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Thermal Behavior Enhancement of Battery Thermal Management Systems

Based on Phase Change Materials via a Multitude of Strategies, A Review

Conference Paper · September 2021


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2 authors:

Shamim Bahramian Yasin Salami Ranjbaran

Alzahra University Iran University of Science and Technology


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Thermal Behavior Enhancement of Battery Thermal
Management Systems Based on Phase Change
Materials via a Multitude of Strategies, A Review

Shamim Bahramian1, Yasin Salami Ranjbaran2

M.Sc. Student, School of Engineering and Technology, Alzahra University
M.Sc. Student, School of Automotive Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology


Since the dawn of civilization and industrialization, the public and private transportation
industry has played a prominent role in each countries’ sustainable development and no one
can cast a shadow of doubt on the fact mentioned. The first generation of automobiles are run
by internal combustion engines burning fossil fuel which still face serious and tough
challenges due to confined oil well depletion capacity and fluctuating prices being affected by
any political and economic events all over the globe. To mitigate the effect of negative facts
stated, automotive engineers have been perpetually seeking for other alternatives than oil and
natural gas which led them to the electrification of transportation means. The main challenge
a head of electric vehicle is the remarkable heat dissipation by the battery and the higher
chance of thermal explosion in higher C-rates. Searching for solutions to this problem, heat
transfer engineers have come up with a novel technology to cool the battery down. They
introduced phase change materials to be poured around the cells to absorb the heat and
prevent thermal runaway. In this paper, the authors have tried their best to briefly summarize
the PCM, and the novel methods to enhance the low thermal conductivity of the substance
mentioned by some methods such as extended surfaces (fins), metal foam addition and so on.

Keywords: Lithium-ion batteries, phase change materials (PCM), thermal management

systems (TMSs), Thermal conductivity enhancement, Fin
1. Introduction
A global demand for vehicles is developing rapidly, particularly in countries where
economic growth rate is higher. Nowadays, hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), electric vehicles
(EVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) defend an alternative due to absence of
non-renewable resources like natural gas, coal and petroleum. Actually, environmental
problems relating pollution and greenhouse effect demonstrate a challenge [1]. To overcome
all these difficulties one can approach renewable sources like wind power, solar power, biofuel,
geothermal and so on. Advanced lithium-ion batteries are broadly used in the applications such
as telecommunications, transportation, automotive, aerospace industries. The utilization of
lithium-ion batteries as the energy source of electric vehicles (EVs) has become the main choice
for energy storage because of power density, high energy and capacity of accepting high
charging rate in such batteries. Notice that the functioning of lithium-ion cells is influenced
straightly by the temprature [2].

In the operation of a battery system, maximum temprature and uniformity of temprature are
two important parameters which affect the output of a batteries are between 15°c to 40°c, and
the temprature difference between cells should lie within 5°c. In critical cases, the over heating
of batteries can couse dangerous damages, including fire and/or explosion. For this reason, a
thermal management is needed and has become a challenge. Several thermal managements
systems have been implemented in lithium-ion batteries, including cooling via phase change
matherials (PCMs), Air-forced, liquid cooling and so on [3].

Heat generation in battery pack depends on the cycle of discharging and charging. More heat
is generated durig the discgharge cycle. Heat generation and discharging rate have a direct
relationship with each other. Types of heat generation are reversible heat and irreversible heat.
Reversibel heat is generated in anode and cathode. That is entropic heat generation from
reversible entropy change during the electrochemical reaction. Irreversible heat is generated at
electrolyte, electrodes and current collector. It directly hinges upon the C rate. C-rate is the
charge delivery rate of the battery [4]. It is an exothermal kind of heat contribution to more than
70 percent of total heat. The reason of happen thermal runaway in the lithium-ion battery is
that internal short circuits, over charging, crushing or overheating.
All these circumstances may result in situations like fire, smoke, gas emissions and
decomposition of electrode and electrolyte material. Porter functioning of charger of faulty
design of the battery thermal management system can cause overcharging. Overcharging
increases the thickness of the SEI layer over the anode electrode and also leads to swelling of
the battery with the emission of gases like Co2 and H2O. Shortcircuits can be caused by physical
damage, poor design of charge system, failure of the seperator, electrode misalignment, metallic
contaminants and so on. This cause the self-discharge rate with rapid and localized heating of
the battery. Thermal runaway occurs when the rate of reaction increases due to a rise in
temprature above 300°c. Reduction and oxidation reaction at cathode and anode electrode is a
major cause for the rapid rise in temprature during thermal runaway [5]. A temprature diffrence
of more than 5°c within the cell causes a 10 percent degradation in power capability and a rise
in 25 percent of thermal ageing. To lessen the hazardous temperature increase chance, the
automotive engineers have utilized systems whose rolls are to remove the generated heat out of
the battery pack and transfer it to the surrounding atmosphere. Those systems are technically
called the battery thermal management systems (BTMSs) [6]. The battery thermal management
systems are, passive battery thermal management systems, active battery thermal management
systems and hybrid battery thermal management systems. The way these BTMSs are named
are based on the nature of system or cooling fluid. Active cooling methods employ air or liquid
as the cooling system employed to the batteries operated at higher discharge with maximum
temperature to minimize its temperature increase. The coolant used are water, glycol, acetone
and so one. Passive cooling methods are The PCM cooling technique is preferred over the active
cooling system due to its excellent temperature reduction and maintains the temperature of the
battery pack with possible safety ranges and it also requires less volume. The coolant used are
sodium polyacrylate hydrogel, hydrofluoro and so forth and hybrid cooling systems combine
active and passive systems to provide thermal management.

2. Battery thermal management based on PCM

Generally, air or liquid cooling is used for controlling the temperature of a battery system.
Air cooling is the most commonly used cooling way, which means applying the cold air flow
to take away the heat in the system, and it was the first applied method in BTMs. Compared
with the air cooling method, liquid cooling has a higher convection heat transfer coefficient.
Therefore, the application of liquid cooling to the thermal management of batteries could better
meet the requirements of high thermal load [6]. The passive thermal management system could
control the battery temprature in an appropriate range, reduce the temprature difference between
the batteries in the pack, thereby improving the cycle life of the battery. In addition, extra
equipment such as fans or pupms are not necessary to be added into the passive thermal
management system, which greatly simplifies the thermal management system and reduces the
cost of the system. More importantly, in extreme working environments such as high discharge
current and ambient temperature, compared with active thermal management, passive BTMs
could make the battery temprature lower and the temprature difference smaller [7]. So a phase
change material could be an interesting alternative with a passive thermal management system.
These materials can store thermal energy reversibly in latent as well as sensible form. Organic
PCMs mainly refer to PA and non-paraffin compounds, among which non-paraffin compounds
include stearic acid, polyols, long-chain alkanes and so on. Because organic PCMs have the
advantages of corrosion resistance, safety nontoxicity, good chemical durability and practically
no supercooling, they have been the main raw material source of PCMs. However, they also
have disadvantages such as poor thermal conductivity and easily leaking during the phase
change process [9].

3. Phase Change Thermophysical characteristics’ Enhancement

Recently pure PCMs could not completely satisfy all the application requirements, because
part of them have the disadvantages such as supercooling, low thermal conductivity and
chemical instability [8]. However, except for the metal-based PCMs, other types might have
the characteristic of low thermal conductivity. Among them, the thermal conductivity of organic
PCMs is the lowest, but the thermal conductivity of most non-metal-based inorganic PCMs is
only a bit higher than that of the organic ones [9]. Therefore, the method of improving the
thermal conductivity is the main focus of researches on the performance and application of
PCMs. With the development of PCMs, various methods have been applied to improve the
thermal conductivity of PCMs, due to the increasingly strict requirements from industries [10].
Adding fins, packaging technology and adding high thermal conductivity fillers are the most
singnificant methode at present. The method of adding fillers has become the main modification
method due to its low cost and easy operation [3].
3.1 Extended Surfaces and Applications
Inserting metal fins into PCM is also an effective way to enhance heat transfer performance.
Fins are widely used in cooling technology of electronic equipment due to the advantages such
as simple structure, easy manufacturing and significant improvement of heat transfer
performance. According to previous researches, the influence of fins on the heat dissipation
performance of PCM-based BTMs was mainly determined by the material [12], number [13],
length, structure and other parameters.

In this work a novel fin structures which comprise of longitudinal finsand cylindrical rings
are proposed for heat transfer improvement. At to begin Experiments are outlined to compare
the thermal execution of diverse BTMSs. Results illustrate that the PCM-Fin system appears
deput capability over the PCM system and the pure battery system. Numerical simulations are
also conducted based on the model validation with the experimental information to show the
basic mechanisms. It is found that fin structures increment the heat transfer range and beside
that presend a thermal conductive organize inside the PCM, which contributes emphatically to
the enhancement of thermal execution of the battery. In addition, the impacts of the location
and number of rings and fins, and the heat generation rate on the battery thermal management
system execution are considered. At long last Results illustrate that the optimal numbers for
fins and rings are 8 and 1, respectively, and the suggested dimensionless distance between ring
and battery is 0.2. the PCM-Fin system can control the temperature rise of the battery even
under the heat generation rate of 20 W [14].

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the PCM-Fin by Sun [14].

In this study investigated the impact of fins structure on the heat scattering execution of
Battery thermal management through experiments, The working time of the PCM-Fin system
is moved forward by 75%, 68%, and 61% compared to that of the system without fins beneath
the heat generation rate of 10, 12.5 and 15 W, respectively. Simulations were performed by
ANSYS Fluent to investigate the impact of thickness, number of fin, length and materials of
the fins (copper, titanium, nylon, Al alloy and steel) on the thermal execution. A function
considering both the enhancement in thermal execution and the increment in system weight was
characterized to evaluate the generalexecution. Results illustrate that fins made of Al alloy with
the a thickness of 0.5 mm, number of 8, and a length of 7.5 mm provide the best execution.
Other than, the working time of the PCM-Fin system is 2150, 2490, 2940, and 3570 seconds
for the coefficient of heat transfer of 5, 10, 15 and 20 W m−2 K−1, respectively, which is
expanded by 14%, 32%, 56% and 90% compared to that of the adiabatic condition, illustrating
the efficiency of the PCM-Fin system [15].

Figure 2. The BTMS and location of thermocouples by Zheng [15].

In this study investigated, metal fin escalates PCM systems were offered to thermal control
of lithium-ion battery systems. The influences of the thermal management systems, distribution
of fins, length of fins and encompassing temperature on the thermal behaviors of the battery
cells were then numerically explored by ANSYS Fluent. The results demonstrated that metal
fins expanded the heat exchange area and shaped a multi-channel high thermal conduction
organize, which may heightening the heat dissemination rate and increment the working time
by 98.4% compared with the PCM system. Adjustment of the dispersion of fins resulted in more
uniform thermal conduction systems and progressed the working time by up to 15.2%.
Amplifying the fins helped to grow the network. The working time was advance upgrades by
8.3% by expanding the length of fins from 7.5 to 13.5 mm. Other than, the proposed fin
intensified systems could work efficiently, indeed beneath high-temperature conditions. The
comparing working time was expanded by 1.48, 1.49, and 1.81 times for the surrounding
temperature of 20, 30 and 40°C respectively, compared to the PCM system, illustrating the
superiorities of the fin escalates PCM systems over the PCM systems [16].

Figure 3. Arrangement of the battery module by Fan [16].

In this work explored the execution of battery thermal management system, fins,
nanoparticles and porous metal foam are used beside the PCM and their impacts on the system
execution are compared. The local thermal non-equilibrium (LTNE) model and non-Darcy law
are considered to simulate the nano-PCM melting interior the porous media. Numerical results
are approved through already distributed experimental data and results are presented for two
4.6 W and 9.2 W heat generation rates. Sole impacts of adding nanoparticles to the PCM,
utilizing diverse numbers of fins and application of the metal foam on the system execution are
scrutinized. Results shown that the porous-PCM composition performs more efficiently than
the nano-PCM and the fin-PCM ones. In expansion, ΔTavg,battery parameter is presented and its
variations are analyzed to almost the impact of each procedure to diminish the battery mean
tempraturre. Utilizing the porous-PCM driven to 4-6 K lessening within the battery mean
temprature with regard to the pure PCM. Besides, for the porous-PCM composition a delay is
watched within the PCM melting start time that can antagonistically influence the execution of
battery TMS [17].
Figure 4. Schematics of battery TMS units with a) nanoparticle b) fins c) metal foam [17].

In this study investigated the thermal execution of the battery module has been numerically
examined by embracing a phase change cooling strategy. Firstly, the execution of the battery
module is tried with and without PCM utilizing three distinctive current rates, 1C, 2C and 3C.
At that point application fin structure in the PCM module is tried utilizing different fin shapes
(likes trapezoidal, I-shape, triangular, rectangular and T-shape) and expanding fin number for
heat transfer improvement. Also, convection impacts at the outer shell of the PCM module is
also been explored. At last, an optimized PCM module is proposed based on above, and
compared with the PCM module. Results illustrate that optimized PCM module appear superior
execution over the PCM module. This optimized module not only improves conduction heat
transfer in PCM but also convection heat transfer at the external shell. It is found that battery
temperature is decreased by 2.38% and 9.28% at 2C and 3C current rates respectively [18].

Figure 5. Types of fin a) Rectangular b) T trapezoidal c) Triangular d) I-shape e) T-shape[18].

3.2 Adding nano materials

In this study considered Two normal cooling structures of square and cylindrical battery
packs are depicted and their flow models are established. By closeness changes, the nonlinear
system of halfway differential conditions is diminished and after that illuminated numerically
by the shooting strategy. The heat transfer properties of three types of nanofluids, that is, CuO‐
EG, Al2O3‐ EG, TiO2‐ EG, are analyzed in detail. It is found that CuO‐ EG nanofluid is the
best coolant for the cylindrical battery pack, whereas Al2O3‐ EG nanofluid is the best choice
for square battery pack cooling [19].

In this work examinated the battery thermal management system for pouch lithium-ion
battery cells. The experiments were conducted for immaculate water and nanofluid type battery
thermal management systems combined with copper foam filled with paraffin wax as a phase
change material with heat storage potential. An aluminum heat sink particularly outlined for
this purpose was considered as the inlet duct. A battery surrogate was utilized to simulate the
heat generated by Lithium ion battery at high current discharge and the onset of thermal
runaway conditions. The results of experimental tests uncovered that the cooling productivity
of the system based on nanofluids is moved forward altogether. Diverse oxide-nanofluid
slurries were tried and among all AgO was the exellent candidate. The maximum temperature
of the battery is reduced by about 4.1 K by AgO/water nanofluid with %2 vol concentration
compared to the battery thermal management systems based on pure water. It is encourage
found that the greatest battery temperature contrast is diminished by roughly 77% within the
presence of copper foam with/without phase change material. The results also demonstrated the
basic part of active/passive system combination that benefits the points of interest of both
approaches at the same time [20].

In this study experimentally investigated the thermal execution and the pressure drop in
copper tubes in part filled with open-cellmetal foams utilizing MgO nanofluid. The tubes are
created by casting fluid metal around space holder material with the porosity of 70% and
bounded by consistent heat flux [26]. MgO nanoparticles are added to the base fluid (water and
ethylene glycol) tomake the working fluid at the volumetric concentrations of 0.0625%, 0.25%,
and 0.5%. The tests are performed in a pipe with steady-state laminar flow. The gotten test
comes about are compared with the relationship yields, where a proper agreement between the
results was watched. It is seen that both pressure drop and Nusselt number are highly dependent
on the Reynolds number. The information advance appears that utilizing nanofluid and porous
media interior the tubes increments the pressure drop and convection heat transfer coefficient,
altogether [24].
3.3 Adding metal and nonmetal filler
In this work, carbon fibers were included to a PCM to improve its heat transfer possibilities.
Different techniques were embraced to oversee temperature dissemination around asingle AA-
battery-like simulator. The impacts of carbon fiber measure and weight percent inside the PCM
on thermal performance were examined. Experimental results have demonstrated that a blend
of PCM with 2-mm-long carbon fibers and mass percentage of 0.46% appeared the finest
thermal performance for which the maximum temperature rise in the battery simulator can be
diminished by up to 45% [22].

In this study investigated The CF/PCM (copper foam/phase change material) coupled
thermal management system for unmistakable types of lithiumion batteries such as 26650,
42110 and square (105 mm _ 28 mm _ 71 mm) were chosen comparatively to ask approximately
in detail, particularly at a generally high discharge rate. To evaluate the effect of the battery
creating heat close to the genuine working conditions, the thermal management system in a
protects environment were explored at discharge rate of 5C, in comparison with a natural
convection environment. Other than, the results that the impact of the temperature control based
PCM is made strides when compared to air-based BTM beneath a protects environment. In
addition, the most extreme temperature of 26650, 42110 and square batteries of CF/PCM
coupled with BTM can be controlled below 44.37 °C, 51.45 °C and 50.69 °C for a longer time
than those of the pure PCM based case and air-based case under the same conditions,
respectively. The passive system was coupled with copper foam as a skeleton net structure to
make strides the quality of the PCM amid its melting. More imperatively, a CF/PCM (copper
foam/phase change material) battery thermal management system was designed and tested
experimentally [23].

In this study To improve the execution of lithium-ion power battery thermal management
system, the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)-based, the graphene-based and
MWCNT/graphene-based composite phase change materials (PCM) were orchestrated and
experimentally considered. MWCNT-based and graphene based composite PCM were studied
to get the optimal expansion sums which might not only amend thermal conductivity but also
limit a quick temperature rise in liquid PCM. Based on that, composite PCM with different
extent of graphene and MWCNT have been arranged and characterized beneath the optimal
addition sum. In comparison, results appeared that composite PCM at the MWCNT/graphene
mass proportion of 3/7 may show the finest synergistic improvement heat transfer impact,
which the thermal conductivity was expanded by 31.8%, 55.4% and 124% compared to
graphene-based composite PCM, MWCNT-based composite PCM and pure PCM respectively.
In expansion, this composite PCM has the highest increase/decrement rate of temperature which
can be abbreviated by 63.3% and 50.0% compared to pure PCM. At last, the phase change
material properties and thermal properties of the MWCNT/graphene-based PCM were
compared with those of pure PCM. The composite PCM appeared incredible potential in
lithium-ion power battery thermal management [19].

In this study investigated the thermal management of Lithium-ion batteries was fulfilled by
employing a novel material (Graphene coated nickel (GcN) foam saturated with paraffin). The
development of graphene coated on nickel foam was carried out utilizing chemical vapor
statement. The thermal conductivity of the pure paraffin wax was improved by 23 times after
invading it into the GcN foam. The paraffin was utilized as a phase change material (PCM).
The dissolving and solidifying temperatures of the GcN foam saturated with paraffin were
expanded and diminished seperately as compared to pure paraffin. The idle heat and particular
heat of the GcN foam soaked with paraffin is diminished by 30% and 34% respectively as
compared to pure paraffin. The thermal management for Lithium-ion batteries is additionally
compared among five materials nickel foam, paraffin wax, GcN foam, nickel foam saturated
with paraffin and GcN foam saturated with paraffin. The battery surface temperature rise is
17% less using graphene coated nickel foam saturated with PCM as compared to utilizing nickel
foam under 1.7 A discharge current [25].

In this study investigated the thermal management performance of CPCM, with different
mass fractions of EG, is investigated for Lithium-ion batteries. CPCM samples were prepared
by absorbing RT44HC into porous EG. The properties of composites, such as thermal
conductivity and liquid phase change material (PCM) leakage, were measured. Our results show
that EG incorporation dramatically enhances the thermal conductivity of CPCM and leads to a
significant decrease in the temperature rise of Lithium-ion batteries and CPCM, with EG mass
fractions varying from 9% to 20%, shows outstanding thermal management performance.
Liquid PCM leakage, which decreases with an increase in EG loading, occurs during phase
transition. We propose, taking into account liquid PCM leakage during phase transition, that
CPCM with 16-20 wt.% EG can be viewed as the most promising alternative for Lithium-ion
battery thermal management [23].

In this work investigated nine passive battery thermal management systems (BTMSs) based
on paraffin wax as pure PCM, and copper foam as conductive additive, but with nine different
amounts (from 1 to 9 vol%), are numerically simulated to reveal the role of additive content
[26]. The results show that the addition of metal foam greatly influences the time evolution of
PCM liquid fraction. It is turned out that the addition of 6 vol% copper foam can create the best
cooling effect and preserves the cell in the desired temperature range. In fact, adding more than
this value can significantly reduce the heat absorption capacity of BTMS and makes the BTMS
unreliable [27]. Being eager to learn more about the technical issues related to the items
mentioned, one may refer to references [28-30].

4 Conclusion
In this paper, a brief review on how the world migrated to the electrification of transportation
means, the battery thermal management systems which shoulder the responsibility of removing
the fatal heat out of the battery pack, and the use of phase change materials as a heat transfer
media within the battery pack were done. Although the use of PCMs within the automotive
industry was a great solution and attracted noticeable attention, it faced serious challenges such
as low thermal conductivity and very low/ even none controllability in comparison with air-
cooled or liquid-cooled battery thermal management systems. It is axiomatic to mention that
the more a thermal management systems fits well with the demand of car plant industries, the
more it would be used within the configuration of electric vehicles. In this article, one has tried
his best to briefly and accurately mention a variety of methods to mitigate the issue mentioned
and to make PCM a better heat transfer means to be utilized in electric vehicle world. Should
the reader have any problems understanding the PCM world, feel free to contact the authors via
the email written at the beginning of the paper.
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behavior investigation of Li-ion batteries applied in battery electric vehicles (BEVs), hybrid electric
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Innovation in Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran.
[30] Shojaeefard, M. H., Molaeimanesh, G. R., Haghparast, S. J., Ranjbaran, Y. S., Phase change
materials (PCMs) and their application in the industry of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hybrid
electric vehicles (HEVs), 3rd International Conference on Recent Innovation in Industrial Engineering
and Mechanical Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran.

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