man in the 7 kingdoms. I
would have loved to have you work under me. But if you've set
your sights on the Rock, then I suppose that I could only wish
you luck."
"I… suppose." Tyrion nodded, looking a little confused and
"But before you leave my lands… how about a tour." He said as
he got up from his chair with a smile "I know that I've been
remiss in my duties as a proper host by being absent for the past
week and would like to make up for that."
Tyrion looked hesitant but then nodded "I would like that. I've
seen a lot of your lands and the city in the past week but I
sincerely doubt that I've seen it all."
A surface legilimency probe told him that the Obliviation charm
worked properly. That Tyrion was merely slightly confused and
disoriented from the whole thing and suspected the drink he had
before the meeting.
"Good." He said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes "We'll
start tomorrow."


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Chapter 130: Chapter 130

Once Tyrion left his room, he quickly closed the door and the
Window, telling Varko that he was going 'away' for some time
and to tell people that he'll not be available for some time.
Varko gave an af rmation and he took out a white marble from
his bottomless bag and said "To the Wall."
A moment later, he was standing in the center of a storm on top
of the Wall. He created a magical shield to protect himself from
the elements.
Then he reached inside the bottomless purse and took out
another Marble.
A tug and a twist and the next instant, he was standing in front
of the beautiful scenery of the Weirwood tree on top of hill in
full bloom. It's crimson leaves giving a radiant glow from the
sun rays coming from behind it.
The tree always looked beautiful to him no matter how many
times he saw it.
Especially because of how much ambient magic it radiated to
the world around it.
Of course, at this point, the ambient magic in his own castle
overwhelmed that of the ambient magic in this area because of
the sheer number of Weirwood trees he had planted in and near
his castle.
But being here as still nice.
He sent a magical pulse around him to make the denizens of this
place aware of his arrival even though he was sure that the old
coot already knew about him.
He supposed that he was being a bit harsh in his opinion of
Brynden Rivers as the old man has always helped him but he
couldn't help his dislike of the old man.
Bloodraven reminded him too much of Dumbledore for him to
ever be comfortable around the man.
A few seconds later, a head poked out from within one of the
roots of the Weirwood tree and… Snowylocks beckoned him to
"Come Domeric" she said in a melodies and somewhat
meloncholic tone "The Three eyed crow waits for you."
He followed behind her, entering the dark tunnels, using the
lumos spell to not trip on the many Weirwood roots on the oor
or hit his head on the roof of the tunnel.
They took a few turns here and there before they nally reached
at the heart of the tunnel system, where most of the roots
And sitting attached to the center of the roots was the man
whom had come to meet.
"My favourite Greenseer" He greeted with a cheer he truly did
not feel. Even if the old man was not an acquaintance who had
helped him in the past, he would still feel pity for anyone who
was condemned to the fate of having to live as a half tree for the
rest of his life.
"Wizard." The old man replied in a raspy tone. As if the roots
had invaded his throat as well. For all he knew, they might as
well have.
"I've come here for a favor." He told the man.
"Of course." The man chuckled, the voice sounding eerie as it
reverberated in the tunnels. "Even though I cannot see you
through the Weirwood… or the ravens, you're still a man. A man
of ambition and desire. Tell me. What do you want Wizard?"
"I want all the information… on a woman named Tysha."
"I see…" the Greenseer said and his remaining eye turned to
bore into his, both of them locking themselves in a battle of will.
They remained like that for a long time before the Greenseer
nally closed his eyes
"Very well then." The Greenseer said, his voice getting softer
and softer "I will grant you this favor."
"Thank you." He replied. And waited.

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Chapter 131: Chapter 131

"Order! Order!" the old man shouted while banging his wooden
hammer "Of cer Torrhen. Send the next man in."
Tyrion and him both sat at the end of the room, their faces
hidden by hoods as they watched the proceedings as the next
man, another farmer came inside the room and plead his case to
the Judge.
"His name is Kyle. Known as Old Kyle to the people of his
village." He said while looking at the judge "He was the village
elder of his village. He has been in that position since the past 30
years and has taken his village from a forgotten backwater
village to one of the most prosperous village in my lands. If
there's anyone who knows all about the life of a common farmer
then it is this man."
"He does seem wise." Tyrion admitted as Judge Kyle held the
hearing for the next farmer while they continued whispering at
the back of the room. Their voice not reaching the others thanks
to the one way voice muf ing charm he silently put around him
and Tyrion when he entered the room along with a few other
charms to make the people ignore their presence.
"When I rst turned 10 years old, my aunt had me sit in the
Great Hall of the Keep and listen to the problems of the men for
the entire day. For the next two months or so, she taught me how
to solve those problems. How to nd when someone is lying
about their problems. What to do when two parties con ict. And
a great many other things that I would need to know when I
come of age and take over the running of my lands. Though
admittedly, Lady Barbrey had already given me control over my
lands a great deal earlier than it was required of her."
"So what happened?" Tyrion asked "Did you get bored and push
off the Hearing to the smallfolk? Letting them solve their own
problems and all that."
"In a sense." He admitted "I am a very talented man Tyrion. I
say this not to brag but as a fact. And I am very knowledgeable
about certain things that even the Maesters in the Citadel would
have no knowledge of. But for all my talent and all my
knowledge. I am but a single man. And I cannot take my realm
to the heights I want to take it to if I had to do everything on my
own. Not, that way lies madness. So guess what I did?"
"Delegate." Tyrion said with a smile.
"Exactly. You see, I have an eye for talent. You put ten people in
a room and give me half and hour with them and by the end of
the hour, I'll nd out which of them was a fraud. Which of them
was a liar. Which of them was a braggart. Which one of them
was an honest hardworking man. Which of them was dishonest.
Which one of them would go the farthest in their lives and
which one would likely die by their own foolishness." And that
was all true.
He had read the minds of so many people in both his lives that
by this point, he could focus on their inner thoughts for a minute
and have a pretty good idea of what kind of man or woman that
person actually was.
It was both a gift and a curse.
"So what I do is select the best of the best and put them in
charge." He explained to Tyrion "No bribes. No nepotism. No
favoritism. Only the most talented people, the ones who show
results have the chance to reach the highest position in the guilds
I form. And when you put competent people in charge. Good
things start to happen."
Tyrion listened intently to him and nodded his head. A surface
legilimency probe told him that Tyrion was remembering his
work in the drains and sewers of Casterly Rock. How good a job
he had done and was now wondering about his own self worth.
If he would be able to get ahead in life if the only criteria for
getting ahead was to be talented.
"Back to the topic at hand." He said, bringing Tyrion out of his
thoughts "Soon after I started sitting in these hearings, I realized
that no matter how I good I become at this. I'll never be the best
at this job."
At Tyrion's look of confusion, he continued.
"A Lord, no matter how sympathetic to the plight of his people
could not truly understand them." He explained "A Lord cannot
understand the hunger of a farmer. The greed of a merchant. The
danger a caption faces in the sea. The satisfaction a blacksmitch
gets when completing a masterwork. So if we don't even
understand our people, then how can we hope to sit on a chair
and judge them correctly."
Tyrion looked thoughtful at that and asked "Is that what this is.
A system that you created to replace the 'Hearing' held by the
lords. Except that instead of a lord, a farmer is sent to the…
Judge who had once been a farmer and would better understand
his problem. A merchant is sent to a Judge who had once been a
merchant and could understand him and judge accordingly."
"Correct." He said with a smile "A tool for the right task. And
the task for the right tool."
"And now you sound like my father." Tyrion said in jest and he
shook his head.
"I suppose I did there for a moment." He said with a chuckle
"Now come on. I want to show you the Hospital I told you
"The place with the healers?" Tyrion asked and he nodded.
"The rst of it's kind in the 7 kingdoms and possibly the world. I
do hope that this practice would pick up and more and more
people would become healers. So many people die every year of
simple wounds because there wasn't anyone nearby to properly
bandage the wound and it caught an infection. So many woman
die of childbirth every year when the proper medical care would
see them live." He said while looking at Tyrion who simply
nodded with a morose look on his face.
"I also want to see this Library of Alexendria that the maesters
and scholars couldn't stop talking about." Tyrion told him as
they walked out of the Court.
"The building is still a work in progress. But if you wish, I
would gladly take you there after the visit to the Hospital."
"Let's see this hospital of yours then." Tyrion said with false
cheer, his mood a little down after the mention of Maternal


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Chapter 132: Chapter 132

"Why do you serve the Lannisters Tyrion." Domeric asked at the

end of day as they walked through the broad roads of the
"I…" Tyrion hesitated but continued "They're my family. They
may not like me much. But they're all I have. Plus, Uncle
Gerion, Aunt Genna and my brother have always been good to
me. Even Uncle Kevan can show an affectionate side on
particular days."
"So if I were to offer you work in my lands then you won't
take?" he asked and Tyrion nodded.
"As much as I like your lands. As much as I like everything
you've done for your people. As much as I like the systems
you've put in place to give rise to the talented and as much as I
like you… I cannot take the offer." Tyrion said sadly. That the
sadness in his eyes was a consolation but he didn't want
consolation. He wanted Tyrion to work for him.
Other people might only see a drunk and lecherous dwarf when
they look at Tyrion but what he saw was an uncut gem that
requires some polishing.
He wanted proactive talented men who could take his realm
forward on their own violation.
And what he wanted, he got.
"Come. There is one last thing I want to show you." He said and
stopped a carriage from going past him by showing his face.
The coachman stopped at once. As did everyone in near vicinity
and bowed to him.
The fat merchant riding inside the carriage looked out and was
about to shout something before his eyes widened and he
quickly climbed out of the carriage to bow to him.
"My lord… How can I serve you?"
"I have need of your carriage my good man. I hope that won't be
a problem." He said, taking out a purse led with gold dragons
from his bottomless pocket.
The merchant's eyes shined with greed and he nodded before he
caught himself and shook his head "That won't be necessary my
lord. What's mine is yours. Please take the carriage."
He shook his head and forced the purse in the merchant's hands
who 'grudgingly' took the gold coins "No. What kind of lord
would I be if my take from subjects without properly re
compensating them."
The man nodded and he entered the carriage, Tyrion entering
behind him.
"Take us to the outer rim of the city. 3rd Common road. 4th
block." He told the coachman who politely bowed to him and
whipped the horse as he waved at the people on the streets
before closing the window.
"So… where are going now." Tyrion asked curiously.
"To visit the past." He said.
Tyrion looked confused for a moment but didn't question him.
Tyrion looked out the window and the carriage descended into
silence before he spoke.
"I know about Tysha." He spoke at last.
Tyrion went still and slowly turned to face him. He face was a
mixture between anger and sorrow. He opened and closed his
mouth a few times, unable to say anything before he nally
mustered the courage "Mance told you… And to think I trusted
the man. I should have never told him."
"What has Mance got to do with this?" he asked, a bit confused
even as the surface legilimency probe told him that Tyrion had
informed Mance about Tysha the day he came here.
"Don't…" Tyrion forcibly calmed himself "Don't lie to me.
Mance was the only one I've told about my… past. How else
could you have known?"
He smiled at that "Perhaps… the same way I know that your
brother Jamie is fucking your sister behind the king. And that the
royal children but not of Robert's blood at all but the result of
their incestuous relationship."
Tyrion went pale at his words and he had to use Occlumency to
hide his amusement.
"The same way I know that Jamie killed the Mad king because
he had planted thousands of wild re caches underneath the city
and planned to burn the whole city to the ground. The same way
I know that the Lannister mines have run out of gold. The same
way I know that Margeary Tyrell lost her virginity last year on
her grandmother's directions so that she could learn how to
please a man. The same way I know that Prince Doran Martell
forged a secret alliance with William Derry, sealing a betrothal
between Prince Viserys Targaryen and Arianne Martell. The
same way I know that Lysa Arryn was once pregnant was Petyr
Baelish's child but lost the child because her own father locked
her up in a room and forced her to drink moontea everyday."
By this time Tyrion was practically gaping at him. Looking at
him as if he was a monster in human form. He was not wrong
either. He truly did feel like a monster for what he was doing.
"The same way I know that Tysha was not a whore." He said
softly "Your brother lied to you Tyrion. On the orders of your
father. Tysha was not a whore. She was just the innocent peasant
girl who fell in love with you, married you and paid dearly for
Tyrion now had the expression of a man who has lost
everything. He licked his lips, trying to get some moisture on
them and trying to say… something. Wanting to tell him that
what he was saying was a lie. That his own brother didn't lie to
him even as he knew in his heart that everything he said was the
In the end, Tyrion simply looked away. Gazing out of the
window. His eyes lled with tears and focused at nothing in


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Chapter 133: Chapter 133

After 5 minutes, they reached their destination and the carriage

The stop brought Tyrion out of his self destructive thoughts and
he turned to face him.
Wiping the tears from his eyes, he asked "Why?" his voice had
an edge to it even as it shook with grief and pain "Why tell me
He wore the hood, covered his face and climbed down from the
carriage "Come. Let me show you." He said as he took out ve
gold coins and gave it to the Coachman with a gesture to wait
for them here.
Tyrion wore his own hood and followed after him. His legs
unsteady and lost.
They walked down the road for a while before he nally reached
a large building.
"Come." He said as he led Tyrion through a alley and into a back
door that led inside the room.
"This is a building I created to give jobs to women who don't
have any means to support their family but don't want to sell out
their bodies." He told Tyrion though he very much doubted that
the man was even listening to him as he led the man through a
set of stairs and to the second oor which gave a full view of the
woman working on the various looms to create various kinds of
"Look at the woman on the 4th seat on the third row." He told
Tyrion while pointing at the woman.
Tyrion did and last vestiges of blood drained away from his face
as he was confronted with his past once again.
Tyrion remained like this for the next few minutes, staring at the
woman he had married as silent tears rolled down his cheeks and
fell into the dusty ground.
After ten minutes, Tyrion nally managed to get some control
over himself so he took his hand and led him down the stairs and
out of the back door and back into the carriage.
Through it all, the man remained unresponsive. As if his soul
had left his body and he was nothing but a walking corpse.
The coach fell into silence and remained so for the next few
minutes before Tyrion nally turned to him and asked.
"What do you want from me?"
"I don't want anything from you Tyrion." He told the man "I've
already got what I wanted."
"You… she… Do you plan to keep her as a… hostage?" Tyrion
asked, some hint of anger shining through his voice.
"No. Not at all. In fact, you are free to take her and go wherever
you want." He told the man "I have no intention or any reason to
keep her here as a hostage. I would even give you some gold for
your future. But where will you go? You cannot go back to the
Rock or Kings Landing with her. I doubt she would go there
with you even if you take her. The only place she could remain
safe. The only one who could keep both of you safe is me."
"This… this can't be real." Tyrion murmured to himself.
"Oh but it is Tyrion." He said with some sympathy "And you
owe the girl far far more than you could ever hope to repay in
your lifetime."
Tyrion went silent at that and didn't speak anymore for the rest
of the journey.
Once they nally reached Dreadfort and both of them climbed
down from the carriage, Tyrion turned to him, not looking in his
eyes and spoke "I need… I need some time to think."
And then he turned around and walked away.
He looked at the back of the man, feeling like shit for what he
had done before he nally turned and gave another 5 gold
dragons to the coachman.
"Have a good day." He told the man.
"You too my lord." The coachman said before he turned the
coach around and left.


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Chapter 134: Chapter 134

The sword arched in the air and brushed passed his hair even as
his eyes widened and he moved his head back to avoid the blade
which might as well have moved in half the normal speed due to
his high re exes.
But with his great re exes, he could not defend himself against
something that was faster than him.
And Varko, with his twin blade was far faster than him. Mostly
because of the heavy weights he had wrapped around his hands
and legs.
He knew that despite his greater physique, he was still not good
as he could be due to the not having enough training or
experience as a swordsman.
The other reason why he was training was that ever since his
victory over Varko, he had started to like the way of the warrior.
The adrenaline rush he got when he nally defeated Varko was
far better than any that he got by defeating his foes with magic.
Defeating someone with a piece of metal truly woke something
primal in him and he wanted more of that.
So here he was. Getting his ass whooped by Varko so that the
next time he nds and defeats a bunch of bandits, he won't feel
like he was only able to do so because of the enhancements but
because he had some actual skills.
Varko didn't gave him the time to get a better footing and
continued to send a urry of sword strikes his way that were fast
even for his enhanced mind.
He did not even lasted a second before he was on his ass once
For all that Varko hid his emotions, Varko didn't like him taking
that one cheap victory in front of everyone and was acting out of
pettiness and taking a preverse joy in kicking his ass.
"You're defending too much." Varko told me "It's good if you're
doing it every now and then. But a person who keeps on
defending and doesn't attack will lose sooner or later. You need
to take more risks. Be more proactive."
He nodded and got up once again.
Before they could go on for another round of sparring, he heard
footsteps behind him and turned to nd Tyrion coming his way.
He gave a look to Varko who silently nodded and stepped out of
hearing range.
"Tyrion." He said without any emotion in his voice.
Tyrion reeked of wine and sweat. His hair was all over the place.
His clothes lled with wine stains and some vomit and the man
looked like he had not had a proper sleep in weeks. A half empty
wine bottle on his left hand.
"Bolton." Tyrion murmured, stumbling a little before he
corrected his footing.
He remained silent so Tyrion continued "I'm going to Kings
A frown took place and his forehead but before he could say
anything, Tyrion continued "I will talk with my brother. Find out
if he truly betrayed. If Tysha was really innocent. Deep down in
my heart, I always knew that she was. I knew but… believing
that she was a whore dulled my pain so that's what I chose to
Tyrion frowned and took a swig from the bottle "I… I want to
hear it from Jamie. I want to hear him say it. How that sister
fucker allowed my wife to get gangraped in front of me."
Tyrion's voice broke and tears formed in his eyes. He wiped
them away quickly and continued "Once I'm done with him.
With all of them… I'll come back… For Tysha. She might not
forgive me. She might never forgive me. And that would be
alright. This time… I'll act the husband that I should have a long
time ago."
At that point Tyrion broke down and started sobbing in front of
He ignored the smell coming from Tyrion and pulled him in a
He patted Tyrion's back and secretly put a calming charm on
"Very well then. I'll send Titanic to escort you to Kings
"Titanic?" Tyrion asked, looking confused.
"My agship." He said with a proud smile "You'll de nitely like


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Chapter 135: Chapter 135

Domeric knocked on the door and waited under the hood, hiding
from the eyes of any passerby.
Popularity can become a bit tiring when people start to accost
you everywhere you go even if it's for well wishes. A lesson that
he had learned well in his past life. He had no lightening scar in
this life and the popularity and reputation he had gained was
through his own hands but that didn't make the people trying to
touch him any less annoying.
The door opened and a strong shouldered boy looked out at him.
The blue eyes, black hair and strong jaw instantly reminded him
of Renly Baratheon who was said to look like King Robert
Baratheon when he was young.
The Royal bastard Gendry Waters.
He wondered if he should do something with the boy. He
seemed perfectly content with being just a Blacksmith
apprentice but having the blood of the king bring strange
changes to your life.
If nothing else, the boy would make for a ne warrior with his
big stature and strong arms.
But something in this line of thinking made him feel that he had
become too much like Dumbledore.
No, the boy can remain a blacksmith if that's what he wants to
be. But he'll order Tobho Mott to tell the truth. Just because he
didn't liked to be used against Voldemort didn't meant that the
Prophesy should have been kept from me.
"We're not taking any commissions right now." The boy told him
and was about to shut the door when his hand snaked out and
caught it before it could shut down on his face.
That would have been really embarrassing.
And yes, an enhanced body does have it's perks.
"What are y…" he removed the hood and the boy's eyes
widened before he started stammering apologies.
"Go inform Master Tobho Mott that I'm here." He said, putting
the boy out of his misery.
The boy gulped and nodded before running back inside the
Water Wheel run forge.
Five minutes later, he stood beside Tobho Mott and looked at the
Full body Valyrian armor in wonder.
"I don't know where you got such much Valyrian Steel from.
And I don't really care. But this is… the greatest work of my
life." Tobho Mott said, looking proudly at the armor that covered
every inch of his skin.
He had designed the Armor in such a way that except for the
joints and eyes, it would cover everything.
Of course, he would have to wear a magical armor inside to
cover for the weaknesses but with this armor on, no man would
ever be able to harm him.
"I except you no one else has any information about this?" He
asked the man.
If the knowledge of the Full Body Valyrian Steel armor leaked
out, then all the armies of the world would fall upon his lands in
It was just that valuable. And the truth was that he had done
everything in his power to hide the existence of this particular
armor. No one knew about it. And he was sure of that. But
asking doesn't hurt.
"No one." The Master Blacksmith assured him and he looked at
the armor in front of him.
It was truly a work of art.
In the chest of the armor was a Heart tree with leaves that
looked like they've been individually carved by hands.
Considering that the master blacksmith has been working on this
armor for the past year, that might as well be true.
The shoulder plates of the armor were made of Direwolf and a
Mammoth. Signifying the wargs and the giants while the serene
face on the trunk of the Heart tree signi ed the Children of the
The helmet covered all his face except for the eyes and was
much simpler looking in comparison. It was so by design
because he didn't want any additional weight on the helmet.
The only thing out of place was the sign of the 3 Hallows carved
on the forehead of the helmet. Signifying his origins as a wizard
and someone who once held the 3 hallows in his palm.
The whole thing was exquisitely beautiful.
A pity that he would have to cover the whole armor with paint to
make it look like a normal steel armor.
As it was, he didn't want the whole world after him and his
people. And that's what would happen if news about him having
a full body Valyrian amor reached the wrong ears.
The armor was valuable true. He was not willing to risk the lives
of his people for it.


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Chapter 136: Chapter 136
"An excellent job Master Tobho Mott. It doubt anyone else in
the world could do what you did."
"I just did my best my lord." The master blacksmith said humbly
but he could feel the immense pride the man was feeling at
being complimented like that.
"An excellent work deserves an excellent reward." He told the
man "Tell me. What is it that you want Master Tobho Mott."
The Master Blacksmith smiled but shook his head.
"Working with so much Valyrian Steel and creating the only Full
Body Valyrian Steel armor was a reward on it's own. I dare not
ask for anymore." The man said.
The only Full Body Valyrian Steel armor? Well, the man wasn't
technically wrong.
All the armors he had found so far were only the chest piece or
the occasional helmet. But no Fullbody armor. Which was the
main reason why he had to resort to creating one for himself.
"Regardless." He told the man "I can't have it be said that I don't
reward excellent work. Plus, I may not want to brag but I
consider myself a fairly generous person. Ask for what you want
and I'll go to lengths to give it to you."
The man looked hesitant but a legilimency probe already told
him about what the man wanted.
If the man had any family then he would de nitely have used
this boon to help make their lives easier.
But as it was, the man had no one except for Gendry and the two
new apprentices he had taken. And because of that, the man
wanted to have a legacy of his own. To make sure that the world
will remember him when he was gone.
"If you do not have any idea in mind then how about I make a
suggestion." He said, brining the man out of his thoughts.
"A 50 feet statue of you at the centre plaza of the Smithing
Sector. And while I'm at it, I'll also change the name of the
whole street to Tobho Mott Street. Would that suit your purposes
Master Tobho Mott?" he asked.
The man's eyes went wide and tears started owing down his
cheeks and he nodded quickly.
"That would be… excellent. The man nodded "Thank you my
lord. Thank you very much."
He nodded and put the Valyrian Steel armor inside his
Bottomless bag, casting a charm on the man to make sure he
won't notice it.
"No. You've done great work here. There's no need for you to
thank me." He told the man. "I'll send some men to take your
measures. If everything goes well then the statue will be
completed by the end of the year. Is that acceptable to you."
"That is more than acceptable my lord. Thank you. Thank you
so much."
He held the urge to roll his eyes and simply nodded.
"I'll also send 12,000 gold dragons for the work you've done."
He told the man. "1000 for each month."
The blacksmith simply nodded, too overcome by emotions and
shock to say anything anymore.
"I hope I'll be able to ask for your services in the future as well?"
"De nitely my lord. De nitely." The man said, wiping the tears
from his eyes.
"In that case, have a good day my friend." He said and covered
his face with the hood before leaving the room.
He did have a 50 feet tall statue to trans gure after all.
Of course, then he'll have to hide the statue for the next because
no statue is completed in such a short time.
Maybe he should stop using his magic this once and commission
someone to do it for him.
But then again, he didn't often get the chance to show his artistic
side with his magic these days so he didn't want to let go of this
chance either.
Trans guration it is then.

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Chapter 137: Chapter 137

Barbrey sat atop her horse and looked at the Great Moat that
surrounded the City now known as Winterhold and smiled.
The 20 feet deep and 20 feet wide Moat was not there the last
time she left the city in her 4 month exile and went to the Bolton
Port. Nor was the 20 feet tall Steel Gate that was now being
lowered to allow her entry to the City that she had seen being
built with her own eyes.
Inside the Portcullis, there was another gate to stop the advance
of any soldier trying to invade the city. And the area was lled
with murder holes to kill any forces that are trapped in that area.
With all the changes that her nephew had made to the city
defenses, the city almost seemed invulnerable to her
unexperienced military mind even though a more rational part of
her mind whose voice sounded strangely like that of her own
nephew told her that any castle defense can be broken. It was
just a matter of nding that chink in the armor and then using
the right strategy in the right time. And the castle will fall.
She cast aside such morbid thoughts from her mind as the
Portcullis lowered down and see saw the face of her beloved
nephew after all these months.
To say that she had been angry with him when he had exiled her
to the Bolton Port would be an understatement.
But the truth of the matter was that her life in Bolton Port had
been as lled with luxury as it had been in Dreadfort.
And as time passed and her anger shimmered down, she realized
that even if his nephew had exiled her, it was not a wrong
After all, he had thrown that Tully bint out of his castle. So he
had to be fair and do the same to her if he didn't want to destroy
his relations with the Starks.
Plus, as much as would not admit it, looking back now, she
almost felt ashamed by her actions at needling the poor girl who
was supposed to be her nephew's betrothed. That was indeed
low of her no matter how much she hated the Starks.
Plus, even if her nephew had been in the wrong, she loved him
too much and doubted that she would have managed to remain
angry at him for so long.
The Portcullis' falling to the ground brought her out of her
thoughts and she looked ahead to nd her nephew along with all
the small council waiting for her arrival behind the portcullis.
But she saw none of them as she had eyes only for her nephew.
The boy she considered her son.
She could see him smile in the distance as he rode his horse and
came forward to greet her with a huge silly smile.
She could see a small stubble forming on his chin. Bolton men
were not known for their beards or moustache so she doubted
that the stubble would grow up well. She would have to tell his
servants to start shaving him each morning.
His form had also grown a little and she could actually see some
muscles on his hands and shoulders.
Seems like he did listen to her and started learning swordplay.
She doubted he would be very good at it considering how he
missed out on it when he was young but he would know enough
to protect himself.
"Auntie." Her nephew smiled as both of them climbed down
from their horses and then he pulled her in a hug and then much
to her surprise, he lifted her off the ground with the ease of
lifting a thin wooden stick swung her around in a circle.
Huh… he had truly grown strong in her absence hadn't he.
The thought of missing the opportunity to see him grow into a
man saddened her somewhat and she promised herself to not
give him another chance to exile her like that again.
She laughed along with him for a short moment before she hit
him in the arm and gave him a stern glare.
"Put me down Dom. You might not care about any proprietary
but I do have an image to maintain." Though the words were
spoken sternly, the smile in her eyes belied any anger she might
be showing.
He gave her a warm smile and put her down on the ground while
rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish manner.
"Welcome home auntie." He said and she smiled.
"It's good to be back home." she replied back.


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Chapter 138: Chapter 138

"What do mean you're leaving?" she almost shouted, her eyes

blazing in righteous anger and her nephew backed away in fear,
raising his arms to calm her down.
Calm her down! Hah! As if she would be calm knowing that he
was leaving for yet another stupid expedition as soon as she
came back home.
"Auntie. At least let me explain it to you."
"Explain. What's there to explain. Are you not going on yet
another expedition North of the Wall?" she asked as she looked
around for something to pick up and beat her nephew with. A
few good smacks to his head and might yet beat the foolishness
out of him.
"Yeah well… yeah… but there's more to that. Much more."
"Then send your men. What good are they if you have to risk
your own life every time something important comes up?" she
asked. "Don't you have the Greatest swordsman Varko as your
Sworn shield. Why don't you send him in this expedition."
Her nephew frowned at that "Okay rst. He might be a great
swordsman but a great commander he was not. Second. You
know very well auntie that I'm not the kind of man who would
sit in his castle and expect his subordinates to ght for him."
She almost snorted at that. For all the strength he has gained, all
the stubble he has grown and all the maturity he has shown, he
would always remain a boy to her. The boy who became a lord
when he far too young to shoulder it's burdens.
That he had done such a good job as a lord said more about her
newphew's talent and capabilities.
"Third. You know that I have my own set of skills that make it
very important that I be present in this expedition"
She frowned and sat down on a chair, motioning him to take the
chair opposite to her.
"Explain to me then. Why are you going on an expedition North
of the Wall once again. Why is it so important that you go out
there and risk your life in that frozen piece of land. What do you
want nephew?" her angry tirade had turned into a desperate plea
by the end but she paid it no mind even as her nephew looked
distinctly uncomfortable by it all.
Her nephew remained silent, his eyes closed in contemplation
before he opened his eyes and gazed at her seriously.
"You're the rst person I'm about to tell this to." He said "And
you're not going to like it. You sure you want to know my I'm
leaving for the North once again?"
"Yes." She replied with equal seriousness.
"Brace yourself for this piece of information then." He told her
and then after a moment of silence, he explained "The White
Walkers are back auntie."
Nothing. Absolutely nothing could have prepared for this piece
of news. And even as she tried not to show any signs of shock or
fear, judging by the concern on her nephew's face, she was not
doing a good job of it.
She did not even consider that her nephew would lie to her.
"How…" she let out, her voice weaker and raspier than she had
expected and she realized that her throat was dry.
Her nephew took out a glass of water from his 'bottomless
pouch' and gave it to her.
She gave him a thankful glance and took a few sips from it.
"How would you know such… a thing?" she asked clearly this
time, a little angry at how her voice shook in the end.
She did not want to be a frightened kitten right now. She wanted
to be a pillar of strength for her nephew. Someone whom he
could tell things like these. Someone whom he could consult
without any fear. Not a scared little lady.
But the unexpected mention of the White Walkers had shaken
her to the core and lled her with a primal fear that she was
having dif culty overcoming.
Then her nephew put his hands on top of hers and it was as if a
fog had been lifted from her mind and she found herself
becoming calmer by the moment.
"Take a deep breath auntie." Domeric said and she nodded,
doing as he told her to. Feeling more and more calm and
collected with each breath.
By the end of it, she had regained her composer so her nephew
nodded at her and started explaining "All those years ago, when
I met Mance on the expedition North of the wall…"
Ten minutes later, she was still silent as her nephew ended his
tale of how he could now feel a distinct difference in the air
whenever he goes North of the Wall and was sure that it was the
doing of the White Walkers.
"I must go and investigate this situation on my own." He told
her in the end "I must see if these White Walkers are really as
dangerous as they're made out to be. And if they are, then I must
inform Lord Stark and King Robert about it. Ready the whole 7
kingdoms for the war that's about to come this Winter."
She could only nod at that. Not knowing what else to do.
"Well, it seems like I cannot stop you in this endeavor of yours."
She said "But… promise me that you'll return. That you won't
do something foolish and sacri ce your life for your men.
Promise me that you'll prioritize your life above everyone else in
your group. Promise me this."
Her nephew looked reluctant but she continued to look at him
resolutely and he nally nodded at her.
"Then I make this vow to you. I'll put my life above those under
my command and make sure to return at all cost no matter
She nodded at him before she rose from her seat and pulled him
into a tight hug.
In that moment, she was reminded of how she hugged her
husband William Dustin when he went to the war down South
and never returned.
She tightened the hug on her nephew and prayed to the old gods
once again to keep him safe.


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Chapter 139: Chapter 139
15 people appeared out of nowhere in the furthest reaches of the
Thenns territory in the North Western area of the True North.
Domeric quickly took a note of his surroundings and realized
that they had all arrived safely in the clearing he had selected for
this very purpose.
It was then that he felt it.
The magic around him had deteriorated once again. As if
someone was distorting the very essence of magic to bind it to
it's will.
He remembered feeling something similar when he and
Dumbledore went to that Inferi lled cave all those years ago.
Back then his senses were not as nely tuned as they were now
but he was sure that the sensation he was feeling with his
magical sense was similar to what he felt back then when he was
dragged down to the lake by the inferi.
The feeling was slightly different as the method and magic being
used was different but this was de nitely the taste of
But to do something in such a large scale that the magic itself
was distorted by this.
What the hell were these White Walkers doing?
He had a feeling that he didn't want to know.
If whatever magic they were using continued to gain strength
then they might be capable of resurrecting all the dead in the
True North one day. Even those buried 100 feet deep in snow.
Or at least that's the conclusion he was able to come up with
after sensing the magic around him. Considering that he was not
even a novice in Necromency, he might very well be wrong. But
he was a bad feeling that he wasn't.
He turned around and looked at the people who had come with
him in this expedition.
Varko, Baka, Ygritte (because she wouldn't take no for an
answer), Orell (would could control a dozen birds at once
nowadays) and 10 of the best swordsman in his army.
All of them were wearing magical armor that not only protected
them from any harm but also kept them warm and relieved them
of their bodily uids so that they won't have to remove the
armor in this freezing temperature.
Making magical armor for so many people had taken him about
two weeks. One day for each of them but they were here now.
And that's what mattered.
All of them were also carrying a Valyrian sword as well as a
Dragonglass dagger.
Bloodraven had informed him that only these two things would
be able to kill a White walker. He didn't believe Bloodraven but
thanked the old man for the information nonetheless.
They were also carrying a Bottomless bag which was lled with
enough food and warm water to last them weeks along with a
magical tent, some medical supplies and a portkey to take them
back to the Wall in case they were separated from the main
To say that he had over prepared for this secret venture would be
an understatement but it was better to be over prepared than
under prepared.
"Varko." He called his second-in-command for this expedition
"Set up a parameter."
"My lord." Varko answered in affermative and set about ordering
the men to make a defensive circle around him as he sat down
on the ground, took out a Valyrian Glass Candle and dove
He came out of the Valyrian Glass Candle, feeling more
magically strained than he normally would.
"What did you nd?" Ygritte asked as she put a hand on his
shoulder for comfort.
He couldn't feel her soft yet rm hands through the armor but
the gesture was still appreciated.
"Nothing." He answered "The area in the North is totally
inaccessible to me. And even if I want to see some other place,
I'm being restricted to an area of about 10 miles around me."
"The land of Always Winter." Orell murmured as he looked at
the North with fear.
"Don't worry. We won't go to the North." He reassured the man.
Besides, going there would be height of foolishness.
Not only would be going to the land of the enemy. He would be
going there blind.
Plus, with how the magic got more twisted the further North he
went, he was not sure if he'll even be able to use his magic in the
Land of Always Winter. And even if it did, it would be very
weak and not of much use to him.
"What's the plan?" Varko asked him and he thought about what
Bloodraven had told him.
That some of the White Walkers had already started leaving the
Lands of Always Winter and have started venturing in the True
"We go South-East from here." He replied as he took out a rough
map from his bottomless map. A map made by Bloodraven
himself about the lands and the position of the Free Folk tribes
in it.
He doubted that the map was as accurate now in it's details
regarding the position of the Free Folk as it was 5 years ago
when the Free Folk rst started to migrate because of Mance
Rayder. But with the semi functioning Valyrian Glass Candle
and their own warg, they should be able to move around the
Thenns and go about searching for the White Walkers roaming
around in the True North.
"The mission has not changed." He told them "We're still going
to nd the White Walkers. We're going to kill those fuckers. And
we're still going to capture and take some of the Wights back
with us to the North to reveal the truth to the world."
Saying that, he put the Valyrian Glass Candle back in his
bottomless bag and looked at his people. "Let's move out."


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Chapter 140: Chapter 140

On the third night of their travel through the frozen lands of the
True North, they found themselves surrounded by a whole ock
of Ravens cawing at them from the frozen trees.
In the silent forest, the cacophony of noise had an eerie edge to
it that made his men jittery and him uncomfortable.
Ygritte took out her bow and was about to a shot at the ravens
before he stopped her and told her to lower the bow.
She reluctantly obeyed and he gazed back at the ravens in the
trees and let out a sigh.
"Enough with the dramatics." He said, using wandless Sonorous
magic to make his voice heard among the crowing of so many
ravens "I did not ask for your help so that you could send your
birds and disturb my sleep. Either keep them silent or I'll nd the
White walker on my own."
At once the ravens stopped crowing and the forest became silent
as a grave once again.
"Good." He said and then most of the crows got up and ew
away in the distance, leaving only a dozen or so in the trees that
continued to gaze at him.
To any man, such a sight would still be uncomfortable but he
had spent enough time with wargs so being stared by like by
dozens of birds did not disturb him anymore.
"Get back to your tents." He told the men "We'll continue our
journey next morning."
The men grumbled and went back to their tents even as two
remained on watch.
Ygritte came up to him after all of them had left and asked
"Who was that?"
"Varamyr is the best warg you have. And he can only control a
hundred sparrows at his best. And only when they're near him."
She then looked at the ravens who were still staring at them
"Those were easily more than 200 ravens. And the warg is
nowhere in sight. Who is the person controlling those ravens
Domeric?" she asked.
"An old friend." He replied, not wanting to reveal the presence
of Bloodraven when the old guy wanted to remain in the
Hiding things from his subordinates made him feel like
Dumbledore but this secret was not his to divulge.
"This old friend has a name?" Ygritte asked.
"He did. Once." He replied in a tone that signi ed the end of this
Ygritte frowned but nodded and left.
He let out a sigh and looked at the ravens once again.
It was going to be a long night.
For the next week, he and his group followed the ravens away
from the Thenn Territory and deeper into the unknown and
unnamed forest.
When he had rst started this expedition, he had not expected
that it would take so much time for him to search for the White
Bloodraven had informed him that he lost his connections with
his ravens whenever they were near a White Walker so he
himself did not know their exact location. Plus, the White
walkers were always moving quickly from one place to another
and the only way that Bloodraven was even able to keep up with
them was thanks to the footprints left behind by the Wights.
Footprints that were lost to him whenever it snowed. And it
snowed quite often in the True North.
He was just thankful that he had brought enough food with him
to last them half a year and had left Aunt Barbrey in charge.
It was only a few hours later, when the sun was about to set in
the distance that the ravens leading them suddenly dispersed and
ew away and the feeling of magic around him started to distort
that he realized that they had nally found their White Walker.
And then they were ambushed.

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Chapter 141: Chapter 141

Orell was walking behind one of the grunts brought to the True
North by the man chosen by the old gods and reminiscing about
the past in which he used to live the harsh life of a Free Folk.
That was when it happened.
The dozens of Ravens leading them through the silent forest
suddenly scattered and ew away. A closer glace at the Ravens
that were ying away told him that their minds were free. Which
meant that whichever warg had been using them for the past few
days had just lost his connection with them.
This was not normal. A warg doesn't just lose connection with
his bonded animal or bird. In fact. He has never heard of such a
thing happening at all.
If the body of the warg dies when he's inside his animals then
his mind is left inside those animals. The animals don't just
become free and y away.
He had never ever heard of the thing that was happening in front
of him.
But before he could say anything to the Chosen one, the snow
underneath him shifted and a skeletal hand sprouted out of it.
His heart leaped in fear at the sight. And then the fear doubled as
the air around him turned colder and more and more hands
erupted out of the snow. After the hands came the head, then the
torso and soon enough and the dead began to rise from the snow.
"FORM A CIRCLE!" he heard Varko shout behind him and
turned around to see that the men were already forming a circle
to defend themselves again the growing horde of dead
surrounding them.
He scrambled to get in on the circle when the hand jutting out of
the snowy ground caught his leg, making him fall to the ground.
He looked up and his heart fell as he saw the Wights rising from
the ground were already running to surround him.
He scrambled to his feet but it was too late.
The rst wight, a spearwoman with blue eyes and only half a
face jumped at his face, making him fall to the ground under her
weight, a little dazed while she tried to bite at his face.
He closed his eyes in fear, fearing the worst but realized that
nothing was happening when the pain never came.
He opened his eyes a fraction and noticed that the woman was
still on his face but the helmet that the Chosen One had warned
him from taking off had saved his life. She could not chew
through it.
He quickly pushed her off but more of them came for him. This
time he knew the capabilities of his armor and was less afraid.
That didn't change a thing when all of them piled up on him and
tried to stab, kick, punch and bite him to death.
They weren't able to hurt him through the armor but the
mountain of bodies did feel suffocating.
As the bodies around him became tighter and tighter, he
remembered a Dragonglass dagger that he had been given before
the start of this secret expedition. He forgot about it simply
because so far he had never before used it once in live combat
He took it out with some dif culty and stabbed the rst Wight
on top of him who was trying to chew on his groin. Something
that was making him very uncomfortable.
The Wight disintegrated to pieces as soon as the dagger found
home. It did not even struck something important but one of the
many ribs jutting out of it's side.
It was as if the dagger broke whatever enchantments had been
holding the Wight together.
It gave him a lot of con dence considering that he was still stuck
in between a great pile of bodies that was still increasing.
For a moment he wondered how many Wights were there and if
he'll have to ght an army once he was out of this pile.
He next slashed at the wight above him. The arc of the blade
found purchase in three and all three of them crumbled in piles
of bones and meat.
The sight gave him another con dence boost and he shouted
back at the wights trying to eat his face.
"Fuck you motherfuckers."
The next few moments were lled with action. As he stabbed
more wights he got more space to move his arm and his blade,
allowing him to kill more of them and turn them into mush.
By the end of the minute, he had come out of the great pile of
bodies when there was a ash of light and a bright light
consumed the world around him.
He killed the wight trying to bite his shoulder armor and peeked
outside the pile of dead bodies.
And saw a great pillar of ame controlled by the Chosen One
and destroying hundreds of wights per second. And he realized
with another pang of fear that the hill they had come to stand
upon was lled with wights.
When did so many of them surround them?
The con dence he had gained shattered and he quickly ran
toward where the main group was standing behind the Chosen
He made sure to rise his hands up ahead to not be mistaken for a
Wight and the scorching ame of pillar passed over his head, not
affecting him in the slightest.
"Hey!" he shouted amongst the screeching death throes of the
Varko saw him and gestured him to come to them quickly.
"Good to see you alive." Varko said in his no nonsense tone and
pushed him inside the circle they had formed, allowing him to
recover even as he came face to face with a few wights in front
of him.
He quickly took out his dagger and was about to stab at it when
he noticed the tree roots binding the three Wights in their place.
With some embarrassment, he remembered that this was the
main reason why they came here in the rst place. To capture the
Wights so that they have proof of the return of the White
He was brought out of his thoughts when there was a sudden
chill in the air.
The fact that he was even able to ll it through the armor when
he was easily able to cross a half frozen stream without feeling
anything at all was disconcerting.
"What is going on." He asked one of the man who simply
moved aside and allowed him to look outside the circle of
He did and noticed that the circle of re that the Chosen one had
created around them had dimmed in intensity and was ickering
with the wind. As if a candle about to go off any moment.
The pillar of re coming out of the Chosen One's hands also
dimmed in intensity for a moment before the chosen on lowered
his hand and allowed the re to die away, panting from the
Then there was silence for a moment. A silence that was broken
as hundreds of feet suddenly started moving in their direction
and he realized that even if the Chosen One had already killed
hundreds of Wights with the re, there were still hundreds more

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Chapter 142: Chapter 142

The reason for all the cold around them.

It was tall and gaunt, with pale esh devoid of any blood. It's
cold blue eyes gazed back at them and he felt the cold intensify
around him.
It was beautiful in it's own way. Elegant. Inhuman. Dangerous.
And it was coming toward them.
He felt his grip on the Sword tighten in response as the army of
Wights nally fell upon them once more and then there was
For the rst few moments, the circle they had made held against
the onslaught of the wights.
Then the circle broke and it was every man for himself.
For the others, this might be a little disconcerting but for him,
who had fought through a pile of wights trying to chew his face
just a few moments before, this seemed like a walk in the park.
So he swung his blade with one hand and the dagger with
another. The wights disintegrating around him in droves as he
moved forward like a war god ghting mortals.
He had never felt so powerful in his life before.
In his frenzy to kill more wights and show that he was not just a
warg who could do nothing else aside from controlling his birds,
he unknowingly separated from the group.
A fact that he only became aware of when he saw that he was
standing all alone in an area devoid of any Wights.
And in front of him was the White Walker himself.
It's icy gaze looked at him with indifference and before he could
get his wits to himself, the White Walker swung his sword.
Hundreds of hours of practice was the only thing that saved his
life as he raised his sword in re ex and managed to block the ice
sword from cleaving his head from his neck.
The resulting 'tinnngg' from the meeting of their blades could be
heard through the entire battle eld and for a moment both the
attacker and defender stood in shock.
The White Walker looked… confused. Not because he had
blocked his attack but because of something done by his own Ice
sword. As if the sword failed to do something it was meant to
He didn't think too much about it and took this moment of
distraction to attack the White Walker.
He should have turned tail and run away.
That was what he would have done in any other time. Turned
tail against a superior opponent and run away.
But he could not run away now for he had found an ambition in
the middle of the battle eld.
He would be the one to kill the rst White Walker and have his
name carved in the annals of history.
The White Walker came out of his shock before his blade could
reach it and it raised it's own blade with contemptuous ease to
meet his own.
Their sword clashed and the unnaturally loud noise rang out
once again.
He put more strength in his sword to put more pressure on the
White Walker.
His efforts did not even budge it.
Then it's icy cold hand was on his left shoulder.
The next moment, he was ying through the air, still feeling cold
in the place where it's icy hands had touched him as he fell on
the ground and tumbled around a few times before coming to a
Thankfully, he had not broken anything important. Like his
Disoriented, he got up with the help of sword and looked up just
to nd the White Walker swinging it's sword at his neck.
This time he was not able to rise his blade fast enough.
Those were his last thoughts before the Icy blade cleaved
through the magical armor like paper and separated his head
from his neck.


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Chapter 143: Chapter 143
Domeric knew that one of his men had died as soon as there was
ding! sound in his helmet.
The wights only carried medieval weapon which were incapable
of cutting through his magical armor. Which meant that the
White Walker had joined the battle eld and personally done the
Hot fury bubbled inside his heart as he thought of Ygritte, Varko
and Baka and how it was possible that one of them had died at
the hands of the powerful Necromancer.
Then he calmed himself with the help of Occlumency as blind
rage would be of no help to him right now.
For now, he needed to remove the Wights from around him and
then regroup with his team and then kill the Icy bastard.
"Protego." He said after he took out another wand from his
bottomless bag.
A white shimmering weak bubble formed around him at 10
times the usual cost as even the distorted magic around him
sought to undo any spell he tried to perform.
But even so, it gave him a breathing space and some time to
observe the battle eld.
Most of the men were still around where they had started.
Killing any wight that got near them with ease as the magical
armor and Valyrian sword/Dragonglass dagger proved to be a
successful counter against the wights.
But some of them had moved away from their initial position
during the battle.
One of them being Baka who was furthest away from the group
and swiping her great Valyrian sword around herself and killing
half a dozen wights with each swipe of her blade.
Then with a start, he realized that the White walker was moving
toward her.
He won't allow the cold fucker to kill the girl he had come to see
as his younger sister.
With a quick swipe of his hand, he took out a ball from his
bottomless bag and used a magical spell to repel the Wights
around him, destroying his shield in the process.
Then he threw the ball in between the White Walker and Baka.
The ball fell to the ground and burst in green ames.
The White Walker halted in place and gazed at the ames that
faltered in their intensity but didnt die down.
He took out another few balls and threw them between Baka and
the White Walker before the Wights fell upon him once again.
He killed any that got near him with ease, not feeling any sense
of accomplishment as he knew that Baka might still be in
But as the cold around him rose and the magic in the air
distorted even more, he realized that the White Walker had
changed it's target.
After killing another few Wights, he found a blade coming
toward him and dodged it with ease.
So close, the White Walker was like a beacon of magic in front
of him. Far more powerful in it's own element of cold and death
than even he ever was in his past life.
It's sword also radiated cold and death elements in droves.
He only had a single moment to wonder how someone could
create something so magically dense.
Because to his magic senses, it felt as if the entire sword was
made up of magic and nothing else.
He gazed at the White Walker and it gazed back at him with
Then the White Walker moved and the battle began.


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Chapter 144: Chapter 144

It came as a surprise to him when the Wights around him didn't

came to support the White Walker.
They just stood back and looked at their battle with their blue
eyes. Standing still and not doing anything.
He blocked another quick strike from the White Walker, feeling
his feet buckle from the great pressure with it's single hand
while he himself had to use two hands to block it.
With a start, he realized that even with the new body
enhancements, he was still weaker and slower than the White
Walker. It was also more skilled than him. Perhaps even more
skilled than Varko.
Those realizations rang all kinds of alarms in his head.
No wonder the Free Folk considered these magical creatures as
He knew that, that even with a Valyrian blade, a normal human
stands no chance against these White Walkers in a single
But what he lacked in speed and strength, he made up for with
his re exes.
Dodging another strike from the White Walker with a hair's
breadth, he doubled back, wanting to disengage from the ght
and wait for one of his sworn sword or someone else to come to
his aid as he was still hopelessly outmatched here.
Then with a start, he realized that he couldn't go back anymore.
He turned back and noticed that the Wights had secretly moved
behind him and were now stopping him from disengaging from
the ght.
He picked one of them. A half rotten child and threw it at the
White walker who swiped it away with his sword easily, not
even breaking it's stride as it moved toward him gracefully.
'How the fuck can someone move gracefully in half a foot deep
snow.' He cursed mentally as he realized that in order to win this
battle, he would have to do something drastic.
So when the White Walker moved it's sword to swing at him, he
readied his sword as well and then…
The wall of Wights that had formed around them broke as Varko
emerged from within the undeads and then with a roar of anger,
he charged at the White Walker who turned his attention to face
the man who had sought to challenge it.
He used this distraction and threw his Dragonglass dagger at it.
The dagger struck it's armor and shattered it pieces.
The White Walker didn't even look back as it defended itself
easily against Varko before kicking Varko in the chest, making a
dent on the chest armor and throwing him back in the midst of
the Wights who fell upon the Greatest swordsman of the 7
kingdoms without any fear.
He knew that he would not get a better chance so he jumped at
the White Walker, his sword raised high to spit it's skull in half.
With a graceful spin, it moved out of the way and buried it's icy
sword in his stomach.
Or at least that's what it tried to do.
His full body armor made of Valyrian Steel stopped the blade
before it could pierce him.
But it's own magical armor failed to protect it when he slashed
at it with his Valyrian sword.
The Valyrian sword cut into it's armor and dug deep in it's chest
and for a moment, it just stared at the scene in what he could
only assume was disbelief.
Then with a piercing wail and screech, the White Walker turned
into Ice and shattered into thousands of pieces.
'What? That's bullshit.' He thought, wanting to study it's body
and nd an easier way to kill the White Walkers because even
using Valyrian Steel sword to kill them was much much harder
than he had initially expected.
Then as if their strings had been cut, the Wights around him
disintegrated into bones and skin and fell onto the ground. Dead.
He had felt the magical connection between the White Walker
and the Wights and had thought that something like this might
happen upon it's death.
But even if that meant that they won't have to ght the whole
army of White Walkers. It presented a problem of it's own.
As the undead army died down and he was able to get a better
look at his surroundings, he noticed that the Wights that he had
caught within the roots had also disintegrated.
Which meant that he had lost a man in this battle and had gained
absolutely nothing in return.


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Chapter 145: Chapter 145
Orell's face was not contorted in the fear and horror as he had
expected. Instead, it was serene and peaceful. As if in the
moment of his death, Orell had accepted and embraced it rather
than fearing it.
For that alone, Orell had his respect.
If there truly was a 'next adventure' as Dumbledore was so fond
of saying, he wished Orell good luck in his.
He then pocketed the magical helmet as well as the magical
armor whose enchantments had been torn off when the Icy
Blade of the White Walker sliced through it.
The armor still had the runes he carved on it and after putting
the initial enchantments, it could be used once again. It might
not have protected Orell against the White Walker but it did it's
job well enough against the Wights.
He would give it to someone else upon returning. No point in
wasting perfectly good material.
It took them the whole night to collect all the bodies scattered
through the battle eld.
He was not sure if another White Walker could reconnect the
bodies and raise them from the dead once again so he was going
to burn all of them before leaving.
With the absence of the White Walker, the magic slowly
returned back to normal so that allowed him to help even though
he was slowly starting the feel the effect of magical exhaustion.
The White Walker had snapped two of Varko's ribs when it
kicked the man away so his best swordsman was out of
commission for the time being.
The 10 men he had brought with him were ne. A bit shaken
from the whole experience as the monsters from their worst
nightmare just became real but otherwise they were doing just
ne for now. He was sure that he'll have to deal with a few
PTSD cases once they return but for now they will continue to
do their duty.
The Ravens also returned half an hour after the White Walker's
demise. With the location of another White Walker as the
Bloodraven already knew about their failure.
But for now, they were in no shape to continue their journey and
he had told them to rest for the rest of the day. They would
continue their hunt the next day.
And even if he said that he didn't really gained anything from
this battle, that was not really true.
He had found how the White Walkers and their Wights fought
and that information in and of itself was worth it's weight in
So as his men slept in their tents, he wrote down a report on how
the Wights and White Walkers fought and a few methods or
formation on how to ght and defeat them.
With how effective the Dragonglass turned out to be in this
battle, he had a feeling that he would have to get all of his men
equipped with it before the end of this summer.


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Chapter 146: Chapter 146

A week after their rst encounter with the White Walker, they
nally came across another White Walker.
This time they were lucky and they were the ones to spot the
White Walker and it's small army of Wights before it could spot
Maybe this particular White Walker was young and inexperience
but it had a far smaller army of Wights compared to the White
Walker they fought before. Only having a 100 or so Wights
while the one before easily had 1000+ wights.
But it would be extremely foolish of him to underestimate the
White Walker so he was careful when he set up the trap for this
White Walker.
By evening, his trap was set and one of his men confronted and
lured the Wights to their position.
It was a bit disconcerting to watch the White Walker seemingly
vanish in between the trees and snow with the help of his own
magical armor.
By then, the wights had already arrived in their position and he
was not able to keep track of the White Walker anymore as his
men sprung the trap, bringing out wooden stakes with
dragonglass tip from the snowy ground that destroyed any White
Walker that so much as scraped them.
More Wights continued after the rst ones and more continued
to die.
As the corpses piled up, the Wights behind the rst ones climbed
on top of the dead Wights and jumped over the stakes, running
at them without any care for anything else.
He used this moment to 'accio' one of the wights and bind it with
The high amount of magic required to do this task told him that
the White Walker was nearby. Using his magical sense, he was
able to nd that it was coming from their right. Trying to
ambush their ank while they fought the Wights in front of
He did not turn to face the White Walker but he used his magical
sense to lock on it's location and as soon as it entered the range,
he took out hundreds of balls lled with Wild re and threw it at
the White Walker.
The White Walker stopped in it's place and pointed it's sword
forward and a gust of cold wind blew at the balls, knocking
many of them away from their intended path.
But the rest of the balls continued and soon fell in a circle
around it, covering a whole 30 meter radius around it with
nothing but wild re.
Splotches of Wild re also fell upon it but they were
extinguished as soon as they came in contact with it's armor.
He picked up the Wight at his feet and threw it in a magically
expended trunk and shouted "Retreat."
His men immediately followed the order, making a beeline away
from the White Walker surrounded by green Wild re.
The wild re was already beginning to subside as the White
Walker channeled his own brand of magic to summon a small
ice storm to extinguish the Wild re.
He reminded himself to tell the alchemists to start the
construction of more Wild re. Those pyromaniacs would
de nitely like that.
As the ran, the few wights that were still alive followed after
them. He rose a Wall of ice from the ground to halt their
progress and ran with the rest of his men until they were out of
the range of the White Walker's eld of distorted magic.
"Now." He said and took out a large rope and threw it on the
Just as they had practiced hundreds of times before, all his men
jumped at it and held onto the rope.
"Nightfort Castle Wall." He said and all of them were pulled in
the wormhole and were spat out on the ground a moment later.
A screams of pain he heard as soon as they landed was the rst
indication that something had gone wrong.
Looking around and nding no Wall anywhere in sight was the
second and nal nail in the cof n.
The portkey had not worked as it should have and had deposited
somewhere else. A dozen or so miles away from their
destination if the Wall he could see in the horizon was any
The distorted magical eld around the White Walker had
affected his spacial magic and had changed the destination they
were supposed to arrive in.
Worse, the distortion in spacial magic had caused his men to
He looked at his men and found that one of them was dead. Half
of his face was missing, the spacial distortion having torn off all
the enchantments on his helmet along with his face.
He felt like shit for being thankful that he was not that man.
The others were in better conditions and all of them were alive.
One of his man had lost his right arm which was laying a few
feet away from him. He knew how to x it so it was not a
Another had a deep gash on his thigh. Two other had minor cuts
on their backs and shoulders.
Varko himself had a cut on his forehead but it was not deep.
Ygritte on the other hand had lost all of the nger on her left arm
and was gritting her teeth in pain.
As much as he cared about the man who had lost his hand, he
cast a few charms to keep him stable and moved on to heal
Ygritte before the others. Because he cared about her more than
he cared about them.
It took him half an hour to heal everybody, with Baka following
him every step and making surprised noises whenever he healed
By this point, he was just happy that the portkey had not
dropped them in the middle of a freezing lake. He would have
still made sure that everybody made it out alive but with the
magical armor's enchantments torn off, the water would have
de nitely given them hypothermia.
After he had healed everybody, he plopped down on the snow
and told Baka to bring the magical trunk to him.
If the Wight died from the spatial distortion or the distance from
the White Walker then this whole expedition turn out to be a
huge failure.
He opened the lid of the magical trunk and found the Wight
screeching inside.
He smiled and felt the the warmth of satisfaction ll his heart as
he closed the lid.
They had nally succeeded in their endeavor.
Now he just had to think on how to present the Wight to the
other Northern lords without giving them a heart attack.


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Chapter 147: Chapter 147

Domeric Bolton's study room was empty. Until 14 people

suddenly came out of a portkey and dropped down on the
"It is night time already." He said after he got up and dusting the
imaginary dirt off his armor "You can all go back to your rooms
and go back to your duties the next day."
The 9 men he had brought with him stripped their magical
armor, Valyrian sword and the bottomless pouch before leaving
the room.
He was not worried that they would spread the news about his
magical powers. They had already signed a magical contract
made by him and if they try to divulge any sensitive information
about him, they would start speaking gibberish and the magical
contract would turn red and inform him about their breach of the
contract as well as their location.
That would be the end of them.
He did not take kindly to treachery or betrayal.
He shook his head off the bad thoughts and turned to his two
sworn shields.
"You two can go as well. Have a good night's sleep. You've
earned it."
Varko bowed and Baka waved him goodbye before both of them
left the room. Leaving only him and Ygritte alone in the study.
"And what'll you have me do M'lord?" Ygritte said in a mock
innocent voice even as she wrapped her arms around his.
He removed his helmet and gave her a serious glance "Strip." He
told her.
She shivered at his order and rose her chin in de ant "And
what'll you do if I don't. Will you have me a punished and sent
to the mines like you did with the other prisoners?" she asked.
He rolled his eyes and used trans guration to turn the ground
around him as soft as a bed.
Then he picked her up and threw her down on the ground.
"No. But I'll do this." He told her as he put her on his knees and
used magic to strip her off her armor before he spanked her butt,
getting a surprised yelp out of her.
"What the hell was that for?" she asked, looking confused and
slightly hurt as she rubbed her butt.
Oh… he forgot that his enhanced strength could be harmful to
others if he forgot how to control it.
And spanking was not a thing yet.
"Sorry about that." He said "Didn't meant to hurt you."
He then ipped her and put her on the ground, getting on top of
her and looking intensely at her brown eyes.
Gods did she looked beautiful.
Before she could reply, he bent down and captured her lips with
his own. He soft and thin lips meshed against his own and he
closed his eyes and lost himself in the sensation before she
suddenly bit his lips. Hard!
"Ouch!" he said and pulled back from her. Looking at her in
confusion and slight annoyance.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"If you want me Domeric Bolton then you gotta steal me. Like a
proper true Northern girl. Otherwise you can forget about me."
She said before she knocked her arm and punched him straight
in the face.
He head snapped to the right and he blinked at the sudden turn
of event, cursing the weird tradition of the Free Folk even as if
he generally respected it for producing such strong people.
"You think you can take me Bolton?" she asked with a playful
smile and he smiled back.
She didn't get another chance to hit him after that as he captured
both of her arms with one of his own and put both his legs above
She squirmed in place and tried to headbutt him but he simply
laughed at her, taking a little enjoyment in this weird mating
ritual of theirs which would count as rape anywhere else.
He brought his other hand and knead her left breast, feeling
himself harden down there as she let out an involuntary moan at
his administration.
He then took hold of her leather armor and tore it off of her in
one quick move, leaving her naked and slightly ushed
underneath him.
He moved downward and slowly lowered her leather pant,
showing her red hair and the moist lips peeking in through the
thick mane of hair.
A simple spell and the red hair was no longer there.
"Hey!" the girl complained as she saw this and he stole a quick
kiss from her soft lips.
"Sorry. But I like my girl clean down there." He told her and
used his middle nger to slowly entered her tight cunt before he
came across and obstruction.
"You're a virgin." He said and she growled at him.
He wanted to use legilimency to nd out what she was thinking
but he liked the girl and wouldn't invade her privacy like that.
"Nothing." He replied and removed his own breeches, letting his
cock fall on her stomach.
She gulped at the size and he smiled.
Yes, this was indeed going to be a fun night.


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Chapter 148: Chapter 148

The smell of the shit, piss and rotten sh wafted to his nose and
Tyrion would have known that he had arrived in Kings Landing
even if his eyes were closed.
It was the worst smelling place in the 7 kingdoms after all.
In the port, he could see the smallfolk stop their work to stare at
Titanic. He had a similar reaction when he had seen it the rst
Even the largest ship in the Royal Fleet looked positively
dwarfed in front of Titanic.
Their gaping faces and dropped jaws were expected.
But currently he paid little attention to them as he was far too
lost in his own thoughts. It had been a common theme with him
ever since Lord Bolton revealed the truth about Tysha to him. A
truth that he realized that he had always known deep down in his
heart but was too scared and too weak to face it.
Now he just need to meet his 'dear' brother and… and what? He
didn't know. He frankly didn't know anything anymore.
Would he really discard his Lannister name and go live with his
wife who probably both feared and hated him by now?
Despite all the hard choices he had faced in his entire life, this
one was somehow harder than all the rest.
"We're here my lord." One of the sailors said and he noticed that
the boat he was standing upon was now docked at the port.
He opened his mouth to say 'thank you' but found that his mouth
was too dry to do such a thing. How long had been since he had
last spoken? How long had it been since he had something to
He wondered if people would call him Tyrion the Dwarf 'and'
the Mute from now on.
In the end he just gave a nod to the sailor along with a gold coin
and the sailor's face lit up in happiness.
He didn't attention to it. He didn't attention to anything as the
two Lannister guards he had been assigned by his father as well
as the 4 Bolton guards assigned by Lord Bolton for his safety
followed behind him.
All he wanted to do now was go to the Red Keep and talk with
him brother and nd out the truth.
A truth that he already know.
Could he really go to the one person whom he had loved the
most in the whole family. The one person who had always
protected him from his cruel father and shielded him from their
sister since he was a small child.
Could he really do this and then go on to hate his brother just as
much as he hated his father and sister.
His feet halted in their place and indecision lled him.
He stood at the center of the cobbled path, looking at nothing in
particular and living all the good memories he had of his brother.
But no matter what he did, the memories of his wife being raped
would always taint is good memories with his brother.
How his brother had stood there and told him with a
mischievous smile that all of that was for fun and that Tysha was
just a whore that he had hired to make a man out of him.
The image of Tysha looking at him pleadingly as she was taken
by the rst men lled his mind. How the hope had left her eyes
as he did nothing and just stood there.
Fresh tears started to roll down his cheeks and he was mysti ed
by how he still had any tears left in him after all the crying he
had been doing this past month.
'Would talking with Jamie even matter if you already know
everything?' an insidious voice said in his mind 'Just be the
coward you've always been and go to the whores instead. At
least they would pretend to love you.'
For a moment, he almost listened to the voice. Confronting his
brother was too hard as it was. He couldn't do it.
But then the image of Tysha came to his mind. How she had said
that she loved him after the rst time they slept together. And
how radiant she had looked when he married her.
With a start he realized that he couldn't take another step toward
any of the dozen expensive brothals in the city that he knew
Great! 'Now' he remembers all the oaths he had taken the day he
had married Tysha. After he had broken them a thousand times
Why was he only remembering all of this now? Why couldn't he
have remembered it when Tysha was raped at his father's orders.
Why did his brother lie to him. Why did he believe his brother's
false words. Why didn't he protect Tysha with his life. Why?
Why? Why?
He clenched his sts and wiped his eyes.
Why was he always so weak? Why did he have to kill his
mother when he came out in this world? Why he born a dwarf?
Why was…
He was brought out of his thoughts as he heard the sound of
footsteps coming toward him and looked up to notice that a well
dressed and well armored man was standing a few feet from


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Chapter 149: Chapter 149

He looked at the man and stared.

If it had been a month ago then he would have de nitely made
some sort of jape to start the conversation with the unknown
man in a friendlier and lighter note.
Now… now he just didn't care anymore.
The man put his hand inside the leather bag he was carrying and
took out a small letter from inside it and passed it on to him.
One of his guards took it and passed it to him.
He looked at the letter and then at the man with confusion.
"A letter from Lord Bolton." The man explained and then gave
him a bow "Have a good day Lord Tyrion."
And then the man turned around and left.
He stared at the letter on his hands.
His thoughts about the young lord had been a mired in confusion
and con ict ever since he revealed the presence of Tysha as well
as told him the truth about his past.
On one hand, the Bolton boy de nitely manipulated him. But on
the other, the boy also gave him the truth and gave him a chance
to redeem himself.
'But at what cost?' the insidious voice inside him asked. He
ignored it and tried to make a sense of how Lord Bolton was
able to know all the things that he knew.
Was it really true that Lord Bolton was Chosen by the Old Gods.
He scoffed at his line of reasoning. But after seeing Giants,
wargs and Children of the Forest with his own eyes, he was
much more reluctant to ignore that line of thought.
For all he knew, Lord Bolton might really be chosen by the Old
He felt envious of the boy who seemed to have everything given
to him on a silver platter.
Good looks. A loving family. Decent height. Great
swordsmanship. Loved by his people. Great subordinates. Gold.
Land. Everything.
What did he have aside from his stunted body and his sharp
He shook his head and opened the letter in his hands.
I'm writing this letter to ask for your help. There is a task that
you must do. It is of the highest importance and you're the only
one in the position to do it. Go to the Lord of Dragonstone and
buy the right of the mining of Dragonglass in his lands. Spend as
much gold as is required and set up a mining operation in
Dragonstone within 3 months.
Don't care about the gold. It's of no consequence. I'll have it sent
to you within a few days.
Good luck in your task Tyrion.
Tyrion closed the letter and put it in his pocket. Not knowing
what to think about this letter.
Dragonglass? Why would Lord Bolton want Dragonglass of all
things. Had the boy lord suddenly found some way to make use
of the otherwise worthless Volcanic stone.
He also realized that if he did what was asked of him, then he
won't be able to have the talk with Tysha for a good while.
The thought lled him with a sense of relief and then a sense of
loathing toward himself for being a coward.
Regardless. At least now he had direction for himself. A reason
to enter the Red Keep where he would inevitably meet his
brother and have the much needed conversation with him.
He didn't want to have the conversation with his brother. He
knew that if confronted his brother about the truth then that'll
break any and all bonds they had between them.
He was not going to remain standing here and be indecisive
Being indecisive was what got him here in the rst place.
For now, he'll not think about all the problems he was facing and
just focus on the task straight ahead of him.
Talk with Stannis the Dour. And buy mining rights of Dragon
glass from him.
He felt himself ll with a sudden strength as the goals in front of
himself became clear and he wondered if Lord Bolton had
foreseen him being indecisive and sent this letter as a way to
help him.
He didn't know. And right now, he didn't care.


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Chapter 150: Chapter 150

The talk with Stannis about the mining Rights of Dragonglass

Mining went how any talk with Stannis went.
Short and straight to the point.
When he asked the man for the mining rights of Dragonglass, he
merely grunted and told him that the thing was useless to him
and allowed him to mine in Dragonstone at minimum tax rates.
That was half the battle won. Now he only needed to set up a
mining operation in Dragonstone and…
His thoughts halted as soon as he went out of the door and saw
the grinning face of his brother Jamie in front of him.
"Hello dear brother." Jamie said with his usual arrogant grin
"Meeting with the dour Lord Stannis instead of your brother
after coming to Kings Landing. Why? I almost thought that you
forgot about me."
He didn't replied and continued to stare.
The con dent smirk on Jamie's face didn't seem so endearing
Because every time he looked at it, he was reminded of how
Jamie had smirked the same way when he told him about Tysha
being a whore.
He shook his head to remove the painful memories and noticed
that Jamie's con dent smirk had fallen for a concerned look.
"Are you alright Tyrion?" Jamie asked as he knelt down in front
of him and looked at him with concern.
He remembered Jamie kneeling down to talk with him because
he had always been so small. He remember the same concern on
Jamie's face whenever he would cry because Cersie said
something cruel to him or he overheard some maid whispering
about how he was a punishment by the Seven to Lord Tywin.
He remembered Jamie kneeling in front of him the same way
that day as well…
'Why Jamie? Why did you do it?' he thought but couldn't bring
himself to ask.
He stepped away from Jamie's grip and realized that tears had
started owing down on his cheeks.
Jamie was still looking at him but the concern had been replaced
by worry now.
"Why did you lie to me?" the words came out before he could
stop them.
Jamie's look of worry was replaced by confusion.
"Lie about what brother?" Jamie asked in an oh so innocent
voice and he clenched his sts tightly.
"Why did you lie to me about Tysha?" he said. Jamie's eyes
widened and all the color drained away from his face.
"Why did you lie to me about her?" he asked as he took a step
toward his brother. His voice broken and his face torn between
grief and rage.
"Why did you do it?" he asked "She was the only girl who had
ever loved me. The only one who sang to me. The only girl I
ever loved. SHE WAS MY WIFE! Why Jamie? Why did you lie
to me? Please… Tell me. Why?" his words had taken a pleading
tone by the end of his tirade and his cheeks were stained with
tears and snot.
Jamie just backed away from him, looking down at the oor in
"Look at me Jamie." He said with a snarl and when his brother
didn't comply, he shouted "LOOK AT ME!!!"
Jamie did and he glared at his brother in anger and betrayal
"Look at me now like how you looked at me when you told me
that Tysha was a whore that you hired. And tell me the truth this
Jamie opened his mouth but no words came out. He didn't look
like the golden lion anymore. He looked like a scared boy. A
scared stupid boy who knew that he was about to suffer the
consequences of his actions.
"Tell me… the truth." He said.
Jamie opened his mouth once again and some words came out as
well "Tysha… Father… I…"
"Louder Jamie. I want to hear why you betrayed me. Loud. And.
"I… I lied to you… Tysha… she was not a whore. Just the
innocent daughter of a crofter. The septon that married the both
of you went to father and told him about the marriage the next
day." Jamie said "Father remembered how his own father had a
commoner mistress who used him for his money. He thought
that the commoner you married did so for the Lannister gold.
He… That's why he did what he did."
"To protect the Lannister legacy." Tyrion let out a hoarse laugh
that sounded alien to even his own ears. Then the rage returned
full force as he snarled at Jamie "But you… you knew the truth.
So why JAMIE. WHY?"
Jamie gave no answer to him and just hung his head. He doubted
that Jamie had an answer even if he knew what it was.
Jamie had always been afraid of father and what he could do.
Which was one of the reason why he was here in Kings Landing
working as a glori ed door guard. The another reason being
fucking their sweet sister.
Jamie mumbled something and he looked at his bro… Jamie
once again.
"What was that?" he asked, moving closer to listen to Jamie
"I am… sorry." Jamie said and he felt his anger rise once again
before he noticed how pathetic Jamie looked and the anger died
away at once, leaving him with nothing but emptiness and a
feeling of apathy.
"No Jamie. You did what you did. No point in being sorry now."
Because being sorry didn't matter anymore. After all that had
happened, being sorry just didn't matter.
He turned away from the pathetic door guard he had once
considered his brother and left.
"Brother…" Jamie called out to him "Please… Just… please."
"No." He said as he turned around to look at Jamie once again
"Don't you dare call me brother you."
"You're not my brother Jamie." He said "My brother is dead to
Then he turned around and walked away, not caring about the
maids who had stopped to eavesdrop on him.


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Chapter 151: Chapter 151
"You stand before Robert of the House Baratheon the First of his
Name. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord
of the…"
"Oh enough of it…" King Robert said, stopping Pycelle
midsentence "Get started with the damn thing already. Tyrion
come forward."
Tyrion did as was asked and moved forward. Not looking at his
now dead-to-him-brother who was looking at him in
apprehension and worry.
"What do you want Tyrion?" The king asked. Probably so that
he could nish with this tirade already and go back to his
drinking and fucking.
"I want…" he spoke, his voice unnaturally loud in the silent
courtroom. After all, it was a rare day when King Robert
bothered to get off his fat ass and sit on the Iron Throne. This
time the King had done so especially at his request "...a great
many things your grace. I want my father to burn in the seven
hells for all eternity. I want my sister to chock on the poison she
so loves to spew and do the world a favor by ridding it of
herself. I want to have a mother who loves me and did not die
giving birth to me. I want to not be a dwarf anymore. I want a
great many things your grace. But I don't thing that you will be
able to give me any of those. So I'll ask for simpler thing."
The King remained silent and gestured for him to continue.
"I want… to give up my title as the heir of House Lannister and
all claims to Casterly Rock. I want to give up my name as a
Lannister. And I want to stop being known as the son of the
hideous monster known as Tywin Lannister."
The volume of chattering in the courtroom rose at once at his
announcement and out of the corner of his eyes he noticed his
dead-to-him-brother looked at him in shock.
His sister recovered rst "Kingsguard. Arrest this man at once.
He dares stand there and slander me and my father in an open
court like this."
Ser Boros Blount and Ser Meryn Trant moved on toward him
and he felt a little fear at their arrival before King Robert stood
up from the throne "Stand down both of you."
"But he dares slander your queen. How could you…"
"You shut your damn mouth woman. I've heard enough from
you." Robert said and Cersei fumed in anger but looked down
and glared venomously at anyone who dared to stare at her.
"You want to give up your Lannister name and all that comes
with it." Robert said as he sat down on his seat "Are you sure
about that Tyrion."
Robert remained silent and looked at him with a scrutinizing
gaze for a long moment before he asked "Why? Gods knows
you're the only Lannister I can tolerate around here. Why do you
want this Tyrion?"
Tyrion opened his mouth to speak but found the words caught in
his throat. He cleared his throat and spoke "I don't suppose you
would know of it. But I was once married to a commoner girl…"
Then he started to explain what he happened to his marriage.
By the time he was done with the story the whole courtroom was
silent. Even Robert Baratheon sat with his back straight and a
solemn expression on his face.
"…A few days ago, I found out from my brother that Tysha was
not a whore. Just an innocent Crofter's daughter who truly loved
me. He told me that my father did what he did protect the
Lannister Legacy." He scoffed "Now, I hear the word Lannister
and I feel nothing but disgust at it. I hear of Tywin Lannister and
all I see is but a hideous monster who would butcher and eat
babies with his own hands if it meant furthering the reputation
his house…"
"I cannot live with the Lannister name anymore your grace.
Please, free me of my name so that I may live the rest of my life
without this curse."
The King continued to stare at him for a long moment with an
unreadable expression before he nally opened his mouth.
"Your request is granted Tyrion. I, Robert Baratheon rst of his
Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, the First Men and Lord
of the Seven Kingdoms hereby strip you of your name, your
titles and your lands."
Then the King sat back down on his throne, looking more tired
than before "Is there anything you want to request of the crown
"Not a request. But a suggestion your grace." He said softly.
"Speak then." The King said
"I would suggest that the crown stop taking loans from Lord
Tywin Lannister." He said and the court fell into frenzy once
again, only calming down when the King told them to be silent.
Robert looked at him with a frown and asked "Why is that
He took a deep breath and continued "Because after being in
continuous use for all these centuries, the gold mines of Casterly
Rock have nally run dry." The court exploded at once and even
Queen Cersei stood up and called him a liar but just smiled and
added "It won't be proper to turn your father-in-law into a
pauper your grace."
With that, he turned around and left, the queen screaming for the
Kingsguard to take his head while Robert told her to shut the
fuck up.

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Chapter 152: Chapter 152

"That ungrateful little wretch!" Tywin roared inside his room

and he inched at the sound of something shatter inside the
room even as Genna gave a bored yawn and shooed away any
maids or guards trying to eavesdrop on Tywin's tirade after he
got the letters from Kings Landing sent by Grand Maester
Pycelle and Queen Cersei.
"What would Tyrion do something so foolish." He said as he
read through the letter that Tywin had thrown at him.
Considering how the letter was sent by Cersei, he was sure that
she had certainly over exaggerated the whole matter 10 times
over and added a few lies on top of them. But one thing that
both letters informed them about was Tyrion giving up the
Lannister name once and for all.
"I don't know… maybe raping his wife, forcing him to watch the
whole thing and then forcing him to rape the poor girl himself
might have something to do with it." Genna said sarcastically
and he pinched his eyebrows.
"Can you not blame Tywin for this Genna..." he begged but
Genna had never been one to fear either him or Tywin.
"Why? I know you worship the ground that Tywin walks on but
even you must admit that Tywin was wrong in doing what he did
to Tyrion. For all that Tywin has done for us over the years, the
only thing that the realm knows him for are his cruelties. One of
them was bound to bite us in the back sooner or later."
"I… I admit that what Tywin did to Tyrion was a little
"A little extreme?" Genna looked at him incredulously "Is that
what you would have said if Tywin had made the men gang rape
'your' wife and forced you watch. Huh? That what Tywin did
was a little extreme."
"Genna" he warned and she took a deep breath to calm herself.
"You've dug your own grave this time." She said "Now the
whole realm knows that the Lannisters have run out of gold in
our mines and that our riches are dwindling day by day. Even
Tywin's reputation won't save us from the backlash that'll come
from this information. How many people will continue to
support us if they knew that us Lannisters are not as rich as we
claim to be. How many of our enemies would see this as an
She shook her head and left the corridor "Your brother made this
mess. Tell him to think about this mistake of his before doing
something so unnecessary cruel the next time."
Kevan let out a sigh once she left and continued to stand outside
the door for a few more minutes before his brother opened the
door, looking composed and stern like his usual self.
"Put a bounty of 10,000 gold coins on Tyrion's head. 100,000 if
captured alive." His brother said without a hint of emotion in his
voice "I gave him a chance to prove himself a Lannister and he
spat on my face. I should have drowned him when he killed
Jenna but I raised him like a proper Lannister. And this is how
he repays me."
"Also. Build a 10 foot tall gold statue of me and put it on a
pedestal in the front courtyard where everybody could see it.
And start the construction of a Lannister Fleet."
"Brother..." he paused, shocked by all these new order. "All this
would cost too much."
"Only a dent in our coffers. Nothing more." His brother said,
dismissing his words easily "People must once again be
reminded of the Lannister riches. A Lannister must never look
weak. Hold a grand tourney. Call all the lords of the realm. Put
100,000 reward for the Joust champion. 50,000 for the Tourney
and 30,000 archery contest champion."
His jaw almost dropped at all the gold Tywin was wasting even
if he could understand where he was coming from.
He took him some time to collect himself but then he nodded his
head "It'll be done my lord. Anything else."
"That'll be all for now. Don't let anyone disturb me for the rest of
the day." Tywin ordered and closed the door on his face.
He let out a sigh as soon as the door closed and thought about all
the gold they'll be losing to prove to the people that House
Lannister was still rich, making themselves poorer as a result.
Oh well, he had his orders. And it was not like he could refuse
his brother's orders anyway. If he could have then he would have
stopped Tywin from doing what he did to Tyrion all those years
ago and this situation would have never occurred in the rst


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Chapter 153: Chapter 153
"Baka told me everything that happened in your 'simple and
safe' expedition." His aunt said as she entered his room and
closed the door behind her and he cringed.
Yup, he was de nitely going to hear an earful now.
"So it's true that the White Walkers are back?" his aunt asked
and sat down on the chair, taking out an arbor gold bottle (the
bottle made and exported by his glass makers) and lling a glass
cup with it.
Well… if she was not going to scold him about his death battle
with the White Walker then maybe not all was lost.
"They're back. Yes." He said, not knowing how to be subtle
about this piece of information. "And I killed one of them. It has
hard to kill it but I managed to do it nonetheless. So it's not as
hopeless as you might think."
"You fought and killed one of them?" she asked with her
emotions warring between pride, fear, anger and exasperation.
"And brought back a Wight as well." He added "Now I just have
to nd a way to show the Wight to the lords of the North and
then the lords of the rest of the 7 kingdom in a way that people
won't suspect me of being a Necromancer."
"Why would they suspect you of anything?"
"Because they don't know about my magical method of travel
and don't know that I went North of the Wall. To them it would
seem like I brought the undead out of my own backyard and I
don't plan to tell anyone about magical travel so I won't have
any worthy explanation either."
"I do hope you're not saying that you risked your life for
nothing." She said and he put his hands up in a placating
"Nothing like that. It just means that I'll have to go North once
again. This time with an army and in a way that would be
noticed by everyone."
"Like your last heroic expedition North of the Wall…" she
drawled and he nodded.
"Exactly. Something like that would be enough to get the
attention of everyone in the North and even some in the South.
Then when I come back, I'll show the Wight as well as the Ice
Sword left by the 1st White Walker and everyone will believe
my story and no one will suspect me of anything."
"So that's your amazing plan. You go on gallivanting across the
realm and leave all your duties to me. Once again."
"Of course." He said with what he hoped was a charming smile.
His aunt rolled her eyes and sighed with exasperation.
"Very well then. I'll inform Walton to gather the 1000 men for
your 2nd expedition. Hopefully you won't meet another horde of
Wights this time."
He nodded in reply, wondering how long it'll take before he is
able to equip each one of his 1000 men with Dragon glass.
He would have to go down South himself if he wanted the
Dragonglass weapons before the end of the month.


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Chapter 154: Chapter 154

Domeric woke up and was greeted by a mane of red hair

scattered over he face and a naked body pressed against his own.
For a moment, he was back in time when he and Ginny were
still together. The painful memory served to wake him up
properly and he realized what had happened last night.
He had gone out to search for Ygritte and had found her
practicing archery in the archery range. She looked tired, her
hands were sore and her face lled with sweat. Her hair fell in
front of her eyes even when she continuously tried to tie it back
in a bun.
She looked gorgeous like that and for a moment he had
wondered if he had some sort of sweat fetish. Gods, he hoped
He had watched her release arrows after arrows in a target so far
away that most people would even have trouble seeing it let
alone hitting it.
The only reason she herself was able to see and hit the target
was because of the few enchantments he had given her as well
as the Magical Valyrian bow he had found in Valyria.
Since he himself had no use for bows, he had given the bow to
Ygritte and she had put the thing to excellent use.
Once she got too tired to continue and stopped ring, he silently
went behind her until he was just a feet behind her at which
point she chuckled.
"You need to work on your feet Domeric Bolton." She said as
she turned around to face him "The way you're walking, your
prey would hear you coming from miles away."
"Will they?" he asked as he moved forward and stood chest to
chest against her. His pale eyes hypnotically staring at her brown
"Of course they will." She scoffed, daring him to deny her
words. When he didn't she smiled playfully, turned around and
With his enchantments, it took him only a few moments to catch
up to her after which he used apparition to transport both of
them to his room where he proceeded to give her a bath after
which he took her to his bed and they made love for the second
time even though she was still a little sore from their rst time.
He looked at the serene smile on her face and felt a smile tug at
his own lips.
He bent down over her, his hands gently wrapping around her
waist and getting an incoherent moan from her and touched his
lips on hers.
She opened her eyes and they both stared at each other for a
moment before she wrapped her hands around him neck and
pulled him toward her, deepening the kiss.
Making him fall deeper and deeper in the well of pleasure before
he eventually backed away a few inches from her to allow her to
The breathless and slightly ushed look on her face made him
harden but he controlled himself.
"Will you take me again m'lord." Ygritte asked in a fake peasant
girl voice "Oh… I'm so lucky to have the cock of Lord Bolton
buried inside me. I could…"
He stopped her playful banter with another kiss. She didn't seem
to mind as she pulled him closer to herself once again in a
somewhat needy display.
He stopped the kiss and backed away from her. This time, she
still looked ushed as she rightly should after getting thoroughly
snogged by him but there was a slight frown on her face as she
stared at him in slight apprehension.


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Chapter 155: Chapter 155

So it was nally time for the talk. A good thing he was prepared
for it as well.
He backed away from her and sat on the head of the bed, pulling
her with him and depositing her on his lap with her back facing
his chest.
The sight was enticing and he couldn't stop himself from
nibbling on her ear, her moan driving him further to kiss her
She squirmed in his lap and the feeling of her rm asscheeks
grinding on his cock sent shivers of pleasure down his spine and
he stopped himself before he allowed his cock to do his thinking
for him.
He backed away and put his head on her shoulder, nuzzling her
"Why do you ask?" he said even though he already knew the
"You stole me." She said "In the True North, when a man steals
a woman and she accepts hin, they become husband and wife.
But… I might not have read as many books as you Domeric but
I know that things are different in South. And I know that you
still don't considered yourself to be married to me even though I
Saying this she turned around in his lap so that she could stare in
his eyes.
He cupped her cheek, barely holding in the urge to kiss her once
again and then take her right then and there but he used
Occlumency and most of the emotions went away.
He took a deep breath and deposited her away from his lap so
that they would be sitting in front of each other and he spoke
"You're right. Because of how dangerous and chaotic the True
North is, things like marriage have to be based on who is the
strongest. But things here are different. Here, the world is much
more stable and boys can court girls over a longer period of time
and try to impress the girl if their wealth, skills, strength and
other such things."
"Why not just take the girl if you want her." Ygritte said even
though by now she had seen enough of his people's culture to
know that such an action would not go well with either the girl
or her family.
He supposed that traditions does have deep roots in people's
"You people in South make everything so complicated." she
He smiled at her and kissed her knuckles
"You're saying that as if you don't like this place." He said as he
trailed kissed up her hands, making her shiver. She let out a
snort, trying to hide the pleasure she was feeling even as she
looked away, her cheeks a little red.
"I… You're making everything complicated again. Just tell me
what are we right now." She asked and he nodded.
"First thing rst." He said "We're not husband and wife. And we
won't be husband and wife until we're married to each other in a
marriage ceremony in front of the Heart tree. With the marriage
being witnessed by a lot of people."
Ygritte scoffed "Why would we care about other people?"
"To give legitimecy to our marriage." He told her "Such things
are very important down here South of the Wall. If people think
that you're not my wife but just a lover I took on the side then
our children will be considered bastards and will have more
problem in inheriting my lands."
Ygritte scoffed but he could see that his argument made sense to
her even though she was not willing to accept it.
"As for what we are… I suppose that after all the time we had
spent around each other over the years since you came here, we
could be considered boyfriend and girlfriend."


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Chapter 156: Chapter 156

"Boyfriend? Don't I have a lot of them. And girlfriends."

"No. They're your friends who're boys and girls. But you can
only have one Boyfriend. Just like I can have only one
girlfriend. You must remain loyal to you boy or girlfriend as it is
the next step of courting. In this step, we can be intimate with
each other and spend more time with one another."
"How's it different from being man and woman?"
"Because if you don't like the boy after spending some time with
him. You can break of your relationship without any
repercussions aside from a broken heart."
"But… that's what we do in the North if we don't like the
woman or man. If you don't like the man you're with and he's
become weaker or lost a hand in a battle, you leave."
"Well… I suppose that's another way in which marriage is
different down here in the South." He said "Here, marriages are
permanent. For life until one of us dies. That is why we must be
in a relationship for some time and see if we're compatible or
not before we decide to marry."
Ygritte frowned at him "How come I never heard of Girlfriends
and boyfriends before this."
He chuckled at her words making her frown even harder at him
"Sorry. I was not laughing at you. You never heard of those
terms because I made them."
"Are you making fun of me Domeric Bolton?" she asked and he
quickly shook his head.
"No. I've been serious since the start of this meeting, if a little
aroused." He told her, his hands reaching forward to cup her jaw
with his thumb softly tracing her lower lip.
Noticing that she was not responding, he stopped his
administrations and looked at her in the eye and spoke "I
suppose you could call us ancee. Or betrothed."
Ygritte's frown worsened at that.
"Isn't that girl… that Sansa who was here with her stick-up-her-
butt mother your betrothed?"
"My betrothal with her is a facade." He told her "You see. Even
since I became a Lord, my lands have prospered and have
accumulated greater wealth and strength. Because of this, the
Starks who rule the North have become afraid of me. A war
between us would be extremely costly and might break the
North. So the Starks wanted me to marry their daughter so that a
war between us would never happen. And I had to agree because
if I didn't then that would be a huge insult to the Starks and
cause a needless war."
"So… you're going to marry her to stop the war?" she asked.
"No. By this point, my army numbers about 13,000 men most of
whom are trained and are head and shoulder above any levy
army that the Northern lords could muster up. If I raise my
levies then that number goes up by another 10,000-20,000. I also
have 60 giants capable of ghting. 40 direwolves. 16 wargs. And
me. There is also you. An archer who could shoot the enemy
lords from across battle elds" He said "At this point, I could
easily ght against the Starks and come out as the winner."
"So why have you not done that already?" she asked.
"Many reasons. The rst being that I have no interest in ruling
the North. Because if I do that then I would have to share my
limited time, wealth and otherresources with the whole North.
Something that I'm not willing to do. There are also other factors
in play. The Starks are the best overlords tha a person could ever
ask for. Honorable and duty bound. Truthfully, I don't really
want to ght them. Then there's the fact that King Robert is Lord
Ned Stark's best friend. Aside from that, you know what we all
saw in the True North."
Her expression hardened at the reminder of the White Walkers
and he continued.
"In war people die. And I don't want my people dying in a
meaningless war just to prove that I have the biggest cock in the
North when the true enemy is preparing itself even now."
Ygritte nodded and climbed on his lap once again, laying her
head on his shoulder as her other hand reached to cup and
massage his erect cock, making him wrap his arm around her
waist and tighten his hold on her as shivers of pleasure went
down his spine.
"So… you're not going to marry Sansa?" she asked and he
kissed her neck, trailing kisses up to her chin, making her breath
She removed his breeches and pulled his cock free from it's
con nes before she spat on her hand and started massaging his
cock while his hands went up from under her dress and he
pinched her nipples, getting a throaty moan out of her.
"And… will you marry me then?" she asked.
He did not like how vulnerable she sounded. Nor did he knew
how he should reply to her.
"If this relationship work out. And if you don't betray me. Then
yes. I'll most likely marry you."
She turned toward him and he lowered his head and kissed her
lips, his other hand sliding down her breeches and cupping her
slick mound.
"I'll take your word for it Domeric Bolton." She told him and he
smiled in the kiss as his middle nger found her nub and gently
massaged her sensitive spot making her back arch and an
involuntary moan leave her throat.
"Good. That's all I ask." He replied.

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Chapter 157: Chapter 157

It took a whole hour of pleasure before Ygritte got too exhausted

to continue.
His enhanced body could easily allow him to go for another
hour but he didn't want to injure her so he left her in the bed and
used the portkey to leave his room.
He appeared in the long underground hallway with the three
doors and opened the one on the right.
The Incubation Chamber, he called the room.
He felt a hot wave of heat went past him as he entered the room
but ignored it and went to the large table glowing with magical
The table had 50 oval shaped holes with glass covering the top
half of the holes.
23 of those holes were lled with dragon eggs.
Eggs that were petri ed stone till a few months ago.
Eggs that had come out of their petri ed state and were now
looking much like the egg that Hagrid had before he hatched
He could hatch these dragon eggs. They were ready and he knew
the ritual required to hatch an egg.
The only thing that stopped him from doing so was that the
dragons wont be bonded to him.
He knew of the rituals that the Dragonlords of old used to
change their bloodline in a way which allowed them to bond
with the dragons.
A ritualistically changed Dragonlord would gain silver, platinum
or golden hair with eyes in a variety of shades of purple or light
They would also not only become much more magically
powerful but also gain the trait of being immune to re.
Some of these Dragonlords even had the ability similar to that of
a seer from his past life, allowing them to dream of the future.
He wondered how much more magically powerful he would
become after this ritual.
Would be become powerful enough to rival himself from his
past life? Would he still be weaker. Or would he become
He himself was excited to know and could barely hold himself
back from performing the ritual on himself.
The only reason why he had yet to perform the ritual was that
performing body altering ritual in quick succession one after
another could be very harmful to a wizard or witch and lead to
unnatural side effects.
A warning which Tom Riddle didn't take to heart, which resulted
in him losing most of his humanity, his mental faculties and a
snake like face.
The reason for this was that a powerful ritual always leaves
magical residue that would interfere with other rituals, altering
the effect that they might bring to the wizard performing the
From what he had found from his own magical inspection. The
magical residue left by the body enhancing ritual would last in
his body for a few years before completely dissipating.
The problem with that was that Winter was coming. And the
White Walkers were coming with it.
If he wanted his dragons to grow large enough to ght the White
Walkers then he would need to hatch them as quickly as
He checked on the health and status of all the eggs before he put
them back in their places and left the room.
He then crossed the hallway and went to the large room where
he would perform his rituals.
The room was lled with runes he had carved to stabilize any
ritual he might perform in this room and aid in it's success.
He looked at the half completed the ritual circle in the center of
the room and started working on it immediately.
It was a long term use ritual circle which would allow him to
enter within himself and expel the magical residue left by the
last body altering ritual.
If he continued this ritual everyday then he would cut the time
required to get rid of the residue from the body altering ritual
from a few years to a few months.
Even then, some of the magical residue left in his body would
never leave him.
This was why after a few body altering rituals, no matter how
careful a wizard or witch is, they would start getting side effects
from those rituals.
Too many rituals are never a good thing.
He just hoped that he won't have to perform any other body
altering ritual after the Bloodline changing one.
Because as cool as it might sound in theory, he didn't want to
turn into a half dragon.


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Chapter 158: Chapter 158

Ned Stark was having breakfast with his family in yet another
normal day in Winterfell.
Arya, his playful daughter was teasing Sansa about something.
Sansa, despite her usual ladylike demeanor was throwing harsh
barbs at her sister, Robb was ignoring all of this and was
nishing his food as quickly as possible so that he could get
back to his lessons and learn more things so that he could
become a lord as capable as Lord Bolton one day, Bran was
playing with his food and Rickon, his youngest son was pushing
away any food that Cat was trying to feed him with a persistent
frown and Jon… Jon was sitting among the guards in the lower
tables like everyday.
Yes, just a normal day in Winterfell.
A normal day which stopped being normal when a giant eagle
ew through the door of the Great Hall and landed in their table.
By this point, they had all gotten used to the giant eagle and
knew who the sender was.
"A letter from Sansa's betrothed." Arya shouted with glee as she
reached for the letter but eagle moved it's claw at the last
moment, getting out of Arya's reach and looking at him with the
claw raised in his direction.
A letter personally for him then.
He took the letter from the eagle's leg and it gave a nod before
ying away.
With how much intelligence the eagle was showing, he had to
wonder if it was just a normal eagle and not a warged bird
He put the thought off his mind and opened the letter, reading
through it quickly with a frown forming on his face the more he
"What does it say?" his daughter Sansa asked eagerly and even
his son Robb slowly moved toward him, trying to be
inconspicuous and doing a bad job of it.
He gave the letter another go to make sure that he had read
everything correctly and let out a sigh "Lord Bolton is going
North of the wall in another expedition with 1000 men. He is
asking for permission."
Arya squealed in glee, being a most fervent fan of Lord Bolton
and his heroic activities. Sansa gasped in fear for the foolish risk
her betrothed was taking by going North of the Wall and Robb…
he didn't like the resolute look on Robb's face.
"That's so cool." Arya said, jumping in her seat in excitement
"What do you think he'll bring from the North this time father.
Maybe he'll go to the Lands of Always Winter and bring an Ice
dragon from there."
"Arya. Stop speaking like that. Do you know how dangerous the
land North of the Wall is." Sansa said.
"Father. I want to go with Lord Bolton in this expedition as
well." Robb said with the determination that only a young boy
who has never seen a true battle could show.
"Me too me too. Father please…." Arya said.
"Absolutely not." Cat said, silencing the whole table and he let
out a sigh.
This was going to be a long day.

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Chapter 159: Chapter 159

That is how long it took him to gather a 1000 the necessary

dragonglass and then turn it into weapons for a thousand men
while also reading Valyrian magical tomes and creating more
Magical armors for his men.
He had made a breakthrough in the magical armor creation in
the past month which now allowed him to make as many as two
magical armors in a day.
If he could nd a way to further shorten that time, then he would
be able to equip at least half of his army with Magical armor by
the time that Winter arrives.
For now, 50 of the 1000 men that he was leading were wearing
his magical armor.
"This is Last Hearth. The Seat of the Umbers." Ygritte told him,
remembering things that she had learned in her lessons "They
have a bloody history with the free folk with many of their men
killed and their women abducted by the Free Folk that cross the
wall every now and then."
He had given more attention to her education ever since she
became his girlfriend. A fact that he was trying to hide from
others though judging by the giggles he hears from his maids
every now and then, he had feeling that it was more of an open
secret by this point than anything else.
"What else?" he asked her.
Ygritte scrunched up her eyebrows and said "They're… loyal to
House Stark?"
"Yes. Most of the Northern houses are." He said "What else."
"Their Sigil is... crossed chains?"
"Four chains linked to a central ring with a dark red background.
But you were close enough. House Umber is an ancient house
who once ruled as one of the First Men Kings. After many
struggles, the Umbers were reduced from royals to vassals of
House Stark."
"Just like House Bolton?" she asked.
"Yes. Just like House Bolton, House Flint, the Slates, the
Lovkes, Glovers, Fishers, Ryders. A few of the houses that the
Starks defeated have become extinct. They also defeated the
Warg King and Marshkings. Forcing the Blackwoods to Flee
down in the riverlands and getting the loyalty of the Reeds.
House Stark also vanquished the Greenwoods, Towers, Ambers
and Frosts. Many of their defeated enemies were forced to yield
their women as prizes and brides.
For all that House Stark are now known as good and honorable,
they have a history more bloody than any other house in the 7
kingdoms. Mostly because they're also far older than any other
house in the 7 kingdoms.
House Stark was an old house before the rst Andals even
placed their feet in Westeros."
"You respect House Stark?" she asked.
"Any house that could survive so many wars and emerge
victorious after a thousand year old con ict is worthy of respect"
he replied "Now. Back to the Umbers. How many men can they
"1000-2000?" she guessed.
"About 3000." He said "Though the gures have changed in the
past few years. Mostly because some of their people left their
lands to come and live in mine in hopes for a better future. But
considering how I'm also selling them food, clothes and
weapons at a much cheaper price, they should also be able to
arm more of their men. So the numbers could uctuate a bit
either way but it won't make that great of a difference."
"How is House Bolton's relationship with House Umber." She
asked and he smiled. It was good that she was asking questions
on her own. If she showed no interest in this then he would
consider his education wasted on her.
And no matter how much he may like her, he won't marry an
illiterate woman. Something that he had already talked with her
"About as good as it could be." He told her "House Bolton has a
bad reputation in the North. And my growing power has worried
all the lords in the North. The only reason they've not banded
against me is because I've shown no ambition like the other
lords. The rumors that the Old gods favor me and the cheap
food, weapons and other resources I sell to the other Northern
houses also help a great deal."
"So… neutral?" she asked.
"Yes. And because of how loyal they are to the Starks, you can't
be too close to me when we pass by their castle. It won't be good
for either mine or the House Stark's my reputation if people
suspect that I have a lover when I betrothed to Sansa Stark."
"You lords and your complicated rules." She said with distaste
and he shrugged.
"Alright then. I'll be waiting in my room all alone. You can
come to me by using your magical travel thingy when you have
the time." She told him and he shook his head.
"I've to go back to remove the magical residual every night. I'm
afraid we won't be having sex for a few days."
Before Ygritte could reply, he felt his mirror vibrate in his
He picked it up and saw that it was a call from his spy mistress
who had not stopped trying to seduce him even when he had
taken Ygritte as his lover.
"What is it Lyra?" he asked as he picked up the call.
"Have you reached the Last Hearth?" Lyra asked with an
uncharacteristically serious expression on her face.
"No. We're still a few miles away from their castle." He told her
"Why do you ask?"
"My spies just told me that Lord Umber has been recruiting and
training levies for the past few days." She said "Not only that
but Harrion Karstark was also seen bringing about 200 men to
Last Hearth two days ago. I don't know what they're planning.
The number of men they've gathered are too small to do
anything substantial against your well trained army of 1000
men. But still, be careful."
"Return safely." She said, lowering the mirror and showing him
her tits hidden behind a thin layer of cloth, her nipple clearly
visible through the cloth.
He rolled his eyes and put down the mirror before he changed
his position on the horse due to the erection he was now
"You need any help with that?" Ygritte asked while looking at
his crotch.
He shook his head "I'll be ne. But be on your guard. I don't
know what the Umbers and Karstarks are planning but I don't
want to get ambushed by them."


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Chapter 160: Chapter 160

"We're coming with you on this expedition." Smalljon Umber

said without any fanfare as both he and Harrion Karstark stood
in front of their small host numbering 400 and 300 men
They'd come out of Last Hearth with their small host and had
stopped him a few hundred yards away from the Castle.
Using a surface Legilimency probe told him that Smalljon was
serious about this. And he refused then the Umbers would stop
him from crossing their lands.
With the Umbers and Karstarks united in this matter, if he still
wanted to go to the Wall then he would have to go further West
and travel through the lands of the Mountain tribes to get up to
the Wall.
"Our reasons are our own." Harrion Karstark replied. A surface
legilimency probe told him that they wanted a share of the glory
and any wargs, giants or Children of the Forest he might nd in
the North.
They also wanted to get into a few skirmishes with the wildlings
up North and gain some battle experience as they had only ever
participated in small scale skirmishes with a dozen wildlings or
He spurred his horse to move onward and came face to face with
the two heirs sitting in their own horses "I will allow you to join
me on this expedition. But know that if you or your men slow
me down then I'll leave you behind."
"I'm not done speaking." He said and gave a glare to Harrion
Karstark using a little mind manipulation to scare the older man
into submission.
"I'll share my scouts so that they could teach your men how to
nd food in the land North of the Wall. I'll also give each of you
a warg of my own for the duration of this expedition. That
would be the extension of my help to you. But… if any of you
die on this expedition, then it won't be on my head. Is that clear."
"De nitely." Smalljon Umber said and Harrion Karstark simply
nodded, a little subdued by his cheap intimidation tactic.
"Very well then." He said as he lead his horse forward while the
two heirs followed him "I'll send my men to check if your men
are truly ready for this expedition. Those that are not well
prepared will be sent back home."
"That…" Harrion Karstark started but a look from him made the
man gulp in fear "…is acceptable."
"I agree." Smalljon added as well "I thought my men were well
prepared. But just by looking at how you men walk, I could tell
that my men are not prepared enough."
"Good." He said and they continued on their way to Last Hearth.


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Chapter 161: Chapter 161

They spent the next few days in Last Hearth, removing any
weak link in the additional host they had gained for their journey
North of the wall.
By the time his men had culled the weak, the 200 of the 700
men had been removed and the Umber/Karstark host was only
500 strong. Half as many men as him but none of them with half
as much training as his own men.
He just hoped that they won't be too much of a burden in this
Lord Greatjon Umber himself showed an interest in going up
North and bashing some Wilding skulls. A statement which
earned him a secret glare from Ygritte as well as all the Free folk
in his army.
But he had already explained the hatred that the Umbers held for
the Free Folk and had warned them from acting against their
Especially because they were under guests right and breaking
guest right would destroy his reputation in the North.
Lord Greatjon Umber also seemed rather keen on getting him
drunk and proving once and for all that the Umbers were better
than the Boltons at something.
Unfortunately for them, he cheated, trans guring the ale into
water before it could enter his mouth.
Of course, the water would turn back into ale sooner or later so
he would have to remove it from his system to make sure that he
don't get drunk and use Fiendfyre to burn down the whole castle.
Lord Greatjon Umber looked at him with grudging respect when
he defeated most of the Umber men down the table before he too
lost consciousness and fell down his chair.
After that, he went back to his room where he cast a muggle
repelling spell after which he went back to his ritual room and
went about removing the remaining residual from his body.
On the second day in the Last Heart, Lyra called him via
Communication Mirror and informed him that a small army of
500 men had left Winterfell in the morning with Robb Stark and
Jon Snow at the head along with Ser Rodrick Cassel as their
He almost cursed when he heard that bit of news.
Despite what he said earlier, he was sure that if the Umber and
Karstark heirs died then he would de nitely get the brunt of the
But getting blamed by house Karstark and Umbers was
something he could deal with.
The death of the heir of House Stark on the other hand would
cause a whole another level of problem.
He would need to scout ahead in advance with the Valyrian
Glass Candle and make sure that they don't come across the
Thenns who have nally started migrating with their 20,000
people. Or Weeper who had 13,000+ people in his army by this
If even only 2/3rd of the people in their tribes could ght, they
would still outnumber this host many times over.
Yup. This expedition just got a whole lot more complicated.
He, Lord Greatjon, Smalljon, Harrion Karstark and a few other
relatives went out to hunt for the rest of the day.
He could have easily used magic to win some bigger games but
he knew that if he defeated the others in everything then that
would only breed resentment so he told them that he was not
much of an archer, allowing them to get a small win over him
and be smug about it.
The next day, they received a Raven from Winterfell informing
Greatjon that Robb Stark was also leading a host of 500 men and
will be joining them in the expedition.
Greatjon informed him about this and they both decided that
they'll wait for Robb Stark to catch up to them before moving on
their journey to the Wall.
What he did not expect that the next day, Greatjon received a
few more ravens from various other lords informing him that the
Dacey Mormont, Cley Cerwyn, Larence Snow, Galbart Glover,
Benfred Tallhart and a few other heirs from some smaller houses
will join them in Last Hearth with their own smaller hosts.
Even the reclusive Lord Howland Reed had sent his son and
daughter Jojen and Meera Reed with 20 men for this expedition.
Why? He had no idea. Did these people think that the land
beyond the Wall was some kind of retreat where he went to
enjoy his holidays?
All in all, the addition of all the heirs and their own hosts would
increase the number of men in the expedition army from the
initial 1000 men to about 3000 men and the time required to
allow the other heirs and their host to join them to go up from
the initial 10 days to a whole month.
He knew that Last Hearth didn't have the resources to feed such
a large host for so long so he talked with Lord Greatjon Umber
and decided to share the expenses since he was the leader of this
expedition regardless.
Unfortunately, Lord Greatjon Umber was as prideful as always
and declined his offer though he did seem grateful for it and
seemed to hold him in higher regard after that offer.
Regardless, he knew that to feed so many additional men, he
would have to make some changes in his supply lines. Not only
that, he would also have to prepare for warm clothes and proper
living tents for the men who are unprepared for the cold up in
the land beyond the Wall.
This whole expedition was turning out to be a big headache.
On the plus side though, when he does reveal the truth about the
White Walkers, all the future heirs of their houses will be there
to witness it.


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Chapter 162: Chapter 162

"It's… larger than I thought." Robb said, his Northern bred horse
trailing a few steps behind his own.
"I had a similar reaction when I saw it for the rst time." He
It was not a lie. Even someone like him who had seen all manner
of architectures in his past like was stunned by the sheer size of
the Wall.
"How was fuck was Bran the builder able to build something so
freaking huge?" Theon said. "Like, where do you even start?"
He still had no idea why Lord Stark had allowed the squid boy
to accompany Robb and Jon. Even if Lord Stark wants to treat
the boy like a family and make him feel like he's at home, there
are still lines he shouldn't cross.
"The wall was not build by hands." He said. It was a conjecture
that he had come a long time ago before he even had the chance
to see the wall. After all, even with all their technology back on
Earth, the muggle would never be able to build something this
large with only ice without it crumbling under it's own weight.
Well, perhaps they might with support pillars and the like but
they would they be able to do so for 300 miles?
Not possible. The cost alone would bankrupt many small sized
"What do you mean?" Dacey Mormont asked as she spurred her
horse forward and pushed a scowling Theon to the side.
"Bran the Builder took the help of the Children of the Forest in
the construction of the Wall." He said, earning a few wide eyed
look from his companions "The Wall was not only built with the
help of magic. It is also being supported by magic to this very
"Psss. Hocus pocus. You can't truly believe in things like magic
right?" Theon asked.
He ignored the boy and continued to move forward "After
seeing the castles built by Bran the Builder. After seeing the way
he had built their foundations, set their stones… I'm sure that
Bran the Builder also knew a little bit about magic himself. But
only enough to help him in the construction of castles. Though
he did admittedly used that knowledge very wisely and
immortalized his name in the annals of history."
"You think the Starks can do magic?" Harrion Stark asked,
looking more than a bit skeptical at his words.
"Not the Starks in particular. The First Men had a little bit of
magic in them. The legends about wargs and greenseers did
come from somewhere. Though the magic below the wall has
dried up for some reason. The wildlings or the Free Folk as they
like to call themselves have far more magic in their blood than
the people in the North do. It is also why they've so many wargs
in their midst while we have none." He said. "Even the
Targaryens had their own brand of magic. But most of it faded
away after a while for unknown reasons."
"You seem well informed about all this magic thing." Dacey said
and he smiled.
"Of course. The Children of the Forest could live for hundreds if
not thousands of years. We might call them 'Children' but they're
wiser and older than any of us. You can ask them about the
history of our ancestors and they'll probably know more about it
than even us." He said "Though even with all their knowledge
all the wargs I've in my employment, I've still not be able to
warg into an animal or bird. Nor have I been able to see any
green dreams. I doubt I'll get any success even if I kept trying at
this point. I just don't have the talent for that."
"Do you have the magic of Bran the Builder?" Jon asked.
"No." He shook his head "As much as I would like to know how
Bran built his castles and the Wall, I'm afraid the roads, the
houses and the ships in my lands have been built with hard work
of tens of thousands of people and proper administration from a
select few instead of magic."
He then turned to face Robb and Jon and the direwolves that
were walking alongside their horses. By this point, the
direwolves have grown up to the size of a dog and they would
continue to grow until they were the size of small horses.
"What about you Robb. Jon." He said as he changed his position
in the horse and sat on it in the opposite direction in the saddle.
This was a trick that he would have never been able to perform
without his enhanced body. "Briar told me that you two have a
little talent in warging. But you never contacted me about it.
Have you not have any wolf dreams or the like?" he asked.
Both Jon and Robb looked uncomfortable at being the point of
conversation. They lowered their heads and looked at their
direwolves but refused to comment.
Maybe they didn't want to be known as wargs?
He turned around and faced the front of his horse once again.
"Oh well. No harm if you don't. But don't hesitate to ask for help
if you do."


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Chapter 163: Chapter 163

"Oi Bolton. You never told us why we're going Beyond the wall
in the rst place." Smalljon Umber said. He was surprised that
the man had remained silent so far. Umbers were not known for
their patience "Father wanted me to bring a giant tribe back
home. Do you think we'll nd any giants in the North this time."
"I'm afraid not." He replied "The gaints in my lands are the last
of their kind. Or so I've been told. It's possible that there are a
few giants scattered throughout in the lands North of the Wall
that live in seclusion but I wouldn't count on it."
"They why're we going beyond the Wall?" Smalljon asked,
looking a little less excited after his revelation.
He turned his head and pinned the man with a gaze "Tell me
Smalljon. Why did Bran the Builder built the Wall?"
Smalljon looked confused at his question.
"Didn't he built it to keep the fucking wildings away?" Smalljon
said, looking unsure of himself.
"Yes. The Free Folk were such a large threat that he had no
choice but to built a 700 foot tall and 300 miles long Ice Wall to
keep them away." He said, trying to keep the sarcasm out of his
voice "No Smalljon. To be fair, the Free Folk didn't even exist
when Bran the Builder built the Wall. At that point in time, all
the First Men lived together along with the Children of the
Forest and the Giants. But after the Wall was built, a fair few of
the First Men chose to live on it's other side for one reason or
another along with the giants and the Children of the Forest. All
the Free Folk we know to this day were descended from those
First men."
"Why do you keep calling them Free Folk. They're wildlings.
Plain and simple." Smalljon said with a frown.
"The rest of the kingdoms in Westeros also look down upon the
men of the North. They call us savages, barbarians, heathens and
worse." He said "At least most of them do. But the few who've
seen us ght in battles change their opinions of us quite quickly.
They think of us as hardy people who have survived and thrived
in a land as barren and as cold as the North" he said.
"But the truth of the matter is that the people who live beyond
the Wall live in far worse condition than we ourselves ever did.
Plus, they don't have the protection of a Castle either. They have
to ght day and night to ll their belly with food and keep their
families safe. You might hate them for your century long enmity.
I will not begrudge you that. But you must also accept that the
Free Folk have a strength to them. A strength that we've
forgotten about after living luxuriously for so many years in our
His words were met by silence and they walked that way for a
few minutes. Then Smalljon spoke once again.
"You still didn't answer my question. Why are we going on this
expedition?" Smalljon asked.
"And you didn't answer my question either." He pointed out
"Why was the Wall built?" he asked loudly "Come on. Who can
tell me. Why the Wall built in the rst place?"
Nobody answered and he let out a sigh before he turned to Jon
"You want to join the Nights Watch. Don't you Jon Snow?" he
"Erm… Yes." The boy replied.
"Tell me Jon. Do you know the vow of Night's Watch?" he
"Well, listen carefully then because I'll only say it once." He
"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until
my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at
my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher of the
walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of the men. I pledge
my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the
nights to come."
A silence followed after he spoke the vow of the Night's Watch.
"Damn… How do know their vow?" Theon asked and he
"I read about it once before in a book about the Night's Watch.
And I might not have the magic of their the wargs, the greenseer
or Bran the Builder but I don't forget a thing once I've read or
heard it from someone."
And that was true as well. With the help of Occlumency, he was
able to perfectly recall anything that might have happened
anytime in his life.
Dumbledore was so good at Occlumency that he was even able
to bring out and see the memories of his childhood with
Grindlewald and Arianne in the Pensieve. Something happened
almost a century ago.
He might still not be as good as Dumbledore was but he was
close enough.
"But we're getting away from the topic. I was trying to make a
point here." He said "Notice how the the vow does not say that
the Night's Watch was made to guard the realm of the North or
the 7 kingdoms. No. It guards the realm of the Men.
And it was not built to ght the Wildlings. The Nights Watch is a
sword against the darkness. And it guards the realm of the men.
What do you understand from that?" he asked.
The silence following his questions was palpable.
Only the sound made by the hooves of the horses and the slight
rustle of clothes due to the cold wind could be heard.
Clip clop clip clop clip clop
"The Wall was built after the long night." A female voice said
and he turned to see Meera Reed and Jojen Reed coming
forward on their horses "It was built to… defend against the
White Walkers."
He heard the sharp intake of more than a few heirs. And the
silence that followed Meera Reed's words had a deafening
quality to it.
Then all of a sudden Theon Greyjoy burst out in laughter.
"HAHAHAA! What? Next you're going to say that the wall was
built to protect us from grumpkins and snarks."
He burst into laughter once again but nobody laughed at his
joke. Some even glared at him and his laughter died a pitiful
death after a few moments.
"That's… impossible." Robb said after a long moment, his voice
so soft that it was barely audible to any of them "The White
Walkers have been gone from the lands for thousands of years."
"Gone Robb. Gone. Not killed nor dead nor murdered. The Last
hero, whoever he was, chased the White Walkers back where
they came from. All the books and tomes I've read claims this.
None of them said that the last hero killed the White Walkers."
"You're joking…" Harrion Karstark said "You're a madman."
"Mind your tongue boy." Varko said from where he was silently
following the group from behind "Disrespect Lord Bolton again
and you'll nd yourself short of a tongue."
Harrion gulped at being threatened by the greatest swordsman in
the 7 kingdoms (though the title now probably belonged to him,
thanks to the body enhancement ritual) and nodded silently "My
apologies Lord Bolton. I did not meant to insult you."
"It's alright Harrion. You're frightened at the prospect of White
Walkers returning back. I understand that. Everyone here is
frightened. Even the squid who doesn't even truly understand the
weight behind the term 'White Walker'. So for all our sake. Let's
hope that I 'am' a madman chasing after legends. Because if I'm
He left it at that and silence returned in the group.


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Chapter 164: Chapter 164

"You're going beyond the wall once again boy." Qhorin half
hand said as he brought a glass of wine and sat down beside
It was the Rice Wine made in his lands. He sent some of it as
well as the Whiskey to the Nights Watch every month. It was no
match to drinks like Arbor Gold or the Dornish Red but it was
the best drink that the men of the Watch could get. And far better
than the bitter Ale they usually serve.
"I am." He replied, looking at the logistic report of the
expedition army as the men of the Nights Watch and the men he
brought with him continued to chatter away around him.
His own men had taken all the seats around him. They were
under the guests right, true but there was no point in being
After all, a lot of people in the Nights Watch were sent here by
him and he had no doubt that they still held a grudge against
Though he was also pretty sure that Lord Commander Jeor
Mormont would have sent those men away to the other castles
when the man heard about his arrival.
"The last time you went up North with those thousand man you
were just a boy." Qhorin said as he sipped from the cup "When I
rst heard about you, I thought you were just a stupid boy
chasing after glory, destined to die in the cold North. That was
before I met you." Qhorin chuckled to himself "Even then, as a
boy, you had more sense than many grown men do. And your
men. They were well trained to survive the cold."
"They were." He nodded "They're even better trained this time
around. And they've even better equipment."
"It's not your men I'm worried about." Qhorin said while shaking
his head "The last time you came back from the expedition, you
became the rst man to do so in centuries. You even brought
giants and wargs back with you. That probably won you more
glory and reputation than winning any war down in the South
will ever do for any Norhterner."
"What are you getting at Qhorin?" he asked, putting down the
ledger and looking at one of the most accomplished Night's
Watch member. The man was almost a legend, if the rumors
about him to were to be believed.
"Your men are well trained. And they're well equipped. Even
more than some of the best rangers in the Nights Watch." Qhorin
nodded "But the others you brought with you are not. They're
but foolish boys, wanting to share any glory that you might earn
this time around. Tell me. Why did you brought them with you?"
"I didn't have a choice." He replied and Qhorin snorted into his
"The truth boy. Others might buy your lies but I will not. And I'll
have Lord Commander Jeor Mormort stop those foolish boys
from throwing their lives away if it becomes necessary."
He looked at Qhorin more seriously this time and smiled
"You've become wiser since the last time I saw you Qhorin. Did
losing that hand did that to you?"
"You're also become better at attery but worse in changing
subject." Qhorin half hand said "Enough with the games
Domeric. Tell me. Why are you taking those boys up North?"
He looked at Qhorin's serious gaze for a moment, using
legilimency to nd that he not worried about the lives of the
boys but the hit that Nights Watch's reputation will take if all
those heirs died up North.
Since North was the main supplier or recruits and greatest
supporter of the Night's Watch, losing favor with the Northern
lords would be a huge loss for the Nights Watch.
"Because it's necessary." He replied in a tone that signi ed the
end of the conversation.


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Chapter 165: Chapter 165

Qhorin looked disgruntled but didn't push his luck.

"So… you're coming with us this time?" he asked. Qhorin had
his own mission the last time he and his men went up North and
thus couldn't join him. This time, both Benjen and Qhorin had
been informed in advance and were ready to support him.
He had a feeling that Lord Commander Jeor Mormont was
preparing for something but he could not nd what it was with
the surface legilimency probe and he didn't want to bother with a
deeper legilimency scan.
"Yes." Qhorin nodded "Me, Benjen, Lord Jeor Mormont himself
and a thousand Night's Watch brothers." Qhorin said and he
turned to look at the man incredulously.
Qhorin noted his expression and chuckled "Don't worry. We
brothers of the Night's Watch will have our own supply lines.
You don't need to wreck your head trying to feed more men."
"That's a relief." He said with a sigh. Because he did not want to
make any more changes in his supply lines than he had already
made. Feeding 3000 men up in the cold North was already going
to be dif cult. Adding 1000 more men to that would not have
been pleasant. "When was the last time Night's Watch sent out
so many men up North in an expedition of their own."
"Two decades ago." Qhorin replied. "It was a mess. Over 2000
members of Night's Watch went up North. Few returned. And
the Nights Watch has been in decline ever since. Then again, I
suppose the Watch has been in decline for a long time. But the
failed expedition just added to that. There has been no further
large scale excursion in the lands North of the Wall since then."
"Until I came along." He said with a chuckle and Qhorin
chuckled with him.
"Yeah. Until you came along. I think you punctured the pride of
many of the older brothers in the Watcher by going into the
Wildling territory and coming back without a scratch. Looking
as pretty as ever."
"Is that why Lord Mormont is joining us this time? To soothe
punctured pride." He asked.
"That. And because he couldn't allow so many of the heirs dying
in his watch." Qhorin said and shook his head "Gods knows
what Lord Stark was thinking by sending his heir up North like
He shrugged at looked at where Robb Stark was being forced to
drink another cup of wine by Smalljon Umber. He remembered
when he was forced to do the same by Greatjon Umber in Last
Hearth. Like father like son.
"The boys are unsettled about something." Qhorin said, brining
him back to the present.
"The boys you brought with you." Qhorin said as he pointed
toward the place where all the heirs were sitting together in a
large table which was two tables connected together to make
space for everyone. "They're hiding it well enough but I can
sniff these things from a distance. They're tense about
something. And afraid. And it's not about the expedition either.
If I didn't knew any better then I would say that they were
"Get to the point Qhorin." He said.
"Why are you going on this expedition?" Qhorin asked. "You
have more than enough wargs in your army. You've the Children
of the Forest. And you have the last tribe of the Giants. What
more do you want? Why are you going to the North this time?"
"Because it's necessary." He said and Qhorin opened his mouth
to say something but closed it back up as he gave something to
the man.
Qhorin looked a the bundle of cloth in his hands and asked
"What is it?"
"Open it." He replied. Qhorin did so and a Dragonglass dagger
came out from beneath the cloth.
"If you want to come with us on this expedition, then you might
want to keep that close." He said as he got up and took his
ledger with him "Who knows. It might come in handy."
With that, he turned around and left, the men sitting around him
doing the same. He had no doubt that Varko and Walton had put
them up to guarding him. And even if he might not show it, he
was grateful for that.
He might not be Allistar Moody but he did take his and the
safety of his loved ones seriously.

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Chapter 166: Chapter 166

"I'm going to be the Lord of the Iron Islands one day you know."
He said with a smirk that had the girls soaking wet back in
Winterfell "Your Lord Bolton might be impressive but he is only
the lord of a single keep. Not the lord of a whole kingdom."
"And you are?" the red hair asked him as she knocked another
arrow and then allowed it to sail. The arrow hitting it's mark at a
distance of some 100 yards away.
He would never admit it but she was a better archer than him.
Far better.
"I will be." He said with a con dent smirk and the girl had the
audacity to roll her eyes at him as she went back to practicing
with her bow.
"You should learn how to respect your betters." He told her "I'm
a generous and don't mind your insolence but others won't be so
"Oh I'm ever so grateful for your generosity Lord Greyjoy of a
stone keep some far far place away." She said. The sarcasm in
her voice was clear to anybody who would hear it and he
clenched his sts.
The girl was beautiful there was no doubt about that. Far
beautiful than even Ros in the brothel in Winter town. And, she
was a smallfolk. The only reason the Bolton boy even kept her
in his retinue was because of her great archery skills.
The reason he was talking with her in the rst place was because
she was the only girl in the expedition whom he could fuck.
Meera Reed was a lord's daughter and Robb had warned him to
stay away from her. And the other girl was that halfwit Baka, the
giantess who would break his back in half if she decided to sit
on his magni cent cock.
That only one left was this red head. But she had proved to be a
harder lay then he had rst expected.
Neither his charms nor his gold seem to have any effect on her.
Maybe she was in love with the Bolton boy. Everyone else
seemed to be.
Even Sansa, as much as she might try to hide it due to Lady
Catelyn's continuous presence was deeply enamored by the
Bolton boy and the 'life' in Dreadfort that she could never stop
talking about.
Arya was no less enamored with the Bolton boy even though she
was less interested in his beauty and more interested in his
Robb admired the Bolton boy because of how prosperous he had
made his lands in the years since he became the Lord of
And the bastard Snow respected the Bolton boy because Bolton
treated the bastard like he would treat any other heir and had
even offered him a place in his retinue along with the offer to be
trained by Varko himself.
He still thought that the bastard had been foolish to reject such
an offer. He doubted there was any other bastard in the realm
who would decline being trained by Varko.
He came out of his thoughts and looked at the red haired girl
once again, wondering if he should use a more forceful approach
on the girl. Hell, she might even appreciate a good an proper
fuck after he was done with her.
But before he could do anything, there was a commotion in the
courtyard of Castle Black.
The girl went off to retrieve her arrows and he looked at the girl
and at the place where all the commotion was coming from.
In the end, his curiosity won over and he decided to try and woo
the girl at a later date.


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Chapter 167: Chapter 167

Inside Castle Black, he could see a large number of men had

gathered and were trying to watch something in the middle.
Cheers of Bolton, Starks, Umber and Karstark made him
realized that the boys were probably having a spar.
Curious, he climbed the stairs to get a proper look at the spar.
In the middle of the large crowd that lled Castle Black's
courtyard to the brim, he could see a small circle in which the
Bolton boy was ghting against Robb, Smalljon, Harrion and
Jon Snow.
He rubbed his eyes looked at the scene once again.
He had not heard anything about Domeric Bolton being a
swordsman. From what he had heard so far, he expected the boy
to be a commander who sat on his horse and watched the battle
from the back of his forces.
To fact that the Bolton knew not only how to swing a sword but
was rather good at it was surprise for him and everyone else
judging by the stupe ed looks on their faces.
He watched as the Bolton darted in between his four opponents.
He blocked Robb's swing, locked blade with Robb and then
swung the Winterfell heir in a feat of immense strength until
Robb was being used as a shield against the other three
Then the Bolton head butted Robb before kicking him toward
the other three, forcing them to scatter after which he quickly
went after Harrion Karstark who tried to block the urry of
attacks coming his way but failed miserably due to bad footing
and was disarmed before the other could come to his help.
Jon and Smalljon quickly joined the battle but Robb didn't.
He looked back and saw Robb kneeling on the ground with the
help of his sword and clutching his stomach with the free hand
in the place where he had been kicked a moment away from the
It seemed like Robb was out of the ght as well.
He looked back at where the Bolton was ghting Jon and
Smalljon simultaneously, moving around the eld quickly so
that he would only have to ght one swordsman at a moment.
Then the chance came. Smalljon let out a battle cry and broke
the unspoken agreement between Jon and him to ght from a
safe distance.
The Bolton used this chance to maneuver Smalljon between
himself and Jon.
Smalljon didn't even last a second.
One moment he was letting out a battle cry and attacking the
Bolton, the next moment, in a feat of great skill and agility,
Bolton had him down on the ground, disarmed and disoriented.
Now only Jon and Bolton were left.
The whole castle was lled with the chants of "Bolton! Bolton!"
Even the men of the Night's Watch who he thought hated the
Bolton were openly cheering for him.
Then again, their choice was either the Bolton or the bastard.
And who would cheer for the bastard.
The spar went as expected.
Jon did not show a sudden increase in skill and manage to last
longer or even turn the tables on the Bolton boy.
The difference between their skill was just too great.
Jon was disarmed a few moments later, with the Bolton's blade
pressed against his neck.
And here he was thinking about even cheering for the bastard. If
only because he disliked the Bolton boy.
The whole castle burst in cheers after the last opponent was
defeated and the Bolton boy showed himself above the common
masses by giving the bastard a hand and helping him up.
Then he smiled and waved at the spectators, showing his pearly
white teeth while doing so.
By the Drowned Gods he wanted to punch the ponce in his
perfect teeth.


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Chapter 168: Chapter 168

With a thrust and a grunt he came inside Ygritte. The girl

shuddered and clamped her legs around him as she came along
with him and rode her high as he plowed into her a few more
times to push his seed inside her before he nally lost his
strength on fell on top of her.
He was not heavy but he didn't want to inconvenience her so
while still inside her, rolled around and pulled her on top of him.
Her sweat slicked hair fell on his face and she chuckled in
between deep breaths as she removed her hair from his face and
trailed a series of kisses from his jaw to his forehead.
He returned the favor by kissing her bare shoulder and rubbing
the rose bud between her rm cheeks. The cinching of her
buttcheeks around his nger and the slight hitch in her breath
telling him that she was enjoying this as well.
"Do you want to try anal?" he asked her once they both got
some semblance of control over their breath.
"Anal?" she asked as she looked at him with a frown.
He could help but steal a quick kiss from her thin lips. The quick
kiss turning into a long one as she opened her mouth and slipped
tongue inside his.
"Your arse. I want to take your arsehole as well." He said once
they separated and she looked at him in confusion.
"Buggary?" she asked "Why would you want that. Are you into
"No. Only women. Only you. But I do want to fuck you in the
ass." He said as he ipped then over and put her under him, his
cock already half erect where it was nestled inside her warm
She looked hesitant. "Isn't that… dirty."
"It is… but I know a few ways to clean it." He said, giving her a
look and she nodded in understanding.
"I'll be gentle with you." He said, bending away from her face to
take her pink nipples in his mouth while he pinched the other
nipple, making her cry out in pleasure.
"Gentle… you" she scoffed and he looked at her with a raised
"I remember being gentle the rst time." He said with a frown,
wondering if he had still hurt her and that she hid it from it.
"You were." She assured him "You I was still sore the next day.
And I don't remember you being gentle that time."
"Sorry about that." He told her and he meant it.
"Don't be." She shook her head "If you hurt me too much then I
would have kicked you in the balls."
He chuckled at her words and then nibbled on her nipple, licking
it with his tongue a few times and making her breath hitch and
her back arch in return.
"So… you down for some anal?" he asked her "Don't worry. I'll
loosen you up nice and well for a few days rst before taking
"Why is buggary so important to you?"
"I guess I just want to mark you as mine. All of you." He said
and moved up to bit her neck, leaving a love bite there.
"Hey! That hurt." She said and he smiled and kissed her cheeks.
"Don't say that if you don't mean it." She groused and he
"Sorry. I shouldn't have hurt you." He said, sincere in his words
this time.
"You shouldn't have." She said before she pushed him away and
rolled him on his back and sat on top of him, her tits brushing
against his chest as she moved her hips up and down in a slow
and sensual movement, making his cock harden inside her once
"Theon Greyjoy tried to hit on me during the day." She told him
all of a sudden and he paused and looked at her with a frown.
The scars left by Ginny still hurt him sometimes and he was
almost tempted to use legilimency on her to see if she had irted
back with the boy. But he held himself back despite being
burned once.
He needed to learn to trust his girlfriend. Because without trust,
he might as well break any semblance of relationship they might
"The fucker was persistent. With how much he brags, you might
mistake him for the king of the 7 kingdoms." She said "I
mocked him a little and then he left. Probably to watch the
commotion happening in the Castle Courtyard. What was that
about anyway?"
"That was me beating the asses of Umber, Stark, Karstark and
Snow into the dirt." He said and she raised an eyebrow.
"How did that happen?" she asked.
"Umber got in his head that he was more t to lead the
Expedition. The ungrateful fuck" He said and some of the anger
leaked through "I should have told him to fuck off and go back
to his hovel of a castle. I was sure that he would go beyond the
Wall if I did that so I restrained myself."
"What happened then?" Ygritte asked.
"I challenged them to a ght. 4vs1. If they won then they can
decide who gets to lead. If I win then you'll shut their trap for
the rest of the expedition."
"I take it that you won?"
"It wasn't much of a ght. More like I was bullying kids into
submission. But I suppose it is what it is." He said with a shrug
and took hold of her hips, using his enhanced strength to move
her up and down, giving slow and gentle thrusts each time she
came down.
"How do you still have any energy left." Ygritte asked though
the smirk on her face told him that she was more than happy to
oblige with his silent request to fuck her as she started using her
own strength to jump up and down on his cock.
"Let me tell you." He said and picked her in a bridal style before
throwing her face rst on the bed.
Then he picked her ass and rose it high in the air before he lined
himself against her slick slit and gently entered balls deep inside
her, making her shudder under him.
Then he took hold of her red hair and pulled her back toward
him, using his other hand to hold her in place before he started
thrusting inside her in a fast pace.
He wondered why he didn't use any body enhancing rituals in
his past life if they led to such great sex.

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Chapter 169: Chapter 169


Robb was waken out of his sleep at night by the continuous
snif ng of his direwolf.
"Midnight." He grumbled and pushed his direwolf away. "What
is it?" he asked his direwolf who started roaming around in the
small tent looking jittery and anxious.
"Jon." He started but noticed that Jon was already awake and
both him and his direwolf were looking in the distance intently.
"Jon. What is it?" he asked slowly but before Jon could reply
they heard a shouting and yells from the distance along with the
sound of steel clashing against steel.
They both looked at each other and then there was a shout from
"Wake up you bastards. We're being ATTACKED! GET UP!"
In a urry of motion, both of them reached for their weapons
and went out of the tent to look at the situation outside, fearing
the worst.
Thankfully, whoever had attacked them had not really succeeded
as they had not even penetrated the outer parameter of the camp.
"That's… Lord Bolton's camp isn't it." Jon asked, his eyes wide
awake as he hurriedly wore his leather gambeson while both Ser
Rodrick Cassel and their Uncle Benjen Stark rallied their men,
making him realize that he should have been the one rallying
them instead.
Well, there was a reason why they were the veteran and he was
the inexperienced lad who had been told to give command to
them if something went wrong.
But he would never amount to much if he didn't act pro actively.
"To me. MEN! TO ME!" he shouted.
"TO ROBB STARK!!!" Jon shouted even more loudly than him
and even among the darkness, he was glad for Jon's presence as
well as Midnight and Snowric who both stood quietly and on
guard around them, searching for any attacker in the darkness
who might have slipped through.
Truly, the day he got Midnight was the best day of his entire life.
Soon a large amount men gathered around him and even his
uncle Benjen and Ser Rodrick Cassel brought the rest of the
Stark men to deal with whoever had dared attack them.
In the distance he could still hear the sounds of swords clashing,
people roaring battle cries and people crying in pain as they
died. Around him, he could hear the Umbers and Night's Watch
commanders gather their men as well.
It was all too much to take for someone like him who had never
seen a true battle.
Suddenly there was a warmth on his right side and he noticed
Midnight rubbing his dark fur on his leg. And as if a fog had
been lifted from his brain, everything suddenly became much
more clearer and he was able to get a better read of the situation.
"What should we do Robb?" His Uncle asked, his own posture
looking much more con dent and unconcerned.
He wondered if it was because of years of experience in similar
situations or if his uncle had already got the read of the situation
and decided that they were safe enough.
"We don't know the number of the enemies or if they will only
attack from one side." He said, making his voice as loud as
possible for his men to hear "Uncle Benjen, you'll take half our
men and guard our rear in case this is an ambush and protect us
from anyone trying to sneak up on us."
His uncle nodded in silence and he continued "The other half
with me. We'll read the situation rst and then assist Lord Bolton
if he needs our help. Or guard his ank if he doesn't. LET'S
With that, they raised their swords and went in the direction
where the sound of ghting had already slowed down a little.
He hoped that Lord Bolton was alright.
He would never be able to forgive himself if he failed to protect
his idol when he could have done so.


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Chapter 170: Chapter 170

As it turned out, Lord Bolton needed no help from him at all and
he and his men had already dealt with the surprise night raid by
the time they came to help him.
"Cave Dwellers." Lord Bolton explained as he pointed at the
corpses on the snowy ground, making him feel a slight nausea at
the sight and smell. Oh god the smell.
If Lord Bolton noticed how uncomfortable he felt around so
many dead bodies, he didn't comment on it. Something he was
grateful for.
"Some ve hundred of them attacked us at night. Hoping to take
us by the surprise in the darkness." Lord Bolton said and stabbed
a man in the back who shuddered one more time before going
still. "Our wargs saw them coming from miles away. These fools
never stood a chance. I would pity them if they had not managed
to kill a dozen of my men."
A dozen of men in exchange for 500 of the enemies. He
wondered how well trained the Bolton men were to sustain such
a low number of causalities.
Taking a proper look at the corpses, he noticed that they were
dressed in crudely made furs that looked like it had not been
washed for decades and held stone weapons.
He looked around and noticed that only a few of the cave
dwellers even had any proper weapon. None had any armor. He
was not surprised that they were decimated against the Bolton
army which was well trained and well armored.
Though he was sure that they story would be slightly different if
the warg had not noticed the attackers. Wargs truly did made for
excellent scouts.
Maybe he should stop listening to his mother's continous
warnings and ask one of Lord Bolton's warg to teach them the
art of warging.
"Didn't the cave dwellers lived a 100 miles to the west?" he
asked, wondering if he had read the map incorrectly.
"128 miles West-North from here in the Frozen mountains. Yes.
You have good memory Robb Stark." Lord Bolton said and he
felt his chest swell in pride even if Lord Bolton was able to
recall the exact location of the Cave Dwellers from their present
location. "I did not expect to see them here, let alone get
attacked by them when they were so outnumbered. They must
be desperate."
He looked at their lack or armor and proper weapon and
frowned "Why would they attack us when we not only
outnumber them but also have better weapons and armor?"
Though even as he asked that, he was ashamed that he was only
wearing a leather gambeson as he wearing the steel armor would
take a lot of time.
Lord Bolton on the other hand was wearing his strange armor
which covered him from head to toe. Covered with the blood of
the fallen foes along with a sword that was equally covered with
blood, he made for quite a sight in the moonlight.
He wondered if Lord Bolton slept with his armor on and if he
should do the same.
"They're ignorant. Never leaving the safety of their caves and
venturing out in the world. They probably saw our steel and
were overcome by greed. Or perhaps it was our food and warm
clothes. Take heed Robb. Sometimes an ignorant foe who
doesn't know or fear you can be much more dangerous than a
wise enemy who knows when to stay away." Lord Bolton
stabbed another Cave Dweller on the back but this one was
already dead.
"Plus. No one ever accused the cave dwellers of being very
smart." Lord Bolton said as he casually stepped over the corpse
and went looking for any survivor like so many other Bolton
men were doing around them. "People say that centuries of
living in the same caves and having incest with their mother,
sister and daughters have dulled their brain. You'll not hear me
arguing with those people."
Even if he could not see Lord Bolton's face, he could feel him
smile from underneath his helmet.


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Chapter 171: Chapter 171

He took out his own sword and started looking for any Cave
Dweller to stab as well. He had never taken a life before and
even if it felt some what cowardly to take the life of a defeated
opponent, it was better than doing so in the midst of battle of
'Cave Dwellers.' He thought. There was a time when he would
look at these people and call all of them wildlings.
But after getting a lesson from Lord Bolton in the various
cultures of the wildlings (or Free Folk, as Lord Bolton loved to
call them), he came to realize that the people North of the Wall
were as diverse and different from each other as the people in
the North if not more so.
"You did well today." He heard Lord Bolton's voice from a few
steps ahead and hurried to catch up to him.
"I did not do anything." He replied. Truly what else could he
have done when the battle was already over and the remnants of
the Cave Dwellers were being hunted by Lord Bolton's horse
riders and direwolves.
"You did not ght. Perhaps." Lord Bolton nodded "But you
rallied your men quickly and came to my aid. Not only that, you
also took the time to send your uncle and half your men to the
other side of the camp in preparation for an ambush. That was
very wise of you to do. Especially in a situation where many
men lose their wits. You have the making of a great battle
commander Robb. Your father must be proud of you."
He ushed like a virgin maiden at Lord Bolton's praise and then
kicked himself for it. "Th… thank you Lord Bolton." He said to
his idol even as his cheeks remained pink.
He was thankful for the darkness now then ever before.
"The Direwolf gave me strength and con dence when I gathered
my me. He allowed me to focus." He said and Lord Bolton
"I'm not surprised. The bonded animals are said to do that."
Then Lord Bolton turned around and knelt down in front of
Midnight who growled at the larger man but didn't do anything
as Lord Bolton rubbed his head.
"When he grows up, I'll give you a chain armor that I've
designed for the direwolves of my wargs. For Snowric as well."
Lord Bolton said and rubbed Midnight's head one last time
before getting up.
"Come Robb. Let's go to the command tent the explain the
situation to the rest of the lords." Lord Bolton explained and
stabbed one last man before turning around and walking away.
He hurried to catch up to Lord Bolton, wondering if the Night's
Watch or any other army would have reacted as quickly if they
suffered a night raid.
The Night's Watch has been ghting the Free Folk for centuries
so they would probably have been ne but he couldn't say the
same for the other heirs.
Maybe this was why Lord Bolton had the Lord Jeor Mormont
had decided to take the front and the back. To protect the naive
and young heirs that would otherwise be an easy prey in the cold
of these Lands.
He was starting to see why his father sent him here. Why his
father respected Lord Bolton and believed that he would be safe
with him. And why he was told to watch and learn from Lord
Bolton and the others.


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Chapter 172: Chapter 172

"I saw some of the battle last night." Galbart Glover said as they
marched on their horses at the front of their men.
After collecting and burning the corpses against the judgement
of the men from the Night's Watch, Lord Bolton gave the order
to move out in case the re attracted any more tribes as they
were practically in enemy territory.
He still didn't understand why Lord Bolton had been so insistent
on burning all the corpses but if what Lord Bolton had told them
about the reason for this expedition was true then he could
And even though the Night's Watch member themselves didn't
seem to believe the rumors about White Walkers, they had not
protested too much when Lord Bolton brought out the topic of
burning the dead, only looking uneasily at each other.
"How was it?" Smalljon asked "Do Lord Bolton's soldiers only
bark or do they bite as well."
"It was… as slaughter." Glover said and let out an involuntary
shudder. "I don't know if these Wildlings were particularly bad
but after watching them slaughtered so easily… I don't think I
want Lord Bolton and his men as my enemy."
"It can't be that bad." Theon said with a frown and Galbart
Glover laughed.
"Oh but it was." The Glover paused and shook his head "It's…
hard to explain."
" Hard how?" Jon asked. Galbart Glover paused to give his
bother a glance that his people usually save for bastards. His
heart burned with anger at that.
Jon will always be his brother. And the fact that people looked
down on him for being a bastard never sat right with him.
Maybe that was another reason why he respected Lord Bolton so
much. Because the Bolton treated Jon like he treated any other
person. With respect even if it was mired by his attitude of
casual disinterest and indifference at mostly everything.
"Hard as…" Galbart cupped his chin and thought about a proper
response "Have you ever seen a wave crash against a cliff?" he
asked at last.
Most of them shook their head. Dacey and Theon were the only
ones who nodded.
"Well, it was like that." Galbart nodded to himself "At rst the
wave seemed large and powerful and dangerous. Like if you
stand in front of it then it would sweep you away along with it.
That is how the 500 wildlings charging at us looked like. But
then they crashed against the Bolton men like a strong wave
crashes against a rocky cliff." Galbart Glover shook his head
once again "The Wildlings never stood a chance."
Robb glanced backward and looked at his own 500 men
marching behind him. Wondering how they would have fared
against the Cave Dwellers.
He was sure that they would have emerged victorious in the
battle but he doubted that any army would have come out as
unscathed as Lord Bolton's army did.


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Chapter 173: Chapter 173

Robb rode his at the front of his own men, a little lost in his own
A few days ago, Theon had informed him that Lord Bolton was
probably sleeping with the Ygritte girl.
He knew the girl. They had met each other for the rst time
when his father brought him and Jon to Dreadfort.
At that time, Ygritte was just a girl, young and lled with spirit.
Like them. The casual and crass way in which she spoke to them
raised his hackles at rst. Jon seemed especially uncomfortable
around a girl who could be so forward with a boy. Talking with
them about having small cocks when they didn't play with her as
if she was talking about breakfast.
But both Jon and him came around eventually. Finding the
forwardness and honesty of the girl refreshing if not endearing.
The only girls his own age he had spent any amount of time
before this was Sansa, Jayne Pool and their friends. All of them
proper ladies or at least trying to act like one.
Arya was the only one who went against the norm.
He remembered often looking at Ygritte and wondering if Arya
would have been similar if she had not been sti ed by their
mother and the septa who had been sent away a few years ago
for some reason.
Even back then Ygritte was an great archer. But now, it would
be no understatement to say that she was as good with her bow
and arrow as Varko was with his blades
Jon had fallen hard for the girl, having developed his rst crush
but being too honorable or too scared to admit it.
Back then, they were young children, not knowing anything
about the world.
Even now he didn't knew much about the world. And he would
admit that.
But he did knew that Lord Bolton having an affair with the girl
while being betrothed to his sister was not a good thing.
He wondered if he should confront Lord Bolton about this.
If Theon was wrong then that would be embarrassing but if he
was correct then he didn't knew what he was going to do.
Maybe he should have a talk with his uncle Benjen.
Or maybe he should talk with Ygritte instead?
How would his sister take it if he told her that her beloved had a
lover of his own?
How would his mother take it when she hear this news?
He shuddered just thinking about such an event.
He was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of hoof beats
coming from behind him.
He turned around and saw Jon riding his horse with an urgent
expression on his face, his direwolf Snowric having growing a
bit more since the start of this journey easily keeping up with
"What is it Jon?" he asked as soon as Jon stopped near him.
Jon looked at him seriously and said "We're being followed."

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Chapter 174: Chapter 174

"We've been followed since this morning." Jon said, getting the
attention of everyone in the main tent where all the leaders
converged every evening when setting up camps.
"How come we didn't notice anything if we were being
followed?" Galbart Glover asked.
"They're excellent trackers. Wearing white leathers and blending
in the snow easily." Jon said "Midnight found their tracks this
morning when he was out hunting. He… I saw them running
away in the distance."
"What were you doing with the wolf so early in the morning?"
Harrion Karstark asked "Couldn't get a girl in the cold so you
buggered your wolf."
The tent erupted into laughter at that but a single "Enough!"
from Lord Commander Jeor Mormont shut them all up.
"How did you see these men when my own scouts didn't?" Lord
Commander asked.
Jon hesitated slightly at that but then gritted his teeth and said "I
saw it in a wolf dream."
"Wolf dream?" the Lord Commander asked, an incredulous look
on his face even as some of the heirs who disliked his half
brother started snickering to themselves.
"Yes." Jon nodded, his voice small and soft as he lowered his
head in shame and the snickering grew louder.
Rob gritted his teeth, the anger in his heart rose at the dislike the
other people showed toward his brother for being a bastard.
He was about to say something on his brother's behalf when a
voice cut through the snickering like a knife through butter.
And the snickering stopped. Just like that.
Everyone looked at the opposite end of the table where Lord
Bolton was lounging casually on his chair with an indifferent
and bored expression on his face. His hands were behind his
head and his legs were on the table with Baka, Varko, Walton
and Ygritte standing behind him, all of them looking
intimidating in their full body armor.
"Warg usually have dreams when they connect with their bonded
animal or bird. My wargs have already told me that both Jon and
Robb have the gift. It is not so surprising for Jon to have a wolf
dream." Lord Bolton said his piece and closed his eyes.
"My brother is saying the truth." He added quickly, wanting to
support his brother and end this argument once and for all "I've
been having wolf dreams ever since I got Midnight. My father
also knows about this."
The mention of his father stopped anyone from saying anything
else on that topic.
Lord Commander Jeor Mormont nodded quietly "Well, if what
the lad said is true then we need to nd out who is sending
scouts after us." Then he frowned "Lord Bolton, you assured us
that your wargs are the best scouts out there. How did these
scouts went unnoticed by them?"
"They didn't." Lord Bolton said as he removed his feet from the
table and stared at everyone in the room. "And we've not been
followed since this morning. We've been followed since the past
four days."

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Chapter 175: Chapter 175

A commotion broke out in the room at that casual announcement

and it took a few moment for everyone to calm down.
Once that happened, Lord Commander Jeor Mormont asked
"And why did you not tell any of us about this?"
Lord Bolton shrugged "They've sending warged animals after
us." He said "My own wargs have already hunted down a goat, a
shadowcat and a deer. Ygritte herself has killed an owl and a
hawk who were scouting us out. Judging by how they had to
send men to scout at us, I don't believe they have any more
wargs left in their army."
"Army? What are you talking about?" Lord Jeor Mormont asked
"and why did you not think of informing any of us about this
Lord Bolton yawned and said "There was really no need. We'll
reach our destination by this evening. As for the army. Well, it's
just Weeper and the 13,000 people in his warband."
The tent erupted into shouts of shock and fear as the people
heard who has been following them and with how many men.
Even his uncle Benjen Stark and Lord Commander Jeor
Mormont looked pale at that.
"You've doomed us all." Harrion Karstark shouted before Dacey
Mormont knocked him in the head and told him to act like a
man even though her own hands were shaking in fear.
After all, they were far North in the frozen Wasteland and they
had no back up or a castle to fall back into. If they were
cornered by Weeper's army of 13,000 then they would no doubt
be wiped out.
That Lord Bolton looked not even a little bit worried pissed
them off even more.
"Lord Bolton. Have you brought us here to die?" Lord
Commander Jeor Mormont asked seriously, his hand on the
pommel of his sword and he suddenly realized that he was in the
midst of a situation which could break into a full blown ght if
anything went wrong. And he did not knew which side he would
Lord Bolton remained calm and still had that bored look on his
face even as both Varko and Baka put their hand on the pummel
of their own swords in warning, managing to successfully
intimidate more than a few in the tent.
Lord Bolton scoffed at the Lord Commander of the Night's
Watch "Does it really look like I would go to such a great length
to kill you. Rest assured Lord Commander. If I wanted to kill
you then you be dead by now."
The tension in the tent grew at that but Lord Bolton seemed
unaware of it all and simply yawned and stood up from his seat
"With that said, the situation is not as dire as you people are
thinking." He said and took out a map and unrolled it on the
"The Weeper had 13,000 people in his army. That is true. But
not all of them are warriors. Some of them are old people. Some
are young. Some pregnant woman. Some injured and all that. In
the end, we only have to ght about 8-10,000 people. All of
whom will have no armor, sub par weapons and no training.
With our 4,000 fully armed men, even on an even ground, we
would not lose. But we're not going to ght in an even ground.
He took out a stick and pointed at a place in the large map. "This
is where we are now." Then he pointed at another place in the
map. "This is where Weeper and his army is at now. A day and a
half away from us." Then he pointed at another place in the map
and marked a cross on it with a black chalk "And this is where
we'll be at by this evening."
Everyone looked closely and noticed that it was a mountain. A
fairly large one with a plateau at the top.
"This mountain might not be the Wall, Winterfell or Dreadfort
but it is an excellent place to hold our ground. With a few
trenches and a few palisades, it'll become a decent enough
forti cation where we would be able to hold back even an army
of 30,000 men. The land around it is also barren. So while we'll
have enough food to last us for a month and a half, Weeper and
his army will either have to attack or leave in search for food."
Then then pointed back at where Weeper and his forces were
"Plus, it's not like I've been doing nothing these past few days.
Ever since I found out about Weeper, I've been using my wargs
to harass their scouts, using the wolves to keep them awake at
night, contaminate their water, destroy their food supplies and
much more. By the time that Weeper and his people reach us,
they'll be feverish and hungry while we'll be on a well defended
place. Any questions?"
There was silence in the tent.


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Chapter 176: Chapter 176

"You seem calm." She said as she used the magical

enhancements given to her by her… boyfriend to zoom in and
scout the leaders of the growing army in the distance.
13,000 people seems like a fairly small number when you know
for a fact that the Bolton lands have more than 1,000,000 people
living in it.
But when those 13,000 people stand in front of you, crude
weapons in hand and willing to tear you to pieces, well… that
13,000 number start to look intimidating real quick.
Though considering that she had seen Domeric's large army a
few times before, she was sure that she was still far more calm
than the other heirs who might be pissing their pants at the sight
of the Free Folk army in front of them.
"Do I?" Domeric asked with a bored look in his face as he gazed
at the army in the distance with an utterly unimpressed
She knew that the expression on his face was a facade because
he was usually not this bored.
Varko told him that when Domeric went to destroy the Ibennese
eet in Iben, he had a similar expression on his face.
Maybe it was an expression he had cultivated to hide any fear or
nervousness he might feel during such tense situations.
She herself had been trying to hold such a facade but it was
harden than expected.
Even with the knowledge that if the Free Folk army somehow
did defeat their own armies, she knew that he would use his
magical travel method to get them to safety.
That still didn't remove the nervousness she was feeling in her
"You do." She said as she gripped her bow tightly for more
con dence.
The bow itself was a magical Valyrian Steel bow that he claimed
to have found in Valyria. She believed him. The bow was
capable of shooting arrows six-ten times farther than a normal
bow and used magic to assist the arrow itself to the target.
With the magical enchantment on her eye, the magical bow and
the magical quiver which held thousands if not tens of thousands
of bow, she was a force of destruction on her own.
The fact that the magical bow put minimal strain on her shoulder
was an added bene t which allowed her to shoot hundreds of
arrows before she started to get tired.
"You show more concern when you're about to get scolded by
your aunt." She said and he rolled his eyes though a fond smile
came to his face at the reminder on his aunt who was toiling
away at Dreadfort in his place.
"I have methods that allow me to keep my calm in all
situations." He told her and she gaped at how unfair that ability
"You and your magic." She said and he chuckled at his tone.
"If you two lovebirds are done chatting, I think you should focus
on the enemy once more. They're on the move." Lord
Commander Jeor Mormont said from beside them, a deep scowl
at his face at being denied the opportunity to lead his men once
The men of the Night's Watch were being led by Benjen Stark
and Qhorin half hand. Both held the command of 500 men each.
The Bolton forces were being commanded by Walton and their
chain of command was set even before they even left Dreadfort.
But he had still sent Baka and Varko at the front lines.
She knew that both of them will be just ne. After all, they were
both wearing the magical armor made by Domeric. Armor that
was not dented even when a giant hit it with an giant sized
hammer. Armor that did not gave way even when dozens of
wights climbed on them when they fought their rst White
Poor Orell. It had really been his bad luck to come across the
White Walker whose own blade seemed capable of cutting
through Domeric's own brand of magic.
"That they are." Domeric nodded quietly as about 10,000 of the
13,000 started circling the mountain and coming at them from
all sides.
"You know what to do Ygritte." He told her and with a nal nod,
she left the command tent and climbed on the archer tower his
men had constructed for her last night.
It gave her a full view of the battle eld, allowing her to nd the
enemy commanders and shoot them down. Sowing confusion in
the enemy ranks and decreasing their moral.
Domeric had told her that she was one of the main reasons why
he was so assured of his victory in this battle when he made love
to her last night. That praise from him had lled her with pride
back then and she wanted to make sure that she lived up to his
Because of the snow, the enemy army marched at a slow pace.
But after 20 minutes of tense silence, the rst arrows were red.
The enemy had come into her range 10 minutes ago but
Domeric had told her to hold until the battle truly stared so she
The Pump action Crossbows used by the men in Domeric's army
wrecked havoc in the enemy forces and killed hundreds before
they could even reach them.
She thought that the army moving toward the area held by
Domeric's army would break. But they surprisingly held on.
Probably thinking that the Domeric's army only comprised of
They were soon proved to be wrong. When they reached closer,
the men in Domeric's army changed weapons and took out their
spears. Forming a spear wall that was not only impressive to
look at but also far intimidating for any enemy standing in front
of it.
The Free Folk army still didn't stop and charged forward.
They were brave, she would give them that.
But that wouldn't stop them from her arrows.
She released the rst arrow and killed the leader of the Free Folk
army attacking Domeric's forces.
And so her role began in this battle.

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Chapter 177: Chapter 177

"The Stark lads are holding well." He said as he noticed Jon

holding an area breached by the Free Folk with a few men as his
direwolf protected his back until Robb Stark brought some back
up and lled the gap, pushing the Free Folk back down the
mountain once again.
"Better than most do in their rst battle." Lord Commander Jeor
Mormont reluctantly agreed.
"Your lassie seems to be doing especially well." He said as he
looked at where Dacey Mormont fought on the front lines, not
giving an inch to the Free Folk walking up the incline.
The Mormont men as a whole fought more ercely than any
other Northern men.
"She has fought Wildlings before." Lord Commander said,
trying and failing to hide the pride in his voice "The wildlings
and the Ironborns attack the Bear Island more frequently than
any other area in North. They're used to such battles."
They stayed silent and watched the battle unfold from atop their
At this point, the only thing they could do was sit where they
were and look stern and imposing. That alone will give the
moral to his forces to continue ghting.
Of course, him ghting midst them would be even better for
their moral but this battle was won even
"The Bear Island seemed to have recovered well from their
status in the last few years." He said and noticed how the Jeor
Mormont's grip on his reins tightened at the reminder of how
Jorah Mormont bankrupted his whole house for his wife.
"In case you want to know. Jorah's wife left him for a merchant
in Myr when he could ful ll her… expensive tastes. The last
time I heard of him, he was working as a sellsword somewhere
in Pentos"
"This is neither the time nor place for such talk." Lord
Commander said, looking straight ahead at the battle and he
nodded, not wanting to needle the man anymore than necessary.
He might not admit it but he was still a bit pissed at how the
Lord Commander was almost ready to attack him a few days
ago. Even asking if he wanted them dead.
Even if he knew that people often lost their way in highly
stressful situations, Lord Jeor Mormonrt turning against him so
easily had still hurt him.
They spent the next hour in silence as the battle continued
around them.
Every so often the Free Folks would break through the lines but
the reinforcements he had put in places quickly moved forward
to ll the gap and push the Free Folks back down the mountain.
By the end of the hour, there was a large pile of bodies scattered
through the slope of the mountain. A fair few of them sliding
down to the bottom and forming a large pile there.
Ygritte would release an arrow every now and then, reaping the
lives of any commander who was doing too well against the
allied forces.
He was particularly proud of the fact that his men had not
broken even once throughout the whole battle. They had held
rmly against anyone that the Weeper sent after them.
After a while, the Free Folk attacking that area started to trickle
down less and less until Weeper started using his men on the
other weaker areas. Hoping to gain a proper foothold where he
would rally his men and take over the rest of the mountain.
Safe to say that after not getting any foothold for a whole hour
and after losing almost half of his men, even Weeper understood
that he was not going to win this battle and called for a retreat.
He looked at the retreating form of what remained of Weeper's
army and smiled.
If he wanted then he could have asked Ygritte to kill Weeper any
time but he had explicitly given Ygritte the order to not kill the
Weeper being alive was important for his plans.


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Chapter 178: Chapter 178

"The total tally of the dead is about 4200 dead from the Free
Folk army. 600 from our side of which only 30 from our
personal army died." Walton said an hour after of the battle once
the tally was done.
He surveyed the battle eld littered with corpses. The people
from the allied armies were busy looting the corpses. True, the
Free Folk didn't have much but for those who didn't gain a
regular pay like his army every little bit counts.
"Tell Ygritte, Baka or any other female in my army to stay in
their tents for now." He said as he heard the loud cheers coming
from the direction of the main tent where the party was taking
place "A man's blood is high after a battle. I don't any of the
conceited heirs pawing at Ygritte due to drunken foolishness. I
would hate to cut off their hands after we came along so well till
"Yes my lord." Walton replied.
"Also, tell half of the army to remain in their posts, ready for
any surprise attacks at night. I sincerely doubt that the Wildling
army would do something foolish after such a mighty defeat but
you can always expect an ignorant person to act foolishly." He
ordered "Tell the other half of the army to start collecting the
bolts, arrow and the bodies of the dead in two great piles. One of
the Free Folk and one of our allies. I want those piles ready to
burn by midnight."
"It'll be done my lord." Walton said with a bow, turned around
his horse and left to give orders to the the Bolton men.
He looked at the main tent where all the young men were
celebrating their victory over the Free Folk.
It was the rst battle they ever participated in. Not only that,
they also won a great victory.
They deserved their little celebration. He just hoped that this
victory won't get to their heads.
He then used an eye enhancement magic to look at the forest in
the distance where Weeper and his people were currently
camped at.
He did not like what he was about to do next. A lot of people
might die of cold and hunger if he went ahead with this but he
hardened his heart.
These were the same people who declined this offer to bent their
knee all those years ago. Some had even tried to fool him,
thinking that they would start raiding his lands once he took
them South.
He gave them mercy. He gave them a chance for a better future
and they spat on it.
And he not foolish like Dumbledore to believe in second
They made their bed not they must lie on it.
He waited until it was night. Then he took something out from
his Bottomless bag and covered himself with a White
Camou age cloth which was lled with runes that compelled
any viewer to not notice it's presence.
It was admittedly, a poor substitute for an Invisibility Cloak but
he will have to make do with it.
Then he took out his broom, sat on it and left the mountain
without anyone knowing any better.


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Chapter 179: Chapter 179

'How did everything go so wrong?' he wondered to himself as he

sat alone in his tent and thought over his latest defeat.
He knew that he needed to go out and raise the morale of his
men or else some other cunt will do that for him. And then that
cunt will kill him and take his position.
He just can't allow that to happen.
But right now, he didn't want to leave the camp.
Didn't want to go out and see what had become of the large
force he had spent years to gather.
Cut in half. In a single battle.
Shameful was what it was.
He felt ashamed of his defeat.
He had lost to Southron men in the cold of the True North. And
even when his own men outnumbered those cunts more than 2 to
It had all happened when one of his warg reported the presence
of an army that didn't wore any clothes made by the Free Folk.
He had sent more of his wargs to investigate this matter properly
and they told him that (surprise surprise) it was a Southron army.
Now he had no idea what a Southron army was doing so far in
the True North.
The last time he had heard of such a thing happening, some
Southron lord had slipped passed all of them, had captured a few
wargs like Varamyr Fiveskins and had taken the giants down
South with him.
Oh how he lemented not capturing that arrogant Southron lord
who dared to intrude in their territory.
Killing that man would have been so sweet. He would have fed
that man's entrails to the heart trees.
The old gods would have de nitely blessed him then.
Such a thing would have never come to pass. He knew that. He
had missed his opportunity and that was that.
But the old gods had given him a chance once again. This was
de nitely a sign from the old gods.
They wanted him to purge those bastards from these pure lands.
He could understand them, yes he could. Better than most.
He could hear the whisper of the Old gods in the wind and they
were telling him to kill those arrogant Southron cunts and feed
their entrails to the Heart trees.
So he had taken his great war party of 13,000 people and had
chased after the Southron army.
If he could kill those men, then he would have enough steel to
arm a great many people in his army. Not only that but he could
also take their armors and give it to his men.
Yes yes, what else could this be other than a gift from the old
gods. All he had to do is kill some fat and soft Southron men and
all the loot would be his.
Then he would use this new loot to gather all the tribes scattered
throughout the True North into one great War Party like what
that fool Mance Rayder was trying to do.
Then he would take those men and attack the wall.
With all the men and women of the True North under his
command he would have de nitely won.
Or so he thought when he sent his wargs to scout on the enemy.
That's when things started to take a turn for the worse.


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Chapter 180: Chapter 180

His wargs stopped returning.

Oh, their bodies were still present but the animals or birds they
had left in had died. And their spirit with it.
Some of the wargs managed to recover from the experience as
their spirit somehow managed to return to the body before it
died but they were greatly weaken and of no use to him.
By the end of the third day since he started the chase, all of his
wargs were either dead or out of commission.
From the few interactions with the wargs that managed to return,
he learned that the Southron army had wargs of their own.
He instantly knew who those wargs were.
They were the ones who had left the True North for greener
pastures down in the South. The ones that the sorcerer who
could look in his soul and read his heart had taken with him. The
ones that betrayed the Free Folks and bent their knee to that
foreign bastard.
He remembered how his blood had boiled at that revelation.
How he had promised himself to give the wargs a slow and
painful death once he got his hands on them.
And then things turned even worse when their water supplies
became contaminated and their food was destroyed.
Losing his wargs had blinded him to the actions of the wargs
from the opposite army.
In the end, he had to resort to telling him people to kill any and
all animals or birds that are sighted near the camp.
That had put a stop to the attacks on his resources but he was
still blind to the enemy's position so he sent out his men to scout
and found that the enemy army was only 1 and a half day away
from him.
The Southron were clearly not used to walking in the snow
which was probably why they were marching at such slow
He forced his people to march quickly, which allowed him to
reach the Southron by the end of the second day when he nally
found that they had retreated to the top of a mountain like the
cowards they were. Probably hoping that he would not attack
Trying to ght an uphill battle was a bad proposition but he had
been arrogant in his strength and the strength of his men back
So he had told his men to circle the mountain from all sides in
case the Southron tried to run and then ordered them to charge
That had been the a huge mistake. A mistake that he now
Ever since he was a child he would hear the stories of how the
King of the Free Folk breached the Wall in the past and went
South. But whenever that happened, the Southron would gather
an army and defeat the Free Folk and push them back.
He never understood how the Southron folk who had spent their
entire lives in their stones castles eating food, drinking wine and
getting fat could defeat the erce men of the True North who
had spent their entire life surviving one dif culty after another.
He understood how dangerous the Southron armies could truly
be with their weapons and their formations.
He was brought out of his thoughts when he suddenly heard
some commotion from outside.
He snarled and got up from the tree trunk he was using as his
seat and went outside to check on what was happening and
cursed as soon as he saw it.


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Chapter 181: Chapter 181

Around their supply tents.

'Fuck! Of course the Southron cunts won't sit still.'
He lamented this over sight of his.
After continuously thinking of his enemy as Southron, he had
forgotten that they had wargs of their own. Wargs that they
could use for sneak attacks.
He had no idea how those fucking wargs managed to light a re
like this but this was no time to think.
"Pour snow and water over the re you fucking cunts!" he
shouted and the men gave a start before they leaped into action.
Buckets upon buckets of snow and dirt was poured into the re
but it continued to burn.
What kind of re burns green anyway?
'The re of the sorcerer.' His mind supplied and he suddenly
realized that if the wargs were here then it was highly possible
that the sorcerer was here as well.
A sudden chill went down his spine at that thought but he
snarled and kept ordering his people to douse the re.
He observed that dirt was more effective than snow against the
green re so that's what he told his people to pour over the re.
Some of the foolish cunts caught the green re and burned to
He didn't gave them a second glance and told him people to
By the end of half an hour the re had been doused.
But by then everything had been lost.
All the food supplies his people had gathered over weeks and
months had been turned into ash.
The food he now had left was not enough to feed them for even
one day.
His people looked at him with despair and anger.
Slowly a circle formed around him as his people came to look at
him for guidance to cast blame for this misfortune and he knew.
He knew that this was the moment.
This was the moment that would decide whether he would
continue as the leader of this war party or he would die.
"What are we supposed to do now?" an older woman asked in
despair. She probably lost a son or husband to the re. Or to the
battle a few hours before.
"What can we do now." Another younger woman said "Weeper
is clearly not t to lead. There's nothing left here. We go our
own ways and hope that the Winter won't kill us all."
"It won't be Winter that kills up." Another man said and a silence
took over the crowd "You know what's coming with the Winter.
You know that if we remain behind the wall before this Summer
ends then we would all die."
"What do you want to do then?" asked another man "Fight the
Southron for the Wall?"
That brought another hush of silence in the crowd.
Their recent and crushing defeat against the Southron had
brought down the moral of all his people.
If they can't ght against the Southron on a mountain and win
then how could they hope to do so when the Southron are behind
the Wall.
"I will ght the Southron. But not with the few people we have
left." The man said. He remembered the man. He was the
younger brother of Snat, the leader of the Nightrunners. The
man who was now the leader of the Nightrunners after his
brother's death from an arrow that pierced his head. "I'll gather
the remaining tribes in the True North. Then I'll ally myself with
the Thenn. And then when we have the numbers, we'll go and
take on the Wall once."
"You will do that now will you?" he asked as he took a step
toward Snat's younger brother with his axe in his grip "With
what peope?"
"With your people." The man said, hefting his own old and
battered bronze sword before the man charged toward him.

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Chapter 182: Chapter 182

The man was fast he would give him that. And young. But he
didn't have experience.
After a short and brutal ght, he buried his axe in Snat's younger
brother's neck.
The young man gurgled as the sword slipped through his bloody
hands and tried to strangle him with his dying breath but the
light left his eyes and he slumped to the ground in a heap.
"Who else wants to challenge me?" he shouted as a young
woman cried out and jumped on the body of the dead man. He
ignored her and looked at everyone in the circle around him in
their eye, the battle lust and the high of the victory giving him
enough con dence to ght and defeat a hundred men all on his
"Hah! That what I thought." He said before he forced himself to
calm down a little.
"We lost a battle today." He said "It was my mistake. I admit
that. I had never fought a Southern army before. None of us
have. We all underestimated those cunts and we all paid for it.
Now they've burned our food and we cannot stay here to ght
them even if we want."
"What are we going to do now Weeper?" the older woman from
earlier asked and he turned around and went to her face and
"We can't stay here." He repeated to the daft cunt "We have no
food. People die in the cold without food. We need to go South
where we would be able to scrounge up enough food to feed us.
Then we'll gather the rest of the tribes in the True North. I'll
become the King Beyond the Wall and I'll save our people
from… them."
The woman didn't back down from his stare but she did nod.
He had already lost a fair share of leaders today. He would
rather not lose someone reasonable and wise from his side if
"Gather the tents and any food you could scrounge up and have
some sleep." He told them "We'll leave for South early in the
The crowd nodded and slowly dispersed.
The only one left was him, the dead body and the woman no girl
crying on the corpse of the young man who had challenged him.
He picked the girl up by her hair and roughly led her to the tent.
She tried to resist but a hard slap and a punch to the gut to all
ght from her.
He pushed her inside the tent and then threw her on the ground.
He then knelt behind her and pulled her leather breeches down.
"No!" the girl cried out among tears and snot. She would have
looked beautiful if she had not been crying so much.
He back handed her and pulled the breeches away from her.
He then removed his own breeches and laid down on top of her.
"no.." The girl murmured weakly as he spat on his cock, lined it
up her slit and gave mighty push.
The girl screamed as he took her maidenhead and tore through
her tight cunt.
"A virgin eh!" he chuckled as her warm and tight cunt
surrounded his cock and lled him with pleasure.
"No…" the girl murmured once again and squirmed around in
pain, sobbing to herself all the while but all ght had left her.
"You have a good and tight cunt." He told her as he pulled out
and pushed himself inside her once again, taking pleasure from
her hot cunt and he painful cries.
Then he grunted and started hammering into her.
Not having a good fuck in the last few days made it so that he
came inside her tight cunt in only a few minutes.
He grunted one last time and released his seed inside her womb.
The girl didn't even protest anymore. She just laid there on the
ground and took all of him without any complaint.
"Good girl." He said and chuckled to himself before he fell to
the side and thought about everything that had happened today.


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Chapter 183: Chapter 183
Even if he did managed to keep his people in line, their moral
was as low as it could ever be.
And he had lost about half of his best ghters.
Now the only reasonable thing he could do was gather the other
tribes and be as powerful as the Thenns.
Then he would have to ally with those cunts because he doubted
that he would have a larger army than them any time soon.
No, allying himself with them was the only choice he had left.
And then together they would go to the Wall…
He would never admit it to anyone but he had been greatly
shaken by his crushing defeat at the hands of the Southron.
If he could defeat them while they were on a small mountain,
then how the fuck did he expect to defeat them when they were
behind the Wall.
With this defeat, he had not only lost the chance to become the
King Beyond the Wall. But he might have lost all chances of
going South.
He let out a sigh and pull the girl up to him.
She saw still sobbing quietly to herself but he didn't really care.
He was hard once again and she was had a good tight cunt.
He turned her around so that she could look at him this time and
climbed on top of her.
She turned her head away as tears streaked down her face.
He didn't care. He held her chin in his tight vice like grip and
forced her to look at him.
Then he slowly entered her, enjoying how her face contorted in
pain as he entered her hot and tight cunt.
"You like that ah. Being fucked."
The girl shook her head and he chuckled as he pulled her legs on
his shoulders and started pushing inside her once again. The
repeated sound of esh hitting esh resounded in the tent along
with some sobbing and his occasional chuckles.
"You will." He told her as he grunted and came inside her
velvety folds once again.
Then he fell down on top of her remained there for the next few
moments as his cock turned soft and slid out of her.
The girl simply continued to sob and he rolled his eyes at her.
When he was her age, he had suffered ten times worse and had
snarled at the face of adversity instead of turning into a crying
He didn't care if she quickened with his seed or not.
The way things were going, he doubted that he would survive
till the end of the next Winter let alone any son of his.


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Chapter 184: Chapter 184

"We won the battle yesterday." Lord Commander Jeor Mormont

said and the tent burst into cheers. The Lord Commander
patiently waited for the cheers to die down before he spoke once
again "But! The enemy still number about 9,000. 6,000 if you
only count those who would ght us. Which means that they still
outnumber us about 2 to 1"
The cheerful mood died down at that as the younger generation
was reminded that winning a single battle did not mean winning
the war.
"We have the higher ground." Harrion Karstark said "We don't
need to fear them. They can come at us again and we'll throw
them back again."
The Lord Commander frowned at Harrion with a disappointed
look. Even he could see that the Karstark heir had grown a bit
over con dent with yesterday's victory.
Yes, they won a great battle. But that would not have been
possible without the higher ground they had. And they would
not have gained the higher ground or found about the upcoming
army if Lord Bolton had not told them about it.
No one was mentioning it now but this whole victory could be
put on Lord Bolton's feet. Without Lord Bolton, he very much
doubted that they would have gained any sort of victory let
alone a great one against the Wildling forces.
He also hadn't failed to notice how the Wildlings failed to take
any ground from the Bolton forces when they managed to break
through his own even with his, Jon and Ser Rodrick's constant
"We have the higher ground now. But we can't stay here forever.
You do realize that, don't you boy?" Qhorin half hand asked and
the Karstark heir bristled at being called a boy.
"Lord Bolton told us that we have enough food to last us for one
and a half month." Harrion Karstark said and he held the urge to
face palm himself at the Karstark heir's foolishness.
This is what happens when you put too much focus on army and
too little on the logistics.
"Yes. But we need food to get back to the Wall." Qhroin pointed
out with dwindling patience "You Northmen don't know these
lands as well as the wildlings. Foraging food here is hard. Very
hard. And we need to start marching back home within 2 weeks
if we don't want to die of hunger before we reach the Wall."
"We cannot ght the Wildlings in the open." His uncle said in a
calm manner, lowering any rising tempers in the War tent. "They
still outnumber us and a ght against them in the open will be
very costly if not outright disastrous for us. Don't underestimate
the Wildlings because of this one victory. Most men who do so
don't live for long."
"Lord Bolton told us that the lands around here are barren so the
Weeper will have to leave sooner or later." He said, getting the
attention of everyone in the room even as he tried to put the
attention on the one man who might have a solution for this
situation. "Once Weeper leaves, we can continue on our way."
"Continue where?" Galbart Glover asked. So far, the only thing
I've seen is snow, snow and even more snow. Where are we even
At that everyone's gaze fell on Lord Bolton who was only again
lounging on his chair with his eyes closed and no concern for the

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Chapter 185: Chapter 185

As if feeling their attention on him, Lord Bolton opened his eyes

and looked at all of them of a short moment before he spoke
"You don't need to worry about Weeper and his people."
"Why is that?" Qhorin half hand asked. "Does this has
something to do with the re in their camp that I saw last night."
"Fire?" Jon asked him, looking slightly confused.
He shrugged in response. He had drunk a little too much last
night and he couldn't even remember who brought him back to
his tent.
Lord Bolton nodded. "I sent some of my wargs to light re in the
food supplies in Weeper's camp. All of the food they had burned
down. This morning, my wargs reported seeing him and his
people pick up their camps and leave down South for foraging
for more food. His army won't be in ghting condition any time
The camp erupted in cheers at that and a raised hand from Lord
Bolton shut them all up.
"With that said, you'll will now take your men and go back to
the Wall."
"What? he asked in surprise and the rest of the people in the tent
had similar reaction.
"Fuck that. Who are you to tell me what to do." Smalljon said in
anger but a simple look from Lord Bolton's apathetic gaze shut
him and silenced the tent.
"Is there a reason why you want us to go back to the Wall?" his
uncle asked.
Lord Bolton nodded "My wargs reported that the Thenns have
left their homes in some sort of mass migration. For those of you
who don't know who Thenns are. They are the largest and most
developed tribe living this side of the Wall. They easily number
over 20,000. I would guess that 15,000-18,000 of them are
capable of participating in battle. And… some groups of them
are even said to to be cannibals."
Lord Boltons words was met with silence and even he felt a
shiver ran through his body at the mention of cannibalism.
"My wargs reported that the Thenns are some 120 miles North-
West from us. Which means it would take them 1-2 weeks to
reach us if they found out about us. Thankfully they have no
idea that we are here. But that doesn't mean we'll remain hidden
from them. We're not the most inconspicuous bunch of people
and they have their own wargs after all."
Everyone in the tent had grave faces by this point, their previous
victory all but forgotten in the face of this new threat.
"I suppose you have a plan in mind then." Qhorin half hand said
and Lord Bolton nodded.
"Yes." He took out a map and put it on the table "We're here."
He said and pointed at a positition in the map "The Thenns are
here and the remaining army of Weeper will be here, to the
South of us. Scattered and foraging for food for the next few
months. You cannot go West. You cannot go South and going
further North is just as foolish. So you'll go East from here. Then
after you're suf ciently away from there, the men of the Night's
watch will lead you further South-East until you reach
EastWatch by the Sea."


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Chapter 186: Chapter 186

"You continue to say 'you'. Are you not coming with us?" his
uncle asked with a suspicious look.
Lord Bolton rolled his eyes and shook his head "No. My army
will go with you. Walton will lead them like he has done till
now. I on the other hand, will continue further North to complete
the task I set out for. I'll also take my two sworn swords, Ygritte
and the 50 elites from my army."
"You just said that going further North is foolish." Harrion
Karstark pointed out what him and probably everyone else in the
tent was thinking.
Lord Bolton shrugged "It is. But this is something that must be
"What must be done?" he heard Jon speaking and was surprised
by that fact. Jon usually stayed silent in meetings like these
because of his status as a bastard.
He himself was somewhat proud of his brother for speaking up.
Lord Bolton just cocked his head and smiled a grim smile "I
think I already told you."
There was a silence in the tent at those words.
"You're going to the Land of Always Winter?" he asked.
"If we're unlucky then we won't have to go that far." Lord
Bolton said with a dry chuckle that held no mirth in it and then
his face became serious "I think we're going to unlucky."
"I'm coming with you." He heard Jon say and turned to look at
his half brother who had a resolute expression on his face.
"Aye. If this is all not some stupid fantasy of yours then you'll
need all the help you can get." Qhorin Half hand said.
"All the muscle as well." Smalljon said with a proud smile.
"The Mormonts are you in this as well." Dacey Mormont said. "I
don't know whether there is any White Walker as you claim or
not. But House Mormont always helps it's friends."
"We'll aid you in this task as well." Jojen Reed who had
remained silent in all the meetings till now spoke up.
"This… is not really necessary." Lord Bolton said with a
strained smile. "And I cannot risk your life on my own. You are
the heirs of your respective houses. I cannot take you in
something so dangerous even if I wanted to do so."
"Perhaps. But I'm not the heir of any house." Jon said "I'm just a
bastard. You should not have any problem taking me with you,
"You may be a bastard but you're still the son of Lord Eddard
Stark and someone whom he loves like a true son. I'll not risk
your life." Lord Bolton replied.
"I'm neither a lord, nor a heir. You should not have any problem
with taking me. Or do you have any excuse for me as well?"
Qhorin half hand asked and Lord Bolton looked at him with a
strained smile. Then he gained a thoughtful expression for a
short moment before he nodded.
"Very well then. If one of you is coming with me then those of
you who wants to come might as well join me." Lord Bolton
His eyes widened at that and he said "Then I'll join you as well."
"Absolutely not." His uncle said before he even nished "My
brother put you in my care. Both of you." He said looking at Jon
as well "I'm not allowing you to go on a risky mission like this."
Before he could protest, his uncle added "Not alone at least."
Lord Bolton nodded his head "Very well then. Those who want
to join me may remain behind. As for the rest, you should leave
for East Watch as soon as possible." He said "Now if there's
nothing else, I have some do some preparations for our journey

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Chapter 187: Chapter 187

"This is a magical armor. It might look like an ordinary armor

but it has been blessed by the Children of the Forest. They
carved runes on it in their own mystical language with the sap of
the Heart tree along with a few other ingredients." He said. All
of it was bullshit of course but they didn't need to know that
"The Children of the Forest decided to give them to me as a
favor for this dangerous mission."
"This doesn't look anything special." Benjen Stark said as the
man knocked on the magical armor he had created with a
skeptical look "And what's this about the Children using magic.
Nan never told us that the Children used to perform magic."
"How else did they help in the creation of the Wall." He said "Or
were you under the assumption that the Wall was made by
humans ice brick by ice brick?"
Benjen Stark opened his mouth to say something but then
thought better of it and chose to stay silent.
"It will also keep you warm in the cold weather." He said "And
protect you from just about anything except for a White Walker's
blade. Or at least that's what the Children told me."
"It is indeed warm." Jon Snow said as he wore the armor and
fastened the clasp on it. "Try it." Jon said to Robb who nodded
and started wearing the magical armor before Benjen Stark
could even protest.
"This is a tight t." Dacey Mormont said as she looked at her
boobs which were being repressed by the armor "But it's
surprisingly comfortable despite that."
"Here, have these as well." He said and one of his men moved
forward and gave each of them a Dragonglass dagger. At least to
the ones whom he had already not given one.
"Dragonglass for the White Walkers? Can a White Walker will
survive a blade to the throat or something?"
"I don't know." He said. He would need to capture a White
Walker rst to test that "Bt I do know that normal steel shatters
against their weapon. From the little I know, only Valyrian Steel
and Dragonglass can kill them."
"It's a good thing then that you have a Valyrian Steel sword,
don't you." Smalljon said "What was it name again. Billy?"
"Lily." He said, feeling a bit of anger at him for mis pronouncing
a name that was so important to him.
"Lily. It's a beautiful name." Benjen Stark said "May I see your
Valyrian Blade."
He nodded and took the sword out of it's sheath and presented it
to Benjen who took it carefully with both his hands and stared at
it curiously.
Everyone else stopped what they were doing to stare at the
sword as well as a lot of them had not seen it before.
"It's a new Valyrian Sword." Benjen said "I heard you sold one
to the Lannisters as well. Where did you get the Valyrian Steel to
make two swords."
There was no acquisition in his voice. Only curiosity.
"One day I'll tell you." He said and took the sword back and put
it in it's sheath "That day is not today."
He then left the tent and looked at his army leaving in the
Now there were only about 60 of them left in this side of the
Wall. With no back up and a single mission in their mind.
Well… a half baked mission that he came up with on the spot
At rst he had thought that he would allow the armies to leave.
Then he would take his 50 men, go North a few dozen miles and
then return from a different path.
When he return, he would do so with only half his men, all
injured in one way or another. The other half lost in the rst with
the White Walker. Or so he would claim.
Then he would take out the Ice Sword that the First White
Walker they killed had left behind as well as the Wight they had
captured and show it as proof.
But when the man stated that they wanted to come with him, he
decided that having them ght against a real White Walker and
their wights would be more bene cial than simply showing them
the goods.
After all, if he, his companions and 10 magically armored men
could defeat 2 White Walkers and their horde. Then with the 50
magically armored men and the additional unexpected addition
of the heirs and the few brother of the Night's Watch, they
should be able to defeat 2 or even 3 White Walkers at once.
With that new half baked plan, he had allowed them to join him.
Now he only needed to nd a White Walker without the other
Wildling tribes in the True North nding out about them.

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Chapter 188: Chapter 188

He ew through the vast expanse of land lled with forest and

snow. He went as far West as he could go but found nothing.
That was not out of the ordinary.
Bloodraven had told him that the White Walkers were in this
general direction.
The last time Bloodraven tried to send his birds too close to the
White Walkers to search for them, he got a head ache that lasted
for days.
He could tell that Bloodraven must have suffered a rather
powerful backlash because the old man was far more stronger in
the mental department than him or even Dumbledore.
He supposed that being a Greenseer had it's perks, even if the
gift ultimately failed to give even a decent life to the Targaryen.
He came back from the West. It didn't took him long to do that
as he had not gone very far in the rst place.
The more time passed, the more the magic in the True North was
acted against him. And the more it supported the White Walkers.
Maybe it was just because the decade long summer was nally
at a decent. Or maybe it was something done by the White
Walkers living in the True North that allowed them to corrode
the magic to their own liking.
Whatever the reason, he couldn't look as far as he once did with
the Valyrian Glass Candle. Something that frustrated him to no
Once coming back, he centered himself, took a few deep breaths
and went inside the Candle once again.
He ew slightly in the South-West direction this time. The
session lasted 5 minutes as he ew around the world in his
ethereal body and then returned empty handed, having found
nothing of interest aside from the scattered tribe of Weeper that
he had done with the express purpose of foraging for food.
Food was a very rare commodity in the True North. He was sure
that Weeper would not have wanted to scatter his army but
without their food stock, he had to resort to this so that his
people won't starve and rebel against him.
This posed the problem of him needing to be careful as they
direction he and his group had been going in led them through
the scattered tribe of Weeper. A very dangerous thing if all of
them didn't have their magical armor.
With a gasp he came out of the Valyrian Glass Candle and took a
few deep breaths and clutched his head in slight pain as the
effects of magical exhaustion hit him at once.
A pair of warm hands wrapped around him and even he let out a
soft smile even as he grimaced in pain.
"You overdid it again. You have a death wish or something?"
Ygritte asked even as she laid his head down on her thighs and
started massaging his head.


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Chapter 189: Chapter 189

He took hold of her hand and gave it a soft kiss.

"Where would I be without you."
"In some other girl's lap no doubt. That Dacey girl seems intent
on sleeping with you."
He paused in his thoughts about ways to increase the range of
the Valyrian Glass Candle and opened his eyes to look at
Ygritte's frowning face "Are you jealous Ygritte?" he asked.
Her frown deepened at that and she nodded in confusion "I
shouldn't be. In the True North, a man can take as much as he
can keep. Powerful wargs are known to have multiple wives. So
are some of the Chieftain and powerful men. I never thought
about this before. But I don't want to share you. Even if it goes
against the traditions of my people."
He got up from her lap, sat down in front of her and gave her a
serious look.
"Know this Ygritte. I'll never cheat on you. I'll never betray you
no matter what." He said "It is possible that in the future we
might not like each other as much in which case we'll separate.
But as long as we're together, you'll be my one and only."
"Is this the place where I blush like a fair maiden and pretend to
faint?" she asked and he chuckled.
"No" he said, the earlier seriousness returning "This is the part
where you promise me the same thing."
Ygritte frowned at him. Probably not thinking that he would be
so serious about this topic. But he had been betrayed before.
And he didn't want that to happen again.
When Ginny betrayed him, he had become hard, cold and
Because of her betrayal, he had put all of his focus on his job,
caring about nothing else.
In six months, he was the top auror and by the end of the year,
he was the Head of the Auror of ce with the kill count of over
300 dark wizards and a dozen of scars as a proof.
He was not sure how he would change if he was betrayed yet
another time.
He was not sure he wanted to know.
"Okay." She said "As long we're together you're the only man I'll
love and be with. My one and only."
The tent fell back into silence as he leaned forward and touched
her lips with his own.
Unlike their previous make outs, this one was of a far gentle
quality and he cherished every moment of it before they
inevitably broke apart.
Grimacing as the headache returned once again, he laid down on
her lap and closed his eyes.
"Did you nd anything this time?" Ygritte asked a few seconds
later and he shook his head.
"No. The range of the Candle is too small. I need to nd a way
to amplify it."
"Can you not use the Heart trees for it?" she asked "You seem to
use them for everything else. Planting them around like a little
gardener with the Children of the Forest following behind you as
He chuckled at the mental image her words brought to his mind
before he shook his head "No. I've thought of that. But the
magic of the Valyria which made the Glass Candles and the
magic generated by the Heart Trees are so different that… I'm
just not able to make it work. At least not like…" he froze as
something else came to his mind.


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Chapter 190: Chapter 190

"Like what?" Ygritte asked.

"Like… did I tell you about how I managed to succeed in my
magical ritual."
"Well… Dragon egg. That's the answer." He said.
"I'll return in a moment." He told her and pecked her in the lips
before he separeted and used a portkey to go to the top of the
Wall from where he used another portkey to get to his
underground base.
He was in the long corridor once again with the three doors in
front of him.
He went to the left one which lead to the stadium sized treasure
room with enough gold to buy the Iron Throne a few times over.
For some reason, this room always reminded him of the Room
of Hidden things.
The room that was unfortunately burnt down due to Gregory
Goyle's foolishness and recklessness.
Using the cursed ame when you don't have any control over it
leads to disastrous consequences.
He ignored all the gold and treasure lying around and went to
the section that was lled with more than a hundred dead dragon
He went there and picked up the one which he had used for the
Even after so long, the egg was still brimming with power.
The sacri ce of 100 healthy adult males was no small thing after
The theories about how he could use the power inside it to
amplify the range and power of the Valyrian Glass Candle was
already coming to his mind.
The only problem was that when this egg ran out of power, he
would have to use human sacri ce to charge it once again.
He was appalled by the fact that the thought no longer appalled
He wondered if this was the sign that he was becoming dark.
Like Voldemort.
He decided to think about that on a later date. Right now, he had
a few theories to jot down and a girl that he had kept waiting for
long enough.
He left the room, closed the door and used two portkeys to
return to his tent.
"Is that a dragon egg?" Ygritte asked as soon as she saw what
was in his hands.
"Yes. Did I never showed it to you before?"
"No. You only mentioned it a few times." She said as she held
the egg and almost dropped it on the ground before he helped
her with it.
"It's heavy." she said after examining from all the side "And
beautiful. Though I still don't understand why someone would
pay enough to buy a eet for a beautiful egg. And why does it
feel like stone."
"Unlike other birds, dragons sometimes don't hatch for years, if
not decade. To save themselves itself dying, the egg changes
into stone and only change back when it's in condition to be
hatched once again. Though admittedly, if the egg is left alone
for a long time then it dies and becomes stone permanently."
"Is that what happened to it?" she asked "Is the dragon inside
He nodded "I found it and many other eggs in Valyria. Only a
few of them had survived. And even that a miracle in and of
"You think you can make it work?" She asked as she returned
the egg to him.

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Chapter 191: Chapter 191

"Are you sure that this is the way?" Benjen Stark asked as he
rode in his horse beside him, impatience oozing from his very
"Yes. I'm sure." He replied, feeling a little happy at nally
solving the problem of the Valyrian Glass Candle and nding the
White Walkers with it.
Well, he didn't technically nd the White Walkers.
What he found was an area where he could not go to even with
the ampli ed Valyrian Glass Candle. As well as the footsteps of
what could only be hundreds of Wights.
"That is what you said when we followed you at the start of this
journey. Then you had us wait in the middle of the Wildling
territory for 3 whole weeks. Our men must have reached East
Watch By The Sea by now."
"Perhaps." He said, not really caring about Benjen's grumbling.
"This is not a small matter Domeric. If Robb and Jon don't
return to the Wall before the end of the month then Ned might
call for the banners and lead a great host to the North in order to
nd them."
He was sure that nding the White Walkers would still take
some time, even with the ampli ed Candle. But North was a
vast kingdom and gathering the banners itself took a month or
two. And then it would take one more month for that host to
reach the Wall.
They would easily be back home by then. Provided that the
White Walkers don't kill them rst.
"You don't need to worry Benjen. We'll reach our target soon
Well, he might have been a little wrong in his assumption that
they would nd the White Walkers quickly.
When he decided to work on the magical runes to enhance the
range and power of the Valyrian Glass Candle, he knew that
such a process might take him weeks so he had cast a charm
around them that stopped the scattered Free Folk from Weeper's
army from noticing them.
He and his men lost that advantage when they started to move
once again.
And by that time they had been surrounded by Weeper's people
from all sides.
Only, the Free Folk didn't knew about their presence so they
were able to slip past most of the scattered groups.
Most, meaning that they still had to ght a few of them.
In hindsight, his tendency to gather the corpses and burn them
might have been what led to them having to ght so many
groups in the rst place.
He had been over con dent in his magical armors.
Thankfully, the magical armors did their job and no one died.
Unfortunately, because of his mistake, they had to ght a total of
28 small groups and kill over a thousands men and women
before they were nally out of the area which the Weeper was
using to forage for food.
By this time, the White Walkers had moved once again and he
had to use the more evil of the Free Folk as sacri ce so that he
could charge the petri ed Dragon Egg once again which allowed
him to use the Glass Candle to nd the White Walkers once

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Chapter 192: Chapter 192

"Footsteps. That's all I see." Benjen said, not even trying to hide
the disappointment in his voice.
"No. There's… something about these footsteps." Qhorin half
hand said as he studied the footsteps left by the wights on the
"You found something?" Benjen asked as he took jumped down
from his horse to study the footsteps on the snow. "Hmm… now
that you point it out. There is something… strange about these
footsteps. I just can't nd out what it is."
"They look unnatural." Kalmyr, the greatest tracker in his army
and one of the wargs he had brought with him in the expedition
spoke as he knelt down and sniffed the ground and frowned.
"There's no smell."
Qhorin nodded at Kalmyr's words "True. I noticed the same
thing. But… there's something else we are missing here. Though
the lack is smell is alarming enough as it is."
"Why is that?" Smalljon asked as he sat and looked at the tracks
as well. But he was sure that just like him, Smalljon didn't knew
how to read the tracks either and was just doing it to look
impressive. "True, some of the wildlings we killed smell like
high hell. But what makes is alarming."
"All living things have smell." Kalmyr said as he whistled and
sat down on the ground, getting ready to warg into one of the
wolves under his care.
They were simple Arctic wolves. Not the direwolves he was so
fond of. But these wolves also had a great sense of smell and
were great trackers. Both these traits made Kalmyr invaluable to
him. Well, he would have been invaluable if he didn't use the
Glass Candle to his way to the target by cheating.
But since the Glass Candle failed in the general vicinity of the
White Walkers, he had to rely on Kalmyr this time.
"Even those who've just taken a bath have a smell." Kalmyr said
as one of his wolf arrived in front of him and he looked in the
wolf's eyes "Only those who've been dead and have been frozen
for a long while don't have any."
Then Kalmyr's eyes went white and he slumped down on the
He and Qhorin helped the man's body against a tree as the wolf
bowed in thanks before it sniffed the target and darted forward.
"Be careful." He said and the wolf huffed before vanishing
among the trees.


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Chapter 193: Chapter 193

His trackers caught sight of Wights the next day and they
immediately reported to him.
He told everyone in the group to prepare and be ready for an
ambush at any moment.
Then they walker forward, expecting to be ambush by a horde of
wights at any moment.
The expected ambush never came.
When he and his men had slowed down, the Wights had
increased continued at their usual pace and had left.
He didn't dare send out his trackers after that. If he lost them
then the chances that his group would be ambushed in the future
increased ten fold.
He didn't know why the White Walker wasn't coming around to
face him.
Maybe it somehow found out about the properties of his magical
armor and that they had Dragonglass and didn't want an open
confrontation where it would be at a disadvantage.
Maybe it was cautious by nature.
Maybe it was luring them in another larger trap.
Or maybe it just didn't care about them.
Whatever it's reason, the White Walker kept on moving. It's
army of Wights moving along with it.
The problem was that for all the help that his magical armor
gave, it didn't increase the stamina of his people. Because of
that, even if the Wights walked slowly during the day, they
increased the gap between them at night when he and his group
had to stop to rest while the Wights, being the undeads they
were continued walking.
Every now and then, his men would catch sight of the Wights
but from a distance, they looked just like humans.
But the wights didn't stop to eat food, build camp, build re or
rest and the more astute people in his group picked up on that
quickly enough and started believing him.
They spent the next 5 days playing cat and mouse before they
nally stumbled across something that terri ed them down to
their bones.


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Chapter 194: Chapter 194

"This… this is not the work of a human." Smalljon said and

murmured a few more curses under his breath as he looked at
the large pile of dead bodies piled in a ritualistic spiral circle
around an old pine tree.
The body of a teenage girl was separated into dozens of part and
pinned to the center of the tree.
Even the most skeptic in his group who didn't believe his claims
about White Walkers were looking at the scene in stunned
"This was done just a few hours ago." Kalmyr said as he bent
down and took a sniff once again. "This is… something is not
right here."
More than 'something' was not right here.
The magic in the area repulsed him.
Whatever kind of ritual the White walker had performed with
the changed the whole magic around the area to the point where
he couldn't use any of it.
The magic here now belonged purely to the elements of death
and cold. And the ritual was somehow still working, lling the
area around it with the cold and death elemental magic.
He had nally found how the White Walkers changed the nature
of magic.
But that didn't mean he understood it.
The whole ritual was unlike anything he had ever seen.
That was understandable as the White Walkers were totally
different from humans on many fundamental ways but it still
didn't made him feel any better for not understanding the
inherently simple look ritual.
Because that was what it was.
A simple and basic ritual.
He had read about the wizards of the old and even the rst
wizards who started using magic to perform rituals made more
complex rituals than these.
That was why it boggled him so much when the basic level
ritual converted magic on a fundamental level in such a large
Cold and Death. That's all that he could feel around him.
In a sense, he could guess why the ritual would work so well.
This area was already lled with cold and death. The White
Walkers simply used the human sacri ces to somehow turn that
factor into reality by changing the magic with it's help.
There was something vital he was missing about this whole
thing. And he just didn't know what it was.
"We should burn the corpses." Ygritte's words brought him out
of his thoughts and he noticed that a lot of people were now
looking at him for guidance.
He took a deep breath and nodded.
"You're right." Then he spoke loudly "Gather the bodies and
burn them. We'll continue after…"
His words were cut off as a hand reach out from the snowy
ground he was standing upon and grabbed his leg, making his
eyes widened in shock, understanding and irritation.


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Chapter 195: Chapter 195

"Form a circle!" he shouted before hundreds of wights burst out

from beneath the surface while he berated himself for falling for
the same stupid trick twice.
The Wights seemed rather fond of jumping out from the ground
in a true imitation of the dead. But that didn't meant that the
trick didn't work.
Sometimes the simplest tricks worked the best.
The dead jumping out from the ground quickly outnumbered
them and surrounded their entire group from everywhere.
Two wights held onto his legs while half a dozen others
surrounded him and stabbed at him with their bones, stone
knives or rusty old swords.
A simple spell repulsed all of them and he looked around him to
see that hundreds of wights had already surrounded them and
hundreds more were coming.
He used the Sonorus charm on himself and shouted "Use
Dragonglass Dagger. USE THE DRAGONGLASS
Then the wights were upon him, except that they never truly
reached up.
Halfway through, they were cut in half and Varko's resolute face
met his own.
"I'll not fail you this time my lord." Varko said in a grim voice
before raised the twin Valyrian blade he had given him which
were disguised as normal swords.
And then he was a whirlwind, cutting through the wights like
But for all his resolve, Varko was just a single man. And for all
his skills, he could only protect him from one side.
The Wights attacked him from the other side and he repulsed
them again, looking over the chaotic battle eld where every man
was on his own.
He did not nd what he was looking for and the wights fell upon
him once again.
"Back to back!" he called out to Varko and the man was at his
back a moment later, decimating any wight that got within a few
feet of them.
As he fought against the wight, he hoped that Ygritte, Baka and
the others were alright.
The magical armor he had given them should work. But if he
couldn't nd the puppeteer of this whole show then some of his
people will die at it's hands.
He couldn't let that happen.
He could have used the re spell to kill the wights. But the
magic in the area was bent against him to such a degree that
using any high level spell would take far too much magic out of
him and he would die of magical exhaustion before the re spell
killed even half of these wights.
"I need nd the White Walker." He told Varko who grunted and
swiped his swords two more times before he pulled him away
from there.

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Chapter 196: Chapter 196

He could have easily stopped Varko form pulling him with his
enhanced strength but he trusted the man.
His trust proved to be correct when Varko led him to the center
of the battle eld where the head of the teenage girl had come
alive and was trying to bit anything and anyone in a futile
Varko took one of his sword and stabbed it in the eye of the girl.
"Climb on it my lord. Look for the White walker. I'll protect you
from the wights." Varko said and he nodded and quickly climbed
on the Valyrian blade foothold.
Varko took out his Dragonglass Dagger as a substitute for the
Valyrian blade and continued his own ght while he used this
moment to look around the battle eld.
All across battle eld he could see dozens of wights attacking
each of his men. The ten or so who had fought alongside him
before had come out of their shock quickly enough and were
using the Dragonglass dagger to kill the wights around them.
Some of the heirs had also heard his shout or were smart enough
to know when to use the Dragonglass dagger. Most had not. Or
didn't had the opportunity as they were buried under a pile of
Then out of the corner of his eye, he nally saw the White
Walker standing in the distance and looking at the battle eld
with it's cold blazing eye.
As soon as he saw the White walker, it turned it's face to look at
him and it picked up the Ice blade buried in the ground.
All of a sudden, the temperature in the area fell sharply and a
cold winds quickly took the form of a storm.
Visibility went from perfectly ne to 'bad' before he could think.
Of course it's powers would also be enhanced in this area.
"Varko!" He said as he jumped down the tree and took out the
Valyrian sword.
Varko turned around and looked at him. He handed the sword to
Varko and said "Let's end this."

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Chapter 197: Chapter 197

Varko nodded and he ran in the direction he last saw the White
Walker at, safe in the knowledge that Varko would follow him.
He knew by now that even if these creatures used their ice
powers to their advantage, they were also prideful and patient
enough that it would likely have not moved from it's place.
Looking at the storm with an apathetic eye as if the battle had
nothing to do with it.
The shrieks of the wights and the battle cries of his men were
the only thing he was able to hear as he moved ahead aside from
occasional wight that ran toward him. He couldn't see anything
beyond 3 meters ahead of him due to the snowstorm that was
gaining strength even now while the temperature fell further
below 0.
He had no idea how a normal human beings were even going to
ght a magical creature such a this who has so much magical
power, such great control over the cold and an army of undeads.
All of a sudden he wondered if there was a reason why he came
to this world.
That his coming here was not the accident that he had been
thinking all these years but that he had been pulled here to ght
these beings.
Because as it was, he doubted that even the army of the whole 7
kingdoms would do much against these White Walkers during
He wondered if he was brought here to play the role of a savior
once again.
The thought curdled his stomach and his features contorted.
He didn't have the chance to think about this matter anymore as
the visibility nally cleared a little bit and the rst thing he saw
was the Ice blade moving toward his stomach.
The White Walker stabbed him. His Valyrian Armor took the
attack without a scratch but the force behind the strike still bent
him in half and took the breath away from him.
He looked up to notice the White Walker looking at him with a
cocked head. If it's frozen face could form any features then it
would undoubtedly look confused.
Just like the rst White Walker who had tried to stab him.
The White Walker didn't have to chance to observe him anymore
as Varko came from behind him with a battle cry and then the
two of them were clashing in a contest of skill while he fell on
the ground and tried to get back his breath.
He got up in time to see the White Walker and Varko locked in a
battle of strength.
He could already see this ending badly for Varko.
But before the White Walker could push Varko back and show
the immense strength hidden in it's icy muscles, Varko sifted and
then in a maneuver that could only be performed by an expert of
blades, he tilted on his feet and swung around on his heels,
making the White Walker fall forward without anything there to
hold it's weight.
Varko completed the maneuver and stabbed at the White Walker
at it's neck. Only to miss at the last second as the White Walker
pushed itself forward and the Valyrian blade passed by it's neck
by mere fraction of an inch.
The White Walker rolled around on the ground with a grace that
belied it's size and strength. For a moment, standing with it's ice
blade and it's magical armor, it almost looked beautiful.
Then it's eyes blazed blue and it's charged forward.

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Chapter 198: Chapter 198

Except that he was there to take the hit this time.

He locked blade and they stared at each other's eyes. For a
moment, he was almost tempted to attempt a legilimency probe
before he realized how foolish such a thing would be.
Then the White Walker started pressing him back but that only
lasted a mere second before Varko came from beside him and
joined the ght.
The White Walker backed away from Varko and he took the
chance and used his superior speed to ank the White Walker
and surprise it.
There was no surprise. The White Walker saw him coming and
backed away once more. Only to come to a sudden stop as it
struck against something else.
Benjen Stark stood behind the White Walker. A Dragonglass
dagger in his hands that he had tried to stab the White walker
Just like him, the White Walker had a magical armor that the
dagger had no hope of penetrating.
Before he could shout a warning, the White walker turned
around and sliced at Benjen Stark.
To his credit, Benjen managed to get the dagger up in time.
But the ice blade along with the White Walker's immense
strength simply cut through the Dragonglass dagger before he it
went ahead and went into the magical armor and came out of the
other side.
Cutting Benjen Stark in half without any apparent effort.
The White walker turned back to look at him. There was no
pride or joy in it's face. As if killing the younger brother of the
Warden of the North meant nothing to him.
For all he knew, it probably did meant nothing to him.
But it meant something to him.
"Fuck!!!" he cursed for the second time in the duration of the
battle as he charged forward, desperately hoping that it won't be
able to kill anyone else.
But what he hoped didn't happen.
The White Walker didn't die at his blade. Nor at Varko.
They fought for what seemed like hours to him but were
probably only a mere dozen seconds in truth before it managed
to kick Varko away. Varko fell in the snow storm and he felt
nervous for the rst time in this battle.
The Ice monster looked at him with apathetic eyes and moved
toward him with slow steps.
He reached into his bottomless bag and took out a ball lled
with Wild re and threw it at it's feet.
The White Walker looked at it and the cold around him spiked
for a moment.
The ball fell on the ground covered in a layer of frozen snow.
It never even got the chance to ignite.


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Chapter 199: Chapter 199

He grimaced and picked up his sword. Knowing fully well that

he was not only weaker and slower than the White Walker but he
was also less skilled and less experienced.
The only advantage he had over the White Walker was his
Valyrian armor which had yet to be penetrated by anything.
But there were ways to kill him even despite him wearing the
armor. It was only a matter of time before the White Walker
would gure it out.
It raised it's sword and feeling resigned, he raised his own and
the battle began.
And ended just as quickly.
The White Walker disarmed him and threw him on the ground.
He looked up at it and it put a foot on his chest, raising it's
sword, ready to bring it down at his throat where even if the
blade doesn't pierce the armor, the force behind it would
de nitely crush his throat.
It brought the blade down and he put his arms up to protect his
The ice blade 'pinged' off his grieves and stabbed the ground.
His arms ached but he was alive.
The expression on the White walker's face remained unchanged
and he felt anger bubble in his heart at that.
The fucker was trying to kill him. It could at least show some
semblance of emotion.
He summoned his wand and cast the Killing curse at point
The effort of casting the powerful spell in the most magic
resistant area he had ever seen left him panting as the Curse
entered him and… did nothing.
The White Walker cocked it's head, as if asking if the green light
was supposed to do something.
He probably deserved to be ridiculed at this moment.
Then he moved around on the ground, trying to move it away.
The foot on his chest didn't even budge.
Failing that, he tried to reach for his sword but it was out of his
And then his hand was pinned to the ground as a few Wights
came out of the Snow storm and jumped at his hand. Locking it
on the ground with their combined weight.
He looked at the White Walker in shock as a few more wights
came and pinned his other hand to the ground.
The White Walker then raised it's sword, ready to crush his
throat before it jerked and looked down at it's own throat where
the head of a Dragonglass tipped arrow was coming out.
The White Walker blinked.
The never got to opened it's eyes as it's whole magical structure
simply crumbled and it broke into thousands of ice crystals.
The Ice blade fell and embedded half way down the ground an
inch from his neck.
A moment later, the wights holding him down shattered into
fragment of bones as the magic holding their body dissolves.
The newer wights with skin on them simply fell down to the
ground, their blue eyes dimming and they didn't move again.
He let out a sigh as he saw Ygritte standing on a tree branch a
good twenty meters away. As the snowstorm cleared, he could
see Varko standing underneath the tree, his two Valyrian swords
buried on the tree for footholds while he looked relieved beyond
He let out a chuckle at the absurdity of it all and the chuckle
then turned into full blown laughter as he laid there on the
ground and laughed at the anti climatic end of the White Walker.
"Fuck…" he said for the third time that day.

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Chapter 200: Chapter 200

"I found one! This fucker's still kicking." Walton shouted and
everyone's eyes turned to look in the same direction.
Walton brought the Wight they had captured 2 months ago.
Walton had wrapped the White with a cloak but it still showed
it's nature by trying to bite in the direction of anyone it could
"How is it still alive." Dacey Mormont asked as she threw
another dead wight in the great pile of bodies. "Didn't everyone
else die."
"Don't know. Don't care." Walton shrugged "Found this one with
it's leg trapped under a log. If you want to know how it's still
moving around then you can ask the White Walkers the next
time you meet them."
Dacey shut up after that while the others went back to pulling
the bodies to the pile.
"At least we'll have something to show for this fucking
expedition aside from that blasted ice sword." Smalljon said as
he sat on the ground and clutched his hand which wrapped
around with a cloth.
When he told the men about the defeated White Walker, they
had asked for the body and he had shown them the Ice crystals
which were still thrumming with cold and death magic to his
senses but probably looked simple ice crystals to them.
They had not totally believed him until he showed them the Ice
sword. At which point Smalljon tried to pick it up and got a 2
degree Frostbite within a moment before he jerked back in pain
and fell on the oor, writing in pain and cursing the White
Walker's mother and sister to high hell.
"You three. Create a cage for it. You four. Make a sledge. We'll
have the wolves pull the sledge." He said and the men he'd
ordered bowed and went about doing the job without any
complaint even though they were not very happy about it.
He changed direction and went where Jon and Robb were
looking coldly at the black colored cloak covering Benjen
Stark's bisected body.
There was another two other bodies similarly covered lying
beside that cloak and Meera Reed was crying beside one of
He moved toward one of the body and removed the cloak from
The totally crushed body of Galbart Glover came in front of his
He looked at the now deformed magical armor and found no
magic coming from it.
It seems that Galbart was not able to get to his Dragonglass
dagger in time. Or that he panicked and totally forgot about it.
Whatever occered back then no longer mattered anymore. What
he was sure of was that Galbart Glover wasn't able to do
anything and the Wights continued to attack him.
After a long while, the magic in the magical armor simple
burned out and at that point, the collective weight of dozens
upon dozens of wights on top of him crushed him to death.
He covered the body once again and looked at where Meera
Reed was crying beside the third dead body.
Jojen Reed. Another death on his conscience. And he actually
felt pretty bad this time. The boy was young and had a long life
ahead of him. He was also a genuinely good person.
He went beside Meera Reed and put a hand on her shoulder.
She wiped her tears and looked up at him.
He gave her a sympathetic look and sat down beside her "I won't
say that I understand your pain. I've never had any brothers or
sisters of my own" Ramsey Snow didn't count. "But I do
sympathize with you. I know it doesn't matter anymore. But I'm
really sorry for what happened."
Meera simply nodded and went back to sobbing.
Looking at her, he was reminded of Dennis Creevy who had lost
his older brother in the Battle of Hogwarts.
He could still remember the betrayed look Dennis gave him
when he met him after the Battle. Asking him why he didn't save
his older brother.
"Will you be alright?" he asked and she gave him a tentative
He wondered if his presence was even helping her. He, who
brought her and her brother up North and led them on this merry
chase in the rst place.
He patted her shoulder one last time before he got up and went
toward the pile of bodies.
"She'll get over it." A voice said and he turned to nd Qhorin
half hand taking out the pieces of the girl who had been pinned
to the tree. "I know I sound crass but brothers, husbands, fathers
and sons die all the time in the North. The women can do
nothing but get up and keep moving. As do everyone else."
He remained silent as Qhorin took out the head and threw it in
the great pile as well. Then Qhorin let out a sigh and said
"Benjen was a great man. Humble and down to earth despite his
upbringing. A great ranger, swordsman and leader. His loss will
be felt by us all."
He remained silent until his men stopped bringing any more
bodies. Then he took out a ball lled with Wild re and threw it
at the great pile.
The pile started burning at once.
Qhorin stared at the green ame with an unreadable expression
for a moment "You had something like this. Why didn't you use
it against the White Walker." His tone barely a step below
"I did." He replied "It didn't work. The bastard froze it before the
ball could go anywhere near it."
"I see. I suppose that make sense." Qhorin nodded and bowed in
apology. Then he stared at the great pile of bodies that was
catching re rapidly. "So. What now?"
"We have the wight. We have the Ice sword. We have the
witnesses and the dead bodies of our friends. That's enough
proof." He said and turned to look at Qhorin "We're heading

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Chapter 201: Chapter 201

The journey back to Castle Black was slow and dreary. No one
talked with each other for the rst few days. Even the few that
talked did it in whispers, as if the White Walkers were lurking
around and would come for them if they talked a little too loud.
Smalljon whose sword hand they had to amputate because it
stopped functioning at all winced in pain every now and then but
remained silent.
He supposed that losing a sword hand would do that to anyone.
It would also teach them to take his warnings seriously.
Robb and Jon stayed solemn faced through the entire journey
back to Castle Black. He had no doubt that the death of Benjen
Stark and the presence of the White Walkers had turned their
whole world upside down.
Using a legilimency probe told him that Jon was grieving for
Benjen Stark because he was the only other elder in the family
aside from his father who showed him love and care.
Robb on the other hand was also grieving about his uncle but he
was mainly wondering if the North will even survive this
upcoming Winter and if both him and Varko couldn't defeat a
single White Walker together then what chance do they have.
He left them to their thoughts and focused on getting them back
safely to the Wall.
Thankfully, they didn't came across any other Wildling group on
their way back.
One week before they reached the Wall, they came across a
searching party made of a dozen Night's Watch brother.
They informed him the Lord Commander had sent out a dozen
such search parties when they didn't return after four whole
Walton informed them of what happened. Blood drained from
their faces when they heard about the return of the White
Walkers and saw the Ice Sword and the Wight held in the cage.
Then the brothers silently joined them in their way back to
Castle Black without any more words.
After one more week of sleepless nights thanks to the Wight
screeching every now and then, their group nally reached
Castle Black.

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Chapter 202: Chapter 202


Jeor Mormont let out a tired sigh and looked at the pile of
unopened letters on his desk from the various lords in the North.
He hadn't opened them because he already know what was
written in them.
It has been about three and a half months since Lord Bolton and
their armies had left the Wall. 2 months since their armies
returned to Shadow Watch and from there, it took them 2 weeks
to get to Castle black.
The armies that came back without their leaders still stayed in
the Nights Watch and emptied their larders.
Well, Lady Barbrey Dustin had sent more food for the Watch
along with the letter enquiring about her nephew.
He didn't know what he should write back to them.
How was he supposed to tell them that Lord Bolton took his best
men and went further into the Wildling territory to continue his
mission when they themselves came back to the safety of the
In the end, he wrote the only thing that he knew. That Lord
Bolton and the heirs had gone further into the Wildling territory
and they had not heard any more from them.
Lady Barbrey Dustin had not liked his response. Nor did he
expect her to. But he had nothing else to give her except the cold
hard truth.
That Lord Bolton, his men and all the others he took with him
might be dead at the hands of the Wildlings by now.
He plopped down on his chair and wondered if Lord Bolton had
decided to go all the way up to the Land of Always Winter to
accomplish his goals.
He personally thought the notion foolish but Lord Bolton was
young and his string of victories in every eld he stepped into
only bolstered his recklessness.
He also wondered what he would do if Lord Bolton was right.
If the White Walkers had truly returned.
He jerked as he heard a sudden knock on his door. Though mere
thought of White Walkers made him jittery. What kind of man
would abandon his safe home and go in search for them on a self
anointed mission.
Or was it the old gods who told him to do so.
He was not one of those who believed that Lord Bolton was
chose by the old gods. But after seeing the easy with which his
men pushed back the Wildlings on that Mountain and the small
amount of causalities they themselves took in that battle made
him wonder.
Even if Lord Bolton was not a chosen of the Old Gods, he was
still a prodigy the likes of which had never been seen before.
And a great battle commander on top of that.
He did hope that Lord Bolton would come back.
"Who is it?" he asked when he heard another knock on his door.
"It's me Lord Commander" his steward replied.
He got up from his chair, walked across the room and opened
the door.
"What is it?" he asked the boy.
"Lord Bolton and his men had been sighted Lord Commander."
The boy didn't have to say anymore as the gates of the tunnel
leading to the other side of the Wall opened up and Lord Bolton
himself led his men out of the tunnel.
Three of the Night's Watch patrol he had sent out were also
mixed in that group.
He noticed that his men looked haggard and tired. Even fearfully
looking at the rectangular wooden cage half covered with with a
hastily made leather cloth.
He moved his steward aside and went down to meet Lord
"Lord Bolton." He greeted the man who had removed his helmet
and was now watching him with his cold pale eyes that held
none of the warmth they usually did "What took you so…"
His words were cut off when one of the curious boys went near
the wooden cage.
A deathly scream rattled the entire Castle before a hand with
half of the esh missing from it jetted out from within the
wooden bars and reached for the boy whose eyes widened in
fright and he fell on his butt, the snowy ground underneath him
becoming yellow every second as he pissed himself at whatever
he saw inside the cage.
All the chattering in the Castle stopped and only the sound of the
hooves of Lord Bolton's horse could be heard as he brought his
horse up beside him and said "Call all the lords of the North to
Castle Black. They need to know."

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Chapter 203: Chapter 203

"23 deserters in the last week. Two suicides." Lord Commander

Jeor Mormont grumbled as he took a sip from the whiskey bottle
kept him warm even on the particularly cold nights.
"You don't need to worry Jeor." Lord Greatjon Umber said, a
serious look on his face as he stared at the amputated hand of his
son and the Ice Sword kept at the corner of the dungeon room
which had plunged the whole room's temperature a few degrees
below 0 degree Celsius. "We'll nd every one of those cowards
and give them the punishment they deserve."
"Strange thing is that I don't even blame them." Lord Rickard
Karstard said as he wrapped his cloak tightly around himself to
stave off the cold "After seeing that… thing… I'm surprised you
didn't have a mass desertion in your hands."
The Lord Commander didn't say anything and continued to look
at the Ice sword for another moment before he spoke "Let's get
out of here."
Both the other lords who had reached the Wall before any other
lord in the North thanks to their castles being the closest to the
Wall nodded and quickly left the room, their heirs Smalljon
Umber and Harrion Karstark following after them.
"I'll need a good fuck to warm my balls after being in that
room." Lord Greatjon Umber proclaimed loudly and started
laughing at his own joke while the other merely shook their
heads in exasperation.
"You'll have to go to Mole town for you whores." Harrion
Karstark said "Unless you want to fuck Baka the Giantass."
"Hah! What I wouldn't give to fuck that giant of a woman and
get some pups from her."
"I'm afraid Lord Bolton would cut your balls before you reach
anywhere near her." Lord Commander said with a smile "He's
rather protective of his people. And he sees the giantess as a
little sister."
Lord Greatjon grumbled as they passed through the courtyard
where Varko had taken Alliser Throne's post for the time being
and was teaching the recruits how to hold a sword properly.
The climbed up the stairs, walked passed a corridor and nally
entered the Lord Commander's solar where they all took a chair
and went silent. Not really knowing what to say or too lost in
their own thoughts.
"So… Benjen huh…" Lord Karstark said after a long moment
and the Lord Commander let out a tired sigh at that.
"The White Walker killed him." Harrion Karstark said "Cut him
straight in half. Right through the armor as if it wasn't even
"We know that boy." Lord Greatjon said "I've heard the story a
dozen times now. And don't want to hear it again." Then he lord
sigh, took the Lord Commander's bottle and emptied it at once
"Poor Ned." He said at last.
"Yeah. The Starks were four siblings once." Lord Karstark
nodded "Now Ned is the only one that's left."
"Well, at least Ned has half a dozen children in case something
happened to him this Winter." Lord Greatjon nodded as his gaze
once again went toward his own son's sword hand. Or what was
left of it.
"You think the rumors about Sansa being betrothed to Lord
Bolton are true?" Lord Rickard Karstark asked.
"Why? You want the lass for your own son here." Lord Greatjon
asked burst out into laughter though it sounded forced and
hollow to everyone's ears.
Maybe wondering if his own son had any chance with the lass
now that he had lost his sword hand and years of training with it.
"Are you going to continue and skirt around the topic?"
Smalljon asked once his father stopped laughing.
Both the lords turned to stare at him and he met their gazes
un inchingly.
"Or do you not have the balls to talk about the White Walkers
and the upcoming Winter."
The room plunged into an uncomfortable silence at that.
"We'll talk about that when Ned comes." Lord Greatjon Umber
said after a long silence "Until then, anything we…"
He was interrupted when the door of the solar burst open and the
Lord Commander's steward entered the room with a desperate
"Lord Commander… Jaremy… he…"
"He what boy? Speak clearly." Lord Commander said.
"He… he burned the wight."


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Chapter 204: Chapter 204

Smalljon's eyes burned with anger at that and he pushed the

steward aside and ran out of the room, not caring about the pain
he felt in his arm as he did the.
The others followed him quickly to the other dungeon where the
wight was being kept till now.
A crowd of men had gathered outside the dungeon door.
Smalljon pushed them aside and entered to room one to be
overcome by the stench of the smoke wafting off from the burnt
rotten meat of the dead which had stopped moving after being
On the other side of the room, he could see a man wildly
ghting against two others who were holding him off with a lot
of effort.
Lord Mormont entered the room and recoiled at the stench
before he took a look at the situation and then moved toward
Jaremy Rykker.
"Why?" he said through gritted teeth "Why did you burn the
Jaremy stopped ghting the two brothers and gave a maniac
smile to the Lord Commander.
"It was a travesty against the living. Against the seven that are
one. I killed it to purge the sin from this world. For the gods
themselves favored me with this holy task."
"It was our only solid evidence for the White Walkers you fool!"
Lord Commander said and Jaremy let out a cold harsh laugh.
"No… no, no such things as White Walkers. They can't exist.
They don't exist. Those fuckers are lying. THOSE FUCKERS
A punch knocked him out of his senses.
The Lord Commander looked at Smalljon who looked like he
wanted to punch the unconscious man a few more times and was
barely holding himself off from doing so.
Lord Commander looked at the two brothers holding the
unconscious man and ordered "Take him to the Courtyard. And
assemble everyone in the castle." Then he turned to another one
of the brother "Go to my steward. Tell him to bring my sword."
The men left the room and Lord Commander stared at the dead
Wight while Lord Greatjon and Lord Rickard did the same.
"Don't think anyone in the South will know the difference
between a burnt wight and a burnt human carcass?" Harrison
Karstark asked.

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Chapter 205: Chapter 205

He walked in the solar in silence, seething in silent anger and

thinking about what to do next.
"I gave you one task." He said after a long moment. "One.
The Lord Commander stayed silent, probably knowing that he
had fucked up this one time.
"It was my mistake." He said "I can see it now. I should have
never given it to you in the rst place."
"The people of the South are not going to believe us." He said
after another long silence "I'm not sure if they would have
believed us even if we showed them the Wight. Some of them
would have still been skeptical but I would have dealt with that
somehow. But now…"
He let the words remain there and shook his head.
"I'm taking the Ice sword from your hands."
The Lord Commander shook his head "It is the Nights Watch
duty to…"
"The Night's Watch… is nothing but a hovel at the end of the
map where the people of the South throw their criminals to
freeze of their balls. It may have been a prestigious institution
once but we both know that such is not the case any longer. So
spare me the bullshit with the vows that your people break every
few days."
"The Wall was built to ght against the White Walker." Lord
Commander Jeor Mormont said.
"Is it now?" he asked "I few months ago I swear you told me
"We haven't seen the Wight before that."
"And you won't see it again either. Because it's dead. All
because of the sheer incompetency of your…" he clutched his
hands tightly and controlled his anger.
The unexpected death of the wight had shattered any plan he had
of asking for help from the South and wasted 3 months of his
Well, at least a lot of in uential people from the North had seen
the White Walkers and a good deal of the men in the Night's
Watch had seen the Wight as well.
That should be enough to get the North on board to prepare
against the White Walkers.
Having the wight would have made things easier for him. But it
was gone now. And if he wanted another then he would have to
go on another expedition and capture one of them.
And he had no plans of going to the North. Not after almost
dying at the hands of the White Walker.
He had a feeling that he should have seen this coming. But he
had trusted the competency of the Lord Commander.
And even though his trust was not truly misplaced, the Lord
Commander didn't have as good control over his men as he once
He shouldn't have gone to prepare for the ritual to enhance
Varko, Baka and Ygritte's bodies as well. At least not so soon.
But his helplessness against the White Walker had rattled him
more than he was showing and he had at last realized that
without some additional help, the risk of him dying against a
White Walker was very high.
"I'll send my men to retrieve the Ice Sword." He said in a tone
that made it clear that he would brook no arguments this time.
The Lord Commander opened his mouth but a look from him
made him pause and he closed him mouth in the end and
"Very well then. You can have it's custody." Lord Commander
"Good." He said and left the room.


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Chapter 206: Chapter 206

Lord Stark sat at the main table with Lord Commander and
Maester Aemon beside him and looked at the various lords and
some ladies sitting in front of him.
All the important and some not so important lords had come to
Nights Watch in the last one and half month.
All sitting in the Great hall of Castle Black along with the
commanders of the men in the Nights Watch.
Even the reclusive Lord Reed had left Greywater Watch and
come to the Wall to answer the call. The man had taken the
death of his son with far more grace and strength than Lord
Stark had taken the death of his younger brother.
His aunt herself had only arrived here early this morning as she
didn't want to stand in ceremony for the Starks any longer than
she absolutely needed to.
On his right sat his aunt Barbrey Dustin and on his left sat his
grand uncle Lord Rodrik Ryswell. The other lords in the table
included Lord Whitehill, Lord Dustin (another one of his aunt's
nephew on her husband's side), Lord Hornwood, Lord Flint and
a few other minor lords.
Behind him sat the sons of those lords as well as the newly
'enhanced' Varko, Baka and Ygritte. As well as General Karsi,
General Bronn, Fleet Admiral Muron and Walton.
Usually lords are not permitted to bring their retainers with them
on such meetings but judging by how he was the one who led
the 2nd expedition to the North of the Wall and the one who
brought back the proof of the White Walker's return, he was
being given a celebrity's treatment.
"My lords. My ladies." Lord Stark started "You all know why
we're here. You've already seen the Ice sword brought by Lord
Bolton. You've already heard the news and rumors about the
Wights. Some of you may not believe it. But my sons saw and
fought the Wights with their own eyes. My own brother, Benjen
died at the hands of a White Walker. I assure you that the White
Walkers are just as real as you and me. And they've returned."
"The coming Winter is no doubt going to be the longest and the
hardest youve ever lived. Many of us will not live to see the next
Summar. But we need to do everything in our power to make
sure that our children live on to see it. We need to come together
to make sure that our children will live and one day have
children of their own."
"I called you all here not only for the purpose of telling you
about what's coming but also so that we could start the
preparations for it."
From there on, Lord Stark explained how every house need to
gather enough food to feed their people for at least 10 years of
Winter. More if possible.
Not only that, but they also needed to start training their men.
Not only their guards but their levies as well.
They knew that the upcoming war will be long and bloody. That
even with the presence of the Wall, many people would die. And
the dead would need to be burned and replaced by the new
He told them to buy warm clothes for their people, create new
underground shelters that would allow whole villages to huddle
up inside during the snow storms that may last for months at a
By the end of the meeting, Lord Stark told the lords about the
story of the last lord of the Moat Cailin. How he didn't prepare
for the Winter properly and how his whole family perished when
the estimated 2 year winter turned into a 6 year one.
He told them that the precautions they take right now might be
the difference between the survival of their family as well as
their people.
In the end, Lord Stark asked for the great lords of the North to
accompany him in another room where they will hold a War
Council in which they would decide their strategy and their
method of ghting against the White Walkers.
Lord Stark ended the meeting by telling everyone that he had
already sent a letter to King Robert and expects a reply before
the end of the month.
He had also sent a letter to his goodfather Lord Hoster Tully and
his foster father Lord Jon Arryn and asked for their presence in
the matter that could very well endanger the whole realm.

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Chapter 207: Chapter 207

"So?" his aunt asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

"I've been given the command of 4 castles along the wall." He
said "I've also been ordered by Lord Stark to decrease the cost of
both food, weapons, armors and warm clothes by half. He had
also ordered me to stop exporting food to the Vale and Lorath
and start gathering more of it for the North."
His aunt's eyes widened at that and she was about to go on a
tirade before he raised his hand to stop her.
"It's alright. The other lords have been given similar orders.
None of them are very happy about this but everyone sees the
necessity of such action."
"Everyone else." his aunt scoffed "Who else produces so much
weapons and food in the North. You've not only been given 4 of
the castles but you also need to give so many other things
essentially for free. How dare he ask so much of you when you
were the one who risked his life and found out about the White
Walkers in the rst place."
"It's alright aunt…" He said but as cut off before he could speak
"It's not alright. All that the Starks have ever done is take take
and take from us. How long are you going to stay quiet and
remain under his thumb. Don't you have any…"
"Enough!!!" he said and his aunt stopped at once wanting to
speak further but he gave her a look and she didn't.
"Enough… I do not mind what Lord Stark is doing because I
would have done it anyway." He said "You're missing the forest
for the trees here aunt. The White Walkers are the real enemy
here. If we're not prepared enough. If the White Walker truly
break through the Wall then we'll all die. They'll not spare any
women, old people or children and slaughter everything and
everyone in their way."
His aunt simply stared at him with an unreadable expression for
a long moment before she let out a sigh and her shoulder
dropped. Then she looked at him with renewed anger and
pointed a nger at his chest.
"You told me that you'll be safe this time. That you'll not ght
any White Walkers. So what is this I'm hearing about you
ghting against this 'Weeper' and almost dying at the hands of a
White Walker."
He almost cringed at that.
Yeah… he had promised his aunt to keep himself safe and
prioritise his life above everyone else hadn't he.
"HAhaha." He rubbed the back on his head awkwardly "Yeah…
sorry about that?"
His aunt snarled and shook her head "No. No no no. Sorry is not
going to cut it this time. You broke your promise to me. So
you're grounded."
"What?" he asked, his jaw dropping to the ground.
"You heard me. Once we get to Dreadfort, you're not leaving the
castle for the next 3 months."
He opened his mouth but the look in his aunt's eyes told him to
be careful with his next words.
In the end, he simply nodded.
"Alright then." He said "Unless it's some kind of emergency or
there's a task that only I could perform, I won't leave the castle
for the next three months."
The anger in his aunt's eyes dimmed a little at that.
Then she suddenly jumped forward and pulled him in a hug.
A few seconds later her shoulders started shaking and he
realized that she was crying.
"My boy…" she sobbed "I'm so glad that you're safe. Do you
know how worried I was for you for the past few months."
He stayed silent and awkwardly put his arms around her,
enveloping her in an uncomfortable hug.
"I'm sorry for worrying you." He said in the end.


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Chapter 208: Chapter 208

He opened the door and entered the room. It stunk of wine and
sex. He sighed at his own failure to raise Robert properly.
He had always been lax with Ned and Robert. And while Ned
turned out to be alright, Robert turned out to be…
He wondered if he had more strict with Robert in the past then
would he be at least decent king now.
He supposed he would never know.
The kingsguard followed him into the room. A wise decision on
their part. This was not his usual routine and he might be a
faceless man for all they knew.
The half a dozen whores surrounding his drunk foster son woke
up at the sound of the Kingsguard's heavy metal boots and
opened their eyes to stare up at them.
At his age, he hardly felt a thing while looking at their nude
bodies as they moved sensually to attract the attention of the
Kingsguard behind him.
Jamie had always been famous for his looks. Even when he took
the vow of chastity and joined the Kingsguard. He was also one
of the few who kept up those vows and didn't went to whores in
the late hours when no one was looking.
But now… after the evidence brought to him by Lord Stannis…
he was starting to wonder.
The investigation about the King's children had to be taken very
seriously and they also needed to be discreet about it. A single
mistake and the whole realm would plunge into a civil war.
Then again, if what he knew was the truth -which he suspected it
was- then the realm would plunge into civil war nonetheless.
Robert wouldn't forgive the Queen's in delity. And he wouldn't
forgive Jamie Lannister for cuckolding him either. Neither
would he. The twins would either lose their heads or be sent to
And Tywin Lannister… the old lion wouldn't like that.
"Ahem…" he said, brining the whores's attention back to him.
He could imagine Jamie Lannister giving them his cocky smirk
even now. "Out!!!"
The whore quickly picked up whatever clothes they could gather
and left the room, leaving his hungover foster son groaning in
discomfort at the sudden lack of warmth around him.
"Your grace." He called out.
Robert groaned but didn't woke up.
"Your grace." He said once again, louder this time and Robert
groaned and opened one eye to peek at him and then at Jamie.
"Jon…?" Robert asked incoherently as he slowly got up from his
position to sit on the bed, clutching his head from the hungover
caused by the many bottles of wine scattered on the oor "What
you do want so early in the morning."
"It's high noon your grace." He replied, trying to keep the
deadpanned tone from his voice even if he doubted that his
foster son really cared. "And I have an important letter for you.
One that you should de nitely read."
Robert glared up at him and he smiled.
Instantly, the glare went away and a look of confusion before a
look of elation and happiness came to Robert's face.
Only the mention of his best friend and foster brother Ned could
get him to cheer up like this these days. And that was a tragedy
onto itself.
Robert took the letter from him, opened it and read through it
Then his face turned solemn as he got up from his bed with a
serious look on his face.
Gone was the drunk hungover Robert. In it's place was King
Robert Baratheon, the Demon of the Trident who had crushed
Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's chest and overthrown a 300 years
old dynasty for the love of his life.
"Is this letter real?" King Robert asked.
"Right now we've no way to know." He replied "But the eunich
did con rm that after Lord Bolton came back to the Wall after
the second expedition, he summoned every single lord into the
Wall. For now we suspect that a King has risen beyond the Wall.
The letter has also come from the Wall so there is some
legitimacy in that. But we cannot be totally sure without a
proper background check. And that would take a month or two
at the very least."
"Do it." King Robert said.
"Very well your grace." He said and then his voice became
softer. The same voice he used on Robert and Ned when they
were young children "Your grace… if the contents of the letter
are real."
"Then we're going to the North." King Robert replied without
any hesitation.
He nodded and bowed his head and leaving the room, the
Kingsguard who was also burdened with the moniker Kingslayer
followed behind him.
As he left the room, he wondered if he would have to see yet
another war in his life.
He had seen so many of them. At least a war against a bunch of
wildlings should be simple and easier. Though the foreboding
tone in which Ned wrote the letter hinted to something else.
He wondered what that could be.


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Chapter 209: Chapter 209

Domeric and his retinue nally arrived in Winterhold. The city

with the greatest amount of ambiance magic in the world.
With all the Heart trees in and around the city, he was sure that
the ambiance magic in the city would overtake the ambiance
magic back in Hogwarts in only a few short years.
"It's good to be home at last." He said as he walked his horse
through the portcullis that covered the large moat surrounding
the city wall and entered through the tall gates.
"As if you don't come back to the city 'every night'" Lyra said
with a sensual giggle from beside him. Thankfully she said that
at a low enough voice that no one else would hear but talking
about his magical powers so openly still irked him.
He threw her an unimpressed glance and she only giggled even
She, along with his 'small council' members and half a hundred
guards had come to escort him some ve miles from the City.
Getting such a warm welcome would be nice if he didn't knew
that Lyra was just trying impress him so that she could get into
his pants and get a bastard or two from him.
Becoming his mistress and his lover had been her greatest desire
ever since he gave her the taste of true power and he couldn't
even blame her for it.
"Anything important I should know?" he asked.
"Well… I did told you that Tyrion came back safe and sound
after setting up a mining operation in Dragonstone. Didn't I?"
"You did. Some two months ago." He replied.
"Well… he met up with his… 'wife' after that." She said "It was
not pleasant. But they're together now… however that happened.
Tyrion took her with him to Bolton Port where he is now making
some changes to make the Port more prosperous. He's also
making some changes in our merchant eet routes. He claims
that it'll increase our revenue from our Fleet by two to three
times. He and Tysha still sleep in separate bedrooms and haven't
had sex yet but it seems like he is intent on correcting his past
mistakes and he courting her once again. Tyrion had also taken
Tysha's bastard son as his own and seemed to genuinely love the
boy so that went to sweeten things between them by a great deal
as well."
He felt like reprimanding her for spying on someone else's sex
life. But she was his spy mistress and it was her job to know
these kinds of things so he couldn't do that either.
"Anything else?" he asked.
"Yes." She replied "In the 5 months that you were gone, Lord
Tywin held the Greatest Tourney in the history of Westeros as it
was being called now. Lords and knights from all across the
Kingdoms came to Westerlands to participate."
"How did it go?" he asked.
"Dreadfully boring." She replied "The prince stole no daughters.
There was no great scandal except a few smaller ones that went
mostly unnoticed. Ser Loras Tyrell won the joust and crowned
his sister the queen of love and beauty. Though I wonder if it
would have been scandelous enough if he had crowned his true
lover with the crown."
He shook his head "Homosexuality is looked down upon by the
lords of these lands."
"You don't look down upon it?" she asked, genuinely curious
this time. Or maybe she was just this good at manipulating her
own emotions. He didn't care to use legilimency to know.
"No. I don't really care about such things." He replied "If a man
wants to fuck another man or even his own goat, why should I
care about it. Why should the world care about it for that matter.
It is an internal matter about the man and his goat after all."
The minx giggle at his words "My lord… you seem so naive
sometimes." Then she burst out into another t of giggles.
"Anything else?" he asked.
"Tywin Lannister has built a golden statue of himself and have
erected it in the middle of the front courtyard as a great show of
Lannister wealth. He also sent you a letter, asking you to hand
Tyrion to him or the rain will weep over your halls and all that
"Why don't you kill him?" Lyra suddenly asked.
He turned to look at her and she asked once again.
"Why don't you kill Tywin? I know you're capable of doing it.
And, he seems intent on making himself your enemy. Why don't
you remove him?"
"I will." He replied "When the time is right and when people
would not be suspicious of me for his murder."
"As you wish my lord." She replied, bowing and giving him
another look at her bountiful breast.
Merlin! This woman will be the death of him.
"There's another piece of news my lord." She said and he looked
at her.
"The merchant you told me to keep an eye on. This Illyrio
Mopatis who is sheltering the Targaryen children. He seems to
have contacted Khal Drogo with the offer of a marriage between
the Khal and the Targaryen girl."
"Khal Drogo? What does he wants from the Dothraki?"
"It seems the beggar prince wants to wants to bring the Dothraki
army across the Narrow sea and take the Iron Throne."
He wondered how to react to such an absurd… it did not even
deserved to be called a plan.
"The Dothraki has never crossed the Narrow Sea." He said
"They are afraid of Seas and hate the boats. It is unlikely that
this Khal Drogo would ever come to Westeros."
"A rather poorly thought out union." Lyra said in agreement.
"Still… Stranger things have happened before. And after the
return of the White Walkers… I don't want the realm to be any
more unstable than it already is." He said "Keep an eye on this
Khal Drogo and the Targaryen siblings. It is more than likely
that the siblings would fade into obscurity. But if the Khal ever
wants to cross the Narrow sea, inform me."
"What will you do my lord." She asked.
"I'll sink them to the bottom of the sea before the would ever
reach Westeros."


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Chapter 210: Chapter 10

He looked at his brother sitting at the end of the table in

16 years and his brother has only ever sat in the Small Council
meeting 3 times.
This would the 4th time his brother grace the Small Council
with his presence. And he had no idea why that was.
"News from the North Varys." His brother said, starting the
small council meeting without any fanfare.
"Your grace." The Eunuch got up from his chair and bowed
"Ever since the meeting held by Lord Stark in Castle Black, he
had ordered all his vassals to start gathering food and weapons.
He has also ordered them to start training their levies. News has
arrived that Lord Stark has also ordered Moat Cailin to be
"Mhmm… Your grace…" Grand Maester Pycelle spoke in his
old gravelly voice "Lord Stark mmm… he seems to be preparing
for war. Once Moat Cailin has been constructed… hmmm… the
North will be unassailable. No Southern army ever crossed that
He held the urge to roll his eyes at Pycelle's insinuation that
Lord Stark was planning to rebel against the Iron Throne.
Against the man who considered him a brother.
Pigs will y out of his ass before the honorable Lord Eddard
Stark even thinks about doing such a thing.
With that said, the news about the preparation of war and the
construction of Moat Cailin did worried him, if only a little bit.
His brother paid no mind to the Grand Maester "And what of the
letters. Are they legitimate."
This time it was the Hand, Lord Jon Arryn who spoke "Indeed
your grace. After two rounds of sending ravens back and forth,
we've nally concluded that the letter was indeed from Lord
Letter? He looked around the room to notice that Petyr was
sitting calmly in his seat as he was the Grandmaester.
His brother Stannis was once again absent from the meeting,
doing god knows what.
Which meant that he was the only one in the small meeting right
now who didn't know about the letter from Lord Stark.
He wondered what it said.
"Then it's settled. We're going to the North as soon as possible."
His brother said and his eyes widened.
What kind of letter did his brother receive from the North that he
was willing to go all the way to Winterfell for it.
"Is that… wise your grace?" Pycelle asked and his brother didn't
even deign to reply to the old fossil.
"Any other news from the North Varys." he asked. Anything to
help understand the situation could be crucial to him.
He wanted to know what Lord Stark was doing and why.
"There are indeed… rumors that my little birds sang to me
about." Varys said with some hesitance. Huh! He wondered what
would cause the spy master to hesitate.
"Go on." Lord Jon Arryn said.
"Rumor is… that when Lord Bolton came back from his
expedition this time. There were no giants or wargs with him.
But an undead instead. The brothers of the Night's Watch all
claim that it was a wight. But… the Wall is the furthest from
Kings Landing. News from there is few and far between.
Nothing is con rmed for now."
"Wights." Petyr Baelish snorted "The next thing you know, Lord
Bolton will be bringing us Grumpkins and Snarks as well."
"He did brought the Giants and the wargs. Even the Children of
the forest, some people claim." He said "At this point, I would
not be surprised if Lord Bolton truly succeeded in brining back
the Grumpkins and Snarks from beyond the Wall as well."
Lord Baelish snorted in derision but didn't said anything more.
"The rumors about Lord Stark's brother, Benjen Stark's death
have also been con rmed." Varys said "Galbart Glover and Jojen
Reed, the heirs of both house Glover and Reed are also said to
have perished in this expedition. There are also claims that of
the 4000 men who went North this time, only 3,300 returned
while the others died in a battle with some Wildling bands North
of the Wall."
"Are we sure that it was not lord Bolton himself who kill Benjen
Stark." Petyr Baelish asked "For all we know, Lord Bolton did
the deed himself to lower the number of Starks out there. He
does seem to be quite ambitious after all."
"Since Robb Stark and Jon Snow are said to have gone with
Benjen Stark across the Wall and since they didn't cast any
blame on Lord Bolton, I think we can be sure that Lord Bolton
had no hand in this matter." Varys said and he frowned.
Varys and Petyr usually always spoke against Lord Bolton
whenever the topic about him sprang forth. They both seemed to
have some sort of grudge against the boy lord. But it seems like
Varys was trying to help Lord Bolton here.
He wondered what kind of web the spider was spinning this
"Will you be taking the Queen and your children with you to
your journey North your grace?" Lord Jon Arryn asked.
His brother shook his head "No. This is a military matter.
Women and children have no reason to come."
"Some lords would say that 16 years is old enough for a boy to
be considered a man." He said with a smile "You sure you don't
want to take your son with you. Some time away from behind
his mother's skirts will do good for him."
His brother didn't look amused at the mention of his fairly
useless son.
"Jon will sit in the blasted iron chair in my absence." His brother
said as he stood up from his chair "Begin the preparations. I
want to leave for Winterfell in a fortnight."


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Chapter 211: Chapter 211
Once Robert dismissed the Small council, he came back to his
own solar in the Tower of the Hand and sat down to brood over
a personal problem of his own.
Namely, his own son Robyn Arryn.
Despite everything he did, the boy's health had only deteriorate
further and further in the past few years. And his wife's coddling
of the boy was not helping the matters either.
He could understand why she would be so attached to the boy.
She had only been able to give birth to him after 3 miscarriages
after all. And Lysa had not been… completely there even before
they married.
He could understand that as well.
To be married to a 70 year old man, old enough to be your
grandfather was not something that girls dreamed of.
Lysa has been dealt many bad hands in her life. Which was why
he always tried to be understanding. Why he was always so
gentle with her.
But her coddling of the boy and her excessive pampering was
not helping the boy.
He needed to play with children of his own age. He needed to
play and run and laugh. Not sit in his mother's lap all day and
suck on her tits like a new born.
He wondered, if he had been too lax in his duties as a husband
and a father. If the reason why his heir was so weak was yet
another mistake of his own.
The lack of a proper heir for the Vale was something that has
plagued his sleep for many nights.
And now that Robert was going to the North…
He remembered that Ned had a son of the same age as his own
boy. And a daughter of the same age as well. And getting away
from his mother's coddling and excessive pampering will allow
him to grow.
He wondered if sending his son to Ned for fostering will be a
good choice.
It would build another generation of relations between the Vale
and the North. And if something came out of the friendship
between his son and Ned's younger daughter…
After thinking on this matter for half an hour, he nally decided
that sending his son to the North for fostering would be a wise
He was not a young man after all and would not live for much
He hoped that Ned would the father for his son that he himself
could never be.
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!" his wife screamed at his face. "I'LL
"Ned is an honorable man." He explained gently "He will treat
our boy well and raise him to be a proper lord." He decided not
to mention that her sister was also married to the people she was
so intent on calling savages. And that the City of Winterhold,
which was said to be even more beautiful and advanced than
Kings Landing was also in the North.
"No. No no. I'm not sending my sending my poor little boy
anywhere. He would not survive without me. I know. A mothers
knows." She said with a wild look in her eyes "You're not
sending my boy anywhere. YOU HEAR ME!!! YOU'RE NOT
"Enough." He said, more loudly than he had ever done before. It
was perhaps the only reason why his wife went silent in the rst
place "Your excessive coddling of the boy is the reason why he's
so weak in the rst place. In the North, he'll be able to play with
children his age and grow up in a proper household. I'm sending
Robyn to the North with Robert. And that's nal."
With his piece said, he turned about and left.
Her words faded as he closed the door and left the corridor.
He felt horrible for what he was doing. But it was necessary.
She might be hurt right now but she'll thank him for it later.
And even if she hated him for doing what he did for the rest of
his life… Well, nothing would have changed there.


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Chapter 212: Chapter 212

The mad woman cried as he wrapped his arms around her and
consoled her in a gentle and soothing manner like the whores in
his ne establishments often did for their tired and stressed
She looked even more uglier than usual in her disheveled state
with all the begging and crying.
For a moment, he wondered how Lord Hoster Tully could give
birth to two girls that are so different from one another.
Cat, his dear Cat. So beautiful and graceful. And Lysa. Foolish
little Lysa would always tried to compare herself to her sister
and always fell short in all the ways that counted.
At least she a loyal and made for an excellent puppet for his
grand plans.
The only price being that he was forced to show his affection for
her every now and then.
Oh how he wished that Cat was here right now, in his arms,
crying about her unsatis ed marriage rather than Lysa.
But things never go the way you want them to go in your life.
That was one of the important lessons he had learned quite early
in his life.
"Please Petyr. You must help me. He's taking my child away
from me." She cried "Please."
"Of course Lysa." He said, as soothingly as possible as he gave
her a warm and caring smile "How could I ever let anyone
separate you from your son. And sending them to the Starks on
top of that." He shook his head "I don't know what your husband
was thinking."
She shook her head furiously and clutched even more tightly at
him "He's no husband of mine. He never was and he never will
be." She sobbed "You're the only one I've ever loved Petyr. The
only one for me."
"Of course." He smiled "I would never doubt your love or
devotion toward my dear Lysa." He hesitated but then kissed her
into the lips.
It brought no joy to him.
Whenever he kissed her lips, he would go back to the times
when he was young and foolish and so madly in love. When he
and Cat hid in the Gods wood in those warm summer mornings
and played the game of kissing.
Lysa's lips never brought any joy to him. Not like Cat's used to
do. Before they grew up.
He broke the kiss and then kissed her on the forehead, realizing
that if he wanted to take advantage of his plans, then he would
have to prepone them by a few months.
The time for Jon Arryn to leave the world has come.
He pulled Lysa into a hug and smiled the warm smile that she
always feel for. That she could never look through, maybe
because she knew what hid behind the smile and didn't want to
see through it and break her own delusions. "My dear Lysa. Here
is what you must do."

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Chapter 213: Chapter 213

Robert swung his hammer at the square who barely managed to

take the brunt of the force with his shield, even as the wood
cracked and groaned under the pressure.
The sweat gathered in his brow fell down in his eyes and he
wiped it away with his hands, his large beer belly jiggling a bit
as he backed away from the Lannister square and put the
hammer down on the ground.
His arms ached from the punishment he had put them through.
That he had been putting them through for the past month since
he received that letter from Ned.
Five minutes, that's how long he was able to go on for before he
got too tired to continue.
He looked at his war hammer on the ground and then back at his
He had never felt so weak when he tried to pick up the hammer
a month ago and found that he had to exert all his strength from
both his hands to pick it up and even then his grip was far from
He knew that he had been falling ever since Lyanna's death. That
all the wine and whores and his usual debauchery would
eventually take it's toll. But to not even have the strength to pick
up his own war hammer.
'That' better than anything told him how far he had fallen in his
He had not fucked single whore since that revelation. Using all
the energy he could muster to get back the muscles that once
allowed him to pick up the battle hammer with one hand and
swing it with the strength to cave in whole chest pieces and
shatter the rib cage.
He closed his eyes and once more saw the dying form of
Rhaegar in front of him.
And the last words that left his lips.
Rage burned in his heart once again. Like it always did when he
thought about the audacity of the rapist dragonspawn to take the
name of his beloved with his last breath.
He hoped that Rhaegar was still alive. Just so he could kill that
son of a bitch once again.
'Except that you can't do that anymore.' The voice that sounded
much like his wife rang in his mind 'You're so weak and
pathetic, you can't even pick up the war hammer with a single
hand anymore.'
He opened his eyes and picked up the hammer once again.
It was still heavy in his hands but he was able to manage it far
better than he had done a month ago.
He very much doubted that he would ever return to his prime
when he was able to swing the war hammer with one hand and
was called the Demon of the Trident.
He was too old, too tired for that.
He knew it with the the same conviction that he knew that his
wife was a fucking bitch. And that his son was a cruel little shit
who took pleasure in the pain and suffering of others.
A war was coming and that his friend, his best friend needed
And he would not fail his best friend this time.
He would not be late this time. Not when Ned had lost his last
brother and needed him the most.
True, he might never return to his prime but that would not stop
him from going to a war one last time or trying to help his
brother in all but name.
He would never be as strong as he was before but he at least
wanted to go down in a blaze of glory.
He looked in the eyes of the Lannister square and who braced
with the shield and prepared for another bout before he heard
sudden footsteps from behind him.
"Your Grace! Your Grace. Terrible news your grace."
He turned to look at yet another fucking Lannister. How many of
these shits were there in Kings Landing.
"What is it boy?" he asked, not hiding the irritating he was
feeling at having been interrupted like this.
"It's the Lord Hand your grace. Lord Jon Arryn has fallen ill.
Grand Maester Pycelle has sent for you. Asked you to come to
the Tower of the Hand quickly." The Lannister said in a single
breath and his stomach fell.
"Gods be damned. Lead the way boy!" he shouted and ran after
the younger boy, trying to ward away the horrible feeling in his


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Chapter 214: Chapter 214

Domeric crafted yet another ritual circle on the ground and

planted yet another Weirwood sapling at the center of it.
The ritual circle would aid the tree and allow it to reach
adulthood in a month.
This was a ritual that he knew very well. Too well, he would say
as he had performed it more than a thousand times in the past
month since he came down from the Wall.
In fact, he had planted so many trees that even his enhanced
back was starting to hurt from all the labor work.
He once again lamented the lack of any house elves in this
world. Or any other magical human all who could use his brand
of magic.
He knew because he had made all the people with even a drop of
magic in his domain try to use the wands or write the runes.
And now here he was. Doing the back breaking work which
required him to plant about 7777 trees in his domain, allowing
him to make a grand magical array that would protect the whole
of Bolton lands from the Winter Snow.
The whole thing would be so powerful that Winter would never
come in his lands. And even if it did, it would be mild at best.
The whole project would take a whole year to complete by his
He had only been at it for a month and he was already bored to
He was not sure if his back would survive all this work.
At least he was able to bring most of the Children of the Forest
with him for this project. Carving the faces on so many trees
was well beyond the two resident Children Ash and Leaf.
The main problem with this array was that it would become
useless the moment that White Walkers arrived in his lands.
It irked him to admit it but their magic was far better than his
own. And any kind of defense that he tried to make with his
magic, they could easily break through it with their own simple
basic barbaric magic.
So the only thing they could do is try to stop them at the Wall.
Because of the White Walkers crossed the Wall, then they're
Fuck, the whole thing irritated him to no end.
He plopped down on the ground and stared up at the clear blue
sky above him.
"You tired already?" Ygritte asked from where she was sitting
on a tree stump and reading the book he had forced her to read.
No woman of his was going to be illiterate.
Well… she was not really illiterate after all these years but he
wanted her to know more about the world.
She had become more prickly and sarcastic ever since then.
"My back hurts." He told her as he rolled on the grass and tried
to massage his hands. It worked but only a little.
She put the book down and walked up to him before she sat
down beside him.
"Do you want me to massage your back Domeric Bolton?" she
He raised an eyebrow at her.
"Since when did you learn how to give a massage. I'm surprised
you even know the word."
"Ha ha." She deadpanned "Do you want it or not?"
"Are you doing this so you can escape your studies?" he asked.
He looked at her de ant expression for a moment before he
"Very well then. I suppose I could let you off the hook for now.
Climb on."
She smiled and climbed on his back and started giving him a
back massage.
It was not very good but it was decent enough.
Two minutes into the massage, his Communication mirror
vibrated in his pocket with much more intensity than usual,
meaning that it was some kind of important message or an
"Love." He said and Ygritte got up from his back and handed
him the Magical mirror.
He took the call and Lyra's face came to him.
The unconcerned look on her face calmed him down a little.
"What is it Lyra?" he asked.
"The Hand of the King, Lord Jon Arryn died last night." She told
him and his eyes widened.


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Chapter 215: Chapter 215

"How did it happen?" he asked.

"My spies told me that he and Lysa had a ght the night before.
And that she went to meet Petyr Baelish. That said, he was also
starting to investigate the bastards of King Robert. So the
Lannisters are also a suspect. I'm afraid that to nd out the truth
you'll have to do this task on your own."
"Nah! I'll more important things to do right now." He said "Plus,
I don't really care who did it. But what King Robert is doing
about it."
"He is… convinced that it was a high fever. It seems that the
Grand Maester did a well enough job of fooling him. But he did
change the plans regarding his journey to Winterfell. Instead of
taking only 200 riders, he is now bringing 500 along with his
family. He probably wants to set up a betrothal of one of his
child to one of Lord Eddard Stark's child. Oh, for the record,
Lysa Arryn took the Arryn men and left Kings Landing for Vale
that very night after Jon Arryn died."
He thought about her words, wondering if he could use the fat
king to get out of his impending marriage with Sansa.
He didn't really want to marry the air headed girl. But he didn't
want to break relations with the Starks either. Not when the
White Walkers would be coming for all of them soon enough.
"Anything else?" he asked.
"Lord Stannis was also preparing the Royal Fleet." She said "He
was often seen with Lord Jon Arryn and I suspect that he also
guessed about the Royal children's true parentage. I think he
wants to leave Kings Landing and go back to Dragonstone with
the Royal Fleet. Though I have no idea what he plans to achieve
by doing that."
"Anything else?" he asked.
"Hmm… Yeah. Two more assassins tried to kill Tyrion this
week. Thanks to your magical protection and the guard details it
didn't work. I think Tyrion sent their head back to his father. And
their cocks to his sister."
At least the number of people trying to assassinate Tyrion has
decreased by a great amount.
"Anything else?" he asked, hoping that Lyra would simply tell
him everything at once.
"Khal Drogo seemed to have accepted Illyrio Mopatis's offer. At
least I think so. I don't know why else he would turn his whole
Khalasar and start moving toward Pentos."
"Anything else?" he asked and she shook her head.
"Aside from the construction of the newer and bigger Dragon
glass weapon manufacturing factories. No. That's all."
"Keep me updated if anything interesting happens."
She nodded before the lowered the mirror until it was nestled
well between her legs and he could see the blonde curly hair and
the pink slit hiding in between them.
She put two ngers in between the slit and spread them apart to
show the warm and slick hole to him.
The then she changed the direction of the mirror so that he was
looked at her naked breasts and her ushed and mischevious
"Later." She whispered sensually and cut the connection.
He let out a sigh and lowered the mirror and come face to face
with the frosty expression of Ygritte.
"You seem to have enjoyed your 'talk' with her." She said as she
pointed at his pants which were now sporting an erection.
He pulled Ygritte by her arms and threw her on the ground
before he climbed on top of her. "She's been trying to seduce me
for a good while now. Even before we were a thing" he said as
he carcassed her cheeks and planted a soft kiss on her lips. "If I
didn't fell to her seduction then, then I won't fall for it now,
when I have a woman I already love."
He then took her hands and put them above her hand. This task
has been a lot harder since he enhanced her body.
"Now how about we take care of that." He said as he pointed at
his pants.
"What about my study?" Ygritte asked, feigning reluctance even
if her breath was already starting to become heavier.
He thought about something and then smiled. He pulled her up
and sat with on his lap in a cowgirl position. Then with an accio
spell, he summoned the book to him and handed it to the girl
"Start reading." He told her as he lowered her breeches and
started rubbing the small nub at the top of her slit.
Her breath hitched at his administrations and she put a hand on
his chest to steady herself.
He stopped and gave her a look "Start reading."
Her hips buckled against her thumb in desperation but when
nothing happened, she nally opened the book and started
reading from it.
The rest of the evening was quite delightful.
Seeing the Children of the Forest run away once they saw him
and Ygritte fucking out in the open was also hilarious.

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Chapter 216: Chapter 216

"I'm stopping all the construction work of the roads in my lands

for now." He said, shocking everyone in the room. He had after
all, shown a very aggressive front when it came to building
roads in his lands so that one day they would reach every nook
and cranny.
He opened a chart with the map of the North in it and showed it
to his small council. The Head of the roads and infrastructure
department speci cally.
"The construction workers and materials will go to the North."
He said pointing at the Last Hearth. "I want them to build a road
from Last Heart to Castle Black. And then an adjacent road from
one end of the Wall to another for the easy of supply transport."
"I also plan to send half of my builders to the Wall where they'll
start the construction of the castles. Starting with Castle
Stonedoor, Hoarfrost Hill, Ice Mark and The Nightfort. I want
these four castles built to the prime and then expended until they
could hold 5000 men. I do not know how you do it. Hire more
builders from Assahi if you much. I want it done by the end of
the year."
His head of the Roads and Infrastructure looked a little
overwhelmed but nodded anyway.
"Tyrion. You'll also help him in this." He said to the Castellin of
Bolton Port "The expansion of my eet is no longer as important
as it was before. Now, I want you to focus on this project. The
eet can be expanded next summer." If they survive this Winter.
"Are you sure my lord. With a larger eet, we'll be able to bring
more resources." Tyrion said.
"Yes. Aside from the materials for the cement, we have all the
other materials here in the North. And now that the other lords
are allowing me to take their resources for almost free, we
shouldn't have a problem in that department. Any other
"Yeah. How many castles does the other lords have?" Tyrion
"The Starks have command over two. The original 3 of the
Nights Watch will remain theirs although the Karstarks are
going to reinforce them with their own men and resources. The
Umbers and Manderlys also have combined command over 3
Castles. The other 6 remaining castles have been distributed
among the other houses of Ryswell, Dustin, Whitehill, Foresters,
Cerwyn, Hornwood and Tallhart. House Reed and Flint has been
asked with rebuilding Moat Cailin and reinforcing them so that
the North won't be vulnerable from the South. House Glover,
Mormont and Fisher has been charged with building new boats
and defending the West Coast so that the Iron borns won't dare
attack us while the East Coast has been given to the us and the
Manderly. House Manderly has also been given the order to
build a War Fleet of it's own though I don't think that they'll be
able to accomodate a very large one. About 30-40 war galleys at
most. Anything else anyone want to know?"
"They seem to have given you a major amount of the work and
the castles My lord." Celly, the CEO of his businesses said
"You're not only charged with building the roads, you're also
charged with providing food, weapons and armors for half the
price. And now they expect you to hold 4 of the 18 castles while
even the Starks are only holding 2. It seems unfair."
"Oh but it really isn't Celly. In fact, I was the one who asked for
the command of 5 castles."
"What? Why would you do that?" Tyrion asked.
"Because currently, about 1 million of the total 5 million people
in the North live in my lands. But the real deal is this. House
Bolton itself earns twice as much as all the other houses in the
North combined. And even with giving away the food and
weapons for half the price, we're still a fair bit ahead as they also
have to give their resources away for free."
He was not even lying. Even if he didn't count any of the Wealth
he brought over from Valyria, his house was still earning twice
as much as all the other houses in the North combined.
And he expected to only grow richer in the future.
Tyrion picked up his jaw and asked "Is there anything else my
"Yes. Aside from the legions I already have, I am building 4
more of 3000 men each. I'll give the command of one to Walton,
one to Tyrion, one to Tormund and the last one to Mance
"Are you sure you want to give me the command of one of
them?" Tyrion asked while pointing at himself with a nervous
laugh "I mean… I'm not much of a warrior."
"You'll job will not be to ght but to lead. I'll also give all four
commanders 10 of my elite swordsmen to each of the
commanders. All decked with magical armor and all strong
enough to ght and kill a White Walker. Your only job will be to
administer and lead. And I've con dence that you'll not fail me
Tyrion looked shocked at how much con dence he was showing
in the man and simply nodded.
"Are you not taking the command of any of the castles my lord."
Karsi asked. Her belly was bulging. He could guess that she was
6-7 months pregnant already. That must have been the time
before he left for the 2nd expedition.
It seems like Varko had not sat ideal at that time.
He would have to make sure that Karsi gives a safe birth as
many women die during childbirth in this era and he didn't want
that to happen to her. Mostly because Varko deserved so
happiness but also because Karsi was a very capable person and
one of his generals.
"No. I'll be at the head of the command chain but will not lead
the defense of a castle personally."
"And what about us?" Bronn asked while pointing at himself,
Karsi and Rakoro who had by now trained 1,000 men as horse
archers and was training another 1,000 men. "Are you going to
sit on our thumb and just watch."
"No. Karsi will lead 5000 men and be charged with the defense
of my lands or even the West Side of the North in case either the
Lannisters or the Ironmen attack there and the Glovers,
Mormonts and the Fishers fail. I'll also give her 4 wargs and half
my giants for this task.
Winterhold and Bolton Port already has a sizable garrison of
4,000 and 2,000 men each along with the 2,000 policemen who
could be used as reserve. But be prepared just in case."
Karsi didn't reply but simply bowed to him.
"You and Rakoro on the other hand, will be in charge of the
offense. Your 7,000 men and Rakoro's 1000 horse archers will
be charged with attacking."
"Attacking. Who?" Rakoro asked.
"Anyone that I point you at." He said "In cases of emergencies, I
can even send you to the wall to reinforce the castles with fewer
men. Is that understood."
"Transporting the master builders from other places will take a
lot of gold my lord." His Head of R&I said.
"Don't care for the costs." He replied "The Treasurer will
provide you with all the gold necessary. Just don't skim too
much from it."
The man laughed nervously and Tyrion suddenly said "You can
marry Myrcella my lord."
Everyone else in the room stopped what they were doing and
stared at the dwarf.
"I mean. After the King broke your betrothal with Sansa, you
could have used it to your advantage to marry my niece. She's a
kind, gentle and sweet girl and would grow up to be as beautiful
as her mother. It'll also give us a connection to the Royal house
which would be a great boon in and of itself."
"My marriage in not on the table Tyrion. I've sacri ced a lot for
my people. But I'm not getting a life long partner only for some
future connections." He said "I'll marry for love and that is nal.
Anything else."
"Will you go on another expedition North of the Wall my lord?"
Walton asked and he nodded.
"I will. But not for some time. And I'll only take a handful of
people with me this time."
"Won't that be dangerous." Karsi asked and he shook his head.
The meeting continued for the next 2 hours during which he
explained and mapped a future for his lands for the coming few


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Chapter 217: Chapter 217
Domeric sat in the large table in his library in the Underground
base and looking at the Ice Crystal that he gathered after the
White Walkers death.
He could fell the element of cold and death emanating from the
It was very similar to the Ice Sword left behind by the White
Walkers upon their death.
It made him wonder if White Walkers and the Ice Sword were
made of the same thing. The Crystal in the Ice Sword was just
much more condensed than this own.
Did the White Walkers made the Ice Crystals with their own
body. Or do they have some kind of gladiator matches in which
two White Walkers ght and the winner takes the body of the
loser and makes a Ice Sword with it.
The idea did seem fascinating to him but he truly knew nothing
about the White walkers to base this theory upon.
He didn't even know if they could regenerate.
Normal steel swords simply shatter upon contact with their
bodies and Dragonglass or Valyrian Steel shatters them into
thousands Ice crystals in turn.
He put the Ice Crystal inside the container where he put the Ice
crystals he had collected after the death of both the White
Surprisingly enough, the steel like armor that they wore also
shattered into Ice crystals upon their death but it was of much
higher quality. Almost as high as their Ice Sword.
The whole thing made him even more curious about the White
Walkers. If only he could catch one of them.
But he would have to make a Valyrion steel chain to do so as
normal Dragon glass was not strong enough to hold them
He might make such a chain some time in the future.
For now, he wanted to see if he could use the Ice Crystals as a
magical source.
The Ice Crystals were not as magically powerful as the Dragon
eggs in his possession but they were on a league of their own.
If he could just remove the taint from them, then it might be
possible that he would be able to use them for his own tasks.
But how would he remove the taint from them.
He remembered reading about how the experienced Curse
Breakers in Gringotts removed any soul from a horcrux item
found in the Egyptian runes.
He took out a notebook and started making notes based on that
If his theory was correct then this just might work.

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Chapter 218: Chapter 218

He returned back to his room late at night using apparition and

froze in spot.
In his bed, Ygritte was sleeping.
That in and of itself was not surprising as nowadays she usually
always slept with him.
What was surprising was the skimpy out t that she was wearing.
It was an almost see through that allowed him to see her breast
and the red mane on her crotch that her lower pink lips from
He had a feeling that he had once seen one of the Lyssini whore
wear a similar out t.
His cock jumped to attention almost immediately and he felt the
urge to ravish her right then and there.
But then he realized something.
She must have waited for hours for him to come back from his
meeting but he was not only late but he also went to research on
the Ice Crystals directly afterwards instead of meeting her.
That thought stopped him from waking him up as he didn't
wanted to disturb her now that she was peacefully asleep.
So he changed back into his night clothes and laid down behind
Ygritte and put an arm around her belly, remembering Karsi, he
wondered if Ygritte's belly will one day bloat with a child of his
The thought made him rather excited and lled him with
He pulled Ygritte closer to him but that had the intended side
effect of moving her shapely bum to his hardened crotch which
woke her up.
The girl squirmed in his grip before she let out a moan and
turned her head to look in his eyes.
"I waited for you Domeric Bolton." She complain in a sleepy
manner as she rubbed her eyes "You didn't come."
"I'm sorry about that." He said and slowly moved forward to pull
her lips into his own.
She unconsciously squirmed her ass toward him which had the
unintended effect of pushing his cock into her ass crack.
He moaned a little and felt her smile in the kiss as she realized
what was happening and started to move her hips up and down,
giving him an assjob.
He brought his arm up from her at belly and brushed them
against her slightly hardened pink nipples.
"Mhmmm" she moaned and he realized that even if she was
sleepy, he was not going to let her sleep anymore.
He lowered his other hand and slightly removed the see through
silk cloth she was wearing, then he spread her arse cheeks and
rubbed her pink rosebud, nding a string coming out of it.
"You used the anal beads I gave you." He said as he twisted one
of her nipples. Her breath hitched and her back arched as
consequence, pushing his index nger a little inside her tight
He wriggled it around a bit, gaining another moan from her.
"Wait! I'm not ready." She said as she held the arm he was
ngering her with.
He wanted to tell her that he didn't care, pull out the anal beads
and push himself inside her tight little arse right then and there
but he knew that unprepared anal sex hurt badly so he refrained.
He took hold of the string jutting out of her asscheeks and pulled
it out, the anal beads coming out of her puckered rosebud one at
a time.
"You even took all of it in you." He whispered, biting her
earlobe and pinching her other nipple. "You're a naughty girl
aren't you."
Ygritte turned and regarded his face once again "Is this what you
call a sex talk Domeric Bolton?"
She ushed a little and nodded.
He felt his chest swell with pride and once he removed the anal
bead from inside her ass, he used the ngers to rub her clitoris,
making her fold in his arms as he took hold of his hand with
both her hands. Whether she wanted to stop him or wanted him
to continue, he didn't know and didn't care.
He rubbed her clitoris in a slow motion, using a little bit of his
magic to make his hand vibrate every now and then as juices
gushed out of her lower lips.
"You enjoy this don't you, you naughty little minx."
"I… do my lord." She let out before she shuddered in his arms
and a squirted a large amount of orgasmic uid down her legs
before she came undone.
Her grip around his hands loosened and her head lulled to the
pillow, exhausted from the mind blowing orgasm she has just
"Oh no you don't." He told her and turned her around so that her
face was buried in her pillow and her ass was jutting out in the
She made for quite a beautiful gure like this. Just ready for him
to enter her.
He slapped her asscheeks, watching them jiggle in delight "You
didn't think that you would get to sleep after arousing me, did
you." Saying that he put his cock between her asscheeks and
started slowing rubbing the area, stimulating her rosebud which
winked a few times in response, making him want to take her
right then and there.
But he controlled himself and then lined up his cock with her
slick slit, parting it slightly to show the pink folds underneath.
As if knowing what was about to come, Ygritte used the last of
her strength to look back up at him and said in a tired and
excited voice "Ruin me Domeric Bolton."
"Gladly" he replied and slowly entered her hot and velvety

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Chapter 219: Chapter 219

He laid naked on the bed with a smiling Ygritte in his arms.

"That was amazing." Ygritte murmured as she buried her head
deeper in the crook of his neck.
"Hmm…" he murmured as his right hand massaged her bum and
reached inside her arsecheeks to rub her rosebud every now and
She squirmed on his chest but then took his roaming hands and
put them in between her soft twin peaks.
She had become even more shapely ever since he performed the
body enhancing ritual on her. And sex between them had never
been better.
"No." She said and took the nger in her mouth, sucking on it
slowly but sensually.
"Your really did clean it properly." She said after a few moments
and he pulled her up so that her face was lined with his own and
his accid cock was rubbing her clit.
He felt the urge to get hard and let her ride him once again but
knew that the excess of anything is bad.
He kissed her forehead and then went down to her eyebrows, her
eyes, her cheeks and then her lips.
They separated and in her eyes, he saw only love and devotion.
"I'm not from this world Ygritte." The words came out of his
mouth before he could think about it. But once they did, he
realized that he did regret saying that. He didn't want to hide
things from her any longer. Not after all the happiness, trust and
love she has given him.
Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion "What do you mean
"I'm saying that before this life. I lived in another place. Another
world that was different from this one." He said "A world where
there were four seasons in a year, something that never changed.
A world different from this one. A world where other magical
people like me existed."
"So… are you saying that you aren't Domeric Bolton?" she
asked as she got up from his chest and looked at him with a
serious gaze.
"I am and am not Domeric Bolton." He replied, trying not to let
his gaze wander over her naked esh. "When I died in that other
world, my soul entered a gateway of some kind. That gateway
brought me to this world and to the body of a 7 year old
Domeric Bolton whose soul has just left his body due to a horse
riding accident."
"So…" Ygritte said, looking a little confused about this whole
matter that he had suddenly dumped on top of her. He allowed
her to take her time "…what was your name in that world."
"Harry." He told her "Harry James Potter. Son of Lily and James
"Ahh… I always did wonder why you named your sword Lily."
She said "I guess it makes sense now. You must have loved your
mother a lot from your past life. Do you miss her?"
"You believe me?" he asked back.
"I don't think you'll lie to me about something like this." She
said and gave him a smirk "Besides, your eyes are telling the
"Yea. You usually never lie to anyone, only speaking half truths.
But when you do lie, your eyes become a little cold. A little…
less emotional."
Huh… he didn't know that Occlumency had such effect on his
eyes. How had he never noticed before.
After a while he answered her "No. Well, I do miss her but not
as much as I never really got to meet her." He said "She was
killed by a mad man when I was a mere child. She died
protecting me from him."
"She must be quite a woman." Ygritte said and he nodded.
"My teachers told me that she was a brilliant witch."
"Witch. That's what you call your women with magic?" she
asked and he nodded.
"Hmm… and she could do magic like you?"
"Yes. Though she relied mostly on charms while I'm more of a
runes, enchantment and dark spells kind of guy."
Ygritte didn't understand, he could see in her eyes but she
nodded nontheless.
"Tell me more about your past life Harry Jamie Potter."
"James…" he laughed and then he started telling her the story of
his life.
The talked with each other till early in the morning before they
both became too tired to continue and she fell asleep in his arms.
And as he looked at her serene expression and closed his eyes,
he felt that he had pulled a heavy load from his chest by sharing
the truth with her.
Though later on he would have to warn her against sharing the
truth with others. Mainly because he didn't want his aunt to
know. She was the only mother gure he'd ever had in his life
(except Molly Weasley but she could never ll the role of a
mother for him as she had 7 of her own kids to take care of).
And he didn't want to hate her once she found out that he was
not really her nephew but someone else in his body.
But he felt that he didn't regret telling the truth Ygritte one bit.
With those thought, he fell asleep as well.


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Chapter 220: Chapter 220

The next day he and Ygritte were going for lunch (they had
missed their breakfast) when they ran across Lyra who was once
again gazing at him in a lecherous manner.
He let out a sigh and turned to look at Ygritte who had small
frown on her face "You go on ahead. I'll catch up to you."
Ygritte gave him a nod and glared at Lyra before going ahead.
He had noticed that after sharing the truth with her, the bond of
trust between him and Ygritte had grown to an even higher level
than before.
And that bond was not something that he wanted to break any
time soon.
He turned to Lyra and said "Lyra. We need to have a talk."
Lyra frowned at his seriousness but nodded and led him to a
nearby empty guest room where they would be able to talk
"Lyra." He said once he had casted the necessary spells. "I need
you to stop trying to seduce me."
"Why my lord." She asked sensually as she a hand on his chest
"Don't you like my attentions."
His face remained stone cold as he removed her hand from his
"You're making Ygritte uncomfortable with all your advances."
And he understood. If he someone was making advances on
Ygritte then he wouldn't only be uncomfortable. He would be
fucking furious. And he knew that Ygritte felt the same even
though she never told him about it as her thought process were
still in uenced by the tradition of the Free Folk which said that a
man could take what he could keep. Meaning that a strong
enough man can have a harem if he could protect his women.
But he knew that even if she thought about it that way, she didn't
want to share him with other women.
"This game of cat and mouse has gone on for long enough Lyra.
It is time that you move on and get a proper husband for
yourself. Someone who, unlike me, will actually take care of
you." He said.
"But aren't you the one taking care of me. Weren't you the one
who freed me from my master in Lys and allowed me to have a
life of my own. Wasn't it you who gave me shelter and food
when I had no one else to rely on. No… I know that you know
that I want you for my own sel sh reasons. But I also love you.
And I won't go for another man. Even if it meant that you'll
never accept me and that I'll remain unmarried for the rest of my
He frowned at her declaration and used a deeper legilimency
probe to nd that she was not lying.
She did want to be with him mainly for the power and security it
would grant her and her children. But she was also in love with
Her love for him was just hidden deeper in her mind as she
didn't want to admit this truth to herself either because of what
she had suffered as a slave in Lys. This was why he was never
able to nd it as he didn't like to perform deep legilimency scans
on those that he trust.
He held the urge to sigh.
"Regardless Lyra. You must accept that I'm with Ygritte now. So
you cannot go on trying to seduce me. Not anymore. I still
suggest that you give up on your love and nd someone more
worthy of your attentions." He said.
Lyra frowned at his words and shook her head "You really don't
understand a woman's heart, do you my lord."
He had no reply to that. If he did then he wondered if he would
have found out about Ginny and her in delity sooner.
"Can you at least give me a child. I want to keep a part of you
within me. Please my lord."
"No." He replied "If I ever have a child then I want to play the
role of a father for him. I don't want him to be without his
parents. And that… just wouldn't work."
Lyra let out a sigh and her shoulders dropped. She looked down
at the oor with a thinking gaze for a long moment before her
eyes suddenly widened and she looked at him with a large
He didn't like that smirk one bit.
"So. Your only problem with me is that I'm trying to seduce you
and it's making Ygritte uncomfortable. Is that right."
"And you want me to stop seducing you?"
"So… you wouldn't have any problem if I started seducing your
lover would you?"
His brain halted at that.
She chuckled at him "If I seduce Ygritte and she says that it's
okay for you to fuck me, then that won't be a problem with you.
He looked at the woman for a long moment before he chuckled
to himself.
"Well, you are free to try that if you want. But I don't think that
Ygritte is into women."
"You never know my lord." She said with a smile "And it's
better than outright rejection at least."
Then she smiled and bowed to him once again, showing her
bountiful chest to him in full view.
"Lyra." He said and she chuckled and straightened up.
"Apologies my lord. Old habits you see." She smiled and left the
room with her hips swinging widely for his view.
He let out a tired sigh at that, wondering if he should have been
rmer with her.
Well, as long as she bothers Ygritte and not him.
He shook his head and left the room to join Ygritte at lunch.


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Chapter 221: Chapter 221

Domeric sat in his underground library and worked on the Ice

In the end, he succeeded in removing the essence left by the
White Walker from the Ice Crystal.
It left the crystal weak and brittle not to mention it lost a good
deal of it's magical properties as well but in the end, it was still a
step or two above the average magical wardstones he found in
Valyria. And he had thousands of similar Ice Crystals so that was
He was now wondering if he could use the Ice Crystals to take
in the Ice energy forming in the Land Beyond the Wall and
create a magical shield around the Wall with it.
Defeating the White Walkers with their own power and all that
since it was clear that his own magical powers were far inferior
to their own.
He was not sure if such a thing would even work so some
experiments were required.
Which was how he came to his present situation with a ne dust
placed inside a glass bowl.
It appears that once the Ice Crystal becomes brittle, he could
break it down in small ne particles which can then be use as a
ingredient for his magical potions. Or magical ink.
He took out all the ingredients he had kept with himself till this
point and realized that none of them even came close to magical
potency when compared to the Ice Crystal dust. Even the Blood
of the Children of the forest (freely given) and the Sap from the
Heart tree fell short in comparison.
If he took the Dead Dragon eggs and grind them down into ne
dust, then would they be just as magically potent as they were
when they were whole. Because some things (like the
Philosopher Stone) lose all their powers when broken.
He had hundreds of dead dragon eggs. Not to mention that there
were thousands more that he were still buried in their Vaults in
If it worked and he was able to create a magical ink with it then
magical runes made from it would be so powerful that the
magical armors made from that would even be able hold against
the Ice Swords of the White Walkers.
And if it worked then he might even be able to create a magical
armor for himself that would allow him to use his magic freely
even in a snow storm created by the White Walkers.
Of course, there were a lot of 'if's' in this half baked plan of his.
He didn't even know if he could break a Dragon Egg (he had
never tried).
He had not felt this excited in a long long time.
He quickly took the Ice Crystal dust as well as all the other
ingredients and took them to yet another room where he would
be able to experiment to his heart's content without the fear of
blowing himself up.
Domeric came out of the research room with a white-silver color
liquid inside a vial and smiled.
He has nally created a magic ink so potent that it would work
even in the hands of a muggle. Mostly because the magical
potency of the ink made it so that the wizard/witch didn't need to
channel his own magic to create runes with it.
For one, he would not need to create all the magical armors on
his own.
For two, he would not need to carve the runes required for
planting the Weirwood trees either.
This would save him a tremendous amount of time in the future.
Of course he would still need to plant the Weirwood trees on his
own and cast the necessary spells but once he taught how to
draw the ritual circles to a few select youngsters, his workload
would go down drastically.
He wondered why he never thought about crafting such a
powerful ink before.
Oh… he didn't have any magical Ice crystals before.
He had still not destroyed any dragon egg. He had a feeling that
creating a magical ink from that (if it was even possible) would
take 10 times as long as it took for him to make this one.
For now, he would was satis ed with his newest creation.
It had given him a lot of free time that he could use to learn and
research the different kinds of magic in this world.

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Chapter 222: Chapter 222

"CLANK!!!" The sound of Steel meeting Valyrian Steel

resounded in the isolated clearing as he barely blocked Baka's
enormous sword -which she was like it was a toothpick- with the
rst Valyrian Steel shield in the history of Westeros.
After the body enhancement ritual, Baka had become
monstrously strong. Almost as strong as the White Walkers.
Varko had told him that she would make an excellent sparring
partner for him in order to prepare him for the upcoming ghts
with White Walker.
Varko told him that unless absolutely necessary, he was not to
participate in a battle because if he lost his life then they would
likely lose the battle and the war along with it.
For that matter, Varko had asked him to make a shield that he
could use for defense against a White Walker in order to last
longer and wait for help to arrive. The shield was made ot 90%
Frost Steel that he had lightened with runic magic and 10% thick
coating of Valyrian Steel so that it would hold against a White
Walker's attack and not shatter upon impact.
The shield was half as large as him and it was very easy for him
to defend with it.
But changing between defense to offense was still hard for him
and he also fell for feints every now and then that would mean
the end of his life when ghting against a White Walker.
Baka picked the gigantic sword (which was almost as tall as him
and with enough steel in it to make ve Two handed swords)
with one hand and swiped the sword against him.
He blocked it once again but the force of the blow made him
skid a few meters before he came to a stop and massaged his left
hand which had gone sore from all the punishment it was taking.
"Come on Dom Dom. Let Baka crush you to death." She said in
a melodramatic fashion and charged at him once again.
So far all three who received body enhancements after him have
felt different aspects of them improve. Varko had gained a great
amount of stamina as well as decent improvement in speed and
strength. Ygritte's eyesight improved greatly and she was similar
to him in the manner that the enhancement increased her
strength and speed by a great deal.
As for Baka, the enhancement mainly increased her strength and
increased her other aspects by a small deal. What he did not
expect was that the body enhancement would also enhance her
mind by a small bit.
If earlier she was a small child, now she was a disgruntled and
melodramatic teenager.
Frankly, it was a little frightening.
Baka came at him from the left and he blocked the shield once
again but his footing gave way and his leg buckled underneath
him. The force behind the blow threw him to the ground and
made him roll around a few times before he nally came to a
stop and didn't get up.
His left hand left numb from all the blows it had sustained, his
body was lled with sweat and his breathing was heavy.
Truthfully, Baka was perhaps even a little stronger than the
White Walkers at this point. And her 150 pound heavy sword
was not making any different.
Baka walked up to him and sat beside him. Then she poked his
cheeks and said in a sing song manner "Varko told me to not let
you rest. No matter what."
Dread pooled in his heart at those words.
"Hahaha. Come on Baka. You know how uptight Varko can be.
There's no need to listen to him." He said but it sounded more
like pleading.
"Hmm…" she put her hand on her chin, mimicking a thinking
pose. Then she shook his head. Perhaps. But he's also right. The
more beatings you take, the stronger your muscles will be."
What she was saying was not wrong. But he really was too tired
at this point. And he didn't want to ght her anymore.
But he knew that despite her melodramatic teenage attitude,
Baka was much smarter now and won't fall for his tricks
"Very well then." He said and Baka took his collar and picked
him up like he was a twig.
A few seconds later, he was once again taking the brunt of her
blows and wondering if having such good and responsible sworn
shields won't be the death of him before he could even ght the
White Walkers.


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Chapter 223: Chapter 223

Domeric was taking a cold water shower with Ygritte after a

tough day of training. While he was training with Baka, she was
also training with a 150 pound bow that he had crafted
especially for her. A bow that was so heavy and it's strings so
tight that even with her enhanced muscles, she was having
trouble using the bow.
She wanted to increase her strength and stamina to the point
where she would be able to re thousands of arrows in a single
battle compared to the earlier hundreds.
He was also thinking about making some runic arrows for her.
Those arrows would trans gure into much smaller projectiles
but would just as fast and deadly small missiles in mid air.
That way, every shot she res at an army will turn into multiple
smaller projectiles, allowing her be an army killer in her own
This was just an idea in his mind right now and not something
he'd even started working on but it had potential.
Plus, with the new group being trained who would use the
magically potent ink to carve runes in his stead, he would just
have to make the runes and they would carve them on the arrows
for him instead.
Ygritte was also learning how to shoot arrows from the back of a
Since the Valyrian bow was not a recurved bow and not made to
be used on top of a horse, she was having her fair share of
dif culties but she made do with what she had.
She rubbed him back with a rough sponge and his cock twitched
in response every time her tits rubbed against his back.
By this point he was sure that she was doing this to tease him.
He wanted to take her right then and there but his whole left arm
was limp from the punishment it had taken. His right arm was
also sore from sword practice and his legs were jelly.
He was really in no condition to have sex right now. Ygritte
knew it and was taking full advantage of the moment to tease
him mercilessly.
He pointed his index nger back and sent a weak lightening bolt.
Ygritte's yelp sounded heavenly to him.
"You think that's funny huh!" she said and reached for his
groins. But instead of taking his cock in her hand, she took hold
of his balls instead making him grimace.
"Try doing it again." She challenged him and he sighed before
he turned his face, took hold of her chin and placed a kiss on her
Then he took hold of her hand and moved it up so that she was
now holding his semi hardened cock.
She instantly started stroking him, making him groan in pleasure
as he brought back his sore arm and started rubbing her wet clit.
Then she came forward, motioned him to stand and knelt in
front of him.
Seeing that they were clear of all the soap and dirt, he closed the
shower and the room instantly started to let off a hot steam,
turning into a quasi sauna.
She removed her wet hair from her face and looked at him with
her big brown eyes.
"Let me take care of you this time." She said as she took out her
tongue and slowly swirled it across the tip of his cock.
His mind went blank from the pleasure and he unconsciously
took hold of her head and guided it to his cock.
She didn't ght back which was unusual. Maybe she was trying
to return the favor for all the times he gave her oral.
Watching her writhe and moan as he swirled his tongue inside
her warm folds while rubbing her clit brought him a great deal
of pleasure and pride. He had a fetish for oral for some
unexplainable reason.
Ygritte took his cock half way in her mouth before he felt some
resistance from her.
His cock had hit her throat and pushing any more would activate
her gag re ex.
He had still not prepared her for deep throating but that would
take time. And playing this sort of game had it's own reward.
He took hold of her hair with both her hands and slowly started
to fuck her mouth.
Her warm tongue swirled around his cock as she put a slight
suction on him that almost made him come right then and there.
He closed his eyes to focus on the heavenly pleasure he was
feeling when suddenly the sound of vibration rang in his ears
and he opened his eyes and looked at the Magical mirror kept on
the other end of the bathroom.


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Chapter 224: Chapter 224
He wondered what… ah, so it was that time once again.
Feeling slightly mischievous, he took the call with voice
activation while he continue to slowly ram into Ygritte's warm
Lyra's face came into view and she simply stared at the both of
them for a long moment with a longing expression before she
sighed and shook her head.
"King Robert has nally reached the Twins." She said and then
looked at Ygritte. "Try to take him a little deep every time but be
mindful to not overdo it. If you want help in deep throating then
I can help you. We can try on a cucumber or something and
bond as friends."
Ygritte absentmindedly nodded at Lyra who looked at him with
longing before she nally cut the connection.
He was a little surprised by the fact that she didn't try to seduce
him this time but was distracted by the warm mouth around his
He knew he was close so took control of the rhythm and started
pounding her face again and again until he nally reached the
"I'm" that's all he could say before he erupted and released his
load inside her mouth.
Ygritte used her hands to push him away but he was too deep
into it. His numb and sore muscles gained some energy and he
pushed his cock deep in her mouth and release the last of his
cum inside her throat.
Once he was done, the new found energy deserted him and he
fell back on the stool once again while Ygritte coughed and
spluttered and spat his cum to the ground.
The she looked at him with an angry and exhasperated
expression and said "Tell me quickly the next time you're about
the come."
"Sure." He said and used a cleaning charm to clean all the cum
from inside her mouth and face.
Then he pulled him to sit on her thigh, the juices trickling down
from her snatch and into his thigh telling him that she more than
likely wanted to continue this.
But the harsh training had taken it's toll and he didn't have the
strength to pleasure her this time.
"I'll take care of you tomorrow morning." He told her as he
brought her closer and kissed her in the neck, right below her
"Use the dildo I gave you. I have places to be."
The dildo was a replica of his own cock and was magically
enchanted to vibrate on command. It was a gift for her to
pleasure herself when he was too deep in his magical research or
some other work and couldn't be there to make love to her and
fuck her silly on his own.
"You going to the king once again?" she asked as she got up
from his and wiped her arousal from his thigh.
"Well. This is as good a chance as any to get out the betrothal
with Sansa." He explained.
She remained silent and followed after him as he went out of the
bathroom and came out to their bedroom.
"Lyra is trying to seduce me." She told him all of a sudden and
he looked at her curiously.
"Did you put her up to this?" she asked with narrowed eyes.
"No really." He replied as he used magical spells to get rid of the
water droplets over his body as his clothes ew in and he wore
themselves with little effort "I just told her that I won't betray
you no matter what. She then asked me if I would fuck her if she
had your permission. I told her that I'm not sure if you're into
girls. Are you?" he asked.
Ygritte shook her head as she watched him wear his clothes
"No… But, I was thinking about some… experimenting."
"No… just experimenting." She said "It could be fun."
"I could also be disastrous." He told her "Brining up the hopes
of someone like this only to dash them is a cruel thing to do.
And despite everything, Lyra is still my subordinates and I do
care for her."
Ygritte bit her lips and thought over it for a moment "She said
she wanted your child."
"She does. And I won't give it to her. Because I would raise all
my children on my own. And they'll have both their mother and
father. That would complicate things as I also plan to have
children with you." He said as he walker over and kissed her
"As fun and enjoyable as it would be for me to have a
threesome, I'm also thinking of the future. And something like
this can have disastrous consequences."
Ygritte didn't reply and he kissed her on the head before he
stepped back and with the use of a portkey, he left the room.


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Chapter 225: Chapter 225
He came out in the middle of a forest, the camou age cloak he
was wearing hid him from the sight of others as long as he
stayed still.
He stood up, put his hands inside the bottomless bag and took
out his Weirwood broom.
The sun had already set in the horizon a few minutes ago and it
was getting darker every minute.
He waited 10 minutes until the last rays of the sun went down
and the stars in the sky became visible.
Then he climbed the broom and ew into the sky.
A few seconds later, he ew above the tavern where King
Robert and his group had stayed only two days.
He took the road going to the North and ew above it.
With his magical broom, he covered distance quickly and half an
hour later he was ying on top of the Twins which was littered
with torch lights and had a somewhat festive atmosphere.
The old Walder Frey must have thrown a feast on Robert's name.
After all, it was not everyday that you get to host a King in your
He came down behind two guards guarding a balcony and cast a
Confundus charm on both of them before they could even be
aware of his presence.
He looked in the eyes of one of them and pointed his wand at
him "Legilimens"
A few seconds later, he had the information about the place
where the King was sleeping.
The two guards would break out of the charm a few minutes
later. He climbed his broom and left.
The ew into the top of the Western tower where the guests
were staying and looked inside the general vicinity of where
King Robert was supposed be sleeping this night.
After a few miss, he nally found the correct room.
King Robert was currently pounding into a young and petite girl
with Frey features.
Which meant that she was no great beauty.
He wondered if Old Walder Frey had given King Robert one of
his own daughter or granddaughter in hopes of getting a bastard
of Royal blood in his own line.
He would not be surprised if such was the case but the girl was
probably a bastard of some maid or just some whore with Frey
With how many Frey men there were, he was sure that any
bastard born to a whore in their nearby inns or taverns have Frey
blood in them.
He put a few charms on the window. Thankfully, King Robert
was facing the other side of the room so it made his job easier.
He entered the room and put both the fucker and the fucked
under an Imperius charm.
For all that Robert Baratheon was a king, he was rather weak
willed and he took over his mind with absurd ease.
Then he used a persuasion charm on the King and said "You
want your son to be married to Sansa Stark. You want your son
to be married to Sansa Stark. You want your son to be married to
Sansa Stark. Betrothed her to Tommen not Joffrey."
Because even if he didn't like Sansa all that much, he wasn't
going to throw her at the little monster named Joffrey.
He stepped away from them, climbed out of the window on his
broom and then released them from the spell.
They both looked a little confused for a moment before the King
shrugged and continued pounding into the young girl.
There was a time in his life when watching an older fat man
fuck a young and helpless girl would have lled him with
disgust but he didn't feel anything upon watching this scene.
What's more, the girl was probably even enjoying this and
hoping for a royal bastard to ll her womb.
He turned away from the scene and ew in the distance where
he landed in the middle of the forest.
The persuasion charm was rather weak on it's own and worked
best when applied regularly. Which was why he had been using
the charm on the king for the past few weeks and would
continue to do so until the man reached Winterfell.
He did want to get out of the betrothal with Sansa rather quickly
and he won't get a better chance than this.
Once he had made another portkey from here to Dreadfort and
from Dreadfort to his current location, he used the Portkey to get
back to his room.
He found Ygritte sitting in the bed and studying a book under
the light of the magical lamp.
Who would have thought that Ygritte would get attached to
But then again, once you continue to do something for years,
you get attached to it.
He removed his magical clothes and climbed the bed beside her.
She was currently reading a book that he took from the Valyrian
It was a book about the everyday life of the Valyrians and there
was absolutely nothing magical about it so he had given to to the
scholars under him to translate it into the Common language.
"You done with the Fat king?" she asked as she ipped another
page of the book.
He smiled and pulled her in his arms. "Will have to do it a few
more times to make it stick. But it'll work."
"You've done this before?" she asked.
He thought about her words and nodded "A few times. The spell
doesn't always work exactly as I order it to as it works on the
subconscious and people can sometimes overpower their
subconscious mind with conscious ones with enough will power
but it should work this time."
"You sure about that?" she asked and he nodded before he took
out another book from his satchel. A book about the magical
runes of the Valyrians.
As both of them were fairly tired from all the training, they only
studied for a bit longer before they both closed their books and
put them in the nearby tables.
He then closed the magical lamp and pulled Ygritte in a spoon
position before they both fell asleep.


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Chapter 226: Chapter 226

Domeric sat in his magical library in the underground and stared

at the various designs of a bowl like apparatus in front of him
with a frown.
Ygritte peered over at the designs with confusion "Why did you
brought me here Domeric?" she asked as she turned and looked
at the room that she had only visited once before when he
performed the Body Enhancement ritual on her and his two
sworn shields.
He pointed at the designs of the bowls and asked "Can you
guess what those are?"
Ygritte peered at the diagrams which were lled with magical
equations that she would not understand without at least a
decade of study in Runes and enchantments.
"Some kind of magical bowl." She guessed and he smiled.
"Did I ever told you about a thing known as pensieve?"
She scrunched up her brow and tried to remember his talks with
her about her past "I think you did mention something like that
once or twice. But I forgot what it was."
"A pensieve is a magical device which can be used to see your
memories of the past." He then pointed at a different shelf in the
room. This shelf was unique because instead of books, the shell
was lled with thousands upon thousands of glass vials lled
with glowing strands.
The shelf was separated in different sections named Year 1, Year
2 to Year 7 after which it had shelves named Runes Higher
study, Enchantment higher study, Dark Arts, Defense Against
Dark Arts, Rituals and a few others.
"Those." He said pointing at the thousands of vials "Are the
copies of my memories. And this…" he said as he took out an
emerald color pendent "Is a portkey that would bring you from
anywhere in the whole North to this place along with half a
dozen people. It's a multiple time use portkey and can be used to
bring you out of this place as well with a different password."
"Why are you telling me all these things?" Ygritte asked with a
He smiled and kissed her on the forehead "This is just me
preparing for the worst case Scenario." He said "I know that I'm
rather powerful wizard. Especially in this world. But I am well
aware of my own mortality. And in case I ever fall in the battle,
then I want my legacy to live on."
"This room and all the other rooms beside it. It will be my
legacy to my children. If I fall, then you must bring our children
here. Tell them about their heritage. About my truth. I've yet to
succeed in creating a Pensieve. But once I do, I'll teach you how
to use it and you must teach it to our children. With it, they'll be
able to use my memories to learn all the magic I know."
"You're not planning on doing something foolish are you?"
Ygritte asked, looking a little concerned for him.
"No. Just preparing for the worst case scenario." He said before
he pointed at a magical trunk at the corner of the wall.
"In case the Wall falls, I die and the whole of Westeros is taken
over by the White Walkers, that trunk has enough supplies to
feed a dozen of people for a decade. It also holds the magical
books and other supplies needed for the education of our
"I've also planted Weirwood trees inside and have had the
Children turn them into Heart Trees so that even if the White
walkers cut down the Heart trees in the surface, the Heart trees
inside will continue to generate the magic required to run this
place." He said "I'll also cover this place with a Fidelius charm
so that only those whom I tell about this place will ever be able
to nd it."
Ygritte nodded resolutely before she moved forward and pulled
him in an embrace.
"I understand." she said "But make sure to take care of yourself.
I would rather have you be there for our children and teach them
how to use magic then have them learn from your memories."
He held her tightly to himself and nodded his head "I will. I'll
not be reckless like the last time. I'll be more careful this time."
She nodded and separated from him.
They stared at each other for a long moment before he picked
her up pulled her for a kiss sat he sat her down on a table.
She quickly started to remove his shirt while he pulled down her
He could have used magic to removed their clothes but doing in
on their own made the task more pleasurable.
He removed her shirt and kissed her nipples from above her bra
before he unhooked it and threw it away and her took her bosom
in his mouth once again.
She removed his pants and started stroking his cock as he moved
upward and gently bit her neck.
The vibration in his magical mirror brought them both out of
their pleasurable haze.
He looked at her and sighed before he picked up the mirror and
found Lyra calling him once again.

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Chapter 227: Chapter 227

He picked up the call and Lyra's face came in the mirror. She
stared at them for a long moment before she chuckled to herself.
"This is the fourth time I've called you while you're having sex."
She said once the chuckles subsided "By now I'm starting to
wonder if you're doing it just to make me jealous."
"Believe me Lyra." he said "I'm also starting to wonder if you
are trying to cockblock me whenever I get me some pussy." He
said as he put two ngers inside Ygritte's wet and warm cunt and
got a moan from her.
Lyra looked at the scene in silence for a long moment as he
ngered Ygritte before she shook her head.
"Just wanted you to know that King Robert arrived in Winterfell
"You already told us about that." Ygritte said and bit her lip to
stop herself from let out yet another moan.
"Yes, well. You might be a little more interested in what
happened next."
"What happened next?" he asked between sucking and biting
Ygritte's nipples.
Lyra's breath hitched at the scene and her hand went downward
before she started to breath heavily as well "King Robert… he
gave the… he gave the position of the Hand of the king to…
mhh… to Lord Stark."
"I see." He said and frowned. "We expected this. Did Lord Stark
"No." Lyra said in a breathy moan and even Ygritte stopped for
a moment to stare at the woman who was masturbating through
the mirror "Don't stop on my account."
He smiled and used the thumb of his other hand to circle
Ygritte's virgin rosebud.
"He didn't… accept it." She said. "The king was not happy but
he… he accepted his friend's decision."
"Then, then… yes… that night the King announced Sansa's
betrothal to his son Joffrey Baratheon."
He stopped at once and stared at the girl seriously "Joffrey
Baratheon and not Tommen. Are you sure?"
The wanton woman nodded, her cheeks ushed with arousal
"Yes. Even Lord and Lady Stark seemed shocked by this news.
It seems like the King didn't discuss this matter with Lord
"Maybe he feared another rejection." Ygritte said as she
playfully took one of his nger and gently put it inside her tight
rosebud, smirking at him all the while.
"Maybe he did." He said and slowly stared to nger her
On the other side of the mirror, Lyra's hands stared to move
faster and faster.
"Yeah… Yeah…" Lyra moaned and then her whole body
shuddered and her eyes went up in her sockets for a long
moment before she let out another moan and slumped, her
breathing heavy as sweat beads formed above her brow.
"My spies told me that they later heard Lord Stark and the King
ghting about this." She said in a slightly exhausted voice "In
the end, King Robert used his authority as a King and that made
Lord Stark shut up. I think Lord Stark don't like the King so
much anymore."
"I think so too." Ygritte moan as he put yet another nger inside
her arsehole. It was a tight t but they made do.
"Anything else Lyra?" he asked.
"Hmm… yeah. Lord Stark sent two message by ravens. One to
apologize to you for the broken betrothal as explaining how the
King forced the betrothal upon him and the other asking you to
come to Winterfell with the Ice Sword. He says that just sending
the Ice Sword will do as well and you don't need to come if you
don't want to,"
Ygritte stroked his cock a few more times before she asked
"Will you go?"
He frowned as he thought about Sansa being betrothed to the
cunt Joffrey. He wondered what changed and why King Robert
didn't choose Tommen.
Did he really wanted to make Sansa a Queen so much that he
wouldn't even care for his friendship with his best friend.
Perhaps he was trying to atone for Lyanna's death by making a
Stark girl a queen once and for all?
He'll nd out the next time he meets the King. But for now
"I'll talk to you later Lyra." He said as he removed Ygritte's
hands from his cock and put it against her wet cunt.
"Later then" Lyra said with longing as he cut the connection and
pushed himself inside Ygritte's warm and welcoming folds.

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Chapter 228: Chapter 228

He sat on the wall of Bolton Port and stared at the bustling city
Under the administration of Tyrion, it was growing at a much
faster rate than before.
Beside him, Tyrion sniffed the wine and swirled it for a moment
before he brought it to his lips and took another gulp from the
glass he was holding.
"Ahh… That hits the spot."
"You act as if it's your rst time drinking the Arbor gold."
"It might as well be." Tyrion said in a content tone "A week ago
Tysha snatched and hid all my stash. I can't drink so freely
anymore. She says it's bad in uence on the boy."
"It 'is' bad in uence on young boys." He said as he sipped his
own lemon juice. The lemon was taken from a lemon tree
growing in one of the glass houses in Winterhold. "Boys often
pick up the habits of their parents." He said.
To this day, it still surprised him that Tyrion had taken the
bastard boy of Tysha -who was born to her after her gang rape-
as his own son. And it was not just a show either. Tyrion didn't
resent the boy even a little bit for how he was born and was
genuinely trying to be a good father for him.
Maybe this was why Tysha forgave him in the rst place.
"Huh!" Tyrion scoffed "What do you know about being a father.
Well… aside from the 'my people are my children' thing."
"Not much." He said "But I do know that it's a bad in uence for
children. And it's bad for your health as well."
"Yeah yeah. Stop it. You're sounding more and more like my
wife now." Tyrion chuckled to himself.
"Gods knows why." Tyrion said, slumping his shoulders and
taking another sip from the Arbor Gold.
He let out a sigh and turned to face the little man "Tyrion. Stop
pitying yourself. You have a good life. Don't squander it by
living in the past."
Tyrion turned at stare at him for a long moment before he
chuckled once again "Okay okay. I'll stop pitying myself. It
doesn't suit someone as good looking as me anyway."
He smiled as he thought about it.
Tyrion might not be good looking by any standards by he had a
prodigious talent when it came to administration.
In the few months since Tyrion took over the administration of
Bolton Port, he has increased the value trade by 40%. A number
which he was sure would only continue to grow in the coming
He also used the additional gold to buy 30 more trading brigs
from a Braavosi merchant who was down on his luck.
He himself would have never found an opportunity like this but
Tyrion had a nose for these things.
By now his eet had increased to almost 350 ships in size and
will continue to grow even without his presence.
"King Robert has arrived in Winterfell." He said after a long
silence as he put his empty cup down.
"And you've been called to meet them." Tyrion nodded "Makes
me wonder why you're here instead of on your way to
"Your brother, nephews and niece as there as well." He said
"You have anything you want me to send them."
The glass in Tyrions hand shook for a moment before he
controlled himself and shook his head. "Jamie Lannister is not
my brother. Not after he betrayed my trust and…" he looked at
the horizon in the distance and continued "Joffrey is a little shit.
But Myrcella and Tommen are sweet and innocent kids. I'll
prepare some gifts for them if you won't mind taking those gifts
to them."
"Is Tysha… is your relationship with Tysha okay now?" he
asked after a few moments.
Tyrion chuckled once again and then shook his head sadly.
"The… the past will always remain with her. And I doubt she'll
ever truly forgive me for it… But we're working things out." He
smiled "She has already allowed me to her bed. We're hoping for
a child by the end of the year."
He smiled back at Tyrion. "Prepare the gifts by tomorrow
morning and leave them at 'that' place."
"As you wish, my Lord Wizard." Tyrion said with a mock bow.
He chuckled and then smiled "See you later Tyrion."
"Safe journey my lord." Tyrion nodded and then he apparated
back to his room in Dreadfort.


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Chapter 229: Chapter 229

Domeric sat in the carriage and looked outside at his domain.

The carriage was surrounded by 20 horse riders, the procession
being led by Varko and Baka.
He had wanted to lead the procession himself but when he came
out of Dreadfort on his horse, his well wishers and fans swarmed
him and it took a few hours to get everyone to move aside so
that he and his small entourage could continue their journey to
After that single incident, Varko had told him to enter a carriage
and not show his face around so that they won't be accosted by a
mob once again.
He wanted to tell Varko that he would be perfectly alright but
didn't for two reasons. 1. Varko wouldn't have listened and 2. He
didn't like to be accosted by a fanatic mob and be delayed by
them either.
So here he was now, hiding inside a luxurious carriage, enjoying
the bene ts of a proper road and noticing the prosperity of his
domain after a long time.
He looked at the farmer using two buffaloes and used the steel
plough to tilt his land while the water from the arti cial canals
lled his eld. He turned to Ygritte who was watching the same
thing with fascination and spoke "Do you know. When I came to
this world the rst time, these farmers used wooden tools to
work on their elds. They had no buffaloes to lightened their
loads, no proper clothes, no proper sensitization, the soil's
quality had worsened with overuse and they had to fetch water
from the river to water their elds. Even after all of that, they
could only make use of 1/4th of the eld that they do now."
Ygritte nodded and turned to him "Are the farmers of your
world as prosperous as these ones."
He smiled and shook his head "No. They're far more prosperous.
They have things called farming machines that they use to work
over a large amount of land. Each farmer back there is easily 10
times prosperous than the richest farmer in my land."
"Then couldn't you give these machines to these farmers as
well?" she asked.
"No." He shook his head "I do not know how to create those
machines. For now, those things are beyond me."
Ygritte nodded and crossed the carriage and came to sat on his
lap. His put his arm around her waist and they both looked out
the window at the growing villages around the roads with
"There were only about 400,000-500,000 people in my lands
when I rst took over the mantle of the Lord of these lands a
decade ago." He said as his gaze went over the tree under which
a teacher was teaching the younger children. Some of them were
listening attentively while most others looked bored out of their
He chuckled as the sight reminded him of his own time in
Hogwarts and how he and Ron didn't really liked studying all
that much. It seems like humans don't change so much even in
other worlds.
He was suddenly overcome with nostalgia and wondered what
Hermione would be doing right now. She and Ron didn't got
along so well because of their many differences but stayed
together for their children.
He wondered how his own life would have turned out if Ginny
had not decided to betray him.
His hands clenched at the thought of that woman and he shook
his head, not wanting to ruin his mood.
"What is it?" Ygritte asked and he gave her a wry smile.
"Just… some bad memories."
Ygritte didn't ask and he was thankful for that.
They remained silent for a while before Ygritte nally
commented "You know, these horse carriages are not that bad."
He chuckled and kissed her cheeks before looking out once
This time they were going through some kind of hastily set up
market with merchants who were most likely working under
The shops were of Clothes, Rice Wine and Whiskey, Steel
Utensils, Cattle, Toys. He noticed a few gurines that resembled
him and some that even resembled Varko, Baka, Ygritte and his
Huh… he didn't know that such things existed in his realm. He
really should take his nose out of his books and take some time
to travel through his domain and talk with his people.
They traveled at an easy pace for the next few days during
which he would take out his books and start reading alongside
Ygritte who had nothing better to do either.
Then they nally reached the White Knife river which signalled
the end of his territory and the start of his own.
He left his carriage after that along with Ygritte and they both
rode their horses for the rest of the way to Winterfell.
A few days later, they nally arrived in front of the ancient

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Chapter 230: Chapter 230

When they nally arrived in Winterfell, the atmosphere was

tense and palpable.
He knew why that was thanks to Lyra's spy network.
One day before they arrive, Bran Stark fell from the top of the
ruined tower. He fell into coma soon after and has not woken up
When they nally entered the castle, he could see the Black Stag
on Yellow background everywhere. The sigil of the royal House
of Baratheon. He could also see the Red cloaks everywhere and
shook his head.
The King's entourage held far more Lannister men than it held
his own Baratheon men. A clear sign of a destabilized throne if
there was any. The Lannisters have secured far more power for
themselves. He wondered how the other houses felt about that.
He stopped in the courtyard where Robb and Jon had come out
to greet him along with little Arya.
Rickon was too young to go anywhere on his own. Bran Stark
was bedridden and his mother was probably with him.
That didn't explain Lord Stark's absence.
"It's good to see you here Lord Bolton." Robb said with a
genuine smile "the hospitality of Winterfell is yours."
He climbed down from the horse and pulled both Robb and Jon
in a hug before he mussed up Arya's hair who shook his hand off
and growled at him.
Robb and Jon's direwolves, Midnight and Snowric were there as
well. They had each grown to the size of an adult direwolf but
he could still remember them as the little pups they were when
he had given them to Robb and Jon.
He petted their hands as well before turning to the new addition
in the family.
"And who are these?" he asked as he sat down as looked at the
three direwolves around Robb, Jon and Arya.
"This is Greywind. My second partner." Robb said as he
gestured Greywind to go ahead.
Greywind sniffed his hand and nipped at his nger before
yelping at him in joy.
He smiled and turned to the albino direwolf who stared at him in
a curious manner with it's red eyes.
"Ghost doesn't speak much." Jon said and Ghost sniffed his hand
before it went to back Jon.
"Like you then." He said with a smile and turned to the last
"And who's this hellion?" he asked.
"Her name is Nymeria." Arya said, her voice lled with childish
"You named your direwolf after the Warrior-Queen of the
Rhoynar and the great ancestor of House Martell?"
"Of course." She replied and he chuckled and petted Nymeria's
head before he rose and mussed up Arya's hair once again much
her annoyance and the amusement of her brothers.
"Only you Arya." He said with a smile.
He might not like the betrothal that Lord Stark had hosted onto
him and he didn't like Lady Stark or Sansa all that much but he
did like the rest of the family.
They reminded him of the Weasley in how close they were and
how much they fought amongst each other despite being a
"Hey! Can I see Lily?" Arya suddenly asked as she looked at the
Valyrian Steel blade on his waist.
"Arya. He is a lord. You cannot talk with him like that." Jon
whispered to Arya who looked disgruntled but he simply
chuckled at the siblings.
"It's perfectly alright." He said "And I can show you Lily. But
you must be very very careful with it." He said and when Arya
nodded, he removed the belt from around his waist and showed
it to Arya before slowly bringing out the Valyrian sword from
it's sheath.
Arya's eyes widened with joy and her hand went to touch the
colorful ripples on the sword.
He didn't move and allowed her to admire the sword for a few
more moments before he put the sword back in it's sheath and
put the belt back around his waist.
Arya looked disgruntled but didn't complain. Then her eyes light
up and she asked "Hey Domeric! Where did you get that sword.
And can I get one as well."
He smiled and reached for her head once again but she quickly
moved out of the way. He took back his hand and said "That's a
secret. And who knows. Anything can happen in the future."
Then Robb gestured to one of the servants who brought forward
a plate lled with bread and salt to complete the tradition of the
Guest Rights.
"Please partake in our bread and salt Lord Bolton." Robb said,
trying to imitate the serious demeanor of his father. He was
doing a decent job of it but he was still much too young and
inexperienced to pull it off perfectly.
"I thank you Robb Stark." He said and at the bread and salt. The
bread was no where near as soft or tasty as the bread he got in
Dreadfort but he didn't mind.
He and his party would only stay here for a few days.
"Let me show you to your rooms Lord Bolton." Robb said and
gestured to Jon who went to show the rooms to his men.
He nodded and followed the younger boy to his guest room.


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Chapter 231: Chapter 231
"I owe you an apology Lord Bolton." Lord Stark said as soon he
met the man in his solar.
"For what Lord Stark?" he asked as he sat in the chair opposite
to Lord Stark.
"For… King Robert has betrothed his son Prince Joffrey
Baratheon to my daughter Sansa Stark." Lord Stark told him, not
knowing that he already knew all these things "I… told the king
that my daughter was already betrothed but he… insisted rather
strongly on this matter." Lord Stark shook his head "Forgive me,
there was nothing I could do."
His eyes narrowed and his grip on the chair tightened. He glared
at Lord Stark for a long moment before he nally said "That is
rather insulting Lord Stark. I got your letter before departing
from Dreadfort but I didn't believe it. I didn't believe that
honorable Lord Eddard Stark would do something like this. Do
remind my why King Robert started the war against the
Lord Stark's face paled and his eyes became hard "Are you
going to rebel against us. During such a critical time when we
all should come together."
He scoffed at Lord Stark and looked at godswood from the
window. There was a long silence between them. "That would
depend on what kind of compensation House Stark is willing to
pay for such an insult."
"You can always be betrothed to Arya. She's my younger
daughter but I assure you that I love her just as…"
"No." He said "Why would I be betrothed to another Stark girl
when being betrothed to Sansa led to such a huge insult. No
Lord Stark. There won't be any more betrothals between House
Bolton and House Stark. Not after this."
Lord Stark looked pained at that.
He probably understood that if a war took place between House
Bolton and House Stark then it was quite likely that House Stark
would lose.
Even if they stayed together to ght the Long Night, the next
Summer would de nitely start with a civil war.
He took a deep breath and shook his head "Let's be honest with
each other Lord Stark." He said "You and I know very well that I
never wanted to be betrothed to Sansa and you never wanted to
betrothed the girl to me. The only reason you did so was because
the growing wealth of House Bolton posed a danger to House
Stark. But with an alliance with the Crown, House Stark has no
need to fear House Bolton anymore."
"Let me nish Lord Stark." He said "I never wanted to be
betrothed to Sansa. She's just… not the kind of woman I want as
my wife. So I am more relieved by this new turn of events than
"You are?" Lord Stark asked with suspicion.
"I am." He nodded "The only problem is that such a thing is a
huge insult to House Bolton. And I am not the kind of person
that lets others insult my house without any retaliation. Until the
Crown and House Stark pay the necessary recompense for this,
you may stop counting House Bolton among your allies."
He got up from his chair, turned around and started walking
"Lord Bolton." Lord Stark said.
He turned to look at the Lord who looked both guilty and
"I… House Stark has betrayed your trust. Not on purpose but it
has done so regardless. I apologize for that. But… the Long
"The alliance against the White Walkers is still in place." He
said and Lord Stark slumped in relief "House Bolton will play
it's part in the defense of the Wall. Because if it falls, then it is
likely that the whole of the North will fall with it. I would rather
such a thing not happen."
Lord Stark nodded and he turned around and left the room.
He stopped at the door and looked at the man once again "I'll be
waiting to hear how you plan to recompense me for this insult
Lord Stark."

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Chapter 232: Chapter 232

"How did it go?" Ygritte asked as he Ygritte, Varko and Baka sat
in a small room.
Due to the presence of the King and his large entourage, there
was a shortage of guest rooms in the Castle. In fact, most of his
men had to take a room in a tavern in Wintertown outside
Ygritte was also counted among his sworn shield so she was
given a room along with Varko and Baka.
"It went well." He replied "I didn't really wanted to act all pissed
off and ask for a compensation but my aunt and the others in the
small council told me that if I let such an insult go then the
prestige of House Bolton will fall in the eyes of the other lords
and they won't respect me as much anymore."
"Isn't being rid of Sansa a compensation all on it's own." Ygritte
asked and he nodded.
"It is. But… politics is complicated. And now I must threaten the
King with war for the sake of my house even if I know very well
that I have no interest in starting such a meaningless war."
"This is boring." Baka yawned from where she was openly
eavesdropping on them "I'm going to sleep."
The bed groaned under her weight as she laid down on it and
covered herself with the blanket.
He looked at Ygritte and they both chuckled to themselves.
Then he became serious and said "I'm still not happy with your
decision to come here. Not with the King here."
Ygritte rolled her eyes and put her head on his shoulder "Oh…
the king looked at me wrong. Save me Domeric Bolton."
He chuckled at her antics. "I'm serious. The King really is a
lecherous sort. And I didn't like the way those Red Cloaks were
looking at you either."
"Oh relax Domeric. I know how to defend myself. And I doubt a
few men could anything to me after you did your magic thing on
"I know." He said "But I don't want the situation to become even
more tense either. So since I listened to you and brought you
here, you must listen to me as well."
"You must remain with Varko during your stay in this castle."
"All the time?" she asked.
"Most of the time." He replied "The other times you can be with
Arya." He said and started chuckled himself much to Ygritte's
When he went to meet with Lord Stark, Ygritte showed some of
her capabilities as an archer.
She had found a new die hard fan in Arya Stark after that event
and the girl had been trailing her and asking her to become her
teacher ever since.
It was frankly hilarious but he also saw it as a way to mend the
relationship with House Stark.
"Do make sure to look after Ygritte Varko." He said to the man
who was pretending to be sleeping in his bed.
Varko got up from his bed and looked at him with a wry smile
"As you wish my lord."
Ygritte rolled her eyes at his over protectiveness and bemoaned
her fate of being stalked by Varko during her stay in the castle.
He felt the urge to take her to his room and spank her a few
times before tying her to his bedpost and fucking her until her
eyes rolled back with pleasure.
But he couldn't risk doing that in the Stark territory.
He made do with giving her a kiss and fondling her ass cheeks
for a few moment before he separated from her and silently
apparated back to his own room.


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Chapter 233: Chapter 233

He took a chair and sat beside Bran Stark who had yet to come
out of the coma from his fall from the Broken tower.
Lady Stark sat on the other side of the bed and didn't so much as
glance at him since he entered the room.
He couldn't tell if the woman was really so deep in her grief or if
this was some new way of insulting her.
Then again, he never had a child of his own so he couldn't really
tell how a parent would feel if his child went into a coma he
might never come out of.
He put his hands above Bran's chest. Lady Stark glanced at his
hand before she went back to making whatever it was that she
was making. Some kind of superstitious protection charm
Now that she was not looking, he used his magic to scan Bran
Stark's body.
The results were not pretty.
The boy's legs were fucked. So was his lower back.
He doubted that the boy would ever walk again with such
injuries. And that is if the boy even woke up in the rst place.
His brain had also suffered some mild damage from the fall. It
was nothing severe but… something was wrong.
He couldn't point his nger at what exactly was wrong.
That would require him to use a medi wizard spell on Bran that
would let out a dim glow and reveal his status as a wizard.
He pointed a nger at Lady Stark and cast a Confundus charm
on her.
Using human detection charm to make sure that no one would
be coming into the room, he put his hand above Bran's forehead
and his hand started to glow.
The glow lasted for a few moments before he removed his hand
and put it back on Bran's chest before he removed the
Confundus charm on the woman.
Lady Stark blinked for a moment and went back to making the
protection charm.
He on the other hand scratched his chin and thought about what
he found from the brain scan.
Well, the brain was mostly functional but the Frontal Cortax part
of his brain was showing signs of growing which was brizzare to
say the least.
The only one who had such such a large Front Cortax were the
Wargs and that part of Bran's brain was already bigger than
Did the fall somehow unlock Bran's warging powers?
He mentally chuckled at the grim thought of throwing a few
Free Folk from his window in Dreadfort to see if they would
gain the powers of a warg as well.
Then he thought about what else he had found and frowned.
Bran's psyche was not there. It was as if the boy was in some
sort of astral projection state.
The only time something similar happened to him was when he
was using the Valyrian Glass Candle and…
When Bloodraven used his Greenseer abilities.
So Bran was not a Warg but a Greenseer.
He wondered what he should feel about that.
He had always been envious of Bloodraven's abilities. Now,
there was a edgling Greenseer in the North.
He wondered if the old coot knew about this. Judging by how he
seemed to know almost everything else, he probably did.
Questions whirled around in his mind.
Would the boy know how to use his powers instinctivelly or
would he have to be taught?
If he would have to be taught like a wizard than he would need
to send the boy Beyond the Wall to Bloodraven.
If not, then he could always use the help of a super spy.
Would Bloodraven even want the boy?
He had no answers to his questions. He would probably need to
have a talk with Bloodraven about this to know what was
He gave Lady Stark a nod which she probably didn't notice and
left the room.

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Chapter 234: Chapter 234

His plan to go to his room, use his portkey two times and have a
talk with Bloodraven was disturbed when he ran across Jamie
Lannister on his way back.
"Well well well… Look at what we have here." Jamie drawled
as he stood in the middle of the corridor in a clear sign that he
won't be able to go past him unless he confronted the man right
here and now.
"Never seen a man Kingslayer."
A quick legilimency probe told him that Jamie found it
suspicious that Tyrion found out about his part in Tysha after
coming from his lands and wanted to investigate it.
The Lannister ponce also didn't like it when he called him
The man reminded him of Draco Malfoy. A Draco who was
pretty good with a sword but one who never managed to grow
"A man? All I see is a boy in front of me."
"A boy who could cut you open from balls to brain in a moment
if he so desired." He replied.
Jamie chuckled at his words and the chuckles quickly turned
into full blown laughter.
"You… defeat me? There are only a handful of man in the 7
Kingdoms who could give me a fair ght. Only one who could
defeat me. That man is not you." Then Jamie's hand went to the
hilt of his sword "Though I can put your delusions to rest if that
is what you want."
He looked at the sword on Jamie's belt and instantly recognized
the hilt and the sword it was attached to "Did Daddy dearest
gave you the Valyrian sword I sold him. What was it's name. A
lion's cock?"
"Lion's claw." Jamie said with narrowed eyes.
"Ahh… yes yes. That." He said and smirked at Jamie as he
hands also reached for Lily's hilt "Did Daddy dearest gave it to
you for betraying your brother and making him leave the
Jamie's anger spiked at his words and he took out the blade from
it's sheath.
"If I were you I would use my next words very carefully boy."
Jamie said.
"A boy. Yes. I suppose that is what I am. A boy who has taken
his house to great prosperity. What have you done Kingslayer.
Become the guard of two kings both of who would be glad to
piss on your face and shit on your mouth. I suppose that must
seem quite an accomplishment to a man of your calibre."
Jamie's anger was on a rise "Not another word boy. Or I'll ay
you with the same sword you gave to my father."
"Will you?" he asked with a smirk "Flaying. What a barbaric
thing to do. But then again, lying to your own brother and
making him watch the other men rape his wife, such a thing
would not be below you."
"That's it. You're dead." Jamie snarled at brought his sword
down on him.
In a ash, his sword was out of it's sheath.
The collision of the two Valyrian blades made a sound that
resounded in the corridor and throughout the entire castle.
Jamie blinked at how easily he blocked his attacked. Before
Jamie could react, he kicked the man away from him, turned and
Jamie got up from his the ground and ran after him.
Except that he was much faster than Jamie and he had good
He ran out of the corridor, jumped down the stairs and into the
courtyard where Robb and Jon were currently sparring against
Varko, Ygritte and Baka were standing on the side and watching
the ght and his men were talking with the Stark men. Problem
was that the other side of the courtyard was lled with Lannister
men. And the Red Cloaks easily outnumbered his men 3 to 1.
Oh well, he had fought worse odds.
Jamie Lannister came roaring down the stairs and ran after him,
his sword raised high in the air and his intentions clear in his
Jamie's blade never managed to reach him.
Varko stood in between him and Jamie, their swords locked
Jamie had a moment to realize who he was up against and then
his eyes widened in shock.
Before Jamie could react, Varko disarmed him and ung him to
the ground, putting his knee above Jamie's back and stopping
him from moving.
Jamie reached for his dagger but Varko reached it rst and
disarmed Jamie of that as well.
Jamie writhed under Varko's feet and there was silence in the


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Chapter 235: Chapter 235

Then slowly all the Red Cloaks took out their swords and one of
them came forward and said "Release Ser Jamie at once or there
will be consequences."
Later he would remember this as the moment when he could
used his silver tongue, a few subtle compulsion charms and
calmed everyone down.
But right now adrenaline was rushing through his blood thanks
to the running and his short bout with Jamie Lannister.
"Consequences?" he asked, feigning confusion. "I do wonder
what that word means."
"So be it." The man said and moved toward him, the Lannister
men moving ahead along with him.
A roar from the side alerted the man to what or who was
The Red Cloak commander's eyes went wide and he raised his
sword to protect himself.
His sword didn't work as he had hoped.
Baka's giant 150 pound heavy sword broke through his sword
and cleaved him in half before anyone could even resister what
was happening.
He heard some girl scream in the background and then chaos
His men ran forward with their spears and shields and formed a
two row deep circle around him and Varko who was still holding
onto Jamie who was now looking at Baka in slight fear.
Ygritte came inside the circle a moment later, took out her
Valyrian bow and started shooting at the Lannister men some of
whom had surrounded Baka while the others charged at his men.
The Stark men looked at the scene and then looked at Robb who
was looking rather confused and a bit afraid of the sudden
escalation in violence.
He knew that Robb wanted to side with them but with Sansa's
betrothal to the Royal family, he was not sure whom he should
ght as both parties were his allies.
Then one of the Stark men shouted and charged at the Red
Cloaks. He remembered the man being one of those who had
accompanied him to the North of the Wall. In fact a lot of the
men in the courtyard had fought beside his men before.
So once that man charged against the Lannister man, the others
didn't look to Robb Stark for order and charged along with him
against the Red Cloaks.
By now the whole courtyard had become a 3 way meat grinder.
The Stark men were ghting the Lannisters. His men were
defending against the Lannisters and stacking bodies as the
Lannisters failed to penetrated the magical armor of his men
while his men's own magical spears easily penetrated their
Ygritte was already on double digit of kill counts and Baka had
surrounded herself with a circle of dead Red Cloaks and was
covered in blood herself.
Looking at her cleaving through two to three men at a time like
that, for a moment, he was sure that he could send her against
the White Walkers and she would take care of that problem on
her own.
Robb looked at the scene that was now out of his hands and
grimaced. Then he resolved himself, let out a war cry and
charged in the melee with Jon and their two grown direwolves
charging beside them.
He looked around and noticed that the small direwolves were
with Arya who was frozen in her spot and was looking at the
whole thing in shock. At least she was behind the Stark men so
he wasn't worried about her being harmed.
On the other side of the courtyard, Joffrey was shouting
something to Sandor Clegane while pointing at Baka while
Sandor was holding both Joffrey and Tommen with one hand
each and was looking at Baka with apprehension and some well
deserved fear.
Then there was a bellow from the other side of the courtyard


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Chapter 236: Chapter 236

He won't say that the battle stopped in an instant but it dimmed

down a bit and a few more men died before the men nally
Well in the case of Baka the ght did stop in an instant.
None of the Red Cloaks who had surrounded her look keen on
ghting and stayed well away from her. She icked her sword as
one would ick a dagger and came to his side, the Lannister men
parting around her like she was a demon from hell itself.
Even his own and the Stark men were looking somewhat fearful
at her.
Had they really not seen her in action before? Oh yes, he did
enhance her body after coming back from the North.
"BOLTON! EXPLAIN. What is going on here?" The King asked
as he climbed down the stairs in a hurry. The fat in his stomach
jiggled every time he took a step but over all, the King looked
better now that he had started to exercise than he did a few
months before.
The Kingsguard Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Meryn Trant.
Ser Barristan's eyes seemed locked on Baka and his hand
remained at the hilt of his sword, ready to defend it King if need
"Your grace." He said and knelt. The other men around him
followed his example and soon everyone in the courtyard was
"Stand." King Robert said. He did.
"Now explain what the bloodly hell is going on here." King
The thought through a few answers and then gave one "It's my
fault your grace."
"Your fault. How?" the king asked.
"Well, after I was coming back from seeing young Bran, I ran
across Ser Jamie Lannister over here." He said and pointed at
Jamie who was still struggling under Varko's foot.
The King looked at Jamie Lannister as if seeing him for the rst
time. The side of his mouth almost quirked up in amusement at
the side before he controlled himself and became serious.
"Ser Jamie seemed rather keen on having a talk with me. About
his not-brother Tyrion probably. We threw a few insults at each
other. My insults were better and Ser Jamie lost his temper and
tried to kill me." He said "I ran and reached the courtyard where
Varko…" he pointed at the man "…handled Ser Jamie. The Red
Cloaks didn't their pretty golden cub being under someone else's
foot. They told me to release Ser Jamie. I told them to go fuck
their mothers. And a ght started."
The King seemed lost for words for a few moments before he
shook his head.
"JAMIE!!!" a shrill voice echoed from the other side of the
courtyard and he almost rolled his eyes as the Queen looked at
his brother lying under Varko's feet and came down from the
main Keep.
The Kingsguard Ser Boros Blount and Ser Arys Oakheart
followed behind and looked at the scene in shock.
She looked at the whole situation for a moment before he eyes
fell on him.
"Bolton. How dare you…" the woman walked over the dead
corpses without giving them another glance. Well, she was not
losing her lunch despite all the blood and gore so at least that
was something "I knew you would show your colors sooner or
later. Release my brother this instant."
He looked at the woman with an annoyed expression and put his
little nger in his ear "What? Strip my brother and fuck him
with the Lion cock till he's dead."
This time the King not able to stop the laugh bubbling in his
stomach and let out a little chuckle which stopped immediately
as the Queen's venomous gaze fell upon the King.
"You. Why are not telling this upstart to release my brother. Any
insult to him is an insult to you."
The King looked like he wanted to facepalm himself for getting
in this situation.
The king turned toward him and Varko "Bolton. Have your man
release Ser Jamie. End this farce once and for all."
"But I'm still surrounded by Red Cloaks your grace. I'm afraid if
I let Ser Jamie go then they would attack and kill me and my
men. I'm afraid I'll keep Ser Jamie with me for a little longer."
The King frowned at that.
"Are you refusing a direct order from your King, Domeric
Bolton." The King asked with a serious expression.


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Chapter 237: Chapter 237

"A man can do that and much more when his and the life of the
people dear to him is threatened." He replied "I have no qualms
about following your order. But I won't be able to do that as long
as the Red Cloaks are here."
"You think you can refuse a direct order from your king." Ser
Meryn Trant asked as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it at
He threw an unimpressed gaze toward the pedophile "Baka. The
next time that worm opens his mouth. Kill him."
Baka nodded and he added "Also. If any of these red cunts take
out their sword, break Ser Jamie's neck."
"Sure." Baka replied nonchalantly and the Queen went pale.
Before she could say anything else, there was a shout from the
gates as Lord Stark rode in with a few Stark men following
behind in their own horses
"Lord Bolton. Your Grace. What is going on in here?"
He held the urge to groan at Lord Stark's entrance. This was
starting to look like some kind of 3rd grade teenage drama
"Lord Stark" he said to the men in greeting.
The man climbed down from his horse and took a look at the
situation before his eyes fell on some of the dead Stark men and
his own son who was covered in someone else's blood and was
sporting a cut on his left cheek.
"Robb. What happened here?"
Robb looked at little surprised at becoming the centre of
attention all of a sudden but bore it with grace and moved
forward, his direwolf Midnight trailing behind him.
"Father." Robb said "Me and Jon were sparring against Varko
when Lord Bolton came running out of that Corridor. A few
seconds later, Ser Jamie came roaring out and tried to attack
Lord Bolton. Varko came in between and captured Ser Jamie."
He then pointed at the Red Cloaks lying on the oor in two
pieces "The Red Cloaks asked Lord Bolton to release Ser Jamie.
Lord Bolton refused and the Red Cloaks attacked. A ght ensued
and went on until his grace came and stopped it from
By this point, just about everyone in the castle had come out and
was looking at the scene with confusion and fear.
Even Lady Stark had come out to see what was happening and
was now consoling a crying Arya and a puking Sansa.
Lord Stark heard Robb's side of the story and nodded "Do you
have anything to add Lord Bolton? Ser Jamie?"
"Well… I did antagonize Ser Jamie. But he was the one to
confront me so I won't be taking blame for that."
Lord Stark nodded and then turned to Varko "Varko. Release Ser
Varko looked at him and he mulled his choices in his head and
then nodded. If he released the Lannister ponce now and the Red
Cloaks attack once again then Lord Stark would de nitely ght
on his side.
Varko removed his boot from Ser Jamie's back, helped him up
and dropped him out of the circle of Bolton men that still
surrounded him.
Jamie wiped the dirt from his face, looking embarrassed as the
queen watched him for any injuries.
"You." The King shouted at the Red Cloaks "Drop your swords
and give them to the Stark men."
The Red Cloaks reluctantly gave their swords to the Stark men
who looked like they had no idea what to do with them before
Jon came forward, covered in blood and gave them some orders
"You as well." King Robert said to his men who looked at him.
He thought about it and then shook his head "That will not be
necessary. I can see that we're not welcome here. We'll be
departing now."
"Lord Bolton." Lord Stark said "The sword. The one that you
found North of the Wall."
"I'll have my men send it to you." He said.
"And my sword." Jamie Lannister said, looking at him with
barely restrained anger and humiliation.
"Ahh… the lion's cock. It must be lying somewhere over here.
Find it on your own."
"Here." One of the Stark men said and picked up a sword from
the ground and gave it to Jamie Lannister who looked at it and
then -much to the shock of everyone present- pointed it toward


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Chapter 238: Chapter 238
"Need I remind you Ser Jamie that Lord Bolton is still under my
guests right." Lord Stark said.
"True. But Lord Bolton claimed that he could cut me from balls
to brain where I stand." He said "I would like to see if he is as
good as his boasts or if he's only good at running away like a
"I would ght you Ser Jamie…" he said with a smile "But there
is really nothing in it for me. If you win, then I'll die. And if I
win and you die, then I'll earn the Queen's wrath and the King's
displeasure. Who knows, even Lord Lannister might be a little
Jamie Lannister didn't seemed to want to give up this easily
"What do you want then? Gold. Women. Gold and women."
"I have both gold and women, thank you very much." He said
and then thought about Jamie Lannister's offer a bit more
seriously and continued "But… there is something we can bet in
this ght."
"What?" Jamie Lannister asked.
He took out Lily from it's sheath and showed the Valyrian sword
to everyone in the courtyard
"A bet of the century." He said "A Valyrian Steel blade for
Valyrian Steel. The winner takes both."
"The Lion's claw is bigger than Lily." Jamie Lannister said.
"You're also bigger than me." He replied "And more
experienced. I think the bet is fair. Unless you want to ght
Varko in my stead."
"I would gladly be your sword my Lord." Varko added from
behind and Jamie's face curdled before he nodded.
"Very well then. I'll ght against you. A Valyrian sword for a
Valyrian sword. Who will of ciate this duel?"
He looked around and said "This is Lord Stark's castle. And
despite his breaking my betrothal with Sansa without even
consulting me, I still believe he is an honorable man. He can
of ciate this duel."
He then put Lily back in it's sheath and took out the belt before
handing it one of his men who passed it on to Lord Stark.
Jamie did the same and handed Lion's claw to Lord Stark as
Lord Stark looked at the two Valyrian swords that had been
handed to him and nodded "Clearing the courtyard, giving
proper burial to these men and compensating their families
comes rst." He said "The duel will be held at evening. Any
"None at all." He said with a smile.
"Good then. I don't want any act of violence in Winterfell until
then. Anyone who starts as ght will answer to me." Lord Stark
said before turning to him "Lord Bolton, follow me and his
grace. And ask your men to bring the Ice Sword."
He nodded and gave the bottomless pouch which held the Ice
sword stuffed inside a runic Weirwood box to Ygritte.
"Have the men send it to me in a few minutes." He said "And be
mindful of the Lannisters. Don't let them catch you alone…"
"And be near Varko." She said with a smirk and took the
Bottomless bag "Don't worry. I got this."
He nodded, looking at the people surrounding the courtyard and
then he declared. "The family of any Stark man who died
ghting for me today will gain 100 gold dragons. The ones who
fought for me but are still alive will gain 20 gold dragons. Let it
not be said that I don't reward those who help me in my hour of
Then he nodded to Lord Stark who gave him an exasperated
look even as his men cheered in the background. Then Lord
Stark motioned him and King Robert and went toward the Main

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Chapter 239: Chapter 239

"So this is it." The King said as all three of them along with Ser
Barristan Semly and Ser Meryn Trant looked at the box of
Weirwood kept on top of the table.
"This is a box made of wood from Heart Tree." He said before
pointing at the various runes running across the box in red colors
"The Children of the Forest carved runes on it with the sap of
the Weirwood tree to contain it's energy which made it easy to
Looking at the confusion in King Robert and Ser Barristan's
face, he explained "The room in which this Ice sword was kept
in Castle Black had temperature below the point in which water
freeze into ice. The whole room was covered with a sheen of ice,
the locks had to be unjammed with heat as they stopped
functioning and it was very hard to remain in the room for very
"A load of rubbish." Ser Meryn Trant snorted.
"The last man who thought something similar tried to pick up
the sword." He said "He got frostbite as soon as he touched the
sword and later the frostbite became so bad that we have to cut
off his arm. If you believe this to be a load of rubbish then I'm
sure you won't hesitate from trying to weild the sword. Right Ser
The pedophile gulped and even Ser Barristan looked annoyed.
"Ser Meryn, please keep your thoughts to himself." Ser
Barristan said and the pedophile nodded.
"Well, get ready for some cold then." He said and when Lord
Stark nodded, he used a steel bar to remove the wooden lid.
There was a hiss of cold air that left the wooden box as soon as
he opened the lid a little bit. He continued to push and a moment
later, the box was open they were all shivering in the cold.
"By the gods." Ser Barristan Selmy said and he pried the whole
lid open and revealed the Ice sword to the King at last.
"Fucking hell Ned, you knew you wouldn't lie but…" King
Robert said and moved toward the Ice sword
"Robert." Lord Stark said and moved his hand to stop the King
who instantly came to his senses and then chuckled to his
"Almost forgot about the frostbite thing." He said and chuckled
to himself "Still… how did you kill the… White Walker holding
"We didn't." He replied. "Even when me, Varko and Benjen
Stark fought it, it had no trouble defeating us all. It killed Benjen
Stark, kicked Varko away with the ease of a child kicking away
an insect and was about to kill me when Ygritte red a
Dragonglass arrow at it. The arrow pierced it's head where it had
no protection and it shattered into hundreds of Ice Crystals like
these." He said and showed an ice crystal which was much
colder than normal snow but not as cold as the Ice sword and
could still be held by human hands.
The King picked up the Ice Crystal and instantly put it down on
the table, rubbing his hand from the cold experience.
"This is… still hard to believe." King Robert said as he looked
intensely at the Ice Sword, his brow and bread already gathering
a thin sheen of snow on top it.
He may not like King Robert but the man had a damn good
"Would you like a demonstration my lord?" he asked.
"Demonstrations? Of what kind?" King Robert asked.
"To prove that no weapon except those made from Valyrian
Steel and Dragonglass work against the White Walkers." He said
and took out leather gloves from his pocket along with a
dragonglass holder.
He picked up the Ice Sword with the help of the Dragonglass
holder, kept it at a distance from himself and took it out of the
"Ser Meryn. Strike the Ice Sword with your own." He said.


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Chapter 240: Chapter 240

The man let out a grunt, unwilling to do any such thing.

"Do as the boy says." The king ordered and the Kingsguard
reluctantly took out his sword from it's sheath and pointed it at
the Ice Sword.
"Be sure to strike hard and true." He said and the Kingsguard
grunted in response before hitting the Ice Sword with his full
There was a sound of shattering steel and a moment later, Ser
Meryn Trant was holding only the hilt of his blade, looking at
the pieces of steel that once used to be his sword and then at the
Ice Sword in terror.
"What sort of sorcery is this?" the man said as he backed away
from the sword.
He chuckled "The sorcery of the White Walkers I suppose.
Something that our feeble human minds cannot even
comprehend." He said and put the Ice sword back in the wooden
box before he picked up one of the Steel shards and gave it to
the King.
Ser Barristan Selmy also picked up a shard and both the King
and the Kingsguard looked at it in silence for a long moment
before he said "That is why it's useless to ght a White Walker
without the proper weapon. Not only do the White Walkers have
an advantage in weapon, they are also almost as strong as Baka
and faster and as experienced as Varko. Not to mention the
thousands of wights they bring with them. Wights that would
continue to try to kill you even if they only have a single hand
remaining. You must kill them by either re, Valyrian steel or
dragon glass."
The King remained silent for a long moment before he sat down
on a chair and pointed a hand at the Ice Sword "Close it. I've
seen enough."
He nodded and closed the lid of the wooden box. They all took a
collective sigh of relief as the cold in the room vanished at once.
The Ice coating the various surfaces still remained but it would
melt before the end of the hour.
The King rubbed his forehead "Bloody hell. So the White
Walkers are really back. Is that what you're telling me Ned."
Ned Stark's face remained stoic and he nodded once "Yes your
Robert slumped even further in the chair "When your boys told
me about ghting Wights in the North… I didn't believe them,
even if my intuition told me otherwise. I should not have
doubted your boys Ned. It was my mistake."
"Anyone else would have thought the same."
They remained silent for a moment after that before the King
nally got up from his chair and looked at his oldest friend.
"What do you want from me Ned?"
"What can you give?" Lord Stark asked.
Robert thought about it for a moment and said "Well, the crown
de nitely can't give you any money. I spent all of it in tourneys
and whores." He laughed but there was no joy in it "6 million
gold dragons in debt Ned. That's what Petyr Baelish told me. 3
million in debt to Tywin Fucking Lannister who can shit gold
even when his gold mines have run dry. Tell me what you want
Ned because I'm frankly at a loss for words."
"If I may your grace." He said.
The King turned to look at him and motioned him to go ahead.
He unrolled a map of the North and laid it on the table. Then he
pointed at a great mass of land below the Wall.
"When Bran the Builder built the Wall, he gave a large chunk of
land to the men of the North to the Nights Watch for their
sustenance and support. When Good Queen Alysanne visited the
Wall on her dragon, she held the Nights Watch in great esteem
and convinced her husband to double their land, extending it
further twenty ve leagues south. The problem is that as the
condition of the Nights Watch decreased, more and more
Wildling incursions started to occur. This led to the people in
these Old and New gift abandoning their homes to go further
south where they could gain the protection of their lords."
"Now, despite being some of the most fertile lands in the North,
the New and Old gift are mostly deserted." He then pointed at
the New Gift "The rst thing you can do is return the Old and
the New gift to the North. The Lords who'll settle in these lands
could give a percent of their taxes to the Wall and also protect
their small folk. Win win. This will also cause wandering hedge
nights and people who're down on their luck to travel North and
will increase the population of North."
The King nodded his head "It… can be done. If the Watch is in
as bad a condition as you're telling me then it would be better if
these lands are given to you. What do you say Ned?"
"It would be a wise decision." Ned said and the King banged the
table with his meaty palms.
"Consider it done then." The King said "What else?"


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Chapter 241: Chapter 241

He took out other map, this one of the 7 kingdoms and pointed
at Kings Landing.
"Kings Landing has a current population of about 650,000." He
said "Of those, about 350,000 live in abject poverty. Begging on
the streets, stealing purses, doing menial labor and eating from
trash. Their lives are a horror story and they contribute nothing
to the City except for bolstering it's population and making the
city smell of shit and piss. I would like to ask for your
permission to relocate these people to the New Gift. The faster
we can do this, the better it'll be. I'll send my men to teach them
how to farm. They'll add to the economy of the North and the
addition of this many people would give us an addition of 2,000
men in the defense of the Wall."
Kings Robert frowned at that and remained silent for a long
"I'll not force them to relocate." He said while shaking his head
"But if you can offer them a better future and they leave on their
own then I'll not stop them either. This'll be in your hand."
"Yes your grace." He said and pointed at Gulltown "Gulltown
also has a population of about 200,000 people. Half of which are
living in poverty. I would like to ask to be allowed to take the
men from there as well."
"I'll allow it." The King said "Anything else."
He nodded "The crown does not tax the North a lot. Mostly
because the North is the 2nd poorest Kingdom and it's lands
don't produce much. But it still tax us on timber, clothes, iron,
wool, cattle, leather and a variety of other things. I would ask for
the Crown to forgo the taxes from the North until the end of this
Winter. It'll be of a lot of help to the smaller lords and help them
prepare well for the Long Night that's to come."
"Done." The King said without a second thought "What else?"
"That will be all for now your grace." He said "I would have
asked for you to send your men North to guard the Wall but…"
"The pampered shits won't come here. I know." The king said
and sighed "Even with all the stories and the Ice sword, if Ned
was not my friend then I wouldn't have believed you. Hell, I still
don't know how much I believe you. But this will not be enough
for the people of the South. If you show them an Ice Sword
they'll claim that it's something you found in one of your
expedition and are using the White Walkers as an excuse to
strength the North so that you could rebel in the future." The
King bellowed a laugh at that before he became serious.
"I heard that you brought a Wight with you when you came
down from the second expedition." The king said to him.
He nodded "I did. But one of the fanatic of the Faith of the 7
considered it an abomination to all that was living and burned it
down before we could even show it to all the Lords of the North.
Thankfully, many of them believed our account and the ones
that were skeptical jumped in as well as the stories of White
walkers are still known in this realm. They believed us and now
we've started the preparation for the Great War."
"Great War… hah! I like the sound of that." The King said "You
must bring one of these wights to the South Domeric Bolton.
Without it, the people of the South will not believe you. Hell, I
doubt all of them would believe you even if you show them a
living breathing White Walker. But most of them will. And it'll
be easier for me to send help up North that way."
He frowned at that "The last time I went up North, I almost died.
And my men would have followed shortly after. Finding a White
walker is a very dif cult task. Trying to nd one and then kill it
is even more dif cult. But the fact it that it is very likely that all
the Wights under a White Walker die if you kill the White
Walker. So I'm not sure if we'll be as lucky this time."
"I know. But this is a task that someone must do. And you're the
man with the greatest experience in going beyond the North."
The King said and put his hand on his shoulders "You must do
this task Lord Bolton. For your people."
He pretended to think about it and then he nodded "I'll prepare
my men for another expedition as soon as I go back to
"See to it lad." The King said before he turned to Lord Stark
"Anything else I could do for the North Ned?"
"The help of the Royal Fleet in transporting the people to the
North will be appreciated." Lord Stark said.
King Robert nodded "I'll tell Stannis to do it. Anything else?"
"No. That will be all your grace." Lord Stark replied.


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Chapter 242: Chapter 242

He was returning from his meeting and going back to his room
and he saw Sansa waiting outside his door. He sighed. He really
didn't want this teenage girl drama right now but he doubted he
would be able to avoid her for long.
Sansa heard his footsteps and turned to face him. Her eyes were
red rimmed, her hair was unkempt and her dress looked
disheveled, as if she had not changed it for a few days.
As soon as she saw him, her eyes started watering and she ran
up to him and pulled him in a hug.
"Oh Domeric. I'm so sorry." She sobbed in his shoulder "The
King betrothed me to Prince Joffrey. Father fought against this
decision but his grace won't listen to him. Mother says that I
should follow the betrothal and marry the prince like a good
lady should. But I don't want to marry him, I want to marry you.
I love you Domeric."
She looked in his eyes and leaned in to kiss him.
The action was so shocking that he stood still for a moment.
Then he pushed her away by her shoulders and looked at her in
Gods, he knew that the girl was a little infatuated with him but
when did she fell in love with him. And did she thought that he
loved her as well? Didn't all the cold shoulders he gave her in
Dreadfort taught her anything.
Using legilimency probe told him that ever since he rst used
those compulsion charms on her a decade ago (during Greyjoy
rebellion), she have had feelings for him. Over time, when she
heard about his deeds from other people, the feelings nurtured.
When she came to Dreadfort, she was still only infatuated with
him. A boy who she had only heard rumors about. A boy she
only knew from rumors but a boy that she liked. When she lived
in the luxury of Dreadfort, she started to conjure the images of a
happy future with him. And even when he exiled her and her
mother from Dreadfort, she believed that he did it for her
mother's behaviour and not because there was anything wrong
with her.
The images of a happy future together with him remain buried in
her mind and in uenced her infatuation with him which twisted
over time in an obsessive sort of lust.
He came out of her mind and closed his eyes in discomfort.
This whole thing was resembling the Petyr Baelish and Lysa
Tully thing too much for his liking.
But unlike Petyr Baelish, he didn't need her help to rise high in
the world. In fact, he doubted that she could help him in anyway
even if she wanted to do it.
Not to mention that he might have crossed a lot of lines between
good and evil in his life but he didn't want to cross the line of
manipulating a little girl who believed herself to be in love with
"Sansa." He said "I your never doubt your love for me." Gods,
he almost cringed at the words pouring out of his mouth but
continued "I too had hoped for a future with you by my side. But
the King has decided our futures for us. And we cannot go
against the King. If I do so then the king will see me and my
loved ones dead before the end of the moon."
"He can't do such a thing." She said midst tears.
"He can Sansa. And as much as I love you… we're not meant to
be." He said "You must move on as well and try to nd a life
with the Prince. Who knows, maybe you'll be happier as a queen
then as a lady of a small keep."
"Dreadfort isn't small." She said "And I want to marry you and
only you."
Her voice was starting to rise so he subtly cast a sound muf ing
charm around them. He didn't want rumors about him and Sansa
having some kind of affair. That way lead to ruin.
He shook his head and spoke more rmly this time "I cannot do
this Sansa. You should leave."
Sansa looked stunned for a moment and then her face contorted
into vicious anger "Is this about that whore you keep with you?"
"Excuse me?" he said, more confused than anything.
"Theon told me about the girl you took with you to the North.
He told me that you slept with her each night. Is she the reason
why you don't want me?"
Gods… this really was starting to resemble Lysa and Petyr too
much. Now they even had a Catelyn of their own.
"Sansa…" he paused, not really knowing what he should say in
this moment.
Sansa wiped her tears and looked at him with a serious gaze "Do
you love her?" she asked.
He opened his mouth to answer but closed it. He did it a few
more times before he nally hung his head and nodded "I do. I'm
truly sorry Sansa."
Sansa stayed quiet for a long moment, simply looking at him
with an strange expression.
Then she took one of his hand and put it on her breast "Then
take me."
"What?" he asked with a frown.
"I said take me." She said with more con dence this time she
took his other hand and put his on her crotch which he could tell
was hot with arousal.
"What?" he asked. Fuck he was feeling an idiot right now. He
mentally slapped himself a few times to get a hang of his
emotions and used a little Occlumency as well.
He removed his hand from above her cunt but she didn't let go
of his hand.
"Take me." She said "I'll come to you at night. You can take me
then. Turn me into a woman and do with me what you wish. If
I'm ruined then I won't be married to the prince anyway. And
then we can live happily together after that. That's why you love
that girl right. Because allows you to… to… fuck her."
Even with his emotional control, he was left gaping for a good
few seconds.
God… this girl… she was starting to scare him now with how
messed up she was acting.
Was she always this delusional and he just didn't notice.
No, he did notice. But she all about Knightly honor and
womanly virtues back then, not trying to fuck him, cuckold the
prince and live happily ever after.
Oh man… he wondered if he should simply obliviate her and
use compulsion charm on her to make her stay away from him.
Because if he rejected her now, when he she had decided to give
her all to him. Then…
Well, he had heard about the phrase 'Hell hath no fury like a
woman scorned.'
And he de nitely didn't want to scorn the future Queen of
That is if the Psycho cat-killing prince didn't manage to kill her
before that.
Yeah… this was a whole fuck load of bullshit.
He took out his wand and pointed it at her.
She looked at it curiously and he cast the spell.


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Chapter 243: Chapter 243

When he entered the room, he saw Ygritte sitting on her bed

while Varko and Baka were nowhere to be found.
"Where's Baka and Varko?" he asked.
"Guarding this building." She said "They've stopped any Red
Cloak from trying to enter this building. And after looking at the
blood covered face of Baka…" she chuckled before she got up,
sauntered up to him with her hips swinging widely and pulled
him in for a deep kiss.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"That silly girl kissed you." She said with a smirk "I just wanted
to remind you who you belong to."
"I saw that." She replied and pointed at the door "There's a
keyhole in the door and both of you were standing right outside
He nodded "Yeah… she caught me off guard. Sorry about that."
"I know." She nodded and made him sit on the chair before she
straddled his lap. Then her smirk fell and she became serious "I
almost pity the girl. What did you do to her?"
"I wiped her memories of this meeting and sent her back to her
bed. I also made sure that she will try to stay away from me for
as long as I'm in Winterfell."
Ygritte nodded "You ever wiped my memory?"
He frowned and put his hand on her cheeks. Looking deeply into
her eyes, he said "I never use any magic on my loved ones.
Especially mind magic. It is one of the laws that fucked me in
the arse once before. When Gin… that girl betrayed me. But I
have never broken my vow to myself. I don't use mind magic on
those who're dear to me."
Ygritte looked at his eyes for a long moment, searching for the
before she nally nodded and moved forward to touch her soft
and thin lips against his own.
They remained that way for a long moment, making out until
they nally had to separate to take a breath.
"As much as I want for this to continue" she whispered in his ear
"I think you have a duel you need to prepare for."
Then he eyes became serious once again, though with how she
was straddling her and how beautiful she looked, that only
served to arouse him even more.
"Focus." She said as she felt his cock rising under her crotch
"Are you sure you can defeat the blonde."
"I was able to defeat Varko after I enhanced myself." He said
"And I've gotten much better since then."
"Still you should talk with Varko. Ask about the blonde's
ghting style and anything you might use against him." She said
"I know a Valyrian sword doesn't matter to you much but you
named this one after your mother so I don't want you to lose it. I
don't want to lose you either."
He smiled and rose from the chair, she wrapped her legs around
him in order to not fall to the ground and he smirked and put her
down on the bed.
The next moment, his lips were on her neck. His hardened cock
rubbing against her rapidly warming crotch and he bit and
sucked on her neck while pinching her nipples every now and
Ygritte let out a moan and he separated from her.
Looking at her red cheeks and disheveled hair, he felt the urge to
go down on her once again but held himself back.
"We'll continue this after the duel." He told her and walked out
of the room.
Because even if he knew that he'll most likely win against the
Kingslayer, he still wanted to take every advantage he could get.
In his decade of work as an auror, he had learned to not
underestimate his opponent even if they seem vastly weaker
than you.
He had lost a good few men to such a thinking and he wasn't
going to underestimate Jamie Lannister.

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Chapter 244: Chapter 244

"Did you passed the 100 gold coins to the family of the dead
Stark men?" he asked as Ygritte strapped his armor around him.
Usually he would have done it with magic but it was some kind
of tradition that you would have to come to the dueling arena in
simple clothes and wear the armor in the arena. And he
de nitely couldn't use magic in front of all these people.
A strange custom in his mind. What he had seen stranger ones
and this one was not really all that bothersome.
"I did." Varko replied from behind him where he was stoically
gazing at the opposite side of the courtyard where the Queen
herself was strapping the armor of her brother, Jamie Lannister.
It was a strange sight to him. Both the men were being helped by
their lovers. But while he could make love to Ygritte in the
open, the love between Jamie and Cersei will always remain
forbidden. A taboo.
He supposed that that kind of love could also have it's own
The sex would de nitely be more raunchy and passionate
whenever they got the chance to sneak away from the eyes of
other people and get some time for themselves.
The consequences on the other hand…
He looked toward Joffrey who had been sulking on his own
since the slaughter in this morning.
Yes, the consequences of their forbidden love could de nitely
start a civil war.
"Focus." Ygritte said as she pinched his cheeks.
"Ow! Okay okay. Merlin girl. Calm your tits."
"Don't lose." She said "If you do then you won't get to touch me
for a week."
"Really?" he asked, amused "You think you can stay away from
me for so long."
"De nitely." She said with a smirk.
He smirk was wider as he use wandless magic to vibrate the anal
beads he had pushed inside her this morning
Ygritte bent over him and moaned in arousal, trying to hide her
ushed face from the crowd while glaring at him.
"Stop it… m… stop please. Domeric…"
"Okay." He said and stopped the vibration.
Ygritte breath was heavy as she glared at him and nished the
last tying the last strap in his armor before kicking him in shin
and leaving.
He chuckled to himself before Varko's stern voice rang out from
behind him.
"Remain focused my lord." Varko said and he rolled his eyes
(making sure that Varko didn't see him doing it) and wore his
Jamie had already worn his and was jumping around to make
sure that the armor was not being a hindrance.
His armor was magical in nature so it t him perfectly but he
still copied Jamie as he didn't want to look too out of place.
After a while, both of them walked to the center of the Arena
which had been hastily built in the middle of the Courtyard.
A large number of people had come to see this duel and a wood
palisade had been been constructed to keep them back.
Ser Barristan Selmy himself stood at the middle of the arena
with a normal steel sword for both of them.
He used magic to make sure that his sword was not tempered
He couldn't trust the Lannisters after all.
The sword was nothing special but it wasn't tempered with.
It seemed like Jamie Lannister was sure about his victory today.
Lord Stark stood up from the chair he was sitting and the
courtyard become silent at once.
"To everyone present here." He started "This duel is taking place
due to some disagreement between Ser Jamie Lannister and
Lord Domeric Bolton. The champions are Ser Jamie and Lord
Domeric themselves. This champions will continue to duel until
one of them either accepts defeat or cannot ght anymore."
"The bets of this duel are the two Valyrian swords, Lily and
Lion's Claw."
The people cheered at hearing about the bet. After all, such a
duel had never taken place in the History of Westeros and was
unlikely to ever happen again. They were witnessing the
creation of history itself.
Once the crowd quieted down, Lord Stark continued "The
winner will take both the Valyrian swords.
The rules for the duel are:-
1. Three battles will take place. Any champion who wins two
times will be declared the victor.
And 2. Fatal blows are prohibited. Any champion who tries to
kill the other will not only lose the battle but will also not gain
the Valyrian sword of his opponent even if he succeeded in
killing him.
The duel will be started by his grace King Robert Baratheon."
Saying that, Lord Stark took his seat and King Robert who was
sitting on the largest chair got up from his position.
Ser Barristan Selmy left the arena and both him and Jamie took
their positions.
Him with a shield and a sword and Jamie with a sword and a
Everyone in the courtyard held their breaths before King Robert


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Chapter 245: Chapter 245

Sansa watched as the two men started to circle one another.

Their steps rm and balanced. Both looked ready to pounce on
the other at the drop of a hat.
But even to her own inexperienced eyes, she had a feeling that
Lord Bolton was walking with more grace and ease compared to
Ser Jamie who looked tense.
Maybe it was just her bias talking. But Robb had told her that
Lord Bolton was a great swordsman. Perhaps even greater than
Varko himself who was considered the greatest swordsman in
Westeros after he defeated both Ser Jamie and Ser Barristan the
Bold twice in single combat in the melee tournaments in Kings
She hoped that Lord Bolton would win.
Her heart felt heavy as she once again thought about her
betrothal to the Prince.
The prince was a decent man as she had expected but he was not
Lord Bolton. In fact, there was not even a comparison between
the two.
She had hoped that she would be able to gather her courage and
talk to Lord Bolton after the slaughter of the Red Cloaks but she
couldn't gather enough courage and came back to her room
before even meeting Lord Bolton.
She already felt ashamed that she was now betrothed to the
prince. True, it was her father who broke the betrothal without
even consulting Lord Bolton but to her it felt like she herself had
betrayed him.
Because of that, she felt ashamed of herself and couldn't even
gather the courage to go and talk with Lord Bolton.
Any time she even thought about going to him and offering
herself to atone for the betrayal, her mind would whirl around
will all that could go wrong and she would hold herself back.
She was brought out of her thoughts as the two men paused in
their steps to talk about something.
They were talking in low voices but she felt that Lord Bolton
was mocking Ser Jamie regarding something.
A moment later, Ser Jamie charged forward and got a shield to
the face as instead of defending, Lord Bolton also charged
forward and bashed him with his shield.
The duel started and almost instantly she could see that Lord
Bolton was not only stronger but also faster than Ser Jamie who
had been on back foot since the start of the duel.
She felt a warm muzzle prod her and turned around to nd Lady
looking at her for attention.
She gave her a sad smile and gave her a pat before she looked
back at the battle.
Lord Bolton had backed Ser Jamie into a corner and had
disarmed the Kingsguard of both his sword and dagger who was
not trying to defend himself against Lord Bolton's continuous
The Bolton men cheered at the sight and the Starks joined in as
Clank! Clak! Thump! Dinnggg!!! Tink!!
The sound of metal sts stricking metal armor continued to rang
as Lord Bolton threw down his own sword and shield in favor of
punching Ser Jamie who was not ever able to defend himself
properly by this point.
She turned to her brother Robb who was sitting beside her and
asked "Does things like this happen often in duels."
Robb looked lost for words for a few moment, too distracted by
the one sided beatdown in front of him before he looked at her
and said "Duels can get bloody more often than not but this…"
Yeah… she had never heard one champion punching the other
into oblivion like this.
Especially when both of them are wearing armor.

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Chapter 246: Chapter 246

If Ser Jamie did not looked so dazed and weak right now, she
would have wondered if Lord Bolton's punches would even
doing anything against an armored opponent.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" the queen shouted from her seat
"Someone stop that madman. He's killing him."
A moment after she said that, Lord Bolton stopped punching Ser
Jamie who wobbled dangerously on his feet before he tilted to
the side and fell down on the ground like a sack of potatoes.
Maester Lewin and a few Red Cloaks immediately ran to help
Ser Jamie.
The people burst into cheers at that point as Lord Bolton won
the rst match.
She on the other hand wondered if Ser Jamie was even capable
of ghting the next round let alone three whole rounds.
"Did you count how many times Lord Bolton punched the
Kingslayer?" she heard someone speak behind her.
"Must have been a hundred times easily." Someone else said.
"The Kingslayer didn't even stood a chance."
"What a total beatdown.
"…a little disappointed. I was hoping for a better match."
"…see the dents on his armor. They were…"
"…even be able to ght anym…"
She jerked as Robb shouted in her ear.
"You were looking a little lost. Are you alright?" he asked, a
little loudly to be heard among all the cheering.
"Umm… yeah." Just thinking about how she would never get to
be with her beloved anymore but will be forced to be a
broodmare for the Prince.
There was once a time in her life when being the Queen and
siring the Prince and Princess for the King would have been her
greatest desire. But now… after going to Dreadfort and seeing
the life that the people there lived…
She doubted that she would be satis ed with a life in Kings
"You're crying Sansa." Her brother said with a worried look in
his eyes,
She touched her cheeks and realized that there were indeed tears
in her eyes.
"I'm alright." She said. Wondering who it was that she was really
lying to him. Robb or herself.
Robb continued to look at her in worry for a long moment
before he spoke "You need a hug."
She thought about accepting Robb's offer but then she
remembered how she had betrayed Lord Bolton.
No, she didn't want any comfort. She didn't deserve it.
She shook her head and wiped the tears with a hankerchief.
"I'll be alright." She said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
Robb gave her a worried look but nodded. He went back to his
seat but she had a feeling that he would keep an eye on her for
the rest of the duel.
She looked at the arena where the Red Cloaks and Maester
Lewin managed to remove the helmet from Ser Jamie's head
which was lled with cuts and covered with blood.
Maester Lewin threw some water on Ser Jamie's face while the
other Red Cloaks started to remove the dented chest plate from
On the other side of the arena, Lord Bolton was sitting back in
his chair and that harlot was once again hanging on him like a
overgrown banshee.
She chest hurt when Domeric smiled at that woman. A warm
smile that she herself never received.
By no,w the queen was shouting at the men to arrest Lord
Bolton. The King was telling her to shut the hell up and the
crowds were still cheering.
She felt her chest grow heavy and it was becoming dif cult to
She could feel the world closing around her.
She needed to get out of here.
She got up from her chair, her eyes once again blurry was tears
and ran.
She heard Robb shout her name from behind her but she didn't
She didn't care about anything anymore except for reaching her
room, lying down on her pillow and crying until all her tears and
sorrows melted away.


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Chapter 247: Chapter 247

The second round was postponed due to Ser Jamie's multiple

The Queen wanted to blame Lord Bolton to be hanged for the
crime of trying to murder her brother. The Queen wanted to
blame her own husband for allowing this travesty to happen in
the rst place. The Queen wanted to blame Lord Stark for
of ciating this duel. The Queen wanted to burn the whole
Winterfell and all the occupants within. The Queen wanted a lot
of things. She received none of them.
Lord Stark and King Robert agreed that since Lord Bolton
stopped on his own violation before Ser Jamie could be severely
injured, he would not be disquali ed and the duel will continue.
Tensions in Winterfell were running high so Lord Stark sent
most of the Red Cloaks outside the Castle to live in Wintertown
for the reminder of their stay in the North.
Maester Lewin said that Ser Jamie's nose was broken. Along
with a broken nose he had suffered multiple cuts and multiple
severe bruising around his chest and shoulders. None of his
bones were broken so he should be capable of ghting within a
day or two.
Sansa had still not come out of her room after her episode in the
Courtyard. And Robb was highly worried for his sister's health
as she had not eaten anything for a whole day.
Lady Stark wanted to grieve for her son Bran in silence and
peace but realized that she won't be getting any due to all that
was going on in Winterfell. She of course blamed all of this on
Lord Bolton who she had come to hate even more once she
realized that her daughter had truly fallen in love with him and
was not suffering a heart break. She wanted to be there for Bran
but realized that she also needed to be there for her own
While this was happening, Domeric left Winterfell and went
further North to meet Bloodraven and talk to him about Bran
Unfortunately, the few remaining Children who did not join him
in order to help Bloodraven for the reminder of his days told him
that the not-last Greenseer had gone into a deep meditative state
and won't be coming out of it for a good amount of time.
He told them that he would come back in a few days before he
returned back to Winterfell where Lord Stark had given him and
his men a small building inside Winterfell so that they would be
able to protect themselves in case the Lannister men tried
He found Ygritte waiting for him in his bed but he told her that
he won't be joining her this time as he had some very important
matter to look into.
She was a little disgruntled but understood. He promised that
he'll make it up to her before he left Winterfell once again and
came out into the Underground base in the ritual room where a
large ritual was lying half constructed on the oor.
Almost one year has passed since he perform the rst ritual to
enhance his body.
It was now time to perform the Dragonlord ritual. A ritual that
allowed the rst mages in Valyria to bond with the Free Dragons
and bind them to their will.
He took the ink and carefully started to draw in the required
runes in the ritual.
The ritual was so large and complicated that it would easily take
him two more weeks to nish.
The original ritual created by the Valyrian mages was not this
In fact, despite it's efforts, the ritual was fairly simple and
required the sacri ce of 1 living dragon egg and 100 sacri ces.
He changed and upgraded the who ritual again and again and
again over the last year until it was to his liking.
Now the ritual required 3 dragon eggs and 777 human sacri ces.
He had already gathered over 600 pirates, slavers and some
Dothraki men. Muron will bring him the remaining humans in a
few days from his latest excursion in Sisterton where the Pirates
had started to gather once again.
The ritual was immensely powerful and he was not sure if he
would be able to perform another ritual for a decade after this
one. But it was necessary.
With the arrival of the White Walkers, he realized that his own
magic was very weak in comparison and if he could not even
use his magic against the average White Walkers then he truly
stood no chance against the Night King.
If he wanted to bring an end to the Long Night once and for all
then he would need to become stronger. And he was piling all
his hopes in this one ritual.
To give him the boost required to combat the White Walkers.
He drew the runes for a few hours before he couldn't due to the
growing back pain.
He down the brush and the ink and went to the other room
where all the dragon eggs were being incubated.
There, at the center of the incubation room was a dragon egg
that was much larger than all the other eggs.
A runic array had been drawn in the center of the largest
Incubation chamber which was attached to three other dragon
eggs that were starting to look more and more pale with each
growing day.
The ritual allowed his Dragon egg to take the life force from the
other dragon eggs and increase it's own power and strength.
After a lot of thinking and deliberation, he decided that instead
of hatching half a dozen dragons whom he might or might not be
able to control (he'll only be bonded to one), he decided to hatch
a single dragon and then put all his resources and magic to make
sure that it'll become the strongest dragon in history, eclipsing
even Balyrion the dread who was said to be capable of eating a
man and horse at once.
He put his hands above the large Black egg and started pouring
his magic inside it.
This would help the Dragon become even more strong in the
magical sense as well as get the dragon to see him as his father
even if the Dragonlord ritual didn't work.
After half an hour, he had poured all his magic inside the dragon
egg and was feeling a little magically exhausted.
He closed the Incubation room and apparated out of the
Underground base and appeared in the middle of the Dreadfort
and took in the large amount of ambient magic around the area.
There was once a time when the ambient magic in this area
couldn't even be compared to the ambient energy in Winterfell
and he would have to wait a full day to recharge himself.
Since then he had planted thousands of Heart trees in and around
Dreadfort which increased the magic in the area to such a degree
that he was now able to recharge himself in only ve minutes.
Once he was done, he apparated away and went back to his
room in Winterfell where Ygritte was snoring away in his bed.
He removed his boots and climbed on the bed with her.
She mumbled something in her dream and moved forward to
burrow her face in his chest.
He smiled and kissed her forehead before he put an arm around
her and fell asleep.

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Chapter 248: Chapter 248

He stood on the second oor of the stone building and watched

the courtyard bustling with life with a faint smile.
Jon and Robb were once again training with Varko, desperately
trying to score just one hit on the man who was probably the
Greatest swordsman in the world after getting his body
They had not succeeded in hitting him even once which must be
a little embarrassing and disheartening for them. After all, unlike
him they had been training with swords since they were 8 years
old. So the fact that the could even touch Varko with their
swords must rankle them.
One the other side of the Courtyard, Ser Rodrik Cassel was
talking with one of his men. The caption of the 20 men he had
brought with him.
His enhanced senses and a bit of cheat magic allowed him to
hear all the conversations going around in the courtyard.
It seems the fact that none of his own men dying yesterday did
not go unnoticed and Ser Rodrik Cassel now wanted to know
what kind of training his men went through to earn the right to
wear a magical armor and carry a magical weapon.
The captain was telling him the barebones of their training and
Ser Rodrik almost seemed overwhelmed with shock.
He turned his head and looked at the other corner of the
courtyard where Arya had once again attached herself to Ygritte
and was training archery with his lover who seemed all too
happy to share her craft.
It still surprised him that Ygritte was so good with children.
In fact, he had come to nd that almost all the Free folk he
brought from up North were good with children. They took no
nonsense from the kids and taught them the difference between
right and wrong quite early in their lives.
He often found himself comparing the Free Folk parents to his
aunt Petunia and uncle Dursley and found that he would have
preferred a life with the Free Folk as his parents.
Even Karsi who was burdened with her duties as a General and a
spokesperson for the Free Folk in his area found time for her
Ygritte was also starting to send him longing glances ever since
she saw Karsi's swollen belly and the longing glances had only
become more desperate since they came to Winterfell.
His argument that she was only 17 years old and he only 16 did
not seem to matter to her.
Then again, there were a lot of examples in this world where the
girls married at 13 years of age and had children of their own by
There was a very good reason why so many girls died in
childbirth in this world. At that age, their hips are not fully
developed and their bodies had not grown to their full extent
which leads to more internal injuries during childbirth which
leads to blood loss and then death.
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard footsteps coming
toward him.
He turned and surprised to nd that it Robb and Jon who had
suffered yet another defeat at the hands of Varko who was now
locked in mock combat with Baka.
A good size of crowd was gathering to watch the mock combat
between the Greatest Swordsman of the 7 kingdoms and Baka
the Giantess who was already gaining a legend of her own after
the slaughter yesterday.
"Robb. Jon." He said in greeting before he looked down at the
two pups that had followed them up here. Midnight and Snowric
were resting down at a corner in the courtyard.
"Lord Bolton." Robb said, his face was serious "You talked with
the King Yesterday."
"…father is not telling us anything about the meeting." Jon said
with some hesitation "We were… wondering if you would share
some details with us."
He looked at both the boys who were only one year younger
than him and nodded.
"The King believed us after seeing the Ice Sword with his own
eyes." He said "He has already removed any taxes from the
North till the upcoming Summer and has given us many other
bene ts that would strengthen the North and give us a decent
advantage in the Long Night. But…"
"But they won't be sending any men. Nor any resources."


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Chapter 249: Chapter 249

"Because 1. The Crown is deeply in debt to both the Iron Bank

and Lord Tywin. It has also taken loans from the Faith and the
Tyrells so the King doesn't have any wealth to share in the rst
"The crown is in debt. How?" Robb asked, looking confused.
He shrugged his shoulders "Excessive spending in useless
biyearly tournaments. Bad handling of the gold, a large amount
of negligence from the king and no small amount of corruption.
The point is that even if he wanted, the King cannot help us in
this matter. And 2. Most of the food the Crown gets comes from
the Reach and the Riverlands. The crownlands only produce a
small amount of the food. So if the King wanted to send us
resources or food, he would have to ask the other kingdoms for
help and with how weak his position is, he can't do that."
"So we're on our own?" Robb asked "Doesn't the King realize
that if the North falls then the White Walkers will be free to
roam all across Westeros and the other Kingdoms will fall soon
as well."
"The King does realize that." He said "Problem is, the lords in
the South consider White Walkers to be fairy tails made by old
women to put children to sleep. They won't believe us without
the proper evidence. Many of them still don't even believe that
I've brought any giants and wargs with me from beyond the
"But you still have the Ice Sword. Right? We could use that as
proof." Jon said, looking more desperate by the second.
"It'll not be enough. We'll need a Wight to show the truth to the
world." He said.
Both Robb and Jon frowned at his words and he continued "The
King has thus asked me to go to yet another expedition up
North." Both Robb and Jon looked shocked at that "I agreed and
would start preparing for yet another expedition North of the
Wall as soon as I get back to Dreadfort."
"But you almost lost your life in the last expedition." Jon said.
"Aye. But I've learned from my mistakes. And I'll be better
prepared this time. Don't worry for my health. I'm not dying any
time soon." He said with a smile that seemed to have assured the
two boys.
"I… I want to come with you as well." Jon said and he instantly
shook his head.
"Rejected. I won't be taking any other men aside from my own
in this expedition."
"I won't be a burden. I swear." Jon said.
"No. And I'll not change my mind no matter what so stop
Jon looked a little saddened at not being able to help so he put a
hand on the boy's shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze
"Don't worry, prepare well. Because once the Long Night
begins, you'll have plenty of chances to prove yourself."
With that said, he turned to Robb and said "You wanted to talk
with me about something?"
Robb opened his mouth to speak but he cut him off "Don't deny
it. You've been strangely quiet for some time. There's something
in your mind. What is it?"
Robb looked a little hesitant but spoke "That… Ygritte. What is
your relationship with her."
Robb's sts clenched upon hearing that "You were with her even
when you were betrothed to my sister."
Robb looked both angry and hurt at his admission to basically
cheating on his sister.
"Why love Ygritte? Or why not be faithful to my betrothed."
He rubbed his chin for a moment before he spoke "One thing
you must realize Robb is that this betrothal was not my idea. In
fact, I was fairly against it and it was mostly forced upon me."
Robb looked shocked at his words "What? Why? Who would
force you to…" he stopped mid sentence as he realized that his
father was the only one in the position to do so.


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Chapter 250: Chapter 250

"Do not blame your father." He said as realization dawned on

Robb's face "The Boltons and Starks have a long history of
rivalry. And with how much power I was gathering… he was
worried. And did what he thought was right."
"He forced the betrothal upon you."
"For the sake of your future." He said "For peace. Something
that I agree with even if I didn't liked Lord Stark's method of
trying to attain peace."
Robb Stark looked at a loss for words for a long moment before
he nally spoke "Did you love Ygritte before you were
betrothed to my sister."
Robb Stark looked con icted now. Not knowing who was the
villain in this whole affair and whom he should blame. No one
was in the wrong. Not really. Well, welcome to the real world.
"Sansa." Robb said in the end "She's heartbroken."
"I don't know when she even fell for me" He said "I certainly
never even tried to court her when in Dreadfort. Teach her and
educate her about my lands, yes. But I never tried to make a
move on her. And with your mother's presence, things were
already rather tense in the Castle back then." He shook his head
"I truly have no idea why she even fell for me."
Robb gave him with an expression as if asking if he was
retarded and he rolled his eyes.
"Oh, I know I'm decent looking…" Jon snorted at that "…and
fairly wealthy…" Robb rolled his eyes at that "…and pretty
good at using a sword."
"Enough…" Robb said "…You're making us look bad with all
your humbleness."
"Okay… okay." He said "I think I can see why Sansa might fall
for me. But… well, she's betrothed to the 'prince' now…"
"Who is a Lannister through and through. With the arrogance to
match." Robb said and he smiled bitterly.
"Yeah. Our prince does have his fair share of qualities."
"None of which are good." Jon said with a frown.
"Yeah well… where is this talk even going. Is there something
you two want from me?" he asked.
Robb looked sheepish at his question and then nodded "Sansa…
she has not eaten anything since yesterday. I was wondering if
you could…"
"Robb…" he interrupted with a serious expression "You must
realize that I might have been betrothed to her once. But she is
the betrothed of the Crown prince now. A girl who is destined to
be the queen. And with how bad the situation with Lannisters is,
how do you think it would look if I go to the room of the Crown
prince's betrothed. How would people react if they learn that the
man who was once betrothed to Sansa Stark, the man she still
loves is meeting her in secret."
"Well…" Robb searched around for a proper answer but then his
shoulder's slumped and he let out a tired sigh.
"I… I see. I'm sorry for wasting your time Lord Bolton." Robb
said and left, his little direwolf trailing behind him.
"I… I should go after him." Jon said and left with Ghost as well.
He looked at th courtyard where a huge crowd had gathered to
watch Varko and Baka spar against one another and sighed.
He knew that Robb would resent him a little for not even trying
to help Sansa but… Don't stick your dick in crazy and all that.
He did not plan to interact with Sansa anymore after the last
episode. And he was not going to change his mind in that regard
no matter that.


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Chapter 251: Chapter 251

"Ser Jamie is ready for the next round of your duel." Lord Stark
said as he sat in the man's Solar once again "It'll take place in
three hours in the courtyard."
"You could have send a messenger to tell me about it." He said
"Was calling me here really necessary. Or do you like to be
melodramatic about everything Lord Stark?"
"No. I asked your presence for another matter."
"I'm not getting betrothed to her… if that's the angle you were
going for."
"Let me speak rst." Lord Stark said with a frown and he gave a
'go ahead' motion with his hands and made himself comfortable
on his chair.
"This is not about betrothal." Lord Stark said "I was instead
hoping that you would foster her in Dreadfort."
"A young girl being sent to foster at a young boy's castle." He
said with a wicked smile "I did not know you were so
manipulative Lord Stark."
The man didn't even smile at his joke so he rolled his eyes.
"You want to send your daughter to my castle. After what
happened with Aunt Barbrey last time."
Lord Stark's ice cold facade did break at that but he put it back
on swiftly enough "Yes… I was hoping that your aunt won't hate
my daughter for my mistakes."
"What we hope for and what we get after often two different
thing Lord Stark."
"Yes. I know that particular lesson well enough." Lord Stark
said, his eyes looking in the distance in sadness before they
focused once again "But Arya… she's like her aunt. Willful and
headstrong. She does not t in with the other girls in this castle.
She does not t their de nition of a lady and thus suffers
because of it."
"So you want to send Arya to my land because the girls there are
allowed to carry weapons and learn how to ght. So that she
might make friends and gain some self con dence?"
"Yes." Lord Stark replied "I was also hoping has Lady Ygritte
would take her as her apprentice. I've heard about her skill in
archery from my sons. And if she's even half as good as they say
she is then my daughter will learn a great deal under her."
He almost snorted when he heard the phrase Lady Ygritte. Yup,
he was de nitely going to tease her about it later on. But for
"You're not secretly hoping that I'll fall in love with Arya in her
stay in Dreadfort and ask you for her hand are you?"
Lord Stark stayed quiet and his jaw dropped.
"You are… huh! I did not know you were this devious Lord
Stark. I must take notes."
Lord Stark sighed at his playful nature that only revealed itself
when he's around dour people like Lord Stark "That will not be
necessary Lord Bolton. And I assure you that the main reason
I'm sending Arya to your land is for her to gain her self
con dence. But if you both fall for each other, then know that I
won't step in between you either."
"You really do want a long relationship with House Bolton, don't
you." He said and Lord Stark simply nodded.
"I won't deny that. The wealth and prosperity you've brought to
your lands and the miracles you can perform has given me a fair
amount of sleepless nights when I stay awake and wonder what
would happen if Lord Domeric Bolton turned out like his
ancestors. After hearing rst hand accounts of your army, I'm
sure that a war with you will de nitely bring rune to the North.
And that is something that I don't want to happen."
Once Lord Stark was nished they both stayed quiet for a long
moment. He knew that Lord Stark felt this way so saying it out
loud didn't really shock him all that much. But still…
He looked back at Lord Stark and nodded "I see no problem in
fostering the girl. Though don't hope that I'll turn her into a
proper lady. In fact, she might become even tomboyish in my
"…girls who love to imitate boys and their hobbies." He said
"I'll also warn my aunt to not bother the girl. Give her a proper
education and allow her to learn from Ygritte. As for a betrothal.
Don't hope for one. I love Ygritte and I won't betray her no
matter what."
Lord Stark simply nodded his head in response.
He was about to get up to leave before he remembered
something and looked at Lord Stark once again.
"I've a blacksmith in my service who knows how to reforge
Valyrian Sword. Would you like me to have him reforge Ice."
"There is nothing wrong with Ice." Lord Stark said "It has been
the ancestral sword of House Stark for centuries and has served
us well."
"Probably." He said "But you do have to admit that it's a bit…
unwieldy. And we would need all the advantage we can get
against the White Walkers if we want to survive the Long Night.
I think it would be wiser to turn Ice into two one-handed
Valyrian swords. One wielded by you and one by your heir."
Lord Stark stayed silent for a long moment "I'll think about it."
He shrugged at the response and left the room.


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Chapter 252: Chapter 252
He left Lord Stark's Solar and was about to go back to his room
when he ran across another woman in the Castle that he really
did not want to meet.
"Lady Stark." He said with an apathetic voice.
"May I have a word with you Lord Bolton?" she asked.
She looked at the guards standing outside the door and said "In
"No. I neither trust you nor like you enough to bother going to a
lone room with you. If there's something you want to say then
say it now. My time is precious to me."
Lady Stark pursed her lips, not looking as angry as he had hoped
she would be.
"I…" she paused and took a deep breath "I was wondering, if
you would be able to help my son."
She nodded, a thin sheen of tears forming into her eyes.
Merlin, he was starting to feel like a dick for trying to be hard on
her now. She was just a grieving mother asking for help.
He took a deep breath, wondering how to deal with this
situation. Should he tell her about Bran's talent as a Greenseer or
not? Doing so would lead to more questions and more scrutiny
than he was honestly comfortable with.
Lady Stark saw his hesitation and continued "People say that
you're favored by the Old gods themselves. Is there nothing you
can do for my boy."
She was practically begging at this point and he felt the urge to
smack his head on a wall somewhere.
Men are really not well equipped to deal with grieving women.
"I am not chosen by the old gods my lady." He said "In fact, I
don't even know if Old gods exist. I've certainly never seen
them. With that said… when I go back, I'll have a talk with the
Children of the Forest. I'm sure that they'll be able to help."
Lady Stark burst into tears at that and took both his hands in her
and took them to her forehead while bowing to him "Thank you"
she sobbed "Thank you so much."
He looked at the two Stark guards who were looking as
uncomfortable in this situation as he was. He gave them a
helpless look and the bastards turned their heads away.
It took a few minutes of consoling and a few subtle calming
charms to get her to stop crying at which point he removed his
hands from her grip and practically ran away from her. Even
more con dent that his plan to not talk with Sansa had really
been the right one.

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Chapter 253: Chapter 253

"This seems familiar." He said looking around at the crowd

cheering for him "Almost as if we've done this once before."
Jamie Lannister had no clever quip for him this time. The
Kingsguard was gazing back at him with utmost focus, half his
face hidden behind the shield he was carrying.
It seemed the Lannister ponce was not so con dent about his
sword/dagger strategy this time and had changed the dagger for
a shield after his last humiliating defeat.
"Begin!" King Robert said with a clap and the ght began in an
almost similar fashion the last one as instead of charging, they
both started to circle each other in unison.
Looking at how focused Jamie was in this ght, he decided to
get ready as well.
It won't do if he lost to the man after the body modi cation ritual
and being trained by both Baka and Varko.
They both closed the distance between each other while circling
and then Jamie charged once again.
There was no war cry this time. Jamie was silent and focused as
he swung his sword at him. He blocked it with his shield and
then quickly moved out of the way of a shield bash.
They both separated from each other, Jamie's eyes boring in his
own. Then Jamie charged once again.
He rose his shield to block the attack but it was a feint. He block
Jamie's real attack, a stab to his shin with his superior re exes
and almost got a shield bash to the face as a result but his
re exes saved him once again.
He moved but Jamie chased after him, not willing to let go of
the perceived advantage.
Unlike yesterday, Jamie was showing far more skill and cunning
with his sword/shield combination, trying to keep him in the
back foot and keep him there until he inevitably made a mistake
and left himself open.
His superior strength and speed put a quick end to Jamie's
onslaught as they both locked swords and shield against each
He saw frustration, rage and helplessness in Jamie's eyes as he
'pushed' with his shield and Jamie fell back and skid and rolled
for a good 5 feet before coming to a stop.
Before Jamie could get his bearings, he charged at the man and
kicked him in the face.
Jamie rose his shield to protect himself but it was at a wrong
angle. The foot struck the shield and took it all the way to his
Jamie did a pathetic summersault and fell on his back. A few
trickles of blood coming down from his visor.
He heard the Queen shouting something from her seat beside the
King but he was too focused on Jamie to care about her.
He allowed Jamie to get up this time. The knight did so in shaky
legs and he held the urge to charge the man punch him to
oblivion as he realized that this might be a trap.
He held his shield in front of him and walked forward.
In the last moment, Jamie's knees steadied and he went for an
overhead strike.
Instead of blocking it and giving Jamie another chance to attack
him, he sidestepped the attack with relative ease and bashed
Jamie's shield with his own.
Jamie fell back and rolled two times before he steadied himself
in a kneeling position, his shield and sword still held tightly in
his arms.
Jamie shook his head and rose from the ground. Only to meet
yet another shield bash from him.
The force behind the shield bash threw him a feet back and he
rolled around in a tangle of limbs for a few times before he skid
to a stop.
The people cheered and the queen screamed.
He thought it was over as Jamie didn't even move for a good few
Then Jamie slowly picked himself up and raised his sword
against him and moved it in a 'come hither' motion.
He respected the man's resolve. But that alone would not save
Jamie from him this time.
He walked the rst few steps and then charged at him.


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Chapter 254: Chapter 254

As he came closer. Jamie stabbed at him.

He side stepped around the sword, put his arms around Jamie's
shoulder, picked him up in the air and slammed him down in a
single moment.
Jamie coughed and more blood fell down the visor.
He got up from over Jamie and took the hand that still held the
He pulled at it but Jamie stubbornly held onto the sword.
Slowly but surely, he removed all the ngers from the sword and
took it from him.
As soon as he did, Jamie used the last of his strength to hit him
with his shield.
The shield struck his armor.
It's magical properties absorbed the force behind the attack but
he still pretended to stumble and fall.
The queen shouted something in the background and Jamie
slowly got up from the ground, coughing blood a few more
times in the process.
They both got up at the same time.
Jamie readied his shield and charged at him.
He readied his own and they clashed.
It was during times like these that the losing party usually get a
boost from their immense willpower, allowing them to topple
their stronger opponent.
No such thing happened here.
Jamie was once again thrown to the oor. His wooden shield
looking battered and broken and even his chest plate looked
There was a silence in the courtyard as Jamie coughed a few
more times before he once again got up from the ground on
shaky legs.
The queen did not shout anything this time. But Jamie charged
at him once again.
He did not even know why.
Shield met against shield and Jaime was sent ying once again.
It was almost painful to watch. He wanted to break one of
Jamie's hand or leg and end this match already. But Jamie's
immense resolve made him want to see how long the man will
Jamie stood on shaky legs once again, stumbled and almost fell
to the ground but held himself up.
He lifted the shield with dif culty and got ready for another
shield bash.
He got ready for a shield bash of his own but at the last moment,
Jamie side stepped and… stabbed at him with the sword he had
disarmed him with.
The stab was so sudden and quick that he only had enough time
to move by a few inches.
The sword his struck the side of his helmet and was de ected.
His magical helmet absorbed most of the force but some still
went through, jerking his head to the side and making his
He fell to the ground and a few feet behind him, Jamie fell to the
ground once again.
He blinked a few times in shock, wondering when did he picked
up his sword.
Was Jamie leading him this whole time so that he would throw
the man toward the place where he had left his sword so that he
could pick it up and defeat him with a surprise attack.
And it would worked as well.
If he was not covered from head to toe with Magical armor.
He got up from the ground and looked at where Jamie was
struggling to get up and felt a sense of frustration and respect.
Frustration at himself for falling to the man's ploy and respect
for the man.
But this couldn't go on any longer.
He would not suffer any more surprise attacks.
He went up to Jamie and put a foot on his back, making him fall
to the ground once again as is arms failed to lift the additional
He kicked the sword in Jamie's hand, disarming the knight once
Then he put his sword on Jamie's neck and looked toward The
"This match has ended." He said and the king nodded.
There was a pin drop silence in the courtyard as the king got up
from his chair and said "The winner of this round is Lord
Domeric Bolton."
The people cheered at once and he felt Jamie stop struggling and
go limp beneath his foot.
He removed the foot from his back and distanced himself from
the man as Maester Lewin and two Red Cloaks came to check
up on Jamie Lannister.
He turned toward Lord Stark who was holding onto the two
Valyrian swords when the Queen came out of her shock and


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Chapter 255: Chapter 255

The crowd continued to cheer for a while but then the Queen's
screams intensi ed and the crowd stopped cheering.
He removed his helmet and gave the woman a disinterested look
"And pray tell how it was exactly that I cheated."
"Lay it off woman. He won fair and square." The king said.
Cersei shook her head "He couldn't have. He's not a swordsman.
If he was then we would have heard of him before. He must
have cheated to win."
King Robert didn't gave her another moment to talk and turned
to his friend Lord Eddard Stark.
"Ned. Gave the boy his swords. And then see to it that the
Kingslayer doesn't dies."
Lord Stark bowed and walked forward the with two swords
sheathed in their sheaths and handed them to Lord Bolton in
front of everyone.
"According to the bets of the duel, the sword goes to Lord
Bolton." Lord Stark stated as he handed him both the Valyrian
swords and the crowd burst into cheers once again.
He took Lily and wrapped it around his waist before he turned
and looked at Lion's Claw and the Queen who was shouting
obscenities and threatening his life.
"This is not over." The Queen said before she turned to the King
"Do you think that my father will let an insult like this go
without any repercussions. I hope you're ready to pay every
single dime you owe him along with the interest."
The King looked tired and shooed her off.
The Queen got up from her chair and was about to leave when
he said "Your grace."
The Queen turned and looked at him holding the Lion's Claw in
his right hand.
She sneered at him "What is it? Have you not humiliated my
brother enough already."
"This is not about your brother. But the Lion's Claw. Do you and
your family want it back."
Greed and shrewdness ran in her eyes and she spoke "The sword
belong to the Lannisters. You may have tricked these people and
taken it from Jamie but you won't fool me." She sneered "Don't
think that this will be the end of it."
"But it does not belong to the Lannisters anymore, does it." He
said. "That what it means when you bet something. If you lose
the bet then the sword goes to the winner. I don't know how they
teach the women in Casterly Rock, but if you don't even know
such simple things, then that is really disappointing."
"Are you insulting your Queen Lord Bolton?" The Queen asked
with an edge to her voice.
"Hardly. I'm merely stating facts." He said "But if House
Lannister still wants the Valyrian sword then I have a proposal
for you."
The Queen's eyes narrowed at that "What's the proposal?" she
"I heard that in order to build a Lannister eet, your father paid a
great deal of gold to the Summer Islanders to buy 30 of their
infamous Swan Ships."
And it was true as well. Swan Ships were some of the best war
ships in the world and were excellent in ghting pirates and
other low tier ships.
Since the Iron Islanders used similar ships to the ones used by
the Pirates, they should be easy prey to the Swan Ships. Maybe
that was the reason why Tywin bought them at a high price in
the rst place as the Iron Islanders were the main Sea threat to
the Westerlands.
He had always wanted some of those ships for himself but the
Summer Islanders have never sold them to anyone. And buying
them by using mind magic would make it look suspicious to
He could have also stolen their designs but those ships could
only be made from a special wood found in the forests of the
Summer Islands. It would like knowing the process to reforge
Valyrian Steel but not having any metal on hand.
All in all, he had not thought that he would get his hands on
their ships any time soon.
So when he had rst heard the news that Lord Tywin Lannister
had paid a huge sum of gold to buy those ships, he had lamented
not trying more on his part to buy them as well.
It seems like with enough gold, you can buy just about anything
in this world.
The Queen's eyes narrowed even more at that, as if challenging
him to continue speaking. He did. "30 Swan ships for the Lion's
claw. Your father has already shown the Whole Westeros that
he's still capable of shitting gold. Why not send some of it my
The Queen gaped at his audacity for a few moments before she
laughed. Her laugh rang across the entire courtyard as the crowd
had gone silent when she started speaking "You might think that
your small eet and this desolate Wasteland will always protect
you. But be warned Lord Bolton. Your time will come. I'll see to
it myself."
With her piece said, she got up and left the courtyard.
He turned to the King and gave a bow before leaving as well.


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Chapter 256: Chapter 256

"This is so cool!" Arya shouted as Ygritte showed her her

capabilities as a horse archer. She was still not the best at it but
she was getting there.
"Can I learn this in Dreadfort as well?" Arya asked and Ygritte
grinned at the younger girl as they travelled through the mud
trail from Winterfell to Dreadfort. The mud trail would turn into
a proper road after White Knife River but that was still leagues
ahead of them.
After the debacle with the Queen, he had spent only one more
night in the castle before leaving. Though not before having yet
another unpleasant meeting with Lady Stark in which she asked
him to bring help from the Children of the Forest.
Compared to when he arrived in Winterfell a few days ago, he
had two more Valyrian swords with him upon his return.
The Lion's Claw and the Ice which Lord Stark had given to Arya
for safekeeping along with the two Stark guards who were sent
to get her settled in before returning to Winterfell once Ice had
been reforged into two one-handed Valyrian swords.
The fact that Lord Stark gave him his daughter as well as his
family's Valyrian sword showed just how much the Lord trusted
him. It made him feel warm but more because he had been
trying to correct the reputation of his house for years and it was
nally showing results.
"Of course." Ygritte said "You can learn anything you want in
there. In fact, I'm sure Lord Bolton would even hire personal
tutors to teach you any weapon you might want to learn."
"Don't go promising such things on my behalf." He said but
Ygritte merely laughed.
Her laughter came to an abrupt end when one of the guards
behind them shouted "Riders."
He turned his head and looked behind to nd that they were
being chased by about two hundred bandits.
Well armored, well equipped bandits riding on good horses.
He used a Far eye (telescope) to look closely and found that the
'bandits' were not even trying to hide their identities that well as
the Red underneath their bandit attire was showing.
"The Lannisters" Ygritte said without even looking through a
Far eye. The enhancements he had given to her eye proving to
be just as useful as when she was trying to hit target from large
"We should run. There are only 25 of us." One of the Stark
guard said "We have a good lead on them. We might be able to
reach the White Knife and get some Bolton reinforcement's from
"Doubtful." He said "Unlike the Northern horses which are
hardy and built to withstand the cold, the Westerland horses are
bred for the sole purpose of being large and fast. We'll never
reach the White Knife."
"Oh gods! Are we doomed then." The other Stark man said,
looking like he was about to piss his breeches at the mere sight
of an overwhelming foe.
"No." He said "Lord Stark put Lady Arya in my care. It would
be highly irresponsible of me if I let any harm come to her. You
two will ride ahead. Do not go too far. We'll catch up to you by
the end of the day."
The Stark men looked at him like he was mad. Hmm… looking
closely, he was sure that these men didn't go beyond the Wall
with him where he defeated the Weeper with ease. He had no
idea why Lord Stark would send such inexperienced men with
"Watch your tongue boy." Varko said and the Stark guard
nodded meekly before both the Stark guards turned to Arya who
was watching the byplay with some barely concealed anger and
"Come on Lady Arya. We must leave." First guard said.
Arya shook her head "I'm not leaving. And neither are you.
They're already undermanned as they are. Every single man will
help. No. We're staying and we're ghting."
"Lady Arya." The second guard pleaded but Arya still shook her
He was touched. By both Arya bravery and her unwillingness to
leave them behind to save her own skin. She might have looked
under con dent when she was among the other ladies in
Winterfell. All of whom were more beautiful, more elegant and
more graceful than her.
But unlike those ladies, Arya had a inner strength to her.
Something that he was starting to see now.
Especially because while his men knew that they were not really
in any true danger thanks to their magical armor and magical
weapons, the same couldn't be said to Arya who was trying to
subtly hide the shaking of her hands.
She truly thought that they might die here and she was still
willing to stay with them.
She almost reminded him of Hermione for a second. Not the
con dent and intelligent woman she had grown up to be but the
shy and awkward kid she had once been. A girl who lacked
con dent in herself but was still brave enough to accompany
him and Ron in their life threatening yearly adventures.

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Chapter 257: Chapter 257

He subtly took out his wand and cast an Imperio on Arya's horse
before me moved toward her.
He mussed her head and she ducked away and then glared at
He chuckled and said "You don't need to worry about my Lady
Arya." She bristled at being called a lady and his smirk widened
"Do you not remember who these two are." He said while
pointing at both Baka and Varko. Arya eyes widened as she
remembered the seen of slaughter that Baka had caused in
"Ygritte is the greatest archer in probably the whole continent if
not the world. And these twenty guards. They are the best of the
best that my lands could produce." He smiled "And you of
course know about me. Don't worry. We'll deal with those
Lannister men and come back as soon as possible."
Arya looked con icted and gritted her teeth "What if you don't?"
"Aww look at that Domeric. She's so worried about you. That's
so cuteee." Ygritte said as if she was talking about a puppy and
Arya sent a glare toward his lover who merely smirked back.
"Alright. Enough talk. We still need to prepare for the enemy."
He said "It is time for you to leave Arya."
"No buts." He said and smacked her horse while sending a
mental command to not stop until it had gone a few miles ahead.
With how hasty this whole attack had been, he was sure that she
and the Stark guards would not run across any more bandits up
"Should we prepare then." Ygritte said and he nodded.
"Set up the Caltrops and the Palisades. I'll dig the trenches and
cover them up." He said as his personal guards took out their
own Bottomless pouches and started taking out the Caltrops and
the Palisades and started setting them up in the main road "Also
set up a line of Wild re behind the battleground. I don't want
any of them to escape."
He on the other hand, used magic to trans gure multiple large
holes in the road before he created a larger one just before them
and then covered all of them up to look like normal road. The
Lannister men had already covered a great deal of ground by
now so he turned to his men.
"Climb down from your horses and set up a line before the
larger trench." He said and his guards quickly followed the order
"Take out the pump action crossbow. Fill in the magazines and
be ready."
Then he turned to Ygritte "I don't want any of them running
away from the battle. Kill any who tries."
Ygritte nodded and prepared her bow and arrows.


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Chapter 258: Chapter 258

"Use the Multiple projectile magical arrows." He said "We

might as well test their effectiveness in this battle."
Ygritte nodded and took out 20 rune carved arrows from her
bottomless pouch.
"Let them enter the range of 80 meter. Fire with the men and not
before." He told her and she frowned but complied to his orders.
With her range, she was already capable of hitting a target from
half a mile away but he didn't want any Lannister guard running
away before the battle even begin.
Once the Lannister guards came into range, he raised a hand and
gave the order "Release!"
Twenty crossbow bolts were released at once, taking out a few
Lannister men along with their horses which served as further
obstacles to the riders behind some, a few of whom fell to the
ground as well before the other learned and simply trotted over
If the bolts were effective then the arrows released by Ygritte
were a beast in their own right.
Each arrow reach mid ight and then turned into a dozen heavy
metal senbons before it picked up speed and then it rained death
upon the Lannisters.
The guards were able to release two more volleys and Ygritte
was able to release ve more before the Lannister guards nally
came close enough for the trap.
"Now!" He shouted and the his guards pressed on the magical
devices, causing all the Palisades to sprung out of the ground,
causing the Lannisters to either jump over them or fall to their
"Fire at Will!!!" he said and his men picked up speed, releasing
bolts after bolts at the downed Lannister men.
The others coming from behind them tried veer away from the
main road but quickly realised their mistakes when they fell into
deep trenches one after another, the legs of their horses broke
from the fall and the riders were either thrown off, breaking
many bones from the fall or were either crushed under the horse
Even now only half of the Lannister riders had fallen to the
ground. More came from behind and continued. Trying to take
walk around the Palisades and the trenches which were now
visible to them thanks to the sacri ce of the other guards.
His men changes bolt magazines and continued to re at the
Lannisters, taking a few lives every single moment.
Ygritte was doing the same but with much more success and at a
faster rate.
Half of the remaining Lannister men managed to pass through
the traps before them but before they could reach them, a large
trench formed between the two parties and a good many of them
fell down before they stopped and realized this trap for what it
With a wave from his wand, the Wild re cashes hidden behind
them burst into life, cutting of their retreat. The remaining
Lannister men looked indecisive and terrorized, not knowing
how the whole battle ended before it could even begin.
"Baka. Varko." He said and both of them nodded and started
throwing mud balls at the Lannisters with great strength.
The mud balls struck the enemies and burst into Wild re,
consuming the within seconds.
This continued for one more minute before the smell of burnt
esh lled the air and the screams of the dying was all that
remained in the battle eld.
With another wave from his wand, the wild re shimmered down
and disappeared.
"Leave no one alive." He ordered and his Guards took out their
magical weapons and moved forward, killing any Lannister
guard who had unfortunate enough to suffer severe injuries but
stayed alive till now.
He could see three Lannister guards hobbling away from the
battle eld.
Before he could say anything, Ygritte released the arrows and
got three head shots.
From there on, it was waiting time as his men killed all the
wounded men and then started looting then armor, weapons,
gold or anything of use from their bodies. No sense in wasting
perfectly good material.
Then the naked bodies of the unfortunate Lannister men were
put together in a huge pile.
He threw a mud ball at the base of the pile which burst into
wild re and started to consume the pile.
"Take the Pallisades and collect the Coltrops." He said as he
himself started to ll the trenches, using trans guration to hide
any sign of blood and gore from the area, making it look like
nothing ever happened in here except for the ashes from the
great bon re.
Once they had collected everything, he nodded "Let's get out of


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Chapter 259: Chapter 259

Arya looked fairly shocked when all of them returned without

any severe wounds.
His men had some blood on their armor from the men they had
nished so they looked like they had suffered some wounds but
aside from that small tidbit, everyone was as they were before
they sent Arya ahead so that she would not witness the blatant
use of magic.
The Stark guards looked relieved but Arya merely looked
suspicious and lled Ygritte with questions.
Ygritte answered a good few of them but she also had to de ect
many others when Arya started questioning how all of them
were alive after ghting against such numbers. How she, him,
Varko and Baka didn't have any blood or injuries on them. How
were all their horses still alive and healthy and without any
blood on them.
In the end, Ygritte simply told her that they used traps created by
the Children of the Forest, good weapons and a few other
combination of things to win the otherwise unwinnable ght.
Ygritte showed Arya her own weapon. Telling her how far it can
shoot and lying about how it was enchanted by the Children of
the Forest much like all their armors.
Arya still looked suspicious, not believing all the lies she had
been fed but she didn't question them anymore.
The rest of the journey passed in blissful silence until Arya
solved whatever was in her mind and then she was back to
asking both him and Ygritte questions once again.
What kind of traps they used. How did they set up the traps.
He and Ygritte could only look at each other in helplessness
while both Baka and Varko looked amused at their reactions to
the little girl.
For the rst time since taking Arya from Winterfell, he was
starting to wonder if he might not have chewed more than he
could bite.
They would slip up in their lies sooner or later and the clever
girl will no doubt catch onto it and ask them to tell her the truth.
Arya might be a Stark but she was nothing like Lady Catelyn or
her elder sister Sansa.
And he had a feeling that she would t in a place like Dreadfort
far better than she would have ever t in Winterfell.
Yes, he was thinking that he chewed more than he could bite
when he brought Arya with him but he would never regret that.


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Chapter 260: Chapter 260

Domeric looked at the Impure essence he had separated from the

Ice Crystal left behind after the White Walker's death.
The Impure essence of death and cold element looked like a
living mist trapped inside the vial.
It moved constantly even when the vial had not been moved for
some time as if trying but failing to nd a way out of the closed
glass construct.
He observed the vial for a few more minutes, noticing how the
area around it was much more colder than the general
temperature in the room.
He brought a Dragonglass shard around the vial and noticed how
the mist seemed to want to get away from it as all of it instantly
gathered on the opposite side of the glass.
He had done a few experiments before this and come to the
conclusion that it was not the Ice Crystal left behind by the
White Walker but the mist captured inside the Ice Crystal that
was responsible for distorting the magic in the air and
weakening his spells as a result.
He was starting to wonder if it was possible to collect the murky
and semi-sentient mist if he condensed it into solid form. And if
he would be able to created magical distorting chains from it.
Such a thing would de nitely give him a huge boost if he
wanted to capture the Warlocks, priests or any magical creature
in this world and study their magic.
He noted all of his observations down in the notebook,
wondering how the White Walkers could have originated from
the First Men in the rst place.
The Children of the Forest told him that they created the White
Walkers as weapons against humans in the desperation.
But how could a simple ritual turn the whole structure of a
human to that of a crystal that he was now starting to realize was
nothing but a holder for this magical mist.
The whole thing seemed to impossible. But he supposed that any
magic he uses on a regular basis would also seem impossible to
an average human.
"Experiment number 36." He said as he looked at the runes
carved in the middle of the room along with the man lying in the
center of those runes.
He placed the vial at the man's feet and closed the whole ritual
circle inside a 5 inch thick enchanted glass box.
Not even a RPG rocket would be able to break this glass.
He used magic to remove the cap from the vial and as if sensing
freedom, the White Mist instantly came out of the vial.
It stayed oating in the air without any directions for a few
moments before it quickly dove toward the Dead man's feet and
entered through it's legs.
Then everything was silent for a few long minutes during which
he didn't remove his eyes from the dead test subject.
Then the leg of the dead subject twitched.
He quickly noted it down in a notepad.
The leg twitched a few more times before the eyes of the dead
man opened.
He noticed that the man's once black eyes had now turned blue
for some reason. Like it did in the few experiments before.
He still had no idea why that happened. What was the
signi cance of the wight's eye turning blue? Was it because the
Mist was somehow more focused in it's eyes.
Was the mist what gave the Wights their sentience in the rst
place? Was there a reason why the mist woke the dead up and
then forced them to consume other humans?
So many questions. So few answers.
The Wight stood up from the ground a few moments later. It
looked around itself and it's eyes eventually met his own.
The Wight shrieked. Or at least he thought it did as the glass was
also soundproof.
Then the Wight ran toward him but recoiled when it's face met
the glass.
It's nose was broken but it didn't care and hit the glass with both
it's hands, trying to get to him to no avail.
He looked at the Ice Crystal he was holding in his hand. The
same ice crystal he had taken out this mist from.
He channeled his magic in the Ice Crystal and then tried to
channel it through the crystal to the Wight.
As if hearing his command, the Wight stilled for a moment. But
then it was back to scratching the glass in order to get to him.
He used his magic a few more times but nothing worked.
He still had no idea how the White Walkers commanded their
Wights. He still had no idea what the mist actually was and how
it came into this whole equation.
Was it a part of a large sentient misty being who wanted to
invade this world through White Walkers and take over
everything in this world? Was it some kind of magical virus
though sought to expand itself and used the White Walkers as a
means to do so? Will the Night King have more of this mist
inside him or less?
If he found the answers to even half of questions, then he might
learn how the White Walkers used their Wights and come up to
destroy that connection.
The White Walkers were powerful. There was no doubt in that.
But without their army of Wights, they were not as much of a
threat. Not when a single Dragon glass arrow could shatter them.
After failing so much, he nally gave up and with a wave from
him, the transparent glass turned Solid White in color, hiding
him from the Wight who would now go dormant with no prey in
"Event 1. Success. Event 2. Failure." He said as and started to
write down the nal conclusions on this experiment.
He looked around the room with bleary eyes. The room was
lled with hundreds of similar glass containers. Two dozen of
them were solid white in color while the others were empty and
He looked at the rst glass container and made it transparent
once again.
The Wight was slumped at the corner of the glass container.
It blearily opened it's eyes and he noticed that it's blue eyes had
lost almost all the color it once had. The Wight weakly growled
at him and tried to reach for him. But it was too weak and
slumped fell on the oor.
He rubbed his chin and thought about this.
The Wights he created were different from the other Wights
roaming around beyond the Wall. Mainly because they did not
'live' for long. He had tried various things to keep them moving
but nothing had succeeded aside from introducing more White
Mist when the Wight dies once again.
Was it because the Ice Crystal belonged to a dead White Walker.
If he captured a White Walker alive, amputated it's arm and used
the White Mist inside the arm to create Wights when will those
Wights be any different from regular Wights.
Once again, he had too many questions and too few answers.
At least he now had a Wight to show to the Southern lords and
won't have to ght a White Walker for it.
The Wight he created might not be the real deal but how would
they know the difference.
Even so, he would have to once again pretend to go on an
expedition so that he could return with a 'captured' Wight in
hand and then send it to Kings Landing where King Robert
would show it to the other lords and then they would have more
men to ght for them in the Wall and a better chance to survive
the Long Night.
Armed with Dragonglass weapons, the men in the Wall would
easily be able to hold back an undead army at least 20-30 times
their size.
He turned the glass White again and started to go back to his lab
when he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.
He blinked a few times and shook his head. The White Glass
re ected his image and he could see how red his eyes were, how
disheveled his hair was and how tired he looked.
Staying awake for days on end would do that.
But now… he really really needed to get some sleep.
Meet his subordinates and tell him that he was alive.
He had left them to their devices as soon as they reached
Dreadfort and had closed himself off to focus on his
He slowly walked out of the room and went to his library.
He closed the door and looked at the ground.
It was starting to look mighty comfortable right now.
He took out his wand and cast a trans guration charm on it to
make it as soft and warm as a real bed.
The ground still looked like concrete but it's properties had
He took a chair and trans gured it into a pillow.
He took two more chairs and trans gured them into a blanket.
Then he fell to his hastily create bed with his pillow and blanket
and was out within seconds.


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Chapter 261: Chapter 261

Tywin looked at the letter, his hands shaking with anger. He

controlled the urge the rip the letter into and passed it on to his
"What did Cersei do now?" Genna asked from the other side of
the table "Or… was it Tyrion this time."
"Jamie." He said, trying to reason how his eldest son could have
done something so monumentally stupid.
Genna frowned at that "Jamie… I didn't take him for a
troublemaker. Didn't take him for anything really."
He growled but she continued "The boy has no ambition of his
own. The only thing he's good at is swords and he use that talent
to be a glori ed door guard to a whoremonger of a king."
He would have refuted her if he did not believe the same thing
himself and if he was not so angry right about now.
"Enough." He said in a tone that brook no argument.
Genna still looked like she wanted to say something but then she
thought better of it and just shrugged, as if arguing with him was
not worth her while.
"This… this is a disaster." His brother declared with a resigned
and tired expression once he read the letter. Emotions that he
himself was starting to feel whenever he thought about his
legacies nowadays.
For he might have brought his house to the pinnacle of
prosperity but he had no successor to carry on the torch for him.
His eldest son wouldn't give up that blasted white cloak. His
youngest son was thankfully gone from his life and none of the
Lannisters in the branch houses showed any promise.
His house might be wealthy, strong and prosperous right now
but he worried for how it would fare once he was gone.
Genna took the letter from Kevan's hands and started going
through it quickly.
Both him and Kevan waited for her to nish and once she did,
she scoffed and shook her head in disappointment.
"Foolish boy." She murmured to himself "I know you don't want
me to say it but I did warned you against giving the Valyrian
sword to Jamie. He has always been far to irresponsible with just
about everything in his life."
He wanted to refute her. But how could he do so when she was
in the right once again. Something that was starting to become a
norm these days.
After so many years, so many decades and centuries, his family
nally had a Valyrian sword of it's own.
And now… now his irresponsible son lost it in a gamble.
"But still… Lord Bolton." Genna said "I don't think I ever heard
about him participating in any tourneys. Only that sworn shield
of his. People even thought that he doesn't even know how to
hold a sword. To think that he would be skilled enough to defeat
Jamie." She paused and looked at him "Makes me wonder what
else he's hiding."
"The sword is lost to us. At least for now." Kevan said "Cersei
sent the Red Cloaks after Lord Bolton, something that almost
caused an incident between the Crown and the Starks. But none
of the men she sent ever returned."
Genna scoffed once again "Expecting Cersei to be competent.
Have we really become so desperate now."
"Enough." He said, some of his rage leaking through in his voice
and Genna wisely shut up though not without an annoyed look
toward him. As if his rage was some child's tantrum.
Only Genna, his little sister would ever dare to look at him like
that. And he loved her for it but that didn't meant that she didn't
irritate both him and Kevan to high hell.
"What is done is done." He said "Now we need to think about
how to get the Sword back from the Bolton boy."
"Are we contemplating exchanging the Swan ships for the
sword?" his brother asked.
"No." He replied without any hesitation "The boy has crossed
the line with this stunt. He'll pay for this."
"And how do you intend to make him pay?" Genna asked "His
castle is on the other side of the continent. And no Southern
army has ever crossed Moat Cailin. So you won't ever reach
there by land. And his eet is 10 times larger than our own. How
do you plan to attack him Tywin. With your non existent
He did not even bother replying to her. There was no point. She
was correct in her assumptions. They cannot attack Dreadfort
from either land.
And Lord Bolton's eet gave him naval superiority against every
other house in Westeros except for the Redwynes.
If he wanted to attack from the sea, then he would need more
ships and allies.
Allies that hated the Bolton boy just as much as him.
And didn't he already knew a few people like that.


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Chapter 262: Chapter 262

"For now, we'll form an alliance with Myr, Tyrosh and Ibben."
"Traders. Slavers and Whalers." She said with distaste "Might as
well add a few whores and eunuchs as well."
He thought about her words and nodded "Good idea."
"What?" she asked, looking confused and shocked.
"Not the whores. The Eunuchs. We'll buy an army of Unsullied
and use them against the Bolton boy. Without that much
manpower breaking Bolton port, Winterhold and then
Dragonfort before the rest of the North could rally against the
foreign invaders would be impossible."
Genna looked at him like he had grown a second head and even
Kevan looked a little uncomfortable.
"Tywin." Genna said slowly "Do you not remember how
expensive an Unsullied army is. Or do such small details tend to
go above at brilliant mind of yours."
He glared at her but the Kevan spoke "Brother… she's not
wrong you know. Leading this alliance and a war against the
Bolton boy is already going to be very expensive. Buying a
Unsullied army on top of that… it's…"
"The Casterly Rock on have any gold in it's mines." Genna said
"We're running on borrowed time, in case you've forgotten. The
golden statue, the Grand tourney and the Fleet from Summer
Islands have already depleted our reserves by 10 percent.
Leading this war might cost us a lot and gain us nothing. On top
of that, we might even lose our eet and all our soldiers if we're
not careful. Are you really so bent on vengeance that you would
risk so much for a sword."
"It's not about the sword. It's about the 'house'." He said "If
someone can make a fool out of my son and take our sword
from him without any consequence, then people will think that
we're no longer a house to be respected. I'll let the vultures eat
me alive before I ever let our house fall to that again."
Both his siblings went silent after that. Looking in the distance
and remembering the state of their house under their father's
How it was him who brought them out of the brink of ruin on his
own and raised it to the state in which it was today.
After a long silence, Genna simply shook her head "Your mind
is already set on this so arguing with you would be pointless.
Just… be careful Tywin."
Then she got up from her chair and left.
Kevan waited until she had left before he spoke "I suppose I
should prepare the letters for this alliance."
"No." He replied "I'll be prepare the letters. You prepare the
ships, the men and the gold."
"Wha…" Kevan stopped as realization dawned in his eyes and
his eyes hardened with resolve.
"There is no one else I trust with this task more than you." He
said "I want you to leave by the end of the month. Take the
Swan ships as well as the few new war galleys in Lannisport.
Then got o Myr and Tyrosh. Make an military alliance with the
Magisters there. Have them hire as many sellsails and sellswords
they can. Go to Slaver's Bay and buy the Unsullied. Ill
correspond with the Ibbenese. They'll be ready by the time you
return with the Unsullied and the Fleet from Myr and Tyrosh.
Once that is done, head for Bolton port. If the Boy's eet is
there…" he paused, knowing that they'll probably not match the
boy's eet even with all their ships.
"I'll do what I can to succeed." Kevan said and he nodded.
"Go now. And start the preparations." He said "I'll deal with any
backlash from Robert."
"Yes my lord." Kevan said as he got up from his chair and
bowed to him before leaving the room.
Once Kevan had left, he picked up the quill and started writing a
Unknown to him, there was a small runic array drawn behind the
portrait of his father on the wall behind him.
The array stopped glowing as soon as Kevan left the room.
In the other side of the continent, Lyra removed her ear from the
Communication mirror and quickly started writing a summary of
everything she had heard.
Once she was done, he picked up the communication mirror
once again and called her Lord.
A few moments later, his tired and annoyed face appeared on the
mirror and she smiled.

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Chapter 263: Chapter 263

"Did you complete what you set out to do?" his aunt asked and
he shook his head.
"It was… more complicated than I thought." He replied "I've
met with some success but not I what I aiming for."
"What were you doing?" Arya asked. He kept an eye on his aunt,
noticing how she would react to an interruption from a Stark.
She didn't even bat an eyelash.
"Important adult work." He said with a smirk and Arya pouted
and crossed her arms.
"My brothers never tell me anything either." She said but then
went back to eating a moment later "I jus' hout hat ou ere gone
or a long…"
"Eat rst. Talk later." His aunt said but there was no venom in
her voice.
It seems like his aunt truly didn't hate the younger lady of house
Stark. The fact that even his cold hearted aunt couldn't bring
herself to hate the little bundle of excitement known as Arya
Stark said something about the girl.
That's good news for him if he ever heard any. He really didn't
want to witness yet another silent pissing contest for months.
"You were gone for a whole week." Arya said after eating "You
did not even show me the castle." Then her expression changed
and she smiled widely "But Baka did. She might be scary but
she's so awesome"
The stars in her eyes made him wonder if Baka had gained a fan
in Arya Stark.
Once Arya stopped speaking, there was a comfortable silence in
the room, only broken by occassional clanging on spoon to plate
while eating.
"So… I heard that the King tasked you with brining another
Wight." His aunt said and he nodded, wondering if she was
about to go for yet another lecture.
To his surprise, she just sighed in a tired manner that he didn't
like at all.
"Are you alright?" he asked and she shook her head.
"Last time you went up there, you almost died." She said in a
tone that conveyed that she trying to hold back her emotions
"How can you expect me to be alright with you risking your life
once again."
There was silence in the table. He felt a hand on his thigh and
turned to see Ygritte giving him an assuring glance.
He nodded before turning to his aunt.
"Don't worry. I won't go until I'm properly prepared this time
"That's what you said last time." She said and he nodded.
"Yeah. I had still underestimated the White Walkers back then."
He nodded "This time, I'll be so prepared that I won't even have
to participate in the main ght."
"I won't ask for your promise, looking at how you broke yours
last time." He internally winced at that "But… do be careful."
He nodded and turned to Arya once again.


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Chapter 264: Chapter 264

"So… how has your stay here been so far Arya?" he asked
before cut and eating the seasoned meat of Whale that had been
left to dry for over a year. It tasted divine. His chefs never failed
to spoil him with their excellent food.
"It was great." Arya said with a large smile "Your castle is
comfortable and beautiful than ours. Ygritte teaches me archery
every morning. I can play with the children and the werewolf
pups all I want. The market here is lled with so many new
things. And aunt Barbrey even called for a sword teacher from
Braavos for me."
He gave his aunt a wide eyed look of surprise which she
expertly ignored.
Huh… who knew that Arya's tomboyish nature would melt the
cold heart of Lady Barbrey Dustin.
But then again, his aunt didn't show any dislike for Sansa Stark
when she rst arrived here. It was only due to Lady Stark's
constant bickering with her that led to her hating Sansa Stark
who tried to be like her mother day and night.
"I'm glad to see that you're adjusting so well in Dreadfort." He
said "It would be a bad record on my part to chase off yet
another Stark from my castle."
Arya frowned at that "Like you did with my mother. She didn't
told me anything about that. Saying I'm too young and
everything." She pouted.
"Well, you're what 10 years old?"
"11." He nodded "I think that's old enough. I'll tell you what
happened, once you nish telling me about your experience in
my home in detail."
Arya beamed at that and started telling him about how she made
friends with the Children of the Forest (who always seemed
more friendly with other children than grown ups with some rare
exceptions like him), how her Nymeria had found friends in the
other Direwolf pups, how she saw yet another female direwolf
giving birth to a litter of pups on the 3rd days since her arrival,
how she didn't like reading but was forced to do so by Ygritte
and Baka, how she was given a horse of her own by Aunt
Barbrey Dustin (and hadn't that been a surprise) and how
Dreadfort and Winterhold was so much more luxurious and
more comfortable than Winterfell as a whole.
"But I still miss my brothers from time to time." She said in the
end, her mood shifting from jovial to sad in a moment.
"Who do you miss the most in your family?" he asked.
"Jon" she replied instant "then Robb, father, Bran and little
"Not your sister?" he asked and she frowned.
"No. Sansa and the other girls always teased me and called me
Horse face. The girls stopped doing that when Sansa was away
but they started once again when she returned." She said which
stabbing the meat with her fork.
Wow, this girl has some blood thirst in her. But he could
understand where she was coming from.
He too had been bullied mercilessly by Dudley in his childhood.
It sucks. And it destroys your self con dence like nothing else.
"Why would they call you horse face?" he asked.
She gave him a confused look in return "Because my face look
like a horse." She replied as if it was the most obvious thing in
the world. He heard Ygritte sigh beside him, making him realize
that she was aware of this and did not know what to say either.
"Arya…" He said "You do not look like a horse. In fact, I would
even say that you're a rather cute child and someone who would
grow up to be a very beautiful woman."
Arya looked down and blushed brightly at that. Had no one
complimented the girl on her cuteness before this? Strange.
"Don't listen to what the other girls are saying." He said "They're
probably just jealous of your freedom and how you can do
things that no other girl can."
"Really?" Arya asked as she looked up at him with a hopeful
"Really." He said with a bright smile and Arya smiled back at
him, even if it was a little shy and strained.
"I offered your half brother Jon some work in my lands by the
way." He said and Arya's eyes brightened once again.
"Really? What did he say? And what work did you gave him?"
"A position in the Military." He replied "He is a good
swordsman and seemed pretty good at commanding people even
though he lacks the necessary experience. But he declined."
He shrugged back "He seems pretty intent on joining the Nights
Watch" he said "Just like how your sister made you believe that
your face looks like a horse, your mother made him believe that
he has no place in Winterfell and if he gained power anywhere
else then he would de nitely come back and try to take
Winterfell from you."
"He would never do such a thing."
"I know. You don't need to convince me." He said "But that's
what he believes. And I don't think anyone will be able to
change his mind at this point. He's too stubborn and prideful.
Both your brothers are."
Both his aunt and Ygritte scoffed at that and he glared at them.
Ygritte smiled sweetly at him and shook her head Nothing." His
aunt on the other hand coughed on her head and said "Pot
calling cattle black."
He rolled his eyes while Arya burst into giggles and the rest of
the table members started chuckling to them as well.
"How's your daughter Varko?" he asked when they stopped
chuckling like mother hens.
Varko gave a warm smile and replied "She's in excellent health.
Thanks for asking my lord."
"Do spend some more time with her." He said "We might go on
yet another expedition by the end of the month."
Varko nodded and bowed his head.
"Can I see Titanic?" she asked "I've heard so many things about
it but have never it before. I've never seen a large ship before
either. Or sailed in the sea. Or seen any other kingdom. Or…"
"Okay okay." He said with a chuckle when she started counting
the things she had never done and wanted to do in her ngers
"I'll have Briar escort you to the Shipyard at the end of the week.
Would that be alright with you Briar."
His resident female warg nodded "Shena needed a walk and
some time to stretch her legs anyway." Briar said "Living in a
comfortable stone castle, sleeping in soft beds and eating well
prepared food has made her slow and lazy."
"Cats can be like that." He said and Shena huffed from the other
side of the room where she was sitting on the oor and eating a
large plate lled with Whale meat, looking as beautiful and
graceful as ever in her shining black fur.
He could see why the Shadowcats down South were hunted to
"Aunty. Tell me, what else has been going on in my absence."
He asked and the dinner continued in that warm fashion for a
good while before they said their prayers and left the dining
room while he picked up Ygritte and took he to his room.
The fatigue from working for a whole week had still not left him
but he was far too horny to care.


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Chapter 265: Chapter 265

"My father doesn't usually acts this impulsively." Tyrion said

once he told them about the plans of Tywin Lannister to form an
alliance with Myr, Tyrosh and Ibben, buy Unsullied soldiers and
attack his home. "When the Mad King insulted him, he waited
for almost a decade, stewing in anger in Casterly Rock before he
nally got his chance. Then he sacked Kings Landing and killed
all Targaryens."
"Seems like you've made quite a foe in Tywin Lannister my
lord." Karsi said and he scoffed.
"Not really." He said "If I want to do so, then I could kill Tywin
or Kevan at any moment and end this whole farce. But veterans
are only formed in a battle eld. For all that I've trained my
legions the best I could, they've still not participated in a real
battle. This will be a good opportunity for them to show their
"Against the Unsullied?" Tyrion asked "Forgive me my lord but
I've seen your men. And while they are indeed the best in
Westeros by a huge margin… the things I've heard about the
"They're not fabrications." He said "I've seen the Unsullied with
my own eyes. I've even freed and brought quite a few of them
back with me. In fact, you might not know but when I rst
started forming an army, I used these same Unsullied as their
"Huh… I did not know that." Tyrion admitted.
"The core of my army is made up of Unsullied, ex-mercenaries,
gladiaters and older and more experienced men who had
participated in war before. My recruits are green indeed but their
commanders are not."
Tyrion nodded at his words "That still won't help us against the
Unsullied. We might win, thanks to our walls and ships, but
we'll also lose a lot of men."
"Unsullied are good." Mocqo said from his seat "Very good."
"We won't be losing any men that way." He replied "I don't plan
on ghting the Unsullied."
"You aren't…" Tyrion looked confused "What are… oh!!!"
Yes. An army like the Unsullied would be wasted in the hands of
the Lannisters." He said "And I want every advantage I could
get in this upcoming war."
Tyrion nodded "I have a feeling that I should have seen this
coming." He said "I know that you're rich. But do you really
have enough gold to buy the whole Unsullied army?"
"Wait? We're buying slave soldiers now?" Karsi asked, horri ed
by the mere thought of it.
"I don't know how I feel about this either my lord." Varko said
and Walton nodded as well.
"I'm not buying slave soldiers." He explained to them "I'm…
liberating them."
"Liberating?" Karsi asked.
"Yes. I'll buy them, true. But once they arrive in my shores, I'll
free them. At that point, if they want to leave, then they'll be free
to do so. But if they stay and join my army, then I'll give each
and every one of them a house and a decent pay. It is the least of
what they deserve."
"I seems a little manipulative." Tyrion said "The only thing
they've ever known is battle. And they don't have anywhere to
go either aside from doing what they've been doing and joining
He shrugged "I know it's manipulative. And I don't like it either.
But our other choices are to let them be bought by the
Lannisters, in which case I'll sink their ships before they ever
reach my shores. Or be bought by the magisters in the other
cities where they'll spent their whole lives as slaves before
eventually dying of a wound or old age." He said "If you have
any better idea then I'm listening."
His generals and other commanders remained silent and he
"How are we going to bring them here?" Tyrion asked "In case
we've forgotten, Astapor is quite far from here. It might take us
3-4 months to just get there on ship. Not to mention the pirates
and the bad weather."
"Muron will go." He said.
"I will?" Muron asked with some surprise "Who will protect
your ships and chase away the pirates then."
"After your last culling of the pirates near Sisterton, I don't think
they'll harass our ships for a year or two. Of course, some pirates
might get bold and attack in your absence but this is a risk I'm
willing to take."
Muron frowned at that "How many ships I'll take with me?"
"Hundred." He replied "50 war galleys, your agship Kraken
and 50 for transporting food and bringing back the Unsullied."
"How many Unsullied are there?" Karsi asked.
"Not sure about the exact numbers." He said "But it should be
somewhere between 5,000-10,000"
"That many." Walton said, his eyes a little wide in surprise.
"That many won't t in the only 50 galleys." Muron pointed out.
"You can buy, borrow or steal the ships from the merchants, sell
sails or slavers." He said with a negligent wave of his arm "Do
whatever it is that you want. I want that Unsullied army in my
lands before the end of the year."
"It will be done." Muron said with a bow and he nodded.


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Chapter 266: Chapter 266

"Let's move on to the other topic then." He said and turned to

Lyra who had joined this war council meeting because of her
intelligence network "Tell me Lyra, how much gold, manpower
and ships will Myr and Tyrosh be willing to give to see our
"A lot." Lyra said without even needing to think "By stealing the
glass monopoly from Myr, you've taken away some of the best
customers from them. They're not very happy about that and
would go to a great length to see to our destruction. But then
again, they are traders and not lords so they don't have an army
of their own. The only thing they can do is pay for sellswords
and sellsails. With that in mind, Myr might be able to send an
army of 2,000-6,000 and a eet of 40 to 100 ships. It might be a
little more or little less but I don't think the difference will be too
"We'll go for the worst case scenerio then and prepare for an
attack from 6,000 men in 100 ships from Myr along with the 40
Lannister ships and their 3,000 men." He said "What about
Tyrosh? How many men will they send."
"Liberating Varko and Baka along with the other slaves, burning
their slaver pits and killing their people has not endeared you to
the Tyroshi either." She said "But you've not affected them as a
whole. Only the ones you stole from. I think they'll contribute
half of what Myr will do."
He nodded. "So 3,000 men and 50 ships. What's the total."
"12,000 men. 190 ships" Tyrion said "And we've not even
counted the Ibbenese yet."
"They won't come." He said.
When Tyrion gave him an odd look, he continued "The Ibbenese
might not be our neighbours but we do share the same water
territory. I do not want to be in continuous war with them.
Which means that if they attack my ships once more, then I'll
destroy their ships raze their port to the ground. I'll go their
myself and tell this to their leader. He'll not go against me."
"But what if their leader is an idiot and attacked us regardless."
Bronn asked.
"He has a point." Muron nodded.
"Add them as well then." He said and turned to Lyra but it was
Muron who replied this time.
"They don't have a lot of manpower. So 1,000-3,000 men at
best. And their whaler ships are fucking huge. So about 10 ships
at most."
"So our worst case scenario is an attack from 15,000 men in 200
ships." He said "Tell me about the defenses of Bolton Port
Tyrion. Can it handle such a force."
Tyrion took out a map of Bolton Port from his bottomless bag
and unfurled it on top of the table.
"Bolton Port has a garrison of 2,000 men." Tyrion said "If I
force conscripted the male citizens in the army then I could
double their number. And if I add the Police force from the area,
then that would be another 1000 men. If I conscript levies from
the nearby villages then that would be yet another 2000 men.
With the tall walls, pump action crossbows and the newly built
scorpions on the wall… I think it might be possible. It'll be hard
of course, and many men will die. But it is possible."
"And if I send some giants, 100 of my personal guards and the
2nd legion. Then?"
Tyrion looked at him and smirked.
"The presence of the giants and 100 of your personal guards will
be more than enough." He said "If an army of wights did not
managed to kill a single one of your personal guards, then I
doubt mere mortals will do much against them. Of course" he
looked at Karsi "The help of your legion is more than welcome.
5,000 more men on my side will be more than welcome. I might
not even need to conduct the force conscriptions."
"It's 6,000 men now." Karsi said "200 horse riders 500 infantry,
300 pump action crossbowmen and 1 warg more. Lord Bolton is
also creating yet another two Legions for preparation of the
Long Night."
Tyrion opened his mouth, closed it and then smiled "I almost
pity my uncle at this point." Then Tyrion turned to him
"Speaking of my uncle. He had always treated me kindly. Would
it be possible to spare his life."
"I won't allow him to leave Tyrion." He said "Not after a direct
attack on my land. But you can keep him as a guest in your
house if that's what you want. Though I doubt your wife will
appreciate it."
"A mansion for my uncle then. With a rotating guard so he
doesn't bribe them and try to escape. Got it." Tyrion nodded.
"Don't go celebrating too early." Bronn said "Things change in
war. War is not always predictable."
"True." Tyrion said "But you have to admit that we have a huge
advantage over our enemy forces."
Bronn simply grunted at that and went silent.
"Anything more we could do to sway things in our advantage?"
he asked.
"You can start training a militia force." Karsi said "The Free folk
are warriors at heart and have not gone soft. But I can't say the
same for the people of this land."
"A good idea Genera Karsi." Tyrion nodded then turned to him
"What about you pet pyromencers. Would their wild re be of
any help?"
He nodded "Wild re alone is a very dangerous substance but
look at this." He said and threw a mud ball at Tyrion who caught
it with surprising ease.
"Is this the thing that you created to ght the White Walkers
after your rst expedition?" Tyrion asked and he nodded.
"It has wild re inside it. And a fuse that only ignites when the
ball strikes the ground at a particularly fast speed. If you drop it,
then the mud ball won't break. But if you throw it at a wall, then
it'll burst into re." He said "It's easy to make. And could be
thrown at our enemies from a safe distance. We can even
catapult them form the walls."
"And you named it mudball?" Ygritte asked from his right,
giving him an unimpressed look.
He shrugged "It was the rst name that came to mind."
"Only you can give such a dangerous thing such an
unimpressive name." She said.
"Do they really work as well as you're saying?" Bronn asked
Not saying you don't know what you're talking about… but I've
seen too many crazy old coots trying to sell pig shit to
mercenary armies, claiming it to be a miracle."
"I can give you a proper demonstration after this meeting." He
said and turned to Tyrion "Think of what else you can do to
protect the walls. You've a few months to think of new ideas and
implement them. Even a little bit could mean the difference
between the deaths of a few hundred men."
Tyrion nodded "I will my lord."
"Good. If there's nothing else." Everyone in the table stayed
quite so he nodded "Then you're dismissed."


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Chapter 267: Chapter 267

Domeric sat on the ground and nished drawing the last runic
array in the large runic matrix that was the size of half a football
eld and the largest ritual circle he had ever drawn.
He wiped the sweat from his brow and cast a few magical spells
to make sure that the array was drawn perfectly. It won't do to
make an amateur mistake now after he had come so far.
The result was positive. He rose from the ground and carefully
stepped out of the circle, making sure to not disturb any of the
"Is it nally done." Ygritte asked him from where she was
outside the ritual circle and reading a book about the dragons.
Once he came out of the circle, he plopped down on the ground
and groaned in discomfort.
"Yes. It is done. Though I'll have to double check it to make sure
that nothing went wrong." If he found that he fucked up the
ritual circle that took him a whole month to draw, then he would
really lose it.
Ygritte put down the book and walked up to him before she sat
down on his back.
Then she helped him remove the shirt he was wearing and
started to massage his back.
"Ahh… That's it." He said in bliss and Ygritte pinched his back
She bent down to his ears, pressing her bosom to his back and
whispered "The next time you want a girl to massage you. Bring
someone else." She bit his ear and he inched once again "I'm
not your servant."
"Yeah. Sorry about that. But you are one of the three people who
know about this place. And I would rather have you for
company than either Varko and Baka. Not that there's anything
wrong with them. But…"
"I get it." She said "And I'm not angry at you. Not really. I'm
"Yeah. Sorry for taking out on you."
"It's okay." He said. He was starting to feel bad for brining her
here. But it was either that or him spending the last 2 weeks all
alone. And he was already bored enough from this monotonous
task as it was.
They spend the next few minutes in blissful silence, with Ygritte
massaging his back and him enjoying it.
Then Ygritte asked "It's nished then."
"When will you perform the ritual?" she asked.
"There's really no point in waiting." He said "I'll start as soon as
I've double checked the circle."
"And when will you do that?" she asked.
"Now." He replied and rose up from the ground, taking her off
with him as she was still on his back.
She yelped and jumped away from his back, landing on the
ground with more grace than he himself would ever show.
He ignored the light glare she was giving him, raised his wand
and cast the required spell.
He oated the last ingredient into the air from a distance and
slowly put it inside the stabilizing part of the ritual circle.
A moonstone to take the excess energy generated by the ritual if
hid body failed to take in all of it.
For all the the ritual circle took him a whole month to make,
only 3% of the runes were the real ritual, the rest were
stabilizing agents to make sure that he won't turn into a half
dragon monstrosity.
Similarly, of the hundreds of ingredients put inside the ritual
circle, only the 3 dragon eggs were the real force behind the
"You done?" Ygritte asked and he nodded.
"Leave the room now." He said "I have never performed a ritual
of this magnitude. Ever. I don't know how it'll affect the
surroundings so it's better if you're not nearby."
"Will you be alright?" she asked, her eyebrows scrunched up in
"I will." He replied. Hopefully.
The ritual was so complicated, large and expensive that he did
not get the chance to try it on other test subjects. After all, it took
3 living dragon eggs to run the ritual and a whole month to draw
the runes.
This was also the main reason why he had created so many
stabilizing circles inside it in the rst place.
He wasn't about to go into unknown territory without proper
Even then, there was a small chance that something will go
horribly wrong and he might end of turning into some kind of
He hoped it won't come to pass as he led Ygritte out of the room
and closed the door.
He had already given her a portkey so that if something went
wrong then she'll be able to escape this place.
He started the runes on the door that would protect the walls and
the ceiling from the large amount of energy that this ritual will
generate. Just another of the many safety measures he had
created for this ritual.
Once he was sure that everyone was as it should be, he removed
the clothes and every other equipment from his body and
carefully stepped into the middle of the circle and laid down on
the ground.
Once that was done, he looked at the ritual circle he had taken
such a long time to draw.
He though of Ygritte and how much he loved her. Of his aunt
and how she had been the mother for him that he never had. His
sworn shields, his subordinates, his people and why he was
taking this risk in the rst place.
Then he used wandless magic and cut open his palm.
A few drops of blood dropped in the middle of a small hole he
had created. Once the hole was lled, the runes around it started
to glow.
Then in sequence, the runes around them started to glow as well
and the magical energy in the air skyrocketed as the rst
ingredients, a dozen branches of Heart tree burned out and he
started to feel the discomfort in his body.
He quickly healed his nger and laid down on his oor.
The room became brighter and brighter as the other runes started
to glow on after another, the energy in the air rising and
stabilizing with each moment before the runes around the three
Dragon eggs nally glowed.
A blinding pain lled his body his body.
He screamed and then everything went blank.


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Chapter 268: Chapter 268

He woke up to the sound of someone crying.

His ngers twitched in response and he opened his mouth to
speak something but the raw pain in his throat stopped him from
doing any such thing and he coughed.
The resulting pain in his throat woke him up and he coughed a
few more times, each cough sending a jolt of pain from his
throat before he nally calmed down.
He felt someone saying some gibberish and massaging his back.
He blearily opened his eyes and saw the ground lled with black
He took some dust on his index nger and rubbed it with his
thumb. Why, he had no idea.
Where was he? Why was his whole body burning in pain?
He felt someone Ygritte him around and saw…
"Ygritte." His words were barely above a whisper and he
inched at the pain it caused him.
Why was his throat hurting so much.
"Thank god you're alright." She said, her eyes lled with tears
and she bent down to kissed him.
"Where're we?" he whispered once again, grimacing at the pain
once again.
Ygritte smiled at him through her tears "In the ritual room. Did
you forget?"
The memories came back to him.
The pain. The screaming. The sensation of his body being torn
to pieces and being rebuilt over and over.
He shivered in fear and Ygritte's grip around him tightened.
Then as if remembering something, she reached for her
bottomless pouch and took out… a large blanket from inside it.
The red colored embroidery on the blanket was beautiful. It
reminded him of…
He removed the image of Ginny from his mind and paid
attention to Ygritte.
A part of him realized that he was still a little disoriented while
the other part felt comfort as Ygritte wrapped the blanket around
"Dittany." He whispered to her.
"What?" she asked and turned her ears toward him to listen to
him more closely.
"Essence of Dittany." He said.
She nodded and quickly reached for his bottomless bag.
She put her hand inside it and took out a large chest a few
moments later.
She opened the chest. It was lled to the brim with various kinds
of potions he had managed to replicate in the decade since he
came to this world and took out the bottle named Essence of
It was not Essence of Dittany. Not really. It was just a poor
substitute for the real thing that he'd managed to make with the
ingredients he had found around the world and grown in his
magical glass house.
But even a poor substitute of the Essence of Dittany was far
better than any other muggle medicine out there.
He closed his eyes to check the state of his body and if it was
alright for him to consume a potion so quickly after such a
powerful ritual.
His body was lled with magical residual to the brim and he
wasn't sure if it was entirely safe to drink the magical potion
right now.
It could help him as much as it could kill him at this point.
He opened his eyes and shook his head.
"Library." He whispered to him, feeling more sluggish and weak
by the moment.
"You want me to take you to the library?" Ygritte asked.
He nodded, the world becoming blurry by the moment.
Ygritte put the bottle back in the trunk and the trunk back in the
pouch before she picked him up in princess carry and took him
out of the room.
'This is a little humiliating' were his last thoughts before he lost
consciousness once again.

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Chapter 269: Chapter 269

The next time he woke up, it was in his bed. The bed he had set
up at the corner of the library for days when he pull all nighters
and didn't bothered to go back to the Castle for sleeping.
He looked around and found Ygritte sleeping on a chair beside
him. Why she didn't simply slept with him was beyond him.
He looked down and noticed that she was holding on to his
hand. He couldn't resist massaging her soft hand with his thumb.
Ygritte groaned and blinked a few times before her eyes opened
and she looked at him.
"Water" he whispered, still feeling a bit weak and his sore
through protested with a good deal of pain.
She nodded groggily and took out a pitcher lled with water
from her bottomless bag and helped him with it.
After drinking his ll, he closed his eyes and looked at the
residual magic left in his body from the ritual.
There was still a good deal of residual magic. Something that
won't go any for a whole decade but it was safe for him to drink
the potions now.
"Dittany." He whispered. Ygritte nodded and quickly took out
the potion that she had already kept on a table nearby.
He removed the cork from the bottle and emptied the whole
potion in one go.
The potion taste and smelled like sewage water and his empty
stomach protested in response.
He already knew that he would get a diarrhea from drinking the
potion empty stomach but he needed to heal.
He gave a motion to Ygritte and she helped him up in the bed.
He was thankful for her presence. Without her, recovering from
this ritual would have been a whole lot harder for him.
He closed his eyes and rested.
A few seconds later, he felt the warmth from the magical potion
permeate his body and strength slowly started returning to him.
He clenched his sts and moved the ngers in his legs.
"Food." He said, his throat still hurt from speaking but the pain
had gone down in intensity.
Ygritte nodded and gave him a plate lled with warm food that
he had kept in stasis for emergency situations.
This situation was not much of an emergency but he wasn't
going to say no to good food.
Unfortunately, his throat was still too raw (from all the
screaming) to eat solid food.
He removed the stasis and then trans gured the food into water
and drank it down in one go.
Inhaling down the liquid was much easier and the liquid would
turn back to the solid food a few minutes later once the
trans guration wore off.
The dittany had done it's job and he could already feel the pain
in his body turning into simple soreness. But it also left him both
physically and magically tired.
He motioned to Ygritte and she helped him back under the
blanket where he closed his eyes…
Ygritte, feeling sleepy herself entered under the blanket and
wrapped her hand around him.
He smiled at her, though he doubted she would see it in the
darkness and fell asleep,

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Chapter 270: Chapter 270

He looked at the large trans gured mirror.

A stranger stared back at him.
He had become taller. Not by much. Only a few inches. But it
was noticeable to him.
His body structure had changed little. He had lost some weight
and some muscle but he could always gain it back with training.
Still, he looked thin on the edge of being malnourished.
His facial structure had also thinned a bit. It had a boyish charm
that it lacked before. It also made him look elegant and regal. As
if the ritual had taken him as close to perfection as possible.
His hair had changed color. The black hair had turned into the
golden-platinum color that only the pure Valyrians ever had.
Only Daenerys the Dreamer in the Targaryen line was ever
reported to have hair like this. Her and the other powerful mages
in Valyria.
His eyes had changed as well. Once they were pale grey in color.
Now, they were bright violet. And they almost seemed to glow
with the magic that was now churning inside him.
Despite feeling slightly weak physically, he had never felt so
powerful in his life before. Both lives.
If he was not wrong in his estimate, then he was twice as strong
now as Dumbledore used to be in his prime.
The ritual been beyond painful and it had done a number on
him. He had a feeling that his lifespan had also decreased by a
bit, something that he'll deal with later.
But the power it gave him could not be denied.
He waved his hand and the mirror was suddenly ten times larger
and covering the entire wall.
He chuckled in joy. The chuckle soon turned into laughter which
turned into a coughing t as it sent a jolt of pain toward his still
injured throat.
Shouting and screaming for hours will do that to you.
At least that's what Ygritte told him.
He himself couldn't remember the ritual properly. Only faint
glimpses of pain and torture that made him glad that he was
incoherent throughout the ritual.
That much pain could break anyone.
He was lucky that he was not a vegetable like the Longbottoms
and the other victims in Saint Mungos.
And if he was hesitant about using this ritual on Ygritte before
(it did cost 3 live dragon eggs and a lot of time and ingredients
to prepare), he was completely against it now.
The gain of turning her into a Dragonlady was not worth the risk
of her turning into a vegetable.
Though if she insisted on taking the risk, then he would have no
choice but to oblige.
She was his lover, not his servant after all.
"You done staring at yourself." Ygritte asked as she entered the
room and he smiled at her and nodded.
She walked up to his naked body and wrapped her arms around
his waist.
"It's going to take some time to get used to this new face." She
said as they met eyes in the mirror.
"Do you not like it?" he asked with a smirk, knowing well what
her answer was going to be.
He did not look ugly before. In fact, he considered himself to be
quite good looking. But now… now he could easily take the spot
of the most good looking man in Westeros. That is, if he did not
hide his Valyrian features with a glamor charm.
King Robert Targaryen did held a great deal of hatred for the
Targaryens after all.
"I like it." She said and kissed in the neck "I loved you before as
well. And I would have loved you even if your face had turned
hideous from the ritual. But I do like you better now."
He turned around and kissed her lips, picking her from the
ground from her waist.
"I need to go and check on the egg." He whispered once they
"Let's see this egg of yours then." She said and led him out of
the room.
They crossed the corridor and reached the Incubation room.
He pushed the door opened and at the center of the room was a
large black egg, double the size of any other egg in the room.
He went to the dragon egg and put his hand on top of it.
A feeling a warmth, happiness and contentment came out from
inside the egg.
"Is it ready?" Ygritte asked softly, not wanting to break the pure
"It is." He replied and removed his arm from the egg, instantly
missing it's warmth
He wondered if he had unknowingly formed some sort of bond
with the egg. He had been missing it's presence ever since he
completed the ritual and became a Dragonlord.
"It has been ready to be hatched for some time." He told her "It
was I who was not ready."
"And you're ready now?" Ygritte asked and he smiled.
"Yes. I suppose I am." He said as he conjured a reball at the tip
of his nger and put it under the palm of his left hand. It didn't
burn him.
"Are you going to hatch in now. Today?" she asked.
He shook his head "I'm still weak from the aftereffects of the
ritual. And I want to be at my best when I hatch it." He said
"Let's go to the treasury. There's something I want to check."

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Chapter 271: Chapter 271

Looking at the mountain of gold coins did not gave him the
same feeling of satisfaction as it once did.
He had seen it so many times before that now it was just 'another
resource' that he could one day put to some use.
He was not here for the gold.
He went to the section which was lled with Valyrian items that
he brought from Valyria, Ygritte following silently behind him.
She was always silent when she entered this room. As if
speaking would destroy the sanctity of this room.
The weapons had put in some proper order by Varko and Baka.
He went to the area that was lled with Valyrian armors.
He only had a dozen of them.
His hand went and touched the enchanted Valyrian armor with
the white colored Crystal embedded in it's chest.
He smiled and his shoulders relaxed a bit.
Whenever he had touched the armor before this, it always gave
him a feeling of wrongness. As if he was touching something
that he wasn't supposed to touch. That the armor didn't belong to
him, which was true in a sense.
The armor didn't reject him anymore.
"Stand back a little." he told Ygritte. She gave him a worried
look but complied and stood back some distance away from
He took a deep breath and then pushed a tendril of magic inside
the armor.
The white Crystal in it sucked the tendril of magic as if it was a
bottomless hole.
He frowned and poured a little bit more magic into it.
He poured a little more this time.
He frowned and starting pouring all the magic he could and it
continued to suck it all away as if it was a bottomless hole.
He frowned and continued.
He panted from magical exhaustion and nally removed his
hand from the White Stone in the Enchanted Valyrian armor.
Despite his earlier words, Ygritte came forward to support him
before he slumped down from magic exhaustion.
"Did… did it work." She asked him.
He was sure that she didn't knew what it was that he was doing.
Just that he was doing something and it left him exhausted.
"I don't know." He replied, looking at the enchanted armor with
some frustration "Let's check on something else now."
He walked up to the place where the other Valyrian trinkets were
kept and picked up the enchanted magical staff.
It did not reject him either and he felt a little giddy at the
He had never used a staff before and it gave him a childish sort
of excitement for some reason.
Picked up the Enchanted Valyrian Staff and paused.
The crystal on it's head was of a similar color to the crsytal that
was embedded in the Enchanted Valyrian armor. How had he
missed it before?
He slowly touched the crystal. Nothing happened.
He poured some magic into it.
The crystal sucked all the magic he gave it without any
"Is everything alright?" Ygritte asked.
Hmm. "Yeah…" he said, quickly. He had almost forgotten that
she was even there. "There's something I need to check."
She understood and back away a few steps from him.
He picked up the staff by the Valyrian steel handle and pointed it
at the small mountain of gold in front of him.
He channeled a little magic from inside him into the staff and
said "Bombarda"
A bright light came out of the top end of the staff and shot
toward the mountain of gold.
BOOMMM!!! The mountain of gold blew up and his heart
leaped to his chest.
He quickly channeled his magic in the staff and formed a shield
around himself and Ygritte.
A moment later, gold coins rain down upon them and clinked
against the shield before falling away to the side.
The rain stopped two seconds later and he gaped at the result.
There was a hold hole at the side of the mountain of gold coins.
And the shield he had created in a moment's notice was still
standing just as strong. Even when he stopped channeling magic
into it.
His put his hand near his chest where his heart was beating a
mile a minute from the sudden explosion and he took a deep
He needed an open space if he was about to use any magic with
this staff.
"Let's take a break." He told Ygritte.
She looked at the gold lying around them and at the shield still
protecting them and then at him.
"Yeah. Let's do that… before you end up blowing us to pieces."
He winced at that but didn't offer a rebuttal.


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Chapter 272: Chapter 272
Another Bombarda spell and another part of the mountain blew
The childish giddiness inside him increased and he laughed once
"Are you done?" Ygritte asked him and he coughed a few times
before turning to look at her.
She gave him and the mountain he had lled with craters an
unimpressed look.
The had come to the isolated mountains in Vale to check the
power of his Staff.
He still didn't understand what the White Crystal did. Just like
before, it sucked in all the magic that he channeled inside it. But
aside from that, the staff in and itself was powerful.
Not as powerful as the Elder wand had been. But not much
weaker either.
It was certainly far more powerful than his Holly and Phoenix
feather wand.
He had been channeling magic from weak and fragile wands for
so long that he had almost forgotten what it was like to use a
proper tool to channel his magic.
And using his magic without any restriction once again (with a
staff on top of everything) made him feel a boyish excitement.
AHAAHAHAhahahaaa! Cough cough."
Ygritte did not looked impressed at his drama and he coughed
awkwardly to hide his embarrassment.
"You're no fun." He said "I should have brought Tormund or
some else."
"If you brought Tormund with you then he would be telling tales
about you to everyone who would listen by the end of the day."
She said.
He opened his mouth to speak but then closed it.
"You have a point there." He said.
She smiled and then looked at the crater mountain with a
worried look "Was everyone in your past life this powerful?" she
"Everyone? No." He shook his head "Only two or three. And I'm
more powerful than them than they were at their best."
He didn't dare to tell her that the muggles in his world had such
powerful weapons that they would attened the mountain
instead of leaving craters in it.
Well… he was not sure if the atomic bombs could really
attened a mountain but they were dangerous as fuck
nonetheless and needed to be dealt with caution.
And now that he had not only regained his full power, this world
was easy mode.
Then he suddenly remembered the White Walkers and his
enthusiasm dimmed.
Yeah, he still needed to deal with them.
He was sure that he could defeat a White Walker fairly easily at
this point. But this was still Summer time.
Their main forces will attack during winter, when their powers
will be stronger and his weaker.
And he still had no idea how powerful the Night King was.
He still felt that he was perhaps the most powerful human in the
world at this moment. Magically if not physically. The title of he
Physically strongest still belonged to Baka.
"Did you nd what the White stone does?" Ygritte asked and he
shook his head.
"I'll have to go to Valyria, search more vaults, nd more books
and see if any of them have any description of a White Crystal
like this."
"Hmm… are we done here?" she asked.
He looked at the destruction around him and smiled.
Yeah. We're done. Then he took her hand and apparated back to
his room in Dreadfort.
A few days ago, he would have had to create a portkey to cross
such a vast distance but now he was able to do so without any
fear of splinching.
Being so powerful was truly the best.


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Chapter 273: Chapter 273

He jumped to the side and the 40 foot long Swamp Wyvern

passed by him a moment later, snapping it's cruel beak, hoping
to crush him in half and end this battle once and for all.
He doubt the Swamp Wyvern's bite would had the Full body
Valyrian armor he was wearing. It was rather unlikely but no
point in taking unnecessary risk.
It was both a little frightening and a little exciting to know that
the largest dragon he fought in past life was just as large as a
Wyvern in this world.
"Incarcerous" he said and a thick rope was conjured out of the
air and ew toward the Wyvern's legs, tying them together and
stopping it's means of escape.
The Swamp Wyverns were perhaps the largest Wyvern species
in the world. Thus they needed a little run up before they tried to
With that in mind, as long as it's leg remained under bind, it
won't be going anywhere anymore.
The Wyvern turned it's heard and tried to bite him but without a
proper footing, it's lost it's balance and tumbled in front of him
like a drunken aggressor.
"Incarcerous. Incarcerous. Incarcerous." It's beak was sealed
shut and now it couldn't even cut off the restraints in it's leg.
The Wyvern tried to roll around on the swampy ground,
throwing wet sploches of dirt everywhere.
He used this moment to back off and go in the safety of the tree
He still needed to be careful of being ambushed by other
predators in the forest. After all, Southros was lled to the brim
with such dangerous animals and reptiles. It won't do to focus all
his attention in capturing a Swamp Wyverns and get eaten by a
Basilisk or punched by a 20 foot giant fucking apes.
Nope, not ghting those even with the enhanced magical
strength. They gave him to ashbacks about the battle of
Hogwarts where he, Ron and Hermione were dodging the
murder giants like aunts dodge a particularly nasty child trying
to break their nests.
He was sure that he would be able to kill them but they lived in
small colonies and he just… didn't want to ght them.
Fighting a Hungarian horntail sized Wyvern was more
preferable to him than them.
Once in the safety of a few trees, he observed the Wyvern
struggle in the mud for a few more moments to catch his breath
and calm his erratic heartbeat before he opened an expended
trunk and took out a real Steel chain.
He trans gured it into a snake and it quickly went and coiled
around the Wyvern's body before inevitably returning to it's
original form.
He took out a few more chains and did the same.
The Wyvern shrieked like a particularly enraged Molly Weasley
but he had fought a few Brindled Wyverns and even a Shadow-
Wing. And while the Shadow Wing turned out to be a silent
predator, the Brindled Wyverns had also shrieked like it was the
end of the world, making him use earbuds on his ears before his
ghts with Wyverns.
How it was still able to let out any noise with it's jaws shut
together was true mystery to him and if was starting to wonder if
these creatures used their magic to amplify their voices instead
of hurling re at their victims.
But for all the it was as large as the dragons from his past life, it
was not a dragon. And it was not as magically resistant as a
dragon either.
So once he had properly bound the Wyvern in chains that he
wished were magical in nature, he started casting the charms
used by Dragonhandlers from his past life to sedate the
The spells worked spectacularly and the Wyvern was snoring
like a giant ugly baby within a few minutes.
There was once again silence in the swamp. Or at least as much
silence as you can nd when hundreds and thousands of insects
and buzzing and chattering around you.
Unlike the forest in the North, the forest in Southoryos were
loud and lled with insects.
Still, he listened carefully to the footsteps of any creature who
might have heard his ght.
He didn't heard any and concluded that they were still too far
away. Meaning that he had time.
He picked up the trunk and put it in front of the Wyvern, the face
of the trunk facing the Wyvern.
Then he did something that he knew was going to take a lot out
of him even if the Wyvern was not as magically resistant as
He pointed at the 40 foot long Wyvern with his awesome and
cool wizard staff and said "Accio Wyvern".
The magic used to work this spell was immense but the spell
worked and a few moments later, the Wyvern was safely tucked
inside his trunk. Ready to be transported to his lands where it
hopefully wouldn't die of cold on the very rst day.
He panted from the strain required to pull something so large
inside his trunk.
Then he quickly used a few spells to camou age him and hide
his presence as well as he could.
Those Basalisk bastards will still nd him. They somehow
always did. But he would at least stay safe from the giant Apes,
the Brindle men or one of the dozens of other things trying to
make a lunch out of him in this new and unexplored continent.
He then climbed his broom and left the area, not ying too high
because of all the wyverns ying in these lands.
He still needed to go inside his trunk and put the Swamp
Wyvern inside a cage of it's own but that could come later, when
he was in a safe place, like he did for the other wyverns and
Basalisks he captured before this one.
Like a town made up of the worst slavers and pirates who had
made their base in the islands of Southoryos.
Yeah. He was already starting to regret coming to this continent.
At least the large amount of magical plants, insects, reptiles and
animals that he found and collected from Southoryos made up a
little for the absolute shit hole this place was.
Not that he'll be able to use the ingredients until he was behind
the safety of his castle walls or in his underground base.
Yes, living in Southoryos for a few days had really made him
appreciate the security of his home.
So much for being the most powerful wizard in the planet.


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Chapter 274: Chapter 274

"Home sweet home." He cried out as soon as he returned to his

room in Dreadfort.
He might have only spent a single week in Southoryos but to
him it seemed like a long long time.
He had heard rumors about that place but Merlin, going and
living their himself made him realize that how bad it actually
It was amazing how he could live in the Cold North where the
dead were now starting to walk without risking his life but he
couldn't lay down his guard in Southoryos for a single moment
in fear of being attacked yet again by some unknown species
bent on making a meal out of him.
He plopped down on the bed and laid there for a good while, not
thinking about the harrowing week he had just lived.
And he had even been so con dent thanks to his magical
Well… now he was just glad that he did not go to that Continent
before his power up with his eet.
That would have been a fucking disaster no matter how you see
He remained in the bed for a some more time before his eyes
jerked open and he groaned.
He had almost forgotten about all the diseases and plagues that
he might carried with back to Dreadfort.
With a wave of his wand, he quickly sealed all the exit points in
the room and then started starelizing it from top to bottom.
He even burned the mattress that he like so much.
Once the room was suf ciently clean, he apparated to the
Quarantine room in the underground base with his trunk and
Yeah. He would even have to wash the Basalisks and Wyverns
he had captured if he wanted to give them to his Wargs.
It had taken him a few years but he would at last be able to give
the Wyverns that he promised to his wargs.
Now he just hoped that they would be able to control the
Wyverns and not get eaten by them in turn.
But before that, he waved his hand and the Quarantine
procedure started.
And he even wanted to spend some time with Ygritte as soon as
he came back.
A week full of adventure had left him horny as fuck.
He liked the look of joy and surprise on Ygritte's face as he
picked up her from where she was sitting with her Free Folk
female friends (FFFFs) and ran back to his room with her
dumped on his shoulder like a sack potato.
Her FFFFs laughed and giggled even as Ygritte blushed and
tried to get off but he was having none of it.
A spank on her curvaceous butt stopped any struggle on her part
as he ran through the castle corridor with a tent in his pants until
he found an empty room and went inside it.
"You're back." Ygritte said as soon as he threw her on the bed.
He didn't bother replying and quickly tore off his clothes from
his body.
Ygritte noticed the hunger and lust in his eyes and quickly
started to remove her clothes as well.
"Wait… wait" she begged but he was too impatient and she was
too slow.
He tore off her clothes from her body and she snarled in
He turned her around and pushed her down on the bed.
A quick spit on his cock, a line up and a thrust and he inside her
blissfully warm insides.
The feeling was so intense that he almost came right then and
He took a deep breath and calmed himself down a little.
"I don't care." He told her.
She looked at him with mild frustration, some annoyance and a
good amount of exasperation.
He smirked back at her look, picked by her hips and started
pounding down on her.
He did not even last a minute before releasing he grunted his
huge load inside her warm folds.
He fell on top of her and thrusted a few more times with each
release before he nally lost the last of his strength.
He inhaled her intoxicating scent from her hair and then
suddenly remembered that he forgot to put the sterilization spell
on himself.
For a moment, he wondered if it even mattered.
Ygritte had been bothering him for kids for a while and didn't
see much reason to deny her any longer.
She was so beautiful. And all his.
He slipped to the side and pulled her on top of him.
Ygritte smiled at him and kissed his nose "Southoryos has
certainly made an animal out of you."
"You have no idea." He growled.
"You missed me?" she asked, playfully nuzzling his neck and he
"What gave it away?" he asked and kneaded her butt cheeks
with her hands.
Ygritte giggled and put gazed in his eyes "Do you regret not
bringing me with you to Southoryos."
His expression sobered in an instant and he shook his head.
"No." He said "Southoryos was even more dangerous than I
thought. In fact, I am sure that if I had went there before this
ritual and ran across the things I fought… I would de nitely met
my end or be severely injured."
Ygritte frowned at his words.
"Yeah. That bad." He said and slipped one of his nger inside
her arsehole.
She groaned in discomfort and slight arousal and he stirred once
Laying atop him, she could feel his growing erection and gave
him a knowing look.
"Let me take care of you now." She said and got up from his
chest to sit on his thighs.
Then she stroked his cock a few times until it reached full mast
before she slipped forward and slowly put it inside her.
He stared at her the whole moment an as soon as he was inside
her, he jerked up.
Ygritte yelped and almost fell out of his lap.
He smirked and took hold of her hips and started pounding
inside her once again.
A few moments later, Ygritte found her rhythm and started to
match his thrusts with her own.
The sound of ash slapping against ash along moans and
grunts lled the room after that.


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Chapter 275: Chapter 275

"…the giant apes were the worst." He told her, feeling content
with the cuddling in the after sex.
"Were they as large as the giants we have here?" she asked as
she slowly massaged his chest.
He did not know where she had learned to do that but he
enjoyed it immensely and let his own hand roam across her body
as well.
"About twice the size of the shorter giants we have."
Her hand roaming across his chest stopped and she gazed at him
"And you fought them?" she asked.
"No I did not." Even when he had wanted to ght them.
Animals like them couldn't grow as large as they did without
having a great amount of magic to support their body structure.
If nothing else, their blood alone would have been a powerful
ingredient for any potions or magical ink he tries to make in the
Not to mention that their pitch black eyes and red pupil also
intrigued him, even if they creeped him out just the same.
"They were scary as fuck." He said. Though that was mostly
because of his ashbacks.
He never did properly get over his fear of the giants.
And no, not the giants of this world. The giants of 'his' world
who were twice as large, 10 times uglier and 100 times more
prone to violence.
Why the ICW even allowed them to exist was beyond his
"If someone like you, who does not even fear the White
Walkers, feared those giant apes, then they must be rather
scary." She said.
"You have no idea." He told her. Not mentioning that he did fear
The White Walkers a fair bit as well. And if he had to choose
between a White Walker and a Giant Ape as his enemy, then he
would de nitely choose the Giant Ape. Because despite their
size, White Walkers were de nitely more deadly. Probably…
"You brought back the Wyverns though. So that counts as a
success. Right?"
"Yes." He replied "Though it still remains to be seen if a warg
could control a Wyvern or not. If they could, then that would be
a huge advantage for us."
"If they can't?" she asked.
He shrugged "Then I suppose I'll get some more fresh magical
ingredients from the Wyverns. Who knows, their meat might
even be tasty."
She giggled at his words. He loved when she did that. Especially
when she was cuddling next to him with her breast on his chest.
Her hand roaming around his abs came across an obstruction
and she stopped and looked up at him.
He smirked and took hold of her beautiful red hair.
"Yes. Again. Now be a good bitch and take me like you're born
to do."
She frowned, never really having properly understood the
concept of 'dirty talk' but indulging him all the same.
He scoffed and pushed her on her knees and hands and climbed
on top of her.
"The Dothraki always take their women this way." He told her
as he slowly slipped inside her slippery and wet folds with some
of his seed still leaking out of her hole.
He pulled on her hair and pounded into her with each word
"Must get boring for them. After a while. But I can understand
the joy… of taking a woman like this."
They continued this well into the night until both of them were
too tired to continue and fell asleep in each other's embrace.

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Chapter 276: Chapter 276

The next morning, he sat at the main seat of the large table in the
room which served as a meeting room for the Small Council.
The small council members tried not to gape at the changes in
This was the rst time he was showing his Valyrian features to
his subordinates.
Ygritte, his aunt, Baka and Varko already knew and didn't react
at all but the other council members didn't know what to make
of the changes.
A strange silence had permeated the table as no one knew what
to say or where to start.
"I like the new look boss." Lyra said with a sultry look, breaking
the silence and opening a dam of questions all of a sudden.
He calmed them down and allowed them to question him one by
"Are you our lord or some impostor." The Head of the Education
department asked.
"No. I'm a spirit who has taken over your lords body. Now you
shall serve me for all eternity. HahahaHAHAHA… ouch…"
Ygritte pinched him from his right and gave him a chastising
Be serious Domeric." His aunt said from the left and he sighed.
The women never let him have any fun.
"Yeah. I'm still me and not a bad Valyrian imposter." He said "I
suppose you want proof."
The man nodded and he smirked.
"A few weeks ago your wife told you that if you continued to
visit the brothels in Winterhold then she'll cut off your ball and
put a needle inside your dick." The men the room winced and he
continued "A week or so ago, you skimmed about 100 gold
coins from the funding for the military school to continue your
visits to the expensive brothels and are now afraid that I'll
punish you for it. Don't do it next time." The man nodded and he
continued "Your daughter is having an affair with a free folk boy
whom you don't like. You're afraid that the boy will steal her
away one night and rape her into submission. Your daughter
seems rather fascinated by this custom which only adds to your
worries. You're also worried that your wife is having an…"
"I believe you." The man cried out "I believe you."
"See." He said to his aunt "he believes me."
He aunt face palmed herself an let out a long suffering sigh and
he turned to the man once again "She's not having an affair by
the way. Though if you don't stop your regular visits to the
brothel then she might start one. Just… give her some of your as
The man nodded and sat back down on his chair.
"My lord." Celly said "How did this…" she pointed at his face
"A Valyrian magical ritual." He replied.
The questions continued to come for a while before he satis ed
all of their curiosity and they could nally move on to the real
"Muron left for Slavers Bay half a month ago. It'll take him 2-3
months to reach Astapor an a little longer than that to return."
Tyrion said "That is… if he doesn't meet my beloved Uncle on
his way back."
"He won't." He replied "Your uncle has yet to let Lannisport. It
might take him a week or two to nish all the necessary
preparations to depart. They'll take 3-4 months to reach Tyrosh.
1 or 2 more months to convince the various magisters in Tyrosh
and Myr to form the alliance. Then 1 or 2 more months to gather
the wealth and buy the services to trustworthy sellswords and
sellsails. By this point, Muron will cross the Narrow Sea an go
straight to Dorne from where it'll come up North along the
Eastern Shore of Westeros without ever running across our
enemies. All in all, he'll be back 1-2 months before our enemies
come to our doorsteps."
"The preparation of the expedition North of the Wall is ready as
well." Walton informed him.
He saw his aunt's sts clench at that news from his peripheral
vision but pretended not to notice. She never liked it when he
put his life in danger. "We'll not be going from the land route
this time." He said "Instead, we'll depart from Bolton Port with a
small eet of the trade ships that generally goes up North to
gather fresh snow that needs to be sold down South. I don't want
any unnecessary burden this time."
"I'll prepare the ships by the time your men reach Bolton Port."
Tyrion said and he nodded.

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Chapter 277: Chapter 277

"We'll leave by the end of the week." He said "Now Tyrion. Tell
me about the mass migration from Kings Landing and
"It's… slow going." Tyrion said "Even if the people have
nothing to their name, they're still afraid of venturing the
unknown. So far we've only been able to convince some 10,000
men and women to come to the North to live in the New Gift.
The ships from the Royal Fleet had been loaded with these
people and have been sent up North. They'll arrive within a
month or so. That number should also increase once the others
see that more and more people are migrating up North."
"I see." He said "Does anyone else has anything important to
Lyra got up from her chair and he nodded at her to speak.
"The King and his entourage has nally reached King." She said
"Lady Sansa and Lady Stark went there along with Ser Rodrick
Cassel and 100 Stark guards. I heard that some kind of
altercation happened between Lady Sansa and the Prince on the
way to Kings Landing. The Prince became angry. Lady, the
direwolf pup of Lady Sansa defended her. For that, the queen
had the direwolf pup executed."
"What?" Briar asked as she got up from her chair, her face
contorted with anger as she touched her shadowcat laying under
the table.
He could understand why she could react like that. She knew
that the Stark children had some Warg talent in them and would
thus bond with the direwolves that each of them had.
He was told that to lose a bonded animal was like losing a limb.
It's not something that ever truly recover from.
Sansa will probably miss Lady's presence for the rest of her life
"That is unfortunately what happened Briar." Lyra said, also
knowing the importance of a bond. "The tense atmosphere
between the Lannisters and the Starks have become even more
fragile at this point. Once they Starks reached Kings Landing,
Lady Stark didn't allow Sansa to go anywhere without at least 4
guards on her person all the time."
"This does not bode well." Tyrion said "My sister is a vengeful
beast. Once she sets her eyes on someone, she won't stop until
she has utterly ruined them. I don't think that Starks will have a
good time in Kings Landing."
"Moving on." Lyra said "King Robert has started yet another
Tourney as soon as he returned to Kings Landing. For the
betrothal of his son Prince Joffrey Baratheon and Lady Sansa
Stark. Will you be sending anyone else for this Tourney." She
said while looking toward Varko.
He scoffed "As if the King needs any reason to host a tourney.
And yes. Varko can easily participate in the melee and then
return before the ships reach Hardhome. Are you interested
Varko? What is the prize money this time?"
"20,000 gold dragons for the melee champion." Lyra said.
"Some extra gold will not hurt." Varko said, already having
earned more than 200,000 gold dragons in all the melee
competitions he has won so far.
He wanted to ask Ygritte if she was interested in the archery
competition but the Queen hated him and knew that Ygritte was
his lover. She might try something exceedingly foolish in order
to pay him back for her humiliation for which he would have to
kill her and make and example out of her.
He would rather not do it so he didn't ask her anything.
"Any other news?" he asked.
"Only rumors about the next Hand of the King." Lyra said.
"Let me guess. Stannis?" With how much Robert disliked Tywin
Lannister, there was no way he would make the Lanninster his
hand anytime soon. And truth be told, after Lord Arryn died and
Lord Stark rejected the offer, the King doesn't really have any
good choice left.
Lyra nodded "It seems Lord Stannis is going to be the next Hand
of the King." She said "Though I'm sure that the king plans to
take as long as possible to hand over that position to his
"No doubt about that." He said "Anything else?"
Lyra nodded "One last thing. Daenerys Targaryen is set to marry
Khal Drogo in short order. Should we do something about that."
"No. Let the beggar prince dig his own grave." He said
"Anything else?"
Lyra shook her head and he got up from his chair
"This meeting is over then." He said "You're dismissed."


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Chapter 278: Chapter 278

"You sure you're not going to burn?" Ygritte asked with a good
deal of worry lacing her voice.
"I showed you that I can't burn didn't I?" he asked her as he tied
the human sacri ce on the pole.
A farmer from his own lands who had raped and murdered a free
folk girl because she ventured into his area for hunting purposes.
He held no love for the man but had still put him under an
overpowered stasis charm that he hoped won't fail once the man
starts to burn.
Burning alive is a bad way to go.
"Not burning from a candle and not burning from a huge pyre
are two different things." His aunt joined in.
He turned to her and said "I'll be alright auntie. I'll tried burning
myself on a forge before. Trust me, it didn't even tickle."
His aunt still didn't look convinced.
"Do you really have to do this in such a dramatic manner. Can't
you just hatch the egg like the other Targaryens did without
trying burn yourself."
"I could. But this is the best method." He said. But it was the
second best method really. The best method would be to go to
the re generated by the lave from the Volcanic mountains in
But judging by how he couldn't even breath the air of that area,
it was unlikely that he would ever hatch any dragon from the
Volcanoes of Valyria.
"Dragon born under re along with a sacri ce are not only the
strongest but also grow at the fastest rate and grow to be larger
than their counterparts."
His aunt still looked like she wanted to complain but a stern look
from him shut her up.
"I know what I'm doing auntie. Don't worry about me." He said
but it was a lie.
He knew that he won't burn in re but he was still worried about
being suffocated once the pyre starts burning.
But all the Valyrian magical tomes told him that a true Valyrian
Dragon Lord won't suffocate and die in intense re.
He could only hope they're right or he'll have to use a
bubblehead charm on himself and he didn't know how that
would affect the ritual.
"Varko." He said and the man came forward and handed him the
shiny black dragon egg.
He instantly felt the warmth and affection from inside the egg
and an unconscious smile formed into his lips.
He took the egg, climbed on top of the Pyre and sat down with
He took a deep breath and released it, trying to relax himself.
Then he looked at Varko and nodded.
Varko looked hesitant but still followed the order.
He took the burning torch and threw it at the pyre.
He looked at Ygritte and even though she looked worried, there
was also resolve in those eyes.
He gave her a smile before the whole pyre started burning and
then his world was covered in ames.


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Chapter 279: Chapter 279

The re burned for the whole night.

The man that Domeric had bound to the pole as a sacri ce woke
up when the re reached his legs and started screaming in pain.
Those were some of the worst screams she had ever heard from
Even those who lose an arm or leg don't cry out in such pain.
She knew that Domeric had given the man's family 1000 gold
dragons but the whole sacri ce thing still seemed unnecessary to
Oh yes, Domeric had also sacri ced 100 men when he enhanced
her body but those men died blissfully in their sleep, never truly
aware when their lives were snuffed out but this man cried out
for a good while before he went silent.
She glanced toward Domeric's aunt but she was so focused at
the sight of her nephew sitting at the top of the pyre that she
didn't even pay attention to the dead man anymore.
Hours passed and the re continued to burn.
She and everyone else who had come to watch the dragon
hatching ceremony stepped back as the heat from the pyre only
continued to rise higher and higher as the time passed.
By now they were about 20 meters away from the ames which
were burning so bright that she needed to squint to even look at
it properly.
She had no idea how the re gained so much strength an
Domeric told her that the hotter the re, the better it is for the
dragon's birth so he must have something to do with it.
Domeric's aunt was still staring at the re with utmost focus
even though none of them could even see Domeric inside the
pyre at this point.
The whole night passed and the re continued to burn until
dawn when the re's intensity suddenly started to die down.
Despite all their supernatural enhanced bodies, it was Domeric's
aunt who was the rst to go closer to the pyre, with her
following on her footsteps a moment later.
Once the re started to go down in intensity, she noticed that all
the wood in the pyre had been reduced to ash.
"I see him." She heard Domeric's aunt said and upon closer
inspection, she could see a gure still sitting in the same position
at the centre of the dwindling ames.
A relieve smile broke out in her face and she suddenly noticed
that her cheeks were wet.
He touched her cheeks an realized that she had started to cry
from joy and relief.
For all that she showed all her support to Domeric in his foolish
in life threatening activities, she was truly scared for him this
And all the tension that she carried with herself all night nally
came loose.
She laughed to herself as the re continued to die down and the
gure of Domeric became clear.
At that point, she noticed that the dragon egg he carried with
him to the re was missing.
She frowned at that but the frown was replaced with a smile
when a naked and soot covered Domeric got up from the the
dwindling re and smiled at them.
Her smile was cut short as she saw something climb to his
shoulder from behind him and her eyes almost fell out of her
socket as she saw a jet back colored…
"…Dragon" she heard someone whisper in reverie beside
The Dragon which was already the size of the cat let out a
powerful screech and unfurled it's wings, making it's mighty
presence be known to the world.
She was still in shock when Domeric climbed out of the pyre
and smiled at all of them.
"Everyone. Meet the newest member of our family" he said and
picked up the dragon from his shoulder to show it to them
"Meet the black dragon. Acnologia."


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Chapter 280: Chapter 280

13 year old Diana bit her lip and nished the last touches on the
ritual on the ground.
Once it was nally completed, it glowed like how it was
supposed to glow when she had completed it right. If not then
the circle won't grow and she would have to draw it all over
Seeing that it was glowing, she let out a sigh and plopped back
on her butt.
She looked ahead and saw her triplet sisters Lyanna and Sara
Snow. They were also on their last ritual circle for the day. A
duty given to them by Lord Bolton himself.
She still remembered four months ago when Lord Bolton visited
their class and asked for the students with the best hand writing
who also have a good shoulder in their head, are not shy to do
some hard work for a decent pay.
She almost scoffed at that.
Decent pay from Lord Bolton earned her thrice as much as her
own mother did in the brothel in Wintertown. Not to mention
that her sisters were earning just a much as her.
Their mother had also stopped working at the Brothel and has
settled for working in that large shop where the women made
woolen clothes from raw material even if it didn't pay as much.
She could understand why her mother did that.
Being a whore was not a respectful profession, even if she was
no longer hurt by her customers thanks to all the laws and
regulations put into place by Lord Bolton.
If she didn't knew better then she would have thought that Lord
Bolton owned those Brothels himself.
Not only that, they themselves were also coming of age, which
meant that being from a respectable family will get them better
marriage prospects.
What their mother didn't know was that both her sisters already
have a boyfriend from the military and she herself has an eye on
a young teacher who teaches in the Village.
Still, it was good to know that their mother cared for them if
nothing else.
Of course, Lord Bolton has increase the age of marriage consent
from 12 to 15 for girls. Mostly because a lot of young girls
around that age die during childbirth because of narrow hips so
she and her sister didn't need to worry about marriage for two
more years.
She walked up to her sisters and noticed that they were
gossiping about Lord Bolton and Lady Ygritte once again.
"The maids say that they saw Lady Ygritte being carried off by
Lord Bolton as if she was some sort of prize." Lyanna said with
a faraway look. Probably because of her crush on Lord Bolton.
Then again, both Sara, her and half the girls in the School also
have a crush on Lord Bolton and the girls that claim they don't
just hide it better.
"That is soo romantic." Sara said and she coughed to get their
"If we're done here then we should go to hill house." She said
and both her sisters sighed and got up from their place.
After half an hour of walk, accompanied by the Bolton men
guarding them, they nally reached the tavern which was just
one of the hundreds that Lord Bolton had built in his domain in
the past decade.
"Hey Grandpa Hallis. Where's grandma" She said to the old man
who ran the tavern on Lord Bolton's behalf.
"Gone to bring hay for the horses in the stable." Grandpa Hallis
said, pointing to the Bolton guards whom the horses belonged
Lord Bolton had really gone overboard with their security and
making sure that they were comfortable. And she was thankful
for that. She just hoped that she and her sisters won't get a big
head from all the luxuries they were getting.
She nodded at him and they quickly went up to the room which
had been rented out for free to them.
They had been living here for a week already and would
continue to live for yet another week before moving on to yet
another place where they would continue their work of drawing
ritual circles on the ground for the Werewood trees.
Their room was large, lled with three beds and three tables and
chair and even had a large glass window in it.
A tavern having a glass window of it's own might seem
impossible to some people. And it was. Until Lord Bolton found
how to create it and now… well she won't say that Glass was
common as it was still expensive but it was within the means of
the richer of the small folk like that.
It was already evening and hard to see things so she burned the
lamp which ran on whale oil.
She and her sisters sat down on the opposite one of their own
tables and took out one of the chest plate armor kept at the
corner of the room.
"You sure we'll get a nice bonus from this?" Sara asked as she
dipped the feather quill in the magical ink and started to
carefully draw runes on the armor.
Lyanna nodded "You remember Bethany from the other class."
They nodded "Well, she works in a shop with four other kids
who are supposed to draw these runes on weapons like swords
and halbards. She told him that one of them once worked extra
hard and drew some runes on more weapons than he was
supposed to. And Lord Bolton doubled his pay at the end of the
month. Called it a bonus for hard working employees.
"I think I once heard the teachers talk about bonus pay as well."
She nodded "That if they do their best work then they might get
"Let's not talk about boring stuff anymore." Sara said with a
small frown as she concentrated on her own work "Mark told me
that Lord Bolton is going on yet another expedition North of the
They went silent at that, knowing that all their pay came to them
thanks to Lord Bolton and if something happened to them…
"Is Mark going as well?" Lyanna asked and Sara scoffed.
"As if… Lord Bolton is only takes the best of the best this time.
He won't qualify even if he wanted to go."
"Why do you think they're going beyond the wall so often?" she
Her sisters shrugged "No one truly knows." Sara said "What we
do know is that all the lordlings were called up North by our
Lord after the last expedition and…"
"And they have been sending more and more workers to the
Wall since then." She said and her words brought a grim silence
to the room.
"You think there's some King beyond the wall like the History
teacher told us about?" Lyanna asked and Sara shrugged.
"Mayheps. Though I doubt that anything could hurt Lord
Bolton." Sara said.
"Let's not talk about this any more." She said and both her
sisters nodded and went back to their work.
In the silence, she continued to work on drawing the runes and
continued to think about why Lord Bolton would go to the North
so much and the bad feeling she had in her heart continued to
They were called a few minutes later by Grandpa Hallis for
Once dinner was over, they came back to their rooms and went
back work for one more hour before they nally got too tired
and had to go back to sleep.
And as she laid in her bed, she thought of Lord Bolton and
hoped that he'll be safe in this expedition.
Not because she had a crush on him but because she had a
feeling that all their lives were riding on his shoulder. And if he
fell, then things won't end well for any of them.

Chapter 281: Chapter 281

Domeric stood on top of the wall, his woolen scarf uttering in

the cold wind as he gazed down at the castle under the wall.
"Don't go too close to the wall." He heard Tyrion say from
behind him "I've heard a fair share of stories from the brothers
of the Watch about men falling to their death due to
He looked back and Tyrion and smiled "Do you think that
something like a 700 foot fall would kill me?" he asked
Tyrion paused, looked at his Valyrian features and shrugged
"There was a time when I would have said yes. Now… I very
much doubt it."
"Castle Stonedoor, Hoarfrost Hill, Ice Mark and Nightfort." He
recited from memory "This is Night Fort then?" he asked as he
observed the hundreds if not thousands of ant sized men
working below.
Tyrion also looked down but he was more afraid and cautious
about it. "Yes. The castle will haunted stories. A castle so cursed
that even the brothers of the Nights Watch are afraid of coming
He scoffed "It was not abandoned because it was cursed." He
said "Castle Night Ford is the largest of the 18 Castles along the
Wall. And the Oldest. It was abandoned during the reign of King
Jaehaerys I Targaryen due to the high costs needed to maintain
it. It was not the rst castle to be abandoned. It was the 12th or
"To think that the Nights Watch once used to control all 18
castles on it's own." Tyrion said and stepped back from the edge
of the wall "I wonder what it must be like for the brothers back
then. When Nights Watch was actually an honorable institution
and not a hovel where the Seven Kingdoms throw their worst
men to freeze off their balls."
He chuckled "It's almost ironic that Nights Watch was built to
protect against the White Walkers but it forgot it's reason for
existence and fought for centuries against the Wildling. And now
that the real enemy has nally returned, the brothers have
dwindled to such a large degree that they only hold 3 castles.
And those castles are not all that well maintained."
"Life does have the tendency to fuck you over." Tyrion said with
a wise nod. "At least we still have the Wall. So that's
"Yeah. Fighting against the White Walkers in Long Night
without the protection of the Wall would have been a downright
"You think the Wall will ever fall?" Tyrion asked, his tone a little
serious this time.
He turned to the man and nodded "It is a magical construct.
Destroy the magic holding it an it's collapse under it's own
Tyrion shivered at that "You truly think the White Walkers can
doing something like that? Destroy the magic and bring down
the Wall?"
"It is possible." He said with a nod "But they'll have to cross the
Wall to even attempt such a thing. So we better make sure they
don't do that."
Tyrion nodded and he put a hand on his shoulder and with an
apparition, they were a mile away from Nightfort, looking at it
from the top of a hill under camou age.
He took out a telescope and started observing the castle once
"The Castle and it's building have already been rebuilt." Tyrion
said from beside him "It could hold 3000-5000 men at this point.
Will that be enough?"
"Perhaps. But just to be on the cautious side, build more
buildings outside the Wall. Double that number. If the men of
the South truly do come to ght alongside us then we'll need
more space."
Tyrion nodded at him "It'll take time."
"We have time." He replied "Not a lot but we have enough. This
Summer should last for 2-4 more years and then the Autumn
should last for 1-2 years before the Winter starts. That's 3 years
at worst and 6 years at best."
"I also want you to build two other elevators beside the main
one." He said "These one will be magical in nature and should
me much faster in sending supplies up to the Wall during a
"A siege. How many wights do the White Walkers have."
"As many corpses as they could have collected in the past
thousands of years." He replied "300,000 would be my lowest
estimate. But that number could increase to 1,000,000. Perhaps
even more."
Tyrion's jaw dropped and he took out a wine bottle and took a
swig from it.
"That's… how many men do the North have?" Tyrion asked.
"For now. 30,000-40,000." He said "During the Winter, if we
force conscript the levies then that number might increase to
100,000 men. Double that if the men from the South come to
support us. The odds are not that bad. Especially with the Wall.
But it is not the Wights I'm worried about. The White Walkers
are the real danger here. Their power will only increase even
more during Winter. And they just need to take over one castle.
A single one. And the whole Wall will fall."
Tyrion nodded, taking another swig from the bottle "What
happens if the Wall falls?" he asked.
"I'll do my best to make sure that such a thing doesn't happen."
He said "But if the Wall does fall, then the Wights would enter
North. No army will be able to stop them at that point. And that
North has 5 million men, women and children."
"That… I can see why you said that the whole Westeros will be
fucked if something happened to the Wall."
He shrugged "At least we have the Wall. The rst men didn't
even have that but they did succeeded in chasing away the
White Walkers."
"But if it does fall. What then?" Tyrion asked.
"If it does fall, then we'll have to mass migrate to Essos and save
as many people as we could. Then hope that the White Walkers
don't learn how to cross the Narrow Sea."
Tyrion took another swig from the bottle and nodded "I'll see to
the construction of the buildings and the elevators. You see to
your side of the thing. And let's hope that the Wall stands till the
end of the Long Night."
"For hope of a better future." He nodded.
"For hope." Tyrion nodded and nished the bottle in a single

Chapter 282: Chapter 282

"Coming down here was a mistake." Cat said with a huff even as
she made herself comfortable on the bed where two women
were pleasuring themselves just an hour ago.
"I didn't know you hated me this much." He said with a smirk.
Cat rolled her eyes and huffed "Oh Petyr. You know what I
meant." She smiled "In fact, I'm glad that you're here. Everyone
else seemed to be an enemy of the Starks."
He took a sip of wine from the glass, wondering why it was that
he didn't felt anything when she smiled at him like she used to
do when they were young.
Was he not in love with her any longer. Was it because she had
grown old? Because she had forgotten him for a whole decade
and half and never even tried to contact him? Was it because she
had given her heart to some other man when she knew that he
loved her. Was it that he had just matured out of a childish
He didn't have the answers for himself. He just knew that he
didn't felt what he did for his Cat when they were young. Not
anymore. And that thought was depressing in itself because it
was his love for her that made him what he was today.
To know that he no longer loved her affected him in some way,
he just didn't knew how.
"So the stories and rumors about the Prince and the Princess
true?" he asked.
Cat grimaced but nodded "It seems that Sansa has still not
grown out of her crush for the Bolton boy." The venom with
which she said the 'Bolton boy' made him realize that something
had had gone wrong between Cat and Domeric Bolton.
It was a pity that he had few spies in Winterfell and none at all
in Winterhold.
What is with these barbarians and their Winter.
"The prince must not have liked been betrothed to a girl who
loves someone else." He said. No, the sadistic prince would
de nitely not like that.
"Yes. And now she's betrothed to a prince who despise her." Cat
said and sipped her own glass "I don't know what my husband
was thinking. But now I wonder if he shouldn't have given in to
King Robert's demands to bind their house in a betrothal."
"The King does as he wants." He said, watching as Cat's cheeks
ushed and her eyes became half lidded once the drug inside her
glass started to work it's magic. "That is the nature of Kings." He
said and crossed the desk to sit in the bed beside her.
He could feel her warmth just by sitting beside her and
wondered if the effects of the aphrodisiac have already kicked
Judging by her slightly heaving breast and how she was rubbing
her thighs against one another, it had started it's work.
"Kings Landing is a dangerous place Cat." He said and put an
arm around her shoulder. Under normal conditions she would
have pushed his hands away but now, she just leaned into his
"And what Lord Bolton did in Winterfell made the queen your
enemy. It was not wise of the Starks to support him."
"That's… that's what I told Ned. He… wouldn't listen." She said
as her hands rubbed his thighs.
He wondered if she was even aware of what she was doing.
His hands slid down and reached her waist.
He expected her to react to that. But she didn't. She leaned into
him even more.
He smirked "Do you remember the time when we were children
Cat. Things were so simple back then."
Cat looked up at him, her breath heavy and her cheeks ushed
with arousal. She smiled "You were so small back then. Look at
you now."
"Do you remember the game we used to play in the garden.
When we hid from the world, under the trees." His hands
caressed her lips.
Lord Stark made a huge mistake by sending her here all alone.
And he would take advantage of that mistake.
By didn't he felt anything when he was so close to the woman
that he had wanted and desired for so long.
"I…" Cat spoke but he cut her off as he leaned in and kissed her
Her lips were soft and warm as they were back then. So why
couldn't he feel anything.
Has he been chasing after a mirage this whole time. Chasing
after the memory of a woman that only existed in his dreams.
For the rst time in his life, he realized that despite his disdain
for the King, he might not be all that different from that man.
He chuckled and Cat looked at him in shock "Petyr. We can't do
She moved to get away from him but he pulled her to himself
and threw her back on the bed.
He looked at her heaving breasts, her supple lips, her tender
neck and wondered if there was even a reason behind why he
was doing what he was doing.
This was so unlike him. But Cat always did tend to bring out the
worst in him.
He removed his coat and let her gaze at him for a moment.
Then he pointed at the large and ugly scar that went from his
chest to the bottom of his belly.
The scar that opened his eyes to the truth of the world and
changed his life.
"Do you remember this Cat?" he asked.
When she didn't reply he continued "What am I asking. How
could you forget. This was the 'mercy' that your betrothed
Brandon Stark gave me when I dueled him for your hand."
He leaned down on top of her so that she could touch his scar
He almost scoffed at that. Oh Petyr. The same words had driven
him mad with love when he was a young boy.
So much has changed since then.
Looking closely, he could see the wrinkles around Cat's eyes.
She was not the young woman that she once used to be. She
was… old, used, married. And not to him.
What a cruel joke this turned out to be.
The woman of his dreams was within his reach. And he didn't
love her anymore.
"Go to sleep Catelyn." He whispered in her ears and kissed her
lips once more before he left her in the bed.
Once he was out of the room, he touched his lips and frowned.
He kissed the woman who had made him the monster that he
was and he felt nothing. That thought pained him for some
reason even when it should have freed him.
Life was always more cruel than dreams.
He left the woman that he had once loved and didn't look back.

Chapter 283: Chapter 283

She woke up to a blinding headache and realized that she was

not in her room in Red Keep.
She looked around at the unknown room she was in and then it
all came back to her.
She had come to meet Petyr in secret.
She remembered talking to him about the Prince and her
daughter but she couldn't remember anything after that.
Then she thought of something and her eyes widened.
She quickly looked down and her dress was where it had been
last night.
She put her hand under her breeches and found no difference.
She thanked the gods and looked around the room.
She was all alone. Petyr must have left last night when she got
drunk. Gods, how could she even think that he would take
advantage of her. He was her childhood friend. Who could she
trust if not him.
Still, she had not returned to her own room last night. If the
queen found out about this.
She shuddered at the thought.
The queen already had a hatred for her and her daughter. She
had already killed Sansa's pet direwolf for the crime of
protecting her from the Prince.
And the King had been too deep in his cups and whores to listen
to their case and had forcefully closed the matter and dismissed
She did not even want to think how the queen would act if the
woman found out that she was sleeping in someone else's room.
Because as much as she hated this, she knew that the Starks
have no power in the South. Nor allies who could help them.
Coming here, this whole betrothal was a huge mistake but the
betrothal couldn't be broken now. And she couldn't leave Sansa
alone to these monsters. They would tear her naive daughter
The door of the room opened and Petyr entered the room.
There eyes met and for a reason she could feel a faint memory
from last night. His face was close to her own.
She shook the thought as Petyr smiled and came to her with a
glass of some kind of juice.
"You're awake." He said and handed the glass to her "Orange
juice. It'll help with the hangover. You were too stressed about
the whole situation with the Queen and drunk more than you
should have. Are your alright now?"
She drank the sweet and sour juice and nodded to him "Thank
you Petyr."
He took the glass from her and gave her a smile. It looked
different for some reason. Less warm.
"Don't mention it." He said "I couldn't have sent you to the Red
Keep in your drunk state. So I allowed you to rest in my of ce. I
hoped you're not as stressed anymore."
She nodded. The stress had not gone down but she didn't want to
show weakness to others. Even her own friend.
"The Tourney will start in a few hours." Petyr said "You should
go or the queen will notice your absence. I'll save a seat for you
and your daughter there."
"Thank you Petyr" she said, wondering who was hosting this
The king himself was always too drunk for such matters and
there was no hand of the king.
She looked at her childhood friend and suddenly realized that
with the absence of the absence of the Hand and the King, it
would fall upon the Master of Coins to look over such matters.
Petyr had come a long way from being the heir of a small keep
in the Fingers to being the Master of Coins for the Crown.
After donning the makeup, she left his brothel from the hidden
tunnel that led to a corridor some distance from her room in the
Red Keep.
With some luck, no one would even realize that she had left the
Red Keep at all.
Though once she left the Brothel, she remembered Petyr's smile
and wondered why they seemed so fake…

Chapter 284: Chapter 284

He was cuddling with Ygritte after a long day of work when

there was a knock on the door.
"It's my my Lord." Lyra's voice came from outside.
'Homenum Revelio' he said and the spell told him that she was
He used another wave of his wand to unlock the door and
remove the magical wards that he put there for his protection.
Lyra entered and her eyes quickly fell upon both him and Ygritte
who was looking at the older woman with a smile.
Lyra took a chair and sat beside him "Daenerys was married of
to the Dothraki horselord a few hours ago."
"Poor girl." He said. He did felt bad for her. But forced
marriages were the sad reality of this world.
Some women are able to adapt to it while other aren't able to do
so and break down as a result.
"Well… not so poor after Illyrio Mopatis gave her three petri ed
dragon eggs." Lyra said.
He frowned. He recalled having stolen important artifacts and
dragon eggs from many of the magisters in Essos in his early
days. How did he miss three dragon eggs.
"Where did he get them from?" he asked.
"A merchant from Assahi if his words are to be believed." Lyra
"Aren't dragon eggs very expensive?" Ygritte asked from beside
him. He pulled her closer to him, her breast in view of Lyra but
she had already seen them naked a few times so they didn't
bother with the niceties anymore.
"They are." Lyra said "But Magister Illyrio Mopatis is a very
rich man. One of the richest in Pentos."
"Still, to just gift them to someone else. That seems a bit
frivolous." Ygritte said and he smiled.
"Yes. But Illyrio Mopatis is not just giving them away for free."
He said.
"No. He is gambling by helping Prince Viserys Targaryen. If the
arrogant boy sat on the Iron Throne in the future, then he would
remember Illyrio Mopatis as the man who helped him when no
one else did. And having a King's favor is a big thing. It might
even make Illyrio the richest man in Pantos and it's de facto
leader. Though if I am to be frank, then I doubt that the beggar
prince would ever sit on the Iron Throne."
"I see." Ygritte said and turned to Lyra "Anything else?"
"Oh yes. Jorah Mormont is now Princess Deanerys' sworn
shield. I think the Spider promised him a pardon for his crimes if
he spied on the Targaryens for them."
"Anything else?" he asked.
Lyra looked at both him and Ygritte, her breathing a bit heavy
and bit her lip.
Using a Legilimency probe told him that she was aroused and
wanted to join in on the fun but was afraid of getting rejected
once again.
After a long moment Lyra shook her head "No. That'll be all."
With that she got up and left the room.
Once he had closed the room, he turned to Ygritte "Was it just
me was was Lyra acting a little differently today."
Ygritte's cheeks reddened as she ducked her head and he raised
an eyebrow.
"Is there something you're hiding from me?" he asked.
Ygritte let out a huff and said "You were away for the whole
"Well, I was in my room this evening when Lyra came to me."
"For what?" he asked, intrigued.
"To seduce me." Ygritte said "She was wearing this see through
dress and… she… I think she might have succeeded in arousing
my curiosity about the other sex."
"Really? How did she managed that?" he asked.
"She performed some kind of dance." Ygritte said, looking a bit
lost in her own thoughts "It was… quite good."
"I thought she was going to dance now." She said and looked at
him "You should watch it sometime. She's really good at it."
"I'll think about it." He said and pulled her close to himself "For
now, let's get some sleep."

Chapter 285: Chapter 285

Domeric looked at the large building in front of him and sensed

a strange kind of magic permeating from it.
It was unlike anything he had ever seen before and he wasn't
sure about what to make of it.
The magic in the Northern Kingdom was Earth and trees thanks
to it being generated from the Heart Trees. The magic of the
True North was Death and Cold. The magic of Valyria was
scorching hot and tainted while the magic of Southoryos was hot
and humid.
This place however had a mismatch of magical signatures
overlapping each other, ghting for dominances as 10 different
kins of oil had been thrown over a bucket of water and none of
those oil able to submerge with the other.
The most prevalent of them all was the Death element. But it
was somehow different from the death element in the True
North. He couldn't point his nger on why that was.
He had seen the House of Black and White before in his life
when he had rst come to Braavos but his senses had not been
as intoned back than as they were now.
He had heard that this building housed the statue of almost all
the religions in the world.
Maybe that was what it was.
He hesitated for a moment, not sure what he would nd inside
but decided to enter nonetheless.
The white and black gate were opened before he could touch it
and a middle aged man looked at him.
"A man has been waiting for your arrival." The man said "You're
welcome to the House of Black and White wizard."
"You knew I was coming?" he asked as he entered through the
"No. But you have a presence about yourself. We felt you when
you arrived in front of our doors."
"Hmm… How do you knew I was a wizard?" He asked
"Your presence." The man said and led him to the large interior
of the room which had a pool in it lled with clear water that
tingled his magical senses for some reason.
Surrounding the room were 30 large statues of various kinds of
gods. All of which were emanating a little ambient magic. They
were not made of any special stone so they must have been very
Like how Hogwarts started generating ambient magic of it's own
after centuries, these stones had also been her for very long and
had gained some kind of mystical energy after being prayed to
for so long.
"How old are these statues?" he asked noticing that a few people
were praying to the statues in silence.
"As old as the religions." The man replied "But you're not here
to learn about the statues."
"No." He said as he looked at the man who might not even be
wearing his own face right now "I was wondering if you could
teach me your magic."
The man smiled and shook his head "That is not possible."
"A man cannot teach a wizard if the wizard does not wants to
"But I do want to learn." He said. And he did not only wanted to
learn about the magic of the faceless men but all other kinds of
magic in this world.
The Valyrian magic itself had given him such a huge boost in his
magical knowledge and power. And the world was lled with
various magical institutions of their own who might be willing
to teach him something.
The red priests could teach him Pyrokinesis and some of their
followers have also been known to raise the dead back to life.
Their glamor was also far better than anything he could produce.
The ruins from the Rhoynar might teach him how to manipulate
water. The mages of Asshai might teach him bloodmagic or the
art of controlling shadows.
And these were just some of the many different kind of magical
abilities in the world. He was sure that if he scoured the earth
then he could nd dozens of other magical people in the world
who might be able to teach him an entire different kind of
Something that would de nitely aid him in the upcoming war
but also increase his knowledge.
"To learn is to devote." The man said "To learn is to devote
yourself to the Many-Faced Gods. The wizard do not want to do
that. So you cannot learn."
He let out a sigh at that. He had expected to face such hurdles
when trying to learn magic. The Red priests might ask him to
worship the Red god and the Bloodmages might ask for his
blood to perform experiments upon.
"I've never been a very religious person." He said "Being a
Faceless man requires many different kind of skills. Making
different kinds of poison being one of those skills. Teach me
what you can. I'm willing to pay for it. Who knows, if you're
good then you might even manage to convert me into a
The man smiled back at him and shook his head "Our temple
does not lack for money. And our teachings cannot be bought."
He opened his mouth to argue but then thought better of it. He
did not want to piss off the greatest Assassin institution in the
world. "How much do people pay for a commission here?" he
asked instead.

Chapter 286: Chapter 286

"It varies." The man replied "A prince of a nation has different
price than a small merchant. Does the Wizard have a name for
the many-faced gods."
"I see." He said "How much would I have to pay if I wanted to
kill Lord Tywin Lannister?"
"1,300,000 Braavosi gold coins." The man replied and he almost
gaped at the price.
With the mountain of gold coins in his castle, he could easily
pay that amount. But… for anyone else it was a large amount of
No wonder the House of White and Black doesn't lack any gold.
"What about King Robert Baratheon?"
"1,950,000 Braavosi gold coins." The man replied.
"Wow… But isn't it easier to kill the King than Lord Tywin
Lannister?" he asked. Because it might look like the King was
well protected thanks to the Kingsguard but thanks to all his
whoring, binging, drinking and hunting, he was fairly easy to
"A man does not sets a price." The man replied and he frowned,
wondering who sets the price if not him.
"Who sets the price then?" he asked, knowing well that it might
even be the Faceless god himself who sets these prizes.
Because despite him being a non religious person, he knew that
gods did exist in this world. He was just not sure if those were
really gods or some kind of very powerful magical entities.
The man smiled but did not answer and he chose not to prod in
that direction anymore.
"What about me. What's the prize on my head?"
"That's… a lot." He said "Can anyone in the world even afford
so much gold?" Aside from him that is.
"Why is the price in my head so much? Not that I'm
complaining. But still."
"A man does not sets the price." The man replied once again and
he realized that he won't be getting any more answers out of him
any time soon.
He had created many different kinds of wards about his room,
his castle and his city. And if anyone magical tried to go through
those wards he would know. So killing him was not going to be
easy. And even if they did succeed in killing him, his death
would make the Long Night so much worse.
They both stayed silent for a long moment before he asked
"How old are you?"
The man smiled at him in indulgence and replied "82
The man did not look 40 years old.
Probably wearing a face then. Just as he had suspected.
"Suppose, I do want to learn how to become a faceless man.
What would I have to do?" he asked.
"Give up everything you own." The man replied and he nodded.
He had expected something like this.
"I know you might not want gold. But what about an alliance?"
he asked "An alliance with someone as powerful as me might
come in handy for you."
The man rejected his offer and so he offered the knowledge of
his own potions and was rejected once again.
He kept talking with the man for another hour but in the end, he
had left the House of Black and White empty handed.
He might go to the Red Priests next.
Though he was pretty sure that they would ask him to follow the
Aldrich abomination that they call the Red God.
But then again, considering their greed, he might be able to buy
their magical knowledge with a lot of gold.

Chapter 287: Chapter 287

"It's growing fast" his aunt commented as he fed a piece of

roasted deer to Acnologia who had grown to the size of a dog if
you don't count his tail or wings.
He pet Acnologia's head and the dragon purred in contentment
before it laid down on his leg to take a nap.
"It does." He said "That is a good thing, considering what we're
about to face."
A loud screech disturbed his attention and he saw a 30 feet long
Wyvern y above the canopy of trees surrounding them.
Acnologia kept his eyes on the Wyvern until it ew away before
giving a huff and lying down on his lap once again like a
particularly lazy dog.
"How many of those things are ying out there right now?" his
aunt asked. She had a bit of an accident when she saw a Wyvern
for the rst time.
She had gained a great dislike for them since then.
"3." He replied "Controlling a Wyvern is very dif cult. And only
3 of my wargs have succeeded so far. Briar also managed to gain
control of a Basilisk. It has become surprisingly lazy under her
"What will you do the rest?" his aunt asked.
He shrugged. "I'll keep one or two smaller Wyverns for any
warg who might want to test his luck. As for the others. They'll
make for good ingredients for potions and magical ink. Their
meat would also be good for Acnologia's growth and health."
His aunt remained silent for a long moment before she spoke
"You know, you won't be able to hide them for very long.
Sooner or later, someone will see them ying in the air and
mistake them for dragons. And then the rumors will start."
"Very few people live in these hills." He said. And that was true.
The land in Lonely Hills was barren and not t for farming. It
was only good for hunting, timber gathering and grazing the
farm animals. "Even if these people do see the Wyverns, no one
would really believe their rumors. And by the time someone
does… it would be too late."
"Are you not afraid of what King Robert might do if he found
out about your dragon?" his aunt asked as she fearfully put her
hand on Acnologia's head. When it didn't react, she started
petting it's head and it purred in response.
"Not really." He replied "I've already gained all the power that I
"Have you?" she raised an eyebrow "Or are you just being
arrogant and over con dent like your usual self."
"Very funny." He deadpanned "But no. I'm not being over
con dent this time. With the Wyverns, we nally have air
superiority over everyone else."
"Not much of a superiority when they can't breathe re and will
go down under an arrow barrage." She said "These are Wyverns
Domeric not dragons. What you going to do, throw rocks from
them at the enemy."
"Something similar." He said and pointed at the bottomless
pouch he had given her as a gift "You can ll the bottomless
pouch with thousands of rocks and continue to throw them at an
army. Thrown from suf cient heights, the rocks would crush
anyone under their weight. If the Wyvern riders continued to do
so then sooner or later the army's morale will break and they'll
make a run for it."
His aunt thought about words and nodded "I can see where
you're coming from. Anything kept inside a bottomless pouch
become weightless so you can ll one of these with thousands of
rocks and the Wyvern won't have any problem carrying it." She
said "But they're still not as effective as dragons."
"Perhaps. But what if you change the rocks with mudballs lled
with wild re?"
His aunt looked horri ed at the suggestion before she closed her
mouth and thought about the implications of what he just said.
"That would… that would practically make you the Aegon
Targaryen of this generation." She said before her own words
registered to herself and she gaped in shock "You can…
practically defeat a few armies and become the King of the 7
kingdoms at this point. And with your Valyrian looks, I doubt
many would protest you rule either."

Chapter 288: Chapter 288

"Now you're getting it." He smiled "Still, I would like Acnologia

to grow a bit more before the rumors about the Wyverns spread.
I don't much care about the Wyverns as they can always be
replaced. But I would rather not lose Acnologia to an assassin if
possible. It is still vulnerable to steel and poison at this stage of
it's life."
His aunt nodded "Are you sure the Wargs will remain loyal to
you though? You've given them a taste of power and they'll be
hungry for more."
"They're loyal to me." He nodded. He wasn't going to give a
Wyvern to a warg who was not loyal to him. And the fact that he
alone defeated and captured all these Wyverns in the rst place
would put the fear of god in them an they won't even think about
rebelling against him.
Plus, once Acnologia grows up, he won't even have to worry
about the Wyverns considering how a dragon would grow 2-4
times larger than a Wyvern by the time it reaches adulthood.
"If you say so." His aunt said and looked at the Wyvern landing
in the distance where it's warg master was sitting on the ground.
"Let's check up on the riders and see if the saddle and the riding
suit still need more adjustments." He said and got up from the
Acnologia grumbled in discontent but got and ew away to hunt
for a rabbit or deer that it might eat.
He had only taken a few steps when he heard a loud 'caw' from
behind him and turned around to see a raven landing in front of
him. There was a letter tied to it's leg and instantly understood
who sent the letter to him.
"What is it?" his aunt asked once she noticed that he had
He waved his wand and the letter ew up to him "Just a letter
from Bloodraven." Because if the raven came from anyone else
then it would have own to the rookery of Dreadfort rather than
come to him.
"Yes. Him." He opened the letter an quickly went through it's
contents before frowning.
"What does it say?" his aunt asked.
"He wants me to return the favor I owe him." He said "You
remember Lyra informing us during dinner that Bran Stark has
regained consciousness?"
"Well… Bran has… turned into a edgling Greenseer after his
little fall."
His aunt's eyes widened at that piece of information.
"What does Bloodraven wants from you then?"
"He wants me to bring Bran Stark to him." He frowned "Along
with the girl Meera Reed for some reason."
"What does he want from Meera Reed." His aunt asked as she
looked at the raven with a suspicious gaze.
"I don't know. Jojen Reed himself had some green dreams. But
he died in the North against the wights. And while Meera do
have some magical potential, it's not as much as her brother and
she cannot even begin to compare to Bran Stark. So, truly… I
don't know what Bloodraven wants from the girl."
"Are you going to do it then. Send those two to the Greenseer."
He shrugged "I'll talk with their parents and tell them the truth.
If their parents allow them to leave then yes, I'll take them up
North. If not… then I won't."
"Well, at least you're not kidnapping children from their beds."
He mock glared at his aunt who just chuckled at him.
"So when are you going to talk with their parents?" she asked.
"I won't talk with their parents. I'm supposed to be in the ships
with my men halfway up to Hardhome right now." He said "And
I might be ready to reveal my dragon lord heritage but I won't
reveal my magical powers. Especially the power to travel from
one place to other in an instant. No, I'll have to send someone
else in my stead. Someone who would be able to convince both
the Reeds and the Starks to send their children Beyond the
"And who is this person that you've put so much faith in."

Chapter 289: Chapter 289

"Riders from Dreadfort." The guard shouted and the gates of

Winterfell swung opened. He and Jon stood at the center of the
courtyard along with their four direwolves to welcome their
newest guests from Dreadfort.
At this point in time, the Boltons had de nitely become the most
powerful house so they needed to be shown the appropriate
respect but the Starks were still the Wardens of the North so it
would be inappropriate if his father came himself to welcome
them to the castle.
Which was why he and Jon had been sent as the Welcoming
party. Rickon was still to young to understand these things and
Bran… he was still in his bed, too depressed about losing his
The exclamations and shocked lled voices were the rst thing
that informed him that something was not quite right. The fact
that his direwolves suddenly became tense and started to growl
in a low voice made it sure that something was not right.
That was when Briar entered the courtyard with her trusty
Shadowcat walking beside her. Except that Briar was not sitting
on a horse.
"By the old gods." He heard Jon mummer beside him as they
both stared at the monstrosity that Briar was sitting upon.
"That's… a Basilisk." He said to himself as he remembered all
the illustrations that he had seen in the books from the Bolton
"The what?" Jon whispered to him.
"Basilisk… They're from Southoryos." He replied.
He had read that the Basilisk were twice as large as an adult lion
and ten times a vicious but merely reading about them in a book
and seeing them face to face were two different things.
"Robb. Jon." Briar said with the same smirk that they
remembered her giving them when they had last visited
Dreadfort "How do you like my new Basilisk?"
Midnight growled at Briar whose eyes instantly went to his
direwolf and her smirk widened.
"So the little pup has grown his fangs." She smiled and jumped
down from the Basilisk which ha a saddle on it's back.
Briar and then walked up both him and Jon in a hug.
In hindsight, he should expected something like this from Briar.
But that didn't make it any less comfortable for them.
Him and Jon squirmed under the hug before she released them
and went to their direwolves and pulled Midnight and Snowric
into a hug before she turned her attention to Ghost and
Greywind who whined as she pulled them in a hug as well and
ruf ed their hair.
Briar's Shadowcat came and sniffed both their adult direwolves
as well before rubbing it's fur against theirs.
Well, she had de nitely not changed from the last time.
Then Briar looked at them again and this time her expression
was serious.
"I heard that the Prince had Sansa's direwolf killed. Is that true?"
she asked.
He felt the urge to lower his head in shame for some reason but
he couldn't do that due to his position as the heir of Winterfell so
he just gave a stoic nod.
Briar gritted her teeth and anger and then her shoulders slumped
and she shook her head.
"Well… It is what it is." She said and pointed at the 50 riders
and the carriage which entered the courtyard behind her.
He had a ashback from the time when the King entered
Winterfell in a similar manner and wondered who was inside the
"Brought an envoy from Lord Bolton." She said before she
turned to Jon "Bring your father. This is important."
"Heard that someone tried to kill Bran. Is that true?" she asked.
He nodded "Snowric and Midnight found the culprit who burned
the library and ripped the man from limb to limb before he could
kill Bran. We are lucky that Bran is still alive."
Briar nodded in silent contemplation "Well… Lord Bolton heard
about what happened. He has sent books to replace the ones that
you lost in the re. And something called Wheelchair. It's
supposed to help your brother move from place to place."
"Lord Bolton has my thanks." He said. He had no idea what a
Wheelchair was but if it helped his brother then he was indeed
grateful for it. "How's Arya doing in Dreadfort?"
Briar smiled at that "She has taken to Dreadfort like a sh to
water. I don't think she'll want to return to Winterfell after living
there. She does miss you from time to time though."
He nodded and was about to ask something more when he
noticed the door of the carriage open and a small gure wearing
a hood climbed out of the carriage.
The child looked at Winterfell and it's inhabitants before she
removed her hood and…
The people who had stopped to watch the Basilisk and the
Bolton entourage gasped as they gazed one of the Children of
the Forest for the rst time in their life.
"Leaf." He said, his mind still in shock as he wondered why
Lord Bolton would send someone so important to Winterfell.
The 50 guards and Briar's presence were starting to make sense
Lord Bolton was always very protective of the Children of the
Forest and only allowed a fair few to even interact with them.
The fact that Lord Bolton send Leaf here must mean that this
was even more important than he had previously thought.
"Hello Robb Stark." Leaf said in her melancholic tone even as
she gave him a small smile.
"Welcome to Winterfell Leaf." He said the rst words that came
to him and Leaf gave him a nod.
That was when his father came into the Courtyard.

Chapter 290: Chapter 290

"You're saying that Bran is a Greenseer now?" he asked Leaf

who had made herself comfortable under the Heart tree.
That the meeting was taking place in the Godswood instead of
his Solar said a lot about the culture of the Children of the
"Yes Lord Stark. Do you doubt my words?"
He opened his mouth but then closed it and shook his head
He did not think that Leaf would lie about something so
important while sitting under a Heart tree.
"How did you nd out about… Bran being a Greenseer." Jon
asked with a small frown.
Before Leaf could answer, Bran spoke up "Is the Greenseer the
three eyed Raven real?"
He frowned at Bran's question and Leaf nodded. "He goes by
many names. Three Eyed raven is one of them."
"What's a Three Eyed Raven?" Robb asked, looking just as
confused as he felt.
Bran remained silent for a long moment, squirming under their
gazes before he spoke "A crow that I meet in my dreams…
when I was still in coma. He helped me y."
The confusion in his heart grew. There were so many questions
in his mind and he did not even know where to start.
"Why did you not tell us about this three eyed raven Bran?"
Robb asked.
Bran squirmed in the Wheelchair and said "I… I thought it was
all just a dream."
"Dreams can be pretty real for people like us boy." Briar said as
she sat beside her large 6 legged lizard which was snoring
loudly behind her and Leaf nodded as well.
"Without proper guidance, it is hard for people to differentiate
between Green dreams and normal dreams."
"Is that why you're here?" Robb asked "To guide him."
"No. I'm here to take him to Lord Bloodraven. The Three Eyed
Raven and the last Greenseer on Earth." Leaf said.
"Where does this… Lord Bloodraven lives." And wasn't that a
morbid name "Does he live in Dreadfort as well?"
"No." Leaf shook her head "He live under a Weirwood Tree
North of the Wall."
"You want me to send Bran North of the Wall?"
"Absolutely not." He replied and got up from the stone he had
been sitting on "I'm not going to send him there when the White
Walkers might be roaming those lands."
Leaf wasn't affected by his anger and simply nodded.
"You want to protect you children Lord Stark. And that is
commendable. But the Long Night is coming. And the presence
of a Greenseer might mean the difference between everyone's
life and death."
"But isn't this Lord Bloodraven a Greenseer as well?" Robb
"Lord Bloodraven is more than 120 years old." Leaf said "He
has already lived past the age of a normal human with the help
of the Heart tree. But I'm afraid he can only extend his life so
far. This is the only chance Bran has of learning about his
He did not know what to say to that.
On one hand, he wanted to protect his boy.
On other hand, if she was right and the presence of a Greenseer
could indeed change the tide of the Battle against the White
Walkers then by protecting his son, he might be dooming the
whole North.
"I'll go." Bran said before he could come up with a reply.
He stared at his son, feeling proud and worried. The resolute
expression on his face already told him that Bran won't back
down on this and he could understand.
Bran had wanted to be a knight and join Kingsguard ever since
he was a boy. Losing his legs robbed him of that and he had
been depressed ever since.
Becoming the next Greenseer and protecting the whole world
would give him the purpose that he had lost along with his legs.
After a long moment of silence, he nally nodded "You sure
about this Bran. This is not a decision you can come back from."
Bran nodded decisively and he turned to Leaf.
"How are you going to send him up North?" Because without
his legs Bran cannot travel on his own. And now that the White
Walkers have started roaming the lands
"He'll come to Dreadfort. From there, he'll be escorted by our
Wargs to the Beyond the wall where he'll meet up with Lord
Bolton who'll escort him the rest of the way." Briar said.
With that, the decision was made.
Two days later, Bran left Winterfell for Dreadfort.

Chapter 291: Chapter 291

"People say that the lands here are very prosperous. That Lord
Bolton is a very good Lord. Perhaps that greatest from his
house. What do you think of that?" Meera Reed asked from the
opposite side of the Carriage.
He was at a loss for words. He had not known that Meera Reed
would join him in this journey up North. But having a
companion whom he could talk with was better than nothing.
She was also very beautiful but after losing his legs… he very
much doubted that any girl would ever choose to marry him so
that line of thinking was closed to him.
Who would want to marry a cripple?
"It is… very…" he thought about the correct word to say it "The
people in these lands. The small folk. They're richer than the
people from the people living in the Stark lands."
"That's an understatement if I ever heard any" Meera said "I've
spent my entire life in the swamps of Neck. The rst time I left
was in the 2nd expedition up North along with my brother…"
Her face fell at the reminder of her brother.
He knew what happened to Jojen Reed. Robb and Jon had told
him when they came back from the second expedition.
How the wights piled on top of him, broke his armor and
crushed him to death.
The death of his uncle Benjen still pained him but he knew that
losing your only brother would have been much harder for
"And now you're going there once again." He said "Are you a
Greenseer as well?"
Meera shook her head "No. My brother used to have green
dreams. See glimpses of the future. I have no such gifts. But the
Bloodraven sent a message… and my father allowed me to come
with you."
There was silence in the coach and tried to think of something to
lighten the mood. To replace the sorrowful look on Meera's face
with a smile.
Leaf was sitting beside Meera and seemed to empathise with
losing your love ones but he knew that she would remain silent
like she does most of the time and not console Meera.
"My sister. Sansa. Meera looked up at him "She said that
Dreadfort was the most advanced and luxurious Castle in the
whole North. She also said that Winterhold was more organized
an prosperous than any other city. I suspect she might have said
those things because she was in love with Lord Bolton. But my
brothers Robb and Jon said the same thing."
She gave a small smile. She saw right through his sad attempts
to cheer her up "That's good." She said and went silent, looking
outside the window to try and see that city in the distance that
was coming closer every minute.
He let out a sigh looked outside as well.
The whole 'going up North to become a Greenseer' left him in a
nervous state and really couldn't muster up enough energy to
help her.
What if he wasn't good enough to be a Greenseer? What if he
couldn't help his people? What if he failed to save his people
despite being a Greenseer? What if he turned out to be useless
like he was in every other thing in his life?
He knew very well that for all his boasts of wanting to become a
Kingsguard, he was never really good with the swords. Never
really took his training as seriously as Robb or Jon.
Would he be able to help his family if he became a Greenseer.
Would a girl ever want a cripple like him?
The next two hours was spent in uncomfortable silence with
awkward small talk every now and then before they nally
reached Winterhold.

Chapter 292: Chapter 292

He did not think that he would ever be so happy to see Arya
once again.
But as he sat in the wheel chair and as Arya hugged the life out
of him, he realized that if nothing else, losing his legs at least
brought his family closer to him.
It was a pale consolation but it was something.
After a moment of hesitation, he hugged her just as tightly.
Then the sweet moment was over and he got the chance to meet
Lady Barbrey Dustin who was the regent of Bolton lands in
Lord Domeric Bolton's absence.
She did not welcomed him to Dreadfort. She probably wanted
him to leave the castle as quickly as possible. How Arya could
be so cheerful around such a cold woman was beyond him.
She had her guards pass him and Meera a plate of bread and salt
and said "Eat."
He quickly did so and the tension in his body dissipated.
"My work here is done. I'll see you later Bran, Meera." Leaf said
and started to leave for the Heart trees.
"Wait! You're not coming with us?" he asked, feeling a little
vulnerable for losing his only ally on this journey.
"No Bran Stark. My work here is completed and I wish you luck
on your journey." She said and vanished between the Heart
He looked at the Courtyard and noticed that Lady Barbrey was
already leaving. As if he was not even worth her time.
He looked at Arya who smiled sheepishly at him "Don't think
too much about her. She gets in her mood sometimes and she
does not like us Starks all that much. But she's a good person
He nodded and she took the Wheelchair from the back and
started leading him toward the castle "Come. Let me show you
to your rooms."
"Arya, do you know how I'll be sent to the True North?" he
asked as they entered the Castle and went through a long
The oor was made up of some kind of marble which looked
extremely clean and smooth and the walls of the corridor were
lled with realistic paintings of landscapes of various castles and
land views of Westeros.
Winterfell also had a few paintings like these but they were hung
on important places like the Lord's solar, their parent's bedroom,
He could see why the Boltons were said to be so wealthy.
"No. Brair usually tells me if anything interesting is going on in
the Castle. Or Ygritte or Baka does. But Brair doesn't know how
they're going to send you up North and the other two are not
"Have they gone in another expedition?" he asked, feeling
slightly giddy at the prospect of one day going there as well
before the memories of him being a cripple returned to him full
force and left a faint hollowness in his chest.
Arya didn't notice and continued to talk animatedly about the
How she was learning archery under Lady Ygritte. How she did
not have to sit with girls who mocked her for acting like a boy
and called her cruel nicknames. How Lady Barbrey even
arranged a sword instructor called Sryio Forel who was the
former First Sword of Braavos.
He had not known that Arya had repressed so many things in her
life in Winterfell. That she hated those girls and the loss of her
freedom so much.
He could clearly see that living here made Arya more happy
than anything an that made him sad.
He remembered how Arya wanted to play with him with the
wooden swords. How Theon and he himself mocked her and
didn't allow her to join them in their training.
He wondered if she would have like Dreadfort this much if she
had been given more freedom in Winterfell.
He discreetly looked at her attire once again. Something that he
had not noticed before.
She was wearing a light leather armor that t her to a t. She was
not wearing her hair on twin braids like she did in Winterfell but
in a high bun and she even had a thin sword on her waist.
He wanted to question her about the sword but they reached the
guest room and he did not get another chance to question him
that day.

Chapter 293: Chapter 293


He sat on his chair and watched the ght commence under him.
36 ghters entered the arena with various weapons and started
beating the shit out of each other.
Now that he ha started to train once again, he knew that he
would not have lasted a minute in that place.
He lamented the loss of Ned refusing his offer of being the
Hand. It lled him with anger as being the King meant that no
one ever dared to refuse him. But he could understand Ned's
reasons and didn't take it to heart.
He knew that if not for the White Walkers then Ned would have
de nitely been here for him right now.
It was a great pity that he had to give the position to his dour
brother Stannis. But if not Stannis then the position would have
gone to the old lion and he didn't even want to think how that
would have ended.
He looked at the melee in front him.
Without Varko there to liven things up, the ght seemed a little
Like he had held a grand feast and the most important guest
didn't come.
He wondered why did Varko not come this time before he
remembered sending Lord Bolton to the North for brining the
proof of the White Walkers. If Lord Bolton was going to such a
dangerous place, then there was no way that Varko wouldn't
follow his lord.
A part of him hoped that the lad would die in the land beyond
the Wall.
He had nothing against the boy who House Bolton has grown
rather powerful the boy's actions had broken any semblance of
friendship between the Lannisters and the Starks.
But then again, from what he had heard, the boy was an
excellent lord and a great battle commander. And Ned would
need such people in the upcoming con ict.
The ght was starting to die down now with only Sandor
Clegane, Ser Barriantas the Bold, Kingslayer and Thoros of Myr
with his aming sword.
He had been asked to ban Thoros from these melee or at least
stop him from using the Flaming sword as it intimidated the
other contestants and left them with burns but the man was a
great drinking friend and rather fun to be with. Plus, the aming
sword was a novelty and kept things interesting.
He still remembered how Varko had cut Thoros' sword in half
before knocking out the stunned man with a punch to the face.
A great pity that Varko couldn't come.
Still, the ght was decent and he had paid for it. So he should at
least enjoy it.
He saw a maid fetching wine for his wife who was wearing her
cold bitch face and looking at everyone and everything with
thinly veiled disgust.
He pulled the maid and made her sit on his lap.
The maid giggled and pretended to protest.
She did not have the large bust that he usually preferred or the
fat arse. But she was pretty to look at and practically weightless
in his arms.
The cheers erupted in the arena and he noticed that Thoros had
defeated the Hound and Ser Barristan had defeated the
Both the parties circled each other and the clashed.
For all of Thoros' tricks, Ser Barristan was and old hand and had
more experience in battle than all the other Kingsguard put
Thoros was defeated in short order and became the victor of the
Though even after winning the melee, he could see that Ser
Barristan was just as impressed by his victory as he was with the
whole melee.
Without Varko presence, victory seemed unearned. But
traditions must be kept.
He got up from his chair, congratulated Varko and gave him the
20,000 gold dragons prize which the old Knight humbly
accepted before the whole melee came to an end.

Chapter 294: Chapter 294

Cersei walked around the room with a large frown on her face as
he sat on the bed and waited for her to come to him.
When it looked like she won't be coming, he said "Come to the
bed Cersei."
She looked at him with some anger and a good deal of disgust.
She had looking at him with some disgust ever since he lost his
match against the Bolton boy and lost the Valyrian sword of the
Father had been livid but it was her reaction that hurt him the
There was a distance between them now that had not been there
before. He had failed, shamed his house and she had not
forgiven him for that.
He did not even blame her for it. Cersei was a hateful woman
and hated everything and anything that did not meet her
He just… never thought that it would apply to him as well. That
she might discard him if he did not live to her high expectations.
"How can you be so carefree." Cersei said, the disgust in her
expression still present "Robert has chosen Stannis as his hand.
Once that man collects his eet, he'll be coming to King's
"And what can he do. He's just a single dour man with no allies
in Kings Landing." He asked with a smirk that he knew she
found maddening but now only served to increase the disgust in
her expression.
"He's Robert's brother. And he was also going to the brothels
with Lord Arryn in case you've forgotten."
"It doesn't mean anything." He said, trying to come off as
"He ed back to Dragonstone as soon as Lord Arryn died and
left with his whole Fleet. Don't you nd that suspicious. He
de nitely knows about us Jamie. About our children."
"Why are worrying so much about this. If he comes here and
tries to tell Robert about it then we'll just kill both of them."
"Like you killed the Bolton boy." She said and sneered at him.
He frowned at her and felt his stomach fall.
This was not fun anymore. He knew that she disliked him for
losing against the Bolton boy. He knew that he had fucked up
but to remind him and chastise him about it everyday was
pushing it.
He was starting to wonder if Cersei even loved him anymore. If
she ever did love him or if he was just the most convenient cock
around that she could impale herself upon.
"Stannis will come here sooner or later Jamie." She said and he
could see the resolve grow in her eyes "We must take care of
Robert before that happens."
"You want to kill the king?" he asked "There's a good chance
that this will lead to civil war Cersei. Your marriage with Robert
is the only thing holding the 7 kingdoms together."
Cersei scoffed but then shook her head "We must do it. And do it
quickly. That is the only way to keep our children safe. We must
act now before it's too late."
"Very well then. What would you have me do?" he asked.
Cersei sneered at him "This is not a task for you. I'll do it
myself. You just need to prepare for when Stannis will come
here for his throne."

Chapter 295: Chapter 295

The air swirled and four people dropped out from nowhere.
Domeric landed on the ice cold ground and looked at the
scenery around him.
They were on top of the Cliff overlooking the large at expense
of land in Hardhome where a few ships had landed.
He could see the men coming out of the ships and setting up
"They're here." Ygritte said and he nodded "You sure this many
will be enough?"
"250 men, all decked with magical armor and weapon." He said
"Should be more than enough as long as we don't run across the
Thenns or any other large tribes that still remained in these
"I pity those who were left behind." Ygritte said "All of them
will die this Winter."
He nodded "Then they'll rise and we'll ght them with
"Let us go and greet the men." Ygritte said.
He nodded and took her hand in one of his and Varko and Baka
held his other hand.
Then a moment later, they were in front of the tents being set up.
The men saw them coming and bowed to him.
He nodded and went to the command tent where Walton was
talking with the captains under him.
Walton looked at him and his eyes widened "My lord." He
The others in the tent followed his action and bow to him as well
and then there was silence in the tent.
"Tell our men to rest for the rest of the day. We'll start our
journey tomorrow. And not stop until we've captured a White
Walker itself."
He then took out a few chains from inside his bottomless bag
and gave them to Walton.
"Frost Steel chain treated with Dragon re and coated with a thin
layer of Valyrian Steel." He explained "It does not break under
the Ice sword. We'll use these chains to bind the White Walker."
He gave a chain to each captain and one to Walton.
He had made a dozen or chains a precaution and all of his
companions held a chain as well.
"Kill the Wights if you must. Capturing them is no longer
important. Our target now is the White Walker." He said "Any
No one said anything and he nodded.
"Good. Take the day off. We'll start our journey tomorrow
With that he, Ygritte, Varko and Baka left the tent.
He stood at the corner of the Courtyard and looked at the King
sparring against a Lannister guard.
Ever since Lord Arryn died, the King has lowered his drinking
and binging and has picked up the hammer once again.
After seeing the Ice Sword and hearing about the White
Walkers, he could understand why that was.
The King wanted to participate in one last war before dying.
He stood on guard and watched as King Robert wielded in war
hammer and continued to hit the guard before the shield
eventually broke and the guard fell down with a cry of pain, his
forearm bent from the point of impact.
This was the 17th Red Cloak whom the King had injured this
He knew that the King hated the Lannisters. He himself did not
like them very much. But injuring them like this when they
could not ght back seemed rather petty to him.
"Next." King Robert said and the red cloaks in the courtyard
looked at one another before a young boy was pushed to the
King Robert didn't seem to care for the young boy and raised
him war hammer.
The war hammer never struck the terri ed boy.
Before the King could bring down his hammer, his face
contorted his pain.
The War hammer slipped through his grasp and fell on the
ground with a loud 'thud'. The King held onto his right chest, his
face turning purple by the second from a lack of oxygen as if
someone had strangled his throat.
Then he fell to the ground and the courtyard was silent.
"Help your King you fools!!!" He shouted and rushed forward to
make sure that yet another King would not die in his watch.
He reached the king and tried to help him in some way but he
was no maester and had no idea how to help his liege.
He turned to the boy who had frozen in shock "Bring the Grand
maester. Now!!!"
It took ve minutes for the Grand Maester Pycelle to arrive at
the scene.
The King had lost consciousness a while ago but was still
The Grand Maester asked them to put the King on a stature and
bring him to his study.
They did as they were asked.
Pycelle told him that the King had suffered a heart attack and his
condition might yet worsen.
He was told to wait outside the door as the Grand Maester did
what he had to do to save the King.
The other Kingsguard arrived and he explained the situation to
them. They stood outside the door with him. They could do
nothing to protect the King from a heart attack but stand there in
The queen arrived and he told her about the situation as well.
She simply sneered and left.
Grand Maester Pycelle kept working on the King's health for the
entire night.
And when the dawn arrived, Grand Maester Pycelle gave them
the news.
King Robert Baratheon, rst of his name was no longer in the
world with them.

Chapter 296: Chapter 296

She woke to the sounds of the bells ringing in the distance.

She removed her night gown and quickly wore her clothes
before leaving the room.
Outside she could see Ser Rodrik Cassel standing in front of the
door with a few Stark men while Lord Renly Baratheon, Ser
Loras Tyrell and a few Baratheon guards stood opposite to them.
She closed the door behind her and turned to Ser Rodric Cassel
"Ser Rodrik. What is going on here?"
Before Ser Rodrik could say anything, Lord Renly spoke.
"My brother, King Robert is dead my lady." He said "The Grand
Maester tells us that it was heart attack but we all know that he
serves the Lannister. My brother was in better health these past
days than he had been in a long time. I suspect foul play my
"Foul play. By whom?" she asked.
"By the Lannister." He replied "The Lannisters have been after
the crown for a long while. And now they've nally assassinated
my brother for it. The Red Keep is no longer safe my lady."
"What are you saying Lord Renly?" she asked.
"The Queen hates you Lady Catelyn. She hates the Starks. With
the King no longer around to hold her back, she might do
something… foolish." Lord Renly said.
"We're leaving Red Keep in an hour." Ser Loras said "We're
asking if you wanted to come with us."
"And why are you leaving the Red Keep Ser Loras, Lord Renly.
I don't remember the queen have a vendetta with you."
The two men looked at one another before Lord Renly turned to
"We suspect that the Queen's children are illegitimate." Lord
Renly said "The Princes and Princess are the bastard children of
Ser Jamie Lannister and Queen Cersei. With no legitimate
children, the crown would go to the true Baratheon line. In
exchange for seeing to your safety, I ask for the support of
House Stark and the North when I'm crowned the King."
All kinds of alarm bell rang in her mind as soon as she heard
those words.
"If the King's children are illegitimate, then the crown would go
to Lord Stannis." She said.
"Perhaps." Lord Renly said "But my brother is a man who has
no allies or friends. He has no mind for diplomacy. The 7
kingdoms will break under his rule. He might be the next king
by the law but I am the only one who can keep the Kingdoms
together. Will I have the support of House Stark my lady."
She stayed silent and thought about his words.
Even if she refused, there was no guarantee that the Baratheon
and Tyrell guards won't simply kill the Stark guards an abduct
her and Sansa to use them as hostage against House Stark.
It was better to be a guest then a hostage.
With that said, she knew that her husband would never support
Renly if the truth of Queen Cersei's children came to light.
As it was, she could only stall for time and send Sansa to Lord
With her thoughts clear on the matter she nodded to Lord Renly
"I'll come with you. But I'm not willing to leave my household
"They can come with us." Ser Loras said.
"No." She shook her head "Too many people will only slow us
down and once the Queen nds out that we're missing from Red
Keep, she'll no doubt send men after us. We must travel fast."
"You have a point my lady." Lord Renly said "What do you
propose then?"
"Lord Bolton has a few ships in Kings Landing. My household
and guards will leave for the North on those ships." She said.
"That is accepta…" Ser Loras said but she cut him off.
"Along with my daughter."
Ser Loras frowned at her words while Lord Renly's lips thinned.
The atmosphere tensed and she could see the guards tense from
each side.
There was silence for a long moment before Lord Renly smiled.
"Of course my lady. Lady Sansa can leave with your
household." He said before his eyes turned serious "But you
must understand my lady. Even if the Lannisters don't have a
eet of their own, they do have a few ships of their own that
they might send after your Household. If Lady Sansa goes with
your household then I'll not be able to guarantee her safety."
"I'm willing to take that risk Lord Renly." She replied.
Lord Renly took a deep breath.
"If that is your wish my lady." He said "I'll give you a few
minutes to talk with your household and prepare your
belongings. We'll wait for you do in the stables."
"Very well Lord Renly." She said and the Lord and his men
quickly left the corridor, waiting
Once they were in the clear she turned to Ser Rodrik.
"My lady. You mustn't go with them." Ser Rodrik said but she
shook her head.
"I do not have a choice in this matter Ser Rodrik. But you must
take the rest of our men and Sansa and leave for Winterfell."
"That is an order Ser Rodrik." She said sternly and the knight
stopped arguing at once "Please take Sansa to Winterfell."
He looked con icted for a long moment before he gave a painful
"I'll see to it my lady." He said and bowed to her and she quickly
went inside her room to gather her belongings.

Chapter 297: Chapter 297

"Are you sure it is wise to let Sansa Stark go back to

Winterfell?" he asked as he readied his horse.
"No." Renly replied as he saddled his own horse. He was trying
to put up a strong front but he could tell that Renly was nervous.
He could understand. He was nervous as well. What they were
doing was treason and there was going back from this. "But
either that or ght against the Stark men and kidnap those two
for hostage. That not only increases our chance of getting caught
by the Red Cloaks but it will also make the Starks our enemy. I
don't want that to happen if possible."
"So you're just going to allow Sansa to go back North?" he
asked "You know very well that Lady Catelyn might be Lord
Stark's wife but she's not as useful as a hostage as her young
unwed daughter."
"I know." Renly said and let out a huge sigh before he turned to
one of his men.
"My lord?" the man asked.
"I have a task for you. A very important one." Renly said "Go to
the mud gate and inform the Commander of the Gold Cloaks
there that Starks are trying to leave Kings Landing. Tell him that
they must not leave the City no matter what. Tell him to capture
but not harm Sansa Stark."
"What about the Stark guards." Stephen asked.
Renly looked con icted for a moment but he answered
nonetheless "Do what them what you will."
Stephen nodded and quickly left the stable on his horse.
"What was that Renly?" he asked his lover who looked even
more stressed and guilty from what he had just done.
"I… I cannot allow the Starks to side with my brother. But I
know Lord Stark and know that he'll choose my brother over me
because by the law my brother should be the next king."
He stayed silent and Renly continued "If the Lannisters have his
daughter, then Lord Stark would de nitely wage war against the
Lannisters. While he's busy with the Lannisters, we'll deal my
brother. And once… Stannis is dead, we'll help the Starks
against the Lannisters and return Lady Catelyn Stark to him.
Lord Stark will have no choice to support us after that."
"That… there's so much in that plan that could go wrong." He
Renly nodded "Perhaps. But it's better if Sansa is a Lannister
hostage then if she's safe in Winterfell."
He nodded and nished saddling his horse.
"Let's pray to the gods that your plan works Renly."
Renly nodded and climbed on his horse as well.
A moment later, Lady Stark entered the stables with two Stark
men who had her belongings.
She nodded and the Stark men quickly saddled her own horse
for her.
Within an hour, they had left Kings Landing and were riding
hard for Highgarden where they would gather their army and
start the campaign to seat Renly on the Iron Throne with his
sister by Renly's side.
Chapter 298: Chapter 298

"Where's mother?" she asked Ser Rodrik who helped her walk
through the dirty alleyways along with the Stark guards and their
household servants.
"She's not coming with us." Ser Rodrik said.
Her eyes widened and her stomach dropped "W… what? We…
we cannot leave her behind."
"We're not leaving her behind." Ser Rodrik explained. "She has
already left with Lord Renly. And while the queen focuses on
Lord Renly, we'll sneak off from Kings Landing on a ship."
"Mother's using herself as bait?" she asked, feeling useless in
this whole situation.
"Something like…" her words were cut off as an arrow ew
over her head and struck one of the guards behind her.
She turned to see that the arrow had pierced his neck.
The guard, whose name she had not even bothered to
remembered gurgled in blood, his eyes wide in shock before he
fell down and stopped moving.
Then as if a dam had been broken, arrows upon arrows started
ying toward them.
"Shields." Ser Rodrick shouted "Protect Lady Sansa."
The next few minutes were lled with chaos as the Stark men
tried to lead her away from the alley while protecting her and
leaivng the servants who died to the barrage of arrows one by
one. But once they were out of the alley, they found themselves
surrounded by more Gold Cloaks.
"Well well well. What do we have here." A man wearing the
Gold cloak Commander's uniform said as the gold cloaks
pointed their spears at them "Why would a beautiful girl be
trying to sneak off through the alleys like a cheap whore."
His men laughed and she felt her heart pound in fear at the mere
sight of the man.
"Mind your language." Ser Rodrik said as he put her behind him
"That's the daughter of Lord Stark you're talking with."
"Or what?" the Gold Cloak Commander said with a cruel smile
"You think you can stop me from putting her in the dirt and
pounding her cock in her red little pussy like the whore she is?"
How dare you." Ser Rodrik shouted and charged. The other
Stark guards followed his lead.
But they were outnumbered and were quickly cut down.
Then there was only her and the Gold Cloak Commander who
smirked as he walked toward her with casual strides.
"Well well well. It looks like the pretty little lady has pissed
herself in fear." He said and the other gold cloaks laughed at her.
She looked down and noticed a thin trail of wetness going down
her skirt.
He walked up to her and bent down before he took a long sniff
of her skirt even as she whimpered in fear, hoping that someone
will come and save her from this nightmare.
"Smells like just the little whore that I fucked last night." He
said and turned her around before taking her inside the
bloodstained alley they came from. Then he pushed her against
the wall and started tearing at her clothes.
"No…" She cried out in fear but he simply pushed her pathetic
attempts aside and continued to tear at her dress.
"Never fucked a Warden's daughter before." The man said with a
cruel laugh "What do you say lads. Wanna have a turn with the
Honorable Lord Stark's daughter."
The men cheered around her and she closed her eyes even as he
removed the last of her clothes.
"Well well well… Aren't you a red little peach." He smiled "I'm
going to…"
"Stop. What the fuck do you think you're doing…" she heard
from the other side. She opened her eyes and saw more gold
cloaks coming from the main road.
She squinted her eyes and recognized the man as the
Commander of the City Watch.
"Teaching the little whore her place."
"Have you gone mad with lust Deem. She's still the betrothed of
Prince Joffrey. Do you want all of us to lose our heads just so
you could sate your lust."
"I… oh for fuck's sake. Alright. Here. Have the girl." The man
said and threw her toward the Commander.
She sobbed as he took out his cloak and put it around her to
cover her modesty.
This was her rst real experience with the cruelties of the world
and she was terri ed.

Chapter 299: Chapter 299

"The King is dead." Chataya said and she stopped combing her
hair to look at Chataya incredulously. Then her eyes narrowed.
"Grand Maester declared that King Robert died of heart attack."
Chataya said "But I'm sure that it was a poison from the Queen."
"Do you have proof?" she asked.
Chataya nodded "Not proof but my spies heard her planning the
death of King Robert with her brother. She has all the reasons to
kill the King. I'm sure it was her."
"Lord Renly was seeing leaving from the Dragon Gate with 200
horse riders an hour after King Robert death. Lady Catelyn was
seen in his company." Chataya said.
"What of Sansa and the Stark guards."
"They tried to escape from the ships but someone had already
informed the Gold Cloaks about this. The Stark guards and all
their servants are dead and Sansa is back in Red Keep."
"How unfortunate." She drawled "Any news on when Lord
Stannis will depart from Dragonstone with his eet."
"No. His ships are still returning from up North." Chataya said
"And yes, Prince Joffrey was crowned the King of 7 kingdoms a
few hours after the death of King Robert."
"Westeros really has a habit of choosing fucked up kings doesn't
"Very well then. Keep your ears open and tell me if anything
important happens." She said.
With that she cut the connection and tried to call her lord.
As expected, it didn't work. Magic was not able to cross the
But her lord already knew about this and had prepared
contingencies in case something went wrong.
She went to her drawer and took out a steel ball with the word
'Wall' in it.
Then she wore some of her warmest clothes and then clothes the
Steel ball tightly.
"Take me to the Wall." She said.
The portkey activated and did it's task. A moment later, she was
standing on top of the Wall and looking at the vast expense of
Ice in front of her.
The air went through her clothes and left her shivering in the
She huddled down in a corner and then called her lord.
A few seconds later, he picked up the call.
She could see that he was wearing his full body armor and was
tracking through the cold forest with his small unit.
"Lyra." He said and halted to talk with her, the men walking
behind her halting with him "This better be important."
"It is my lord." She said and then took a deep breath "The king
is dead."
Her lord remained silent for a good while and then said "Let me
guess. It was the queen."
"We don't have concrete proof but we're pretty sure it was her."
She said.
"What about the Starks in Kings Landing?"
"Lady Stark was seen leaving through the Dragon Gate with
Lord Renly. Whether she did so out of her own violation or was
forced to do so is not known." She said "Ser Rodrik Cassel and
the other Stark guards tried to get to the ships but were
ambushed by the Gold Cloaks. Sansa is now a prisoner of Queen
He nodded and stayed silent for a long moment "We'll not get
any support from Prince Joffrey. He's not a reasonable boy and a
coward on top of that. We need someone else on the throne.
Preferably someone with experience in military matters but
Stannis in really not a King material. He would break before he
could bend. And Renly has no military experience and is as
green as they come."
"Are you thinking of taking the Iron Throne for yourself my
lord?" she asked, barely able to hide the eagerness in her voice.
He shook his head instantly "Sitting on the Iron Throne will be
akin to binding myself in golden chains. I would not do it. No. I
was thinking more along the lines of using Lyanna and
Rhaegar's child for this one."
"Jaehaerys Targaryen." He corrected.
"You think Lord Stark will agree to this?" she asked.
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. But we don't really have any other
choice." He said "It's either him, one of the Baratheon brothers
or me."
"I see. Will you be returning soon?" she asked.
He thought about it for a moment but then shook his head
"Capturing a White Walker is more important to me right now.
Plus, large armies tend to move really slowly. We'll return before
the real battles start." He said "But I do have a task for you."
She waited patiently and he spoke "Send an anonymous letter to
Lord Stark telling him about the King's Death. The queen part in
his death. And the status of his men and his family. Also tell the
illegitimacy of the Prince and Princess. It is time for the North to
go to War."
"Wouldn't it be better to let the Barathons and Lannisters kill
each other?" she asked.
"Perhaps." He replied "But I don't want their armies to end up
destroyed either. And the longer this war takes then worse the
general situation of Westeros will become. So I would rather end
this war quickly then stretch it for long. Do you have anything
else to report?"
"Yes. Bran Stark is here. When should we send up North?"
"Have him wait in Dreadfort for now." He said "When the time
is right, I'll have Varamyr use his Wyvern to carry Bran and
Meera to us."
"You want to tell the world about the Wyverns?" she asked.
He shrugged "The war is about to start. And I plan to use them
to cut this war short. It is time to show our might to the world."
"Keep me updated on the situation." He said.
She nodded and he cut the connection.
She shivered in the cold once again before she took out another
steel ball with the word 'Dreadfort' on it and said "Take me to
The Portkey activated and a moment later, she was back in her
room in Dreadfort once again.
She lamented the fact the fact her lord had no interest in ruling
the 7 kingdoms.
Truly, it was a great pity. With him in the helm, the 7 Kingdoms
would have prospered. But if he really doesn't want to sit on the
Iron Throne then she'll have to learn to be content with what she
had here.
She took out the magical mirror and started calling her spies.
She needed to send an anonymous letter to Lord Stark after all.

Chapter 300: Chapter 300

"My lord. A letter from Kings Landing." The maester said and
passed the letter to him.
He checked the letter for any sign of tempering before he
opened it and read through it's contents, he face contorting in
anger the further he read.
"What does the letter say my lord?" Ser Davos Seaworth, one of
his most trusted adviser asked.
He took a deep breath and looked out of the balcony at the sea
and at the ships being readied in the harbor.
"We're late Ser Davos." He said and crushed the paper in his
hand "My brother is dead. Poisoned most likely. And Joffrey
Waters has been declared as the King."
Ser Davos remained quiet for a long moment. It was not
everyday that you heard about the death of your King.
"What are we going to do now my lord?" Ser Davos asked.
"When I brother asked me to hold Storms End no matter what, I
held it. For an entire year. Against an army 100 times larger than
my own. I held it because it was my duty. When my brother
asked me to build a Fleet and go after the remaining Targaryens,
I did. And when I failed and my brother exiled me to
Dragonstone, I accepted that as well. Because my brother was
the king. And it was my duty to serve him." He turned an looked
at Ser Davos "My brother died, with no legitimate children of
his own. By the rights of the Seven Kingdoms, I am the rightful
King of Westeros. And I'll take what is mine."
"I take it that I should call for the banners?" Ser Davos asked.
"Yes." He said "Do that Ser Davos. I'll write a letter to the Lords
in the Seven Kingdoms. See if they take their oaths as seriously
as I do."
Ser Davos nodded and left.
Once Ser Davos had left the room, he turned around and looked
at the view of the sea once again.
He controlled the shaking of his hands and took a few deep
breaths to calm himself down.
People might not expect it because of the hard front he puts out
but he was slightly scared of the future.
He had the Royal Fleet but it was nothing compared to the
Redwyne Fleet or the Bolton Fleet. And all the banners under his
command won't give him even 10,000 thousand men.
Even with all his military experience, it was very likely that he
might lose this war.
But such hurdles had never stopped him before and it wasn't
going to stop him now.

Chapter 301: Chapter 301

"What does it say father?" he asked once his father nished

reading the letter from Lord Stannis Baratheon.
His father rubbed his chin for a moment, lost in his own
thoughts before he gather himself and put the letter down on the
"Lord Stannis con rmed the words that the anonymous letter
from Kings Landing and the letter from Lord Renly said." His
father said.
"So…" he looked awkwardly at Jon "The Queen and his
brother…" he felt a nausea go through him at the mere thought
of doing that with his sister.
Father remained silent and they waited for him to speak.
"If what Lord Renly says is true and my daughter is really being
held hostage by the Queen." His father got up from his chair and
pinned them with his icy gaze "Then we'll go South. But not
His father looked at Maester Lewin and said "Send out the
ravens. Call for the banners."
Maester Lewin nodded and quickly left the room to write the
His father sat down on his chair and there was silence once
"We're going to war." He said and his father nodded.
"Who are we going to support father?" Jon asked.
"If the Queen's children are illegitimate then the crown goes to
Lord Stannis." His father "But…"
"But Renly has our mother." He said.
His father nodded upon hearing that "We'll not give our support
to Lord Stannis. Not now. Not until we're able to rescue your
mother or your sister."
"We should have never send Sansa to Kings Landing." The
words came out of hi mouth before he could stop himself.
His brother looked shocked but instead of reprimanding him, his
father merely looked tired.
"Father couldn't have disobeyed a direct order from the King
Robb." Jon said.
He wanted to argue against that. He knew that Sansa loved Lord
Bolton and a marriage with Lord Bolton would be more
bene cial for the North than a marriage with the Prince.
Not to mention that by breaking the betrothal with the prince,
they'd made sure that Lord Bolton won't marry another Stark.
Not that he would have forced Arya to marry him but it was the
principle of the matter.
"We cannot send all our forces down South." He said "If we lose
this war then the North will be undefended."
"Isn't Lord Bolton North of the Wall?" Jon asked and all of them
froze for a moment.
As of now, House Bolton was the most powerful house in the
North. Not only that, Lord Bolton also had giants and wargs in
his commanded. Not to mention his troops who are better
equipped and better trained than any other army in the whole
Without Lord Bolton, they would have to contact the regent
Lady Barbrey Dustin and they all knew that she didn't like the
Starks and would send the lowest amount of people possible for
this campaign.
Without the army of Lord Bolton, the Northern army won't have
the edge required to win the war.
They might still win it but the causalities would be tremendous.
"He is." His father said "But thanks to Lord Bolton, the situation
in the North is already far better than what it used to be a decade
ago. Even without his presence, the North will be able to muster
up a larger army this time."
"Having him would have still been better." He said. Not only
because Lord Bolton would have brought his army with him.
But also because Lord Bolton was a great commander and had
some of the greatest warriors under his command.
"That is true. But we'll make do with what we have." His father
said and he let the matter drop and nodded.

Chapter 302: Chapter 302

He ew over the vast lands of the true North and searched for
the restricted area which would indicate the presence of a White
With the increase in power thanks to the Dragon Lord Ritual, he
was able to search in a larger radius but he was still not able to
nd anything.
It was as if killing two White Walkers and tricking another one
made them more cautious and they went into hiding or
That made him wonder how many White Walkers there actually
During the last night, there were hundreds of them. If these
White Walkers were immortals then there was no reason why
that number would have decreased.
In fact, if the White Walkers had found a way to increase their
number then…
He felt someone shake his body and returned his astral
projection back to where it came from.
His eyes opened and he felt slightly disoriented for a moment.
Then the disorientation went away and he turned to look at
Ygritte who was giving him an apologetic look.
"A call from Lyra. She says it's important." Lyra said and handed
the mirror to him.
He took it from her hand and looked at the mirror.
Lyra was once again sitting on top of the Wall.
She had learned her lesson from last time and had worn a thick
leather jacket as well as a lot of clothes. She looked like a
dumpling but at least she was not shivering.
"Lyra" he said, not really pleased at having been disturbed when
he was using the Valyrian Candle to search for the White
"My lord. Letter from Lord Stark." She said and showed him a
letter through the mirror. "He's calling the banners. Lady
Barbrey was asking how many men were going to send. She
doesn't want to send to many because… you know the
Lannister/Myr/Tyrosh alliance and the White Walkers."
He hummed and thought about it for a moment "Send the 1st
legion and Mocqo's horse archer unit. Add 20 wargs. 40
direwolves and 30 Giants. General Bronn will be the
commander of our forces."
"A third of our military and half of our wargs giants and
direwolves. I know. Also add Vothora and Roghomyr to their
group of wargs as well."
"You want to send the two with Wyverns as well?" she said and
hesitated for a moment "…are you sure my lord? We won't have
as much of an Ariel advantage once the Lannister/Myr/Tyrosh
alliance attacks us."
"That is why I'm leaving Varamyr an half of our special forces
back home. He has the largest Wyvern and truthfully, with all
the preparations we've done and the Unsullied forces that Muron
will buy, I'm not really worried about Bolton Port."
Lyra nodded and wrote down his instructions on a piece of
"So… 7000 men from the 1st legion. 1200 men from Mocqo's
horse archer unit. 20 Wargs. 40 Direwolves. 30 giants and. And
Vothora and Rohomyr with their Wyverns." She said and
frowned "That's… twice as many men as any other house in the
"That is a given. Our land has twice as many people living in it
than any other house. And we're also far more prosperous." He
shrugged "Tell my aunt to send a great deal of food and other
supplies to Moat Cailin. We'll create a supply line from there on
our campaign down South."
She nodded and he was about to cut the connection but then she
said "Wait wait… there's something else."
"The princess is with child." She said.
"Myrcella?" he asked, confused.
"No no… the Targaryen princess."
He almost laughed at that news.
The next generation of Targaryens being Dothraki savages.
There was something truly funny about that.
"Keep an eye on them." He said "I doubt that the Beggar Prince
would succeed in persuading the Dothraki Horse Lord to attack
Westeros but you never really know."
"Will do my lord. Anything else."
"No. That will be all." He said. She nodded and he cut the
Ygritte sat down beside him and asked "So… we are going to
"We are." He nodded. He had not expected the King to die so
soon. But in hindsight, this was better than the King dying at the
start of the Winter. That would have truly fucked up the situation
for them.
She nuzzled to his chest "Are we going to the war as well?" she
asked "With me, you, Varko and Baka, we can do a lot of
"If we manage to capture a White Walker." He said "If we fail or
take longer than anticipated, then General Bronn will have to
hold out on his own for a while."
"You think we'll win this war."
Thought about about her words and shrugged "Most likely. The
Wyvern, bottomless bag and Wild re mudballs combination
alone would be enough to destroy any army."
But as a precaution, he planned to go to Vale sometime in the
future an put the madwoman Lysa Arryn under Imperius. He
would probably also deal with Petyr while he was at it.
"Let's nd this White Walker quickly then." She said "I want to
join the war an minimize the causality from our side."
I'll try." He said and kissed her forehead.

Chapter 303: Chapter 303

"It's coming." He whispered to Ygritte who was hiding

underneath the snow like him.
"You sure that there are no wights near it." Ygritte asked once
again and he nodded.
"That sounds too good to be true." Ygritte said "This might be a
"I know." He said "If it is then that is alright as well. We're far
prepared this time then we were before."
And they were. The Dragonglass Grenades he had created were
going to be a game changer.
Those Grenades had a radius of 10 meter and would throw
Dragonglass shrapnels in every direction upon exploding.
They would not harm his troops thanks to the magical armor but
they would shred the wights to pieces.
And considering how even a little bit of Dragonglass was lethal
to the wights, he wasn't truly all that afraid of a wight army
The problem was that he had only been able to create 100 of
those Grenades as he needed to make them on his own.
Once he have some free time on his hands, he would try to nd a
way to make a factory line that would generate these grenades
without his supervision.
It was going to be hard, no doubt about that. But a single
Dragonglass Grenade was more lethal to the Wights and White
Walkers than anything else in his arsenal.
If he could mass produce these things in large numbers then the
war against the White Walkers would go much better.
He was brought out of his thoughts when a gure walked out of
the thick forest and into view.
It was a White Walker in all it's splendor. And it was alone for
some reason.
That was perhaps why it took him so long to nd one.
If a White Walker is followed by hundreds of Wights then the
wights leave behind trails and it's easy to nd and track them
that way.
But a White Walker leave no tracks on the ground for some
reason. It was probably some kind of magic that he didn't
After scouring the area for half a dozen times, he had made sure
that there were no White Walkers nearby. But that only served to
make him more cautions and he had already diploid his men in a
defensive formation in case they were ambushed by some White
Walkers that he failed to nd.
As the Walker walked toward the ambush point, he noticed that
it was carrying a bundle in it's left arm while it's right arm held
onto it's Ice Weapon.
Well… nothing he could change at this point.
As the White Walker came closer to the ambush point, it's speed
lowered an then it stopped.
He could sense the White Walker's powers from this distance
and it seemed… weaker compared to the other White Walkers.
As if they had been ghting against veteran warriors up till this
point and this one was a stable boy who had only held a wooden
sword stick at best.
The thought the this could be a trap and that perhaps the White
walker was somehow hiding it's true strength came to his mind
once again.
It's apathetic gaze scanned through the area.
It had sensed their presence and he was not really surprised.
Regardless, it was time for action.
The White Walker's eyes instantly fell on him and it's went on a
defensive posture while discarding the bundle in it's left arm on
the ground.
Varko and Baka rose out of the snow ground, employing the
same tactics that the White Walkers used on them and charged at
it with their Valyrian Swords.
Instantly he could tell that the White Walker was really weaker
than the others.
It was being pushed back by Varko and Baka very easily. And
while they did receive their own body enhancements after the
last White Walker ght, they were not so powerful that they
would be able to bully a White Walker like this.
The only reason it was still alive was because he had warned
them against killing it.
"Baka. Disengage from the ght." He said.
Baka grunted and pulled back, allowing Varko to ght one on
one against the White Walker.
It was still a one sided ght.
This White Walker was weaker.
Which meant that not all White Walkers were as powerful as the
ones they fought before.
Maybe the size of the Wight army under a White Walker denote
how powerful that White Walker is.
Or maybe it was the other way around and it was the Wight
army that made the White walkers more powerful?
These hypothesis can wait.
He looked at his men who were ready with their own Valyrian
coated chains.
"Get Ready" he shouted and used his magic to trans gure the
snow under the White Walker's feet into hands that held it in
The hands broke a moment later because a weak White Walker
was still far stronger than average humans.
But the pause gave Varko enough time to disengage from the
ght and retreat.
And as soon as he did that, the men surrounding the White
Walker swung their Valyrian chains around around the White
The chains wrapped around the White Walker and bind it tightly
in place.
The White Walker struggled against the chains and the
atmosphere dropped a dozen degree instantly but the Valyrian
coated chains held strong.
Baka came from behind it and kicked it to the ground face rst
and then removed it's Ice Sword from it's vicinity.
He walked forward and put the hand and leg cuffs made of pure
Valyrian steel around it's hands and legs.
The white Walker shrieked at him and the temperature took
another dip but it wasn't that bad, which meant that the White
Walker had reached it's limit.
He smiled under his helmet and locked the hand and leg cuffs
together so that the White Walker would be truly helpless.
This should be good enough.
Ygritte nodded and took a metal suitcase from one of the guards.
She entered the suitcase and came back a few moments later
with a large cof n.
A cof n made entirely of Dragonglass.
The White Walker shrieked once again and he wondered if it
truly could not speak or if that shrieking was some kind of
language that only these Ice monsters understood.
Then he shrugged and chucked the White Walker inside the
Cof n.
It shrieked one last time at him before the closed the lid on it's
He turned to his men and there was pin drop silence in the
The he smiled and raised on st in the air "WE WON!!!!" he
shouted and everyone else cheered with him.

Chapter 304: Chapter 304

Their cheering came to an abrupt end when the sound of a

crying baby came from behind him.
A chill went down his back as he remembered all the horror
movies in which he heard the crying of a baby and he slowly
turned back to look at the bundle which the White Walker had
carried with him.
Ygritte moved forward to check on the bundle he had took her
arm and held her back.
"What?" she asked, confused.
"We don't know what it is." He said "Everyone. Back away from
the bundle."
They followed his orders without question and he slowly moved
toward the bundle and then removed the clothe covering it with
his sword.
The crying became intense and he saw the face of a… real baby
in front of him.
He took out his wand an cast a dozen charms on it to make sure
that it was not a ice murder baby in human baby form.
The results told him that the baby was just that… a baby.
But… why the hell was the White Walker taking it with him.
Was there something special about the baby.
He cast a few more charms but found nothing special about it.
The baby had been crying this whole time and Ygritte's maternal
instinct nally forced her to act.
She pushed him to the side and picked the baby from the ground
"It's just a baby" she said.
He didn't stop her. It really was just an ordinary baby.
What he didn't understood was why was it carrying a baby.
Did the White Walkers plan on sacri cing babies for some kind
of rituals?
Or maybe they knew of a way to turn a baby into a White
Walker baby?
The questions kept coming to him and he had no answers.
He turned to Kalmyr, the best tracker in his team and asked "Can
you nd where the baby came from?"
Kalmyr bent down and sniffed the baby a few times before he
looked up and nodded at him.
"I can." If a snow storm doesn't come and wipe away the smell
then yes. It's doable.
Finding the White Walker took them a whole month. And even
that was mostly luck.
He doubted that he would be able to nd another White Walker
any time soon. And the Banners had already gathered at
If he didn't want to be late to the war then he needed to hurry up.
This war was his only chance to build a reputation as a great
battle commander among the people of the South.
But before that, he needed to investigate this baby.
The whole thing was far too shy for him to let slide without
any investigation.

Chapter 305: Chapter 305

"This is taking too long." He said as he walked on battlement of
Winterfell and looked at the large number of tents gathered
below, his eyes once again going to the most organized camp of
the Bolton forces before he turned to look at Jon "I'm worried
about Sansa"
"I'm worried about her too." Jon said and rubbed Ghost and
Snowric's neck. "But North is the largest kingdom in Westeros.
And gathering levies and sending them North takes time."
"The Bolton forces came here within a week." He said. And
wasn't that a fucking irony. The house with the largest army
came before any other great house. He would say that the others
should be ashamed but he understood that gathering levies really
did take a lot of time.
His father sent for his banners more than a month ago and a few
houses have still not arrived.
"The Bolton forces are… different" Jon said and he understood.
One look at the Bolton army which had been not stopped
training even when they arrived and you could tell that they
were the real deal.
They were what a real army should look like.
"Fucking disrespectful is what they are." Theon said from
behind. "Have you talked with that Bronn guy. The fucker don't
have any respect for his betters."
He nodded. He could see where Theon was coming from. But he
also knew that Bronn was a mercenary and had participated in
dozens of campaigns in Essos which gave him more real life war
experience than even his own father.
Plus, they needed the Bolton men. So there was that as well.
"At least we have the numbers." Jon said.
"That we have." He nodded "But not as many as the Lannisters."
At that moment, he heard a loud screeching sound and a large
shadow passed above their heads.
It took a few moments for him to get his heartbeat under control.
The rst time he had seen the Wyverns, he had almost pissed his
pants in fear. Not to mention that people had mistaken them for
The Wyverns were not dragons. They couldn't breath re. They
couldn't grow half as large as an adult dragon. And their scales
could be penetrated with longbows.
That didn't change the fact that the Wyverns still put the fear of
god in him.
"Still think that it's not enough." Theon said and he rolled his
"It's hard to believe that Lord Bolton was able to import
Wyverns from Southoryos." Jon said "How much do he think he
would have to pay for the capture of one of them?"
"100,000 gold dragons." Theon said.
They both looked at him incredulously and he shrugged.
"Theon might be right." He said after thinking about it for a bit
"Southoryos is a very dangerous place. The diseases alone could
kill half the people who try to enter too deep. And that's not even
mentioning the Brindled men, the Basilisks, the Giant apes and
the Wyverns. Capturing one and then brining it back all the way
to Dreadfort alive might cost even more than 100,000 gold
Jon sighed "You wonder what Arya is doing in Dreadfort right
"Learning swordsmanship from a Braavosi man, riding a horse
or maybe archery practice." He said. Arya had made a point to
sent them long letter almost every week telling them the new
things she was learning in Dreadfort.
Theon scoffed at his words but didn't say anything. Theon still
looked down on women in general but after seeing the kind of
damage that Ygritte and Baka could do… he had been more
subdued about it.
"35,000 men. This might the largest army that North had
managed to gather in a long time." Jon said.
In the last war, North only sent out some 18,000 men and in the
one before that, 25,000 men. So gathering 35,000 men was no
small deal.
Especially when his father had told the houses on the Western
shore to not come but to guard shore. If he called them as well
then that number would have increased to 40,000 men which
would equal the men that the Lannisters have recently unleashed
in Riverlands.
"We've still heard no news about Sansa." He said. He knew that
wars took time but still. He was impatient. And worried.
Everyone was worried because Sansa had been captured by the
Lannisters and mother was with King Renly Baratheon while
King Stannis was calling for their support.
The situation was very stressful for them.
"I think no news is good news in this case." Jon said
"I hope so." He said and looked at the Wyvern ying the
distance and hoped that they would start marching soon enough.

Chapter 306: Chapter 306

"My lady." King Renly Baratheon said as he sat down in the

chair on the other side of the table.
"Your grace." She said, not showing any emotions to the enemy.
And that's exactly what King Renly was. And enemy.
Oh, he might have brought her to Highgarden and allowed her to
live in a luxurious room with all the services that someone of her
station deserved but she knew very well that she was nothing but
a tool being used against her husband.
And if her husband chose King Stannis instead of King Renly,
then she might nd herself sitting inside a prison cell the very
next day.
So when King Renly gave her a warm smile, she didn't believe it
even once.
"I hope you are being well accommodated here in Highgarden."
He remained silent for a moment, contemplating his words
carefully before he spoke.
"What of her?" she asked, perhaps a bit to eagerly.
"She's not being treated very well in Kings Landing." He said
"Joffrey Waters was not happy with her escape attempts and still
punishes her by humiliating and beating her in front of the
whole court. This whole thing has become a terrible joke. I don't
think your daughter is safe in Kings Landing."
She remained silent, not showing how badly this news was
affecting her.
"Do not worry my lady. Once my army conquers Kings
Landing. I'll free your daughter and correct any grievances that
House Stark might have suffered in the Lannister hands."
"I think you for your kind generosity your grace." She said,
trying to create a distance between them by being as formal as
King Renly sighed "The Lannisters have crossed the Golden
Tooth. Ser Devan Lannister have defeated two smaller armies of
the your brothers friends and is now moving toward Riverrun.
Lord Tywin has unleashed the Mountain and his fellow riders at
Riverlands. He is now burning, raping and pillaging through
villages and towns alike. Destroying the kingdom you once
called your home. And as if that was not enough, Lord Tywin
has brought a another bigger army in order to stop any Northern
or Vale Army from crossing the Trident and getting to
She tried not to listen to him but he continued.
"My brother has amassed a small army of some 7,000 men." He
said "Good enough to harass the pirates roaming the Narrow Sea
but of not much use otherwise. My own army is now standing in
front of Highgarden. 70,000 strong. With 30,000 more coming
from Stormlands. By the time this army is formed, I'll have the
biggest army in the whole Kingdom. An alliance with House
Stark will allow me to defeat both my brother and the Lannisters
with ease."
He sighed after a long moment and continued "Loras' brother
Willas Tyrell is a good man. You must have met him by now.
What are your opinions of him my lady?"
"He has a sharp mind. He'll make a great lord some day." She
said. She might have remained silent till now but she couldn't
remain silent once he asked her a direct question.
"If he is betrothed to Sansa Stark. The Baratheon-Tyrell-Stark
alliance will easily become the strongest faction in the whole of
Westeros. Sansa might not get married to a King but she'll live
like a queen. I can promise you that."
She remained silent and kept gazing at the wine on the table.
He was losing patience with her, she could see that much.
But she was not going to promise anything that might force her
husband's hand in the future.
He sighed and got up from his chair. "I can understand why you
would not want to support me." He said "The crown should
rightfully go to my brother. And because of that Lord Stark will
support him. But you must also understand that my brother is
not the kind of man who inspires loyalty. Even if he sits in the
Iron Throne no one will support him. The Dorne, The Reach,
The Westerlands, The Vale, The Iron Islands and even his own
homeland the Stormlands don't support him. Even if he
somehow managed to sit on the Iron Throne, no one will bow to
him and the King Kingdoms will crumble to dust. An alliance
between House Stark and House Tyrell will be bene cial to
everyone my lady. Your husband is a hard man and honorable
man and he might not see this. His honor would not allow him to
support me."
"If he win against the Lannisters then his battered and broken
army will still have to ght my own." He said "Is that an
outcome you would like Lady Stark."
"Then persuade him to support me. Ask him to bend the knee to
me. No one needs to die unnecessarily. Persuade him to do this
and you'll be the maker of the biggest alliance in Westeros." He
said and passed a paper, quill and ink to her.
She thought about his words for a while. Technically, he was not
He did had the largest army in the entire 7 Kingdoms but he
didn't understand that in a war, anyone can die and even the man
with the larger army might lose.
Still, he was not wrong. Her husband could not ght both the
Lannisters and the Baratheon-Tyrell alliance.
If they wanted to emerge a victor in this war then they needed to
join the winning side.
And would marrying Sansa to Willas Tyrell really be all that
Having an alliance with the Tyrells would help them now and
during the long night.
So after some hesitation, she picked up the quill and started
writing to her husband.
Chapter 307: Chapter 307

"So this is it huh…" he said as he looked at the large house in

the middle of the forest.
The fact that a man could not only build such a large house in
the True North but also live in luxury for decades said a lot
about that said man.
"I always did wonder why there were no other boys in Caster's
Keep." Ygritte said "People said that he killed any baby boy
birthed to his daughter-wives. But he did not killed those boys."
"He sacri ced them to the Cold ones." Kalmyr said and backed
away from where they were observing the large building.
He shook his head in disgust and backed away as well.
When his army had passed through this army in the 2nd
expedition, the men of the Nights Watch had suggested staying a
day in Castor's keep.
But once he heard that Castor had a harem of his own daughters
whom he married and fucked… he was so disgusted by the idea
that he had forbidden any of his men from going anywhere near
Castor's keep.
The only reason why he did not kill Castor back then was
because Lord Jeor Mormont told him that Castor often helped
the Nights Watch by giving shelter and food to any ranger doing
their mission in the True North.
Also, he was in a foreign land and did not felt justi ed forcing
his own values upon someone else.
But if Castor was actively helping the White Walkers by
supplying them with his own baby boys then that changed
After all, he knew that there was a huge difference in something
that was willingly given and something that was forcibly taken.
A wand made out of Phoenix feather which was willingly given
would be far more powerful than a wand made out of another
Phoenix feather that was forcibly taken.
So a baby that was willingly given to the White Walker would
be far more useful to them than another baby that was forcibly
That was just how magic worked.
"What do you want to do now Domeric?" Ygritte asked as they
went back to their place where their own army was in hiding.
He thought about her words for a moment and then sighed "I
cannot allow Castor to continue supporting the White Walkers.
He must die."
"What of his wives and daughters?" Kalmyr asked, a sick glint
in his eyes.
"We're not raping those women." He said with a stern voice
"And we're not pillaging the house."
"What do you want to do then?" Ygritte asked.
"Kill Castor. Take his wives and daughters South of the Wall.
Give them their own homes with enough food and gold to last
them until they're able to stand on their own feet. And build
some defenses and use this place as a base against White
After ten minutes of walking they nally reached their base.
"Did you found where the boy came from my lord?" Varko
asked with the boy in his hands.
Seeing the greatest swordsman in Westeros holding a child with
care was a strange sight but he took it in stride.
"What are we going to about him?" Varko asked and he told
them the plan.
"YOU SONS OF WHORES!!!" Castor shouted as he was
brought out of his house in chains "YOU THINK I'M AFRAID
He remained silent as the man was brought in front of him by
the soldiers.
Castor looked at his helmet covered face for a moment and
looked confused. Then he noticed the coat of arms his men were
wearing and snarled.
"I know you. You're the one who went up North a year ago.
What do you want now boy?"
"Then tell these bastards to release me before I bury a fucking
axe in their neck."
"Seeing as I'm the one who told these men to capture you, there
would not be much point in asking them to release you now
would it."
Castor snarled at him "You're after my food. After my daughters.
Is that it?"
"No. I don't want you food. And I don't want your daughters."
He said "What I want is to know why you sacri ced your sons to
the White Walkers."
"DON'T TAKE THEIR NAME!!!" the man shouted and fought
against his men. His men didn't even budge.
Losing some of his patience he nodded to one of his guard who
punched Castor in the gut and stopped him from making a
nuisance out of himself.
Castor coughed a few times and he asked "Why did you sacri ce
your newborn baby boy to the White Walkers? What did you
gain by doing that? Did you have some kind of pact with them?
Do you have any way to communicate with them?"
Castor looked at him in fear "How would you even know that?"
"I've my means. Now. Tell me what I want to know and I'll be
sure to give you a swift death instead of a long painful one."
Instead of answering, Castor spat on his face "I ain't tellin you
noting your little shit."
He waved his hand and removed the spit from his helmet.
Then he socked Castor in the stomach. The enhanced strength
made the man bend backward before he emptied his lunch on
the ground.
"Bring out the cof n." He told Baka who nodded and went to
follow his orders.

Chapter 308: Chapter 308

The wives and daughters of Castor had come out of their house
by now and were watching the scene in silence apathy.
He had no idea what they felt for the man.
On one hand, the man was their husband and father. Both in a
few cases. On the other hand, the man had no qualms against
sacri cing any baby boy to the White Walkers and acted as a
tyrant in his own home.
Baka brought the cof n and put it in front of Castor.
"You see. Me and my men were searching for a White Walkers
in the True North for over a month." He said "When we nally
found one, we found that the White Walker had a baby with him.
The smell of the baby brought us here. And no I'm left
wondering. Why would someone give away their baby to the
White Walkers? What do you have to gain Castor?"
Castor coughed a few more times and spat on the ground. He
looked up and then his eyes fell upon the bundle in Ygritte's
arms and his eyes widened.
"What have you done?" he asked.
"See for yourself." He said and opened the lid of the cof n.
The temperature fell in an instant and a loud screech rang
throughout the clearing.
Castor pissed his pants as he gazed at the White Walker kept
inside the Dragonglass Cof n "That's… not possible."
He closed the lid and looked at Baka "Put it back inside." He
said and turned to Castor once again.
"Now. Why don't you tell me why you sacri ced your children
to the White Walkers?"
"What have you done… what have you done… They'll kill us
all." The man looked at him, his expression a mixture of terror
and rage "They'll kill us all!!!"
He sighed "This is taking too long."
He took Castor's face and forced him to look him in the eyes and
whispered "Legilimens."
He came out of Castor's mind a few moments later and sighed.
The men moved to follow his orders and brought a block and
Castor on top of the Block.
"For the crime of Filicide and aiding the White Walkers. I, Lord
Domeric Bolton sentence you to die."
Then he swung Lily and separated Castor's head from his
There was silence in the courtyard.
He turned to Ygritte and said "Give the child back to his mother.
And gather the women. I want to have a talk with them."
He took out his communication mirror from his pocket and
called Lyra.
The call didn't connect and he remembered that the Wall blocked
all magical connections.
"Tell them that I'll return in a minute." He said to Varko and left
the clearing.
Once he was out of sight, he apparated to the top of the Wall.
He called Lyra once again.
She picked up after the rst ring.
"My lord. What can I do for you?" she asked.
"Update me on the current situation." He said.
She nodded "Stannis Baratheon has gathered the Royal eet and
has left for the south. Probably to siege Storms End. Renly
Baratheon has gathered about 80,000 men. 20,000 more will join
him by the end of the week and then he'll start his war
campaign. Ser Devan Lannister broke Ser Edmure's army and
took him captive. Lord Tytos Blackwood retreated back to
Riverrun and closed it's portcullis. Ser Devan Lannister has now
put Rivverun in siege with 15,000 men. Lord Tywin Lannister
has also crossed the Golden tooth with 25,000 men. The
Mountain is still burning and pillaging villages with his 3000
men." She said "Last but not the least, Lord Stark has also left
Winterfell with some 35,000 men."
"What of Kings Landing, Vale, Iron Islands and Dorne."
"Queen Regent Cersei is gathering the Crownlanders and
mercenaries as well as conscripting men to defend Kings
Landing. Sansa is not having a good time in the Red Keep but
she'll survive. Vale has declared it's neutrality in this whole
con ict. The Iron Islands have still not recovered from the last
war. But they hold a great deal of resentment in their hearts.
They don't have the men or the ships to do anything dangerous
so they're out of the equation for now. As for Dorne, Prince
Doran Martell has once again declared neutrality."
He nodded "I have a task for you Lyra."
"I want you to send Bran and Meera to Castor's Keep."
"Through portkey?" Lyra asked.
"No." He shook his head "I might reveal that I'm a wizard
sooner or later but I'm not going to show my magical travel
power to others. No. You'll send them to me with the Wyvern."
"Wyve… you want Varamyr to bring them to you on his
"Yes." He nodded "That would take the least amount of time.
Though don't forget to give some warm magical clothes to Bran
and Meera. I don't want them freezing up in the sky."
Lyra nodded "I'll talk with Varamyr and the kids. Those two
have been staying in Dreadfort for a whole month and have
started to become impatient."
"That'll be all Lyra." He said and cut the connection.
With no White Walkers in sight, it should be fairly safe for
Varamyr to y on his Wyvern and reach Castor's Keep within a
day or two.
It was nally time for him to return the favor to Lord
With another apparition he came back to the place he apparated
He went to where his men had gathered an saw that Ygritte was
still talking with the women.
He turned to Walton "Have the men prepare their tents. We'll
stay here for the next two days. And tell them to not touch the
women. Any man who rapes a woman will get capital
With that, he left to talk with the women.
He knew that killing Castor essentially left these women
defenseless so he wanted to take them South and give them
homes of their own.
If they accept then good. If they don't, then he'll just have to use
some compulsion charm to make them accept.
Because if they remain here then they'll die and he didn't want
that on his conscience.

Chapter 309: Chapter 309

After living in Dreadfort for a whole month, Lyra told him that it
was nally time for Meera and him to start his journey.
He did not know why he had to stay in the Castle for a whole
month. But Dreadfort was just as luxurious as Sansa had told
him and he had come to love this place as well.
He felt envious of Arya who was allowed to do whatever she
wished to do in this castle. And because she could still walk on
her own two legs. But he also knew that there was no point in
being jealous of Arya and that he had his own path to walk in
The next day, he and Meera were taken outside Winterhold and
into a large open space and told to wait.
An hour later, a large Wyvern ew up to them and both him and
Meera waited for it to land.
In the past month he had seen the Wyvern y around the castle
more than a few times and had heard that it was controlled by
the warg named Varamyr who was tied to it's back on a saddle.
This was the rst time he was seeing the Wyvern up close and it
looked every bit as scary as those rumors said.
That said, he could help but want to touch the marvel in front of
The Wyvern look at them and it's eyes went white for a moment
before returning to normal.
Then the Wyvern screeched at them before the man lying limp
on it's back woke up.
He was a small man with a crooked nose and a balding head.
But despite his appearance, no one would dare deny that this
man was the strongest warg under Lord Domeric's command.
"Lyra." The man said in a gruff voice "These two the brats?" he
Lyra nodded "Yes. Lord Domeric wants you to bring them to
Castor's Keep. Don't keep him waiting for too long."
The man snorted and then looked at him and Meera.
"A cripple and a girl. He want some bait for the wolves or
somethin?" the man asked.
"That's none of your business Varamyr." Lyra said with a frown.
The man snarled at her before he let out a scoff.
"Help him climb behind me." He said and pointed at the two
saddles behind him "You girl. You'll make sure that the cripple
doesn't slide off the Wyvern during ight."
"I have a name." He said, hating how his voice came out weaker
than he intended it to.
"Cripple. That's what your name is now boy." Varamyr said and
then frowned. The man looked at him a bit longer after that and
then smiled.
"That said, you do have some potential to be a powerful warg. If
you don't die in the True North, then come to me. Who knows,
maybe you'll even be able to control a Wyvern of your own by
the time I'm done with you."
He simply nodded as two Bolton guards helped him up on his
Then Meera climbed behind him and tied the safety belts around
both of them.
"You done girl?" Varamyr asked.
"Yes." Meera said and the man nodded and tied a tied a few
more safety belts to keep him steady on his saddle before he
went limp and the Wyvern spread it's wings.
Then with a few steps and a few ap of it's wings, they were in
the air.
The rst few hours of ying were fun. He would admit that.
But then it got boring as he had nothing to do but to look at the
similar scenery over and over again.
At least the leather clothes and helmet that both him and Meera
were wearing prevented them from freezing in the cold.
The ew in the air for a whole day and night.
The next morning, the crossed the Wall.
It was just as large as they had heard in the stories but they were
able to y above it without any problem.
A few hours after that, the Wyvern started to y down and it
nally landed in a large clearing some distance from a series of
tents that he realized belonged to the men that Lord Bolton
brought with him in this expedition.
The Bolton men came and help him and Meera off of the
He didn't have his wheel chair so he had to be carried by one of
the men.
It was humiliating but something that he had already come to
terms with.
Meera's legs were sore from sitting still in her saddle for a whole
day but she was at least able to walk on her own.
Varamyr also climbed down from the Wyvern and grumbled a
few times before following them.
They were taken to the largest tent where they met the men
named Walton who told them to wait for Lord Bolton.
Meera removed the helmet and gave him a small smile.
He could tell that she was nervous being around so many
strangers but was putting up a brave front.
"Well… we're here at last." She said and he nodded.
He had no idea where to were and where he needed to go from
here. But his journey to become a Greenseer has nally begun.

Chapter 310: Chapter 310

He fed another cooked sh to Acnologia who gave a content lick

to his hands, laid it's head his lap and closed it's eyes.
"Soon he'll be become too big for this suitcase of yours." Ygritte
said as she nished cooking two more shes for Acnologia.
He had reached the size of a large lion at this point and his
growth showed no signs of slowing down.
If Acnologia continued to grow at this rate then it he will
become just as large if not larger than Balerion the Dread in 3-4
"That he will." He nodded "But we'll have returned to Dreadfort
by then. And now that I've shown the Wyverns to the people,
any one who sees Acnologia would mistake him for a Wyvern as
long as he doesn't breath re in front of those people"
They heard some noise from behind them and he sighed.
"It's acting up again." Ygritte said as she looked at the
Dragonglass Cof n kept at the corner of the room.
The inside of this suitcase was the size of a stadium. Mostly so
that Acnologia would be able to y around without too much
dif culty but Acnologia will grown out of this place soon
enough. Not that he wanted to keep him locked up for a long
But it was important for Acnologia to see him on a daily basis so
that he won't forget and his bonded human.
He doubted such a thing would happen but there was no point in
taking chances.
With a wave of his wand, he pushed the cof n inside a closet
and closed the door.
Ygritte nodded gratefully and gave one of the cooked sh to
Acnologia who opened a lazy eye and took the sh from
Ygritte's hands, careful not to harm her.
Ygritte went back to cooking the last sh when there was a
knock on the door above them.
A few seconds later, the door above them opened and Varko
peered in at them.
"My lord. Bran Stark and Meera Reed are here."
"That was quicker than I expected." He said and patted
Acnologia on the head "Now on boy. Get up. I need to go and do
some important work now."
Acnologia let out a huff but got up from his lap, took the last
sh from Ygritte's hands and ew away.
He looked at Ygritte and they both climbed up the stairs and
went out of the suitcase.
"Where are they?" he asked Varko once as he closed the suitcase
and gave it to Baka for safekeeping.
"In the command tent." Varko said.
He nodded and left his tent with Ygritte.

Chapter 311: Chapter 311

"Bran Stark. Meera Reed."

"Lord Stark." The two greeted him in return.
"Coffee?" he asked as he poured some for himself and Ygritte
from his bottomless ask which had been lled with high class
coffee by his chefs so that he will have access to it wherever he
"Coffee?" Meera asked, looking a little confused.
"A hot drink. Made from the leaves brought from Summer
Islands along with some milk and sugar." He explained. The
truth was that this coffee was from the coffee plants grown in his
magical Glasshouses but they didn't need to know that. "It is
very good. You must try some." He said and lled two glasses
for Meera and Bran.
They took the glasses and started drinking it.
Meera didn't like it too much but Bran did.
"So… I need to take you to Lord Bloodraven now. Or the Three
Eyed raven as you call him." He said with a sip "Are you ready
to go with me Bran Stark?"
Bran nodded "If I can help my family and the North by
becoming a Greenseer then I should do so. Right?"
"Yes." He nodded "Even if the White Walkers were not a factor,
you should still learn how to use your powers from Lord
Bloodraven. Plus, with great power comes great responsibility."
He then turned to Meera "I do not not know why Lord
Bloodraven asked for you. Or why you even agreed to this
journey. But since you're here, I assume you want to nish the
journey you've started."
Meera nodded and he smiled.
"In that case. Close your eyes." He said.
"Why?" Meera asked while Bran, the more trusting of the two
had already closed his eyes.
"Because I don't want to reveal the path to Lord Bloodraven's
home." He said.
Meera looked reluctant but followed his order and closed his
"Stupify." He said while touching their knees and both of them
went limp in their chairs.
He turned to Ygritte "Wait here." He said "I'll deliver these two
to the Greenseer and come back as soon as possible."
With that, he picked the two with his enhanced strength and then
apparate outside of the tunnel under the Heart tree.
He sent out a magical pulse to alert the old coot to his presence.
As soon as he did that, he heard some noises from behind him.
He turned and found a few undeads rising from the snow.
He put the two down on the ground and took out the Valyrain
staff from within his bottomless bag.
"Bombarda Maxima." He said and a large ball of energy shot out
of the staff and exploded as soon as it came in contact with the
Once the snow cleared, there was a large crater in front of him
where the wights were rising from.
He looked around but but nothing happened.
"You humans… always so prone to violence." He heard a voice
from behind him.
He turned and saw that one of the few Children of the Forest
who had chosen to remain behind and take care of the Greenseer
was now standing beside the two unconscious teenagers.
He thought of arguing against her but then thought better of it.
"Snowylocks. Your Greenseer asked for them." He said, pointing
at the two teenagers "Tell him that I've returned the favor.
They'll wake up in a few minutes."
"Will you not meet with him?" she asked in a soft voice.
He shook his head "Nah! But give these to him." He said and
gave a spare communication mirror to Bloodraven and a steel
ball with the words 'Nightfort' in it. "He'll know what to do with
As soon as Snowylocks accepted his gifts, he turned around and
apparated back to the command tent.
"Is it done?" Ygritte asked as soon as he appeared out of thin air.
He shook off the disorientation affect from the apparition and
"Yes." He said "Have the women packed their belongings."
Ygritte nodded "People say that the women here are cursed. Are
you sure you want to take them with you?" she asked.
"There are no curses on them." He said "Some of them might
have some deformities due to being born from incest but
otherwise they'll be just ne."
"If you say so." She said.
He nodded and left the tent.
Outside, Varko, Baka, Varamyr and Walton were waiting for
"Varamyr. You can return to Dreadfort." He said and then turned
to Walton "Tell to men to break camp. We're leaving for
"Nightfort. Not Castle Black?" Walton asked.
"Yes. I'm not sure if the Black brothers will allow these women
to cross the tunnel and Nightfort is near anyway."
"Hasn't the tunnel of Nightfort been sealed?" Ygritte asked.
"It has. But there's another way." He said and smiled.
Chapter 312: Chapter 312

It took them one more week to reach Nightfort.

Just like everyone had told him, the tunnels of the Nightfort had
been sealed. And considering how the Long Night was coming,
he had no plans to open the tunnels any time soon.
That didn't mean that there wasn't another secret way to go
across the Wall.
He was told about this secret path by the Children of the Forest
who had helped Bran the Builder in building the Wall.
The secret path led to an underground tunnel where he had to
recite the full Nights Watch vows to a gate.
Thankfully, the vow was not binding in any way so anyone
could say the vow and the gate will open for them.
Unfortunately, the tunnel was too dark for him and his men to
see anything. And he couldn't allow them to bring torches in an
underground tunnel due to suffocation problems.
In th end, he had to apparate back to Dreadfort to bring back a
few dozen Whale Oil lamps as well as carve a small runic array
inside the tunnel that would circulate the air inside it.
The whole think took him a few hours after which they were
safely able to cross the tunnel.
When they came out of the other side, the builders and workers
were shocked to see people coming out of a secrete gate and
became ready to attack them.
But once they saw who he was and the people who were
following him, they instantly recognized him and went back to
their work.
Once all of them were outside Nightfort, he turned to the women
and said "You have two choices now. You can either settle in one
of the newly growing villages in the Old and New gifts or you
can come and live in the Bolton lands."
The women thought it over and decided to live in his lands.
That was just ne with him.
There were more than a few Free Folk villages in his land and
they would t in any of these villages.
He gave his men the orders to escort these women to Dreadfort
before he used his Portkey and took him, Ygritte, Varko and
Baka to Dreadfort.

Chapter 313: Chapter 313

Dragonglass was a magically resistant substance.

But with enough magic, he was able to trans gure it to his
That was how he was able to encase the White Walker's body
inside a large Dragonglass cube in a way so that only it's head
was jutting out of the cube.
Putting someone in captivity like this was a rather cruel thing to
do. After all, the White Walker would only be able to move it's
head and he planned to leave the White Walker in the same
position for months.
A human would dehydrate to death with days and starve to death
within weeks. And even if they were watered and fed, they
would have no way to piss or poop inside such con nement.
Frankly, a human would not even be able to breath in such
con nements.
But he was sure that a White Walker did not eat or drink like
humans. And he was sure that it would not go mad from being
contained in the same position for months.
He did not really want to do this to the White Walker.
Frankly, he would have liked to start with the experiments but
the Army of the North had already left Winterfell and were
halfway there to Moat Cailin.
He couldn't delay any more.
So he put the White Walker in his cage, put that cage in yet
another age that was magically reinforced and then put that cage
some 100 feet below the ground.
If the White Walker still managed to escape it's con nement
then there were enchantments that would inform him about it.
With all those things done, he lled the hole back with dirt and
went back to Dreadfort.
"Riverlands is burning." Lyra said "If you were expecting them
to help you in the Long Night then I'm afraid to tell you that
such a thing is not possible anymore."
"That bad?" he said as he laid down on a bed and was massaged
by an old woman from Essos whose services he had bought for
this exact reason.
"Yes. That bad. Gregor Clegane and his men really did a number
on the towns and villages in Riverlands. The stories about the
atrocities committed by those men makes me shudder in fear."
"The Mountain get his due sooner or later." He said "As will
Tywin Lannister. I would not have targeted them before this but
they should not have involved innocents in their war."
"You're going to kill them personally?" Lyra asked.
"No. I plan to give them to Dorne." He said and smiled to
himself "I don't think Oberyn Martell is going to give either
Tywin or the Mountain a slow death."
"Another bad news is that Ser Devan Lannister broke Ser
Edmure's army and captured him just outside Riverlands." She
shook her head "I truly do not understand how the fool managed
to get captured right outside his own castle walls."
He shrugged "Edmure is ignorant about the ways of the war. He
does not have any spy network that would have warned him
about the incoming Lannister army until it was too later.
Frankly, I would have been surprised if he was able to do win
the encounter against the Lannisters."
"Robb Stark and Jon Snow was able to do pretty well in his rst
battle from what you told me." Lyra said.
"They did because they had a battle instinct that most people
lack." He said "Robb Stark especially has a great mind for
strategies. Given enough time, he might become as great a
commander as Lord Randell Tarly. Plus, they had the advantage
of being the defensive against Weeper's Army which was neither
trained not well equipped and had advisors of their own to guide
them. I doubt Edmure had anyone to guide him."
Lyra nodded "Riverrun is now under siege. And Lord Tywin
Lannister has nally entered the Riverlands as well and has
started destroying the forti cations left by Ser Edmure across
the Trident one by one. If I was not so sure of your capabilities
then I would de nitely be very worried about the current
situation of your allies."
He nodded "What of the Baratheons?"
"Renly has nally left Highgarden with his large host of 100,000
men. And Stannis has reached Storms End and has put it under
He nodded "What of Lysa Arryn. Has she declared neutrality
Lyra shook her head "Lady Lysa has not declared anything just
yet. The lords and knights in the Vale are asking her to join the
war but she has kept her silence till now. Probably under
Little nger's command. You going to give her a visit?"
"Yes. This war will become easier with the Knights of the Vale
Lyra took a chair and sat down beside him "How many of the
magical armored men are you taking with you."
"I would have preferred to take 1000 of them." He said "But
creating magical armors and weapons is a long and hard process.
The kids have only managed to create some 400 more."
"So only 400?" Lyra asked.
"No. I'll wait for my personal guards to arrive from Nightfort."
He said.
"Wouldn't that take 2 more weeks?" she asked with a frown. The
Northern army would have already reached Moat Cailin by then.
He shrugged. "The Northern army is made of levies and march
at a slow pace. I'll catch up to them soon enough. Plus, by that
time the kids would have made 50 more armors. So that's
what… some 700 magically armored horse riders."
"Are you going to take Acnologia with you as well?" Lyra
He nodded "I will. But I'll not use him in my battles. He's still to
small, weak and vulnerable and could fall to a lucky stray
Lyra nodded and then smirked "I cannot wait for you to reach
the battle eld and show your might to the entire of Westeros."
"Neither can I Lyra." He said with a smile "Neither can I."

Chapter 314: Chapter 314

He climbed down from the broom and stretched his legs.

Flying continuously for four hours from Gulltown to the Eyrie
had taken it's toll on his body. His legs had fallen asleep and his
back was stiff.
Still, he had nally reached the heart of the Vale so that was
He looked down from the balcony he had landed on before he
wore the camou age cloak and entered the castle.
Unlike Dreadfort, these people could not afford a steady supply
of Whale Oil so their corridors were rather dark aside from the
little bit of moon light entering through the small windows.
That served him just as well.
He took out an eye patch and wore it on his head. Instantly, one
of his eye gained a night vision.
He had created this for Ygritte so that she could hunt down any
person at night and had made a copy for himself as well.
He walked around in the dark corridors until he came across a
guard who was sitting on a chair outside a room and yawning
while looking half asleep.
He walked up to the man, his footsteps thankfully muf ed by
magic and pointed the staff at the guard.
The guard's eyes glazed over for a moment before going back to
normal and he said "Tell me the location of Lysa Arryn's room."
"Two stairs from the left. Past A corridor. Another left. 3rd
room." The guard said and he nodded.
He left the guard behind and followed the instructions and came
across a room which was being guarded by two guards who
were talking with each other in slow whispers.
He went behind them and quickly cast two confundus charms on
Then he left them on them place and tried to open the door.
It was closed from the other side.
"Alohemora." He said and the a few click sound resounded from
the other side of the room.
He slowly opened the door by a small fraction before casting
Homenum revelio charm.
There was only one woman sleeping inside the room.
He sneaked inside and closed the door behind him.
"Muf iato." He cast around and room and sighed.
He moved toward the sleeping woman and instantly recognized
her as Lysa Arryn.
She look much more haggard and tired than before her
husband's death.
Running the Kingdom of Vale must be taking it's toll on her.
He put a hand on her neck and started chocking.
The woman instantly woke up and looked at him in fear. His
face was still covered with the Camou age cloak and the room
was pretty dark so she didn't she his face.
He pointed his staff at her and sat "Imperio"


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Chapter 315: Chapter 315

He rode his horse and quickly left the city that he has come to
both love and hate in his decades of service as a Kingsguard.
As he thought about the things going on in Kings Landing, his
heart was lled with self loathing.
He had always known that Prince Joffrey Baratheon was a petty
and cruel boy. But to beat and humiliate a defenseless girl in
front of the whole court when the only mistake the girl made
was follow the orders of her elders.
He should have seen this coming.
The boy was no better than the Mad King.
What was worse that the people that surrounded the King only
added to that fuel of insanity.
How could he have missed the making of another mad king right
under his nose.
And to think that the boy had enough gall to ask him to beat the
poor girl.
He should have left as soon as the beatings started.
But he had hoped. He had hoped that if he talked with Ser Jamie
and the Queen then they'll be able to see reason and protect Lord
Stark's daughter from the King's insanity.
But Queen Cersei had shown no interest in protecting Sansa.
And because of Sansa's love for Lord Domeric Bolton (which
was an open secret in the Red Keep), Ser Jamie had refused to
help the girl as well.
His only regret was that after leaving Kings Landing without
saving Sansa Stark.
His life was already lled with so many regrets.
Regrets of saving the Mad King from his captivity in
Duskendale. Regrets of not protecting the Queen from the Mad
King. Regrets of staying silent when the Mad King burned men
for his own amusement. Regrets upon regrets upon regrets.
This one was just another on top of that large pile.
The sound of hoofbeats brought him out of his thoughts.
At rst he thought that the Insane boy king had sent men after
When he turned to look, he saw that it was just one rider. A man
he didn't recognize.
He might not be capable of winning against Varko or Lord
Domeric Bolton but he was still one of the most capable and
experienced swordsman in the whole of Westeros.
He could take a single man if worst came to worst.
He reined in his horse and turned to face the stranger.
The stranger stopped his own horse a few meters away from
"Greetings Ser Barristan." The man said "It is an honor to meet a
legend like you."
He almost scoffed at that. What legend? He was nothing but a
man made of mistakes and regrets.
"I do not know you." He said.
"I am Vincent Page." The man introduced himself "I serve Lord
Domeric Bolton. And I have an offer for you."
"What offer?" he asked, the mention of Lord Bolton bringing
him back to the duel between Ser Jamie and Lord Bolton.
Or the one sided beat down it had turned out to be.
The man walked his horse up to his own and said "Before I give
you my offer, I would like to hear of your plans. After all, it
would very rude of me if I offered you choices when you have
already decided a path of your own."
He stared at the man, his eyes boring into him, trying to nd any
telltale sign of deceit of lies on Vincent's part.
Spending an entire lifetime in Kings Landing had made him a
pretty good judge of character and he could usually tell when a
man is lying or not.
After a long stare down he nally spoke "I'm going to Essos. I'm
going to nd Prince Viserys and offer my service to him."
"Not King Stannis or King Renly?" the man asked, looking a
little intrigued "I'm sure that King Renly has more chances of
sitting on the Iron Throne than Prince Viserys. And he would
de nitely make for a better King than King Joffrey. Even King
Stannis would make for a better King than King Joffrey. And
with the Long Night coming, wouldn't it be better for you to
serve a King from Westeros?"
"I'm not going to discuss my thoughts on the matter with a
stranger." He said and turned his horse around and started to
walk away.
"Would you be willing to serve Prince Viserys if he turned out
like this father?" the man asked as he followed behind him.

Chapter 316: Chapter 316

As much as he did not want to think about it, he had heard the
About how Price Viserys had sold his own sister to a Dothraki
savage for the promise of an army. And how the Prince was
becoming more and more like his father with each passing day.
These might just be rumors meant to discredit the Targaryen
Prince but sometimes rumors hold weight.
"I'll see for myself what kind of man Prince Viserys is." He said
as he continued on his way.
The man walked beside him on his horse. He expected the man
to continue speaking but the man was rubbing his chin with a
thoughtful expression.
After a long moment, the man turned to look at him.
"Tell me Ser Barristan. What would you have done if Prince
Rhaegar's son was still alive. And he grow up to be an honorable
and decent man."
He shook his head "There's no point in thinking about what
could never happen."
"But if Prince Rahegar's son was still alive. Then would you
have gone to serve him or would have still chosen to go after
Prince Viserys?"
He thought of ignoring the man but this conversation was
helping him sort out his own jumbled thoughts so he spoke "The
Throne would rightfully belong to Prince Rhaegar's son in that
case. I would have followed him."
The man went in another long silence before he nally spoke
"Prince Rhaegar's son is still alive."
He narrowed his eyes gave a sideway glance to the man who
was looking back at him with equal seriousness.
"I'm not going to hear to your delusions."
The man chuckled at his words "I can understand why you
would call this bit of information a mere delusion. But I assure
you. Prince Rhaegar's son is well and truly alive."
He scoffed "Let me guess. If I follow you, you'll take me to a
young man with Valyrian features and claim that he was the Son
of Rhaegar. Am I right?"
The man shook his head "No. I won't do any such thing."
"Then how else do you want to convince me that Prince
Rhaegar's son is still alive?" he asked, a hint of the anger he was
feeling at the situation leaking through his voice.
The man remained unperturbed and shrugged "I won't."
He paused at those words, his gaze becoming a little steely
"What do you mean? I hope you're not here to waste my time."
The man shook his head "No Ser Barristan. The reason I won't
tell you about about Prince Rhaegar's son is not because I want
to but because I can't."
"Because if you want to learn about Prince Rhaegar's son, then
you must pay the price for that information."
"Go to Lord Bolton. He is the one who'll give you that
"Hasn't Lord Bolton gone on another expedition North of the
Wall?" he asked.
"He returned. A few days ago. Now he's preparing to catch up to
the Northern host." The man said "If you want to meet him then
go to White Harbor and ride for Moat Cailin. If you're lucky
then you'll be able to catch up to him quickly enough."
He thought about those words for a moment.
"How do I know you're not lying to me?" he asked.
"You don't." The man replied "Sometimes you just need to take
a leap of faith Ser Barristan." Then he shrugged "If this turns out
to be a lie, then you can go to always go to Prince Viserys and
serve yet another mad king."
He looked down and thought about Vincent's words.
So far, he has served four different Kings in his life. Three of
them were unworthy and undeserving of both the crown and his
If he was going to serve yet another king or Prince then he might
as well waste a month or two to nd the right person to serve.
He nodded at Vincent "Very well then. I'll go and meet Lord
Bolton. For your sake, hope that this is not a lie."
"There is are a few ships of the Bolton Fleet waiting in
Duskendale. We can send you to White Harbor in one of them."
He simply nodded in reply, wondering what the future will hold
for him.

Chapter 317: Chapter 317

"Your hair is black once again." Ygritte said with a frown "Did
you lose your powers?"
"No." He said as he checked himself in the mirror once again
"I'm… trying to hide Valyrian features."
"Because the people of the North don't really like the Targaryens
after the mad king burned down the Lord Rickard Stark and
strangled Brandon Stark to death." He replied. "And I don't want
them to be suspicious of me when we need to be united in this
Ygritte nodded "The men are ready. They're just waiting for you
"Hmm… Have the signed the magical contracts?" he asked.
"They have." She nodded "Though isn't this contract a little too
"Perhaps." He nodded "But I'm paying them 10 gold dragons per
year for their services along with free food, equipment and
lodgings for their family. If they still try to betray me then they
deserve to die."
"Your eyes are still shining."
"Yeah. Unlike my hair, I cannot trans gure my eye without the
fear of going blind. So I put a glamor on my eyes. It does change
the color from bright violet to grey but it doesn't remove the
shining effect." He said and wore the helmet which instantly
attached itself to his body armor so that it won't fall off his head
no matter what.
"Shall we go then?" Ygritte asked as she wore her own helmet.
He nodded and took her hand.
With a tug and a twist, they were standing in a large clearing
outside Winterhold.
He looked around and saw the 700 magically armored men
standing beside their horses.
"My lord." Varko said and walked up to him with a stack of
He used a charm to count the number of papers.
He took the stack of papers and put them inside his bottomless
Then he took out the Magical suitcase and opened it.
"Tell them to get inside one by one." He said "The Northern host
has already crossed Moat Cailin. If we try to catch up by normal
means then we'll be too late. The Northern host is slow but not
that slow."
"You sure you want to show the Magical suitcase to them
Domeric." Ygritte asked.
He nodded. "I do. That is why I had each and every one of them
sign the magical contract. So even if they want to share the truth
with others they can't."
Varko nodded and turned to the 700 men on the eld and started
commanding them to entered the suitcase.
The men hesitated at rst but some of them had seen some of the
magical things he could do and were fanatically loyal to him.
They followed Varko's lead and entered the suitcase. The others
followed their leads and entered the suitcase behind them.
Once everyone started entering, even those who did not want to
entered the expended space had no choice but to comply.
In the end, only him and Ygritte remained outside.
"Do you want to go inside or will you join me?" he asked.
"I'll join you." She replied.
He took out his broomstick from his bottomless bag and turned
to her "Are you absolutely sure about this?" he asked "Even with
the ying, going from here to Moat Cailin might take me half a
"If it is hard then all the more reason to stick with you." She
He felt a warm feeling in his heart at her words and closed the
magical suitcase.
Then he handed it to her and sat down on the broom.
"Climb behind me. And hold onto the suitcase." He said "Do not
drop it. No matter what."
Ygritte nodded and climbed behind him.
He covered them with the large camou age cloth and then took
off in the air.
"I can see Moat Cailin in the horizon." Ygritte said.
"You can?" he asked, a little surprised.
They had started their journey at around 8 am in the morning
and the sun had fallen a few hours ago.
Then again, after giving her all those enchantments, Ygritte's
eyesight was far better than an average human being.
"Yes. Wear this" she said and wrapped a eyepatch around his
He looked with the night vision and was able to see a dot in the
Considering that there were no other Castles near the Neck,
unless they had gone way off course -which he doubted- this
cannot be anything else but Moat Cailin.
"Finally." He cried out in relief and started looking down for a
place to land.
Once he found a large enough clearing, he landed on the ground
and both him and Ygritte quickly climbed down from the broom.
"My back." He said as he laid face rst on the ground. If he
wasn't wearing his magical armor then he would have worried
about the insects on the ground. But really, he was just too tired
and too sore to care at the moment.
"You were not wrong." Ygritte said "Flying is a back breaking
After a few minutes of rest, he took the broomstick and put it in
his bottomless bag while Ygritte opened the suitcase and called
for Varko.
Soon enough, the men started coming out of the suitcase with
their horses and started lighting re all around the clearing.
"We're some 50 miles away from Moat Cailin." He told Varko
once everyone had come out of the suitcase "Tell the men to set
up camp. We'll started marching tomorrow morning."
Varko nodded and went about ordering to men to set up their
tents in an orderly manner around him.
As for him, he took out his magical tent from inside his
bottomless bag and set up up in the middle of the camp.
Varko ordered 4 men to guard his tent while he took Ygritte and
went inside the tent which frankly looked like a mansion from
the inside.
They went to their bed room and removed their magical armor
within moments.
Any other day, he would have kissed Ygritte, spent some time in
the shower with her and then made love to her.
But right now, both of their backs were hurting and both of them
were too tired to care.
So he simply too her in his arms and fell on the bed.
She fell asleep instantly and he kissed her forehead before he
thought about the campaign he'll join tomorrow and fell asleep
as well.

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Chapter 318: Chapter 318

"Lord Bolton. You're here." Lord Howland Reed said as he

welcomed him and his men to Moat Cailin.
The once dilapidated fortress had regained some of it's glory in
the past year since Lord Stark gave the order to have it rebuilt.
It was still a far cry from it's original condition when all of it's
14 towers were functional, it's walls were in top condition and
it's barracks lled with men. But it was getting there.
"I am Lord Howland." He said "You've done a fantastic job of
restoring the castle."
"It's still a work in progress." Lord Howland said as he led him
to the main keep while the men of house Reed showed the
accommodations to his own men "And none of it would be
possible without your resources."
He nodded and didn't say anything.
"If you're here… then does that mean that you succeeded in your
expedition?" Lord Howland asked and he nodded.
"I did." He replied "We even captured a White Walker along
with the wights."
"You did?" Lord Howland blinked in surprise, his jaw open
dropping a little from the news.
"We did." He replied "I've put it in an deep underground prison.
It won't be seeing the light of the day until I come back."
Lord Howland remained silent for a long moment and the
"I suppose after seeing the pack of direwolves, the group of
giants and the Wyverns, I shouldn't really be surprised that
you've accomplished such a thing."
He did not reply as Lord Howland led him inside a newly rebuilt
tower and up the stairs into an of ce.
Ygritte entered with him while Varko and Baka remained
"You must want to know about the Northern host?" Lord
Howland asked.
He didn't. He already knew everything there was to know about
it but there was no point in revealing that to Lord Howland.
"Some information on the situation would be appreciated."
"Well…" Lord Howland spoke "The Northern host passed by
Moat Cailin a week ago. If you leave right now then you should
be able to catch up to them by the end of the week."
After that, Lord Howland started telling him about the general
overview of the war. But his knowledge was clearly outdated.
For instance, Lord Howland still thought that the Vale was
neutral in the war when Lady Lysa called for the banners 3 days
He also had no information on the Iron Islands and about the
whereabouts of King Stannis who has put Storms End under
siege for some time now.
All in all, he knew far more about the general situation of the
war than Lord Howland did.
"I'm surprise Lord Stark didn't take you with him." He said
"You're the only one who survived the journey to the Tower of
Joy with him."
Lord Howland smiled in return "I did want to join the campaign
but we men of the Neck have never been particularly impressive
in an open battle eld. So Lord Stark tasked us with Protecting
the Neck and defending Moat Cailin."
He nodded "How many men do you have here in Moat Cailing?"
"300 men" Lord Howland replied "And 300 more outside,
waiting to ambush any fool who tries to cross the Neck."
"I suppose that is more than enough men to guard against any
small army trying to cross the Neck." He said and got up from
his chair "Me and my men would spent the night in the Castle. I
hope that won't be a problem?"
"After all the food and supplies you've donated to this campaign,
I doubt anyone in the North would decline to give you
hospitality." Lord Howland smiled.
They shook hands before they left his study and he showed him
and his companions their rooms.
The rooms here were not as luxurious as the rooms in Dreadfort
but they'd make do with what they had.

Chapter 319: Chapter 319

"No southern army ever managed to break through Moat

Cailin." He said as he walked at the front of his personal guards.
"Moat Cailin is to the North what the Bloody Gate is to the
"And like the Golden tooth is to the Westerlands, right?" Ygritte
He thought about it and nodded "True. But while Moat Cailin
and the Bloody Gate have never been taken over, such is not the
case with Bloody Gate. And it is not the only Chokepoint to the
Westerlands either."
Ygritte frowned but nodded "Hasn't the Andals invaded North
from the Sea side?"
"They have. But large scale sea invasions don't work very well
in Westeros." He said "Mainly because 1. Ships are expensive
and rare. 2. You can only take a limited number of soldiers from
ships and 3. You won't have any backup or reinforcements if you
invade a foreign soil from the sea. That, along with a good deal
of Gorilla warfare and an aggressive leader is why the Andals
never managed to invade our lands."
"You don't seem to like the Andals very much." Ygritte pointed
"It is not that I dislike them. I do not. But I am quite bitter about
the fact that they burned down all the Heart Trees. That is also
why I dislike the Citadel as an institution."
"What did the Maesters do?" Ygritte asked.
"They not only deny the presence of magic but use all their
resources to clamp down on any possible magical event." He
said "They also accelerated the slow deterioration of the
Dragons under Targaryen leadership."
Ygritte nodded "Isn't it better that…"
The Communication mirror inside his pocket vibrated.
He gestured for Ygritte to hold on and picked up the call.
"Lyra." He said as the woman's face came in front of him.
"My lord." She said and gave him a bow "News from Slaver's
"Did Muron nally reach Astapor?" he asked.
"He will. In an hour or two." She said.
He nodded "Good job informing me Lyra. Keep it up."
Lyra nodded and he cut the connection.
"It took them a while." Ygritte said "Isn't ship travel supposed to
be faster than traveling on foot."
"It is." He nodded "But Slavers Bay is very far away from
Bolton Port. In fact, covering the same distance with an army
would have easily taken us a whole year."
Ygritte nodded "What are you going to do now?" she asked.
He thought about it for a moment. "I'll go and deal with those
fucking slavers myself."
"Haven't you given enough gold to Muron already?" she asked.
"I have. But buying Unsullied is not the only thing I'm going to
do at Slavers Bay?" he said with a cruel smile.
Ygritte raised an eyebrow and nodded.
"Will you be able to return before the end of the week?" she
asked "Because it would be awkward if your Personal guards
reach the Northern host without you."
"I will." He said and moved forward to kiss her forehead "Still,
I'm contact you everyday. Keep me informed. And tell Varko
that he is the second in command during my absence."
Ygritte nodded "Be safe Domeric." Then she moved forward
and kissed him on the lips.
He was little surprised when she entered the tongue but didn't
They separated and he smiled "Don't forget to feed Acnologia
either." He said "Or my horse."
Ygritte rolled her eyes "I won't."
He smiled and climbed down from the horse before he used
Portkey to leave.

Chapter 320: Chapter 320

4 portkeys and 6 hours of broom ight later.

Astapur was an unimpressive city.
For all that it had a history as long and old as the Valyrian
empire, the city itself did not generate any feeling of awe in him.
It's walls were small, old and decaying. And the city was lled
with slaves, so all the more reason to hate it.
Another reason he hated the city instantly was because while
slaves existed in the other Free Cities as well, they were never
treated so badly as they were treated in this place.
Truly, the city was worse than hell for the poor slaves.
He walked around the city for a few hours, using magic to repel
any unwanted attention before he nally decided that there was
only so much cruelty he could see in a day and returned to the
dock which was lled with ships.
Half of them were his ships but the other half were made of
merchants galleons and brigs, Slaver galleys and shing boats.
He entered an empty alley and called Muron.
"My lord." Muron said as he picked up the call.
"Meet me in the Drunken Horse Tavern in front of your
agship." He said.
"You're already here?" Muron asked in surprise.
"I am. Come and meet me."
"I will my lord." And then he cut the call.
He and Muron sat at the corner of the tavern. Once the waitress
left, he put a sound barrier around them and turned to Muron
who seemed to have grown a large beard during this journey
"Have you contacted the Good Masters yet?" he asked.
Muron scratched his neck "Nah… The boys are still unpacking
the merchandise and all."
"Merchandise?" he asked, curious "What merchandise?"
"What stuff Muron?" he asked as a suspicion grew in his mind.
His eyes narrowed "Have you attacked any merchant ships on
you way here Muron?"
Muron shook his head "No my lord. Even though those
merchants ships looked so fat, juicy and ready to be devoured.
We're good folks now. So we didn't attack them.
Using a legilimency probe told him that Muron was telling him
the truth. Aside from a few skirmishes with some pirates and
slavers, his journey here had been fairly easy.
"Hmm…" he nodded "What merchandise are you talking about
then?" he asked.
"Before leaving, Celly told me about all the important stuff that
would make us the greatest pro t in the Cities on the way to
Astapor. So we departed Bolton Port with a good deal of leather,
Rice Wine, Books, Ice and Glass which we sold at Pentos. Then
we bought a good many things which we sold at Dorne then
repeated the process in Lys, Volantis and then nally at Astapor.
Have to say, we've made quite a good amount of pro t from this
side business." Muron said "I could even understand why those
fat Merchants spend so much of their time trading."
He had not told Muron to not do any trading and Muron did
make good time to Astapor so there was really no reason to
chastise his Fleet Admiral.
Plus, Muron did made a good deal of gold so there was that as
"I see. Put someone else in charge of the trade for now." He said
"We'll go and meet the 'Good' Masters tomorrow morning."
Muron nodded and he removed the Sound muf ing spell as the
tavern wench came with their order.
Muron groped the mature woman who giggled at his
administrations and winked at him before leaving.

Chapter 321: Chapter 321

"Good masters my ass." Muron scoffed and spat on the ground

"Never seen bigger cunts than these fucks."
"Didn't the Iron islanders also have thralls and saltwives?" he
"Before you took them away and essentially destroyed the whole
economy of the Iron Islanders." Muron said with some bitterness
"Yes. We did. And didn't treat them well either. But we at least
didn't resort to nding the most cruel way to break them."
Muron shook his head and took a gulp from the wineskin "Know
this might be weird coming from me but there is something
really wrong with those people."
"There is." He nodded "What are your thoughts on the
Muron mulled over his question for a moment before he spoke
"Never thought I'd say this. But they're better than your men.
They don't fear. They don't feel pain like others. They don't feel
remorse or guilt like normal humans." Muron shook his head "I
pity those who had to ght these Unsullied."
He nodded "We would have to change their weapons. Give them
spears and swords made of Dragonglass. As some magical armor
to top that off…"
"And they'll fuck those White Walkers right up the ass."
He shook his head "No. I was thinking about putting them in
reserve." He said "I'm sure that my men will be able to hold their
own against the White Walkers but I can't say the same for the
others. The other lords don't have the resources that I do so it
would be better to send them some support."
Muron shrugged, not caring either way.
"So… you gonna buy all of them?" Muron asked.
He nodded "Tomorrow I'll talk with the good masters and
'persuade' them to sell me all the Unsullied in their command."
"The Unsullied are pretty expensive." Muron said "Do we even
have enough gold?"
"I don't really intend the pay the Masters." He said.
Muron grinned at his words "I take it you have a plan."
Half a dozen good masters were sitting across the table from
"I want yo buy them all." He said as he was anked by Muron
and two of his lieutenants.
Kraznys mo Nakloz scoffed at him and spoke in the low
Valyrian "The Westerosi fucker thinks he could sell his ass and
buy all the Unsullied. Ridiculuous."
"He has brought 50 war galleys with him Kraznys." The other
Good master said "Let's hear what he has to say rst."
As they were talking, he took out the wand from under his
sleeves and started casting compulsion charms on them.
"There are 8,000 Unsullied in Astapor Lord Bolton." The slave
girl translated in the common tongue for him "Is that what you
meant by all my lord?"
"Not the 8000 trained. But the 5000 who are still in training as
well." He said as he continued casting the compulsion charms.
Kraznys opened his mouth to say something but hesitated for a
moment before he continued "The Unsullied don't grow on trees.
Ask the Westerosi savage how he intend to pay for the
"Good Master Kraznys asks how you intend to pay for the
13,000 Unsullied."
He clapped his hands and the men waiting outside started
brining large trunks inside the room until there were 11 trunks in
the room.
Kraznys looked at the trunks with suspicion and ordered on of
the Unsullied to open the trunks. The Unsullied followed his
orders and opened the lid of the trunks.
The rst three trunks held gold coins from Westeros. The next
seven trunks held pure gold bars that he'd trans gured from dirt.
Gold that would return to dirt in a few days. And the nal trunk
held 3 dragon eggs that he once again trans gured from dirt.
Kraznys and the other good masters looked at the dragon eggs
and the gold in shock.
"Will this be enough?" he asked.
The girl translated his question to the Good Masters who came
out of their stupor and looked at him with a serious expression.
They discussed quietly among each other before Kraznys nally
nodded at him.
"Done." He said in heavily accented common tongue.
Chapter 322: Chapter 322

Blood owed on the streets of the Astapor as he ordered two

third the Unsullied to take the city while Muron led the other
one third of the Unsullied as well as his men to take the various
ships on the dock.
"You don't need to fear me." He told the translator girl who was
looking at the dead body of her slave master in incomprehension
"I am not going to hurt you."
The girl looked up at him and he could see some fear in her
He subtly cast a calming charm on her to avoid her from
panicking and offered her his hand.
After some hesitation she took it and he helped her up.
"What is your name?" he asked.
"This one's name is Missandei." She said "slave of Good Master
Kraz…" then she looked at the dead body of her master and
"Good Master" he scoffed "That always cracks me up. But
whatever. This dude is dead now. Along with all his other slaver
friends Which means you're free. At least until I leave and
someone else comes back to ll the power gap in this city."
The girl remained silent so he continued.
"Would you like to work for me?" he asked the girl.
Frankly, the girl was not very useful to him.
People in Westeros only used the common tongue. And he
already knew the Common tongue, the Old Tongue, High
Valyrian and Low Valyrian which allowed him to communicate
in the whole of Westeros and a large part of Essos.
But the girl still knew about 22 languages and had a very sharp
She could be useful. He could learn a few new languages from
her and then pair her up with Mance Rayder as he only knew the
Common Tongue despite being his ambassador.
The girl didn't say anything so he continued "I'll offer you my
protection. Give you a fair wage and a home to live in. What do
you say Missandei?"
The girl looked at the carnage around her and then at him. She
gave a timid nod.
"Wonderful." He said with a small smile.
It took a whole day for the Unsullied to subjugate the City and
kill off all the Good Masters.
More than a few of the Good Masters had Unsullied of their own
which would clash against his Unsullied.
Whenever such a thing happened, he would put the Good master
under imperious and had him stop the ght.
Then he would take those Unsullied and kill the Good Master.
This way, the casualties in his army decreased to an almost
negligible amount and by the end of the day, he had gained
2,000 more Unsullied.
Half way through the day, Muron informed him that a few of the
ships managed to escape but most of them were captured.
After that, Muron and his men went about looting the mansions
of the Good Masters.
By the end of the day, he gained an army of 15,000 Unsullied,
about 1.8 millions gold coins, 5.3 million silver coins, 2 million
gold coins worth of treasure and 80 more ships.
All in all, this was one of the most productive day of his life.
And the City was still lled with a large population. Many of
them were slaves who only knew how to do menial work but
more a good few of them were decent workers and craftsmen.
Not to mention beautiful women.
He and Muron spent the next day separating the useful slaves
from the useless ones. He did made sure to not separate any
families so that also added up.
By the end of the 4th day since his arrival in Astapor, he had
15,000 Unsullied and 40,000 people half of which were skilled
Now he only needed to gure out a way to transport these
people to his lands.

Chapter 323: Chapter 323

He was sitting in a large room in one of the Mansions of the now

dead Good Masters and looking over at the city of Astapor.
If he had the time, resources and patience then he would have
de nitely liked to liberate this city. To free all the slaves and
give them a good life.
But as it was, he knew that if he tried to free the slaves, then all
the Cities around him would instantly become his enemies.
Mostly because all of their economy relied on Slaves.
If that happened, then even he won't be able to save the city and
it's inhabitants no matter what.
There was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." Missandei, whom he had taken as his assistant stood
up and left to open the door.
The door opened and Muron entered the room and dragged
another man with him.
The man's face was bruised, one of his eyes were swollen shut
and he was not even able to stand on his own feet.
"Who is this Muron?" he asked as Muron threw the man in front
of him.
"This…" Muron said as he kicked the man for sheer amusement
"Is one of the Wise Master of Yunkai, here on some business
with the Good Masters. And he has some good information for
"Does he?" he asked with a raised eyebrow and turned to look at
the man "What kind of information?"
"Ships." Muron replied with a bloodthirsty grin. "Of the three
Cities in this side of the Slavers Bay, Yunkai has the largest
Fleet. He says that if we threaten the Wise Masters with the
Unsullied army then they would be more than willing to part
with some of those ships."
He thought about it and then nodded.
"Gather the Food and supplies. Fill the ships we have and create
a blockade around Yunkai." He said and turned to Grey Worm,
who was chosen as the leader of the Unsullied. "Keep 3,000 of
the Unsullied in the city for the protection of the Freed Slaves.
March the rest to Yunkai. I want every ship they have. Once we
get the ships we need, we'll return and take the 3000 Unsullied
and the 40,000 skilled workers and then leave for Westeros."
Both the men nodded and left the room.
Once they closed the door behind, he turned to Missandei "Do
you know of any songs Missandei."
"Only the ones from my home."
"Where is your home?" he asked.
"Sing me a song from Naath then." He said and looked outside
at the city and the people whom he would not be able to help.

Chapter 324: Chapter 324

The next day, Muron left the city with the now grown Fleet of
130 ships. Grey Worm also left the City on foot with 12,000
The 3,000 Unsullied in Yunkai were left under an Unsullied
named Dogkiller.
He put Missandei under the protection of the Unsullied and gave
her a Communication mirror to contact him if something went
Because as he much as he would like to stay here and make sure
that everything goes alright, he needed to ght yet another war
back in Westeros and couldn't stay here for long.
So once his army and his eet left for Yunkai, he too returned
back to Westeros.
5 Portkey jumps later and 2 hours of ying later.
He could see his 700 men marching below on their horses.
Baka and Ygritte were on the back while Varko was leading
from the front.
He ew up in the sky and used his telescope.
He could see the Northern army in the horizon.
It was hard to miss the camp of 35,000 men. Or the large
amount of smoke being generated from the temporary kitchens.
Or the two larges castles at the middle of the river.
He had gotten pretty good at judging the distance from up in the
air and could guess that the Northern host and the Twins were
some 50-55 miles away from his position.
Meaning that his army will probably catch up in two days or one
day of force march.
He ew down on the ground and started ying beside Ygritte
and Baka.
Baka noticed him instantly but he was behind Ygritte so she
He gestured for Baka to remain silent and the swatted Ygritte on
her ass.
She yelped and then in a uid motion, she took out her bow,
nocked and arrow and pointed it toward him.
He took her arm and pointed the bow toward the sky while
ying beside her.
"Is that some way to greet your man?" he asked and she scoffed
and put the arrow and bow back in their position before she
turned and pulled him toward herself in a passionate kiss.
Once they separated, he climbed from the broom and sat down
on the horse behind her.
"Did you miss me?" he asked as his kissed her neck and groped
her breast while his other hand reached inside her breeches.
"I'll… inform Varko that you're back." Baka said and trotted
"You chased her away Domeric Bolton." Ygritte said as she
moaned and slumped on his chest "You're a bad man."
He went up and nibbled on her earlobes while his hand started to
tweak her breast from outside her clothes and his other hand
rubber her clit.
She took a sharp breath as he sent a few minor jolts through his
nger into her clit and then started rub faster and faster.
Her breath quickened and she held his arm, trying to stop him
from moving too much.
He slowed down and looked at her curiously.
"Don't want to dirty my breeches too much." Ygritte explained
and he nodded and took his hand out of her breeches.
"I missed you." Ygritte said as she sighed, leaned her head on
his shoulder and close her eyes.
"I missed you as well." He said and nuzzled her cheeks with
She opened her eye and looked at him "Did you get the
Unsullied army?"
"I did." He answered "15,000 of them. Though about 5000 are
still in training."
Ygritte eyes widened at the large number and he chuckled, his
half aroused cock rubbing against her rm ass.
"I know." He said "I also gained gold, silver coins along with a
lot of treasure."
"How?" Ygritte asked as she scrunched up her nose in
"I bought the Unsullied and then sacked the city with them." He
said with a shrug.
Ygritte eyes widened before she burst into laughter.
"That sounds so stupid and smart at the same time." She laughed
"Tell me everything."
So he did. Halfway through the story, Baka returned back with
Varko who brought his horse back with him.
He went to his own horse and told the story to them as well.
They travelled for two more hours before the sun started to all
into the horizon and they had to set up camp for the night.

Chapter 325: Chapter 325

"Robb. Jon." He said with a smile as the two rode their horses to
come and greet him. Their direwolves ran alongside their
"Lord Bolton." Robb smiled as they stopped their horses a few
feet from each other "It's good to see you here." Then his eyes
fell upon the 700 men behind him as well as the armor they were
wearing and his eyes widened a little "And you brought more
"I did." He replied with a smile "I would like to nish the war as
quickly as possible so that we could prepare for the real war up
Robb's eyes became serious at the mention of the Long Night
and sighed "I'm sure everyone wants to go back and prepare for
the Long Night but I feel that this war will be longer than we can
"My uncle, Edmure Tully has been taken captive by the
Lannisters. The Riverland forces that he managed to gather up
has been scattered by Tywin Lannister and the Mountain and his
men had sowed chaos in the whole Riverlands." Robb said "I
don't think the Riverlands will be of much use to us. And there is
still no news from the Vale. On top of all that, Walder Frey has
declined our request to cross the bridge. If the situation remains
unchanged then we'll have to ght the Lannisters on our own."
He nodded "Any news of your mother and sister?" he asked.
Robb went silent at that, looking both angry and frustrated.
"Sansa is still in Kings Landing. We have only heard rumors but
she is not being treated well there." He said "Mother sent a letter
from Highgarden, asking father to give his support to King
Renly instead of King Stannis. Father wants to support King
Stannis but if we did that then we would have to ght against the
100,000 men of King Renly." He grimaced at that "The lords
are… divided in their opinion regarding who to support in this
He thought about it for a moment and said "We could always
raise our own claimant to the throne."
Robb smiled bitterly "We have no claimant to the Throne Lord
Bolton. There has never been any union between the Starks and
"Is that so." He said and took out a journal from his bottomless
bag "What if I told you that we do have a claimant. Someone
who if we managed to seat on the Iron Throne would take the
Long Night much more seriously."
Robb frowned as he opened a particular page in the Journal.
"Please explain Lord Bolton."
He smiled and gave the open journal to Robb Stark
"Diary of High Septon Maynard." He said as Robb took the
journal and started reading it with Jon peeking from the side "He
recorded everything in it. From the number steps in the Citadel
to the his own bowel movements."
"What does that have to…" Jon asked but was silenced by Robb
who was looking and pointing at the Journal in shock and horror.
Jon frowned and read the passage that Robb was pointing at and
a heavy frown settled on his face as we.
"Prince Rhaegar Targaryen annulled his marriage to Elia Martell
and married…"
"Aunt Lyanna." Robb nished, his breath a little heavy before
Midnight nuzzled his leg and he calmed down a little bit and
looked him with a frown "If this is a joke then this a very poor
one Lord Bolton."
He shook his head and took out another certi cate of the
marriage between Prince Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark and passed
it to them "This is not a joke. I do not know if Prince Rhaegar
forced your aunt into the marriage or if she went willingly with
him. What I do know is that she was married to the Prince. And
she did gave birth to a child."
"She… she died of fever." Robb said, more to himself than him.
"No." He shook his head "She died of childbirth. She named her
boy Jaehaerys Targaryen and asked Lord Stark to protect the boy
from King Robert before she died of blood loss."
Robb looked up at him and then at his brother Jon, connecting
the dots in a moment but refusing to believe it.
"What happened to the boy?" Jon asked, his voice a little shaky.
He stared at both of them for a long moment before he spoke
"You must understand that King Robert hated the Targaryens.
When he saw the dead Targaryen children in the Great hall of
the red Keep, do you know what he said?"
"What?" Robb asked, looking a little impatient.
"I see no children. Only Dragonspawns."
Both the boys looked horri ed at that and he continued "Lord
Stark knew that if King Robert found out about Jaehaerys
Targaryen then he might try to kill the boy as well. So Lord
Stark claimed that Lyanna Stark died of fever and…" he looked
at Jon Snow "Took the boy as his own bastard."
Jon gulped and looked down on the ground, his face a mixture
of emotions while Robb's eyes were focused on nothing as he
tried to make sense of the situation.
Both the boys remained like that for a long moment before Jon
nally looked at him, his eyes a little wet and growled "I don't
believe you."
Then he turned his horse and rode away, his two direwolves
running after him.
Robb looked at his brother, at him and then at the evidence in
his hands before he passed the book and the certi cate to him
and then rode after his half brother.
A few moments later Ygritte rode up to him and stopped beside
"You told them?" she asked.
He nodded "Figured now was as good a time as any."
"Why did they run away?" she asked.
"Identity crisis." He replied.

Chapter 326: Chapter 326

"The giants would have made quick work of those gates." Bronn
said as they walked toward the center of the Northern camp "But
Lord Stark doesn't want to ght any needless battles."
"He's not wrong in that decision." He said "There is no point in
wasting men against the Freys when we could turn them into
allies and use their men against the Lannisters."
Bronn scoffed "I know that. Doesn't change the fact that we're
still on the other side of the river. And the old cunt won't allow
us to cross until we give him a few men and women for his
Bronn laughed "The old Frey has a lot of children. Many of
them are still unmarried. The price for the crossing in the
marriage of his children to the lords and ladies of the North. The
old coot even had the audacity to ask for Robb Stark and Arya
Stark's hand in marriage."
"Don't look so amused. He asked for your hand as well." Bronn
said and laughed as he grimaced in disgust "Lord Stark declined
the offer and now here we are. Sitting on our asses and waiting
for a miracle to drop on our laps."
"Miracle huh. That's easy." He said and smiled as they nally
reached the command tent at the center of the Northern Camp.
The guards in front of the large tent moved aside as he entered
the tent.
The tent had a large table and a few dozen chairs on it. Most of
the chairs were lled with Lords from the North.
As soon as he entered the tent everyone's eyes fell on him and
they became silent.
His eyes went to the head of the table where Lord Stark was
sitting and he nodded.
"Lord Bolton." Lord Stark gave a nod in return "Did you
succeed in your venture North of the Wall?"
"I did." He said "I not only captured Wights but I also captured a
White Walker."
There was a pin drop silence in the table.
Then Lord Greatjon slowly got up from his seat and walked up
to him.
"You're one crazy motherfucker. Did you know that?"
He cocked his head and Greatjon started to chuckle. His
chuckles soon turned into full blown laughter and he raised his
glass of mead "To Lord Bolton."
"To Lord Bolton" "The Chosen One" "The voice of the Old
Gods" "To the Boltons" the men cheered.
After a long moment, the tent nally went silent.
He nodded to everyone and raised a glass to them before he
walked up to Lord Stark and took a chair beside him.
"Let us discuss our current situation then."

Chapter 327: Chapter 327

Him, Ygritte, Robb, Jon and Lord Stark sat in the Stark tent.
Lord Stark nished reading through the journal and then pinned
him with an ice cold gaze.
Then his eyes fell on Ygritte and he frowned before looking
back at him once again "This is family matter. I would rather
this information is known by as few people as possible."
"Ygritte is like a family to me as well. I trust her with my life
and anything you can tell me, you can tell her as well." He
replied "Plus she knows."
Lord Stark nodded and carefully put both pieces of evidence on
the table.
"How long have you known?" Lord Stark asked.
Before he could reply, Jon Snow spoke up "So it's true. I'm not
you son?"
"You're my son Jon. Prince Rhaegar might have sired you but
you'll be my son."
Jon Snow looked con icted, confused and hurt "Why did you
not tell this to Lady Stark?"
"You should have told us at least." Robb said "We're grown up
now and know how to keep a secret."
He looked at Ygritte, wondering if they should even be here.
"I did not wanted to take any chances." Lord Stark said.
The three of them continued to argue with each other for the
next few minutes before he nally put his foot down.
"Enough." He said and all three of them stopped talking "You
can bicker amongst yourselves on your own time. My time is
precious. So get to it Lord Stark."
Lord Stark started to speak but paused and took a deep breath to
calm himself before he continued "How long have you known
the truth about Jon?"
"For a while." He replied "A long while. I had my suspicions at
rst so I sent some of my men to Citadel to investigate and they
found those…" he pointed at the diary and the certi cate. "And
Ygritte has known for a while as well. And frankly, if this whole
Long Night and Civil War thing didn't happen then I would have
never revealed the truth to you." He said to Jon.
The three of them remained silent for a while before he spoke
once again "So… If we defeat the Lannisters, then will you
support Jon?"
Jon looked horri ed at the thought of sitting in the Iron throne
but Lord Stark looked contemplative.
"Having a Northerner in the Iron throne will help during the
Long Night." Ygritte said "And the Riverlanders and Vale Lords
will support him as well."
"The Vale has declared their neutrality and the Riverlands are in
shambles." Robb said.
"The Vale is no longer neutral." He said and Lord Stark looked
up at him with surprise "Lady Lysa Arryn has called for her
banners. She blamed the Lannisters for the death of her husband
and is coming to our support."
"Thank the old gods." Lord Stark said and slumped on his chair
"This is good news. Very good news. How did you came about
this news Lord Bolton?"
"I have a spy network." He said.
Lord Stark didn't look very pleased at that but he didn't comment
on it.
"Just so you know…" Jon spoke, breaking the silence between
them "I do not want to sit on the Iron Throne. And I frankly
doubt I would make for a good king."
"Perhaps." He said with a shrug "But you'll be able to aid the
North in this war and that is the most necessary thing right now.
Because if the Wall falls, then the whole Westeros will fall with
Jon looked con icted at his words.
"You'll de nitely make a better king than the one who is sitting
on the Iron Throne right now." Robb said.
"What do you say Lord Stark?" he asked.
Lord Stark remained silent for a long time before he nally
spoke "Even if the Riverlands, the North and the Vale united
together, we would still have to ght the Lannisters before
ghting the Baratheon/Tyrell alliance. Even if we win, we would
lose a great many people. That would cost us during the Long
The tent went silent as Lord Stark thought some more and
continued "No. I… even if you want the Iron Throne, I'll not be
able to support you Jon. Not if the life of every Northern man,
woman and child is on the line."
Jon looked both relieved and betrayed at that.
Relieved because he didn't want to become the king in the rst
place. And betrayed because his own father did not support him.
Jon nodded "I understand… Uncle."
Lord Stark looked pained at that and he nodded.
"I suppose that's that then." He said "For the rest of the war, I
would suggest that the Starks remain neutral. We ght the
Lannisters and let the Baratheon brothers ght each other. Once
we defeat the Lannisters, we'll bend the knee to whichever
Baratheon brother is alive."
Lord Stark nodded and that was the last conversation he had
with the Starks before they separated for the rest of the war.

Chapter 328: Chapter 328

"This is the place my lord." The sherman said as he pointed at
at the river bank in front of them "The place where the river is at
it's slowest and the water level is pretty low as well."
He did a subtle magical scan of the area and found that the
sherman was not lying.
Green Fork river had a fast current in most of the places and was
7-8 feet deep if not deeper.
In this section of the river however, the current had slowed
down a little bit and the water level was at 4-5 feet.
This was still not enough for his troops but for giants who were
12-13 feet tall, this water level barely deterred them.
"Good job. You showed us the correct place. Here. 20 gold
dragons as promised." He said and handed the small pouch lled
with gold dragons to the sherman whose eyes were lled with
The man thanked him repeatedly before nally leaving.
"Letting him leave was foolish. What if the tells the Freys?"
Bronn asked.
"Mind your tongue boy." Varko said and Bronn inched a bit
before he quickly controlled himself.
Varko had a great reputation and no one wanted to cross him.
"It's alright Varko." He said and turned to Bronn "The move look
stupid because the sherman might tell the Freys. But the thing
is, I've killed all the Ravens in the Twins. So even if the Freys
found out about out plan and tried to inform the Lannister, they
won't be able to do so."
"What if they had kept some ravens in hiding?" Bronn asked.
"The Northern army is still outside the Twins. They'll shoot
down any raven from the air. And so for the scouts they tried to
send after us from the other side of the river." He shrugged "You
saw what happened to them."
Bronn shivered as he remembered how the Wyverns tore apart
and ate the scouts that House Frey sent after them from the other
side of the river.
A few examples were enough to deter them from following them
"What do you plan to do from here on out my lord?" Varko
asked "The river current is slow and the water does look shallow
but out troops still cannot cross it."
"Now we build a bridge over it and cross to the other side of the
river." He said.
There was silence in the room as the faces of his men fell.
"The Twins. You've seen them right?" Bronn asked at last.
"Well… it took the Freys three generation to build it. And now
you want us to build a bridge to cross the river." Bronn shook
his head "If we do this then we'll stay here for the rest of the
He rolled his eyes "We're not going build a stone bridge." He
said "We'll build a wooden bridge. And I'll complete it within a
Bronn gave him an unimpressed look "Impossible. Even a
proper wooden bridge would take months to complete."
"Well, we're not trying to make a proper bridge. Just a temporary
one which would be strong enough for your units to cross." He
said and pointed at the map.
"And here is how I intend to do it."
That very day, some of his men created a blockade in the
surrounding area while the other went into the forest and started
cutting the trees.
Once they'd cut a 10 feet long tree trunk, they sharpened it from
the bottom and gave it to the Giants who carried it to the river
and plunged the tree trunk into the riverbed before punching it
until it was rmly buried and would not move no matter what.
By the end of the day, the 30 giants and the thousands of men
had created a series of wooden pillars across the whole river.
At night, he ew on his Flying Broomstick and double checked
the wooden pillars. Some of the pairs were uneven so he cut off
the top and made them even.
Once he was done, he went back to his tent and slept.
The next day, the process continued in a similar manner. Except
that this time, the men didn't sharpen the tree trunks and the
giants cut them in half before putting them in between the
pillars. But the end of the second day, the pillars were connected
to each other and he had two parallel lines running to the other
side of the river.
At night, he once again set out to double check the construction.
The giants had done a good job but they were not the smartest
people out there and had gotten sloppy at some places.
He corrected their mistakes before going back once again.
On the third day, the humans joined the giants and lled the
space between the pillars with wood and set them in place with
This process went on for another day and by the end of the
fourth day, the wooden bridge was complete.
On the morning of the fth day, his army nally crossed the
Green Fork and he sent the conjured hawk to Lord Stark to tell
him about the success of his plan and that they should guard the
Freys for two more days before moving on to the Trident where
they'll face Tywin Lannister and his army of 25,000 as well as
the Mountain and his 3,000 men.
Since he had taken his own army with him, the Northern host
was left with 27,000 men. So both the armies were fairly even.
The Lannisters had more horses but thanks to him, the Northern
men were better equipped.
But the Lannisters also had the advantage of being on the other
side of the river so it he had cautioned Lord Stark to wait until
the forces from Vale arrived.
Until then, he and his army had their own task to complete.

Chapter 329: Chapter 329

His army was hiding in the Whispering woods a half dozen

miles away from the Lannister army that had no idea about their
He pointed at the large lifelike map of Riverrun and it's
surrounding lands as well as the Lannister troops surrounding
the castle from all three sides.
"This Army as you know is being led by Ser Devan Lannister."
He said and pointed at a large tent on the Northern side of
Riverrun. "He is camped here with the other Lannister
commanders, surrounded by 6000 men."
He looked at Vothora and Roghomyr as well as the two Wyvern
riders standing behind them.
Since a warg needed to send his spirit to the animal while
warging, they cannot do anything else during that time. Because
of that, they needed someone else who could ride the Wyverns
while the wargs controlled it an throw Wild re bombs from the
Wyvern's back.
"This is where you'll attack rst. Fly above them at dawn and
throw a hundred Wild re bombs on them."
"100 bombs?" one of the Wyvern rider asked, his eyes wide
open in shock.
"Yes." He said "50 for each one of you." I want their commander
center gone before the start of the real battle so that they
Lannister troops will be clueless and without any sort of
leadership for the rest of the battle.
"A good plan." Varko nodded "What after that my lord?"
"After that, you'll start bombing the rest of the tents." He said
"Create chaos in the enemy lines and give them no chance to
He then turned to Mag the Mighty, the chief of the Giants whom
he had once before "Mag and his giants will lead the attack
which will be followed by the 1000 heavy infantry and 2000
pump action crossbow men."
"That is all the crossbowmen we have." Bronn pointed out.
"Yes. And I want all of them focused on the confused and
disarrayed Lannister army. The giants and the heavy infantry
will stop any attack from the Lannister army while the
crossbowmen will do what they've been trained to do." He
smiled "I want the Lannister men lled with bolts. Destroy their
morale. Break their backs and have them surrender as quickly as
possible. You'll be the one leading this attack Varko."
"As you wish my lord." Varko nodded.
"The Southern-West Lannister army is being led by Stafford
Lannister, who is also the father of Ser Devan Lannister." He
said "This army consists of 6000 men. A good deal of the horses
in the Lannister army are stationed with this army. You don't
need to worry about them. I'll set re on the stables and free the
horses, allowing them to run through the camp and sow chaos."
"When will we attack this army?" Bronn asked.
"Just after I start the re." He said. "You'll be the one leading
this attack Bronn. You'll have the 1000 heavy cavalry, 2000
infantry and 1000 bowmen as well as 30 of the direwolves. Start
the attack with the direwolves and the cavalry. Sow discord
among them and stop them from forming any lines. Then once
you're out, send in the infantry and bowmen while attacking
their ank with the cavalry and direwolves."
Bronn grinned "The Lannister fucks won't know what hit them."
He nodded "Ygritte will go with the bowmen." He turned to her
"I expect you to kill anyone who tries to rally the men and create
a defense. Shoot down their commanders and continue shooting
them down until they have no one else left."
"I will not fail." Ygritte said with a rm nod and he smiled.
"That leaves the Southern-East Lannister army. This one is led
by Lord Roland Crakehall and has 3000 men." He said. "Me,
Baka and Mocqo will attack this place with the 700 cavalry I
brought with me, the 10 remaining direwolves and the 1200
horse archers."
"We, destroy them" Mocqo said with a savage grin and he
nodded. "Yes. But don't waste all your energy here. You and
your men will also be tasked with hunting any stragglers who try
to run away from the battle eld."
Mocqo nodded and he smiled.
"This is the general idea of the attack. Simple and effective" He
said "Now, I'm sure you have your own ideas. So let's hear it."
The meeting continued for half an hour before the tent ap
swung open and a soldier entered the tent.
"My lord. We found the man you told us to search for." The
guard said before he was unceremoniously shoved aside by and
older man with a black armor and a steely gaze.
"Who is in charge of this army?" the man asked.
He smiled as he told his men to lower their weapons "It's good
to meet you at last Ser Bryndan Tully. Or should I call you
Black sh."

Chapter 330: Chapter 330

He was woken out of his slumber with the sound of the

The eyes were wide open as he frantically looked around his
tent. Everything was just ne.
The Riverlander whore he had been sleeping with looked around
in fear before she quickly took her dress and left the tent.
Another explosion rang out. This time he was more coherent and
realized that the sound of explosion came from the North. The
other side of the river where his son and the Lannister main
Command center was located.
He looked at his armor once again.
There was no time to wear it.
He quickly wore his gambeson and breeches. The commotion
outside his tent was getting louder so he quickly picked up his
sword and left his tent.
He looked to the North and his heart fell.
The place where the Command center was located had gone up
in ames.
"D…dd… dra… DRAGONS!!!" The soldier beside him shouted
and then dropped his spear and ran "RUN FOR YOUR
LIVES!!! DRA…" the man's words were abruptly cut short as
he collided with a horse whose tail was on re and was then
promptly trampled by the other horses behind him.
His eyes widened in fear and he jumped to the side.
The horses passed a few feet from him and toward the river.
He noticed that their hair and tails were in re.
His mind whirled in confusion as he got up and looked at the
place where the command center used to be.
His heart was lled with grief at the thought of his dead son.
"…ot dragons." A man said from beside him.
He turned and stared at the man.
It was Lord Gawen Westerling.
"Those are not dragons." The man said "They don't breath re.
The man atop those creatures are throwing something. The Fire
is Green in color. It must be wild re."
He continued to stare at the man, wondering how the man
thought that he would nd such information interesting when his
son was dead.
Someone else asked for his attention.
He turned around and his stomach sank to his knees as he took a
good look at his camp once again.
The Southern part of his camp was lled with smoke and re.
That was where they kept their horses.
The horse with the aming tail suddenly made sense.
"M'lord… There…" the man shouted and pointed in the
He squinted and then his eyes widened.
The howl of the wolves echoed in the camp.
The earth shook and then thousands of horse riders charged into
the camp.
His words were stuck in his mouth.
"M'lord. What should we do?" someone asked.
He gulped and his eyes went toward the Northern camp once
He remembered the words of Lord Westerling. The not-dragons
had bombarded the whole army camp with wild re. Chaos and
death reined in the army that was once commanded by his son.
His son who was now dead.
"My lord." Someone else shouted.
"Ser Stafford." Someone shouted "Come to your senses. We
need you to lead the men."
He turned and saw that it was Lord Tytos Brax.
He gulped and looked at the chaos.
Could it even be salvaged?

Chapter 331: Chapter 331

He blinked the tears from his eyes and turned to Lord Gawen
"Lord Westerling." He said, his voice cracking a bit from the
immense grief at the death of his son "Take control of our foot.
The enemy cavalry has only breached the outer tents. Rally the
men and chase them away from our camp at any cost."
He turned to Lord Tytos Brax "Lord Tytos. Create a defense line.
The enemy might have surprised us but we still have the…"
His words were cut short as he heard a horn blare in the distance
and his shoulders slumped as the cavalry withdrew only to be
replaced by an even larger infantry and then the arrows started
raining down on his men.
He turned to Lord Tytos Brax "Go now."
He turned to the rest of his men. Only a few of them were
wearing any sort of armor. Most of them looked like they had
just come from their tents as soon as they heard the commotion.
They hair were dishevelled, their faced lled with terror and
He couldn't blame them. He doubted that he looked any better.
He took a deep breath "Rally the men. Gather around and form a
line. Stop the enemy at any cost."
The men yelled af rmations and left. He knew that some of
them were probably going to run away as soon as possible. He
didn't cared.
He had a feeling that he had lost this battle even before he
The next few minutes were the worst of his life.
He and his commanders tried to rally their men and create a
proper defense against the enemy army who he now knew
belonged to the Boltons.
The direwolves, the not-dragons and the Banners were a clear
Against all odds, his subordinates did manage to rally the men
and created a decent defense against the enemy army.
The Bolton infantry was the most disciplined foot he had ever
seen. His men were cut down like wheat to a scythe in front of
All the while, arrows continued to rain down on them while the
enemy cavalry went through his men like butter.
"Lord Regenard Estren is dead." One of his men reported "Our
left foot had broken and is routing."
He was not surprised. Not when six other commanders in his
army died mysterious death from stray arrows.
By now he was sure that it was no stray arrow but the work of a
very skilled enemy archer.
How do you ght the enemy when your commanders continue to
fall like this
He knew that defeat was eminent and there was nothing be
would be able to do at this point.
The North camp was already in shambles. He had not doubt that
the presence of the not-dragons and the wild re explosions
would have broken their morale even before the battle began.
He would have put his hopes on the Southern-East army but
they too were under attack by the enemy cavalry and were in an
even worse state then them.
He heard the howls of those giant and terrifying wolves reach
near him.
"M'lord. The gates." One of his men pointed and turned around
and saw the Portcullis of Riverrun fall as the hundreds of men
inside sallied out to pincer attack them.
A few days ago, he would have welcomed any such attack. But
He chuckled bitterly to himself before he took out his sword
from it's sheath.
He might have lost his son. He might have lost this battle but he
was not about to go down easily.
"Men! TO ME!!!" he shouted and turned to face the

Chapter 332: Chapter 332

Thistle pulled the cloak around her husband and set him up
against the trunk properly so that won't fall down.
Roghomyr was vulnerable when he was warging in the Wyvern
so she had to see to his protection when he was in that state.
She didn't need to worry about it as Lord Bolton had given
bother Rohomyr and Vothora 4 guards each for their protection
but she had been protecting Roghomyr like this for a decade
before they bent their knee to Lord Bolton and old habits were
hard to break.
His eyes were rolled back in his head and she knew that he was
controlling the smaller of the Wyvern in the clearing.
Once she had properly secured him and made sure that no one
would nd him in his current location, she climbed down from
the tree and went up to Shadow Wing.
The Wyvern gave her a snort as she nuzzled it's cheek and patted
it's head.
The Wyvern (or her husband in this case) gestured her to get on
it's back as it lowered it's body.
She nodded and used the rope stairs to climb on it's back and on
it's saddle.
"Give me the large one." She said and the guards below nodded
and brought a large barrel which was covered in red colored
Some kind of magic that she didn't understand or care to
The men hefted the barrel up to her and she secured it in front of
her, making sure that it won't fall by mistake.
Lord Bolton had told her what was inside the barrel and what
would happened if it exploded.
If she dropped the barrel in the wrong place then hell would
She looked at the other Wyvern. It was a different species of
Wyvern and slightly larger than Shadow Wing.
The teenage boy on top of the Wyvern secured the load as well.
She looked at the bottomless bag tied to her belt. The other
Wild re Bombs were kept inside. A thousand were given to her
and a thousand to the boy.
The two Wyverns looked at each other. Then the Wyvern she
was sitting on grunted as the rst rays of sun started to come
from the horizon.
The other Wyvern snarled back and moved out of the way.
Shadow wing turned it's head to give her a look. After ying on
his back for so long, she knew what that look meant.
She held the barrel tightly to herself. The saddle was made from
some kind of magic and she knew that she won't fall even if the
Wyvern turned upside down.
The Wyvern apped it's wings and the started running in the
One ap. Two Flap. Three Flap. Four Flap and then they were
Shadow wing continued to ap it's large wings and they
continued to y up and up.
She looked back and saw the other Wyvern taking off after
She looked down and saw the forest becoming smaller and
Flying on the back of a Wyvern never got old.
She still remembered the times when the only thing her husband
was able to control was a single direwolf and both of them had
to search for food in the cold to continue surviving each and
every day.
They had come a long distance from then.
Sure, they had to bent their knee to a Southron and she was not
proud of that. But Lord Bolton had been fair to them.
He had made her husband far more powerful than he once was
and had given him a Wyvern as well.
Life couldn't be any better for them and now it was nally time
for them to repay Lord Bolton back for all his generosity.
After all, she might not be very smart but she was not
Once shadow wing had gained enough altitude, it spread it's
wings and simply gilded toward the river.
She wrapped her arms around the barrel and after getting to the
edge of the Forest, shadow wing continued to glide in a circle.
A few moments later, the other Wyvern joined them and they
both continued to y around in circles for the next few minutes
until she felt the mirror vibrate in her pocket.
She took out the mirror and followed the instructions.
Lord Bolton's face came in front of her.
She could see rows upon rows of horses behind him and knew
that he was ready as well.
"Start." He said with a nod and the mirror went back to being a
normal mirror.

Chapter 333: Chapter 333

She put the mirror back in her pocket and slapped the Shadow
Wing's back a few times.
Shadow wing tilted it's head.
"LORD BOLTON TOLD US TO START!!!" she shouted. The
whooshing of the air made it hard for them to communicate but
it was nothing that good old shouting could not solve.
Shadow Wing titled it's head up and down in a nod and then
turned toward the Castle in the distance.
It didn't even took them a minute before they were out of the
She saw a large amount of red colored tents scattered around the
river bank and knew what she had to do. And so did her husband
He took her to the center of the camp.
Some of the men guarding the camp saw the two Wyverns and
started shouting but was already too late.
They reached the center of the Camp where the largest tents
were located and Shadow wing tilted it's back.
And she slid the large barrel off it's back.
She watched in perfect silence as the barrel descended on top of
those tents and then….
The sound and the size of the explosion made her heart stop for
a moment. It engulfed a large area, covering the entire center
area of the camp and then some.
A large plume of smoke rose from the ground and she knew that
she had killed more men in that second than she and her husband
had in their entire life.
The Wyvern ying behind her didn't think that it was enough
and dropped it's barrel as well.
This explosion was larger and the wild re splashed everywhere,
burning men and tents alike.
Her throat went dry and she felt like puking.
She had killed men before but this…
The men started coming out of their tents and she could see the
giants and the Bolton army coming out of the woods.
Shadow wing titled it's wings and turned around for another
round over the Lannister camps.
She could hear the shouts and screams as some men tried to
douse the re while the others haphazardly tried to prepare for
the army coming at them.
The giants smashed through their lines without any problem and
the heavy infantry created a blockade around the Lannister
The Crossbowmen took their position behind the man made
blockade and started raining down bolts upon bolts on the
Lannister men.
Shadow wing shook at bit and she was brought back to herself.
The Wyvern turned it's head and gave her a look.
She looked back in confusion before she suddenly realized
where she was.
She looked at the large explosion at the center of the Lannister
camp. Some of those men were still screaming in pain as
wild re ate them bit by bit.
She held the bile in her throat but nodded back at her husband.
She might not like this but she had a duty to perform.
Her hands reached inside the bottomless back and when it came
out, she was holding a mud ball lled with wild re.
She dropped it on the Lannister army below her.
It dropped on the ground and splashed before catching re and
burning everything around it.
Tears formed in her eyes. She took a few deep breaths before
steeling her heart.
Then her hand reached inside the Bottomless bag once again and
came out with two mud balls.
She promptly dropped them and reached for another.
She spent the next few minutes in autopilot. Taking out the balls
that were lled with wild re, aiming and then dropping them at
the enemy.
She continued to do so until her shadow wing shook and brought
her out of her thoughts.
She blinked a few times and looked at the Lannister camp
Most of the tents had caught re.
A lot of corpses were still burning in the middle of the re.
A lot more corpses were lying around the giants in the
impenetrable armor and the Heavy infantry.
A lot of corpses had bolts sticking out of them and a fair many
of the Lannister soldiers had thrown their weapons and
surrendered while the others had jumped into the river in a bid to
She looked at the other battle elds.
The Lannister army in the Southern-East where Lord Bolton led
the attack was in a rout. The Dothraki and the horse archers were
chasing and picking off the escapees.
The Lannister army in the Southern-West still held but the few
that remained were surrounded by the Bolton army and the
Riverlanders who had sallied out of the castle. They fell in short
order as well.
They had destroyed an army twice the size of their own and had
won a great victory for themselves.
If that was truly the case then why did she felt so empty.

Chapter 334: Chapter 334

He sat in the main hall of Riverrun in the seat of honor beside

Ser Edmure Tully who had been rescued by him from the
Lannister captivity.
The Riverlanders and even his own men cheered as the servants
brought in food and wine for the feast.
Words of praise for both him and his men were shouted amongst
the cheers but he could see that the Riverlanders were not as
cheerful as his men.
Some of them did not seem to be enjoying themselves at all
while other looked fearfully at Varko, Baka and the wargs.
They had slaughtered the Lannister men despite being only half
the size of the Lannister army and had used wild re, wyverns,
giants and wargs to attain the victory.
Plus, there was also the fact that the whole of Riverlands had
been torn apart by the two Lannister armies and a single house
from the North destroyed one of those armies and saved Ser
Edmure Tully, their de facto leader.
He made the Riverlanders look like incompetent fools and they
were not happy because of that reason.
Once the cheering started to die down, he got up from his chair.
His men saw this and stopped talking instantly. The Riverlanders
noticed this and stopped talking as well. The hall was silent in a
few moments.
He raised his glass of wine "The Lannister army has been
The men cheered at the announcement and once the cheering
died down, he continued "But the war is far from over."
The atmosphere turned somber and he continued "Tywin
Lannister still holds the trident and the Mountain is still
pillaging and razing your villages without anyone there to stop
The mention of Mountain and his men made some of the
Riverlanders angry while the other despaired "But the tides of
the war had turned."
The men looked hopeful and he continued "With this victory, we
have broken one of the Lannister army, have freed Lord Edmure
and once we gather the rest of the Riverlanders, we'll outnumber
the Lannisters two to one."
The men roared and cheered at the announcement and he
continued "The Knights of the Vale have already gathered
behind the Bloody gate and would join us against the
Lannisters." The men went wild at that announcement and even
those who looked close to despair looked hopeful now.
"With their help, we'll destroy the Lannisters and pay them back
for everything they've done to the Riverlands."
The cheering started to hurt his ears and he shouted "Today
we've won a great victory. So feast, drink and enjoy yourselves.
For tomorrow. We go to War!!!"
The men cheered and he drank his wine before sitting back
down on his chair.
Chapter 335: Chapter 335

The feast went on till late at night.

At that point, he felt the communication mirror vibrate in his
pocket and excused himself from the feast.
He went out and found an empty corridor and put a sound
barrier around him before taking the call.
The face Lyra came up in the mirror and he frowned.
"Lyra. Any important news?"
"I have." She nodded "But I've yet to receive the report about the
battle. My informants are either dead, drunk or balls deep inside
a whore and too busy to call me. So you might as well tell me
how the battle went."
"It went well. The plans we had made needed to be adjusted a
little bit but otherwise the battle went exactly as we had thought
it would, which I'm told is quite rare."
"Not if you have the equivalent of dragons in your forces." Lyra
grinned and he rolled his eyes.
"As for the precise numbers." He thought about it for a moment
and continued "We lost some 400 of our men. Most of them in
the Southern-West battle eld where the ghting was the
toughest. But we did kill about 10,000 Lannister men, captured
about 3000 of them and routed 2000 of them. We've also taken
their armor, weapons and any other supplies that the wild re
didn't burn down. They might in some use in the future."
"What of Edmure Tully? Wasn't he the prisoner of the
"He was. And I saved him before the battle." He said "Now if
there's nothing else, tell me about the news that you wanted to
give me."
Lyra nodded and spoke "I have two news. One about Stannis
and one about the Lannisters."
"Give me the news about the Lannisters rst." He said.
"Well. Tywin Lannister found out that Lyra Arryn called the
banners. So he has called for more reinforcements." She said
"The Lannisters are gathering yet another army outside Casterly
Rock. This one is mainly made of boys and men who're too old
to ght. But they might be able to interfere with your plans. So
it's better that you know about them."
He frowned and nodded "Do you know how many there are?"
"For now? Only about 5000. But that number will swell as they
force conscript more and more recruits if you don't destroy them
fast enough."
He scratched his cheek and wondered which path he should
Destroy this growing army or destroy Tywin Lannister.
He decided to think about it later and looked at Lyra once again.
"Tell me the news about Stannis."
"He has taken Storms End." She replied and he frowned once
"Storms End. Wasn't that castle supposed to be impenetrable."
He scrunched up his brow "I mean I know that there's no
impenetrable castles but taking it must have cost a lot of men.
"Apparently not." Lyra shook her head "The Castellin of Storms
End met an untimely death and the gates were opened for King
Stannis after that."
"Untimely death." He frowned "I didn't take King Stannis to be
the kind of person who hire assassins."
"Not assassins. At least I don't think so." She said, her voice
more serious than before.
"I… Do you remember the Red Priestess who had been
counselling King Stannis."
"Well… a bit of investigation on her told me that she was
originally from Asshai. And… there are rumors about her."
"Rumors that she practices blood magic and Shadow binding."
She said "I could not con rm these rumors but I'm pretty sure
that they're true. Plus. The woman is old. Like, really really old."
He nodded "Would she be a problem?" he asked.
"Probably." Lyra nodded "Because of her, King Stannis has
taken to R'hllor as his religion. Rumors about him burning the
statues of the Seven have already spread. Even if he manages to
take over the Seven Kingdoms, his religion would cause a
religious upheaval and well… I don't think that Westeros would
survive that. Not intact at least."
He thought about her words for some time.
"If Stannis has taken Storms End then his claim would gain a
great deal of legitimacy. Which means that Renly would be
forced to ght his brother before he could advance on Kings
Landing." He said and then nodded "Let the two brothers ght it
out. If this Red Priestess is as powerful as you fear then she
might assassinate King Renly with her Shadow Binding as well.
Which would be in our favor. But if she fails then Renly would
defeat and probably kill Stannis which would be nice as well."
"You're not going to deal with the Red Priestess?" Lyra asked.
"No. Not now." He said "Any other news."
"Oh yes. I almost forgot." Lyra said "Do you remember me
telling you about the agent who persuaded Ser Barristan Selmy
to serve you?"
"Well. He and Ser Barristan Selmy should be near Riverrun now.
If you wait for a day or two then they'll catch up to you."
He nodded "Anything else?"
"Hmm. I've decided on which army I'm going to attack." He
"And which army would that be?" Lyra asked.
"The one outside Casterly Rock." He said "Mostly because I
plan to take Casterly Rock and it's riches after that. But also
because that would give us time for the Baratheon brothers to
ght it out."
"Don't you already have all the gold that you could ever want?"
Lyra asked.
"I do." He replied "But most of it is in different currencies. That
makes it harder for me to use them in Westeros. Now if there
was nothing else…"
"No. That would be all my lord." She said.
"Goodnight then." He replied and cut the connection.
Chapter 336: Chapter 336

When he returned to his room, he found that Varko and Baka

had already posted 4 guards outside his room.
"Don't let anyone enter no matter what." He told them and
entered the room.
The room was cleaned and fairly furnished.
It was also a bit dark as the few candles were not enough to
properly illuminate the room.
Oh well… cannot expect to live in luxury while on a war.
At the corner of the room he could see the his suitcase. It's lid
wide open.
He entered his suitcase and closed it after himself.
He entered the large room and saw Ygritte feeding venison to
She was still wearing her battle armor which was clean of any
blood and dirt.
Mostly because she was an archer and her task was to snipe
important people from a distance.
His own battle armor in contrast was lled with blood and gore
of the enemies he had slain in the Southern-East battle eld.
He activated a charm on his magical suit and all the blood and
gore fell away in an instant.
The sound gave him away. Or perhaps Ygritte knew that he was
there the whole time.
She turned to him and gave him a soft smile.
He removed his helmet and went to sit beside her.
"Acnologia. Go and y around for a bit. Mommy and daddy
need to spend some time together." He said.
Showing more intelligence than any dragon he had seen in his
past world, Acnologia nodded, took the Venison and ew away.
"Did you have to chase him away? We were having some
mother-son bonding time." Ygritte said with a pout but he could
see the mischievous glint in her eye.
He didn't reply but took her chin and planted a kiss on her lips.
He soft warm and somewhat wet lips.
She parted her lips willingly and he sent his tongue inside.
He felt himself getting lost in her and everything in the
background faded away until there were only him and her. Her
and him.
They separated after a long moment and he opened his eyes to
see the hunger in her eyes.
"Armor. Remove it." She said.
He complied and waved his wand.
As soon as the armor came off, she jumped at him and pinned
him to the ground.
She straddled his hips and grinded her warm crotch against his
Then she leaned down on him and kissed his neck.
He felt his cock twitch at the sensation and his hands reached to
grab her ass cheeks.
She continued to pepper his neck with soft and warm kisses until
she bit his neck.
He hissed in pain and she gave him a toothy smirk.
"Oh. It's on now." He said and with a heave, he picked her up
and rolled them around until he was on top of her.
"What are you going to do to me Domeric Bolton?" she asked,
raising her chin in de ance "I'm not afraid of the likes of you."
He found himself re ecting her mischievous smile as he reached
down and placed a kiss on her neck, her leg locking themselves
around his thighs and her hand clawing at his back.
He kiss her below the chin and found her shivering at his
"There is no one like me." He whispered in her ears "Only me."
Ygritte started grinding her hips against his crotch after that, her
movement rough and desperate.
"Domeric." She said and he rose to look her in the eye.
"Give it to me." She whispered, her soft words having a
hypnotic effect on him.
He wanted to make the foreplay longer. Make her more needy
and tease her for it.
But frankly. He was far too horny for that. And Ygritte… she
just looked so delicious.
Another wave of the wand and both their breeches ew away.
He palmed her mound and found that they were already slick
with wetness from her lower lips.
"Someone's eager." He teased.
Ygritte ushed and he lined himself up against her unbearably
hot cunt.
"You look beautiful." He told her before he slowly entered her
Ygritte buckled against him and took a sharp breath and he felt
him member being clenched by her hot insides.
He kissed her forehead before he started moving his hips.
Pushing himself in and out in a slow rhythm.
Ygritte a keening noise and her eyes ew open. Her warm
brown eyes staring at his own pale shining one.
They both stared at each other, they lower halves moving in a
perfect rhythm.
"Mine." She said after a long moment and rose to lock lips with
him. They separated and she pulled him to her. "All mine."
He smiled and picked her up from the ground.
She frowned at the sudden movement before he picked her up
and tossed her on the bed. The ground was made of wood so it
must have been uncomfortable for her.
She looked at him with a desperate need and he waved his wand,
their shirts removing themselves from heir bodies.
He walked up to her and as soon as he reached her, she pulled
him into another kiss.
He took her hips, picked her up like she weighed nothing and
turned her around, his lips not leaving her own for a moment.
Then he lined himself up against her slit and pushed inside once

Chapter 337: Chapter 337

"Immussilicia" he whispered and conjured a giant hawk out of

"I'm never getting tired of seeing a hawk coming out of your
wand." Ygritte said from the bed.
The sight of her naked body barely being covered by the thin
blanket made his cock twitch in response but he controlled
There was a war to be fought. Sex and pleasure could come
He took the letter and tied it around the hawk's legs.
The heard the sound of rustling clothes behind him before
Ygritte climbed down from the bed and hugged him from
"You're up early." She said and he nodded.
"Needed to send a letter."
"To Lord Stark?" she asked, nuzzling her cheeks against his
"Yes." He replied "Needed to tell him about the change of
She paused and turned to look at him.
He could see the frown on her face even without looking at her.
"Change of plans?" she asked.
"Yes. The Lannisters are gathering another army outside
Casterly Rock." He said "I intend to destroy that army before it
becomes a problem."
Ygritte turned his chair around with her enhanced strength and
looked at him in the eyes "Wouldn't it be better to defeat Tywin
Lannister before doing anything else?" she asked "You yourself
told us that after defeating him the Lannisters won't be a
"That is true." He nodded "Tywin never considered Tyrion his
son and Jamie is too busy burying his cock in his sister's cunt to
care about Westerlands. So yes, Tywin has no heir. And there are
too many Lannisters who would love to see themselves as the
Lord of Casterly Rock. And since Lord Kevan is not there, Lord
Tywin's death would de nitely cause a civil war amongst the
"So shouldn't we be targeting Tywin instead of the new army?"
Ygritte asked before she sat down on his lap.
He could feel her ass through the thin blanket and that was more
than a little distracting.
"H… mmm… yeah. Wait… where was I?"
She giggled at him and pulled the blanket away from her,
drinking in her naked body with a hungry gaze.
She gently took his chin and forced her to look her in the eyes
"You were about to tell me why you decided to change your
He wrapped an arm around her naked waist and pull her to him.
"Because Casterly Rock has gold. Lots and Lots of gold."
"We have gold as well. Far more than them." She replied "And
you told me that Casterly Rock has never fallen before."
"It has also never been attacked by Giants wearing impenetrable
She smirked and he found himself getting lost in her eyes once
"Fuck it." He said and picked her up before bending her over the
"Lord Stark can wait." He said and thrust inside her.

Chapter 338: Chapter 338

"Lysa…" the old man wheezed. His breaths shallow and his
lungs making a strange rattling sound every time he tried to
breath "Lysa… forgive me… Lysa…"
"As you can see." Ser Edmure said "My father is not really in a
good health."
The Black sh looked at his brother with a grim expression.
He wanted to tell them that giving the man some milk of the
puppy and cutting his life short would be a blessing but people
don't really take such advice in the spirit it was given.
Plus, he was a guest. It was really not his place.
"Can you do something for father?" Ser Edmure asked him.
He gave the man a strange look.
"I am not a maester Ser Edmure." He said. And he frankly was
not sure if he could do anything for the old man.
He probably could but he really had no reason to do so.
The man was at his last legs. Allowing him to die peacefully was
the best they could do for him aside from putting him out of his
Ser Edmure ushed at his words. I… I just thought you were
the…" he then sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Forgive me.
It was wrong of me to ask such a thing of you."
A simple legilimency probe to him that that after seeing his
army slaughter the Lannisters with such casual ease, Edmure
was starting to believe that he was chosen by the old gods.
Merlin! These people could be so superstitious.
And even if he could help the old man, he wouldn't.
Why would he help someone who poisoned his own daughter so
that she wouldn't give birth to a bastard boy and then later sold
her to a man old enough to be her grandfather for political gain.
And now the old man was taking Lysa's name again and again in
his death bed, asking for forgiveness.
As if a woman would ever forgive such a thing.
"Forgive me. But we need to plan for the upcoming battles." He
said "Tywin Lannister is not going to defeat himself."
The uncle nephew pair nodded and they left the room which
stank of piss, shit and lot of medicine.
The war council meeting that he held in Riverrun held only a
few people. Namely him, Bronn, his two sworn shields, Ygritte,
Ser Edmure, Black sh and Lord Tytos Blackwood.
The reason there were so few people in the meeting was because
he was really not in the mood to deal with lords with few men
and large egos.
He would leave that to the Tullys.
"So here is the situation." He said as he pointed at the large map
on the table. "Tywin Lannister has placed his army in the forts
across the Trident to stop any army from crossing the River."
He then pointed at the other side of the river at the wolf tablet
"The Northern host equals the Lannnister army in size so trying
to cross the river would be foolish." He then pointed at the
Hawk tablet near the Bloody gate "But once the army of the Vale
arrives here. Tywin would have to choice. To either hold against
the Northern and Vale armies. Or to retreat into either Harrenhal
or go back to Kings Landing."
"You can ambush Tywin's forces right?" Edmure asked "We can
take them by surprise. Take over a fort or two and allow the
Northern host to cross the Trident."
"No. I'm sure that the spies must have already reported the
defeat of the Lannister army to Tywin and he must have set up
some defenses against us." He said even though he was
con dent that he could defeat the Lannister army on his own.
"Plus, I'm not going to attack Tywin Lannister."
"But you said that you'll leave Riverrun in two days." Edmure
said with a frown.
"I will." He replied and pointed at another Lion piece beside
Casterly Rock "My spies told me that the Lannisters are
gathering yet another army outside Casterly Rock. I'll go there
and break that army before it could become large enough to pose
a danger."
"And how do you plan to cross the Golden Tooth?" Black sh
"You can leave that to me." He replied "Your task on the other
hand will be to gather the lords of Riverrun and create another
army and take Harrenhal from the skeletal garrison that Tywin
left behind."
"Can't you just use those Wyverns and throw some more wild re
at Tywin?" Edmure asked. "Harrenhal was burned by the
Dragons. Can't your Wyverns and wild re do the same?"
"No." He shook his head "The caches of wild re I have is very
limited. I cannot afford to be wasteful with them."
He noticed Black sh relax a little at that piece of news. Which
was fake of course.
The Alchemists had been working for him for the past few years
and by now that had created enough wild re for him to burn
Harrenhal ten times over. But there was really no point in telling
that to these people and making them fear him.
The war council lasted for a bit longer before it was nally
decided that Edmure Tully would continue to raise and train
more men while Black sh would lead his own men to destroy
the Lannister supply lines and sow some chaos in Tywin's army
while he would take his army and leave for Casterly Rock.

Chapter 339: Chapter 339

Varko was teaching some of the Riverland knights how to hold

their sword when there was a commotion in the gates.
He went outside and saw that the Riverrun guards were pointing
their spears at two men.
A closer look told him that one of the man was none other then
Barristan the Bold.
He moved forward and the Riverrun guards bowed to him as
soon as they saw him.
You should never move your sights from the enemy.
Ser Barristan could have killed them ten times by now if he
"Ser Barristan." He said with a frown "I presume you're here to
meet my lord."
Ser Barristan nodded "I was promised answers."
"And you shall have them." He replied.
"Ser Barristan." He said as he sat on the chair opposite to the
man and poured coffee on a mug from his bottomless ask.
"Would you like some coffee?" he asked.
The old knight shook his head.
He shrugged and took a sip from the mug. The hot chocolaty
liquid entered his throat and he let out a content sigh before he
looked at the legend in front of him.
"You have questions." He said "Ask them."
"Is Prince Rhaegar's son still alive?" Ser Barristan asked.
"He is." He replied "Alive. Healthy. Educated and all that."
Ser Barristan narrowed his eyes at him, searching for any lie in
his words while he sipped the hot coffee and let out content
sighs, wondering why everyone refused to share his coffee. It
was so good.
"I was promised answers." Ser Barristan said.
"Were you?" he asked "Because I don't remember making any
such promise to you Ser Barristan."
"Your man promised me. He works for you does he not."
"He does." He replied "And so do thousand others. Tell me Ser
Barristan. Should I go about ful lling every single promise that
the people working for me make on my behalf?"
Ser Barristan looked tongue tied so he continued.
"The man might work for me. But he does not speak for me." He
said "But… you've come a long way for answers. I suppose I
would not mind answering your questions if you answer some of
Ser Barristan clenched his sts, not letting any anger or
frustration show on his face.
"Why do you search for the son of Prince Rhaegar?"he asked.
"Pardon?" Ser Barristan frowned.
"I mean. After serving one failure of a king after another. You
must be tired." He said "So why do this. Why continued to serve
one undeserving king after another." He sipped his coffee "I
mean… don't you have anything better to do. Go to summer
islands. Fuck a few women. Raise some kids and spent the rest
of your days in bliss. I'm sure that winning so many tournaments
in your youth must have earned you more than enough gold."
"A Kingsguard's vow is for life lord Bolton."
"Then what are you doing here?" he asked "Should you be in
Kings Landing. Serving mad king in the making."
Ser Barristan clenched his sts and ground his teeth. Then he
took a deep breath and calmed himself down "The duty of the
Kingsguard is not to judge the King but to serve him."
"How convenient." He drawled "Is that what you told yourself
when the Mad King burned Lord Rickard Stark and strangled his
son to death. Or when he later returned to his chambers and
raped his wife."
The anger brewing in Ser Barristan's eyes was now replace by
guilt. Guilt and a bone deep exhaustion and for once, the proud
man looked his age.
Ser Barristan lowered his head and didn't speak.
"You want to know where the son of Prince Rhaegar is?" he
The old knight nodded his head.
"That information has a price." He said.
"What price?" Ser Barristan asked, his voice tired from their
"If I'm to be frank Ser Barristan then there is really nothing you
can give me that I already do not have in abundance." He said
"So how about a bet instead."
"A bet." He nodded "It's quite simple. We ght. I will not
attempt to harm you. Only hold you back. But if you're able to
cut me even once. Then you win the ght and I'll tell you about
the son of Prince Rhaegar. In fact, not only will I tell you about
him, I'll also give you the gold and escort needed to get to him."
"Then I'll still tell you about Prince Rhaegar's son. But instead of
going to him, you'll serve me instead. How does that sound?"
Ser Barristan looked at him in the eye and nodded.

Chapter 340: Chapter 340

Domeric sat on his horse and led his army away from Riverrun.
Beside him, Ygritte was sitting on her own horse and Varko,
Baka and Ser Barristan Selmy followed behind him who were
then followed be his person guards who were then in turn
followed by the 1st Legion.
The duel with Ser Barristan Selmy took place in a clearing in the
forest outside Riverrun with only a few spectators.
The duel was harder than his duel with Ser Jamie Lannister as he
wasn't allowed to attack back. But he had not stopped his daily
sword practice with Baka and Varko and had thus become a
better swordsman since then.
Despite that, Ser Barristan Selmy showed his experience and
almost nicked him more than a few times, with only his inhuman
re exes allowing him to move out of the way of the strike.
In the end, Ser Barristan was too tired to continue and accepted
his defeat before giving him an oath of loyalty and accepting
him as his lord.
He kept his part of the deal and told Ser Barristan about the
secret marriage of Prince Rhaegar and Lady Lyanna and their
child, Jaehaerys Targaryen who was then named Jon Snow.
And that was how he gained one of the most famous knight in
the living history in his entourage.
"You still haven't told me how you're going to cross the Golden
Tooth." Ygritte said as she rode beside him "You plan on taking
that secret with you to your grave?"
He looked at her and gave her a cheerful smile.
"I'm starting to doubt you even have an idea about crossing the
Golden Tooth."
He put a hand on his chest and mock gasped "Even my own
girlfriend is starting to doubt me now. Woe is me."
Ygritte frowned and seeing no other reaction from her he
"You're right though." He said.
He leaned into her ear and whispered "About me not having a
Ygritte gave him a sharp glare "You're kidding right?"
"Nope." He said with a cheerful smile.
She scrunched up her brow, looking cute as fuck while doing so
"You always have a plan."
"Well… I do know a few ways in which we could cross the
Golden Tooth." He said with a shrug "But most of them are
magical in nature and one of them would cost me a good deal of
my army. If possible I would rather not use them. But if push
comes to shove then I won't have any problem in crossing the
Golden Tooth."
Ygritte let out a sigh at that "Well at least we're not going to our
deaths." She looked at him "Want yo share some of your plans
with me?"
He shrugged "They're really not all that complicated. I could use
the giants with the hammers to destroy the gates and entered the
castle. I could sneak inside and open the gate from inside on my
own. I could sneak inside and force the commander to open the
gates for us. I could also simply throw men at the walls. I could
use a wild re barrel to blow the gates. Or use the Wyverns and
wild re to burn the Castle to the ground. Really. I've dozens of
options in my mind. But I'm trying to nd one that would allow
use to cross the Castle with minimum bloodshed from our side."
"And have you thought about such a way?" she asked.
He nodded "Two ways actually." He said "1. Is to nd a alternate
path to go across the castle."
She frowned at his words so he explained.
"Take Moat Cailin for example." He said "The Castle looks
impenetrable and the swamps around that area are a death trap.
But I know for a fact that the Reeds who have lived in that area
for centuries know of a way or two to go through the swamps
and come out the other side without needed to siege Moat
"So. You're saying that…"
"Yes. Most castles like these usually have a hidden path which
can be used by the nearby smallfolk to go from one place to
another. Like how the shermen living near the Green fork river
knew where the river is at it's shallowest."
Ygritte nodded in understanding. "What is the second option."
"The second option is to be used when I'm either not able to nd
such a path or such a path don't exist in the rst place" he said
"The second option is that I use my magic to create such a path
on my own."
"Oh don't look so surprised." He smiled "Just because I don't use
my magic to do large scale trans guration doesn't mean I'm not
capable of it." Then he frowned "Unfortunately, this will take a
lot of time. Perhaps even a whole week or longer. So I would
rather search for the 1st option. That would allow us to quickly
cross the castle without anyone knowing and then we'll be able
to attack the Lannister army by surprise."
Ygritte nodded at his words and went quiet.
He looked at her curiously as she gained a thoughtful
She nally looked at him, her eyes a little hesitant and asked
"Can I use magic as well?"
He raised an eyebrow at her words.
"Do you want to?" he asked.
She nodded "Yes. You're doing so much for our people. I want to
help you too."
"You're already helping." He said.
She frowned "I… know. But I also don't want to be left behind
by you."
He scratched his cheek and nodded "Once this war is over, I'll
see what I can do for you."
Ygritte smiled at his words and jumped from her horse into his.
He caught her in the last moment and she gave him a cheeky
smile and sat in front of him.
"Well then. Lead on my lord." She said with a smirk and he

Chapter 341: Chapter 341

Using a portkey, Domeric appeared in a secluded part of his

In some distance, he could see a dilapidated hut that looked like
it had not been used for decades and would fall down with a
powerful gust of wind.
He went to the old hut and tapped the door a half dozen times.
After a few minutes of waiting, the door opened and an old man
opened the door and squinted at him.
"Ahh… My lord. Please. Come come." The man said in a
slightly weak yet excited voice.
He entered the hut which led to a series of stairs which led to an
underground lab that was lled with a few dozen people
working simultaneously on various ingredients.
On the walls, he could see the runes he had carved to keep the
air clean and to give light to the dark underground room.
"Come. Come. My Lord. You're here for an inspection?" the old
man asked.
"No Wisdom Hallyne. I'm here for more." He said.
"More?" the old man looked at him with barely hidden glee
"What happened to the ones I gave you. Did they not burn as
brightly as I promised."
"They did Wisdom Hallyne." He said "We used the help of
Wyverns to drop the wild re on the Lannister army. The
resulting explosion took out their command chain and sowed
chaos in their ranks. Victory was easy after that."
The man started to cackle at that like a mad man. "I told you.
Our time would come. The time would come when the people
will see the value of our great work. When they'll nally realize
just how potent the substance is."
He smiled "That it is Wisdom Hallyne. But I used up most of it
in burning the Lannister army and am here for more."
"Of course you are. The substance is power itself. With it your
can change any battle in your favor." The man chuckled to
himself, his raspy voice echoing in the room before he opened a
secret door at the end of the room which led to another tunnel.
"I believe you Wisdom Hallyne. That is why I gave you all the
funding and ingredients you require for creating the substance
all those years ago." He said "The Long night is coming and the
substance will be one of the key element in ghting the Wights
and the White Walkers. It would play a huge part in saving the
The man laughed once again, a few tears rolling down his
cheeks "I knew that you would just how valuable my work is.
The other fools didn't but I did."
The old man was getting a little sentimental now. He could
understand why. Wild re had a really bad reputation thanks to
the Mad King's actions of burning down innocent people with it.
So not only did they receive no support from the king, no one
respected them either.
But he really didn't want a sentimental man in his hands right
He subtly cast a calming charm on the man and smiled "You can
tell the other Wisdoms and your apprentice how vital their work
was in defeating the Lannister army after I leave. I'll even send
some more gold at the end of the month for you to celebrate
with." He said.
The man wiped a tear from his eye and gave him a bright smile
before they reached the end of the tunnel and the Wisdom used
another key to open the door.
Inside he could see Wooden shelves upon wooden shelves lled
with wild re pots for as far as he could see.
"How many?" he asked. He didn't need to as he read their report
at the start and end of each month and kept a close eye on them.
But it didn't hurt to ask.
"27,000 my lord." The man laughed "27,000. The result of years
of our hard work. Enough to blow your city ten times over."
His eye twitched at the man's lack of tact. The misplaced
enthusiasm of these Pyromancers was why no one invested in
them in the rst place.
"How many are here?" he asked.
"1000 my lord." The man replied "And 2000 each in 13 other
underground bases like this." The man nodded to himself "We've
taken every precaution to make sure that the substance is kept
He had no idea how the Pyromancers did such a good job but
none of the pots showed even a little bit of leak.
Because really. With just how powerful and volatile the
substance was, a single leak could be more than deadly and
result in the entire underground warehouse blowing up to
"How many of them have been turned into the wild re bombs I
taught you to make?" he asked.

Chapter 342: Chapter 342

The man looked a little sad at that.

"4,000 pots my lord." The man said with a sad expression "The
bombs are hard to make. They are. And not many have the skill
and precision required to make them. But the lads are learning.
Yes. And soon they'll be able to make bombs on their own."
"So 20,000 bombs?" he asked.
The man nodded and touched a few pots with reverence.
"Which ones will you take my lord. The pots or the bombs?"
He didn't really plan to use any more wild re through the rest of
his campaign.
If he kept burning the armies he was up against then people
would start fearing him. Even his allies. And that was not
something he wanted.
Letting them think that he had access to only a small amount of
Wild re would be optimum.
With that said. If using the Wild re would save the lives of his
men, then he won't hesitate in using it either.
"500 pots." He replied "And 2000 bombs. As much as I want to
take more with me, well need as much of them in the Long
Night as possible."
The man nodded frantically "A wise decision my lord. Saving
the world with wild re. That comes rst."
He nodded and took out his bottomless bag and carefully started
putting the wild re pots inside.
The man smiled at the display.
"Truly. The arcane arts are the greatest." The man chuckled "It is
only right for the most powerful man to use the most powerful
He nodded and continued to ll the bag with the wild re pots.
Once it was done, put the bottomless bag in his belt and took out
another one.
Then they went through yet another tunnel and came out in
another large room which was lled with the wild re bombs the
size of baseball balls.
He lled the bottomless bag with 2000 of them.
Then he gave another speech to the Alchemists on how
important their work was and how vital the substance was
turning out to be against their enemies. He also warned them to
continue to be careful with it and wished them luck before
leaving the underground room and then the dilapidated looking
"Till next time then Wisdom Hallyne." He said and walked
Once he was out of view, he used portkey to travel back to the
his camp where the men were having lunch.
He walked up to Ygritte who was sitting in a circle with some
other women in the crossbowmen division and sharing war
stories with them.
He kissed her cheek and sat down beside her.
"Is it done?" she asked quietly and he nodded.
"Yes." He replied "I would try not to use it against our enemies
but it's always good to have another option."

Chapter 343: Chapter 343

He led his army through the forest. Using forest trails that his
wargs had already scouted and proclaimed as safe.
He wanted to have the element of surprise against the Lannisters
so they stayed away from the main road as much as possible.
"You think the Freys might betray the Tulleys?" Ygritte asked as
she rode her horse beside his.
"Possible but doubtful." He replied "If the army of the Vale was
not coming to join the war and if Tywin defeated the Northern
Host then Warder Frey would de nitely change sides and
support the Lannisters. But with the destruction of the 2nd
Lannister army in Riverrun and with what I'm going to do next, I
doubt the old coot would do such a thing anymore."
"I might not respect Lord Tywin for his cruel methods against
the innocent commoners but he did the right thing when he
destroyed the Raynes and the Tarbecks. Without those two
unruly houses, House Lannister no doubt has the best grasp over
it's vassel lords in the whole seven kingdoms."
"Even better than House Stark."
"Yes." He nodded "It might not look like in the surface but
House Glover, House Dustin, House Ryswell and House White
Hill amongst a dozen small houses don't support the Starks.
Before me, House Bolton didn't either. And together we made
the largest block of opposition against the Starks."
"And you support House Stark now?" Ygritte asked.
"In a sense." He replied "They're good people and I wouldn't
mind having them by my side during the Long Night. But after
that… I'll separate from the North and from Westeros, creating a
Free City like Braavos of my own."
"Do you think the Starks would ght against us if we did that?"
she asked.
"Doubtful." He replied "Acnologia would become too powerful
by that point. And once we conduct the Dragonlord ritual on
you, I plan on giving you three dragons as well."
Ygritte frowned "Why didn't you hatch more than one dragon?"
"Because dragons are prideful beings. And with how powerful
Acnologia will become, I'll not be able to control more than one
of him." He said with a chuckle "But the dragons you hatch
won't be as powerful as Acnologia. And they'll be subservient to
him. Meaning that they won't try to rebel against us. Which is
why I'm allowing you to have more than one dragon in the rst
Ygritte nodded "Having more dragons on our side during th…"
The magical mirror in his pocket vibrated and he raised a hand
for Ygritte to stop.
He took out the mirror and saw that it was a call from Muron.
"My lord." Muron's cheerful voice came from the other side
"Reached Yunkai yesterday. Had a little skirmish with them.
Those bastards ran away with their tails between their legs. The
Wise Masters now offer us their ships and gold."
"How many ships?" he asked.
"300" Muron replied and his eyes widened his surprise.
"What did you do to have them give you half of their ships?" he
Muron chuckled "Made a few examples. Nothing too gruesome.
Those Wise Masters gave in more easily than even I expected. It
seems like no one really posed them any problem before us."
He had not expected the Wise Masters of Yunkai to give them so
many of their ships and had thought that he would either have to
declare war or pay for those ships.
But it seems like that is not the case.
He would not even need to go to Slavers Bay anymore.
"How much did the Yunkai pay you to not attack them?" he
"300,000 gold coins." Muron smiled "Their gold coins are not
even half the size of our own but they're something."
He nodded "Give one third of it to your men, one third of it to
the Unsullied and keep the rest for yourself."
Muron's smile widened at that and he bowed "Your humble
servant accepts this gift."
He almost scoffed at that.
Muron and humble would never be used in a sentence unless
that sentence was a sarcastic one.
"Very well. Return to Bolton Port with the ships, the Unsullied
and the craftsmen as quickly as possible. You'll have a gift
waiting there for you." He said.
Muron nodded and he cut the connection before letting out a
If he had not made the man sign so many magical contracts and
had not made the man totally loyal to him, then he would really
fear giving some much power to some one under him.
Muron and Bronn were the only men whom he had made loyal
to him with the help of magic.
He usually didn't go so far with his subordinates but these two
held a great deal of power so he couldn't have them betraying
As it was now. They were completely loyal to him and would
not be able to betray him even if they wanted.
He put the mirror back in his pocket and smiled at Ygritte.
"300 more ships." He said with a huge smile "Once I've selected
the captains and crew for them, I'll have more than 800 ships in
my eet."
Ygritte rolled her eyes at him muttering something about 'boys
and their toys.'
"Hey. I'll have you know that I take my Fleet very seriously." He
said, half in jest and half seriously "By the end of the Long
Night, I'll have a larger Fleet than the Redwynes and become the
man with the largest personal Fleet."
"Don't the Braavos have like 3,500 ships in their eet?" Ygritte
"They do." He replied with a nod "But those ships mostly belong
to individual merchants with the wealthiest house having some
500 ships of his own. As of it, House Redwyne has the largest
personal Fleet. And I aim to get that title from them sooner or
Ygritte gave him an unimpressed look and muttered something
about 'men and their dick measuring contests.' Much to his
amusement and exasperation.

Chapter 344: Chapter 344

He ew above Golden Tooth on his self made broom. The

Camou age cloak as well as the dim light from the stars
practically making him invisible even if someone looked up at
He took notice of all the guards stationed on the walls.
It seems like some of the men who escaped the 'Slaughter of
Green eld' as the bards were so eloquently calling it, reached
Golden Tooth and informed the men about the surprise attack
and their total defeat at the hands of the Bolton army.
Once he was sure that he had memorized their pattern, he ew
up to one of the tower with the bell that was used as an alarm to
alert the garrison if any enemy army attacked them.
Good thing was that there was only one man standing on the
tower. Safe in the assumption that no one would attack him.
Which was a fairly good assumption as even the Wyverns or
their riders won't be able to reach inside the Tower.
But the man didn't take into account the wizard who could y on
a broom.
He entered the tower and the man was under his control before
he could even understand what was going on.
"How many men are garrisoned in this castle?" he asked.
He frowned. That number seemed a bit too low for such an
important castle "How many men garrisoned this Castle before
the war?"
"1500." The man replied and he nodded.
It meant that Tywin probably took a good deal of the men with
him. Probably thinking that no one would be foolish enough to
attack the castle.
Which was understandable.
The Castle was built on top of a mountain, had high walls and
large towers for raining down arrows upon any enemy army.
He could understand why Golden Tooth earned it's reputation.
With the help of the walls, these 300 men could easily hold back
an army of 10,000 men until more reinforcements came to
support them.
Frankly, he didn't really plan to take this Castle. But with how
few men were guarding it, he was sorely tempted.
"How many ghting men are there in this castle?" he asked.
"About 500." The man replied "200 more came a few days ago
after their defeat at Riverrun."
He nodded "Where does Lord Lefford lives."
"In the 4th room of the 3rd oor of the Main Keep." The man
replied "Lord Lefford has gone to Lord Tywin. Lady Alysanne
rules in his absence."
He nodded and covered himself with the camou age before
obliviated the man and left the tower.
The woman was sleeping in the large and furnished room could
be no one else but this Lady Alysanne Lefford that the guard
told him about.
Using Homenum Revelio spell to make sure that there was no
one else in near vicinity, he closed the door behind him and the
cast a sound barrier around the room.
Then he walked up to the woman.
He reached her bedside and took out his wand… only to be
surprised when the woman took out a dagger from under her
pillow and lunged at him.
Even surprised as he was, the woman's inexperience showed as
her surprise attack was both slow and lousy.
He easily caught her hands and with a twist and cry of pain, the
dagger clattered to the ground.
"Guards! GUARDS!!! HELP!!!" the woman shouted and he let
out a sigh of relief.
If she had shouted the moment he entered the room then the
whole castle would have heard her.
But with the Sound barrier in place, her voice won't leave the
That didn't make it pleasant.
He pointed the wand at the woman and casted "Imperio."
The woman went silent as once, her expression returning to a
calm one "You're Lady Alysanne Lefford?" he asked.
"Are there any secret passageways underneath the castle?" he
The woman nodded and told him.

Chapter 345: Chapter 345

"What happened to not attacking the Castle?" Ygritte asked as

he looked at the passageway behind the large boulder.
"I didn't want to take the Castle." He said "But there are very
few men in the castle right now. You, me, Varko, Baka, Ser
Barristan and the 40 armored direwolves would be more than
enough to put an end to them. I would have loved to take the
Giants with me but…" he pointed at the human sized tunnel "…
That not possible."
"You sure there are only 500 ghting men in the castle?" she
"Yes. I triple checked that information." He replied "I'll also
kidnap the maester before attacking so that he won't be able to
send any ravens and kill the man guarding the bell so he won't
be able to ring it."
Ygritte thought about it and nodded "Bring 100 of your personal
guards for backup."
He nodded. No point in arguing about her when she was right.
"I'll go and clean the tunnel." He said "Prepare the men. We'll
attack tonight."
She woke up to the sound of clashing weapon and the wails of
dying men.
"Piper! Leo!!!" she shouted as she took out the dagger from
under her pillow that her husband had given her for her own
A few long moments later there were footsteps outside her door
and then it swung open and Piper entered the room.
"The Castle is under attack my lady." The man, no, boy said. His
eyes were lled with terror and she wanted to ask what had him
so terri ed when a loud howl blocked any words in her throat.
The loud howl was echoed by a few others and then the cries of
dying men become louder. And she was under no illusion about
whose side those men belonged to.
She looked back Piper who hands were shaking in fear and she
knew who it was that had attacked the castle.
"Piper." She shouted and the boy snapped in attention "Go to
Maester Lomar. Tell him to send a message to Lord Tywin." She
hesitated "Tell him that the Golden Tooth has fallen to the
Hungry Beast."
Piper looked at her in fear and she shouted "GO. NOW!!!"
The man sprung into action and ran toward the Maester's keep.
She could only hope that the boy would succeed and the maester
would be able to send a message to Lord Tywin. Hopefully a
letter to Casterly Rock as well.
She heard that the Lannisters were raising another army outside
Casterly Rock. She hoped that they would kill these men and
avenge her. Because there was no way she was going to be
captured be some savages and become their plaything.
She held the dagger close to her and closed the door, her hands
shaking in fear all the while.
She waited inside her room as minutes passed and the ghting
started to die down.
The there were footsteps outside her door.
"THUDDD!!!" someone hit the door from the other side.
She gripped her dagger tightly. She knew that the door would
break sooner or later. And there was really nothing she would be
able to do aside from killing herself if she didn't want to be
raped by these men.
"THUDD!!" "Move aside Ser. Let me do it." She heard some
speak and there with a large sound, her door broke in half and an
average looking middle aged man holding two swords and
wearing a black armor dripping with blood entered the room.
She took hold of her dagger and pointed it at her stomach.
"Stay b… back. O.. Or I'll kill myself." She said, hating how she
stuttered because of fear. She had not stuttered since childhood
but in her defense, the Tooth had never been taken by the
enemies before either.
"Calm down lady." The man said, his accent making her doubt
that he was even Westerosi…
Wait… Foriegn accent. Middle aged. Black armor. Two swords.
"You're Ser Varko." She said.
Before he could reply, another man entered the room.
This one was much older but she recognized him instantly.
"Ser Barristan." She said, her voice lled with confusion "What
are you… aren't you a Kingsguard."
"Not anymore my lady." The older man said in a rough yet
powerful voice "I was discharged from my duties by King
Joffrey. I now serve Lord Bolton. Please surrender Lady
Lefford. I promise you on my honor that you'll not be mistreated
in any manner and will be treated with the respect given to
someone of your station."
She wanted to laugh at him. At the whole situation. And she
wanted to break down and cry.
"My… my husband will know of this." She said, not knowing
why she was saying what she was saying "He'll return for me."
Ser Barristan gave her a sympathetic look "We killed the
Maester before the battle began." He said "Your husband won't
know that the Tooth has fallen."
"Even if he did, do you think lord Tywin will allow him to
leave." Ser Varko said "And I'm not a knight by the way. No
need to call me Ser. And surrender already. My lord has no
intention of harming you or the staff serving the castle."
"Do you promise?" she asked Lord Barristan. Because Ser
Varko… or Varko might be the greatest swordsman in the 7
kingdoms but Ser Barristan was the one known for his honor
and good deeds.
"On my honor Lady Lefford."
The dagger fell from her hands and she burst into tears.

Chapter 346: Chapter 346

Now that they had taken the Golden Tooth, it was only a matter
of time until the nearby castles found out that the Tooth has been
taken and will then inform the Lannisters about this.
Which meant that time was of the essence.
Which was why once he put all the castle servants inside the
prison cells, put Lady Lefford inside her room and garrisoned
the castle with 300 infantry and 300 crossbowmen, he and the
remaining 8,000 men left for Casterly Rock the very next day.
"You sure leaving the old man in charge of the castle was the
right thing to do?" Bronn asked as they travelled through an
unknown path in the forest once again.
He gave a sideways glance to General Bronn "For all his faults,
Ser Barristan Selmy is a man of his words." He said "So if he
said that he would hold the Castle till his last breath then that's
what he'll do."
Bronn shrugged. "We could have used those men."
"500 more or less men won't make much difference to us." He
said "But by holding the Tooth, we'll deny the Lannisters any
chance of entering the Westerlands."
"He could still come from Deep Den." Bronn pointed out.
"Yes. But he would have to go 300 miles further south to do that.
And that would give the Nothererns and the Vale men enough
time to reach Kings Landing and put the city under siege." He
said "Not that we need to care about that. Right now we only
need to focus on destroying the gathering army."
"And taking Casterly Rock." Bronn said and chuckled to himself
"I am not even surprised you would go after the Rock."
He chuckled with the man.
"The bards made a song for you. For your victory against the
Lannisters." Bronn said "Slaughter of the Green eld. Even the
battle is named after the song."
"I've heard of it." He said "Terribly boring. The bard called me
the 'hungry beast', can you believe it."
"Easily." Bronn said and chuckled at his betrayed look "Theon
Stark was called the hungry wolf because of the constant wars
against the Andals."
"You know your history." He quipped.
"Because you forced me to learn it." Bronn said "Like Theon
Stark, you yourself have sent men to the Land beyond the Wall a
good few times. And now you're here. Fighting battles after
battles when the Northern host has not even begun their skirmish
with the Lannisters. Even the Baratheons have yet to take part in
any battles."
"Stannis took Storm's end." He said.
"By assassinating the Castellan." Bronn said.
He opened his mouth for a retort but none came to his mind.
"Okay. I think I can see why they call me the Hungry Beast
now." He said and started chuckling with Bronn.
"Think they wanted to call you Hungry Wolf but you're not a
Stark and hungry Weirwood would sound terribly unimpressive
so they called you a Beast instead."
He had gained too many names in his past life and more than a
few in this life as well.
At this point, he was beyond caring about the names that people
gave him.
With that said, once this war was over, he would have to pay a
good bard to write a decent song for him.
He was allowed to feel vain every now and then.

Chapter 347: Chapter 347

"T… t… you… your grace" Pycelle said, looking every bit as

old as his age and giving the feeling that he would drop dead
just about any moment now "N… news from the G… h…
Golden tooth."
"Go on then." King Joffrey said, looking bored by the whole
court "Read it. And be quick about it. I want to hear what new
victories Ser Devan and my grandfather brought us after
defeating the Riverland armies."
Pycelle looked back at the letter and squinted. As if he had not
already read the letter ten times over and memorized every detail
in it. "The… the… Bolton army… attacked the army around
His blood boiled at the mention of the Bolton and he
remembered the boy who had humiliated him in Winterfell all
those months ago and had taken the Valyrian sword of his
In hindsight, he should not have underestimated the boy. Neither
should he have used the Valyrian sword as a bet. But now it was
too late for regrets.
"The Bolton army took… took the Lannisters by surprise."
Pycelle said "And… and… used Direwolves, wargs, giants and
great ying beasts to… to defeat them."
He had heard about the Direwolves, wargs and giants. Tyrion
had… he had been so excited to go Dreadfort and see all those
mythical creatures that are only said to exist beyond the Wall.
But he had no idea what these ying beasts were supposed to be.
The thought of Tyrion brought another pang of pain in his heart.
The fact that Tyrion had left them, left 'him' hurt. The fact that
Tyrion then went and joined the Bolton boy hurt even more.
Then Pycelle continued. Reading about how the Boltons used
wild re to burn the Lannister men.
That news surprised him. Did the Alchemists sold their wild re
to the Bolton boy. Come to think of it, he had not seen those
bloody Pyromencers in a long time.
He had been surprised when they didn't come to Joffrey or his
sister to ask for some more funds. But if they had gone with the
Bolton, then that would make sense.
Still, how the hell did the Bolton cross the Green Fork without
the Freys knowing about it. And how the hell were they able to
surprise the Lannister army.
How many men did the Bolton even have?
Pycelle went on for a few more minutes and by the time he
nished, the King, his son had gone in one of his moods.
"Bring Sansa Stark here." Joffrey shouted "Let's see how she'll
answer for the crimes committed by these Northern savages."
What Joffrey didn't say in front of the court was that despite
being his betrothed, Sansa still loved the Bolton boy. Which was
also the reason why she suffered so much under Joffrey's hands.
Sansa entered the Great Hall a few minutes later, wearing a long
Northern dress and looking prim and proper. He knew for a fact
that she was trying to hide the limp that she received when
Meryn Trant hit her too hard on the leg yesterday.
The next few minutes were hard for him to watch.
The humiliation and beating that the girl received. It all
reminded him of the time that he served under King Aerys. The
time when he used to burn innocent people for his amusement.
He wondered… if the Pyromencers had come to Joffrey then
would he start burning people as well.
The worse thing was that he would not be surprised if Joffrey
did such a thing.
It made him wondered if the thing they said about the
Targaryens and incest was true. And if his son was just as mad
as the mad king.
By the time the knights of the Kingsguard were done with
Sansa, half of clothes had been torn and she had more than a few
bruises on her body.
He looked at his sister and saw an amused smile on her face.
He felt numb too it all and wondered if Tyrion had done the right
thing when he had left the Lannister army.
His father orders his men to kill babies. His sister takes
amusement in the pain of others and his son was a as mad as the
mad king.
Cersei had not allowed him in her bed ever since he suffered that
defeat and lost that sword. And he was sure that she was
sleeping with someone else now.
He wondered if he should just leave this all behind and go
somewhere else.
Working as a sellsword won't earn him much gold but he was
too tired of all this shit.
At the end of the day, he knew that he would not leave Kings
landing because Myrcella and Tommen were good kids. And he
wanted to protect them from Joffrey because he knew that
Cersei won't.
Still, dreaming about a day when he would be free from all this
was better than nothing.
For now, this was just another day in Kings Landing.
Chapter 348: Chapter 348

"My lady." King Renly said as he sat in front of her.

She had expected him to leave her behind in Highgarden but he
had unexpectedly brought her with him.
"I bring good news for you."
She gave a polite smile "Your grace."
The king didn't look phased by her formality and continued to
Whatever news he got must have been a good one.
"Got a letter from one of my spies in Pink Maiden." King Renly
said "Apparently they captured a few Lannister soldiers near
their castle. At rst they thought that they were deserters but
after some interrogation, they found that they were the remnants
of the Lannister army that had put Riverrun under siege."
Her heart leapt at that "Remnants?" she asked "What happened
to the army?"
King Renly smiled "Apparently it was destroyed by an army led
by Lord Bolton."
She had feeling that there was more he wanted to say in this
matter but didn't.
"That is good news." She nodded "What of my brother? He was
held captive by the Lannisters. Did Lord Bolton managed to
save him."
King Renly frowned at that and then gave her an apologetic look
"I'm afraid that the soldiers that the men in Pink Maiden caught
didn't knew a lot of information. Just that they were attacked at
early dawn and all three camps surrounding Riverrun were
defeated very quickly."
She had no idea if her brother had not died in the battle. Battles
can be chaotic and innocent men tend to die like ies in a war.
She could only hope that her brother had survived.
"Thank you for the news your grace." She said and King Renly
smiled and got up from his chair.
"Don't mention it." He said "The Lannisters are enemy of us all.
When I sit on the Iron Throne I'll de nitely give a boon to Lord
Bolton for this."
With that he left her tent and she decided to pray to the Seven
for her brother's safety.
He picked up the letter and looked at Malesandre.
"Why was I not informed of this?" he asked "Did your god
failed to see this?"
"The lord of light only shows me what he wants to show me."
Malesandre said "And so far he had not shown me any visions
of this Lord Bolton. I suspect that he too have a grand part to
play in the Long Night."
"You and your lord." Stannis said, looking at the slight bump in
her belly. The one he had put there himself.
He knew that with how small his forces were there was no way
he was going to win against his brother and thus… other
methods needed to be used.
"My brother and his forces are close to bitter bridge. They'll be
here in a month or two." He said "I hope you'll be ready by
"I will my lord." She said.
He nodded and looked at the letter once again.
"Keep looking in the re." He said "I want to know if you can
nd anything for me about this Bolton boy."
She nodded and with that, he went back to looking at the board,
wondering if Lord Stark will give him his allegiance if he
succeeded in killing Renly.

Chapter 349: Chapter 349

The tent was silent after Lord Tywin nished reading the letter.
"Are the giants, wargs and direwolves that people talked about
really there?" Ser Jon Bettley asked "I had not believed those
rumors before."
"They're not rumors." Lord Tytos Brax said "My cousin is a
merchant who ones went to Winterhold to purchase glass. The
giants, direwoves and wargs that we've all heard about. They're
real. As you and me."
"We should talk about the army that we've lost instead of
mythical creatures." He said "At the end of the day it's men that
win wars, then direwolves or giants."
"People thought the same about dragons. Until the dragons burnt
them to the ground." Ser Damon Lannister said "I do not mean
to cause insult. But do remember that giants are 12 feet large.
That's 4 feet larger than the mountain. If Ser Gregor Clegane can
do so much damage to an enemy morale then guess how much
damage someone much larger than him will do. I for one don't
wish to ght a giant on the battle eld. And he undoubtedly has
more than a dozen of them."
"Ser Edmure Tully has been taken as well." Lord Roland
Crakehall said "With him and Black sh in Riverrun, the rest of
the Lords in Riverrun will ock to him."
"Are you saying that after the Northern host, the Knights of the
Vale and this Bolton army, we have to worry about an army of
the Riverlands as well?" Ser Bettley asked.
"No." He replied "We've beaten the Riverlands too much. With
all the chaos and the damage we've caused, the Riverland lords
won't be able to create a large army. But still, it is the Hungry
Beast that I'm worried about. He has an army of 8,000 and is in
the perfect place to ambush us from behind."
"Should we sue for peace." Ser Bettley asked. With the defeat of
the army led by Ser Devan, the North and Vale army outnumber
us two to one "And the Baratheon brothers are there as well."
"Yes. Those traitors." Lord Tytos Brax said Showing their true
colors before their brother's corpse even had the chance to cool."
"Why have not sued for peace already?" Lord Roland Crakehall
"The only reason the Northerners are ghting us in the rst place
in because of Sansa Stark. Just give her to them and end the
enmity with them."
"In case you're not heard." Ser Damon "The king hates his
betrothed. I'm not sure if he'll even agree to returning her to the
"Why is that?" he asked, curious despite himself.
"Everyone knows this." Lord Tytos Brax said "Sansa Stark was
betrothed to the Bolton boy before King Robert abruptly broke
the betrothal with him and betrothed her to his own son Prince
Joffrey. But even after the betrothal was broken, Sansa Stark
continued to love the Bolton boy. With how aggressive the
Bolton is being in this war, I suspect that he might have some
feelings for the girl as well."
"We should sue for peace." Ser Bettley said "Our enemies
outnumber us as it is. We cannot hope to ght on so many
"THUMP!!!" Lord Tywin slammed the desk with his hand and
the table went silent.
Lord Tywin then turned in his chair and looked at all of them for
a long moment before he put the paper down on the table.
"We'll sue for peace." Lord Tywin said in a slow voice but no
one dared to disrupt him "Ser Damon."
"You'll go to Kings Landing with 300 men and bring Sansa to us
to be ransomed back to the Northerners for peace." Lord Tywin
said "Also. Send my letter to Jamie. He's to be the temporary
Hand until I get to Kings Landing. It is time for him to stop
chasing after meaningless glory and grow up,"
"Yes my lord." Ser Damon said before Lord Tywin looked at all
of them once again.

Chapter 350: Chapter 350

He ew above the lands as an astral manifestation and looked at

the Army as well as the Large Castle in the distance.
Looking at Casterly Rock now, he could understand why no one
has ever taken the castle.
He also understood that even with his magically armored troops,
it'll be very dif cult for him to win over this castle.
He'll have to use his wits and magic for this one.
He ew away from the Rock and set his sights on the army once
12,000 men led by a knight named Lucian Lannister from a
branch family of the Lannister house.
Upon looking closely, he saw that the army was indeed
composed of boys and old men along with a bunch of
mercenaries who were now being trained to hold the right end of
their spears.
The Lannisters were truly scraping the bottom of the barrel with
this army.
He looked at the area around the army and noticed that Ser
Lucian Lannister had not stationed any sentry or guards around
the army.
Which was understandable. They were some distance from
Casterly Rock after all. And the time he was sighted was at
No one would think that he had taken the Golden Tooth and had
entered the Westerlands.
This assumption was going to cost them an army. Not that they
would have been spared by him even if they had been prepared.
But this will just make things so much easier.
He ew back up in the air and looked at the army composition
and the tent positions along with the local landscape once again
and committed it to his memory before he returned.
He came out of the Valyrian Glass Candle and took a few deep
breaths while shaking his head to remove the Disorientation.
Ygritte came from behind and rubbed his back "Is it done?" she
He smiled "Yeah. The men are barely trained. They have no
decent armor and on top of it all, their commander had put no
guards around the army." He laughed "This is going to be easy
for us."
"Don't become too overcon dent Domeric." Ygritte said and he
nodded and became a little serious.
Then he got up from his chair and walked up to a large table
which was lled with clay.
He took out his wand, used legilimency to bring out the
memories of the army and the landscape near it and then used
trans guration to turn the clay into a realistic looking life like
"There are more of them then I thought." Ygritte said as she
looked at the realistic 3d map on the table before looking at him
"You said there were only 8000 of them."
"That was a month ago." He said "Now there are 4000 more. At
least this Ser Lucian is not a totally incompetent if he's able to
gather so many men in such a short time."
"Just incompetent enough to not station any guards around his
army." Ygritte said and he smiled.
Both him and Jon sat on the ground and looked at the Lannister
army on the other side of the river.
"You look tired." He said to his half brother who he now knew
as his cousin and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Funny how
life was lled with irony.
He had always wanted to keep Jon by his side and made him his
right hand man. Now if Jon takes on Lord Bolton's offer then
Jon might sit on the Iron Throne and the opposite might happen.
He wonders what his mother would think when she hears the
truth of Jon's parentage. How Sansa would feel.
"I feel tired." Jon replied "And afraid and confused and lost."
Jon turned and looked at him "How are you supposed to deal
with the fact that your entire life has been a lie?"
"It's not a lie Jon." He said "You're still family. And Arya'll
always love you more than me or Bran or Sansa."
Jon chuckled at that and he smiled. Seeing Jon even a little bit
happy was a rarity these days. Most of the time he just stood in a
place, looked in the distance and brooded.
"You can always refuse." He said "If you do not want this
burden then you can always refuse. No one needs to know."
Jon chuckled at his words "You're right. I do not want to be a
King. But Lord Bolton said that if I become the King then I'll be
able to send more help to the North during the Long Winter."
"Possibly." He nodded "But Renly and Stannis are not
unreasonable men. If they became king and we showed them the
Wights and the White Walkers and make them understand the
severity of the situation then it is possible that they'll do
everything in their power to send us help as well."
"Lord Bolton said that if King Stannis won and sat on the Iron
Throne then the 7 kingdoms will break down." Jon said.
Lord Bolton had already explained that as much as they wanted
to continue with the illusions, the truth was that the 7 Kingdoms
were already breaking. In fact, Dorne and Iron Islands were a
part of the 7 kingdoms in name only. And once King Stannis sits
on the Throne, neither the Westerlands on the Reach lords will
obey him. Which'll lead to civil war in those kingdoms and
cause more descent.
And considering how Riverlands has already descended into
chaos and madness, that only left the North, the Vale, the
Crownlands and the Stormlands in good enough condition to
ght the White Walkers.
Then there was the fact that Lord Stannis had taken to the Red
God and habit the habit of burning down the statues of the faith
so the Lords of the Vale might not support his reign either.
The whole political explanation had been long and confusing but
they did understand that Stannis becoming the King was not
going to be good for any of them.
The fact that Lord Bolton knew so much more about the
political stance of the whole of Westeros than their own Lord
father only made them respect the lord even more.
"Do you think I'll make a good king?" Jon asked.
He wanted to lie to Jon. Tell him that he'll become a wonderful
king. But he knew that someone who had never known what
ruling even meant was not going to make a great king. Not at
"Not at rst." He replied "But you're a fast learner."
Jon didn't reply to his words.
He looked at Jon and noticed that he was staring into the
"Jon." He said, a little annoyed that Jon didn't listen to him.
Jon frowned and pointed into the distance "Look. Robb."
He looked and could see a boat coming from the other side of
the river.
"You think Tywin wants to negotiate?" he asked Jon who
frowned as well.
"Possibly." Jon replied "Lord Bolton has defeated the Lannister
army outside Riverrun and the Vale army will arrive within a
week or two. I don't think Tywin likes his odds too much."
"That's because he doesn't know that Lord Bolton has left the
Riverlands." Robb replied "If he did then he would realize that
he still holds the advantage of being on the other side of the
"That's true." Jon replied "Well, let's got and greet out guest."

Chapter 351: Chapter 351

"My name is Jon Bettley. A Knight of House Bettley and an

envoy of Lord Tywin Lannister."
"The fuck does Tywin want now?" Greatjon Umber asked from
his seat.
The Knight looked a little afraid but gulped and soldiered on.
"Lord Tywin wishes for a peace treaty with the North and the
Vale." Ser Bettley said "We'll return Lady Sansa to you. And you
can return to your lands. There is no need for further
unnecessary bloodshed."
"And what of the Stark men you butchered in Kings Landing?"
he asked.
Ser Bettley hesitated but spoke "Lord Tywin is willing to return
the bones of the dead and compensate for their unfortunate
"Unfortunate deaths he says." Lord Greatjon Umber barked
"How about I gut you like a pig and I call it an unfortunate
death. Huh!"
Ser Bettley's face went pale and his father spoke.
"Peace Greatjon. We're not going to kill a messenger."
Greatjon grumbled a bit but went silent after that.
His father then turned to Ser Bettley and spoke "You say you're
going to compensate for the deaths you've caused. Is that
"Yes my lord." Ser Bettley replied.
"Are you going to compensate for the death of the tens of
thousands of the peasants that Ser Gregor Clegane and his men
caused?" his father asked.
Ser Bettley had no replied to that and his father continued.
"What about King Robert. How are you going to compensate for
his death?"
Ser Bettley frowned at that "King Robert Baratheon died of a
heart attack. The Lannisters have no part in his death."
"That's what you say." He said "But we know from a reliable
source that it was the Queen who poisoned the King and the
Grand Maester who made sure that the King died and the made
it look like a heart attack."
"Rubbish. Lies. All of it. Queen Cersei would never do such a
More than a few men in the room scoffed at that.
"Are you saying that my reliable source is lying." His father said
in a low and dangerous voice "Do you take me for a fool Ser Jon
"You think you Lannisters can do anything you want and then
you'll be forgiven for it just because you asked nicely?" Lord
Karstark spoke "I'll give it to you. You have some guts to come
all the way here and spout such rubbish to us."
The Knight took a glance at everyone in the room and sighed
before looking up at his father "I take it that your answer is no
"I still say that we should cut his neck and send his balls back to
the old lion." Greatjon said.
"And my answer is still no Greatjon. We do not kill the envoys."
Greatjon nodded and got up from his chair.
He took the parchment about the peace treaty, tore it into peaces
and then forced it inside Ser Bettley's mouth.
"Go back and shove the peace treaty up Tywin's ass." Greatjon
said "See if he can still shit gold after that."
With that Lord Greatjon Umber picked the Knight by his collar
and threw him out of the tent.
His father shook his head in amusement and he wondered how
they were going to get Sansa now that they had refused the
peace offer.

Chapter 352: Chapter 352

"You sure you want to lead from the front?" she asked him one
last time.
She couldn't see his eyes through the helmet but the way he was
moving his head made her realize that he was rolling his eyes.
"I'll be alright." He said "You know very well just how good my
armor is. Just wait here for me."
She nodded and hugged him one last time before he climbed on
the horse and rode to the front of their army.
"I don't have much of a speech for you." He said, his voice
somehow audible to the whole camp without being too loud.
"You guys already know what to do. Follow the plan and we'll
be victorious."
He then turned to the wargs and said "Release the direwolves."
As one, the whole pack of direwolves rushed forward. The full
body magical chain mail they were wearing would protect them
against any kind of physical attack.
"ON ME!!!" her lover let out a battle cry which has become
much more erce than before and went after the Direwolves. He
was followed by Baka who led the 700 personal guards and
quickly rushed after him.
Even if Domeric was not wearing a full body magical armor, she
knew that Baka wouldn't let anything happen to him.
After the personal guards left, Varko led the 1000 cavalry of the
1st legion and at the same time, Mocqo also let out a war cry
and led his 1200 horse archer from the right ank.
She could already hear the battle in the distance and the Bronn
ordered his 2000 infantry to march forward.
Once he was gone, she looked at the 2500 archers and
crossbowmen and took a deep breath.
It was the rst time she would lead men into battle.
Well, not really lead them as they had their own commanders
and command of chain but she was in charge of them for the
duration of this battle. And they did respect her more than
enough to allow her to lead them.
"AFTER THEM!!!" she shouted and marched after the infantry.
The battle was not much of a battle.
When Domeric told her that this battle would be easy, he was
not underestimating the opponent of being overcon dent.
The Lannister army was made up of people who had never
stepped into battle eld before.
They didn't have any discipline or any proper training.
So when Domeric cut through them at the start of the battle and
entered the central command camp with his men, killing
everyone on his way, the army quickly lost it's morale.
After that, it was a full on rout as the defeated troops ran to save
their lives.
She was not every able to re a full quiver of arrows before the
battle ended.
All in all, the whole thing was very anticlimatic.
The only people who saw any real battle were the Giants and the
500 heavy infantry that Domeric had snuck in the middle of the
camp and Casterly Rock.
Any defeated troop that tried to retreat into Casterly Rock had to
pass through the giants and the heavy infantry.
They tried. And it didn't really work out very well for them.
The giants alone killed more than a 500 men before the people
understood this was a no go and escaped toward the Lannister
The good thing about this was that most of the guards and
knights from Casterly Rock had come to train the men in this
And since they weren't able to return to Casterly Rock, the
Castle was as badly defended as it'll ever be.
With that being the case, even with how large the rock on which
Casterly Rock sat, she was sure that they'll be able to take the

Chapter 353: Chapter 353

She looked at the army camped below Casterly Rock and

snarled in anger and grief.
Three sons. She had sent three of her four sons in the war with
with the army led by Ser Devan Lannister.
Two of them died when the Bolton army destroyed that army
and the third was now held captive in Riverrun.
The Bolton boy didn't even cared about the prisoners. He just
hoisted them all off to the Tulleys who were now asking a high
price as the ransom money.
The only reason her fourth son didn't join the war was because
he was too young to do so.
She had thought that he would at least remain safe in Casterly
Rock for the duration of the war.
She clenched her sts so hard her palms started to bleed.
Now she was not sure how safe her son truly was.
Most of the experienced knights and veteran guards from
Casterly Rock had gone with Ser Lucian as he needed all the
help he could get to put his army into decent shape.
Now… that army was broken. Ser Lucian and the other
commanders dead. And not a single one of those so called
veteran returned back to Casterly Rock.
"Casterly Rock has never fallen before. Casterly Rock has never
fallen before." She repeated the words to herself like a chant.
'Casterly Rock had never been up against giants, direwolves,
wargs and wyverns either' a voice echoed in her mind.
She wanted to blame Tywin and Kevan for this war. Or Cersei
and Jamie.
Her brothers might not be willing to believe the 'rumors' about
King Joffrey's true parentage but she had been like a mother to
both Jamie and Cersei after Joanna's death and she knew what
those two did behind closed doors.
She let out a sigh and put those thoughts off her mind.
There was really no point in blaming other people at this point.
She could only hope that the squares and the barely trained boys
left in the castle would be able to defend it against the Hungry

Chapter 354: Chapter 354

Lord Jason looked at Casterly Rock in the distance and

continued to write the letter.
In front of him Ser Benedict Broom, the Master-at-arms of
Casterly Rock moved to and fro from the look, his sts clenched
and his face red with anger, shame and humiliation.
"We must gather the men Lord Jason." Ser Benedict said but it
sounded more like begging to his ears "We cannot let those
savages have a turn at Casterly Rock."
"Are you talking about the same savages who defeated Ser
Daven Lannister, broke his army, took over the Golden Tooth
without anyone knowing and then defeated and scattered Ser
Lucian's army like unruly children." He asked without looking
up from the letter "Because if so then I have no idea how you
plan to defeat Lord Bolton and his army with what few men we
have left."
"Those bastards had the element of surprise with them." Ser
Benedict said "They caught us off guard. Nothing more nothing
less. I have no doubt that in a fair ght things would be
He nished the letter telling Lord Tywin about the defeat of the
Lannister army outside Casterly Rock as well as the castle being
under siege and gave it to the Maester who took it and left for
the rookery.
Once the door had been closed, he turned to Ser Benedict once
again "And how do you plan to give them a fair ght Ser
Benedict. Our best men have already with Lord Tywin. And we
gave all the boys and old men that we had left to you and Ser
Lucian. Do you want me to tell the children and sherwomen to
take up arms as well."
Ser Benedict snarled and rounded up on him "This is not a joke
Lord Jason."
He gave the man an unimpressed look "I know that very well.
And believe me. The only reason why I allowed you to take so
many men from Lannisport in the rst place was because the
Iron men had suffered a rather harsh defeat in the last war and
are in no position to launch raids." He said "But you can never
be sure with those bastards. And if they came back here to attack
us then I need the few men I had left to repel them."
"We need those men to lift the siege." Ser Benedict said, his
expression a mix of anger and desperation "If those savages
managed to take Casterly Rock then everything will be lost."
He scoffed "Casterly Rock has stood tall for centuries without
ever falling to any enemy forces. I don't see it falling to some
"Casterly Rock has never been attacked by giants before." Ser
Benedict said and shivered violently at some memory "I… " Ser
Benedict slumped and sat down on the chair "I should be up
there in Casterly Rock. Defending the place from those savages.
Not… not here."
He felt sorry for the man. Truly. For all that he parroted that
Casterly Rock has never fallen before, he knew well enough that
the Rock might very well fall for the rst time since it's creation.
And if that happened. Then the Bolton boy would sniff out all
the gold hidden inside the Castle.
And if the rumors about the Gold mines of Casterly Rock
running out were true (like he suspected they were) then that
gold would be the last that Main branch of House Lannister has.
The Lannisters would go from being the richest house in
Westeros to being paupers.
He doubted Ser Benedict would survive Lord Tywin's wrath
then. He doubted anyone would.
"But here you are." He said and sat back on his chair "And I
don't plan to sacri ce the few men I have left just so you could
say that you tried your best."
Ser Benedict gritted his teeth and looked at the large mountain
in the distance "How could this have happened Lord Jason. How
the hell did those bastards managed to take the Tooth without
anyone knowing and sneak up on us."
He shrugged "Some say that Lord Bolton has been chosen by the
Old Gods. That the old gods favor him and have given him…
Ser Benedict looked at him incredulously and he shrugged.
"Don't look at me that way. I don't believe the rumors either." He
said "But you do have to agree. No normal man could gather
giants, direwolves, wargs and Wyverns like his Bolton lord. And
few men could ght an army much larger than themselves two
times and slaughter the other army in both instances."
Ser Benedict shivered once again before he closed his eyes with
a painful expression.
"So I won't get any help from you?" Ser Benedict asked.
"If helping you means giving you my last last line of defense
just so you could throw them at that army then no. I won't be
able to help you anymore." he said.
Ser Benedict just glared at him for a long moment before he
simply nodded, turned and left.
Once the door had closed, he let out a sigh and looked at
Casterly Rock once again. Wondering if he was going to see the
fall of the mighty castle in this life.
A part of him almost delighted in that news.
No one would say it outright but the Lannisters of the Casterly
Rock had always looked down on them and the other branches
of House Lannister.
If the castle falls then his own branch house would become the
richest and most in uencial house in the Westerlands instead of
the main branch.
And then… with so many men having died in this war. If lord
Tywin Lannister died as well, then he'll get the golden
opportunity of becoming the Warden of the West.
He drank some wine and wondered how Lord Tywin would
react to hearing the news of Casterly Rock falling to the
Northern savages.
He smiled and took out another empty page from the drawer.
Might as well write another letter to the queen and give her
some stress as well.
He never really liked the bitch.

Chapter 355: Chapter 355

Domeric sat in the living room in a large mansion in Bolton Port
and sipped on some Lemon Juice.
Tyrion sat on the other end of the table and drank some Arbor
"It must be hard for you." He said after a long silence.
"Why would that be?" Tyrion scoffed "I left that family behind
when I gave up my name. I do not care about what happens to
the Lannisters anymore."
"You're usually much better at lying." He said and then there
was silence once again.
After a long moment, Tyrion spoke once again "The defenses of
the City has been upgraded as much as I possibly could. The
men and militia had been trained. You need not be worried about
the ships coming to our shores."
He took another sip and remained silent, not moving his eyes
away from Tyrion who started dgeting under his gaze.
"How much do you know about the war going on between the
Lannisters and the Northern host."
"You mean the war between house Lannister and the House
Bolton?" Tyrion snarked before he grimaced "My apologies. I
don't know where that came from."
"I forgive you." He replied "But you've still not answered my
"I know that you've defeated the Lannister army outside
Riverrun. I know that the Vale has almost reached the trident.
And I know that if my father doesn't back away then he'll get
fucked three ways by the three armies." Tyrion said and smiled
"I wish I could be there to see that. But I know my father. He's
too smart to be defeated like this. He'll probably fall back and
retreat to either Harrenhal or Kings Landing."
He took another sip of the lemon and put the glass down on the
table "I am not in Riverlands."
"Of course you're not." Tyrion scoffed "You're here. In the
North. Unless this is come kind of magic and what I'm seeing a
mere illusion."
"I meant my army." He said "It is no longer in Riverlands."
Tyrion frowned at that and clutched his sts "And where would
your army be then?" he asked.
He remained silent for a moment, waiting for Tyrion to get
impatient before he nally spoke.
"Ser Lucian Lannister was raising an army outside Casterly
Rock on behest of Lord Tywin Lannister." He said.
"Ser Lucian?" Tyrion raised an eyebrow "He was not much of a
ghter. But he was a half way decent commander. If he is raising
an army then…"
"He's dead." He said and Tyrion went silent.
Tyrion opened his mouth and closed it a few times before he
nally let out a sigh "That's where is army is, isn't it. You
somehow crossed the Tooth and then defeated the 2nd Lannister
army. You must be proud of yourself."
"Their army was 12,000 strong." He said "I had 8000 men. We
took them by surprise and defeated them within an hour. I am
proud of myself."
Tyrion closed his eyes at his words. "Let me guess." He said and
then looked up at him with some anger in his eyes "You're now
outside Casterly Rock and want to see if I have some way to get
into the Castle."
"That is true." He replied. "I want a passage inside Casterly
Because even after sneaking inside Casterly Rock at night and
searching Genna Lannister's memory, he was not able to nd
any secret tunnels leading away from the Castle.
Which was understandable as in the many hundred years since
it's construction, Casterly Rock has never fallen.
He was sure that given enough time, he could melt a few walls
and create a path to the mines under the Castle but he was in the
middle of enemy territory and wanted to get this done as quickly
as possible.
Which is why as soon as Tyrion looked at his eyes, he performed
a surface legilimency probe and got the mental image of a sewer
that led to the sea beneath Casterly Rock.
"I… I don't know." Tyrion said after a long moment.
He walked around the table and sat on the table and looked at
Tyrion in the eye.
"I lying very badly Tyrion." He said "If you do not want to tell
me then say so. I'll accept your reasons. Because I know that
even after leaving the Lannisters, you still love them. I'll not
force you to choose between your lord and your family. But do
not lie to me." He nished in a whisper and Tyrion looked down
and nodded.
"I… I know a way." Tyrion said and paused for a long moment
to wipe the tears from his eyes "Sorry. I know you've done a lot
for me. You gave me Tysha. Gave me a family that loves me.
Gave me a place to live. But… I cannot betray my family
He nodded and stepped away from Tyrion "I do not blame you
Tyrion. I even respect you for trying to protect your family." He
said "But know this. Casterly Rock will fall to me. And I'll take
all the gold and wealth inside that Castle."
Tyrion looked broken at that and he added "But don't worry. I'll
tell my men to not harm any woman, child or elderly. Or any
man that surrenders to me. I'll do this for you. Because I value
you and your friendship." He said "Do not lie to me again
Tyrion. Is that understood."
Tyrion nodded and he activated the portkey and left the

Chapter 356: Chapter 356

"This is not pretty." Baka said and pinched her nose "And it
"It's a sewer Baka. It's not meant to be pretty." He said but put a
bubble head charm on all of their heads anyway.
"It's slippery." Varko said.
He grimaced and nodded "It is. You don't need to tell me that
"Is this the grand secret entrance that you planned to in ltrate
the castle from." Bronn said, his eyes lled with mirth and he
reluctantly nodded.
"Yeah." He said "But… I'll have to go inside and check if it
there's really an opening for us to use."
"Clean the sewers for us while you're at it Domeric." Baka said
and he grimaced.
Using his magic to clean sewers. Oh how the mighty have
He nodded "I'll see what I can do. You three remain here till
The three nodded, looking more than a little amused and he
looked at the sewer once again, knowing very well that he'll
probably not be able to eat anything for the next few days.
"Here goes nothing." He said and entered the sewer.
He looked at the fty rafts that his men had made in the last two
days and then at the thirty giants.
He looked at the horizon where the sun had fallen a few
moments ago.
"You know what you need to do?" he asked.
Mag the Mighty nodded his head "Break Iron doors. Kill red
people." He replied in Old Tongue.
He nodded and turned to his personal guards.
"Only four in the raft at a time." He told his men "Or two men
and one direwolf. Send in the direwolves rst before entering
His men nodded and he looked at the castle on top of the large
He had no doubt that their thighs would be sore from all the
stairs they were about to climb in order to reach the Castle. But
it was what it was.
He turned to Ygritte and kissed her forehead "Do not take off
your helmet. Even for a single moment." He whispered to her "I
don't want you harmed because you became careless."
"You be careful too." Ygritte told him and he nodded.
They waited for a few more minutes before the last rays of the
sun nally died down.
Then he turned to his men and wore his helmet.
"Take the rafts and start transporting the direwolves." He said
and turned to the Ygritte "Wait for all of use to enter the sewers
before telling the Giants to attack."
Ygritte nodded and he told Mag the Mighty to listen to Ygritte
before leaving.
She was woken by frantic knocking on her door.
She opened her eyes and frowned. She clenched her sts to drive
away the fear from her heart and wore some decent clothes
before opening the door.
A young square named Jacob Lannet looked at her in fear.
"Mm… my lady." He said and she almost thought that the boy
would pissed himself if she so much as frowned in his direction.
"The… the…" he pointed in distance at something "The Bolton
forces has started attacking. It's… the giants. They're coming to
eat us."
She went back to her room and came out with two letters.
"Go to Maester Creylen." She said and handed the two letters to
him "Tell him to send these to my brother Tywin and my niece
Queen Cersei.
The boy nodded, looking at the letters as if they were a life line
and ran away with them.
Once the boy was gone, she let the fear in her her own heart
bleed into her face.
Because as much as she didn't want to believe it, deep down in
her heart, she knew that Casterly Rock will fall before next
Still, she was a Lannister and she wouldn't go down easily.
She wore the cloak of her house around her shoulder and left her
If the men were too cowardly to lead the ght then she would
pick up the sword herself and show them to do it.

Chapter 357: Chapter 357

Domeric looked at the plump woman with the large tits and
mused at how the woman looked so much like Molly Weasley if
you only take their gures in account.
From what he knew, Lady Genna used to be a great beauty in
her youth. Being married to a Frey would do this to anyone.
Her head was currently covered in white bandage. Courtesy of a
wound she suffered when her own men deserted the gates and
trampled on her during the panic.
He was glad that she was alive. Tyrion would be terribly upset if
his dear aunt died in such a manner.
If nothing else, he respected her for her bravery and her
determination to lead the men and die with them if push came to
The push did came to shove… and now here they were.
The woman glared daggers at him and a simple use of surface
legilimency charm told him why.
Two of her boys died to his army outside Riverrun. The third
one was currently a captive in Riverrun. And if the fourth one
had tried to ght against his men when they started scouring the
castle… then he might be dead as well.
No parent should see ever the death of their own children. Or so
he'd been told.
"Lady Genna." He said and passed some water to her across the
The woman fought against her restrains, moving forward so that
she could strangle him with her bare hands. When that didn't
work she settled for spitting on his face.
He took out a handkerchief and wiped the spit from his face.
"You have lost. I've broken your armies. Slain your men. And
taken the castle. Tell me where the treasury is and I'll be on my
Because truly, even after he had put all his wargs to work, they
had still not succeeded in nding the location of the treasury and
no one else from the Lannister household knew about it either.
The reason for this was that as the miners dug deeper and deeper
into the mountain, the Lannisters turned those mines into
hallways and rooms.
So really, the Castle that sat on top of the mountain was not even
the tip of the iceberg. Casterly Rock was far, far larger than
anyone could imagine.
The castle was a labyrinth of hallways and dark corridors and
the further below they went the darker and larger it became
The woman scoffed, glaring hatefully at him all the time "If you
think this is over then you're delusional boy. This is far from
over. You've given a huge insult to my brother. And it won't be
long before the rains will weep over your halls either." She said
"No one insults Tywin Lannister and gets away with it."
He gave the woman an unimpressed look.
"If you think your brother is going to come and save you woman
then I don't think you've paid attention." He said "I don't fear
your brother. And even without your help, my wargs will sooner
or later nd the treasury regardless. So you might as well tell me
and earn some browny points. Right?"
"Never!!!" the woman snarled and fought against her restraints
once again.
When Bronn had rst suggested tying up the woman, he had
given the man a strange look. But now he could understand.
He sighed. Either he was shit at this Diplomacy thing or these
people were unnaturally stubborn.
"Very well." He nodded "You leave me no choice Lady Genna."
He took out his wand and pointed it at her.
She looked at the piece of wood in his hand in confused and he
said "Imperio."

Chapter 358: Chapter 358

"This is… underwhelming…" Ygritte said as she gazed at the

large amount of gold coins, gold bars and gold everything else in
the huge room. "Your room was larger. Much larger. And it also
had most gold."
After doing some magical calculations, he had found that his
treasury had over 50 millions gold coins from Valyria. And that
was not even mentioning all the dragon eggs, jewelleries,
Valyrian steel weapons and other things that were more valuable
than gold.
This treasury didn't didn't have even 1/5th of that.
"Perhaps." He replied as he picked up on of the newly minted
gold coins "But they have gold dragon coins which we can use
in Westeros without any complications."
"Just take it Domeric." Ygritte said "You've already taken
everything of value from the Castle." Then she snickered.
Probably at remembering how he took Lord Tywin's golden
statue and put it inside his expended trunk as well.
He nodded "Very well then." He took out the trunk that he had
used to gather all the loot from the various battles he'd
participated in so far.
He opened the lid of the trunk and went behind it.
He took out his staff and pointed it at all the gold in front of him.
"Accio gold." He said from behind the trunk and soon enough,
all the gold in the room came toward him and entered the trunk.
An hour later, they were once again at the courtyard of Casterly
"Did you nd the treasury my lord?" Varko asked and he
"Burn it." He said and Varko nodded at the men who put the
torch to the piles of Lannister tapestries, furniture and other
things that they couldn't or wouldn't take.
He had no doubt that after taking the Lannister gold, he would
become their eternal enemy. So he might as well take everything
from them and leave them even poorer than before.
Once the Lannisters eventually return to Casterly Rock, Buying
the furniture, tapestries, etc will cost them even more and the
more time they spend in getting back to their earlier status, the
more time he'll not have to worry about them as his enemies.
The piles started burning and he saw Lord Tytos' portrait
burning among one of the piles as well.
He wondered if he should take that portrait. Give it to Tyrion
But then he decided against it and watched everything burn.
After a few moments, he turned and left.
Varko followed behind him and he said "Tell the men to take the
food supplies and start packing. We're done here."
He looked at the women and girls inside the prison cell and
scratched his cheeks.
The gods had really bestowed the Lannisters good genes.
Most of the young women looked like they had jumped out of
some magazine cover. Even the fear and weariness didn't take
away from their beauty.
"What are we going to do with them my lord?" Varko asked.
"We should leave them." Ygritte said "They're of no use to us."
Bronn scoffed "That's because you're a woman. I know for a fact
that they would have a piece of dat ass."
He glared at Bronn who didn't look guilty at the least.
"What? You gonna tell me you don't want to bend them over and
fuck their pretty little cunts." Bronn said with a raised eyebrow.
He rolled his eyes in exasperation. The girls looked terri ed
Why the hell were they even having this talk here. That was
rather insensitive of him.
"I promised Tyrion that I won't harm his family members." He
said "and I keep my promises. And even if I didn't promise
anything to Tyrion, I'm not in the business of hurting the
"Just in case you might have missed it. Those people you killed
did have families of their own. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters
or children." Bronn said "You really can't miss hurting the
innocents even if you want to in a war."
He nodded "Be that as it may, I'm still not allowing you to hurt
the prisoners." He said "They're under my protection and they…
hmm… Ive decided to take them North."
"Not enough girls in your brothels?" Bronn asked and he glared
at the man once again "We don't talk about such things out in the
open Bronn."
Bronn shrugged carelessly but when he kept glaring at the men,
Bronn nally nodded his head.
"Why're you taking them to the North then if not to warm your
beds?" Bronn asked.
"Ever heard of the term hostage?" he asked with some much
needed sarcasm.
"You gonna take all of them hostage?" Bronn asked and looked
at the cell once again "Like… how many of chicks are there."
"83." He replied and walked away from the cell. Mostly because
he didn't like the fearful expression on their faces "the wives,
mothers, sisters and daughters or the Lannisters, their branch
houses and the knights and lords working under them."
"You want to ransom them?" Varko asked and he nodded.
"Don't think the Lannisters will have much left to give you after
what you did to their pretty little castle." Bronn said
"I doubt it." He replied "The Lannisters might be poor after this
but they're still the Lord Paramount of the Westerlands which
mean that they get taxes from every other house in the Kingdom.
They might be poor now but they'll recover sooner or later. And
I would rather they recover later than sooner."
His companions nodded and he looked at Bronn "Tell the men to
keep well away from the hostages. I don't want any accidents."
Bronn nodded and he wondered if he would have to create a
whole new mansion to act as a prison for these girls and women.
He didn't want to mistreat them and he frankly doubted that they
would survive in a normal prison.

Chapter 359: Chapter 359

He was woken out of his sleep with a kick to the butt.

His eyes ew opened and he opped around a bit, looking for
any enemies before he saw the barely restrained laughter of his
He gave them an unimpressed look and they burst into laughter.
"Pack you bags Ron." The eldest of them named Jack said while
he packed his own "We're moving."
"Where?" he asked as he yawned and blinked his eyes. He didn't
knew much about strategy but he knew that after the Knights of
the Vale joined the Northmen, their combined forces
outnumbered their own by a good amount.
"Somewhere that's not here." Another of friend named Tygget
replied and he rolled his eyes.
"I for one am glad to be out of this hole." Tim, the second
youngest one of them replied "The whores here have all got pox
of some kind or another."
"Whores… that's all you think about." Tygget said and they all
started laughing at Tim who grumbled something under his
breath but otherwise remained silent.
"Guys. Do none of you know where we are going?" he asked.
At his words the tent became silent. And not the good kind of
Finally Jack put his bag close to his and whispered "There are
rumors going on around the tent." Jack said.
"What kind of rumors?" he asked.
Jack peeked out of the tent for any passerby before speaking "It's
not been made of cial but… you remember the army that Ser
Lucian was gathering outside Casterly Rock."
"As if I would forget something like that." He said while rolling
his eyes. "I'm not Tim you know."
"Hey…" Tim protested from the other side of the tent but when
Jack didn't smile at him, he started to feel a sense of foreboding.
Jack looked outside the tent once more before saying "Don't tell
this to anyone. But there are rumors that the Bloody beast
entered the Westerlands and tore through that army as well.
We're on our own now."
It was as if someone had dropped a bucket of ice cold water on
He stared at Jack, hoping for some kind of sign that this was a
bad and twisted joke.
Jack continued to stare back at him and he frowned "But…
that's… how would he even cross the Golden Tooth."
Because he had seen the castle before when they were coming to
Riverrun. And when he looked at the Castle and heard about it's
history, he remembered thinking that no army would be able to
take the castle.
"These rumors legit?" Tim asked, his face a bit serious as well.
Jack nodded. Being a veteran, Jack had connections to the other
veterans that he and the others in the tent didn't. Which meant
that he was the rst one to hear about things like these.
Jack nodded and he grimaced.
"Are we fucked then?" he asked.
"What about Casterly Rock. Or Lannisport?" Tim asked "Did
those Northern bastards attack them?"
Jack nodded "From what little I've heard. Casterly Rock is under
siege now."
"Hold on! How did the Tooth fall in the rst place?" Tygget
"They left a woman in charge of the castle." Tim scoffed "What
else did you expect."
"We going to Casterly Rock now?" he asked and Jack nodded.
"Most likely. And I don't think we'll have to run in this one."
"Fuck!" Tygget cursed "You think the Northmen and knights of
the Vale will chase us?"
"After what the mountain and his men did to the poor smallfolk?
I wouldn't be surprised if they did."
"Fucking the Mountain." Tygget said "Do you know anything
about the Riverlanders. Is that idiot Edmure Tully raising an
army again?"
Jack shrugged "No idea. Just that Black sh and his men are
hitting out lines. Killing our scouts. Burning our food and all
that. But I would not be surprised if the Riverlanders raise an
army once again."
"That's three armies." He said, wondering if deserting would be
a better option.
He looked at the friends and they had similar expressions on
their faces.
No one said it out loud but everyone was thinking it.
Because as much as they feared Lord Tywin. They feared getting
attacked by three fucking armies even more.
"Be fast." Jack said in the end "We need to pack the tent too.
And you don't want to be late."
They all nodded and quickly nished packing their bags.
And as he packed his bag, he wondered if the Bloody beast
would be able to take Casterly Rock.
He had heard that the Castle had never fallen to anyone before
but with how good of a commander that man was turning out to
be… anything could happen.

Chapter 360: Chapter 360

Ned looked at the Northern and Vale Lords that had gathered in
the command tent.
"Those Lannister fucks are running Ned!" Greatjon said as he
stood up from his chair "We go chase after Tywin or should we
go to Kings Landing and save your daughter."
"I received a letter from Lord Bolton which explained why Lord
Tywin left for the Westerlands instead of going down South to
protect his children and grandchildren." He said.
Everyone in the room looked confused at his words and some
even frowned.
He could understand why. They thought that Tywin feared them
and ran away but that was actually not the case. Because if it
was then Tywin would have left before the Knights of Vale
could even arrive at the Trident.
"What has the lad done now?" Greatjon asked.
He waited for a second, knowing what kind of reaction this bit
of news was going to get from everyone.
"I got a letter from Lord Bolton this morning." He said.
Everyone waited with baited breath and he continued "Lord
Bolton… has taken Casterly Rock."
There was a stunned silence in the command tent for a moment.
And then as if a dam had burst, everyone rose from their seat
and cheered so loudly that he felt the urge to close his ears.
He looked at Jon's and Robb's direwolves under the table and
notice them covering their drooped ears with their paws.
The cheers for a long time before the command tent nally
started to calm down a little.
He picked the glass and slammed it on the table a few times.
The men calmed down a little after that and he sighed inwardly,
knowing that the next part would have the men cheering once
"Lord Bolton has taken 5 million gold dragons from the
Lannister vaults and plans to use them to fund us for this
upcoming Winter." He said and closed his eyes in resignation as
the men started cheering once again.
He waited until the men calmed down once again before he took
a look at the letter once again and continued.
"Lord Bolton is returning to the Golden Tooth where he would
hold Lord Tywin and his army." He said "He plans to trap Lord
Tywin under the castle. So that we could come from behind and
attack the Lannisters. Our armies will act as hammer and anvil
and we'll break the Lannisters under the Golden Tooth."
The Northmen cheered at his words and he waited for them to
stop before he turned to the Vale lords. Lord Yohn Royce
speci cally as he was the commander of the Vale army.
"Lord Yohn Royce. Will the knights of the Vale join us in this
venture?" he asked.
Lord Yohn Royce got up from his chair and gave him a nod of
respect "Lord Stark. If Lady Lysa Arryn is right then the
Lannisters murdered our liege lord, Lord Jon Arryn. Just like
they murdered King Robert to usurp his power and seat their
incestuous bastards on the Iron Throne. Lady Arryn has tasked
us with supporting you and the Riverlands in this war. And that's
exactly what we'll do. We'll join you."
The other Vale lords nodded in con rmation and he stood up
from his chair.
"Have the men prepare." He said "We'll cross the river and chase
after the Lannisters from tomorrow morning."
She sat on a stone and looked over the small waterfall in the
"Lady Stark." She heard a familiar voice and turned around to
see King Renly coming toward her with a huge smile on his
She got up and gave him a bowed in courtesy "King Renly." She
"I bring good news Lady Stark." King Renly said with his usual
charismatic smile.
She nodded with a fake smile and waited for him to continue.
"Lord Bolton has broken the Lannister army outside Casterly
Rock." King Stannis said "And not only that. It seems that Lord
Bolton has done the impossible and has also taken Casterly
Her eyes widened at that and seeing her reaction, King Renly's
smile widened once again "Lord Tywin has left the Trident to go
save his castle and his wealth. And your husband along with the
rest of the North and the Vale forces has crossed the Trident
river and is now chasing behind him."
She came out of her stupor from and almost frowned at that
She would have rather that her husband and the army of the Vale
go to Kings Landing and save her daughter. But she understood
that if they defeated Lord Tywin then the rest of the war will
turn in their favor.
She nodded at him and asked "What about your brother?"
At the mention of his brother, King Renly's expression soured
and he let out a tired sigh "My brother… has decided to remain
as stubborn as ever and has refused to see to reason." King
Renly said "He would rather break than bend and doesn't see
that his army stands no chance against my own. The parlay was
a waste of time. We'll go to battle in to 2-3 days."
Battle? She almost scoffed at that.
King Renly had over 100,000 men while King Stannis barely
had 10,000. This was not going to be a battle. This was going to
be a slaughter. Unless King Renly decided to do something
foolish and challenged King Stannis to a dual.
"Brothers shouldn't ght amongst themselves." She said, the
words coming from her heart this time "What would your
parents think King Renly?"
King Renly sighed at her words, looking for all the world like
even the thought of ghting against his brother pained him even
though she knew better now.
"I do not wish to ght my brother either Lady Stark. But as you
know by now. My brother is a stern and hard man. He would
rather break than bend. He doesn't make compromises and
compromises are what keeps the balance and balance is what
keeps the Kingdom stable. There is a good reason why my
brother has no friends and few allies. He will not make for a
good king my lady. So as much as it pains me to do so, I must
step forth and take the Crown for myself. I only hope that my
brother will survive and I'll be able to send him off to the Wall."
There was not much to say after that so King Renly took his
Once he left, she gazed at the waterfall and thought about Lord
Bolton taking the seat of power of the Lannisters. A feat which
was considered to be impossible by almost everyone.
She wondered what would have happened if Sansa was still
betrothed to Lord Bolton.
She closed her eyes and decided to not think about such things.
Ifs and whats are what destroys a person and she wanted to be
ready for what was to come.

Chapter 361: Chapter 361

King Stannis looked at the letter and continued to stare at it for a
long moment before… chuckled???
The sound was foreign to his ears. King Stannis was a hard man
born from hard circumstances. He never smiled and even in his
daughter's presence though his stern features did relax a bit
when he was near her.
So hearing him chuckle made him very curious about what was
in that letter.
Finally King Stannis put the letter down on the table and he
looked toward him.
King Stannis remained silent for a while, mulling the words in
his mind and then nally spoke "Domeric Bolton has taken
Casterly Rock."
Those words were so out of his expectation that for a moment he
merely gaped at his King.
"Huh!?" he managed to let out at last before he shook his head
and cleared his mind.
"How? Where?… Wasn't he at Riverrun the last time we heard
about him?" he asked.
"He was indeed." King Stannis said and he could see a hint of
admiration in his voice. "And in the time span of one month, he
took Golden Tooth without anyone knowing, destroyed the
Lannister army gathering outside Casterly Rock and then took
the castle which everyone else said was impenetrable.
Marvelous. Simply brilliant."
This was the rst time he has heard his King praising someone
so much. But he could understand why that was.
Casterly Rock was like Storms End in many ways.
It was only a decade and a half ago when the entirety of the
Reach forces were stationed outside Storms End. And King
Stannis who was a mere boy at that time, managed to hold the
Castle against such a force with barely 1000 men for an entire
The Reach had over 60,000 men at that time. Not to mention all
the ships that surrounded them from the sea side.
So the fact that Lord Bolton managed to take Casterly Rock with
only 8000 men in the span of a few days was a great feat indeed.
"As good as that news is your grace… that doesn't solve our
problem." He said and watched in silence as King Stannis' good
mood disappeared almost instantly.
King Stannis turned and looked at him "I know. That is why
you'll be smuggling Lady Malesandre to the other side of the
river tonight."
He almost grimaced at that.
He knew what was inside that Red Witch's womb. And he really
really wanted no part in this.
"Is there really no other way your grace?" he asked, some of the
desperation showing in his voice.
King Stannis didn't really and simply stared at him.
He already knew the answer.
There was no other way. There was no trick in the world that
would allow King Stannis to defeat a force 10 times his own.
In the end, he simply bowed.
"I'll see it done your grace."
King Stannis didn't reply and he left the room with a heavy

Chapter 362: Chapter 362

"Your grace, please see reason. We cannot afford to continue this

war with the North and the Vale. Please return Lady Sansa to
Lord Stark so we could focus on the Baratheon brothers."
The King sat on the Iron throne and scoffed at him "Why would
I waste my time on someone who cannot even stop a small
army? If my grandfather had won any victories then I would
considered your request but he has done nothing but lose against
this Bolton and is now running away from the Trident with his
tail between his legs. He will get nothing from me."
"I said no." The young and demented king scowled at him "Or
do I need to throw you in the Black cells as well."
He grimaced "No your grace. I understand."
"Good. Then get out of my sight." The king said before turning
to one of his Kingsguard "And Ser Boros, why don't you bring
my dear betrothed to the Throne Room. Let's see how she'll
answer for the crimes of the savages from the North."
"As you wish your grace." The knight who had no honor nodded
and left the throne along with him.
He came out of the throne room and looked himself.
He had no idea what he was doing here anymore.
It has been two weeks since he arrived here. And everyday, he
would ask the King to release Lady Sansa so that they could stop
the needless war against the Northerners.
But the King was a fucking spoiled brat and a idiot on top of
The Bloody beast has taken Casterly Rock and the Incest spawn
still doesn't want to return Lady Sansa to the Starks just so he
could continue to beat and humiliate her in front of the court.
The whole thing as sickening and he had no idea why the Queen
Regent or Ser Jamie Lannister hasn't put an end to this in the
rst place.
With how many welts there were on Lady Sansa's back, he
wouldn't be surprised if the Northerners continued their war
even after they return her to her family.
The whole situation was messed up and he was left wondering if
there was even any point to any of this.
Why are good Lannister men putting their lives on the line if the
demented king doesn't even care about them.
This thoughts were brought short when he noticed Ser Boros
Blount bringing Lady Sansa to the Thorne Room.
He expected to see some fear in her eyes for what was about to
happen but the only thing he could see was determination and…
Had she heard of the fall of Casterly Rock? Is that why she was
so happy? Or was it because it was news of Lord Bolton and his
string of victories against the Lannisters.
He had heard that even after King Robert broke her betrothal to
Lord Bolton and betrothed her to Joffrey, she still continued to
love Ser Bolton which was the reason why King Joffrey resented
her so much in the rst place.
He had to wonder what King Robert was thinking when he
betrothed the poor girl to his demented son.
He stood outside the large doors and listened in for the next few
How the King told Lady Sansa about how the Northern savage
took Casterly Rock and then feasted on the dead people there.
How the King asked Lady Sansa to answer for the crimes of the
Northerners and how she was then beaten and humiliated in
front of the whole court.
At last he couldn't take all this madness and left for his room.
At was late evening when there was a knock on his door.
He opened it to nd Ser Jamie standing in front of him with a
resolute expression on his face.
Ser Jamie looked at him with mixed emotions while he tried his
best to not blame the man for… everything. If they had reigned
the King in when he was young then maybe he would not be so
insane right now "Ser Jamie. Is there something you want?" he
asked curtly.
Ser Jamie pursed his lips and then looked around to corridor for
any eavesdropped before bypassing him and entering the room.
"I asked you a question Ser Jamie." He said, still standing at the
Ser Jamie nodded at him "I know. And we need to talk. Close
the doors. We cannot afford to be eavesdropped upon."
He nodded and closed the door securely before looking at Ser
Jamie who was now walking around the room with a resigned
air to him.
"So… Casterly Rock has fallen huh…" Ser Jamie nally spoke
and nodded.
"It would appear so. And now your father is trying to stop this
war that King Joffrey started because he was jealous that his
betrothed loved another man."
Ser Jamie did not even deny his accusations. He just slumped his
shoulders and dropped down on a chair.
He had never seen the man look so tired before.
"You're right…" Ser Jamie said after a long moment.
He narrowed his eyes and Ser Jamie continued.
"We cannot afford this war against the Northerners." Ser Jamie
said and paused "I doubt Lord Stark would stop the war after
seeing and hearing about what his daughter had to go through in
the Red Keep. But… we need to try."
"We." Ser Jamie nodded "I'll help you rescue Lady Sansa. You'll
take her to my father and try to stop this madness from
"We might not be able to stop this war even if we gave Lady
Sansa back to the Northerners." He said "In case you've failed to
notice, the Northerners are winning this war. And after taking
Casterly Rock, Lord Bolton must have taken everyone,
including your aunt Genna a hostage and taken every bit of gold
from the Castle. With our gold and seat of base lost and two
armies on our back, we've never been in a more vulnerable
position before."
"You think I don't know that." Ser Jamie growled before he
visibly composed himself. "His grace sees Sansa as his play toy
and he had never been one to give up his toys no matter what.
The only thing you can do at this point is rescue her from here,
take her to my father and hope for the best."
"How?" he asked. "How the hell do expect me to take her and
escape the city?"
"With my help of course." Ser Jamie said and gave him a small
That night, he readied his men with the excuse that he'd failed to
persuade King Joffrey and now needed to return to join the
battle eld.
After he and the 300 men following him left the Red Keep, a
female hooded gure came out of a tunnel and joined their party.
And then they were off in the night.
The men at the gates must have been paid off and didn't even
bother to check him.
Once they were outside the city, they galloped away as fast as
they could.
He looked at the hooded gure riding beside him and said "We'll
get you home Lady Sansa. You don't need to fear for your
The hooded gure gave him a blank look from under her hood
and nodded before looking forward.
He looked ahead and just hoped that he wasn't too late in his

Chapter 363: Chapter 363

The moans of two whores playing with each other lled the air
as he sat behind his expensive desk and thought about the
general situation of the war in Riverlands.
Lysa has, for some reason, decided to ignore their plans and has
not only gathered the army of the Vale but had also sent them
against the Lannisters to avenge the murder of their lord.
He would have enjoyed the irony of this whole situation if it
didn't fuck so badly with his plans.
He wanted the army of the Vale intact so that when he
eventually marries Lysa and takes over the Vale, he'll have a full
army under his command.
Lysa has not only broken away from all her plans but she has
also ignored any and all letters sent from her.
If he didn't know any better then he would have suspected that
the woman had been murdered and her face had been taken over
by a Faceless man.
But he had tried to hire them once before and knew just how
expensive they were.
There was no way there was anyone in the realm rich enough to
hire a Faceless man for a long term mission.
Except for Lord Lannister and Lord Bolton.
Lord Bolton… it all came down to him didn't it.
He took a sip of wine from a cup and looked at the two whores
enjoying themselves. Or merely giving the illusion that they
were enjoying themselves. Or a delicious mixture of both.
He thought about the situation he had found himself in and took
another sip of wine.
As much as he would like to go to Eyrie and check on the
situation himself, this was a crucial time in the war. A time when
even the mighty fall. And someone like him needed to be ready
to take advantage of the situation and make sure that he came
out the victor in this war no matter who won.
But once he had some time on his hand. He would rescue Sansa,
the girl he had found himself infatuated with, go to Eyrie with
her and take control of the situation himself.
It was late at evening when they left the bank of the river on a
small boat and darkness had fallen by the time they reached the
other side of the bank.
Years of smuggling had taught him that this was the best time to
smuggle things from one place to another.
And now he was putting that information to good use once
And smuggling a heavily pregnant Malisandre to the other side
of the river.
The boat stopped and the Red priestess gave him a smile of
someone who was supremely con dent in herself before she
climbed out of the boat and went into a nearby cave.
Even heavily pregnant as she was, she walked with more grace
than any other woman he had ever seen in his life.
They reached the cave and he lit two torches for some
"You don't need to look so afraid Onion knight." She said as she
smiled at him. A smile that he had come to distrust a long time
"Someone once told that the night dark and full of terrors." He
replied and got a smile in return.
She smiled before she suddenly dropped the robes she was
She was completely naked underneath with a large belly. And he
hated himself for being aroused at the scene enough though he
knew what this was.
Then the lights in the torches started burning brighter as she sat
down on the ground and spread her feet.
She started screaming in pain but he could help but notice that
half her screams seemed like moans of pleasure as her belly
convulsed a few times before dark tendrils came out of shadows
came out from between her legs.
He looked at the Aldrich abomination which came out from her
and stood up. The worse part of it all was that the thing had the
face of his king.
The red priestess panted in exhaustion and he watched in silent
terror as the thing turned into shadows and ew out of the cave.

Chapter 364: Chapter 364

He slashed at the knight in front of him. His enhanced strength

and the sharp edge of the Valyrian blade bit into the knight's
armor and cut him in half before the man could even raise his
Then his upper half slid off from the horse and fell on the
ground, the entrails and other organs leaking out from his body.
These kinds of deaths were always the most messy kind.
He looked around and saw that the battle had ended all around
He used Aguamenti spell to wipe the fresh blood from the blade
and put it back in it's sheath.
"We're done here." He told the 50 or riders who had come with
him to deal with these foolish men who thought that using
Guerrilla warfare on his would be a wise idea.
Then again, they must be under the assumption that he would
have all the gold of Casterly Rock with him (they were not
wrong). And greed could make people do the most foolish of
"Take the horses to feed the direwolves." He said before turned
his horse and went back to the main camp.
It has been two days since he left Casterly Rock.
After burning all the things they could burn and destroying more
than a few buildings, there was no reason to stay any long in that
Plus, Tywin was coming so he needed to get to the Golden Tooth
as fast as possible and prepare a welcoming party for Tywin as
He was brought out his musings when the mirror inside his
pocket started vibrating.
He took it out and noticed that it was from Lyra.
He took the call and Lyra's face came in the mirror.
"Good news or bad news." Lyra asked.
He mulled over the question for a bit and then said "Good
Lyra nodded at him "I have two good news. First one is about
"She has left Kings Landing with Ser Damon Lannister and his
entourage of 300 Red cloaks."
"Joffrey allowed her to leave?" he asked.
"No" she shook her head "It was a collaboration between Ser
Jamie and the Spider."
"The spider huh…" he wondered what game the spider was
playing this time.
"How is this a good news for me?" he asked. Despite having
known her for some time, he never really liked Sansa all that
She had been raised behind the safety of castle walls for all her
life and had been shielded from the harsh realities of the world
too much. He and her never really got along and they would not
see eye to eye until her personality changed a great deal.
"Well… Ser Damon is heading for Lord Tywin. And Lord Tywin
is heading toward you." Lyra said "You could take you cavalry
and attack him. Save the damsel in distress so to speak. Take the
only bargaining chip away from Lord Tywin. Gain a bit of
reputation and honor for yourself and the good will of the Starks
and the rest of the North."
He thought about it and nodded.
"What's the bad news?" he asked.
"There is… another good news before that. If you see it as
such." Lyra said.
He raised an eyebrow and gestured for her to continue.
"King Renly was having a feast with the Lords of the Reach and
the Stormlands last night when… a shadow of Stannis
Baratheon stabbed him in the back. Through his heart." She said
"He died instantly and the shadow dispersed after that."
"Shadow… of Stannis?" he frowned "You sure about that?"
"Yes my lord." She nodded "All the lords sitting in the feast saw
He frowned "Shadow of Stannis. This must be the Shadow
magic that I've heard about. Who cast this spell Lyra?"
"I don't think Shadow magic works like your spells my lord. At
least I don't think so." Lyra frowned "But I've heard that the Red
Priestess that follows King Stannis is from Asshai."
Interesting. He had visited 7 of the 9 free cities in Essos but
Asshai was much farther away than any of them and he had not
gone there yet so he did not get any chance to learn about the
blood magic, the Shadow magic and the sacri cial magic used
by the warlocks there.
He wondered if this Malisandre would be willing to teach him.
"What happened after that?" he asked.
"A good many of the Stormlanders defected and joined Stannis.
But a good many thought that King Stannis was consorting with
demons and didn't. He has about 25,000 men at the moment.
Enough to take Kings Landing."
"And Margaery Tyrell is a widow now." He said and realization
dawned on him and he smiled. "I see… This is not good news
Lyra. This is a great news."
Lyra smiled with him before her smile dropped and her face
became serious "Shall I tell you the bad news now my lord."
"Queen Regent Cersei heard about the pregnancy of Princess
Daenerys." She said "To stop the birth of another Targaryen, the
Queen Regent sent some assassins to kill her. Ser Jorah and the
rest of her Blood riders managed to save her. The story
unfortunately didn't end there. When Khal Drogo later found out
about this, he swore vengeance on Westeros and has decided to
gift the princess the Iron Throne."
To go after an unborn child… He did not even know what to say
about that.
"Keep an eye on them Lyra." He said "If this Khal Drogo is
really serious about this then I want to know."
"Any news from home?" he asked.
Lyra shook his head "Nothing of import. Tyrion did came to ask
me about the war considering how he's compromised in this
instance, I sent him back to Bolton port without telling him
"Good decision." He said "Now if you would excuse me, I need
to write a letter to the Tyrells and Lady Stark."
"Good luck on that my lord."
"Thanks Lyra." He nodded "See you later."
"Bye" she said and he cut the connection and started thinking
about the kind of letter that he intended to send his future allies.

Chapter 365: Chapter 365

She sat beside the cold dead body of her husband and then at the
grief lled look on Loras' face.
She considered how ironic it was that the death of her husband
caused her brother more grief than her.
But then again, their marriage had been nothing but a sham from
the start. Renly had only loved Loras and Loras had only loved
The only thing that saddened her was that she would no long be
able to wear the crown and the fact that her brother had been
inconsolable since the death of King Renly.
The fact that Loras had been beside him when Renly was killed
and had been able to do nothing made it even worse.
And wasn't that a whole different can of worms on it's own.
Renly Baratheon, killed by a shadow that looked like his brother.
The thought alone gave her nightmares.
It was no secrete that King Stannis did not like her family. What
if he sent a shadow assassin after her and her family the next
She supposed that this was why half the lords from Stormlands
joined Stannis. Fear could be a useful tool sometimes.
The other half simply called King Stannis a Kinslayer as well as
a monster and went back to their homes.
After the stunt that King Stannis pulled, she very much doubted
that he would be able to hold onto the 7 Kingdoms even if he
killed Joffrey Baratheon and took the Iron Throne.
She was broken out of her thoughts when she heard a
commotion outside the tent.
Not a moment later, a large eagle ew inside and landed on the
table beside her.
She stared at it in shock and the eagle stared back at her with
some sort of intelligence.
Then the moment was broken as two guards frantically entered
the door and their eyes immediately went to the eagle.
"Lady Margaery! Step away from the bird!!" one of them said
and moved toward the eagle with a spear in hand.
She came out of her shock and stepped in between the eagle and
the man.
"Wait! Don't harm the eagle." She said. She had no idea why she
was protecting the eagle in the rst place. But she did it
"Get out." The voice was soft but somehow everyone was able
to hear it.
She turned and saw her brother looked at the two guards who
had disturbed his mourning with a look that promised death.
The rst guard started to speak but the second older one quickly
shut him up and dragged him outside the tent.
Once they were gone, Loras glanced at her before he went back
to staring at the dead body of their former king.
She felt sad for Loras but there was nothing she could do for
him now.
She turned to look at the eagle and suddenly noticed that the
eagle was pointing one of it's foot toward her.
She looked at the foot and noticed a large rolled letter tied to it.
How had she missed it the rst time?
She cautiously moved forward and when she was sure that the
eagle wasn't going to claw her eyes out, she quickly removed the
letter from it's legs.
Once that was done, the eagle apped it's wings and left the tent.
There was silence once again and she looked at the rolled up
letter once again.
It had the seal of a Heart tree on it.
Her heart skipped a beat as she realized who this letter belonged
A boy… no, a young man who has become a legend of his own
during this war.
She carefully opened the letter and then read through the
By the time she nished, she was stunned into silence.
Rhaegar Targaryen. Lyanna Stark. Marriage. Boy. Taken by
Lord Stark. Hid him from King Robert. Jon Snow. Jaehaerys
It was like a fairy tail come true. And if her grandmother had not
beaten foolishness out of her at a young age then she would have
almost swooned.
As it was, she quickly started thinking about the bene ts of this
Even if the Stormlanders had left them, the army of the Reach
still amounted over 70,000 men. The combined army of Vale,
North and Riverland must have similar number. Plus, they
would also have Lord Bolton on their side. The army breaker.
If they joined forces then no one else would be able to challenge
She was not sure if all the Northerners or all the lord from Vale
would support a Targaryen. But if Lord Stark and Lord Bolton
did then all the other Northern lords will follow. The Riverlands
will surely support those that saved them from the Lannisters
and even if only a few of the Vale lords supported the union, that
would be more than enough.
She went to her brother and shook his shoulder. "Loras. Loras."
He stared away from King Renly's corpse and stared at her in
"Read this." She said with a serious expression.
Loras nodded and took the letter from her.
After he had gone through the whole letter, he put it down and
thought about it for a while.
Then his eyes suddenly sharpened and she could see the
determination in his eyes.
"I want to be the one to Kill Stannis. To avenge Renly." He said.
She nodded "He is still organizing his army. If we left now then
we might be able to reach Kings Landing before him." She said.
"No." Loras shook his head "If we take Kings Landing then
nothing stopping King Stannis from just running away. No. We'll
wait for him to breach the walls before we attack him from
behind and cut off any escape routes."
She wanted to say that it sounded like a stupid idea and taking
Kings Landing before Stannis will be safer but she knew that
he'll not be moved in this.
He loved Renly too much and wanted revenge for that.
"We'll get that revenge for you Loras." She said.
"And I'll ful ll your wish to become the queen." He said and she
hugged him.

Chapter 366: Chapter 366

"They're three days ahead of us." Ser Brynden Tully said as he
fell on the chair, exhausted from a week of hard work.
"How did they manage to gain such a lead on us?" Lord Yohn
Royce asked.
"Tywin is having them run like animals. Whipping anyone who
so much as trails behind the line." Ser Brynden said "He won't
be able to continue this pace for long. But they've already gained
a substantial lead on us."
"The old lion is worried for his gold." Lord Yohn Royce said and
rubbed his chin.
"Any news from Casterly Rock?" Ser Brynden asked.
He nodded "Lord Bolton left Casterly Rock two days ago. He
expects to reach Golden tooth within 2 week and then plan to
hold Tywin outside it's walls until we get there."
"You think he'll hold?" Lord Yohn Royce asked.
"The Tooth has high walls and a very defensible location." Ser
Brynden said "It won't fall."
"It fell to Lord Bolton." Lord Yohn Royce pointed out.
"It did. Because the Bolton boy has Wyverns, Direwolves,
Giants, Wargs, some of the best known swordsmen in the whole
Westeros in his army and a very well trained army. The
Lannisters only have a decently trained army. Tywin will not
There was a short silence in the tent.
The Lord Yohn opened his mouth to speak something but then
stopped as the scream of an eagle rang outside their tent.
A moment later, a giant eagle ew inside and landed on the table
in between them.
The eagle looked at him and raised one of it's leg forward. The
one with the letter.
He had done this dozens of times before so he didn't hesitate and
took the letter from it's talons.
The Eagle turned and ew away while he opened the letter and
read through it. His eyes widening the more he read before his
expression nally fell into the cold and unreadable mask that he
was so famous for.
"Does Lord Bolton has any new information for us?" Lord Yohn
Royce asked.
"What does it say?" Ser Brynden Tully asked.
He could feel that both of them were curious but he needed more
time to digest the whole letter on his own.
So he decided to give out the second important news rst.
"King Renly is dead." He said.
He rubbed his head, wondering if Lord Bolton was in his right
mind when he wrote this "According to this letter…" he said
"King Renly was in a feast with the Stormlords and the
Reachmen when a shadow appeared and stabbed him in the back
through his heart. He died instantly after that."
"What?" Lord Yohn Royce asked with a look of disbelief on his
"That… sounds like a badly written story." Ser Brynden Tully
said with a nod.
"This also says that the shadow had a face resembling that of
King Stannis who is now being called a Kinslayer for killing his
own brother."
There was silence in the tent and he continued.
"According to the letter, only half of the Stormlords joined
Stannis Baratheon. Most did so out of fear for their own lives.
The other half didn't support him for the same reason. They
feared him too much." He said "Lord Stannis apparently has a
Red Priestess in with him who is from Asshai and is suspected to
know Blood and Shadow Magic."
"What a mess." Lord Yohn Royce said "The Vale lords were
ready to support the Baratheon brother that survived this. But
assassinating with the help of Shadow magic… The Vale lords
won't support him. Especially if he supports the Red God."
"A mess indeed." Ser Brynden said while looking at him with a
scrutinizing gaze "But that's not all there is in that letter is
He nodded "Before I reveal the rest, I would like some time with
my sons. Meanwhile, please go and gather the lords. We need to
hold a grand meeting once again."
"As you wish Lord Stark." Lord Yohn Royce nodded and left.
Ser Brynden stared at him a moment longer before he got up
from his chair "I'll send your sons and gather the Northern
lords." He said and left as well.
For the next few minutes, there was silence in the tent and he
used this time and go through the letter again and again.
He was angry at Lord Bolton for doing what he did and for
forcing his hand like this.
But he couldn't change the fact that what was done was done.
And if this plan of Lord Bolton worked then the Seven
Kingdoms will be as stable as they could possibly get.
Then Jon and Robb entered the room and he pointed at the
chairs in front of him where Lord Yohn and Ser Brynden had
been sitting a few minutes ago.
The boys noticed the seriousness in his gesture and sat down
without saying another word.
He then thought about how he was going to explain the situation
to them.
But when nothing came to mind he just passed the letter to them.
They both peered at the letter and started reading it together.
By the time they were done, Robb's expression looked stormy
and he was clutching his hands tightly while Jon look pale and
terri ed.
He…" Jon began but then stopped not knowing what else to say.
"He sold your secret to the Tyrells." Robb nished "That…"
"Necessary." He heard himself say and shocked by his words
himself. Both the boys looked at him with shock as well but he
had realized the truth by now.
Revealing the truth about Jon Snow was necessary. Because if
he didn't then Jon himself would probably never step up to take
the throne. And if he didn't then Stannis will become the King.
And that would fracture the 7 Kingdoms.
Which was not something that they wanted to happen if they
wanted to survive the Long Night.
"That… I…" Jon said "I'm not… I cannot become… the King…
I don't even know anything about being a King."
He got up from his chair, walked up to Jon and put a hand on his
"Those are things that you'll learn over time Jon. And you'll have
plenty of people to support you." He said and Robb put a hand
over Jon's shoulder as well.
Jon relaxed a little and he almost smiled at that.
Now he just had to tell the truth to the lords of the North and the
If everything went well, then they'll have an alliance of Four
Kingdoms. North, Vale, Riverland and the Reach.

Chapter 367: Chapter 367

"Is this some kind of joke Lord Stark?" Lord Glover asked as the
whole tent clamoured at his request.
Well, they were not calling him an outright liar and asking for
his head so that was something.
"I'm afraid not Lord Glover." He said "Jon Snow is not and was
never my bastard. Just a name I used to hide it from Robert
Baratheon like my sister asked me to."
"This makes so much sense!!!" Greatjon bellowed out and
everyone else quietened down a bit.
He gazed at the older man who continued.
"For years people have been wondering about the girl who made
great honorable Ned lose his honor." Greatjon said "We should
have known that you would never do such a thing Ned. And
you…" Greatjon said and turned to Jon Snow who looked a little
afraid under all the scrutiny but was holding himself up well.
"You might be the son of Rhaegar Targaryen but I see more
Stark in you than anything. A true Northerner through and
through. If Ned wants us to support you, then I don't mind
seeing a Northerner on the Iron Throne."
There were some cheers and then Greatjon sat down and Lady
Mormont stood up.
"This is good and all Ned. But do you have any proof or do we
need to take all of this on your mere words?" Lady Mormont
He nodded "I do have some proof. I'll show it to you at the end
of the meeting one by one." He said and Lady Mormont gave a
nod before sitting back on her seat.
Then Lord Manderly stood up and asked "Why tell us this now
Lord Stark? Why not before?"
He sighed "Because of Robert. And because of my promise to
Lyanna to keep her boy safe."
"No Lord Stark. I meant why did you not tell us about this as
soon as King Robert died."
The tent went silent at those words and he closed his eyes
"Because I never intended to tell anyone this secret."
The men started clamoring but once they had quieted down, he
looked at Jon Snow and continued "It was not even who told Jon
about his real heritage. But Lord Bolton."
"Yes." He said "When Lord Bolton joined this war, he talked
with Jon and Robb and told them about Jon's real identity. The
two of them pressured me and I told them the truth. But… even
after learning about his heritage, Jon never wanted the Iron
Throne. He still doesn't want it. What circumstances has pushed
my hand. And it is better that you learn this from me than
anyone else."
"What do you mean Lord Stark?" Lady Mormont asked.
"After learning of King Stannis' death, Lord Bolton feared that
the Tyrells would join the Lannisters so that they could seat
Margaery as the queen. So Lord Bolton went behind my back
and sent them a letter, telling them about Jon's real heritage an
asking for an alliance. The good news is that Tyrells have
accepted and are now moving toward Kings Landing to take the
city in Jon's name."
He was surprised by how well everyone was taking this. He had
at least expected a few to ght against him in this one. To call
him a liar or a honor less opportunity seeking bastard. Which
would have been understandable as it did look that way.
But he was truly thankful that this whole thing was going so
"The rumors would start coming back sooner or later. And it's
better to hear this truth from me then here rumors about this
from some spies."
Bringing in Lord Bolton's name had the effect of shutting up any
nay sayers in the group. Mostly because by this point, Lord
Bolton has become a sort of legend and was secretly thought by
everyone as the Chosen one of the Old Gods even if they didn't
went about proclaiming it to everyone.
People also didn't threw any blame at Lord Bolton because
while he technically did went behind his back to do this, he also
earned them an alliance with the Tyrells. Something that would
most likely win them this war.
Perhaps the reason that others didn't went against him was
because Jon was bringing the Tyrells to the table and because the
only other option was King Stannis who was now being known
as Kinslayer.
"What is the boy's name Ned?" Lady Mormont asked "I doubt
his mother would name him Jon Snow."
He nodded. "Lyanna name his Jaehaerys Targaryen."
Some people frowned at the name Targaryen but after a while
everyone calmed down and the meeting only went in a better
direction from there on as the Lords started wondering about
ways to keep the Vale and River lords to their side.

Chapter 368: Chapter 368

He looked a the Northern lords dispersing and let out a sigh.

He put the wand back int his sleeves where it locked onto the
Wand Holster.
This was harder than he thought it would be.
Using mind compulsion on so many people at once was tiring.
But he really couldn't have allowed the meeting to derail no
matter what.
The people of the North still hated the Targaryens and without
the active use of his mind magic, this meeting could have been a
lot worse.
But now that the Northern lords had given their words to Lord
Stark to support Jon, they would not go back on their words and
support him wholeheartedly.
Now he just needed to do the same for the Vale lords and then he
could leave and go back to the River road where his men were
still ghting against the skirmishers who were doing their best to
stop him from leaving Westerlands.
To be frank, some of those men were doing a fantastic job but it
was just unfortunate for them that he had over 20 wargs in his
army. And he had found that wargs were the best scout anyone
can afford.
He and his men had destroyed 13 war parties by now and he had
no doubt that that number would only increase as they reach
closer to Golden Tooth.
He renewed the attention diverting charm on him and snuggled
into the camou age cloak and closed his eyes.
He was tired from all the battles and a small nap would have to
do for now.
"Our scouts have been hit once again." Ser Addam Marband
said, trying to maintain his stern visage even when the man
probably just wanted to go back to his tent and sleep. "We've
lost about 160 scouts since morning. And about half that number
of archers"
"This many?" Lord Terrence Kenning asked "How did we lose
so many in just half a day."
Ser Addam Marband grimaced at that "It seems like Lord Bolton
do not intend to sit in the Golden Tooth and had sent out his
direwolves for a preemptive strike against us. They come out of
the forests without any notice, pick up our scouts and drag them
back to the forest. No one has return thus far. Even the Archers
we had set up to ambush the Black sh and his men were mauled
to death by the Direwolves."
"Direwovles are just large wolves, aren't they?" Lord Roland
Crakehall said "How come we have to failed to kill even a single
one of them?"
"They are…" Ser Addam Marband hesitated but continued "…
wearing armor."
He frowned "Lord Bolton had his direwolves decked in armor?"
he asked.
"Yes my lord. And it is very good armor." Ser Addam Marband
said "The direwolves were able to take the arrows head on and
were not even phased. A strike from a sword doesn't even make
them inch. The horses get spooked by the presence of even a
single direwolf and they simply bite a man and drag him into the
forest if they don't maul him to death right then and there."
He remained quiet as his lords and knights continued to question
Ser Addam Marband who he had charged as leading their scouts
and defeating the Black sh. Unfortunately, it seems like they
have a bigger problem now.
"What of horse archers?" he asked and the tent went quiet.
"Horse archers my lord?" Ser Marband asked, looking confused.
"The Bolton boy has over a thousand horse archers in his army.
Led by a dothraki. Have we been attacked by them yet?" he
"No my lord." Ser Marband replied.
"Then prepare for them as well." He said "The Bolton boy
would no doubt send them to slow us down soon enough. Be
ready to receive me."
"M… my lord…" Ser Marband looked close to despair now
"The men are already tired from the long marching. And the
scouts are beyond tired."
He nodded "That is why you'll receive aid from Ser Gregor
Clegane and his 1000 riders." He said and turned to Gregor
Clegane "Gregor. You'll protect the right Flank and the front of
our army. Do what you must but don't let the beasts and men
sent by Lord Bolton slow us down at any cost. We have a good
lead on the armies of Vale and the North. That would be crucial
for us taking the Tooth from the Bolton boy."
The men dgeted in their seats and he frowned.
He knew why they were nervous. By continuously defeating the
Lannister forces with such a small army, Lord Bolton has
become a sort of legend and now these people feared that boy
more than they feared him.
He knew that strong reputations can have such an effect.
He also knew that the Tooth was a very defensible castle and it
would be very dif cult to defeat Lord Bolton and take the castle
from him.
But he also knew that the Bolton boy now held all the gold that
belonged to House Lannister. And if the boy managed to leave
the Westerlands with all that gold then his house would be
Well… not ruined. He would technically still be the Lord
Paramount of the Westerlands and gain taxes from the other
houses. But House Lannister would no longer be the richest
house in Westeros. They would not even be in the top ten.
That is not to mention the fact that the Bolton boy taken his
sister and many other women and children as hostage who
would either have to be ransomed back or would be kept in the
North as a deterrent against the Westerlands in the future.
No. He cannot accept this.
He would not allow his legacy to fall apart because of the
actions of a single boy.
No. He would either take the Golden Tooth. Or he would die

Chapter 369: Chapter 369

He walked at the front of the Lannister army with 100 riders on

each side and 200 on the front.
He looked at his troops and each and every one of them looked
tired as they marched forward on empty half stomach with black
bags on their eyes.
Last night had been disastrous for them.
The Horse archer troops that he had feared so much had nally
arrived and had engaged in a hit and run tactic with Ser Marband
and Gregor Clegane's men.
The direwolves had howled throughout the night and had kept
the men awake in fear of an immanent attack.
More than a few times, the direwolves snuck in between the
scouts and entered their camp, entering tents and ripping the
throat of as many men as they could before disappearing into the
Even worse was that the Wyverns that he had once dismissed as
the delusions of the mad man were nally here as well.
The Wyverns ew above their tents throughout the night.
Sceerching in an unholy manner and dropping head sized stones
all over their camp.
More than a few dozen men lost their lives this way but the
worst part was the morale.
The loss of sleep and the fear of being attacked from anywhere
had chipped away at the morale of his men and he was afraid
that if he didn't make a few examples now then he would soon
have a mass desertion on his hands.
The worst part of this all however was the fact that the Bolton
boy had managed to sneak some of his men into the camp and
had burned down most of their food supplies which forced him
to ration the food so that they would not run out of food before
they even reach Golden Tooth.
So now here they were. Starved of food, sleep and safety.
He clenched the reins of his horse tightly as he heard the howls
of the direwolves in the distance.
When he had heard about the defeat of Ser Devan and Ser
Lucian in the Riverrun and outside Casterly Rock, he had given
credit to the fact that Lord Bolton managed to sneak up on their
armies and had used surprise to get the better of them and
destroy their armies before they could put up a proper defense.
Now he knew just how dangerous Lord Bolton was. And the fact
that his reputation, if anything, had been greatly watered down.
With only a thousand men some direwolves and 2 wyverns,
Lord Bolton had pressured his army to the point of breaking.
He wanted to give his all against the Tooth in a do or die
Now he was starting to wonder if they would even reach the
Golden Tooth at all.
The second night was similar to the rst one.
The direwolves kept on howling through out the night and kept
his men awake.
The Wyverns still roamed the night sky and threw down rocks
upon rocks at his men.
The Horse archers still used the hit and run tactic and kept
chipping away at his scouts through out the night.
Gregor Clegane lost his temper during one such hit-and-run and
made the mistake of chasing after the horse archers.
Learning of this, his men deserted into the night.
By morning, he had more than a 1000 desertions in his hands
and more than a few examples to make.
He knew that one more day of this and his army would nally
Fortunately, this was the last time that Lord Bolton and his
forces would conduct such night raids on them.
Only later would he learn that this was not him being fortunate
but merely a trap laid out by Lord Bolton for him and the rest of
his army.

Chapter 370: Chapter 370

She woke up with a start and found a hand clamped on her

She bit down on the hand and tried to run but and hand snaked
around her waist and pinned her to the place and stopped her
from moving.
She tried to shout for help but no words came out.
She kicked and ailed against the man holding her to no avail
until her struggles became weaker and weaker and tears started
pouring down her eyes.
Back when she was in Kings Landing, she had expected to be
raped. Had even prepared for such an event as best as she could.
But she had never thought that she would be raped by one of Ser
Damon's man. Not when she was so close to freedom. To going
back to her family.
The hands clamping on her mouth became a little loose and she
could hear the man saying something to her.
"Sissh… It's me Sansa. Stop struggling." The voice said and she
stopped struggling instantly.
She turned around and got a proper look at the man she'd
thought was about to rape her.
Even in the small amount of moonlight ltering through the tent,
she could still see the elegant and regal looking face of Lord
Did he always looked so beautiful.
She clutched onto his shirt and started sobbing on his chest.
"I'm sorry for startling you like this Sansa." He said as he
caressed her back in gently motions "I didn't want others to nd
out that I'm here."
And as if bucket of cold water had been poured on her, she
instantly became alert to the situation they were in.
Or the situation he was in.
He was in the enemy territory. Surrounded by 300 men.
She looked up at him and pinned him with a desperate glare.
"What are you doing here?" she whispered, her voice conveying
the right amount of fear and anger she was feeling.
"I'm here to rescue you my dear damsel." He said with a cheeky
She frowned and punched him on the chest.
"You cannot be here. If the men found you…"
That was as far as she went before the howls of direwolves took
over the camp and the ground started shaking from the hoof
beats of hundreds of horses.
A moment later, the sound of screaming, ghting and dying
started coming from every corner of the camp.
Then she heard some footsteps from outside the tent and Lord
Bolton stepped away from her and hid near the tent ap.
"Lady Sansa. We must…" Ser Damon said before he was put
into a chokehold by Lord Bolton.
The knight put a desperate effort to protect himself but it was all
in a vain and he lost conscious a moment later.
Then two other Red Cloaks whose names she couldn't remember
entered the tent, took a look at the unconscious Ser Damon
being held by Lord Bolton and the ght began.
Lord Bolton was far faster than the two of them and slit their
throats with Ser Damon's sword before they could react.
The two guards gurgled and then fell to the oor.
Lord Bolton then took the sword and was about to cut Ser
Damon's neck.
"Wait… please. Stop." She shouted.
He stopped and looked at her with a sigh "I'm sorry you had to
see this Sansa." Then he paused "I take it you do not want me to
kill this person?" he asked while dangling Ser Damon as if he
weighed nothing.
"Yes." She nodded "Ser Damon… rescued me from Kings
Landing. I know that he wanted to take me to Lord Tywin so
that he could try to secure a peace with the North but he treated
me better than anyone in Kings Landing. Please don't kill him."
Lord Bolton looked at her a moment longer before he nodded
and cleared the sword off the blood and put it back in Ser
Damon's sheath.
Then he put the man down on the oor and tied his hands and
legs with a peace of cloth.
The sounds of ghting and dying had almost stopped by now.
Only the moans of pain and wails of the dying remained before
they were swiftly cut off as well.
A few seconds later, she heard footsteps outside the room and
another man entered the tent. She instantly recognized him as
"My Lord. The camp is clear." Varko said and looked in her
direction before giving her a nod.
"Good." Lord Bolton said and pointed at Ser Damon "We're
taking him prisoner."
Varko nodded and put Ser Damon on his shoulder like a sack of
potatoes before leaving the tent.
Once Varko had left, Lord Bolton turned toward her once again
and gave her his had "Can you walk Sansa?"
She nodded, trying her best to not look at the two dead bodies a
few feet away from her and took his hand.
He lifted her up and looked around the tent. Now that the tent
ap was open the tent had a little more light in it but she had no
idea how he was still able to see anything inside it.
"Do you have anything personal you want pack?" he asked
"Because we need to leave as quickly as possible."
She nodded and picked up the few personal belongings she had
with her.
She came out of the tent and found Lord Bolton his horse with
another horse ready for here
"Let's get you home Sansa." He said with a smile.
And she felt tears build up in her eyes.

Chapter 371: Chapter 371

Talking with greedy Magisters was exhausting.

As if they were leeches trying to suck the very life out of him
even as they smiled and called him a 'dear friend'.
He would have ignored them if not for the fact that he and his
forces were far too weak to go against Lord Bolton.
Even if by some miracle his forces did succeeded in taking over
the Bolton Port (which he really doubted), they would still not
get the anywhere near Winterhold.
Which was why he needed the help of Magisters of Myr and
He had already convinced the Magister from Tyrosh to help him.
And it took him one and a half month to get those greedy
bastards to agree.
They were already gathering sellsails and sellswords for the war
against House Bolton.
Now he only needed to get the Magisters from Myr to agree to
his plans.
Would probably take him one more month to gather enough
support and then one or two more months to gather all the men
and then they would be off to war.
His brother had already started the war by destroying the
Riverlander forces. While his own was in turn by destroyed by
Lord Bolton.
He wanted to be there and relieve some of the burden from his
brother's shoulders but he had his own mission to complete.
He did wonder how the war was going now.
The only way to know about the war in this foreign land was to
ask the merchants and they hardly ever had the proper
When he came back to the Mansion he'd been living in, his rst
goal was to go to the pool and get himself cleaned.
That goal went out the window when the servants told him that
he had a visitor. Someone sent by his brother.
He went to the guest room and found a man from House Payne
sitting in front of him.
The man got up and gave him a bow. "Ser Kevan. I'm Ser Alyn
He nodded "I was told you have a message for me."
The man nodded quickly "Yes yes… I message from Lord
Tywin himself. He told me to give it to you and no one else. Not
for other's eyes you see." The man said and fumbled in his
pockets before he nally took out an envelop and handed it over
to him.
He tore the envelop with the Lannister seal and took out the
letter inside
The rst few lines in the letter almost gave him a heat attack.
-Kevan, Casterly Rock has fallen to the Bolton boy. I
underestimated him and his resourcefulness. If I'm correct then
he has probably taken all the gold inside Casterly Rock.
Return to the Westerlands immediately. I'll try to get back what's
been taken from us but if I fail then I leave the future of my
house in your hand.-
Below his brother explained what happened and how Casterly
Rock fell without anyone knowing any better.
He also found that the Knights of the Vale had joined the
Northern Army.
If that was true then his brother's remaining forces must be in
dire circumstances.
He went through the letter a few more times before he put the
letter down on the table and told the knight to give him some
Once the knight had left the room, he closed the doors and took
out a wine bottle.
It had been years since he last drank something but the fact that
Casterly Rock has fallen and the fact that his wife was and kids
were either dead or in chains didn't help.
He opened the bottle and poured some wine on the glass.
By the time he was done with the wine, he had decided to leave
all his hard work in the free cities behind and return to
Attacking House Bolton would be cathartic but he needed to
think about his family this time.
And his family needed him back in Westeros.

Chapter 372: Chapter 372

He looked down from at the ground and noticed the Lannister

army slowly getting to the Golden Tooth. The Northern and Vale
army was 2 days behind.
His men had done a splendid job of delaying Tywin's army.
In fact, they were so good that he was afraid that they would
cause the Lannister army to rout before they even reach
anywhere close to the Golden Tooth.
But if that happened then Tywin would take the remaining men
still under his command and escape down South and try to enter
Westerlands from the Deep Den.
He just couldn't let Tywin escape.
Tywin was not the kind of man who would let grudges go. So he
had to end Tywin right here.
No. He don't only need to end Tywin but he needed to end the
who Lannister army led by him as a show of force to the whole
He looked around and saw his own army setting up the trap 2
days walking distance away from the Tooth.
If this trap worked, then his chances of destroying Tywin
Lannister's army would increase by a great deal.
He looked at the Tooth and there seemed to be nothing out of
ordinary there.
Once he was sure that everything was going as it was supposed
to go, his conscience came back to the camp in the forest and
entered back into his body.
He closed his eyes and shook his head to remove the
disorienting effects left by using the Valyrian Glass candle.
He started stretching his back when he heard a 'Ahem' behind
He startled and turned around to nd Varko standing behind
He calmed his racing heart and gave a glare to the man who
gave him an apologetic look.
"Apologies my lord. You were doing your thing and I didn't
want to disturb you." He said.
And how the hell could he remain angry at someone so loyal to
"It's alright." He said, waving his apologies away "What brought
you here Varko?" he asked.
"Lady Sansa came and asked for an audience." Varko replied.
He frowned "This late at night?"
"Yes my lord. She has been waiting outside for the past ten
"Did she say what she wanted?" he asked.
"She didn't say what she wanted but…"
"…I don't think she's wearing anything under her cloak my
He almost groaned at that. Almost.
As it was, he only face palmed himself.
"Do you think she's trying to seduce me Varko?" he asked.
"She has been in captivity for the past half a year. During that
time, the Northern army sat on the other side of Trident and did
nothing else while you destroyed two Lannister armies and took
two impenetrable castles, forcing the Lannisters to trade her
back to the North. And the you killed her captors and saved her."
Varko said "Considering that she was in love with you even
before this whole asco, I'm fairly certain that she will try to
seduce you."
He stared at Varko for a long moment and then sighed "And yes
or no would have done just as well." He said "And do I really
have to meet her?
"She has been waiting outside in the cold with only a single
layer of cloth for the past ten minutes." Varko said and he closed
his eyes frustration.
"You're proving to be very unhelpful here Varko." He said.
Varko didn't reply and they spent the next few moments in
silence before he hid all his magical supplies inside his
bottomless bag.
It was a good thing that he was using a normal tent this time
instead of using the magical mansion tent. Mostly because he
didn't want Sansa to nd out about his magic.
Finally, he looked at Varko and said "Send her in then."
Varko went out and half a minute later, Sansa walked in.
He looked at her and clenched his sts in frustration when his
cock jumped in response to her presence.
Merlin, she was beautiful.
And since he made the mistake of leaving Ygritte behind in this
mission mostly so that she could care for Acnologia back in
Golden Tooth, he had not fucked anyone in more than a week
and was horny as fuck.
The fact that despite being only 14 years old, Sansa looked more
than 17 with the gure to go with it didn't help. Or the fact that
she was here only wearing her cloak with the mission to seduce.
Merlin, it would be so easy to just raise his hand and pluck the
ripe fruit from it's branch. And tempting. Oh so tempting.
He used Occlumency to remove the emotions from his mind and
felt himself calm down.
"Sansa. How can I help you?" he asked.

Chapter 373: Chapter 373

He remember the episode all those months ago when he met her
in Winterfell and when the girl had asked him to fuck her so that
she would be ruined and won't have to be forced to marry the
The girl was so naive and innocent back then.
She was different now. More wary of the people around her with
a more realistic view of the world.
Still, the fact that she loved him hasn't changed.
And by rescuing her… he has only increased the love she felt for
Merlin, she has not started her seduction attempt and he was
already feeling tired.
Sansa bit her lip at his looked everywhere in the tent except at
Finally, she visibly gathered her resolved and walked up to him
and sat beside him.
She gently put a hand on his shoulder and looked at him with
half lidded eyes, which did not look as sexy as she thought they
did but the view of her cleavage still had the unintended result of
make his dick twitch inside his breeches.
"I… wanted to check up on you." She said softly. She was really
bad at this whole seduction thing but gods, she was trying very
hard. And a degenerate part of him wanted to reward her for this.
But he would never betray Ygritte. Never!
Her hands reached across his shoulders and she started
massaging him "You have done so much in this war. You must
be tired."
The worst thing was that her massage did loosened him up a
little bit.
Riding horses day and night could be tiring. Both on his back
and shoulders.
He sighed and took her arms and stopped her from trying
anything more.
"Sansa…" he said in the resulting silence "…I love another girl.
And I'm not going to betray her."
Sansa bit her lip and some of her frustration shone through her
eyes even as she tried to bury it in "That obvious huh?"
"You're came to me at night, wearing only a cloak over your
body… It is a bit obvious." He said.
"You destroyed two Lannister armies. Took Casterly Rock. And
rescued me." She said "Are you still saying that you feel nothing
for me."
He pursed his lips "I did those things so that I could end this war
as early as possible." He said "The Long night is coming and the
North needs as much time as possible to prepare. That is all
there is to it."
Sansa looked betrayed and hurt.
Her lips trembled and a thin sheen of wetness begin to gather in
her eyes.
"Can you kiss me?" she asked "Just one time."
If it was for just one time then he would have kissed her. Just so
she could move on with her life and forget about him. But he
knew what she wanted.
One time would not be enough for her.
If he gave in to her once, then she would come back again and
again, hoping that he would give in more and more.
That would not end well for anyone.
He shook his head "I'm sorry Sansa… I cannot return your
A tear slid down her cheeks and she quickly wiped it off her
face, not wanting to show him any weakness. Something that
she learned in Kings Landing.
Never let your enemy see you weak. Or they'll only take
advantage of you.
Except that he was not her enemy.
Kings Landing had really twisted the girl. And he could not even
blame her for it.
She got up and gave him a teary nod. She looked like she
wanted to say something but in the end she simply turned
around and left.
The tent ap closed and the guilt of making a young girl cry hit
him with full force.
He sighed and rolled around on the bedding.
The worst thing about this whole encounter was that Sansa did
not try to seduce him merely because of her love for him. But
because he was powerful, perhaps the most powerful lord in the
whole North. And wanted in on that.
Mostly because of security but that didn't change the fact that
living in Kings Landing had fundamentally twisted her to seek
power for herself.
Being weak and being beaten and humiliated everyday would
cause anyone to seek power for themselves.
The whole this was messed up.
'Poor girl.' He thought and tried his best to fall asleep even
though he knew very well that sleep would elude him that night.

Chapter 374: Chapter 374

"About 300 scouts dead. And 200 more who deserted last night."
Lord Rupert Falwell -who was the substitute of Lord Adamm
Marband ever since he got an arrow to the head- said and he
After the rst two days of harassing his men and scouts with the
direwolves and Wyverns, most of the attackers had left and now
only a few horse archers remained to harass them.
On one hand, he was happy that they would be able to get to the
Golden Tooth without fully breaking apart. One the other hand,
he couldn't help but feel that this was a trap of some kind and he
was being lured in with the promise of victory that he would
never achieve.
"How many deserters did our men managed to catch?" he asked.
"About 40 my lord." Lord Rupert replied.
"Good." He nodded "Take them up ahead and hang them
through the trees. Once we start marching the men would see the
fate of those that try to desert."
"It'll be done my lord." Lord Rupert said and then hesitated.
"My lord… we've almost run out of food."
"Have our hunters found any game?" he asked.
"A little." The man replied "With the direwolves and most of the
Horse riders gone, the men are able to go deeper into the forest
but most of the animals have left the area. The little food we
managed to scrounge up won't be enough for the men."
He thought about those words for a moment and then nodded
"Take horses of the dead scouts. Butcher them and feed the men
horse men."
The man grimaced at his words and he frowned.
"I know many men don't prefer horse meat. But we're only two
days from the Tooth. Make do with it." He said.
The man nodded but didn't left the camp.
He was starting to get irritated by the timid personality of the
man and was about to ask him to continue once again when he
stopped and tried to listen.
It started small but soon enough he could hear the hoof beats of
horses coming closer and closer.
Then the sound of ghting and slaughter entered the tent.
He frowned and quickly went out of the camp and get a proper
look at the situation and snarled in anger when he saw that about
2500 Bolton cavalry was currently attacking his forces from the
North side.
He did not understand the meaning of this surprise attack.
For one, it was done after dawn when his men had started to
wake up so it was not a total surprise.
For two, the area they had attacked held no particular
signi cance.
But then he saw the banner of Lord Bolton in the midst of the
enemy cavalry and his eyes widened as he realized that this was
his chance. His only chance to gain a victory against the
If he captured Lord Bolton here, then he would be able to force
the enemy forces in the Golden Tooth to not only give up all the
gold they'd taken from Casterly Rock but also the other hostages
they'd taken with them.
He gritted his teeth as he realized that this was most likely a bait
meant for a trap of some kind. But he also knew that his chances
of taking over Golden Tooth before the Northern and Vale army
managed to catch up with him were practically none.
So with clenched sts he turned to Lord Rupert Falwell and said
"Take all the cavalry we have. And chase after the enemy
cavalry. I want him in my custody by afternoon."
"It'll be done my lord." Lord Rupert said and was about to leave
when he continued.
"And Lord Rupert." The man turned to look at him "This is
probably a bait and trap tactics. Be mindful."
Lord Rupert gave him a con dent smile "Don't worry my lord.
No trap will stop me from taking this Northern savage in
custody today."
With that the man left on his horse and he was left wondering if
he made a very bad decision.
He realized that he did. It was a gamble. And he had a lot riding
on his attack and it's unlikely that he'll get another chance like
this again.
He just hoped that his gamble pays off.

Chapter 375: Chapter 375

"There are 5000 horses behind you." Ygritte said with a frown
"Gods… how many horses do the Lannisters have?"
"They had 8000-9000 cavalry at the start of this war." He said as
he easily rode his horse at the front of his small army "My men
have been chipping away at that number for the past 2 weeks but
I'm not surprised they still have so many horse riders remaining
in their army."
Ygritte joined his army on her own horse and looked over at the
enemy cavalry with some fear "Will our trap be enough?" she
"De nitely." He replied "I've created the trap with double that
number of cavalry in mind so they won't be able to escape no
matter what."
Then he nally saw the hill in front of him and said "Varko!
Take half the men to the left. Baka! Take half to the right."
He turned to Ygritte then "Ygritte. Go and inform the
crossbowmen, the giants and the bowmen to be ready."
His subordinates followed his orders and took a semicircle
position over the hill surrounding the large clearing that would
soon turn into a tomb for the cavalry coming behind them.
Soon enough, he could see the Lannister Cavalry coming at the
The men and horses at the front were peppered with arrows from
his horse archers.
He waited until the cavalry came near 100 meters from his
position before he gave the signal to the men who quickly raised
a large number of palisades made of pointy spears in front of
him before they turned and then quickly left afterwards.
He waited and waited as the Lannister came forward and moved
their horses around the palisades to try to get to him.
None of them had died so far but that was understandable. He
never intended those palisades to kill in the rst place.
It was just meant as a delaying tactic.
As the front part of the cavalry slowed down to navigate through
the palisades, the end part of the cavalry caught up and created a
large and messy crowd of horse behind them.
He smiled at that and raised his hand and let it fall.
A few moments later, an arrow of re ew over the Lannister
Cavalry who slowed down for a moment to look at the arrow
sail above them before it eventually came down and.
Continuous wild re explosions shook the earth as caches buried
underground continued to explode until the whole area behind
the Lannister Cavalry was surrounded by a literal sea of ames.
A sea of ames that burned the tall grass they were standing on
and was slowly spreading toward the Lannister army.
Panic instantly took over the cavalry as they tried to move
forward as quickly as possible to get away from the sea of
More then a few horses collided with each other during the
ensuing panic and anyone that fell was quickly trampled up by
the others.
He crossed the wooden bridges that his men used to cross the
large trenches and took out his staff from the bottomless bag.
With a wave of his wand, he cut through all the bridges behind
him and the climbed to the top of the hill where his men were
waiting in hiding.
He watched at the rst horsemen came out of the palisade trap
and started riding toward him with his sword raised high.
The man never reached him.
A few meters later, the ground beneath the horse gave way and
the man fell into a 5 feet deep trench.
A few behind him followed in the same footsteps before the
others learned and tried to circumvent around the trenches or to
simply jump over it.
He turned to Ygritte and nodded.
She gave the signal and the archers who had been in hiding so
far came out and positioned their arrow and bolts at the enemy
The Lannister men didn't stop. By this point, they must have
realized just badly they had fucked up but had no other choice
left except to continue moving forward.
Ygritte gave the signal and over 3000 arrows and bolts ew in
the air and rained down upon the Lannister army.
The sounds of dying men immediately started to reverberate
throughout the entire clearing as the crossbowmen pumped their
crossbows, reloading the next bolt and continued to re at the
enemy while the bowmen nocked another arrow and released.
Credits where it was due. The Lannister knights had decent
quality armor as well as a kite shield and only a few of them
died from the rst barrage or projectiles.
But then the rain of arrows and bolts continued and more and
more of them started dying.
The panic caused by this made them hurry. They tried to escape
from the side by climbing the hill or jumping across the
They couldn't climb the hill as it was too steep but a fair few
succeeded in jumping across the trenches and coming just that
bit closer to him and his men.
He gave another hand signal and a few minutes later, the 30
giants took their bows and went down the hill in a single le.
They nocked their magical arrows and released.
The magical arrows that he'd carved runes upon turned in
duplicated into 8 different giant arrows in mid air and then fell
upon the horse riders in the lead, pierced through them and
pierced through one or two row before stopping.
It was as if 300 scorpion bolts had been launched at once.
He heard Varko curse under his breath at the brutal display.
The Lannister men paused for a moment but then continued.
They jumped across the bodies of their comrades and tried to get
away from the re coming from behind them or just to get away
from the rain of projectiles.
In the end, it was all futile.
By the end of the hour, his men had decimated the Lannister
Not a single man that Tywin sent after them survived.

Chapter 376: Chapter 376

He looked at the burnt remains of what used to be the entire
cavalry of his army and felt the hope sinking in his heart.
He tried to keep his face stoic as ever but he had a feeling that
his subordinates could see him gritting his teeth in anger.
Sending the cavalry after the Bolton boy had been a gamble. He
knew that the boy would probably lead them to a trap.
But for it all to end like this…
He thought about retreating to the South and escaping the trap
that's been closing around him by the armies chasing after him.
As someone who has been a battle commander since he was a
mere teenager, he knew that he should cut his losses and retreat
down South and then go back to Casterly Rock.
But the Bolton boy had both his family members as hostage and
all the gold of Casterly Rock.
If he lost that and retreated, then what kind of legacy will he
have left to give to the future generation of House Lannister.
No. He would rather meet death face to face then cower back to
his home and live the rest of his life in regret.
He looked at his commanders and said "Tell the men to keep
moving. We'll reach the Tooth by tomorrow and take the castle
before the Northern army could catch up to us."
"So that's how I destroyed the cavalry of the Lannister army
without the loss of a single man." He said to his aunt and Lyra
while he sat in his room in Dreadfort. "It was frankly much
easier than I expected. I didn't even had 4 more back up plans to
destroy the enemy cavalry in case something went wrong. In the
end, they could not even reach the giants."
"Only you would destroy the entire cavalry of the enemy army
and call it easy." Lyra said.
"Why were you so bent on destroying their cavalry in the rst
place?" his aunt asked.
"So that when Tywin won't be able to escape once I break his
army under the Golden Tooth." He said.
"Won't be able to hunt him down with you own cavalry,
Wyverns and Direwolves?" his aunt asked.
"I could. But it would be too troublesome. Not to mention that
the chances of my men dying also increases if I took my cavalry
against their own in a eld battle." He said "Doing things this
way is easier and cleaner. Of course, Tywin still might decide to
cut his losses and run but he won't get very far."
"You seem very con dent that you'll break Tywin's army at the
walls." His aunt said "If I remember well then his army still
outnumbers yours by 2 to 1."
"It does." He replied with a smile "But thanks to the new
magical armors and weapons created by my little rune workers, I
have increased my Personal guards to 1000 men. With the
support of the archers and the crossbowmen, I'm certain that
we'll break Tywin's army with ease."
"I notice how you've yet to touch the topic about your rescue of
Sansa Stark." Lyra said with a raised eyebrow and a smug look
on her face "Is the girl still as infatuated with you as she was
back in Winterfell."
His aunt looked at him curiously though he didn't fail to notice
the slight furrow of her brow at the mention of Sansa Stark.
His aunt didn't hate the Stark children. But she did hate Lady
Catelyn a great deal and the fact that Sansa always tried to
emulate Lady Catelyn made a very bad impression on his aunt.
The fact that she was trying to hide her dislike for the girl was
already a blessing.
"Nothing much to talk about." He said "The poor girl had to
watch all the Stark guards and staff killed in front of her and was
beaten and humiliated time and time again by the King Joffrey
and his Kingsguard in front of the whole Court. The girl has
been traumatized by the events and just wants to go home."
The brutal description of what Sansa had suffered these past
months put a damper on Lyra and his aunt's mood.
Lyra was about to say something else when there was a knock
on the door.
"Come inside." He said and removed the latch with a ick on his
The door opened and Karsi walked inside.
"My lord." She said with a bow and he smile.
"Karsi. How are your daughters?" he asked.
"As naughty and stubborn as ever my lord." She replied with a
genuine smile. "The things you asked for are ready and have
been kept in the Dining room."
He nodded and got up from his chair before looking at his aunt
and Lyra.
"See you after the battle with Tywin." He said and left the room.
He entered the dining room with Karsi and found the room lled
with wooden crates. Half colored with Red and half with Green.
He opened one of the crate with red color and looked inside.
It was lled with Quivers that were lled with arrows.
"One of these box holds 2,500 arrows." Karsi said and then
pointed at the slightly smaller box with the green color which
was lled with bolts and magazines. "And one of the green one
holds similar number of bolts."
He nodded and counted the total number of boxes.
"How did you run out of supply so fast?" Karsi asked "I
remember each man taking at least 3 quivers of their own."
He nodded. "We had plenty of arrows and bolts till yesterday but
we used all of them in a trap against the Lannister Cavalry." He
said "What's worse is that thanks to the Wild re, all the bodies
as well as the bolts and arrows burned down so we could neither
recover any of our projects nor did we gain any loot."
With that said, he took out another bottomless bag and started to
ll the bag with the wood crates.
It was a good thing that he was able to travel across the
continent in an instant and carry 120 large crates in a small bag.
Otherwise they would have to defend against Tywin without any
projectiles which would just suck.
"You destroy the Lannister Cavalry?" Karsi asked.
"Sure did." He relied with a huge smile "And I intend to destroy
Tywin's army by tomorrow evening."
"You seem pretty con dent on yourself." Karsi said "Be
careful… and please tell Varko that I miss him."
"Will do." He said and he put the last crate inside the bottomless
bag and turned to Karsi "See you later."
And then with a portkey use, he was back in the Golden Tooth
where he promptly shared the arrows and bows for tomorrow's
Chapter 377: Chapter 377

She stood on the battlements and watched the men doing some
last minute preparations as the Lannister army approached from
the distance.
"There are… a lot of them." She said. Kings Landing had half a
million people and the roads there were always crowded with
the smallfolk but this was the rst time she was seeing an actual
army coming toward her.
"Some 18,000." Ser Barristan Selmy replied "The army
numbered 28,000 when it left the Trident. Since then about
5,000 men either died or deserted the army while two days ago,
Lord Bolton trapped their entire cavalry and killed all of them. A
bit ruthless in my opinion but highly pragmatic."
"You think the Lannisters will be able to take the Castle?" she
"Doubtful." Ser Barristan Selmy replied "This Castle is on top of
a hill, has very high walls and great forti cations. On top of that,
Lord Bolton has the most disciplined and best trained infantry
and archer division in the entire Westeros. Lord Tywin would
have to bring an army 5 times his current size to take the Castle.
Even then I would not be so sure thanks to the Wyverns and the
wild re as well as the giants who wear the impenetrable armor."
She felt some of the tension in her heart drain away upon
hearing that but the sight of the army coming toward her still
lled her with a primal fear.
"I don't see Lord Bolton anywhere." She said as she looked
around the walls for him "Will he not participate in this battle."
"Unlikely." Ser Barristan said "In all the 4 signi cant battles that
the Bolton army has fought, Lord Bolton has led from the front
in all those battles. If he does not participate in this battle, then it
would mean that he truly does not consider the castle to be in
any danger."
She watched in silence as the men ran around in the walls and
lled the buckets with arrows and bolt magazines to be used by
the archers and crossbowmen.
She didn't understand much about battles but if Ser Barristan
was not worried then perhaps she should not be worried either.
At that moment she heard a commotion from behind and turned
around to see Lord Bolton walking out of the castle followed
him his trusted sworn guards Varko the Valient and Baka the
Giantess along with Ygritte. The girl that Lord Bolton loved.
Her heart ached when she saw Lord Bolton kiss Ygritte one last
time before they both wore their own helmets and went to their
separate positions.
She could see the men gain con dence at the mere presence of
Lord Bolton. As if his mere presence made it a fact that the
Lannister army will fail in their endeavor.
She supposed that winning four unwinnable battles, would make
anyone place their faith on their commander.
"My lady. Perhaps you should go back to the Castle." Ser
Barristan said "It is unlikely that the Lannister men will breach
the castle but you can still be hurt by a stray arrow."
She wanted to stay and watch the battle but knew that Ser
Barristan was right.
So with a nod she left the wall, her new handmaiden and two
Bolton guards following a few steps behind her.
An hour after that, the Lannister army put the castle under siege.

Chapter 378: Chapter 378

She spent the rest of the day in the courtyard, watching as the
Bolton infantry and the personal guards fought tooth and nail
against the Lannister men who raised numerous ladders up
against the wall and tried to climb the wall at any cost while the
archers and Crossbowmen stood on the towers and rained
arrows upon arrows on the enemies.
Every minute or so someone will get injured and will have to
retreat from the front lines
Three hours after the battle started, Lord Bolton gave some new
orders and the men who had been ghting so far came down
from the battlements to recover while the Infantry until that had
been kept in reserve so far went up to take their place.
Meanwhile she did what little she could to act as a nurse and
help the injured.
The battle continued till late at evening and while the men were
rotated two more times, Lord Bolton and the other commanders
didn't leave their position even once.
Every so often she would send one of her guard to ask about the
status of the battle and he would return with a smile and tell her
that they were winning. And not only were they winning but
they were winning by a huge margin.
She couldn't believe it as from her position, the people she saw
that were injured or died belonged to their side but the guard
told her that they were slaughtering the Lannister army out
She was skeptical but chose to believe him.
It was late at evening when she heard a loud horn outside the
Walls and then the sound of the ghting started to die down and
she learned that the Lannister army was retreating.
She saw Lord Bolton nally climbing down from the
battlements. But instead of resting like how she expected him to,
he told Ser Barristan told hold the fort, took his cavalry as well
as the Direwolves and the Wyverns and left the castle.
"Where is he going?" she asked Ser Barristan once the gates
were closed behind him.
"To end the war against the Lannisters." Ser Barristan replied.
His men were tired. He knew that. A whole day of ghting
would leave anyone exhausted.
Tywin Lannister had not gone easy in this attack and had throw
all his troops in that hope that his defenses would break and the
Lannister army would be able to enter the Castle but no such
thing happened.
His men repelled all attacks from the Lannister army and by the
end of the day, there was a small mountain of corpse outside
their gates.
By the time Tywin realized that his gamble has failed, he had
only 6000 men remaining in his army.
At that point, even Tywin probably understood that if he sent
any more men at the wall then his men would ignore his
command and desert him then and there.
In the end, Tywin choose to take what was left of his once great
army and started going down South. Not knowing that he had
already lost the war.
He as took his cavalry and rode after the remnants of the
Lannister army, he called his Wyvern riders with the magical
mirror and told them to take the Wild re bombs they had and
drop them on top of the retreating army.
The Wyverns followed his orders and a few minutes later, he
could see small explosions happen in the distance as the
Lannister army nally broke and scattered in all directions.
But even as the army was routed, he could see that the main core
of the Lannister army still held strong and was still in the
process of retreating South.
Using the telescope, he found that Tywin and his other
commanders were the one who were in this group and called off
the air attack.
Then he gave a erce grin and told Varko and Bark to both take
1/3rd of the cavalry and attack from left and right while he went
full commando with his direwolves and tore right through the
remaining men.
By the end of the hour, he had Tywin and some of the most
in uential lords in Westerlands tied in front of him.
"Lord Tywin." He said to the old man who continued to glare at
him "Your reign of terror ends here."

Chapter 379: Chapter 379

"What do you think happened here?" Jon, or King Jaehaerys
Targaryen as everyone was calling him asked as they rode
toward the Golden Tooth.
"If what the Lannister men we captured said was true, then a
massacre." He said as he looked at the large piles of corpses
being gathered and burnt by the Bolton soldiers.
"It is still hard to believe that Lord Bolton managed to defeat
three whole Lannister armies on his own." Jon said, his voice
lled with awe that probably everyone in the Northern army was
"Hmm…" he nodded "He defeated the army of the entire
Westerlands on his own. And considering that the Westerlands
have the second biggest army in the whole Westeros, that means
a lot."
"I'm still not happy about him selling me off to the Tyrells." Jon
He rolled his eyes "Oh yes. Now instead of going to the Wall
and freezing your balls for the rest of your life, you get to sit on
the Iron Throne and marry a beautiful lady from the richest
House in Westeros. How could anyone suffer such a terrible
Jon blushed at his words "I… If Lord Bolton took all the gold of
House Lannister. Then shouldn't his house be the richest house
in Westeros right now."
He knew that Jon was changing the topic but allowed him to get
away this once.
"Probably." He said "But considering how he plans to use all
that gold to support the war against the White Walkers, I'm not
sure how long he'll remain in that place."
Jon nodded "I suppose being rich won't be of much help to
anyone if the White Walkers break through the Wall."
They rode in silence for the next few minutes as they passed by
large pyres lled with corpses from Lannister army before he
nally spoke "You think the rumors about Sansa being here are
Jon looked at him, probably noticing the desperation in his voice
and then lowered his head.
"I… hope so. If anyone can rescue Sansa and keep her safe then
it would be Lord Bolton."
"But how would he even rescue her when she has been in Kings
Landing all this while?" he asked.
Jon thought about his words for a moment "From what I'd heard.
The Wyverns are pretty fast and y for a long amount of time
without tiring. And there are also all kinds of rumors about Lord
Bolton having his own spies in Kings Landing."
He stayed silent for a moment and digested those words.
Jon's argument seemed weak but he just hoped that his sister
was well and alive.
"What do you think happened to Lord Tywin?" he asked.
Jon noticed his quick change of subject and shrugged "Either
dead of captured by Lord Bolton. It's doubtful that someone as
competent as Lord Bolton would allow him to escape."
He nodded. That made sense.
"What do thing would happen to Lord Tywin if he was
captured?" Jon asked him after a moment.
He thought about it for a moment and then frowned "Well… he
did had the Mountain and Amory Lorch kill your half brother
and half sister. The rape and murder of Elia Martell is also at his
head. I guess since you're the king, you'll be the one making that
Jon opened his mouth and closed it a few times before he asked
"If Lord Bolton captured him then shouldn't he be the one who
should decided what to do with his captives."
"Probably." He nodded "But you're the King now. So I suppose
you could ask Lord Bolton for the captives."
"And worsen the relation with the man who destroyed the
Lannisters on his own and made me the king in the rst place?"
Jon asked, looking at him like in disbelief.
He opened his mouth before closing it. "Yeah. Now that you put
it like that, that idea seems pretty dumb."
Any further conversation stopped as the gates of Golden Tooth
ung open and Lord Bolton along with his entourage came out
to greet them along with th large army following behind them.
But it was neither Lord Bolton or anyone else in his entourage
that caught his eye.
But the red haired girl following beside Lord Bolton in her own
"Sansa." He said as a warm smile broke into his face and he
galloped forward to greet his sister as quickly as possible.
They both climbed down from their horses and he caught her in
a tight hug as tears threatened to fall down his cheeks.
"I'm so glad you're alright." He said as Jon as well as the other
Lords from the North and Vale came from behind him.
Both parties stopped a slight distance from each other and he
looked up and noticed Lord Bolton smiling at Jon.
Then lord Bolton gave a bow which was followed by the others
in his entourage. "Your Grace Jaehaerys Targaryen. Golden
Tooth is yours."

Chapter 380: Chapter 380

The feast of the victory against the Lannisters was in full swing.
No one was saying it out right but a lot of people were
disappointed if not outright pissed that they were not even able
to participate in a single battle.
He himself had expected to ght against Tywin's army with his
brother Jon but that plan went out of the window as soon as
Lord Bolton set his sights on Lord Tywin.
Jon told him that being the King as he was now, he had to meet
Lord Tywin as soon as he entered the Castle.
The talks went sideways pretty quickly and they now know that
Lord Tywin is not going to bend the knee to Jon.
The more interesting thing was that Lord Bolton has not only
captured Lord Tywin but the Mountain as well and is suggesting
giving them to the Dorne in exchange for it's loyalty and crude
oil. A substance that can be found in Dorne in abundance and
could be used as a substitute for coal and wood during the Long
Night and keep their men warm and alive in freezing cold
He looked at the main seat in the table and saw that Jon was
sitting at the center of it with a golden crown on his head.
Beside him sat Lord Stark and Lord Bolton.
Usually that seat would have gone to Lord Yohn Royce as he
was the commander of the Vale forces but Lord Bolton had
taken this castle from the Lannisters and was the one person
who brought them victory in the rst place so he was given the
seat of honor beside their newly minted King Jaehaerys.
There was a festive atmosphere in the air as the men celebrated
the defeat of the Lannister army and capture of Lord Tywin.
He looked to his left where Sansa was sitting and noticed that
she was merely playing with her food while looking forlornly at
Lord Bolton.
"Are you alright Sansa?" he asked and her head jerked to him, as
if she had forgotten that he was even there and she gave him a
sad smile.
"Better than I was in Kings Landing." Sansa replied curtly
before she went back to playing with her food.
He let out a sigh and hoped that his mother was here.
She was much better at dealing with Sansa and her love
"You wonder what mother will think when she nds out that Jon
Snow is the king." He asked, trying to bring some levity into the
tense atmosphere around Sansa.
Sansa slowly turned her head to look at him "She left me." She
"Mother." She replied in a monotone voice "She ran away with
King Renly after the death of the King and left me in Kings
Landing with the guards. We tried to escape as well but we were
ambushed. All of them died. And I was…"
Sansa paused and then went back to playing with her food.
He had no idea what to say to that.
Till now he didn't have clear picture of the situation and
wondered why his mother was with King Renly while Sansa was
left in Kings Landing.
"Sansa." He said "I don't think mother wanted to leave you
"I know." Sansa replied with a great amount of hurt and grief in
her voice as tears came out of her eyes. She stabbed at the
venison and looked at him in anger "But that's what happened.
Mother ran away and left me behind in Kings Landing."
With that said, she got up from her chair and hurriedly left the
hall while he was left wondering if he should go after her or give
her some privacy.
Chapter 381


He grunted with each thrust as he took Ygritte from behind

while she moaned in pleasure while writhing underneath him.
He bunched her hair into a st and pulled her toward him with
each thrust while his other hand snaked under her loins and
rubbed her little nub.

Ygritte shuddered in pleasure and let out a strained cry before he

felt her coat his cock with her juices which pushed him over the
edge and with a nal grunt he increased his thrusts and came
inside her.

With both their energy spent, Ygritte fell forward on the bed and
took deep breaths while he fell on top of her, his cock still
buried inside her warm and moist cunt and gave a few nal
thrusts before he took out his accid cock from inside her and
turned them around until he was on his back and she was lying
on his chest.

They nuzzled close to each other and almost fell asleep when
there was a knock on the door.

Ygritte turned around and looked at the door in frustration while

he frowned as well.

He used homenum revelio to nd out who was on the other side

of the door and it was a girl and his two guards.

A girl…

He sighed.
“It’s Sansa.” He said to Ygritte.

“What does she wants?”

“Probably something along the lines of getting into my pants,

making me fall in love with her, give her babies and then marry
her.” He said.

Ygritte grit her teeth and clenched her sts before she turned to
him with ery look in her eyes and gave him a passionate kiss.

He was too tired and too sleepy by this point to respond properly
but Ygritte had enough enthusiasm to make up for both of them.

“You’re mine.” Ygritte whispered after they separated “And I’m


“I’m yours.” He repeated “And you’re mine.”

Another knock on the door broke their thoughts and they looked
at the door once again.

“You think she’ll leave if we just wish it hard enough?” he


“Doubt it.” Ygritte said “Let her come. I want to see what the
girl wants to talk to you about so late into the night.”
He frowned at her but she looked resolute in her decision so he
shrugged and opened the latch with a wave of his hands.

A few seconds later, he said “Come in.”

The door opened and Sansa walked into the room wearing her
cloak. He could already tell that she was probably naked under
the cloak and wonder what kind of clusterfuck it’ll cause if Lord
Stark or someone else found her like this in his room.

Sansa glanced around the room and her expression fell to dispair
when she saw him lying naked under the blanket with Ygritte in
his arms.

“It is late Sansa.” He said “What do you want?”

Sansa clutched her cloak and he felt that she was about to drop
it. But thankfully the girl had better sense than that. She just
walked forward and stood beside him and Ygritte.

Then she bowed to them and said “Please take me with you.”

“Take you where with me?” he asked “Where do you want to go


Sansa bit her lips and sat down on the bed while he tried not to
notice Ygritte’s arms wrapping tightly around him.
“Wherever it is that you want to go.” Sansa said “I… I want to
be with you.”

He was surprised that Ygritte had remained silent so far. He

looked at Sansa’s desperate eyes and pursed his lips “Sorry
Sansa. As you can see… I’m with Ygritte. And…”

At that moment Ygritte got out from the bed, naked as the day
she was born as she climbed down the bed and donned a cloak
to cover herself.

Then she walked up to Sansa and loomed over the younger girl.

“You know, if someone had tried something like this back in the
True North then I would put an arrow through their face.”

Chapter 382

Sansa gulped in fear and Ygritte continued “But I cannot do the

same to you. You’re Lord Stark’s daughter and he won’t take
kindly to his daughter’s death.” Ygritte said and carcassed
Sansa’s cheek with one of her hand.
“So strip.”

He almost did a spit take at that but settled for looking

incredulously at Ygritte.

There was silence in the room.

“What?” Sansa asked but Ygritte clutched her chin tightly and
stopped her from speaking anything else.

“You heard me girl. Or are too daft to understand.” Ygritte

frowned and for some strange reason, he found his cock getting
hard at the sight “I said strip. If you want my husband to take
you in with him then I want to see the goods.”

Sansa pursed her lips at the ‘husband’ part but he didn’t correct

He was a bit wary of what she was trying to achieve here so he

simply opted to sit back and observe for the time being.

After a while, Sansa slowly got up from the bed and took a few
step away from them before she unclasped the belt around her
cloak and dropped the cloak on the oor.

The girl was… a girl. Not a woman. And there was

unfortunately no better way to say it.
Sansa might look pretty and might look tall for her age but she
was still only 14 years old. Her breasts had yet to grow and her
hips were thin.

All in all, she was good enough for her age but he just didn’t felt
anything while looking at the girl.

Sansa looked a little disheartened at the lack of interest in his


Ygritte on the other hand stood up and walked up to Sansa.

Then her hand rose to Sansa’s budding breasts and she cupped
one of them to her hands. Then she pinched and Sansa let out
something between a throaty moan and a squeak before she
realized what she did and her face turned red in embarrassment.

“So you’re a squealer huh?” Ygritte said with some amusement

and if anything, Sansa’s face turned even redder while Ygritte
walked behind her and slapped her butt cheeks.

“You’re not properly developed yet.” Ygritte said with a frown

“How old are you girl.”

“Four… fourteen.” Sansa said and Ygritte’s frown deepened and

she looked at him.
He shook her head and Ygritte sighed before she picked up the
discarded cloak and covered Sansa with it.

Sansa looked confused at this and Ygritte sat back down on the

“You’re too young.” Ygritte said at last.

Sansa looked even more confused at that and she frowned while
looking at him for answers.

He nudged Ygritte and she continued “Domeric doesn’t like

taking young girls. He didn’t even touch me until I was 16
namedays old. Something about being too young to bear a child
and having the risk of dying during childbirth.”

“I’m not a young girl anymore.” Sansa replied “I’m 14. I’ve
bled a few months ago and am now ready to become a woman.”

“Perhaps.” Ygritte shrugged “If you go to any other man in this

castle then they would agree with you. But my husband here has
different standards. So if you want to get fucked by him, then
you should come back when you’re older.”

Sansa didn’t looked disheartened at this news and merely

nodded. “Can I at least sleep beside you?” she asked.
He shook his head “No. If Lord Stark found out about this then
he’ll try to force you upon me to save your honor or something
along those lines and the other lords will go along with it.” He
said “I of course would never be forced into something as
important as marriage and would reject them. That… would not
end well for anyone. So now… you cannot sleep here with me.”

Sansa nodded. Then she hesitated for a moment before she

asked “Can I… get a kiss at least.”

He looked at Ygritte who simply shrugged at him.

He beckoned the girl to come to him and when she did, he rose
and kissed her forehead.

Sansa frowned at the not-lip-kiss but didn’t say anything else.

She simply nodded to both Ygritte and him before leaving the

He closed the room and turned to Ygritte.

“Watching you dominate the girl turned me on something

erce.” He said as he pulled her until she straddled his lap.

Ygritte smiled at bent down to kiss his chest “You want to fuck
the girl.” She said.
Before he could say anything, she continued “Don’t deny it. I
can see it in your eyes Domeric Bolton.” She said “You want to
take the girl and me. Together.”

He thought about her words and nodded “Perhaps. When she is

older. Right now she’s too young for me.”

Ygritte nodded “You can have her.” She said and took his cock
in her hands “As long as you don’t forget who your cock
belongs to.”

He smiled and then entered her warm cunt with a thrust.

Chapter 383


“Father. Robb.” Sansa nodded to them before she turned to Jon

and gave a courtesy “Your grace”

Jon nodded to Sansa without saying anything but he could tell

that Jon was very uncomfortable with this whole thing.
In fact, he has yet to t into his shoes as the King of Westeros
and was trying to fake it the best he could.

There was this tense and uncomfortable silence in the room

before his father nally spoke “Sansa. Is there something you

Sansa nodded “Have you talked with anyone else about my

betrothal father?”

Sansa tried to hide it but there was a lot of anger and resentment
in those words. His father probably sensed it as well and
lowered his head in shame before shaking his head.

“No.” His father replied “Don’t be mistaken. I’ve received

various offers for your hand from the lords of the North as well
as the lords in Vale and Riverlands.”

Sansa nodded “And have you decided to force me one someone

else once again father?”

His father clenched his sts and gritted his teeth “No. It… it was
my mistake. I should never have let Robert force this on you. I
will not betrothed you to anyone else unless you agree to it.”

Sansa nodded “Good. Because I’m going to marry Lord

He looked at Jon and Jon looked at him. They could both see
this plan for the ultimate disaster it was headed for.

“Sansa.” He said “Lord Bolton is… he has a girl that he already

likes. And I think he wants to marry her.”

“Ygritte. I know.” Sansa nodded. Before he could ask anything

she continued “Even if Lord Bolton marries her, I’ll still remain
by his side.”

“Sansa.” His father said, his voice a little harsher than he

probably intended “Do you even understand what you’re

Sansa nodded.

He wanted to say something but was defeated by Jon “If you’re

not married to Lord Bolton then your children will be bastards.”
Jon said while glaring at Sansa “Is that the kind of life you want
for your children. To be hated and reviled by other people for
their entire lives just because you wanted to be with Lord

Sansa paused at that and glared back at Jon. But he could see
that she had not thought so far about this whole thing and didn’t
have a proper reply.
“No.” Sansa said at last as a few tears streaked down her cheeks
“I do not want that kind of life for my children.” Then her eyes
became resolute and she continued “But would rather slit my
throat and die than be with any other man.”

With that she turned around and left.

He debated about going after her or not and in the end he simply
stayed in his seat.

He looked at his father and noticed that he looked far older than
he did mere moments ago.

“I’ll talk to her.” Jon said. He looked incredulously at his bother

but Jon didn’t look at him and simply left the room.

With only him and his father left, there was a tense silence in the

He remembered the time all those months ago when he told his
father that Joffrey was not a good person and begged him to not
break Sansa’s betrothal with Lord Bolton and how his father
defended his choice as not being able refuse the king.

“I’ll… go after them.” He said in the end and left the room as
well, wondering what his mother would have done in this
Chapter 384


He looked at the burning Kingswood in the distance and let out a

tired sigh.

He put the letter back down on the table and wondered if things
would have gone differently if he was with his father instead of
Kings Landing.

He somehow doubted it.

From the new reports his spies brought him. Ser Davon and the
whole center camp around him went up in smoke when the
Wyverns dropped literal wild re caches on top of them.

He was a better swordsman than Ser Davon but he would have

met a similar fate if he was in that tent.

2 months.

It’s been two months since Lord Bolton joined the war effort and
House Lannister now laid in ruins.
All it’s gold stolen. All it’s battle commanders and veteran
of cers dead. All the family members living in Casterly Rock
were taken as hostage and now… his father and the last
Lannister army was gone as well.

Now it was only him and his sister- who if the reports were
correct was currently sleeping with one of her hired mercenaries.

The thought would have made him sick a few months ago.
Now… now he just felt numb to it all.

He looked into the distance and wondered how Tyrion was

doing right now. What would his brother say if he saw him in a
situation like this.

He looked at the letter once again and chuckled to himself.

King Jaehaerys Targaryen. The boy whom everyone thought to

be Lord bastard.

It was hilarious how his son, King Joffrey’s throne hung in the
air because of him being a bastard and now a once-bastard was
supported by three kingdoms as the king.

He had talked with Joffrey about the armies that were about to
come at their doorsteps. Asked the boy to abdicate and save his
life. Rule Casterly Rock instead of dying for the Iron Throne.
Joffrey called him a pathetic coward and took the White Cloak
from him, giving the Cloak instead to one of the mercenaries
that his sister now opened her legs for.

When he asked Cersei to leave with him, she looked at him as if

he was lowest creature in the world. And he knew then that she
won’t listen.

A knock on the door brought him out of his musings.

He opened the door and found one of his more trustworthy man
standing outside the door. Well… as trustworthy as one can be in
Kings Landing.

“The boats are ready Ser Jamie.” The guard said and he nodded.

Come then.

A few corridor later he came across the sight of a sleepy

Tommen and a worried looking Myrcella waiting in the

“Uncle Jamie. What is going on?” Myrcella asked while rubbing

the sleep off her eyes.
He knelt down in front of her and smiled “King Stannis is
coming to attack the City with his army. And I’m not sure if
we’ll be able to hold for long.”

Myrcella frowned “That… what about grandfather?” she asked.

“Grandfather won’t be able to come.” He said “Do you

remember you uncle Tyrion?”

“Of course I do. I’ve not seen him for a long time though.”

“Yeah… well… your uncle Tyrion has settled down in the North
with his wife.” He said “I’m sending you and Tommen to your
uncle. He’ll take care of you.” At least he hoped Tyrion would.

He had no doubt that Tyrion hated him for his part in what
happened to Tysha. But he also knew that Tyrion won’t blame
his children for their father’s mistake.

“What about you uncle Jamie?” she asked.

He almost felt like crying. Instead he smiled.

“I must remain here and look after my sister and your older
brother.” He replied.

Myrcella pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment but then spoke
“Won’t you come with us uncle. Please…”
He almost gave in. But he knew that he could not show his face
to Tyrion.

And well… he was also pretty tired of this life.

Death in a battle seemed like a far better alternative to anything

else at this point.

He smiled once again and put a hand on Myrcella’s shoulder

“You Uncle Tyrion will keep you safe. I promise.”

“My lord, we must hurry before anyone sees us.” One of his
guards said and he glared at the man before nodding.

Then he looked at Myrcella and Tommen and pulled both of

them in a tight hug.

He could stop the tears from leaking out this time.

He separated from them and cupped both their cheeks “Take

care of each other.” He said and then nodded to their guards and
their maids who picked them up and entered the secret tunnel.

“Uncle Jamie…” Myrcella cried out one last time before the
secret tunnel closed and he was left all alone in the Kitchens.

He let out a sigh and started walking toward his room.

He had a siege to prepare for.

To protect his son who hated him and his sister who despised

Chapter 385


He sat at the tavern and looked at the men running around in the
streets like headless chickens.

A large number of smallfolk had already left the city. Mostly

because with the food supply from the Reach cut off, the city
didn’t have much food left and most of it has already been taken
by the fuckers living in the bloody Red Keep.

He nished another mug of ale, sat back on his chair and closed
his eyes.

Seeing the re burning in the Kingswood brought more than a

few bad memories and he had no doubt that he would have
nightmares if he slept now.
“More ale.” He shouted at the tavern wench “And some chicken

A few minutes later the tavern wench came with another mug of
ale that looks more piss water than anything.

He glared at her and she gave him an apologetic and somewhat

fearful look. “We… don’t have any chicken. Just some bread.”

“Give me what you have.” He grumbled.

A few minutes later he had his bread. It was old and moldy.

He sighed and ate it with the ale, trying not to think about the
memory of Gregor pushing his face in the re and burning him
and burning him and burni…

An unknown man entered the Tavern and sat in front of him.

He nished the mug of ale and glared at the man.

“The fuck do you want?” he asked.

The man looked straight into his eyes without any fear and said
“Tywin Lannister has been captured. His army destroyed.”

He blinked at that news.

“By whom?”

“Who do you think?” the stranger asked.

He remembered that the Bolton took over Casterly Rock, stole

the Lannister gold and took their women and children as
hostages. Who else would Tywin go after.

“Bolton.” He said.

The man nodded “Yes. Lord Bolton defeated Lord Tywin on his
own. Without the aid of any other army. The Lannister cause is

It took some time for his register those words.

As long as he could remember, he has been working for Tywin.

A dog of the Lannisters. But now Tywin was dead. No one was
going to send reinforcement to this city. And Stannis Baratheon
was coming.

“Fuck! Why the fuck are you telling me all this?” he asked.

The man shrugged “You’re a good ghter. One of the best out
there in fact. You could do some real good with some guidance.”

He scoffed at the man “Fuck you… and fuck your guidance.”

He was about to leave when the man spoke once again “I work
for Lord Bolton.”

He paused and looked at the man.

“You remember Ser Barristan leaving Kingsguard?”

“Who the fuck doesn’t.”

“Well, Ser Barristan now serves Lord Bolton. He has good pay,
good living conditions. But most of all, he has respect.
Something that he didn’t get here.” The man said “King
Joffrey’s reign ended the moment Tywin Lannister lost. We both
know that remaining here and ghting for a lost cause is a waste
of your time and your life.”

“So you want me to go and suck the Bolton boy’s dick. Is that
it?” he asked.

The man laughed and shook his head “No. But I know that you
won’t remain here much longer. Not when the retard King and
his bitch of a mother are going to end up dead anyway. And if
you’re going to leave anyway, then why not go and try to serve
someone worth serving for once.”

He thought about those words for a moment and then sat back
down on his chair.
“Tell me more.” He said.

Chapter 386


The bells rang in the Red Keep and he could see the Ships
coming from the distance.

Hundreds of ships. And if Varys’ information was right then

about 25,000 men.

The men around him did some last minute preparation but they
had been preparing for a long time and there wasn’t much else to

So they stood on the walls and waited as the ships slowly but
surely came closer and closer and closer.

Then the ships stopped, the boats came down and the Baratheon
men rowed and then landed on their shores.

Ser Mandon Moore and Ser Arys oakheart sallied out of the
gates with the Gold Cloaks and engaged the enemy but it was a
slow and losing battle.
After a while, the enemy started to outnumber the Kingsguard
and they retreated back into the castle.

He gave an order and arrows rained down on the Baratheon


Hundreds of them died but thousand more came.

King Stannis was in one of the leading boats. He could respect

the man for that if nothing else.

More and more Baratheon men continued to land and within an

hour, the whole Southern part of Kingslanding was under siege.

The battle was ercest at the Mud gate like he had anticipated. It
was the weakest gate with the smallest walls after all.

That was why, he and the two other Kingsguard were ghting in
this side of the wall.

King Joffrey stood back and watched the battle from a safe

It was understandable. Joffrey was never very good with swords.

He was never very good at anything except for making enemies.
But even if he couldn’t ght for shit and didn’t knew how to
command men, his presence acted as a beacon of hope for the
men and gave a small boost to the morale.
The ghting became erce very quickly.

The Baratheon men down below started to ram the gate. It

wouldn’t last for long. But he didn’t need a lot of time for what
he planned to do.

Dozens upon dozens of ladders were rested along the Walls and
more and despite the best efforts of their archers, more and more
Baratheon men started pouring into the walls.

Considering how half of his men were boys he’d picked up from
the streets and had been handed a wooden spear as their weapon,
his men fought well. But he knew that it was only a matter of
time before they lost the siege battle.

The Baratheon troops outnumbered his own by 3 to 1. And he

was no Lord Bolton nor were his troops a well trained army.

Soon enough, the Baratheon army started to get the better of his
men and started to form attacking points in various parts of the

He and the other Kingsguard did their best to stop the ow but
they were slowly losing the wall, which resulted in the archers
retreating down the walls which in turn resulted in more enemies
climbing the wall.
He kill another Baratheon man and cleared another part of the
wall which was quickly lled up reinforcement when he saw a
large number of Baratheon men trying to reach of the stairs
where they would be able to open the Mud Gate which would
result in the loss of the whole battle.

He observed the attackers and quickly found out that the attack
was led by none other than King Stannis and his men.

He could see Ser Arys Oakheart trying to stop them with his
own men but even if Ser Arys was a decent swordsmen, he was
simply too outnumbered.

“On me. ON MEEE!!!” he shouted and gathered as many men

as he could and led them against King Stannis’ forces.

If he managed to kill King Stannis then the whole enemy army

will lose morale and he would be able to repel them.

He doubted that winning the battle would allow him to win the
war as the other 4 kingdoms were in open rebellion but at least
he would have more time to prepare.

He led his rag tag group of men and clashed against King
Stannis’ forces.
Instantly, he could tell that these men were not just any average
swordsmen but were some of the best that Stannis could
probably nd in his army.

But if he ignored the abnormals like Domeric Bolton and his

two sworn shields, then he was de nitely one of the best
swordsman in the whole of Westeros and it showed as he cut
through men after men and entered into their army with one and
one goal only.

To kill King Stannis.

His men continued to die but seeing him cut through the enemy
gave them the much needed morale to continue and he was not
cornered from all sides.



In the midst of the battle he couldn’t even see the enemy king
and his words were lost among the war cries and the wails of the
dying men.

A spear cut through his armor and pierced his thigh.

He turned around and noticed that a good deal of his men were
dead and the few that remained were being picked apart one by
Soon enough, he would be surrounded from all sides and that
would be the end of it.


He took of his helmet and threw it at the men before him and
used the surprise to cut through him and move deeper into the
enemy lines.

Since he was a young boy, the only thing he ever loved was
swordsmanship and his sister.

His sister had long since betrayed him in all the ways possible
even if he did not held it against her.

His sister was a hate lled spiteful woman. He always knew

that. Just… never expected that she would come to spite him
after losing just a single battle.

He was cut in the forearm and he swung around and decapitated

the man who had caught him off guard.

Another man attacked him from behind and he merely grinned

and turned around to kill yet another man.
He looked around and nally saw King Stannis was a mere few
meters away from him and was engaged with a heavily wounded
Arys Oakheart.

His grin threatened to spit his face as he stopped caring for his
safety and charged through the Baratheon men.

By the time he came out of the other side, he was lled with
wounds and Ser Arys had half a dozen spears skewered into his

King Stannis swung his sword and decapitated his fellow


“STANNIS!!!” he shouted and let out a war cry before he lunged

at the man.

Stannis quickly brought up his sword for a decent defense and

he attacked the enemy King two more times before a sharp pain
in his thigh stopped his momentum.

He looked down and saw a spear tip jutting out of his thigh.

He fell on one knee and then fell another spear stabbing into his

He cried out in pain but that stopped another two spears stabbed
into his chest.
He coughed and blood came out of his mouth and fell into the

He looked up and saw King Stannis raising his blade toward


His own sword felt too heavy for him to lift.

He would have loved to Kill Stannis before dying but this

death… it was not so bad either.

Stannis swung his sword, his world moved a few times before he
saw his own headless body falling to the ground and then
everything went dark.

Chapter 387


The men cheered as soon as Ser Jamie Lannister died. After that,
the defending army started to fall back or just deserted their
posts to save their lives.
It was a pathetic display but something that was far too common
when the men are ghting for a cause they don’t believe in or
don’t care about. Also because the troops were far too
undisciplined and lacking in morale.

From what he later heard, the King himself left the place as soon
as soon as the ghting became a little tough. Can’t say he was
surprised that the false king Joffrey Waters would do that. The
boy might have been a cruel tyrant but he was also a coward
with no sense of honor or bravery.

He told his commanders to take over all the gates while he led
his own men toward Red Keep.

He was angry and disappointed over the fact that Lord Stark and
the other Kingdoms didn’t support his reign and was doubtful
that he’ll be able to hold the throne if the war continued. After
all, the North/Vale/Riverland/Reach alliance outnumbered him

But once he sat on the Iron Throne, his claim will gain more
legitimacy. That will allow the other houses who were merely
sitting on the fence or the rival houses of the main houses in the
respective kingdoms like Freys, Florants, etc to join his cause.

Even the Stormlanders who shunned him as a Kinslayer and a

monster who made pacts with the demons would probably
change their tune and come to support him. Not that such a thing
would save them from the punishment of betraying him before.

After all, the good does not wash away the bad.

Just as he was about to lead an attack on the Red Keep, he heard

horns from behind.

He frowned when the sound of ghting began anew outside the


He sent some of his men to check on the situation and learned

that the Tyrells have nally joined the battle as well and were
now attacking his rear.

He gritted his teeth at the Reach being a thorn in his foot once
again. When he nally became the uncontested king of the
Seven Kingdoms, he would make sure to pay the Tyrells for all
the insults he had suffered through out his life.

For now, he told his men to siege the Red Keep and make sure
that they are not attacked by the remaining Lannister men from
behind while he went back to the Walls to check on the situation.

The situation outside the walls was both bad and good at the
same time.
Bad because the surprise attack from the Tyrells had worked
well. They had chased away his ships and killed a few thousand
on his men before they were able to close the gates to stop the
Tyrells from getting inside.

The good because the Tyrells were de nitely late to the attack
and were only able to bring their cavalry. Meaning that now that
the surprise attack has worn off and the gates have been closed,
the Tyrells could do nothing but stare at him from outside.

Oh sure, the main army of the Reach will follow after them soon
enough but his commanders had done a good job of securing the
gates and his men had taken over the Walls.

If the Tyrells wanted the City then he would make sure that they
would have to bleed every inch of the way to get to it.

But for now, he needed to lead a siege against the Red Keep, kill
the False King and take the seat which rightly belongs to him.

Chapter 388


When he picked up the call in the Communication Mirror, he
saw the strange sight of Lyra howling with laughter in front of

She looked rather nice when she laughed.

He decided to purge the traitorous thought from his mind and

raised an eyebrow at her.

“What’s the special occasion?” he asked.

Lyra controlled her laughter and started chuckling before she got
control over herself and coughed in her hands.

“Sorry. Just got news about this absurd situation in Kings

Landing and decided to tell you about it.” Lyra said.

“Wasn’t King Stannis about to besiege the city?” he asked.

Lyra smiled “He was indeed. And he did defeated the pitiful
army scrounged up by Ser Jamie Lannister who died trying to
kill King Stannis. The situation became absurd soon after
because as soon as King Stannis tried to take over the Red Keep,
his rear was attacked by the Tyrell cavalry who also chased
away his eet. Stannis is now stuck between Red Keep and the
Walls of Kings Landing. He did not get what he came for but he
cannot escape either.”
“Stannis is not the type of man who runs from a great challenge”
he said “If there is even a small chance that the man could ght
then he would de nitely do so. With that said, how much
damage did the Cavalry of the Reach managed to do before the
gates were closed on them.”

“Not enough.” Lyra said, her good mood falling apart as she
frowned and shook her head “The timing of the attack was off
by a great margin. I don’t know what Loras was thinking when
he tried to lead his men on his own. If he had given the
command to one of his more experienced commanders then this
attack would have de nitely worked in their favor. Now that
fool boy is waiting outside Kings Landing. Wallowing at the
failure and waiting for the main army to arrive so that they could
siege the city.”

“I’m not surprised with the result. For all his displays of being
the perfect Knight, Loras Tyrell is a big glory hound with little
experience in real wars and far too big an ego to just hand off
the command to someone else.” He said “How far behind is the
main army.”

“Only one day behind.” She said “They’ll probably start the
siege the tomorrow evening. Or the morning of the day after
that. On that note, I have another news for you.”

He raised an eyebrow and gestured for her to continue.

“It appears that Ser Kevan Lannister learned of how badly his
family was doing at the war and has decided to abort the attempt
to attack at Bolton Port.” She said.

He nodded, not surprised by this news either. If he was in

Kevan’s shoes then he would have continued the attack and
taken over the enemies land instead of retreating but he was a
very powerful wizard and con dent in his victory while Ser
Kevan was just a normal human with a very uncertain future.

“What about the Magisters of Myr and Tyrosh?” he asked.

“The small army and eet of sellswords and sellsails gathering

outside Tyrosh has been dispersed.” Lyra said “And the
magisters in Myr had decided to not bother with the attack either
now that the main perpetrator has left. But regardless, I’ll send
you the name and address of each and every magister who tried
to support Ser Kevan. You might want to deal with them now
instead of leaving them alive to be a thorn in your foot later on.”

He nodded “Will do so.” Then he thought of something and his

face brightened.

“Lrya. How many days will it take for the Bolton war eet to
reach Dorne?”

“About half a month.” Lyra said before her eyes widened “You
want to attack Ser Kevan on his way back?” she asked.
“Indeed.” He smiled “The swan ships are the best ships out there
to ght against pirates and slavers. And since I’ve made myself
an enemy of the Lannisters, no point in not taking their
remaining wealth. Especially because with Jamie Lannister dead
and Tywin Lannister captured, Kevan might be the last hope for
the Lannisters. Might as well capture him as well.”

Lyra nodded “I’ll tell Admiral Muron about this and coordinate
with him to get him to the optimal ambush position.”

He nodded “Any news of Petyr Baelish?”

Lyra shook her head. “Not right now. The man is laying low and
trying to weather the storms. He knows that King Stannis
doesn’t like him and might have caught onto the fact that he was
embezzling a lot of gold from the Royal Treasury.”

He nodded “I think it’s time we nally remove the pest. Right?”

Lyra raised her eyebrow and smirked at him “Thought would

never give that order. But why now.”

“If he lived any longer, then he might try to assassinate Lysa in

order to gain more power over the Vale. Losing Lysa right now
would be rather disadvantageous for us. I would rather remove
the threat in that case then risk it.”
Lyra nodded “When do you want it done?”

“As soon as possible.” He replied “But do make sure to take

every bit of his gold, his real estate and other assets before
killing him off.”

“Of course my lord. I’m make sure to take every last penny from
him before killing him off.” Lyra said with a predatory smirk.

“Was there anything else?” he asked and she shook her head.

“No my lord. That would be all for now.”

“Keep me updated on the situation in the Tyrell camp. You’re


Lyra nodded and he cut the communication and looked at the

vast army outside the Golden Tooth.

He now needed to give this news to the other lords so that they
could start moving toward Kings Landing as well.

Chapter 389
Soon after his talk with Lyra, he called for a meeting with the
lords from North, Vale and Riverlands who also managed to
form an army of their own.

The Riverland army mostly consisted of the Freys, the Mootons,

the Mallisters, a few other houses that didn’t or couldn’t come to
Edmure’s support when he was destroyed by the Lannisters.

All in all, the Riverland had about 14,000 men in their army. It
didn’t seem much compared to the North’s 34,000 or the Vale’s
24,000 but it was good enough considering what the Riverlands
went through.

Once the lords sat down in their respective seats, he stood up

and explained the situation to them.

“King Stannis has killed Ser Jamie and has taken over the walls.
Unfortunately for him, his eet was chased off so he doesn’t
have much food to feed his army. He has yet to take the Red
Keep which is still being ruled by Queen Regent Cersei. The
Tyrell cavalry has surrounded the City and the rest of the army
will arrive soon enough. But judging by their past actions, I
don’t think the Tyrells would give the command of their army to
anyone else who might be more capable.”

“Like Lord Randyll Tarly.” Robb Stark muttered and he nodded.

“Indeed. And considering how neither Loras nor Garlan Tyrell
have participated in any real war, it’s unlikely that they’ll
succeed in taking the city from someone as experienced as
Stannis any time soon. In fact, I have a feeling that when we
reach Kings Landing, the Tyrells would still be outside the walls
without having accomplished much.”

The men in the table laughed at his words. He didn’t tell them
that if they were in the Tyrells place then they would probably
be in a similar position.

After all, Stannis was a formidable commander and has never

lost a battle in his life so far.

“What that done and over with, I would suggest that we secure
our supply route and move out for Kings Landing as soon as
possible.” He said “The sooner we reach there, the sooner we’ll
be able to take Kings Landing and the sooner we’ll be able to
end this war.”

The men in the table cheered at his words and their left Golden
Tooth the next morning.


He enlarged the dead sheep back to it’s normal size and threw it
on the ground in front of him.
A few seconds later, Acnologia ew down from up above and
landed on top of the sheep.

Anologia sniffed the carcass and moved it with it’s talons before
he picked it up with it’s jaw and threw it in the air before letting
out a large plume of ame before it tore the sheep apart and ate
it within a few minutes.

“It’s growing fast.” Ygritte said as she stared at Acnologia in


Acnologia turned toward them and allowed Ygritte to pat it’s

head a few times before he turned around and ew away.

“It is.” He nodded with a frown “Too fast even. I had not
anticipated that it would grow at such fast speed.”

“You look worried.” Ygritte said.

“Not worried. Not really.” He said “But soon enough this

suitcase will become small for Acnologia. Plus, it needs to go
out. Fly in the real world. Learn how to hunt on it’s own and all

“You want to take him out?” Ygritte asked.

“Yes.” He replied “Not here though. The other lords area already
intimidated by me as it is. If I show any more power then they
might outright ask me to take the throne for myself. After all, the
Targaryens might have been the Rulers of Westeros for 300
years but they only did so because of their dragons. But all their
dragons are dead while I have one dragon and 3 Wyverns.”

“Then why don’t you take the Iron throne for yourself. Wouldn’t
things be more easier that way?” Ygritte asked.

He scoffed “I told you earlier Ygritte. The Iron Throne is

nothing but a chain that binds anyone who sits on it and takes
their life from all the stress. Sitting on the Iron Throne is more
of a punishment then a reward. Especially for someone like me
who knows what real power looks like.”

Ygritte nodded and nibbled on his ears, making his cock twitch
in response as he snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her
toward him.

“I’m thinking about sending you home.” He said.

Ygritte frowned at his words “You can still use an archer like
me. The war has not ended, in case you’ve forgotten.”

He smiled “I could indeed use an archer like you. But I need to

let Acnologia out of this place soon. And I won’t be able to do
so anywhere else except for the Lonely Hills in my lands where
people might mistake it for a Wyvern.” He said “And someone
needs to be there to take care of Acnologia.”
“He can take care of himself. He’s a big boy now.” Ygritte said.

“Perhaps. He might look big but he’s not even a year old.” He
said “And we’re not debating on this Ygritte. This is an order.
From your lord and your future husband.”

Ygritte scoffed but didn’t protest. She hugged him and they
watched Acnologia y in circles in the Stadium sized area that
now seemed too small for him.

He could already ride and y on Acnologia if he wanted to do

so. But he would allow Acnologia to grow a bit more before
going for the rst dragon ight.

Or his second one if the ight on the back of the dragon that
they rescued from Gringotts counted.


The Northern and Vale army had captured about 2000 men who
he had routed in the last battle or who had deserted their posts
but were foolish enough to be captured by the approaching

The argument about what to do with these men was debated for
a good while before it was nally decided that half of them
would be sent to the Wall to join the Nights Watch for life and
the other half will be sent to Dragonstone to mine the
Dragonglass for the next 10 years.

After that came the dilemma of who would take these men to the
North and to Dragonstone.

Considering the fact that he had the second largest eet in the
whole Westeros, everyone turned toward him and he easily
accepted this with the excuse that he also needed to send his
wounded soldiers back home so that they could get some proper

The next day, Ser Barristan Selmy left with 1000 captives and
500 men to Maidenpool where he’ll climb on the ships from
Bolton eet and go to Dragonstone while Ygritte will join
another another ships with 1000 captives and 500 men and take
them to Eastwatch by the Sea where they’ll be inducted into
Nights Watch before returning home.

Chapter 390

2 weeks later
He sat on a beach in Dorne with a chair and table along with a
huge umbrella to give him some shade while Baka stood behind
him for protection.

He drank some lemonade and watched the waves slowly

reaching for the beach before residing back into the ocean as the
sea gulls ew in the distance.

All in all, it was a beautiful day and he realized that he should

spend at least a few days like this with Ygritte. Just travelling
the world, having a picnic in exotic places and just having a
good time.

But right now, he was not here for a good time.

“Watch over my back. And inform me if someone comes here.”

He told Baka who gave him a nod before he looked at the
Valyrian Glass Candle and poured his consciousness inside it.

A second later, his consciousness ew a few hundred meters

above the place where his real body was slumped over the table
and he looked around the area.

Once he was reasonably sure that there was no one around their
current position, he ew a little high and the signs of civilization
became visible to him.
Some 30 miles North of their current position, he could see a
large river with a bustling town near it.

That must be Planky Town.

He looked to the South and could see a Castle some 10 miles

away from their current position.

Lemonwood castle probably.

Flying a little higher, he could now see a small city further in the
North which could be nothing else but Sunspear.

Satis ed with his ndings, he maintained his current position

and ew to the East at a speed far faster than anything his
wyverns could even hope to achieve.

After 20 minutes of such ying and searching, he nally came

across a large armada of ships sailing in the open ocean and
moving toward Dorne.

He counted and found that there were about 450 ships in the


Especially considering how Admiral Muron started the journey

with only 50 of his best ships.
If they’re able to take the Lannister eet as well then the number
would almost reach 500.

He almost salivated at the thought of the armada joining his eet

which would then cross the 1000 ship mark and reach 1,100

That’s only 100 ships behind the Redwynes who had 1,200 ships
in their eet.

That fact alone made his chest puff with pride.

He didn’t even knew why he cared so much about his eet. He

just did.

But now was really not the time for this.

He gave one last look at the eet before ying to the North.

After ying for almost half an hour, he nally came across

another eet. This one was much smaller and consisted of only
45 ships. 30 of which were the coveted Swan Ships.

He went closer and took a proper look at the Swan ships before
he noted their current location and then quickly ew back to his
the place where his body was.
He came back and entered into his body.

His eyes ew open and he closed them immediately and shook

his head to remove the vertigo in his brain.

“Urgh…” he groaned as the world stopped spinning.

“Are you alright Dom?” Baka asked and he nodded.

“As well as I can be.” He replied before he looked at the new

expended trunk lying on the side and opened it.

“He put his head inside and shouted “Vothora!! Roghomyr!!

Come out!!! It’s time.”

He then stepped back and backed away some more.

For a few seconds nothing happened.

“Uhh… Dom.” Baka said from behind him “Are you sure they
didn’t fell asleep insi…”

At that moment, a large wing came out of the small mouth of the
Trunk. Then another wing and soon enough, a large head came
out of the trunk. The wyvern looked at him and then pushed
itself out of the trunk with two riders, one conscious and one
unconscious on it’s back.
Once it was out, it stepped away from the trunk and a few
seconds later, another Wyvern came out of the trunk.

Once they came out of the trunk, he closed it and shrunk it down
to size before putting it in his pocket.

At that moment, both the wargs Vothora and Roghomyr woke up

and the Wyverns went back to being Wyverns.

“My Lord.” Roghomyr bowed from his seat on top of the dragon
before he looked at the beach and the vast desert behind him and
frowned “What are we to do this time?”

“This place is fucking hot.” Vothora complained before the warg

gave him an apologetic look and quickly took off the leather
clothes he was wearing and put it in his bottomless bag.

He raise an eyebrow and then cast a cooling charm on all four of


They gave him a grateful smile and he started “There is eet of

45 ships some 200 miles up North-East of here.” He said and
give them a Compass with the location of the Lannister Fleet.
“You’re to go there and burn ve of their ships with wild re.
Then drop the papers on the remaining ships that I gave you.”

The Wyvern riders nodded and he used trans guration to make a

miniature model of the Swan ships.
“You’re not to burn any ship that looks like this.” He said “Burn
the other ones.”

“That’s easy enough.” Hogha said.

“It’ll be done my lord.” Thistle replied.

He gave them a smile and nodded “You’ve everything that

you’ll need in your Bottomless bags. Go now.”

They nodded at him before the Wyverns took a few steps toward
the sea before ying off into the distance.

A few seconds of silence before Baka pocked at him “What

should we do now Dom?”

“Now we wait.” He said with a smile.

“But waiting is so boring.” Baka whined and he rolled his eyes.

“You were the one who wanted to come with me.” He said took
out a book to read.

Chapter 391


He looked at the map of map of Lannisport and frowned.

If the Lannisters had lost Casterly Rock along with all their
family members and the gold, then they were in a bad situation

And as if that was not enough, he knew for a fact that the Lord
of Lannisport was an ambitious man. Very ambitious in fact.

So if something happens to his brother and Jamie, then he had

no doubt that the man would bar him from Landing on the
Westerland soil and would try to take over Casterly Rock

His sts clenched in anger at the mere thought of such a betrayal

but he knew that such a thing was very likely to happen.

The main branch of House Lannister had always looked down

on the cadet branches of the house and he knew that it was now
all coming back to bite them in their asses.

He wondered if…


He was brought out of his thoughts when someone frantically

knocked at his doors.
He frowned and walked up to the door before opening it just to
nd a terri ed young man looking at him in despair.

“My lord… the… they…”

He put a hand on the young man’s shoulder and gave him a stern
look “Calm down Symon. Take a deep breath.” He said “What


He frowned at the sound of explosion and quickly left the boy

behind in order to see what was going on out there.

He went to the docks and his heart skipped a beat when he saw a
dragon y above his ship.

He gulped in fear and then looked in the distance where some of

the Lannister War Galleys were burning with Green colored re.

Wild re. Which meant…

He ducked down as another dragon ew above his head

No… not dragon.

These must be the Wyverns that the messenger told him about.
What the hell where these Wyverns doing so far in the South.

He mouth opened in surprise when the Wyverns didn’t drop

another wild re bomb on top of them but hundreds of papers
instead before ying away in the distance.

A lot of the paper ew away in the wind and landed on the water
but a few of them landed on the ships.

He picked one of them and read through the contents, his heart
dropping with each sentence he read.

By the end of the letter, his face had gone pale and he had to
take the support of the wall to keep standing.

The paper slipped from his hands and fell to the ground, like all
his hopes and dreams of helping his house.

Chapter 392


He stood on the deck of ‘Devourer’ which was the second
largest ship in his eet. Second only to the Titanic.

This one was the agship of Muron and something that his
admiral was really proud of.

They Wyverns ew in the sky and he could used telescope to see

Kevan Lannister and his men surrendering to the Unsullied in
the distance while his own men climbed aboard the 30 Swan
ships and 10 Lannister war galleys and took command of those

“That was too easy.” Muron grumbled beside him “I had

expected those fuckers to put up a ght at least.”

“People are a bit reluctant to ght when they have to giant

Wyverns ying above their heads.” He said “Especially if those
same Wyverns could drop wild re caches on top of you and
burn your entire eet to cinders.”

Muron looked at him from the corner of his eyes “Did I ever tell
you what a scary fucker you are.”

He chuckled and Muron continued “Makes me wonder why you

don’t sit on the Iron Throne yourself.”
“You’re not my rst subordinate to ask that question.” He said “I
already have everything I need for a good life. I have no reason
to waste my time ghting for something that I don’t value.”

Muron looked at him for a long moment before shaking his head
“I don’t think there’s any in the 7 kingdoms who would consider
the Iron Throne of no value.”

The two Wyverns ew above them once again and Muron

looked at him “What now?”

“Now… I go and hand over Tywin and the Mountain to the

Martells. Make a few agreements with them and all that jazz.
Then return to Kings Landing and help the Tyrells in taking over
the city.”

“If only I could have as many battles as you, I would die a

happy man.” Muron said and he rolled his eyes.

“As if you don’t destroy a few pirate and slaver ships each

Muron just grinned at him and he watched as the last of the

Lannister men were taken prisoners and all the swan ships were

“My work here is done.” He said and took out a magical whistle
from his pocket and whistled.
The Wyverns jerked in mid air and the smaller one of them
turned turned and apped it’s wing a few times before landing
on the deck of the ship.

“I’ll leave you to you job then Admiral.” He said, cutting off the
legilimency probe he’d been using on the man before he climbed
on top of the Wyvern and sat behind the warg who was tightly
secured to the Wyverns with various harnesses and bid the man
goodbye before they Wyvern ew and they left for Sunspear.

Chapter 393


Doran sat in his wheel chair and looked at the kids playing in the
Water Gardens.

Sitting here and watching the kids play among themselves was
very relaxing for someone like him who was burdened with the
ruling of Dorne with no support from his brother, his wife or his
Which was why he made it a habit of coming here and relaxing
every single day or the burden of ruling Dorne would have
crushed him a long time ago.

This day however, his time of relaxation however was cut short
when he saw two giant gures ying in the horizon and coming
toward them at a rapid pace.

“Areo.” He said to his most trusted sworn shield “Remove the

children from the Water gardens. Make sure they don’t panic
and that no one is hurt.”

“But my prince…”

“I’ll be ne Areo.” He said softly “We’ve already discussed this.

We knew he would be coming when we heard about report of
his wyverns being sighted near Lemonwood. There’s no need to
worry about me.”

Areo nodded and left to escort the children out of the Water
gardens and he waited with a few guards as the silhoutte of the
two giant winged beasts became larger and larger until they
were nally atop the Water gardens and he was able to see them

They ew above the water gardens for a few minutes. Probably

showing their arial superiority over him and his people.
An understandable and useful tactic.

Anyone else would have started to doubt if Lord Bolton would

drop his infamous Wild re bombs on them.

But he was not anyone else.

He had learned enough about Lord Bolton to know that the boy
was a very shrewd and cunning man. Not to mention ambitious.
Very ambitious.

Some would see Lord Bolton. How he supports the Starks

without question and has a fair relationship with everyone else
and would doubt his words about Lord Bolton being an
ambitious man.

After all, if it was any other Bolton lord who had gathered so
much power then he would de nitely tried to remove the Starks
as the Lord Paramount of the North and would have taken that
position for himself.

But that’s where the genius of Lord Bolton shone most brightly.

Instead of trying to take over the whole North and gathering as

power for himself as possible, Lord Bolton used all his time and
effort in the betterment of his own efdom to the point where
House Bolton now has the 2nd largest Fleet, an army of over
20,000 men and generates more revenue than both Dorne and
North combined.

And if the rumors about Lord Bolton’s Fleet destroying Astapor

and taking the Unsullied is true then Lord Bolton has just
become more powerful than even the Kingdom of Reach.

Truly and utterly marvelous.

If his son Quentyn or Trystane had been half as wise as Lord

Bolton then he would have gladly given his seat as the Prince of
Dorne and would then spend his last few years relaxing in the
Water Gardens before passing on with a smile on his face.

The Wyverns ew in the air for a few more minutes before both
of them lowered to ground and landed a hundred feet ahead of

In one of the wyverns, he could see Lord Bolton with an

unconscious man whose hands were tied behind his back along
with a sack around his head.

In the other Wyvern, there was an unknown woman of Northern

origin with a large man in a similar position to the one held by
Lord Bolton.
He would have been confused if it was not for the fact that there
were very few people in the world who were of such large
height and who Lord Bolton would bring to Dorne.

The Lannister armor that both men were wearing was also a
pretty damning evidence.

Tears almost came out of his eyes as he realized that he would

nally get revenge for his dear Elia.

He must also call Oberyn as soon as possible or his brother

would never forgive him.

Lord Bolton climbed down the Wyvern and pulled the

unconscious man down with him before he went and helped the
woman with the large man who could be none other than

He glanced at his guards and gestured them to give a hand to

Lord Bolton.

They did and a minute later, he had two bound and unconscious
men in front of him along with Lord Bolton who was looking
curiously at the Water Garden.

There was silence in the yard and no one spoke as Lord Bolton
observed his surroundings before his eyes fell of him “Prince
Doran.” Lord Bolton said with a nod of his head “I’ve heard so
much about you. It is hard to think of another man in Westeros
who has sacri ced as much as you for the prosperity of your
kingdom and has received so less in return. For that, you’re a
man worthy of my respect.”

He didn’t know what else to say to that.

True he had sacri ced just about everything for the Kingdom.

He didn’t declare war on the Lannisters when his sister was

raped and murdered because they were too weak and such a war
would have destroyed his kingdom.

He exiled his brother for the stability of the Kingdom when his
brother killed another man in a duel to the rst blood.

He sent his son for fostering away from home for the stability of
the kingdom. An action which cost him the love and presence of
his wife as she left him not a few days afterword.

Over the years he has sacri ced so much for the Kingdom. And
has received so less. And yet, very few talked about his
sacri ces and fewer appreciated it.

To know that someone not even from his own kingdom

respected him for that was…
He was getting emotional now. So he could blinked a few times
and smiled.

“I… thank you for your praise Lord Bolton. How about we take
this talk inside.” He said and Lord Bolton nodded.

“Before that. I bring gifts for you.”

“Gifts?” he asked, feigning slight confusion.

Lord Bolton smiled at him in an indulgent manner “Ser Amory

Lorch died with the other 5000 Lannister Horsemen in a trap of
my making so I don’t have his body. But I have the other two
culprit who were the cause of your sister and her children’s

With that, Lord Bolton took off the sacks from the head of the
two men and Doran smiled as he saw the sight of Tywin
Lannister and Gregor Clegane lying helplessly in front of him.

He took a few moments to calm his racing heart before he

looked at Lord Bolton, his throat a little dry and he smiled.

“For bringing justice to the murderers of Princess Elia of House

Martell, we will always be grateful to you Lord Bolton.” He said
“Let it be known, that a member of House Bolton will always be
welcome in my Dorne.”
Lord Bolton just gave him an understanding nod as he told Area
Hotah to take the two men to the deepest of their dungeons in
Sunspear and then send a letter to Oberyn, telling him that his
exile was suspended for the moment and that he was being
summoned home.

Chapter 394

“You brought me the murderers of my sister Lord Bolton. And

I’m very grateful for that. But I cannot in good conscience
support another Targaryen regime after what happened to us the
last time.” He said as he sipped from a glass lled with Dornish
red while Lord Bolton drank Lemon juice.

It was a strange request. Any other lord would have asked for
Dornish red or one of the wines from arbor. Some learn that his
wife was from Norvos and ask for a taste of the Norvosi wine as
well even if it doesn’t taste all that well.

But no lord before this has ever Lemon juice. It was a strangely
refreshing experience for him.

But no matter how much he liked Lord Bolton, he wasn’t going

to go easy in the negotiation tables.
Lord Bolton was silent for a moment then he looked outside the
window at the Water Gardens where the children had continued
their games even as the two Wyverns rested at one corner.

It was a truly a fascinating sight.

Lord Bolton took another sip of the Lemon juice and nodded
before looking at him “Have you heard about Tyrion Lannister
Prince Doran. And what happened to the peasant girl he

He nodded. He very much doubted that there would be someone

in the entirety of Westeros who didn’t know about ‘that’ story.
You have to be living beneath a rock to miss it.

He nodded “A tragic affair.” And one which just goes to show

the cruelty and depravity that Lord Tywin was capable of
performing “But I do not see how this story correlates to our
current talks.”

“Bear with me Prince Doran.” Lord Bolton smiled “Many

people about the story. But not many know of how it ended.”

“And how did it end?” he asked, curious despite himself.

“I found Tysha, working in a tavern in Braavos.” Lord Bolton

said “It was rather hard to nd her. But I did. I brought her to my
lands with the promise of a more stable job with a better pay.
And when Tyrion Lannister came to my lands, I united them.”

“Now… they’re together. I don’t think Tysha could truly forgive

and forget what happened to her. But she and Tyrion are married
once again. They live in a mansion in Bolton Port, which is
being administered by Tyrion.”

“You have given the administration of Bolton Port to Tyrion

Lannister?” he asked with surprise.

“Tyrion is a Lannister no more.” He said “And he does have a

very sharp mind. He has brought great prosperity to the Port and
the Trade and I except great things from him in the future. But
that is not the most fascinating part of this story.”

He raised an eyebrow and gestured for Lord Bolton to continue.

“After Tysha was raped by the Lannister soldiers on Lord

Tywin’s orders… 9 months later, she gave birth to a boy.” Lord
Bolton said “Tyrion could have looked at the boy and seen his
existence as the proof of his own cowardice and mistakes. But
instead, Tyrion accepted the boy as his own. Do you know why
that is Prince Doran?”

“Why?” he asked.
“Because Tyrion doesn’t believe that a child should be judged by
the sins of his parents.” Lord Bolton said “The mad king was a
horrible person and used Princess Elia and her children as
hostages for the cooperation of the Dornish army when he
should have sought for their protection. Prince Rhaegar too
failed in his duty as a husband when he kidnapped Lyanna Stark
and escaped with her instead of being content with Princess Elia.
But their sins should not be put on the shoulders of King
Jaehaerys Targaryen, or Jon Snow I know him. In fact, if you got
to know the boy, then you’ll learn that he has more in common
with Lord Eddard Stark than any Targaryen.”

“Lord Eddard Stark fought on the opposite side of the war.” He

pointed out “It was because of his and Lord Arryn’s help that
King Robert Baratheon succeeded in his Rebellion.”

“That is true. And you have every right to be vindicated about

it.” Lord Bolton said “But you must also remember Lord Stark’s
reason for joining the Rebellion. He did not join it because he is
some sort of warmonger but because Prince Rhaegar kidnapped
his sister and the Mad King burned his father alive and had his
brother strangled to death. What would you have done in you
were in his shoes.”

He didn’t say anything and there was a heavy silence in the

room. After a long silence, he nally sighed.
“It’s getting late Lord Bolton. How about we continue these
talks at a later date.”

Lord Bolton nodded.

Chapter 395


That evening during a feast held in his name.

“Lord Bolton. Please taste this cuisine of Dorne. I’m sure you’ll
like it.” Princess Arianne Martell said seductively as she pressed
his left hand between her breasts and tried to feed him…

She was good at the whole seduction thing. She was very good
at it.

The only reason why he did not have a tent in his breeches was
because of his rather liberal use of Occlumency and because in
his heart he knew that he would never cheat on Ygritte even if
the girl seducing him was the Princess of a kingdom.
“Thank you Princess Arianne.” He said courteously and ate the
cuisine which seemed to be some kind of meat lled with spices
and sprinkled with lemon.

It tasted good.

“Call me Arianne.” She whispered in his ears and trailed a nger

down his chest “After what you’ve done for us, you deserve that
much.” She nished by putting her hand on his crotch, a small
frown coming to her face as she realized that he quote ‘not as
hard as a tent’.

“Lord Bolton. Is it true that you defeated the Kingslayer in a

single combat and won the Lion’s Claw?” Obara Sand asked
from before him.

He nodded “I did.”

“To defeat the Kingslayer in a single combat. You must be a

formidable warrior then.” Tyene Sand said asked from his right
as she too leaned into him and tried to seduce him.

She was not as good as Princess Arianne but her clumsy

attempts were cute in their own way and she was quite beautiful
and there was no denying that.

He looked at was not surprised when he pretended to be very

interested in his own meal and sought to ignore him.
He was sure that the older man was de nitely enjoying this. Or
he at least found this entertaining as he made no move to stop…
whatever this was.

“Not really.” He shook his head and didn’t elaborate on it.

“What do you mean?” Obara Sand asked.

“Lord Bolton.” Another girl said “Would you allow us to y on

your Wyverns. Please?”

“Sarella right?” he asked, ignoring Obara’s question.

The girl nodded and he smiled.

“Sure. We can do that tomorrow.”

The girls squealed at that and he felt the urge to close his ears
and be anywhere other than here.

While he enjoyed the company of a beautiful woman just as

much as any other man, this was a bit too much.

“How about having a bout with us.” Nymeria Sand asked “Me
and my sisters would love to spar with a warrior as formidable
as you.”
“I too would love to spar with you.” Arianne whispered as she
put his left hand above her thigh quite close to her hot core.

Merlin, the girl was aroused. Like, really really aroused. Why
the fuck was she even aroused when all he’d done so far was
ignore her advances.

“Sure.” He said to the other Sand Snakes while he politely took

his hand away from Arianne’s thigh even as she tried her best to
cling to him “We can do that tomorrow morning.”

“Lord Bolton can you tell us about the expeditions North of the
Wall?” Sarella Sand “I would love to learn how you met the
Wargs and the Giants.”

“Sarella. Can you not bore our esteemed guest with your
questions.” Arianne said with a frown. A short legilimency probe
proved that she was getting irritated at making no headway in
seducing him.

Considering that the only reason she was trying to seduce him
was because she thought that she could use his power, wealth
and in uence to become the ruler of Dorne, he decided to
continue to ignore her advances.

“On the contrary, the Gaints, Wargs, direwolves and Wyverns

compose of the core of my army along with my highly trained
troops. They are the main reason why I was able to defeat the
Lannisters time and time again despite being outnumbered every
single time.” He said and smiled at Sarella “So feel free to
question me about them. I would not be bored.”

Sarella beamed a smile while the Princess scowled before she

quickly hid the scowl under her a smile.

Yeah. He de nitely did not like the Princess all that much.

For the rest of the dinner, he continued to answer various

questions from the ever curious Sarella and the other Sand
snakes while Arianne butted in every now and then and
continued her futile attempts at seducing him.

Even Trystane, the young boy asked him a few questions every
now and then.

He could see that Trystane was interested in talking with him as

well but was a bit intimidated by the girls who had surrounded
him as soon as he arrived in the dinner table.

The Dinner ended with Prince Doran telling him that Oberyn
Martell was on his way to Dorne before he even came here and
would arrive in a week.

That came as a surprise to him as he had neither expected

Oberyn Martell to arrive here so quickly nor stay in Dorne for so
In fact, he had only intended to stay in Dorne for two to three
days but since the Prince of Dorne personally requested this of
him, he couldn’t really deny this request and decided to stay
here for a while.

Besides, he had not been to a beach ever since he came to this

world. And he did liked the various cuisines of Dorne so he
didn’t mind staying here for while.

The only problem was the continuous seduction from Arianne

Martell and the Sand Snakes was bound to leave him blue balled
so he probably needed to return to Ygritte as often as possible if
only to sate his lust.

Chapter 396

That night.

When he heard the knock on his door in the night, he was not

Nor was he surprised when he found Arianne Martell waiting

outside in thin clothes that were meant to show off her assets
and curves rather than to hide anything from his eyes.
He was a little surprised when she pushed him inside the room
and latched her lips to him but that surprised passed pretty
quickly and he then separated her from him with a frown.

“That is enough Princess Arianne.” He said as he fought yet

another of her attempt at kissing him.

She pouted at him. When she noticed that he was not buying her
‘innocent girl’ act, she frowned “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why are you not returning any of my advances.” She asked

“Do you not… desire me?” she whispered as she slowly
removed her clothes to reveal her…

Dear Merlin in a ball sack!

Boner alert!!!

Quick use of Occlumency.

Mind Calm.

Boner down. I repeat. Boner down.

He took a deep breath and Arianne giggled at him. Even hearing

her sensual giggle would have turned on half the men in a room.
Deep breaths. In and out. In and out.

“See. I knew that I would get to you sooner or later.” She said
and started removing her clothes.

Enough was enough.

He put a hand on her shoulder and stopped her attempts to go

full nude on him.

“I said that is enough Princess Arianne.” He sighed “I’m tired of

your attempts to seduce me. Please stop while I still have some
respect for you.”

Arianne frowned “Do you not like women Lord Bolton? Or is

there something wrong with me?”

Reading her mind told him that the second sentence was said to
generate some sympathy from him so that he would console her
that ‘nothing was wrong with her’ and would use that to seduce
him once again.

Merlin… this girl. She was like a younger, not-evil-but-not-

entirely-good version of Cersei Lannister.
He wondered if Cersei who have attempted to seduce him if his
men had not kill the Red Cloaks and he not defeated Jamie and
taken their family Valyrian Sword.

He would have fucked her too, if he was not in a relationship


The problem was that he was in a relationship with Ygritte and

he not going to betray Ygritte’s trust even if a Princess was
trying to seduce him.

“I do like women. And there is nothing wrong with you.” He

said “But I love another. I am committed to other. And I’m not
going to break that commitment for a one night tryst with some
other girl.”

“But I’m not just some other girl… I’m the Princess Arianne
Martell, heir to the Prince of Dorne.” She said, her voice holding
a bit of edge “And I get what I want. Always.” She nished and
reached for him once again but he caught her hand and stopped

“Not this time Princess. Go try somewhere else.” He said.

He could see the frustration building in her mind even as she did
her best to try and hide it.
Unfortunately for her, he had enough of her advances for one
night so he took her by her hand and led her out of the room.

She looked at him in shock and incomprehension before he shut

the door on her face.

There was silence for a moment.

Then she screamed in anger and kicked his door a few times.

“I’m Princess Arianne Martell and I always get what I want.

Remember that Lord Bolton.” She said and then he heard her
footsteps going away.

He signed and stopped using Occlumency on his mind.

When Professor Severerus Snape rst started teaching him

Occlumency to ght the mind attacks from Voldemort, he had
never thought that he would be using this mind art to defend
against seduction attempts from the Princess of a medieval

How the heck did his life turned out like this?

Merlin. He hoped Ygritte was not asleep right now.

Then he realized that he didn’t really cared at the moment.

He turned down the Princess of a Kingdom for her, she could
handle some midnight sex from him.

With that thought, he closed the door, used a portkey and left

Chapter 397

Meanwhile in Kings Landing.

The sound of men ghting in the courtyard lled her heart with
dread for what was to come.

She entered Joffrey’s bedroom. Her boy, her son was sleeping
soundly even as the men died all over in Red Keep.

She smiled, closed the door behind her and sat down beside him.

“Joffrey my sweet.” She said and pat his head a few times.

He woke up with a start and gave her a confused glance.

“Mother.” He said before he heard the sound of clashing steel all
around them and frowned even as a look of terror passed
through them.

“Mother what is happening.”

She smiled at him “Stannis has broken through the gates of Red
Keep.” She said, not telling him about the traitors who opened
the gates for their own lives. That would lead to one of his
temper tantrums and she didn’t need that right now.

There was not enough time.

“Wh… what should we do?” he asked.

She didn’t know.

She hadn’t known what to do ever since her Jamie died ghting
Stannis’ men.

She had been heartbroken when she heard about that. She had no
idea why that was.

He had betrayed her by losing that ght against the Bolton boy
and humiliated their house by losing their Valyrian sword.

He was useless. Pathetic.

He even betrayed her by sending Tommen and Myrcella away to
that little monster in the North with her whore wife.

She had betrayed him for it. Cast him out from her life. She
didn’t love him anymore.

So why had she felt so lost when she heard about his death.

She suppose that it was because he was her twin bother and
‘that’ meant something even if nothing else did.

But she did hoped that he was alive right now. Here. Protecting
them. She would have even forgiven him for it.

But that was not possible anyone.

“Mother. Why are you crying?” Joffrey asked and she came
back to the present with a start and touched her cheek to nd
that tears had once again started owing from her eyes.

She quickly wiped them off and gave Joffrey a smile.

“We need to get out of here Joffrey. We’ll go Casterly Rock and
wait for the time when we’ll be able to take back your throne
from the false king Stannis.”
Joffrey scowled at her “I’m the King. I’m… no… not going to
run and hide like a coward.” But even as he said that, the fear in
his eyes gave him away.

Her sweet Joffrey.

“Of course not my sweetling. No one is going to call you a

coward. But the other Kingdoms have betrayed us. And we don’t
have enough men to ght Stannis for now. So we must leave
Kings Landing and bide our time for now.”

“I… I… if that is what you wish mother. Then I’ll accompany


“Of course.” She said and handed him a glass of wine “Here.
Drink this to freshen yourself and get ready. We must leave as
quickly as possible.”

He looked at the glass with a frown and her heart skipped a beat
for a moment. But then he took the glass from her and quickly
drank all of it at once.

Then he got up from his bed and reached for his wardrobe.

He fell down to the ground before he could take two steps and
she felt tears fall down her cheeks once again.
He looked around at the room in confusion and blinked his eyes
a few times “Mother… I… it’s… sleepy.”

He blinked his eyes a few times and she went up to him and put
his head on her lap. “It’s alright sweetling. You’re just going to
sleep. When you wake up, we’ll go to Casterly Rock and be safe
forever and ever.”

Joffrey blinked a few more times before his eyelids became to

heavy and he reached for her cheeks. “Mother… you’re…

Then his hand dropped and she let out a few sniffs before she
heard the sound of ghting get near.

She wiped her tears and took out a half empty vial from her

She looked at the vial for a moment before she opened it and
swallowed all the liquid inside it.

A moment later, the effects from the overdose of the Nightshade

hit her and she started feeling drowsy at once.

She looked at her child, noticing that his breathing had stopped
at some time and a strained cry left her throat.

He looked so peaceful when sleeping. He always did.

She wished she could… spend some more time… with him.

She kissed his forehead one last time before the effects of the
drug took over and she fell asleep one last time.

Chapter 398


Stannis looked at the two dead bodies in front of him and


Davos picked up the vial in Cersei Lannister’s hands and

showed it to him “Poison of some kind your grace.”

He grunted “I can see that.” Then he paused “Give the bodies to

the silent sisters. After they had stripped the skin off the bones,
have them send the bones to the remaining Lannisters.”

Davos gave him a hesitant look. He understood why.

They were his enemies. Cersei Lannister cuckolded his brother
and gave birth to the bastards of Jamie Lannister which resulted
in this whole war. But despite all that…

“She was queen regent. And he was a king. If in name only. That
deserves some respect.” He said and left the room.

Some of his men quickly rushed forward to meet him.

“Secure the Red Keep.” He said “Find Varys. If you nd him,

have him tell you about all the tunnels in the Castle. Then close
those tunnels. Use torture if necessary.”

The man nodded and left. Another man came forward and gave
him a bow.

“Ser Alyn. Have you secured the food in Red Keep?” he asked.
The look on the man’s face gave him all the answers he needed.

“Yes your grace…” the man said and hesitated “It’s… only
enough for a week. Two weeks if we stretch it.”

He didn’t let the frown show on his face. That would destroy the
little morale left in his army after the Tyrells surrounded the city.

He needed to put a strong front and grit through this obstacle no

matter what.
“Put all the food in a single room and have your men guard the

After the knight left, another came and then another and another.

In the end, it only took him a few hundred men to take over the
Red Keep. He could go to the throne room and sit on the Iron
Throne any moment. But would that really make him the king of

North, Riverland, Vale and the Reach along were in open

rebellion. The Westerlands and Crownlands were subdued for
now but he held no doubts they would support him over this
Jaehaerys Targaryen. And Dorne and Iron Islands were neutral
which might as well be treason since they were not supporting
their rightful king.

His situation was no different from the time during Robert’s

Rebellion all those years ago when he and his men were trapped
in Storm’s end, surrounded by the Reachmen with no food to
warm their bellies.

Except that Lord Stark won’t be coming to lift the siege this
time. And there won’t be another Ser Davos coming to their aid
with a ship full of onions.

No, if he wanted to do something then he would have to do it on

his own.
And he had a plan in his mind to solve his current food problem.

It was dangerous and reckless. It was a gamble really. But he

would make it work.

Chapter 399


A week later

He walked in the busy streets of Planky Town and looked at a

stall lled with local fruits.

“Did Arianne come to your room yesterday night as well?”

Sarella asked him and he raised an eyebrow at her.

“How would you knows such a thing?” he asked as he paid for

the fruits with a gold dragon.

The shopkeeper’s eyes widened in surprise “My… my lord. This

is too much.”
“That is perfectly alright my friend.” He said with a smile and
used compulsion charm on the man to make him accept without
any protest.

The man’s already weak will power gave way and he thanked
him a few dozen times as he pocketed the gold dragon.

“The fruits you bought don’t even cost a single silver.” Sarella
said “Are you showing off your wealth to me.”

“Is it working?” he asked with a smirk.

Sarella blushed and he shook his head in amusement.

“No. I was not showing off.”

Sarella looked disappointed.

“Must be nice to be so rich.” She said and he chuckled.

“You didn’t answer my question.” He said “How did you know

about Arianne visiting my room? Are you some kind of stalker?”

“You wish.” Sarella scoffed. Then she sighed “No. It was just
that Arianne has not stopped grumbling about getting into your
pants since you came here. I think she plans to buy and feed you
some aphrodisiac in the near future. Be careful with what you
eat. And remember. You didn’t hear anything from me.”
“Of course. Though I don’t understand why you would help me
over your sister.”

“Because you’re a decent guy and Arianne is being too

immature this time.” She said “Plus, forcing someone who’s
already committed is… wrong.”

Using a surface legilimency probe told him what he already


Sarella didn’t want Arianne to seduce him because she liked him
herself. She was just too shy and inexperienced in such matters
to take any step herself.

He almost sighed.

How come he didn’t get any girl in Hogwarts despite trying but
now that he wasn’t trying, girls were falling for him left and

He nodded and didn’t say anything.

They spent the rest of their time in the market in silence, only
speaking when buying something interesting.

He didn’t know what to say to her as he didn’t see her that way
and didn’t want to give her any hope while she remained silent
because she was too shy to instigate any conversation that didn’t
didn’t revolve around her.

Thankfully, their awkward outing was cut short when a guard

came and told them that Oberyn Martell had come back from his
exile and wanted to have a talk with him.

Chapter 400

“Domeric Bolton. The man of the hour. The defeater of armies.

And our benefactor.” Prince Oberyn proclaimed loudly as soon
as he met the man in the courtyard of Sunspear “I could kiss you
right now.”

“Please don’t. I’m not into men.”

“More’s the pity.” The man said with a grin.

He was starting to see where Arianne got her lascivious nature


“Father.” Sarella said with joy and jumped at Oberyn with a hug
who laughed and hugged her back.
“How’s my favourite scholar?” Oberyn asked with a smile and
kissed Sarella’s forehead before turning to look at him. “I see
you’ve been seducing my daughter.”

Sarella let out an embarrassed squeak in Oberyn’s embrace.

“Father!” she hissed even as she tried to hide herself in his shirt.

“You see strange things Prince Oberyn.”

Oberyn raised an eyebrow and looked back at Sarella whose

cheeks had turned red and laughed.

“Very well then. But where are my manners.” Oberyn smiled

“I’m Prince Oberyn Martell, though I suspect you already know
that by now. And this…” he pointed at a beautiful woman
behind him “…is Ellaria Sand. My Paramour.”

He nodded and kissed Ellaria’s hand “Lady Ellaria.”

“I’m not a lady my lord. Just a bastard.” The woman said with a
proud smile and he raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t see how that makes you any different from any other
woman. Or any less worthy of respect.”

Ellaria gave him a genuine smiled and looked at Oberyn “I like

him.” Then she looked at him “But please call me Ellaria.”
“In that case, please call me Domeric.” He said.

“Already seducing my woman. How bold of you Domeric.”

Oberyn smiled “I guess you’ve already met my daughters.
Probably even slept with a few of them.”

“I’m afraid I’m already in a relationship.” He said with a smile

“A girl from the land beyond the wall. If she learns that I’ve
cheated on her then she might cut my balls off.”

Oberyn burst into laughter at that.

“You’re different than what I thought you would be Domeric

Bolton.” Oberyn smiled before his smile tapered off and he
started circling him “I heard you captured and brought the
Mountain and Tywin Lannister to us. Do you know what
Mountain did to my sister.”

He nodded as he backed off and started circling Oberyn as well

“I know my history. Your sister. She did not deserve what
happened to her. The people of Kings Landing did not deserve
what happened to them.”

Oberyn paused at his care for the smallfolk but then gave an
understanding smile continued “A man of the people I see. The
mountain. He killed my nephew right in front of my sister. Then
he raped her before he cleaved her in two with his giant sword.
And if Gregor Clegane did that, then he got the order from
Tywin Lannister. You’ve no idea how glad I am you’ve brought
both those men to me. But… in doing it seems like you’ve
robbed me the chance of gaining revenge on my own.”

He raised an eyebrow as Oberyn removed his coat and hand it to

Ellaria before they circling each other.

“Don’t be mistaken. I am truly grateful for what you’ve done for

my family” Oberyn said as gestured for to guards to bring them
weapons “But I must know if you’re truly as good as they say. If
I would have been able to deal with the Mountain on my own.
Domeric Bolton. Let us spar.”

He removed the belt from his waist and gave the sheath and the
Valyrian sword inside it to Sarella and took the steel sword from
one of the guard while Oberyn took a spear from another guard.

He exed his muscles and they both looked at each other.

Focused to the point that everything else in the world faded

Then Oberyn lunged at him, his spear coiled like a snake and
struck with such ferocity that he almost stumbled while parrying

And Oberyn was still more than 10 feet away from him.
Truly, the Spear had a great reach. And Oberyn was a master at
the art of spearmanship.

They both circled each other once more before Oberyn struck
once again.

The thrust was fast and powerful just like before but his
inhuman speed and re exes allowed him to easily parry the

Oberyn didn’t let go this time and continued to thrust at him but
he easily parried all the thrusts without losing his cool.

After a dozen thrusts Oberyn separated from him and looked at

him like he was truly seeing him for the rst time.

Then Oberyn gave him a blood thirsty smile and lunged once
again, except that as soon as Oberyn thrusted his spear, he
sidestepped it and caught it in his hand. When Oberyn pulled the
spear, he didn’t lessen his grip and went forward with the spear
and buried his punch in Oberyn’s solar plexus who let out a
wheeze and bend over his hand.

There was silence in the courtyard before Oberyn’s grip

loosened on the spear and he fell on all fours, coughing loudly
and trying to get in a breath at the same time.
He took the spear and stepped back a few feet and looked at

A few seconds later, both Sarella and Ellaria were by his side.
Oberyn stood up with their help, his knees still weak and one his
hand still on his diaphragm.

“Are you sure I cannot convince you to sleep with me Lord

Bolton.” Oberyn asked and he laughed.

Chapter 401

2 days later

After making Oberyn a friend, Prince Doran an ally and

negotiating the support of Dorne for King Jaehaerys Targaryen
in exchange of giving them a seat in the Small Council, he left
Sunspear on his Wyverns.

Once he was out of sight, he landed on the ground, put the

Wyvern inside the expanded trunk and the apparated out of the
Kingdom and landed on top of one of the tower of Storms End.

The Castle was unchanged from the last he saw it.

Then again, the Castle has stood for centuries so he wasn’t truly
What he was surprised by was the fact that the Royal Fleet of
King Stannis was waiting in the waters below Storms End.

He shouldn’t have been. After the Royal Fleet had been chased
off, they could only have gone to the Dragonstone or Storms
End. And considering how Queen Selyse, Melisandre and
Princess Shireen, he was not surprised that they had come back
to Storms End.

He called Euron Greyjoy.

Euron Greyjoy picked up after the fth ring and he could see the
Admiral naked in bed and surrounded by women from both

“Lord Bolton.” Euron said.

“Admiral Euron.” He said and turned the communication mirror

so that it was facing the ships below Storms End and kept the
mirror in that position for a few moments before turning it back
toward himself.

“The Royal Fleet.” He said “It’s waiting below Storms End.

They’re only being used by a small skeletal crew. Attack at
night. Take the ships with as little amount of casuality as
“You want to add them to the Fleet?” Euron asked.

“No. As much as I would like them, I think that a Royal Fleet

would count as a great gift to King Jaehaerys Targaryen. Won’t
you agree.”

Euron nodded “It’ll be done Lord Bolton. Anything else.”

“Yes. Put Storms End under siege as well.” He nodded “Once

we defeat King Stannis, we would need Princess Shireen to
abdicate her right to rule and seat someone in Storms End. That
would be far easier if the Princess is already in our custody.”

“Isn’t his Red Witch supposed to know Shadow Magic?” Euron

asked “What if she kills me with it.”

He nodded “It is unlikely that such a thing would happen. I

don’t know much about the magic from Asshai but I do know
that it works around sacri ce. So unless the Red Priestess
sacri ce someone like Queen Selyse or Princess Shireen, I doubt
she would have enough power to work her spells.”

“Still. What if she does?”

He nodded “I’ll give you an amulet. Wear it at all times. It

should protect you from any Shadow magic of the Red
Priestess.” He said.
“Are you sure? What if the amulet doesn’t work.”

“It will.” He said. Hopefully.

Euron gave him a skeptical look but nodded. “If I die from some
Shadow Magic, then I’ll haunt your dreams Lord Bolton.”

“Then let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” He said and cut the

Then he turned to look in the direction from where he had felt

someone boring a hole in his head.

It was a woman in Red Clothing. She was standing on the

balcony of another tower and looking right at him.

That should be the infamous Red Priestess of King Stannis.

She raised her hand toward him and he could feel… something
happen as the magic around him started to twist.

But the distance was large and her magic was weak.

With a simple wave of his hand, he destroyed whatever it was

that she was trying to build.

Then he gave her a wave and a cheeky smile before he apparated

out of Storms End.

He stood on top of the Walls of Kings Landing under his

camou age Cloak and looked at the armies around him.

The Baratheon men were on the walls, keeping an eye on the

Tyrell army that had surrounded Kings Landing.

The whole situation didn’t look any different than a week ago
when he passed by this area.

It seems like the Tyrell army didn’t wanted to waste too many
men and were waiting for the Northern, Vale and Riverland
army to join them.

An effective, if cowardly tactic.

By waiting outside the walls, the Tyrells were effectively

starving out the Baratheon men.

He would have respected such a tactic If they were not starving

the remaining 250,000 innocent civilians as well.

He sighed and felt any respect for the Tyrell commander

Well, there was nothing he could do at this point aside from
putting the commander under his control and forcing him to
attack the walls. But such a forceful tactic hardly ever ends well.

The only reason he even put Lysa under his control was because
the woman was half mad and was already under Petyr Baelish’s

Or maybe that was just an excuse to pin the war in his favor.

He could also kill Stannis in his bed and save thousands of good
men from dying that would only complicate things when people
eventually nd out about his status as a Wizard.

Whatever his reason, since he wasn’t going to in uence this

stalemate in any way so there was not much point in thinking
about it.

So he gave the two armies one last look before he apparated

away once again.

Chapter 402

A few hours later.

Domeric ew on the back of the Wyvern and landed the middle
of the Bolton army which was just setting up it’s camp along
with the other Northern camps.

As soon as he landed, Varko and Bronn came out to meet him.

“My lord. It’s good to see you back in good health.” Varko said.

“I thought you’d forgotten all about us.” Bronn grinned “Did the
Dornish pussy taste so good that you decided to wait for 10
whole days.”

He rolled his eyes and climbed down the Wyvern while Baka
climbed down from the other one “No. Prince Doran informed
me that Oberyn Martell was about to come back to Dorne. So I
decided to stay a bit longer.”

“My lord. King Jaehaerys asked for you to come and meet him
as soon as you come back from Dorne.” Varko said.

He frowned at that. “Does the boy think that I’m one of those
men whom he could order around whenever he wishes to do so.
To be so presumptuous. The boy must have really grown some

Bronn laughed but Varko shook his head “I doubt that is the case
Lord Bolton. I think that the boy King merely wants your
guidance. In fact, there are rumors that King Jaehaerys wants to
make you the hand of King once we take Kings Landing.”

He paused at that.

Being the hand of the king is a prestigious position but in truth,

it just meant that you do all the work in handling the kingdom
while the King does whatever he wants to do. It was a thankless

He remembered Lord Jon Arryn who spent the last years of his
life serving King Robert and the realm while King Robert
himself drunk and whored himself to an early grave.

Plus, Lord Jon Arryn might have served the Realm well but he
totally ignored the Vale.

He would never going to ignore his lands. Not when he has

already invested so much in it and not when it still had so much
potential for him to bring out.

No. He had no plans to become the Hand of the King. Even if it

was to a decent King like Jon Snow.

With that said, he wouldn’t mind giving some advice to the new
king either.

“Very well. Let’s go and see King Jaehaerys Targaryen.”


King Jaehaerys Targaryen’s tent was in the middle of the three

armies. Probably as a way to show that even if he was from the
North, he would not give his home land any special treatment.

He entered the tent and was saw Jon sitting in the center of the
large tent with Lord Stark, Lord Yohn Royce, Ser Edmure Tully
and Black sh.

He had no doubt about why all the commanders of the three

armies were present in the tent.

“Your grace.” He said with a nod before he looked at the others

“Lord Stark, Ser Edmure, Lord Yohn Royce, Ser Brynden.”

He had expected Robb Stark to be present as well but the boy

was no where to be found for some reason.

“Lord Bolton.” King Jaehaerys nodded with a stoic face. The

boy was emulating the cold expression of Lord Stark and was
pulling it off with great success. “You were gone much longer
than you initially said.”

“I was.” He nodded “Prince Oberyn was on his way back so

Prince Doran requested for me to stay back and meet the whole
family before leaving.”
“Hmm… Did you succeeded in what you set out to do?”
Black sh asked.

“I did.” He replied.

“And?” Lord Yohn Royce asked.

“And they want a seat in the Small Council. Marriage between

the Martell Children and the children of other houses would also
be appreciated and would go a long way into bringing Dorne to
the fold.” He said and looked at Edmure Tully “I would have
suggested Ser Edmure for Princess Arianne but her promiscuous
nature is known by everyone and I didn’t know how Ser Edmure
would feel about marrying someone who has already been
fucked by more than a few men of Dorne.”

Edmure grimaced at that while Lord Yohn Royce made a

disgusted expression.

“I was thinking about suggesting Sansa or Arya for either

Quentyn Martell or Trystane Martell.” He said and looked at
Lord Stark who looked rather uncomfortable “Any ideas?”

Everyone remained silent and he nodded “Good news is that

even if we don’t set up any betrothal, Dorne will still come to
the fold after we defeat King Stannis and sit King Jaehaerys on
the Iron Throne.”
“Anything else of import?” Black sh asked.

“Hmm… yes. The Royal Fleet has gone back to Storms End
after it was chased away by the Tyrells.” He said “And when I
ew over Kings Landing, I noticed that the Tyrells have yet to
start the siege.”

“Why?” Ser Edmure asked “Don’t the Tyrells outnumber the

Baratheon forces?”

“By 3.5 to 1 yes. But King Stannis is not someone to be taken

lightly.” He said “Even if the Tyrells lose 2 to even 1 man they
kill in the siege, that would still mean a loss of over 40,000 of
their men. So as cowardly as this tactic is, it’s also the smart

“I see. So we now only need to worry about the Stormlands,

Westerlands and Iron Islands.” Lord Yohn Royce said.

“Not really.” He said “The Lannisters have already been

destroyed and won’t be able to get up on their own for a whole
generation. And the same would be true for Stormlands. Half the
lord there didn’t support King Stannis but those that did would
either be convinced to change sides peacefully or be destroyed.”

“So only the Iron Islanders remain a problem?” King Jaehaerys

asked and he shook his head.
“No. After what we did to the Iron Islanders after the Greyjoy
Rebellion, they barely have the strength to get on their own
knees. They won’t be making any moves any time soon. At least
for the next summer.” He nished, giving a meaningful look to
Lord Stark and King Jaehaerys.

“That is indeed good new for us Lord Bolton. Excellent work.”

Lord Yohn Royce said and he got up from his chair. “If there
was nothing else, I would love to go back and have some sleep.”

He was about to leave but King Jaehaerys got up as well.

“Lord Bolton!”

He turned and looked at King Jaehaerys who gave him a

nervous smile “If we could talk for a moment.”

He nodded and left the tent and was quickly followed out by the

Chapter 403
“You want tips on relationships?” he said, trying not to let the
disbelief show on his face.

He must have failed pretty badly as the next second Jon turned
his head and looked away.

“Yeah… I think you have a pretty good relationship with

Ygritte. And I’m sure that I’ll be married off to Margaery soon
after we take Kings Landing. So I wanted to know if… you
know… you have any tips about impressing girls.”

“Okay rst of all. Stop the ‘impressing girls’ thinking right

now.” He said with a frown “You’re not trying to impress a girl
here. You don’t need to court her. You and Margery are already
getting married. And if she’s half as smart as her grandmother
then you’ll be deeply in love with her before the end of the week
and she might even love you back by the end of the month.”

“What do you mean?” Jon asked with a frown as they left the
camp site and walked around near the river bank.

He thought whether he should tell the truth or not but then

decided to go with it.

He stopped and looked at Jon in the eye. “Jon. Do you think that
Margaery is some blushing virgin maid for you to be courted?”

Jon frowned harder “Isn’t she?”

He almost pitied the boy.

“No.” He said “She lost her virginity quite early in her youth.
Mostly under her Grandmother’s direction so that she could
learn how to please a man.”

Jon looked crestfallen and he thought about stopping for a

moment but then decided to continue “Arianne might be known
for her tastes in men in Dorne but I know for a fact that
Margaery has fucked more male whores than ever did.”

Jon was looking positively murderous at this point “And you

want me to marry a woman like that?”

“Yes.” He nodded “At the end of the day, you’re not sitting on
the Iron Throne because it’s comfortable. You’re doing it
because we need a leader who can unite the Seven Kingdoms
and lead us through the Long Night. And you’re not marrying
Margaery because of the tight cunt. You’re doing so because the
Tyrells have the men and resources we need for the Long

Jon was at a loss for words “I… I don’t want to end up like King
Robert. With a wife who fucks other men and gives me bastard
for children.”
He sighed “Look Jon. Margaery is not a fool. Everything that
she does, she does for a goal. And believe me when I say that
she is not going to cuckold you. The reason she fucked other
men was so that she could learn how to pleasure her husband in
ways he had never even thought of.”

“Are you really trying to help me?” Jon asked in despair and he

“I’m telling you the harsh truth about your life. Whether you see
it as help or not is up to you.” He said “With that said, despite
her manipulative tendencies and the fact that you’ll be eating out
of her hands in a week, she has a good heart and is a far better
woman than Queen Cersei ever was.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better at all.” Jon slouched.

“Perhaps.” He smiled “But I know just the thing that’ll make

you feel better.”

With that, he led Jon to a tavern in the nearby road.

Half an hour later, they were both in a room with three of the
most beautiful whores in the nearby area.

Jon looked at him in betrayal and then at the whores before he

“I… I cannot do this.”

He rolled his eyes “Try saying that after they have your cock
buried in their cunts.” He said and pushed the girls toward him.

The girls laughed and fell upon Jon like a pack of vultures and
he closed the door before leaving.

He might have hurt Jon today but if that makes him a little less
naive about the world and a little less likely to fall head over
heels for Margaery at rst glance, then he would consider it a

Chapter 404

Two days later.

They were on their way to Kings Landing when one of his

messenger came to him and told him that he had an envoy from
Kings Landing.

A few minutes later, he was standing face to face with Hound

who had been captured by some Northern men on the account of
being a ‘Lannister spy’.
He had a good laugh at that before he told them to leave Hound
to him and go back to do whatever it is that they were doing

He was not their lord so they could have refused his request but
he had a bit of a reputation and then men quickly followed his
orders and left.

He gestured Hound to follow him and once they were near his
own army, he gave the man a horse to told him to ride beside

“So… if you’ve decided to come here then I assume that you’ve

already made your mind about serving me.” He said.

The Hound nodded.

“The Lannisters treated me like a dog. In a way I’ve grown used

to it. As long as you pay me enough and don’t fuck me over,
we’ll get along well enough.”

He nodded.

He didn’t really trust the Hound at the moment but a few loyalty
charms over a month or two would make the man more loyal to
him and thus more trust worthy.
Plus, he had heard that despite his upbringing, Sandor Clegane
had a decent moral code.

Maybe he hated his brother for burning his face and just didn’t
want to become like the Mountain.

“You don’t need to worry about that.” He said “I would not have
gained so many great subordinates if I didn’t treat them right.”

After that, roping Sandor into his entourage was easy.

He might not be as skilled in swordsmanship as Jamie Lannister

but he had the experience, the strength and the sheer brutality to
make up for the difference.

All in all, he was easily one of the top 10 deadliest warrior in the
7 Kingdoms. And once the Hound and Ser Barristan were loyal
to him, he would give them the necessary body enhancements as
well and they would then be able to match even Varko and Baka
and be able to hold back a weaker White Walker on their own.

After that talk, he and Sandor set up some contracts and the
Hound joined his entourage by the end of the day.

Chapter 405

1 week later

“3 riots happened night once again your grace.” He said as he

sat on the Hind of the King position in the Small Council “All of
them were stopped well before they could gain momentum but
we still lost over 3 dozen men as a result.”

King Stannis looked down at the table and grunted. His mood
has been getting worse and worse these past few days.

Oh sure, his grace never really outright showed his frustrations

to his subordinates but he had been with King Stannis for a long
while now and knew when he was in a foul mood.

“The people are hungry your grace. They don’t have any food
and they can’t leave the city.” He paused “There are already
rumors about the people in Flea bottom killing and eating each
other. If we don’t…”

“Any other news?” King Stannis asked, interrupting his words

and he closed his eyes and sat back down in his chair.
Ser Aurane Waters looked hesitant but nodded “Your grace…
the food that we’ve left in Red Keep. It’ll only last a few more

“How many days?”

“About 2 at most. 3 if we really stretch it.” Aurane Waters said.

He could see King Stannis grinding his teeth before he visibly

composed himself.

“Any news of Varys?” he asked.

Ser Justin Meassey shook his head “No your grace. Varys has
either left Kings Landing or is hiding among the small folk. All
attempts to nd him has resulted in failure.”

Stannis nodded “Have you found the tunnels hidden beneath the
Red Keep.”

Ser Justin shook his head and King Stannis nodded.

“You’re all dismissed.”

The men in the small council got up and left as well.

When he got up to follow, King Stannis said “Not you.”

He nodded and returned to his seat.

King Stannis got up from his chair and went to a table in the
corner of the room and brought a scroll from there and unfurled
it on top of Small Council table.

He looked at the scroll and nodded that it was a scroll showing

the architecture of Kings Landing.

“What is this your grace?” he asked.

“Map of Kings Landing.” King Stannis said before he pointed at

a particular line on the map. “And this here, is a tunnel that leads
to the outside of the city from an underground route. This is not
the only tunnel like that either. There are about half a dozen
tunnels like this all over Kings Landing.”

His mouth dropped open the longer he stared at the map before
he gulped “We’re lucky our enemies don’t have this map.” He
said “But… why show it to me”

King Stannis nodded “The City is falling apart. If we don’t

manage to feed the common folk, then the Tyrells won’t even
have to take a single step to defeat us. This cannot be allowed to

He nodded as a horrible feeling welled up in his chest.

“Your grace… you have a plan I presume.” He said.

King Stannis nodded “Indeed.” He said “The City needs food.

And there is only one place with the large amount of food
necessary to feed the people as well as my army.”

He grimaced “The Tyrells.”

King Stannis nodded “Yes. I plan to attack them and abduct

Loras Tyrell who is commanding the men outside the Mud

He frowned “Your grace. That is a very dangerous plan.” Left

unsaid was the fact that even if they did succeed capturing Loras
Tyrell and Ser Garlar Tyell who was the Commander of the
whole army decided to give them the food in return, they would
only be stalling the inevitable.

The Tyrells outnumbered them by a great deal. And once the

army of the North, Vale and Riverlands arrived, their combined
army would outnumber them 7 to 1.

Not to mention the giants, wargs, direwolves and Wyverns

brought to the battle eld by Lord Bolton.

No. There was no way they were going to win this one out.
And the only reason why King Stannis has not accepted the
inevitable was because that was just not in his nature.

King Stannis Baratheon would rather break then bend.

“I know it’s dangerous.” King Stannis said “That was why I

used one of these Tunnels to sneak out a messenger to Lord
Alekyne of House Florant.”

“Did he agreed to help you?” he asked, hope blooming in his


That hope was extinguished just as quickly when King Stannis

shook his head.

“No. He says that supporting me and going against the Tyrells

right now would be tantamount to suicide.” King Stannis said
“But, he has agreed to assist me in this plan of mine.”

“Assist you. How?” he asked.

“By silencing the scouts surrounding the army lead by Ser

Loras.” King Stannis said “Once the Scouts had been dealt with,
we’ll attack.”

He nodded. Despite the fact that Lord Florant was not

supporting King Stannis despite the latter being Lord Florant’s
son-in-law, supporting King Stannis right now while being
surrounded by Tyrell supporters from all sides is indeed
tantamount to suicide.

But if he indeed managed to silence all the scouts and King

Stannis did manage to get a drop on them… Then this desperate
plan does seem possible.

The only thing he didn’t understood was.

“Why tell me?” he asked.

King Stannis rolled the large scroll and looked at him “I’m not a
fool Ser Davos. I know that this plan reeks of desperation and
recklessness. And I know that I might very well lose my life
tonight.” He paused and looked in the distance toward Storms
End “If I do not return Ser Davos, give this to my daughter.”
King Stannis said and handed him a scroll with a Baratheon

“What is in the scroll your grace?” he asked.

King Stannis closed his eyes “Tell my daughter to bend her knee
to King Jaehaerys Targaryen. Tell her to live. And tell the army
to surrender and serve my daughter as the lady of House
Baratheon.” King Stannis opened his eyes and looked at him “If
I do not return, don’t let my wife in uence her too much. Protect
her Ser Davos.”
He could only nod to such a plea “I will my lord. To my last
breath.” He said.

“Good.” King Stannis nodded before they left the Small Council

Chapter 406


3 weeks later

Late at evening, Domeric was practicing his swordplay with

Varko. He would rather not ght the White Walkers one on one
if possible but there was nothing wrong with preparing.

He had also become rather good at it compared to the rst time

he fought a White Walker.

The spar ended with him biting the dust once again. But he got
up once again, dusted himself off and gestured for Varko to
continue with the spar when one of the warg who he had put in
scouting duty walked up to him and stood a few feet away from

He gestured for Varko to stop and looked at the warg.

“What is it Borroq?” he asked as he put down his extra heavy
wooden sword and wiped the sweat on his forehead with a

Borroq frowned and walked up to him. “It’s… strange my lord.”

“What is strange?” he asked.

“The situation in Kings Landing.” Borroq said “Since we’re

only one day away from the city, I decided to send my birds in
and check on the situation there but… you said that the army
surrounding the City were your allies right?”

“They are.” He nodded.

Borroq frowned “Then why are they sending food to the City.”

He closed his eyes and sighed.

He had heard Lyra tell him about the surprise night assault at the
Lannister camp. And how Margaery, who had come to meet
Loras at that time was also captured by Stannis.

He had not given this news to the commanders of the other army
because that would generate anger, frustration and needless
friction between their army and the Tyrell army who had not
only failed in their task to put siege to Kings Landing but were
now also aiding the enemy.

That was not even mentioning the fact that if Stannis killed
Margaery or had her married off to one of his Lords or knights
then Jon would not be able to marry her either.

He whole situation was a bit complicated and he hadn’t wanted

to face it at the time. But now that they were only one day away
from Kings Landing, he might as well give this news to others.


“I knew that the Tyrells were not very competent at warfare.”

Yohn Royce said with a frown “But to think that they’ve been
played by King Stannis so easily. This is… disgraceful.”

“Foolish and Idiotic. That’s what it is.” Black sh grunted “If

those pompous fools from Highgarden gave the command to
someone with actual experience like Randyll Tarly then he
might have already taken Kings Landing for us and ended this
whole war.”

He decided not to comment on that.

He knew for a fact that Garlan was not a fool. He was pretty
smart in fact. But the fact remained that he was inexperienced in
the matters of war while was why he drew the siege lines so
close to the City walls and got fucked as a result.

“This will make taking over Kings Landing more harder.” Robb
Stark said “The most important fact here is that King Stannis not
only has Ser Loras Tyrell but also Lady Margaery Tyrell who is
the betrothed of my brother. If we’re too aggressive then he
could always threaten to kill Margaery Tyrell. This war cannot
continue unless we rescue the Tyrell siblings.”

As soon as Robb said that, everyone turned their heads to look at


He raised his eyes but didn’t acknowledge the unsaid words.

Silence ensued in the tent as everyone continued to look at him

and he continued to ignore everyone else.

In the end, it was Black sh who spoke “Well lad. Are you going
to do it or what?”

He nodded “I will try. But I don’t want the news to travel

outside this tent.”

“You think there are spies in our camp?” Yohn Royce asked.
“It is possible. Unlikely but possible.” He nodded “But even if
King Stannis don’t have any spies in our camp, he de nitely
have them in the Tyrell camp.”

“Why would you say that?” King Jaehaerys asked.

“Because King Stannis’ goodfather Lord Florant is in the Tyrell

camp. And he has more than a few allies himself. In fact, I
would not be surprised to nd that Lord Florant and his allies
secretly helped King Stannis in capturing the Tyrell siblings. In
fact, they might even have a big hand in the fact that Margaery
Tyrell was with Loras at the time of that surprise attack.”

“And the Tyrells tolerate such allies.” Yohn Royce bit out,
looking disgusted at the mere prospect of having such allies.

“They do.” He nodded “The Reach is the Kingdom with the

Largest population in Westeros. Easily more than the population
of any other two kingdoms combined. That means more houses.
More houses means more politics. Plus, the fact remains that
when the Targaryens entered the board, took over Westeros with
their dragons and made House Tyrell the Overlord of the other
houses in the Reach at that time, the Tyrells were mere Stewards
of House Gardener and the only reason they gained that title was
because when the Targaryens came to High Garden, they opened
the gates and bend their knee to them.”
“Because of that, unlike the Lord Paramounts of the other
houses, House Tyrell never truly had a very strong grip over
their Kingdom and has to tolerate other houses who don’t
respect them that much and still see them as the Steward house
they originated from.”

“That is good and all but still doesn’t solve our current
dilemma.” Black sh said “How do you plan to rescue the Tyrell

He smiled “You can leave that to me. Just make sure to blame
the Tyrells for being incompetent so that they won’t have a good
position in the negotiating table later on.” He said and got up
from his chair “If that is all.”

Then he turned and left.

Chapter 407

A day later.

“How does it feel to come back here?” he asked as he rode his

horse and looked at the large city in the distance.
“Fucking city lled with pits and vipers.” Hound grunted and
took a swig from the wineskin “When your friends take the city,
their men will pillage the city, kill the smallfolk and rape their

He frowned “Is there no way to avoid it?” he asked. After all,

they were going to liberate the city from King Stannis. If they
loot and pillage the city then they won’t be much of a ‘liberator’
will they.

And he didn’t want King Jaehaerys’ reign to start with with a

gruesome event.

“No.” Hound said in his usual gruff manner “The Tyrell men.
They’ve been waiting outside the city for more than a month. A
siege is a tense place to be and tensions rise over time. So when
they eventually enter the city, they’ll want to loose all their
tension. And what better way to do so then kill a defenseless
man and rape his wife and daughter.”

He closed his eyes at that description.

He had not wanted to hear this even though he knew that it was
very likely that this would happen.

He knew his history and also knew that every time a city with
large population falls, the invaders go on to rape, loot and
pillage from the people inside the city.
They only way to avoid this was if Stannis gives his surrender to
them or if Stannis dies and his men then go on to surrender to
the enemy forces.

He wondered if he should break his unwritten rules and kill

Stannis in his sleep.

After some deep thinking, he decided that no. He wasn’t going

to kill Stannis.

Doing so might save the population inside Kings Landing but

that would make people suspicious and afraid of him.

If he could sneak inside Red Keep and assassinate the King then
are the other people really safe from him.

Such thought leads to fear and that fear turns to resentment and

He would not let his family be the source of resentment and


And as heartless as it might be of him to say this, saving the

populace of Kings Landing would not gain him anything but
make him and his future family lose a great deal.
He wondered if Westeros has turned him into this heartless
monster or if deep down he was always like this.

He decided that he didn’t want to know.


“Ser Garlan.” King Jaehaerys nodded as their two contingent


Ser Garlan was being followed by the other nobility of the

Reach while King Jaehaerys was being followed by Lord Stark,
Robb Stark, Lords of the North, Lords of the Vale, Lords of the
Riverlands, Black sh and of course, him.

“Your grace.” Ser Garlan nodded and gave a short bow to his
King and future goodbrother.

He wondered what kind of moniker would have been given to

Jon Snow from the people of his world.

King-they-didn’t-know. King-who-hid. Or some other bullshit

like that.

No one spoke after the initial greetings and there was a tense
silence in the eld.
That tense silence was broken when a red haired woman came
out from behind the Tyrell contingent.

Clip clop. Clip clop. Clip clop.

Lady Stark nally reached their group and was quickly pulled
into a hug by Lord Stark before Robb too joined the hug.

That reduced the tense atmosphere bit a little bit before Lady
Stark spoke.

“Ser Garlan. I’m sure these men have travelled a good deal to be
here. How about we continue these talks during the feast.”

Ser Garlan nodded. “That is acceptable Lady Stark.”

And that was that.

Chapter 408

“You said Ser Garlan was a jovial and charismatic man.” King
Jaehaerys said as they rode toward the large tent where the Feast
was being held.
He shook his head in amusement.

Only the Tyrells would hold a feast while holding a siege.

“He was. Back when he was known as Garlan the Gallant.

Known for his good looks, his great swordsmanship and his
chivalrous attitude” He said “All that changed when King
Stannis snuck into their siege lines and stole Ser Loras and Lady
Margaery from under his nose.”

“After that event, a bard wrote a song for King Stannis in which
he described Ser Garlan as a fool who feasted with the other
lords while brave King Stannis stole his brother and sister away.
Ser Garlan quickly found the bard and had him beheaded. But
that only served to further spread the song.” He said “The Bard
is dead but the name stuck. Now, Ser Garlan the Gallant is
known as Ser Garlan the Goof. Anyone whose name and
reputation has been dragged through mud like this won’t be in a
pleasant mood.”

King Jaehaerys cringed. “Yeah. Losing his brother and sister as

well as his reputation. I can understand his bad mood now.”

“Did you know how he gained the name Garlan the Gallant in
the rst place?” he asked.

“No.” King Jaehaerys replied.

“Guess.” He said.

“Winning a tourney? Or maybe chasing off bandits or some Iron


“Not really.” He replied “Do you know that the Tyrell siblings
have an uncle who is known as Garth the Gross for his

Jaehaerys frowned “Yes. I’ve heard of him. What does that has
to do with Garlan.”

“Everything.” He replied “You see. Willas, the crippled elder

brother of Garlan realized how important these names can be.
And to make sure that such and indignity doesn’t befall his
younger brother, he named him Garlan the Gallant.”

“Huh… I did not knew that such names can be given by family
members.” King Jaehaerys said.

“They cannot. Not really.” He replied “But the right amount of

gold to the right bard. The right amount of whispers in the right
tavern and soon enough, everyone will recognize that person by
that name. After all, this is how nicknames are gained in the rst

He sighed “Of course, all that precaution is wasted now that he

is named Garlan the Goof. And believe me, most people would
prefer the name Garlan the Goof to Garlan the Gallent.
Especially the common folk. They love to drag the names of the
high lords into mud. It’s one of their favourite past time hobbies
in fact.”

King Jaehaerys frowned “Why are you telling this to me?”

He sighed “Tell me your grace. What do you think of when you

hear the name Garth the Gross. Would you really wanted to meet
a man who is known throughout Westeros as gross.”

King Jaehaerys grimaced and he nodded. “And what do you

think of when you hear the name Garlan the Goof. What kind of
image does that name produce in your mind.”

King Jaehaerys remained silent for a moment before nodded “I

see your point. Names and reputations have power of their

“They do.” He nodded “And his why we need to select a name

for yourself before someone else does it for you.”

King Jaehaerys made a face “Is it truly necessary.”

“Not really” he shrugged “But would you like to be named as

Jaehaerys the long faced savage from the North.”

“I don’t think anyone would give me such a name.”

He chuckled “I don’t either. But it’s principle of the matter.” He
said “Don’t worry. I’ll do the work and see to it that you get a
proper name after this siege.”

King Jaehaerys looked at him and nodded. “I… thank you Lord

He chuckled “Don’t be so serious or I might just name you King

Jaehaerys the gloomy or King Jaehaerys the broodyman.”

Chapter 409

Half an hour later, all the important lords were in the command

The war council started with Ser Garlan informing everyone that
about the current situation.

Which was exactly the same as it had been a month ago.

Stannis still held the City. And the Tyrells still waited outside the
City while maintaining the siege lines.
The only difference was that Stannis now had more than enough
food to last three months.

He could see that the lords from the North/Vale/Riverland

alliance were not happy with the fact that the Tyrells didn’t do
anything for the whole month.

The fact that the Tyrells were holding feasts and tournaments
during the siege only served to piss them off even more.

A few sharp barbs were thrown around and the tensions rose
until both Ser Garlan and Lord Stark put their foot down and
reminded everyone that they were allies and ghting amongst
themselves won’t gain them anything.

There was still a lot of frustration about the fact that the Tyrells
had not accomplished anything and had instead lost the King’s
betrothed as well but they were able to move on with the
meeting after that.

It was decided that the alliance will set up their siege lines to the
North and East section of the City and try to take the Iron Gate,
Dragon Gate, Old Gate and Gate of the Gods while the Tyrell
army will set up their siege lines to the South and West section
of the City and try to take Lion Gate, King’s Gate and River
Gate (also known as Mud Gate).
The Iron Gate was given to him, the Karstarks, the Umbers and
the Manderlys.

No one said it outright but everyone was expecting him to break

through the Iron gate before anyone else. Mostly because of his
‘special forces’.

Ser Garlan and some other Reach lords also asked for his giants
for the duration of this battle as well but he outright refused him
on the basis that the giants don’t know them and are thus as
likely to attack them as they are to attack the enemies.

The meeting nished soon after that.

They decided that they’ll set up their lines for the rest of the day,
prepare all the necessary siege equipment for the next three days
and then start the siege on the fourth day.

Chapter 410

His astral form ew outside the Red keep and stared inside from
every single window in the keep.
Lyra did not know where the two Tyrell siblings were so it was
up to him to nd them.

And despite the novelty of the experience, the task was rather
monotonous and boring.

The Red Keep was big and had many rooms and just as many

It took him half an hour to nally nd Loras and Margaery

inside a secluded room in the White Sword Tower.

Once he was done with the task, he retreated back to his camp
and came back to his body.

The disorientation was there and he had to close his eyes for a
few moments to get control of his faculties.

Then he turned to Varko who had been guarding his body all this
while and said “Bring me Kalmyr.”


“What can I do for you my lord.” Kalmyr asked as soon as he

entered the tent.

He ignored the man in favor of creating a small 3d model of the

the Red Keep and the Aegon’s High Hill it sat upon.
In the end, he turned and beckoned Kalmyr to come toward him.

“You see these stones in here.” He said as he pointed at an area

behind the Aegon’s High Hill.

Kalmyr nodded.

“There is a cave hidden behind these rocks.” He said “A cave

that leads to a tunnel which leads to a set of tunnels underneath
the Red Keep. I need you to send your wolves in there and check
out those tunnels. To make sure that the tunnels have not been
compromised and to check one of these tunnels that lead to this
tower in the Red Keep.” He said while pointing at the White
Sword Tower.

“That does not seem too hard.” Kalmyr said “How long do I

“3 hours.” He said and Kalmyr grimaced.

“How will I reach this place.” Kalmyr asked as he pointed the

sea around Aegon’s High Hill.

“You can leave that to me.” He replied.

Chapter 411
That night

He used his camou age and ew out of the camp and above
Blackwater Bay.

Visibility was low so he had to use the magical eyepatch to see


Two minutes of broom ying later he nally arrived on the rocks

behind Aegon’s Hill.

Kalmyr was already waiting there for him with his wolves.

“Did you nd it?” he asked and Kalmyr nodded.

“It was not that hard.” Kalmyr said “But the corridor outside the
secret tunnel is lled with the Baratheon men. I don’t think that
you alone will be enough for this my lord.”

“Who said I’m alone.” He said and put the expended trunk on
the ground and opened the lid.

A few seconds later, Varko, Baka and Sandor Clegane came out
of the trunk.

Sandor Clegane looked back at the trunk in confusion, as if still

not believing that he had just been inside that small trunk.
That was practically the same expression he sees in anyone who
has experience the expanded space for the rst time so he was
not bothered.

Using loyalty charm on the Hound for the past few weeks had
made him loyal to him. Not to the point of giving his own life
for him but he won’t be giving away his magical secrets to other
people either.

“Very well then Kalmyr. Lead the way.” He said.

Twenty minutes later, they were behind the secret door leading
to a corridor inside the White Sword Tower.

Using homenum revelio, he found out that the there were some
men guarding the area every now and then.

“Wait here for me.” He said “Unless I give you a signal, don’t
move from here.”

Then once the men walking around the corridor left, he wore
camou age cloak and left the secret tunnel.

He muf ed his footsteps and sneaked behind one of the man

guarding the corridor.
“Stupify” he whispered and the man lost consciousness

Another cloth removing and cloth wearing spell later, he was

wearing the Baratheon guard armor.

He put the man in an empty room and continued in the guard’s

place, without the camou age armor this time.

It was pretty late at night so the no one was able to see his face
and didn’t bother him and he was able to walk around without
any problem.

A few minutes later, he was in the general vicinity the room

where the Tyrell siblings were kept as captives.

Two men were guarding the door but he chose to be cautious


He used homenum revelio around the room and frowned when

he found that the room was lled with a dozen men hiding in
various places.

A few more homenum revelio revealed that the other rooms

around this were also lled with men in hiding.

He frowned.
This was not good.

He didn’t change his pace of walking and left the corridor

without any one suspecting him.

Once he was out of the corridor, he went inside a room and

frowned at the situation.

Did King Stannis knew that someone would try to rescue those

Considering how he had not revealed the plan to very few

people (and no one in the Tyrell camp), no one should know
about this plan.

Which meant that King Stannis probably either guessed that he

would use his wargs to rescue the two Tyrell siblings or the Red
Witch had warned King Stannis about him.

Or maybe King Stannis was just that paranoid.

Whatever the reason, a few dozen men won’t be enough to stop

him and his magical enhanced and magically equipped sworn

The problem laid with the fact that an attack on these people
would alert the whole castle to their presence.
And that was not something that he wanted.

He called his Varko who picked up the communication mirror on

the rst ring.

“My lord. What are our instructions?” Varko asked in a whisper.

“Hold your position.” He said “The situation is slightly more

complicated then I initially thought. I’ll need some more time
for reconnaissance.”


“Recona… hmm… It means observing the enemy. Wait there

and don’t come out until I say so. I don’t know how long this’ll

“Be safe my lord.” Varko said and he cut the connection before
pocketing the mirror.

Then he took out his camou age cloak and left the room.

Chapter 412
He turned the corner and walked up to the two men who were
guarding the Tyrell siblings room.

He put a sound muf ing charm around them.

Then men must have noticed some difference as they turned too
look around but it was too late.

“Stupify” “Imperio.”

One man went slack and fell on the oor like a puppet with it’s
strings cut while the other looked at him without any change in
his face.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I’m Ser David Rivers.” The man replied “I’m from a small
town in…”

“No no. That is enough.” He said and frowned “Why is a knight

wearing the garb of a common soldier and doing guard duty?”

“It was an order from King Stannis.” The man replied “His
grace suspects that someone will come to rescue Loras and
Margaery Tyrell. So he has put their body doubles inside the
room and lled the whole corridor with men.”
“I see.” He said “Body doubles. Do you know where the real
Tyrell siblings are?” he asked.

“Don’t know for sure.” The man replied “But I’ve heard rumors
that they’re being kept at the top of the Tower of the Hand.”

He nodded. “Obliviate. Confundus.”

The man looked confused and he he woke the other man up and
did the same thing with him before he removed the sound barrier
and left the area.

Once he was inside the safe room, he called Varko once again.

“My lord.” Varko said.

“The Tyrell siblings inside the room are body doubles.” He said
“The plan to escape from the tunnel is a not feasible anymore.
Go back to the cape and call Bronn. Tell him to use one of the
few boats we’d captured to come to take you.”

“What about you my lord?” Varko asked with worry laced in his

“I’ll be ne. I’ve another lead on the Tyrell siblings that I need
to check on.” He said “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be ne.”

“But my lord.”
“I’ll be ne Varko. No go back. It’s an order.”

Varko looked really con icted but then nodded.

“We’ll go back down. But we’re not leaving until we know that
you’re safe.” Varko said “And if you’re captured then we’ll
come to save you no matter what.”

He opened his mouth to speak but then slowly closed it and


“Very well then.” He said “I’ll call you once I found the Tyrell

With that he cut the connection and wrapped himself with the
Camou age cloak.

Then he took out his broom from inside the bottom less bag,
enlarged the window in the room and ew out of there.

He ew high in the air before he looked down with night vision

and found where Tower of the Hand.

It was one of the tallest, if not the tallest tower in the Red Keep.
He ew to the top room of the Tower through the balcony and
put the broom inside the bottomless bag before he took out his
wand and cast homenum revelio charm once again.

Inside the room were two people. A man lying on a bad and a
woman sitting beside the man on a chair.

Outside the room he could see half a dozen men lunging around
and sitting in a circle. Probably playing some kind of card game.

Still under the camou age cloak, he snuck inside the room and
walked up to the two siblings.

Loras Tyrell, if the man was indeed Loras and not another body
double, looked in terrible health.

He had a fever and looked pale from blood loss.

He also had a his whole chest covered in bandages which had

some blood on it and from the smell of it, it looked infected.

At this point, he was pretty sure that the guy was Loras Tyrell as
Stannis would not make an injured man act as a decoy.

Still, just to be sure, he looked in Margeary’s eyes and read her

Worry for her brother’s life. Worry for herself. Anger at King
Stannis for hurting him. Wondering if someone will come to
rescue her. Wondering what King Stannis will do to them both if
the armies outside attacked. Wondering if she could seduce one
of the Knights waiting outside and use his help to escape.

Hmm… de nitely Margaery Tyrell.

He went back to the balcony and put the camou age cloak
inside the bottomless bag.

Then he took out his communication mirror and called Vothora

and Roghomyr. After giving a few instructions to the Wyvern
wargs, he cut the call and readied himself.

Then he walked back inside the room and knocked on the wall.

Margaery looked up toward him and her eyes widened in shock.

He had already put a sound barrier in the room so he didn’t need

to worry about her making any noise. But she didn’t knew about
that so he gestured for her to stay quiet.

He walked up to her and whispered.

“Lady Margaery. My name is Domeric Bolton. I’m here to

rescue you.”
Chapter 413

Margaery gasped at his words but quickly put her hands on her
mouth to not make any noise.

Then she looked at him with a great amount of scrutiny.

“Domeric Bolton. As in the same Lord Bolton who defeated the

three Lannister armies on his own and took over Casterly
Rock?” she asked.

He nodded “Unless you know of any other Bolton, that can only
be me.”

Margaery bit her lip “Do you have… any proof about your
identity. I know I’m imposing. Especially when you came all the
way here to rescue me. But I must know that you’re the man you
say you are.”

He nodded and thought for a moment.

Then he reached for his hilt and quietly took out Lily from
inside it.
Despite the low visibility in the room thanks to only a few
candles being alight, the rippling pattern which as distinct mark
of Valyrian Steel was quite clear for her to see.

Then he slowly sheathed his blade and raised an eyebrow.

The girl, no, woman gave him a bright smile and then jumped at
him with a hug.

He frowned but didn’t put his arms around her.

A moment later she separated and he could see tears in her eyes.

“I… I… thank you so much Lord Bolton. I was so afraid that no

one would come to save me and my brother.” She said as she
wiped her tears.

A simple legilimency probe told him that the tears were fake, her
hug was fake and the whole damsel in distress troupe she was
playing was fake as well.

She knew that with how injured her brother was, even he would
probably not be able to rescue him. But she still wanted him to
save her brother and was playing for his sympathy.

He almost frowned at how manipulative the girl was being but

then again, he shouldn’t have been.
She was the granddaughter of Olenna Tyrell after all and he
knew what kind of woman that was.

He nodded “You don’t need to worry about me my lady.” He

said “I’ll get both you and your brother to safety.”

She bit her lip, and looked at him with big teary eyes “My lord
Bolton” she said sensually as she put a look on his chest “My
brother was wounded ghting for King Jaehaerys’ cause when
false King Stannis Baratheon attacked our camp. I… I don’t
think he’s in any condition to escape… And I can’t leave
without him. Please… I beg of you…”

Before she could continue the rather convincing (but clearly

fake to him) charade, he put up a hand and gave her a warm

“Don’t worry Lady Margaery. Your brother is in safe hands.” He

said “I’m here to rescue both of you and I won’t leave without
accomplishing my goal.”

Margaery let out a sigh of relief. The rst true expression he’d
seen from her aside from the shocked one when he rst entered
the room.

So this is what happens when you take a young girl and put her
under the tutelage of a schemer like Olenna Tyrell.
“How are you going to take us to safety my lord.” She said with
confusion before she suddenly remembered where she was and
her eyes widened. She looked behind him at the balcony and
then back at him “In fact, how did you come here in the rst

He smiled. But before he could answer, the door of the room

swung open.

In an instant, he dropped to the ground and slid under the bed.

Then he watched from under the bed as someone wearing grey

robe entered the room while carrying a tray lled with
something he couldn’t see from his position.

“Maester Stafford.” Margaery said and he could almost see the

fake but genuine looking smile “My brother’s fever has not gone
down. Please do something.”

Maester Stafford huh… He wondered what happened to Grand

Maester Pycelle.

Did the old coot nally die of old age or was he ‘removed’ by
King Stannis for his part in King Robert’s death.

With his enhanced sense, he was now able to hear the men
outside chatting with each other and he realized that the sound
muf ing charm was broken when the Maester crossed the
invisible bubble surrounding the room.

He cursed in his mind and silently applied the charm once again
without anyone knowing any better.

The Maester came beside the bed and put his tray on a table
before he started to check up on Loras.

He knew that if he used his potions then he would be able to

save Loras Tyrell.

But he would gain nothing from saving the boy and the Tyrells
might start suspecting him or sorcery. He doubted they would
not use such information against him.

For the next few minutes, the Maester slowly checked over
Loras’ condition. Then he fed Loras some milk of the puppy
before applying a healing ointment and changing the bandages.

More than a few times, he wanted to use Imperius on the

Maester but held back as Margaery might notice some sudden
changes in the Maester.

Unfortunately, all his waiting came to nothing when with huge

aps of his wing, one of his Wyvern nally landed on the
“What was that?” the maester asked as he straightened up and
looked toward the balcony.

Chapter 414

Before the maester could take another step to check, he sprung

out of bed and put his hands around the maester’s neck.

Before the maester could even let out a squeak, he changed the
position and put the old man in a chock hold.

A few seconds later, the maester was out like a light.

He looked at Margaery and noticed her looking at him in shock.

Ah… she was shocked by his inhuman speed and re exes.

Then Margaery slumped “That was a close one.” She said before
she looked toward the balcony with some apprehension “Is one
of your Wyverns waiting outside for us Lord Bolton?”

He nodded “Yes. Let take Ser Loras out of here rst.”

Margery bit her teeth and looked at Loras with a lot of her
worry. He considered her worries justi ed as the knight already
looked half dead.

He he knew that without any proper aid, the knight would die
anyway. Proper aid that this medieval world was not known for

Hell, they didn’t even know about the ‘Germs theory’ and were
probably treating him with dirty hands.

He shook his head from such thoughts and picked Loras up in

princess style.

The man smelled heavily of medicines and sweat.

He didn’t let it bother him and took him to the balcony where
Thistle, the rider of the smaller Wyvern was waiting for him.

“My lord.” She said and bowed to him as soon as she saw him
while completely ignoring Margaery and Loras.

“Thistle.” He nodded “Your task is to take this man safely to our

camp. Have him healed by our maester as soon as you do.”

Thistle nodded and then the Wyvern looking at them with

human intelligence tilted to their side so that they would be able
to carry Loras up to it more easily.
It took some time but Loras was nally secured to the Wyvern in
a safe manner.

Thistle climbed behind Loras and nodded to him. “The other


Her words were cut short as the door ew open one more time
and a slightly drunk knight entered the room.

“What’s taking so…” the knight said before he took note of the
situation and his eyes widened.

He for his part, noticed that the sound barrier had broken once
again and sighed.

“Go. Quickly.” He said and the Wyvern jumped from the


“E… Enemy!!!” the knight shouted before he quickly fumbled

with his sheath, trying to take out the sword but failing
miserably due to being half drunk.

“Stay here.” He told Margaery before he quickly strode toward

the drunk knight who nally managed to take out his sword.

A sword that didn’t help him at all as Lily cut through both the
sword and the man in a single swing.
A moment later, all the knights who had heard the shout came
barreling into the room.

Or at least they tried.

They all fell to his blade before they could enter a few feet into
the room.

But by now they had made enough noises that he was sure that
the whole Red Keep would after him in a few minutes.

He looked at the balcony and noticed that the Wyvern has not

He frowned as he heard the sound of footsteps coming from

down the stairs.

A homenum revelio told him that dozens upon dozens of men

were coming to his position.

He quickly closed the door and pulled the bed behind it.

“Are you alright my lord.” Margaery asked and he gave her a

confused glance.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” he asked.

Margaery looked at the half dozen dismembered knights around
him and he understood.

But before he could say anything, there was a loud ‘Thump’ and
the latch of the door broke open. The door only being held back
thanks to the bed.

“Get back lady Margaery.” He said “Go to the balcony and wait
for me.”

Margaery hesitantly looked and followed his instructions.

There was another loud ‘Thump’ and the number of men outside
the room grew.

The bed was pushed back a few inches and with another push
and he bent down and pushed the bed toward the door.

It didn’t help all that much.

Sure he had enhanced strength but there were more than half a
dozen men on the other side of the door.

And even if he wasn’t pushed back, the door would break sooner
or later.

Still, he pushed back and wondered how long it’ll take for the
Wyvern to arrive.
He was perfectly capable of slaughtering the men outside the
room but they might try to take Margaery as a hostage and he
couldn’t have that.

Another ‘thump’ and the door was pushed back once again.

A hand entered the gap from between the door and a sword was
thrusted at him. He moved his head at the last moment and the
sword didn’t so much as scratched him.

He frowned and ipped the bed before using all his might to
push it back without much success.

Then at last, he heard the sound of the apping of wings as the

second Wyvern nally landed on the ground.

He looked toward the balcony and the men pushing at the doors
and quickly dropped the bed and stepped back.

The men piled in the room and dropped on top of one another.

He ignored them and quickly ran toward the Balcony where

Margaery was looking at the men pouring into the room with
wide eyes.

There was no time to climb the Wyvern.

He took Margaery by her waist and pulled her close to him.

“Hold onto me no matter what.” He told her before he took hold

of the Wyvern with another hand.

“Fly.” He shouted and just as the men chasing after him were
about to reach him, the Wyvern turned and dropped down from
the tower.

Chapter 415

His hand jerked and he could feel his grip on the Wyvern
slipping a little bit.

“Land somewhere quickly.” He shouted at the Wyvern, hoping

that the warg inside it would hear him or both he and Margaery
would fall and he would be forced to use his broom to rescue

Which would then force him to change Margaery’s memories.

Something that would take too much effort and something he
was not very good at.
The Wyvern thankfully heard his shout and ew behind Red
Keep and landed on an outcropping in the Aegon’s High hill.

As soon as it landed, he let go of it’s talon and fell on the ground

with Margaery still attached to him like a limpet.

The adrenaline coursed through his body and he took a few deep
breaths and he thought about the situation they had just escaped.

Saving a would-be-queen from a tower while riding a Wyvern.

He just knew that the bards were going to make songs about
this. They might even suggest that he and Margaery were secret
lovers or fell in love with each other after this event.

He chuckled at the absurdity of the thought before he turned to

Margaery who still had her face buried into his chest.

“Margaery. Woman!” he said and she looked up at him, her

cheeks ushed and her breath heavy “We’re safe n…”

He didn’t get to nish the sentence as she pulled him into a kiss.

And then he was somewhere else. In a land lled with lust and
pleasure as the woman took his hands and them on her soft
breasts and plump butt cheeks and then started fondling his cock
without even breaking the kiss.

The girl was truly good at this.

The the kiss broke and he opened his eyes to see the wanton lust
in her eyes. Eyes that somehow reminded him to Ginny…

He jolted and came back to his senses.

The woman came and kissed him once again. It was just as
pleasurable as the rst time but he was not in better control of

Even then it was hard. He was too deep in his lust and Margaery
was beautiful, curvy on all the right places, a great kisser and a
top class seductress.

He removed his hands from her assets and put them on her

Then he slowly pushed her back and peeled her away from him.

Margaery looked at him in confusion and he tried to hide the

scowl trying to form on his face.

He was not even angry at her. He was angry at himself for

almost betraying Ygritte.

No, even kissing her was a form of betrayal because if Ygritte

had done the same to some other man then he would have seen it
as a form of betrayal as well.
“What’s wrong?” Margaery asked with a fair bit of worry on her
voice as he put her hand on his hard cock and rubbed her breasts
on his chest “Don’t you desire me?”

He closed his eyes and took hold of her hand that was slowly
stroking his cock from outside his breeches.

He opened his eyes and gave her a glare “No.” He said and
pushed her back.

He got up and looked at the riderless wyvern who was staring

back at him.

“What… why?” Margaery asked as she got up behind him as


“I love another girl.” He said, hoping that this would be the end
of it.

It wasn’t as the girl draped behind him “I won’t tell her.” She
whispered in his ears. “She doesn’t need to know.”

He took her hands and separated from her once again “I am not
going to betray her trust.”

Then he took her hand and walked her up to the Wyvern.

“Let’s get you to safety Lady Margaery.” He said.

The girl frowned but didn’t try anything else as he helped her up
on it’s back and put the safety harness around her.

“That girl must be lucky to have someone like you as her lover.”
Margaery said as he sat behind her.

“I’m the lucky one.” He said and with another word, the Wyvern
jumped from the outcropping and took to the air with large ap
of it’s wings.

Thankfully, Margaery didn’t mention his hard cock wedged

between her ass cheeks or tried to move too much as they were
able to reach his camp without any incident.

He put Margaery inside the tent where Loras was being healed
and left the place.

He was too horny and needed to visit Ygritte so that he could

sate his lusts on her.

Chapter 416

The next day.

Garlan Tyrell hugged Margaery and kissed her forehead before
he separated and looked at him.

The commander of the Tyrell forces couldn’t say anything for a

while before he nally bowed to him.

“House Tyrell owes you a great debt for his Lord Bolton.”
Garlan said “We’ll never forget your generosity. The gates of
Highgarden will always remain open to you.”

He nodded and they looked at Loras who now had some color in
his cheeks and didn’t look like a corpse anymore.

Last night, after coming back from a short tryst with Ygritte, he
decided to give Loras one of his healing potions after all.

Mostly because it looked like the man won’t survive another day
without any help from him. And knowing that he rescued Loras
only for him to die due to his injuries just didn’t sat well with

Loras would still need time and proper care for a good while
before he would be able to heal but the infection and the high
fever were gone and he was not in danger of dropping dead at
any moment.

“Loras is still not at his best.” He said “I would suggest not

moving him right now. Allow him some time to heal.”
Garlan nodded “I’ll send my own maesters if you don’t mind
Lord Bolton?”

“It is not really necessary but if sending your own maesters

gives you some peace of mind then feel free to do so.” He said.

“Thank you Lord Bolton.” Garlan said and went quiet for a
moment “On that note, now that both Margaery and Loras are
safe, my army would start the siege battle in an hour or two.”

He looked at Garlan “Why the sudden change. Shouldn’t you

wait for the other forces to become ready for the siege? I know
for a fact that they have only managed to create a few siege
ladders and the battering ram is still under construction.”

Garlan frowned as he looked at the Wall of Kings Landing “No.

Waiting for too long and being too cautious was what allowed
Stannis to retaliate and kidnap Margaery and Loras in the rst
place. No. I won’t be sitting back anymore. In fact, I plan to take
the city without the help of the other armies.”

He raised an eyebrow and Garlan grimaced.

“Me and my house has already lost a lot of reputation in this

war. If I ended this siege on my own terms then I might get
some of that back.” Garlan said.
He wanted to tell the man to not underestimate King Stannis but
the determined expression on Garlan’s face made him decide

“Then I wish you luck Ser Garlan.” He said.

“Thank you Lord Bolton” Garlan said and left the tent.

Two hours later, the Reachmen started attacking the Western and
Southern walls

The lords from the North, Riverland and Vale were just as
surprised by this sudden assault on the walls and that surprise
soon turned into anger as they felt that Ser Garlan attacked this
quickly so that they could take all the glory for himself.

Because of this, most of the lords led their half prepared army
and attacked the walls.

Ser Wyman Manderly, Lord Karstark and Lord Umber came to

him to lead the assault on the Walls as well but he declined their
requests on the basis that he won’t allow his men to attack when
they were not ready for it.

They didn’t try to force the matter and went on the attack

But Stannis was not a slouch and his men were well trained.
They held the wall against the unprepared enemy with ease and
the number of casualties started to pile.

After watching their half baked attempts for an hour, he decided

that enough was enough and sent out the Giants.

30 giants hammered away at the Iron Gate for half an hour.

During that time, the Baratheon forces tried everything from

raining arrows and bolts on them to throwing hot oil and large
stones on the giants but nothing went past their armor.

The giants continued and the gate nally gave way.

He was not at all surprised to nd that this section of the Wall

was being commanded by King Stannis himself.

King Stannis lled the whole streets with his men and gave them
the order to stop the Giants and the forces behind them at any

That attempt failed spectacularly when no spear or sword even

scratched the Giant’s armor and then easily cut a bloody swath
through the gate while the Manderly, Karstark and Umber forces
used this opening to take over the gate as well as the nearby
The Dragon gate was the next one to fall and after that point,
Stannis gave the order to retreat and all the remaining Baratheon
men retreated from the Walls and into the Red keep in quiet

He sighed when he heard that the men had started to sack and
plunder the city while indiscriminately killing and raping the
smallfolk that remained inside the city.

He told his forces to stay back as he wanted no part in this and

also called the Giants back to him.

He knew that the city would have been sacked no matter what,
but that didn’t made him feel too good about it.

Chapter 417

The next day.

Tensions were high in the room.

The alliance men were glaring at the Reachmen for breaking

their word and attacking the Walls just so they could win some
The Reachmen were glaring back at them because despite their
attack, they failed to break through their own gates and were left
behind by the Northern forces who broke through their gates
thanks to his giants.

More than a few of them even had the audacity to glare at him
for using his giants during the siege.

Garlan just looked tired at this point.

He felt for the man. Garlan had tried to attack the walls to gain
back his reputation but that gambit failed spectacularly when the
unprepared Northmen broke through their gates before they

Garlan couldn’t even blame him for this as he did what he did to
minimize the casualties of the Northerner who had foolishly
thrown themselves at the wall.

He on the other hand, took out a book and started reading it

while the others bickered and fought amongst themselves.

“Lord Bolton. Why did you called back your giants?” Lord
Leyton Hightower asked “If you had pressed the attack then we
would have taken Kings Landing by now.”
He looked up from his book and noticed that the whole room
had gone silent and everyone was staring at him now.

He slowly stared back at everyone in the room before he closed

the book and nodded “Lord Centon Highwater was it?”

“Leyton Hightower.” The man glared at him.

“Whatever.” He said and started using his magic to pressure the

man into submission “For you to have the audacity to question
my actions, you must have made huge contributions in this war.
That it why I nd it strange that I’ve not heard anything about
your accomplishments so far. It’s almost like you have done
‘Absolutely Nothing’ but since the start of this war.”

The man looked a little angry but also a little intimidated by


“This is not about his actions Lord Bolton” Lord Randyll Tarly
said “We are aware of our inaction and our mistakes. What
we’re asking is why you did not take action when it was
necessary. Why did not send the Giants to smash the gates of the
Red Keep while we had the advantage? Why is army still
standing outside Kings Landing when it could do much good

He turned and looked at Randyll Tarly.

“The reason behind my inaction is quite simple.” He said “The
reason I did not sent my army forward and counseled the same
to others was because we only arrived here yesterday and were
not ready for a siege attempt. The reason I sent my giants was
because my allies attacked the wall nonetheless and were
suffering causalities as a result.” Then he glared at everyone in
the room “But then I heard that your men have started to kill and
rape the innocent commoners of Kings Landing. And I could no
longer see you as my allies.”

“Things like rape and pillage is common during the sack of a

city. I’m surprised you did not expected something like this Lord
Bolton. Maybe you’re too soft for this.” Lord Randyll Tarly said.

“Just because it is expected doesn’t take away the fact that what
your men did was wrong.” He said “As for being soft. I do have
a soft heart for the small folk. If Lord Tywin had not involved
the smallfolk in his war against Riverlands then I would not
have sent him to Sunspear. For that reason, you’ll not have my
support for the remainder of this battle. If you people are so
eager to the spill the blood of the innocent and don’t care about
the plights of the poor then I don’t see why I should support lend
you my aid.”

His words were obviously met his silence. He was not in the
mood to listen to them any longer and left the War council room
soon after that.
Chapter 418

He sat on a chair with Ygritte on his lap and watched as the men
entered the City. Jon Snow had insisted on taking charge of the
attack and he had given a magical armor and a magical sword to
him as well. Sansa took a chair and sat beside him asking if he
and his men weren’t going to take part. He chuckled and said
that so far he had taken part in 4 mid-large scale battles as well
as 2 sieges. He has won so much glory that the others had told
him to sit back this time and let them win some glory as well.
Sansa then came and sat on his other thigh as well. He raised an
eyebrow and was surprised when Ygritte moved forward and
pinched Sansa’s nipple. Ygritte said that she was willing to
accept her in the family. If only so that their relationship with
the Starks won’t worsen. He told her that he still won’t fuck
Sansa until she’s at least 16 years old which Sansa grudgingly
accepted. After that he and Ygritte bother kissed Sansa.

A week later.

“Are they still at it?” Ygritte asked as she gyrated her hips on his
lap, clenching her cunt around him every so often.
“Yes.” He nodded he as pushed a nger inside her arsehole and
pinched her nipple with the other hand “Stannis still had about
13,000 men when he retreated into Red Keep. And the Red Keep
has far better defenses than the walls around Kings Landing.”

Ygritte moaned before he picked her up by her thighs and

started bouncing her on his cock.

“I’m surprised none of them have asked for your help yet.”
Ygritte said.

He shrugged “I’ve denied entry to anyone in my camp so now

they can’t ask for my help even if they want.” He said “Can’t
have them knowing that I’m not outside Kings Landing at all.”

He got up from his chair and slowly lowered Ygritte on the

ground. Then he put put her legs on his shoulder in a mating
press position and thrust inside her velvety folds once again.

He continued to fuck for her a while before he nally shuddered

and released his white cum inside her cunt.

He kissed her one last time before he rolled to the side and
pulled her on top of him.

They laid there for the next few minutes, just enjoying the feel
of the others body being pressed against each other before he
nally asked “Why is Sansa still in Dreadfort Ygritte?”
“Why would she not be here?” Ygritte asked as looked up at
him, his cock twitching in response as his gaze fell upon her
ushed face and her parted lips.

“Because this is not her home.” He replied, controlling his libido

“And because her remaining here for a long term might raise

“Not if Sansa really wants to spend her life with you.” Ygritte
said and he rolled his eyes.

“She’s just a girl in love.” He sighed “When I eventually marry

you, that love will slowly fade away and turn into resentment.
She would not want to be with me then.” ‘Unless I use mind
magic on her.’ A treacherous part of him said.

“You think I haven’t told that to the girl.” Ygritte scoffed “She
just doesn’t want to listen. But let’s not talk about her right now.
I am to give you some good news.”

“What is that?” he asked, hoping that she won’t tell him that she
was pregnant. As happy as he would be to hear that, he really
didn’t want to become a father just yet.

“I ew on Acnologia’s back yesterday.” She said “It was not as

comfortable as ying on a Wyvern’s back because Acnologia is
still young and because of the lack of a saddle but I’m the rst
woman to y on a Dragon in decades.”

“Centuries” he said “When did you do it?”

“When you were busy drawing the runes for my Dragonlord

ritual.” Ygritte replied “Do you think you’ll be able to complete
it before the siege of Red Keep is over?”

He nodded “The ritual circle is almost nished. And the Red

Keep is not going to fall any time soon.”

“Will you give me a dragon as well Domeric Bolton?”

“I will.” He nodded “It’ll not be as powerful as Acnologia and

will never grow to it’s size but it’ll still be a dragon.”

Ygritte nodded as her hand reached down and started strocking

his semi hardened cock.

“Want to go for another round?” Ygritte asked with a saucy


He looked at the ritual circle at the center of the room which was
almost completed and shrugged.

“Why not.”
Chapter 419

Ygritte screamed in pain as the ritual started and the energy

from the dragon egg and the other ingredients poured inside her
and changed her body.

She had very low talent in magic so he had to use a weaker ritual
circle which could only sustain a single dragon egg.

Which meant that even if she started using magic after this, she
would never be even 1/3rd as powerful as him. But even using a
little bit of magic would be of great help and it would mean that
their children would de nitely be magical in nature.

All this information didn’t help him one bit as Ygritte laid at the
center of the ritual circle and thrashed in pain.

He couldn’t give her a potion to numb her senses, any kind of

pain killer or the infamous Milk of the Puppy as an unknown
substance like that might not react well with the ritual and could
case side effects at best or derail the whole ritual and kill her at
He clutched his sts and bit his teeth as hard as he could, hoping
that the physical pain would distract him from the emotional
pain he was feeling upon seeing Ygritte go through so much
pain and not being able to help her at all.

He takes a chair and sat down on the corridor outside the ritual
room and sighed.

There was really nothing that he could do to help her.

This was something she would have to do on her own.

And she would come out this ritual better and won’t get any
permanent negative effect

All these reassurances didn’t him feel any better and he just
knew that the next few hours were going to be really unpleasant
for him.


3 hours after the start of the ritual, the ritual ended.

He could tell because the magical power churning inside the

ritual room stopped all at once.

He immediately opened the door and ran up to her.

Ygritte was lying in the center of the ritual circle which had now
turned to ash.

Her naked body was lled with black soot. Her palms were
bleeding from where she had dug her ngers in it. Her once-red-
but-now-silver hair was dishevelled and her breathing was
shallow and raspy.

He immediately trans gured the oor to be soft and warm.

Then he took out the medic kit he’d prepared for her and took
out three potion vials.

He removed the cork and fed her the potions one by one, using
magic to make sure that the potion didn’t enter her lung.

She groaned as he gave her the last potion but didn’t wake up.

That was good.

Despite the potions, she must still be in pain from the long and
painful ritual.

He picked her up and took her to another room he’d created for
this exact moment which he’d aptly named Recovery room.
He slowly laid her down on the bed and then pointed his wand at
her “Scourgify.”

The soot, dirt and dried blood covering her body disappeared
and he was able to see her properly after the ritual for the rst

Unlike him who was not the epitome of handsomeness before

the ritual, she was quite beautiful. But after the ritual, it
wouldn’t be wrong to say that she was easily the most beautiful
girl in the whole 7 kingdoms.

He put her in a spoon position and laid down on the bed behind
her before he covered both of them with the blanket.

He might have spent the past few hours doing nothing but sitting
in his chair but they had been the most emotionally exhausting
hours ever in this life for him.

And all he wanted to do right now was rest with Ygritte and be
there for her the next time she wakes up.

Chapter 420
He was woken out of his sleep by Ygritte poking him in the

He opened his eyes to nd that some time in the night, the

blanket had half fallen off of them and Ygritte had turned around
and buried herself into him.

She was now looking at him with her new purple pupils, looking
more beautiful than ever.

“Hey there.” He said as he tucked a stray strand of Silver hair

behind her ear “How are you feeling?”

“Sore.” Ygritte replied and groaned “As if I’ve been trampled by

a few hundred horses at once. But I also feel powerful. As if I
have some power that I didn’t have before.” She said and
frowned “I’m not entirely sure but I think I can warg into an
animal or bird now.”

His eyebrows rose but he was not very shocked by this news. In
fact, he had expected that the ritual might wake up some of the
dormant magical talent in her blood. But it was still a very
pleasant surprise.

He nodded and cupped her cheeks.

“Once you’re healed, we’ll train your warg talent. See how far
we can take this talent of yours.”
“And hatch me a dragon.” She said petulantly.

“Of course.” He chuckled and kissed her forehead before he

separated from her and got up from the bed. “I’ll call Lyra and
tell her to have our chefs cook something for us. You have any
thing you wish to eat.”

Ygritte nodded “Some of the Spicy chicken dumpling whose

recipe you brought from Dorne. And some lemonade as always.”

“Of course.” He said and picked up the communication mirror

from the table.

He quickly called Lyra who picked up the call after the third

“Lyra I…” he started but was quickly cut off by Lyra.

“My lord. News from Kings Landing.” Lyra said and he

gestured her to continue. “The Northern forces nally broke
through the siege today.”

He frowned. He was pretty sure that with the way the siege was
going, it would easily take a week or more for it to end.
The fact that the siege ended so abruptly without his or his
troops participation must have meant that something important

“How did that happen?” he asked.

“The Northern forces were ghting in the wall when King

Stannis lead an attack toward them.” Lyra said “It was pretty
good surprise attack which allowed King Stannis to corner King
Jaehaerys, Lord Stark, Robb and a few others.”

“Let me guess. King Jaehaerys and King Stannis dueled it out?”

he asked.

Lyra grimaced “Not really my lord. It was actually Snowric, Jon

Snow direwolf who jumped at Stannis as soon as his men started
attacking and tore his throat off. The Baratheon forces
surrendered after that.”

He took in her words and sighed “When did this happen?”

“Just an hour ago my lord.” Lyra said “But you told me not to
disturb you so I didn’t.”

He nodded “You did good Lyra. Now I have a request to ask

He went ahead and ordered the food before he cut the
connection and went back into bed with Ygritte.

“So… are you going back South?” Ygritte asked.

He nodded “Yeah. Now that they’ve taken the Red Keep, I’m
pretty sure that they would want to hold the Coronation as soon
as possible. And me not being present there would send all kinds
of wrong messages. So I must leave as soon as possible.”

Ygritte moaned and pulled him into a hug “Stay with me for a
while at least.”

He smiled and pecked her on the lips. “Sure.”

Chapter 421

He stood on top of the tower in Storms End and looked at the

army of Unsullied waiting below.

By Admiral Muron has taken the Baratheon ships and has left
for Kings Landing to gift the new King the Royal Fleet on his

The only ones left here are 5000 Unsullied, some 40 ships and a
lieutenant under Admiral Muron named Lieutenant Gevin.
He apparated once again and entered the camp of Lieutenant
Gevin who was looking over the logistic reports with more than
a little bit of worry.

“Gevin.” He said as soon as he appeared from the almost silent


Gevin jerked up and readied his sword before he realize who

was in front of him and lowered his sword.

“My lord.” The man said with a huge smile “What can I do for

“Nothing” he replied “But tell the Unsullied that a woman in red

dress would be coming out through the gates in a few hours.
They’re not to harm her.”

Gevin nodded and was about to leave the tent before he stopped
and looked back at him with some embarrassment “My lord.
Admiral Muron didn’t leave me with much food. Could you…
do something about that.”

He nodded and gave a bottomless bag to him. “That should

cover for you until you reach Kings Landing. You can restock
your food supply there once again.”

Gevin gave him a grateful nod before leaving.

Once Gevin left, he sat on a chair and wrote a quick letter to

Once the letter was done, he conjured a giant hawk, tied the
letter to it’s talon and sent it after Lady Melisandre.

An hour later, he was casually reading a book on the magic of

Valyria when the tent’s ap opened and Melisandre walked in.

“Wyvern Lord.” The woman said, with the look of someone who
had lost everything in their life.

Gone was her con dence. And gone was her faith in her lord.

He could sense her magic roiling around her.

It was weak and without any direction.

“Wyvern Lord.” He snorted and removed the glamor from

around his face, allowing to see his Valyrian features.

She gasped and he barely restrained a smile at her reaction

“More like Dragon Lord. But I suppose calling me a Wyvern
Lord would not be wrong either.”

The woman merely nodded her head and gestured for her to take
a seat in front of him.
“I assume you know about the death of your King at the hands
of King Jaehaerys Targaryen?” he asked.

The woman nodded, looking defeated. He supposed that this is

what usually happens when someone loses the whole purpose of
their life.

“Why have you called for me Dragon Lord?” Malisandre asked,

her eyes xed at the table between them and he had a feeling
that she was only half there in the meeting and the rest of her
mind was preoccupied was the identity crisis she was feeling.

“You thought that King Stannis was Azor Ahai.” He said and the
woman slowly looked up at him, her expression not changing in
the least “Or that’s what you guessed from your visions and then
tried to push him in that direction. To become the King of
Westeros and save it from the creatures of the dark.”

The woman gave him a slow nod.

“You invested a great deal in King Stannis.” He said “You gave

him your loyalty. You gave him your advice. You gave him years
of your time. You even used your shadow magic to help defeat
his brother. I cannot imagine what it must feel like, for someone
who has given so much to at last learn that the goal they were
chasing was the false one.”
The woman slumped further in her chair, looking more tired
than ever “What is it that you want Dragon lord?”

“You one you considered Azor Ahai is dead. But the White
Walkers and Wights continue to walk. And they won’t stop until
they’ve defeated and destroyed everything in their way. And the
end of the day, as a servant of the Lord of the Light, it is your
holy duty to ght against the coming darkness, is it not?”

The woman nodded, straightening her posture on the chair.

“I have learned a long time ago to not put too much thought in
prophesies.” He said “If they’re real then they would happen no
matter what. And if they’re false then they won’t happen no
matter what. If the Propeshy about Azor Ahai, the Prince that
was promised is true, then the saviour would appear no matter
what we do. But until then, we must use all we have to ght
against the darkness.”

The woman didn’t show any expression in her face. She just
stared at him and asked “What is it that you want of me Dragon

“It’s quite simple actually.” He said “Now that we have won the
war, we must win the peace and start preparing for the upcoming
Winter. After what I’ve done to the Westerlands, I doubt I would
be winning any peace from them. Or from the Iron Islands for
that matter. But I have won the peace with Dorne. And I want to
win peace with the Stormlands as well. So when the Long Night
eventually comes, we’ll be better prepared for the horrors that
come with it.”

Melisandre still looked half dead on her feet but now their was a
small spark in her eyes.

“You can me to convince the Stormlanders to surrender to King

Jaehaerys?” she asked.

He shook his head “No. I want you to convince Queen Selyse

and Princess Shireen to surrender to the Iron throne.” He said
“That was they would be able to keep the Storms End and retain
their position as the Lord Paramount of Storm Lands. And when
the Long Night eventually comes, they can support King
Jaehaerys in the war against the White Walkers.”

Melisandre blinked a few times before she looked at him and

stared for a good while before nodding. “I… I don’t know how
effective I’ll be in my endeavor.” She said “All of my loyal
followers were shaken after the death of King Stannis. I don’t
know if they’ll follow me again. But I’ll try.”

He nodded and clapped his hands, startling the poor woman “On
that note, I am rather curious about the glamour that you and the
rest of the Red Priestess wear. Can you show it to me for a
The woman looked hesitant for a long moment before she nally
took the choker from around her neck and gave it to him.

Chapter 422

“…may the warrior grant him courage and protect him in these
perilous times. May the Smith grant him strength so that he may
bear this heavy burden. May the Crone, she that knows that fate
of all men, show him the path he must walk and guide him
through the dark places that lie ahead.”

“In the light of the Seven, I now proclaim Jaehaerys of the

House Targaryen Third of His Name, King of the Andals and the
First Men and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.” The high priest put
the crown on Jaehaerys Targaryen’s head and stepped back.

“Long may be reign!”

“LONG MAY BE REIGN!!!” the men in the great hall shouted

in unison before they broken into claps and cheers.

He stood on the far back of the room and looked at the Jaehaerys
who had a stoic look on his face as he tried his best to not let the
nervousness show in his face.
King Jaehaerys eyes went toward the Tyrell contingent and…
was that a faint blush on his cheeks.

He wondered if Margaery had already made her moves on the


He had been at the receiving end of her seduction attempts and

knew that Jaehaerys had nowhere near enough fortitude to
decline the woman if she visited his bed.

But regardless of everything, he hoped that the boy would be

able to nd some happiness in his marriage. Because the
upcoming years were going to be some of the hardest he’ll ever


His decision to not join the siege of the Red Keep had lost him
more than a few friends.

But the people now knew that he would not take the murder and
rape of the commoners lightly and they knew better than to cross
him. That was good enough for him.

After the coronation, the whole hall dissolved into small groups
that talked among themselves.
He himself was standing along with Lord Karstark, Lord
Ryswell, Lord Umber, Ser Wylis Manderly and Lady Mormont.

He kept an eye on the other lords in the court as they went to the
king one by one and gave him their allegiance along with a gift.

Right now, it was the turn of the Lords from the Reach to give
their allegiance to the King.

Ser Garlan Tyrell, substitute for his father Lord Mace Tyrell
bowed to the King and swore the oath required from House
Tyrell. He then proceeded to give him a gift which essentially
constituted as giving free food to Kings Landing for the next 5

Lord Leyton Hightower bowed to the King, swore the oath

required of him and gave him a library full of books as a gift.

Ser Horas Redwyne and Ser Hobber Redwyne, substitute for

their father Lord Paxter Redwyne bowed to the King and swore
the oath required of them and gave him the model of a small
ship named King Jaehaerys’ Valor. The real ship was still under
construction in Arbor.

The procession continued but his concentration was broken as

someone punch his arm.
He turned around and saw Dacey Mormont ready to punch him

“Hey…” he said and easily caught her second punch. “What’s

up with you.”

“You’ve been ignoring me for the past ve minutes. That’s

what.” She frowned at him “Do you think that being rich and
pretty gives you the right to ignore me?”

He smiled “sorry about that. Was keeping an eye on our little

King and making sure that no one stabs up during his

Dacey snorted “Yeah you were. I need to talk with you about
something after this feast.”

He nodded, looked around himself and whispered “Is this about

your sisters having some talent in warging?”

Dacey’s eyes widened for a moment before they narrowed and

she looked around and then nodded at him “Was wondering if
you could lend one of your wargs to teach us how to do it

He frowned for a moment and then nodded “How about this.

When we go back to the North, you and your sisters come to
Dreadfort. The old gods have a better presence there and you’ll
be able to learn warging more easily in their presence.”

Of course, that was not the truth. The truth was that the high
ambient of ambient magic generated by the Heart trees slowly
but surely seeped into the people living in his lands.

This allowed them to awaken any dormant talent in their


That was why he now had more than 4 times that wargs that he
had back when he rst brought the Free folk from the True

It was also why his wargs were more powerful than before even
without some help from him in the form of mind magic.

Dacey’s eyes narrowed and frowned once once again “Are you
trying to sleep with me and my sisters?” Her frowned then
turned into a grin “Not that I’m averse to the idea. You’re a
pretty boy who can ght. People like you are quite rare in the
North.” She said and her hand reached down to fondle his balls.

He raised an eyebrow at and separated from her, using his

occlumency shields to stop him from getting aroused.

“Ygritte would cut off my balls if I tried something like that.”

He said.
That only made her grin even wider “You saying you would
have slept with us otherwise?”

“De nitely. It is strange but women who can ght and protect
themselves are a huge turn on for me.”

He was about to say something but a large hand falling on his

shoulder stopped him from doing so.

He turned and saw Greatjon looking at him and Dacey with a

huge grin “Come lad. You can try getting in the lassey’s
breeches some other time. It’s time for us to say our vows to our
boy king.”

Chapter 423

He turned and looked at Lord Stark who bowed to the King and
was giving his oath to the King.

Jon looked fairly uncomfortable with his own father bowing to

him but tried his best to hide his discomfort.
He was not as surprised as the other men when Lord Stark took
out a one handed Valyrian sword and gave it as a gift for the
coronation. Mostly because he was the one who asked Tobho
Mott to reforge Ice into two swords in the rst place. But
judging by the pin drop silence in the room, everyone else was
certainly surprised that Lord Stark gave half the Valyrian Steel
of House Stark to a member of House Targaryen.

What they didn’t know was that the reason why Lord Stark gave
him the sword was so that he won’t be defenseless against the
White Walkers or the wights in the future if he chose to ght in
the Wall.

King Jaehaerys Targaryen slowly rose from his seat and

accepted the sword from the man who had raised him since he
was a babe.

“I… thank you Lord Stark. For this gift. Please rise.” King
Jaehaerys said.

As Lord Stark rose, the King looked at the rest of the court and
said “Every good sword needs a good name. Rhaegar Targaryen
may have sired me but Lord Stark is the only father I’ve ever
known. And one of the most important things I’d learned from
him was to live with honor. For that, I name this sword
Cheers erupted in the hall and the other Northern lords went
after Lord Stark.

Despite his roads, his cheaper food and cheaper weapons, the
Northerns houses were still not as rich when compared to the
houses of the Reach.

This was becoming rather evident by the gifts that the lords gave
to the King.

Lady Maege Mormont gave him an axe. It was a nice axe with a
sharp edge and he was sure that the King appreciated the
gesture. But a mere axe nonetheless.

Lord Galbart Glover gave him 1000 animal hides and 1000

Ser Wylis Manderly gave him a chest lled with silver coins. So
on and so forth.

And nally, it was his turn.

When he walked up the dais, everyone else in the room became

silent. He could feel their gazes burning on his back as he bowed
and gave his oath of fealty which the king accepted with a smile.

Once that was done, he looked at King Jaehaerys with a serious

“Kingship is a heavy burden. For you, King Jaehaerys of house
Targaryen, third of his name, this burden will be heavier than
most. Soon, we’ll all go back to our own lands to rule our own
keeps. But before I leave Kings Landing, I would like to help
you by decreasing some of that burden to the best of my
capabilities.” He said “For that, I give three gifts.”

“The Royal Fleet.” He said and the murmurs started at once. The
King raised his hands and the murmurs died down. “The Royal
Fleet which was taken by King Stannis and used by him to
assault Kings Landing. The Fleet returned back to Storms End
once they were cut off from King Stannis by the Tyrells. Two
weeks earlier, the Fleet Admiral of my eet captured the Royal
Fleet with minimum damage and would return to Kings Landing
in a fortnight. This is my rst gift to you.”

King Jaehaerys nodded and he continued.

“The second gift.” He said and clapped his hands.

A second later, the doors of the Throne room opened up and his
soldiers entered the room with dozens of chests along with a
man whose hands were tied behind his back and whose head
was hidden with a sack.

He continued “I present to you Petyr Baelish.”

Chapter 424

The sack was removed and everyone could see the beaten and
bruised form of Petyr Baelish who had a cloth wrapped around
his mouth so he won’t be able to speak.

“Petyr!!!” Catelyn cried out “Bolton. What have you done to

him. Release him at once.”

He gave the woman a disinterested glance “Lady Stark. Please

remain quiet until I’m done speaking.”

The woman fumed and was about to show her anger but Lord
Stark put a hand on her shoulder and shook his head.

She continued to glare at him as he turned to the King.

“A few years after Lord Jon Arryn became the hand of the King
to King Robert Baratheon, he appointed Petyr Baelish as the
Master of Coin of the Realm.” He said and picked up one of the
many dozens of ledgers brought by his men and threw it the
steps of the Iron Throne.
“This man, returned that favor by embezzling large amount of
gold from the Throne.” He gestured to his men who opened the
chests one by one.

All the chests were lled with gold dragon coins.

He picked up another ledger and opened one of his page.

“After my men tortured the information out of him, we found

where he had hidden all of his wealth and took it from him.” He
said “The total comes up to 1.1 million in gold coins. 300,000 of
which is here. The remaining is with the Iron Bank of Braavos
under different names.”

“Aside from that, the man had also invested heavily in real
estate and other businesses whose value amount to about 1.2
million gold coins.” He said and gave the ledger to the King
“All in all, the realm now has 2.3 million gold dragons when
earlier it had none.”

“After House Tyrell forgave their loan to the Iron Throne, this
much gold is more than enough to pay off the Iron Bank of
Braaovos and the Faith.” He said “The only one the Iron throne
now owe any gold to is House Lannister. But considering the
fact that they started this war which resulted in the death of tens
of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of innocents and
considering the crime they’ve committed against House
Targaryen, I’m fairly certain that the debt can now be considered
Null and Void.”

He pointed at the gold “This is my second gift to you. A removal

of all the debt of the Iron Throne and a fresh start. I hope you
use it wisely King Jaehaerys.”

The King took a deep breath and nodded to him.

There was a pin drop silence as the Stark men under King
Jaehaerys removed the gold and took it to the treasury.

“My third and last gift to you.” He said and clapped once again.

The door of the Iron Throne opened once again and a man
walked in.

“This is Vincent Page.” He said as the man came and knelt in

front of the king “He’s one of my top agents in Kings Landing.
He’s also the man who convinced Ser Barristan and Sandor
Clegane to serve me. Because of his contributions, I’ve made
him the Spy Master of the Crownlands.”

“As of now, my spy network is not as large as that of Varys. But

it more ef cient and far faster than his ever was. I’ll lend you
my spies and my a connection to my spy network in the form of
Vincent Page.” He said “I do not know where Varys is. Or
whether he is alive or not. But if he isn’t or doesn’t come back,
then you can continue to make use of my spy network for no

King Jaehaerys got up from the throne and nodded “Lord

Bolton. Some people do not like you for your absence in the
nal battle against King Stannis. And they try to lower your
contributions. But the fact remains that half the reason why I sit
on this throne is thanks to you.”

“You were the one who told me about my heritage. You were the
one who brought the proof of my heritage and showed it to the
other lords. You were the one who set up my betrothal with Lady
Margaery when we were undecided about our next course of
actions. You were the one who saved Riverlands and destroyed
the Lannisters. You were the one who won me peace with
Dorne. And now once again, you’ve proven yourself to be the
most valuable ally. For your contributions and for your immense
talents, I would like to offer you a seat in the Small Council, as
my hand.”

The silence broke in an instant as some objected to this decision

while others (mostly from North and Riverlands) cheered.

But he quickly shook his head “As tempting as the offer is. And
believe my your grace, the offer to do some good for this war
torn realm is very tempting. I must humbly decline. My people
need me. The North need me.” He said “But with that aside, I
would like to offer a great substitute if your will is willing to
hear me.”

The King nodded “I’m listening.”

“Willas Tyrell.” He said “The man might have been crippled but
he is wise and very resourceful. I don’t think you’ll nd any
better man more suited to the task.”

King Jaehaerys nodded “I’ll keep your words in mind.”

“That is all I ask.” He said and bowed one more time before
going back to stand with the other Northern lords.

Chapter 425

“You declined the post of the Hand of the King?” Ygritte asked,
her voice a little subdued as the wind howled in their ears but his
enhanced senses were easily able to pick it up.

“Yeah. It is a thankless job really.” He sighed “A thankless job

that I might have taken if only to do some good to this world.
But with the White Walkers coming from the North, I’m needed
Ygritte nodded and leaned back on his chest. He wrapped one
hand around her while kept the other hand on the broom.

“At least the war has nally ended.” Ygritte sighed and ruf ed
his hair. Then she smiled “Have you heard the new song about
you rescuing the Tyrell girl from the Tower?”

“No. There is a song about that already?” he asked.

Ygritte hummed and nodded.

“That was quick.” He said “I do hope that it’s a good one. So far,
out of all the 5 songs made up in my name, only 1 was good.”

“That what you say.” Ygritte rolled her eyes even as her hand
reach behind her and into his breeches. “But from what Lyra is
telling me, those songs have become rather famous and are
being sung all over the Westeros.”

He smiled and then sucked in a breath as she started stroking his

cock right then and there.

“Wait!” he said as he quickly lowered the broom to a desolate

area in the Lonely Hills. “Let’s get down rst.”

“Hmmm..? No~” Ygritte teased and started stroking his cock

harder and harder.
Despite her administrations, he was able to land them safely to
the ground.

Then he threw her to the ground and lowered her breeches.

Her round and pale ass became visible to him and he put his
mouth between he ass cheeks.

He gave her slit a long lick and Ygritte giggling. Her giggles
soon turned into incoherent moans as he put his tongue inside
her vagina and started sucking on her clit.

Once she was nice and wet, he lowered his breeches and let his
cock spring free where it slapped her ass cheeks.

He positioned himself a bit and moved his cock over her warm
and juicy pink slit.

Then he lined himself up properly and slowly slid inside her

until his full length was buried inside her tight cunt.

“Domeric…” she moaned as he started to gave small thrusts.

After fucking her into the grass for a while, he stepped back and
allowed her to get on all fours.

Then he took her by her hair and thrusts inside her.

The sounds of slaps as he cock repeatedly buried itself into her
resounded for a while before he nally emptied inside her.

Her warm cunt clenched around him and milked him for all he
was worth as his eyes rolled back due to the heavenly feeling.

Then he fell on top of her, his cock still buried inside her pink
hole and then moved to lay in spoon position.

He lazily casted a few spells around himself to keep them safe,

used trans guration to turn the ground into soft bed and then
used another trans guration spell to conjure a blanket around

The sounds of their steady breathing lled the hill as they both
fell asleep soon after that.

Chapter 426

When he eventually woke up, it was to the cold wind on his


He woke up and noticed that it was dark out there and the
blanket had fallen off of him some time while they were asleep.
Looking up, he realized that night had fallen and right now they
were literally sleeping under a starry sky.

Hmm… He could understand why the Dothraki were such a fan

of making love out in the open, if only just a bit.

He moved Ygritte a bit. She mumbled a bit before she opened

her eyes and turned to looked at him.

Her unguarded expression made him harden just a bit but they
had left the Underground with a purpose and he had already
wasted too much time already.

He moved forward and took her lips with his own.

She responded by turning around. But just as she was about to

deepen the kiss, he backed away.

She growled at him, sounding more cute than intimidating.

He chuckled softly “As much as I would like to make love to

you, we’re here to do something.”

Ygritte frowned and put her face on the crook his neck,
snuggling deeper into him “Not now.” She mumbled and he
chuckled before he put an arm around her and covered
themselves with the blanket.
Due to all the precautions he had taken and the potions he had
fed her, the Dragonlord ritual didn’t left her catatonic like it did
with him but it still left her very exhausted and she was still not
fully healed from it’s effects which was why she got tired so
easily from their love making.



The next time she woke up, she frowned at the lack of a warm
body around her.

Sometime during the night, Domeric had slipped away from her.

She frowned and grumbled a bit before she yawned and got up
from the grass/ground bed which was more comfortable than
any bed that she had access to when she was in the True North.

She mused at how Domeric had truly spoiled her with the good
life and felt that she needed to go into the wild for a hunt
sometime in the future or she’ll go too soft.

He blearily rubbed her eyes and looked around to nd that

Domeric had set up a table and chair some distance from her and
was studying a dismantled chocker of some kind.
She also noticed the large wooden pyre that he had built for her.
Just a single glance told her that he’d used magic to make it.

The wood pieces were all cut in the exact shape and size and
were put in an orderly fashion.

Domeric must have noticed her movement because he looked

toward her and smile.

A warmth bloomed in her chest as the smile and she slowly got
up from the bed, making sure to do so in a sensual manner.

When she looked back at him, his warm smile had turned into a
predatory look. His eyes were sharp, his lips parted and his body
posture set to pounce at her at any moment. She loved it when
he looked at her that way. It made her feel beautiful and wanted.

Then he sighed and got up from a chair.

He walked up to her and pulled her into a hug before he kissed

her forehead and separated from her.

“It’s ready.” He said with a soft smile and she couldn’t help hug
him back and enjoy his warmth.

Was it weird that she wanted to get into a bed and snuggle with
him rather than try to hatch a dragon?
She might not have told him about it but she had been wanting
to spend more time with him ever since she went through the
ritual. He also told her that she was looking far more beautiful
than before. And while a part of what he said was true, another
part of her realized that after going through the ritual, they’d
both felt increased attraction toward each other.

Was that why she wanted to bury his cock inside her cunt every
chance she could get. And was that why he seemed to get hard at
the slightest provocation from her?

She had not told this nding to him and she wasn’t sure that he
realized what happened.

The only thing that worried her was if he used this ritual on
some other girl or woman, then would he start to feel attraction
toward that person as well?

She was not sure but if he tried to perform another ritual then
she’ll inform him about him. And then they’ll see what to do
with that information.

But for now, there was no need to share this news.

Plus, she had a dragon to hatch.

Chapter 427

He stood a few meters away and watched as the Pyre he’d

created last night burned away and the smoke and ames hid
Ygritte and the dragon egg from him.

The sacri ce he’d used (a pedophile from Kings Landing)

screamed and thrashed against his bindings as the re slowly
consumed him but he didn’t hear a peep from Ygritte.

Of course, he had expected this. They had both thoroughly

checked her re resistance before doing this and he was sure that
she won’t burn even if she took a bath in magma right now.

The pyre he had created had no hope of burning her.

Hearing a man burning once again was not a pleasant

experience. But after a few minutes, the man took his last breath
and went silent.

He could still see Ygritte’s silhoutte sitting at the center of the

Pyre every now and then but nothing else aside from that.

He felt the urge to go back to his desk and study the magic and
runes in the locket he’d borrowed from Melisandre for a while.
But this seemed more important. Like a child birth. So even if
his presence wasn’t required. And even if there wasn’t anything
he could do at this point, he stood before the pyre and didn’t

The Pyre continued to burn for the next six hours till noon
before it was nally fully consumed and turned into ash.

In the middle of the burned out pyre was Ygritte seemed to be in

a deep state of meditation.

He waited in silence until she nally opened her eyes and smiled
at him.

He smiled back and Ygritte then presented him a Red colored

dragon with black lines across it’s back.

“Domeric. Meet Luna.”

His eyes widened in shock as he heard the name she had given
the Dragon.

In the past few months, he had told her just about everything
from his past life.

When he had been going through the terrible break up with

Ginny after he found her cheating on him, Luna was one of the
few who stuck with him. Even Hermione, bless her soul, was too
busy with her children, with Ron’s antics and with her job to
spend any time consoling him.

So the fact that Ygritte had named her dragon after his friend
meant a lot to him.

His throat felt dry all of a sudden and he felt his eyes growing

He gave her a smile lled with gratitude before he pulled both

her and the dragon into a hug.


1 week later

Domeric played with little Luna and fed her cooked meat every
now and then as the little dragon cooed at him and tried to bite
his hands.

As a week old infant, her teeth few too small and her jaw
strength too weak to do any harm to her but allowing her to form
a habit of biting things out of curiosity was a bad thing so he
shook her off and didn’t gave her a treat.

He instead gave her a small raw piece of meat.

Luna sniffed it a few times before she stepped back and tried to
breath into it. The display was cute more than anything and he
allowed her to try a few times before he smiled and used his
wand to light the meat in re.

As soon as it started sizzling, Luna dove in and devoured the


Then she walked up to Acnologia who had nished eating a

sheep and was taking a rest and started nuzzling it’s nose.

Acnologia lazily opened an eye and looked at the thing

bothering his rest.

Upon seeing that he was none other than Luna, it gave her a
small playful shove with his nose, making her fall at of he back
before he closed his eyes and hid his face behind his talons so
that it won’t be disturbed once again.

He watched Luna struggle on her back for a few seconds before

she got back on her feet and came back to him.

He picked her up and allowed her to nuzzle him before he turned

and looked at Ygritte who was sitting in the distance, her posture
straight and her eyes rolled back to the back of her head as a
large Wyvern ew over head.
He would say that he was surprised by the fact that Ygritte was
such a powerful warg even at the starting point but he truly

This past week, he started her training as a warg and watched as

she quickly moved up the ladder by going from a rat to a
sparrow to an eagle, to a dog, to a deer, to a bear, to a Baselisk,
to a small Wyvern to the Large Wyvern that was currently ying
over their heads.

He was sure that if she wanted then she could even control
Acnologia at this stage. But Acnologia was not an animal.
Dragons in this world had sentience of their own and were not
like the mindless beasts of his world.

So skinchanging in to a dragon would be akin to skinchanging

into a human. Which was a huge taboo among the wargs.

He wondered if Ygritte would be able to control a giant Ape.

After all, they were double the size of the giants of this world.
Easily as large as the giants of his own world if not larger.

The presence of a giant would be far more intimidating than a

giant. And a fully armored Ape would be fully capable of
decimating a whole army on it’s own.

Perhaps he should bring one back for Ygritte to try with?

His line of thought was broken as the large Wyvern came down
from the sky and landed in front of them.

Ygritte nally opened her eyes, looking more than a little tired
as she got up from the sitting position and stumbled a bit before
she nally walked up to him and dropped into his embrace.

Luna nuzzled Ygritte a few times before she climbed up on

Ygritte’s head.

“It’s a bit disorienting” Ygritte complained with a tired sigh.

He chuckled at her words and caressed her back “It’s alright. It

just means that you’re reaching your limit.”

“My limit?”

“Yes.” He nodded “It’s not a hardcore limit. With time and effort
you’ll be able to increase it and would be able to control other
animals as well. But that would take too long. And we already
know a way to increase that limit by a great degree.”

Ygritte took Luna from atop her head and pulled her into her
own lap.

“Once you’re gotten used to warging into the Wyvern, we’ll use
mind arts to increase your warging ability.” He said “I’m quite
curious about how many Wyverns you would be able to control
in a few years.”

“Don’t care.” Ygritte mumbled and nuzzled into his chest “Just
hold me for now.”

He smiled and did exactly that.

Chapter 428

“One thing I can say about the Tyrells is that they sure know
how to hold a feast.” He said as he looked at the halls of the Red
Keep in slight amazement.

Robb gave a small smile at his words but didn’t say anything
more. The boy was probably still having nightmares about the
siege of the Red Keep.

From what he’d later heard, the siege of the Red Keep was far
brutal than any other battle in the whole war.

He knew that if he’d acted and sent his giants then the battle
would have ended with far less causalities but after seeing what
those men did to the innocents of Kings Landing, he hardly felt
any respect or sympathy for them.

“Something on your mind?” he asked and Robb startled, as if he

had forgotten that he was still walking beside him.

Robb gave a small and bitter smile “Mother is talking about my

marriage.” He sighed “She… she wanted me to get married
before Jon. But how the situation is… She’s a little disappointed
that I’ll be married after Jon but she still want me to get married
as quickly as possible.”

He nodded “So, who’s the lucky girl?”

Robb scoffed “I hardly think being married to me requires much

luck. Just large teats and wide birthing hips to impress my

He stopped at frowned at the boy, no, man “Robb. You’re the

heir of Winterfell. You’re pretty good swordsman. You’re good
looking and most of all, you’re an honorable man with a big
heart.” He said as he pointed Robb’s heart “Don’t think too low
of yourself. Any girl would be lucky to marry you.”

Robb looked down in embarrassment before he scoffed but

didn’t said anything.
They walked in silence for a while after that before Robb nally
turned to him. “Domeric.”


“Jon wanted to thank you. For all those… gifts you know.”
Robb said “He was truly very worried about the debt that the
realm owed to the Lannisters, the Iron Bank and the Faith. The
Royal Fleet was also a welcome gift. He was worried that he
would have to take more loans to fund another Fleet. And
Vincent Page is also very helpful during the Small Council

“Jon wanted to thank you on your own. But you were no where
to be found. So I suppose I’m saying it in his place now.” Robb

He shrugged “If we want to ght the Long Night properly then

we would need all the help we can get.” He said “And a strong
realm would be able to help us far more than a realm that was
deeply in debt to other factions.”

Robb nodded. Then he stayed quiet for a long moment before

asking “How’s Sansa?”

He almost stumbled at that. Then he looked at Robb and

frowned “How do you know that she’s still at Dreadfort and not
back at Winterfell.”
Robb snorted “Before leaving, she made it clear to us that she’ll
either marry you or she’ll remain unmarried for the rest of her
life.” Then Robb gave him a beseeching look and he shook his

“Don’t look at me like that Robb. I already have someone else I

love. I’ve already promised her that I’ll marry her. Nothing is
going to change that.”

Robb looked frustrated at his words “She never stopped loving

you.” Robb said “Even after she was betrothed to that… Joffrey.
She never stopped loving you. And she suffered because of that.
Doesn’t that count for something.”

“If she loved me this much, then perhaps Lord Stark shouldn’t
have broken the betrothal in the rst place.” He said.

Robb clenched his hands but didn’t say what was in his mind.

“You didn’t ask me how Arya is doing these days.” He said,

blatantly changing the topic.

Robb knew what he was doing but went along with it “As if she
doesn’t tell us how much she’s enjoying her stay in Dreadfort.”
Robb smiled but that smile quickly turned into exasperation “If
this goes on, then I don’t think she’ll leave Dreadfort to marry
anyone else either. And with Bran’s condition…” Robb shook
his head and didn’t say anything.

Anything else he was about to say was drowned as he heard

hurried footsteps from behind him.

“Robb. ROBB!!” a man shouted as he ran toward them.

It was Smalljon Umber.

The large man came toward them and smiled “You’re here too
Domeric. Good! Lord Stark is calling us to the garden. The feast
for Jon and that lassie is about to begin.”

He looked at Robb and nodded “Let’s not leave your brother to

those pompous lords of the South.” He said and both Robb and
Smalljon chuckled before they turned and started walking
toward where the Great feast was being held.

Chapter 429

“How are you Ser Loras?” he asked the young man who still
looked a little pale.
“I’m good now Lord Bolton.” Ser Loras said “I’m grateful to
you for saving my sister… and me. Without you, I’m afraid I
would not be here today.”

He nodded noncommittally “I heard you plan to join the


Ser Loras nodded with a sad smile “Yes. That would allow me to
stay here and look after my sister and her children in the future.”

He put a hand on Ser Loras’ shoulder “I know it’s not worth

much, but I’m sorry for what happened to Renly.”

Loras eyes widened in shock and he opened his mouth a few

times even as no words left his mouth.

He tightened his grip on Loras’ shoulder. “Do not worry Loras. I

am not going to judge you for who you love.”

Loras looked genuinely touched by his words and his eyes

turned wet in an instant.

“I… thank you Lord Bolton. I can see why my sister have such a
high opinion of you.”

“Domeric. Call me Domeric.” He said “I think we can be on rst

name basis after what we went through.”
Loras nodded quickly “Please call me Loras th…”
“DOMERIC!!!” he heard a familiar voice behind him.

He turned and smiled as Oberyn and Ellaria Sand walked toward


He pulled Oberyn into a hug before he turned and hugged

Ellaria as well.

“Hey Oberyn. When did you came here?” he asked.

“I arrived here a few days ago.” Oberyn said “What I want yo

know is where were you?”

“Here and there.” He smiled before turned to Loras “Loras meet

Oberyn Martell and his paramour Ellaria Sand. Ellaria, Oberyn,
meet Loras Tyrell.”

“Oh you don’t need to introduce us. We’ve met before.” Oberyn
said with a smirk while Loras frowned a bit before turning to

“I’m afraid I’ve somewhere else to be Domeric.” Loras said and

left the place.

He looked at Oberyn and raised an eyebrow “He didn’t seem to

like you very much” he said “What was that about? No don’t tell
me. I think I can already guess. Is this about Willas Tyrell.”
Ellaria nodded “Most of the Tyrells have not forgiven Oberyn
for crippling Willas even if Willas himself never held it against

“Enough of that. Shouldn’t you be going to the main table. The

feast is about to start.” Oberyn said.

He nodded “I’ll talk to you guys later.”

But just as he was about to leave, Oberyn put a hand on her

shoulder and stopped him.

He looked at Oberyn who smirked at him “Just a friendly

reminder. Arianne is here as well.”

He closed his eyes and pinched his nose at that news “Thank
you for telling me about this Oberyn. I’ll be sure to post some
guards outside my room and close my door securely tonight.”

Oberyn laughed and Ellaria chuckled as he bid them goodbye

and left.

Chapter 430
“Is it really alright for me to sit here?” he asked Lord Stark who
was sitting three seats to his right. Lady Stark who was sitting to
Lord Stark’s left gave him a nasty glare and clenched her sts
but didn’t say anything.

Despite the crimes of Little nger, Lady Stark had plead mercy
for her childhood friend. So instead of the Chopping Block,
Little nger was sent to the Wall instead.

It was just a pity that as soon as he left Red Keep, he fell off his
horse and broke his neck.

As if he would allow for his enemies to escape so easily.

Lord Stark nodded “Usually only family of the couple sits in

theses seats. But with all that you’re done for us, for the North
and the Realm, it would be remiss of us to not give you a seat of

He nodded and looked at King Jaehaerys and Queen Margaery.

The two looked rather chummy together and he wondered how
many times they’d fucked by now.

Every single night. If what Lyra told him was true.

He would say ‘ahh young love.’ But he wasn’t really all that
different from them.
And despite his warnings, Jaehaerys already seemed to have
fallen for his queen. Not that there was anything truly bad about

Margaery was a good girl. And Jaehaerys needed all the love
and comfort he could gain before the Long Night eventually

The lords who had not managed to attend the wedding at the
Sept of Balor (like him) came one by one and gave their well
wishes to the King and the Queen.

The bards were singing a song about the Northern victory

against the Lannisters when an old woman walked up to him.

“You must be this Lord Bolton everyone these days seems to be

talking about” the old woman he knew as Olenna Tyrell said “I
must admit that after hearing all those songs about you
destroying the Lannister armies, I expected you to be some 8
foot tall giant savage with a large beard and a penchant for
violence. Imagine my disappointment when I see a pretty
looking boy of average height.”

He glanced at the woman and pinned her with a ‘stare’ “Do you
have something to say to me Lady Olenna. Or are you here just
to amuse yourself.”
Olenna rolled her eyes “At my age, you learn to take amusement
from the smallest of things Lord Bolton. But enough of that.
You’re right. I suppose I’m grateful for the fact that you didn’t
drop granddaughter at the bottom of the ocean.”

A surface legilimency probe told him that the woman was far
more grateful than she was showing herself to be. And not only
because he saved her grandchildren but also because he set up
the marriage between Margaery and Jaehaerys and secured the
position of her house for the next generation.

But was more. Some dark emotions were lurking behind those
grateful eyes.

He dug a little deeper and was not surprised to nd that she was
here with the intention of determine his worth and if he would
be a problem for her house in the future.

What he didn’t expect was that she was more than ready enough
to dispose of him if she felt that his presence might harm her

Like… he could understand where he was coming from.

He had basically won the war on his own and if she heard the
rumors about him getting a whole army of Unsullied soldiers,
then she had every right to be wary of her.
But he just couldn’t stand the fact that she would forget the fact
that he saved her grandchildren and try to kill him if he turned
out to be too dangerous even as she talked jovially with him.

If she had talked with him like this with anyone else then they
would just assume her to be a grumpy grandma like gure. But
with a wizard as talented as him in mind magic, it was different.

He clenched his sts under the table and used Occlumency to

hide his emotions.

This woman. This ungrateful bitch. She reminded him of the

worst qualities of Ginny.

Maybe that was why he was feeling such intense hatred for her
when the only thing she’d done against him was make plans in
her mind.

No matter what though, he would not allow such a woman to

live freely. Not when the presence of his dragons would
eventually be known to everyone in Westeros.

“Boy…? Boy…” he looked at the old woman with a start. He

really must have dove too deep in his own thoughts there.

“My husband had the habit of spacing out like you.” The woman
scoffed “One day he did not pay attention to where he was going
and walked his horse off a cliff. Makes me wonder how you
managed to defeat Tywin Lannister.”

“You’re not the rst person sceptical of my success Lady

Olenna. And you won’t be the last.” He said, using Occlumency
to control his temper. The woman must have a lot of experience
at riling people up.

Olenna scoffed. But before she could say anything else,

Margaery came and put a hand on her shoulder.

“My lord Bolton.” Margaery said with a small courtesy.

“Queen Margaery.” He said as he got up from his chair and gave

her a small bow.

“I must apologize for my grandmother.” The Queen said with a

warm smile. It looked genuine even though a legilimency probe
told him it was fake. She was really good at this “She can be a
bit… inquisitive. Please don’t mind her.”

Olenna scoffed once again but didn’t berate her granddaughter

“You’re invited to a family dinner tonight. Don’t vanish into thin
air once again.”

Then the woman left at last but not before he discreetly cast a
spell on her.
Because despite her age, or maybe because of her age and
experience, Olenna was a dangerous woman who had clearly
shown her to be his enemy.

The spell he cast on her was similar to the one he cast on

Ramsey Snow.

Within a few months, the Withering curse would eat away at her
until she would die a perfectly natural death.

He felt a bit bad for killing her as he had nothing against House
Tyrell. But then again, she should not have thought about
targeting him either.

With that thought, he silently cast a spell on the cup of wine on

the table before drinking it.

Because if she was trying to poison him, then it was highly

likely that someone else might do so as well.

He resolved to create a few poison sensing rings for Ygritte, his

aunt and his subordinates once he returned from Kings Landing.

Chapter 431

Later that day

“…from house Tyrell and the people of the Reach, your grace, it
is my honor to present you with this Wedding Cup. For you and
my daughter Margaery. Drink deep and live long.” Mace Tyrell
said as he put down the extra large goblet in front of the Royal

The cup was made of pure gold and he could see the Rose of
House Tyrell and the three dragons of House Targaryen on it.

He could see that the member of House Stark looked fairly

uncomfortable that there was no direwolf in it. Even King
Jaehaerys and Queen Margaery didn’t seem to impressed and
Lady Olenna looked like she wanted to face palm herself. He
himself was not really surprised that Lord Mace Tyrell would
make such a blunder. After all, no one ever accused him of being

But even if the goblet did had Stark direwolf symbol on it, it
would essentially be useless except for the purpose of decoration
or selling it off if the Royal house ever needed the gold.

“I thank you Lord Mace for your kind gift.” King Jaehaerys said
but everyone could hear the lack of enthusiasm in his voice.
Everyone except for Lord Mace who gave a huge smile and
bowed before leaving for his own seat.

Next it was Lord Stark’s turn to give a gift and he gave both
Queen Margaery and King Jaehaerys two very high quality fur
cloaks that he would keep them warm even in the coldest of

In the end, it was his turn to give the gifts.

“Your grace. Queen Margaery.” He said as two men brought a

chest and put it on the table.

He rubbed his chin. “I suppose my gifts this time are not as good
as the rst one. But I’ll continue the trend and give you three
gifts. This is the rst one.” He said and opened the chest.

Both King Jaehaerys and Margaery’s eyes went wide as soon as

he did.

“Time has turned these dragon eggs into stone.” He said. And
that was true. These were the dead eggs that he had by the
hundreds in his vault. He would be a fool to give live eggs to
anyone else “But they’ll remain as beautiful as ever. So that you
may accept your true heritage.”

King Jaehaerys nodded and he closed the trunk and put it away.

The next gift was a large ower pot which was covered with a

He removed the cloth and everyone was once again amazed at

the gift.
“Bonsai Heart Tree your grace.” He said “Created with the
magic of the Children of the Forest. I’ve put some of these in my
room in Titanic so that the Old Gods will remain with me no
matter where I go. I’ve already already put a dozen just trees in
your room. You can later rearrange them as you see t. This gift,
I give to you so that you may never forget your roots and nd
solace in them when the times get rough.”

The King looked genuinely touched by his gifts and nodded at


He let the servants take the Bonsai tree away and stepped back a
few steps “The last step is once again, for the stability of your
kingdom. My men have convinced Queen Shylesse Baratheon
and Princess Shireen Baratheon to give up their titles and bend
the knee to you as the rightful King of Westeros if you allow
Princess Shireen to retain Storms End and her position as the
Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. They’re already on their way
and should arrive here in a week.”

“With this, war has essentially been ended.” He said with a

smile “I wish you good for the upcoming years your grace.”

Chapter 432
He opened the prison cell and went inside.

Ser Davos slowly looked up at him with bleary eyes.

“Ser Davos Seaworth.” He said “It is good to see you.”

The Onion knight groaned and got up from his old ea ridden
bed. “I’m afraid I don’t recognize you… ser?”

“Lord actually.” He corrected.

“Forgive me my lord. You look too young to be a lord. So I


“No. It’s perfectly alright.” He said as he took a chair and sat in

front of Ser Davos who also sat down on his bed. The room
smelled of piss and shit but so did the rest of Kings Landing and
after living for a decade in this medieval world, he had become
somewhat numb to that smell. “My father died when I was just a
boy so I had to take up the lordship at a young age.”

“You have my condolences.”

“For what?” he shook his head “My father was not a good man.
He was not a good lord. I did not mourn his passing. I was not
overjoyed by it but I was not very saddened either. So no. You
need to feel sympathy for me Ser Davos.”

Ser Davos simply nodded “I… don’t know why a Lord would
come to meet me now. Am I being sent to the Wall?” he asked,
looking tired and defeated “Or is it the chopping block.”

He chuckled “No Ser Davos. It’s neither.”

“Then what is it?” the Onion knight asked “And forgive me my

lord. But I still don’t know your name.”

“That is alright. You’re never seen me before in person and I’m

not wearing my house’s sigil.” He said “My name is Domeric

He could see the exact moment when the gears in Ser Davos’
brain stopped working and all the blood drained away from his
face. He almost chuckled at that.

“As for what is to be done with you… I guess that would be up

to you.” He said “Tell me Ser Davos. Are you close to Princess

Ser Davos looked hesitant for a long moment before he resolved

himself and looked at him with false bravado “I am. Do you
plan to send her my head?”
“No.” He shook his head “The war has already ended. Princess
Shireen and her mother have decided to surrender to the Iron

Ser Davos looked shocked for a moment before that shock

turned into relief.

“Thank the gods for small mercies.”

“You seem to care for Shireen?”

“I do.” Ser Davos replied quickly “She… she’s almost like a

daughter to me.”

“Good.” He clapped his hands “Because she’s about to arrive in

Kings Landing soon enough. I need you to talk with her and
make sure that she’ll properly surrender to the Iron Throne and
not do something foolish. Can you do that?”

Ser Davos nodded and he smiled.

“Good.” He said and stood up from his chair “Then you’re free
to leave the cell.”

“My lord…” Ser Davos said as he was about to leave and he

turned and smiled at the man.
“Don’t worry Ser Davos. The servants will give you a proper
bath, a shave and some clothes.” He said.

With that, he left the cell.

Chapter 433

In a tavern somewhere in Stormlands.

He knocked on the door three times.

There was no response from the inside.

He knocked three more times “Melisandre. It’s me. Domeric.”

He heard the sound of chair behind moved and then slow

footsteps that took forever to reach the door. Then the latch
unlocked and he opened the door to nd the old woman going
back to her chair where she was staring at a re in the replace.

“Here.” He said and handed her chocker back to her.

She didn’t even gave him a glance as she took the chocker from
him and put it on her neck.
And then in front him, her hair changed back into beautiful
shiny red hair, her wrinkles faded away, her skin went from
saggy and old to young and youthful.

By the end of the transformation, she was once again the

beautiful priestess that would face no problem in seducing men
to her bed.

“Thank you for lending it to me.” He said. Once again, she

continued to stare at re without any indication that she even
heard him.

He would have found it rude if he didn’t knew that she was

currently going through an identity crisis.

She had after all, staked her whole life around serving the God
of Light.

The death of Stannis shook her faith in her god and now she
doesn’t know what’s wrong from right.

He took a chair and sat down beside her “Now that your task
here in Westeros is complete, what will you do?”

She didn’t answer him for a long while before she nally turned
to him.
“I… don’t know.” She said “For now I’ll back to the Red temple
in Volantis and spend some time there. If R’hllor gives me any
visions then I’ll follow them. If not, then I’ll come back and aid
the Wall in it’s defense when the Long Night begins.”

He smiled “Well, at least you have a goal now.” Which meant

that he no longer needed to worry that she’ll jump off a cliff to
off herself. After all, she had let him borrow her chocker and he
owed her for that much at least.

She nodded but didn’t say anything.

“If you want my help then contact any of the Bookstores in

Volantis. Or any other Free City in Essos” He said and got up
from his chair “I wish you good luck Lady Melisandre.”

Then woman simply nodded as he left the room and then

apparated back to his room in Kings Landing.

Chapter 434
He looked from the side lines as Shireen Baratheon knelt to
King Jaehaerys Targaryen and recited the oath of fealty like so
many else had did in the room a few weeks ago.

Ser Davos knelt on her right, looking at Shireen with a sad but
warm smile while her mother, Selyse Baratheon knelt on her left
and glared daggers at the king and the queen.

With this, the war was well and truly over.

For this generation at least. He was sure that war would once
again come to Westeros, like it always does. But they have
gained peace for now. And he knew that the real war is just

King Jaehaerys went down the stairs and hugged Shireen and
accepted her oath of fealty before he gestured for them to stand
to the side.

The great hall was lled to the brim today. Mostly because King
Jaehaerys had told people to stay back in Kings Landing a few
more days after his wedding.

Some lords had good reason for wanting to go back home and
they were allowed to leave but most others stayed.

King Jaehaerys went back to his throne and looked at the great
hall in solemn silence.
“My lords and ladies. You all must be wondering why I asked
you to stay back even after my wedding.” King Jaehaerys said “I
assure you, I had a very good reason for that.”

People in the hall started murmuring to themselves and even

Margaery was looking curiously at her husband as she had not
been informed about the reason why so many people had been
asked to stay back.

“The reason behind that… will be explained to you all by Lord

Bolton.” The King said and looked in his direction.

As if by instinct, everyone else in the room turned and looked at

him as well and he felt his palm become a little sweaty.

Not because of stage fright.

Being the Boy-Who-Lived for his duration in Hogwarts and then

the Man-Who-Won after the school might not have been his
choice for a good life but all the attention that he received
allowed him to become used to attention from large groups
without feeling too nervous.

No. The reason why he was slightly nervous was because this
was it.
They had nally achieved victory. They had nally gained peace
and united the Kingdoms (except for Westerlands and Iron
Islands). Now, it was nally time for him to reveal everything
and see if the people would believe him.

If the North would gain help from the others.

He walked up to the front of the Throne room and nodded to the

King and the Queen before he turned to the most lords and
ladies of some of the most in uential and powerful houses in the
7 kingdoms.

He controlled his nerves by using occlumency and smiled at


“My lords. My ladies. A few years ago, I found myself curious

our unknown neighbours to the North. I heard rumors about
wargs who could control an animal or bird of their choices,
about direwolves the size of small horse, about the children of
the Forest that huddled under the trees and about the giants that
could crush people with their bare hands.” He said “To satisfy
my curiosity and to see if I could bring these people under my
banner, I amassed an army of 1000 men, trained them for the
immense cold in the snowy land beyond the wall and 6 months
after their training started, we left for the Land beyond the wall.”

The audience listened in silence.

It was pretty apparent that everyone in the room was very
curious about his reason to go beyond the wall, how he found
his ‘special troops’, how he persuaded them to work under him.

He could understand why.

It was the same reason why everyone back on Earth wanted to

talk with him.

Everyone loves an adventure. And his whole life had been lled
with it.

A pity that he was not here to talk about his adventures.

“I was able to nd and capture some wargs whom I later

persuaded to serve me.” He said “I also found a tribe of Giants
in a cave on a large hill. I went inside and talked with them. I
promised them home, warm food and safety and they decided to
join me. I later met the Children of the Forest as well. I
promised them safety and that I would plant Weirwood trees in
my lands and allow them to sing and carves the faces on them.
By the end of the expedition, I had gained just about everything
I wanted.”

“That unfortunately, was not the end of the story.” He said in a

grave voice and the people listened even more closely to him
“Some time later, I decided to travel to the Land Beyond the
wall once again. This time, I planned to go further North than
any other man of Westeros has done. I wanted to see if the Ice
Dragon existed. If there was any truth to these… grumpkins or
snarks, see if there were any other giant tribes living in hiding
and so on.”

“When I started my journey, I was surprised to nd that the

other lords also wanted to send some men and their heirs with
me. I allowed them to accompany me. And when we reached the
Wall, the men of the Nights Watch told me that they wanted to
join as well.” He said “I allowed them to join. And by the time
we left the Wall, the expedition army amounted to over 4,000

“Now you would think that such a large army won’t meet any
challenge in the Barbaric land beyond the wall where every man
is for himself. You would be wrong. As soon as we started
travelling up North, we found that the tribes and small villages
of the Free Folk were empty. As if they had all picked up their
stuff one day and decided to move.” He said “It was a strange
behaviour that we didn’t understand until we found that those
tribes have been subsumed by a man who had declared himself
the King-beyond-the wall.”

“The man had 13,000 free folk in his army.” He said and
allowed the people to digest that information “Not to sound
arrogant but you all know what happened to the Lannister
armies. These people might have had the home advantage but
they didn’t have any proper armor, they didn’t have any proper
weapons and they didn’t have any training. We fought and we
defeated this army and scattered it to the winds.”

Chapter 435

“That was the rst great battle of my life.” He told them “And I
would continued with the expedition if my wargs had not found
that another tribe, the Thenns had also decided to start moving.
Thenns are the largest tribe in the land beyond the wall as well
as the most civilized. They amount to over 20,000 and use
bronze weapons and simple armor. I had no wish to ght them
but I also wanted to continue with my dream of exploration.”

“After some thinking, I made the decision to send most of my

army back and continue with the 50 most deadly warriors in my
army.” He said “I was joined by the other heirs as well. And we
continued on our way… until we found something truly bizarre
and horri c.”

“A whole tribe of men, women and children. Murdered.

Dismembered into pieces. And those piece put together in a
decorative pattern. What happened next was the reason why I
used my army to end this war as quickly as possible and did my
best to make sure that the realm was stable and at peace.”
He clapped his hands everyone came back to themselves as the
large door of the throne opened and a few of his men walked
inside with three large cages that were hidden from the view
with .

“SCHRYEEEECHHH!!!” an unholy sound emerged from inside

the cages and he could see a woman fainting at the back even as
the other lords and ladies tried to get further away from those
cages, their faces white with sheer terror at whatever was being
held inside them.

He continued “Every man and woman who lives in North has

heard of White Walkers. Mostly from their mothers who told
them scary stories at night to put the children to sleep. Or to
keep those children in line. ‘If you’re not a good boy then the
White Walkers will come and take you away’.” He said “I did
not go to the North to nd White Walkers. I did not expect to
nd them… But. Life does not always work as we expect it to.”

With that, he removed the clothes from above the cages and the
Great hall was suddenly lled with cries of terror as people tried
to get away from the Wights.

And if he had not lled the hall with dozens up dozens of wide
area compulsion charms to make the people sit and listen to him,
then he was sure that a fair few would have tried to escape.
As it was, a few lords and ladies pissed their pants regardless but
aside from that, everything else was under control.

King Jaehaerys had a stern look on his face. Queen Margaery’s

expression was lled with terror and she was looking at him and
her husband in turns hoping that at least one of them would tell
her that this was a joke, a lie and not real. Because the reality of
dead people walking was just that terrifying.

“For those of you who are wondering if this is a joke of some

kind. It is not.” He said. Judging by the looks on the people’s
faces, he was sure that most believed him (thanks to compulsion
charms) but he was sure that some were still skeptical.

The wights tried to get at him through their cages, screaming

and screeching all the while.

He went to the front row where Lord Tyrell was xed on the
spot, his face white with fear, his pants wet with his own piss.
He turned to Ser Garlan who was taking this much better and
asked “Your sword Ser Garlan. May I have it for a moment.”

The man looked at him in confusion for a moment before he

nodded and handed over the sword to him.

He took the sword and went to the rst cage where the Wight
was trying to get at him through the gap in the wooden bars.
He swung the sword and the wight’s hand was cut off from it’s

He then picked up the hand, which was still moving and

crawling toward him and showed it to everyone in the room.

“These wights are not men who had been covered with paint to
look like undeads. They are not puppets being controlled by a
hidden puppeteers” He said and threw the hand at the middle of
the great hall where it prompty started crawling toward the other
humans in it’s near vicinity. “These are real wights. Undeads
who have been roused from the dead by the White Walkers.”

Then he gestured at one of the guards who nodded and smashed

the moving hand with a hammer, crushing it to pieces and
stopping it’s movement once and for all.

“If anyone else is sceptical about this all thing being a mere
charade, then please come forward and state your objection.”

No one else did and he nodded.

“Good. If no one has any objection, then I can move on and

nally tell you about how to kill a Wight.” Because they neither
die, not stop if you cut them with a sword, stab them with a
spear or ll their whole bodies with arrow. No. There are only
four well known methods to kill a Wight.” He said and gestured
for one of the guard to open one of the cages.
The Wight immediately screeched and ran toward him.

The moved to the side and swung Ser Garlan’s sword a few
times and the Wight’s arm and legs were separated from it’s
torso and head.

He picked up a moving leg and threw it at the center of the Great


“The rst method and the hardest one of them all, is to just crush
the wight until it can no longer move.” He said and pointed at
the crushed remains of the wight’s arm “But it is a very
inef cient method and takes a lot of time and strength. The
second method…” he said and another of his man brought a
burning torch and handed it to him “…is to simply burn them.”
He said and lit the twitching leg in re. “Simple and effective.
But it will be hard to put anything in re during a snow storm.”

“The third method…” he said as returned the sword to Ser

Garlan and took out Lily from his belt “…is to use Valyrian steel
sword. And I know for a fact, that Valyrian steel can be used to
ght and White Walkers as well.” Then he stabbed another leg
with it and the leg abruptly stopped moving.

“But, we all know that Valyrian steel is a rare commodity and

not available to us all. So the fourth method is something that
can be used by just about anyone to kill a wight.” He said and
took out a Dragonglass dagger from it’s sheath in his belt.

“Dragonglass or obsidian as some of you might know it.” He

said and showed the dagger to everyone before he stabbed the
wight and it’s remaining arm with it in quick succession. The
wight immediately stopped moving and he showed the
Dragonglass to everyone in the room “Whatever foul magic that
the White Walkers used to resurrect these corpses is destroyed
by the Dragonglass.”

Then he motioned for his men to cover the other cages with
cloth and turned to face his terrorized audience once again.

“The war of the 4 kings might have ended… but the real war is
just beginning.” He said “Winter is coming. And if the legends is
true then this Winter might last for a whole generation. The Real
War is coming. The Long Night is coming. And we need to

Chapter 436

Later that day.

Prince Oberyn, Ser Garlan, Lord Yohn Royce, Lord Edmure

Tully (his father died some time ago), Lord Stark, King
Jaehaerys, Queen Margaery and he sat in the small council table
and looked at the head kept at the middle of the table.

The head with it’s blue eyes was currently staring at Lord Yohn
Royce and was trying to work it’s jaw up and down to get at

“We can admire it’s dedication to eat us if nothing else.” Lord

Edmure quipped but no one laughed at his joke.

“So the White Walkers are real.” Prince Oberyn said as he

picked up the head with his hand and brought it close to his face.

The head started to bite the Prince of Dorne in futility. No sound

escaped it’s mouth as it was missing it’s throat and everything
else below it.

“As real as you and me.” He replied.

“How many of these… wights are there?” Lord Yohn Royce


“I don’t have a correct estimate.” He said “But if we’re lucky

then about 500,000.”

Queen Margaery sucked in a breath at that “And… if we’re

“Then over 3 million. With thousands if not tens of thousands of
White Walkers.” He said.

“And the only thing protecting us from them is the Wall?” Ser
Garlan asked and he nodded.

“Yes. And if it falls… then the North will not be able to stop
them.” He said “And once they take over the North, they’ll have
5 million more corpses for their armies.”

“At which point, we’re all fucked.” Prince Oberyn said and put
down the head in the middle of the table once again. Then
Oberyn looked at him. “Tell me Domeric. Are we going to get
lucky in this event.”

“Probably not.” He shrugged “The White Walkers have been

biding their time and waiting for thousands of years. I would be
shocked if they didn’t have at least 1 million wights in their
army. For the sake of being prepared, we’ll still go with the
worst case scenerio of 3 million wights and prepare

“How do you prepare for 3 million enemies?” Lord Edmure

asked, his breathing heavy and his eyes wide with fear.

“Calm down Edmure. We’ll get through this.” Black sh said, a

little to support his nephew but mostly so that Edmure won’t
make a fool out of himself.
“Calm down? CALM DOWN!?? How can you expect me to
calm down after hearing something like this?” Edmure shouted
“We were barely able to survive against 40,000 Lannister men.
How do even expect us to ght 3 million men who keep coming
even after you stab them.”

He could see that Edmure’s loss of control was bringing the

mood and morale down of everyone in the room. So he turned to
Black sh and said “Ser Brynden. Take Lord Edmure outside and
allow him some time to calm down. He can come back when he
had better control over his emotions.”

Ser Brynden looked at Edmure with disgust before he literally

manhandled his nephew out of the Small Council room.

“Well… At least he didn’t piss his pants.” Oberyn chuckled to


“He’s not wrong you know.” Queen Margaery said “How do you
plan on ghting so many wights?”

He took out a very detailed map of the Whole Wall and put it on
the table. “Despite appearances, the situation is not as bad as it
might currently seem.” He said and pointed at the wall “The
Wights might know how to scratch, claw, bite and use weapons
but they are not able to do very complicated tasks. So I’m pretty
sure that we don’t need to fear them making climbing gear and
then climbing the wall.”

“The White Walkers on the other hand are the real brains behind
the enemy forces.” He said “There’s a reason why I fear the
White Walkers more than the wights.”

“What can the White Walkers do?” Ser Garlan asked “I mean…
what are their abilities.”

He gave a bitter smile “For one, the White Walkers are

powerful. Immensely so. Even a weaker one can easily match
the Mountain in power. Second is their speed. It goes without
saying that they’re faster than us plebeians. Third is their skill.
They’re immortals and have lived for hundreds if not thousands
of years. Of course they would be more skilled than us. The
fourth would be their Ice Swords.”

“Ice swords?” Lord Yohn Royce asked.

“Yes. Swords made of ice and magic.” He said “An ice sword
shatters any weapon it touches upon contact. The only thing that
stands a chance against it is Valyrian sword.”

“Is that why you reforged Ice and gave one of them to King
Jaehaerys?” Ser Garlan asked Lord Stark who simply nodded.
“So… I guess ghting a White Walker one on one is not an
option?” Oberyn asked.

Chapter 437

“No.” He replied “Me and Varko fought against a powerful

White Walker. It killed Benjen Stark, defeated Varko and was
about to kill me when Ygritte shot it’s head with a Dragonglass
tipped arrow. It died instantly.”

“You and Varko together couldn’t defeat a single White

Walker?” Oberyn asked. There was still no fear in the man’s
eyes but he didn’t look as excited as he did at the start of the

“Yes.” He nodded “That is why if you see a White Walker, use

the archers and ll it with Dragonglass tipped bolts and arrows.”

“So… we cannot ght a White Walker because we don’t have a

Valyrian Steel sword. But even if we did, we would most likely
end up dead. That doesn’t ll me with optimism.” Ser Garlan
“I agree.” He nodded “That is why the alchemists are currently
working on a wild re bomb that would be lled with
Dragonglass shrapnels that would explode outward upon
suffering impact at high speed.”

“I would not trust the Alchemist guild with my life.” Lord Yohn
Royce said.

“Perhaps. But their products work. And I’ve already ordered

construction of as many such bombs as possible not only for the
White Walkers but also for Wights that are clustered in s place.”
He said.

“Do these… bombs really work as well as you claim?” Prince

Oberyn asked.

He nodded “They do. Or they would, if not for yet another

power of the White Walkers.”

“Gods be damned.” Ser Garlan grimaced “There’s more that

these White Walkers can do?”

“Unfortunately yes. These White walkers can bring in a snow

storm of such ferocity that seeing anything beyond a few meters
before nigh impossible.”

“Gods.” Lord Yohn murmured and buried his face in his hands
“Fighting in Winter was going to be hard as it was. Now we
need to ght against an enemy that can bring Snow Storms
during Winter.”

“We really don’t have much of a choice.” He shrugged “It’s

either that or let the White Walker take over the world and
destroy everything we love.”

“Or, we can always take out families and go to Summer Island.

Or Essos.” Prince Oberyn said. Everyone turned to look at him
and he smirked “Don’t mistake me. I’m all for having a good
ght and saving the world but the way Lord Bolton is explaining
these things, it all seems like a lost cause to me.”

“Perhaps.” He nodded “But how sure are you that Essos will be
safe from the White Walkers? Because I can guarantee you that
sooner or later the White Walkers will de nitely attack Essos as
well. Probably 2-3 years after the Long Night starts. How long
will you run Oberyn. And even if you can run away to some safe
paradise where the White Walkers can’t reach you, you are the
prince of Dorne, you have an obligation to your people. Are you
really going to run away and leave them defenseless just so you
could save your hide?”

Oberyn opened his mouth to say something but the closed his
mouth and reluctantly nodded “You have a point.”
“I guess we would just have to do our best, put up as good a
ght as possible and leave the rest to the Gods.” Lord Yohn
Royce said.

There was silence in the room for a moment before Prince

Oberyn pull the map of the wall toward himself and rubbed his
chin “I suppose it all comes down to protecting the Wall then.”

“Yes.” He nodded “If the wall falls, then there would be no way
for the commoners to protect themselves. Even if the lords did
their best to take everyone in, they will only be able to shelter a
small fraction of the population. And the lack of food and
immense cold would kill everyone in the Castles as well. If the
Wall falls then before the end of the year, so will the North. And
then you’ll have 5 million more undeads to deal with. Which

“…Impossible?” Queen Margaery asked and he nodded.

“That. So yes. It all starts and ends with the Wall.”

Prince Oberyn sighed “You know. When I rst heard about the
wall, I was a mere boy. Back then I thought what a fool Bran the
Builder must have been. To build a 300 mile long 700 feet tall
Wall to defend against some savages. Now… now I can kiss his
“So. Are we all agreed that we need to defend the wall at all
cost?” he asked.

Everyone in the table replied positively and he smiled “Well.

Let’s get to the details then.”

Chapter 438

With a pop, he appeared in an empty area in the Lonely hills.

He looked around and there was no sight of anyone else in the

near vicinity.

He sighed and took out his wand. “Point me Yigritte.”

The wand pointed in a particular direction. He took out his

broom and ew in that direction.

He landed in a clearing and could see Ygritte sitting on a tree

trunk with Acnologia sleeping behind her and Luna sleeping on
Ygritte’s lap.

The large Wyvern that Ygritte had named Ryk in the memory of
a boy she considered her brother ew in the air.
The only difference was that one of Ygritte’s eye was pale white
while the other was still had the purple iris that he could see
from a distance.

Ygritte’s expression changed as her one eye turned to met his.

But the expression was weird. As if she was trying to smile but
failing badly at it. As if she she was not all there, which was true
to an extent.

She opened her mouth but it was the Wyvern ying above that
screeched in response.

Her expression turned into a mockery of a frown and the

Wyvern ying above slowly ew down in a circle before landing
it the clearing.

A few seconds after that, both of Ygritte’s eyes returned back to

normal and she blinked a few times and tried to stand up but
ended up falling sideways.

He quickly darted forward and caught her before she could hit
the ground.

He was sure that her enhanced physique would protect her from
any damage from such a short fall but that didn’t change his
protective instinct at all.
“Hey… you alright?” he asked.

She blinked her eyes a few times before she looked at him and
nodded “I am now. Controlling a Wyvern while still maintaining
connection with my own body is hard. Are you sure it’s even

Well, he wasn’t a warg and he didn’t knew enough about them to

make such a conjecture. But… “I’m sure you’ll be able to do it.”

Ygritte smiled and got up from his embrace.

“How was the meeting with the other lordlings?” Ygritte asked.
Then her excitement dimmed down a bit and she frowned “Did
you showed them the Wights?”

“I did show them the wights.” He nodded “More than a few of

them pissed their pants in fright and, a few fainted from fear and
I’m pretty sure that some of them shat their pants as well if the
smell was an indication.”

Ygritte didn’t laugh “The wights are scary.” She said “What
about the meeting after that. Are we going to have to ght the
White Walkers on our own or will we receive help.”

“It went as well as one can expected.” He said “I managed to

convince them that if the Wall falls, then we’re probably
Which was true except for the half a dozen contingencies he’d
created for his family and the half a dozen more that he’ll create
in the future.

Because while it was true that he cared for his people and was
willing to give up his life for them. He also didn’t plan to orphan
his future kids and would make sure that they at least have a
mother could take care of them.

Ygritte nodded “You look tired.”

“I feel tired.” He said “The meeting lasted longer then I thought

and we still haven’t ironed out all the details. At least everyone
is willing to help.”

“Well, the alternative is dying, so I don’t…”

She was cut off as his communication mirror suddenly started to


He took out the mirror and picked up the call.

Chapter 439
“Lyra.” He said.

The buxom blond nodded “My lord. I hope I’m not


He looked at Ygritte who didn’t look bothered and shook his

head “It’s alright. You have news for me?”

“Yes. And a good one at that.” Lyra smiled “Without the

presence of Ser Kevan at the helm of the alliance, the Magisters
of Myr and Tyrosh have dropped the idea of attacking us.”

“I’m sure it has nothing to do with them somehow nding about

my reputation as an army breaker in Westeros or about them
learning the fact that I now have over 15,000 Unsullied in my

Lyra gave a mischievous smile but didn’t say anything.

“Any other news?” he asked.

“Nothing of importance.” Lyra said “Tyrion is still hiding Cersei

and Jamie’s kids.”

“Let them be.” He said “No point in outing them. Neither

Myrcella nor Tommen have any ambitions and Tyrion won’t put
them in any danger so I doubt they would do anything foolish.
Anything else?”

“Except for Khal Drogo raiding villages and towns in order to

get the gold to buy the ships needed to travel Westeros after
Queen Cersei’s failed attempt on Princess Daenerys’ life. No.
Not really.”

He nodded.

“Are you not going to do something about him my lord?” Lyra


“You want me to assassinate Khal Drogo?” he asked.

“Yes. That does seem like the easiest way to end this upcoming
con ict.”

He shook his head “The Dothraki fear the Sea. They call it the
poisoned water or something. I doubt every Dothraki in his
horde will follow him across the narrow sea. But even if they
did, I would use my Fleet to destroy theirs.”

“That seems… wasteful.” Lyra said.

“Perhaps.” He nodded “But if I solve every little problem for my

people then they’ll grow too dependent on me and weak. They
need to learn to ght for themselves.”
Lyra nodded “What of the Princess?”

“What of her?”

“She’s heavily pregnant and might give birth any day now. If it’s
a boy then he might try to attack Westeros in the future.”

He frowned “Does Daenerys and this Drogo guy not know that
the people who sent assassins after them are already dead?” he
asked “That’s not even mentioning the fact that the Princess’
family was now on the Iron Throne once again.”

Lyra shook her head “Knowledge travels very slowly in this

world. The only reason our spy network is so ef cient and fast is
because of the Communication mirrors. Otherwise, information
could take months if not years to travel from one place to
another. Even then the information would have been deformed
or exaggerated and people can’t be sure what is the truth and
what is false rumors. Plus, even if the Khal Drogo found out
about this, I doubt he would care.”

He nodded. “Oh well. Keep me informed about them. And see if

you can nd Varys. His sudden absence is suspicious.”

“He could be dead you know.” Lyra said.

“I very much doubt that.” He said “If there’s nothing else.”

Lyra nodded and he cut the connection.

He turned around and found Ygritte without any clothes and

bend over the tree trunk.

She gave him a saucy smile and wiggled her butt at him, her
pink slit peeking through her butt cheeks as a thin sheen of
arousal trickled down her thigh.

He felt his cock hardening at the sight and smiled.

Chapter 440

A few days later.

He pulled Ygritte’s naked body toward himself, buried his face

in her silver hair and hummed contently.

“I could live like this for the rest of my life and die a happy
man.” He said with a smile.

Ygritte leaned back into him and moaned, half in pleasure and
half in sleep.
Yet even as he tried to enjoy her presence, his mind kept going
back to the wall and whether it would be enough for ghting
against the White Walkers.

To be frank, he wasn’t sure.

The White Walkers were powerful and he had not seen more
than one of them at a time so he didn’t know how well they
worked together.

What if their combined power could decrease the temperature by

a great deal.

If that was the case, then all they would have to do was use their
magic and the men on the Wall would die of the cold before ever
even meeting the Wights.

He kept thinking about what he could do to increase the chances

of his survival of his men. Thinking about weapons he could
create that would allow normal humans to kill White Walkers
without dying themselves.

He had a feeling that despite his averseness to the idea, he would

no choice but to create simple medieval cannons and muskets in
the end.

But would they even work in the cold temperature of the Wall?
So many worries and he was the only Magic user in the world of
his kind.

Then there was the fact that he would eventually have to show
his and Ygritte’s dragons to the world. How would he do that
without King Jaehaerys feeling betrayed and threatened by him.

He was brought out of his thoughts when Ygritte turned around

and looked at him with concern “Are you alright Domeric.”

He gave her a smile an nodded, not telling her about the

crushing weight of the task in front of him.

The survival of the whole world.

Even as the Boy-Who-Lived, the only thing he needed to worry

about was his own home country. Saving the world was a whole
different beast that he clearly didn’t know how to deal with.

Ygritte didn’t look impressed at his smile “Don’t give me that

weak smile.” She chided before her expression turned warm
“What is it Domeric. You know you can share everything with
me. Right?”

He hesitated for a moment but then nodded “You’re right. I

just… don’t want to worry you.” He said.
Ygritte frowned and pinned him with what he had dubbed the
‘Hermione look’ that girls often gave you and made you feel
stupid for doing what you were doing.

“Domeric Bolton.” Ygritte said, not harshly but not in a kind

manner either “I’m yours and you’re mine. It means that your
burdens are mine and mine are yours. So please. Don’t think that
you’re alone. You’re clearly worried about something. Share it
with me.”

She nished that sentence with so much care and love that if did
not already love her then he would have fallen for her right then
and there.

Merlin… he was one lucky son of a bitch to snag such a strong,

charming, funny and compassionate woman for himself.

He sighed and leaned in until both their foreheads were


“I want to put babies in your belly.”

Ygritte separated from him and gave him a confused glance that
barely hid the happiness and excitement she was feeling at the

“Not that I’m not happy or anything. But why did you suddenly
change your mind?” Ygritte asked.
He closed his eyes and kneaded her rm butt with his ngers
“Not a sudden change in mind.” He said “I’ve been thinking
about it for a while. And I realize that things are only going to
get worse and worse before they have a chance to get better. If I
keep waiting then there’s a chance that I might not have children
in this life either. And I do want to feel the joy of being a father.
Plus, pumping babies into you is fun.”

Ygritte swatted his head and mock scowled at him but that
scowl didn’t last long and she gave him a bright smile before
pulling him into a hug.

He hugged her back just as tightly but before he could say

anything, his communication mirror started buzzing.

He sighed.

He picked it up and saw that was Lyra once again.

“If she keeps disturbing me like this then might punch her face
in one day.” Ygritte growled and he chuckled in response.

“No beating up the messenger Ygritte.” He said “Plus, despite

her bad timing, she does work for us.”

Ygritte turned her head and pouted.

He smiled and took the call.

“Hey Lyra. What do you have for me?” he asked with a smile. A
smile that was quickly wiped out when he saw the serious look
on her face.

“Where are you?” Lyra asked.

“In my room.” He replied with a frown as worry began to creep

in his heart. Merlin, he hoped he was not turning into a
worrywart like Hermione. But really, without her present to
worry about the important things, someone needed to worry
about them.

You truly don’t know what you have until you’ve lost it.

“Okay. Take a look outside.” Lyra said.

He nodded and removed the curtains from the window.

The room was instantly assailed with light and it took a few
seconds for his eyes to adjust to the brightness before he nally
saw what she meant.

A comet with a red trail was ying in the sky. Stationary. Or

perhaps just moving very slowly.

Were comets supposed to leave a red trail like that?

He… was not so sure.

Maybe the comet just had a lot of red stones or something else
like that in it which gave it the red trail.

But he just had a feeling that there was something magical about

“You have any idea what that is Lyra?” he asked.

“People in Winterhold are claiming that the Comet is an omen

for the war you’ve won and for a stable future. Some are even
saying that it’s there because of your defeat of the Lannisters. So
you tell me.”

He sighed “I have no idea. But I have a feeling that there is

something magical about this.”

“Why would you think that?” she asked.

“Just a hunch he replied.”

When Lyra’s face continued to look stern he started to become


“There’s more, isn’t there.”

“Yeah.” Ygritte nodded “You told me to keep a close eye on
Khal Drogo yes?”

“Hmm…” he nodded.

“Well… not much point in keep an eye on him now.” Lyra said
“Khal Drogo is dead.”

It took a moment for her words to hit him and he barely

managed to keep his composure.

“How?” he asked.

“Poisoned by a somewhat magical healer who resented him for

destroying her village, killing her people and raping the
women.” Lyra shrugged but his mind was entirely somewhere

“Hold on. Go back a bit. Did you just say magical healers?”

Lyra gave him a look “You didn’t know.”

“No.” He replied “What can these healer do? Are they any good
or are they just hoax.”

Lyra shrugged “From what little I know, they are supposed to be

the real deal. I doubt they’re as good as you but they’re not
useless either.”
That was not what he was worried about.

He would not be surprised if the magic of the people of this

world was not as advanced as the magic of his own people.

After all, the magical people in this world were scattered

throughout the world and had no institution to share their
knowledge. Except for the Warlocks of Quarth or the old coots
who still lived in Asshai. But frankly, he had no wish to meet
those people.

Still, there must be something he could learn from those healers.

Even if it’s a simple magical ingredient that he didn’t know

about, he would take it with both arms.

“Hmm… can you tell me more about where I can nd these

magical healers?” he asked.

“I can… but there’s something more you need to learn about.”

Lyra said, looking con icted.

“And what is that?” he asked.

Lyra looked thoughtful for a few long moments before she

sighed “I suppose there’s no long way of explaining this.” She
said and looked at him “Princess Daenerys Targaryen has three

It took him a few moments to register to words.

And then his jaw dropped.


Chapter 441

He cut the call and looked at Ygritte who looked back to him.

“Poor girl.” Ygritte said as she nuzzled into his chest “Losing
your husband and child like that… all alone in this world. I
cannot even begin to imagine what she must be thinking.”

He nodded. He would have sympathised with Daenerys as


If the girl didn’t have three freaking dragons!!!

How the heck did such a thing even happen?

He had the Targaryen sibling a few years ago. Back then, there
was nothing that would indicate that the girl had any magic in
So how the hell did she just walked into a pyre and came out
with three baby dragons.

“Yeah.” He nodded “Poor girl.”

Ygritte looked at him and then continued to look at him.

He frowned at her.

“What?” he asked.

“What are we going to do now?” Ygritte asked. “I know that you

didn’t want to do anything with her and thought that she would
eventually go to Dosh Khaleen and fade into obscurity. But I
don’t think that such a thing is going to happen anymore. Plus,
without her husband, anyone could kill her and take her dragons
right now. Could you imagine what a slaver would be capable of
doing with three dragons.”

“Don’t want to.” He replied clutched his head. After a moment

of thinking, he made his decision.

“I’ll go and bring her here.” He said “Mostly because we cannot

allow the dragons to fall in someone else’s hands.”

Ygritte nodded “What then?”

He looked at her and she elaborated “What do you plan to do
after yo bring her here. Do you want to give her to King
Jaehaerys. Do you want her to do whatever she want? Do you
want to force her to marry you as well?”

“What?” he balked at the last one and Ygritte shrugged.

“It’s either that or allow her dragons to fall into someone else’s
hands.” She said “Right now, you and the Royal house might be
in good terms but could the same be said about the future
generation. Wouldn’t it be better to steal her when you can.”

“I… When did you get so smart.”

Ygritte bobbed him on the head and he frowned.

“I really don’t want to force the poor girl into yet another
marriage.” He said “Plus, wouldn’t I be betraying you by doing

Ygritte shrugged “I’m not happy with this. But if we don’t bring
her to the family then her dragons might be a problem in the
future.” She said “Plus, I did read all those books you forced
upon me. Didn’t Aegon Targaryen also had 2 wives.”

He looked at the woman he loved and stared at her “You’re

taking this surprisingly better than me.”
Ygritte shrugged “Despite your ruthlessness in dealing with your
enemies, you do have you fair share of morals from your past
life. I’m sure that if Lysa Arryn wasn’t half mad and already
someone else’s puppet then you would not have mind controlled
her like you’re doing now.” She said “And I’m also sure that the
same morals would stop you from forcing this Targaryen girl
into a marriage.”

He turned and looked at the Red Comet in the distance.

“Very well then.” He said at last “We’ll go and see what kind of
girl this Princess is. If she’s a decent person then… then I guess
I’ll force her into yet another marriage. Yohoo…”

Left unsaid were the words that if the Princess wasn’t a decent
person and planned to take Westeros for her own self then he’ll
kill her and take her dragons for himself.

Chapter 442

Two days later.

He and Ygritte hid behind a large Camou age Cloak and looked
at the group in the distance.
Thanks to enhanced sight and some magical equipment, they
were able to see the group as if it was right in front of them.

“Well… she’s certainly beautiful if that’s what we were looking

for.” He said as he compared Ygritte and Daenerys “Not as
beautiful as you but certainly among the top ten.”

“She’s breastfeeding the dragons.” Ygritte frowned at him “You

didn’t told me that we needed to breastfeed our dragons.”

“Because we didn’t need to do so.” He said “Daenerys is trying

to feed raw meet to the baby dragons. I think she doesn’t know
that they only eat cooked meat.”

“Right.” She said and we went back to observing the rag tag
bunch of group that chose to stay with Daenerys.

Most of them were children or old people who didn’t have

anywhere else to go and chose to hang on to Daenerys for
whatever reason.

Only a few were young men and women who could be of use to
the Princess.

The fact that the Princess chose to starve with the rest of her
people said more about her personality than any of Lyra’s
reports ever did.
Still, he could see that Daenerys was suffering. From hunger,
exhaustion and the pain caused by the childbirth.

“She’s a strong woman.” Ygritte said, giving words to his

thoughts and he nodded.

He was not sure what he would have done in her position but he
truly admired the girl right now.

After feeding the dragons, she put them back in their cages so
that they would be able to get some much needed rest without
the harsh sun blearing down upon them.

But even when the cages were covered, he could sense the

The power, the high amount of magic that they radiated. It was
hard to miss. Their presence was like a beacon to his magical

They could have been a dozen miles away and he would have
still sensed them.

“It’s hot in here.” Ygritte said to him and he used a cooling

charm on both of them.
He had been to the Dorne and Kings Landing in the past few
weeks so he was a bit used to the hot weather. Such was not the
case with Ygritte who had only ever lived in cold temperatures.

“How long are we going to observe her?” Ygritte asked.

“As long as necessary.” He replied. Then he decided to elaborate

“For some reason, Daenerys is going to the South-East.”

“What’s in the South East?” Ygritte asked.

He took put a map of Essos and showed the large red desert
spanning hundreds upon hundreds of miles in every direction.

“The Red Waste.” He said grimly “The desert you see in front of
you gets harsher the further South-East she goes. Less Water,
Less food, more heat. Surviving there will be… hard.”

“So why’s she going there?” Ygritte asked.

“Dunno. But if I would have to guess then it probably to protect

the baby dragons from the other Khals or slavers around that
area.” He said “After all, if someone found her like this, then
they’ll de nitely kill her and take her dragons for themselves.”

“Are we not going to stop her?” Ygritte asked and he shook his
“No.” He said “As much as I’m disgusted by this strategy, I’ll
allow her to become a little desperate before meeting her and
giving her my offer. Wait for some of the weaker members of
her group to die off so she won’t have any choice but to accept
my offer if she wants them to live.”

The strategy made him feel sick but he knew that if he went to
Daenerys and gave her the offer now then she might reject it.
Which would make him look like a beggar.

Ygritte didn’t said anything and just nodded.

He was thankful that she didn’t judge him based on this action.

Chapter 443

“I feel horrible.” Ygritte said as they watched the small Khalasar

burying the old woman who had fallen to the ground an hour
ago and hadn’t gotten up after that.

The Khalasar took all her belongings and buried her under a
grave of stones.
He could hear the crying of the woman who was probably the
dead woman’s child and put the lemonade down on the ground,
his appetite well and truly gone.

“I feel bad as well but we can’t step in right now.” He said.

‘It is for the greater good.’ A voice sounding suspiciously like

that of Dumbledore said to him.

But was it? Was this all really for the greater good or was it just
so he could use the desperation of a poor girl who had just lost
her husband and child so he could gain three baby dragons.

It was not even the dragons he wanted.

Because if he wanted more dragons then he would have simply

hatched them.

No. The problem laid with the fact that he could let ‘others’ have
dragons of their own and become too powerful.

And he was not going to kill the baby dragons or Princess

Daenerys for it.

“You can you back you know.” He said.

Ygritte turned to face him and he continued “This is… it’s only
going to get more tiring, more hard to watch going forward. It
can give you nightmares for weeks or even months afterwards.
You can go back. You should go back. Sooner or later, you’ll be
the mother of my child. And I don’t want you see this.”

Ygritte just frowned at him “I’ll hungry before Domeric. Which

means that, I understand what they’ll feeling right now better
than you. If we’re going to put them through this for the safety
of our children then it falls to us to watch the result of our

He nodded and didn’t brought up the topic again.


The fourth day since they started observing the Khalasar.

5 more members of the Khalasar died in the last few days.

Their food was starting to run out. Their water supply was
barely enough to feed everyone. And they’d lost one horse
yesterday as well.

Dany had the men butcher the horse and had tried to feed the
baby dragons the raw meat. Mostly because without food, her
breasts were not able to produce any milk for them.

It was painful to watch and more than a few times, he was

almost tempted to go there and help them.
Surprisingly, it was Ygritte who stopped him and told him that if
they wanted to do this then they needed to do this well.

And so they did and watched as Dany grieved for her people, for
the husband and child she had lost and continued to put up a
strong front for her people and moved on.


On the sixth day, the only newborn baby in the small Khalasar
fell ill.

Maybe it was a heat stroke or may be it was something else. But

whatever the problem, it was clear to them that without
assistance, the baby wouldn’t survive without proper medical

As Ygritte and him watched the mother of the baby worrying

about him, they decided that this was it.

They had cross boundaries before but most of them were old
men and women who would have died in the near future
anyway. But allowing a baby to die? That was something they
couldn’t watch or allow to happen.

“Let’s make our entrance shall we.” He said and Ygritte nodded
at him.
Chapter 444


“Did you found any water?” she asked as her bloodrider came
back from looking around the area.

Finding water in a desert like this was hard. People like her,
people who had never been to a desert would take one looked at
the barren land and claim that it was impossible to nd any
water in here.

That was not true thought. If you knew how and where to look,
you can sometimes nd man made wells created tens if not
hundreds or thousands of years ago by nomad tribes who
frequent these deserts.

And while most of the wells are usually empty, some of them do
have water in them.

Water that she now desperately needed for people. People who
had chosen to follow him even after everyone else had
abandoned her and people that she had let down by leading them
to a barren wastelands.

Her bloodriders shook their heads and she felt her hope shatter
at once.

That was… expected. More often than not her bloodriders

usually returned without any food.

At least this time Rhogo was able to nd a long desert snake that
they can feast upon.

She was sure that her people would have used the skin of the
snake as a water holder as well, if they had any water.

Without water, more of her people will starve and die today.
Possibly even the little girl who was not even two months old.

“What am I doing Ser Jorah? Am I going to kill all these people

in this foolish journey.”

Ser Jorah, ever her loyal supporter remained quiet for a moment
“It is not a foolish journey Khaleesi. Merely one made of
desperation. A journey that we’ll complete.”

‘At what cost?’ a part of her mind asked but she didn’t voice it.
Those were not the words she wanted to hear from Ser Jorah.
And she knew that he was probably just saying them to make
her feel better about the choices she’d make. But someone must
hold onto hope or else all will be lost.

“Can we drink the blood of this snake?” she asked Rhogo “Is it
safe to do so.”

Rhogo simply shrugged “Old lady Kharaka must have known

but…” he left at that.

Yes, Old lady Kharaka had died two days ago. Her meager
belongings taken by the rest of the tribe and her body buried
beneath a few rocks.

She sighed “Ask around.” She said “If it is safe to do so then

feed the blood to the baby.”

Rhogo opened his mouth, probably to tell her that the baby was
going to die regardless and that they shouldn’t waste good food
on it but then closed his mouth and nodded.

The Dothraki didn’t do compassion and sympathy well so she

was grateful for what little they showed.

Rhogo had just left when her handmaiden Doriah Irri rapidly
tapped on her shoulder.
She turned to look at Irri who pointed in the distance “Khaleesi

She did and saw two blurry bird shapes coming from the
horizon. She frowned and wondered if she was hallucinating.

After all, what else could such a thing be but hallucination.

She squinted and tried to get a better look but the hallucination
didn’t fade away.

Then she remembered that Irri was seeing those things as well
so they couldn’t be hallucinations, right?

She turned to Ser Jorah and noticed that he was looking in the
same direction as her.

“Ser Jorah.” She said “Do you see the same thing that I do?”

“If you mean two large winged beast ying beside one another
then I yes Khaleesi. We see the same thing.”

She heard some commotion from behind and noticed that her
whole Khalasar had stooped and was pointing and staring at the
blurry gures in the distance.

Yes. De nitely not illusions.

But then, what were they.

A part of her replied that they were dragons. But that couldn’t

Dragons had been dead for centuries.

‘But you have dragons now. Who says that others couldn’t have
the same?’ a voice said in her mind and she clenched her sts.

They were probably not dragons. But if they were…

Was someone riding them? Was it someone from her family?

Were they coming here to help her? Or did they plan to kill her
and take her children as well?

Her mind was lled with fear and uncertainty as the two shapes
rapidly grew closer and closer until she could nally see them

One of them, the larger one had a sharp and cruel beak and no
scales at all. That was not a dragon. That was a Wyvern. Even
uninformed as she was about the matters of the world, her
brother had taught him about the difference between a Wyvern
and a Dragon.

She had learned that unlike Dragons, Wyverns had no

intelligence and could not be tamed or ridden.
Plus, they were not as large, as hardy or as strong as a dragon,
couldn’t breath re and were easy to take down with a barrage
of arrows so taming them was pointless anyway.

But she could clearly see a saddle on the back of the Wyvern as
well as a muzzle on it’s beak and a person on it’s back.

A person with large silver hair.

Her heart skipped a beat and she moved on to the next gure and
almost cried in relief.

That was… a dragon.

It wasn’t as large as the Wyvern so it must be relatively young

but despite ying beside a much larger Wyvern, she was fairly
sure that if it came to a battle then the dragon would de nitely
defeat the Wyvern.

Maybe it was just her prejudice speaking but this was something
that she could feel in her soul.

The dragon was black in color from top to bottom with no other
color and it couldn’t described as anything but magni cent.
As the dragon ew closer she could see an armored man with
Golden Platinum hair sitting on top of it and she could feel the
weight of his gaze from this distance.

She didn’t get a chance to think more on that as the Dragon and
Wyvern pair ew close… close… close… and they they ew
above their heads and didn’t stop.

She felt her heart drop to her stomach and quickly turned around
to see that the Wyvern and Dragon were circling around.

A closer look told her that the one riding the Wyvern was a
woman. A woman with a large bow and a quiver full of arrows
on her back.

She chose not to think about that and waited as both of them
ew around their Khalasar and apped their mighty wings
before they nally descended on a rocky outgrowth some 20 feet
away from them.

Chapter 445
She and her whole Khalasar watched in silence as both the
Wyverns and dragons lowered themselves so that their riders
could climb down from their saddles.

The mere scene of the Dragon and Wyvern bowing for humans
lled her with awe.

Unlike the woman who had a bow on her back and a dagger on
her waist, the man had a… staff on his hand. A staff with a large
shining crystal on it’s head and a one handed sword on his waist.

The man turned and said something to the woman before he

moved forward and…

Her breath hitched as both of them jumped down from the

Rocks… and landed perfectly on the solid ground 10 feet below
them without any harm on their person.

Her mouth almost dropped at the casual display of inhuman

strength as they got up and started moving toward them.

“Khaleesi…” Ser Jorah said as he tried to stop her and she

realized that she had subconsciously moving toward them.

She pried her arm off his grip and continued to walk toward

Twenty feet. Ten feet. Five feet. One feet.

The man with the Golden Platinum hair stood in front of him
and now that she had taken a proper look at him, she could only
describe him as being pretty but not in a girly way.

He was one of the prettiest boy or man she had ever seen in her
life and had a noble air about himself.

She had feeling that this was the type of man that her brother
Viserys always wanted to become but could never be.

He looked at her with curiosity and she took a quick glance at

the woman and her lips parted in surprise.

People had called her beautiful before. Many had complimented

her on being the most beautiful person in the world but she
could tell that those were mere words of attery.

If someone said the same this woman, then those words would
not be attery but the truth. She was the most beautiful woman
she had ever seen.

The armor as well the bow and arrows only served to increase
her beauty.

The woman had violet eyes and the man had the same eye color
except that she could swear that she saw a hint of glow in his
As if there was a well of power hidden behind his eyes, ready to
be unleashed at the slightest gesture from him.

The harsh and hot wind of the Red Waste ew across their faces
as they stood there in silence for a good while, just staring at
each other before the man turned his gaze and looked at her
Khalasar behind her.

The dragon behind the man gave a screech and sat down on the
ground. She snuck a peak at it once again but when she looked
back she noticed the mysterious dragon rider looked back at her
once again with a strange and indescribable expression on his

He let out a sigh leaned down toward her “Princess Daenerys. I

had not expected to meet you again in this life time. But here we

She frowned at his words “Not expected to meet me again. Wait!

Have we met before?” she looked at him in confusion. If she had
truly met someone like then she would have remembered.

The man gave her a soft smile and shook his head “No. We’ve
not met before Princess Daenerys. But I’ve seen you a few
years. You were just a mousy little girl back then. Living in the
shadow of your brother and uncertain and afraid of your future.”
He said and gave her a sad smile “You’re suffered a lot in your
life since then Princess. But you’ve also grown strong for it.”

For some reason, hearing words of praise from his mouth didn’t
made her feel better at all.

No. It only made her feel worse.

What did he knew about suffering?

The man gave her an amused looked and chuckled to himself.

“Oh I know that look. You think that I’ve been born with a silver
spoon in my mouth. That I have never suffered in my life. Isn’t
that right?”

She was taken aback was his words. Was she… was she really
that easy to read.

“Don’t look so shocked princess. The fault doesn’t lie with you.
I’m just that very good at reading people.” He said and looked
into the distance “You might see me like this right now but my
life wasn’t always rainbows and sunshine. Oh, it was never as
bad as yours, true. But it was not that good either. But I’m not
here to compare my woes with yours.”

He looked at her Khalasar behind her and gave a thin smile.

“Your people look like they can use some help Khaleesi.” He
said and walked toward them with con dent strides.

She was surprised by the sudden change in topic but followed

after him.

Ser Jorah stood between his tribe and the Dragon Rider with his
hand on the pummel of his sword but the Dragon rider simply
looked amused at this.

“Ser Jorah Mormont.” He said before she could tell her knight to
stand down. “It’s been a while since we last met.”

She looked at Ser Jorah in shock but he looked confused as well.

“Have we met before?” Ser Jorah asked.

The man nodded “Many years ago. You were in Lannisport.

Trying to win the favor of the Hightower tower girl. I’m not
surprised you don’t recognize me though. I’m changed a great
deal since then. I sent food and gold to your family you know.
After you bankrupted them and ran away with you wife.”

Ser Jorah looked ashamed at his words but didn’t lower his

She… she didn’t understand what was happening at this point.

Who was this man? Why was he here? How did he know Ser
Jorah and her when both of them had no idea who he was?

“Ser…” she hesitated but pushed her way through “…are you
not a member of my house?”

Chapter 446

The man glanced at her and shook his head.

“Sorry princess. But I’m not from your family. Not even close.”
The man said “In fact, I am the rst Dragon lord in my family.
As is Ygritte over there.”

She looked at the beautiful woman who simply nodded at her.

Now she was even more confused.

“What do you mean the rst Dragon lord in your family?” she
asked. She had so many questions by now but every question
she asked only led to make questions and left her more

“The Dragon lords did not always have the capabilities of

controlling a dragon Princess.” The man said “Long long ago,
your ancestors were just ordinary people like everyone else.
They didn’t just wake up one day and found that they’ve grown
Silver hair, become immune to re and the ability to control
dragons. They performed a ritual which was named ‘Sigligon
hae zaldrizes’ in High Valyrian which roughly translates to
Reborn as Dragon. I simply call it dragon lord ritual.”

And once again, she had even more questions then answers.

“You’re saying you were an ordinary man before you…

performed this Dragon Lord Ritual?” she asked.

The man looked even more amused at her question.

“Ordinary. Not. I won’t say I was ordinary.” He said “Even

before I performed the ritual, I was a rather powerful wizard.
And my powers have only grown since then.” He said and
conjured a ame in his hands.

Her eyes widened in fear and she stepped back from him.

Ser Jorah stood in between the Dragon lord and herself in a

defensive position while her Khalasar grew agitated and started
taking about maege in hushed whispers.

The man frowned at their reaction before his eyes widened and
he gave her a bitter smile.
“Forgive me princes.” He said “I forgot that you have had a bad
opinion of magic.”

Bad opinion? She lost her child and husband to the dark magic
of a maege and he called it bad opinion.

She felt hot fury surge in her heart at his words and her children
started screeching from inside their cages.

The man turned to look in the direction of the cages. And gust
like that, the fury faded away to be replaced by sheer terror.

The man had told her that he wasn’t her family member. And he
was a wizard. What if he was here to take away her dragons?
Would she be able to do anything to stop him?

Ser Jorah seemed to have read her mood and took out his sword
and pointed it at the stranger.

“Not another step forward Ser…” Ser Jorah said.

The man simply sighed and closed his eyes.

She looked back and saw that the woman had taken out her bow
and had nocked an arrow which was pointed at Ser Jorah’s

When had she done that?

Before she could get an answer, the Dragon lord opened his eyes
and looked at Ser Jorah.

Ser Jorah let out a shout and stumbled back into her and when
she looked, she found that Ser Jorah’s sword had turned into a
snake and was slithering around the Dragon Lord who was
looking fondly at the snake and making hissing noises at it.

Noises that shouldn’t be possible with a human mouth. Noises

that for some reason lled her with dread.

She frowned. Could the man talk with snakes or was he merely

The man picked up the snake and looked at Ser Jorah once

“I’ll forgive you this time Ser Jorah. But the next time you raise
a sword against me, I’ll turn you into a bear cub.” He said. She
was a little sceptical that such a thing was even possible but he
did turn Ser Jorah’s sword into a snake… “I sympathise with
you for the harsh life you’ve lived. But unlike the Princess, you
life had been of your own making so don’t except too much
leniency from me.”
He then looked at her people and sighed “It seems like I’ve
scared you and your people princess.” he said sadly “That was
not my intention. Please allow me to compensate.”

Chapter 447

Then he pointed his staff at the ground and just before her very
eyes, a section of the ground rose up and turned into a large
bowl which could easily t a human inside it.

Then slowly, the earthen bowl changed color and turned into

She gaped at the blatant use of magic.

True, the maege had performed magic as well but it was no

where near this powerful or blatant. It was all tricks and blood
and shadows.

She could see what he meant when he said that he was a

powerful wizard now.
The man the put his staff over the large bowl and said

A moment later, a jet of water ew out of the staff and she and
the rest of her Khalasar watched in awe as the whole bowl was
lled within seconds.

The man then reached inside the leather pouch tied to his belt
and… took out a loaf of bread?

Why would he carry a loaf of bread in his pouch?

And the loaf of bread. Wasn’t it longer than the pouch? How did
it even t there?

Before she could voice her question. The man put the loaf of
bread on the ground and did… something to it.

A moment later, the loaf of bread grew to the size of a human.

The man gave a smile to her Khalasar and offered them the
bread and water.

They were tempted, she could see that. But none of them
stepped forward.

The man frowned and looked at her in confusion before his eyes
widened in understanding.
He then tore a small piece from the bread which he then dipped
into the water and ate in front of them.

“It is not poisoned princess.” He said as he ate.

Her people probably didn’t understood the Common tongue but

they did understand the gesture.

Slowly but surely, they came forward one by one and the man
stepped back and allowed them their ll of the water and bread.

He then turned to her and gave her a warm smile “I think it’s
about time we talk Princess Daenerys.”

She nodded in return.

Chapter 448


She sat under the shadow of the large dome thing that the man
named Domeric Bolton had created on what was probably the
softest sofa in the world and drank some lemonade.
Yeah. Sometime during the last few hours her life had become…

“So let me summarise.” She said “You defeated the Lannisters…

and you sent Tywin Lannister and Gregor Clegane, the
murderers of my nephew and the rapist of my good sister. And
gave them to Prince Oberyn who is probably still torturing them
in his dungeons.”

“That’s about right.” Lord Bolton said.

“Hmm… And then you revealed the identity of my nephew who

was hidden by Lord Stark as his bastard and set up a betrothal
with Margaery of house Tyrell and eventually sat him on the
Iron Throne.”

“Yes.” He nodded.

She frowned at him “Why did you not take the Iron Throne for
yourself. You certainly seem powerful and capable enough to do

“I asked him the same question.” The woman named Ygritte

snorted “He thinks that ruling the Seven kingdoms is too much
of a hassle.”
She looked incredulously at him and he just shrugged “True I
would gain power and in uence if I sat on the Iron Throne
myself. But I would also lose a great deal of my freedom and
gain a lot of stress. Plus, I’m already powerful, in uential and
rich enough that I can do or have whatever I want. Plus, I also
need to work on the defenses of the Wall.”

“Okay.” She nodded “Okay. Let’s get back to your story. You
said that White Walkers have returned to the world.”

Her skepticism must have shown because he gave a laugh and

nodded “I can understand why won’t believe me. But trust me.
This is not a lie. Once you come back to Westeros, I’ll show you
the truth. But before that, you need to make a choice.”

“Ahh yes. The choice between joining you or joining my family

which is now sitting on the Iron Throne.” She mused “You
know, the choice seems fairly easy for me.”

The man smiled “Do go on.”

She shrugged “I’ll admit it. I don’t know much about magic.
And I don’t have a good opinion of it. But you seem like a
powerful wizard. But at the end of the day, you’re just a
stranger. And my family is my family.”

“So you plan to join the Royal family?” he asked, looking more
amused than anything.
She nodded.

“We could just leave you here you know. Allow you and your
Khalasar to die in the Red Waste.” Ygritte said to her with a
frown “Your family is not here for you. I don’t think they even
care about you. Why are we wasting our time on someone this
ungrateful Domeric?”

She frowned at Ygritte but before she could say something,

Domeric raised his hand, gesturing for Ygritte to be quiet.

“We’re not leaving her here alone Ygritte. I gave her a choice
and I’m not going to break my word just because I didn’t like
her choice.” Domeric Bolton said and then turned to her “I
promised you that I’ll take you to Westeros. And I’ll stand by
my promise even if you follow me. But with that being said, I
would like for you to think more about what kind of future
you’ll have in Kings Landing.”

She frowned “I… admit that I don’t know much about Westeros.
Or Kings Landing.”

“Then let me enlighten you princess.” He said “You think that

when you go back to Westeros, you’ll be welcomed with open
arms by your family. That you’ll be given a seat beside the King
as the Princess of the Realm and will get to enjoy a good life. Is
that what you’re expecting?”
She shook her head “Of course not. I may not know much about
Kings landing but I’m not naive enough to believe that things
will be so easy.”

He nodded “Perhaps not. But here is what will happen.” He said

“As soon as you return to Westeros with your three dragons,
you’ll become a threat to the Tyrells. Why? Because you have
dragons and they don’t.”

“I will never harm the family of my family.” She said.

“I know. But they don’t know that.” He said “In fact, I would be
very surprised if you’re not assassinated in your rst year in
Kings Landing.”

“I don’t believe you.”

He nodded “You may not believe me. But you can always
believe the fact that Margaery Tyrell will put her family’s well
being above everything else.” He said “The rst thing she’ll do
when you return to Kings Landing is see if Jaehaerys Targaryen
can control your dragons. If he can then you’ll die within a year.
If not, then she’ll set up your marriage with either one of her
brothers or maybe even Jaehaerys. Then she’ll wait until you
bore them a child before assassinating you.”
“I cannot marry again.” She said, a hint of anger and grief lacing
her voice “I… I can no longer bear any children.”

Domeric frowned at that.

“Why is that?” he asked.

“The maege who…” she chocked, the memory still too fresh and
raw for her “The maege who did that to my husband and killed
my child… she said that I’ll never be able to bore any children.”
A tear silently slid down her cheek “I don’t know how but I can
feel that she wasn’t lying. I’ll not be able to bear any children
ever again.”

She lowered her head and wiped her tears away from her face,
not wanting to show any weakness. But the tears continued to
ow and before she knew it, she was sobbing in front of the two

She was surprised when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her
shoulder. She looked up and saw Ygritte giving her a
sympathetic and con icted look.

“I’m sorry to hear all that you’ve suffered.” Ygritte said “You
might be ungrateful woman but you didn’t deserve what
happened to you.”
She chuckled at those words, too exhausted to even be angry at

“Can you do something about her problem?” Ygritte asked

Domeric and she suddenly remembered that Domeric too was a
powerful wizard.

Chapter 449

Hope bloomed in her heart and she gave him a pleading look.

He nodded and put his hand inside the pouch which she now
knew was laced with magic and could hold far more things
inside it then it’s small size would suggest.

He took out his hand and there was a small stick in his hands.

“May I…” he said as he pointed at her stomach.

She looked at him in confusion and he elaborated “May I check

what that ‘Maege’ did to you?”

She gave a nod and he knelt down in front of her and pointed the
wand at her womb and chanted some words.
A second later, she felt something warm churn inside her body
and then a red glow emanated from her womb.

He frowned and sat back down in his chair.

“Well?” she asked.

He remained lost in his thoughts for a few moments before he

looked at her and took a breath “I don’t know how that ‘maege’
did it but it seems like there’s a dark blood curse placed in your
womb. I don’t understand how it works yet but I’m sure that it is
what is holding you back from bearing children.”

“Can you do something about it?” she asked.

Domeric looked hesitant “I… I’ve studied curse breaking. I

know how it’s done but I don’t know much about blood curses.
I’m not sure if…”

“You can try. It’s not like I have anything to lose.”

Domeric opened his mouth to speak but Ygritte interrupted him


She snapped her head and glared at Ygritte “What do you

mean?” she asked.
“No.” Ygritte said, un inching at her glare “Domeric has
already given your people food and water. He has come all the
way here for you. And he has even promised to escort you all the
way back to Kings Landing. What does he gain from doing any
of this? If you want something more from my husband then you
should be ready to give up something in return. It’s only fair.”

“You’ll… you’ll hold this against me?” she asked and looked
pleadingly at Domeric who looked con icted about this whole

After a few more moments, Domeric sighed and nodded “As

much as I dislike the idea, Ygritte is right. If you want my
services Princess, then you’ll have to pay.”

She resented him for that. For taking advantage of her

desperation. But a small part of her understood that Ygritte was
not wrong when she called her Ungrateful. She could understand
why they would think that about her.

She clenched her sts “When I… become the princess of

Westeros. I’ll pay you all the gold that you want?”

Ygritte chuckled at her words and then burst into laughter.

She frowned at Ygritte and looked at Domeric who had pursed

his lips and was shaking his head at her.
“I think I forgot to mention the part of the story where the
Realm was six million realm in debt.”

Her jaw dropped at his words and he gave her an understanding


“Or the fact where my husband helped your nephew out of that
debt.” Ygritte said proudly “My husband isn’t one to brag but as
of now he’s the richest man in Westeros. Probably even the
whole world.”

She gave him a suspicious glance “I don’t believe you. Where

would you even get so much gold?”

Domeric shrugged “Looted a few of the vaults from Valyria.”

He said “As of now I have over 50 million Valyrian empire gold
coins in my vault. About 18 fertile dragon eggs and over 150
petri ed eggs. And more Valyrian steel than the rest of Westeros
combined. And I’ve not even looted 1/4th of the vaults in
Valyria. I think you can understand why I’m not interested in
gold Princess.”

It took a few moments for her to remember to pick up her jaw

from the ground. Well, not literally but yeah… to say that she
was shocked by the numbers would be an understatement.

“I… how do I believe that you’re not merely lying to me?” she
He shrugged “Where do you think I learned how to perform the
Dragonlord ritual?” he asked “Or where do you think I got the
egg to hatch Acnologia.”

She had nothing to refute his words. And to be frank, she did
believe him.

That didn’t help her situation at all.

“What do you want from me?” she asked weakly.

“You know the answer already.” He said without any preamble

and she gave a tired sigh.

“I… I need some time. To think about all this.” She said.

He nodded “You have until tomorrow afternoon. Then we leave.

With or without you.”

She sighed and got up from the chair.

Just as she was leaving, she heard him get up from his chair as

“Wait! There’s something else you need to know.” He said.

She stopped and turned to him.

He walked up to her and gave her a look that was lled with pity
“You’re not going to like this. But… Ser Jorah was sent to you
by Varys on King Robert’s order.” She felt her heart clench at
that news but he continued “He spied on you so that he could
gain a pardon from the king and be allowed to come back to
Westeros. Varys has been missing ever since the siege of Kings
Landing and King Robert is dead. But still… be careful around

She gave a hesitant nod and left.

Chapter 450


Next morning.

Ygritte ew in the sky on her Wyvern, making rounds around

them as Daenerys sat before him and dgeted under his gaze.

He noticed how Ser Jorah was sitting at the end of the Khalasar,
looking morosely in the distance.
“You had a talk with Ser Jorah?” He said more than asked.

She nodded and looked away “I… don’t want to talk about it.”

He nodded “So. I guess you’ve made your decision.” He said

and waited.

He already knew what her decision was. There was no point in

pushing her right now.

After a long moment, she nally nodded.

“You want me to become your second wife. Like Rahaenys

Targaryen was to Aegon Targaryen?” she asked.

He nodded “Ygritte and I are not married. Not in the traditional

sense. But yes. She’ll be my rst wife. And if you agree to it,
then you’ll be my second.”

“Can I… have more time?”

He shook his head. “No. I’m giving you three choices. You
come with me. You go to Kings Landing. Or you stay here.”

She hesitated “If I chose Kings Landing then…”

“Then I’ll leave you and your people in a ship outside Kings
Landing. I’ll give you 100,000 gold dragons as my good will.
And then we’ll go our separate ways.”

“If I… come with you…”

“Then I take you to my Castle. I’ll give proper accommodation

to your people and someone to teach them common tongue. I’ll
give them jobs if they want to live their own lives or proper
weapons if they want to continue serving you. Me and Ygritte
will help you with your dragons. And when you’re properly
healed from your recent pregnancy and have gotten over the
death of your husband. We’ll marry.”

“I don’t know how I feel about being someone’s second wife.”

She said. “Especially when you’re not even a Lord Paramount of
the North.”

He shrugged “I may not be the Lord Paramount but I am

powerful enough to defeat a whole kingdom on my own. And I
was not even using half my armies at that time.” He said “I’m
the richest man in the world. I have a eet of over 1,100 ships. I
have 2 dragons and can hatch more if I ever wanted to do so. I
am the strongest wizard in the world. I may not have of cial
titles but that’s because I didn’t want them. If you want a man
better quali cations than that then I wish you luck.”
Daenerys sighed “I… I know. Forgive me if my words offended
you Lord Bolton.”

He nodded “There’s nothing to forgive. My skin is not so thin

that I’ll be offended by a few words. But enough of that. I think
you’ve forestalled for long enough.”

Daenerys closed her eyes and nodded “I will come with you.”

“You sure about that?” he asked “This is not something you can
back away from.”

Daenerys nodded rmly “Yes. My choices are either staying

here and dying. Going to Kings Landing to a relative I don’t
know anything about. Or go with you. I don’t really have too
many choices.”

“You’re right. But that’s life I guess.” He shrugged “Do you

think I want to ght the White Walkers? I don’t. But I’ll have to
anyway if I don’t want everyone in Westeros to end up dead. I
would rather be saving my strength so that I could attack the free
cities and end the practice of Slavery once and for all. But my
hands are tied at the moment.”

“You want to end slavery?” she asked, looking at him with an

indescribable expression.
He nodded “In time I will. I spent the rst 11 years of my life
living in a cupboard under the stairs and being treated like a
slave by my relatives. So yes, I hate slavery and if I survive the
Long Night then I’ll probably spend the rest of my years ghting
against the Free Cities and ending slavery once and for all.”

“Can you really do it?” she asked and he nodded.

“I believe I can.” He nodded “With the help of dragons, the task

will become far more easier. But for that to happen, we’ll rst
have to survive the Long Night.”

She had a thoughtful expression for a moment before she

nodded “Very well then. But rst, can you tell me how you plan
to take me an my people to Westeros.”

He smiled in response.

Chapter 451

aenerys said, her eyes wide with shock as she saw the giant
Wyvern entered the small suitcase.

Her Khalasar had the same expression on their face.

He nodded to Acnologia and rubbed his chin “Go inside and
wait.” He said and his dragon nodded before following the
Wyvern in a well practiced motion.

“You know. When I said that I am probably the greatest wizard

in the world, I was not lying.” He said with a smirk and then
nodded to Ygritte who gave a smirk and went inside the

Daenerys nodded before she turned to her Khalasar.

They looked afraid and reluctant to enter the suitcase.

“It seems like they don’t trust me even when I allowed my wife
to go inside rst.” He said “How about you give them a

Daenerys looked at him “It is safe right?”

He nodded and she resolved her expression before see to entered

the suitcase.

He and the rest of the Khalasar waited in silence for a few long
seconds before Daenerys came out of the suitcase and smiled at
her people.

“Come. It’s completely safe inside.” She said in Dothraki.

Some of her people still looked hesitant but one of her
handmaiden gathered her courage and stepped inside.

After that, the other handmaiden followed behind the rst one
and soon enough, her whole Khalasar (which barely amount to
50 people) was inside the trunk.

In the end, it was Ser Jorah who slowly entered the Trunk. He
looked at Daenerys but she was obstinately looking anywhere
but at him. He sadly looked down and entered the trunk.

Then there were only him and Daenerys left in the hot and vast

Daenerys looked around and then at him “Now what?” she


“Now. I’m going to introduce you to the concept of Instant

travelling.” He said and closed the trunk.

“Will they be okay inside?” Daenerys asked “They won’t…

suffocate will they?”

He smiled, remembering how he himself had been so curious

when he saw the trunks with expended space for the rst time.
“No Daenerys. There are runes carved inside the trunk which
work around the hour to recycle the air. As long as there’s
enough ambient magic in the air to charge it, the runes and
charms will continue to work for decades if not centuries
without any outside interference.”

Daenerys didn’t understand everything but she did understand

that her people won’t be dying inside the Trunk.

“Give me your hand.” He said as he picked up the trunk.

Daenerys reluctantly did so.

“Don’t let go no matter what. Understand?”

Daenerys nodded and he took out the steel ball from his pocket
“Yunkai” He said. A tug and a twist later, they landed in the
mountains a few kilometers away from the large city.

Daenerys landed beside him and also fell to the ground before
he caught her and held her upright.

“That was…”

“Disorienting. I know. Portkey travel might be convenient but it

does has the tendency of leaving us quiet disoriented.” He said.

Daenerys shook her head and looked around her.

“That’s… where are we?” she asked as she looked at the large
city in the distance.
“Outside Yunkai. Some 250 miles away from your location in
the Red Waste.” He said and handed her a glass of water.

“Get a moment to center yourself.” He said “When you’re ready,

tell me. We’ll need do this three more times. Volantis. Storms
End. And then Dreadfort.”

Daenerys nodded and took a few deep breaths before she gave
him a nod and took his hand.

He took out another steel ball and said “Volantis.”

Chapter 452

With a crack, he and Daenerys appeared in the middle of the

forest in Lonely hills where Ygritte practice her warging with
the Wyvern.

He helped Daenerys steady herself to her feet.

She looked a little sick because of the Portkey but didn’t

“I thought you were about to bring me to Dreadfort.” She said as
she looked at her surroundings.

He nodded “I thought the same. But I’m not sure how your
people will react to living in a city. Plus, I don’t want to
announce your or your dragons’ presence to the whole world just

She gave him a suspicious look.

“What do you want to do then?” she asked.

“There are a few villages down at the base of the Lonely hill.”
He said “The people who lived in those villages were once the
nomads who lived in the Land beyond the wall. I think your
people will get along well with them. And if they are able to
adapt to the idea of living in houses then we can transfer them to
Dreadfort at a later date.”

“What about me?” Daenerys asked.

“I was thinking about building a house in these hills.” He said

“For just me and Ygritte and our dragons. Out of everyone’s
sight until the dragons grow large enough.”

“Why did you not tell me about that before?”

“It escaped my mind.” He said with a shrug “If you want to live
in Dreadfort then you can. But we’ll keep the dragons inside the
expanded trunk and you’ll have to dye your hair. Will that be
acceptable to you.”

Daenerys gave a reluctant nod and he smiled.

“I know you don’t like the idea of hiding your identity. But don’t
worry. My closes subordinates will know of your identity and
you won’t have to pretend in front of them. Just… don’t go
telling anyone else about yourself. Okay?”

Daenerys gave a tired nod and he smiled.

“Well… let’s see to the accommodation for your people.”

Chapter 453


“Aunty. Lyra. Celly. Everyone. This is Princess Daenerys

Targaryen. And she’ll be living with us from now on.” He said
as he gestured at Daenerys who looked a little uncomfortable
under the scrutiny of everyone but whithered it gracefully.
There were various reactions from his subordinates.

Varko and Baka didn’t care much about her and simply nodded.
Celly simply rolled his eyes and gave him a dirty look. Lyra
looked amused.

His aunt on the other hand. She narrowed her eyes. Not looking

“I thought you did not want to become the King, my dear

nephew.” His aunt said and he nodded.

“I don’t. I nd the idea of sitting in an uncomfortable chair and

listening to self important people all day long just as repulsive as
I did before.” He said “No. I did not bring Daenerys with me
because of any ambitions but because it would make things
more easy in the long run.”

“What things?” his aunt asked.

“Things, like peace, security and all that.” He said.

“Forgive me my lord. But would bringing Princess Daenerys

here and hiding her in your land bring chaos instead of peace?”
Celly asked. “I mean, after the bastards of King Robert
Baratheon and his brothers and after the death of Prince Viserys,
she is the only person in the world who could have a better
claim to the throne than King Jaehaerys since there are more
than a few people who don’t believe our claim of him being the
son of Prince Rhaegar and Lady Lyanna.”

He nodded. “Intuitive as ever Celly. And yes. That would have

been the case. If Princess Daenerys was alone and didn’t have
her 3 children.”

“She has…” his aunt started before she scowled at him

“Domeric. Did you kidnap a married woman with child?”

He grimaced at her accusing tone but managed to smile back

“Well… I’m afraid the situation is a little more complicated than

“How?” his aunt asked.

“For one, Her husband was poisoned a while ago and… he is no

longer among us.” He looked his aunt’s suspicious eyes and
sighed “And no. It was not me that did it. If I wanted to kill him
then I would done so personally a long time ago.”

Daenerys snapped her neck in his direction and she glared at

him. He simply shrugged. It was the truth and he had no reason
to hide it.

“Forgive me Daenerys. But your husband was a Dothraki who

was planning on attacking Westeros. A kingdom that had just
entered a state of peace after a grueling war. I didn’t want to lose
that. So yes, I had contemplated killing him more than once but
decided to leave that task to my Fleet. They needed some real
battle after all instead of hunting down pirates and slavers all
day long.

Daenerys’ glare didn’t lessen and he continued in a soft voice “I

know that despite how your marriage started, you eventually
came to love him. But you won’t get much sympathy from me
for his death.”

Daenerys gave a curt nod before she looked in the distance,

avoiding eye contact with his core subordinates.

“What about her children?” Celly asked “I’m not sure how King
Jaehaerys will react upon learning that he still has family left.
But… I don’t think Queen Margaery will let them live. Mostly
because they pose a great threat to the stability of the rule of her

He could see Lyra trying to hide a playful smirk behind her

hands and he rolled her eyes.

“Yeah well. That was the main reason why I brought Daenerys
here in the rst place.” He said and glanced at Daenerys who
was studiously ignoring him now “Her children are… different
from normal children.”
Lyra couldn’t hold it back in anymore and started snickering.
Even Ygritte looked amused.

His aunt, once again, didn’t look very amused.

“How?” she asked.

“Well…” he thought about it for a while then decided to just go

with the truth “When Daenerys wed Khal Drogo, the merchant
named Illyrio Mopatis gave her 3 dragon eggs as her wedding

His aunt’s eyes widened at the implications and he continued

“When Khal Drogo eventually succumbed to poison… or
bloodmagic, or whatever it was that woman did, Daenerys built
a pyre for him.”

His aunt now had a understanding look on her face.

“Daenerys tied the maegi to the pyre. Took the three dragon
eggs with her and sat on the pyre.” He shrugged “By the time
the pyre burnt down, Daenerys was still alive. And had three
baby dragons.”

There was silence in the room for a long moment. Then Celly
spoke “You brought here so that the future generations won’t
have to deal with her dragons.”
He nodded.

At this point, he was so powerful that he could probably even

kill an adult dragon. But he really didn’t want to kill them.

There were so few magical creatures in the world that he was

scrambling to save what few were left alive.

The Children of the Forest would die after the death of their
current generation. The Giants only had a single tribe left in the
entire world. And the Direwolves are still an endangered

He was not about to kill 3 of the 5 living dragons in the world if

he had any say in it.

“What if she decided that she wanted the throne in the future?”
his aunt suddenly asked.

He looked at Daenerys who frowned at his aunt “I’m not about

to attack my only living relative.”

He nodded “You heard her.” He said “I doubt she would take the
throne from King Jaehaerys and his children. But if her children
want to take the throne, then it would at least not be a bloodbath.
People know what dragons can do and know to bow to them.”

“You said you didn’t want the throne.”

“I don’t. But I’m not going to stop others from trying to take it.”
He said “If they want to spend the rest of their life worrying
about ruling the whole 7 kingdoms. Then they’re free to do so.”

“You said her children.” His aunt narrowed her eyes “Are you
going to marry her.”

He cringed at that. Yeah. He had no idea how his family and

close subordinates will take this but he had no doubt that the
other lords and ladies would probably hate him for this.

“Yes. That is the plan.” He said “But I’ve already promised

Ygritte that I’ll marry her. And if we go with the tradition of the
Free Folk then we’re already married. So yes. I’ll marry Ygritte
rst. She’ll be my rst wife. And then I’ll marry Daenerys.”

The table was silent upon hearing his words.

He looked at his aunt who was looking at him with a

complication expression. Then she sighed.
“You know, if you had not mentioned your dislike for the Iron
throne time and time again, then I would seriously think that
you’ve nally decided to take the throne. But with that said, you
do know that the Old gods don’t allow polygamy.”

He wanted to tell her that he didn’t really follow the old gods.
That he never really did in the rst place.
He liked the religion for how peaceful and harmonious it was.
And he liked the Heart trees for their magical nature. But that
was all there was to it.

But he was not going to admit that to his aunt.

“I’m sure the old gods won’t mind. I’m their ‘chosen one’ after
all.” He quipped sarcastically.

His aunt didn’t laugh. She simply shook her head “I hope you
know what you’re doing Domeric.” With that, she stood up from
her chair and left the room.

“That went well.” He said to Daenerys who didn’t look the least
bit amused.

Chapter 454

He hid under a powerful glamor charm that changed his

appearance. Not a lot but enough that no one would recognize
He had mostly copied the chocker of the Red Priests but with
magical runes of his own.

And no. It was not a chocker. It was a ring.

A ring on his index nger that he was currently pointing at a

large building.

“And that my dear is a Hospital. Something that I’m very proud


“Hospital?” Daenerys scrunched up her brow, gaining a few

looks from the passerby because of how cute she looked “I don’t
think I’ve heard that word before.”

“It’s a new one.” He smiled and gave her a mocking bow

“Invented by yours truly.”

Daenerys rolled her eyes and gave him a small smile “okay.
What does this… hospital do.”

“It is a place. A building fully dedicated to the healing of

people.” He said, a bit serious this time “It is staffed by people
various walks of life but people who know how to heal others.”

“Heal? Like wounds?”

“Yes. But it is not only limited to wounds. The staff is equipped
to deal with broken bones, diseases, infection, helping with safe
delivery of babies among other things.”

“It looks like you’ve put quite a lot of gold in this one as well.”
Daenerys said.

He shrugged “It was worth it.” Then he smiled “Good thing is

that with how many people visit it regularly, the Hospital is
already starting to turn a pro t. I suspect that within two years,
I’ll generate enough pro t on it’s own that I’ll be able to open
another hospital in Bolton Port. Then hospitals will spread to the
rest of my efdom until all my people nally have access to
people with good healing skills who know what they’re doing.”

Daenerys looked at the people milling around the hospital and

then turned to look at him “You truly care about your people,
don’t you.”

He smiled back “Yeah. Yeah I do. Would you like to go inside.”

Daenerys shook her head “Maybe some other time.”

“I would show you Alexandrea, the largest library in the 7

kingdoms. But I’m afraid it’s work was halted mid way due to
me sending the builders to the Wall to help build up the
defenses.” He said “I would have like it if it was completed as
soon as possible. But the defense of the Wall is more important
right now.”

“Alexandrea? Why would you name it that?” Daenerys asked.

He stopped walking and looked at her seriously “There is… a

secret about me. A secret that only Ygritte knows. One day,
when we’re married and when I know that I can trust you, I’ll
tell you that secret as well. And then a lot of the things that I do
will start to make sense for you.” He said and continued walking
“Till then… just think of it as me being nostalgic.”

Daenerys gave him an odd look but didn’t question him

anymore about it.

He called one of the horse carriages passing by “Let me take you

to the Street of Tobho Mott. The place where all the weapons,
armors, tools used by the farmers and everything else made of
Frost steel is built. I’ve also built a statue of Tobho Mott as a
favor to the Blacksmith who built my Valyrian Steel armor. I

“You have a Valyrian Steel armor!!?” Daenerys asked and he

quickly made a gesture for her to keep it low.

The carriage stopped beside them and both of them climbed

inside the coach. “To Tobho Mott square.” He said and the
carriage smoothly started going forward.
He turned to Daenerys and smiled “Didn’t I told you that I have
more Valyrian steel than the rest of the 7 kingdoms combined.”

Daenerys nodded “You did. But I thought you were bragging the
moment. Like so many other men.”

He clutched his chest and feigned a wounded expression

“Comparing me to other men like that. You truly know how to
wound my ego Princess.”

Daenerys chuckled and he continued “But yes. I do have a

Valyrian armor. Several in fact. But only one that protects me
from head to toe which was built painstakingly by Master Tobho

“Is that why you gave him the favor?” she asked and he nodded.

There was a brief lull of silence in the coach after that before
Daenerys spoke once again.

“I met Sansa Stark this morning.”

He looked at her curiously and gestured for her to continue.

“Well, met would be the wrong world.” Daenerys chuckled “She

practically dragged me to the side and asked me who I was?
Why I was there? And if I was trying to seduce you for your

“Yeah… She can get like that sometimes. Don’t mind her too
much.” He said. Not knowing why he was defending Sansa at
all. She really shouldn’t have interrogated Daenerys like that.

“She loves you.” Daenerys said and the gears in his mind paused
for a moment before he nodded.

“Yeah. I know that.”


“And what?” he asked.

“She seems pretty certain that you’ll marry her in the future.”
Daenerys said and narrowed her eyes “Is that true? Is that what
we are to you? Pretty girls that you can swing around and play

“Merlin no! Where did you even get such ideas?”

Daenerys frowned at him “Why is she here then, and not back in
her home at Winterfell.” She said “In fact, why have her parents
allowed her to stay here in the rst place.”
“First of all. Calm down.” He said “You do not understand the
current situation so don’t go judging people by what you see at
rst glance.”

Daenerys pursed her lips but then nodded and he continued.

“The situation with Sansa… is complicated.” He said and

cringed at how cliche that sounded.

Daenerys raised an eyebrow, looking very unimpressed by his

brief explanation. So he decided to gave her the full story.

Chapter 455

“A few years back, when I was just gaining power, Lord Stark
saw the growth of my efdom and decided to betrothed his
daughter Sansa to me” he said “Back then, my armies were just
at their initial stages and a con ict with the Starks would have
ruined the whole Northern Kingdom. So I accepted the

“But you see. Back then, Sansa was this naive innocent child
who thought that the world was made of butter ies and
sun owers.” He said “In order to give her a reality check and to
make her more mature, I asked that she be send to Dreadfort
where she’ll spend 4 months every year. Mostly so that I could
open her eyes and give her a decent education.”

“Sansa came. And after some time, she fell in love with me.” He
said “Of course, even back then, I loved Ygritte and the
betrothal was practically forced on me so I felt justi ed in not
loving her back.” He said “Eventually, Sansa returned home to
Winterfell and there was peace for a while.”

“Then. The Hand of the King, Lord Jon Arryn died. And the
King took his entourage and came to the North. Mostly so that
he could ask Lord Stark to be his new hand.” He said
“Unfortunately, by then, Lord Stark already knew about the
Wights and the White Walkers and knew that he needed to
prepare his kingdom for the upcoming Winter. Something that
he couldn’t do from Kings Landing. So he refused the offer.”

“King Robert accepted his refusal. But that night, during the
feast he announced the betrothal of his son Prince Joffrey to

“Wasn’t Sansa betrothed to you?” Daenerys asked.

“Not anymore.” He shrugged “Since I didn’t want the betrothal

in the rst place, I didn’t ght this decision. And since Lord
Stark had already pissed off the King with his refusal, he
decided to accept this betrothal as a peace offering. The only one
who wasn’t happy with this new arrangement was Sansa. But
she was a naive little girl and people in this world don’t care
about naive little girls.” He said while looking at Daenerys.

Hmm… Now that he thought about it, Sansa did suffer quite a
lot due to him didn’t she.

Now he really felt like a dick for what he did to her.

“Sansa went South with the King. The only problem was that
she loved me and didn’t want to marry the Prince. The prince
picked up on the fact that his betrothed was in love with
someone else and was understandably pissed. So he decided to
make her life a living hell.”

“Fast track a few weeks later. The King died. To a heart attack
some say but I’m pretty sure it was the Queen.” He said “Lady
Stark managed to escape Kings Landing but Sansa was

“Renly and Stannis decided to crown themselves the King of

Westeros and now we had a civil war in hand and two Starks
who were once again captive in the South.” He said “We
marched South to rescue the two Starks. And I think you know
the rest.”

“Yeah.” Daenerys nodded “You defeated the Lannisters.

Rescued Sansa Stark. Revealed the identity of my nephew and
betrothed him to the Tyrell girl. And broke the gates of Kings

“I also rescued the Tyrell girl… on a Wyvern… after which she

tried to fuck me. But yes, we can ignore that tidbit.” He said
“Then I brought Dorne and Stormlands to the table and we
gained peace at last.”

“What does this has to do with Sansa?” Daenerys asked and he

face palmed himself.

“Oh… we got off topic.” He said “What happened is that…

when I defeated the Lannisters, Sansa assumed that I was doing
that for her.”

“Weren’t you?” Daenerys asked, looking amused.

“Very funny.” He drawled “But yes. That happened and she fell
deeper in love with me. And when I rescued her, that feeling
became stronger. So when she later met her father and brother,
she had… a talk with them in which she essentially blamed her
father for agreeing to the betrothal with Prince Joffrey and not
protecting her. Lord Stark felt guilty over what happened and
she used this chance to gain the concession that she’ll marry on
her own and he won’t interfere no matter what.”

“Let me guess. Lord Stark agreed.”

He shrugged “If he didn’t, then Sansa wouldn’t be here. But yes.
He agreed. And now Sansa is here. Hell bent on marrying me.
And I cannot bring myself to banish her from my lands after all
that she’d suffered.”

“So you’re just going to keep her hanging like that?”

“What do you suppose I should do?” he asked.

“Talk with her.” She said, as if it wasn’t the most obvious thing
in the world “Tell her that this will not work and that she should
move on to someone else who’ll return her love.”

“Already done that.” He said “She’s not willing to listen.”

“So what… you’re going to make her your third wife or

something?” Daenerys asked.

He shrugged “Can’t say the thought hasn’t crossed my mind.

And I know that Ygritte is not against the idea. Which was why
she also agreed to you. But well… you’re going to be my second
wife and marrying another girl without taking your wishes into
account will only make things harder in the long run.”

The coach suddenly stopped and he looked outside to see that

they’d reached their destination. He climbed out of the carriage
and helped Ygritte do the same before he handed a gold dragon
to the coach master whose eyes widened.
“Keep the change.” He said and left with Daenerys who was
now looking at him with a resigned expression.

“This… does seem complicated.”

“Yeah.” He nodded “Though the fact that Sansa is rather pretty

and is growing up to be rather beautiful helps.”

Daenerys looked at him with a frown and he gave her a

lecherous grin “Are you really surprised by the fact that I like to
fuck pretty girls just as much as any other man.”

“But… I thought… you refused Margaery. Didn’t you?”

“I do. Because fucking her while Ygritte didn’t knew about it

would be cheating.” He said and clenched his sts “And I
fucking hate cheaters.”

Daenerys looked like she was curious about his hatred for
cheaters but then she visibly composed herself and just nodded.

He gave her a thankful nod and took her hand “Let me show you
the Tohbo Mott Street.”

Chapter 456
He and Daenerys appeared in the middle of the long under
hallway and Daenerys stumbled for a bit before he caught her
from falling.

“How did you gain such a large eet?” Daenerys asked as she
gave him a curious look.

“Built a good deal of those myself in my Ship building factory.

The ship builders in there are able to build a wary galley or a
trade galleon every 4-5 days.” He said “I’ll show it to you
someday. And Titanic. The largest ship in the known world. But
yes. About 30% of my ships are built in the Ship building

“Where does the other 70% came from?” Daenerys asked.

He scratched his chin. “Well, I bought a fair share of my ships

from Braavos. Aside from that, a lot of my ships also came from
capturing the pirates and slavers and taking their con scating
their ships. About 40 of my ships also belonged to the
Lannisters. And about the same amount of Whaler ships from
Ibbenesse.” He snickered “And about 400 of my new ships are
from Slavers Bay.”

“That’s… a lot of ships.” Daenerys admitted.

He nodded “If nothing major happened, then my eet will
become the largest personal eet in the whole known world in a
year or two.”

Daenerys nodded and he lead her to the end of the Corridor

which had three doors.

“Treasury. Library and… In…cubation chamber. What does that

mean?” Daenerys asked

“Come. Let me show you.” He said and opened the door to the

Daenerys entered behind him and gasped as soon as she saw

what was in the room.

“I… this…”

“What? You thought I was bragging when I said that I had 18

living dragon eggs?” he asked.

Daenerys touched the glass peered inside at the dragon eggs

inside the magical incubation machine.

“Can I…” she asked as she pointed at the dragon eggs and he
shrugged and removed the glass.
A hot wave of air washed over them as the Incubation machine
opened up and Daenerys looked at the Dragon eggs in a trance
before she waved her hand over some of them.

“They’re so hot.” Daenerys said as a tear slid down her cheeks

“I can feel the life growing inside each one of them.”

“You alright?” he asked.

She wiped her tears and gave him a thin smile.

“Yeah. Thank you for showing these to me.” She said and he
nodded in response before he closed the incubation machine
once again.

They left the chamber and he was closing the door, Daenerys
spoke up “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure.” He said.

“If you had so many dragon eggs, then why didn’t you… you
know… hatch more dragons?”

“Because you can only bond with one dragon in your life.” He
replied “I’ve already bonded with Acnologia and can tell his
general location and health from a long distance away. The same
can be said for Ygritte. We can even feel the general emotions of
our dragons. Whether they’re hungry. Irritated. Happy. Or the
likes. If my guess is true, then the same is not the case with

Daenerys nodded, looking a little lost.

“That’s because you’ve three of them. You want to love them

equally because you see all of them as your children. But
because of that, it’s likely that you might not be able to bond
with any of them.” He said “It is possible that you’ll eventually
favor one of your child over the other two and would form a
close connection with him but that bond will never form.”

Daenerys looked crushed at his words and he continued “But

that’s not all. A dragon without his rider is… how should I put
it… let’s go with vulnerable.”

“Vulnerable? Why?”

He shrugged “It is what it is. If you pit a riderless dragon against

one who has a rider, the one withe rider usually always win.”

“Why is that?” Daenerys asked.

“It mostly comes down to the fact that because of the rider’s
directions, the dragons are able to maneuver more easily in their
air. I’m not really very well versed in this subject and am just
telling you what I learned from the books I read. But yeah. That
is the reason why dragonlords don’t have a whole horde of
dragons with them and only ride one in their whole life.”

Daenerys looked contemplative for a moment before she nodded

“I do not regret giving birth to my children.”

“You shouldn’t” he agreed “We can always use more fodder

against the White Walkers.”

Daenerys didn’t look amused and he sighed. “Sorry. Bad joke.”

Then he opened the Library door and Daenerys eyes widened as

she entered the room.

Mostly because it was not just a library. But also a place where
he kept all the interesting magical trinkets he found or created
on his own over the years.

“Never seen a wizard’s library before.” He teased before he

went to the ‘Dragon’ section in one the shelf and picked three
books from the large collection and handed them over to
Daenerys who looked confused.

“Books that I found from Valyria.” He said “These ones will

teach you how to raise your dragons. And if you don’t know
high Valyrian, then don’t worry. I’ve created charms that would
translate the words and…”
“I know High Valyrian” Daenerys said and he nodded.

“Well. Good luck then.” He said as he took the books from her
hands and pushed them inside her bottomless pouch.

“Hey!” Daenerys said but he ignored her protest and took her
out of the room.

“Come. Let me show you the great amount of wealth in my

treasury. Or you’ll continue to suspect that I was a braggart.” He
said as he closed the library door and started opening the
Treasury room.

“You’re bragging now.” Daenerys said and he chucked.

“No. I’m showing off. There’s a difference.” He said and opened

the door.

For a long moment, Daenerys just stood there. Her eyes

widened. And while her jaw had now dropped to the oor, it had
lowered in shock at the sight of the sheer wealth in front of her.

Yup! De nitely saving that memory to show her later.

He took her by her hand pulled her inside the room, feeling a
little giddy and childish “Allow me to show off.”
Chapter 457

He and Daenerys apparated to the new room and she instantly

covered herself with her hands and started shivering.

“It’s cold here.” She said.

He took out his wand and cast a warming charm on her.

“There’s should be a cloak inside your bottomless bag. It is

charmed to keep you warm.” He said and Daenerys reached
inside the bag and came out with a cloak.

“Thank you.” She said and wore the cloak around herself before
she took a better look at the room around her “What is this
place?” she asked.

“It’s my laboratory.” He said and pointed at the table at the end

of the room and the various glass jars with different kinds of
liquid inside them “A place where I spend my time trying to
gure out a way to work around the White Walkers’ magic to cut
their connection with the Wights or outright destroy them.”

“Did you nd something?” Daenerys asked.

He shrugged “I did had a little success and have created a few
spells that would allow me to destroy wights but I could simply
do it by using a normal cutting or blasting spell as well so not
much worth bragging about.”

“What are these?” Daenerys asked as she looked at the large

human sized white cylindrical containers.

“Wights.” He replied and Daenerys’ eyes widened.

“You mean you have…”

“Yes. I have wights in my laboratory. Yes they will not escape.

Yes I am not in any danger. Anything else you want to ask me?”

Daenerys shook her head in exasperation.

“Why have you brought me here Domeric?”

“So that I can show you our enemies and so that you can have a
better idea about what we’re ghting.” He said. “Now steel your
heart. This might shock you.”

Daenerys clenched her sts and nodded.

He poured some magic in the glass and the white glass turned
back into a transparent one.
Daenerys breath hitched as she saw the half rotted body inside
the glass. Container.

A body that instantly became alert as it’s view changed and it

got up on it’s feet.

Daenerys eyes widened as the Wight slowly looked around to

get a better look at it’s surrounding and found her.

The Wight instantly lunged at her but and Daenerys fell on her
butt in fear. But the only thing the Wight accomplished was
attening it’s nose and possibly cracking it’s skull against the
strudy glass.

It opened it mouth, probably to let out a shriek.

The glass container was thankfully soundproof so they only saw

it opening and closing it mouth in a parody of a shriek and it
once again jumped at glass.

The glass held. Because of course it did.

When that didn’t succeed, the wight started punching, clawing

and biting to break through it’s container, Leaving spit, blood
and gore on the glass.

He helped Daenerys get up from the oor and she clutched onto
his hand like a lifeline.
She took a moment to compose herself and then took a sharp
breath “They’re real.” She said, more for her own bene t than

He nodded “People often don’t believe in them unless they see

them rsthand.”

He then pointed at the dozens of container behind this one and

sent a pulse of magic through all of them.

The white glass turned transparent and Daenerys clutched his

arm even more tightly as the Wights inside got up, looked at him
and started clawing at the glass to get at them.

“I don’t want to see them anymore.” Daenerys said and he

looked at her.

She looked… well, not terri ed but she was certainly spooked
by this sight.

And he knew for a fact that she would be getting nightmares

about this for days if not weeks after this.

He nodded and sent another pulse of magic and the glass turned
white once again.
Daenerys’ grip loosened in his arm and he put an arm around her
and pulled her to his chest.

He could feel her shiver against his chest for a few long
moments before she gained control of herself and stepped back.

“There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of them

beyond the wall.” He said “That… is what we’re ghting.”

Daenerys gave a timid nod and he hated what he himself for the
next part.

“Come. I need to show you the White Walker next.”

Chapter 458

Luna playfully stepped onto Drogon as he tried to bite her paws

while Rhaegal and Viseryon chased after one another around

Acnologia sat a few feet away from them looked in the distance
while Ygritte was ying on top of her Wyvern in the air while
hitting targets with her bow and arrow from hundreds of meters
away in the air.
He, on the other had as on the chair beside the table where
Daenerys was lying and was looking at her womb with all his

The charm he had casted glowed light green and he stepped

back from her.

Daenerys looked at him from the corner of her eye -a little wary
of moving from her spot- and asked “Is it done?”

“It is.” He replied and she got up from her place in the table and
started wearing her clothes.

Once she was done, she looked at him expectantly with a hint of
trepidation and he smiled at her to ease her mind. “I have a good
news and bad news.”

Daenerys nodded “I’ll have the bad news rst.”

“Well, the bad news is that, as I said earlier, I don’t have a lot of
knowledge about blood curses. If I try to learn about them now
and try to make a cure then it make take me months if not years
to come up with a cure. And even then it won’t necessarily

Daenerys sighed at that “What is the good news?” she asked.

“Good news is that the woman, the maegi who performed this
curse on you wasn’t very experienced with it. In fact, I would go
so far as to say that she did a rather poor job of it. If I had even a
little bit of knowledge about blood curses then I would have
easily healed you.”

“How is that news helpful to anyone?” Daenerys asked

skeptically and he smiled.

“Well, it is good news because she had done such a bad work on
it, that the blood curse has not been assimilated into your body.”

Daenerys gave him a confused look “I don’t understand.”

“Well. What I’m trying to say is that I don’t need to spend years
to nd a cure for you. I have another way to remove the curse
from you.”

Daenerys gained a hopeful expression and he continued “I can

lift the curse from you and transfer it to someone else.”

Daenerys’ hopeful look faded away at that and she asked “What
do you mean someone else?” she asked.

“Exactly as it sounds.” He said “We’ll have to nd another girl

who’s of similar age, height and weight as you. Then I’ll
perform some charms to confuse the blood curse into thinking
that it wasn’t cast upon you but her instead and that way, I’ll be
able to transfer the curse to that girl.”

“And that girl will not be able to give birth ever again?”

“No. She won’t.”

“Then I don’t want to do it.” Daenerys replied instantly “I don’t

want to give this curse to someone else just so I could be free of
it. Every girl should have the choice to be a mother. And I’m not
going to take that away from others just so I could gain that
ability back.”

He sighed “Your words are reasonable. And your sentiments are

in the correct place. But you’re forgetting that this is a cruel
world. There are many women who are suffering a bad life as
either someone’s slave, someone’s whore or someone’s pet and
would gladly give away their ability to give birth for a sake of a
better life.” He said.

Daenerys still looked con icted and he sighed “Look. If you’re

so con icted about this, then you can meet those girls yourself
and ask if they want to do this. And once they go through it, you
can keep on helping them for the rest of their lives.”

Daenerys nally closed her eyes and nodded “I… understand.

I’ll do it. Thank you Domeric.”
“Don’t mind it.” He said and looked at the house he’d built over
at the Lonely hills.

It was mostly meant for occasional retreat when the workload

gets too stressful. But right now he was using it with Daenerys
and Ygritte to raise their dragons in hiding.

“She’s very good with her bow and arrow.” Daenerys said as she
came and sat beside him “I don’t think I can even see the target
properly from here.”

“That’s because you can’t.” He replied “And not because there’s

some problem with your eyes. They’re perfectly ne. It’s just
that human eyes are not capable of looking at things in such

“Human eyes? You’re saying that Ygritte don’t have human

eyes.” Daenerys said sceptically.

“She does. But they’ve been highly enhanced with magic and
she can now see as far as I do when I look through a high end
telescope.” He said “Not only that but the bow she’s using is
also magical and it helps the arrow reach it’s target.”

“This all sounds too fascinating.” Daenerys said “A few months

ago I did not even knew that magic existed. Then the maegi…
now this.”
He shrugged “I would like to take credit for the bow but it was
made by the Valyrian empire.”


“Yes.” He replied “Would you like to know what else I found in


“I would.” Daenerys replied.

“Come then.” He said and picked her up from her chair and sat
her down sideways on his thigh.

She looked at him in slight shock but didn’t protest.

“Well then. Let me tell you about the rst time I went to

Chapter 459

He and Tyrion once again sat on top of the Walls of Bolton Port.

And Tyrion was once again drinking one of his favourite wines
while he sipped on some refreshing lemonade.
“You sure you should be here. And not down there, giving
orders to your people and coordinating the refugees.”

“You mean your slaves?” Tyrion asked.

He shrugged “They were slaves when they were in Slaver’s Bay.

Here, they are free. They are free to pursue any profession they
like. They’re free to use their skills however their like. And once
they earn enough gold, they’re free to leave and go back to their
homes if that is what they want.”

“What about the Unsullied?” Tyrion asked “You might have

freed them but it’s not like they know anything else aside from
ghting. You might free them but they’ll always remain slaves at

“Probably.” He replied “The long years of torture and

manipulation from the masters would no doubt leave long term
impacts. Possibly for their whole lives. But there’s really
nothing I can do to help them aside from paying them a hefty
sum, giving them food and accommodations and giving them a
good life, which I’m already doing.”

Tyrion absently nodded and went back to gazing at the large

Fleet that Admiral Muron nally managed to bring back to the
North after all these months.
Tyrion swiveled the last of the wine from his cup and nished it.
“You know. When I rst heard that you’re sending Muron to
Slaver’s Bay with 50 ships, I thought he would simply leg it.
Name himself the ‘King of the Basilisk Islands’ or some other
crap and escape with your ships.” Tyrion said “Now. He’s back
here, with about 500 ships, 30,000 refugees and 15,000
Unsullied. Goes to show how much I know about anything.”

“You know enough to prepare accommodations for all these

refugees and the Unsullied soldier.” He said, not wanting to
think about all the mind magic he’d used to control Muron.

Meanwhile, the large eet beneath the walls continued to drop

the refugees a few ships at a time.

“This is going to take long.” He said and leaned back into his

“It will. And now that we have time in our hand, would you
mind telling me how you took Casterly Rock?” Tyrion asked.
His voice was curious but there was a hint of wariness in his

“I wouldn’t mind.” He said “Casterly Rock… was truly a beast

of a castle. If it was properly defended and I didn’t have the
troops I had, then taking it would have been nigh impossible.”
“But you did take it. In fact, you became the rst person in
history to ever do so. I’m just curious about how you did it.”

He shrugged “It was with your help actually.”

Tyrion frowned in response before a guilty look took over his

face “I… how did I help you?”

“Well. You didn’t.” He chucked. “Before meeting you, I was

thinking of creating a tunnel to the mines under Casterly Rock. I
would lead the men to the mines and we’ll attack the Castle
from inside. But that would have taken days if not weeks. It was
not after I met you and you refused to help me that I realized
that there was some other way to the Castle that I was missing.
And then I remembered your bragging about how your father
made you the lord of the sewers and how you made sure that the
‘shit never ew smoother’ to outside the Castle. After that, it
wasn’t that hard for me to nd the sewers.”

“So… my bragging gave it away?”

“It did.” He said and use a surface legilimency probe on Tyrion

and found that the little man believed his words.

Dodged a bullet there.

Tyrion was one of the smartest people under his employment
and he won’t be surprised if Tyrion gured it out that he could
read the minds of other people.

Tyrion was silent for a long moment before he said “My sister…
I never really learned how she died.”

“She poisoned herself and Joffrey after some of her men

betrayed her and opened the gates of the Red Keep for King

“Hah!” Tyrion barked a laugh “If they were thinking that Stannis
will reward them for their betrayal then they didn’t really knew
him all that well.”

They sat in silence for a long moment before he spoke “It was
strange that when King Stannis nally took the Red Keep,
Myrcella and Tommen were no where to be found.”

Tyrion froze for a moment before he lled his cup once again
and took a long gulp of it “Well… I suppose that is a good thing.
I am not sure if you would have taken the death of children very

He shrugged “Perhaps. But the fact remains that even if many

people believe them to be the bastards of your brother, some still
don’t believe those rumors and might try to use them as rallying
points in the future if King Jaehaerys’ reign didn’t work out very

“Well then… Let’s hope that King Jaehaerys’ reign works out
well.” Tyrion said.

“Yes. And let’s hope that wherever those two are, they don’t
gain any foolish ambition.” He said “Otherwise they might get
sent to the Wall and Silent Sisters.”

“Of course.” Tyrion said with a shaky smile and he nodded.

Chapter 460

He looked at the reports of the teenage kids who had been tasked
with planting Weirwood trees all over his domain.

He had commanded the to plant 7777 trees for the ritual and had
told the group of Children of the Forest to bless those trees and
turn them into Heart trees so that he could use them as anchor
points for a grand scale ward that would essentially stop the
Winter from coming to his lands.
They had gone beyond his expectations and had planted over
20,000 Weirwood trees.

Of course, the Children of the Forest had yet to draw a face on

all of those trees but he had enough for the ritual.

And since the Rune carvers had already carved all the necessary
runes required for this ritual, the only thing remaining was to
activate the rune.

He apparated to the center of the grand runic array which was

made up of a cluster of 777 trees separated into 7 different

He went to the center of the cluster of trees where a large grey

slab of stone was kept. It was lled with runes carved into it.

Just completing this single slab of stone must have taken one of
his students weeks if not month.

He did a little check up to make sure that all the runes were
carved correctly and once he was sure that everything was
working together, he put his hand on the slab of stone and
channeled his magic.

The runes carved around the 7,777 all around his lands glowed
for a moment before going back to normal.
He stepped back and felt the ambient magic ow change in the

It was a really subtle change and not really noticeable right now
but once Winter arrives, the power generated by all these
thousands of trees would be used to drive away the snow and
cold from his realm.

Now the only thing that he needed to do was put the central
cluster of trees under Fidelius charm.

He knew that people in the North respected Heart trees a great

deal and won’t play around with them but that was no reason to
get sloppy.

The lives of hundreds of people would fall upon this array in the
Winter after all.

Chapter 461


She and Ygritte sat side by side near the riverbank and looked at
the bustling village in the distance.
Her gaze ickered toward the long rows of elds lled with
golden wheat and the farmers harvesting it with the help of their
buffaloes and Frost steel plough.

Considering that she had lived in a Khalasar before this where

steel arakhs of good quality was very important for each and
every warrior, she found it shocking that a simple farmer here
could have so much steel.

She had been to many cities since she was a child. Mostly so
that they could run away from the assassins sent for them by the
Usurper but travelling so much at a young age gave her a good
idea about the living conditions of the average people in the Free

And based on that knowledge, she was sure that the lives of the
average person in the Bolton lands was far more luxurious and
easy compared to the life of an average man in the Free Cities.
And she was not even including the slaves in that equation.

“Domeric said that he would stop the winter from affecting his
lands.” She said as she looked at Ygritte whose one eye was
white because of controlling the Wyvern that was still ying
over their heads.

Ygritte was becoming progressively better at communicating

with others and controlling the Wyvern at the same time.
Ygritte turned to her and nodded “He did say that.”

Well… “Do you believe he can do it?” she asked.

Ygritte shrugged “I’ve seen him done some pretty incredible

things. If he says that he is about to do something, then he
generally doesn’t fail. And as hard as it might be to stop the
Winter, with the power of all those Heart Trees he’d been
planting, I think he can do it.”

She looked back at the golden elds across the river and thought
about the amount of power it must take to control weather across
such a large area.

“The lives of people in these lands are very good.” She said.

Ygritte looked at her with her one eye and gave a small smile “It
is isn’t it. Domeric is rather proud of his accomplishment. He
does love his people quite a lot. He even refers them as his
children, as strange as some people might nd it.” Ygritte said
and skipped a stone on the river surface “His aunt told me that
when he rst became a lord at the age of 7, the Bolton lands
were like any other land in the North. The peasants were poor.
Their farms small. There used to be none of the Concrete roads
that you see everywhere nowadays. There was no Winterhold
city. Not Bolton Port. No Bolton Fleet.”
She took in Ygritte’s words for a moment and then thought
about the state of the Bolton lands these days.

It was hard to believe that a single man, no, a single boy was
able to not only rule well in his capacity as a lord but took his
lands to the height of prosperity.

“Domeric told me that he plans to remove slavery from Essos.”

She said all of a sudden.

Ygritte shrugged “He doesn’t like slavery. I didn’t knew that he

plans to remove it but I guess if there’s anyone who is capable of
removing it then it’s him. But we have to survive the Long Night
rst.” Ygritte said with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

“You’re afraid of it.”

“Of course I’m afraid of it.” Ygritte scoffed “There are days
when I lay in my bed and think about what would I be doing if
Domeric had not come to the North. If he had not talked with
Mance Rayder and had not decided to save us. I wonder if we
would still be ghting against the crows. Or if the White
Walkers would have turned us into wights.”

She remembered the wights that Domeric had shown her in that
underground lab of his and shuddered.

“I would help him.” She said.

Ygritte glanced at her and raised an eyebrow.

“I’m saying that I would help him. In the Long Night and when
he eventually ghts for the freedom of the slaves.” She said “In
fact, I would have fought beside him even if I was not going to
marry him in the near future. I don’t like slavery either. And I
don’t think any sane and reasonable person can ignore the
threats that these White Walkers can present.”

She once again thought about the White Walker that Domeric
had kept in the Underground prison for experiments and

Ygritte scooted closer to her and pulled her in a hug.

“We’ll be alright. We’ve already kill our fair share of White

Walkers and wights by now. And Domeric is working on
weapons that would allow even normal people to kill them. I
would not be surprised if he’s able to create a counter for all
their abilities before the Long Night begins.”

She simply nodded and leaned back on the older girl who was
going to become her sister wife in the near future.
Chapter 462


Next day

“Easy. That’s it. Now… how do you feel.” He asked a naked

Daenerys who put a hand on her womb and then turned to look
at the other girl who was sleeping on yet another bed beside her.

“I… it’s weird. I feel as if something that had been sucking my

blood had been removed from my body.” Daenerys said before
she pushed herself and pulled him into a hug.

“Thank you. Thank you so much Domeric. You have no idea

how much this means to me.” She said and sniffed a few times
before he got the clue and pulled her in a hug as well.

Her soft breast pressed against his chest and his hands wrapped
around her naked waist had the inevitable result of waking up
the mini him.

Daenerys felt it poking in her stomach and chuckled as she

stepped back and gave him a look which basically said ‘Really?’

He shrugged and gave her a once over “You’re a pretty beautiful

woman. And one who’s going to be my wife either way.” He
smiled as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her soft and
plump lips. He was surprised when she didn’t put up even the
slightest bit of resistance and kissed him back.

They separated and Daenerys looked at the tent in his pant.

She hesitated for a moment before she spoke “I… don’t want to
have sex just yet. But I can take care of it for you if that’s what
you want.”

He hummed and caressed her soft and tantalizing lips with his
thumb “I don’t think I would mind seeing your pretty little
mouth lled with my cock.”

Daenerys shivered under his touch before she took his hand and
pulled it away from her and looked at the other naked girl in the

“Will she be…”

“Alright? Yes. The blood curse won’t harm her aside from
taking away her ability to give birth.”

“It doesn’t feel fair.” Daenerys said.

He shrugged “The girl was a slave in Astapor. And a whore. She

already has two babies who she has no way to take care of. I’ve
promised her a good pay for the rest of her life, a good house
and possibly a good match for her husband. I think she has
gained more than enough from this deal.”

Daenerys hesitantly nodded before he forced her to kneel in

front of him and went down to sit on the bed.

“You can mope later about her. For now. Suck my cock.” He
said and took out his cock from his breeches and slapped it on
Daenerys’ cheek.

Daenerys looked a little shocked by the sudden change of events

but just as soon as she opened her mouth to speak, he put his
cock between her lips and thrust inside.

It reached the back of her throat and Daenerys chocked and

quickly pulled away from him.

She gagged a few times and gave him a glare.

He just gave her an unrepentant grin “Forgot about your gag

re ex. Sorry about that.”

Daenerys grumbled about ‘being not sorry at all’ and slowly

approached his cock once again.

She slowly took it in her hands and started gently massaging it.

“A little harder slut.”

Daenerys gave him an offended look and he took her chin and
gave her a lecherous look “You got something to say to me you
dirty whore.”

Daenerys looked even more offended now and he sighed.

“Alright. No dirty talk for now.” He said and gently carcassed

her cheeks as she nodded and went back to it.

They were at it for quite a while before Ygritte came in and was
able to take Daenerys’ place.

Chapter 463

The night of his marriage with Ygritte, the sky was clear and
lled with stars.

He, his family, his inner circle, his outer circle and then a few
other people were present for the ceremony.

Altogether, there were not even 30 people in the clearing. Just

the way he liked it.
“You okay my lord?” Varko asked and he nodded.

“Yeah. Just a little nervous you know. First time doing this and

His words might seem like a jape to others but he was secretly
referring to the fact that he had not married anyone in his past
life either.

He would have married Ginny but… no point thinking about it

any longer.

The godswood of the castle was lled with torches. Mostly to

make the place look beautiful but also to illuminate it.

“Let’s get going my lord.” Varko said and he nodded.

Both of them went to the sacred Heart tree that had been in this
castle for several generations.

If the old gods were really a thing and not just the collective
consciousness that he often felt from within the Heart trees then
they would also be the witness of this marriage today.

The guests were separated into two lines, both standing to the
left and right, making a clear path for him and Ygritte.

Feeling his heart beat a little faster, he stood facing the people.
“You look nice.” His aunt said as she run her hand through the
large cloak on his back which held the sigil of his house.

This ceremony was performed by the elder man of the family

but he didn’t have any family and he only ever saw his aunt as
his relative so she was here to perform the ceremony.

This was a little break of the traditions but no one was


Not feeling like saying anything, he simply nodded.

He was not wearing any glamour this time so his golden-

platinum hair was visible to everyone.

He could see Sansa and Arya look at his real form with
confusion. As if not understanding why he had bright purple
eyes and such exotic hair.

He had no doubt that they would be writing about this to their

families soon enough. But he had already grown too strong to
care at this point.

“Domeric.” His aunt said and he turned to face her.

“Despite what I might have said earlier, I’m glad that you’re
being married to Ygritte.” His aunt said “I know she is not form
a noble family like I would have preferred but she is a good girl.
I know that you both love each other… that’s more that can be
said for most of the married couples in Westeros. I wish you
luck and good fortune for your marriage life.”

He could see a thin sheen of tears forming in her eyes that she
quickly wiped away and smiled at him.

He smiled back.

The chattering going around stopped and he looked forward and

noticed some movement behind the lines.

A few seconds later, Ygritte, wearing a beautiful white dress that

owed behind her came into the clearing with Mance Rayder.

And Merlin! She was a vision.

She shouldn’t have looked beautiful to him. Mostly because he

had already seen her in that dress a few times. Hell, he was the
one who created the modern marriage white gown for her in the
rst place.

But… the way she had done her silver hair, the way she was
giving him an excited yet slightly nervous glance and the
solemnity in air. It all meshed together to once again make him
realize that he was marrying the most beautiful woman in the
whole world.
As for Mance Rayder… well, just like him, she was an orphan
as well.

No parents or close family so she had chosen the former King-

beyond-the-wall, the person who gathered their tribes, the
person who was the main reason why she was here and not still
wondering in the true North.

Mance Rayder had gladly accepted the role in place of her father
and now here they were.

He licked his lips and gulped as Ygritte nally came toward

him, her head slightly bowed as she gave him a shy and excited

Shy? Ygritte never did shy. But gods, when she did, she looked
so vulnerable and delicious that he was sure that he was already
growing impatient to pick her up and get to their honeymoon
place for the fun part for the marriage night.

There was silence in the clearing as both he and Ygritte

continued to look at each other.

And Merlin be damned, he felt like a teenager with no control of

his hormones right now. And he didn’t want to use Occlumency
and dampen his emotions.
He wanted this moment to be special. He wanted it to be
something that can be remembered for a long time after this.

Then his aunt cleared her throat, breaking the spell and gaining
both of their attention.

She gave him a warm look and started the ceremony.

Chatper 464


As soon as the marriage ended, she walked toward Lady

Barbrey Dustin, Arya following behind her in silence.

She still remembered the moment when Domeric entered the

clearing. And the moment when the sorrow she was feeling at
seeing the man she loved getting married with another woman
was replaced was confusion as he looked nothing like she had

His hair was not the usual black. It was golden with hints of
platinum in within.
And his eyes… gods. They were purple and she almost felt that
they were glowing in the night sky.

His cheeks were more de ned and had an aristocratic look to it.
As if he was born to rule.

She did not understand what was going on.

What happened to Domeric? Why did he looked so different

from usual?

She looked around and noticed that aside from a few others,
most of the people in the clearing took this as normal. As if
nothing special was going on.

Had they known about this?

Why was she not told about this? About the fact that Domeric
looked less like a Northerner and more like a Valyrian prince.

Why was this hidden from her? Did Domeric not trust her?

Her sts clenched at the sting of the betrayal and her stomach
clenched as various emotions ran through her mind.

The fact that Arya didn’t know about any of this was a
If she was the only one in the whole clearing who had no idea
about what was going on, then she didn’t knew how she would
have taken this.

She walked up to Lady Barbrey who had not moved from her
position in front of the Heart tree and stopped a few feet away
from her.

“Lady Barbrey.” She said in greeting.

The woman didn’t even look at her.

“You have questions I presume?”

“Yes. We do.” It was Arya who replied this time. And she was
looking pissed.

Lady Barbrey looked at Arya, the disgusted expression that she

had whenever Domeric’s aunt looked at her was distinctly
absent when she looked at Arya, to be replaced by genuinely
apologetic look.

“Ask Lyra.” Lady Barbrey said “She has all the answers you
seek.” Then she walked away.

Arya moved to chase after Lady Barbrey but she stopped her.
Arya looked at her with a frown and she met her gaze without
any fear. For a long moment, there was a silent staring contest of
wills between the two of them before Arya simply rolled her
eyes and she knew that she had won.

She lead the way to Lyra who had been standing in her place
even as everyone else left the godswood.

Lyra looked at them with a smile as they walked toward her.

“I believe that you have questions Lady Sansa?” Lyra asked and
she nodded.

“Good. Follow me then.” Lyra said and they did.

Lyra took them to the castle and to her own room.

She had never seen Lyra’s room before and would have been
interested in it if not for the present circumstances.

Lyra pointed her and Arya to a pair of chairs and then went to a
cabinet and took out a bottle of wine and three beautiful and
intricately carved glasses.

Chapter 465
“Myrish wine.” Lyra said as she handed them the cups and
poured the wine in them “A bit sweet for my tastes but it seems
perfect for such a sour occasion.” Lyra said with a sad smile and
poured some wine in her own cup.

It was only now that she remembered that Lyra was also striving
for Lord Bolton’s affection.

She was not sure if Lyra loved him as deeply as she did but
regardless, the ceremony couldn’t have been pleasant for her

Lyra sat on a chair and took a sip from the glass before looking
at them “You want to know why Lord Bolton had Valyrian
features. You want to know why others didn’t seem surprised at
this revelation? You’re probably also feeling betrayed that this
was hidden from you. And… you both are jealous of Ygritte, the
most beautiful woman in Westeros.”

She opened her mouth to speak but Lyra cut her off.

“I know. I know. Not need for justi cations. I’m jealous of

Ygritte as well.” Lyra said and took another sip from the glass
“Gods I’m feeling pissed right now. Here. Just take it.”
Lyra took out an envelop from within her blouse, making Arya
and her blush a little and passed the envelops to both of them.

“What is this?” Arya asked as she tore the envelop and took out
the letter from inside it.

“Letter from Lord Bolton.” Lyra replied, looking a little pissed

as she noticed that Arya was not drinking with her.

“Don’t read it here girl!” Lyra snapped at Arya who was trying
to read the letter in the dim candle light.

Arya ignored Lyra and continued to read the letter while Lyra
simply sighed and took another sip from the glass.

“If you ignore me once again girl then I’ll tell everyone about
your little crush on Lord Bolton.”

“What!/What?” Arya yelped and she shouted.

Arya looked indignant and a little embarrassed while she herself

was feeling pissed and more than a little betrayed.

As if she didn’t have enough competition already.

Lyra looked at their reactions and laughed “Oh… aren’t you two
little ducklings cute.” Then Lyra’s smirk looked a little predatory
as she cupped Ayra’s chin “I wonder… would you spread your
legs for him little duckling, if he asked for it.”

Arya frowned and pushed her hands away but complied to

Lyra’s requests and put the letter back in the envelop.

“May I ask what’s in the letter?” she said.

Lyra shrugged “I don’t know. My lord gave me the letters in

con dence and I’m not going to betray his trust by peeking
inside it.”

She didn’t believe Lyra for a second but didn’t let it show in her

“If there is nothing else then. I would like to go to my room and

read this letter.” She said.

Lyra nodded and poured another glass for herself “Arya can go.
You’ll stay and drink with me.”

Ayra gave an indignant shout “Why do I have to go?”

“Because you, my little duckling are still too young to drink

with me.” Lyra said with a smug smile, her cheeks getting a little
red from the wine “Shoo now. Go back to your crib. Or
wherever you sleep”
Arya gave the older woman a stink eye before she intentionally
dropped the glass from the table, making it shatter on the oor.

“Oops.” Arya said with a vindictive smile and she felt a little
smile tug on her own face as Arya took her letter and left the

The door closed and Lyra sighed “That little minx. That glass
was from my favourite set.” Lyra pouted and started picking up
the pieced one by one.

When she bent down to help, Lyra took her hand and stopped
her “Not you. You sit down and read whatever that man wrote to

She nodded and sat down on her chair before opening the
envelop and taking out the letter.

Dear Sansa,

I cannot imagine what you must be feeling right now. Angry.


I would not be surprised if you decide to punch me on the face

the next time we met.
Before you do or decide to burn this letter. Let me apologize to
you from the bottom of your heart for the deception.

Let me also make it clear to you that I did not enjoy hiding my
true appearance. But it is something that I needed to hide from
the world for obvious reasons.

And yes. That is what I truly look like. No, I did not always look
like this.

People know me for my expedition North of the Wall and for the
war against the Lannisters. What people don’t know is that I’ve
also been to Valyria. Yes, the true Valyrian empire. Not just the
smoky sea around it. I would like if you don’t tell about this to
other people (including your family) but I would not hold it
against you if you do.

I found something in Valyria that allowed me to change my

bloodline and become the rst Northern Valyrian lord. Which is
why me and Ygritte now look like this.

If I did revealed myself to others, they might have thought that I

was trying to steal Jon’s throne. They would probably still think
so even if I have no such intentions.

But I’m tired of hiding and will stop doing so from now on.
Also, please do not blame the others in my inner circle who hid
this from you. They did it at my request.

- Domeric Bolton

She closed the letter and took a deep breath.

“Here” Lyra said, giving her a glass which she accepted “What
does the letter said?” Lyra asked.

She shrugged and gave her the letter, wondering if Arya received
a similar letter. And if she should tell her father about this or not.

Chapter 466


He woke up the next day and felt Ygritte’s naked body pressed
against his own.

He opened his eyes and felt a warm smile come on his face.

Well… this was it. He was a married man now. And married for
life judging by how there was no concept of divorce in this
He wrapped his arm around Ygritte and pulled her closer to

She mumbled something in her sleep and he smiled once again.

Yup. He was totally in love with her.

He removed her silver hair and kissed her forehead.

He missed her red hair some times. Silver hair was good as a
novelty but it became bland really fast. Maybe he had a thing for

Ygritte moved in her sleep and rubbed her thigh against his
cock, getting a slight twitch from it.

Having an enhanced and highly magical body meant that even

after fucking for 3 hours continuously last night, instead of
feeling exhausted and empty, he felt invigorated and ready to go.

She rubbed her thigh against he semi hardened cock once again
and he wondered if she was doing it on purpose and was
pretending to sleep.

He turned her around and she complied, turning around without

any problem.

Yup. De nitely pretending to sleep.

Her thighs and cunt were still smeared with the juices he
pumped inside her last night.

And while he loved to come inside her back then, he didn’t like
it right now.

A simple spell removed all the dried semen from her and the

Another spell lubricated his cock.

He took hold of not of her arse cheeks and lined himself with
her lips.

Then he thought something else and removed his cock from

around her bottom lips and lined it against her rosebud instead.

Another magical spell and arsehole was cleared. A second one

and she was lubricated as well.

He put the cock of his head against her rosebud and slowly

Ygritte grunted and her eyes ew open.

She turned her head and looked at him with an expressionless

He felt the urge to use legilimency on her to nd out what she
was thinking. But nah… he was not going to break his rules for
something like this.

He looked back at her, both their eyes only a few inches away
from each other and he gave a slight push and his cockhead
popped inside.

Ygritte grimaced but didn’t move away.

He pushed his forehead against her, not breaking eye contact and
then grinned. As if to say that yes, he was going to fuck her and
he was going to fuck her in her tight little arsehole.

He pushed forward. Ygritte’s frowned deepened and she tried to

push him away due to the discomfort of having a cock buried in
her arse.

He didn’t let her have any of it and continued to hold onto her.

Then have gave another push and have his cock was now inside

Ygritte whimpered and while a part of him did felt bad for her
and felt like consoling her, another part of him, a part that he
didn’t know about before today rejoiced at making her so
He hadn’t realized that he was a sadist.

No, he did notice this. He did notice himself enjoying her pain
when he rst took her virginity.

Was this because of his Bolton heritage? Because he certainly

wasn’t a sadist in his past life.

He didn’t know and he hoped that he won’t hurt Ygritte after

today just for his own enjoyment.

But today, she was going to be hurt.

No matter how much preparation you do, anal always hurt at


He gave another slow push.

Ygritte inched in his arms and tried to get away but he held her
rmly in his arms and continued to push until he was buried to
the hilt inside her and his front was touching her butt.

Ygritte took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes in pain.

He leaned down and put his lips against her soft ones.
“Thank you for this.” He said in the kiss and felt her nod before
she opened her mouth and let his tongue slip inside.

A few moments into the kiss, he pulled his cock from inside her
and until it was halfway out of her arsehole and then gently
pushed it back inside.

Ygritte’s grip on his hands tightened and he felt her nail dig

That only made him feel more excited and he started railing
down on her after that.

By the time he was done with her, Ygritte couldn’t walk or sit

He supposed it was only fair that he took one of her virginities

on their honeymoon.

Chapter 467

Later that day.

“Sansa.” He said in greeting as he met her in the hallway.

“Lord Bolton. Shouldn’t you be with your ‘wife’.” Despite
trying to restrain it, her voice was bitter. She knew that she was
not in his good books and that bitching about his family
members would only serve to lower his opinion of her but she
couldn’t help it.

He scoffed “Just because we’re married now doesn’t mean that

I’m going to spend every waking moment with her.” He said
“Plus. You’re the one who asked for me in the rst place. So

Sansa nodded “I didn’t expect you to come here so quickly.”

There was an awkard moment of silence between them.

“Lord Bolton. You should know that despite everything, I am

grateful that you’ve allowed me to live here in Dreadfort.”

He nodded, waiting for her to continue.

“With that said… unlike the other members in your small

council, I’ve not done anything signi cant with my time.” She
said “I wish to remedy that.”

“How do you plan on doing that?” he asked, genuinely curious.

“With your permission…” She replied “I would like to work
under Lady Barbrey and learn how to run a Castle.”

“No you don’t.” He smiled “You want to rule the Castle itself.
Like my aunt does in my absence.”

Sansa didn’t show any outward sign of being affected even as

she panicked a little bit at being caught so easily. She licked her
lips and gulped as her heart start to beat faster and a bead of
sweat rolled down her forehead.

“That is true.” She admitted “Lady Barbrey is not young

anymore. And Winterhold is a large city, growing larger
everyday. She might be appreciate having an apprentice.”

“You do realize that my aunt don’t really like you very much.

“I do.” She replied with conviction.

Hmm… being tortured and feeling helpless in Kings Landing

for so long really did change her quite a bit.

He doubted he would have ever seen the naive and innocent

Sansa talk with him about so brazenly about ruling his own
“Running my efdom is not an easy task Sansa. It might give
you power and security but it’s a tedious and thankless job. Are
you absolutely sure you want this?”

Sansa nodded “I don’t want to be a freeloader in you castle

anymore. I know that you would never want a girl who doesn’t
do anything important with her time. This way, I’ll be able to do
my part while getting closer to you.”

“Ambitious aren’t you.” He smiled “Tell me why I shouldn’t

give the role to my wife. After all, it is a precedent that only the
wife of the lord rules the keep. Why should I let someone else
do it when I could have Ygritte do it instead.”

Here Sansa smiled “Because in many ways, your wife is like my

sister. If you ask her to wear a dress and act like a lady then
she’s more likely to resent you than be grateful for the

“Perhaps. But you’re still a Stark. The only reason I gave my

aunt so much power over my lands was because she was my
blood, because she has already sacri ced a lot for me and
because I trust her unconditionally. Why should I give that post
to you?”

Sansa stepped forward and took his hands from his side. She
kissed her ngers and looked at him with love and reverence
that was genuine. She put her hand on his chest and stepped
another half step forward, closing the distance between them.

“Because I love you.” She said.

There was a moment of silence and he contemplated stepping

back. But while he might not love her and didn’t want to return
her feeling, he didn’t want to make her feel like shit either.

She just confessed her love to him and him doing that might be
akin to Robert fucking Cersei for the rst time and taking
Lyanna’s name.

“I do not doubt that.” He said in the end “Nor do I doubt your

devotion. But the fact of the matter is that love is like a plant
Sansa. If not properly watered from time to time, then it’ll
wither and die. And I’m a married man so I’ll probably never
return your feelings.” He signed “Your love for me is not
enough for me you to give you the reigns of my lands.”

Sansa’s expression crumbled and he would have hugged the girl

if it wouldn’t have been seen as him returning her feelings.

“But with that said. You’re right. My aunt is getting older by the
day and I don’t want her to continue this thankless job till the
end of her life.” He said “And while I might not have feelings
for you Sansa, I do trust you to a large extent. Which I why I
would allow you to have this opportunity.”
A smile quickly blossomed on Sansa’s face as he sat down on
the chair and started writing a letter of recommendation to his
aunt for a Personal Assistant.

He nished the letter, stamped the envelop with his seal and
handed it over to her.

“I would wish you luck in this endeavor Sansa but I already

know that you’ll do well.” He said “Regardless. Good luck with
this. I doubt that working with my aunt will be easy for you. But
once you get past your initial hostilities, you’ll do well.”

Sansa took the envelop and gave him a short bow.

“I’ll do my best to not fail you my lord.”

He gave her a nod and left the room.

Chapter 468

He and Tyrion once again sat on top of the walls. By now it had
become a bit of a tradition for them to sit here, looking at the
whole city and talk about things.
Except this time they were not looking at the city. They were
looking at the large number of tents outside the city.

“You’ll be glad to know that more than half of the men, women
and children that Admiral Muron brought with him from Astapur
have already found work related to their craft.” Tyrion said as he
sipped the coffee from his glass, not drinking his wine in favor
of trying a new beverage for once.

“How did you manage to get them work so quickly?” he asked

curiously. After all, providing work for tens of thousands of
people was no easy task.

“You gave me advance notice about them months ago. The only
reason that half of them still don’t have work is because most of
my attention is being diverted toward the work on the Castles
along the Wall.” Tyrion said “With that said, the in ux of so
many people who know their craft has turned out to be very
bene cial for our economy. Or well… not ‘very’ considering
how large the economy of your efdom is but yes. Bringing
them here and giving them freedom and work was de nitely one
of the smartest decision Admiral Muron ever made.”

He nodded, not really caring that Muron got the credit for this.

“What of the ships Muron brought with him?”

“Most of them are being repaired and refurbished. We also need
to change the sails for over 450 ships which you can imagine is
not really a fast process even without our resources.” Tyrion said
as he swiveled the coffee in his glass like it was wine before he
nished it off “Mmm… good beverage this. Coffee hmm…
How was it made once again?”

“From the crushed coffee beans that we imported from Summer

Islands.” He said “Or at least that we used to import. Now we
just plant them in our glasshouses.”


“Convenient indeed. But you didn’t nish telling me about the


“Oh yeah. Most of the ships are under repair. But the ones that
are in good condition and could be put to use have already been
given a new crew and captain. Finding capable and trustworthy
crew for so many ships is going to be hard but we’ll manage.”
Tyrion said and he nodded.

There was a moment of silence between them before he stood up

and looked at Tyrion.

“The next two or three years of our lives are going to be crucial
for us Tyrion. The preparation we do in these years will decide
whether we’ll survive the Long Night or not.”
Tyrion shot him a grim look. “I know that.”

“Good.” He replied. “I’ll leave it to you then Tyrion. See you


Tyrion gave a curt nod and he disapparated back to Dreadfort.

Chapter 469

“I respectfully decline my lord.” Ser Barristan said in a rm

voice and he felt the urge to roll his eyes.

Really, he should have expected this of Ser Barristan.

For all his choices of serving undeserving kings for so many

years, the man was still honorable and kind hearted.

He looked toward Hound who was looking at the ritual circle

and the 100 captives with a contemplative look.

“This is how you, those two became so good.” Sandor Clegane

snarled “I knew something was wrong with you all the rst time
I saw you ght. No one can be this good. Knew something was
rotten with this whole place. Knew something was wrong with
you. No one is this perfect without having their own twisted
little secrets. What else do you do down here? Eat children.”

He pursed his lips, feeling a little hurt at Clegane’s choice of

words even though a part of him knew that he deserved it.

“No.” He replied curtly “No. I do not eat children. I do not

sacri ce good people. All those people you see in those cages
are as bad as your brother. They’re slavers, pirates, mercenaries.
People who had killed and raped and taken from others their
entire life. I know what I’m doing is wrong. But you must also
know that without the strength I have, me and my sworn shields
would have died at the hands of those White Walkers years ago.”

“Is that what you told those two when you brought them here for
this?” Clegane asked.

“Yes. And if had fought the White Walkers… had felt the
helplessness that comes from being in their presence then you
won’t be questioning my right now.”

“Be that as it may my lord. This… I cannot do this it. I will not
sacri ced 100 people just so I can gain more power for myself.”

He felt the urge to rub his brow. “You know that if you do not
take these enhancements then someone else will. I need people
who can stand up to the White Walkers. And whether you
choose this or not… the ritual will happen. And these people…”
he gestured at the cages “…will not leave this room.”

“Be that as it may my lord. I do not wish to participate in this

ritual.” Ser Barristan said and he nally lost some of his cool.

“You do not want to give your very best when the fate of the
humanity itself is one the line. Are your pride and morals really
that important Ser Barristan?”

Ser Barristan hesitated and he continued “Let’s talk with our

blades instead of our words then.”

“The fuck does that mean?” Sandor Clegane asked.

“Simple. You two and me. We ght. If you win then you’re free
to go. I will not ask you to perform this ritual ever again. But if I
win then you two will do this ritual and do your very best to
ght against the White Walkers.”

“If that is what you want.” Sandor Clegane said and took out his
sword in a smooth motion and swung at him.

He was not ready for the sudden attack but was still easily able
to back away from the attack without any problem.
The next time Clegane swung his sword his own sword was
ready to meet the challenge and a ‘Clang’ sound reverberated in
the large underground room.

Before Clegane could do more, he quickly stepped inside his

guard and shoulder pushed him away. Clegane went tumbling
back and he turned his focus on Ser Barristan who still looked
hesitant about swinging his sword at his own lord.

“Come Ser Barristan. Don’t keep me waiting.” He said and

swung his sword at the former Kingsguard who was forced to
defend himself.

He attacked a few more times until Ser Barristan nally resolved

himself and started ghting back.

He had the upper hand until Clegane got up and joined the ght.

But even if both Clegane and Ser Barristan were some of the
best ghters in Westeros, he was still far better than them in
terms of speed, strength and re exes.

And thanks to his daily training with Varko and Baka, he was far
more skilled than when he rst fought the White Walkers.

He was quick on his feet and maneuvered around them so that

he was only ghting one of them at a time. Making their number
advantage into a disadvantage.
Three minutes later, both of them were on the oor. Disarmed
and at his mercy.

“I do not want to force you Clegane, Ser Barristan. But this is a

reminder of what we’re about to face in the near future.” He said
“If you cannot even hope to match me, then what chance do you
have of standing up against the White Walkers? Or are you
perhaps going to the Wall under the assumption that this’ll be

They both slowly got up from the oor and unsheathed their
swords, not looking up at him.

Sandor nally spat on the ground and grumbled “Fuck it! Not
like anyone is gonna miss these fuckers.”

“Clegane?” Ser Barristan said with hesitation.

“Oh you can stop with the holier than thou attitude as well.”
Sandor Clegane said “If not for you rescuing Aerys Targaryen
from Duskendale, the realm would have never seen the Mad
King and Robert’s Rebellion would have never happened. This
is your chance to make up for all that you’ve fucked up.”

Ser Barristan closed his eyes and slumped “Very well then. I will
accept these… enhancements of your Lord Bolton.”
“Good.” He nodded “Follow me.”

Chapter 470

He and Ygritte sat on the front garden of their newly constructed

house in the Lonely hills and watched Daenerys feed her

“Dracarys.” Dany said to her largest dragon who was still only
the size of a cat and the dragon let out a small bout of ame at
the small piece of meat on the ground. Once the meat was
thoroughly cooked, Drogon picked up the cooked meat and
gobbled it up in one go.

Daenerys smiled and went to feed her other two baby dragons as

He heard Ygritte sigh in content as she leaned on his chest and

looked at Dany’s dragons.

“They’re not growing as fast as your dragon. Or even mine.”

Ygritte said as she shifted on his lap to make herself more
“That is understandable.” He nodded “But even without the
rituals that I performed on our dragons, her dragons are still
growing at a rapid pace.”

Ygritte gave him a skeptical look and he chuckled.

“It’s true. It might not look like they’re growing too fast when
compared to our dragons but her dragons are growing much
faster than the dragon growth that has been documented in the
books from Valyria.” He said “Usually a dragon takes a whole
decade or more to grow to the point where it would be able to
support the weight of it’s rider. But at the speed with which
Dany’s dragons are growing, I can see her riding her dragons
within 2 to 3 years. Though considering that she’s not bonded
with her dragons, I’m not sure how much control she’ll have
over them.”

“You think her dragons will run away from home?” Ygritte
asked, a small frown on her face.

Her shook his head and place a tentative kiss on her neck. “I
doubt that.” He said “Even if they might not bond with Dany,
they’re still her dragons. Plus, Acnologia is here and he’ll keep
them under control if they try to rebel or do something foolish so
we don’t need to worry about them.”

Ygritte nodded and moved her head to give him better access to
her neck. He trailed soft kisses on her neck, feeling her shudder
in his lap. His left hand trailed down her waist and to her arse
while his right came up and caressed her nipples from over the

She sucked in a breath and he smirked before he stopped his

adminstrations and leaned back on his large and comfortable
trans gured chair.

Ygritte pouted at him but didn’t ask him to continued. Instead,

she put her head on his shoulder and massaged his chest with her

“Did you nish the Body Enhancement ritual with the Hound
and the old knight?”

“Yeah.” He nodded “The two were being stubborn about it.

Mostly because they did not take the ‘human sacri ce’ part of
the ritual very well. So I had to beat some common sense into
them before they nally accepted.”

Ygritte chuckled at his words “Do you think you’ll stay here for
a while then?” she asked as she leaned back to look at him “This
was supposed to be our time together but you keep leaving me
alone everyday to go and do something else.”

He gave her an apologetic smile and pulled her closer to him so

he could plant a kiss on her forehead.
“Sorry about that. But I cannot afford to half ass our
preparations for the Long Night.” He said.

Ygritte nodded. She didn’t look very happy but accepted his

Before she could say anything else, Daenerys came and sat on a
chair beside them. Her dragons walked up to her and sat down
on the shade of her chair and promptly fell asleep.

He chuckled.

No matter how fast or slow they maybe growing up. They were
still babies and needed their rest.

Chapter 471

“What are you two talking about?” Daeneys asked curiously,

much more comfortable with them than she’d been all those
weeks ago when they met for the rst time.

“Just talking about how Domeric would spend more time with
his job than with his wife.” Ygritte said in a haughty and
irritated voice but her smile gave her away.

Dany raised an eyebrow and glanced at him “Is this the kind of
treatment that would have to expect from you when we marry?”
“You don’t seem very averse to the idea of me marrying you.”
He pointed out.

Dany looked in the distance with a bitter smile “I… loved my

husband. That was true. But it was also true that the love was
born out of chains. The reason I fell in love with him was
because if I didn’t then I wouldn’t have survived that life.” They
were all silent for a long moment before Dany continued “I…
still haven’t gotten over him. Not truly. And I wish I had my
child with him. But we learn to play with the cards we’re dealt.
And I would say that this time I’m dealt a fairly good card.” She
nished with a saucy wink in his direction.

He chucked and levitated her chair toward him, making her yelp
in surprise and put an arm around him as well.

Dany looked a little surprised at the gesture but then she just
sighed and leaned into him as well.

They stayed like that for a while, just enjoying the soft breeze,
the gentle rays of the sun and the greate scenery of the hills
below them from their vantage point before he nally spoke
“Just so you know, I won’t be able to stay here for much longer.”

“And where are you going this time?” Ygritte asked in an

annoyed voice.
“Back to Dreadfort.” He replied “I have a meeting with Lord
Rickard’s son Harrian Karstark.”

“Mingling with your neighbours?” Dany asked.

He shook his head “No. It’s more of a business meeting than


They both gazed at him curiously and he continued “The three

paper mills I’ve created are not enough to supply the paper for
my population. Because of that the price of paper has risen in
the market once again. I do not want such a thing to happen. I
want paper and books to be as cheap as possible.”

“Wouldn’t you earn less if you sell your products for cheap?”
Dany asked.

“Perhaps. But this is not about money. I want to supply paper to

my people so that they can become more literate. A literate
population has more choices for a job than an illiterate and
ignorant one. A literate person also takes more initiative and that
is what I want right now. People who can create initiatives on
their own and solve problems for my efdom.”

“Is that why you’re so adamant that I learn my history, numbers

and all those other things? So I can be more useful to you?” Dan
asked with a smirk.
“No. But I take education very seriously and wouldn’t marry
someone who isn’t decently educated at least.” He said and
could see Ygritte rolling her eyes at Dany while pointing at him.

“How would talking with Harrian Karstark solve your

problems? I don’t think they have the paper you want.” Dany

“They don’t.” He said “But they have timber. Lots and lots of
timber that I would be glad to take from their hands.”

“Don’t you buy wood from the Hornwoods already?” Ygritte


“I do. But it’s not wise to buy all my timber from one source. If
relation between us and the Hornwoods ever deteriorate then
they might try to raise it’s price or stop sending their products
altogether. For that reason, I am going to buy the timber from
the Karstarks as well. Lots and lots of timber.”

“How much is ‘lots of timber’?” Dany asked.

“Enough for 100 paper mills.” He replied and enjoyed the

confused looks on their faces. “No I’m not building 100 paper
mills. Only 10 in fact…”

“Only ten he says.” Ygritte rolled her eyes and Dany chuckled.
“Yes. I’m building 10 new paper mills on the other side of the
river.” He said “The rest of the timber would be cut into small
pieces and left to dry before being stored up. It will essentially
be the fuel used to keep us warm during Winter.”

Chapter 472

“Didn’t you say winter won’t come to your lands?” Ygritte

asked with a frown.

“I said that the snow won’t fall. The temperature will still go
down by a fair bit. Not enough for people to die because of it but
enough to make them cold and uncomfortable. The timber is for
the residents of Winterhold during the Long Night.” He said
“And the 10 paper mills of course.”

“I know you said that you’re not doing this for money. But
won’t be fall into loss if you sell paper so cheaply?” Dany asked
“I mean… I know that you have millions upon millions of gold
coins lying in your vaults but making losses in your business
doesn’t seem very wise to me.”

Hr smirked “Who said I’m going to make a loss?” Dany raised

an eyebrow and he continued “I will sell the paper at a dirt
cheap price, yes. But not so cheap that I’ll start making a loss.
It’s just that the paper mills have brought down the cost of
manufacturing paper by such a large degree that I don’t need to
worry about making losses in the rst place. Plus, I’ll only sell
half of the paper in my domain. The other half will be turned
into books thanks to the new and more advanced paper printers
and will then be sent abroad with my eet to be sold at the
various other free cities and the cities in Westeros. I might not
have told you about this but I make more money with my ‘Paper
and book business’ than the Manderlys earn as a whole. And
Manderlys are the second wealthiest house in the North after

Dany looked at him in surprise and he felt a pride swell in his


“Plus, the money I give to the Karstarks will also help them
prepare for the Long Night. So… win win.”

“If only you showed half as much enthusiasm for your wife.”
Ygritte drawled but he could see the smirk on her face as her
hand reached down and under his breeches to grab his cock.

His cock twitched in response to her soft hands and he pulled

her closer to him so that they were face to face.

Dany squirmed in his arms and he looked at him.

She gave an apologetic look and he nodded and allowed her to

“Not joining us?” Ygritte asked with a saucy smile which Dany
returned with a sad one.

“Not today.” Dany replied and went back into the house. Her
dragons woke up and followed after her in tiny steps.

Once Dany was gone Ygritte started stroking his hardening cock
and he closed his eyes in pleasure.

He opened his eyes and looked at Ygritte “Never a dull moment

with you, is there.”

Ygritte shrugged “You learn to make the most with what you
have in the True North.”

He nodded and they proceeded to have another hot and steamy

sex in their garden.

Chapter 473

A few days later

He, Ygritte, Dany and his aunt sat in the seat of honor and
watched as the orator gave an speech about the valor of their
soldiers who died ghting against the Lannisters and Baratheons
in the war.

They were currently sitting in a park he’d build in Winterhold.

The place was packed with people whose family members had
died in the most recent war. The War of the ‘Four Kings’.

“…and for the valor of our brave brothers, sons and fathers who
died in their line of duty, Lord Bolton has erected this
monument. So that we may never forget their noble sacri ce and
could always remember them in our hearts.” He said and the
guards pulled the drapes to reveal the 20 feet tall marble
Monolith sitting on top of a large pedestal with the names of all
those who had died in his service.

He had to create the monolith on his own as they were a little

short on time. And carving the names of so many people with
magic had de nitely not been fun but these people had fought
and died for him and this was the least he could do for them.

He had selected this place for erecting the Monolith because of

it’s large space. And because he knew that he would adding
more of such monoliths for the soldiers who’ll die in the war
against the White Walkers in the upcoming future.
“Is all this pompous ceremony really necessary?” General Bronn
asked from his seat on the lower rows.

“Do you think Lord Bolton would do it if it was unnecessary?”

General Karsi asked from beside him.

“Indeed.” He smiled “Unlike the other lords, I want my people

to know that I own’t be using their family members in my war
and then forget their sacri ce. This ceremony and this monolith
is a way for me to give me respect to the dead and to remind the
people that the sacri ce of their family members won’t be

There was also the fact that the family members of the dead
soldiers would receive their monetary compensations on the

Lyra had informed him that a lot of people were still sceptical
over the fact that he was going to pay pensions and monetary for
the retired and dead soldiers.

Giving out the gold to the family members in the public was his
way of showing the people that he was someone who lives up to
his promises.

Such a thing would boost the morale of his soldiers and make
them content to know that even if they died ghting against the
White Walkers in the Wall, their family will be well
compensated for their loss.

He was also holding another ceremony after this. A ceremony in

which he would give awards in the form of medals and gold to
the soldiers who did something amazing in the war. (He was also
receiving a medal for his role as the Chief strategist of the army
and for leading his men from the front in the various battles.)

A thing like this was totally unprecedented in this medieval

world where the lords used their levies to ght their war and
then forgot about them as soon as the war ended.

The orator nished his speech to a loud round of applause and

he got up from his chair to play his role in this ceremony.

Which was to give the gold to each and every family member
one by one in the stage.

The whole task was going to be long, repetitive and tedious but
it was his way to show his people that he cared.

Chapter 474
Missandei brought another stack of papers for him to sign and
he groaned.

“Really Missandei. Where do you keep bringing so many papers


Missandei smiled and opened her mouth to answer but he cut

her off with a smile and a wave of his hand “You don’t need to
answer that. It was just a rhetorical question.” After all, despite
all the delegations, he was still the lord of his domain and there
were things that only he could make a decision on.

He let out a yawn and leaned back on his chair “Tell me

Missandei, how are you liking Winterhold and Dreadfort?”

Missandei gave him a genuine smile “It is very nice here. The
people are very kind to me. The food is very good. And you’re
even paying me now.”

“You’re one of my most talented translator. And now my

personal assistant. And even without all those things, you’ve a
good mind and are wise beyond your years.” He said “I would
be a fool to not pay you and keep you close even if only for your

He even as he said that, he knew that the best thing she liked
about this place was the ‘peace and harmony’ even if she found
it a bit cold for her tastes.
Missandei looked down “This one is not deserving of such

He rolled his eyes even as he felt a bit bad at her long years of
conditioning as a slave. It was not like he could expect her to
change her whole mindset in such a small time.

“You said that you lived in Naath before this, right?” at

Missandei’s nodded he said “Would you tell me about it?”

So Missandei did.

For the next ten minutes, she told him about the island of Naath,
the Summer Sea surrounding their Island. The many kinds of
butter ies that can be found in their island. The peaceful nature
of their people. The one god they followed known as the Lord of
Harmony and the ‘Butter y fever’, a horri c plague that killed
anyone who tried to conquer Naath.

The Butter y fever was the only reason why the Naathi were
able to maintain their paci sm and were not wiped out by others
for so long.

“It sounds like a beautiful place.” He said in th end.

And it was. Butter ies in and of itself were beautiful. And from
what he heard, the place was lled with thousands of butter ies
of each kind.

It was a pity that he would never take Ygritte there for a


He was not sure if his magical potions could solve Butter y

fever but he would rather not take the chance.

“Would you like to go back there?” he asked curiously.

Because as much as he liked the girl and valued her wisdom and
council, she had been slave for too long and he would rather not
keep her here against her wishes.

Missandei shook her head. “In Naath, I would never feel safe. I
would always be afraid of the slavers taking me away once
again. I feel safe here. I don’t want to go back there. I want to
stay here.”

She was sincere in her words so he nodded.

He didn’t enjoy going through the mind of his subordinates.

Especially those who were loyal to him. But he had learned that
it was better to take precautions than suffer the consequences.
“Come. Sit with me Missandei.” He said and levitated a chair to
his side.

Being his personal secretary and someone that he trusted, she

obviously knew about his magic and didn’t question his liberal
use of it in his day to day work.

He picked up the rst paper from the stack and read through it.

It was an application letter written by some of his rune carvers

asking him for more steel armor and weapons so that they can
draw runes upon them and earn more gold that way.

“What do you think of this letter Missandei? Give me your

thoughts” he asked her as he gave her the letter.

Missandei went through it carefully and then put it back on the

desk. She turned to him and said “I think you should give more
armors and weapons to them my lord.”

“You can call me Domeric when no one is around. But do

continue. Why do you think I should grant their request?”

“Because of the long night.” Missandei said and bit her lips
“You yourself said that you needed all the advantage you can get
against the White Walkers. And you’re not lacking in gold. So
wouldn’t it be better to get more magical armors while you have
the time?”
“Indeed. And I do have the gold for it. But my gold is not
in nite. And I do need it for the rest of the Long Night during
which the trade will understandably slow down. Knowing this,
would you still council me to give them what they want?”

Messandei hesitated for a moment before she nodded “This one

thinks that gold is not as important as the lives of your men.
Especially because if we lost this war then it would mean the
end of Westeros.” She said “ Knowing that, this one still think
you should agree to this.”

He hummed and shook his head. “No.”

“No?” she asked, looking surprised and a little hurt even though
she hid it quickly enough.

“No. Your idea has merit. And I am going to give them more
weapons and armor to draw runes upon. But not like this.” He
said and stamped a ‘rejected’ on the letter.

“This one doesn’t understand.”

He nodded “So far, the rune carvers have been divided. Working
on their own separate projects in different parts of my domain.
Mostly because I myself had sent them there so that they could
plant the werewood trees and draw the runes that would allow
those saplings to grow into trees with months if not weeks.” He
said “But since the grand weather control array has been
completed, I don’t require them to be running around. I want to
build a separate building for a them. A place where they would
all work together and be held accountable for all their work. As
it is now, the possibility that someone else will abduct them or
the fact that they may try to smuggle out some items is too

“Ahh…” she exclaimed in understanding “You want them to be

like the Glass guild.”

“Indeed.” He smiled. He didn’t tell her that the building was

constructed by him and was an underground base. Just like the
base for the alchemists.

After all, the Rune Carvers were important commodities for him
and he would not rather lose them because of someone else’s

Once that was done, they move on to the second application and
he spent the rest of the day teaching her about his work and how
he did it.

Because whatever she may have been in the past, she was now
his Personal Assistant. Someone who he would be delegating a
bulk of his work in the future so that he would have more time
for other important things that required his personal touch.
Chapter 475

“Are you still angry Clegane?” he asked as he planted yet

another coconut tree in the temporal glasshouse which had
enough expended space inside it to house a whole mansion.

Clegane gave a snort and spat to the side “Why am I he3? And
the fuck are you doing?”

Other people might be offended with Clegane’s lack of lter on

his mouth but living with Ron for years had taught him that
some people just needed to curse while they talk. It was not
pretty but it was reality.

A reading Clegane’s mind told him that while the man was a
little upset with him, Clegane was still loyal to him.

“Planting trees.” He said as he nished with the last Coconut


He looked at the rest of the trees and counted about two dozen
of them.

Hmm… good enough.

He then took out the saplings for two different kind of grapes
that he’d taken from Arbor and started planting them on the next
section of the Glasshouse.

“Even a blind man can see that.” Clegane replied “I want to

know why ‘you’ are the one who’s doing it? Don’t you have
better things to do other than plant trees in a glasshouse.”

“Perhaps. Perhaps not. If this project of mine worked then the

fruits, vegetables, spices and other plants that would only grow
in the South would be able to grow in the North in the near

“And how the fuck would that happen?” Clegane asked.

“Simple.” He replied “This glasshouse is no ordinary glasshouse

Clegane. It is the rst glasshouse in Dreadfort and every single
part of it was created by me personally. But that is not the
interesting part. The interesting part are the thousands of runes
carved on the glass and oor of the glass house. Runes that
would allow me to accelerate the growing cycle of the plants
inside it by large degree, allowing the plants to complete their
growing cycle in a day.”

Sandor Clegane still looked unimpressed and he sighed “In

simple words, the glasshouse would create plants that would be
capable of surviving in the Winter of the North.”
“How would that help anybody?” Clegane asked in his usual
cynical tone.

“It would allow us Northerners to grow trees that would have

died in the cold. Not only trees but plants of various kinds.” He
said “This would allow my people to have more avor in their
day to day food and give them better access to fruits which was
considered a luxury before this considering that we had to
import them from the South. Better food would not only
increase the moral of our people, it would also give me yet
another resource that I would be able to export, giving me and
my people yet another stream of income. Which is always a
better thing. Won’t you agree Ser Barristan.”

The old knight who looked more healthy and t than he had
been in years gave him a wry smile “I’m afraid I don’t know
enough about the topic to comment on it my lord.”

Hmm… a quick peek inside Ser Barristan’s mind told him that
the old knight was not really as pissed as he was showing
himself to be. Mostly because he had a reputation to maintain
and he didn’t really cared about the lives of slavers and pirates.

And Sandor was merely pissed that he was forced to do

something that he didn’t want to do.
Well, they would come around eventually. And now that the
ritual was nished, they would at least be capable of holding
their own against a White Walker even if only for a bit.

Which was why he spent the rest of the day in the Glasshouse,
planting the different plants that he wanted to grow in the North
while making smalltalk with them.

After all, he had invested a lot in them and it would not do if

they started to resent him because of some stupid reason.

Chapter 476

That night.

He sat in the dinner table with Ygritte Dany, Lyra and others to
his right and his aunt to his, Sansa, Arya, Lyra and a few others
to his left.

The chefs had tried to make a pizza on his insistence. And while
it was not as good as it could have been, it was still a pretty good

“This is pretty good.” His aunt said as she chewed on the pizza
while Arya who was sitting in a leather armor grimaced a bit.

“There are too many vegetables in this.” Arya complained.

The others in the table chuckled at her grumbling.

“You can pick it out and keep it to the side if you don’t want to
eat the vegetables.” Dany said in a soothing voice and Arya
grumbled a bit but started following her words and started
removing the vegetables from the pizza.

“You should nish your vegetables Arya. They’re for your own
good.” His aunt said but without any strictness in her voice.

Arya made a face and started eating some of the vegetables that
she was able to tolerate.

“Arya. How is your training with Syrio Forel going?” He asked.

Arya perked up at that “It’s going very well.” She said, almost
jumping up from her chair in excitement “Yesterday I sparred
with a few of the boys being trained by Captain Walton. I even
managed to defeat a few of them.”

Sandor Clegane snorted from his seat at the back end of the

Arya’s excited face crumbled into a frown as she glanced at

Clegane. “What? You got something to say.”
Sandor nished another slice of pizza and licked his ngers
before he looked at Arya and scoffed once again.

Arya bristled at that “What are you scof ng at? If you want to
say something then go ahead and say it.”

Instead of answering, Sandor ignored her went back to eating his

own food.

There was a long silence before Sandor spoke “Practicing to

ght with a swordmaster inside a keep and ghting for real life
are two very different things. You’re aren’t a true ghter until
you’ve killed someone. And believe me girl. That’s what
ghting is all about. To see whether you can gut the fucker
before he can gut you.”

“Let’s not talk about gutting people while others are eating.” Ser
Barristan said.

Clegane snorted and went back to his food.

The rest of the dinner was a little more subdued.

He did notice that his aunt was not sending any of her hateful
glances toward Sansa.

They must have talked with each other and worked it out if she
is sitting beside his aunt in the rst place.
Sansa noticed him looking and gave him a demure smile.

He used this moment to perform a legilimency probe and found

that her training with his aunt was turning out to be pretty well.

At rst his aunt was a little miffed at him for sending Sansa of
all people to learn from her but after a while she realized that
Sansa was a pretty good student and learned things far quickly
than could have been expected of her otherwise.

Not only that, Sansa was instinctively just that good at

performing the role of a lady. Most of it was because she had
learned a lot under Cersei and her own mother.

He wondered how Sansa was able to convince his aunt to not

hate her anymore but then decided to not go so deeply in her

He had seen enough to know that she was still loyal to him and
won’t fuck him over with the power she had at her disposal so
there was not need for him to invade her privacy anymore.

They spent the rest of the dinner talking about inane things
before it ended and he took Dany and Ygritte and left for his
house in the Lonely hills.
Chapter 477

“It is… large. Far larger than I expected.” Daenerys whispered

as she looked at the Wall in awe.

“I know right. People know that it’s 700 feet and 300 miles long
but they’re not able to comprehend that size until they see it with
their own eyes.”

“And you say that it’s made with magic?”

“There is no other explanation.” He said. A cold breeze blew

past them and he saw Dany shiver for a moment. Even after all
the leather clothes she was still feeling a bit cold. He thought
about casting a warming charm but decided against it. “Creating
something so large would otherwise take hundreds if not
thousands of years.”

He knew that work in medieval time was slow. Even building

the Great Wall of China back in Earth took over 20 years with as
many as 400,000 people dead during the wall’s construction.

Creating The Wall was no doubt hundred times harder than the
Great Wall of China and that’s not even mentioning the cold
Dany nodded.

Ygritte took out a spare thin blanket from her bottomless pouch
and wrapped it around Dany to stop her from shivering “Let’ see
the progress and get out of here as quickly as possible.”

He gave a nod and took both of their hands in his. Then with a
pop, all of them stood on top of West-Watch-by-the-Bridge. The
West end of the Wall.

Dany bent forward and sat down on the cold hard ground, still
not as comfortable as magical travel as. That could be a problem
considering how he planned on surveying all 18 castles today.

Oh well, if things we bad then he could just drop Dany and

Ygritte back in their home in Lonely Hills and then continue on
his own.

He started massaging Dany’s back and continued to do so for a

while before she turned and gave him a thankful nod before
standing up.

He looked back at the Castle and quickly checked it’s


It’s walls. It’s overall size. The number of building xed and
made by the builders.
The construction work was well ahead of it’s time. But that was
mostly thanks to the fact that all the soldiers, workers and
supplies sent by Reach came here and were distributed to the
rest of the Castles after that.

From the reports he got from Lyra, he knew that the Southerners
still hadn’t sent enough people up here. He could understand
why they would do that as very few people want to spend years
in the Wall but it was still a little annoying.

Another good news was that the Concrete road running parallel
to the Wall had been completed a while ago.

He took out a notebook from his bottomless pouch along with a

trans gured ball pen and started noting down the work progress
in the Castle.

“Are all the castles along the Wall this large?” Dany asked.

“No.” Ygritte replied “The castles along the Wall were meant to
hold about 1000-3000 people at a time at best.” She looked at
him and he gave her a nod of approval so she continued “But
because of the White Walkers coming for us once again, all the
Kingdoms are sending their armies up to the Wall. In order to
hold so many people, all the castles are being expanded until
they would be able to hold at least 10,000 men at once.”
Chapter 478

Dany was a little shocked by this revelation. As if only just

realizing that the White Walkers were really coming after them.

“Come on. I want to see the defensive structures on top of the

Wall.” He said and despite her previous bad experience, Dany
didn’t hesitate to hold his hand.

He took out the Camou age cloak and covered all three of them
under it.

The whole thing made him feel nostalgic and reminded him of
the time when he, Ron and Hermione hid under his Invisibility
cloak and travelled the Hallways of Hogwarts at night.

Then with another pop, they were on top of the Wall.

The sound of construction hit their ears and he noticed many

builders working on multiple defensive structures along the

He noticed that Dany had sat down once again and took out his
older Camou age cloak.
“Take care of her.” He said to Ygritte “I’ll come back in a few

The he wore the older Camou age Cloak and left.

For the next few minutes, he took note of all the construction
going along the wall.

He also noticed that a good portion of the forest on the Northern

side of the Wall had been cut down. Mostly because they needed
construction materials. But also because dry wood would be able
to keep them warm during the Long Night and the lack of a
forest would force the White Walkers to reveal themselves and
their armies as soon as they get anywhere close to the Wall.

He also noticed that 9 other elevators were being constructed

along the wall. More elevators would allow the troops to
mobilize quickly when the White Walkers eventually attack

After noting down all the things that he needed, he turned

around and walked back to the area where Dany and Ygritte
were and his heart skipped a beat when he noticed that they were
not there anymore.
He frowned as worry began to gnaw at his heart and quickly
took out his wand before casting a large Homenum revelio

…and found them sitting in a shed made to give the Brothers of

the Nights Watch shelter during a Snow Storm or particularly
cold nights.

They were both sitting on the seat and drinking hot chocolate
coffee from the magical ask he had gifted to Ygritte which had
enough coffee to sustain her for months.

He smiled and got inside their camou age cloak.

They had already seen him coming so they weren’t surprised by

his presence at the least.

“I told you to stay there.” He chided Ygritte who simply

shrugged, looking unrepentant as ever.

“Are you done checking up the Castle?” she asked.

“Yes.” He said and looked at Dany “Do you want to continue or

would you like to go back?”

She took a sip from the glass and looked a little hesitant for a
moment. But then she resolved her face and nodded.
“I want to continue.”

He nodded and took their hands.

“If you start to get too uncomfortable then tell me.” He said as
they put the self cleaning glasses inside Ygritte’s Bottomless

Then with another pop, they were on a hill some distance from
the 2nd Fortress of the Wall from the left.

Dany immediately bent down and started retching.

He stopped himself from sighing and wondered why he asked

them to come in the rst place.

Oh yes, they had insisted on coming with him on his


This day was going to be a long one.

Chapter 479
“Construction in the four castles alloted to us as well as the 2
Westernmost and 3 Easternmost castles is going well.” He
informed his small council as he gave them his notes to check on
their own “But the rest are lagging behind a bit.”

“That was to be expected.” Cella said as she picked up his

notebook and went through it while Tyrion peeked from the side
“We knew that not all of them would keep up with the
requirements and a few will lag behind. Which was why we
gave them extra work in the rst place so that even if they fall
short, it would still be alright.”

“Should we divert some of our own labour forces with the

others?” Tyrion asked.

“No. We allow them to handle it for now.” He said “The

Northern lords are too prideful and might take such an offer of
help as an insult. Plus, I don’t want to hold their hand at every
single turn. They’ll have to work on their own for now. But if
they continue to lag behind then I’ll send some people their

“Did you talk with the leaders of those castles?” his aunt asked.

“No. This was just a unof cial survey. When I eventually go to

talk with them I’ll go on a Wyvern.” He said “Just to remind
people of the true power of the North and keep them more
agreeable with me.”
“What of the villages and the people that were being settled in
the New and Old Gift?” his aunt asked.

“I did not have the time to observe them.” He said and looked at
Tyrion who straightened up and gave them a nod.

“So far we’ve succeeded in relocating over 300,000 villagers in

those fertile lands.” Tyrion informed them “A good deal of them
were from Kings Landing but quite a few also came from
Riverlands. That number will increase as more and more people
continue to come to the North for more opportunities. Lord
Stark has already started giving small pieces lands to the hedge
knights and the spare sons who have arrived at the Wall with the
armies and supplies. I’ve estimated that by the start of the Long
Night, over 700,000-1,000,000 people would have relocated to
those lands.”

He nodded “And how is the work on the new paper mills going

“I don’t understand why you’re so adamant in building those

mills at the moment but the work is progressing fairly well.”
Cella said “At the rate with which the work is coming along, the
10 new mills will start working in 8 months.”
“Acceptable.” He said and turned to Lyra “What about the batch
of Rune Carvers and Children of the Forest I’d send to the Wall
to create more heart trees?”

“They’ve planted over a hundred trees already around Castle

Black and have separated into two groups, going to the East and
West from there. They’ll be easily nished in two or three

He took in those words and nodded “In that case. Give them the
orders to continue planting more and more trees and make
another round along the walls once they’ve nished once.” He

After all, he had planned to make another grand array with the
help of all those trees. An array that would protect the Wall and
it’s denizens from the worst of the cold during the Long Night. It
was also a defensive mechanism to keep away the snow
blizzards that the White Walkers would possibly be able create.
Because no matter how well equipped the men ghting on the
Wall might be, they were still capable of dying in the extreme

“It’ll be done my lord.” Lyra said.

Chapter 480

“My lord?” Tyrion asked and he nodded for him to go on.

“I was wondering if you would be able to spare some of the

seeds to the new settlements being formed in the New and Old
Gift?” Tyrion asked “I know that we’re already providing them
with food and shelter until they’re able to stand on their own two
feet but having a good harvest will be very bene cial for them.
It’ll be a good start to their economy and allow them to save
food for the future.”

He rubbed his chin and thought about those words.

He usually never shared his High Yielding Variety Seeds with

others. The only time he ever did so was when Jorah Mormont
ran away and bankrupted his whole house. So far, having a
monopoly on the seeds have served him well but Tyrion was not
wrong either.

The people who have come from the South to settle in the New
and Old Gift won’t have much to their name and having a good
harvest would go a long way to help them.

He nodded “Consider it done. Cella, you’ll be in charge of

distributing the seeds to the new comers in the New and Old
Cella gave a stoic nod and he turned to Lyra.

“Any other news.”

She nodded “Lord Stark has given an order to all the lords in the
North to stop hunting all animals and birds immediately. I think
he wants to keep them alive in case our food runs out and we
might need those animals to eat and survive.”

He shook his head “It won’t come to that. But then again, Lord
Stark doesn’t know about the Grand Array or that the my lands
won’t be buried in snow during the Winter so it’s a sensible
order. Don’t pass the orders to the peasants. But do tell them to
hunt in moderation.”

Lyra nodded “There is… something else.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Rumors about Lord and Lady Stark having a lot of arguments

about their daughters have reached my ears.” She said “It is
possible that Lord Stark might come here to check up on his
daughters as Lady Stark cannot come to your domain anymore.”

He nodded and turned to his aunt “When was the last time we
held a feast and a tourney in Dreadfort?” he asked.
“About 3 years ago. Do you want to hold another tourney?
Now?” his aunt asked.

“Might as well.” He said “I plan to rig the tourneys so that each

of the poorer house in the North would get to win at least one
event. This will allow me to give them the gold they need
without making them feel like beggars. Plus, the atmosphere has
been a little gloomy ever since people learned about the Wights
and White Walkers. Holding a tourney would go a long way to
raising the people’s morale.”

“Rigging the matches even before they begin. How despicable

of you my lord.” Lyra said with a giggle and he rolled his eyes.

“Yeah well. It is what it is.” He shrugged.

“And here I was thinking that you were about to become like
King Robert.” Tyrion shook his head in mock sadness “Not that
I would have cared, mind you. Being able to drink some wine
without my wife breathing down my neck is more than
acceptable to me.”

Everyone in the table chuckled at Tyrion’s joke and he took a


“Anything else of import that I should know?” he asked.

When no one in the table gave an answer he said “Very well.
This small council meeting is over. You’re all dismissed.”

Chapter 481

The three of them remained silent and watched the black

swirling fog in front of them.

Beyond the fog, he could pick up the tortured and anguished

sounds of hundreds of thousands if not millions of souls that
were still trapped to this hellish place even after so long.

“This… this is the fog you were talking about when you told me
about my home?” Dany asked, her voice coming a little
distorted thanks to the sealed up suit she was wearing. Still, he
could tell that she was more than a little frightened at the
prospect of crossing the cursed fog which was perfectly

“Yes. This is just one of the many deadly traps in this place and
one of the many reason why no one else has ever managed to
enter Valyria to steal all the valuables hidden inside it.”

In fact, the traps in this place were so deadly that he was sure
that no warlock or any other magical person in this world would
be able to cross this place and remain alive for long afterwards.
“Except you.”

He paused in his thinking and blinked “Yes. Except me.”

“I can see why you made us wear these… suits before coming
here.” Ygritte said as she studied the barren soil on the earth.

“Hmm… If you’re both done checking out the area then let’s get
going.” He said “After all, I would like to complete the run
before the night.”

Mostly because he was worried about Ygritte and Dany.

He shouldn’t be. He had improved his leather suits over the

years and by now they were far better than they had been all
those years ago when he rst started venturing into Valyria.

The suits were hardy enough to tank a hit from an adult Wyvern.
Strong enough that even a Valyrian sword won’t be able to cut
through it without a lot of effort and had enough air supply to
last them for a whole week.

None of it served to abate the slight worry he was feeling for

bringing Ygritte and Dany here in this hellhole with him.

He reached into his bottomless pouch and took out a folded

carpet from inside it.
He put the carpet on the ground where it unfolded itself and
started to hover over the ground.

Thanks to having two more passengers with him this time

around, he could y through the cursed fog on a broom. That
would be slow, inef cient and very dangerous.

So he had created a magical carpet and had tested it’s ying

abilities well enough that he was sure that it won’t fail them

It wasn’t his best work as he was always more interested in

brooms rather than carpets but they worked on a similar enough
method and he was able to create the magical carpet within a
short time.

Dany and Ygritte both climbed onto the carpet and sat down on

The sticking charm on the carpet would activate once they start
ying and make sure they don’t go tumbling off from the carpet
during any sharp turns.

He climbed on the carpet between them, put his hands on the

carpet and gave it a mental command to start ying and it took
altitude quickly. A dome of golden energy surrounded them and
both Ygritte and Dany leaned toward him in fear.
Fear of ying on the carpet.

Yup. Despite having own on a Dragon and Wyvern as well as a

broom before this, they were afraid of ying on a carpet for
some strange reason.

Not that he could point ngers at anyone considering that he

himself wasn’t totally comfortable with this.

He took out the Valyrian Magical Staff from bottomless pouch.

The crystal in it’s head burned brightly but didn’t cause them
any discomfort despite all the light.

A few months ago he had found out that the magical crystal on
the staff took the magical energy constantly generated by the
dragon he was bonded with and stored that energy over a long
period of time so that it could be used by the holder of the staff.

Ever since then, he had used Acnologia to keep the staff full of
power in case of an emergency.

Going to Valyrian wasn’t an emergency by any means but it was

important for him to be cautious now that he was bringing
Ygritte and Dany along with him.

“Expecto Patronum” he chanted and a stag the size of a house

materialized in front of him.
Chapter 482

The stag looked around for a moment before turning to look at


He ignored the awed look of both Ygritte and Dany and looked
at the Patronus “Let’s get in there buddy.”

The Patronus nodded, turned back and started walking in the air
toward the black fog with them following closely behind it.

Just like before, the fog recoiled away from the patronus, giving
them a large enough area to penetrate it without coming in
contact with the fog.

The patronus then picked up speed and soon they were ying at
over 50 miles an hour. Before long, they had crossed the black
fog and reached the other side.

He heard both Ygritte and Dany suck in a breath as they saw the
devastated Valyria for the rst time in their lives. But while they
were busy taking in the nightmarish beauty of the place, he was
as always, struck with the tortured screams of the ghosts
roaming the place.

Judging by the lack of discomfort in both Dany and Ygritte’s

postures, he was sure that they weren’t able to see the ghosts

Which was understandable.

They might have had magic of their own but their magic was far
different than his so he wasn’t surprised that they were not able
to see any of the ghosts in the area or hear their screams.

It was a good thing that these ghosts were incapable of

interacting with humans otherwise Dany and Ygritte who have
been in for a very nasty surprise.

After their initial gasps of surprise, Dany and Ygritte remained

quiet as he took out a map of Valyria guided the Patronus and
his carpet toward the intended destination.

Soon enough, they were hovering over a half crumbled tower

which would have easily been over 300 foot tall and wide
enough to house an adult Dragon in it’s balcony in it’s prime.
And it wasn’t even the tallest tower in Valyria.

“This is…” Ygritte started.

“…large” Dany said and turned to him “How did the Valyrians
built towers so tall?”

He looked at the ghosts roaming the city and sighed “With

slaves, a liberal amount of dragon re and magic.”

Neither Dany nor Ygritte looked very happy hearing about

slavery but it was what it was.

The Valyrians might have been the most advanced men of their
time but they were also colossal shits who were no better than
the Dothraki savages in the manner that they destroyed almost
everything that wasn’t under their control and took the survivors
as their slaves.

After circling around the tower for a while, they found an entry
way into the broke tower at which point the patronus dove down
and they followed behind it in their carpet.

“Oh… the Valyrians kept slaves back then… I almost forgot.”

Dany said in a pained voice and he shrugged.

“If you read the history from back then, then you’ll nd that
almost every large empire kept slaves back then.” He said “Even
now the only place without slavery in the known world is
Westeros, Summer Isles, Braavos and a few small islands.”
The darkness inside the tower was illuminated by the Patronus
and they dove deeper and deeper underground until they were
nally hovering outside the basement.

He lowered the carpet and helped Dany climb down from it

while Ygritte jumped down on her own.

He pointed his staff at the door and smiled “Well… let’s get
started then.”

Chapter 483

The three of them portkeyed into his underground base and he

quickly held Dany who swayed from the disorientation for a
moment before she shook her head and gave him a nod.

“It’s… not very pleasant but I’ve getting used to it.” Dany said.

He shrugged nonchalantly “Travelling through space can be

disorienting. Some take longer than others to get used to the
disorientation. No need to feel ashamed about it.”

Ygritte snorted at his words and he gave her a look. She rolled
her eyes but then looked away in surrender.
“So… what do we do next?” Dany said as she looked at the
room around them.

“First we quarantine ourselves and get cleaned up. Then we take

out the things that he stole from Valyria and clean them. After
that we separate the items we brought from Valyria. We put the
treasures in the Treasury, the items which might allow us to
learn something about Valyria or magic into the library and the
dragon eggs into the Incubation Chamber.” He said “And no.
You cannot remove your helmet until we’re cleaned up. Nor can
you leave this room till then.”

Dany sighed but didn’t complain.

They they opened their bottomless pouches and started taking

out everything they found in the Vault.

Gold coins, rare gems of all kinds, expensive trinkets, magical

books and many other things poured our of the bottomless
pouches and they started separating everything into their own

Then he heard yelp from behind him and turned around to nd

that Dany had fallen on the ground and her butt.

And in front of her was a glowing glass candle.

She looked at him in slight fear “I… I just touched it and…”

“It’s alright.” He said cutting her off and moved forward to pick
up the Valyrian glass candle, making sure to not pour any of his
own magic in it and studied it for a bit. The Candle glowed for a
moment longer before it’s light dimmed down.

Then he handed the Valyrian Glass Candle to Dany who looked

up at him in confusion.

“Hold it once more.” He said “And don’t worry if it starts

glowing. That’s just how it works.”

Dany nodded and held the Valyrian Glass Candle once again and
it started glowing once again.

A smile formed in his lips while Dany simply looked confused.

“Should I… do something with it?” she asked

“Yeah. Domeric use it to see the world from hundreds of miles

away.” Ygritte said “Can you do the same?”

Dany didn’t reply but she continued to stare at the Valyrian glass
candle, the frown on her brow becoming deeper and deeper until
he laughed and broke the spell.
Dany startled and then gave him a mock frown to which he just
rolled his eyes and took the Valyrian Glass Candle from her.

“If it was so easy then everyone would be doing it.” He said

“But with that said… I didn’t expect the glass candle to glow,
which in hindsight was an error in my part.”

“What do you mean?” Dany asked.

“You remember me giving you one of my wand and asking you

to give it a ick?”

Dany and Ygritte both nodded.

“Yeah well, at that time I was checking if you’ll be able to use

my magic.”

“Nothing happened back then.” Dany said.

“Yes. Because that was my type of magic. Which is different

from the Valyrian magic?”

Dany simply looked confused while Ygritte suddenly had a look

of comprehension on her face.

“I… how does that even matter.”

“It matters because while we cannot and probably will never be
able to use the kind of magic that Domeric uses.” Ygritte licked
her lips in anticipation “We should be able to use the Valyrian

“Yeah” he smiled “Despite using the Valyrian magical items and

their rituals, I never really saw it as my magic and had missed
the fact that just because you cannot use my magic doesn’t mean
that you cannot use other types of magic.”

Dany looked at the dimly glowing Valyrian glass candle in his

hand and a look of understanding dawned on her face “Does that
mean that I can use the magic of my people.”

He almost rolled his eyes in Dany’s presumption that the

Valyrians were ‘her’ people but didn’t comment on it.

“You should be able to. In theory at least.” He said “We won’t

nd out until we do some extensive tests of course. But…”

Then he turned to Ygritte and handed her the Valyrian glass


She held it and the Glass candle started glowing much more
brightly than it did with Dany.

Ygritte looked at Dany and gave her a smug smile to which he

simply rolled his eyes.
“It seems like you’ll both be able to learn the magic of the
Valyrian archmages.”

Both Dany and Ygritte looked excited at the prospect and he

smirked “But not before we are properly cleaned up here.”

Then he waved a wand at the wall and white mist started

pouring out from the multiple faucets in each corner of the room
and soon enough the room was lled with the mist.

Chapter 484

A few days later

If someone told him that Dany and Ygritte were studious

students a few days ago, he would have laughed at their face.
But being able to learn magic and do some of the things that he
could do on a daily basis had lit a re under their asses when it
came to studying Valyrian magical tomes and he had been
forced to remain with them so that they did not fuck up
something important (like themselves) when learning magic.
But there was only so much time that he could spend in the
underground library with them when he had a whole efdom to

Especially when the overlord of his lands comes to check up on

him with the facade of checking up on his daughters.

“Lord Stark is here!!!” the crier shouted. As if he already

couldn’t see Lord Stark and his riders coming from from miles
in the west outside the city.

The Portcullis were dropped and the gates were already opened.
He and his contingent waited for the Warden of the North to
enter their city.

He noticed that lord Stark had not brought any other family
member with him but he already knew that thanks to lyra.

“Lord Stark.” He said with a bow while Arya who was standing
beside him rushed forward and hugged her father, followed by
Sansa who didn’t lost her ladylike demeanour for a moment and
courtesied to her father.

Lord Stark walked up to him on his horse and gave a soft smile
“Thanks for taking care of my daughters Lord Bolton.”

He shrugged carelessly “It was not much of a bother Lord Stark.

Come now. I’ve held a feast and a tourney in your honor.”
Lord Stark winced at his mention of Tourney and a brief
legilimency probe told him that he just reminded Lord Stark of
King Robert who put the kingdom in 6 million gold dragon loan
with useless feasts and tourneys.

He almost rolled his eyes at that.

Unlike King Robert who held a tourney every 3rd to 4th month,
he was holding this tourney after 3 whole years. And unlike the
former kind who had to borrow loans from all sorts of places to
live his life of extravagance, he had more than enough gold to
hold this tourney without making even a slight dent on his
massive reserves.

Frankly, the thought of Lord Stark thinking that he was being

careless with his wealth was a little insulting but he could
understand where the man was coming from when you consider
how every other Northern house was having nancial troubles
due to spending a good deal of their nances up in the
construction of the castles in the Wall.

But since Lord Stark didn’t comment on it, he decided to not say
anything either.

They walked their horses through the city and Lord Stark took
the time to observe his city in silence while their retainers
followed behind at a subdued pace.
“How is your preparation for the Long Night going my lord?” he
asked, more out of politeness than for anything else.

The older man gave him a side glance “You ask as if you don’t
already know all the important things going around in all the
important keeps in Westeros.”

He tilted his head in acknowledgement. When the news about

his spy network rst came out during the war, the Northern lords
were obviously not very thrilled. They were simple people who
didn’t like to divulge in cloak and dagger work and thus the
presence of his spy network always made them cautious.

For a good reason as well because if they know that he’s getting
regular news about their ef then who can they trust.

That still left him irked because they certainly didn’t mind the
help of his spy network during the war. Truly, the ungratefulness
of humans shouldn’t surprise him anymore but somehow it
always does.

He inclined his head in acceptance and then remained silent. If

even after all that he’d done of these people, the old man was
not willing to play along then he had no reason to do so either.
They remained silent for the rest of the journey to Dreadfort
with Lord Stark asking every once in a while about his
daughters and him replying in simple and curt sentences.

It seems that the old man realized at some point that alienating
your most powerful and richest vassal might not be a very wise
thing to do but by then he had no interest in accommodating
Lord Stark anymore.

Chapter 485

“I heard that Lord Stark disrespected you when he came to

Winterhold. Is that true?” Lyra asked and he grunted in response
as he looked over the city from his room in Dreadfort.

“Where did you hear such a thing?”

“Oh you know, here and there.” The woman replied with a
smirk. A simple legilimency probe told him that the woman had
heard about him being cold to Lord Stark and had come to the
like conclusion that Lord Stark must have said something to him
that brought his displeasure. What a frighteningly insightful
woman. But then again, you don’t become the Spy Master of the
most extensive spy network in the known world without having
a great level of skill.

“But seriously, you know what kind of person Lord Stark is my

lord. You don’t need to take his words into account of if he said
something disrespectful.” Lyra said and he felt the urge to roll
his eyes.

“Where are you going with this Lyra?”

The woman gave him a teasing smile “Why would you think
that I was going somewhere with this Lord Stark?” she said
while batting her eyelash.

“I don’t have patience for your games Lyra. What do you want?”
he asked with a hint of seriousness in her voice.

The woman gave him a sensual smile and traced his jawline
with her gentle ngers “Can’t I be merely be worried about you
my lord.”

He continued to look at her without a hint of amusement and the

woman stepped back and pouted at him.

“Very well then. Be it that way.” Then she became a little

serious and continued “But really. Sansa also noticed you being
a little distant with Lord Stark and guessed that her father must
have said something disrespectful to you. She is worried and
asked a favor of me to see what happened. She knows how
powerful and important you are for the North. For the Starks.
And would rather not see you be displeased at her father.”

He shrugged.

Frankly, the Old man had not said anything that disrespectful to
him but had merely made a dig at his spy network. Still, these
people didn’t had any problem with using his spy network
during the war but now that they’re safe and at peace, they
suddenly have problems with him.

These kinds of double standards irked him. And frankly…

“I’m not displeased at Lord Stark.” He said and Lyra raised her
eyebrows and listened attentively to him “It’s just that I have
lost most of the respect I hold for him.”

“And might I ask what he did to lose your respect?” Lyra asked.

He gave her a look and she went silent.

“Do you have any news for me Lyra. Or have you fallen so low
that you need to act as proxy for someone else within my
domain despite belonging to my small council.”

Lyra gave him a displeased look “Okay. You need to be so mean

to me you know. But I do have some important news for you.”
He raised an eyebrow “What news would that be?” he asked
even as he used legilimency to take that piece of information out
of her mind.

Ohh… Interesting.

“It would appear that the Lord of Lannisport took advantage of

the absence of the Lannisters of Casterly Rock and has taken
over Casterly Rock.” Lyra said “Because of the death of Lord
Tywin Lannister and the capture of his brother and sister, the
Lord of Lannisport has declared himself the Lord Lannister as
well as the Warden of the West.”

He raised an eyebrow “Hoh! How very presumptuous of that


Lyra shrugged “Perhaps. But he’s not wrong you know. After the
defeat that the Westerlands suffered, he is the only lord who has
a small army relatively intact and with the Sack of Casterly
Rock, he’s also the richest lord in Wersterlands as well.” She
said “That’s not even mentioning the fact that like Winterfell in
North, Eyrie in the East and Storms End in the South-East,
Casterly Rock plays a pivotal role in Westerlands thanks to it’s
position and it’s highly secure defenses that had never broken
against any army until you came along. So the fact that he holds
Casterly Rock alone gives him the necessary prestige to become
the Lord of Casterly Rock and the Warden of the West.”
“Except that he is not the Warden of the West. Nor is he the Lord
Lannister until his claim gains more legitimacy.” He pointed out.

“True.” She nodded “Which is why he left Casterly Rock this

morning with a decently sized entourage and moved toward
Kings Landing so that he could kneel to King Jaehaerys
Targaryen and have the King recognize his position.”

“How very opportunistic of him.” He smiled “Doesn’t he know

that by bowing to the new King, he’ll essentially gain the hatred
of most of the Lords and ladies who lost their family members to
the War of the Four Kings.”

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