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Chapter 1 • WHEREAS, it is met that in honoring

them particularly the national hero and
patriot, Jose Rizal, we remember with
special fondness and devotion to their
The study of Dr. Jose P. Rizal life lives and works that have shaped the
works and writings has been mandated by national character;
Republic Act no. 1425 known as the Rizal
• WHEREAS, the life, works and writings
Law approved on June 12, 1956 provides
of Jose Rizal particularly his novels Noli
for the integration of the study of the life
Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, are a
and works of Dr. Jose P. Rizal in the
constant and inspiring source of
curriculum of the tertiary level and took
patriotism with which the minds of the
effect on August 16, 1956.
youth, especially during their formative
Who is the father of Rizal Law? and decisive years in school should be
RECTO • WHEREAS, all educational institution
are under the supervision of, and
THE REPUBLIC subject to regulation by the state, and
ACT NO 1425 all schools are enjoined to develop
(RIZAL moral character, personal discipline,
LAW) civic conscience, and to teach the duties
of citizenship; Now therefore,
ACT NO. 1425 Be it enacted by Senate and House of
Representative of the Philippines in
House Bill No. 5561
Congress assembled.
Senate Bill No. 438
Approved- JUNE 12, 1956
An act to include in the curricula of all
Department of Education (DepEd)
public and private schools, colleges and
Order No. 2 Series of 1996 directs the
universities courses on the life, works and
Committee on Education for the inclusion
writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his
of the Rizal Course as a 3- unit lesson with
novels Noli me Tangere and El
the following aims and purposes:
Filibusterismo, authorizing the printing
and distribution thereof, and for other 1. The law aims and desire to re-establish
purposes. that the Filipinos themselves be imbued
with the principle of freedom and sense of
• WHEREAS, today, more than other
nationalism. The rationale of which is to
period of our history there is a need for
perpetuate the memories of our hero’s
a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom
death and sacrifices.
and nationalism for which our heroes
live and died. 2. The law aims to honor the heroes
particularly Dr. Jose P. Rizal and to remind
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us of his sacrifices and his two novels- Noli 11. The abuses of guardia civil, church
Me Tangere and El Filipusterismo that officials and political leader.
paved the way to the nationalism and
patriotism of the entire country.
3. The law aims to cultivate and inculcate HERO
among the students in all schools the
I die, without seeing the day dawning on my
character development, self-discipline,
country... you will see it... and forget not
civic consciousness and to teach the duties
those who fell during the night...
of citizenship which became the primary
Dr. Jose P. Rizal
reasons for the enactment of the law for
reforms and changes. A hero is a person admired for
achievement and noble qualities and a
Rizal time was deemed to be the
prominent or central personage taking an
height of the, maladministration of Spain
admirable action. Also, a person of
and its decay that obscured the Philippine
distinguished valor or enterprise in danger
skies. The Filipino people suffered
and an individual honored after death by
intensely beneath the bondage of Spanish
public worship because of laudable and
misrule for they were ill-fated victims of
exceptional service to mankind.
the evils, injustice, prejudice and sudden
collapse of colonial power. Among these The difference between hero and
baneful features were the following martyr is that hero is a real person of
great bravery who carries out extra
1. Instability of colonial administration
ordinary deeds while martyr is one who
2. Corrupt Spanish officials willingly accept being put to death for
adhering openly to one’s religious belief.
3. No Philippine representation to the
Spanish cortes Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonzo
Realonda was a man of many talents. The
4. Human rights denied to Filipino
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
5. No equality before the law provided the ember that awakened the
Filipino nationalism and paved the way for
6. Maladministration of justice the Philippine revolution of 1896. He
proved that the “Pen is Mightier than the
7. Racial discrimination
Sword” to redeem a people from their
8. Frailocracy and Secularization of Filipino political slavery.
The Americans, particularly Civil
9. Force labor and excessive taxes Governor William Howard Taft being the
Chairman of the Philippine commission
10. Haciendas owned by friars and Spanish address messengers. Pardo de Tavera,
officials Legarda, Gregorio Araneta, Cayetano
Arellano the choosing of the Phillipine
national hero. Among the nominated were
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Marcelo H. Del Pilar, Gen. Antonio Luna, their tongues are sharper than the sword.
Gregorio Lopez Jaena, Emilio Jacinto and Their pen carry further and give a louder
Jose Rizal. report than thunder. I rather stand in the
shock of basilisk than in the fury of a
Dr. Otley H. Bayer, an
merciless pen.
anthropologist and technical member of
the panel of the Philippine commission HONORS ACCORDED TO RIZAL AS THE
recommended the following criterion in PHILIPPINE NATIONAL HERO
choosing the Philippine national hero.
1. The day of his birth and day of his
1. The must be a Filipino. execution are fittingly commemorated by
2. The person is a peace-loving and all classes of people throughout the
pacifist. country and other Filipinos abroad.
3. The person must have a great sense of
2. No other Filipino hero can surpass Rizal
in the number of monuments erected in his
4. The person must have die for country
honour in towns, barrios and schools.
as a martyr
3. His name is a by-word in every home
Reason why Rizal was chosen and
and his pictures printed and used in
declared as the Philippine’s National
postage stamps.
4. The paper money / coin with his image
1. He was the first filipino to unite and
have the widest circulation that the
awaken the Filipino people to peacefully
poorest of the poor can take hold.
rise for Independence.
5. Streets, Boulevard, Educational
2. He is model for being the peacemaker by
institution and persons were named Rizal.
his complete self-denial, his complete
abandonment of his personal interest and 6. His noble thoughts and teaching had
to think only of his country and people. been frequently invoked and quoted by
3. He was a towering figure in the
propaganda campaign from 1882-1896. 7. The union of Manila and Morong to be a
province was named after the illustrious
4. He was a martyr at Bagumbayan where
Filipino hero thus Rizal province was
he willingly died for our country.
What other great men said about
the Pen and Sword. Napoleon I who was a
great conqueror and ruler said. “ There are
only two powers in the world, the sword
and pen; and in the end the former is Chapter 2
always conquered by the latter.”
Sir Thomas Browne said “ Scholars 19TH CENTURY AS RIZAL’S CONTEXT
are men of peace; they bear no arms but
College of Teacher Education

The 19th century marked as very POLITICAL CONDITION DURING THE

dynamic and productive age mainly in 19TH CENTURY: POLITICAL SYSTEM
continents Europe and Asia. The essence of
The King and the other officials
the life of Jose P. Rizal is the evidence by
issued royal decrees governing the
the circumstances that happened during
Philippines through the Ministry of
his generation in the Philippines and
Colonies based in Madrid. This body
throughout the world. Jose P. Rizal is an
helped the spanish monarch manage the
existing epitome that sets forth a human
affairs if the colonies and govern the
pronouncement that all individuals
Philippines through the centralized
without distinction of any kind are born to
government in manila exercising
be free and equal in the dignity and rights.
executive, legislative and religious
During this period, such concept of power.
liberalism, industrialism, democracy, social
The Governor general appointed
realization and nationalism gained control
by the Spanish King headed the central
and sparked radical changes in science,
administration. He was the King’s
technology, economics, socio-cultural and
representative in the governmental
political condition.
matters and was the Vice-Royal Patron
He exercised extensive powers as
Spanish rule was imposed in the the head of the state and the church. He
Philippines by conquest. Miguel lopez de issued executive orders and proclamation,
Legaspi established the first settlement in he was the commander-in-chief of the
1565 in cebu. Before the conquest, the military, and he also exercise legislative
Filipinos had their own government - the power with his “cumplace” by which he
barangay, headed by the native chieftain could decide which law or royal decree to
called “datu” independent of each other implement or disregard.
and each had its own laws. The people
He enjoyed judicial power as an ex-
know how to read and write and had the
officio president of the Royal Audiencia.
beginnings of a native literature and a
His religious duty him prerogative to
native art.
nominate priest to ecclesiastical positions
Despite being primitive but it was and to control the finances of the mission.
the process of normal development. The
The Governor General was assisted
Spanish conquerors forced them to adopt
by Lieutenant General and advisory bodies
foreign ways and Spanish Catholicism that
such as the Board of Authorities, Council of
they never understood. They lost their
Administration and Secretariat of the
ancestral lands to the “conquistadores” by
central government.
the encomienda system. Changes in the
form of government and laws took place. Next to the central government
was the provincial government or
alcaldias run by civil governors, the city
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government called “cabildo or THE DIFFERENT SOCIO-ECONOMIC

ayuntamiento” administered by a mayor POLICIES IMPOSED BY SPANIARDS
and a vice mayor who were both chief
executives and chief judicial magistrate. It
should be noted that the above positions The native are forced to live in the
are occupied by the Spaniards. place near the center and they could hear
the sound of the bell. This policy was
The local government unit
implemented so that the government and
composed of barangays headed by the
parish priest could easily monitor them
“Gobernadorcillo” (later called captain).
and for the easy conversion to Catholicism.
This is the highest position in the
government to which the native Filipino Bandala
could be appointed. He was elected at the
beginning of every year by the The natives are obliged to sell their
“principalia” made up of the incumbent products to the Spaniards even in the
ex-cabeza de barangay, the smallest unit of lowest price and sometimes the Spaniard
government. will just issue some promissory notes.

The barangay or barrio headed by Forced labor or Polo y Servicios

the “cabeza de barangay” whose main
Polo or forced labor is another
responsibility was to collect taxes and
spanish had created discontent among the
tributes from the families. For his services
Indios during the spanish times.
he received two percent (2%) of the tax
proceeds and four percent (4%) of the The world “polo” is actually a
“sanctorum” or the tax paid to the church corruption of the Tagalog “pulong”
each year to cover the costs of three fiestas originally meaning “ meeting of person and
namely; All Saints day, Holy Thursday things” or “community labor”.
and Corpus Cristi.
THE 19TH CENTURY: THE SOCIAL The native are paying different types of

The Spaniard imposed new social 1. Cedula - male and female 18 years old
stratification which discriminate the and above will pay 8 reales every year for
natives in their own land. The highest class the cedula.
Peninsulares they are the spanish born in 2. Sanctorum - tax for the church
the Spain (pure blooded), the Insulares amounting 3 reales.
they are the Spanish born in the
Philippines third class is the creoles, they 3. Donativo de Zamboanga - one half real
are mix blood or the combination of to finance the war in Mindanao againts the
Spanish and Filipino. Muslims.
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4. Tribute - it may be paid in cash or in


The Tribute (Buwis) or Tributo

As a sign of vassalage to spain, the

filipino paid tribute to the colonial
government in the island. In July 26, 1523,
King Charles V decreed the Indians who
had been pacified should contribute a
moderate amount in recognition of their

Galleon Trade

The trading system which existed in

1565 until 1815 and trading route from
canton in China, Alcapulco and Manila. This
trading policy changed the system of free
trading in the Philippines where in the
other nationalities like the Chinese are free
to exchange their goods with the filipino
who had extra good.
College of Teacher Education

Chapter 3 FRANCISCO MERCADO (1818-

EARLY EDUCATION Father of Jose Rizal who was the
youngest of 13 offsprings of Juan and Cirila
Rizal family belonged to the
Mercado. Born in Biñ an, Laguna on April
“principalia” an aristocratic town
18, 1818; studied in San Jose College,
distinguished families. By frugal living hard
Manila; and died in Manila.
and honest work, Rizal’s parents were able
to live well. TEODORA ALONSO (1827-1913)

Rizal’s parents were able to build a Mother of Jose Rizal who was the
large stone house which was situated near second child of Lorenzo Alonso and Brijida
the town church. They owned a carriage de Quintos. She studied at the Colegio de
which was a status symbol of the Santa Rosa. She was a business-minded
illustrados in the Philippines. woman, courteous, religious, hard-working
and well-read. She was born in Santa Cruz,
Rizal family had a simple contented
Manila on November 14, 1827 and died in
and happy life and was intimately close.
1913 in Manila.
Don Francisco and Dona Teodora loved
their children but they never spoiled them. RIZAL’S SIBLINGS
They were strict parents and they trained
1. SATURNINA RIZAL (1850-1913)
their children to love God and behave well.
Eldest child of the Rizal-Alonzo
The Rizals is considered one of the
marriage. Married Manuel Timoteo
biggest families during their time.
Hidalgo of Tanauan, Batangas.
Domingo Lam-co, the family’s paternal
ascendant was a full-blooded Chinese who 2. PACIANO RIZAL (1851-1930)
came to the Philippines from Amoy, China
in the closing years of the 17th century and Only brother of Jose Rizal and the
married a Chinese half-breed by the name second child. Studied at San Jose College in
of Ines de la Rosa. Manila; became a farmer and later a
general of the Philippine Revolution.
Researchers revealed that the
Mercado-Rizal family had also traces of 3. NARCISA RIZAL (1852-1939)
Japanese, Spanish, Malay and Even Negrito
The third child. married Antonio
blood aside from Chinese.
Lopez at Morong, Rizal; a teacher and
Jose Rizal came from a 13-member musician.
family consisting of his parents, Francisco
4. OLYMPIA RIZAL (1855-1887)
Mercado II and Teodora Alonso
Realonda, and nine sisters and one The fourth child. Married Silvestre
brother. Ubaldo; died in 1887 from childbirth.
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5. LUCIA RIZAL (1857-1919) My coming out in this vale of tears would

have cost my mother her life, had she not
The fifth child. Married Matriano
vowed to the Virgin of Antipolo to take
me her sanctuary by way of pilgrimage
6. MARIA RIZAL (1859-1945)
He was baptized in the catholic
The sixth child. Married Daniel church in Calamba on June 22, 1861 by the
Faustino Cruz of Biñ an, Laguna. parish priest, Father Rufino Collantes. His
godfather was father Pedro Casanas a close
7. JOSE RIZAL (1861-1896) friend of Rizal family. Father Collantes was
impressed by the big head of baby Jose. He
The second son and the seventh
told them “Take good care of this child
child. He was executed by the Spaniards on
for someday he will become a great
December 30,1896.
man”. The name Jose was chosen by his
8. CONCEPCION RIZAL (1862-1865) mother in honour of Saint Jose (St
Joseph) whose feast was March 19
The eight child. Died at the age of three.
The ninth child. An epileptic, died a The name Protacio was taken from
spinster. the catholic calendar which was the
10. TRINIDAD RIZAL (1868-1951) practice during that time.

The tenth child. Died a spinster and the Rizal closer to the spanish word ricial
last of the family to die. which means “luntiang bukirin” related
to his work as hacienda owner.
11. SOLEDAD RIZAL (1870-1929)
Mercado which means market in English
The youngest child married Pantaleon was adopted in 1731 by his paternal great
Quintero. grandfather, Domingo Lamco a full
blooded Chinese merchant.


 Jose P. Rizal, as a young boy
Jose P. Rizal the 7th child of the
beautiful, fruitful and pleasant
Rizal family was born on June 19, 1861
memories as well as sorrow.
Wednesday between 11:00 and 12
 His father built a nipa hut in the
midnight in the town of Calamba province
garden for him to play in the
of Laguna, Philippines. His mother almost
died during her delivery because Jose’s
 At the age of three (3) he enjoyed
head was big. As he recounted in his
watching in the garden the insect
student memoirs:
the maya, culiawan, maria capra,
pipit the martin and other birds.
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 Another childhood memory was the He was taught how to read and write in
daily praying of Angelus of 6:00 pm Spanish.
in their altar as all of them gathered
As he grew older, his parents
for prayers.
employed private tutors to give him
The Azotea on a moonlight the aya lessons at home. The first was Maestro
(nursemaid) would tell stories and legend Celestine and the second, Maestro Lucas
about fairies, legends tale of buried Padua. Later and old named Leon
treasure and other fabulous stories. Monroy, a former classmate of Rizal home
Sometimes if he did not like to eat hids and instructed Jose in Spanish and latin.
supper the aya would threaten him with Unfortunately, he did not live long. He died
aswang, tikbalang, nuno or the turbaned five months later.
bombay will come to take him away.
After Monroy’s death, the hero’s
At the age of three (3) he began to parents decided to send thier gifted son to
religious procession, novena in the church a private school on Binan.
and at the age of five (5), he was able to
At about this time, two of his
read Spanish bible with the help of his
mother cousin frequented Calamba. Uncle
mother. When Rizal was nearly 7 years old
Manuel Alberto, seeing Rizal frail in body,
(June 6, 1868) his father toom him to
concerned himself with the physical of his
pilgrimage to Antipolo in order to fulfill hid
young nephew and taught the latter love
mother’s vow which was made when Jose
for the open air and developed in him a
was born. Dona Teodora could not
great admiration for the beauty of nature,
accompany them because he had given
while Uncle Gregorio a scholar, instilled
birth to Trinidad. It was the first trip of
into the mind of the boy love for education.
Rizal across Laguna de Bay and his first
pilgrimage to Antipolo. Rizal possessed a God-given talent
for literature. His mother who was a lover
of literature noticed his poetic inclination,
The Rizal children were bound hence she encourage himto write poetry.
together by the ties of love and care. Jose
Since childhood Rizal showed
loved most his little sister Concha
unusual talent in art and literature. He
(Concepcion) who was next to him.
scribbled verses on loose sheets of paper
Unfortunately Concha died at the age of
and on the textbook of his sisters. His
three and for the first time he shed tears
mother who was lover of literature noticed
for love and grief, which is said to be his
his son inclination and gift for writing
first sorrow.
poetry. At the age of eight years old, Rizal
RIZAL’S MENTOR wrote his first poen in the native language
entitled “ Sa aking mga Kababata- To my
Dona Teodora, Rizal mother was his
Fellow Children.
first teacher. Barely three (3) years old
Rizal learned the alphabet from his mother.

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