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A Conclusion For An Essay

Crafting a conclusion for an essay may initially seem like a straightforward task, but as one delves
into the process, the complexity becomes apparent. The challenge lies in not only summarizing the
key points and reiterating the thesis but also in providing a sense of closure that resonates with the
reader. Striking the right balance between brevity and completeness is essential, avoiding the pitfall
of repetition or introducing new information.

The difficulty intensifies when attempting to instill a lasting impression in the reader's mind. A
compelling conclusion should go beyond mere repetition and offer a fresh perspective or a thought-
provoking insight. Crafting a conclusion that leaves a lasting impact requires careful consideration of
the essay's overarching theme and a seamless integration of ideas to create a cohesive and resonant
final paragraph.

Furthermore, the challenge is to avoid sounding formulaic or clichéd. A generic conclusion can
undermine the overall quality of the essay, making it imperative to inject originality and creativity
into the closing remarks. Striking the right emotional tone is also crucial, ensuring that the reader
feels a sense of satisfaction and closure without feeling manipulated or coerced.

In essence, writing a conclusion for an essay demands a synthesis of skills in summarization,

synthesis, and rhetorical finesse. It requires a keen understanding of the essay's purpose and an
ability to encapsulate the main ideas in a way that lingers in the reader's mind. The process involves a
delicate balancing act that can be challenging for even the most seasoned writers.

For those who find themselves grappling with the intricacies of crafting a conclusion, seeking
assistance is a viable option. Similar essays and a wealth of writing support can be accessed through
platforms like , where professional guidance is available to navigate the
complexities of essay writing and deliver a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression.
A Conclusion For An EssayA Conclusion For An Essay
Michelle Obama Research Paper
Admirable people are humble and trustworthy when it comes to contributing their time
for the good of others. Furthermore, they are role models who keep a positive mindset
despite what others may say about them. The First Lady of the United States, Michelle
Obama, inspires many to follow their dreams, despite obstacles, by explaining how her
past experiences did not stop her from achieving her goals. Her aim is to make sure our
generation grows up with healthy lifestyles and attitudes. Michelle Obama often speaks
about the importance of diversity as a strength... (Stolberg) and is convinced that having
challenges to face can later be conquered through people s courage, their grit, their
resilience (Phelps). Those who support Michelle Obama... Show more content on ...
Some have criticized her for reacting in an angry manner after activist Ellen Sturtz
interrupted her to ask for full equality under the law to all (Rankin). By focusing on
race, Sturtz overlooks the troubling reality that if you re a strong, independent,
educated, empowered black woman, you are held to a different standard because
equality under the law is not an issue; it is equality under its enforcers and the people
that is an issue (Rankin). Michelle Obama stated that two African American women,
Charlayne and Carlotta, attended school at the time of segregation, for their own
benefit, despite the mob gatherings. According to her, these women, along with others,
paved the way for those who came after them (Superville). Although it might seem that
Mrs. Obama is using her life story and those of others to propel a major White House
push to get low income young people to go to college (Thompson), Thompson
contradicts herself. On the one hand, she argues that Michelle Obama is using this
technique to get ahead with her own strategies. But on the other hand, she also says that
...what she does is just speak with unbelievable honesty and candor about what her
challenges were. What her insecurities were. Things she did well (Thompson). Michelle
Obama shows, from her experience and others before her, how the less fortunate can also
achieve their dreams as long as they have
Drinking Age Drinking Essay
In the United States, the legal age of adulthood is eighteen. When a person reaches
this age, they are capable to vote, buy tobacco products, get married without their
parents consent, enlist in the military, along with many more privileges. One privilege
that is not included is the ability to buy and legally consume alcoholic beverages. The
legal age for drinking in the U.S. is twenty one. If they are considered adults when they
turn eighteen, why do they have to wait three more years to legally drink? This very
question is pondered daily by many Americans. If they are mature enough to make the
decisions that come with the privileges they gain at the age of eighteen, they should
also be able to buy and consume alcohol legally. According to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, excessive drinking in underage youth is responsible for more
than 4,300 deaths each year. Lowering the drinking age to eighteen could help
decrease the number of fatalities. Around 11% of all alcohol that is consumed in the
United States, is consumed by underage drinkers ranging in age from twelve to twenty.
( Underage Drinking np) The average youth drinks more alcohol at an occasion than
adults do. Lowering the legal age to drink could help decrease these problems. The
average teenage drinkers only get together during the weekends in a private area, such
as, hunting camp, friend s house, pretty much anywhere adults will not be. If teens were
able to access alcohol legally at eighteen,
Teaching History in Schools Depends on the Source
Students respond differently towards the distribution of information, reacting and
indulging differently if that information comes from an educational outlet than that of a
social or even private source. This is especially the case with history with more students
feeling overwhelmed and unattached to historyinformation supplied to them through
classrooms or teachers but respond well to history when it is received through media
outlets, technology or just outside the educational system. Maybe it is due to the students
perception that anything taught at school is going to have a bland and boring element
towards it, that the classes are not fun but only cutting into the time they could spend
socializing or using technology. Maybe those students that find history interesting outside
the academic level openly engage in those historical fiction and films, feeling more in
control of their learning or the information supplied to them. Maybe in an academic
sense, students cannot see the relevance of the historical information supplied, making it
difficult for them to understand it and recognize why it is important element of their
study. Usually information received outside of school the media outlets such as the
internet and television highlight historical information in the relevance of today s
society, illustrating one of the reasons such topic has made headlines and is still actively
incorporated into society. It can be argued that all students would like to learn, however to
Effectiveness of Management Information System. a Case...

This chapter seeks to provide the basis of the research project. It will entail what the
researcher intends to research on. The current capabilities of the Management
Information System in place and how it is suppose to perform to improve on its
effectiveness in the day to day running of the hotel.

1.1Background of the study

Since Express by Holiday Inn was opened in November 1998 the hotel has always used
CLS for its operations. Employees who use the system resign and go and as such
knowledge of the system has been grossly reduced to an extent where the system is just
used for the basics for checking in and out, posting cash and doing night auditing. There
are a lot of capabilities ... Show more content on ...
Sample size
The numbers of people who are familiar with the system are few and the ones on the
ground are quite new to the system

1.9 Definition of terms

System: refers to a set of integrated components working together for a common purpose.
Information systems: organized collection, processing, transmission and dissemination of
information in accordance with defined procedures, whether automated or manual.
Database: is a collection of data organized to service many applications at the same time
by storing and managing data so that they appear in one location.
Software: detailed instructions that control the operation of a computer system. Software
manages two types of software that are system software and application software.
Hardware: a general component of physical equipment that is used for input, processing
and output activities in information.
1.C.L.S. Computerized logging system
2.U.P.S Unlimited power supply
3.C.P.U Central Processing unit
4.C.L.F system log file contains events that are logged by the operating system
components. These events are often predetermined by the operating system itself. System
log files may contain information about device changes, device drivers, system changes,
events, operations.

1.10 Summary
This chapter was concerned with providing with a concise summary
A Study On Green Processing
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1Green Computing
Green processing, likewise called green innovation, is the ecologically mindful
utilization of PCs and also related assets. Such practices embody the usage of vitality
effective focal handling units (CPUs), servers and in addition peripherals and also
decreased asset utilization and in addition fitting transfer of electronic waste (e waste).
Government regulation, however well meaning, is just piece of a general green
processing logic. The work propensities for PC clients and also organizations can be
changed to minimize unfriendly effect on the worldwide environment.
The primary aftereffect of green processing examination brought about the Sleep mode
capacity for PC screens. This capacity permits the PC to enter and also by mode after a
pre set period goes with no client movement. After this, many concepts like vitality
expense bookkeeping, flimsy customer arrangements, e waste, and also virtualization
were created.
Green registering is ordinarily alluded to as Green IT. The thought is to guarantee the
slightest human effect on nature. Aside from this, it expects to accomplish ecological
The initial move toward the green registering development was the initiation of the
Energy Star program in 1992. This served as a deliberate name that was honored to PC
items that were effective in demonstrating that they utilized least vitality while
augmenting proficiency. The rating was honored to screens, iceboxes, TV
The Analysis And Design Phase Of The Sdlc Of A Project
1.Differentiating the Analysis and Design phase of the SDLC of a project, including
various activities of the design stage
The structure and order of activities exercised for the advance of systems, are known as
the System Development Life Cycle . The activities and processes within this outline are
typically executed according to a sound defined and complete sets of process known as
methodologies. These methodologies comprise specific actions for the requirement
analysis as well as the design of mutually the data and development sections of the
We initiate the development of the project through the primary phase or stage of SDLC
which is an analysis of the requirements as well as specification of the requirements. The
next is the design phase, which comprises of the low level and high level design
activities. The further investigates with the database and system design activities in the
complete SDLC process.
System Analysis diagram for analyzing the data required for the project:

Analysis is the division of the substantial or intellectual entire into its component parts
for person reading; the affirmed verdicts of like a determination or separation. Whereas
the System design is that group of activities and processes whereby the requirements as to
how the information is to be collected, processed, maintained, into data along with made
accessible to the client who cleared those requirements. It is an arrangement for what
actions should be executed on

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