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Research areas in ICT include;
 Internet of Things (IoT).
 Data Science and Big Data.
 Cloud Computing
 Block Chain and Cryptocurrency and
 Digital Health.
Area of interest;
Internet of Things (IoT).
I am interested in Internet of Things (IoT), since it’s easy to connect and automate various
devices and systems to improve efficiency, convenience, and data-driven decision-making.
The area of Internet of Things (IoT) has got various problems which include;
 Scalability
 Security concerns and
 Data overload.
The problem that need to be addressed;
Data overload;
This is the vast amount of Data generated by IoT devices. This is a critical challenge to be
addressed since IoT devices generate large amounts of data continuously.




This chapter will contain more about the Research background, problem statement,
objectives, research questions, scope and significance of the study.
Edge computing is a distributed computing system model that brings computation and data
storage closer to the source of data generation, reducing the latency and bandwidth
requirements of traditional cloud computing.
Computing systems have been implemented worldwide in various industries and sectors
Foristance edge Smart Cities, Edge computing is used in smart city applications to process
data from various sensors and devices located throughout the city. For example, in Barcelona,
Spain, the city uses edge computing systems to analyze data from video surveillance cameras
in real-time, enabling faster response to incidents and optimizing public safety operations.
In Asia, where IoT adoption is rapidly increasing across industries such as manufacturing,
agriculture, and smart cities. For example, in the oil and gas industry, edge computing
systems can analyze sensor data from remote locations in real-time, allowing for practical
maintenance and cost savings.
Edge computing infrastructure and resources have been deployed at various locations within
the region to enable faster data processing, improved security, and enhanced overall
performance. By placing edge computing resources within the region.
In Uganda, particularly, in agriculture, edge computing has enabled on-site analysis of soil
moisture data to optimize irrigation systems. However, in transportation sector, edge
computing systems can be implemented to improve transportation systems by enabling real-
time data analysis for traffic management, vehicle monitoring, and autonomous driving. For
example, edge devices installed in vehicles can process data from sensors and cameras,
allowing for rapid detection of road hazards, congestion, and accidents.
Edge computing systems play a crucial role in managing data overload by processing and
analyzing data closer to the source or point of generation, rather than sending all data to
centralized data centers. This System reduces latency, minimizes bandwidth usage, and
enhances overall system efficiency.
Currently edge computing systems are evolving rapidly, with increasing adoption and
advancements in technology as it has gained significant traction across various industries,
including healthcare, manufacturing, and smart cities. While challenges exist, the potential
benefits and opportunities for various industries, including those in Uganda, make edge
computing a significant area of interest and development.
Data over load has got significant impacts including; network congestion that slows data
transmission, security risks as large amounts of data increase the attack surface for cyber
threats and reduced efficiency since excessive data can overwhelm IoT analytics system.
1.3.1 Main objective.
The vital objective of the study is to design and develop an edge computing data overload
management system.
1.3.2 Specific objectives.
To study the existing edge computing systems at Entebbe airport.
To design and develop an edge computing system at Entebbe airport.
To implement the developed system at Entebbe airport.
To evaluate the implemented system at Entebbe airport.
Are there any existing edge computing systems at Entebbe airport?
Are there possible solutions to design and develop an edge computing at Entebbe airport?
How can the developed edge computing system be implemented at Entebbe airport?
How can the implemented edge computing system be evaluated at Entebbe airport?
This study will approximately take a period of three months, that’s from 25 th October 2023 to
26th December. The study will specifically focus on the existing edge computing systems at
Entebbe airport. All the data will be collected from Entebbe airport.
Implementing edge computing systems at Entebbe airport will benefit different stakeholders
or groups of people.
Airport Authorities; implementation of the age computing systems at Entebbe airport will
enhance real-time data processing for security and operations, allowing them to monitor and
respond to incidents more effectively
Ground transportation providers; it will facilitate efficient tracking of airport shuttles, taxis
and other transportation services.
Security agencies; it will enable real-time video- analytics, facial recognition, and other
security measures to ensure a safer airport environment.
Passengers; it will foster faster check- in, shorter, shorter security lines, and improved in -
flight entertainment can enhance the overall travel experience for passengers.
Researcher; career advancements. Successfully implementing an edge computing system at a
major facility like an airport can enhance researcher’s reputation and career prospects, and
may secure additional funding for the work, either from the airport or through grants aimed at
improving infrastructure and technology.


The objective of this literature review is analyze the existing research, case studies on edge
computing deployments in airport environments and best practices in designing and
developing edge computing systems in the context of airports, with a focus on Entebbe
Airport. The review will also provide an overview basing on the theoretical, conceptual
review and related studies on edge computing systems and its significances.
Edge computing system is a model that brings computation and data storage closer to the
source of data generation, enabling real-time processing and reduced latency. This review
aims to explore the existing literature on the design and development of edge computing
systems specifically focused on Entebbe Airport in Uganda.
2.1.2 Definition and Concept of Edge Computing:
Edge computing involves the deployment of computational resources and services at the
network edge, closer to the point of data generation. It enables real-time data analysis,
reduced latency, and better bandwidth management. In the case of Entebbe Airport, edge
computing can be utilized to process data generated by various airport systems, such as
security cameras, passenger check-in, and luggage tracking systems.
2.1.3 Benefits of Implementing Edge Computing at Entebbe Airport:
Reduced Latency: By processing data closer to the source, edge computing reduces latency,
enabling real-time decision-making. For instance, during baggage handling, edge computing
can ensure that the luggage is routed correctly and efficiently, minimizing delays.
Improved Operational Efficiency: By processing data locally, edge computing can
optimize airport operations. For example, it can monitor and regulate energy consumption,
track maintenance needs, and optimize resource allocation.
2.1.3 Challenges and Considerations in Designing Edge Computing Systems:
Network Infrastructure: The design and implementation of edge computing systems
require a robust and reliable network infrastructure. This includes ensuring sufficient
bandwidth, low latency, and reliable connectivity to handle the increased data load.
Data Privacy and Security: Edge computing involves processing sensitive data closer to the
source, raising concerns about data privacy and security. Proper encryption, access control,
and privacy policies must be implemented to safeguard passenger and operational data.
The theoretical review of the literature highlights the potential benefits of designing and
developing edge computing systems at Entebbe Airport. By reducing latency and improving
operational efficiency. edge computing can provide significant advantages to the airport.
2.2 A Conceptual Review.
2.2.1 Introduction:
This literature review aims to provide a conceptual overview of the design and development
of edge computing systems at Entebbe Airport in Uganda. It will explore the key concepts,
challenges, and potential benefits associated with implementing such systems in this context.
2.2.2 Key Components of Edge Computing Systems:
Edge computing system is a model that brings computation and data storage closer to the
source of data generation, enabling real-time processing and reduced latency.
Edge computing systems consist of various components, including edge devices, edge
servers, and edge analytics software. Edge devices are responsible for collecting and
preprocessing data, while edge servers handle the computational tasks. Edge analytics
software enables real-time data analysis at the edge.
In the context of Entebbe Airport, edge devices could include IoT sensors installed in
passenger terminals, runways, or baggage handling systems. Edge servers would process the
collected data, while edge analytics software would analyze it for tasks such as predicting
flight delays or optimizing security checks.
2.2.3 Benefits of Edge Computing at Entebbe Airport:
Implementing edge computing systems at Entebbe Airport can bring several advantages, such
as reduced latency, enhanced security, improved efficiency, and cost savings. By processing
data locally, real-time decisions can be made without depending on cloud connectivity. This
can improve passenger experiences and operational efficiency.
With edge computing, security cameras at the airport can detect suspicious behavior in real-
time, triggering immediate alerts and enabling prompt responses. This can help prevent
security incidents and ensure a safer environment for passengers and staff.
2.2.4 Challenges of Implementing Edge Computing Systems:
There are various challenges associated with designing and developing edge computing
systems at Entebbe Airport. These include network connectivity issues, ensuring data security
and privacy, managing the vast amount of data from multiple edge devices, and the need for
skilled personnel to maintain and monitor the systems.
One challenge could be managing the large volume of data generated by different sensors
across the airport. Ensuring that the data is properly collected, processed, and analyzed in a
timely manner requires careful planning and resource allocation.
Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Integrating edge computing systems with the existing
infrastructure at Entebbe Airport requires a well-designed architecture and compatibility with
the current technologies in place. It is crucial to ensure seamless integration and minimal
disruption to the ongoing operations.
Integrating edge computing with the airport's existing flight management systems would
enable real-time analysis of data for optimizing air traffic control, reducing flight delays, and
enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Edge computing system is a model that brings computation and data storage closer to the
source of data generation, enabling real-time processing and reduced latency. Edge
computing systems play a crucial role in optimizing data processing and analysis at the edge
of a network, closer to where data is generated.
Application of Edge Computing in Transportation: Several studies have explored the
application of edge computing in the transportation sector. For instance, a study by Zhang et
al. (2020) discusses the use of edge computing in intelligent transportation systems, which
can enhance traffic management and improve overall efficiency.
Case Study: Edge Computing in Airports: To gain insights into the specific context of
Entebbe Airport, it is valuable to examine case studies on the implementation of edge
computing systems in airports. For example, a study by Gao et al. (2018) investigates the use
of edge computing for real-time data analytics in airport baggage handling systems,
emphasizing the benefits of reduced latency and improved operational efficiency.
Security Considerations in Edge Computing: The security of edge computing systems is of
utmost importance, as they handle sensitive data and are vulnerable to various cybersecurity
threats. A study by Wang et al. (2020) examines security challenges in edge computing and
proposes secure frameworks for protecting data and ensuring privacy.
Performance Evaluation of Edge Computing Systems: To assess the effectiveness and
efficiency of edge computing systems, performance evaluation studies are essential. For
example, research by Li et al. (2020) proposes a performance evaluation framework for edge
computing systems in smart cities, considering factors such as response time, resource
utilization, and scalability.
Impact of Edge Computing on Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency is a crucial aspect of
any computing system, and edge computing is no exception. A study by Ren et al. (2019)
explores energy-efficient edge computing techniques and their impact on reducing energy
consumption in smart cities, which could be relevant for the design and development of edge
computing systems at Entebbe Airport.
Challenges in Designing and Developing Edge Computing Systems: Designing and
developing edge computing systems pose several challenges, such as ensuring data security,
addressing scalability issues, and managing the complexity of distributed systems. A study by
Shi et al. (2019) highlights these challenges and proposes solutions for designing efficient
edge computing architectures. His study also discusses the integration of edge computing
with smart city infrastructure, highlighting the potential for enhanced data processing and
decision-making in urban environments.
By examining the importance of edge computing systems, exploring relevant case studies,
considering security considerations, and evaluating performance and energy efficiency,
related to the topic `researcher can gain a comprehensive understanding of the field and
identify areas for further research and development.


3.1 Introduction:
This methodology aims to provide a framework for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting
data, while considering the unique characteristics and requirements of the project at hand.
3.2 Research Objective:
The objective of this study is to design and develop an edge computing system at Entebbe
Airport. This objective will guide the entire research process, including data collection,
analysis, and implementation.
3.3 Literature Review:
In recent years, edge computing has emerged as a powerful model in the field of information
technology. It offers a decentralized approach to data processing and analysis, bringing
computational power closer to the edge of the network, where data is generated.
3.4 Data Collection:
The semi-structured interviews will be conducted face-to-face with airport officials, IT staff,
and other relevant stakeholders. The interviews will be audio-recorded with the participants'
consent. The survey will be administered online to the airport staff, ensuring anonymity and
confidentiality of responses. Interview guides and a recorder are the tools that shall be used.
3.5 Ethical Considerations: To ensure ethical considerations, all participants will be
provided with informed consent forms explaining the purpose of the research and their rights
as participants. Confidentiality will be maintained by using anonymous codes instead of
participants' names during data analysis and report writing.
3.6 Data Analysis:
The audio-recorded interviews will be transcribed precisely and analyzed using thematic
analysis. Common themes and patterns will be identified, and coding will be used to
categorize the data. The survey data will be analyzed using descriptive statistics to summarize
the responses and identify trends.
3.7 Design and Development:
The next step will be designing and developing the edge computing system, by creating a
detailed plan and architecture that addresses the specific needs and requirements of Entebbe
Airport. The design will consider scalability, security, reliability, and compatibility with
existing systems.
3.8 Prototype Testing:
After the initial design and development, the next step will be to testing the system prototype
in a controlled environment. This will help to identify any potential issues, validate the
system's performance, and make necessary improvements before implementation.
3.9 Implementation and Deployment:
Once the prototype has been tested and refined, the edge computing system can be
implemented and deployed at Entebbe Airport.
3.10 Evaluation and Monitoring:
After the implementation, the edge computing system will be continuously evaluated and
monitored to ensure its effectiveness and efficiency through measuring key performance
indicators, collecting feedback from users, and making necessary adjustments to optimize its
3.11 Limitations:
One potential limitation of this study is the limited sample size of participants due to time
constraints and limited access to airport officials. This may affect the generalizability of the
findings. To mitigate this limitation, efforts will be made to ensure diversity in the sample by
including representatives from different departments and roles within the airport.
3.12 Significance:
This research aims to contribute to the body of knowledge on edge computing systems and
their implementation in Entebbe airport environments. The findings of this study can provide
valuable insights to airport authorities and IT professionals at Entebbe Airport, enabling them
to make informed decisions regarding the design and development of an efficient edge
computing system.
This research proposal aims to address the need for efficient processing and analysis of large
volumes of data generated in real time at Entebbe airport. The proposed system will control
edge computing technologies to enable faster and more reliable data processing and decision
making at the airport.

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