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Division of Northern Samar

District of San Roque

Senior High School Department
3rd Quarter Examination
INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for
each item by shading the circle to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO
ERASURES ALLOWED. Use ball pen only.
1. A branch of science devoted to the study of societies and the relationships among individuals within
those societies.
a. Anthropology b. Humanities c. Natural sciences d. Social sciences
2. It refers to the study of the ways in which the human experience is processed
and documented.
a. Anthropology b. Humanities c. Natural sciences d. Social sciences
3. A major branch of science that deals with the description, prediction and understanding of natural
phenomena, basically based on observational and empirical evidence.
a. Anthropology b. Humanities c. Natural sciences d. Social sciences
4. Who gave the first general theory of social sciences?
a. Auguste Comte c. Karl Marx b. Charles Darwin d. Lawrence Kempton
5. In this stage, the social sciences has become institutionalized to a high degree.It has now become a
subject of research.
a. 17th Century b. Middle of 18th Century c. 19th Century d. 20th Century
6. In this stage, social sciences had attained in all the leading European countries a firm and respectable
a. 17th Century b. Middle of 18th Century c. 19th Century d. 20th Century
7. In this period, the capitalism had begun to outgrow its early state and gradually it became the dominant
socio-economic system in western and northern Europe.
a. 17th Century b. Middle of 18th Century c. 19th Century d. 20th Century
8. When did the revival of interest in social science occurred?
a. 17th Century b. Middle of 18th Century c. 19th Century d. 20th Century
9. He was the first to systematize and give a complete analysis on the principles of the positive character
of the social sciences.
a. Auguste Comte b. Charles Darwin c. Karl Marx d. Lawrence Kempton
10. In his article entitled, “Social Sciences Today”, he said that social science as science is very young
and there is confusion with regards to its limits and boundaries.
a. Auguste Comte b. Charles Darwin c. Karl Marx d. Lawrence Kempton
11. Which of the following are the branches of natural sciences?
a. Anthropology, Biology, and Chemistry
b. Biology, Earth Science, and Physical
c. Biology, Economics, and Sociology
d. Economics, Sociology and Physical

12. The __________ which begun with Nicolaus Copernicus refers to the historical changes in thought and
a. Industrial revolution b. Information revolution
c. Scientific revolution d. Technological revolution
13. Which of the following is the aim of natural science?
a. To discover the laws that rules the world
b. To describe the physical reality of the world we live in
c. To utilize the principles of science for the benefit of mankind
d. All of the above
14. The following are the definitions of humanities EXCEPT ONE.
a. Humanities is the study of human culture with particular emphasis on the liberal arts.
b. Humanities is the study of human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a
given context.
c. Humanities is the study of human culture with particular emphasis on individual philosophic self -
d. Humanities is the study of human culture with particular emphasis on the cultural implications of
the natural sciences, social sciences and professions.
15. Which among the following is the reason why people need the field of social science.
a. Social sciences can help us make sense of our finances.
b. Social sciences can broaden your horizon.
c. Social scientist help imagine alternative figures.
d. All of the above
16. Which of the following is NOT an example of a social science?
a. Anthropology b. Economics c. Physics d. Psychology
17. If you were to explore the reason why a group of people speak the way they do, which discipline would
be the MOST applicable to use?
a. Chemistry b. Economics c. Linguistics d. Psychology
18. Which of the following BEST describes what social sciences have in common?
a. A focus on material culture b. The study of the human mind
c. Research that overlaps with genetics d. An interest in studying human beings
19. This social science is most closely related to sociology.
a. Anthropology b. Biology c. Psychology d. Social Psychology
20. One would study this to learn about past events and how we are affected by them.
a. Anthropology b. History c. Political Science d. Social Sciences
21. The study of choices people make to satisfy their needs and wants.
a. Economics b. History c. Political Science d. Sociology
22. With this social science one would study voting patterns, and the formation of politically based groups.
a. Economics b. History c. Political Science d. Sociology
23. Being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes is important in this social science.
a. Economics b. Geography c. Social Psychology d. Sociology
24. _____________ studies the relationship the human race has with its environment.
a. Geography b. Geology c. Psychologyd. Sociology
25. This social science deals with the behavior and thinking of organisms.
a. Anthropology b. Psychology c. Science d. Social Psychology
26. Anthropology most often studies the relationship between ________________.
a. Physics and Biology
b. Marketing strategies and geography
c. The natural environment and trading system
d. Biological traits and socially acquired characteristics of humans
27. Who believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id,ego, and superego.
a. Kurt Koffka b. Max Wertheimer c. Sigmund Freud d. Wolfgang Kohler
28. A school of psychology based upon the idea that we experience things as unified wholes.
a. Behaviorism b. Cognitivism c. Functionalism d. Gestalt Psychology
29. The study on why different cultures grow different sorts of crops is a question of _____________.
a. Cartography b. Demography c. Geography d. Geology
30. In the statement “the less time you spend online, the higher your test scores
a. Test scores are the independent variable.
b. The amount of time spent online is the dependent variable.
c. There is a positive relationship between time online and test scores.
d. There is a negative relationship between time spent online and test
31.Who wrote “Researched into the Early History” of Mankind and the Development of Civilization?
a. Aristotle b. Auguste Comte c. Edward Burnett Taylor d. Herodotus
32. He wrote “Histories” which is the record of ancient traditions and culture of Greece, Asia and
a. Aristotle b. Auguste Comte c. Edward Burnett Taylor d. Herodotus
33. He wrote “The Politics”.
a. Aristotle b. Auguste Comte c. Edward Burnett Taylor d. Herodotus
34. Who wrote the “Cours de Philosophie Positive” published from 1830 - 1842 in 5 volumes?
a. Aristotle b. Auguste Comte c. Edward Burnett Taylor d. Herodotus
35. He wrote the “Principles of Physiological Psychology.”
a. Adam Smith b. Eratosthenes c. Ferdinand de Saussure d. Wilhelm Wundt
36. Who wrote the “Wealth of the Nations” in 1776?
a. Adam Smith b. Eratosthenes c. Ferdinand de Saussure d. Wilhelm Wundt
37. He published the “Memoire sur le systeme primitifdes voyelles dans les langues indo-
a. Adam Smith b. Eratosthenes c. Ferdinand de Saussure d. Wilhelm Wundt
38. He prepared the earliest maps of the known world.
a. Adam Smith b. Eratosthenes c. Ferdinand de Saussure d. Wilhelm Wundt
39. It traces its roots from natural history which is the study of plants, animals and humans with
reference to their history and native environment.
a. Anthropology b. Demography c. Psychology d. Sociology
40. In here people engaged in the study of this discipline because it satisfies their natural curiosity
about foreign places and different ways of life.
a. Economics c. History b. Geography d. Linguistics
41. Where did the formal study of language begin?
a. Germany b. India c. Thailand d. United States of America
42. The intellectual, scientific and industrial revolutions which happened in Europe in the middle of
the 19th century led to the development of what discipline?
a. Demography b. History c. Political Science d. Sociology

43. When did the theoretical and practical study of the state and the politics begin?
a. way back to the time of the Ancient Greeks, about 500 - 300 B.C
b. way back to the time of the Ancient Greeks, about 900 - 600 B.C
c. way back to the time of the Ancient Greeks, about 800 - 500 B.C
d. way back to the time of the Ancient Greeks, about 200 - 100 B.C
44. It was not considered as a separate discipline until the nineteenth century.
a. Anthropology b. Economics c. Political Science d. Social Sciences
45. Through the Medieval and Renaissance periods, this discipline was often studied through a
sacred or religious perspective.
a. Demography b. History c. Linguistics d. Sociology
46.Which of the following defines Marxism?
a. Marxism is the antithesis of capitalism.
b. It is a theory in which class struggle is a central element in the analysis of social change in
Western societies.
c. Marxism is the system of socialism of which the dominant feature is public ownership of the
means of production, distribution, and exchange.
d. All of the above
47. Who viewed the structure of society in relation to its major classes
and the struggle between them as the engine of change in this
a. Karl Marx b. Lenin c. Ralf Dahrendorf d. None of the above
48. __________ begins analytically with a conception of the social space as a field of meanings, values,
norms, statuses, and class; where status has the joint meaning of formal positions (as in authoritative
roles) and the informal statuses of wealth, power, and prestige.
a. Class Conflict b. Class interest c. Social conflict d. The Conflict Helix
49. Which of the following belong to the three classes related to sources of income as distinguished by
a. Landowners whose main source of income is ground rent.
b. Owners of simple labor power or laborers whose main source of income
is labor.
c. Owners of capital or capitalists whose main source of income is profit
or surplus value.
d. All of the above
50. This is a criteria to which any collectively of human grouping with a similar relationship would make a
category not a class; if subjective criteria are not included.
a. Capitalist criteria b. Marxian criteria c. Objective criteria d. Subjective criteria

Elmer G. Africano
Subject Teacher

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