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“No country, however rich, can afford the waste of its human resources. Demoralization caused by vast unemployment is our greatest extravagance. Morally, it is the greatest menace to our social order”. — Franklin D. Roosevelt, former US President Introduction The challenge of unemployment is a pervasive concern that transcends geographical boundaries, and Pakistan is no exception. In recent years, Pakistan's economy has shown dynamic growth potential, yet it remains vulnerable to the issue of unemployment. The felt across impact of significant unemployment rates various sectors, affecting the social and economic fabric of the country. This essay aims to delve into the root causes of unemployment in Pakistan, taking into account the ‘complex interplay of factors that contribute to this issue. Additionally, it will explore potential remedies and recommendations to tackle the problem. ‘Understanding Unemployment Unemployment is a multifaceted phenomenon that affects individuals, communities, and n ns. Al core, unemployment refers tothe state of being without sainful employment despite seeking work actively. The International Labour Organization (ILO) defines the unemployed as inl working but are available for work and have actively {uals who are currently not ‘sought employment in the past four weeks. Itis essential between to distinguish unemployment and underemployment, where individuals may have some form of employment but are unable to utilize their skills ‘or work full-time. Pakistan's current population stands at over 240 million people, with a significant portion being young adults in their prime working years. However, Pakistan's economy has been unable to generate enough employment opportunities to absorb this growing workforce. As a result SEMESnen nen ne men eee consistently very Pakistan logs behind its regional neighbour Bangladesh, which has a lower unemployment rate of 4.7%. Root Causes of Unemployment in Pakistan Rp Population Growth: One of the central causes of tmnemployment in PalaStan is rapid poputation growth. The country's population has ballooned over the past few decades, with 2 current annual SERENE this expone immense pressure on the economy and its ability to create sufficient employment opportunities, increase has put EERDRSTMECER EAE eee EROS eM This scenario poses a significant challenge, especially considering the country’s fragile economic condition. In essence, rapid population growth in Pakistan is exacerbating unemployment, creating a demographic dilemma that demands immediate attention and strategic planning, Lack of Economic Diversification: Economic diversification, the process whereby a country's economy broadens from dependence on a limited number of income sources to an array of diverse sectors, is crucial for sustained growth and stability. Pakistan, unfortunately, has struggled with this aspect of economic development. The country's economy remains heavily skewed towards a few sectors, mainly agriculture and textiles, creating an economic structure that is far from 18 r lagged in providing vocational training or industry relevant skills that could prepare students for the problem-solving, cri ing, and innovation. It has evolving job market. This discrepancy leaves a significant por formal education, ill-equipped for the demands of modern indust of the youth, even those This ‘skills-gap' not only exacerbates unemployment but alsohampers the country's economic growth as businesses struggle to find suitably skilled workers. It is, therefore, imperative that Pakistan's education and training systems be revitalized and aligned with the needs of the country’s economy, a step towards bridging the ‘skillsgap' and fostering a competent, employable workforce. Political instability and Bad Governance: Instability in the political landscape of Pakistan has been another formidable obstacle to sustained economic growth and job creation. Frequent changes in government, coupled with inconsistent policy implementation, have often led to a climate of uncertainty that deters both local and foreign investment. Lack of investment, in turn, stiffens ‘economic expansion, and consequently, job creation. Moreover, political instability often translates ues, further damaging the economic environment. When political instability leads tounrest,it can disrupt business operations, thereby affecting the job market negatively. Businesses may be compelled to downsize or halt expansion plans, leading to layoffs and fi ted job creation, The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a multi-billion-dollar project that seeks to improve Pakistan's infrastructure, energy supply, and industrial development. It has been hailed as apotential olution to many of the issues plaguing Pakistan's economy, including the unemployment problem. The expected influx of foreign investment through CPEC could lead to job creation and economic growth, particularly in industries such as construction, energy, and manufacturing. Additionally, CPEC aims to enhance vocational training opportu ies for the local workforce, aligning the skills of Pakistan's youth with the demands of modern industries. However, the political concerns have badly affected the Addressing the issue of political instability, therefore, is not just a matter of governance but also fundamental to turning the tide on unemployment. Establishing a stable political environment, marked by consistent and long-term economic policies, is crucial to attracting investment, fostering a conducive business environment, and paving the way for robust job creation. Militancy and Extremism: A Stumbling Block to FcoromieGroWtf: Militancy andextremism undeniably pose a ‘significant threat to economic stability and growth in Pakistan, contributing to the exacerbation of unemployment. The impact of militancy on the economy is manifold. Initially, it leads to a climate of insecurity and uncertainty, which can deter both domestic and foreign investment, a critical driver of economic growth and job creation. Moreover, militant activities can cause substantial frastructural damage, which not only requires heavy government expenditure but also disrupts economic acti Regions affected by militancy often witness a decline in economic activity, as businesses close down and ies, leading to job losses. individuals are displaced, Furthermore, extremism fosters intolerance ‘and social divisiveness, which can discourage diversity in the workforce and skilled more stable environments, leading to a ‘brain drain’. This outflow of skilled workers further undermines the country's economic potential and exacerbates the unemployment 20 This concentration presents a fundamental problem: when these sectors underperform, the entire economy is adversely affected, and job creation is its the range of severely hampered. Furthermore, job opportunities available, making it difficult to lower ito sectors the unemployment rate. ‘such as technology, manufacturing, and services could potentially generatea wide arrayoffobs absorbing more of the working-age population. Ths lack of economic diversification is a significant factor contributing to Pakistan's persistent unemployment problem. (GieKoFinlstrialization: A mojor contributing factorto unemployment in Pakistan is the underdevelopment of its industrial sector. Despite the potential for job creation, industries have not been able to thrive due to a lack of investment, outdated technologies, and inadequate infrastructure. Particularly, the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) sector, which plays acritical role in employment generation in many economies, ‘suffers from a lack of government support and favorable policies in Pakistan. This lack of industrial growth not only restricts the creation of new jobs but also prevents the optimal ation of the available skilled workforce Consequently, a large number of individuals end up underemployed or unplayed Aatther exacerbating the unemployment crisis in the country. (eFcIenEEDUEAHTON'SVEREME: The education system in Pakistan is another key area of concern contributing to the unemployment crisis. Despite certain efforts to reform the sector, the system still grapples with myriad challenges that undermineits effectiveness. Particularly, the quality of education is often poor and fails to instill skills required in the modern job market, the essent resulting in a distinct mismatch between education and. industry needs. This issue is further exacerbated by low literacy rates, outdated ‘curriculum, and a lack of vocational training institutions. Additionally, a significant proportion of the inadequate resources, population has limited access to education due to so economic barriers. Consequently, even educated individuals often find ‘employment, leading to high rates of unemployment it challenging to secure among graduates. Addressing these structural issues within the education system could significantly improve the employability of the workforce and help alleviate the unemployment problem in Pakistan, Rapid Urbanization: Rapid urbanization isa pervasive phenomenon in developing countries like Pakistan, often perceived a symbol of economic progress. However it also brings a host of challenges, particularly when it outpabe,the growth of infrastructure and. job opportunities. In Pakistan, the rapid migration of individuals from rural areas to cities has led to overcrowded urban centers. These swelling populations put intense pressure on the already strained urban infrastructure, leading toa mullite of socioecanamic issues, including unemployment. As the urban population grows, the demand for jobs inevitably increases. However, without strategic planning and robust urban development policies, the creation of job opportunities often lags, leading to a ‘surge in urban unemployment. Understanding this dynamics critical for formulating effective policies and strategies to manage urban growth and mitigate the negative impacts of rapid urbanization on unemployment. ‘The’ Sklls{Gap|DilemmMa: One of the most noteworthy contributors to Pakistan's unemployment challenge is the ‘skills-gap' - a mismatch between the skills individuals possess and those demanded by employers. ‘The country’s education system has been critiqued for its heavy focus on rote learning, often failing to foster 19 issue. Thus, addressing militancy and extremism is not only central to peace-building but also crucial for economic development and job creation in Pakistan. Gender inequ: constitute another and low women empowerment nt yet significant contributor to the unemployment problem in Pakistan. Despite making, up about half of the country's population, women's participation in the labour force remains disproportionately low. [ERIS eee en Menno Cultural norms, societal biases, and rigid gender roles often discourage or outright prevent women from seeking employment, thereby denying the economy a significant human resource. Furthermore, women who do manage to participate in the workforce often discriminatory practices, unequal pay, and limited access encounter tohigher-ranking positions. Lack of targeted policies and supportive infrastructure, such as affordable childcare and safe transportation, further impede women’s full and equitable participation in the labour market. By not actively empowering women and fostering gender ‘equality in the workforce, Pakistan effectively halts the potential economic growth and job creation that could be realized through a fully engaged, diverse, and inclusive workforce. As such, addressing gender inequality and enhancing women empowerment represent critical steps towards curbing unemployment. and driving economic prosressinthe county. Non-Exploration of Foreign Job Markets: Pakistan's unemployment challenge is also compounded by the i 'ed exploration of foreign job markets. The nation's labour force holds significant potential for employment. in international markets, particularly in sectors such as IT, healthcare, and construction, where demand for skilled workers is on the rise globally. However, inadequate measures for overseas employment facilitation, coupled with the lack of focus on equi candidates potenti proficiency, and cultural understanding to compete in the global labour market, have led to an underutilization of this potential. Furthermore, the absence of effective bilateral labour agreements and structures to protect the rights of migrant workers often exposes those who do seek ‘overseas employment to exploitation and unfavorable working conditions. Therefore, developing a comprehensive strategy for overseas employment, which includes skill development, worker protection, and forging strong labour agreements with potential host countries, could significantly alleviate unemployment in Pakistan while also ensuring the welfare ofits overseas workforce. Government's Mitigation Efforts Recognizing the multifaceted nature of the unemployment issue, the Government of Pakistan has been implementing various strategies to mitigate the problem, One key area of focus has been skill development and vocational training programs, aimed at equipping the youth with skills that are in demand in the job market. There has also been an increased emphasis ‘on promoting entrepreneurship and SMEs, recognizing their potential in job creation In esponse to political instability and militancy, the government has been working dili ently to ensure a more stable political environment and has taken strong, measures against extremist activities. This includes strengthening the law enforcement and justice sectors, as well as launching de-radicalization and reintegration programs. To address gender inequality in the workforce, jated various women 2 the government has empowerment programs and policies aimed at increasing women’s economic participation. It has also been working on improving supportive infrastructures, like safe transportation and affordable childcare, to facilitate women's par ipation in the labour force. Furthermore, the government is working on formulating effective policies for the exploration of foreign job markets and protection of overseas workers. This includes negotiating bilateral labour agreements with potential host countries, establishing worker protection measures, and improving skills development and language training for potential overseas workers. These targeted, multi-pronged efforts by the government signal towards unemployment and driving economic development in progress curbing the country. Future Challenges Despite these commendable efforts, the path towards resolving unemployment in Pakistan is fraught with inevitable challenges. The most pressing of these is rapid population growth, which continues to outpace job creation, thereby intensifying pressure on the labour market. Coping with this demographic pressure will require not only sustained economic growth but also innovative strategies to generate gainful employment ‘opportunities. Another significant challenge lies in the changing nature of work propelled by technological advancements, The digital transformation of the global economy presents both opportunities and threats for ‘employment in Pakistan. On one hand, it offers new job avenues in emerging fields like digital marketing, data analytics, and software development. On theotherhand, it risks rendering certain traditional jobs obsolete and ‘exacerbating the skills mismatch in the labour market. ‘Therefore, keeping pace with technological changes and ensuring that the workforce is equipped with relevant skills for the digital era will be a critical challenge for the future. Natural Calamities like COVID-19 pandemi floods, and earthquakes also pose significant challenges to employment in Pakistan. These disasters not only disrupt economic activities but also cause widespread job losses and hinder the creation of new job ‘opportunities. Developing comprehensive strategies for be crucial for mitigating their adverse impact on employment in the disaster management and resilience wil country. ‘As Pakistan grapples wi unemployment challenge, a robust, multifaceted approach is necessary. This should involve continued emphasis on skills development, particularly in digital and technology- driven sectors, to align the workforce with the demands of the evolving global labour market. Efforts should also be made to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, thereby creating new avenues for job creation. Expanding women’s economic participation should remain a priority, with the government striving to eliminate barriers that hinder women's involvement in the workforce. This includes implementing policies that foster gender equality, as well as enhancing supportive infrastructures for working women, The exploration of the international labour ‘market represents a significant opportunity. The government should focus on establishing effective bilateral agreements, protection measures, and facilitating skill development and language proficiency for potential overseas workers. ruption caused by natural disasters and crises, there is an urgent need to devise comprehensive disaster management and labour enhancing worker Lastly, given the potential resilience strategies. These should aim not only to mitigate immediate job losses during disasters, but also 22 to ensure the s recovery and sustained resilience of the labour market in the aftermath. By adopting such a ‘comprehensive approach, Pakistan can make significant strides towards resolving its unemployment issue and stimulating economic growth. enna The primary objective should be to bolster existing programs and broaden their reach, focusing on sectors with immediate job potential, such as IT, healthcare, and construction. SES Eee Immediate efforts should be dedicated to forging bilateral labour agreements with potential host countries and implementing measures to protect the rights of overseas workers. DREAM! The government should facilitate the growth of new industries and diversify the ‘economy to generate more employment opportunities in SEE ema Encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) ll be crucial for creating new jobs in various sectors, particularly in rural areas, TEE There is a need to STE revive traditional industries that have been neglected in recent years. This could generate employment ‘opportunities in the agriculture, textile, and handicraft sectors, which are significant sources of livelihood for many Pakistanis. [MEEETNTEIETENG A strong educational foundation is essential for developing a skilled workforce and creating opportunities in emerging sectors. Therefore, investment in education should be prioritized to bridge tthe skills gap and increase employability. significant opportunities for economic growth and job creation. Therefore, effective implementation of CPEC projects should be prioritized to leverage its potential in addressing unemployment. ae ECR Enhancing Women's Participation upto 30%:iguietey aimed at eliminating gender discrimination in the labour market should be enforced, alongside the expansion of supportive infrastructure like affordable childcare and safe transportation. Tax exemption for the ventures lead by the female entrepreneurs should be considered. Long Term Objectives (8-10 years) In the long run, promoting high-tech industries like biotechnology, renewable energy, and artificial intelligence can create jobs and boost economic growth. Er SEE Sustained efforts be made to improve supportive infrastructures and promote women's participation in the labour force. (EEEEPEENIIENNSNNNT Addressing population growth through effective family planning programs and awareness campaigns is crucial for easing the pressure on the labour market in the long run, Conclusion Unemployment remains a persistent challenge in Pakistan, but the government's concerted efforts towards addressing it are commendable. The various initiatives and policies aimed at job creation, skill development, and disaster management demonstrate a ‘commitment to tackling this issue head-on, However, significant challenges persist, and concerted efforts 23 to ensure the s recovery and sustained resilience of the labour market in the aftermath. By adopting such a ‘comprehensive approach, Pakistan can make significant strides towards resolving its unemployment issue and stimulating economic growth. enna The primary objective should be to bolster existing programs and broaden their reach, focusing on sectors with immediate job potential, such as IT, healthcare, and construction. SES Eee Immediate efforts should be dedicated to forging bilateral labour agreements with potential host countries and implementing measures to protect the rights of overseas workers. DREAM! The government should facilitate the growth of new industries and diversify the ‘economy to generate more employment opportunities in SEE ema Encouraging entrepreneurship and supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) ll be crucial for creating new jobs in various sectors, particularly in rural areas, TEE There is a need to STE revive traditional industries that have been neglected in recent years. This could generate employment ‘opportunities in the agriculture, textile, and handicraft sectors, which are significant sources of livelihood for many Pakistanis. [MEEETNTEIETENG A strong educational foundation is essential for developing a skilled workforce and creating opportunities in emerging sectors. Therefore, investment in education should be prioritized to bridge tthe skills gap and increase employability. significant opportunities for economic growth and job creation. Therefore, effective implementation of CPEC projects should be prioritized to leverage its potential in addressing unemployment. ae ECR Enhancing Women's Participation upto 30%:iguietey aimed at eliminating gender discrimination in the labour market should be enforced, alongside the expansion of supportive infrastructure like affordable childcare and safe transportation. Tax exemption for the ventures lead by the female entrepreneurs should be considered. Long Term Objectives (8-10 years) In the long run, promoting high-tech industries like biotechnology, renewable energy, and artificial intelligence can create jobs and boost economic growth. Er SEE Sustained efforts be made to improve supportive infrastructures and promote women's participation in the labour force. (EEEEPEENIIENNSNNNT Addressing population growth through effective family planning programs and awareness campaigns is crucial for easing the pressure on the labour market in the long run, Conclusion Unemployment remains a persistent challenge in Pakistan, but the government's concerted efforts towards addressing it are commendable. The various initiatives and policies aimed at job creation, skill development, and disaster management demonstrate a ‘commitment to tackling this issue head-on, However, significant challenges persist, and concerted efforts 23 must be made to address them proactively. A comprehensive ten-year employment plan that incorporates short, medium, and long term objectives can provide a strategic roadmap for effectively tackling unemployment in Pakistan. Overall, a collaborati effort between the government, private sector, and civil society will be crucial for achieving sustainable ‘employment in the country. 24 vt You changed this group's settings to allow all mombors to sond ese MLS ey x ah | a | ee eae nce eau i — a = CUT ees A Be DCR ee RC nn ccc AL Pr TaMNe Re CLC MUTCa oncom CCU OSC) cad ie you cxptain everything was so easy and understandable and in fast | can say that essay Te aman ene Re co a CURE RC ea RCN CR ra CAST MM ec ee CO CU van Sa CPR LILINS) RCM oor Me eS MRE Vm em RCo URC a re P eee oil RE) S CES re S STS. PMS 2024 CCE23 SINDH STARTING FROM 12 FEB @ DAILY COUNSELING AND GUIDE ON SUBJECT SELECTION (OPTIONALS) @ SCHEDULE MAKING INDIVIDUALLY WITH DAILY TASKS AND DIARY WORK ( WITH INDIVIDUAL CONCERNS OF EACH ASPIRANT) MISUGGEST BEST TECHNIQUES FOR SMART STUDY AND SOURCES OF PREPARATION. (SEQUENCE AND FOLLOW-UP PLAN FOR PREPARATION OF ALL COMPULSORY SUBJECTS AND OPTIONAL SUBJECTS. @ FOCUS ON EFFECTIVE NOTES MAKING, PAPER ATTEMPTING, PAPER PRESENTATION, TIME MANAGEMENT AND TIME- FETCHING TECHNIQUES. @ WEEKLY TASKS INCLUDING BOOK SUMMARY AND ESSAY THEME READINGS. CLASS TIMING 9 TO 10 PM Spellings Structure Word Count Sm Ras cms ‘ ¢ ivan “No matter what political reason are given for war, the underlying reason is always economic.” —AJP Tylor, British Historian Introduction In this era of globalization, the landscape of warfare is undergoing a significant transformation. Traditional physical confrontations are increasingly being replaced by economic battles, marking a seismic shift in the arena of global conflicts. This emerging battlefield, aptly termed as the ‘economic zone’, is characterized by trade wars, technological supremacy races, currency manipulation, and control over resources. This essay aims to explore this new war front in the economic zone, dissecting its origin, implications, and future trajectory. The investigation intends to provide a comprehensive understanding, while shedding, light on the strategic maneuvers nations adopt to gain an, upper hand in this economic warfare. The concept of economic warfare is not new, as. nations have long used economic sanctions and ‘embargoes as a means to coerce their enemies. The ‘economic warfare can be defined as (ESSENSE RET a eee However, in the current geopolitical landscape, the use of economic tools has taken center stage in global conflicts. The roots of this shift can be traced back tothe end of World War Il when Western powers forged ‘a new world order through international institutions such as the United Nations, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and World Bank. These institutions were designed to promote global cooperation, foster economic growth, and prevent future conflicts through trade liberalization and open markets. However, with the rise of emerging powers such as China and Russia, this Western-dominated world order is challenged. ‘The emergence of econor being battles as the new war front has brought about significant changes in rag ional warfare strategies. Traditionally, warfare was synonymous with military confrontation; however, the ‘economic dimension adds an entirely new layer of ee mn mene EMEC These economic warfare strategies serve as potent tools for projecting power, influencing other nations’ policies, and achieving geopolitical objectives without resorting to military force. This shift reflects a broader trend where ‘soft power’ tactics, including economic and diplomatic pressures, are gaining precedence over ‘hard power military actions. Moreover, economic warfare extends the battleground beyond the military and political arenas to involve citizens and businesses. As the potential targets and collateral victims of economic battles, these non- state actors are now an integral part of the warfare landscape. This unprecedented involvement of the private sector and the general public has necessitated the evolution of warfare strategies to incorporate ‘economic resilience and readiness. However, the shift to economic warfare also presents new challenges. It blurs the line between war and peace, making it difficult to define victory or defeat as clearly as in traditional warfare. This new warfare front also requires states to reassess their strategic capabilities, as economic strength and resilience become increasingly crucial to national security. 25 In conclusion, the rise of economic warfare is reshaping the traditional warfare strategies, with aclear drift towards non-military means of exerting power and influence. Understanding and adapting to these changes are vital for nations to navigate the complexities of the modern geopolitical landscape effectively. The economic power of a nation creasingly becoming a significant determinant of its global influence. The strong interdependence of economies worldwide has led to the rise of economic diplomacy, where nations leverage trade, invest ments, and financial sanctions as tools to shape global politics. Such practices have significant implications for global power dynamics. For stance, countries with robust economies ‘canimpose financial sanctions or withhold trade benefits from nations they seek to influence, thereby effectively ‘weaponizing’ their economic power. This ability to affect the economic well-being of other countries provides a potent tool to assert dominance without resorting to traditional warfare. Conversely, nations with weak or dependent economies are often at the receiving end of these policies, reducing their political autonomy on the global stage. ‘Thus, the intertwining of economic strength and. political power has caused a shift in the balance of global, politics, emphasizing the need for countries to maintain, strong economic health not just for their domestic prosperity but also for their international standing. Economy Visa Vis National Security National security is gradually extending beyond the traditional realms of military strength and territorial integrity, encompassing economic prosperity and stability as a vital component. As economies become ‘more globalized and interdependent. economic wellness thas become a significant factor in a nation’s security. Economic strength ensures a country can adequately fund and sustain its defense forces, invest in cutting- edge technologies, and maintain a robust frastructure. Moreover, a strong economy also empowers a nation to withstand economic sanctions, ensuring its ability to operate autonomously on the world stage. On the flip side, economic instability can lead to social unrest, increasing susceptibility to internal conflicts and threats from external forces. An economic crisis may also compromise a nation’s ability to adequately fund its defense, which may render it vulnerable to external threats. Hence, ensuring economic stability and prosperity is crucial for national security in the modern world, This shift emphasizes the necessity of viewing national security through an economic lens, highlighting the need for sound economic policies as part of a comprehensive national security strategy. Impacts of Economic Battles battles, often fought through strategies such as imposing sanctions, withholding trade benefits, or exercising debt-trap diplomacy, have Economic tangible implications for international and national security. These battles can inadvertently escalate into full-blown crises, threatening the stability of nations and slobal peace. ‘As economic battles intensify, countries may face severe financial strain, leading to economic instability. This instability can foster social unrest, potentially giving rise to internal conflicts and public discontent. Furthermore, it may compromise the nation’s ability to fund its defense adequately, leaving it, vulnerable to external threats and geopolitical maneuvers. Moreover, international economic battles can strain diplomatic relationships between nations. This tension can precipitate a hostile environment, 26 potenti realm. It may also lead to the creation of political alliances and counter-alliances, further complicating the ly sparking conflicts beyond the economic global geopolitics and impacting international security dynamics. In essence, the economic battles of today can shape the security situations of tomorrow, underscoring, the importance of sound economic strategies and policies in maintaining global stability and national security. Understanding the potential security implications of these economic battles is vital in formulating effective defense and foreign policies in an increasingly interconnected world economy. The repercussions of economic warfare can significantly impact the lives of average citizens and the operations of businesses. From a citizen's perspective, economic battles often translate into higher costs of living. For instance, sanctions or trade wars can lead to increased prices for imported goods and services, impacting household budgets. Economic instability triggered by such battles can also lead to job losses, decreased wages, and a decline in public services if governments are forced to cut spending. si larly, businesses, particularly those engaged in international trade, can face substantial challenges. ‘They may encounter her tariffs, stricter regulations, and disruptions in supply chains, affecting their ‘competitiveness and profitability. Small to medium- sized enterprises (SMEs), typically less capable of absorbing these shocks, can find themselves particularly vulnerable. Furthermore, a volatile global economic environment can deter investment, stymie growth, and even lead to bankruptcy for bu: resilience or flexibility to adapt. Therefore, the reality of economic warfare today necessitates that citizens and businesses alike are aware of the international economic landscape. This ‘awareness allows them to better navigate the challenges presented by economic battles and to take advantage of, any potential opportunities that may arise amidst the upheaval. Use of Economic Strength as a Weapon - Case Studies Us"Sanetions: A clear representation of economic warfare can be seen in the use of econor sanctions by the United States. The US, being one of the largest ‘economies in the world, frequently employs economic sanctions as a tool to exert influence, negotiate better terms, or to punish nations that fail to align with its ideologies or foreign policies. (One such example is the economic sanctions imposed on Iran, aimed at curtailing Iran's nuclear program, The sanctions involved a comprehensive financial embargo, encompassing a ban on trade, investment and a freeze on assets. This exerted substantial pressure on Iran's economy, leading to a sharp devaluation of Iran’s currency and high inflation rates, thereby crippling its economy and forcing Iran to tthe negotiating table. Similarly, the sanctions against Russia following. the annexation of Crimea in 2014 offer another example of the use of economic power as a weapon. The sanctions, coupled with falling oil prices, triggered a financial crisis in Russia, leading to a significant contraction of its economy. These cases exemplify how economic sanctions can serve as a potent tool in international politics, enabling nations like the US to assert influence without resorting to military action. However, it's worth noting that such measures can have far-reaching implications, not just for the target country, but also for global economic stability, hence requiring careful consideration and strategic implementation. il Diplomacy by Middle Eastern States: Another potent example of economic warfare is oil diplomacy, 27 ‘where nations leverage their control over oil resources tocexert influence on global politics. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), a notable actor in this sphere, has had a profound impact on global oil prices and, by extension, the global economy. For the 1973 oil crisis, OPEC members enacted anil embargo in response to Western support for Israel instance, in the Yom Kippur Wer, causing a substantial increase in dota oil prices and triggering a severe economic recession in many countries. This event underscored the ability of nations, or 2 group of nations, to weaponize their control over critical resources as a means of asserting political influence. In moder times, countries lke Russia and ‘Saudi Arabia, with their vast oil reserves, continue to leverage ol diplomacy 25 a potent too in their political arsenal. As such the intertwining of politics and control over resources like oil further illustrates the evolution of warfare into the economic realm. (Chi Seine DEMAINGMIESEBRE: China, as one ofthe world's most expansive economies, has also been harnessing its economic power to exert influence globally. China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), a vast network of infrastructure development spanning across several continents, epitomizes its use of economic resources as a strategic tool. The BRI not only expands China's global trade connections but also fosters ‘economic dependence of participant countries on China, thereby providing it with substantial leverage in Through — debt-financed infrastructure projects, China has managed to secure a international relations. foathold in many developing countries, often in strategic locations, thereby expanding its geopolitical influence. Moreover, China's dominance in numerous industries, such as electronics and manufacturing, an control over essential elements in global supply chains, position it as a critical player in the global economy. This dominance allows China to exert significant influence over international trade dynamics and policies. For instance, China's decisions related to rare earth minerals ‘export quotas can have far-reaching implications given the critical role these elements play in various high-tech industries worldwide. Therefore, China's economic _ strategies highlight the role of economic power in shaping international relations in the contemporary world, Its case underscores the evolving nature of geopolitical power and the increasing significance of economic strength in determining a nation's global standing. However, critics argue that it is a form of ‘debt-trap diplomacy, where China gains leverage over the indebted nations, thereby weaponizing its economic strength. EU's) Tradellinfluence: The European Union (EU) represents another key player in the global economy, leveraging its collective economic strength to exert influence in international trade. The EU, comprised of 27 member countries, is the world's largest trading bloc, andits Internal Market ensures free movement of goods, services, capital, and people among member nations. This creates a significant economic power, which the EU uses to negotiate favorable trade agreements with non- member countries. Moreover, the EU employs its trade policy as a tool to promote its values and standards globally, such as human rights, labour standards, and environmental protection. By making compliance with these standards a condition for access to its vast market, the EU exerts considerable influence in shaping global norms. This approach, often termed as ‘normative power Europe’, illustrates the use of economic prowess in supporting and promoting political objectives. The EU's rigorous enforcement of antitrust laws ‘and regulations also serves as an example of its economic 28 influence. By imposing hefty corporations for breaches of competition laws, the EU enforces its regulatory standards beyond its borders, affecting global corporate behavior. Therefore, much like the US and China, the EU's dominance international trade serves as aplatform for asserting its influence, reflecting the shift towards economic warfare in the global political landscape. The EU's approach emphasizes careful balancing of ‘economic interests with adherence to its core values, demonstrating the evolving complexities of economic warfare in today's interconnected world The future implications of this new economic war front on global stability are manifold and significant. Firstly, the continued use of economic measures as warfare tools can perpetuate a state of constant uncertainty, disrupting global economies and shaking. investor confidence. This environment of volatility can hinder long-term planning and sustainable development. efforts, exacerbating global economic inequality and potentially fueling social conflicts. Secondly, the focus on ‘economic warfare could lead to accelerated arms races in the financial technology sectors. ‘More nations might strive to gain control over global supply chains and develop independent technological capacities to mitigate vulnerabilities. This, in turn, could heighten the potential for cyber warfare and other forms of non-traditional conflict. Lastly, the shift towards non-military warfare strategies could redefine the global order, making economic prowess as al, if not more so, than military strength in determining a nation’s global standing, Nations with robust economies and advanced could wield influence, technologies significant potentially altering the balance of power. In this light, becomes crucial for nations to not only adapt to the evolving warfare strategies but also to actively work towards a global regulatory framework that can mitigate the det ental effects of economic warfare on global stability. Such proactive measures are key to ensut ea more secure and stable international environment in the face of this new war-front reality. Economic Warfare and Pakistan's Security Challenges Pakistan, as a developing country with a complex geopolitical positioning, faces. challenges in the context of economic warfare. The unique nation’s secu icreasingly intertwined with economic stability. Econor ic warfare tactics, such as sanctions, trade restrictions, and manipulative currency practices, have been wielded against Pakistan, often exacerbating its already precarious economic situation. For instance, the FATF's grey-listing of Pakistan has imposed significant barriers to international trade and investment, thereby hampering economic growth. Moreover, Pakistan's reliance on international loans and aid, particularly from the IMF and other Western institutions, makes it vulnerable to economic pressures and conditionalities often used as levers of influence. This dependency can potentially limit Pakistan's strategic autonomy, affecting its security policies and alliances. Furthermore, (ENSETEMET i truggles -high inflation. fiscal deficits, unemployment, Mee eee SESE instability can incite social unrest, weaken the state's authority, and provide a breeding ground for non-state actors, thereby posing a serious security threat. Given these challenges, itis increasingly critical for Pakistan to build economic resilience as part of its national security strategy. This includes diversityi economy, reducing dependencies on external aid, 29 investing in human capital, and fostering technological innovation. In the era of economic warfare, Pakistan's security and prosperity are dependent more than ever on the robustness and resi ‘A multi-faceted approach is required for Pakistan to navigate its way through the challenges posed by economic warfare. Firstly, Pakistan must prioritize economic stability and growth. This can be achieved by implementing economic reforms focused on diversification of industries, enhancing productivity, and promoting local and foreign investments. Secondly, advancement and digital literacy can bolster Pakistan's focusing on technological defense against financial technology -related threats. Thirdly, robust diplomatic engagement is necessary to navigate geopolitical sensitivities and to forge alliances that ensure economic stability and security. Lastly, there must be a push towards creating a slobal regulatory framework that discourages the misuse of economic tactics for warfare and promotes ‘equitable and stable economic relations among nations. These steps can help Pakistan turn the tide in the face of economic warfare, ensuring its national security and paving the path for economic prosperity. ‘Conclusion In conclusion, the emergence of economic warfare as a prevalent form of conflict has significant implications for global stability and the national security strategies of individual nations. For countries like Pakistan, which are at the intersection of complex geopolitical realities and economic vulnerabilities, the stakes are particularly high. Navigating these challenges demands a multi-pronged strategy that prioritizes economic resilience, technological advancement, and robust diplomacy. Moreover, crafting global regulatory framework that discourages the misuse of economic tactics in warfare is an imperative. By taking these steps, Pakistan and nations alike can not only safeguard their security but also leverage the challenges of economi warfare to catalyze their journey towards economi prosperity and global standing. WU UA ETA ECONOMIES IN 2075 FORECAST BY GOLDMAN SACHS Egypt ray 7] OnE) IA A Rese oR RE BRICS $30.8T USA $26.9T un yf Sy TCLS SOR ccc pc ae ue UCN Isao ea A ea ae Heuer Ce Coo Mle bht confuse thi fckn apke motivation or focture notes eC MOT MUM reece no Sa oe Har kisi ko sief ck mentor se guideline Lena 2aruri specially ACCRA SOR re ec CO on

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