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Sample Argumentative Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Sample Argumentative Essays" can pose a considerable
challenge. The difficulty arises from the need to strike a delicate balance between presenting original
insights and drawing inspiration from existing examples. The task demands a comprehensive
understanding of argumentative structures, persuasive techniques, and a keen awareness of the
nuances associated with the topic.

One of the primary challenges lies in selecting appropriate samples that effectively illustrate various
argumentative strategies. This requires extensive research to identify high-quality examples that not
only align with the chosen topic but also showcase the diversity of perspectives within the
argumentative genre. Additionally, ensuring that the selected samples are relevant and up-to-date
adds an extra layer of complexity.

The process of constructing a coherent argumentative essay involves meticulous planning and
organization. Writers must carefully structure their essays, ensuring a logical flow of ideas and a clear
progression of arguments. Balancing the presentation of evidence with thoughtful analysis is another
intricate aspect, as it requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and the ability to critically
evaluate information.

Moreover, the task demands creativity to inject a unique voice into the essay, avoiding the pitfall of
merely summarizing existing examples. Crafting an engaging introduction that hooks the reader,
developing a compelling thesis statement, and seamlessly integrating supporting evidence are critical
elements that contribute to the overall difficulty of the writing process.

Proofreading and editing further add to the complexity. Achieving clarity and coherence while
refining the language to meet the standards of academic writing requires a keen eye for detail.
Striking the right balance between formality and expression can be challenging, as writers must
adhere to the conventions of academic discourse while maintaining a persuasive and engaging tone.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Sample Argumentative Essays" demands a combination of

research skills, critical thinking, organizational prowess, and creativity. The intricate process of
selecting and analyzing relevant examples, structuring arguments, and refining the final product
makes this task a challenging yet intellectually rewarding endeavor.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other writing challenges, a valuable resource is , where a range of writing services is available to provide support tailored to
individual needs.
Sample Argumentative EssaysSample Argumentative Essays
What About Bob Movie Analysis
What About Bob? is a great classic American movie about a guy named Bob who is
multi phobic and very insecure. Bob relies heavily upon therapist to live his everyday
life and does not know how to function without him. The funny movie entails Bob
getting a new therapist on his last day in town before a month vacation, Bob then
follows his therapist to his vacation home and brings out the worst of his therapist.
Bob is a lonely man who lives in New York in a small run down apartment and does not
have any known family members. The only things in Bobs life are his pet fish Gill and
his therapist. Bob has multi phobic personality and acute separation anxiety. Bob
struggles to leave his apartment because he has Mysophobia which is the fear of germs....
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Halgin et. al (2010) continues saying common fears of people with agoraphobia
involve such situations as being home alone, in crowds, and especially forms of public
transportation. Bob fits these standards very well in the sense that he worries about
having panic attacks once he leaves his apartment every time. He has panics
constantly when he uses public transportation. For example before Bob gets onto
public transportation he struggles to get into the vehicle because he is so worried and
afraid and when he rides the bus to find Leo, he has a puke bag and almost uses it
because he is so worried. Another example about Bob having panic disorder with
agoraphobia is when Bob is leaving Leo s office he gets onto the elevator. Once the
doors close Bob screams because he does not like being in elevators and is afraid of
them. These examples fit right into the books definitions of having panic disorder with
How Does Steinbeck Create the Theme of Insecurity in the...
Write about: Why some characters feel insecure How language contributes to a sense of
the characters insecurity How the settings contribute to a sense of insecurity Other
features which create a sense of insecurity You must: Explore how Steinbeck creates a
sense of insecurity through the presentation of insecure characters, eg through: Lennie,
Crooks and Curley s wife Look at language/settings, eg the situation of Curley s wife and
how she feels about Curley and her life on the ranch, and her appearance Show how
Steinbeck uses language/settings to create insecurity, eg how language is used to show
Lennie s insecurity about George End by evaluating how the different elements work
together In 45 minutes, three... Show more content on ...
He emphasises his experience of silent suffering, because of his crooked back but also
because of the racism he is subjected to because he is black. It is his enforced
segregation from the other workers, which causes his insecurity. Look at how
Steinbeck s description of the setting gives us an insight into Crooks s character
(p.98,99) as well as his use of language, he had thin, pain tightened lips . He is a victim
of oppressive violence and prejudice and has learned to cope with it by withdrawing
into himself. He is proud and aloof as a defence against the cruel treatment he receives
from the other men because he is black. In this chapter, Lennie acts as a catalyst. It is
through him that Crooks and Curley s wife reveal their insecurities.In spite of Crooks
experience which has taught him that nobody never gets to heaven , he too gets
caught up in Lennie s dream of owning land and having a future, but Curley s wife s
cruelty in reminding him of her racial superiority, Well, you keep your place then,
Nigger. (p.113) when he asks her to leave, leaves him feeling humiliated. He realises that
in this world of white supremacy, there will never be any security for him. He will never
escape from his life of suffering, What she says is true. Curley s wife is never named in
the novel. She is perceived as Curley s possession, referred to as Curley s wife. Her
husband married her because she is purty and naively she
Privacy Is The Appropriate Word Of Privacy From A
Privacy in German Culture Dignity over liberty is the appropriate phrase to depict the
essence of privacy from a German perspective. Stemming from roots dating back to the
mid 12th Century, Germans erected a common ideology of individual realization that
has become a universal standard of its people. Unlike many Western civilizations,
Germans digest privacy as a personality upholding construct, rather than an oppressive
act of rights enforced by the government. Anything that seemingly inhibits or defiles one
s personal character is considered an invasion of privacy. While being especially relevant
during the divided prowess of the Berlin wall, East and West Germanydisplayed an
intrusion of privacy that was exclusive to its style of... Show more content on ...
Both sects had negative preconceived notions of the other which increased the overall
state of paranoia. As a result, both parties performed similar, yet, very different
infractions of privacy. In Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck s film The Lives of Others,
gives the audience a fresh perspective of privacy from an Eastern Perspective. This
film takes place in 1983 East Berlin. Weisler, a member of the Stasi forces, was
assigned to spy on a distinguished playwright, Georg Dreyman. While Dreyman
currently placed under government suspicion, Weisler is ordered to dig deeper for
more information about his personal life. While Dreyman was away, Wisler and his
forces broke into his apartment and bugged every room. Afterwards, Wisler threatens
Dreyman s neighbor to not tell anyone what she saw. If she does, she may be subject to
dire consequences. This scene is especially important because exemplifies the amount of
power the Stasi had during that time. If there is any suspicion about a particular
individual, there would be relentless efforts of which to obtain information. Another
example of this occurrence, is when Weisler loses his job as a spy and is forced to work
in the mailroom. Wisler and his colleagues are primarily responsible for checking every
letter that comes through Eastern Germany. Anything deemed as a potential threat would
be thrown out or reported immediately. This scene illustrates the level of
A Close Reading Of Millay s I, Being Born A Woman And...
Dispassionate Passion:
A Close Reading of Millay s I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed
Edna St. Vincent Millay s I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed traces the physical and
psychological venture of a woman as she indulges in the passion of a one night stand.
Throughout the sonnet, literary elements function to facilitate the emergence of a
paradox surrounding the speaker s existence as both an active subject and a passive object
in the encounter described.
In analyzing the woman s experience, the tone of the poem principally informs its
paradoxical nature. For, while the notion of passion is conventionally associated with
powerful and overwhelming emotion, the speaker s tone is consistently calm and
subdued when alluding to it. As evidence of this, one must recall the manner in which
she establishes her sexual desire for her anonymous lover: [I] am urged by your
propinquity to find Your person fair, and feel a certain zest... (lines 3 4)
Within these lines, as in the rest of the sonnet, the use of diction is extremely composed.
The denotation of the word propinquity communicates a nearness or closeness in space
between the two, yet its use in this setting also connotes an emotional distance due to its
intellectual complexity. Although the woman states that she is distressed, undone, and of
[clouded] mind, her careful and formal phraseology fails to correlate with these claims of
dishevelment (lines 7 8). In fact, without the presence of charged and
The Rise Of China s Economy
Since the fall of the Soviet Union Americans have had the luxury of living in a country
with no foreign rival. When we do look to see who could be a potential existential
threat, the answer is almost always China. China s economy is growing rapidly, its
military is expanding, and its diplomatic influence has spread to every continent.
However, despite its impressive rise in the last fifteen years, China remains decades
away from competing with the US on any level.

There has been more discussion of the rise of China in recent years due to the struggles
in our own country. Our economy is growing very slowly, we have a massive national
debt, and many of our weapon systems are aging. It is easy to get the impression that the
U.S. is in decline while China is on the rise.

China has emerged in the last fifteen years due largely to free market reforms and
expanded international trade. China is now the top exporter in the world. China s
economy has grown from $3 trillion in 2000 to $8.7 trillion in 2009. In 2009, China s
economy grew 8.7% while the U.S. economy shrunk 2.4%. China will soon become the
largest economy in the world, surpassing the United States.

Despite these impressive numbers, most of China still struggles with poverty,
unemployment, and civil unrest. Per capita income in the U.S. is still over seven times
more ($46,000 compared to only $7,000 in China). It will be decades before the Chinese
people will have an equal standard of living to the United States,
Target s Global Strategy Essay
To support its global operations Target has created an extensive, highly intricate
distribution network consisting of multiple supply chains. The complexity of the system
has led to difficulties in maintaining fully stocked shelves. As a result of stockouts, Target
is losing sales to patrons seeking items not on the shelves, thereby hindering growth..
Further exacerbating the stockout dilemma is Target s poor integration amongst its e
commerce platform and its brick and mortar stores. Additionally, Target s over reliance on
external distributors and outside wholesalers further increases the risk of stockout
scenarios. In an attempt to further increase sales and combat the effects of stockouts the
following four solutions have been investigated... Show more content on
Target has built its retail brand as a variety store by making its mission to provide
consumers with a wide range of consumer goods while at competitive prices. Target
operates in the market defined by North American Industry Classification System
(NAICS) code 452112, Discount Department Stores (IBIS World, 2018). According to
the 2017 Annual Report, Target generated nearly $72B in revenues during fiscal year
2017 and net earnings of nearly $3B (2018). Target boasts the tagline, Expect More,
Pay Less. This tagline captures the intended purpose and core beliefs of the company.
Target s company website offers added insight into this purpose by offering that,
Friendly service from team members ready to assist with your list; fully stocked
products and a speedy checkout process; innovative digital experiences that take your
trip to the next level and that s just the start (Purpose and Beliefs, 2018). Emphasis was
intended on the italicised portion of that quote with good reason. A robust supply chain
is needed in order to ensure that shelves stay fully stocked. Therein lies the major
operations battle which Target, like its competitors, Walmart and Costco, to name a
couple, must perfect in order to achieve a competitive
Baseball Games Should Not Be Banned
Imagine the year is 1998, and baseball player Mark McGwire is stronger and more
aggressive than ever. The fans are in shock because the crowd is familiar with baseball
games being on the dull side, but this baseball game has the fans at the edge of the seat.
Now imagine every Oakland Athletics game having this powerful energy, home runafter
home run, fast running, and the loud crowd cheering for the home team. The score is tied
and the baseballgame is in the last inning. The crowd begins to scream and sweat
nervously, with only a few seconds left. The players are running all over the court as
fast as ever before, and the sound of the ball being hit against the bat is so loud the
crowd can hear the sound from the nosebleeds. McGwire swings and hits a homerun and
the Oakland Athletics win. But come to find out Mark McGwire, who hit the winning
homerun had Performance Enhancing Drugsin his system. The other team is infuriated
when knowing the truth behind all of the fast balls and home runs which were hit, and
knowing the team was cheated and had a chance to win. The Oakland Athletics were
ashamed to hear the news from the fellow team mate. Unfortunately due to the
professional athlete s well performance, McGwire influenced other baseball players to
begin using the drug.

Using Performance Enhancing Drugs in sports goes as far back as the 1980 s, in the
article Performance Enhancing Drugs written by Stan Mcneal states that Measuring the

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