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Class: Introduction to Organic Chemistry Date: February 15, 2024

Topic: Introduction to Functional Groups

1. Introduction to Organic Chemistry:

 Welcome to Introduction to Organic Chemistry! Today, we embark on our exploration

of the fascinating world of organic molecules and their diverse structures and
functions. We'll define organic chemistry and distinguish it from inorganic chemistry.

2. Functional Groups:

 Functional groups are specific arrangements of atoms within organic molecules that
confer characteristic chemical properties and reactions. We'll discuss the structure and
properties of common functional groups, such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones,
carboxylic acids, and amines.

3. Nomenclature and Structural Isomerism:

 Systematic nomenclature enables chemists to name and identify organic compounds

based on their structure and functional groups. We'll explore the rules for naming
organic molecules and discuss structural isomerism, where compounds have the same
molecular formula but different structural arrangements.

4. Chemical Reactions of Functional Groups:

 Functional groups participate in a variety of chemical reactions, including oxidation,

reduction, substitution, addition, and elimination reactions. We'll examine the
mechanisms and outcomes of these reactions, illustrating how functional groups
determine the reactivity of organic molecules.

5. Biological Significance of Functional Groups:

 Functional groups play critical roles in biological molecules such as proteins,

carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. We'll explore how functional groups
contribute to the structure, function, and interactions of biomolecules in living
organisms, highlighting their importance in biochemistry and pharmacology.

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