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Social Responsibility and Financial Aspects of a Company

Apple is a technological company that uses coporate social responsibility to

maximize its revenue and profits. However, social responsibility requires

organizations to have a full grasp and understanding of its financial capabilities and

limitations in order to have a profound understanding and adept knowledge of all the

aspects required in the market. According to research, a company's ability to succeed

in the modern period depends on its ability to practice positive corporate social

responsibility since it will improve its bottom line, boost employee morale and lead to

a more productive workforce, and assist increase brand awareness.

Annotated Bibliography

Yuan, Yuan, et al. "Business strategy and corporate social

responsibility." Journal of Business Ethics 162 (2020): 359-377.

This study examines the effects of corporate social responsibility and how they may

impact a business's bottom line. Businesses must consider strategies beyond profit

maximization, such as how embracing positive social trends can increase customers'

inclination to do business with them. The International Journal of Environmental

Research and Public Health carried out this investigation. Numerous writers with

experience in business management from various nations are available. This article's

principal author is connected to the Department of Business Administration. This

study establishes a clear link between corporate social responsibility and a company's

ability to directly impact revenue.

Robbins, R. (2017). Do Corporate Social Responsibility Increase Profits?


Although it might be challenging to relate a company's earnings to intangible CSR

factors, the majority of big businesses actively participate in these initiatives. It fosters

a favorable perception of the business, which boosts revenue, draws in key personnel,

and fosters client loyalty. Since 1980s, Business Ethics, an online magazine, has

published articles on ethics, corporate social responsibility, governance, and socially

conscious investing. The writer of this piece, founded the organization Investing for

the Soul while enrolled in a UK university. His study's findings indicate what the

majority of big businesses naturally do. Engaging in corporate social responsibility

initiatives is advantageous for the organization.

Singh, Kuldeep, and Madhvendra Misra. "Linking corporate social

responsibility (CSR) and organizational performance: The moderating effect of

corporate reputation." European Research on Management and Business

Economics 27.1 (2021): 100139.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) could be seen negatively if it is thought of as

merely a strategy to maximize a company's profit. For staff members and clients, a

sincere desire to improve society—rather than merely contributing a monetary sum to

a nonprofit—is what matters most; otherwise, the plan may backfire. This article's

primary author is a business professor with several published works on the topic. The

delicate nature of corporate social responsibility is confirmed by this information

source, which also attests to the fact that these plans should be implemented and that

the companies actually care about how they will affect society.

Hughes, B. (2017, December 07). Why Corporate Social Responsibility is

Essential for Brand Strategy



Building a successful brand requires corporate social responsibility to be ingrained in

the firm from the ground up, not just as an afterthought. Many companies donate a

percentage of their earnings to different charities without considering the results.

Consumers will support firms that care about their workers, contribute to community

development, and pursue ecologically sustainable policies with their money. The

primary author of this piece, Brian Hughes, is the CEO and founder of Integrity's

Digital Marketing Expert. According to this essay, consumer sentiment is crucial

because we live in a highly connected, customer-based culture. A company's ability to

build positive social influence around its brand can make or break its success.
Carroll, Archie B. "Corporate social responsibility: Perspectives on the CSR

construct’s development and future." Business & Society 60.6 (2021): 1258-1278.

Employees will feel more like they are making a difference in society rather than just

mindlessly getting paid if employers adopt socially conscious measures. This will

make it easier to find and keep bright workers who can collaborate to produce

significant outcomes. The writer holds a degree in economics and finance aspects of

business. This article demonstrates how fostering a happy work environment for

employees through social policies may attract talent, increase productivity, and

enhance a company's reputation—all of which are necessary components of a

successful, profitable organization.

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