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Appendicitis- by Millicent Aghagba.

The appendix is a small, finger shaped pouch of intestinal organ that bulges out of
the large intestine. Although the use of the appendix has been controversial,
researchers from the Duke University Medical Center, says the appendix does have a
key function which is to produce and store good microbes for the human gut.
It is quite small and unnoticeable but the appendix can cause a high level of
discomfort if infected or inflamed and that is what is known as “Appendicitis”
Appendicitis comes in two forms which are; the acute and chronic appendicitis.
Acute appendicitis is common usually with people around ages 10-30 and it usually
starts as abdominal pain starting around the navel and shifting to the lower right
side. Other symptoms may include vomiting, loss of appetite, nausea, swollen belly
and sometimes fever. If not treated immediately, it can can lead to complications,
such as a ruptured appendix, which can result in a severe abdominal infection and
in turn result to death.
Fast and necessary actions are required when appendicitis is suspected. In most
cases, a surgery known as an appendectomy, is performed to remove the inflamed
appendix. in other cases, medications can be prescribed by the doctor without
undergoing surgery.
Although, appendicitis cannot always be prevented, adopting a balanced diet high in
fiber, staying hydrated, and maintaining good hygiene as well as avoiding excessive
consumption of processed foods can help prevent the risk.

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