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the beast tamed by the villain

<Episode 1>
“Now, if that was what you wanted, what would you say? vein."
A neutral, husky voice came from the woman.
The man, who sat on the bed, trembling and clasping his neck with
shackles, the size of a beast, was drenched in sweat and terrified.
A man is art with the hand of a god
Gaga was so beautiful like a doll.
Terrified by this, the man shook her ass with the urge to touch the
woman in front of her.
Her pure white skin, distinct facial features, and crumbly purple hair
were stuck to her face and messed up with sweat dripping down like
dew on the leaves.
The man's golden eyes, shining even in the dark, were very blurry,
as if a haze had covered them.
The man came down under the bed and was very
I slowly got down on his knees and put his hands on the floor.
And, as always, he endured her fear of reaching her limit, and slowly
moved her hands and feet, step by step, toward her.
Naturally, the man bowed his head and moved his limbs in
succession as if he had to walk on quadrupeds.
The woman wore a splendid gold color that covered half of her face,
and she wore a half mask with her feathered eyes.
And the man crawling in front of her had never seen her face.
A woman taught a man that it was a sin that should never be done,
and the day she wondered about it was a day when a man would be
severely punished.
He was left alone in the dark, torn apart time and time again in a
terrible nightmare.
She had the ability of a 'dream manipulator' to control dreams.
She was able to control people's dreams and, if certain conditions
were met, it was possible to brainwash people with her dreams.
She knew better than anyone how a woman could dig into a person's
The day he fell asleep after pissing off her woman, the man had to
wander in a terrible nightmare.
Her dream, while she was dreaming, she didn't even know if it was
real or a dream.
The moment she dreamed of her dream was just like reality.
For a whole week she could not wake up, and for eons she had
It wasn't until her man committed suicide in her dream that she took
him out of her dream.
In a dream he can't wake up from, he sees with his own eyes the
end of dying dozens of times, being abandoned dozens of times,
living dozens of lives and becoming an abandoned beast by his
And in my dreams I'm terrified, please
Countless times, asking me not to throw it away
I had to get down on my knees and ask for forgiveness.
her knees
The man who remembered being punished a few times learned with
her clever brain.
Thanks to that, fortunately, her man was able to tame the existence
of a woman who could truly wive any questions about her in her
Hearing her words, her man familiarly knelt on her floor.
"That's right."
As if praising the woman, she reached out and stroked the man's
head, then ran down her palm and touched the man's cheek.
Her man realized that her hand reaching for it was very small and
young, and that it was not common.
Harder than expected
But her man's curiosity disappeared somewhere in her fear.
‘‘Rina Nam.. Hook, Hop… .”
The man who had spent a long time in a terrible nightmare after
taking a hallucinogen for the nervous system that doubled her
senses the day before cried and moaned in search of her warmth.
The man standing on all fours, holding back his sad cry, bent down
and kissed the woman's shoes.
‘‘Please, a humble wife… bump''
The corner of the woman's mouth rises slightly, and the man stops
breathing and catches her breath.
I heard
‘‘Please save me.”
The woman's mouth, which was exposed below the face, was
blooming brightly.
The woman smiled and stroked the kneeling man's head. Hearing
what she wanted, she sat on her bed and stretched out her hand.
“Come here, my dear beast.”
She said the woman with a smile on her face.
The man with a more beautiful appearance than a statue carved by a
craftsman had a large body, but his eyes were as innocent and
She kidnapped such a man and tamed it to her taste.
The woman kidnapped the man when he was just 19 years old, and
ruined her mind by locking her in an empty hut so that no single rays
of sunlight can penetrate.
For a long time she haunted her nightmares and made her think she
was a beast.
She ruined her memories of when she was a person and instilled in
her the idea that she was a beast.
She is a beautiful and elegant beast that obeys her master only to
receive her love and protects her with all her life.
From the day he turned 20, the man began to perceive himself as an
I knew her obedience and knew the warmth she gave me. I also
learned that I don't have nightmares when I hold the warmth in my
Little by little she gave the man carrots and made her depend on
herself. The man naturally stopped rebelling.
Giving a man a carrot and a stick, she taught him to obey
If you listened to her, she was always kind and gentle. She praised
and shared her warmth. On the wrong days, she always put him in a
That's how he learned to cry and play her aegyo in front of her.
Her life she gave her was simple. If he did what she told him, he
wouldn't be alone, he wouldn't have to be in the dark, and he
wouldn't have to tremble alone in the cold room.
So the woman untied her man by her leash
She was made into a beast that could not escape even if given.
Everyone thought so.
But one day, the tamed beast unshackles itself and runs away. It
overcame brainwashing.
He always pretended to be weak in front of her, but the man was
slowly looking for a place to escape.
And finally he was able to escape on the day the escort was loose.
The man, who was running away, met a woman in a village far away
from the hut.
And he fell in love with her.
The woman who saved her man saved her dying beast and made
him human, and finally the man returned to his original place and
became emperor.
And she welcomes the woman who saved her as her empress, and
pushes the evil woman who threw herself into hell into an eternal pit
worse than her death.
… There is a novel with a title called A common novel with nothing
unique in it entitled 'Rebellion of the Giggling Beast'.
Of course, it was a novel that I enjoyed reading, and it was the first
novel in my life that I wrote an e-mail like a stalker to the author
asking me to write another side story.
That's not to say I was really acting like a stalker.
Nya wrote in an e-mail about the relationship between the beast and
the evil woman.
He started the letter politely saying that he had questions he had
heard throughout the novel, but in the end, it turned into a question
I know it was a nuisance. But I couldn't accept the happy ending.
Questions such as 'Did the evil woman actually love the beast?' or
what did Chimseung think of the evil woman?' or 'And why did the
beast use such a method to take revenge on the evil woman instead
of killing it?' is mostly
It was
In the end, I was so curious about the relationship between the evil
woman and the beast.
Did the two really love each other or did they just think it was a
revolutionary way of revenge?
I wondered what the villain would be like after the revenge was over.
So please, she said, can't she just unpack it once, from the point of
view of the villain or the point of the beast?
It was a bit tenacious, I think.
She sent an email once a month. Yeah, again, I don't think I did well.
i think i was crazy However, reading the article also seemed a little
Anyway, before I really became a stalker, I was about to give up the
6th email for the last time.
… The reply came.
I didn't expect it, but the reply came after almost half a year.
[Hello, reader. What the reader is saying is clearly correct. But I don't
know for sure because the ending doesn't really touch me. If it's okay
with you, would you mind showing me another story? In that case, I
will let the reader see the entire epilogue of this story and the story
after that. If you like this suggestion, please reply.]
In summary, the answer to this
It was
Thinking about it now, the phrase ‘I’ll let you see it for yourself’ was a
bit embarrassing.
Yeah, literally, now that I think about it, it feels a little bit dreary, but it
wasn't too bad at the time.
Anyway I spent of course without.
Stupidly, welcome
no doubt reply
And it was late, so I just went to bed.
"Lina Nam.. huh, maybe..."
… But why is that scene?
“Please, the lowly me… maybe.”
Is it unfolding right in front of my eyes?
“Please save me.”

<Episode 2>
> A man with a rattling sound in the middle, no. His Majesty the
Future Emperor, Magnus D. Cloud, kissed my feet and was holding
back our tears.
And that Magnus is doing this in front of me is that I… … .
'Isn't it?'
She raised my hand and looked around.
My white hands, without a single flesh, are white and soft, and no
one sees them as my hands.
All sorts of thoughts ran through my head along with the email in an
‘… … X… foot… .'
… No, someone asked me to go through this myself. It's too direct. I
didn't want to come 'directly' like this.
… … What about this?
‘‘Lina… please… . Or, I’m afraid.”
There was no such disappointment. Magnus couldn't help but be my
leg, no... Perhaps he couldn't catch what was supposed to be
Illyana's leg and put his claws up.
The cherry blossoms on the floor scratch the rug over and over
got off
Magnus swallowed his weeping in the engraved horror.
Last night, as if suffering from a nightmare all night, his face, which
was dripping with cold sweat, looked white and bloodless, and he
was afraid.
My trembling fingertips looked painful.
The problem is that I am also very embarrassed by this situation.
Wait, isn't this a little bit? I'll make an epilogue right now to see if it
shows the epilogue... No, maybe it's a dream? Come to think of it, it
seems that I wrote a reply to the email and went to bed right away.
It must be a dream.’
Without a dream, such a nonsensical thing would never happen.
"that••• ''
I opened my mouth and then closed it again at this qualitative voice
leaking out of my mouth.
But Magnus, who crouched down on all fours, tilted his head at my
small voice. His golden eyes were filled with water.
What I'm saying now is not my voice.
It was clearly Iliana Glein's voice.
Of course! No matter how you look at this body, it looks like Illyana
A neutral, yet unique voice that seems to scratch the throat. Illyana
Glaine had her complex with her own voice.
So outside, she would always raise her voice to a soprano tone and
have a conversation.
At best, only her parents, her marquis, and her closest maid, and
Magnus, know that she has such a voice.
‘‘Lina… please… .”
When I didn't say any more, Magnus D. Cloud killed as much as he
could in the frightened voice and kissed my feet again.
It seemed that the dream the night before was quite terrifying that
the lips pressed firmly on the top of the foot were as cold as ice.
Illyana said she always had horrific nightmares on purpose to
Magnus she had before she came herself.
She gave herself a little more thinking
Wishing she could run every single run.
As I continued to stiffen, Magnus kept an eye on me. Then he
jumped up as if contemplating whether he should lower his lips
He must have misunderstood the reason why I didn't say anything.
“First, get on the bed… Come on.”
It was shocking and shocking, but neither could he dare to scream
here, nor could he turn away from the man who was trembling with
The conclusion reached was simple.
‘Let’s get out of this situation somehow.’
As if what I was saying was an unexpected pattern, Magnus
hesitated for a moment, as if in embarrassment.
Then he blinked his eyebrows several times and, as if determined,
crawled on all fours and carefully climbed onto the bed and knelt
down on his knees.
I glanced over the hut. In fact, in the novel, I thought that life would
not be good because it was an abandoned hut.
But the house was so full of life that I couldn't even think of it as a
High-quality soft rugs on the floor, high-quality beds and bedding,
stylish chairs on a mahogany desk, high-quality ink and pens with no
traces of use, all kinds of non-hazardous furniture and fireplaces, as
well as the open wardrobe were full of clothes.
The hut was full of his.
The only huts that lacked nothing were those made of expensive
materials suitable for Magnus.
And in this room, Illyana Glein tamed Magnus.
In the novel, Illyana did not use violence because she did not want
Magnus to be hurt.
Instead, she used the powers of a 'dream manipulator' to manipulate
Magnus' dreams into nightmares, debilitating her psyche and feeding
him sensory boosters.
A drug called Ray was a drug that touched the brain and doubled the
sensation of pain and suffering.
It stimulates nerves that double the sense of fear if fear, pain if pain,
and all brain sensations that come down to the body.
is a drug that made me crazy
Usually used to teach slaves pain and obedience.
‘Ray’ basically had the effect of brainwashing.
Porridge, I thought it was good enough to mark a slave with pain and
break his head.
It is often used by slave traders to imprint pain and to prevent slaves
from escaping.
Of course, Illyana didn't. She was a graceful woman, and she was a
person of dignity in every move.
Naturally, she disliked vulgar behavior. People who hated violence
Of course, Ray is a drug that affects the nervous system, so it is
harmful to the body and highly addictive.
In other words, it was a very good drug for slave traders because
there was a situation where they could not escape because of the
poisoning symptoms.
There were many cases of using ray to imprint terrible pain and fear,
creating trauma and using it as a weakness to make it impossible to
Even if I might get tired of this fear again this time
It was clear that he had been given a drug and left him in a
nightmare using his powers. Magnus is because of that darkness
Trauma of sleeping
He even suffered from insomnia.
Because of this, Magnus, who later ran away, met her mistress and
struggled for a while to break free from her drug addiction.
In the novel, the heroine is a very good medical practitioner, and she
slowly returns her body, which has been poisoned by Magnus.
It was to be expected that Magnus would be drawn to her by her
Yeoju also clings to me like a child
Little by little, she opens her heart to Magnus.
However, no matter how good a medical practitioner she may be,
she cannot take away her trauma of darkness or nightmares.
Because Iliana's 'ability to control dreams' has engraved fear so
"••••••• "
‘Do Rina, Lina-sama, I’m scared, I’m scared,
-mi-, •...”
When the warmth didn't reach Magnus, nervous.
revealed that Breathing rough in fear
I rolled my eyes at the sound.
Double the sense of fear
There must be some degree of fear
I couldn't even imagine that I was wandering inside
Illiana has had nightmares since yesterday
She would have had it a day or so since she had been feeding her.
‘… Where's the antidote?'
It is a novel that I read more than ten times, tearing apart each letter,
so the content is
Most of them remember
Obviously it's here somewhere. It is also mentioned several times in
the novel.
Illyana always has an antidote in case something happens to her...
She hurriedly rummaged through the hem of her sleeve. Ilya I always
had an antidote on my sleeve. And one day, Magnus steals it.
It was then that Magnus obtained the key to escape from this hell in
his hands.
'Oh, that's stupid. You forgot this famous scene.'
One of the famous scenes where Magnus, who crawled like a dog,
kissed Illyana herself and quickly stole her, I've read it over 20 times.
Apparently, he was too embarrassed to remember.
Of course, that doesn't quite fit the situation right now.
Do, how old are you then?'
Nya digs her head hard with her eyes
‘‘Meg, how old are you now?” “…Lina’s beast is two years old.”
“No yes I… not. okay. two
A work-· "
I breathed hard. Magnus' life is divided into before and after meeting
If this is a dream, you can enjoy it... what a long It's impossible to
have fun in this situation.
‘Since Magnus was 20 years old when he was recognized as
Illyana’s beast… .'
twenty, twenty one.
Judging by his age, he is now only twenty-one years old. Harassing
a barely 21-year-old, whether dreaming or not, is something I cannot
'Then I'll be twenty-three now.'
Illyana is two years older than Magnus.
There were more. Once I learned one thing, the calculation was
Actually, since this is a novel, I read it with a pounding heart. Is it not
a crime among crimes?
From kidnapping, manipulating dreams, to destroying his mind, and
using sensory boosters to make him addicted to drugs.
A sigh came out of nowhere. "vein?"
Magnus clasped the bedspread at my call
holding it and looking at me
Even though I was terrified of how much education I had received
and pushed to the limit, I didn't seem to even think of rushing at me
and feeling the warmth.
I was left unattended for a long time in fear that my whole body
trembled, and I was glistening with a desire to occupy the warmth at
But at the same time, there is also a fear of Illyana in her eyes.
“Eat this.”
When he reached out his hand, Magnus trembled as he looked at
me and carefully held it in his hand.
If the energy of the drug is relieved, I won't be so terrified.
‘First, give me this… i have to go to bed ’
It is said that if you sleep in a dream, you can return to the real world
again, so I must return to the original world first.
No matter how much I wanted to see the next part of this novel, even
my dreams were like this.
I didn't know it was going to be sweet.
Your hair looks so fluffy.
As described in the novel, Illyana is said to have enriched all but the
tame of Magnus. Of course, I washed it myself, but I did.
The well-managed hair looked very fluffy.
Magnus took a vial of blue liquid and looked at me.
<Episode 3>
I reached out and placed my hand on Magnus' head.
I widened my eyes at the vivid touch I felt at my fingertips.
In the novel, I learned why Iliana kept stroking Magnus' hair.
Magnus, who had been trembling in search of warmth, found stability
in an instant.
The body temperature that barely touched his hand. I was
speechless at the sight. what a terrible thing he had done.
‘Hagan… In the description of the two of them meeting, there was a
scene where they were stroking them at least once.’
I wondered what the hell it was like to pet it every day, and if it feels
like this, it's okay to pet it.
Rubbing his hair back and forth, he put both his hands on his hair
and patted them.
'It's as fluffy as our house's boksil.'
I thought about it while I was touching it, and then I was startled and
pulled out his hand.
Illiana had never done anything like this before, so Magnus was
looking at me with a strange expression.
"-0 -0 ,,,
I hurriedly coughed.
“Eat it and rest today. I'm not feeling well, so don't go back." "like
this… you're going... ?"
Magnus' expression turned to astonishment. He continued to look at
me in disbelief. Water fills the swaying eyes in an instant.
"La... Lina-sama, is this, is it...?"
Magnus looked at him carefully.
‘‘Dear Lina… I no longer need it.
Magnus was holding an open vial with wet eyes. My conscience was
pricked at the question asked with a tense expression on my face.
However, that is the result of the brainwashing of Illyana. Illyana had
told Magnus that she always reminded Magnus that she was the
owner and that she would throw her away if she didn't need you.
She and she showed the scene to Magnus through her nightmares.
How the abandoned beasts die.
After seeing this scene, I laughed so much that I almost felt resentful
about it.
But the decadence was so good.
The villain Illyana was so evil, and I really liked the invisible and
strange love-and-hate relationship between Magnus and Illyana.
In the end, Magnus annihilated her family and cut all the bloodlines
from her limbs one by one in front of her eyes.
Even though she killed her in shreds, she didn't kill as much as
‘I was wondering what the heck was the reason… .'
So she wrote an e-mail, but I didn't know she would have such a
It's a dream, but the feeling is very vivid.'
haha. They say I have no sense in my dreams, but the times change
like that
Can this not change?
A recent dream could be a dream of 4D sense that you can feel the
touch, right?
o Seol..!:=亡
In the SG era, where communication alone exceeds LTE, the law
that says not to develop as a dream must have been messed up.
“… It's the antidote to your medicine."
I didn't know what to say, so I just left those words and left the hut.
Watch me outside when I get out of the hut
The soldier who was standing locked the door with a padlock.
‘For now, let’s go to sleep.’
When you wake up, won't you get a reply from the writer again?
Then, I turn on the computer, correct the statement that I thought
wrong, send a reply, and leave it as a clean memory.
I tried my best to deny reality and turned around.
'The hut is magnificent.'
This was the space Illyana had created for herself. Even if she
shows everything, it is her safe space where there is no fear of
leaking anywhere.
Only Illyana and Magnus could enter there.
“Are you out already?”
"that… home hmmm. Let's go back to Gray."
In order to answer the driver, I thoughtlessly tried to lower my original
voice, but in a hurry, I gave strength to the boat to bring out the
If it's a dream, you can do anything you want, but strangely, the back
is stiff.
After getting on the wagon, he took off his frustrating half-mask and
put it down beside him. Everything is vivid as if the novel were made
into a movie.
Each and every description was alive here and there in detail.
“It was such a mask.”
It's always called a golden half-mask with feathers, so I can imagine
it well.
Even though I didn't know it, it's definitely a fancy type of mask that
you should attend even at a party.
Come to think of it, I heard that in the old days, people used to wear
masks like this often for a masquerade.
"Is it a dream?"
It seems that I've fallen in love with novels too much lately.
Shaking and trembling, he longed for the carriage to get home
‘It was originally a devastating romance novel… .'
I didn't think the atmosphere in the movie was going to be that bright,
but it was a little more than I expected... Magnus was miserable.
Even during the serialization, Iliana ate a lot of swearing at her.
She said, "I was just insulted."
At that time, my heart was fluttering at the distorted emotional lines
that looked like letters, but now it's a bit terrifying.
Even if you like pork, I didn't understand the saying that it would be
difficult to eat pork for a while if you saw the pigs being slaughtered
in front of you, but I fully understood it today.
'I've been away from fiction for a while.'
Who said they wanted to experience this in 3D or 4D? No matter
how much it is a dream A sigh leaked out
‘‘It has arrived’’
It was not far from the villa where Magnus was and Illyana's house
than I thought.
Nya struggled to correct her posture and got out of the carriage. In
fact, there was nothing to do right. Because the posture was taken
As soon as I got off, I didn't even meet the user's eyes, I ordered him
to show me straight through the room, and then I closed the door
and came in and lay down on the bed.
Please open your eyes, earnestly wishing that you were on the bed
in my familiar and cozy room.
And the dream was shattered to pieces. who theft? Where am I?'
It's a very childish and absurd thing to say, but it's true.
Obviously, as soon as I arrived, I locked the door and barely tossed
and fell asleep while trying to sleep.
When I open my eyes, of course there is a bed and a computer
There was a computer and the soundproofing was poor, so it had to
be a 6-pyeong studio room where you could hear the crackling
klaxons every morning.
Neither the lavish chandeliers nor the luxurious porcelain, nor the
luxuriously laced bedrooms nor the spacious rooms like the
playground are mine.
Neither the white hands nor the soft bed were mine. The ten-pyeong-
only house that I remember is not so glamorous... .
‘Do or not?”
He bowed his head in despair, then got up hastily and put it on the
mirror in front of the dressing table.
The dress I threw away, the silk one-piece nightgown, the red eyes,
and the silver hair didn't change anything.
What was reflected in the mirror, needless to say, was Illyana Glein.
I lost strength in my legs. My field of vision, looking in the mirror, was
My knee hit hard enough to make a thump, but the pain wasn't that
great, probably thanks to the rugs on the floor.
At least I shouldn't rain.
"it's crazy."
in mental shock
If this isn't a dream, what is it? If this isn't a dream, what could it be?
reality? That makes no sense any more !
I spread my palms out. I swallowed and looked down to see a hand
that was completely unfamiliar to my eyes.
Just like white skin playing the piano, long fingers and well-groomed
nails are not all mine.
[If it's okay with you, can you help me with the idea? If so, I will let
the reader see the final version of the novel, including the epilogue
and the story after that.]
A part of the content of the e-mail flashed through my mind like a
Why did I answer that I would know there?
If I had known that it was going to be a reality in this way, I would
never have said it was good.
'The rice... … '
I am an asshole. Nothing good could happen for free in the world,
and I had no idea it would produce such a terrible result.
“Oh, I’m going to die.”
He knew all the novels better than anyone else because he had read
all the novels.
How cruel Magnus is to Illyana. How cruelly Illyana's front line comes
from her family
from slaughtering people.
She even remembered the phrase that Illyana had an expressionless
face in front of him, didn't blink, and she watched everything.
In the end, she only had one brief mention at the end of the novel
that Illyana had lost all of her, lost her freedom, and was locked up
somewhere her whole life.
I was so curious about the halfway end that my curiosity that sent me
an e-mail eventually led to an unexpected situation.
So, if you finish the story in any way, you can go back
If I finish the epilogue that will continue the story to the end and
make him happy, will I be able to return to my place?
I struggle to admit the reality
writing with other concerns
dah filled my mind
I don't know. Why do I have to suffer like this? To make Magnus
“Let’s unwind the brainwashing little by little.”
I'm sorry that the mistress seems to take away her job, but with her
sincerity, she gradually neutralizes the body addicted to 'Ray' and
puts Magnus back in front of the Imperial Castle.
And let me quietly go to another country.
When I see Magnus who one day become emperor and live happily
ever after with an empress, does that mean seeing the epilogue with
my own eyes?
The artist said that he would show it himself, so can I show it
“Ah, it’s complicated.”
He got up from his seat as he bit his silver hair in his hand and
ripped it open.
“Let’s organize some paperwork.”
I got up hurriedly and sat down at the desk in front of the window.
The sun was beating warmly on the desk, but the feeling that all the
blood had drained from my skin was stronger than the warmth.
Little by little, the contents of the novel are summarized
Let's see. Together with him, I will have to organize the things I have
to do in order.
‘Pen, my ballpoint pen… … .”
Nya hurriedly looked around. A quill was rolling on the desk.
“Gut pen?”
It's so precarious that it's about to break if you hold it lightly. It
seemed to break when I wrote it with force like a pencil.
“How do you write this again?”
<Episode 4>
I've seen it often in movies, but it's the first time I've actually used it.
In addition, unlike the one used in modern times, there was no metal
nib attached to the tip of the quill, so it looked too fragile.
‘Anyway, I have a pen… '
ah! Ink bottle, where was the ink bottle?
A loud pounding heartbeat echoes in my ears.
The more nervous I was, the faster I got, and I became even more
impatient and impatient at any moment.
I frantically opened the drawer on the desk.
When I opened and closed it roughly, the drawer scratched and
made a rattling noise.
Fortunately, a black ink bottle with a clogged mouth appeared from
the bottom compartment. Quickly open the cork that blocked the ink
bottle, and the pen
I put the all ends.
“This, this… .”
The feel of a feather pen was very unfamiliar to me, who only used
factory-made ballpoint pens.
I've only seen it in movies, so I don't really know how to use it
exactly. As soon as possible, I took the pen with as little force as
possible in my hand.
1. Magnus ran away when he was 23 years old, met her mistress at
that time and lived with her for half a year.
Go to him, and assassinate the two older brothers...
I have a question here.
Why did Magnus kill his two brothers? He was the best family I've
ever found.
The reason for this part was unknown because the author did not
describe it in detail.
I've also seen a lot of comments about it, saying that Magnus has
gone completely insane from being locked up.
Of course I wonder if he really killed his brother for no reason
also do
The truth is known only to the writer or the future Magnus.
2. The critically ill emperor only thought that he lost his two sons in
an accident and passed away the throne to Magnus and died during
the winter of 24 years of age.
as you think
hard on paper
又1 0
Then I went down to the bottom row and wrote down the number 3.
After using the pen for a bit, I quickly got used to it.
3. Magnus, who became emperor, went straight to bed
Begins to find the one who kidnapped God. that
Rigo summons the woman who saved her life
4. Magnus, who became emperor in a month
One banquet 17 to 26 years old
Orders women of marriageable age to attend the banquet.
5. After two years of Magnus becoming emperor, he finds out the 26-
year-old Winter Iliana Glein because his long tail is said to be
trampled on.
6. In the spring of the 27th year of Emperor Magnus, the Glein family
disappeared from history. All humans of the Glein family are
executed before Iliana's eyes.
7. In the summer of the 27-year-old Emperor Magnus, Illianya, who
had been imprisoned in prison, was exiled somewhere to her hut.
8. There is no story of Illyana Glaine after that. Magnus married her
mistress and led a happy life.
This is the story of Illyana Glain and Magnus D. Cloud. If you are
I will die in the next 6 years.
No, to be more precise, you will not die, but you will live a life that is
the same as dying.
It was not described where they were confined and how they would
As long as I don't get out of this body, Illiana Glaine's sins will be
“This is what will happen in the future.”
But there's still a little bit of opportunity
After she cleared her brainwashing and drug addiction before that,
she will somehow return it to Hwangseong within two years.
Then I...
What should I do so that they don't doubt me?'
We need a method that people don't want to get involved with, and
that there is nothing unusual about a sudden change.
‘Ah, the real boss is like a dog, so the world is annoyed. I'm afraid I'll
just say goodbye to the world and go to the temple.'
'Do you believe in the Tao?'
‘Is it different from that?’
Suddenly, I remembered the drama where a friend who was close to
the boss complained to the main character. I remember watching it
with a lot of smirk because every line was so sticky.
‘Believe in the Tao… … .”
It's not that bad. After all, people should look at any medium and
see. There are no Buddhas or temples here, but I... · ·.
'If it's the background of this era, it's a nun.' nodded her head.
‘‘Let’s repent.”
In the novel, Iliana Glaine is Magnus, very greedy in front of her, and
does not hide her desires and does not care about the suffering of
She was a person who did not even run Banung.
On the contrary, in her social circle, her image was completely
different. She was a socialite, Illyana Glaine, was a very good and
kind person.
She was a person who knew better how to control people with a
single word than to go out on her own.
For example, if she had a problem, she would subtly say, 'I think I
heard something like that.'
In our terms, it is cunning, and it is a typical image that has a strong
influence in the social circle with the accumulated image.
was a sociopath.
She is insensitive to the suffering of others and rather
She had the side to enjoy things.
I even liked her hair, so I was terrified of what that guy would do in
this situation.
She was the only daughter of a writer who was later, and she was a
woman who was not lacking anywhere.
Her people used to praise her, saying that her nobility was reflected
in her every action.
So… … .
She is going to be a devout believer. She may not be a nun, but she
is a believer
Because it is something anyone can do.
"I need to know how to detoxify. How to undo brainwashing."
I don't think we'll ever see the same ending. Like Illyana Glaine in the
novel, she's not confident she would do that.
I don't even know what the end result will be if I'm stuck in the hut in
the first place.
It's a hut for the rest of your life.'
Of course, her goal is to return, but she doesn't do anything to
prepare for one in the end.
The thought of being locked up for the rest of my life was terrifying.
Someone knocked on the door. Fold the used paper in half and
place it in the drawer along with the ink bottle.
put it in
sat down get up and go to bed
"come in''
That's how you forcefully raise your voice
I don't think it's good.
Rather, I wonder if my neck is constantly hurting because I keep
trying to raise my voice like this.
“Are you awake? Miss Iliana.”
"Yeah, what's going on?"
She spoke effortlessly. She had always been under her, so she was
not accustomed to giving her orders.
“Today is Tifa of the Marquis House of Daisy.
It's tea day. It seems that it will be a little tight if we prepare from now
“Oh, please cancel that.”
“I’m asking you to cancel all your plans for the next week.”
At my words, the maid quickly bowed her back without showing her
puzzled look.
As she looked at it, she somehow wrote in her mouth. Maybe Illiana
Glein wasn't a very good owner for them either.
“How can I convey the reason?”
"Tell me you're not feeling well." “I will tell you that.”
Seeing you carefully paying attention to every word over and over
again, my back was stiff.
‘‘‘Which one would you prefer to eat in the dining room or in the
‘‘To the room.”
''All right."
As I watched the maid, who answered politely, tidy up the messy
bedding, I fell into my thoughts again.
I have seen in a novel that there is a very large temple in the capital.
Go there, register as a member, and every week… no ji Let's show
our sincerity to go out in morning prayer every day.
“I will go out. ”
She bowed her back deeply to make sure the maid had done her
“Oh, wait.”
“Yes, lady.”
“Secretly hire a person who is a bit adept at drugs and has a heavy
mouth and bring him home.”
Illyana Glaine's tone, which I had only seen through text messages,
seemed to raise goosebumps. It doesn't suit me at all.
There is no overlap between the former nobles who were well
educated and tried to speak well in the first place, and I, who lived in
the 21st century world, did not overlap.

‘‘I will find out as you said” ‘‘As much as possible

"Yes. We will start eating meals soon. After that, if you have a
schedule, we will help you prepare."
It was actually uncomfortable for a maid who looked 20 years older
than me to treat her with respect.
She didn't show it because she couldn't pay it, but anyway, this kind
of life had to be pulled away from me little by little.
There, the position of a “devout believer” was very useful. It can be
used as an excuse to lead a frugal life, and it is also a useful way to
distance yourself from social circles.
'God, I'm sorry.'
The punishment will be sweetly received when I return to the real
world... … .
A brief prayer in my heart
Gao entrusted her body to the hand of the maid.
I can't hear her fumbling all over her body.
in her mind
How about washing her body while the meal is being prepared
before she prepares?”
Another maid followed her maid into her bathroom.
Let her go in, after which she came in
One is getting water in the bathtub
One helped me take my pajamas off
Even though this body wasn't mine and my mind wasn't accustomed
to this series of situations at all, it was clear that Illyana Glaine's
body remembered everything.
When the maid places her hand somewhere, she naturally raises her
arm, and it's not too embarrassing and not too rough for someone's
skin to touch her body.
Originally, I really hated physical contact, so the feeling was much
more unfamiliar.
There are no mirrors in the bathroom.'
Isn't there a mirror in the bathroom, even though it's not usually
found anywhere else?
Thinking that this was hurtful, I tilted my head at an angle. The maids
also measure the snow when they fall to the floor.
“I have received all the water. Then, when you have washed your
body, please call me.”
Isn't it usually from the beginning to the end of the bath service?
Unfortunately, these two maids just finished getting ready and
somehow rushed out of the bathroom.
gone away
I frowned at the strange feeling and bowed my head to put my feet
into the bathtub. At that moment, his face hardened.
"what's this?"
There were speckled cypher run bruises all over his thigh. It seems
like it's been a while, and now it's dyed blue and then the color is
fading away.
Old scratches were also seen among the dogs. Then I looked all
over my body. So is the arm. she always summer
She seems to know a little bit about why Edo wears long sleeves.
I've never seen anything like this in a novel.
<Episode 5>
‘No, there were very few descriptions of Illyana Glein.’
When she came out, it was only when she mistreated Magnus, who
had fed her sister Ray and neglected her by making him have
nightmares and terrifying him.
Other than that, Illyana's only enemies in her novels were when her
family was executed, and Illyana, who lost everything to her.
There is no mention of Illyana except when Burn Magnus visits.
“Oh, I don’t know.”
I don't know what it is
The novel seemed to describe many things, but looking at it this way,
it was all just fragmentary things.
' First, let's solve the important things.'
I don't know what happened to this body
She tongue doesn't matter. What was important was Magnus to the
To return to the real world, Magnus will be the most important key.
The water is warm... .'
I wish it wasn't warm.
Then, wouldn't it be saying that this isn't reality? Even more
depressed, he relaxed his body and immersed his face in the water
in the bathtub.
‘Let’s apply it here for a while.’
It's better for me to hold my breath until I rescue someone who is
good at drugs. Previously… .
I was about to die.
I forgot to go into the water and close my eyes. I was really close to
going goal.
"Nose; lo-, nose 2. lo-, .''
Even if it was a little late, it would have been a disaster. Somehow, I
was getting out of breath.
Oxygen was supplied at once, so my eyes got a little blurry and then
came back.
The work to be done has been decided.
The first thing to do is to free Magnus' brainwashing and drug
After that, I have to return it to my place so that I can become
emperor, and I have to pretend to be walking the path of religion and
go on a pilgrimage.
By the time Magnus became emperor,
When you come back and see the happy Magnus... .
‘Then will I be able to return to the original world?’
It is a morning full of worries.
After researching for about a week, I found a suitable drug broker.
He was adept at drugs, so he was a little better than a doctor.
And today, I took him to visit Magnus' hut. This is my last visit in a
Of course, I didn't want my face to be found and I didn't want to die
later, so I put on a half mask and carefully wrapped a veil over it.
It was only after I had put on a long dress that did not expose my
limbs that I entered the hut.
“Welcome, Lina.”
Magnus with a long, long face sleeps
He gently kneels on the floor.
When I saw a man who thought it was natural to walk on all fours, I
was impressed.
Still, he's not on drugs.
Today, the complexion is quite bright.
'Regret the past me'
When I return to the original world, I will have to clear the Rebellion
of the Killed Beasts from the bookshelf.
Come to think of it, the title was rustic.
Seeing that, I stomped his feet and clapped.
I need to reflect on my past self.
Damn my conscience hurts
“Wake up, don’t… no. vein."
It was hard to see Magnus lying on his back and looking up at me,
so he turned his head and said.
The only thing in my mind was Magnus drawing his sword and
slaughtering his brother and the Glein family.
Cloudy golden eyes looked up at me, but I slowly followed my
It wasn't a command, but it sounded like a command to the man.
Magnus and Illyana are only two years apart.
Of course, Illyana is two years older. “I have stood up.”
Naturally, he grabbed Magnus' wrist as he bowed his head, pulled
him up and put him on the bed.
When my warmth, to be precise, Illyana's, touched Magnus' cloudy
eyes, calmly and calmly
Magnus is here hoping for a warmth that will never come.
Because Iliana Glaine ruined all of her original Magnus and turned
her into a beast looking only at herself.
“From now on, even if I come, you don’t have to get down on your
Magnus' eyes widened at my words.
Magnus trembled as if he had heard something unheard of, and he
hurried down to the bottom of the bed and knelt down on his knees.
Another fear was engraved on the sparkling gold eyes. The fluttering
eyes were still hazy.
The sweet smell of medicine wafted up between the lips that
opened. I can tell how much I ate every day.
It was clear that he was administering Ray little by little so that he
didn't die of drug poisoning, rather than trying to hurt him.
'To completely detoxify that, you need a lot of antidote.'
That was the only antidote I had back then.
And the antidote prepared by Iliana Glein wasn't as much as I
“I, I… I made a mistake, Lina M. If there is a mistake, I will correct it.
Please, please don’t throw it away.”
“Did I do everything wrong?
I will.”
Magnus lowered his head and slammed his forehead into the rug so
that it touched the floor. Then he creeps over and kisses her sadly
on the top of my foot.
The 20-year-old Illyana who kidnapped the 19-year-old Magnus was
brutal. She was cruel and she tamed him.
The original Magnus had a very fragile personality. He is a weak
yellow-grandson who can't even say a word to his brothers.
He was so kind that he was loved by the servants of the imperial
court, and that he was not born with the qualities to become an
was often said
He was a gentle man who could not kill even small animals or
animals. Although he was often bullied.
Illyana ruined Magnus like that. In the end, her man slaughters
everyone and takes her throne.
She left Magnus in the dark for a year, driving Magnus crazy with
terrifying nightmares and loneliness, and brainwashed him with his
ability to manipulate her dreams.
He is a beast and imprinted himself as the master. And he instilled
that if it was thrown away, it would be disposed of in a garbage
To lust only for her own warmth, so that no one else could respond,
Illyana tamed Magnus.
Thanks to that, Magnus could sense her warmth in her Illiania even
with her eyes closed. Magnus could recognize her by touching her
And she could recognize Magnus even with her eyes closed, even
as Illyana.
she was so tamed
So that only you can find relief in my hands, find stability only in my
hands, and that only you can become his world.
In other words, to be abandoned means to go
It was death. Illyana engraved the horrors of death on Magnus.
In just one year, she destroyed Magnus and turned him into a
completely beast.
''Please don't dispose of it... .”
My stomach was twisted at the mournful voice.
The brainwashing was too advanced than I expected. This is enough
to make Magnus escape from brainwashing a year later and run
Of course, even after she ran away, suffering from all kinds of
trauma, she was hung up on her mistress, and found the warmth that
her tamed body longed for, which could only be met by Illyana, there
were cases where she mixed with her mistress.
She would always comfort him and hold her in her arms.
She bent down again and grabbed Magnus' arm and lifted him up.
Magnus does not resist and rises.
Standing slumped, for some reason, standing itself seems
"I'm not going to leave you, Mac."
Illyana treated Magnus, who was always desperate to live, with her
mature tone, as if to appease her child.
“I am new to you… Yes, I am just issuing a new order.”
"How many times do you want to … "
At just one word, Magnus' golden eyes became even more cloudy.
I honestly don't want to use these words
Otherwise, it was clear that Magnus would not be able to calm down.
“There is someone to check your health. You just sat quietly on the
bed and make sure your eyes are closed. Never, never open.”
When Magnus opens his eyes, the sword
his gold
You'll see my eyes
The golden eyes are proof of yellow hands. And I don't really want to
tell Carl about that.
"Yes. Are you going to another place for Lina?"
Magnus asked, holding very weakly the hem of the dress, which was
rubbing against the floor, not even my cuffs.
I hadn't really thought about it in any way. Trembling is full of fear.
“No, I will be here.” ‘Is that really true?”
“It really is.”
"Yes, I understand."
Magnus answered in a softer voice and sat meekly on the bed.
He puts his hand on his thigh in an upright posture. He looks much
taller than me, but he can't move.
'I think I can see why in the novel, when raising an assassin, they
raise either a child who knows nothing or a descendant who has
broken their mind.'
In ignorance, a tamed beast will not
can't reveal this
It was the same as the logic of keeping a wild elephant in shackles
for a long time and then releasing it as an adult, but unable to
‘Magnus deserved to kill Illyana.’
Of course, instead of killing him, he imprisoned him. As a result, it is
better to judge that he died. That's why you have to work hard at the
I am sorry about the prayer of penance and the writer
If you curse hard, do something
maybe i can make it happen
If there is such a thing as God's conscience. Leaving Magnus
behind, he turned around and went out the door. gaze behind your
"Close your eyes from now on until I say it's okay, Mac."
"... yes."
The gaze behind him disappeared. When I opened the door, a man
wearing a robe was waiting outside.
“Come in, Carl.”
The man with burn marks all over his face was always wearing a
robe, except when he first met, he showed his face for a while to
verify his identity.
The skin had been half-melted as if it had been severely burned. He
didn't seem too reluctant to reveal his face.
His arm briefly blocked the knife he was about to enter through the
“Money is like giving you 50 gold bars if you make it perfect as I said.
The condition is that you never say anything to anyone.
lowered his voice.
“I will ruin your path by any means possible.”
<Episode 6>
It's a phrase used by Illyana.
No matter how much I used, it was not a word I used often, but it
stuck to my mouth.
Her voice and intonation really feel like Illyana Glaine.
"I'll keep that in mind."
With a hissing hoarse sound, Carl answered. It's a very rough voice,
like phlegm is boiling in your throat.
"Go in."
I let the knife in first and followed him back into the room.
As soon as he entered, perhaps he heard the footsteps of the sword,
he could see Magnus, who was wary of the sword as he flinched
even with his eyes closed.
‘In the novel, Illyana is Magnus
He said he was bored, so I started bringing him books.’
And the smart Magnus, who should have taken the throne from the
beginning, awakens the world with that alone and gradually realizes
that his position is not normal.
And every day I realize that there was a problem with the medication
I was taking.
Magnus, who was so blind,
It changes little by little from time to time.
He plans an escape, hits an antidote, escapes brainwashing himself,
and eventually escapes.
‘Then I must give you the book.’
So little by little, you become aware of your own position. And when
he is no longer dependent on drugs to a certain extent, he will leave
it near the Hwangseong Fortress.
Golden eyes are proof of the imperial family, so if you find it, you'll
know right away.'
Iliana is great too. Even if she didn't know it at first, she would have
known that the child she had kidnapped was of the Imperial family.
Carl looked around Magnus.
Her eyes were closed so tightly that she couldn't look at her pupils,
but other than that, she looked at her tongue, swept under her eyes,
and checked her skin.
Magnus was trembling and trembling, making the impression that he
was unfamiliar with the rough hand of the sword or the warmth of the
Still, the hand on his thigh is clenched, and he does not resist even a
I think you can see how thoroughly Illyana Glaine tamed.
The sword raised his body, which he had danced to match Magnus'
eye level. Then he turns and looks at me.
It was a sign that he had completed his examination.
"Karl, get out first."
The robed sword escaped the room, closed the door and killed
‘‘Meg, you can open your eyes now.”
The long eyelashes that had been laid down slowly lifted up. The
gold eyes blinked a couple of times and then they looked at each
other in the air.
"I'll just go back and see."
“Are you going to just go like this?”
Magnus opened his eyes wide and asked.
“I’ll send you a book from Gree’s side, so if you’re bored, read it.”
In the future, I have no desire to do such strange brainwashing, nor
to give medicine. First of all, prepare a way for my life and
I want to find a way back to the world
it was
‘If this is the world that the artist created, maybe it was a hint.’
I'm thinking of going around looking for things that are famous for
being mysterious.
Magnus shook his head at my words.
He hurriedly knelt under the bed and knelt down on all fours.
Then he slowly crawls to my feet and shakes his head.
‘‘Rina Nam, maybe I’m not acting like a dog… town."
He knew what he was going to say, so he hurriedly bent down and
covered Magnus' mouth with the palm of his hand.
Magnus' pretty eyes blinked as if he did not understand the English
Really, in many ways, the goal was to die.
“No, you did nothing wrong, Mac.”
it's all my fault
Not the fault of Illyana Glaine.
As I slowly let go of my hand, Mac lowers his head sullenly.
At this point, Illyana Glaine is a bit resentful. When I read novels, I
liked Iliana and Magnus the most.
“So, take a good rest today.”
" yes."
Magnus pursed his lips as if he had something to say. But in the end
the words were not uttered.
“And I told you not to get down on your knees before.”
“Oh, sorry.”
Magnus rose from his seat in a muffled voice. Because he was
young, his expression shows all his emotions.
He smiled slightly and reached out and stroked Magnus's head a
couple of times.
His hand, naturally stroking his hair, fell on Magnus' cheek.
Magnus rubbed the cheek in my hand with a more relaxed face. It
really is no different from a dog or a cat.
'By the way, the habit is really scary.'
Habits that the body remembers are scary. I was only going to stroke
my hair, but in the blink of an eye, Ilyanya Glein
behaved like
“Then see you next time.” "... yes."
Hearing Magnus' answer, he struggled to turn away. The back line
was persistently touching, but he pretended not to know as much as
When I closed the door of the hut and stepped out, Carl was waiting
for me.
‘‘How are you?”
“I think I’m addicted to ‘Ray’.”
I was a little surprised inside. I didn't tell you about my condition on
purpose, but I quickly noticed what kind of drug I was addicted to.
They only explained to Carl that he had brought someone by
chance, but did not go into detail with each other.
“Perhaps it has been tamed for quite a long time. Despite that, the
patient seems to be doing better than expected, as long as the dose
is well controlled.”
“Are you okay?”
“Originally, drugs, once drunk, cause complex problems. ‘Ray’ is a
particularly strong drug used to tame slaves.
“I will.”
‘‘If you use it for just three months, you become like an idiot. Usually,
even when taming a slave, you don’t use it for more than a month.
Because if the trauma is too strong, it destroys people. But he's in
good shape for three years of addiction.”
Carl answered calmly while wearing his robe.
It seems that Iliana Glaine also used her with caution in her own
way. He is fine until a year later, and in that state, Magnus comes to
his senses and even runs away.
“As you continue to take the antidote, gradually reduce the amount
of Ray you are currently taking every day. Perhaps you have
developed a tolerance, so even a small dose will not make you feel
"What cycle should you look at?"
“I think once a week is enough.”
Carl answered my questions thoroughly.
He was told that he rarely went out directly because of burns on his
face. This time, it seems that the only daughter had a personal
problem and needed a lot of money.
I'm sorry, but I can only say I was lucky. Perhaps he too, if he wants
to lead the life he has now,
I'm not going to play around with his mouth.
“Then how long does it take to detox?”
“There is no such thing as a perfect detoxification. I am thinking
about getting rid of the accumulated drugs for about half a year
under the assumption that I am constantly taking antidote and
gradually reducing my intake of Daei. After that, I am fighting with
If it's a fight with himself, there's no problem with Magnus. He was so
strong that he could run away on his own.
Magnus must have been able to overcome it himself. If only it gave
me some basis.
Half a year is neither late nor early.
The time to return to the Imperial Castle will be about a year earlier,
and the chance to meet the Yeoju may be lost, but if it is fate, it will
go on somehow.
‘‘Can the antidote be prepared for half a year? I will bear the cost of
materials. Phil
If you write down a list of John, I'll tell you to prepare it."
“I can do it”’
Carl answered. I nodded his head in response to the resolutely
unshakable answer.
A person who is so sure of an answer is very unlikely to make a
mistake. Yes, I am more satisfied.
“Then don’t do it. Your servant will deliver the promised advance
payment.” “Thank you”’
“I believe you will keep your promise.”
‘‘I will keep this in mind until the day I enter the grave.”
Carl was quick to notice as he got older. He understands what I want
to hear without difficulty. As I climbed into the carriage, I saw Carl
leaning on his back.
‘‘Would you like to take me to that house? miss."
"no. to the temple.”
"Yes, I understand."
The driver who answered, closes the door. Lee Ok-go, the carriage
has departed.
“Close your eyes from now on until I say it's okay, Mac. "
A husky voice gave me orders.
As if there was a thick fog in my head, my mind became commanded
and I felt like I had to just follow the orders. If you don't, you will
definitely be punished.
The bee was very sick and tormented. No matter how much we cry
and cling to his life, the owner, who must obey the order, kisses the
back of his foot and does not touch him until he begs.
At first, I couldn't even do it, so I had a clear memory of being left in
a nightmare for a long time.
I want to see a little more behind the scenes, but I have to obey
orders. I don't know why, but it seems that something big happened
if you didn't follow the orders.
In a terrible dream, he is mutilated several times.
How many times is it thrown away and how often?
The phosphorus is changed and eventually dies in the garbage
A dream that repeats dozens of times in the dark I hated the
darkness, but I had to follow my orders
If I close my eyes tightly, I can't see. The darkness in front of me was
no longer blurry, but my head was still foggy.
‘Yo °己1 之「 0 root l T0
You did.’
Lina is not coming.
did i do something wrong mistake in action
have you been I hate being abandoned like this... . I have nowhere
to go.
As soon as the thought subsided, the fear rushed over. I hate the
dark. I wanted to open my eyes even at the moment.
But if you open your eyes, Lina-sama will be angry. With that in
mind, he strained his eyes and closed them even tighter.
You're too disturbed.'
Live your life, Magnus. The animal food will come first. Ha ha ha ha
Brothers, why are you like that? Come on... save me, save me. I'll
listen to you!
Leave me alone 0己1-...'
Very occasionally, when darkness covered my vision, on days when I
didn't have nightmares, I would have another strange dream.
Abandoned by strangers, he wanders alone, somewhere very quiet.
<Episode 7>
How long do I have to endure the hard, rough touch of my body?
please… Fast .. I wanted to get out of the crazy darkness. Suddenly,
the hand that had been touching all over the body fell off.
“Karl, get out first.”
knife? Who is Carl? You said you came for my health check-up, so
are you a doctor?
I was nervous because I didn't hear permission to open my eyes.
‘‘Meg, you can open your eyes now’’ came the words of permission.
Just in case you didn’t know, after taking a break, ah
After confirming that there were no additional words, I slowly opened
my eyes.
I closed my eyes too tightly
I dug it, my vision was cloudy
It blinked. how many snow
I saw Lina-sama standing in front of me. ‘Lina-sama’ was the one
she had personally ordered to call me that way.
I don't think her real name is, but I can't force her to tell me what she
doesn't tell me.
Because I am the animal that Rina-sama keeps. ‘I am the beast… .'
Was it originally a beast? Why did I become a beast?
I struggled to shove the questions that popped up all of a sudden
under the surface of the water.
I just need to get her love from her
Playing aegyo, begging for her orders, like a beast… .
"I'll just go back and see."
It's been a while since I've been here, so I thought I'd be with you
until the evening. arbitrarily
I thought about it, but my expectations were wrong, so I was a little
“Are you going to just go like this?”
Is red rice cold for me? Who are you going with? Are you going with
that person named Carl earlier? Are you taming a new beast? why?
who… ?
Despite the many questions that came to mind, I couldn't say
anything carelessly. An animal cannot dare to speak without the
permission of its owner.
A mask that doesn't even know my face
The bitter master smiles softly.
I was a little shocked at the moment. Normally, I never smiled like
that, but today I laughed.
Lina-sama, who always came to me, always had a hard expression
on her face.
The only time he laughed was when I kissed her on the top of her
feet and cried and begged for a hug.
I wanted warmth. I liked her warm body temperature and her body
odor. She also liked the soft touch.
Lina-sama was always smiling as she looked down at me, who was
rubbing on the floor, from above.
“I will send you a book from Gree’s side, so read it if you are bored.”
Something is wrong. Thinking so, she reflexively knelt down on her
You were the one who said that the beast doesn't have to think about
anything. I said I just have to follow her orders and receive the love
you give me... .
did i do something wrong? It was clear that I did something wrong.
My mind is dizzy blurry
It gets clear for a while, then blurs again.
'Yes, I was wrong.'
Last time, I didn't want a child enough to satisfy Rina-sama. I should
have properly kissed her on the instep of her foot a little more
‘‘Rina Nam, maybe I’m not acting like a dog… town."
Her mouth was shut shut.
She was just trying to say that she would do well next time, but Lina-
sama looked very troubled.
The raised corners of her lips looked very uncomfortable.
“No, you did nothing wrong. vein. So take a good rest today.”
I didn't do anything wrong, so why are you doing this to me? Who is
the man named Carl? Why are you trying to leave me... ?
" yes ."
I swallowed a lot of questions and barely answered them.
“And I told you not to get down on your knees before.”
“Oh, sorry.”
I carefully got up and placed a hand on her head that was smaller
than mine.
Her warmth relieved the tension. Like I always did, he stroked his
head and lowered his hand and rubbed the cheek with the hand that
stroked the cheek.
Lina-sama's hand, which distorted her lips as if in trouble, is moving
“Then see you next time.” "... yes."
After replying a little late, I looked behind her. That's right, she never
had Lina looking back at her again.
The door is closed. ''Head hurts… .”
The more she thought about it, the more her head began to hurt. As
she felt a sense of humility outside, the carriage moved away.
It was clear to her that Lina-sama was returning. But why or how did
I ever meet Lina-sama and come here?
‘‘I have arrived, it is a temple.”
“Geez, let me wait here.”
I was escorted by the coachman and got off her wagon.
A large white building was visible. A cross was placed right in the
center of the building.
Thousands of people started coming in and coming out as if they
had finished praying.
The temple was more crowded than expected. However, the
members were mostly ordinary people. In the meantime, I was
definitely a standout person in a fancy dress.
But there was no intention to hide it. I had to stand out. So, the
rumors spread and spread, and it had to be known widely in the
social circles.
There is also a rumor that the only daughter of the Glein family is
crazy about the temple.
‘I have to go out every day and donate money to the temple.’
Not a small amount, but a large amount of money to spread the
As I was thinking about what I had to do in my head, I gave my feet
strength and made a creaking sound and stepped into the temple. I
felt my eyes focused.
A little bit more, a lot of people should see it.
I went into the temple and the sun was not pouring down, so I lifted
my head and a large-brimmed fedora slightly.
As soon as he raised his head, he narrowed his forehead inside the
pure white temple to the extent that his eyes were dazzling.
Wouldn't it be crazy to be in a pure white space like this?
So everything around it was new. The priest's clothes are white, the
marble floor is white, and the walls are white.
I think my legs are going to get weird. ’
Once inside the temple, where do we go now?
“Is this your first time coming to the temple? Believer.”
He turned his gaze around the temple to the voice he heard from
behind. It was a middle-aged man dressed in a priest's robe. It
seems to be a priest.
A faint smile appeared on his lips. The naturally raised corners of her
lips show how much Illyana worked to achieve a natural smile.
It seemed
to do
I feel like I will come to the temple to pray every day, so
o I want to be issued, how do I do it?
The priest opened her eyes and asked, as if he had heard something
I'd say she looks surprised,
not hiding
In fact, it is not uncommon for nobles to go to temples. Because they
lack nothing and have nothing to ask of God. Most of the temple's
main followers were ordinary citizens.
"Yes. That's right. I was very ill a while ago, and it was like God
appeared in a dream and saved my life. I just want to repay that
The priest's eyes widened as he spit out the words he had thought of
in advance. Yes, a priest with eyes that could not be hurt
He quickly smiled kindly. You seem to like my answer very much.
“Is that so? The gates of the temple are always open. God smiled at
the believer. It’s great to see more and more people believing in
It's the same everywhere in the world. It's nice to have more
Actually, it's not difficult for me to hit a proper match. A poker face
with Ilyana's smile
She made it even easier.
“I never prayed since I was born, but I thought that God, who even
saved my life, is very merciful and profound.
With her hands clasped in front of her slightly and her eyelids slightly
lowered, she answered calmly and quietly. The corner of the priest's
mouth rose with satisfaction.
'You will be stabbed in the conscience.'
If I return to the original world, this punishment will be sweetly
received. I don't know if I'll even believe in God if I go back to the
real world.
“The Shindo card is given to anyone who donates a certain amount
or more.” "okay."
“If you have a donation right now, you can immediately fill out the
necessary documents for the production of a Shinto card and receive
a Shindo card. If you become a believer, worship at any time
You can use the chapel 24 hours a day, even when it is not time, and
you can freely use the facilities of the temple.”
‘You can also use the prayer room inside the temple, which is not
normally open to believers.”
The priest constantly teased the whole way whether he was excited
about having a new member or whether he was excited because he
thought he was holding the money line.
Believe in God, starting with the history of the temple
The miracle that had happened to a Shinto believer, even the reason
why he became a priest, to the story of his family who had nothing to
do with the temple later spread.
'A lot of talk'
Yes, yes, that's right. ' The priest was persistent despite the stern
answer, until he reached the prayer room inside the temple.
'By the way, I'm really scared of the habit.'
The reason why she can keep her poker face and correct posture
despite being possessed is because Iliana Glein's body is deeply
accustomed to etiquette.
If I did a comfortable posture that I used to do with my original body,
it was quite uncomfortable in this body. So, if you look for a
comfortable posture, it is directly related to the etiquette of
I was trying to imitate the tone I used to see in the book.
“This barrel in the middle of the prayer room here
All you have to do is make a donation.”
The barrel made of wood was full of grime as if it had been burned
by many people's hands. It was a rectangular donation box as large
as two of my upper body side by side.
Speaking of donations, I only have one gold bar.
I took some of Iliana Glein's private money to prepare a hundred
gold bars, and set aside fifty to give to Karl.
The remaining fifty are donations to show the line at the temple. For
at least the next few years, I will continue to visit this temple even if I
hate it.
Dani Dani needed to stand out.
<Episode 8>

Fortunately, Illyana Glein said that she had a large amount of gold in
the safe as she was the only daughter of the Marquis family, and that
the bank had another safe under her name.
It was the result of taking turns tossing questions one at a time to the
users so as not to be suspicious of them little by little during this
Of course, Iliana has never been

It was a bit odd not to see Glaine's parents, her marquis, though.
Nya took out the gold bar she had previously stored in the hem of
her sleeve and placed it on her podium. Her priest's eyes widened.
“This is all I have now,” she said. Next time I come, I will bring a little
more generous donations to God. Of course, it will not be enough for
my life.”
"Oh oh… . The god Legneva is sour!" The name of the god
worshiped in the temple is Leg

It looks like your bar. His name is not so unfamiliar, so he must have
skimmed through a passage in a novel.
“Because of your kindness, another great believer has come to our
The priest turned and raised his hands and prayed toward the top of
the stairs on which the cross and small stone statue were placed.
After that, he murmured something for a long time as if memorizing a
prayer, and then he turned to me again.

Fortunately, Illyana Glein said that she had a large amount of gold in
the safe as she was the only daughter of the Marquis family, and that
the bank had another safe under her name.
It was the result of taking turns tossing questions one at a time to the
users so as not to be suspicious of them little by little during this
Of course, Iliana has never been

It was a bit odd not to see Glaine's parents, her marquis, though.
Nya took out the gold bar she had previously stored in the hem of
her sleeve and placed it on her podium. Her priest's eyes widened.
“This is all I have now,” she said. Next time I come, I will bring a little
more generous donations to God. Of course, it will not be enough for
my life.”
"Oh oh… . The god Legneva is sour!" The name of the god
worshiped in the temple is Leg

It looks like your bar. His name is not so unfamiliar, so he must have
skimmed through a passage in a novel.
“Because of your kindness, another great believer has come to our
The priest turned and raised his hands and prayed toward the top of
the stairs on which the cross and small stone statue were placed.
After that, he murmured something for a long time as if memorizing a
prayer, and then he turned to me again.

"Excuse me. People like Shinto came to thank God for guiding me to
this place..."
"it's okay. I understand."
I don't understand anything, but once that
answered yes.
In fact, I was one of those people who didn't quite understand
He did not reject or offend anyone who believes in religion, but he
faithfully worshiped while returning his holidays.

It was a little difficult for me to understand going to school and doing

Someone once said, ‘Because you have that much strength, you
need a place to trust and lean on somewhere.’
If I assume that the culprit who made me like this cannot be
guessed, in this frustrating situation, I would have really wanted to
believe in a god and sag.
“It takes about a week to issue a credit card. Fill out this document

If you come to me a week later, I will give you the issued Shinto card.
Until then, if you take this temporary card, it will have the same effect
as the Shinto card."
As the priest said so, he handed me an old, long wooden tile. It is
very old, as if to prove that it was passed down and passed down to
many people.

''I know."
Pick up a quill and write everything down

After that, I handed the paper to the priest. The new coffin shakes it
to dry, then rolls it up and puts it in his arms.
“Can I tell you what kind of priest I came to Daum?”
"ah! sorry. I haven't been able to introduce myself. My name is Kwan
Owen, the 107th Apostle of God Regneva. All you have to do is call
me Priest Owen. I will call you Illyana Shin.” ''All right. Priest Owen.”

With a smile on his face, he answered calmly and lowered his head
"Then I'll just go back and see."
“Before that, would you mind putting this donation directly into the
vat? As you put it in, close your eyes and pray.”
Priest Owen held out the gold ingot and said to me
Nya put the gold ingots into the donation box and closed her eyes.

wound up
‘Let everything work out the way you want it to.’
That's all I want. There was nothing more to ask for. He took a short
breath and waved his hand from the donation box.
“Then let’s go.”
"Yes, may the blessing of Legneva be with you before you."
Put your hands on your chest and bow your head

Following Priest Owen, I followed his actions without notice. Then I

turned around and left the temple.
The driver hurried down from the driver's seat and opened the
carriage door as he saw me coming out.
''thank you for your effort. Can I take you to that house?"
"Yeah, and take me home and I'll give you some books, so bring
them back to the hut."
''I see''

The driver was bought by Iliana Glein. Iliana Glaine kept her silent by
giving him more than five times the amount a typical coachman
would get.
The coachman seemed to be doing a good job so far.
As soon as we got on the wagon, the driver closed the door. The
wagon ran down the well-paved road of the capital, which may be
the number of times today alone.

Magnus is smart. He's been giving you books since last week, so
he'll probably get smarter. And he will soon discover his absurdity of
his own situation.
That was what I was hoping for.
However, I do not want Magnus to infer anything about me.
So he kept his encounters with Magnus to a minimum, in order to
reduce giving him as much information about me as possible, and in
the hope that he would no longer perceive me as a master.
go check his condition with the sword

Personally, I never
Eliminate going to see Magnus

I haven't seen Magnus in a week since I delivered the book last

The original Illyana Glein was Magnu.
I found him once every few days, but
She can't do that.
and asking
Today the sword is sharpened with the sword Last week
Well, it was the first time since I took it.
eat now and take a mansion
After getting dressed, we were going to have lunch.

“Miss Iliana.”
If it wasn't for the voice I heard while putting on the last makeup. It
seemed oddly frightened and stiffly tense.
“The master and the master have just returned from a tour of the
Was the reason why there was no marquis and marquis because of
a tour of the estate?
To the voice I heard outside, I put my makeup on

The hand of the maid who finished it was stiff.

"In case you don't know, it would be better to take off the bracelet
and necklace you wore today."
‘Yes, yes.”
I nodded, wondering if there was a reason.
Is it a misunderstanding that somehow there is sadness in the gaze
towards me?
In the novel, how Illyana Glain treated the Marquis and Marquis

never came out

All the accessories she was wearing fell off. Strangely, the spine is
creepy. It was strangely terrifying for no apparent reason.
‘Now that I see, the traces on my body… … .'
As the mottled wounds I faced in the bathroom came to mind, I got
goosebumps as if my body remembered the horror of something.
‘‘Are you two asking to see me?”

"no. You invited me to have dinner with you tonight."

‘‘Okay, let’s go.”
The maid who was examining my clothes sighed deeply.
She seemed to have relaxed a bit. I think there must have been
something, but asking here would certainly raise suspicion.
'Illianna Glaine didn't she write a diary?'
There was no mention of it in the novel.

‘‘I will bring you a meal.”

A sumptuous meal was prepared for her to be called lunch.
Throughout the meal, the words that the Marquis and his wife had
returned did not leave my mind.
I don't know what makes it so uncomfortable and unpleasant.
I hope there is a car in the real body... ’

No, maybe not. I shook my head eagerly.

Maybe it's just a bad relationship, and maybe that's why Illyana
Glaine became a villain.
The tableware clashed here and there today. When I looked down at
her body, who didn't listen to her, her hand holding the fork was
‘… what.'
In the end, she put down the table without even swallowing a few
meals. cook the dishes

The taste disappeared along with putting it down.

“Prepare to go out.”
‘‘I have the wagon waiting.” “I’ll make sure you come in by evening.”
As soon as the bell came out, the atmosphere of the mansion was
much more ferocious and expansive than usual.
It was felt that all the users were tense. I went down the stairs in an
upright position with my forehead narrowed.

“Where are you going?”

The hairs all over her body stood stiff at the sound of the voice, and
the low, gloomy voice made Ilya or Glain's body tense.
I slowly, reflexively, turned around with my hands together in front of
With no fuss, she was dressed in a tight-fitting outfit, silver hair like
herself, and well-groomed eyebrows.
The slightly raised eyes and the dark sky blue eyes made it clear
that anyone could see that the marquis had returned today.

"Come back, I heard you've come, ah Ba-nim."

I thought about the title between my father and my father, and
carefully selected my father.
The Marquis of Glein doesn't even bother with my title. Two pairs of
gazes intertwined in the air while I thought I was lucky.
‘‘I was on my way to the temple for a while.”

There was an appropriate ping-getter, so it was all done. I couldn't

say that I was going to look at the kidnapped child.
Although she was wearing a neat mouth and attire, she nodded her
head slightly after the glare of the impression that it was difficult
because of her eyes.
Knowing her external image, she didn't seem exhausted from going
to the temple.
“Did you hear about dinner, Gree?”

“… Yes. I've heard of it''

“Don't be late. You know best that I hate being late.”
Marquis Glein's eyes narrowed even more.
She looked like she was weighing something up, like she was
evaluating something, and she was like an interviewer's gaze at a
job interview in the old days.
I'm sure it was the father who raised Illyana Glain, but why are you
so deceived?

I don't know if there is a sense of rejection from the beginning.

I bowed my head slightly, wanting to avoid her seat.
“Yes, I will keep that in mind. Then I will go all the way.”
Although stiff, he greeted him as politely as possible. I felt like a strict
math teacher.
Anyway, I felt bad in many ways. As I turned and walked towards the
door, the guards opened the mansion door wide.

‘‘Let’s go right away.”

Without looking, they climbed straight into the wagon. The creepy
feeling still lingered vividly over me.
I rubbed her arms with her gloved hands.
The wagon departed immediately.

<Episode 9>
From what I've felt so far, it takes about an hour or so by wagon from
Ilyana Glein's mansion to the hut where Magnus resides.
That is, outside the capital, there was a hut a little further away.
It would have been a better choice than taking the risk of making it in
the capital.
The carriage stopped in front of the hut, familiarly. From the sight of
another carriage, it was clear that one of the employees had brought
a knife.
“See you in a week”
“Yeah, you look good too. I heard that the antidote is delivered in a
week's supply''
“Yes. There is a limit on the amount that can be made, so it was
My eyes narrowed sharply.
It's ridiculous that there are restrictions, unless you're only making
one dose per day.
However, I understand that it is for personal protection. If his utility
value falls too quickly, he might even kill him.
That's roughly the reason I'm guessing. So I didn't have to hold onto
the tail of this sword and let it hang.
Whatever it is, it must be his heart.
“Yeah, it would be more convenient for each other to plan your own
Carl shrugged his shoulders at my words and raised his head.
Strange gray eyes and gazes intertwined beneath the robes.
“As long as we don’t work hard, our contract will be valid. knife."
"I'll keep that in mind"
“Then, if you call me today, I’ll come in.”
Instead of answering Carl, he kept his head down.

With his sword behind, he passed the mercenaries guarding the hut
and entered the hut.
"hawk-, ?. "
“Yes, Lina.”
I was sitting at the desk brought in by the bed
was Magnus.
The golden eyes, clearly clearer than last week, looked directly at
Whether he remembered my orders, or whether he was slowly
getting to know himself, he tried to get on his knees
Did not do it.
He just got up from his chair and looked down at me.
Now that I look like this, I'm quite tall. It's thanks to Illyana Glein, who
fed me and put me to sleep. Of course, it would be a problem if there
was a problem with the inclusion of 'Ray'.
In fact, other than that, Illyana did nothing for Magnus to lack.
She was full of everything and she did not spare her money for
anything. And by the time she becomes emperor, she will also build
up her muscles, making her even more daunting.
"How have you been?"
“Yes, Lina-sama. I’ve been doing well.”
Magnus knelt down on his knees, kissed the top of my feet, and got
up again.
It was definitely clearer than the last time, but his eyes were still
cloudy. When you are close, you can still smell the unique sweet
smell of 'Ray'.
However, it is not as intense as it was then. ‘‘Lina didn’t come, so
Am I doing something wrong
I was worried.”
I saw Magnus' book. piled up on the next desk
Ten more volumes in just a week
It's like reading a thick book. barely
in a week.
After all, what do you do when you are locked up at home alone?
'Come to think of it, Magnus ran away only three months after Illyana
gave her her book.'
His ability to learn is not to be underestimated. In fact, he had been
described several times in the novel as a rare genius.
“You did nothing wrong, Mac.”
He reached out and stroked his hair as usual, stroked his cheek, and
pulled his hand away.
I could feel Magnus' tension dissipating in an instant. he is warm
I was totally looking forward to it.
Even if you and Magnus are together like this, there is nothing you
should do or pray.
‘I can’t stand still facing each other.’
Before Iliana Glaine came to see Magnus, she always ordered him
to take more than the right amount of Rey, and she had nightmares.
So she sought her warmth, laid her pleading Magnus under her feet
and looked at it.
She then held him in her arms, as she always complimented. She
shared the warmth.
Magnus clings desperately to her Illyana with his massive stature,
burying her face in the nape of her neck and hanging on to her and
kissing her.
The only thing Illyana allowed Magnus to do was kiss her. Ilya She
taught me to beg with her mouth if I wanted anything from him.
'The description of the novel was all there was.' Aside from that, the
two of us didn't do anything.
I also have nothing to do. That doesn't mean we can't bring a game
and ask them to play a game together.
‘Well, today, you brought someone to look after you. Can you close
your eyes until you say I'm done?"
"Yes, Lina-sama. After that, will you stay with me?" “… … Uh?"
Today is
what did i hear now?
“I haven’t done anything this week or anything yet.
I didn't. He only caresses me and doesn't hold me in my arms... Why
don't you even let me kiss you? ? You don't even come to visit me
anymore. why? Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong."
Magnus can ask questions.
Even just last week, Magnus, who was obviously curious but couldn't
even speak even if he wanted something, looked into my eyes and
spoke sadly.
But the expected question is
Pretty sure I'm still stuck here?' Questions of degree or of ‘Everyone
in the book is free’ were within the expected range.
However, this is not the expected range. On the contrary, it was too
much of a question to cry even if it went beyond the expected range.
'Because the brainwashing hasn't worked out yet.'
You may not have understood the absurdity yet. I smiled hard with
my stiff lips.
In fact, there is nothing else you can do right now.
Oseo l 亡
Ugh, I was a little flustered, no, I was a little embarrassed.
'But the question itself is growth, isn't it?'
Yes, this is also a kind of growth. From the time when I couldn't say
anything and kept my head down and only answered 'stand up'
only better
If you do this and find out that your position is unreasonable, you will
be brainwashed to some degree.
It also proves that you have been detoxified from your drug
'Then it's not bad for Magnus to run away on his own without having
to let me go.'
Then, I will soon disband the mercenaries, silence the employees
who were hired for this place, and then send them out to various
And as soon as there is a report that they ran away, if the hut is
burned, it will be neatly organized.

‘‘I am Rina-sama’s beast. Aren't you loving me anymore?"

"••••••• "
If you say it with that face, it's definitely fatal. It hurts my heart a little.
The eyes that ask with a slightly tilted head were very attractive.
‘It’s lovely, but… … .'
Iliana Glaine leads him to Magnus's beauty at a glance, stealing her
He seemed to know the reason why he was beaten.
Of course, how she brought him is not explained in the novel either.
‘The sword is waiting outside the road. Just sit on the bed and close
your eyes.”
If she said yes, she'd probably hear why she said yes then she'd
bring herself, and if she said no, she'd probably go back.
Magnus' eyes, which were shaking at my words, became cloudy. still
It is clear that he is still alive.
I haven't used it at all to manipulate dreams since then.
'Actually, I don't even know how to use it.'
her abilities are
In the first place, there was no one around except Magnus to use the
power of the Dream Manipulator.
Magnus, who hesitated at my words, finally opened his mouth.
“Yes, Lina.”
Magnus answered and sat down on the bed, then tightly closed his
trembling golden eyes.
I'm sorry, but I can't give you any answer to that.
“Karl, come in.”
He looked at Magnus and called out Carl Ol, who was outside. At my
words, Magnus' body trembled.
His hand rested on his thigh and clenched his fist.
'Is it scary because you can't see?'
Come to think of it, Magnus E in the dark
There was Rauma.
It was because when Illyana first kidnapped Magnus she kept him in
a dark hut and then she gave him constant nightmares.
So, in the novel, Magnus would always light a candle and sleep with
a window open to let in the moonlight even when he slept.
Or he sleeps with the female heroine in his arms. Yeoju feels sorry
for Magnus like that
But, on the contrary, Iliana Glein was happy with Magnus who came
to live with me.
In many ways, Illyana Glein broke a man named Magnus di Cloud.
It was the writer who wrote the novel who made all of it. And the
author made me like this too.
Carl looked at Magnus' condition here and there as before, took a
breath and opened his mouth, then nodded his head and got up from
his seat.
Carl looked at me. The examination seems to have taken less than
five minutes.

Are you really just looking?'

Know Ol.!=
Of course, that doesn't mean you can't examine it while opening it.
“When you’re done, go out and wait, Carl.” "yes."
After a short reply, Carl bowed his head, closed the door and
stepped out. He turned his head to look at Magnus with a puzzled
“You can open your eyes. Mac.”
Magnus immediately opened his eyes. Golden eyes stared at me
with a slightly blurred focus.
With his mouth shut, Magnus looked a bit anxious and dissatisfied.
“Are you going back today like this?” “I thought so….”
I wonder if I would really cry if I left it like this
Come to think of it, Magnus knows Illyana as her only savior. To
Magnus today, she is probably the only person Illyana is.
She was his only world. She is the only one who imparts complete
warmth. Other employees talk to Magnus
won't do it either. in the hut
Magnus is alone.
Ilya to tame Magnus
I am Glein
Dia made a man like that
He kept him from talking to anyone, and Magnus became even more
obsessed with Ilyana, who even had a lack of affection.
'It's amazing how many times I think about how many times I ran
The fact that Magnus' mental power was not normal can be deduced
from the fact that he ran away.
“Do you want to be with me? vein."
<Episode 10>
Magnus' eyes widen at my question. The man pursed his lips as if
hesitating to answer.
The beautiful golden eyes faded, then returned to focus, and then
again became cloudy again.
‘Is Magnus also fighting brainwashing?’
Even after a while, there was no sign of Magnus' mouth opening.
‘‘Meg, you can tell me what you want. I’m asking you. Please think
about it and answer me. Do you want to be with me?"
As I squatted down and made eye contact, Magnus looked straight
at me.
Each other's eyes intertwined in the air. "...yes."
After a while, Magnus answered.
He actually knew he wasn't going to get an answer, so he was a little
startled. Involuntarily, he opened his lips slightly.
Did Magnus find my lips
as if he was waiting
grabbed my neck
stretch out his arms
Magnus fell to his knees. Then he bent down and brought me to eye
level and kissed my squat lips.
His tongue dug into his mouth.
At that moment, the accident could not be understood.
He blinked blankly for a moment, despite the sensation of his mouth
being ripped apart.
Magnus' eyes widened even more. He hurriedly grabbed Magnus'
shoulder and pulled the man's body away as he watched his golden
eyes gradually losing focus.
‘‘Sleep, sleep… .”
“Ha, Lina, Lina-sama… . Do not leave me.”
Magnus stood on all fours, put his forehead on my nose, and kissed
the top of his feet.
He looked happy as if he had finally found his job, and somehow
looked bright as if a flower had bloomed.
“I will act more like a beast, more like a beast… .”
Magnus' lips, begging and kissing the back of his foot, soon touched
my peach bone and then his ankle.
As his lips gradually rose, strength entered his feet. With him, my
mind also lit up.
‘‘Meg, stop a second!”
Unable to hide his embarrassment, he took a step back and raised
his voice, and Magnus' movements suddenly stopped.
It's like a marionette with a broken thread or a dog that's been told to
‘‘Lina… ?"
Her open eyes clearly showed that Magnus was now under her
He bent over and rubbed his hand on the ankle that had touched
“There is a knife outside. I'm going to send the knife and come back,
sit back in bed and calm down... It was.”
"... yes."
Magnus crawled and climbed onto the bed. Looking at the wide open
eyes, it seems that he hasn't come to his senses yet.
What made Magnus do that all of a sudden?'

Were there any passages in the novel that I couldn't remember?

What happened around this time? what happened

come to mind
I put my hand on my head and closed my eyes. I read it ten times.
Same scene, same episode over and over again
read over and over
Even so, I can't remember the whole story of the novel, but... .
I could barely remember.
‘If I open my mouth in front of you, I will kiss you, just like an
unthinkable beast. As you kiss my feet, do you beg, want and
borrow? Then I will love you, a petty beast.'
A part of the memory that had been tethered in my head suddenly
came to mind as if a string was untied. And the appearance of me a
while ago when I opened my mouth in surprise.
At the same time, the strength in my body was released as well.
Perhaps Magnus' brainwashed command wasn't just to walk on all
fours, but it wasn't just to kiss the back of his foot.
There's no way it's only been one or two brainwashes that I've been
through over the last three years.
I really feel like I should have repented instead of Illyana Glaine. I
think this is going to go a little crazy.
“For now, wait.”
“Yes, Lina.”
Magnus answered with calm eyes. I turned around and left the room.
It seemed that the strange heat in the room had to be released
When I closed the door and stepped out of the hut, a knife was
standing in one place, waiting for me.
‘‘How is it?”
' 'It's better than last week.
However, only a very small amount of the drug has left the body, and
a lot of the drug will still be accumulating in the body. As I said, the
daily dose of antidote and ‘Ray’ must be reduced steadily for half a
‘‘I see.”
In response, Carl nodded. He looked at him for a moment, then
sighed and opened his mouth.
"How do I turn a person whose brainwashing is deeply engraved
with ray?
Even the brainwashing that was engraved on it won't be released,
The knife that was about to turn around at my question stood upright
Then he seemed to be a little worried, and then he turned the hood
on his robe slightly and looked at me.
“Yes. Brainwashing has no choice but to either fix it with time or
correct it every time you keep doing it.”
“How long will that take?”
‘‘Time cannot be guaranteed. There are people who get out of it
quickly, but on the other hand, there are people who can’t get out of
it for the rest of their lives.”
"I see."
“However, if you are in a hurry, it is quickest to put another command
on top of it.”
" How old are you? · "
“Yeah. Every time you do that, you’re putting an order not to do it
over and over again.”’
What the hell is it with Illyana Glaine?
What makes me different?
There is no difference between Nya, who uses the brainwashing
method to get back to me right away, and Iliana Glaine, who uses Yei
to brainwash her for her own desires.
“Once you know Come back and see you next week. Did you receive
the advance payment?"
"Yes. I got it"
“Yeah, it was hard. Next week's antidote should be sent to the user's
side as soon as possible.”
“I’ll keep that in mind” “Look.”
As I spoke, Carl bent his back deeply and turned around.
As I watched Carl ride away in the chariot, I was stuck in place,
unable to move.
‘What about Magnus?’
I was shocked because I couldn't have expected the situation earlier.
The place where her dry lips touched was hot.
To be sure, this was a bit far from my mental reaction.
But the body responded.
‘Did Iliaya like Magnus?’
She thought she might be when she read it as a novel, but it doesn't
seem like what she did.
Or, does the body react first reflexively like Ilyanya, just like Magnus?
She thought, and as she flirted for a moment, her head sank even
Just thinking about it won't solve it
I know the decision
> Mo__Q
back to the hut
stepped into her
"Lina M Am I disqualified as a beast?"
As soon as I entered, I heard a voice
She turned her body around without closing the door on the curtain.
Magnus is the wife of the devil and the wife of the beast
Rum with an eyelid expression
I'm saddened
What can I say to the future emperor who without hesitation calls
himself a beast?
"It's cold... I hate being cold, but it's too cold. Lina-sama..."
Magnus got up from his seat and came up to my nose. It was a little
surprising to me that he did not cry with a pleading voice.
Magnus, who had been walking, came close enough that he could
barely breathe. But even so, you couldn't touch me without my
'It's cold'
He's really bad for the heart in so many ways. He wants warmth. He
wants Illyana's warmth.
Because I didn't dream of him having nightmares as much as when
he felt Illyana's warmth.
He was naturally brainwashed. Even in pain, he doesn't feel sick
when he feels Illyana's warmth.
Her warmth was absolute to Magnus, who lived in the cold hut.
After thinking for a moment, I nodded to Magnus.
Magnus' expression brightened at my answer, and it seemed as if
that was the only reason he lived.
Nya looked at Magnus with her twinkling eyes, and spread her arms
out to the sides, and held Magnus in that state.
Magnus' body was quickly exhausted.
“Come on, hold me too.”
Magnus wiggles his hand at his command. Magnus rolled his eyes
and looked at me.
Slowly making eye contact with him, Magnus clenched his fist.
‘‘I like Lina.” It's because of brainwashing.
… I can't afford to say that. I'm not Illyana Glaine, and saying those
words now will only hurt Magnus.
I just looked at Magnus without answering.
‘‘Lina-sama also called me a lovely beast.”
It did. But that's what Illyana Glaine said, not me. Magnus.
In the novel, Illyana Glaine has always called Magnus a lovable
beast or a beast of her own.
Especially whenever he has been neglected and desperately clings
to warmth, longing for warmth.
o She said the same.
“You are not a beast, Mac.”
I have to correct that word that keeps calling myself a beast.
They said that brainwashing has no choice but to release it little by
little, so I can't force it.
How and to what extent I can solve this brainwashing can change
my future.
‘‘I am a beast. love lina
It's just a beast you get. That's what Lina-sama said... .”
Magnus shook his head and insisted, but it seems somehow unfair.
He seemed to have read so many books in a week, but he did not
seem to realize his absurdity yet.
'If you keep reading, you will realize something.'
When that time comes, I'm sure I won't have such sad eyes.
Even with resentful eyes, I make sense
As long as you're in Ana Glaine's body, you should be prepared to
deal with that resentment.
As usual, he reached out and stroked Magnus' hair. Magnus closed
his eyes as if in a good mood, but then opened them suddenly and
looked at me.
“No, you are not a beast.”
“Lina gave me the name Mac, who didn’t have a name. You said that
I am the only beast that has been given a name.”
I couldn't help but put on a really troubled expression at Magnus'
words, which seemed to even be unfair.

<Episode 11>
Magnus was brainwashed by eating Ray, and in the process of being
brainwashed, his memory was very confused.
So, when he was first arrested, he was not really upset about his
previous work.
He first realized his own absurdity a year later, and while he was with
the female
He brings back memories one by one. So he goes to Hwangseong.
“Yes, Mr. Lee.”
I looked at Magnus, who clutched the hem of my robe with mournful
eyes, and then turned his head. Those eyes are so bad for the heart.
“If you haven’t eaten, how about eating together?”
‘‘Are you staying here?’ ‘‘Until evening.”
In the evening, Illyana Glaine's parents
I had an appointment with you, so I couldn't give it to you until night.
"thank you."
Stay with Magnus
Magnus kisses his knee on the back of his foot.
kneel down like a habit
The curled corners of the eyes are soft
as if to melt
put the
there is
golden eyes
I taught you this
Perhaps it was Iliana Glaine's way of saying thank you.
Whenever Magnus did something, I kept reminding myself that there
was such a scene in the novel.
“Today, I will listen carefully so that Lina will not be disappointed.”
The words that followed made me want to hold his neck again.
Why is the conversation going that way before riding?
Why? iliana glane ig
It's because she's tamed like that.
Two selves collide in my head
She squeaked and pressed her palms against her forehead.
'I really want to beat the me of the past who read the novel while
rubbing it.'
I want to reset the past.
Without answering, I stroked Magnus' hair and opened the hut door.
Meals would have been prepared by a first-class chef every day.
''Please bring a meal for two. I'm going to eat here."
Today is
‘‘I see’’
A well-trained mercenary standing outside answered. It's dangerous
to use a soldier, so Iliana Glaine chose her mercenary.
They were mercenaries who were introduced by sending a letter to a
non-substantial information guild in the back world.
‘Then, Illyana Glaine is great too.’
She's very quick with her hair spinning
And she was quick-witted, and she even hid
someone who has
there was a talent for guessing
Direct connection to the information guild that has no substance
She's about to take a rock.
She wasn't dull. she never
So when I read novels, I
There was a curious side to gold.
Why did Iliana Glaine take her antidote? She wondered why in the
first place did she carry an antidote every day?
Illyana Glaine said she never gave Magnus an antidote.
Yet she carried it with her all the time, and she took it out once in a
while and put it on the table.
I put it on her table and tucked it back into the hem of her sleeve.
Even on the day Magnus stole her antidote, she'd be sure to notice
that Illyana Glaine had lost her antidote.
However, I was puzzled when I still remember Ban Ung of Iliana
Glein at that time.
[The antidote is gone.]
That was it. Illiania Glaine wasn't such a bubbly character, but that's
what I felt in her novels anyway.
However, in the novel, it was only written, "Illiana Gulein uttered only
one word and climbed the carriage with her brows narrowed."
There were no other descriptions. In the first place she
The scene ended there.
She turned around, closed the door of the hut, and went back inside.
Magnus didn't move even a single step from that spot before, as if
waiting for my command. If he hadn't spoken, he would have
continued to do so.
“She sits down. ”
"yes ."
Blinking his eyes, Magnus answered and walked to the table. He
doesn't even sit on a chair in front of the table, but kneels by the
I followed Magnus as I walked to the table and stopped.
"What are you doing?"
“I sat down as you commanded me.” “Ah”
When did I use the expression “total trouble”, but it seems to be used
in this case. Once again, I admired the expressive power of the
Korean language.
Yeah, I was stupid for not thinking of the possibility of being able to
sit on the floor.
‘In the future, I have to tell you where to sit.’
Wouldn't it be natural to sit on a chair if asked to sit down later?
It's not about kneeling on the floor. Illianna Glaine knows why she
put big rugs on the floor of the hut.
‘Without that, Magnus would be a camel.
It must have been a knee.'
And my knees must be very painful.
I ordered
“I always eat… "
He glanced at Magnus' eyes.
I wanted to make sure that I, no, Illyana Glein, really did.
She hadn't fully escaped her brainwashing yet, so she wouldn't
notice her weirdness.
' 'Did she give it to the floor? vein."
She squeezed her neck as hard as possible to keep her voice from
As if he didn't expect my question, Magnus blinked his eyes and
looked at Nya, then immediately lowered his gaze to the floor.
‘‘When you are angry… Usually it was. Will you be like that today?
Have you ever been angry?"
“No, I’m not mad.”
Then how did I give it to you? Was there a meal scene in the novel?
Oftentimes Illyana Glein stayed with Magnus' hut until late at night.
She even had a description of it.
‘Hey, it seems like it was very rare’

The memories seemed to come to mind when I frowned. As I looked

at Magnus who was looking at Nya with one eye in front of her, I
closed my eyes because the memories that came to mind seemed to
be fading away.
[Now, if it is a beast, you have to crawl and make an aegyo for food.]
Then Magnus crawled up to her feet with her drugged eyes open to
her Illyana's feet, kissed her on the top of her feet, and kissed her
her and then her sad look her with her eyes
started seeing it all.
Illyana smiled ecstatically as she watched her Magnus kneel down
like her dog at her feet. Then she took off her white gloves and put
one of her meat in the palm of her hand and stretched it under her. .
“What should I say before eating?
n-n, .”
‘‘Thank you, Lina.”
At Iliana's orders, Magnus grabbed the hungry stomach all day long
and hurriedly gave thanks.

“Eat my sweet beast.”

When Illyana's permission fell, Magnus placed his hand on her.
He bit her meat with her mouth.
The passages in the novel became an image in my head and passed
by like a movie. At the same time, goosebumps appeared on his
It's a story in a novel that you can't even follow if you try to follow it.
soup ·
“Yes, Lina.”
“Would you mind sitting on the chair at the dining table instead of
there? It’s like you are reading a book at your desk.”
Magnus' eyes widened. The golden eyes, the proof of the man's
nobility, tremble.
It was clearly a shock to see what was seen in the unbelievable
‘‘Meg, what did I say to you earlier? Tell me.”
‘He said he wasn’t angry.”
“Before that?”
“You said I am not a beast.”
Magnus answered. Still, I'm glad that he seems to be doing it. He
nodded and reached out his hand to grab Magnus' shoulder.
‘Actually, it’s strange from Magnus’ point of view.’
Not so long ago, I thought of myself as a beast.
If the person who abused you by calling you suddenly became kind
by saying that you are not an animal but a human being, then
Magnus might be thinking that I am crazy.
“Yes, you are not a beast. So there is no need to sit on the floor and
eat. Hurry up and sit down on the chair.”
"Yeah... I get it"
Magnus answered in a hoarse voice.
Magnus looked dissatisfied
However, perhaps because of being brainwashed for a long time, I
did not raise any further objections or questions, and meekly stood
up following my hand.
Then I sit in the chair next to me.
As Magnus sat down, his heart calmed down. I also walked silently
and sat across from Magnus.
‘… … choke.'
What should I say? No matter what you say, it seems that it will only
give information about Nya.
Magnus is the ashes who silently fixed their eyes on me, so it is even
more burdensome.
'My eyes are not open.'
He turned his gaze to the side while clasping his chin in
There are too many unresolved things about Illyana Glaine.
The relationship between Illyana and Magnus
Even so, nothing was drunk. To be honest, at one time I had hoped
that Iliana and Magnus would become a couple, but a mistress who
appeared out of the blue took Magnus away.
I wondered if she would treat Magnus well and fall in love with her
that way if Illyana later regretted it...
Since it was a bleak novel in the first place, couldn't that be
‘Seeing it in person, it certainly seems like it couldn’t have
There's no way you can love a woman who treats herself like a non-
human animal.
There was no conversation and only time passed as they looked at
each other.
Magnus did not speak to me without an order, and I had nothing to
say, so I just touched the half-mask that was placed on his face and
waited for the mercenary to bring his meal.
‘‘I have brought you food.”
Rejoicing at the voice he heard outside the hut, he loosened his
hand holding his chin. At the same time
Magnus' body stiffened.
“Come in.”
The door opened and two mercenaries came in with a meal on a
plate. Magnus stopped breathing.
But without saying a word, they put the plates down on the table and
turned around and left the hut.
' 'Won't you leave me? Lina.”
Looking at the meal laid out in front of him, Magnus asked anxiously.
I couldn't say anything for a moment because of the worry that crept
up on my face.
'Returning to the original place is not throwing away.'
I had a smile that was always natural on my lips.
“Of course it is.”
The first thing was to reassure Magnus.
<Episode 12>
The meal ended without further conversation.
he e he always o
“Are you going to sleep today?”
“No, I have an appointment later. So you have to leave soon.”
“Are you going?”
"Don't worry, I'll be back next week."
Looking at Magnus who immediately responded to the command
with his mouth slightly open earlier, it is clear that none of the
brainwashing and orders that were engraved on him have been
There's nothing good about staying together like that.
You can't be late.'
Besides, something inside was sending a red signal. I couldn't deal
more with Magnus today.
‘But, I can’t sleep because it’s cold.”
“Can I just cover you with a blanket?”
“It’s still cold… . Alone... scary."
Tears fell from Magnus' eyes.
Magnus was extremely anxious, so Illyana would periodically spend
the night cuddling him and giving him warmth in the hut.
He was very happy to see Magnus digging into his arms, and Illianna
took the back of his head.
The description of stroking was vivid.
It's a pity, but today the anxiety doesn't go away.
“Promise me you’ll stay with me until the night next week.”
He sat down on the bed and opened his mouth as if to appease
Magnus, who was crying bitterly.
Magnus looked at me with his mouth open, but he didn't answer.
“See you next week.”
At my words, Magnus stretches out his arm toward me.
Magnus licked his lips, straining his body, and relaxed his arm before
he could touch the hem of my sleeve.
The man's arm fell down as if a thread had been broken.
'Oh, guilt.'
Guess I'll go back to guilt. It's definitely not what I did, it keeps
equating me with Illyana Glaine
Feeling guilty meant that.
It seems like the body and mind are like a fairy tale.'
It's a silly idea though.
I burst out laughing inwardly and immediately turned around to cry. I
felt a persistent, tenacious gaze behind my back, but I opened the
door and stepped out of the hut.
Outside, the mercenaries are standing with a silent expression.
'Next month, I'll have to get rid of all the mercenaries who are
gatekeepers so that only the guards and the minimum number of
people who will take care of them come here.'
He had to have a way out so that he could escape from the hut
whenever he came to his senses.
Even after a year, he ran away from the mercenaries within three
months of giving him the book.
Then, there is no need to take the risk of leaving Magnus in the
Imperial Castle, and the chance of meeting between Magnus and the
mistress naturally increases in the process of escaping.
‘If you say you run away within a month or two, you will cry because
you couldn’t get rid of your drug addiction, so I can help you.’
Of course, this is only my own opinion, and I can never be sure if it
will turn out the way I thought it would.
The driver who was waiting outside saw Nya coming out of the hut
and jumped off the driver's seat.
He's a really quick-witted driver. It looks like Illyana Glaine has a
human eye.
"Where can I take you?"
As soon as I got on the carriage and sat on the chair, the coach
asked. She pondered for a moment, then pulled her watch from the
hem of her sleeve.
Glaine's appointment with her Marquis will be seven o'clock, dinner
time in her mansion. and
It was now 5 o'clock.
You need a ping get to come up with a decent excuse. And I had to
go crazy about religion to the end.
“Go to the temple.”
“Yes, I understand.”’
As soon as the driver closed the door, the carriage set off.
The windowless hut made it impossible to even spy on Magnus'
His fingertips trembled finely.
I closed my eyes tightly in a terrible feeling. It was an obvious
refusal. Until now, I had been thinking about how to express this
slightly distant feeling, but this was a rejection.
'refuse … .'
I hurriedly pulled out a dictionary from the pile of books on my desk
and turned the pages.
[Rejection: rejecting the opponent's request, proposal, gift, request,
etc. without accepting it.]
I closed the open book.
why? Up until now, whenever she begged like this, her owner happily
But today as well as last time, it was just awkward and
I just had a feeling. like you don't like it.
He just slumped down on the floor.
With his knees bent and his hands touching the floor, this is the most
comfortable position.
This is the attitude of a beast, and this is the attitude that Lina-sama
taught me first.
'What am I if I'm not a beast?'
The person who called Nya a beast says I am not a beast. I no
longer call you a lovable beast
I didn't even caress his hair gently.
‘‘Rina Nam why… .”
When I ask him what he didn't like, he just says he didn't like it or
was angry.
Those words sounded like they were about to throw me away, so I
ran into an unknown feeling.
I suddenly got short of breath.
L always
Lift and squeeze the hem of his chest
I kept thinking of Lina-sama sitting on the bed in front of me and
reaching out her hand. I wanted to hug him right away.
I am such a being... ?
Your very own beast, begging for your desires like a beast at your
feet, pleading for your warmth as you wish.
He exhaled rapidly, but only a giggle came from his throat.
'Is this my voice?'
As soon as I realized it, it became difficult to breathe. Instinctively, I
grabbed my neck with both hands.
I just wanted to breathe a little more air.
0 :
The cabin door opened.
“Damn it, bring your medicine. I have a seizure.”
“Didn’t you take the reduced medication in the morning as the broker
"I don't know if it's not enough. Drug addicts are weird when they
have seizures.
I don't. If something like this happens, I told you to take medicine, so
if you give it medicine, you will be fine."
The body was lifted roughly. ‘‘Hey, eat a little.”
The man who guards the outside every day forcibly sat me down,
grabbed his hair and made me tilt my head as hard as I could.
Behind the man's shoulder, with blurred vision
come to a place
I've never gone out of the wide forest I used to
seemed pond

Why me… Can't we get out of here?'

If you go out, I'm sure Rina-sama can kiss your feet whenever she
My mouth was forcibly opened by the man's grip.
At the same time as the sweet smell brushed the tip of his nose, the
pink liquid he ate every day poured into his mouth.
He had no intention of swallowing it, but reflexively swallowed it, as
he wouldn't let him go if he didn't.
Then the hand that gripped his hair was released.
“Hey, hey, hey…”
It was hard to breathe, but it became easier to breathe.
They talked to each other and then went back out of the hut. The
door to the forest was closed.
‘‘Lina, Lina… .”
The remnants of my past education were floating in front of my eyes.
Formless humans of the past kick themselves and hit them with their
The sensation of being pounded on the brain slowly tightened his
When this intangible and mortal violence ended and he fell asleep,
nightmares came and he had to be abandoned, abandoned, and
abandoned again in the nightmare.
I had to beg and beg until Rina-sama forgives me.
But now, Lina-sama is not there. I have to endure this suffering and
pain alone in the dark today.
Knowing the nightmare that would come at night like this, my body
started to tremble reflexively.
‘‘Lina… .”
Why don't you look after your beast? Complaints are getting bigger
and bigger.
My eyes are getting blurry. The focus just disappears. A strange
silhouette suddenly appeared in that hazy field of vision.
There were three men who had just become young men. Wearing
very luxurious clothes and behind the three people, luxurious style,
I saw a building that was somehow familiar.
'Who is it?'
I thought useless thoughts while I was exhaling without a break.
When will this pain go away... ?
As they parted on the rugged floor, they reached out and grabbed
the rug. The soft rug was wrinkled miserably from her hands.
‘Hey, dumbass. I'm going hunting in the forest over there today, so
let's go together. you are okay
If you catch a nyanggam, we will recognize you as a younger
‘Is this really true? older brother!'
‘Oh, of course. It will vary a bit depending on what you are doing.
Should we listen?'
big! older brother!'
It's a voice I heard somewhere. A strange voice that makes you feel
bad and angry just by hearing it.
But I couldn't remember who it was. The scene turned into a fog. He
exhaled heavily and blinked his eyes. ah
Two of the three were pushing the other to the cliff.
My stomach was twisted.
You're too disturbed.'
Live your life, Magnus. The animal food will be first. Ha ha ha ha ha !
Brothers, save me, save me. Don't leave me alone... '
It's the same scene again.
It is a strange situation that you must dream once in ten.
I cry and someone leaves me
leaving I always cried sadly. They turned their backs on their faces
full of joy.
"Lina, Lina-sama..."
The voice that came out with crying was unfamiliar yet familiar. He is
her beast. She was her own beast.
I wanted to take more medicine. He screamed in pain that ran
through his body. iron neck
The scratching sound was terrible.
I wanted someone to hug me. I wanted to have warmth. I needed my
I needed Lina. I wanted to hug Lina-sama. As always, I wanted to
obey Rina-sama's orders.
But he rejected me.
I… Am I just being watched by you? Because I'm a caged beast with
nowhere to go? Are you bothered?
Please tell me why. like this
without a word
turn your back
"-=- -==j"0
ride the body
pain example
ride the ball

De, this hurtfully digging into the inside

My body hurts in the cold for crying

<Episode 13>
“Are you here, Ilyanya believer?” "Yes, today, Priest Owen is reciting
“That’s right.”
The man in the white priest's robe was Priest Owen.
He was the first person to accept my membership application, and it
seems that he is also the person who manages the temple's
Over the past week, he attended worship services without missing
out, and he got to know many priests.
Of course, it was also thanks to the fact that he donated one gold bar
to the large donation box every two or three days every time he
“Thanks to Illyana’s donations, the amount of tribute to the gods at
the temple has increased dramatically.
'Heh heh''
As if he was approaching old age, about half of the man's hair was
counted white.
Nya just smiled without saying a word. When I come to the temple,
all I do is hold hands and pretend to pray together when reciting a
I don't know what other people are thinking, but for now I have no
Except to curse the writer who sent me here.
“Come on, Illyana-sama, let’s go to our seats too.”
“It is.”
He nodded obediently and sat down in the seat in front of him.
Seats were also allocated when prayers were heard. The front seats
were reserved for believers and the rear seats were for believers.
The hall was very large and filled with people as the time to recite
the prayer drew near.
There seemed to be hundreds of them.
‘I feel it every time, but there are so many people.’
Priest Owen standing in front of the podium opens the prayer door.
People at the same time held their hands together, bowed their
heads slightly, and closed their eyes. I too followed them a beat later,
putting my hands together and closing my eyes.
Priest Owen started reciting prayers.
'It's about an hour, so you won't be late for the mansion.'
I think there will be about ten minutes left. I told you not to be late, so
if you go back within that time, there will be no problem.
I'd rather not go to Magnus.
‘If there is a subject who has been brainwashed, wouldn’t it be
difficult to come to your senses?’
I'm still alive if I'm not Illyana Glaine
She did if Magnus knew she could go.
I promised to go next week, so I can't help it... After that, it's better to
stop walking.
I'm smart, so I'll find my way soon.'
I thought the best way would be to stay away from each other for
All you have to do is to just go through a checkup under the
supervision of the mercenaries so that you can't have useless
If the sword is said to be okay to some extent, let's also disband the
Then it will be If I did that, everything seemed to end in a round and
round shape.
In the next three months, Magnus will run away, and on the day
Magnus flees, I order the mercenaries to burn the house, and it's all
And he will live his life, I will live my life, and if he becomes emperor,
if I come to see him for a moment, I will know whether I will be able
to go back or not.
‘If I can’t go back… .'
What should I do then? I never thought that I couldn't go back.
I blinked slowly and swallowed my breath. Just thinking about it
made my stomach twist.
‘For now, let’s avoid contact with Magnus.’
It looked like he couldn't face Magnus any more. It only makes the
brainwashed thing even worse.
Illyana Glaine did something she was obviously not supposed to do.
'clearly … I heard that there is a star chapter. '
After she came here, she accidentally overheard users talking, but it
seems that there are several villas in the doorway of Glein.
Among them, I will go to the villa farthest from the capital.
‘Isn’t there such a thing as Shinto training?’
A training program to become a little more devout believer, no. If
there was something like that, it would be good to use that excuse as
an excuse to leave the capital.
Feeling left out to practice. 'I'll have to ask Priest Owen.'
It looks like he's reciting a prayer, but I don't know what he's talking
about. I just listened with one ear and possessed with the other.
Soon the surroundings became quiet.
“Today ends with this.”
Hearing the sound of her voice, he slowly lifted his head and
released his clasped hands. I've been doing this for an hour every
day, so I think this is a lot of sincerity.
It is said that priesthood is a profession, but among believers and
believers, there must be a lot of people who make time every time
they are busy.
Everyone gets up, places their donations in the donation box, and
runs out of the hall.
I roughly put the bag of gold coins I brought into the donation box
and immediately prayed.
I headed to Priest Owen, who was tidying up.
“Illiana devotee.”
Priest Owen spoke as if welcomed, and saw that she was glancing
at them as they put donations into the donation box, but she
pretended not to know.
"Good job. Priest Owen."
I gave her a moderately warm greeting and slowly opened her eyes.
“Anyway, is there any place in the temple where Shinto can be
trained? I want to do some training in a quiet temple in another area,
not this temple in the capital city.”
“Oh, that’s a good thing. However, there is no such thing as Shinto
meditation. However, there are some practices to be done to
become a priest. He stays in the camp for about two years.”
2 years. It was the right time in many ways, so I was lucky.
Participation is a good reason to go elsewhere, and you don't even
have to hang out with the socialites you've become acquainted with
Ilyana Glein.
After all, as in the world we live in, if we don't meet often, we often
forget about it.
How about in a social world where you can call it a business
relationship when you don't make contact with friends and you
haven't seen each other for two years?
‘Naturally, Magnus and I are getting farther apart.’
When I thought about it up to that point, my thoughts seemed to be
very clever.
“Would I be able to participate in the priest’s training?”
“If you are a believer, anyone can participate according to the
recommendation of the priest. To become a priest, you have to pass
the final exam.”
I have no intention of becoming a priest, and participating in priest
training for two years is enough.
That would be fine in its own way.
"Could Hierarch Owen help me to participate?"
I can give Illyana Glaine's money as long as it's money, but I haven't
been able to figure out whether Priest Owen likes the back money or
Giving money to someone who doesn't like that will only have the
opposite effect.
“Do you want to become a priest?”
Priest Owen asked with a very serious expression on his face.
‘Rather than that, I want to get even a little closer to God.”
heart beat faster I can even feel my ears buzzing because I'm
nervous. I swallowed my saliva and answered Priest Owen's answer.
Shin-Kwan Owen, who was looking at Nya without expression,
softened his lips.
“I am very happy that God has given me such a good relationship
with Illyana.”
‘‘I am fortunate to have been taught, even if it is belatedly.”
"Heh heh, I didn't have a new believer or believer to recommend
separately. If it's okay with you, I'll recommend Iliania to the priest's
I got the answer I was hoping for. I wanted to run all over the place
right away. It made me feel relieved that something happened as I
thought it would.
Still, I think I'm walking on the right path for a bit.
“However, today is the last day to file applications for priests. Putting
in the documents is not difficult, but the preparation period is only
two weeks. are you okay? The next priesthood training is in two
“It’s fine as it is.”
The timing was very good. It feels like someone completely laid a
plate. Two weeks is more pressing than I thought, but it's not bad.
“Then I will put the application in today. I will explain the details again
when you come tomorrow.” "Thank you, Hi Officer Owen."
"It's always nice to see more new priests."
“Then I have an appointment later.
Let’s go see.”
"Yes, God bless you Legneva."
He placed his hand on his chest and leaned back slightly, facing
Priest Owen as he bent over in the same way.
“Then stop.”
After a brief greeting, I turned around and decided what to do next. I
left the temple and immediately got on the carriage waiting outside.
'' to the mansion as soon as possible."
The driver answered before he even asked. "Yes, I understand."
Feeling the urgency in my voice, the coach went straight up to the
driver's seat and started the carriage. It was then that he relaxed his
body, leaning against his taut body.
The wagon barely arrived at the mansion five minutes before 7
The compulsion to not be late rose from within. This is a bad feeling
My heart was buzzing with how fast my heart was beating.
“Are you here, miss?”
“Okay, open it.”
The gatekeeper opened the door. The house was cluttered. It wasn't
as tight as it was before I left the mansion, but the employees
seemed very busy.
‘‘What happened?”
“Ah, miss. Are you back? Suddenly, there was an emergency report
that there was a problem in the realm, so I was preparing the
necessary things and sending it to the manor.”
“Ah, your father?”
“Did you quickly return to the estate?
One of the maids bowed her head and answered.
I don't know why those words were so reassuring, but my stomach
The beating of the heart, which was beating rapidly, gradually faded
away. As if he was nervous, his face slowly lost strength.
“Yeah, I’m going to go up, so I’m just doing what I was doing.
‘‘I see’’
She answered and walked up the stairs to avoid the broken vase.

<Episode 14>
From the old days, useless luck was on the good side, but this time
around, I think I'm very lucky that I wasn't alone with that person.
I don't know why, but whatever
Let's go cry and rest.'
As my emotions subsided, I was able to breathe. I took a short sigh
and entered the room.
Come to think of it, he's been busy with other things and never really
got to see Illiania Glaine's room.
Don't you have a hidden diary?'
I approached the desk, squatted down, and opened the drawers one
by one. Although this is the place I opened all the way to get the ink
bottle out the other day.
'Usually, there was one more secret drawer on this side.'
I've only seen it in cartoons. Just in case you didn't know, I put my
hand inside the drawer and fumbled over the top. His chin and
fingers were caught in strange holes.
With his eyes wide open, he put his finger in the hole and moved his
Something fell on the palm of your hand. He carefully took it in his
hand and pulled it out of the drawer.
'-Ar-Churter ?'
What he held in his hand was a small auburn leather notebook. It is
a very small notebook, barely the size of the palm of your hand.
It was too small to be called a diary and looked old. It looks like it
hasn't been taken out in a long time, so there's quite a bit of dust.
I sat down at my desk, dusted it off, and opened my notebook. Even
though it was the first time I saw the curly handwriting, it came into
my mind as a natural interpretation just by looking at it.
'It is said that if you can speak a foreign language fluently, you can
understand it immediately.'
I didn't know I could feel this kind of feeling in someone else's body.
Of course, for Illyana Glaine, this would be her mother tongue.
[Imperial Calendar March 21, 920, 7 hours.
what? I thought it was a day badge, but only the date was written on
it. Obviously, now is the 930th year of my national power, so it was
10 years ago. The notebook looked very old.
was the reason
There was nothing written on it except for the seven hours and the
number 32. The diary did not record what had happened that day.
Not a diary, but a notepad where you take notes?
Thinking about it, I passed it on to the Daum field. Old paper is to the
point of not being torn or crumbling if you hold it with a little force.
There were many places where it was discolored.
[September 3, 920 in the Imperial Calendar. 29 hours 40.]
[February 4, 921 in the Imperial Calendar. 11 hours.
[April 2nd, 921 in the Imperial Year. 9 hours 1 1 .]
No matter how many times I turned through the paper, most of them
were just memos of this kind. I can't get a sense of what I took notes,
and the date is almost at the level of a flurry. with the eyes narrowed
I shrugged my chin and quickly flipped through the notebook.
[November 5, 927 in the Imperial Year. I found a stray beast.]
[Imperial calendar, November 6, 927. The beast was a golden
I opened my eyes wide while reading a memo from ten years ago.
The golden dragon obviously means the royal family.
Also, Illyana Glein knew that Magnus was an imperial family. She
seems to have known it right away the day after she brought it.
Then don't you usually let go because you're afraid? It's royalty Were
you not aware of the fear of the imperial family when you were
'But why do you even make a note of it?'
I really don't know. I turned over the notebook with her finger, and
the numbering continued after that.
He slowly flipped through the paper with his fingers and sighed.
[Imperial Year 927, January 1, February 8. The crowned dragon
seeks my beast. You have to hide it.]
Rarely, long notes were written between the number-only notes. It
seems that the diary is correct. Although I don't quite understand the
meaning. I know roughly what gold and beasts mean.
[Imperial Year 927, January 24th. The culprits who abandoned the
beast were other golden dragons. The assassin is looking for the
beast. It was commissioned by the guild.]
Another golden dragon... ?
Maybe it's the other brothers who abandoned Magnus?
As I hurriedly turn the notebook, the numbering continues again.
I couldn't understand the meaning of those things, so I skimmed
through them, then stopped again in a place where the notepad was
[April 3, 928 in the Imperial Calendar. The crowned golden dragon
has given up looking for the beast. It is said that the first golden
dragon is tentatively scheduled to receive the next officer. The first
golden dragon took the beast's.]
[Imperial calendar June 4, 928 36 hours
77. Die.]
There were traces of the letters being pressed down. The hollowed
out letters were to the extent that it was fortunate that the back was
not torn.
It's the first time the numbers are written
After that, for a while
There was no writing. nothing
[Imperial Year 928
8 days. the beast

As I turned the notebook to the next page, the letters came out
again. The content that seemed to know everything aroused doubts.
With a wrinkled expression on his face, he turned the notebook over
again. The notebook was quite thick, close to a hundred pages, but
the last page
Only a few sheets were empty, the rest were full.
Again, only numbers began to appear. I couldn't understand the
meaning, so I skipped that part over and over again.
[Imperial calendar, July 14, 929. Finally, the beast had a question.]
[January 12, 930 of the Imperial Year. Soon the time has come to
give knowledge to the beast. Ask a little more question, blame me
and curse me.]
It's a recent diary.
are you done? Even after a couple of pages, it's still a blank page. I
was about to close the notebook, but ink was smeared behind the
open paper.
In case I didn't know, I turned one more page and it was written. A
number of numbers are also listed.
The problem was the date.
[Imperial calendar March 4, 931. 10 hours.
The current year in this world is 930. There is no way that it was a
diary after 931.
Illyana Glaine couldn't have seen the future, and I can't be more
likely to be in the future now.
I just saw the newspaper today in the temple. Today is the 930th
year of the imperial calendar. It can't be 931.
[April 4, 931 in the Imperial Year. I gave the book to the beast. The
beast reads a book. The first golden dragon was eventually chosen
to receive the coffin. Everyone is stupid.]
[Imperial calendar, July 24, 931. The eyes of the beast looking at me
are strange. On the way home, I checked and the antidote was
gone. The time has come.]
A series of numbers was continuously written in the middle.
There were times when the period between them was very long, but
in other times it was written one after another even the very next day.
'What the hell do you mean?'
Despite my doubts, I turned the paper over again.
[On September 6, 931, the imperial calendar, the beast asked me
what it was. nurture
I answered if it wasn't an animal or something. The beast didn't
answer. On the way, I instructed the mercenary to release the beast
appropriately if it ran into it.]
[November 13, 931 in the Imperial Year. The beast ran away. It
seems that she went to a woman's house. She is a doctor, so she
seems to take good care of animals.]
.. I'm sure
This is obviously Illyana Glein's diary. However, it is correct that
Illyana Glaine wrote this before I took possession of this novel.
But, before I possessed here
There is also clearly written information that Illyana Glaine did not
know. It is clear that the author was involved here.
[Imperial calendar April 3rd, 932. The third golden dragon has
The third golden dragon. It is the first word that appeared. Perhaps
Ilyanya Glein was referring to Magnus who returned to the Imperial
[October 7, 932 in the Imperial Year. The first golden dragon and the
second golden dragon are in the furnace.
melted and disappeared There is no mercy for the third golden
[December 21, 932 in the Imperial Calendar. The third golden dragon
is crowned.]
Iliana Glain is smart. she knew everything She did it all knowingly.
why? Was there any reason for that?
She said, 'Did she love Magnus?'
Even so, something is not right with her. I read her handwriting while
narrowing her forehead.
She went down and she moved on to the next chapter.
[December 4, 934 in the Imperial Year. The beast returned to the
third golden dragon found me. finally.]
You can feel the euphoria through the paper. The next chapter
seemed to have some writing on it, so I moved on to the next
At the same time, I was out of breath. I couldn't breathe.
[August 18, 935 in the Imperial Year. This is the only one where
Illyana Glain was exiled.
It's the notebook she hid. There was only one left, so I could write
her last words. What do you think you would have written here? … I
don't know either.]
...... what?
The last one is obviously strange for Iliana Glein to do. It was as if he
was talking to me. I felt my expression wrinkle.
I had goosebumps on the trunk. Are you a writer?'
The author asked for help with the writing, and then he might have
asked such a question.
But why are you hiding it here? What is the need to even do this in
the first place?
Can I go back if I solve this? But in the first place, what can you find
out from the sparsely written diary and what can you explain?
Numerous questions popped into my head one by one.
Changed the flow of the story from the beginning
So things won't go like this
I'll listen.'
I don't know what to do.
The diary is full of things I can't even understand. I'm not as smart as
Illyana Glaine. She took off her dress and threw it away.
“Should I report my departure?”
It reminded me of Illyana Gulane's father, the Marquis of Glein.
Looking at his personality, he seems to have an angry temperament,
but I think it's just that he's annoyed. But, I have no reason to care
about him.
'If you leave the capital on the pretext of training a priest and come
back two years later, Magnus will be the emperor.'
Then, maybe everything will work out?
I got up from my bed and looked at the notebook on the desk. The
leather notebook looks very old from a distance.
'Should I find an answer to that question?'

<Episode 15>
It's funny that I hang myself over something that may or may not
have a chance.
However, there is nothing I really want to do or have to do here. It's
not like there's anything wrong with going back.
Anyway, so I needed something to get me out of this situation and
focus on something else. It turned out to be a good opportunity in
many ways to train a priest.
‘It was said that the temple cannot be touched even in the imperial
If you go into priest training, even the Marquis of Glein won't be able
to do it right away.
"everything will be alright."
Surely it will. It wouldn't be too late to put my thoughts on that
unknown notebook until later.
leaving behind the thoughts that filled her head
She closed her eyes while holding. Her body, which had been tense
for her all day, was later relaxed. As she stretched her body with her
weary mood, her sleep quickly came.
… Today is the last day Meeting Magnus and my coming to this hut.
At least this will be the last time I see Magnus in that state. In many
ways, I also needed some time to tidy up.
Sometimes the question arises as to whether these feelings and
thoughts belong to Illyana Glaine or are they really mine.
Being with Magnus was like a strange heat rising from within.
That's why I didn't come to Magnus on purpose for the past two
weeks. Of course, the sword came, and I was receiving reports from
the mercenaries and swords, but I didn't even step in this direction.
It felt like I had to force myself to walk away. But today is your last
chance to come here.
Well, I just came to see Magnus's condition.
'I don't know if this is my opinion or that of Illyana Glaine.'
Anyway, if it's my job, I head to Kotan, a village about a fortnight
away from the capital, to train a priest.
Of course, in the end, he did not report to the Marquis of Glein. It
would be more accurate to say that I didn't report it.
He hasn't come up from the territory yet.
Kotan is the second largest temple after the capital. In the past, it
was also famous that the god Legneva directly sowed the seeds so
that a bountiful crop grows every year.
90% of the villagers of Kotan are all believers or believers in the
Legneva Temple.
‘I have to give new orders to the mercenaries.’
There was no need to tell the mercenaries not to protect them. Just
like Illyana Glaine in the diary, if you think you're going to run away,
all you have to do is tell them to let you go.
And on the night you let go, you burn the hut and disperse it.
I've finished imagining it many times in my head. I keep getting
nervous because of that thought.
‘‘You have arrived, miss.”
The driver announced the arrival and opened the carriage door. The
mercenaries lightly bowed down to greet them and opened the door.
I glanced at Carl waiting outside, and from my seat I went into the
hut first.
went in
‘Come here too. Lina.”
In the hut, Magnus stood up with a strange expression on his face.
''Well. okay."
It's been a while since I've seen you, so the golden eyes are very
He raised his hand and touched the half mask, feeling as if it had
penetrated to the inside. Fortunately, it's still covered in the face.
Magnus comes very slowly, gets on his knees, and kisses the top of
his feet. And, unlike before, I took a seat on my own
got up and stood up straight. even
He takes a step back and waits still.
My blood color has improved a lot.'
There was always a sweet smell, but the smell has also faded. He
reached out and stroked Magnus' hair.
I was a little startled by the touch of his hand. It was because of the
hand that moved to Magnus so naturally.
Of course, I had no intention of stroking him. But if I don't think about
it for a while, it really behaves like a habit, like a habit.
“You haven’t been here in a long time.” ‘‘Well, you were busy’’
"Is it so?" said Magnus briefly.
He answered and bit his mouth.
An awkward air flow different from before, and he could tell that
something had changed in Dia Magnus. I don't know where that part
came from.
“I’m not the only one with Rina, but you must be busy.”
It seems that his words are strangely crooked, but he nodded his
head moderately.
He looked like a little boy somewhere, but in fact, I... no. Iliana Glee
There is only one year difference between causation and causation.
“Yes, thank you for doing this.”
Can I answer this?
With his hand on Magnus' hair, he stroked his hair, brushed his
cheek, and then ran his hand.
If you just take it off, you will definitely think this hurt.
Magnus also naturally rubbed the ball in my hand.
“When are you going back today?
yo. this? Is the sword of the sword also planned?
did you come
yo. this?"
"I'm going to stay with you until the night as promised last time."
Magnus widened his eyes. As she lowered it slightly, the golden
eyes hidden in her eyelashes grew in size and became clearer. A
faint smile appeared on Magnus' lips.
Is my brain still there?’
In Illyana Glaine's diary, it was written, "The beast still smiles at
So, Illyana Glaine confirmed that Magnus was still brainwashing her
by smiling at her.
When I know everything, there is no way I can laugh, because I will
“Do your employees bring you books?” “I like that my books are
different every week. I keep learning something new.”
“Are you happy with that?”
‘‘Lina Nam
Magnus' voice seemed to have resigned somewhere.
I don't know what he resigned, but his voice has no energy. Of
course he was right.
As I smiled silently and smiled, Magnus bit his mouth. Rather than
giving up on it, it was closer to the feeling of being trained repeatedly
through repeated rejection.
“Do you want me to sleep here?” “Yes.”
How did you feel after reading the guest?"
‘‘The book was interesting. It’s like a dream story.”
Magnus's expression was bright as he answered, but he was
somehow strange. It is not the expression of awakening something
by reading a book.
It was as if he was talking about something completely different.
'Well. okay. That’s good.”
He struggled to add his words, but his doubts did not go away.
Magnus' body twitched once.
The strange phenomenon of constantly looking at the ground as if it
was uncomfortable to stand still continued.
“Let’s sit down.”
As I went to the table and sat down, Magnus came up stiffly and
rolled his eyes.
It is obvious that you are contemplating whether to sit on the floor, or
whether to sit on a chair.
it was
“Sit down on your chair.” “…Yes.”
Magnus replies a bit late and meekly takes a seat across from me
and sits down.
It was clear that his two hands were tense with the ashes on his
'How the hell do you become an emperor later?'
Magnus, who became emperor in the novel, was more like an
imperial family than a royal family. Of course, even before he took
the throne, he brutally slaughtered his brothers.
At least it didn't belong to someone who had been brainwashed for
so long, crawling on the floor, kissing Illyana Glaine's feet and
begging for love.
Magnus, who became emperor, became cruel as if he was pouring
out the wrath of his past.
Mistakes were never tolerated, and he took control of the Imperial
Palace with a tyranny of fear. Thanks to this, unnecessary mistakes
and corruptions have decreased, and the citizens of the Empire
really liked it.
Although there was a sentence
Magnus, who had been sitting uncomfortably in his chair and
standing with his body clean, suddenly raised his bowed head and
called me.
He was looking elsewhere because it was difficult to keep his gaze,
so he turned his head to look at Magnus.
‘‘Why does Rina say that I am not an animal?”
“Because you are human.”
He answered as quietly as possible. For whatever reason Ilyana
thinks this is wrong.
Of course, since it's a novel and I'm working on it, I don't know if this
kind of thing was possible, but at least I won't be able to see what's
happening right in front of my eyes.
Of course, I've been saying, 'You are a beast.' How reliable would it
be to say it with the body of Ilya or Glaine, who had almost
brainwashed her with these words.
Unsurprisingly, Magnus frowned again, narrowing his forehead.
“I don’t understand. I am a beast It happened because you called me
a beast. He even gave me a name.”
"that … .”
“So, I just want to be Rina-sama’s beast, but can’t I?”
I was speechless for a moment.
“I’m a human being… Does that mean I have to say I don’t like it?”
Magnus got up from his seat and knelt before me, shaking his head.
His hesitant hand trembled and carefully grabbed the tip of my finger.
Magnus asked, holding my index finger with both hands.
it's a sad voice The string that had barely been woven was in
danger, as if it were about to break.
Immediately Erra felt the urge to reach out and stroke Magnus.
‘Don’t be swayed by Ilyanya Glein.
He clenched his fists, trying to calm his trembling fingertips as he
thought about it. This, at least, is not my feeling.
It must have been a remnant of Illyana Glaine.
“Do you not want to be a person?” “Yes.”
“If you become a human, you have to separate from Rina-sama.
You say I saw it in a book. people… People and people cannot be
together forever due to various factors.”
‘Oh, that’s a very realistic book.”
It is so realistic that I even doubt that it is a philosophical book. Of
course, it could not be said that it was wrong in many ways, but I
never thought that Magnus would say such a thing.
“But he said that the beast is the only thing that can stay with its
owner until he dies. That’s why I don’t want to be human.”
What the hell kind of book did you bring to understand such a
strange thing? back neck pulled
<Episode 16>
A few times, I had to pick and hand over the books, but I was told
that I should hand them over to the employee in moderation because
I was afraid that I would only deliver something biased.
‘‘If you keep making me a beast, I will never betray Rina-sama.”
Magnus held my hands together
I grabbed his index finger and kissed the tip of his finger.
It's good that I've progressed so far because I keep getting down on
my knees and telling them not to kiss the top of my feet.
It's good, but... .
‘This, too, is by order.’
I'm sure he's been brainwashed to say hello to his knees, and the
way he greets while still meeting hasn't changed.
‘And above all else, what kind of people are people?
You seem to know that it is an evolutionary form of .'
There is nothing to be done and nothing to do, there is nothing to do
without letting go. In the end, everything will be by Magnus' choice. I
know we still need more time.
‘I’m going to be your only beast more loyal than a dog… .”
I was going to tell you today that I won't be able to come here in the
I can't say that things can't come like this.
If I tell you, tears will fall from those beautiful golden eyes.
“Do you like me? Magnus.”
I looked down at him quietly and asked. I don't think I've ever been
asked this before. There is nothing better than a question like this to
help you realize the contradiction yourself.
“Yes. I like Li Nya.”
Magnus replied as if he had no idea. It was reflexive and very quick.
It felt as if I had just entered an answer into the machine and made it
pop out when I tapped it.
"why?" "... yes?"
“Why do you like me? Tell me why.”
Magnus couldn't answer my question, as if he was speechless.
Just open and close his mouth a few times. The clear focus of
Magnus slowly fades again.
“Yeah… ... of course..."
The muddy Magnus rolled his eyes as if he could not find an answer.
My fingers that Magnus held together found freedom. He dropped
his hand and lowered his head.
It's a very easy question, but as if he didn't understand the question,
Magnus puts his face on it.
He held up his hand and grabbed his hair, tightly closing his eyes.
"Why... was it...?"
There was a look of confusion.
See, it's just brainwashing. There was no need to worry about
shaking or this strange buzzing.
I slowly lower my eyelids
Swallowed the tension with
“Mi 1--, .”
"••••••• "
As he raises his voice a little more and calls him, Magnus tilts his
head and looks at Nya with his defocused eyes.
He reached out and placed a palm on Magnus' cheek. Then, as
naturally as possible, he raised the corners of his lips.
“It’s okay.”
"... yes ."
“Being a person is natural. So, slowly stop the beast.”
“Do, then, will I not be able to be with Rina-sama?”
Magnus asked with a blank expression. I guess so. It would be over
if you answered me, but strangely, as if my throat was choked,
nothing came out.
This time my expression was wrinkled. ‘‘Lina?”
Belatedly answered, Magnus nodded his head and clenched his
'It's been a long year of funny words. '
If I had done it with my original body rather than Illyana Glein, it
would have been a little more credible and a little more sensible, but
I am now Illyana Glein.
[Resent and curse for having a little more question.]
A passage from Illyana Glein's diary came to mind.
If you hurt Magnus, will he gain the driving force to return to his
original position? Then can I go back?
[The beast asked me what it was
He instructed me to let it go when it is empty.]
It was clearly written in Illyana Glaine's diary. Judging from the
content, it was clear that he said that on purpose.
And Illyana Glein, who had said those words, predicted that Magnus
would run away soon. So he gave orders to the mercenaries.
And, as she expected, Magnus really ran away. The next chapter
tells a story about it.
If hurting Magnus is a chance for him to run away
If he does, I must hurt him.
As far as I can go back. how?
The method is simple. All I can do is say that he won't give me what
he wants most. Laughing like Illyana Glaine, brutally.
She slowly reached out her hand, raised Magnus, and took him into
her arms. And she slowly brushed the back of Magnus' hair.
‘‘To be honest, I like you.
don't do it vein."
He whispered softly into Magnus' ear, which he pulled closely.
I couldn't see the expression of Magnus looking over my shoulder
because I was holding him.
“… Reena… sir?"
"I'm tired of you, so I don't need you anymore."
maybe this is what i do to him
It was sure to be the last word. I slowly pulled him out of my arms.
Magnus pushed it away slowly and looked at him with a very blank
expression, as if he had gone crazy.
I thought that this would be an opportunity for him to run away, so I
got up and went back.
country _
From the golden eyes, something transparent ran down the line of
his face.
He'd be right to say he was a little speechless.
I forgot how to breathe with a strange feeling as if my heart was
The tears that I thought were just a drop began to drip down all three
Magnus' faces.
Transparent tears fell down Magnus' cheeks just as raindrops from
the sky rolled down the window.
One head was bigger than mine, and he looked very pitiful.
"why • ..."
Magnus' mouth opened and then closed again. The voice from
Maine's throat was stifled so he couldn't hear it very well.
I looked down at Magnus silently.
Magnus was still kneeling on the floor, drenched in tears.
not hiccuping,
The sound of holding your breath once you close your eyes
It was so quiet that I didn't even know that I was crying.
Rubbing the floor, he absorbs every tear he falls, so he doesn't even
make a sound of a drop of water. In fact, he thought he couldn't help
it even if he poured out his resentment and was grabbed by the
Of course, he had been brainwashed and expected that he wouldn't
be grabbed by the collar, but he didn't know that he would just kneel
down and cry without saying a word.
It's so uncomfortable that it's suffocating. I think it'd be better to use it
as an appropriate excuse to get out of the room.

‘‘Looking at the situation, it seems that it is useless to stay together.

I'll just go
As I was about to turn, I felt a pull on my dress.
Oh the bottom
When he turned his head, Magnus shook his head.
with trembling hands
was holding on
"Ok so... of ''
the end of my clothes
His voice trembled slightly. rug
It was much redder and thicker like blood that had just been drawn
from the spot where Magnus' tears had fallen. Magnus' shoulders
"Promise, you said."
what? A question arose for a moment, but nothing to say.
It was obvious that I was going to say that I would stay with you until
the night. Talking Magnus looked great in this situation.
“Today, until the night… I said I'd give it to you... .”
I don't know whether Magnus, who speaks of the dog, is great, or
Illiana Glein, who has been brainwashed to this extent, is great.
“You want to be with me?” “Yes… .”
"I'll bring the sword, so let it go." Magnus did not answer, but
I gently release the power from his hand. I glanced at Magnus as he
took his hand away from me and gave him strength.
Did Illyana Glaine really have no feelings for Magnus?
If this body is Illyana Glaine's body and this banwoong is the natural
reaction that Illyana Glaine has whenever she sees Magnus... .
What the hell are you feeling about this?
should I name it?
‘‘Sit on the bed and close your eyes until I let you.”
Magnus got up with a damp straw.
Magnus got up and silently rubbed his eyes with his sleeve on the
sit on 7 mouth-open eyes
check the door
“Quickly, ‘‘I see.”
The reason Carl checks weekly is to control Ray's intake.
A drug, a drug, or any kind of drug, if you suddenly stop using it, it is
like poison. It is said that sometimes they die of madness.
So, to get rid of addiction, you have no choice but to reduce it little by
little while administering an appropriate amount. The sword goes
inside and goes straight to Magnus.
The good thing about the sword is that he is quick-witted. And he
can suppress his curiosity according to his age.
I just finish what I have to do and turn around without looking at
anything. He liked to go without asking anything and simply
conveying the status quo.
"I've seen it all"
“Well, let’s go out and talk.”
He put out his sword first, then turned to look at Magnus.
He closed his eyes with a still wet face. His messy dark purple hair
was very beautiful.
'Looks like it's time to cut my hair too... .'
I stopped thinking about it. What the hell am I thinking Magnus,
today is the last day anyway.
Whether it's here tonight or not, tomorrow, I'll be in the capital
“Open your eyes, Mac.”
Magnus answered silently and raised his eyelids.
Keeping orders like this slows Magnus's escape from brainwashing.
So, my opinion that it should fall off is definitely not wrong.
<Episode 17>
“Go out for a while and then come back in, so please rest.”
Magnus answered and lowered his gaze slowly. When his gaze
reached the rug, he closed the door and walked out of the room. The
sword was waiting far away.
"What do you think?"
“I think the resilience is great. When I asked the gatekeepers
outside, they said that they had no seizures except once… If this is
the case, I think it would be okay to wait a little longer and not give
any medicine at all.”
“Not at all?”
''It's extreme, but with that level of mental strength, I think I'll be able
to endure it." 'Do you? Can I cut it off right now?"
“There will be withdrawal symptoms for a while, but it will not affect
your life. baby
It seems that the person who used the rye in the beginning used it
very well. You can see that he is mentally sane."
Carl looked me in the eye and slowly explained.
Illiana Glaine's cleverness has been mentioned several times in the
novel, but I didn't expect it to be that many. She slowly nodded her
head and looked at her sword.
“Yeah, that’s fortunate. Let's go back today and ask for a favor every
week. And if one day the employee who picks you up every time tells
The day might come when I will give you the balance.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
''you do not have to know. Just remember. When that day comes,
our contract is over, so there's no need to visit here. Of course, we
must keep the talk about secrecy.”
Carl agreed with a puzzled expression on his face. He looked like he
had a question, but he didn't bother asking.
> I like it the most. Carl bowed his head to say hello and turned
it went
“-middle T -「0
••• "
All that's left is Magnus.
I never thought that I would ask you to stay with me even in such a
When I asked him why he likes him, he didn't say why, so it's clear
he was brainwashed. How the heck have you been brainwashed to
become like this?
‘It doesn’t matter what happens if you avoid it.’
it's only one day Even if you want to see it anyway, you won't be able
to see it. Magnus doesn't even know who I am.
I opened the door and went back into the hut. Magnus was just
looking at me with his eyes open in the same posture he was before.
To be precise, it looks like he was still looking at the door.
“Did you wait?”
“You made a promise, so don’t keep it.”
“Yes, thank you, Lina-sama.”
Magnus naturally paused as he was about to get down on his knees,
and then straightened his limp body again.
It was a big change in just a short period of time.
It does work.'
I hope he gets to know him little by little like this. And he wished one
day he would step out of the hut on his own feet and stand taller than
anyone else.
Is this when reading a novel or now?
It's a mind that hasn't changed.
Do you want to Dell? vein." "yes?"
“You didn’t ask me to stay until the night because you wanted to do
something, didn’t you? you and me
You can't go through the night just looking at each other."
' 'I'm fine... .”
How do you stay until night with just face to face? He struggled to
spit out the words that reached his throat.
Now Magnus knows nothing
Because it's a child's condition.
''I… It’s okay to just see Rina-sama face to face.”
It was a small voice, as if a shy child was confessing her clumsy and
inconsiderate love.
His voice was exhausted and his head was bowed, but his voice was
‘‘•••••• ’’
That's why you can't beat blind people.
Every single word he uttered left me speechless.
I would have been happy if that was his sincerity, but it was more
difficult to say that he was sincere and not sincere.
“Are you going to sleep then?” “Yes?”
“If you take a nap, I’ll be watching you.”
Magnus' eyes lit up at my absurd words.
rounded Of course it was. Because I also think it's nonsense.
To be honest, I can't think of an appropriate thing to do.
‘‘I just want to see Lina.”
said Magnus.
I knew that Magnus was going to say something when I said that.
However, Magnus never asked a question about him with a tear-
stained face as if to evade reality.
do not take it out
'It's uncomfortable for me to talk about it, but I'm the same. ’
Still, it's embarrassing to come here pretending to be nothing like
“Did I say I hate you?”
Magnus' body trembled violently. He raises his head slowly with
trembling eyelids.
But Marg stubbornly shuts his mouth
Nous encapsulates me in those golden eyes.
''Please hug me."
Magnus stretches out both his hands. “So I… .”
“Hug me, please.”
Magnus said hurriedly. I didn't expect you to just hug me
Obviously, if it wasn't for the mask, the expression on my face that I
was troubled with would definitely be exposed.
Magnus said mournfully, ready to get down on his knees at any
moment. His arms, desperately outstretched towards me, trembled.
His body moved spontaneously.
I walked towards him very slowly, and he stood up with a bright face.
Nya didn't even stretch out his arm.
Gnus pulled me into his arms. I could feel my heart beating from my
big arms.
My hand moved on its own, trying to hug him. But at that moment,
the faint sweet smell that passed me calmed me down.
He lowered his arm, which was naturally rising towards Magnus'
‘‘If I were not an animal but a human, and Rina-sama was a beast,
how could I not have been abandoned? I am confident that I will not
abandon Lina-sama
go… Because an animal does not forsake its master.”
My eyes widened openly at the sound of the soft voice.
Deb... ?"
‘‘I’m sorry if I went off topic.”
Magnus said as he slowly released the hand that embraced me.
He tingled as if he had been beaten in the back of the head with a
thick log.
I thought it would come out of Magnus' mouth.
words I couldn't say.
'After all, I definitely became a cruel character.'
I would have come up with an idea like that. Still, it's still shocking.
Who would have thought that such a word would come out?
Magnus looks down at Nya. He lowers his head slowly. He took a
breath as his face drew closer.
Ironically, Magnus paused, with his head tilted at an angle, close
enough to breathe.
The breaths of each other are intertwined, and they repeat
themselves to seep into each other's mouths again.
It wasn't a kiss, but it was a strange, strange feeling like kissing.
Magnus brought his face a little closer. Of course, it was on the side
of the person who leaned slightly out of my face and buried my face
in the nape of my neck.
“Lina-sama, I think something has changed since that day.”
Magnus with his face buried is a small voice
Lee whispered. There was a mixture of doubts, but he spoke as if he
was convinced.
And that was the voice that stabbed me in the corner.
" be different?"
Breathing in, he asked again. I hope the tension doesn't show on
your face. Blinking his eyes, Magnus shook his head.
‘‘Lina-sama stopped looking at me.
And you don't call me a lovable beast anymore. Above all else, the
eyes… "
“It’s a little different.”
The meaning of Magnus He bit his mouth with one word.
The contents are different, so it must be a different person, but that
fact shouldn't have been found out.
Especially for Magnus. “I haven’t changed.”
‘‘You have changed.”
Magnus said with certainty. He started talking back and forth. At first,
I couldn't even make eye contact properly.
But even now, you still can't look right at me
But the conversation was all that. Magnus sat me next to me and
didn't really do anything.
It was all I asked to pull once and pulled. Even if they say that
nothing has changed, there is no sign of belief.
Magnus flinched once in a while and he wanted to reach out to me,
but when I didn't say anything, he ended up just sitting there doing
“Are you going to go quickly now?”
I don't know what the hell the two of them were sitting around. When
I got up, Magnus got up too.
"%O ?"
“Even if you are tired of me, will you be able to come here like you
are now?”
Magnus asked in a trembling voice.
He seemed to finally know what was going on in his mouth,
repeatedly opening and closing his lips before.
He thought he had to answer something, but no words could easily
come to mind in his straight gaze.
No, it was difficult to utter a single word. half covered slowly
He sighed softly while stroking the mask.
In order to hurt you, you just have to say no. Of course, I can't really
come at least two years now.
And for two years, Magnus brought me here, no. I don't think he'll
wait for Iliana Glaine.
"I don't know"
After answering, he reached out and placed his hand on Magnus'
hair. The softness of his hair slipping through between his fingers
makes him feel better.
Whenever this happens, a fullness that must have been the feelings
of Illyana Glein fills up from within.
‘‘I hope you are doing well, Meg’’
Magnus' eyes widened at my words. His golden eyes widened even
his fingertips were trembling
He ran his hand along the line of Magnus' face and turned around.
His wrist was caught. thanks to you
Not Lida, but Magnus again.
I had to. Magnus shook his head.
left and right
He was shaking and breathing heavily.
“Coming, you… ?
-, .
1 0 - t3 ·
I wonder if my words sounded like a command, Magnu
Suga reflexively let go of his hand. mug
The ashes that Nus released
shake his head
His soft hair swayed from side to side following him.
old。 .::::zl, o口l
“I am late.”
I'll go to Danish
Magnus knelt down on the floor.
<Episode 18>
As if he had lost even a single layer of his soul, or as if he had
sensed the end.
With a trembling body, Magnus bent over and pressed his forehead
to the rug.
“Once a month is fine. If it bothers you, it's okay to go and look at it
for a moment. So… So please... Please don't leave me. Reena
sir … .”
A crying voice was heard. There was a man who couldn't even hold
onto the hem of the dress by telling her to let go of her hand, and
was putting his forehead deep into the rug and holding back her
I looked down at the figure and turned around. I think being polite is
good for each other.
It felt like my heart was about to burst.
I closed the hut door and quickly got into the prepared wagon.
“To the mansion.”
"Yeah, I get it, girl."
The carriage has departed, but the pounding of the heart does not
The lug that Magnus had in his forehead was stained much more red
than red.
These are the feelings of Illyana Glaine.
not my feelings head left and right
I thought while stirring,
did not subside. easily feel
All of a sudden, the hut is far away, and even the silhouette can't be
seen properly.
there was
“Today is the end.”
He said to comfort himself. Even though I thought that the memories
of the body do not disappear easily even if the mind disappears, I
hated myself being swayed by these emotions.
I leaned on the backrest and closed my eyes.
Once you enter the priesthood, you do not need to touch anything
related to Illyana or Glein. Having an appropriate excuse for both the
social world and the family
'This feeling will also fade.'
After two years, my feelings and Magnus' brainwashing will fade.
And then maybe we will be able to see each other face to face.
“It’s priestly training… .”
I heard that there is a lot of work to be done.
There is quite a bit of chores for the priest's training
I heard that there is a class for half a day, and I think I was told that I
had to memorize all the Bibles given to believers above all else.
‘… It's terrible.'
I never thought I would study again at this age. Of course, it's Illyana
Glaine's body now.
Please, I hope that Illyana Glaine's excellent memorization skills and
brains are still there to help me.
“It’s over though.”
You don't have to carry this heavy feeling any longer. All I care about
was how to get back to my house.
Kotan village was quite far from the capital for about a fortnight.
A total of 100 people once every two years in the village
It is said that about a few priest candidates come to practice the
To be honest, I was shocked to hear that. It was said that only about
a hundred people were chosen as candidates for the priesthood
among the believers in the numerous temples throughout the
However, it was surprising that I, who had just become a Shinto
member there, was selected.
'Is it because I made a lot of donations?' If that's not the case, Priest
I can't help but think the power is great.
I don't think I was asking for help from a bigger person than I
And today is the 5th day since we left the capital.
“Illiana! You are also included in today's meal. Some sent them to
the forest to bring firewood, and you and I just need to trim the
ingredients. We will all cook together. ”
In this procession of candidates for the priesthood, there are only
very good-natured people.
Everyone's affinity is so great, if you could see the opponent's stats
like in a game, it would be MAX with no more stats to take as much
as affinity or sociability.
‘Yes, yes.”
It seems that I am the only one who is depressed here. I'm
disturbed, but all of the new priest candidates are surprisingly bright
and bright, even at the level of liberation.
“Oh, I remember the first day.”
"First day?"
“You came in a dress and you were so surprised. It was totally
topical. I thought that some noble lady had come... How were you
planning to go on a trip wearing it?"
I know. I just came out wearing clothes that I wore naturally without
much thought, but I didn't expect it to be all travel attire.
A gorgeous red dress among people in plain clothes. i am
what was your thinking
‘Because of Magnus the night before, I couldn’t sleep properly.’
It came out like that yesterday, but I'm worried
There's no way you can't extremely normal
It's called the enemy Banwoong
Of course, I think of the spirit.
The door to what you left behind
I have many
“I couldn’t sleep well the night before.
o was not a god.”
‘‘Hey, really, when are you going to eat all those potatoes?
“If you look hard enough, you will.”
“If you look at it like this, you are very easygoing to be called a noble
The girl chattering next to me is Shulia. Her yellow hair is very
conspicuous and suits her lively personality.
She is a year younger than me, and she doesn't seem to care much
about her age.
“That’s prejudice.”
She answered and took her cleaver in her hand. It's the first time she
peels potatoes with a cleaver. Shulia took a deep breath and started
moving her knife skillfully.
Kamja knife... .'
You will feel the difference in culture again. She only had to peel it
with a potato knife, but how do she cut such a lumpy potato with a
kitchen knife?
stand up scratching.
Once I move her fingers hard
Potato skins crack and fall to the floor.
Contrary to how she complained, Shulia rolls the potatoes and peels
the skins without interruption.
She said Shulia glanced at mine and she stopped crying.
“Ah, this is … big... what's this?"
Whoa! She grabbed her tummy and started to giggle as Shulia burst
out laughing at her.
A lump like some rabbit poop is dripping
it's apart No matter how hard I try, I wonder if she's smiling too much
It's not a good rating, it's just rude.'
Of course, it's a funny situation! It is also true that self-esteem is
slightly hurt.
“Ah, don’t you cut potatoes the size of your fist in half after you pick
“I’ll put carrots on it.”
“Yeah, I’d rather do that.”
Shulia burst out laughing at her and patted her on my shoulder sadly.
Then, I take the more bumpy potatoes I have peeled and set them
Anyone who sees it is doing that to show other kids later.
“Ilya, why are you trying to become a priest?”
She asks Shulia out of the blue as she swallows her laugh, though
it's a really random question, and I'm a bit speechless.
‘Are you going to go to confession?”
Don't say anything else, shut up.
When she didn't, Shulia
It seems that she was noticing, and she was doing something
imaginary by herself, but she didn't bother to correct it.
Actually, it wasn't really because of that.
However, it is true that she was going to go for that reason.
You must have an appropriate excuse to escape from the capital city,
and with an appropriate excuse you can naturally withdraw from
social gatherings.
‘By now, there must have been a rumor that he fell into religion.’
Rumors in the social world are said to be faster than the wind.
"Ah..., um, did I do something wrong?"
Shulia asked as she peeled her potatoes. You can see the effort to
fix your gaze on the potato.
A few priests and paladins of the temple escort the procession of
priest candidates to Kotan Maul.
However, the other assistants do not follow, so the new cadets take
turns doing laundry and meal preparation. In other words, it is truly
"People you don't care about
It’s hostile.”
As she drew a moderate line, Shulia gave her bewildered look on her
face while she nodded her head obediently.
She is grateful for her good friendliness in many ways, but she has
no desire to be friends at all.
It is also funny to make a relationship with the person to return to.'
When I go back later, if I miss someone here, I might meet
a person without
'But can I peel carrots like this? How long do I have to do it?"
At my question, she shifted her gaze to the carrot I was holding in
my hand, and the corners of her eyes convulsed, and she began to
burst into laughter as if the surroundings were drifting away.
Rock... "
Shulia said she spit it out while she giggled and burst into laughter.
… yes you are good
On the third day after arriving in Kotan Maul, I
sincerely back to the capital
it got messed up want to go back
I couldn't possibly handle this terrible schedule. The worst was
bedtime and wake-up time.
Once you wake up at 6 in the morning, at night
I heard that going to bed at 10 o'clock is essential. To be honest, it's
not even a retreat, I want something like this
‘Oh, what kind of trouble is this?’
Daily life is also monotonous. Morning Prayer, Morning Prayer, Noon
Prayer, Afternoon Prayer, Night Prayer. All I can do is pray!
In the meantime, I studied theology as a subject and learned about
the history of theology.
This place was literally a place where classes were held to become
“Ah, but I’m glad I’m in the same room as you, Iliana.”
"me too."
When I replied calmly, Shulia opened her eyes and pulled her in front
of me and propped her face out.
A thick textbook of theology caught in her arms with both hands
caught her eye.
“… why?"
“Ugh, that’s true.”
Wouldn't it be better than someone you don't know? When she
answered with her trembling eyes, she smiled brightly, bending her
eyes as if Shulia was delighted.
Are the people who will become priests originally so innocent and
Actually, my voice, that is, Illyana's, was very dry, so it seems that
Sullia was confused.
“I thought you hated me.”
“… why?"
“To be precise, it felt like I was putting a wall on other candidates for
the new priesthood besides me… I'm glad it's not like that."
The bright yellow eyes are curved again.
Seeing Shulia looking so happy with her, I couldn't help but smile at
that smile and only rolled her eyes.

<Episode 19>
There are many things to be concerned about We were receiving
periodic reports once a week.
The book was still brought, and Carl seemed to be checking his
condition weekly. Each time he ordered him to cover his eyes with an
eye patch.
In the report that came just yesterday, there was a report that he had
asked about me a while ago.
There were also stories that he seemed to have gotten out of drug
addiction quite a bit, and that he couldn't sleep well because he was
shivering in the cold every night.
As I read each letter, my heart ached.
There were several times when I held my breath while reading the
letter in pain as if someone was holding my heart in my hand and
stabbing me with thorns.
He will run away soon. If that happens, the relationship between me
and Magnus, to be precise, the relationship between Iliana and
Magnus will be cut off. So he wanted to live his own life.
Magnus was his savior, the heroine, and I, who became Illyana,
didn't think it would be bad if I could just find the right person for
myself, or just be single for the rest of my life as I wanted.
'The times are the times, and Illiana's parents seemed to have the
same personality...'
To be honest, I think it's unreasonable to live the way you want. Then
you have no choice but to find the right person and get married.
'It's not bad to become a real priest and bury the bones.'
To take the story out of the novel, the temple was the only
independent institution within the empire.
What happened inside the temple was a place where high priests
and cardinals could decide the punishment, and without prior
permission, even the emperor could not tamper with it.
Of course, the territorial territories of the nobles and their enforced
execution were possible only after obtaining permission from the
imperial family and accepting them.
It was not, however, that the shrine, the high priest, and the cardinal
were trying to infringe on the power of the emperor or to play a tug-
of-war with the imperial family.
The imperial family and the shrine maintained independent
institutions from generation to generation, but respected each other.
Therefore, there was no common battle between the imperial family
and the temple.
The High Priest focused solely on communicating with the gods and
caring for his followers, and the Cardinal assisted him.
Neither of them touched politics or said a word at all. The imperial
temple and the imperial family were balanced in a very unique
relationship compared to other countries.
If I stayed under the temple, I could be protected from the royal
family or my father, the Marquis of Glein.
I had no intention of becoming a real priest.”
Thinking about the future, I thought I might have to turn around a bit.
“Shulia, is the priest’s exam very difficult?”
"Huh? If you're asking about the pass rate, every time
I heard that about 30% of the candidates for the new priesthood
thirty out of a hundred
It's not a number that can't be skipped. To be honest, I was confident
when it came to competition.
From the moment I was born in Korea, I grew up competing with all
kinds of things. After attending school, competition became a daily
I competed with students from all over the country, but is it only one
hundred people? Of course, studying is boring.
“I also want to pass. If you become a priest, they say you will be
assigned to a temple in each area.”
“… … The desired working area is
Isn't that your choice?"
“I put my own hopes as a priority, but since there are areas that are
crowded, I think they are sorted by grades.”
Is it sexual order here or there? He rubbed the back of his neck with
tired eyes and sighed inwardly.
“Isn’t the capital supposed to be a competitive area?”
"Of course! I'm sure all the admitted students will be ranked number
one? Of course, I too! The capital is the goal!"
“I will.”
A sigh leaked out. Absolutely top notch. If you were going to work as
a priest in the future even if you were in the capital, you had to
occupy the upper ranks.
My head was pounding, so I rubbed my forehead a little.
with the back of the hand
‘‘Are you also wanting to be a capital city?” “Ugh, yes.”
That way, it will be easier to move around in various ways. Above all
else, since my home is in the capital, it is absurd to go elsewhere.
He was also obliged to watch what happened to Magnus from afar.
“Ah, that’s right, working as a priest is kind of like commuting to and
from work… ?" " Huh? Ah, umm... Usually dormitories
live, but it won't matter."
“It’s so tight right now, but I’ve heard that if you become a priest, you
will receive a work schedule, or if you work only during those hours,
you can free up other hours.”
I nodded slowly at Shulia's words.
It would be difficult to do both priestly work and noble work at the
same time, but if you put the priest's work first and postpone the
nobleman's schedule, you will look like a crazy person enough for
the temple.
''Let me know
The goal is to become a priest. After I completely made up my mind,
I felt much more at ease.
“Hey, Illyana! It's too late.
"Oh yeah."
Shulia slapped me on the back and hurried my steps towards
theology class.
As I walked through the white building on one side of the town of
Kotan, I had to try hard to ignore the golden eyes that appeared in
front of me.
It's my feelings, by Iliana Glain
My body trembled from the cold that was engulfing me. Magnus put
his knees on his knees.
The silver field exhaled.
When I close my eyes, darkness comes, and when darkness comes,
cold and engraved fear come.
Darkness makes you dream.
In the endless nightmare, he obeyed and succumbed dozens more
During a year of his education, Magnus lost his sight, lost his
hearing, and was bombarded with violence.
I was blown away by the terrible nightmares I had every night. He
just missed the warmth and was hungry.
Then he met his master
The owner covered his face. I wasn't afraid to touch her. As long as
she followed orders, she hugged her cold body and hugged her. At
that time, neither fear nor nightmares dominated my mind.
The master wanted him to be a beast, so he would become a beast
and put his head on his feet.
It was nice to have a friendly hand. I was able to get a good night's
sleep by closing my eyes in the warmth.
If he was to become a demon, he had the heart to do so. If he were
to become a beast and ask someone to bite him, he would be happy
to do so.
But throwing it away was unacceptable.
I called her to rest her throat, but she didn't come any more. No
matter how much I asked, the mercenaries did not give any answers.
“You shouldn’t have abandoned me.”
Magnus, who was crouching in the corner of the bed, murmured
A month passed, two months passed, and there was no news from
She is not much different from when she was educated, except that
her vision was not obscured, the room was filled with various books,
and her mind was not blurry unlike before.
My master is fed up with himself. Because he only needs protection,
he's a weak beast.
The beast was another bulwark to protect its master. It was written
that way in the book.
No matter what happens, the last step to block the owner and protect
the owner
“If I were Rina-sama’s owner… I would never have given up.”
murmured Magnus, who buried his face between his knees.
If it were him, if it were her own, she would have put her in her arms
and bound her in her shackles so that she could never get out of her
She, like herself, is a beautiful beast that responds only to my
warmth... Because there's no way I can't dare not to love you.
Suddenly, her head felt heavy. It was Suma who managed to come
to me because I had spent three days and three nights with open
Magnus accepted the sleep that had barely arrived without
‘Hey, Magnus. I'm going to play in the forest over there today, so let's
go together. If you come back after having fun today, we'll recognize
you as a younger brother.'
Lub, depending on what you do.’
The view changes and the scene is familiar again
This is a scene I've seen over and over again.
It was terrifying and tiring, but each time an indescribable emotion
rose from within.
Dunn is too disturbing.'
Live your life, Magnus.又口1 Su0 Rice will come first. Ha ha ha ha
ha! '
Brothers, save me, save me. Don't leave me alone... '
Magnus. Magnus, who is Magnus? Who is that crying child?
Who the hell are those three people with golden eyes that resemble
My head didn't hurt anymore. The moment I thought of that, a
forgotten memory floated to the surface.
A lot of information rushed in like a tidal wave and ripped through my
Magnus, who had almost fallen asleep, covered his ears and
swallowed a groan.
Forgotten memories that spread like a lantern began to take place in
my head.
" hey"
Magnus, who was struggling with breathlessness on the soft bed,
slowly faded away.
Magnus raised his head, hugging his body, which was trembling
intermittently, as if in a seizure.
It was a sight that would have taken their breath away if anyone had
seen it. The man who didn't know anything opened his eyes wide
and shook
there was
Madness and excitement swirled in the bright yellow eyes that
resembled beasts.
Then Magnus' eyes lit up with excitement, and the man closed his
eyes as if holding his breath.
The last report came from a mercenary, just three months after I
started to feel like a retreat in Kotan village to train a priest.
To summarize, it was the content that the target, Magnus, had fled.
It was confirmed that he had run away and settled in the house of
Won Won.
It was a short report stating that the contract with the guild would be
terminated by paying the remaining contract amount to Carl, who
came every week, and incinerating the hut and traces.
‘Ah, finally.”

<Episode 20>
A voice filled with joy, still unfamiliar, leaked through my lips.
Magnus finally took a step.
It was about a year earlier than the original, but it seemed that I met
the female lead without any problems.
> Just checking the facts has given her more peace of mind, which
she had been struggling with for the past three months.
She said now that she was doing herself here quietly and she had to
go back to the capital.
Also, strangely, her marquis didn't say anything.'
I thought she would send even a single letter, but it was a surprise.
So she didn't look like someone who would quietly back down.
It's good if it's something that's good and it's going to end smoothly,
but... .
“You’re young.”
I said to myself and threw the report into the fireplace.
In an instant, the burning paper disappeared without a single ashes
"What's the crust?"
"uh? Oh, nothing.”
"okay? Who did you get a letter from? family? if not "
Shulia's face turned very sinister.
I stared at Shulia tremblingly, but she seemed to know that Shulia
was already using her imagination.
Not surprisingly, she soon poked her in the back with her elbow.
“Illiana, you have a lover!” “…what?”
"You were smiling happily as you read the letter! Why did your lover
come to you soon? Oh, I'm envious.
How about a happy, sinister smile?
did you laugh
When she imagined a happy and sullen expression, all that came to
mind was an odd expression.
I wondered if he had such a strange expression, so I looked at
Shulia once and shook my head.
“It’s not like that, someone from the mansion sent it.”
"ah… Is that so? Aw, I was surprised to see you smiling like that for
the first time.” "But what's going on here?"
‘Did you not hear me? Simeon gave me
Did you say that?"
'Do you? I didn't hear it. What's going on?"
Simeon was a pretty straightforward-looking boy of the same age.
He was also a kid who always stood in the center of people because
he had dark skin and a clumsy personality, writing and laughing well.
In addition, it seems that he has high expectations even among the
students taking the priest's class, and he seems to be receiving good
evaluations from the priests.
He is, in a word, a model student.
'I'm not the exact opposite.'
But have you been busy with anything? He's also a very meticulous
personality, so there's nothing he can't miss, right?
“Ah, all of the reserve priests were suddenly summoned today.
Maybe theology class was added?"
My expression rotted at the words of Shulia that I heard while I was
She thinks she has confidence in her facial expression management
But I just listened to that theology class
Goosebumps appeared all over her face.
At worst, there have been times when I tried to trick myself not to
take a theology class.
‘Human sleeping pills… … .'
His voice was low and slow, like the words of a headmaster, and the
content is mostly about the praises of God or things God has given
to humans, and the importance and doctrine of the priest.
it was about
I haven't even eaten, so I don't know how sleepy I am.
The problem is that I'm the only one who sleeps like that. You don't
know how much fun everyone is listening to.
I'm not sleeping together, I'm sleeping alone, so no matter how much
I notice,
‘Everyone said they wanted to become a priest… .'
Lately, I wondered if I could beat the kids who enjoy even taking
classes like this.
was suspicious
And at the same time, even if I did, do I really have the right to take
their place?
"let's go!"
"Oh yeah."
I swallowed a sigh of relief and slapped my reluctant foot off the
Seriously, as always, I hate taking classes the most in the world. She
followed her into her classroom next to her prayer room.
Desk and chairs lined up
Seeing this made me reflexively upset my stomach.
Why on earth do I have to study at this age, and why do I have to
worry about my life at such a young age?
‘I hate studying… … .'
I really hate studying. I hate it the most in the world.
But I don't know why everyone is so passionate. The last one was
me today. Many new candidates have already come to the
there was
It was said that about a hundred people were selected from all over
the empire, so it was said that a hundred people would come into
this classroom as well.
I'm going to die of suffocation Upon entering, it was Simeon,
surrounded by other devotees.
I mean, it really caught my eye.
“Simeon, why was it safe for Iliana to have her home today?”
Simeon, who was having a conversation, looked at her Shulia, and
she looked at me standing next to him.
She turned her gaze. There was a bit of annoyance in Simeon's
eyes, but it quickly disappeared.
'Aha '
A strange feeling of anxiety has become a reality.
Did you hate me? I wasn't aware of it because I was on the dull side,
but I was convinced by that look. he hates me I don't know why.
‘Oh, I’m sorry, I must have forgotten because I had work.”
“No, there’s nothing to be sorry about, but you almost didn’t hear
"I know. I must have been too greedy, I'm sorry Illiana."
He lowered his gaze and began to comfort Simeon by asking why he
even apologized to the people around him.
“It could be, don’t worry.”
Such mild bullying was really nothing.
I replied bluntly and then, indifferently, scanned the classroom. The
front and center seats of the classroom were full, but there were a lot
of empty seats in the back corners.
I found a place that was moderately far from the denomination, but
not too far away from it, and I headed there.
“Oh, Illyana! Why don't you sit there instead of here?"
"Yeah, I like it here, Shulia listens to it."
Please don't whine by my side. Hiding my heart, I smiled calmly.
I suddenly felt a gaze from the other side, and when I turned my
head, Simeon was looking at me with an expressionless face.
I just smiled lightly at the cold gaze.
It was probably around the time I was in school that I first
encountered this kind of hostility. I searched for more memories and
finally let out another windy laugh.
When he looked up again, Simeon was talking to other believers
'If you pretend to be with a kid like that, your life will be inconvenient.'
It's surprisingly annoying to pretend to be with someone who can be
friends with people like that.
What bothers you... … .
"Three-year-old, what is this? Illyana! Are you okay?"
Just don't bother with this.
“It’s okay, dry it roughly and use it.”
Picking up the book that had fallen on the floor, she answered
As I was walking down the street, I didn't know that water bombs
would fall from the sky. Of course, it was the way to the classroom.
Still, I'm glad it's not like the curls you see in novels.
Although the book was wet and I couldn't write it.
“What the hell is going on? suddenly in the sky
Water is pouring out... … .” ‘‘It must have rained all of a sudden.”
I answered indifferently and waved my hand. I'm not even wearing
makeup, so I didn't feel like I got wet right away.
I was a little surprised because it happened at an unexpected
"Tell me that I won't be able to attend class this morning. It's like this.
Class will start in the afternoon."
“Uh, ah, I see. could go alone

“Ugh, not even a kid.”

“Illiana, I’ll make you cry for me! "
Shulia stomped her feet and nodded her head as she turned her
body towards the classroom.
I went back to the dormitory after arranging her hair that had sunk
into it. I saw Simeon walking from the other side.
'Oh, perfect timing.'
Is this the script? Or is it a singularity in the novel?
Either way, this was very strange to me. It was more novelty than
bad, so I didn't even feel it.
“You look so good, Ilyanya.” ‘‘Um…. Even if it gets a little wet, this
look does shine.”
It's not Illyana Glaine's body, it's not water, it's wet even if it gets wet
A woman's beauty will never fade.
In addition, even one step or movement of walking is not overflowing
with dignity. Early education is great.
“That’s not what I mean… Are you pretending to be stupid? Are you
There was a pretentious question in Simeon's voice, who smiled
I patted my chin for a moment and then smiled softly.
It sounded like there was a groan, but Simeon's expression
hardened slightly.
“You don’t want to be a priest, do you?” “No, you want to be a priest.”
“Then it’s not because I really want to be, but because of Hongmi.”
stabbed the corner She said that she was doing her best in acting,
but she was looking at Simeon heartily, wondering if it was that way,
as if Simeon kicked her.
"I hate kids like you. Don't pretend to be good on the subject of
aristocrats. This is not a world where dirty nobles can enter."
“Are you so noble and pure?”
Seriously, how faithful he would be if he listened to theology class
with his eyes twinkling.
I felt bad because I had no motivation in it. It's not like the sun
doesn't go away.
Simeon's scruffy face at my words
It's all white
As if in amazement, I shook my head
I felt tired
I looked at him with his mouth open and tilted it.
Isn't it noble and clean?
meaning to me
Was it an insult? I pondered for a moment, then sighed lowly.
‘… I don't know if it's a bit sarcastic.'
it might sound like
What to do with Illyana Glaine's expressionless expression.
Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I get startled.
This is my face, but sometimes it looks like Iliana Glaine is staring at
I thought it was a laugh, but there were many times when it felt like a
The default is an expressionless face, so it doesn't change much.
Come to think of it, even in the novel's description, the only time
Illiana Glaine laughed was in front of G. Magnus.
<Episode 21>
Most of the terms describing her consisted of three words: 'I was
expressionless', 'I was indifferent', and 'I was indifferent'.
But when it broke, it was always in front of Magnus.
She has been described as smiling, smiling, or happy, as well as
having a bitter expression on her face at one time.
to describe her changed feelings
was only with Magnus.
'Am I right now?'
what face are you making
What the hell kind of expression is he making, Shime-on, with a face
that's been insulted by the world?
Looking back, I think that Shulia is treating me very well.
She may have gotten good marks for talking to her at the beginning
I'm glad I'm in the same room as you
She just closed her mouth as she was sure she was going to get a
nerdy misunderstanding if she had told Simeon.
' 'She wasn't particularly sarcastic, so don't listen to her."
Simeon contorted her face a little more at my words. No, even in
puberty, it's really cumbersome and difficult to deal with.
"Is there anything else you want to say? As you can see, I just want
to go like this."
'all … … , do not blaspheme us."
No, when did I insult you?
She let out a smirk and was about to say something, but Simeon
turned her body around and strode towards the path she was coming
She stood for a moment in embarrassment, and then she moved her
steps back to her room.
'It's still a good day.'
Isn't that the day Magnus ran away? There could be no happier day
in the world than this.
Yes, what if you get hit by water lightning?
Her mind was at peace.
“Let’s just pass the priest’s exam or something.”
If you are naturalized in the temple, neither the emperor nor the
marquis will be able to touch you.
And he wouldn't get along with aristocrats, and he didn't have to
attend social events, so it was a good deal.
‘Oh, I will live.’
It seemed to be freed from the heavy burden now.
after 1 year and 8 months
Who said that once you get used to a job, time flies so quickly.
When I woke up, it was almost two years since I had been to Kotan
In a world without cell phones, laptops, internet, and TVs, I was
wondering how I could survive. Surprisingly, humans were truly
adaptable creatures.
After learning how to play a trump card game and a chess game, this
was a good life in its own way.
Of course, that didn't mean I didn't miss the original world. I still
wanted to go back to my world, grab the writer's collar and pierce his
head with a cross.
Fortunately, the advantage and disadvantage of Kotan Village was
that it completely blocked information.
Of course, official priests and villagers will hear various stories, but
information is not available to a priest candidate like me, who cannot
leave the training center without permission.
source was blocked.
I thought that maybe it was to sever ties with the world.
The other devotees grunted and complained, but honestly I liked it.
Because if I didn't try to find out what happened to Magnus, what
was going on in the world, I could have lived without knowing
“Illiana, would you like to go to the library with me? Stern is also
“Oh, Maria. Yes, of course.”
Only a year and a half was a lot of work.
A little bit of you mouth 亡1_
From the day I was struck by lightning, Simeon tormented me really
hard under the water.
Still, the mentality wasn't as bad as that of Ilya or Glaine, so it was
usually the bullying of those who broke my things, hid them, or didn't
tell me about the class.
In the meantime, it seems that Shulia also had this, so she slowly
started to avoid it.
From the day of strange pressure
I didn't say anything to her as she moved away because it was
natural for her to distance herself from her people when she was
bullied, so she didn't have a lot of crimson.
Still, Shulia felt guilty, and after that, she lingered around me a few
times and talked to me often, but I
He treated me indifferently, and soon stopped talking to me.
I was able to change the room no matter what I did.
twice as much
It's not bad because it's comfortable to be alone
time is much for me
0 0 sudden
There were only cases where I couldn't attend.
What you did while living alone like that It was Maria and Stern who
you met before.
The age of the new candidates was usually young people in their
early to mid 20s, but the two were slightly different.
Stern was in her late 30s and Maria was in her early 30s.
Because of his age, he was thoughtful and gentle, and he was not
friendly with other candidates.
The two of them took care of me quite warmly, probably because I
was always alone.
They were probably older people, so Simeon couldn't even touch
them, so I decided to just hang out with the two of them.
“After a week, it’s finally the exam. Did Illyana decide to take the
priest's exam? Does she have a job she wants to work for?” ‘‘I want
to go to the capital.
A city a little far from the capital. that
Come to think of it, did Stern and Maria say they don't give exams?"
"Yes. I've barely separated from her husband, who told me not to go,
so it's difficult for me to become a priest. Stern is at the top.
It’s running all year.”
What surprised me a little is that this class
o Hearing and not taking the priests exam
It was the fact that there were people.
Actually, I was very surprised, not a little. Then it was said that he
had to go through such a hardship, but I did not understand it.
“Be sure to give me your address when you return later. I will send
you a letter.” ‘‘Of course, Maria.”
Rarely said sincerely. Two people
He gave me a lot of convenience and always kept an appropriate
distance for conversation, so there was no discomfort at all for about
a year.
“You are all too late.”
A benevolent man with deep wrinkles was standing leaning against
the wall with a bunch of papers in his arms and then straightening
his body.
A man wearing a white robe given to the new cadets said dissatisfied
with a smile on his face.
"Have you been waiting long?"
“No, I just arrived.”
"Oh my God, Stern, what's with those papers... ?"
‘‘It’s time to go back, so my younger brother sent me all of the recent
transaction history and report, telling me to check the situation this
Stern laughed bitterly. Hundreds of papers and scrolls seemed
Nya glanced at it and took it away from him.
Take a minute's work, I heard. Then Mary quickly followed me.
"I am a very happy person because I have kind colleagues. I hope
this camp will be extended for one more year."
“I will, it was great.”
‘I am going to go back to business after living in peace, and it is
already dark before my eyes.”
Stern and Maria talked to each other, saying they felt sorry for each
I couldn't add to that, that if I had to stay here for one more year, I'd
probably turn everything upside down, so I just laughed quietly.
“There are three days left for the exam, are you preparing well?
“Yes, yes.”
I answered Maria's question without difficulty.
I am the one who survived the test called the SAT.
Two subjects, History and Doctrine of Theology
There was no way I couldn't memorize it. Besides, it was all
memorized, so it was much easier.
“Looks like there’s been quite a bit of work out there lately.”
“Oh, what’s wrong? After all, when I came here, I hadn’t heard the
news of what was going on in the world properly, except for writing
letters with my husband.”
That's the story. Iliana's ears perked up. It's a dragon you'll know
even if you don't want to know it soon, but I was worried about it
being talked about again.
“It seems that the emperor’s authority has changed while I was here.
"ah… His Majesty the Emperor used to be ill. You passed away.”
Maria covered her mouth in surprise. Her worried expression was
evident. I was distracted by the sound of my heart beating louder
than their voices.
I kept trying to breathe faster, so I held my breath and exhaled
‘‘The Crown Prince will inherit the next imperial power.
Did you?"
“No, that’s… It is said that the third prince, who disappeared a year
ago, has returned."
I couldn't get into the conversation between Maria and Stern.
Knowing that all these stories were those of Magnus, there was no
way I could join them.
The steps that had been light until recently became heavy in an
‘‘Oh my God, are you back? all over the country
An order had been issued to Are you saying it's okay?"
"Yeah, he said he came back very mature."
“It’s good, but… .”
Maria muffled her words. Perhaps both Stern and I knew well that it
was no different from asking the question of why the Crown Prince
could not take over the next throne.
I felt like I didn't have to explain it to Stern.
what happened to whom
what happened and… After all, who will become the next emperor?
‘The Crown Prince and the second prince went hunting together, but
had an accident and passed away… .”
"Oh my gosh… Both of you?"
“Yes, traces of being chased by the beast were found and it is said
that the two of them were found separated from the cliff together.
Stern didn't finish his words. In mind of Maria who is getting tired of
It was clear that she had left.
I had no idea what kind of expression I was making now.
Her fingers became cold from the tip to the tip, and her back felt like
a cold sweat.
Nya wished the poker face had been maintained.
“… Something big happened.”
‘It is said that the third prince ascended the throne half a year ago.”
Stern nodded as I barely added a word.
I couldn't say anything when I saw him shaking his head saying it
was a pity.
I barely burst out of breath I had stopped and continued my
mechanical steps towards the library.
It was a few years early, but everything was going smoothly.
<Episode 22>
I am 25 this year and Magnus is 23.
It is clearly a short time to erase all the scars, but enough time to
forget each other.
But why are you so anxious?' A chilling sensation rubs my back and
Fear struck through my mind. It seemed as if a tamed beast was
waiting with its mouth wide open.
"it's okay? If you're not feeling well, how about taking a break?"
Maria's sweet brown eyes slowly regained consciousness. I shook
my head and walked to the library.
‘Book, you did a good job so far. Notifications of acceptance will be
sent to the address you wrote down. May the blessings of Regne Bar
be filled with believers who have successfully completed the course
for two years... … .”
At the end of the graduation ceremony with a long speech, I tilted my
head to the point of a sore throat.
It was finally time to go back to Hell. It was not known whether it was
Hell or another place.
He said hello to Stern, who intentionally hid his sadness and gave a
refreshing greeting, and Maria, who was weeping in disappointment,
and got on the carriage delivered by the temple.
Stern and Maria came in separate wagons and disappeared in each
of them. It seemed that Maria even had her husband come to meet
her in person.
She was only seen from afar, but the carriage was gorgeous, and the
man's attire was luxurious.
‘I see Maria too.’
Was she a wife in a good house
I regretted that I should have tried to contact the mansion separately,
but I quickly gave up.
In terms of reluctance, in fact, the Marquis of Glein was not easy. by
the way ·.
Pretty sure it's a boy?'
Since the capital city is large, the temple provided two carriages for
the capital.
It was divided into two parts according to the residential area of the
made only of people.
Shulia and Simeon were in the same direction. There is no room for
thorns as one side is busy glancing while keeping an eye on it, and
the other side does not hide any unpleasant feelings at all.
Had I known this would happen, I would have rented another wagon
from Maul.
"Why do you have to be with a kid like this..." “I don’t enjoy being
face-to-face with you either.”
In fact, after a while, I can't even laugh at Simeon's bullying.
At first, I did not pick it up because I was unfamiliar with it, but there
was a limit to this.
I can't bear any emotions
“After all, you won’t have anything to do with me, so stop stopping
"Isn't that bad luck?"
“Since I know
The reason you hate me is because I told you to stop.”
I quietly laid my eyelids down
Diya Simeon's lips stuck to my ilgal.
From now on she wasn't Illyana, she had to be Illyana Glaine again.
Arrogant, venomous, and old-fashioned
The perfect aristocratic young girl with no frills.
At least until a notice of acceptance arrives at the temple.'
And this time, he probably won't be able to avoid the confrontation
with Marquis Grain.
In fact, even if I pass the priest's exam, I am not setting the
probability of actually becoming a priest so high.
I've never met the Marquis of Glaine properly, so I don't know exactly
what kind of person she was, but she seemed to know that what was
in her eyes was a very bad kind of thing.
Besides, I also know that since this is the era, there is no way that
Young-ae will be free to become a priest.
Still, I couldn't give up my little hope.
“It’s not just you,
It was for me too.”
She got off her carriage as she patted her driver's seat and escorted
her coachman with her hands clasped together.
She was the Marquis of Glaine, a short walk from here.
“Then it was fun, have a good day. Simeon, Shulia.”
Shulia called me urgently. I tried to turn her around, pretending not to
Alas, the entrance to hell was again standing in front of me with its
mouth wide open.
It was easy to find that house. The guard looked at my face and
opened the door in amazement.
I gave strength to my face with every step I took. He straightened his
back, took a deep breath, and corrected his expression.
“Miss Iliana… !"
He deliberately made an impression by balancing his breathing and
giving strength to his stomach.
If you remember, you'll probably be waiting by my side
It was one of the maids I heard. Was she Sylvia?
I glanced at her maid.
''I'm glad you're safe."
I didn't go anywhere to die, so what does it matter? Sylvia was so
relieved that she licked her lips hard with her sullen face.
Yes, her mood was very strange. She must have come back
suddenly, but strangely, she was already prepared to welcome me.
it seems
Seeing the butler, attendant, and maid standing in a line, that thought
became stronger.
Reading my puzzled look, Sylvia took a step back and bowed her
back slightly.
‘‘The owner said that the lady would be back today, so I prepared it
in advance.”
“Father… you?"
“Yeah, often the master … would find out about the young lady.”
Her mouth was brittle. Maybe I'm just mistaken for not having that
kind of good reason to be worried about?
Oddly enough, I heard a smirk coming out over and over again. Nya
tried to suppress the non-laughter.
‘‘I’m tired, I need to wash up.”
“Yes. And……”
Sylvia looked into my eyes. The mansion had a very tense
At the same time, a feeling of anxiety ran through my mind. Her
Sylvia grabbed the hem of her robe so tightly that the back of her
hand turned white.
“The owner asked me to attend dinner tonight… And from then on,
he told me not to go out until I told him otherwise.”
"••••••• "
She was speechless. It felt like water was slowly filling up under her
feet. Wouldn't the feeling of fear suffocate me right away?
In my breath-taking horror, I just had to move mechanically towards
my room.
I didn't expect to hear good things.'
After all, without consulting her parents 2
I've been away from home for years.
Her parents couldn't help but be angry
dah grain in the first place
because it seemed
Marquis is very strict
Who was the Marquis of Glein?'
I can't remember that it was mentioned separately in the novel. All I
can remember is when the Marquis Glaine was brutally slaughtered
in front of Illyana Glein.
Fortunately, the Marquis Glein was brutal until the very end.
Before the emperor attacked, I knew what had happened and killed
my wife with my own hands.
And thereafter, the mention of her being cut off to death comes from
the glee she remembers.
It was a book written by the Marquis of Inn.
‘‘Okay, get ready for a bath.”
“Yes. I have it ready, miss.”
When I got to my room, I took off the uniform I was wearing.
The mottled traces that had been soaked in blue water for two years
disappeared, leaving only the old traces on the pure white skin.
Even after soaking in the hot water, my body was shaking.
I looked down at my trembling hands for a long time
It was only then that I realized that it was the trembling caused by
fear. A smirk leaked out.
‘I’ll have to find out about Magnus too… … .'
Magnus, who should have run away at the age of 23, ran away at
the age of 21.
In other words, the story was progressing rapidly for about two
years. So far, it was within the expected range.
“After that, it matters.”
From this point on, it was important to know how much the original
will be followed.
If he hadn't given up on Heliana Glaine's yet, he would have started
looking for the person who kidnapped him.
In other words, my job was to move desperately away from the
social world.
If you don't want everything to be entangled, this is the best thing to
do... … .'
If there is a variable here, it is the Marquis of Glain. Her hair was
I sighed and buried my face in the bathtub. I looked at the bubbles
rising up from the water.
'I can't have a happy ending with the female lead while I'm missing.'
If that happens, I will see the epilogue myself, and Magnus will also
have his own happy ending... …
I’m anxious.’
Not being able to see the bubbles rising up, he tightly closed his
And the worst came just a few hours later, as if proving that the
premonition that seemed to be not going smoothly was not an
“… … yes,
I see you, Iliana."
I greeted the Marquis of Glein, walked as slowly as I could, was
escorted by the butler, and sat down at the table.
At the top of the long table, the Marquis Glain took a seat.
I took a seat to his right. The Marquis' seat was vacant.
“Your mother is ill and she is in the estate.”
As if noticing my gaze, the Marquis Glaine gave an appropriate
‘Do, is that so?”
“Yeah, did you enjoy the two years of freedom?”
After Glaine, his little eyes squinted and he drank his wine in his
When the tenor-toned, thick voice asked me a gloomy question, my
movements stopped. As if the fear engraved on me was like a
“It’s a priest’s training out of nowhere… … .”
The Marquis Glain laughed cynically, as if he had heard something
very funny.
Instinctively, my back is stiff and my cheeks are perfect.
it became tight
“Illiana, why do you think I left you alone?”
He didn't seem like a merciful person just by looking at him.
However, there is no way I can understand the reason for closing my
eyes on my travels.
I kept my mouth shut because I couldn't find an appropriate answer,
and then he tilted his glass of wine again.
His movements were very graceful. He could tell so much that he
was a stoic person.
He seemed to know where Illyana Glaine's movements and her
appearance came from.
He had the same silver hair as himself and his eyes were dark sky
'Then is Illyana's mother red-eyed?'
Thin silver hair keeps your hair clean so that not a single strand
comes out.
After the glans rolled back, his little robe had no wrinkle and all his
buttons were fastened.
The dress was just right, neither too big nor too small.
“Didn't I just ask a question? Did you forget everything you taught
me? … . I didn't think he was that stupid."
“… Well, I don't know."
<Episode 23>
"I was showing mercy to you. It seems that you have released a pet
that you have been keeping unnecessary... You've been holding on
to the leash too tightly, shouldn't there be a time to release it?"
I can't help but get goosebumps at the sound of a voice pounding on
my ear so slowly.
I raised my hand and lightly touched my nose. I can't hear anything,
so I can't breathe
I thought it had stopped, but it wasn't.
As I lowered my gaze slightly, I went to the glass... No, Illiana Glaine
is shining
His face was hard and expressionless, but he could see tension. Am
I making that face?
“Yes, Father.”
“You forgot your manners while I was not seeing you.”
For the first time in his movement the noise
it happened
The movement of putting down the glass was perfect, but the sound
of putting the glass down was a clear sense of displeasure.
I'm just embarrassed by the reaction of my body that hardens by
itself to that situation. Illyana Glaine seemed to have been beaten up
by men quite a lot.
Maybe it was the violence side, so that's what the body remembers.
Also, that should be avoided.'
I'm as strong as Illyana Glaine
He was not a person strong enough to count or overcome it.
I was lucky if I didn't cry and cry and cling to my life.
And perhaps this man wasn't even the one to show his mercy for so
much weeping and clinging.
Rather, if I was offended, I would have been offended. I desperately
rolled his head. I had to roll to live.
"I "
I barely licked my lips.
What the hell am I supposed to say to this guy?
No words came to mind. It was difficult to deal with this man with my
bare head.
The only thing that comes to mind is common morning dramas, so
the repertoire that came to mind was there. But it's better than not
“Actually, there was a small accident within the temple, but I don’t
remember it sporadically.”
“… What did you say now?"
For the first time, he showed his emotions on a frozen expression. I
shook my head quickly.
At first he didn't seem to believe it at all, but if he persuaded him
well, it wouldn't be a bad thing.
If it is crawling, you should crawl, but if it hits you, you should avoid
“There are many things I do not remember, Father.”
“Can’t you remember?”
“Yes, I remember most of my childhood memories.
This doesn't work out. So actually... .”
I broke my eyes and laid them down slightly.
“Unfortunately, my father is a little unfamiliar to me.”
It wasn't a little strange, actually, it was more unfamiliar than
anything else in the world, but I raised the corner of my mouth that
didn't go up because I thought that even the hair that had been said
that would be bent.
Marquis Glaine's eyebrows saw my smile
It was bent all the way up.
He seemed very unfamiliar with this situation. The Marquis Glein,
who was silent for a moment, then silently tilted the glass of wine.
“Do you remember any of the disciplines I taught you?”
"••••••• "
No, she was a daughter, and she taught me that.
Nya just gave her more strength and rolled her eyes and smiled. I
firmly believe in the story of not being able to spit on a smiling face
‘I thought only Magnus was an obstacle in my life… … . ’
An unanswered obstacle must have been right next to it.
I sighed hard. Would you have wondered about a world like this
because you were crazy?
I'll just think about it until then. I thought it would end in regret.
‘I was struck by lightning and became seriously ill for a few days.
I did" 'Do... water lightning?"
Marquis Glaine's eyebrows contorted with extreme displeasure.
There is nothing more terrifying than that when a man who used to
be expressionless reveals his emotions.
I lowered my gaze slightly, pretending not to notice the creepy
creeps that were pouring down my spine.
Eye contact with people is so inconvenient
As I averted my gaze, Marquis Glaine's expression changed
strangely. like crazy
It was a face that looked like a living creature.
“Yes, I had a high fever at that time, but at first I didn’t know what
was strange, but sometimes I felt like my head was empty, so I
thought of this and that…”
The Marquis of Glein drank the wine again.
I also felt thirsty, so I drank wine to borrow some wine. Marquis
Glein's forehead narrowed.
I look carefully with a nervous expression
I put down the glass with both hands.
“I can’t remember anything from the past.”
Even if I think about it, I know it's stupid and stupid.
It's not like the brain has been poured with oil that all memories are
blown away just by having a fever.
Still, the only good way I could think of to avoid this situation was to
lose my memory.
‘I can’t remember… … .' is frozen
Considering whether it was a good way to avoid mana, I couldn't
give up.
"How did the water thunderbolt hit you?"
‘‘It was common bullying by the younger generation, but it wasn’t a
big deal.”
Just half a glass of wine was enough to make my face heat up. It
seemed as if his body, which had been a little stiff, had loosened and
his tongue had become lighter.
The Marquis Glaine looked at me, still didn't know what he was
“Still, you seem to remember movements and basic etiquette.”
"It looks like that because it's ripe for the body."
“Yeah, what the body remembers, even if the mind forgets it, it is not
easily forgotten.”
He said in a somewhat satisfied voice.
It doesn't seem like it's easy to forget what you remembered while
being beaten up, but if you do it like that, you'll probably run away
from home.
Because she can't say that, she
The flower of a flower chewed her lips.
“Do you remember your mother?” “No, no, not at all.”
I know he's a stranger. I don't know what kind of appearance he has
because he didn't have a picture of his family hanging in the
I wondered what kind of desolate house there is, but I thought that it
would be possible if I dealt with this savvy-looking man.
“There wouldn’t have been any frivolous lawmakers, but it was okay.”
“Yeah, I just had a cold.”
In fact, I was quite ill and didn't want to go near the water after that.
I always had to wash my body with warm water. I didn't even bother
with cold water.
“Once you finish eating, go up and rest. Don't call your doctor to
examine you. I've heard that it's forbidden to go out for a while.
Was it?”
The Marquis Lane cut the sdake and put it in his mouth, as if trying
to organize his thoughts.
Then she slowly chewed the meat and wiped her mouth with a
napkin, and she calmly opened her mouth again.
"A lot of things happened while you were away. The missing third
prince has returned."
Marquis Gullein looked at me and said.

The Crown Prince and the 2nd Prince had different names."
‘Did you do that?”
“After that, the emperor’s condition deteriorated rapidly, and he died
prematurely, and a new emperor took the throne.”
It must have been Magnus who arranged all of that, so I couldn't say
I did not want to imagine how that innocent face would have
Magnus said to me... , and was a huge presence for Ilya and Glaine.
Even while he was busy living in the temple, he woke up periodically
and had trouble sleeping at night.
"As soon as the new emperor ascended to the throne, he began a
Magnus' words continued to strengthen my face.
It was completely useless to relax while drinking wine. The Marquis
Lane watched me closely.
''Thanks to you, the title was quite vacant to the extent that it is
unusual. Besides, he put a commoner woman in the seat of the
'What else is medence?'
The Marquis Glein looked tiredly as if he had discovered the
puzzlement in my expression.
He let out a short sigh. His body trembled at his sigh.
‘‘It refers to the position of the head of the National Assembly, a
special institution that gathers members of the imperial family.”
"ah… , sorry"
You mean that a commoner woman was seated at the head of the
imperial family member, are you talking about a female protagonist?
she had a mistress
The story from the imperial family to the legislator
never seen
place… … .
At least I can't remember anything from the novels I've read.
"Illiana, you'd better memorize the imperial genealogy again."
“Yes, Father.”
I responded obediently to Marquis Glein's point.
To be honest, what would have happened if I hadn't said that I lost
my memory? At least, it seemed that he was patient and wouldn't
have been able to put up with it.
“The emperor has sent an invitation to the girls of marriageable age
to attend the banquet as essential this time.”
".. .father."
talking nonsense I turned white and shook his head.
Meeting Magnus again was an absolute necessity. The imperial
banquet event was not detailed.
In the novel, there was only a narrative that Magnus had discovered
How does an event happen
I don't know if he's found her, so I didn't want to go to such an
uncertain place.
“Of course, I came to you too, so prepare and participate.”
“But, Father. I… .”
As I opened her mouth with a bewildered expression, her man
narrowed her eyes.
The patience that had been dimly lingering in my snake-like eyes
disappeared. My lips stuck together.
“I want you to become the Empress, so you don’t need to tremble.”
"•••••• • "
I went on-亡1=
That was another unexpected word. Even if I die, I thought she
would say that she stood out to be the Empress.
As I blinked, the Marquis Glaine looked at my face and smiled in
“You are my only heir to the marquis. You don't have to be an
"Yes, Father..."
like the empress'.
I wonder if I can compare the Empress and the Marquis, who are the
powers immediately following the Emperor, but the pride of the
Marquis in the face of the Marquis of Glein was palpable.
“However, it’s not good to go against it because you didn’t fully
understand the emperor’s disposition. There might be sparks of use,
so please enjoy yourselves in moderation.”

<Episode 24>
Even so, he is reluctant to go to see Magnus. What are the odds of
not finding me?
Even the content was a little strangely hoarding from what I knew.
‘Originally, Yeoju was sealed with the emperor’s rain, and then she
became the empress.’
She didn't rain but she suddenly became the head of the circle of
what she did
My stomach was tired. I knew that the story was flowing differently
from what I was aware of.
However, she married for the sake of the Empress
Gathering young children of the enemy's age
When you see it, it's a completely different story
It doesn't seem like he's going to go.
Magnus is obviously looking for me.
“I lost my memory, but the atmosphere is different
You lost.”
He squinted his eyes as if to recognize something and looked at me
" is that so?"
“Yeah, I treated you harshly to raise you as your heir, so it was only
natural. It's been a long time since we've had such a long
Saying so, the Marquis Glain elegantly sliced the steak again and
put it in his mouth.
Not a single blemish could be seen in the perfect motion like
squeezing water.
“Eat you too.”
It was uncomfortable, but I was told to eat, but I couldn't stop eating,
so I forcibly grabbed the tableware.
My hand moved naturally as I thought about cutting the meat. Grab
the knife and naturally grip one of the three forks.
‘… amazing'
No matter how well the body remembers, movements were
restrained without much effort.
The Marquis Glein glanced at me and finished the meal with
“Let me study what I forgot in the mansion for a while. If you ask a
random question and you can't answer it... , there will be punishment
for it.”’
“Yes, I understand.”
I answered and another boring meal followed. I was eating my food
slowly because I thought it was going to be on top, but the Marquis
Lane got up first.
He tapped me twice on the shoulder as he encouraged me and left
the restaurant.
As the sharp gaze fell, the tense body relaxed in an instant. I leaned
back on the colorful velvet chair with a tired look on my face.
Do I have to continue living with this person?'
No matter how spacious the mansion is, there is no guarantee that
they will not meet.
Unfortunately, it felt like he had changed more than the first meeting
because he had no memory, but it would be only when his feelings
were not uncomfortable.
"o-f!, ."
It's been a long time since Nya talked about that name. A name
given to Magnus by Iliana Glein.
Her to her Magnus is her emperor and prince
It was just ‘Mac’ and to Magnus, Illyana was ‘Lina’, not a young
mourner or the eldest daughter of the Glaine family.
So I had deep doubts about the relationship between Magnus and
Ilya. They both know each other
It's a relationship, but I don't think there really was any emotion.
"I don't know"
Even after entering this body, I still don't know what kind of
relationship Magnus and Illyana have.
I understand that Ilyanya had feelings for Magnus.
I was just curious, why didn't Magnus kill her?
“It’s hard to become a priest.”
If he spoke up, he might have said that he had to change his mind
Of course, the main purpose was to run away just in case, so it was
unfortunate enough, but there was nothing I could do about it.
I was so nervous, and my body was puffy.
I was really tired.
“I have no memory… … .”
The corners of Marquis Glein's eyes were wrinkled as they left the
He went back to his office and sat down at his desk. Even the hand
gestures of tapping the table with his fingers as if frustrated
was constant.
He gently waved a bell with a handle on one side of the desk.
da 己 la 0 da 己 la 0
Not long after hearing the clear sound of the brass hitting, the butler
in a well-dressed knocked on the door and came into the office. He
was the general manager of the Glein Mansion.
''Did you call me, Master?"
The butler with the ascetic impression with white hair did not deviate
even a single inch.
With a smile on his face, he walked at a steady pace.
Standing two or three steps away from the desk where the Marquis
Glain was sitting, he waited for the Marquis' reply.
It wasn't until Chuck, who was soft enough to hear footsteps,
stopped moving, the Marquis Glaine, who was in trouble, looked up.
"Marva, Illyana says she has lost her memory in part."
Marba did not hide her startled voice. It was a commotion for the first
time in a long time for him, who always restrained his emotions and
restricted his movements.
The Marquis Lane nodded his head.
“Yeah, from what I heard, this time at Shin’s former education center,
he was struck by water and got seriously ill, but it seems that there
was a problem. Of course, it's a story when it's real."
"Do you think the lady is lying?"
"Well, I don't know about anything else, but
Losing her memory doesn't sound like a lie. Because he never
smiled when talking to me.”
The Marquis Lane remembered the boy who was grinning hard with
the corners of his quivering mouth.
It was foolish to keep an eye on whether my heart was broken.
She was brought up sternly and she thought it was right.
The child grew up as he wanted without lacking anything, but the
relationship grew further apart.
Then, when he came back from his busy work, he ran away to the
temple training center. She always stares at me like she hates me
The thought of trembling and leaving with a single word
As a child who couldn't do it, the Marquis couldn't help but be a little
He felt he needed to catch his breath.
So she closed her eyes to being free for a while, but I didn't know
she would come back because of such a problem.
'I'd rather be better now.'
His behavior was as perfect as his body remembered.
The hostility had also faded considerably, so it was strange to see
him often showing his emotions, but that didn't mean he wasn't afraid
of himself.
It wasn't too bad seeing my daughter smile in a long time.
The Marquis Gullein tapped the table regularly without realizing it.
‘Did Ms. Do smile?” “Yeah, I saw a confused expression too.”
“The lady.”
Marba's face was a look of disbelief.
At his words, the Marquis Lane nodded in agreement with him lightly.
“Perhaps it is true that I lost my memory. Otherwise, I must have
become the owner of great acting skills without seeing you.”
He twisted his lips as if to say something funny. Then he shook his
tilted obliquely.
“But of ah-kun. The atmosphere has changed too much for that.”
The Marquis Glein murmured a little.
“But, it’s a water thunderbolt. Who dares to say to the one and only
heir of the House Glein... . Where did you get hurt?
Marva said with a worried expression on her face.
Marva has been caring for her Illianya since she was born. So, she
couldn't help but fall in love.
Of course, the distance between Marva and Illyana was out of the
way as she grew apart from Illyana and the Marquis of Glaine.
“Yeah, and I need to check the condition in detail, so call the doctor.
And I'll have to look at Illiania's record for her last two years to come.
I know how to free someone
come The identity of the person who dared to spray water on my
‘‘I will take orders, Master.”
After giving her orders, Marva bowed her back deeply to the
thoughtful Marquis Glaine.
‘How many departments was the imperial family divided into?”
Hearing words while eating slowed down the chewing speed of food.
I couldn't bring myself to frown on her face, but I slowly chewed my
food rebelliously.
It was like it was going to be put on top again
“It is officially divided into four departments, with two more special
Take a peek.”
Oh, the damn man is real.
When I finally frowned, the Marquis of Glaine narrowed his eyes and
raised his eyebrows.
He fixed his gaze on the wine glass without looking at each other.
“The official departments include the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry
of the Interior, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Cashier, and
special institutions include the National Assembly, where members
of the imperial family are gathered, and the Royal Knights Pungrang,
a knight group directly under the imperial family.”
‘‘In addition to the two special agencies and the four departments,
there is one more agency with special powers. Where were you?"
“This is the Geum Odae, an inspection team that has the authority to
take immediate action regardless of status as soon as it discovers
the corruption of the aristocracy.”
I recite what I memorized for the past week with blood and sweat.
I don't know if I stayed up all night trying to memorize things.
It was because I was punished for not being able to drink even a sip
of water all day for not answering Marquis Glain, who started a
barrage of questions right away at mealtimes from the next day after
he told me to study.
I grinded my teeth while starving all day. This is because I did not
know that I would starve my children in an aristocratic family.
I was buried in Ogi, and I memorized the book diligently.
I was given a book the size of two fingers a day, so I memorized it for
a day.
If not, I had to move on to the next day.
I couldn't even dream of being forced to go out without even thinking
of saying "no going out."
“Did you memorize hard?”
“Yeah… if you want to eat, you have to memorize it.”
I replied sullenly. I never expected that I would go hungry because I
didn't get that answer.
It's crazy to think about it again. In my answer, Marquis Glaine's
cheeks were a little dented.
‘… dimple?'
Wow, man, this is the first time I have a dimple.
It fit better than expected. At that time, I was scared and couldn't
even make eye contact properly so I didn't notice it, but now that I've
gotten used to it, I'm able to check my eyes and expressions to
some extent.
“Was it such a shock to go hungry?”
'do… ·no."
I suppressed my dissatisfaction and shook my head. Marquis Glein's
ball well got a little deeper.

<Episode 25>
I woke up unexpectedly in the morning and was told that it would be
difficult to eat today, but I was shocked.
‘‘You can be honest.”
“… I think I've heard that dogs don't even go hungry."
“I did. But, it will come out more than before.”
He shut his mouth at his words. Of course it's better than being
It was felt that the Marquis of Glein was more patient than before. At
least, it was much more ferocious than the first or second meeting.
'They tell me to understand the subject well, and to say it in a nice
I finished my meal without answering. At first, I got used to the
breakfast time that seemed to be on top to some extent.
In my mind, I just wanted to eat alone in my room.
“You know that tomorrow is a banquet, right?” “Yes, Father.”
“Yeah, good to know. Act like the Gle Lane.”
It's already a burden to go there, but what's the point of acting like
I turned my head bluntly, swallowing her words that were about to
pop out.
The thought of seeing Magnus again makes my intestines twist
again. Eventually, I lost my appetite and put the fork down.
In the novel, Magnus becomes a 180 degree different person.
It is not described what Illyana Glein was thinking as she saw
Magnus become emperor. It was just full of Magnus' endless hatred.
“On the last day of the banquet, I also attended”’
".. really?"
“Yeah, Yeong-shik and Young-ae for the other six days.
their party Do you remember how the imperial banquet was held?"
At Marquis Glaine's words, my head reflexively nodded again.
Even if the body remembered the etiquette, there were some things
that the head had to memorize.
The book I had been reading over the past week had something
about etiquette.
"Yes, Father. I heard that during the banquet, attendees of the
banquet cannot leave the imperial castle without the permission of
the Emperor, and they will provide a separate place for them to stay.
“Yes, depending on the family, in some cases, only a room is
The last name was finally given to the marquis?
A question popped up in my mind for a moment.
Was the Marquis Glaine such a great place?
The description of Marquis Glaine was not mentioned at all in the
To discover the ambiguity of my face
As if, the Marquis of Glein habitually tilted the wine glass.
“The Marquis of Glein is a tribute to the founding of the empire, of
course, they are treated more than other families.”
Was the Marquis of Glein the foundation of the country? Since when
did such a setting exist?
I had no idea. So, did Magnus in the novel mince and kill the family,
the god of the country, like that? I took a breath.

‘… I'm not usually angry.'

The size of Magnus' resentment against Illyana Glein was not as
small as expected.
Otherwise, it would not have been possible to destroy a family strong
enough to give them special treatment in that way.
“The error in my memory came very strangely. What did you
“The fact that my father is my father…
That I'm Illyana Glaine... … , I remember quite clearly that this is my
At my words, the red iris of the Marquis Glaine was greatly enlarged.
I thought about what I had said because I thought I had said
something wrong, but there was nothing particularly offensive.
I really remember only a few. However, it could not be said that he
had seen the future of the Glein family going extinct.
'If it's something I'm lacking, I'll study a little more."
As I glanced at him and added, the Marquis of Glein, who was
looking at me quietly, shook his head.
“I think it’s because I learned it once, it seems like I’m memorizing it
quickly, so I just need to read one book at a time like now. Don’t be
in a hurry.”
No, that's the result of my blood and sweat. It is the result of
memorizing the moon from morning to evening.
While retorting hard inside,
nodded steadily.
Of course, it's something that comes to mind from time to time, and I
think it's because of the hard work Ilyana Glaine did during her
lifetime, but anyway, I memorized it desperately.
It's not that I didn't try.
‘Daddy, Father.”
“Yeah, take a break early today and get ready tomorrow. See you in
the morning.”
“Where are you going?”
Come to think of it, the Marquis of Glein seemed to be going out
anywhere in style.
After discovering it and adding it with a bit of embarrassment, the
Marquis Glaine stopped walking in surprise again.
He looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face, then got up
from his seat and slowly nodded.
I don't know what the hell I said wrong. If there is a mistake, you can
tell me, but I didn't speak any more.
"father ?"
"I'm going to go to Hwangseong for a while. I have an appointment
after that, so I'll be arriving late at night, so will I have dinner in the
"Yes I will."
ahh, it's free
I gave strength to my face and tried not to show happiness. As I
replied with a light smile, the Marquis Glaine's face darkened again.
I wanted to shout to ask you to tell me if you have any complaints,
but again
I didn't want to starve
just can't
''I'll go up for a while, let's go
A look of bewilderment finally appeared on the blunt face of the
Marquis of Glein.
He really can't hear 0 Rarely T0
Human-like eyes
I walked out of the restaurant without answering.
duck bran
What the hell is the problem?'
If it was a complaint, I would like you to tell me
In front of the ornate gate, I took a deep breath. I don't know what I
was thinking when I got off the carriage.
When I see the party venue, I start to walk
So I sent a few people forward
Hey, I was barely able to stand in front of the door of the party hall.
‘You haven’t come yet… .'
Originally, it was always the last time the main character appeared at
a party.
I came an hour before the party started, so we probably won't see
each other face-to-face.
‘It must have been quite far away from the social world.’
Just stay quiet and take damage from Teras.
The goal was to quickly get out of the way before people started
crowding around and pretending to get along quietly.
I had to live like that for the next week
The emperor said he didn't attend the banquet all week. ’
Since it's the first day, of course, everyone will attend, and the
Emperor will also come, but from the second and third days it will be
a little more comfortable.
On the last day, the Marquis of Glein will also come, and other
nobles will also come.
There won't be anything else that stands out.
Just a few days, just a few days. just a few days Close your eyes
After brainwashing myself over and over again, I was barely able to
say my name in front of the guards.
The door of the party hall opened wide, announcing Illyana Glaine's
position with a loud voice.
_亡「:·that-c. ,亡 -C二工. -亡「: that
My heart was beating so fast that I could not feel anything but the
sound of my heart.
My skin felt numb, and a cold sweat seemed to run down my back.
Perhaps because of that, I didn't even notice that the enemy had
descended. My vision was all fixed in front and the width was
I deliberately held my breath so that I didn't notice the rapid
I tightened my face and brought my hands forward. Like Ilyanya
Glein. Her gait wasn't fast, her waist was straight and her shoulders
were not clenched. She raised her chin and stiffened her neck.
I tried to recall every single word that described Ilyanya Glein.
Her rock stride was as slow as possible without getting her feet
twisted in her high-heeled shoes.
As I paid attention to the movements of my body, my field of vision
narrowed, but I could not hear only the sound of my heart beating in
my ears.
"Young girl, Marquis Lane? I heard that she went crazy and donated
to the temple and went to the priest's training, wasn't she?"
"Well, I heard that too, but I guess I'm back."
“I still tell you the face that I don’t know what I’m thinking.”
Whispers were heard as if the game had changed in her social life in
the absence of Iliana Glaine.
It was only when I heard a voice full of laughter that I could barely
get out of my dazed mind.
“Still, wasn’t she a bad young girl?”
A Youngsik defends Iliana Glaine
I heard Actually, I'm not sure if I'm advocating for it or encouraging it.
“Well, the younger a girl like that, the more she talks behind the
scenes.” “Hagan, who would have imagined that this young girl
would go crazy in the temple?”
“I’m worried that a low-quality smell might have been tainted from
hanging out with low-quality things.”
Human hostility is just that. Two years is of course not a short period
of time, but the game changed in the meantime, ruining everything
that Illyana Glain had built up.
I'm sorry, sister.'
But think about it. I had to live and you had to live too. They say they
have good brains, so I'm sure they'll do well when they come back
It would be nothing to roll such people in the palm of one hand.
Actually, it wasn't that I didn't like Illyana Glaine. In fact, I had
Of course, what she did to Magnus would never be forgiven.
‘‘It’s better.”
His speech broke with the breath he had barely held in. It was a
small mumble, but it seemed to relieve tension as much as the
words that escaped.
I picked up a champagne from a tray with a passing attendant.
‘Yes, champagne.’
I didn't know there would be champagne here too, but bubbles were
coming up.
When I passed it over her neck, it popped and raised the feeling of
sinking to the floor.
As I lightly chewed on the rumors about Illyana Glaine with Pinker
Foods, I hoped the time would pass quickly. There were hairs of
different colors everywhere.
'But I'm glad there are so many hair colors like this.'
If there is one thing that is fortunate in this frustrating situation, it was
the fact that all of the attendees had pale, almost white hair.
There's a lot of gossip.'
<Episode 26>
It's the same with silver hair, but I thought it wasn't common to have
gray hair or light colored hair... Somehow, everyone has the same
hair color.
It makes me wonder if everyone went to the same hairdresser and
bleached their hair.
Bleaching can be done with poisonous drugs
Stand- I...
Well, if it was a drug that was strong enough to cause my hair to fall
out, it would have been possible in times like this.
It is said that long before the Middle Ages, people made ointments
and sat in the sun for hours.
The hut where Magnus met was not always lit up.
In particular, white and silver-haired colors tend to be buried in other
colors in the light of the light, so I was a little worried... .
‘That’s enough… … .'
Perhaps it was a recent trend among the young girls in attendance,
some people had their hair bleached on purpose, and some even
looked almost gray because of the severe bleaching of white hair.
Isn't that a bit harsh?'
People who dyed their hair silver or gray also showed liver liver. The
color of the hair root and the color of the hair were clearly different.
It seems like the sky is helping, so it's fortunate for me. thought it
was special
Because the color is not so special.
‘‘The Emperor is entering!”
I was immersed in thought amongst the chattering crowd, and a
voice like a thunderbolt hit my ears.
Surprised, he quickly put down his glass and bowed his back deeply
to match the timing with the other person.
My heart, which had barely calmed down, started beating faster
again. Tinnitus rang in my ears and my vision narrowed.
I felt a sense of distance from reality, so I couldn't get a sense of
where it was real and where it wasn't.
Are you okay? is Illianna Glein, and Illyana Glaine is never shaken
by anything like this.
Even if I was agitated, I wouldn't do anything to show it on my face.
Like Iliana Glein. You have to act like her.

“Let her raise her head.”

“.. .-, nung--0 「-.”
Taking a small breath, I slowly raised my head along with the others.
It was Magnus who sat down on the prince with a languid expression
on his face.
I don't know what the hell happened in the past two years, but my
fragile body looked as if it had muscles attached to it.
The beautiful face line was still there, but there was strength in the
corners of the eyes, which were always droopy, and the tips of the
lips were very hard.
There was not even a fake smile on the corner of his mouth that had
been smiling well.
The skin was still fresh, but the eyes were not opened and the focus
was firmly established.
Magnus, who even had muscles attached, was not lacking even to
be called a god of beauty.
However, I was not familiar with the beast Magnus.
Everything was so unfamiliar, I even wondered if it was the same
person as the person I knew.
As if the day has come to a banquet hall that should be enjoyable
It was filled with a gloomy atmosphere.
It felt like everyone was nervous. So was I.
I was also not used to such Magnus, so I just tried not to make my
breathing too loud.
lest the sound of my breath echo through this quiet banquet hall and
touch his heart.
The 'Mac' that clinged to me, playing in Illyana Glaine's palm, didn't
exist anymore.
Sitting on the throne was Magnus D. Cloud, the country's only
He said nothing as the emperor sat on the throne. Since the banquet
was not ordered, even the prepared musicians could not open their
mouths while holding their instruments.
“Cynthia Sheryl, the chief of Jinwon Eui, is here!”
A small smile was drawn for the first time on Magnus' face, which
had been frozen in expression.
The first time he came into this place
It was an emotional change. Ando's breathing could be heard here
and there.
‘… Sheryl Cynthiamin's mistress.'
Nya bowed her head along with the other nobles.
Turn around and step on the red carpet
Crab paid attention in a woman
She was a cool-looking woman with a lively, well-rounded look.
Instead of her dress, the woman in a white doctor's gown looked
busy with her sighs as she tied her hair into a single braid.
'The first meeting with Magnus in the novel'
Magnus and Cheryl Cynthia's meeting wasn't romantic to be honest.
Her first meeting began when she saw Magnus collapsed in front of
the house and stood O l ..!
Of course, there was also no setting for love at first sight.
As we were spending time with each other, our eyes met
Since the late Magnus was so unstable, Cheryl Cynthia was also
It was just that our hearts overlapped and we all fell for each other.
Her strides towards Magnus as she walked down her red carpet
were unstoppable.
'Cause her novels are a little different, yeah, she wasn't wearing a
beautiful dress
But other than that, everything was the same. A scene from the
novel unfolded like a movie in .
-A no 入1己
in front of
"your majesty."
“Come on, Cheryl.”
It was a friendly voice. His cold gaze, which had been hardened like
a pumpkin, suddenly melted like honey.
His golden eyes were filled with only goodwill.
My heart hurt. Without realizing it, I raised my hand and pressed it
against my heart. Then, in shock, he removed his hand. Someone
pierced his heart with a thorn.
I was surprised at myself who felt the same pain
‘Are you crazy?”
Nya stroked my heart to and fro, then muttered very softly. There's
no way I wouldn't have gone too far
I knew this feeling better than anyone.
I know how it feels like a hedgehog nests on top of my heart and my
heart feels like a cherry blossom.
do… ·Nonsense.'
This is unattainable love. Chu Hardy was a feeling of ugly jealousy.
At this point, I realized one thing for sure.
Illyana Glein liked Magnus D. Cloud. No, I loved it.
> I felt desperate for just one emotion, but this body that didn't break
even a single expression was terrifyingly creepy.
The description of this area was clearly remembered.
It was only one line that Illiania Glaine didn't take her eyes off
Magnus, but because it was her description of her uncommon.
yes me too I couldn't take my eyes off Magnus, who smiled more
comfortably than when he was with me.
… couldn't take it off
Knowing that these were Illyana Glaine's feelings, I couldn't even
take my eyes off him or run away from the situation to the terrace.
He and I are more distant than ever
It was felt.
‘Am I supposed to feel this way?’
I couldn't take my eyes off of the confusion.
Magnus set it up near Cherylol himself, and then turned his head to
the waiting nobles.
The moment his gaze fell from Cheryl, the expression on his face
Then he slowly looked around the crowd. He knew he had to lower
the line.
He was also aware that he had to avoid his eyes.
Yet... , but Nya couldn't. I couldn't avoid you
Illyana Glaine's body did not forgive me for avoiding Magnus' gaze.
It was the moment when my eyes met with me, who was holding his
head straight, not knowing whether it was voluntarily or someone
This, too, is like a novel. His purple eyes and my red ones met as if
intertwined in the air.
"••••••• "
Magnus, who thought he would take his eyes off me soon, looked at
me quietly for a while.
There was no emotion in his gaze. He didn't know if he recognized
me or not.
It must have been a fleeting moment, but it felt like an eternity.
Magnus averted his gaze first, then he opened his mouth slowly.
‘‘Let the banquet begin.”
With a cynical voice, I barely turned around.
Suddenly, Magnus and Cheryl were talking again.
Feeling like I had been taken advantage of by Illyana Glaine made
me cry and get annoyed. He broke and went out to the terrace with
four glasses of champagne, two in each hand. I
I was obviously trying to avoid it. wanted to avoid
My life is nearing death, why can't I hold his head stiffly sleeping with
him making eye contact
But I met. had to meet.
Because Magnus couldn't quite comprehend that the man was
smiling at someone other than me.
Exactly, he understood it in his head. Originally, it was the story of a
woman and a man meeting, so I thought it was natural.
By the way … … .
I couldn't take my eyes off you. It was because of the thought that
entered my mind for a moment.
‘It’s mine… … .'
The deep possessiveness left me speechless. That's why I didn't
take my eyes off of it. And I didn't want to understand Illyana Glaine's
I didn't know Gaeyeon Do was forcibly opened like this.'
I lined up the champagne on the railing of the terrace and leaned
over a glass.
At the end of that moment I was free to think again, but still
Magnus smiling in my head
It was filled with
‘… crazy possessiveness
Often times I would describe Illiania Glaine as her crazy mate, but I
didn't know she was really crazy.
She doesn't take her eyes off him, not knowing that she's putting
herself at risk.
I'm glad you didn't notice
口1-… … .'
I was filled with boredom from inside, so I grabbed another
champagne in my hand and drank it giggling.
To borrow the words of Illyana Glein, who has neither dignity nor
body, it was a vulgar and lowly act, but that's the problem. I feel like
I'm going to die right now.
". . . I feel tired."
After taking a proper look, I was filled with thoughts of leaving the
party. Emptying four glasses of champagne was an instant
It was also alcohol, so I got drunk. I thought champagne was a drink
for children, but champagne in this world is different.
“Ah, there was a passenger.”
"••••••• "
It was a voice I heard while I was contemplating whether to bring a
plate of snacks and a few more glasses of champagne.
<Episode 27>
It was a loud voice that did not feel formal or pretentious.
'Wow, this isn't it.'
There was no such story. Of course, Illianna Glein never set foot in
De Las to avoid the party.
Anyway, I don't think I've ever had a separate contact with the
female lead... … .
“Hey, isn’t it one person, one Teras? May I be by your side?"
I quickly cleared my neck and tightened my stomach. From here on
out, falsettos must be used unconditionally.
It's an instant when you get caught up with your original voice. Of
course, Cheryl wouldn't know me.
''follow your heart."
She pretended to be as calm as possible and spoke casually. Just
like the arrogant Illyana Glein.
With my permission, Cheryl's footsteps got closer and closer. I
reflexively grabbed a glass of champagne in my hand and put it
down again when I saw that the inside was empty.
“Oh, can I bring you some more? The champagne given out here
doesn't seem to go to the liver, so I brought several glasses... … .”
I barely turned around at the lively tone mixed with laughter.
I didn't feel any malice, nor did I feel any sign of rejection, but I
couldn't keep ignoring her words.
And she lost her words. Looking at the eight glasses of champagne
sandwiched between her ten fingers.
I swallowed a laugh. what is this
It's like a beggar.
“Ah, what kind of side dishes do you have for Young-ae?”
My mouth fell open at her question.
elegance is something. I can't think of what to say right now.
Accompanied? What to serve?
“I’m the type of person who simply eats crackers for snacks, so it
doesn’t matter?”

Cheryl asked, tilting her head. For her mature outgoing woman, that
smirk was a bit awkward.
I barely responded by nodding her head. Sheryl seemed to have had
enough of that.
"If the two of you are going to drink, she'd rather just ask for a bottle,
not a glass."
yo. this "
I was dazed and almost uttered her original voice.
Cheryl's face, wearing an Edo doctor's gown, was as bright as ever.
Then he skillfully puts a line of champagne glasses on the railing.
"okay? Then I'll bring you some more, wait."
Cheryl walked out of De Las with a bright expression on her face.
It felt like a storm came and went
Gum-ni Nya stood blankly in her spot. It's not a storm, it seems like a
ghost came and went.
Is that really the female protagonist ··?'
Of course, it was often described as exciting and less exciting, but
there was no hesitation.
Well, that's his personality, so he's got a good grip on Magnus.
But why did I end up drinking with him?
“Come on, get a drink.”
And why am I taking this cup of course?
Cheryl, who thought she would only bring champagne, to her
surprise, even came with a bottle of wine in her other arm.
And she was sharing a cup that might be the last. Leaning against
the railing, watching the glass pile up.
“Wow, Young-ae is happy to talk with me. All the other young girls
are Magnu... "
Around that time, Cheryl looked me in the eye and hurriedly changed
her words.
“No, I was so eager to look good to His Majesty that I didn’t even do
it for him. However, I can't do a great job with you guys."
“Did you?”
"Yeah, but I'm glad I have a young girl today. I've been to several
banquets, but it's my first time seeing Young-ae. May I know which
family you're from?"
That's why we haven't even given a name yet. But it's really nice. I
didn't even have a full name....
I couldn't say anything like that, and drank the sparkling champagne
through my shaky vision.
“Oh, of course, I may not know. I haven’t been to the castle for a
while, so I haven’t memorized the genealogy of the nobility yet.”
"My name is Iliana Glaine of the Glein family."
Even in her falsetto, which she has raised to the best of her ability,
she only widens her eyes as if she did not notice this hurt.
She or she's pretending not to notice. She couldn't be sure of either.
I don't know why this person is interested in me in the first place.
'By the way, she's a bitch because the Marquis Lane says I don't
have to be the Empress.'
If not, really... … . this life itself
would not have had an answer.
"If it's the Grain family, are you talking about the Marquis Glaine?"
“Wow, he had a daughter. I've met her in the Imperial Palace a few
times and she's been very polite to me, unlike the others."
Was the man polite? He can't quite believe it. No matter how much
you think about it, if he was a high-pressure enemy, was he really
He was pretty overbearing on me too.
I think I would have done more if I went out.
“Oh, I’m not saying he was kind or sarcastic. But there was no sign
of ignoring it.”
Sheryl added hastily as if she noticed my ambiguity.
Maybe it was because we were getting drunk from time to time, and
my body was hot, and her face was also red.
'Do you?"
"Yeah, the odd thing is that he's very gentle and celibate.
The enemy is wearing... Actually, I don't think he's the right person to
play, but he always seems to be in the center.”
I don't know. I've been dealing with him for a week or two, but he has
no idea what he's thinking.
Marquis Glaine or Magnus or Sheryl, it's too hard for me to
I tried to think that it was because I was a person in the novel, but
when I met him, I felt frustrated.
Anyway, I have no intention of interfering with this story.
They just need to be happy and I just need to find a way back home.
Before I knew it, I leaned back against the railing, emptying the cup
Cheryl had filled again.
Sheryl was also curious about it. How did she become the chairman
of the National Assembly instead of the Empress? Why did she
come without any decorations, and what happened in a place I
couldn't see?
If the question was about to explode, I deliberately raised a glass of
wine. This is something I shouldn't be aware of.
I should never put curiosity on their work. Curiosity is under my feet
It was the most dangerous enemy to destroy.
"But why didn't you attend the banquet, Young-ae Iliana?"
“She has been at the temple training center all this time.”
It was quite funny that the more I drank alcohol, the more my mind
became clearer.
It is said that when people are too tense, their mind is clear.
“A temple?”
“Yes, I believe in God.”
definitely believe , .
“Because you saved me once… ."
o Surely, though, I threw my lifeline into Hell.
Nya continued to say something different from her heart.
Sheryl bit the crackers and listened to me. I'm okay
unintentionally spit out a lie.
“I wanted to become a priest. So I went to receive Shinto education.”
"ah-ha, I see. It's great to be a priest. As far as I know, that education
is very difficult. You say you can't even drink alcohol when you wake
up in the morning and go to bed early?"
How do you know so well? as if all gone
The tears that I buried deep in my heart with such a tired expression
on my face
I even felt like I was about to explode.
“Which room did you get assigned to?” “It’s Wolcheonseong.”
"Can I visit you often?"
Pouring the last glass into my mouth, I put it down.
Am I crazy, keep you hooked I am a selfish, strong willed Korean
who can rule out all curiosity.
it is person
And it was Illyana Glein who didn't get along with low-level people.
‘‘I’m sorry, but I’m not going to decline.” “Oh, why?”
“Because I am a noble and you are a commoner.”
I smiled as naturally as possible. The noble and arrogant gaze of the
brilliant Illyana Glein.
Its unique and inaccessible atmosphere was probably quite similar to
"I think you and I will get along.
did you? A fickle is a fickle.”
"Yeah, I thought it would look great, but it's a pity."
Cheryl, who leaned her back against the railing, said coolly. How
cool it is to say that I feel so petty and pathetic.
Her eyes, which were curved like a crescent moon, showed her
lavish personality.
“Still, I really liked you, Young-ae.”
“So I… .”
Her body stiffened at the harsh wind and friendly voice behind her.
Realizing Cheryl in front of her, she hastily captured her expression.
As she hurriedly raised her head, she had her heartfelt smile faded
from her lips.
“Why, Your Majesty?”
“I didn’t come out for a while, so I came to pick you up.”
“I’m not sorry, a good masterpiece after a long time
meet your partner.”
Cheryl looked at me once and she strode past me.
I must have gone to Magnus who was standing behind me, but I
didn't dare turn around.
It was only when there was no one in sight that I closed my eyes
tightly and calmly finished the remaining emotions.
"But you haven't been drinking, have you?"
“You drink as much as you want and forbid me to drink, cruel
treatment It smells like alcohol.”
It was a blunt voice. Her vitality overflowed from him.
I thought it was fortunate, but at the same time it was bittersweet. I
felt so pathetic about that double feeling.
‘Which one is Ilyanya Glein?’
The soul is obviously a different person, but what the hell does this
feeling mean?
It may not have been that I fell in love during that brief meeting.
“Ah, Your Majesty. This side is Glaine Youngae.”
As I had no sign of turning around, Cheryl introduced me to what I
was thinking.
I want to shout that it is really useless consideration.
I barely checked the reflection of my face in the glass and turned my
back slowly, lowering my eyelids deeply.

<Episode 28>
elegant and dignified. Her eyelids lay down her grass so that her
feelings don't show, and her voice should be the high tone of her rum
as she is portrayed.
At the very least, it shouldn't be unheard of. Ilyanya Glein laughed to
the very end.
Even as her family's limbs were amputated and my life costly, her
face did not change.
I must not reveal my feelings to him no matter what.
Glein says
A soft voice calls out my last name.
Stable, centered, unshakable
I came to that call
Goosebumps rise on my forearm
I have nothing to say about my honest body
Hey, this is completely crazy
“You are the only daughter of the Marquis of Grain.”
"Yes, I'm late for greetings."
I can't hear her raise her head
o透l-O from F
There is a gaze that falls on the crown of the head
I know, but I have nothing more to say
It was frustrating, I was neat
gave strength to both hands. forward
I realized with the body of Iliana Glaine, but she is not honest.
Illyana Glaine's body was candid and not frank. Her inside is upside
down but her face is covered with a mask
I can't be this skillful.
'How the hell... … .'
How did she live with such emotions? My feelings for him are so
It was so heavy that it was impossible to define it in one word. But
how did she manage to breathe and live without incident?
I felt like I was going to choke on her feelings
there was no god
"If you're having fun, go for it. Shee
“Oh, are you okay?”
“No, nothing. Then see you later. Illyana young girl.”
I couldn't lift her head until the end, because the Emperor, Magnus,
didn't allow her to lift her head.
Until the two of us pretend to be popular
I had to bend over.
And even after the two disappeared, I couldn't lift my back for a long
The moment she lifted her head, she couldn't control the feeling of
despair that pressed down on her shoulder.
After a long time had passed, I was able to straighten my back as if it
had been pressed by a gigantic five ball.
“Marg, is it really okay to leave him like that?”
"What do you mean?"
At Cheryl's question, the dignified voice was cut off, and the still
young voice took its place.
Cheryl, who looked at her white, smiling face, pointed her finger at
her terrace, where Illyana was still bending her back.
"Isn't this the woman you were looking for? Can I treat you like that?"
‘‘What is that kind of treatment?”
“Ah, don’t even raise your head,
speak no words he's on drugs
do… .”
Cheryl lowered her voice as high as she was talking about it. She
looked around four drops of hard work, and that wasn't enough for
her, so she held her close to Magnus.
It wasn't sexual contact and it didn't feel too bad, so Magnus left it
“I thought it was the person I was looking for because I was crazy.”
“That’s right, where have you been hiding?
It's going to appear like this." 'You are amazing too."
Cheryl shook her head. She was also surprised that the person who
helped her was the prince, but when she came to her senses, she
was forced to hang out with the party, whether or not she had
become a member of the imperial family in return for helping her.
“How did you find out among all those people? Ever since you said
you like gray hair, they all have the same common hair color. He said
he was wearing a mask, so he didn't know the color of his eyes."
"Well• ..."
Magnus' smile widened. As she glanced at her shady lips, she
remembered the pale beauty Cheryl had coldly cried herself to.
As she drank while chatting, her face flushed, but she was a pale
beauty overall.
Each and every movement of her is graceful, and the mere
movement of her gaze captivates people.
She had a rather high-pitched voice, but her tone was very calm.
She's a little different from Magnus.
was the ruler of She resembles an evergreen tree that will not be
shaken no matter what.
If she had a choice before her death, she would have been the one
to commit suicide rather than her life.
“Gerald, how can I not recognize him?”
“I was told that I was seriously hurt. So you want to get revenge?
Actually, when I see him, I think he's such a bad person, but... … .”
Cheryl held back her words. draw it
She wasn't hostile throughout the conversation.
Most of her story is her own lead, but except for the sudden change
in her mood at the end, she's moderately responsive to Cheryl's
useless and uninteresting remarks.
That's why she described Illyana Glaine as a good match for her
“It seems like a lot has changed. Shin said that I went to the training
center. It's very boring there, but wouldn't your mind have changed a
bit if you stayed there for two years?"
“A temple training institute?”
"Yeah, you know, there's boring. They say they believe in God."
At Cheryl's words, Magnus' face was wrinkled.
With a truly bizarre expression on his face, Magnus blinked his long
eyelashes once and smiled.
“Oh… soon the god will be shattered to pieces and there will be no
place to lean on.”
"Are you sure you don't intend to destroy the temple?"
He's so cute and he seems to be good at making stupid sounds, and
it seems that there is no case where the correct answer is correct
except for Sheral Medicine."
"Are you arguing? Your Majesty?"
Magnus burst into laughter at Cheryl's cold voice.
Looking at it like this, she looks like an underdeveloped child, so
Cheryl was not at all accustomed to the temperature difference
between her and Magnus in front of her nobility.
“The only god a beast can trust is its master. Sheryl."
"••••••• "
It was a crooked word uttered by a soft voice.
'It seemed too easy to break it down like that.'
It never occurred to me that Illyana Glein was going to break easily.
she didn't say anything
Whatever the case, what Illyana Glaine did to Magnus was right.
it is not
‘No matter how late I tried to detoxify… … .'
What she did was not right. Cheryl chose to remain silent despite the
cruel and crooked words of Magnus.
“I’m thinking about it.”
"Wow, I've never tamed a clever fox."
Jin is gone.
After the two of them disappeared, I almost ran back to
Wolcheonseong, and as soon as I arrived, I banged my head in the
The horse ran. It was just moving quickly with an elegant gait.
When I arrived at the castle, a man who seemed to be a butler
bowed to greet me.
It's only been a while since I said hello and went into the room and
collapsed. I'm really sorry, but I want to go home
It was
"I'm sure you'll miss that stinky old man."
Rather than dealing with Magnus or Cheryl, it might have been better
to deal with the Marquis of Glaine, who had lost her memory to a
certain extent and looked upon herself to some extent.
First of all, I was so mentally exhausted.
I never fully understood the word emotional exhaustion, but I
understood it very well today.
I had no idea how terrible it was to be unable to control my emotions.
It felt like I wasn't myself, but Illyana Glaine.
“I really hate it.”
Feeling nervous, I buried my face in the pillow.
I want to go to chips... … .'
It's a world with nothing left and nothing left, but it's better than here.
I liked a world where I could be recognized for my efforts rather than
desperately trying to stay invisible to live.
The feeling of the pillow getting wet was worse, so I couldn't get up
from being buried in the pillow for a long time.
I really didn't want to get up. When I closed and opened my eyes like
this, I wished it was a single room in my one-room village.
As I was thinking about it, I fell asleep.
… And the next morning, I found a crucian carp with red and swollen
eyes in front of the mirror, and it was shocking.
It was not surprising.
‘‘There is a temple inside the Hwangseong… … .”
I didn't know there would be
Of course, on the day the crucian carp was found, I couldn't attend
the party.
It's worthwhile to attend with that kind of eyes
It was clear that he would get involved in the
What the Marquis Glein wouldn't like
think deeply
I could have known
Anyway, after not attending for one day, I didn't want to attend the
second day, and I didn't like the third day either.
Still, on the eleventh day, he noticed that he was stuck in the castle
like a hermit-type loner, so he had a drink.
came out
There was a small temple in the place where I found a stone statue
that I was used to walking around as if taking a walk around the
Imperial Palace.
As if it were a miniature version of a large temple in the capital, the
shrines on one side of the imperial family were sparsely populated
as if proving that they were not abandoned.
Finding a familiar place in an unfamiliar place gave me peace of
mind, even in a place that had tormented me for two years.
'Oh, that's why people find religion.'
I walked towards the temple as if possessed. I don't know why there
is a temple in the Imperial Palace, but if it is a temple, there must be
a prayer room.
Today, I have to put my hands together and curse the author with all
my heart.
For the past two years, I woke up like dawn
Having to sleep while playing, I learned how to spend the prayer time
that exists four times a day so as not to get bored. I am insulting the
If God created this world, then the author created it, so it is not
saying that the author is God.
So I cursed endlessly. Then how much more comfortable... … .
“Yeah, I need a god today
...... ,,
“You cannot enter this place without permission, Young-ae.”
<Episode 29>
I heard a neat and calm voice from behind, and my steps began to
slow without realizing it.
Very soft, firm. It seemed that he had the power to not be able to
move freely.
When I didn't move, he came towards me from behind. After a few
steps, the handsome new official suit in front of me is my birthplace.
Well, it was a unique kind of look.
The white priest's uniform was embroidered with gold, and the fabric
looked very luxurious.
With his pure white skin, his facial features were clear and his nose
bridge was high.
If she had only grown her hair, she would have believed her even if
she was a beautiful woman. It was such a soft impression.
“Ah, nice to meet you. Are you a priest here?"
“… … Yes, it is."
Even the raised golden eyebrows were neatly trimmed. I heard that
there are ranks among priests, so are you a priest with a slightly
higher rank?
I thought it might be because you are a temple located within the
imperial family.
''I'm a guest invited to the banquet. I looked around and was curious
to find out there is a temple inside the Hwangseong Fortress."
I've tried to be as exemplified as possible. the temple
In a sense, it was a place that gave me a very stable feeling.
Because it was a place where Iliana didn't have to have any
"Is that so."
The man's voice was still calm. However, I felt a deep sense of
boredom, as if this had happened frequently.
“So, I was happy to go and pray for a little bit.”
“… Do you want me to pray?"
Perhaps that was surprising enough, but his voice had a slightly
startled light.
Nya looked at his mood and quietly nodded his head. I stood on one
side of my sleeve and pulled out a plaque.
“Is it difficult to use the prayer room with my Shinto certificate?”
No need to ask how did you know
there was no There are only a few noble young children who have
even been issued a Shinto certificate.
It was easy to infer even if you only knew a few physical
characteristics of a dog.
“Wow, there were a lot of mistakes. ‘Grain’s new believer’
Seeing the Shinto certificate, the priest changed his attitude. He
trimmed the hem of his sleeves, put his hand under his navel, and
bent over to greet him.
"The nobles who visited out of curiosity
I was about to know and politely send it back. He's sorry he didn't
know ahead of time."
At his words, I just smiled silently. Of course, his voice was polite,
but his mood was not very favorable.
He probably would have distorted his face if he had been an
expressive person.
‘‘My name is Priest Julio.” “This is Iliana Glein.”
Even if you are a high-ranking priest, are you just introducing
yourself as a priest?
Or just let me know
don't you want to either way
No, I feel this cry now
If only the prayer room was given away. o could
“The shrine within the imperial castle strengthens the relationship
with the imperial family and prepares for the work of the shrine at
events within the imperial family.”
Ah, I didn't even know it was such a place.
As I sighed low, Julio gave a pretty bitter smile.
Even though it's a bitter smile, it's not that I'm unlucky, I'm just
envious of being pretty.
“It is unfortunate that it is for such a purpose, but it is not open, so
the prayer room is only a private prayer room.”
“Oh, is that so? That's too bad."
I was really depressed. Are you saying that you can't even use the
credit card you got with money?
Of course, I understand that it is a special temple. After the Imperial
Party, the capital
Is it a temple or should I go out? I feel like I can't live like this
because I'm so angry.
“But, if it’s okay with you, I’ll lend you my prayer room. I am not going
to use it today, so it will remain empty, so please feel free to use it.”
It's nice to hear that “Is that okay?”
“Of course. The temple is always open to believers.”
''thank you. Then, please.”
I didn't even want to refuse, so I accepted it.
Julio bowed slightly to me and gestured politely inward to guide me.
Although it was not a very large temple, it was quite full.
“There are not many members of the aristocracy, so I
misunderstood. I apologize again.”
“No, I just had an accidental chance.”
If it wasn't for that, I probably wouldn't have believed in God all my
I was one of those people who believed that God didn't exist, and I'm
also one of those people who didn't really want to believe in God.
Of course, I believe in the god of the world in this novel. Aren't you a
damn writer?
Anyway, today, I can happily curse the author, so I don't want
anything more.
“It is here. It is a place where no one can enter except me, so please
rest in peace.
"Yes, thank you for your consideration, Mr. Julio Shin."
At my words, Yuli-Oh put on a neat smile and immediately bowed his
back slightly to greet me.
As I slowly closed the door of the prayer room that had been opened
and disappeared, I sat down in front of the Statue of Legneva.
she closed her eyes while holding her hand
Yes, even if anyone sees it, it is reverent L
Closed her eyes to snuggle.
< X feet, X meals like X, are you eating well and living well? Today
too, I'm happy that I feel like I've taken a step back and set foot on
Jim's path. No matter how much I did some fucking shit and sent
emails, it was only six at most, can you give me this kind of shit? Is
your conscience still alive? . Fuck you, are you happy there? I stake
my claws on you that you are not human. Could you please explain
to me what the hell were you thinking about doing this? what i do
Could you even tell me?>
I murmured in a very low voice, twitching my immovable tongue in a
voice like an ant crawling.
If there is anyone, it is sure to sound like a prayer door. Actually, I
was aiming for that.
Fortunately, if I tried to be conscious, I was able to write Korean.
Because I couldn't express as much swearing as I wanted in the
language of this country. It is the best in Korea with a variety of
X-foot bird X is holding a very big X with both hands, because I
feel really dirty. If you have work to do, tell me, give me a revelation
from God, or tell me your goal. I can't let my precious life go like
He gasped and slurred hard swear words, but while barely breathing,
the swear words poured out like raps seemed to make his stomach
open more and more.
If the god in front really listens to me, this beggar prize
I wanted to give him an excuse to somehow defeat Hwang.
“Hey, I can’t afford that Magnus. Where the hell did Iliana Glein go?
X feet really... , like a real X... … I'd rather go home. I can't stand it.
what the hell did i do wrong If I've done something wrong, I'm going
to apologize... … >
Absolutely broke my teeth. As I was talking, I was filled with sorrow.
What the hell did I do wrong, I have to struggle to live here like this
are you doing
I was just curious about the epilogue of the story
If I had to suffer like this just because of that, I can't quite understand
This was your infinite treatment. Nya was just curious about the
story, and only Illyana was concerned.
X foot… … Go for a walk and fall into the dung bin. X kid>
After holding back tears and swearing, he spread his legs out and
stretched out on the floor of the prayer room.
Although she did not lay down on the floor to regain her last face,
she stretched her legs on the floor and tilted her head to the fullest to
look at the statue of the goddess looking down at me from high in the
“I really hate it…”
mine coming out
I hate language and I know the name of that god
I don't like it either.
I didn't want to sit on my knees in front of God. God doesn't like it
o Seol..!:=亡
There isn't any particular reason. Because I wasn't like a stone
statue that couldn't say a word like God.
'How much more?'
How long will I have to endure this kind of life to return to the original
world? Like a beggar who only escaped into a novel
Even if it was life, I was centered on the head
to catch
Looks like this is trying.
tears falling down
realized the existence of
It was about time I lost it.
the soul
I sighed as I watched the tears running down the cheeks and
seeping through the hem of the dress, creating thick traces.
I can't cry anywhere when I want
It's a shame that is life.
really. It's only at this point that you give me up.
“Are you embarrassed too, Illyana?”
I don't know if it's sad that you lost your body to me, or maybe it's
because of the change of heart of Magnus, who you loved without
knowing it... You too have a strange fate.
In the end, instead of love, I got eternal ruin in my hands.
After sitting idly for a while, when my tears dried up, I roughly rubbed
my face with the hem of my sleeve, and then managed to brush off
my clothes in the prayer room.
I got up and looked at me.
Dresses that were well ironed here and there
It was annoying to see that his spirit was wrinkled and that Reyce
had an unpleasant appearance, but the gloom prevailed more than
I left the prayer room with my own emotions.
used to capture
A private prayer room is not as bad as I thought. When I return to the
mansion, I often want to rent a private prayer room to use.
Before opening the prayer room door, I took a deep breath and
opened the door wide.
" hey"
Instead of an empty space where no one should have been, I looked
at the person I was facing, blinked my eyes in a very quick motion,
and put a smile on my lips.
With a very troubled and perplexed expression, Julio narrowed her
well-groomed brow.
The quick-witted he seemed to notice my condition immediately.
I hadn't even wiped the tears that were flowing, so there might have
been tears left, and since I just rubbed my eyes, it might have been
It didn't feel good that either of them had their insides exposed.
I was about to open my mouth to pretend I didn't see it, but it was
faster for Julio to open his mouth.
<Episode 30>
I was impressed with the sense of disappointment that it was
obvious that something was going to come out.
Julio slowly turned his head and looked at his sunset sky for a
moment, then smiled softly.
“The sunset is very red today.” "yes?"
‘‘The time when the world is dyed red

I think I am lucky.”
Only then did I realize what this man was talking about. It was clear
that he was returning his promise to pretend he didn't know.
Her eyes, which were round like a crescent moon, bowed her head
“There is no other prayer room that is as quiet and pleasant to think
as here. I will lend it to you at any time, so you can come at any
I looked at him for a moment and then nodded slowly. Julio is bright

He smiled and bowed his head.

“I did not come out of the prayer room for a long time, so I visited
once to check. Please do not interfere with the prayers of the
“It’s okay since the prayer was over.”
“Illiana devotee.”
I was about to pass him by with a quiet posture, but I heard Julio's
voice. I stopped walking with a slightly troubled look on my face.

Leaning back on her body, as always, she tightened her back and
put tension in her chin.
She didn't mean to, but she started crying again, so she didn't even
want to attend this party.
“Did God hear your prayers?”
It was a really difficult question. I hesitated for a moment to answer.

It was impossible to say no in front of him, the messenger of God.

Julio's eyes were calm.
I was a bit impulsive.
Despite giving an impulsive answer, Julio's blue eyes did not show
any emotion, but raising the corner of his mouth slightly raised the
corner of his mouth, and his mood changed drastically.
On Julio's face, who shook his head, both difficulties and difficulties
are visible.

“Go in carefully, Illyana Shintoman”’
"Yes, Priest Julio, have a relaxing afternoon as well."
After a short greeting, I headed to Wolcheonseong. I could feel the
line of sight from behind, but I didn't turn my head.
Even though he had a very gentle impression, it was a little difficult
to deal with him.

I haven't been to any parties since that day.
I couldn't afford to see Magnus again.
I was not confident in maintaining the existence of me, not Illyana
Glaine, without floundering in the realm of emotions. As if to appease
that anger, my footsteps always headed toward the temple.
I went to the temple every day and borrowed Julio's private prayer
room and asked if it was a swear word in the guise of prayer.

It seemed as if the gloom had been loosened to some extent.

That doesn't mean he's had the courage to see Magnus' face again.
"Your face has brightened up a lot, isn't today the last day for Dia
"Yeah, I just came here to say a little prayer. After that, I have to
attend a party."
“I can feel the dislike of the believer up to this point.”
“Then you read it right. After all, you are a priest.”

I used it every day as a refuge in a small temple in the imperial

family, and I was able to talk to Julio to some extent.
And what I found out was that he was a faithful priest as much as he
appeared, and that he wasn't completely blocked.
He understood those who did not believe in God and understood
those who were disappointed by a God who did not answer them.
The reason he was not angry with my answer that day was in that

“I’ll just go.”

“Aren’t you praying?”
'Well, I'm not going to do it today. Thanks to meeting Shin Julio, I feel
relieved, and I’m afraid that God will overload me because I’ve been
praying so much.”
No matter how much a god, it wouldn't feel good if he swears and
eats every day.
“We’re running out of time anyway, so let’s go slowly.”

“Illiana devotee.”
Julio took something off of his neck and walked towards me. A line of
his silver necklace caught a glimpse.
Then he carefully hung it around my neck. His hand was so careful
that he couldn't even touch his finger.
“It is a holy relic carved by God. I could have prayed anywhere.”

It was a necklace with a pendant engraved with a goddess in the

shape of a cross.
The goddess' forehead, which was on her silver necklace, was
studded with red jewels.
Feeling a strange feeling, I looked at Julio with a blank look.
“Why are you doing this to me? .”
“It seemed that Shinto needed more than I did.”

I was speechless and sold silverwork that looked so well cared for.

Laboda looked at Julio.

He had already taken a couple of steps back, bending his back
“Give it back to me someday when you no longer need it.”
'I know, I'm too tired these days, so I honestly don't have the
confidence to say no."
“Thank you, Priest Julio.”
I left the temple to attend Negon's last party to greet him.
The road to the party seemed so far away, I put a mask on my face
I didn't want to attend the party, so I wandered around and finally set
foot in the party hall just before the banquet started.
Fortunately, Magnus didn't seem to have arrived yet.
I ask the guards not to notice the position after taking a sneak peek

I gave the order and stepped on the red carpet.

As soon as I went inside, I could hear other murmurs here and there,
but the Marquis of Glein approaching me and the murmur of the
same contemporaneous people who found me was wonderful in an
The Marquis of Glein approached me in tight-fitting clothes and
reached out to me.
I put my hand on his palm. I was also taken aback by the so natural
“The surroundings are noisy. Ilya

‘‘I didn’t deal with it because it bothered me.”
Not knowing that he was asking about the people around him
making fun of him, I answered lightly.
Because it was really annoying and I just didn't do it.
“Doesn’t your father have any kind of top run?”
''Top? Have you ever wanted to learn management?"

It was a counter-question mixed with snoring. I looked back at him at

the nuance that you couldn't do.
I wonder if there was something wrong with my question, so there is
nothing wrong with pondering what I said.
"Yes. I would like to, but is there any problem?"
“… … You want to?"
The voice of the Marquis Glain became cold, and his steps stopped.

As the fisheye turned his head with a soldier's face, the Marquis
Lane was looking at me with his eyes squinted.
I looked into my eyes to see if I might have answered the wrong
I wondered if there was something wrong with what he said. Is there
any problem with wanting to learn management?
'It's just, it's frustrating to be here. I suddenly had a thought. It's okay
if it's difficult."
“It seems that it is true that I lost my memory.

This is it.”
''I never thought I'd see you say things like that with a face like that. It
was as if I had become someone else.”
It was a very small voice. I tilted my head in amazement and took a
deep breath.
I came in from an unexpected place. I quickly shut my mouth and
pay attention.

“Yeah, that
talk again

“Yes, Father.”
Siridisirin's gaze suddenly shook a little.
He carefully put my hand down and left to talk again.
Feeling frustrated, I reflexively touched his necklace.
Even when I was sitting in the prayer room, my heart, which had
been close to my heart, was quickly stabilized.

‘It does help. ’

This also seems to definitely help with mental stability. I'm lucky
He doesn't believe in God, but he's a person who feels at peace in
the temple. Nya I was funny too.
Perhaps because it was the last party day, the party venue was more
lively than ever when several nobles and young people gathered in
one place.
Thanks to you, I was able to be quietly buried in the crowd. I feel
more at ease.

‘‘His Majesty the Emperor enters with Cheryl Cynthia!”
I heard that there were days when I did not attend for a few days, but
it seems that the emperor also attended because it was the last day.
Of course, next to it, of course, there is a bitter gourd like a gum
stick. Anyway, this is the last one.
In the future, Hwangseong doesn't even look at me.'

When they return, they will either flee to the countryside or to the
estates, or they will disappear from the capital anyway.
I heard there was also a Marquis of Glaine, but he didn't have to be
in the capital's mansion.
I bowed my head and prayed earnestly to get through today.
Of course, there are rare cases where such earnest wishes come
true like beans sprouting in a drought.
“Everyone, raise your head.”
It was still an indifferent voice. I

It feels like my heart is being crushed by that voice

could not erase
I had to train my heart for almost a week to no avail. This feeling was
so heavy that it was still hard for me to bear.

“You must know that I have held this banquet all this time. It was to
find a suitable empress."
reasons for candidates

As I listened to Magnus, I narrowed my eyes.

And in Lee Ok-go's body

I had to feel the escape.

In the novel, Magnus announced Cheryl Cynthia as the Empress in a
very simple notification form.
The day Magnus found out the identity of Illyana Glein, she chose
Cheryl Cynthia as Empress. In fact, it was a notice rather than a
He said he would raise Cheryl Cynthia to be her empress, and she
didn't say anything as if she had already talked to Cheryl
Illyana Glaine was also expressionless.
I looked at the time of her chosen house.
Yeah I couldn't figure this out.

After that, I couldn't even understand Magnus' behavior in detaining

Illyana Glein, apparently.
And even Illyana, who graciously complied with the detention, could
not understand.
Her body was tense. Did you notice me?'
After that, there was no contact at all, how would you notice?

<Episode 31>
You can't run away from here. There are soldiers and knights
everywhere, and there is too much snow.
It would be unreasonable to run away from Magnus in this fluttering
'Is it a problem that I didn't show up on purpose?'
So he might have turned his doubts into convictions. His heart beat
I did not see the throne with Zama Magnus among the roaring
The moment our eyes met, it felt like he was choking me with
'No, it might not be me.'
But even if it's not me, it's a problem. There is no culprit other than
me, and then the person who has been in love with me will suffer.
Or it could be that he is really just trying to propose to Cheryl.
Clearly, there were several options, but it felt like the end was
decided as one.
‘‘Hwa o-nungle
Is it true that you decided
someone stepped in and asked It was a voice full of curiosity, but it
made me wonder if I was even crazy.
I wonder what the heck is it, so why do I have to ask about it?

"okay. It was decided from the first day of the banquet.”

"••••••• "
I took a step back and put my feet in place. There should be no more
doubts here.
Thump thump thump thump
The heartbeat was too loud. I'm not even sure I'm breathing properly.
My eyes went blurry and then I regained focus again.
Standing in my seat with my head slightly bowed and stiff in the first
standing position was the best I could do now.
'What if I already have doubts?'
The Marquis Glain will die, the House Glain will be destroyed, and I
will be locked up in a hut for the rest of my life.
I'm crazy, obviously crazy
It was unreasonable to think that my efforts could break free from the
natural yoke of the novel.
'Coming here was a problem.'
shouldn't have come I couldn't come
Magnus announces Cheryl Cynthia as Empress and will soon point
to me as the kidnapper who kidnapped him.
To be precise, I'd point to Iliana Glein.
It was a crime of treason at the same time as contempt of the
imperial family, and it was a felony that could not be more serious
than this, no matter what charges were imposed.
To the imperial grandson who dared to become emperor
He laid his hand on his. had kidnapped him.
“Illiana Glain.”
Oh, her mind went blank. I was hardened and showed no reaction.
It felt like my name was being heard from far away.
“Raise your head.”
Oh please.
There was a commotion around the emperor's honorific words.
A courteous honorific word cannot be so terrifying. I was already
convinced. That honour is showing
he knows me
Magnus D. Cloud knew Iliana Glein.
The beast crawled and found its master.
I begged madly to myself. However, his body was faithfully obeying
the orders of Magnus, who had become emperor.
Slowly raising my head, Magnus came down from the throne and
came towards me.
I reflexively took a step back. Magnus laughs.
It was a cold smile that was different from the relaxed laugh he had
been drunk on drugs in the past. I took a step back again.
Right now, at this moment, I don't know if I'm Illyana Glaine, or if I'm
in this body.
What is certain is… … .
The one thing was that he found me.
“It was hard to find.”
Even though it is a polite and respectful language, every word he
speaks is cold and insensitive.
No, I can't say I'm indifferent
didn't know either A voice pretending to be insensitive
I felt a very faint euphoria over me
I was Raise his hand and hold the necklace tight
My palm was pierced by the sharp point of the cross, and I woke up
only a little.
Magnus watched my sheep silently, observing whether I was doing
something or not.
"What do you mean..."
I could barely unhook my neck to get a soprano tone.
Hoping to give him a tum to take a step back, so that he doesn't
"I don't know, Your Majesty the Emperor."
Magnus smiled at the sight of me taking off the shichimi. It was full of
nuances of being pitiful and pathetic indeed.
“How can I forget this touch of yours?”
Magnus gripped my wrist with strength, forcing it to loosen from the
hand holding the necklace.
Take my hand while I'm embarrassed
I brought it to my cheek and gently wiped it off.
As she always did when the fictional villain, Iliana Glaine, always
complimented him.
… And just like I did to him.
I commanded without saying anything, and met his golden eyes.
I thought that what was in the red eyes was filled with the joy of
“I want you to be my empress.”
But the words that followed immediately stopped me from speaking.
me? Not Cheryl Cynthia?
The crowd was agitated by his sudden remarks
Behind me was the Marquis of Glain, who was obviously more
frightening than me.
''I… .”
I barely opened my mouth.
‘‘I am not Cynthia… … .”
He barely spit out the word that the number was wrong so that he
would not be ashamed.
He grinned and burst out laughing as if he was very surprised by
what I said.
It wasn't a bright smile like when we were together, it was a laugh
close to a ridicule.
‘‘You are jealous.”
No, you idiot.
“And I do not adore His Majesty.
His smile widened at my words.
“No, this is jealousy. I said jealousy, so I will be jealous of you too.”
As he lowered his voice,
He brought his lips close to his ear and uttered strange words.
I looked at him with a puzzled expression.
I don't know how it might look to those around me, but at least it
doesn't look like he's talking crazy shit like this to me.
Maybe it looks like a whisper to a friendly Jung-in.
"What do you mean."
I barely raised my voice.
Maybe my voice didn't tremble properly and went out.
A smile hung on his face, as cold as winter when the north wind blew
cold snow.
I couldn't say anything. I am well aware that I can name it bliss.
‘His Majesty the Emperor.”
Not knowing what to say, the Marquis of Glain took a step forward.
The expression on his face that stood in front of me and faced the
emperor was too cold to describe in words.
“My daughter-in-law is the only heir to a marquise. She cannot
become an empress.”
That one word was so decisive that I even thought for a moment that
this man was crazy.
The eyes of the Marquis Glain were fierce and determined than ever.
Magnus raised his eyebrows up.
I did not know that there would be anyone who would refuse the
Empress position.
‘‘I could have made any number of people who could be
However, it was a word with the intention of rejecting the position of
the Empress.
I actually thought that the Marquis of Glein was a very greedy
person. He honestly doubted it.
Even with her ascetic face, if she remembers her banter or her
remnants imprinted on her Iliana's body, she will be cruel to her.
Because it was clear that she was the one who did.
So, I did not know that he would defend himself until he went out and
protested in front of the emperor.
“The succession of Marquis Glaine is only possible through direct
‘Only direct lineages are possible… ?'
That's a weird word. I quietly gathered my eyebrows and fell into
It was a word that could be interpreted in a number of ways. The
nuance was strange to say that only love was strong. Magnus smiled
as he looked at the Marquis of Glein.
“That must be your case, Marquis. Oh hey, I can’t make a new one.”
Take it off.”
“I’m glad you were decided while you were still in your prime. Sorry
about her, but I'm obsessed with her. You must yield.”
Magnus didn't blink an eye.
He faced the Marquis of Glaine.
The weak man has changed so much
I feel bad when I see this.
I thought it was the man I knew.
“More on that later.
‘‘I can’t allow it.”
''Who dares to speak to the emperor's wedding? Marquis Glaine, you
should know the subject.”
The tight, sharp air pierced my skin. It's easy for both the Marquis of
Grain and Magnus
He didn't seem to have any intention of going back.
The piercing gaze of the Marquis Glain touched me. I shook my
head nervously.
It's not that I don't know the reason, but I can't understand this
situation. Of course, the secrets he and I have are not to be shared
What is certain is that something has changed. There was a change
in Magnus's mind.
And it must also include the reason why Cheryl Cynthia became the
seat of the legislature rather than the seat of the rain.
“In that sense… .”
Magnus turned his head slightly and looked at me.
“From today on, you must prepare to become the Empress in my
“I don’t want to be the Empress.” “Your opinion is irrelevant. and…
Did I become a beast because I wanted to be me?"
Magnus bent over and put it in his ear.
The high-pitched voice is terrifying
it was about
I lifted my head very slowly and met Magnus' golden eyes.
He was blaming me. He's pointing out Illyana Glaine's fault.
‘‘If you have a conscience, why not do it, Illyana.”
I tightened my eyes and lifted my head stiffly.
How would Iliana Glaine react?
She wasn't agitated. She thought she had no feelings, but when she
came into this body she realized she wasn't.
Illyana is just clumsy in expressing herself.
She had learned to store her emotions layer by layer within her, so
she was only insensitive to her own.
She would have always been in a whirlwind of intense emotions. She
couldn't define herself, so she couldn't be honest with herself.
Whether she learned it growing up or was born that way, she
Your face will always be calm.
‘‘The conscience has long since been abandoned.
I don't know what your Majesty is talking about.''
Occupying Illyana Glaine's body, but that's not my fault.
I tightened my neck and acted shamelessly
<Episode 32>
Hearing my words, Magnus burst into laughter with a delightful
expression on his face.
A refreshing laugh reminiscent of a childish still resounded
throughout the party hall.
“Ah, so it is. That's it. So I... It is worthwhile to find you.”
Magnus' honorifics were so familiar and natural.
My face, the one receiving it, and the face of Magnus, the one doing
it, felt too natural.
Looking around, the aristocrats who were at first astonished did not
seem to even think that it was this bad.
Magnus clapped his hand lightly. The surroundings were ventilated.
At his call, the knights rushed in.
‘‘You are a precious person who will become the Empress, so treat
her with respect.”
'Your Majesty's Majesty!'
The voice of Marquis Glain, who had been conversing in a calm
voice the whole time, suddenly rose.
Not knowing what to do in this situation, I hesitated and took a step
"Marquess Glain, I understand your opinion, so let's talk about it
All the knights of the Imperial Family came to my side.
Those in shiny silver armor
I clench my fists

I saw the Marquis of Glein once.

I saw it once now
0 characters 0
It's not how you can do it.
to have a conversation
this place
not suitable
Not even the knights
infinitely heavy
let go
I honestly couldn't understand all of this.
To put it bluntly, I can't understand what I can't understand, I just
can't understand it from the first button.
He couldn't understand why he had to be like this because he was
curious, but he couldn't understand why he had to become the
It's just full of things you can't understand.
There are scum in places that don't suit you.
it seems I'm old-fashioned and this is a world that doesn't suit me.
I was assigned a room that was absolutely gorgeous, and even the
canopy was luxurious.
Everything from the carpet on the floor to the quilt and wallpaper was
gorgeous and luxurious.
but it was awkward. The fact that there is only one bed in such a
luxurious room.
There were no chandeliers or even candles to light a light. The dim
moonlight was the only way I could secure my sight.
It was a very strange room. in this room
Gen didn't have a choice.
I couldn't take off my clothes, change my clothes, or sit at my desk or
do anything else.
There was only one bed given to me, so I had no choice but to sit on
the bed.
It felt bad. It's like you've decided what to do.
Still, I couldn't stand wearing high heels and waiting for someone
who might come.
‘What… .'
What are you thinking? I don't know what Magnus was thinking. If
Magnus was trying to bleed me to death, yes, I could understand.
But, where is the need to put the empress in the place of the
empress to kill it with blood?
''why… .”
As soon as I got here, I tried to leave immediately, but there was a
knight guarding the outside.
It was also the Royal Knights, the knights directly under the emperor.
Another name for the Royal Knights was 'The Storm Knights', and
the symbol that actually symbolizes them is a wolf.
It was mentioned several times in the novel, and they said that the
lord who once swore an oath would never betray him for the rest of
his life and would sacrifice his life to protect it.
Sometimes it was the emperor, sometimes it wasn't the emperor.
At first, the Royal Knight did not like Magnus. As soon as he arrived,
he was a man who overturned the entire imperial family with blood
and wind.
However, they have no choice but to follow, because the current
emperor is Magnus, and because there is no other royal family other
than Magnus in the imperial family, they have no one to swear
allegiance to.
Later, they see Magnus making a contract with a certain spirit and
they will admit it too, but it probably won't be that far right now.
Perhaps, it was an assumption when the story didn't change much.
In any case, it is said that the members of Poongrang engrave
numbers and patterns together somewhere on the body, but no one
knows what the official pattern is except for them.
I know you, but
‘It was like a tornado wrapped around a wolf… … .'
I didn't look closely at that part, so my memory was sparse.
‘When are you coming?’
I don't have a watch, so I can't tell for sure, but at least it'll be close
to midnight.
It was crazy. Besides that word, the current situation
There were no words to express.
'Leave someone unattended for close to five hours... … .'
Since there is no maid, I cannot take off these complicated clothes
by myself, and no matter how I take them off, there is no change of
clothes that can be worn as pajamas.
I don't think it's meant to keep going like this.
If that's true, how petty and narrow inside.
in this gorgeous party dress
Growing up is like staying up all night with open eyes.
If that's really the intention, I'll sleep even if I come here.'
She didn't wear any makeup, so her clothes were a little
uncomfortable. There is also an underskirt inside, so if you take it off
and sleep in it, there will be no problem.
“It’s really sweet… .”
but how did you find me
It was still questionable. I thought I might find it someday.
But at least it wasn't so soon. It was so unexpected.
I was annoyed at the silence and stillness tapping on my ears, so I
forcibly took off my dress.
Fortunately, thanks to her elongated limbs, Illyana's arm reached her
back. The new white underskirt was light and fluttering, so it was
suitable for use as a nightgown.
“Not bad.”
As she was about to get into the blanket, the doorknob turned and
her lock was released.
Nya looked at her familiar In-young, who was approaching in an
awkward position as she was about to lie down. He also tilted his
upper body slightly as the scenery in front of her was unexpected.
And I had no idea that I would face Magnus again like this.
“You always exceed my expectations, Lina.”
My head is bruised by the voice mixed with laughter
The truth was evident in the expression on his smiling face.
‘Are you still writing from a while ago?”
what to say
The end of his speech was split due to the voice that was
deliberately forced up.
‘‘Lina Nam, I recognized you at a glance.”
"...... ,,,
“It’s rather strange that I thought I wouldn’t notice. i party
I remember God’s atmosphere, voice, body temperature, even this
He pulled out my hand that had been buried under the blanket on
purpose and forced me to stroke his cheek.
I tried to hold on with strength, but Magnus had already become
stronger than I could handle.
Illyana Glaine's eyes didn't frighten him any more.
The change of location would be noticed by even the most stupid
“Didn’t you remind me of what you did?”
Magnus' tone was plain, so I
is in regret
Dia, I was even more frustrated
It's a shame if there are even memories of having fun together
I don't, I remember
The only thing I remember was being embarrassed in front of him.
“I was so tame that I ruthlessly abandoned it.
"••••••• "

I was speechless. If he thinks so, it may be, but I have never

abandoned him.
After all, he just let it go. He released the shackles and set him free.
He had no reason to be reviled for the act of liberty.
“In this room will be placed only what I have allowed or what you
have begged me to get.”
"••••••• "
"Why don't you say anything?" ‘I don’t understand what you are
talking about.”
My words deepened the wrinkles between Magnus' forehead.
He looked at me as if in a very difficult situation, then raised his
eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders.
“You’re going to pretend you don’t know.” 'I'm not pretending I don't
know, I'm just saying that this stupid brain didn't understand what
Your Majesty was saying."
At my words, Magnus smiled for a moment. It was a meaningful
laugh. Magnus, who knew the answer immediately,
He did not speak for a moment. Then
He soon opened his mouth again.
‘If someone who knows great things about Dae-i and knows how to
control drugs and get things in people’s heads says that he is stupid,
doesn’t it feel like he should have all the heads of nobles more dumb
than you beheaded.”
The tongue that makes fun of a smiling face is as sharp as a knife.
I wondered if a person could change like this in just two years, but
it's not impossible when you consider Illyana Glein, who completely
destroyed Magnus' head in just three years.
'What shit did you step on?'
I don't think I've lived like a beggar in my previous life, but looking at
this, I'm the most terrifying villain in the world.
It felt like being punished.
‘‘I am the heir of the Glein family.”
“You will be my empress.”
Magnus whispered to me as if it was a fact.
I don't know if I'm trying to be brainwashed, but I don't like the feeling
of being whispered over and over again.
He took my hand and put it on his cheek. My fingertips were pale.
was tired of blue. my hand is cold
It was only when he touched Magnus' cheek that he realized that he
had cooled off.
“Illiana, I will tame you, a beast that can do nothing without me, as
you did to me.”
The palm of his hand that brushed his cheek unintentionally touched
his lips.
I trembled and hurriedly backed away.
Magnus kissed my palm briefly, then slowly removed his hand.
“You will be trapped in the abyss of your own making.”
How gloomy and deep is that voice, as if in a deep cave.
<Episode 33>
I even thought that I might be able to understand if it was called a
‘‘If you want anything, please ask me. Put your noble kiss on my
body and recite your wishes. As I did to you, so do you.”
“Crazy… are you?"
I managed to grab a ray of reason and talk to Magnus in a common
I can't say this unless I'm crazy. It didn't seem like any polite words
would work for him.
“I was crazy for a long time. He must have been crazy from the
moment he was abandoned by his brother."
"under! ”
An outrageous laugh erupted. i now
I didn't even know what he was hearing.
I couldn't even tell if what I was hearing was speaking now or a
foreign language. Magnus was still smiling.
“Of course I have no intention of hurting you.”
"your majesty."
“Is it possible? That's not what you're going to call it.”
"I don't know anything. I don't know what you're talking about!"

My voice grew louder. I really don't know. I didn't even know what I
did wrong to be the way I am now.
I couldn't understand why Illyana Glaine's sin became mine.
“Illiana. Do you remember the first thing you did when you tame
I try not to show the nursery rhyme
The moment I reacted to those words, I
will admit all his doubts.
I don't know how he was suspicious, but he didn't want to convince
I've been locked up.'
Confined so that nothing exists in the dark. I planted a fear of ash
that made a close-closed thread of silence.
Manipulating his dreams, he made nightmares into his dreams.
mentally drove him crazy.
I know. It is natural for Magnus to be angry with Illyana Glaine, and it
is natural for him to seek revenge.
Since her situation is the situation, it can't be helped that he resents
So if he'd held up a sword at me or tried to lock me up in a hut or
something, I'd have to adapt and find another refuge.
But this was kind of odd. It wasn't me to sit after the Empress, and
the place I'm confined to isn't, at least, not a luxurious place like this.
It would be odd if this was the price I paid for freeing Magnus two
years earlier.
Why the hell is he all of a sudden saying he's going to lock up Nya
and tame him?
It doesn't kill them, nor does it leave them in the same situation. If
you're going to dry your blood out, it's better to leave it in the hut.
If you blame Iliana Glaine, I
It is right to drive her to the end of her death.
At least, it is possible if he uses his power and ability rather than in
this way.
Whatever it was, it was funny. Why the hell do I have to be the
How could I have stood by your side? What the hell does Magnus
think of Illina Glein?
If it's Illyana Glaine, this is the situation.
could you have known
Could you have known the name or meaning of that resentment-like
I deliberately did not react. Without opening his mouth, he simply
fixed his gaze over Magnus' shoulder without saying a word.
"Are you afraid too?"
".. .... "
“It’s good to call the ogre. Do what you feel comfortable with. If you
can stand it.”
Nya avoids Magnus' gaze.
He didn't even answer.
He didn't want to know what Magnus looked like or what kind of face
he was making.
Now, his mind was dizzy.
But even so, Magnus was staring intently at me, as much as his skin
felt naked.
At that moment, something soft and silky on his forehead was
pressed like a painting, and then slowly fell.
I lifted my head in embarrassment and unconsciously saw Magnus
straightening his back at a very slow pace.

“Then I hope you have a good night.”

"••••••• "
I stiffened in the spot and didn't even turn my head. The door closed
with a blunt sound.
The popularity scale had disappeared, so it was clear that Magnus
had left.
And as soon as he left, the light coming through the window went
out. My vision darkened.
The darkened space was so quiet that no sound could be heard. It
seems that someone meticulously blocked the window with black
Magnus is gone, so at least he probably didn't do it with a man.
Then there is only one thing I can guess
It's nonsense. Have you already signed a contract?'
Magnus gained this power right after he became emperor and found
out that Illyana was the culprit.
She swore in her novels that it was because Magnus, who found her,
was so deeply despaired and angry with her.
Magnus' suffering and the deep darkness beyond ordinary people
awakened his powers, and he summoned the spirit of darkness.
It was a spirit that even existence was questionable in this world.
Even summoning a dark spirit is difficult by itself.
Higher race of demons that have already been exterminated
Human spirits like the deep darkness in people's hearts.
Dark spirits like the extreme pain, despair, and malice of their
summoners, and they like those who have blood on their hands and
can melt naturally in the dark.
Not only that, he could only be summoned when there was
something he desperately wanted with all such strict conditions were
The spirits of the other four elements can be summoned by anyone
as long as they have high affinity and can feel the element deeply.
But the spirit of darkness must have killed people, must have
malicious intent, and must have a desire for something.
Still, the summoner must have known the fear, pain, and despair of
So even Magnus made her pact with her dark spirit when she was
abandoned by her and hated her as she wandered in her horrific
nightmare shortly after meeting her Illiana.
'I didn't expect this.'
I looked around the ashes with my mouth open in bewilderment. I
lost my sight in an instant.
It was dark all around without looking around. A black curtain of
darkness covered the room.
I groaned and hurriedly grabbed the blanket in my hand. There was
only silence, as if darkness ate even the sound.
Goosebumps welled up on my back.
Born in Korea, I've never been afraid of the night, but it was
strangely scary.
Fear seemed to devour me from under my feet.
I am obviously mentally sound. What kind of darkness is this? So,
my body is afraid.
I had chills, my fingertips became cold, and a cold sweat was
For a moment, I remembered Illyana Glaine's diary, which had
nothing written on it.
An unknown diary with only the date, time, and numbers written on it.
[September 3, 920 in the Imperial Calendar. 29 hours.
[February 4, 921 in the Imperial Year. 1 1 hour 27.J
[Imperial Year 92 1st April 2nd. 9 hours 1 1 .]
What if the 'time' in the diary meant the time she was possibly
I don't know how I got to that point because it suddenly came to my
mind, but at least Iliana's reaction to this is not normal.
I'll do it right away.'
However, the biggest reason Illiania Glaine was able to push
Magnus mentally was that she could control her dreams.
Iliana Glaine was able to move her dreams as she pleases.
Of course, to control her opponent's dream, she also could not use it
practically because it required a more complicated procedure than
her predecessor.
She was mentioned at some point in particular that she could not be
used against people with strong mental powers.
Perhaps that's why she didn't even dare to use this ability on her
Glaine's Marquis.
The Marquis Glein, who I was dealing with in person, didn't seem to
have all the psychic powers.
'the problem is… … .'
It is said that this will not work for Magnus even today.
her abilities are
I don't even know how to use it in the first place.
I'd rather close my eyes
I tucked her body into the blanket to calm my heart a little.
When I closed my eyes, I felt a little better. I also knew a number of
ways to overcome fear.
‘Nung’-- Ryeo-, . • .. ’
How should I use my abilities?
Even if it wasn't Magnus, he had to know how to manipulate
someone's dreams.
Close your eyes and roll your head back and forth
I tried to recited all the codes and spells I had, but I couldn't control
my dreams.
'What the hell are you doing?'
I tossed and turned in bed for a while, but I can't think of a way.
Luckily, I closed my eyes and immersed myself in these and other
thoughts, so the trembling in my body soon subsided.
To make matters worse, he slowly began to come to sleep, and his
head lost power and fell nodding.
I don't know, I just want to sleep.'
At the border between dream and reality, as a hazy thought came to
mind, a faint ray of light leaked under my eyelids.
It felt like I was about to lose my mind at any moment, but I was
concerned about the flickering lights and slowly opened my eyes.
'Who's here?'
The room was dark, but there would be no way there would be light.
The boundary between where I am now is a dream or reality is blurry
My eyes feel dizzy, and I feel like my body lying on the bed is slowly
sinking down.
With his barely open eyes, he could see a long, elongated ray of dim
I rubbed my eyelids wondering if there was something strange in my
eyes, but what I saw in front of me did not disappear.
quality… ?'
It was a very thin thread. The pure white thread was very hazy, but it
was pitch black
Because it was inside, it had a very strong presence.
Nya blankly raised her head, then slowly reached out her hand
towards the thread.
And she held it tight. The moment I thought I had caught the thread
was the last I remember.
As if falling asleep, I lost my mind.
And when I opened my eyes again to the dazzling light, I was
standing on a field full of flowers.
Birds chirping and colorful flowers fall
The clear blue sky was high and full of thick clouds.
Nya stood in the middle of the green fields below, and did not
It would be more correct that I just didn't understand the situation
'Are you sure you didn't throw it away in a place like this?"
Did they bring people up too?
<Episode 34>
It's like a dreamland to the extent that the scenery is too
unbelievable to be abandoned.
The tree had an abundance of fruits that could not be seen in reality.
It was so plentiful that there were even three fruits on each branch.
Instead of leaves, it was an open tree full of fruits.
Birds pecked it
Rarely is a cat sitting on it and biting a piece of fruit... … .
The person who tried to burst into laughter because it was strange
The woman opened her mouth wide.
Why the hell is the cat there?
I stared at the cat with a pouting mouth, holding an apple with both
hands and biting it.
The cat looks at me and wiggles its tail, striding with an apple in its
came down
Where in the world was that cat?
I thought about something strange and looked around, and it was
definitely full of strange things.
An animal with abnormally developed two molars is lying in a flower
garden and playing with a rabbit.
Elsewhere, a fish, draped in fins with a loose cloth on a branch, was
navigating the field using its halved tail as a bridge.
"••••••• "
The creatures that looked like they were in a fairy tale, Nya barely
moved with her stiff steps.
As I got a little closer to the flower garden, the beasts and rabbits
that had been playing hard were clearly looking at me.
No matter how you look at it, I feel bad.
As I trembled and took one more step, this time the fish that was
swimming through the bush took a step
He paused and looked at me with those same eyes.
I felt bad for how reluctant I was.
Every time I went into the flower garden, I felt countless eyes.
One flower or one, even in the sky
o Seo l亡�
Even the clouds look at me
It felt bad to even take a step.
in the feeling
I deliberately got up the courage to go a little closer
Dia in the middle of the flower field
It was
what child was
She was a girl who now wished she was about fourteen. In her arms,
she is alive like a teddy bear.. Holding a living bear and taking care
taking a nap
'Where the hell are you?'
As she approached to wake her child, a living bear in the shape of a
teddy bear opened her mouth.
Shark-toothed teeth flashed inside her mouth.
“Where are you really….”
If you put your hand on her, it seems like it will attack you at any
moment. actually a bear the size of a palm
Dolls aren't scary.
Rather, I'm just concerned about the long molars that don't remove
the ashes that fix their eyes on every move I make from behind.
'What's the dream wanderer doing here?
Voices echoed from all over. It felt as if the landscape itself was
speaking to me.
I turned my head to and fro, trying to find the presence of the voice,
so my clothes were tight.
pulled down
“I am here.”
said the teddy bear.
Teddy Bears Teddy Bears say? how the doll
Say it?
The moment I realized it, my mind went blank.
How does the teddy bear talk?
Also said the bizarre-looking teddy bear.
I took a step back reflexively.
Because the teddy bear is still alive and finished!
'What stupid things are you talking about? Aren't you the dream
"What does dream wanderer mean?"
When I asked the question, the teddy bear was trying to get out of
the child's arms.
How strong the child's grip strength moves
This is very difficult.
"Billia .. where are you going?"
oo much>
As the child groaned and cried, the little teddy bear cried cutely and
was put back into the child's arms.
The teddy bear cried cutely. The teddy bear who spoke this old-
fashioned tone... … .
Duck caught her heel on a stone beak and came to her senses, and
Nya was standing at the entrance before entering the flower garden.
<… … >
<… … >
They looked into each other's eyes with a distance of about 3
meters, but they didn't say anything to each other.
I didn't say anything and the teddy bear was silent. I gently averted
my gaze and lowered my eyes.
“It’s all to eat.” “Uh, ah.. ugh.”
“I mean, don’t look at such garbage!”
The voice of the screaming teddy bear was hoarse and I was
speechless again.
It is true that I did not have eyes to see garbage, but I felt a little bit
of garbage.
No, actually, I want something. I don't even know where the hell it is.
I said nothing. The teddy bear explained to me the ashes half-
smattered in the child's arms.
“This is this child’s dream, and you are an uninvited guest. If you are
a guest, be quiet like a guest and go.>
‘‘Is this a dream?”
“If you were a dream wanderer among humans, you would have
descended from him, so why don’t you know anything? Are you still
What's his descendant, what's education, what's the dream
The conversation seems clear, but I can't understand it at all.
Heard with one ear and went through one ear.
oWhen I put on the shoes, I noticed that I was standing in front of the
teddy bear again and squatting.
The teddy bear was crumpled to and fro like a lump of mud in the
child's arms.
If this is really what you eat... It's really hard to live on.'
It's because I'm playing with the whims of a child. It's not like I'm
living comfortably.
"Where's the dream wanderer?"
<Hmm. In your way, it is also called a so-called dream horse. We eat
delicious dreams. We like dark dreams, and we like sweet dreams
like this.”
The teddy bear explained more kindly than I expected.
If this was a dream, it was obvious that the reason the teddy bear
said was related to the ability to control dreams that Ilya or Glein
‘No, then Illianna Glein is Mong.
were you a dreamer? no it can't be But why do you express yourself
like a dreamer?
But if I'm a dreamer, I've grown up like a human. Besides, so is the
Marquis of Glein.
He looked at the teddy bear with a puzzled expression on his face,
but the teddy bear was already droopy and flaccid on the child's
But, to be called a dreamer, Illyana Glain looks too human.
I've lived with this body, but
There is absolutely nothing that is not liver.
“We live in symbiosis with this child. This world was created by this
child... goo? >
o The doll suddenly changed words while talking. Your voice is
completely different
However, I soon found out the reason. The child, the owner of the
dream world, who had been sleeping hard, was waking up with
rubbing his eyes.
Melly, who were you hanging out with...
uh? who are you?"
ponytailed brown hair
A child's vigilant gaze on me
As if drowsiness has gone away, I keep raining on her eyes
Whistle and slap me from top to bottom
is the gaze
It was sharp like a child
That being said, the voice is not very favorable.
‘But are you sleeping in your dreams?’
I don't know what to say to the girl.
Who am I? So I don't know why I was wandering here.
After all, how do you control your dreams?
"I… Well, a wanderer?" "What is a drifter?"
'Well… It means you are traveling.”
“But this is my dream, but what if I come in without permission? Do
you have no manners?"
Oh, judging by this rude tone of voice, I can assure you, this child
must be a child of a noble family.
Or maybe she is the only daughter or youngest daughter of a
wealthy family who grew up on the same day. It's not her prejudice,
but her tone of voice is full of arrogance.
'Is that pure white thread a chain?'
Each individual to enter someone's dream is roughly the same, but it
is possible to identify someone
I still don't know how. It's not like the ability has written down how to
use it somewhere.
“Well, I don’t even know why I was here. I don't even know what I'm
doing here."
The grass the child sat on looked so soft, so I sat down in the flower
I do not know. why am i here Why did I get caught up in this world
and become like this?
I'm thinking and making choices
It didn't seem like my choice.
'In that sense, it's definitely a good dream.'
There is no escape like this, especially for someone like Ilyanya
Since it is a space where no one is looking at me, there is no need to
notice and I am not tired.
If the space where I want this to happen continues, it wouldn't be
bad to just dream like this all the time.
As I got out of my thoughts, the child suddenly stuck out his head in
front of me. play a little
I heard
The child smiled mischievously with a curious expression on her
face, then put the teddy bear on her shoulder and sat cross-legged
in front of me in the same way.
“You know, I’m the owner, so how about you as a guest? Then you're
welcome to stay here!"
''host? Guest? What owner are you?"
Jeep, um... . How about the dessert shop?"
The child jumped up from his seat and supported her body on one
foot, and banged gracefully.
le turned
The moment he tried to put on a rotten smile as he slightly bent his
waist while lifting the skirt of his skirt with both hands, the green field
was turned into a pretty dessert shop full of sweet cakes in an
It is as if the curtain of a play is falling and a new curtain is rising.
'all … .”
"This is my world, anything I want can be done! It's a lot happier and
better than the outside world where there's no fun and only adults
There was a strange bitterness on the face of the child who said that.
With a face full of dissatisfaction, he inflates his cheeks and turns his
head away.
I stared at his face, then looked at the teddy bear hanging from his
“Can you imagine changing something like this?”
“Woong! Anything can come true if you just imagine what you want!
How happy you are.”
“Shall I do it too?”
He murmured lowly, imagining that the surroundings would turn into
a pet cafe rather than a dessert cafe.
The only cafe in my memory was a dog cafe.
It was a large Golden Retriever, and cute Pomeranians, Shih Tzus
and Maltese jump around.
Shit, what is this?"
<Episode 35>
I opened my eyes to the sound of the child's alarm and saw a
familiar landscape.
It was a dog cafe in the middle of the day on a peaceful weekday. It
is a landscape that one day remembers.
Laid-back people took their puppies, drank coffee, and watched the
children play with laughter.
Nya stood blankly in the middle of it, and now she was captivated by
the dreamlike scenery.

"••••••• "

I can hear the coffee machine running but it doesn't smell, reminding
me that this place isn't real.
couldn't take it off
"what's this? Wow, that's cool! Where is here? Is there anything like
this in the Empire? ah, you are cute What kind is this?" "••••••• "
‘‘Hey, talk to me. What is it?"
As soon as I shut her mouth, the child tapped my leg and pulled her
by the hem.
I can hear the buzzing from the side, half
I'm not willing to answer
Barely gaze at the hem down
" what?"
I don't
I could feel a pulling sensation.

loudly in my voice.
As if a child was surprised, she opened her eyes

I realized that even I was surprised when I saw her slip away the
hem of her clothes and walk away.
it's so subdued Realizing that she had raised her original voice
belatedly, she covered her eyes with her hands.
“Sorry, so far. . I'm a Pomeranian. You look like a little lion, don't
‘‘Hey, uh, uh, uh.”
In an instant, it was filled with awkwardness. With the scenery I had
drawn so much in front of her, I slowly turned her head and closed
her eyes.

It's an illusion anyway. If this is not going to become a reality, it is
useless to just settle here.
‘It’s a human thing that I can’t take my eyes off of even though I
know it.’
He leaned over and stroked the fur at the puppy, panting under her
feet, sticking out its tongue.
Then the child gently squats next to him.

"But I'm the only one moving here.

A 0l L.
Seo 亡
wasn't it? It’s my dream, but it’s so strange that someone else could
do it.”
“Yeah, I guess it’s because I’m a traveler.”
It seems that this was the essence of the ability to control dreams.
Infiltrating other people's dreams and manipulating other people's
A person with weak mental strength cannot control their dreams. To
some extent, I had an understanding of my abilities.
'Where can I use this?'

There is no way to use it other than to infiltrate other people's

dreams. I might not be lonely at night.
It's a really special ability, so I can't use it without creating a special
situation like Magnus.
'This child is also in control of her own dreams.'
Even if you can't control other people's dreams, being able to control
your own dreams means that you have a strong will.

Even a child like this can do it, but there is no way that an adult
cannot do it.
"My name is Raphael, bitch?"
“Raphael? I… , Well. it is a secret." ' 'Chi Sahagin, what's good? But
this is the first time I've seen a place like this. What is this
transparent thing?"
The child grunted and greedily embraced the Pomeranian and Shih
Tzu in both arms, greedy for the countless things that exist in the
dazzling world, and headed towards the refrigerator where the cakes
were displayed.

“It’s a refrigerator shelf. You can see it from the outside, but it’s cool
inside.” “Hom… Hey, what’s the purpose of this?”
“You can keep things that go bad or melt quickly and show them to
others. You just have to pick and order what you see and taste.”
I briefly explained and sat down at a nearby table.
Suddenly, the abandoned teddy bear wobbled as if it was going to
make a buzzing sound, climbed on my legs and sat down at the

“Are you a stranger?”

“Yeah, I hear it from the dreamers very often through the door. I don't
know how it flowed, but I've been to a world I've never seen before.>
The teddy bear twisted his whole body to break his slightly loose
It certainly didn't sound like he was speaking with his mouth, and his
voice was flat, but it was bloody because the soft-looking doll was
twisted like a half-twist.

We flow in our dreams, sometimes even to small island countries

and to places where the mangroves in the great forests live. >
'Wait a minute. Are you saying this is another world now? Isn't it in a
He hurriedly raised his hand to stop the teddy bear talking.
I made an impression with an expression of what the teddy bear was
actually saying at my words.
My words did not harm this year at all

There seemed to be no words for a long time.

'Is it a novel? Was it in the book?>

“No, no.”
Do you have any problem

It sounds like crazy to anyone who hears it, but no one would believe
that this place is in a novel.
I shook my head and shifted my gaze to follow Raphael's back, who
was constantly wandering here and there.
“Am I a dreamer?”
< no. Are you really not educated? If it wasn't that they didn't
educate me, it's a bit harsh for me to talk about it.>
The teddy bear looked at me with these bruised eyes and shook his
head nervously. I feel like I'm being ignored outright for some reason,
so I have a strange feeling.
I was tempted by a teddy bear once.
All of a sudden, the teddy bear rolled over on the table, pretending to
be a non-speaking doll, lying down again.
“By the way, I love this strange creature.

It's the first time I've seen it. What is this little lion creature?"
I shrugged as I watched the child rubbing his fur with a happy face
while cuddling a Maltese as well as a Pomeranian and Shih Tzu.
Being here, I can't really think of anything.
'It's perfect for an escape.'
You don't have to be in the terrible darkness and you think about

no need to do
If this is not heaven, then what is heaven?
“These kids are all puppies.”
“Is this a dog? Aren't dogs so big and elegant and fluffy and fluffy?!"
“Oh, you mean Elizabeth? Or Charles?"
"how did you know? !"
It really was. I just transcribed the name of a mixed-up British dog,
but I don't think it's the correct answer.

I didn't know
He slowly turned his gaze away. wobbly. The table where the teddy
bear had been placed collapsed with a loud noise.
"Hey, I guess it's over."
Seeing that the child bowed his head with a crying face and his
shoulders were drooping, he seemed to dislike this situation quite a
“Wow, woah, woah, woah.”
I'm not saying that's the sound of a bear crying right now.
When I gave my absurd gaze, the teddy bear took Raphael's arms
and looked at me.
No, who are you looking at right now?
The dominoes that the world I had envisioned had disappeared as if
they were collapsing. It felt like the pieces were falling from the put
together puzzle one by one.
Where the pieces fell, a pitch black darkness settled.

“I think it’s morning.”

"morning? ! "
"Ugh, it's the end of the dream. I hope the night comes again soon.
Can you come to my work?"
"Well, I don't know when or where I'll be wandering."
This time, I was so busy that I grabbed the thread without thinking,
but I will have to think a little more the next time I catch it.
So immersed in thoughts, the place where the child was standing
and the floor of the building I was standing on were splitting apart as
if there was a drought.

A dark chasm formed and split between us in an instant.
"Please come if you can! Then you will be the customer and I will be
the owner of the store. I will treat you to a delicious cake!"
The child screamed urgently. He even drifted away to a space where
even his voice could not reach.
Can you taste the cake in your dreams?'

However, it was a child who disappeared with a sad face, and I

couldn't say that.
“Are you going to another place?” “Once again… … who are you?"
There was not even a moment to cry at those words that reflexively
jumped out. But he didn't have the guts to say that.
How can I not be surprised when a little devil-like little boy is floating
in the place that used to be a teddy bear?
“This is so stupid, it’s me. Maybe it’s not that you can’t recognize that
you’ve changed your form, right?”
“Even if the form has changed, it has changed too much.”
<What? There is no change in being cute, right? Does it make sense
to not recognize this cute look just by changing its shape? >
The boy with chubby cheeks said half a lap in the air.
In an instant, the positions of his head and legs were reversed. his
head turned to the floor

is an inverted posture.
“Do you usually say that with your own mouth?”
“I should say I was good when I was good. Or no one will notice.>
Of course, there is nothing wrong with what the teddy bear said.
His white skin with no blemishes, his dense facial features, and long,
dark black eyelashes, his eyes were strange as if he had moved the
night sky full of the Milky Way.
It's not just that the iris is black

It is densely filled with starry nights.

Her cheeks are well raised and her body, now about ten, is
moderately short and chubby.
In other words, the teddy bear is definitely cute as he said with his
own mouth.
‘‘You said that the dreamer is a wandering being, so will you leave
“No, I live with him. It's been three more years. >
‘‘How can a dreamer live with a human? Isn't it difficult to live with
different races?"

At my words, the teddy bear's bizarre pupils narrowed vertically. The

hostility towards me is sharp along with the discomfort.
The teddy bear moved away from me while he paused for a moment
at the strong hostility.
< I usually hide in the child's shadow. what's wrong? Oh, I'll wake up
soon. I'll go. >
"Oh yeah."
“Rafi seems to be having a lot of fun, so come back later. So
goodbye. >

The teddy bear disappeared into the dark.

Watching his figure disappearing as if melting into the darkness, I
made a sound of pain without realizing it.
“So how am I supposed to get out of here… ?"
Did you all hear through a hole in the bottom that you don't know
why I'm here?
The moment I thought about it, the world that Raphael had built
completely collapsed.

It felt like the string that was attached to it had been cut off. It was
only natural to cry darkly again.
He felt like he was being dragged into a long, bottomless darkness.
Not knowing what to do with my body falling helplessly, I got used to
the sensation and barely closed my eyes.

<Episode 36>
When I opened my eyes again, I was in the same darkness. But the
difference from before is that everything that touches my skin has a
sense of touch.
Now I know that I am covered with a soft duvet, and that this is the
room he has locked me in.
I was about to get out of bed and a headache came over me.
' I feel tired … … .'
I thought my body had slept, but it wasn't at all. As much as the soul
suffered, the fatigue was still there.
It was still dark everywhere, but it's not as scary as it was yesterday,
probably because I've just seen the happy world.
‘Because it’s just a night.’
That's convenient. But I don't know how long you plan to leave me
His head was throbbing, and as he released his arm resting on the
bed, his body plummeted and his face buried in the pillow.
"I'm fine"
My eyelids were heavy and my eyes were cold and stuffy, and
physiological tears pooled and flowed down the corners of my eyes.
Again, the line between reality and dream became blurred. At that
moment, it was whitish again.
A long thread fluttered like a halo.
This time he couldn't reach out to grab his thread.
Once he set his feet on the border, a huge giant sleeping ghost
opened his mouth. It was the last moment when I was able to think
“No matter what, lock someone in a room.
did you leave it behind? your majesty?"
Sheryl Cynthia did not openly hide her astonishment at the news
from Magnus.
I heard what he was going through, but he felt that there was no
need to be locked up in a black room just saying that he would
welcome her as the empress.
"Yeah, that's definitely the best way to get your hands on it. You
shouldn't even think about running away or hiding from me."
"Your Majesty, I'm just saying... Do you really love that person?"
Magnus snorted. A fishy laugh lingered on her lips, but it was so cold
that Cheryl choked her throat even as she spoke his words.
She wiggled her fingers for nothing, as if frustrated.
“I thought you were looking for him to come for revenge… .”
What I'm doing now is as if I'm a terrible lover who has found a lover
who has run away... .
She couldn't speak her until there.
“I miss seeing him fall to the floor by his side, Cheryl. I wish I had a
baby Then, the moment I believe the most, I will throw it at the
Magnus is cloudy as if mixed with turbidity.
She smiled with her eyes.
Sheryl bit her lip and turned her head, as that smile seemed to see a
bruised beast.
She couldn't possibly tell her not to.
No matter how many times she thought about it, she seemed to be
the one who would get her hurt.
She found out about a person's wick, and she knew right away if you
talked to him.
The strongest side of her mentally was a woman named Illyana
Glaine, no matter how she looked at her.
Even though she didn't seem to have a heart at all.'
An expression appeared on Illyana Glaine's face when Magnus
called her name Sheryl from behind.
For the first time, a torrent of emotions was reflected in the emotions
of the woman who had always been expressionless and answered
yes, as if she had no redness.
Her swift and skillful mask hid under her, but Cheryl saw it. She
shakes her up.
“You want it?”
Magnus' expression brightened at Cheryl's question. Her lips clung
to her happy smile and did not fall off.
''I'm sure I'll be happy when my revenge is over. After that, I'll make
you Empress, Cheryl. Live the life you want the way you want it. You
will rise to the highest position among those in power other than me."
"I don't really want that. I just needed a quiet, safe place to live."
Magnus laughed at Cheryl's words. He picked up the teapot and
filled her cup.
She tilted her teacup gracefully as she slept with her own cup, and
her man's eyes as she put down her cup looked rejoicing as her
halves were folded.
“It’s a gift I give to you, who saved me. The child born of you will
become the Crown Prince and the Emperor.”
“… … So I don't need that.
''It's been the first day since I've been locked up. ah
It must have been a long way since there was no direct news. When
is that person going to say something weak?"
Magnus muttered to himself as if to himself, who lightly swallowed
Cheryl's sighing voice.
‘I’m alone’
It was the first time Cheryl had ever heard of this. She calculated her
date in her head.
That will eventually lead to the last day of the banquet
Her and her liver, she said, imprisoned her.
'I'm still eating properly
is it?"
“You said that a person does not die even if he does not eat for
about a month. There's plenty of water in the kettle in the room, so if
you don't want to die, you'll find it and drink it."
Cheryl's mouth widened at the muffled voice.
"Are you crazy? And what if you die?"
' 'Don't die. That person can't die. I will never die.”
‘‘What if the kettle runs out of water! You might accidentally spill it. It
is said that a person will die without drinking water for three days!”
Magnus' eyebrows hardened slightly. The corners of his eyes went
down and his gaze, which had been softly released, sharpened.
The moment Cheryl noticed it, Magnus stood up.
‘Gerald, I was going to go today. you
Even if you don't say it, I know him better. If he thought he was going
to die, he wouldn't either."
‘‘Magnus, do you really need revenge like this? If you want to, you
can just annihilate the family. There aren't many ways to inflict pain,
whether it's horrendous, beheaded, or tortured."
“If I do that, you will never kneel to me. Because I am a person who
cannot give in to pain."
Just as strong as if nothing would break down, as strong as if you
were going to protect me, bowing your head to someone
The scene is unimaginable for a person familiar with the command.
Being overbearing and unaware of kindness, he often gently stroked
his hair.
He was a person who put me to sleep by making me hang on to me
once in a while, acting like a hard person who didn't even know
He is a hard man, so to break it he will have no choice but to take his
So he has no choice but to make it soft without knowing anything
and cut it off without noticing it.
“I’m worried about you, so I’ll go now.”
After all, this was done to warn
Even Magnus had no intention of killing her or maiming her limbs
with her sincerity.
As she said, I will do the same as she did.
Kindly, kindly, if necessary, I will embrace you, and if you ask me, I
will listen.
Rely on me to the end so that I can do anything. If you do well, you
will be rewarded, and if you do not, you will be punished.
This was my first time, so it was just a warning. It's not too bad
compared to what she did to me.
"No A"
-, one
Magnus licked his lips as he walked into Illyana Glein's room.
The other party quickly responded to the call that was like a whisper.
The moment Magnus walked through the shadowy hallway and set
his feet in front of the moonlit window
A fairy dangling from Magnus' shoulders.
The elf, hanging with his arms on Magnus' shoulders, was clothed in
The sleeveless robe had the skin exposed below the shoulder, and a
round silver ring bracelet was worn on the wrist.
The strange thing is that the skin was also black.
His ears were pointed like elves, his eyes were silver like the moon,
and he had a pointed black hat on his head.
His shoes were bare feet, but strangely, only his feet were silver.
“Why are you calling me, contractor?”
“Remove the curtains when I enter the room.”
“Okay, you can.”
Knox, who answered generously in a naughty voice, was
accustomed to slumping over his shoulders like laundry.
Magnus stood before her door, where she imprisoned her.
Two of the Storm Storm Knights opened their eyes wide while
bending their backs.
I knew that their gaze was on my shoulder, but Illiana Glein was
more urgent than that.
"Anything else?"
‘‘No, it is so quiet that it is questionable whether there are people.
Magnus grabbed his handle. Knox struck three times lightly with a
small fingertip.
As he enters, the room with the curtains lifted is all messed up.
It was clean with no fuss.
The only light I could rely on in a room without a chandelier was the
moonlight. At least she wouldn't have had this.
She glanced at the kettle on the table. Even in the dark, the cup and
the kettle were placed side by side, as if she had been pouring it.
A smile spread across her lips as Magnus thought of her, even in this
situation of hers.
she was sitting on the bed
Are you doing Dell? "Ilya?"
'all… … . You are finally here.”
Illiana came down from the bed, muttering indifferently. She had
washed her hair in the meantime, and her hair was still damp.
Although she was untidy and she messed up. Magnus stuck his
tongue out inwardly and asked in an absurd way.
''what do you mean?"
She got off the bed with her bare feet and knelt in front of Magnus.
There was no hesitation in her actions.
'do…・Now, what are you doing?”
“Your Majesty, I made a mistake. I will do as you tell me. Do what
your Majesty wants you to do.”
It was the 4th day, and I lived in the dark. After living like that, I
realized one thing, that people are more adaptable than I thought.
Even in the dark, very little, but the field of vision became visible.
Of course, it was only about recognizing the object in front of me to
the extent that a very thick fog appeared in front of me, or
memorizing whether there were any obstacles.
Yes, I am perfectly suited to this dark room.

<Episode 37>
On the second day, I fumbled around and realized that there was a
toilet and a bathroom inside.
The bathroom was also larger than expected and the kettle was filled
with water every day.
The hot water in the bathroom came out just fine, and as I learned
how to use it, the daytime passed again.
Today, when I was alone, I enjoyed a bath in the dark.
Fortunately, I was able to enter other people's dreams while I was
sleeping, so I didn't get neuroses from the darkness.
Actually, since I got used to the darkness, this kind of life wasn't too
‘Because there is such a thing as a dark cafe.’
Besides, since I'm not doing anything, I have more time to think.
And for some reason, the meeting with Raphael had become more
than just one day at a time.
What I realized while living in the dark is that the trigger condition for
this ability is when I am crossing the border between dream and
When I am about to fall asleep, a white thread appears in the air. At
first it leads to Raphael's dream
It was a single strand of thread, and I was barely the only one
A lot of threads are starting to show now.
Each one is different in thickness, color, and shape.
The passage to Raphael is pure white than any other thread, and the
thickness is thin and the length is short.
It wasn't difficult to choose.
So I knew. How originally Illyana Glaine was able to identify a person
and enter Magnus' dream.
It wouldn't have been difficult to control Magnus's weakened dream
with her powers.
‘The line of Magnus must have had such a characteristic.’
Still, starving rice was too much. Please don't give me food and
I didn't know
Thanks to that, every time Raphael opened a dessert cafe, he had to
put food that was just a mock-up cake that did not fill his stomach
and had no taste.
'Should I just apologize?'
In her mind, Illiana Glein was a hard pine.
A pine tree surrounded by incisions and branches does not break
easily, but it breaks when a huge typhoon sweeps away.

‘But I’m not even Iliana.

She did not have to become a pine tree, as she did not receive direct
education for aristocrats.
Magnus' character makes her break
she beats because she didn't
The probability is high. locked up for
Iliana Glaine is good at magnus
As you know, Magnus knows Illyana Glaine well.
After only a few days of starvation, she
She wouldn't even think she was a smart person.
'Would it be okay to bend it backwards?'
If it becomes a reed instead of a pine tree and bends moderately, it
will probably fall off from exhaustion. At least I'll stop bullying like
'How do I have to wait until the Marquis of Grain writes a number?'
It seemed that she was hiding something, and she was easily
defeated even by the emperor Magnus.
because it wasn't
Of course, the worst situation after becoming a reed becomes like a
novel after that.
But if Magnus loses his red rice, he could save his life.
“I have to apologize.”
It would be an apology without my heart. ‘What should I do?’
She certainly didn't win her heart.
If there is a chance that she will return home, it is right that she is a
little more desperate and doesn't think about it.
However, she can't get out of this place forever, so there's obviously
also the worst assumption that she has to live here.
"How can I act so that I like it?"
Magnus promised to make Illyana Glaine just like herself. Then get
down on her knees like he did
Can I beg?
I gazed at the hazy thread that was looming again.
The line between dream and reality is blurred. It's probably because
I washed it with warm water.
'I'm awake'
Magnus is too, I guess Illyana at least wasn't starving. Except for the
first one, of course.
I still remember the novel. Magnus
does not drink or eat in the dark
I was terrified of not being able to.
' iced coffee… … .'
So this man brought me here.
I suddenly had a thought. I imagined how he would behave if this
man had decided to do the same to Illyana Glaine.
Cut ties with people and be kind
And I'll be kind
I'll try my best to lean on him.
‘Then at the end… .'
Therefore, Magnus casually mentioned the position of 'Empress' and
went out.
To lift me, Illyana Glein, to the highest place, and to fall to the lowest
Perhaps, not giving him a heart is the only resistance and support I
can do.
Fortunately, even if she doesn't eat, Illyana Glaine's body suffers.
Just the fact that I didn't do it.
I wasn't hungry, whether I was used to starving myself or not eating
well from the beginning.
As long as you drink an adequate amount of water, there is no need
to rehydrate.
Not only that, there is a refuge called dreams, so things will be better
than Magnus in many ways.
'If you're not going to come today anyway, would you like to go see
Come to think of it, I slept hard for the past few days.
It seems that they waited for Magnus to arrive until they came.
Nya grabbed his knee with both arms and slowly closed her eyes.
Between the many threads, there was now a familiar short, thin, pure
white thread.
The moment I saw it, I relaxed my body. If you catch that, you'll be
able to meet Raphael.
What else should I talk about today?
The child was so chatty that it was hard to follow the conversation.
In the midst of thinking like that, only darkness
The moonlight seeped into the full room, and the sound of the lock
being released was heard.
My ears perked up reflexively. I opened my eyes.
I was surprised by how much sleep I had been rushing through.
Thanks to that, the thread, the connection path of the dream,
"ah… … . You are finally here."
I thought I was really tired of waiting. Still, it's good for me to be
I don't know what he's talking about, but I'm willing to bake
Dia, wishing his redmi to go away quickly.
''what do you mean?"
Nya knelt before him, just as Magnus had done.
To be honest, I don't know how to beg him with mourning, but in a
nutshell, it's just a matter of grabbing his leash.
'do…・Now, what are you doing?”
It's strange to see him bewildered
I felt the heat. Kneeling on his knees is not the same as misery.
I did not dare to define the name of the confused emotion, whether it
was mine or Illyana's.
‘‘Your Majesty, I made a mistake. I will do as you tell me. Do what
your Majesty wants you to do.”
Magnus' face hardened. Everything from the hardened cheeks,
narrowed eyes, and the appallingly wide pupils showed Magnus'
He reflexively took a step back and pressed his palm against his
“What is this? Iliana.”
“Didn’t you punish me because I was guilty? I was wrong.”
‘What did you do wrong? Illyana.”
Magnus asks absurdly. The agitation was clearly felt.
It didn't look as good as the corners of his lips were tight and his
eyes raised upwards.
‘I made a mistake in everything the Great Master said to be
punishment. With my stupid head, I still don’t know what sin I have
Of course, bending over doesn't mean you're going to tell him the
Illyana Glaine kept her clean in case they let him go.
If I don't confess frankly, Magnus will only be heartbroken.
I will come
Of course, the emperor says so, but no one dares to object.
‘Is that too?”
“Yes, if there is a crime, I will accept it sweetly.”
Magnus smiled brightly, revealing this as if he was happy with my
words. Fear took precedence over that brightly smiling face.
He bent down under my armpit
He put his hand on and got me to his knees.
"Yes, please take it sweetly. You will have to."
"••••••• "
Magnus grabbed my waist tightly, opened his lips, and tucked his
tongue in.
I closed my eyes tightly without realizing that the tongue slipped into
my mouth.
Even though I decided not to rebel, that life
His body reflexively flinched at the absurd sensation.
Still, I didn't know that his kiss would come so suddenly.
Magnus shoved his tongue deep into his throat and skimmed the
roof of his mouth, and fell slowly.
His saliva dripped from between his wide-open lips, and his face was
“Remember, Illiana. If you want anything, you should ask me like
this. This is your first appointment with me.”

Is this a promise or is it a command disguised as a

recommendation? I clicked my tongue and turned my head.
"••••••• "
“And from today, you can prepare to become the Empress.”
Magnus' words that sounded like a notice made him speechless, so
he couldn't open his mouth.
I couldn't even spit out the curse that reached my throat, so I went
down the esophagus with dry saliva.
swallowed the road
“Stand by my side. Close your eyes with me in my arms and speak
only what I have given you.”
"your majesty."
“I am your Mac, so call me.”
"under ·. "
A sigh escaped between his lips.
I thought I knew what he meant by ignoring everything I said.
In the future, all circumstances will be controlled this way and given
this way.
I told him I was going to punish him with my mouth, so I couldn't
change his words. As I swept up my hair roughly, he straightened my
messy hair and smiled.
“Then this is today’s reward. Was it what you needed?"
His thumb caressed my wet lips. A languid hand makes me
Me who just opened my mouth for him. When he thought about it, his
embarrassment came.
“By the way, you only get one chance.”
Even if I wanted to close my mouth with a cry, I remembered that it
was my side who regretted it.
<Episode 38>
If this is going to be my room in the future, it must have a candle or a
chandelier, and besides the bed, there must be furniture and clothes.
Gathering patience, I reminded myself over and over again that I am
an adult. I couldn't fight like a child.
It was only when the other party was genuinely benevolent.
“All I want is … "
Magnus clenched his chin and smiled as if to say something.
If you didn't know anything, it's a smirk that's so dazzling.
would have gone
“I am making a room for people to live in. In addition to the bed,
please turn on the light here and any furniture you need, and bring
the clothes from the mansion.”
“You are very greedy.”
''Are you sorry for asking if there is anything you need?"
“Okay, next time, I’ll have to nail it properly, one at a time.”
It's a voice that has always been politely spoken.
However, he did not know that he had sharpened a sharp sword in it.
I held on stiffly and listened.
“But, I can’t listen to that. Iliana.”
what? are you kidding me now
I barely suppressed my angry temper, but the answer I get back is
I don't know what my face looked like, but Magnus looked quite
‘‘Because this is where I educate you, and my room is where you will
live.” “… I beg your pardon?"
''Isn't it something that can't be done inside or outside of the
marriage relationship?"
“It’s not a relationship, so I think we can go inside and outside.”
At my words, Magnus smiled and shook his head.
I kept my mouth shut because I knew he wouldn't listen to me no
matter what I said. Illiana Glaine was very bad, but she left and left.
Why did this happen in the first place?'
It's only been twice that I've touched the flow of this world.
The first was to detoxify the drug Magnus was using, and the second
was to detoxify the body of Illyana Glein.
This year, for the past two years, he entered the temple education
Other than that, I didn't even touch the Holler Garden. But I couldn't
believe it could be so different.
She didn't understand Magnus trying to put Illyana Glaine, who
should have killed her at once, by her side, and then tossing her on
her land.
'I thought I might have been a little likable... .'
I thought it would have been more poisonous
I didn't even think of it. I really don't know how it can be messed up
like this.
Suddenly, I got along with a man who was full of thoughts of revenge
on me.
“If you understand, can I go to my room?”
“Illiana. Please answer my words. This is the second promise
between me and you.”
So that's not a promise, it's a command. I am unconditionally
rules to be followed.
If I don't keep my promises, it is natural that sanctions will be
imposed, so what I could say was set.
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Magnus laughed silently. "Mae-gi … sir • "
He hesitated and slowly added the title, and Magnus reached out his
hand and stroked my cheek lightly.
“If you tell my Lina one, she will know ten. Shall we go?"
Better than staying in this room all the time. Even though I sighed
once, Magnus didn't respond.
The little fairy sitting on his shoulder... No, it was probably something
that looked like a dark spirit. When his eyes met, the spirit smiled
When I didn't answer and looked at Magnus' eyes, Magnus grabbed
the fairy by the nape of the back and put her back on his shoulder.
Magnus smiled contentedly.
Outside, the Storm Knights were still guarding their seats. When I
came out with Magnus, one of them stood by Magnus.
One was by my side, more than trying to protect me, but following
Magnus' orders.
The intention to protect it seemed stronger.
“You can do that. Don't speak unless I allow it, and don't look unless
I allow it. There is nothing you can do without my permission."
“Yes, Mac.”
yes, do whatever you want I live my life the way I want to.
I don't think the words will work anyway. I glanced at the side while
thinking, looking only at the front and looking around
There was a storm knight.
They will brighten up the empire like this and become people who
will go down in history.
The only thing that fades and disappears is Nana or Illyana Glaine.
Out of curiosity, I followed Magnus ahead of me a little faster.
‘‘Can I ask you a question for McNam?” ‘‘Of course.”
“Are you willing to kill me?”

My question brought a chill to Magnus' face.

I pretended to be composure even as I faced the chilly expression on
my face.
It seemed that Magnus wasn't the only one who was surprised by my
question, but there was also agitation in the face of the Storm
Knights who were escorting him.
"Do you not want to die?"
"••••••• "
I hesitated to answer. I have no regrets about life as Illyana Glaine.
If I could die and go back, maybe
I'm going to die, but I don't want to die if I have to live.
‘Should I think about Illyana’s situation?’
Did Illyana Glaine Want to Live? If she wanted to live, why did she
not rebel in the slightest?
If she had this ability, would she have ended her life as Illyana Glaine
wandered around her dreams of someone she was locked up in a
Doubt bit his tail, but
There was no answer.
What he was thinking when I didn't answer, Magnus pushed his foot,
which had stopped again, to move.
Still waiting for an answer or walking slowly.
"I do not know."
In spite of the answer I spit out, Magnus
didn't say anything.
In an uncomfortable silence, I arrived at his room.
moon crack.
I chewed the food and passed it to my throat at the sound of the
dishes collide.
At breakfast, which has already been going on for the third day, not a
single word has come and gone.
‘Does Jeral’s food taste bad?’ ‘No, no, it’s not like that.”
Oyster'Cl Rod
I'm the only one who doesn't talk
I didn't allow Magnus to talk, so I naturally had to chew on Cheryl
Cynthia's words. Of course it's not intentional.
Cheryl Cynthia used to talk softly like the last time we shared
champagne, but since I only reacted with an expressionless
expression, I ended up not talking with my eyes.
She also seems to have a bit of a guess as to why I am doing this.
'Whether it passes through the nose or through the mouth.'
I don't know what the food tastes like. It was simply repeating the act
of mechanically pushing it into the mouth, mechanically chewing it
and passing it through the throat.
Magnus sat me down like a folding screen and had a pleasant
conversation with Cheryl Cynthia for the third day.
Chen Zhang, I'm really going to put a spider's web in my mouth.'
Perhaps because of that, I wonder if it would be nice to even talk to
Magnus from time to time lately.
Because the only one I could answer with peace of mind was
Is this what pushing is like?
How can you look forward to that time just by saying a few words?
Of course, that does not mean that the answer is lengthy.
“Oh, there will be a banquet soon. A large-scale banquet where all
nobles participated. Are you going too?” ‘‘I told you, Magnus.
亡0. . •."
Seeing Cheryl Cynthia who continues to say that she doesn't like it
very much and Magnus accepting the strife, I felt subtle.
I've never felt the word "good man" before, but today, it really
touched me.
‘It’s because they’re male and female, and the colors go well
The hair color, eye color, and even the atmosphere seem to match
each other, of course.
I chewed the salad a few times, then put down my fork with a sip of
‘‘Lina will also be present.” "If you wish, I will, do I have any other
options? Mac.
sir ."
I am now able to converse with him quite naturally. Reluctance to
refer to him as 'Mack' disappeared.
Unless he's eating with him, I
The only place I could go was my room.
If you try to get out of the room, you are blocked by the Storm
Knights, and when you try to say a word to them, a warning is
pushed in.
‘Lina, don’t talk to anyone. Don't even answer. If you need anything
like that, just ask me. If there is anything you want, please ask me,
and if there is anything you want to do, please ask me for
Remembering what happened last night
I tilted the wine glass.
In the past, I drank wine instead of water, so it definitely tastes better.
It was delicious and I didn't know it was better than water.
I am calm, but Cheryl is more terrified. She wrote her impression as
she looked at Magnus, wondering if she was concerned about my
She said, 'Did you even ask me to go to the library?'
Even if you try to organize what you need in your head, once you
think of what you need
There is no limit.
It wasn't something that could be undone with just one or two kisses.
Anyway, it seemed necessary to get out of the room. In addition to
that, a dialog cost was required.
At the very least, I think it would be better to talk to Cheryl Cynthia,
who orders or eats with her maid, even for camouflage.
'Because it's one kiss at a time... .'
A library, a walk, a maid or a servant, etc.
If you put orders to Ratman and conversations with Cheryl Cynthia
into your requirements, it's four kisses.
four and a half kisses
There's nothing you can't do Considering the mindset of modern
people, in fact, kissing is something you can share with anyone you
Even in the first meeting, if you feel fate, you can do it, and even in
America, a kiss on the cheek is considered a greeting.
'I'll try this tonight.'
There is nothing difficult if you put your mind to it. The first time is
difficult for a person, but the second is not easy.
She'd already kissed him once and made sure she wasn't in a bad
mood... … .
'It's that face.'
She's good, but the thought of her dating a bad guy will make her
feel more at ease.
<Episode 39>
“I’m done eating, but I’ll just go up
Can I see you? Mac.”
Magnus, who was gracefully slicing meat at my words, raised his
head. The three were seated at a round round table.
Because of this, Magnus and Sheryl on both sides
Cynthia was there.
They both looked at my dishes and food at the same time.

Did you just eat this, Ilya or the young girl?"

I gave a short answer to Cheryl's astonished words. I couldn't bear to
say, "I feel like I'm going to pretend to eat more."
As if looking for an answer, he looked at Magnus again, and the
wrinkles between his forehead were deep.
He glanced at my half-empty salad bowl and looked me in the eye.

“I’m not taking any more.”

“I’m not feeling well.”
If I said I didn't want to eat more, I wanted to force myself to eat, so I
changed the word to something I wasn't feeling well.
Unsurprisingly, Magnus' lips repeatedly opened and closed, and
eventually silenced.
“But it is too little.”
“I thought you were seated here for that reason.”

When I spoke to Dot's Ahada, Magnus became silent again.

I didn't get permission to get up, so I had to sit here even if it was
I haven't really eaten anything, but it looks like it's going to be on top
'This body seems to be quite sensitive to smells.'

After entering the body of Ilyanya Gulein, the food she preferred was
the opposite of the food she had preferred in the original world.
In the past, I used to prefer meat, but Illiana Glein liked light and low-
smelling types of food, so I only pulled those types of food.
‘Wake up, Lina. You can go back to your room and rest.”
“Yes, thank you for your permission.”’ Nya got up immediately and
regretted it.

I left the restaurant without

When I went out, one of the Storm Storm Knights bowed slightly.

“I’ll see you.”

The Royal Knight is no joke

Beam_1 A
Are you playing along with the game? I don't think it would be fun.
they too
Instead of answering, I nodded and walked towards my room.
It’s just an enemy.’

In this case, it would be better to go into a dream and play there.

I don't know if there are people sleeping at this time.
As soon as I entered the room, with the help of her maid, I changed
her clothes into her pajamas and tucked myself into the duvet.
Anyway, recently, I couldn't sleep well because I was nervous
because I was sleeping in the same bed with Magnus.
As I was looking at the sky stupidly, I fell asleep again.
When I slowly open my eyes, I can see nothing

does not
Is it because it's daytime?'
I feel like I'm going to fall asleep right now because I'm in a hazy
mental world.
After a while, a dark thread barely appeared.
He reached for the thread he had seen just before he fell asleep and
hurriedly grabbed it.
At that moment, I let go of my dark mind.

‘‘Keaton, where are you?”

"You've probably been sleeping since you recently returned from a
On one side of the break room, a man with red hair and a woman
with dark blue hair exchanged light conversations.
Her side of the woman was tying her hair down and tying it up again.
In response to the woman's reply, her man scratched the back of her
head with her troubled face. I had something to report, but it became

"Oh yeah? It's difficult"

"Why? Marriott didn't think it was an accident?"
"Ah... it's not like that, but I recently saw that the current Emperor
had a dark spirit. I think I should report it."
“A dark spirit?”
At Keaton's response, Marriott nodded her head.
Keaton finished tying the braids that tied her hair tightly, and turned
her oblique body toward Marriott, breathing in surprise.

didn't wait
“If it’s a dark spirit, isn’t it a spirit that hasn’t been revealed in nearly
a century? It's said that you can't even be summoned with normal
mental strength, but does it exist?"
“Looking at the characteristics, it seems like a good fit, but the leader
knows the spirits better.”
"What, what? Kitty, Mary. What are you talking about?"
A pink-haired girl ran from behind and clung to Kitten's back.

The hawk with its mouth curled up like a cat also looked like a
mischievous boy.
''Raina. Didn't I tell you not to be spoiled?" "Sheesh."
When Kitten put her index and thumb together and lightly hit him with
a stick, he pushed his lips all the way out and landed lightly on the
“So what did you say?” ‘‘Your Majesty.”
Ye Ina's eyes lit up at that talk.
The man who became emperor half a year ago was still a hot topic in
the Storm Knights.
Unlike other emperors, it was strange that he did not wield the Royal
Knight at will even after he became an emperor, and it was
surprising that he did not show any movement or curiosity to receive
their loyalty for half a year.
Usually, the first thing the Crown Prince does when he ascends to
the throne is to acquire the Royal Knight.

This is because even small waterways make the role of one or two
military units unique.
In order for a newly-established emperor to easily take control of the
imperial castle and lay the groundwork for it, there would be no one
like the Royal Knight.
But this time the emperor surprised them in many ways.
There was no big secret exchange other than simple orders, and he
didn't even ask them to secretly contact them or follow any orders.
There were times when I wondered if I had forgotten the existence of
a Royal Knight at all because I didn't even call him an escort.

Not long ago, she would have believed so all along if she hadn't for
the first time ordered the writer to take over and escort her only
"ah… , didn't the manager decide for sure? It's been a long time
since I've seen the manager worrying. Making a decision is as
decisive as cutting a radish with a knife. So why the spirit?"
“Ah, I saw your Majesty have a dark spirit.”
At Marriott's words, Reina opened her mouth as if her chin was
about to fall out.

She barely clasped her chin with her own hand to close her mouth
and pursed her lips.
After a while, Reina cleared her fisheye mood and spoke up.
''Oh my gosh. Isn't that the spirit that failed to summon even the
leader? Knowing that, it might be quite uncomfortable to plant.”
“On the other hand, the general manager will make the decision and
the current Majesty may become our true master.”
“The time has come for the leader to make a decision.” At Reina's
words, Keaton nodded her head.

and collided. Marriott, who had been listening to their conversation,

trembled as she clenched her fists and raised her head.
“So, where is the manager? “
The story keeps going to the mountains and sinking into the sea.
It was only after Marriott yelled that Keaton and Raina looked at
each other and shrugged her shoulders, seemingly identical.

“I don’t know, it’s him, because he finds a quiet place to go to sleep.”

“Even if it’s like a vacation, it’s already been a month since I haven’t
seen you. Aren't you on vacation? … ."
Marriott grunted and leaned against the wall, but everyone still
admires him.
Perhaps even if all the storms attacked him, no one would be able to

"Because you recently went to 'Hok Night'

he must be tired you understand, I guess

It’s also a mentally exhausting place.”

“Oh, did you find anything?”
‘‘I don’t know, because I’ve only seen your face since you came
back. Tired, you look very tired. Dark circles have come down here.”

Keaton tapped his cheekbones with his fingers. Then the grunting
Marriott closed her mouth.
It means that a person who does not show fatigue well on his face is
really tired.

''Okay. I can't help it. but that

Did you know about her little girl?"
Marriott shrugged her shoulders and changed the subject. Another
hot topic within the storm was that of Iliana Glein.
Hwang, who completely ignored the storm like a dog, was wondering
how much pity he was when he contacted me directly, but after
several days of surveillance under the guise of an escort, I realized
that it was far from pampering.
They don't even give me a meal as soon as I bring them
Are you going to lock me up? Let's hear it later.

It was said that the whole room was dark.

Rather, it is more like harassment or revenge.
The funny thing is that the victim didn't seem to be sympathetic
"She's okay. She's said to be the author's dearest daughter after
Glaine, but her personality is unobtrusive and she's known for being
all-around good at anything. She's smart and must have been at the
center of the social world."
"But how did you ever look hateful of our indifferent His Majesty the
"I don't know, I've been acting a bit strange since two years ago

I did it. She looks like her, suddenly she donates large sums to the
temple and she goes to the temple training center and then she
came back about a month ago.”
It's natural to chat and chat about the information I found out in just
two days.
Hearing Keaton's words, Marriott and Raina fell asleep. I've been
trying to figure this out, but nothing comes up.
‘Where did your Majesty the Emperor come from?
“It has no information at all. real ha

As if it was dropped from the sky or someone picked it up from the

sky or both.”
Keaton shook his head. It had been almost three months since I tried
to find out about the emperor Magnus di Cloud.
However, very little information has been found. In fact, there were
hardly any, and there were none.
"I don't know how long it's been since I've felt so stupid."
“Are you that neat?”
At Keaton's weak sound, Marriott's eyes widened. Keaton raised his
eyebrows and shook his head indifferently.
“It’s clean, there must be a master of information that we do not
know, or the Emperor himself is a master of information, or the
person who protected him is one of the three.”
“Wow, Kitty saying that makes us want to scout. It would be perfect if
you came in as my youngest!"

Yeina smiled brightly at Keaton's words. Her brightly raised eyes


<Episode 40>
As they looked at Raina, Marriott and Keaton smirked lightly. After
all, she was still her youngest.
“Anyway, I hope the manager will come back soon. If you are the
leader, you will find out something.”
“If you sleep once, you will have to wait a little bit since it is almost
normal to sleep alone. Oh, I must go soon.”
Keaton pulled out his pocket watch, checked the time, and put on a
look of disappointment.
Even if I run fast, it seems like it will be tight during shift time.
Keaton trembled as he remembered his comrades who were tight on
“Are you going?”
"Huh, are you leaving already?" “You have to take turns with Phillip.”
Keaton briefly answered the question of
The mouths of the two people who remembered their strict
colleagues who wore glasses like knives for punctuality stuck
together as if they were glued together.
They quietly let Keaton go away.
'Where are you?'
It was certain that I had entered someone's dream, but it was dark
This was the third dream I had sneaked into, including Raphael, and
it was a very dark dream.
'Are you having nightmares?'
I woke up next to a certain tree, and the surface of the tree I touched
was crumbling and rainwater poured out.
The tree that should have been green had withered and not a single
leaf was hanging.
It was so dry that it could break if touched.
The moment he barely took a step and put it in front of him, his body
shook violently as if something was caught in his foot.
It had arrived at the moment they were very tense, so I shuddered
and backed away.
“Wow… .”
The moment I looked down to confirm its identity, I felt nauseated.
It was a corpse, not one or two.
There were more corpses than the ground everywhere.
The shapes were also different.
Some had their necks cut off, some had their internal organs pulled
out, and some had bones.
The whole ground was stained with dark red blood and hardened,
and only occasionally animals could be seen devouring the corpses.
It doesn't smell or feel, and it's not like I ate something in my dream,
but I feel like I'm going to vomit right away.
I hesitated even though I thought that the mental world of a person is
so strange that it can be heartbreaking even in a dream.
The moment I leaned against the tree, half of the tree that could not
bear my weight crumbled and melted into space.
“Crazy, what is this? Nonsense."
What kind of brain did you have to have dreams like this? Or is there
something that has this much fear?
Thinking about it, he lifted his feet and carefully stepped forward,
stepping on the ground between the corpses.
The land, like an endless wilderness, was so long and wide that
there was no end in sight.
The gray sky, where even a single sunlight does not shine properly,
is thick as if made from the smoke of torches that are blooming here
and there.
As I came to this dream many times, I realized that when I forcibly
entered into someone else's dream, I fell randomly in an unknown
But finding the owner of that dream was easy.
If the shape of the dream is clear and you can move toward the
place where there is a lot of life in the dream,
Dreams can't be perfect.
This is because it is an illusion created by the human brain.
So the farther away from the dream owner, the more uncertain the
form and the fewer and fewer the number.
In other words, where the landscape is more realistic and realistic,
and where there is more something made from memory, there is the
owner of the dream.
That's how I met Raphael, and I found that uncle in the harem world
of an unknown man, and then went back in the opposite direction.
Not far away, as I was digging through the corpses, I found the
owner of my dream.
The man stood in the middle of a mountain of rag-like corpses.
As if he would soon be assimilated into the darkness, the pale man
with black hair turned his head away like a doll, as if recognizing that
he was clearly different from the other owners.
“… … Who are you?"
The deep pink eyes were the only color in the achromatic world.
In a dark world without dark red blood, dark background, gray skies
and even light, the voice was soft and sweet, as if it were burnt with
''hey "
Even with empty eyes and sweet voice, the moment I met you, I
thought I had to run away.
As I took a step back, the man approached me slowly, and very
I hesitated and tried to back away, but I couldn't move.
It's like being grabbed by something
The body rolled on the floor when I lowered it
one of
You were holding my ankle
"Uh-=-- o-,l ."
A strange sound leaked out in shock as he took a deep breath.
As I lowered my head with a white, tired face, one eye popped out
and swayed as if I was looking at a drooping rubber ball.
"Who are you asking?"
"that… .”
Suddenly, a man approached his nose and slammed his face.
pink eyes It's the first time I've seen him since he was born, he's not
so hostile
I speak dirty language
It's my first time seeing a person.
It is completely different from Magnus and the Marquis Gullein.
He was like darkness.
He looked like the lord of the night who ruled the dark world. The
pupil of the man who looked at me slowly increased in size.
“Illiana Glaine?”
"••••••• "
I… No, was Illyana Glaine such a famous person?
The person who kept her mouth shut and looked around, but no
matter how much I thought about it, I remember
there is no
Who is it? If it's pink eyes, there's no way I can't remember.
'Did you appear in a novel?'
There doesn't seem to be any mention of pink eyes there either.
When I did not open his mouth with a puzzled expression on his
face, the man pulled his head out and folded his arms.
"Why don't you talk?" ''sorry . .However… "
At my words, the man's eyebrows went up.
A man with a soft impression looks fragile, so if he puts his mind to it,
he looks like he can be as long as he can, but he was careful about
what he said.
“I am losing my memory. I don’t remember.”
"Are you kidding me?"
I'm talking to someone right now, right?
He even questioned whether he was a human being.
I shut my mouth like a clam, so the man shut his mouth and nodded
his head.
“Are you really saying you don’t remember?” “It’s like meeting
someone for the first time.”
"I remember you imprisoned the current emperor.
The man laughed when I opened his mouth without even taking a
moment to capture his expression.
It was a refreshing smile that did not fit the achromatic world at all.
I'm speechless
“You just have to remember that. So how did you get here?"
‘‘I was going to sleep, and I came in… .”
Why do you keep talking nonsense?
As I muffled his words as I felt blood rushing to his head, the man,
one taller than me, kicked the corpse's head as it was rolling on the
‘‘Were we close?” “We had a long secret relationship. Are you even
sharing this information?”
"Why are you dreaming like this?"
When I suddenly asked a question I was curious about, he looked at
me with a curious look.
The man who had been making eye contact with me for a long time
kicked the head of a skull that was rolling on the floor with his foot.
There was a dull sound of his bones breaking.
“It’s mental. I always have a sensitive sense when I come over there,
so I need time to sort things out.”
“On a battlefield like this?”
“These are the things I lost, aren’t they suitable for suppressing my
gloomy mood?”
Does this person know that the world calls it self-harm?
It may not be a good memory, but it's like I was going through the
wounds myself.
I opened my mouth and then closed it again, feeling like an idiot.
'I want to go.'
I guess I got my dream wrong. Seeing the man smashing the head
of a corpse by hand one by one, he gave the impression of Nya.
‘Could you use your powers here too?’
I closed my eyes and imagined the cafe Raphael had shown me.
A tea table fire is set on a green field full of teddy bears and rabbits
and animals roaming around.
I slowly opened my eyes imagining the view of the afternoon tea set
on top of it.
The battlefield, which had been filled with burning corpses and
strong smoke, disappeared, and what appeared in front of him was
the dream cafe created by Raphael without Raphael.
“What are you doing to be rude?”
There was displeasure at the man's smiling face. Seen from a bright
place, he looked even more youthful.
It seems that the cheeks are still left, and the voice is thin, not thick,
as if the metamorphosis has not come yet.
He doesn't have any muscles attached and he doesn't feel alive, but
the closer he is, the colder he feels.
"If you're feeling stuffy, why don't you have a cup of tea? I'm running
away from reality, so I don't want to see such a fleshy scene here."
“Are you really Illyana Glaine? How can a person change so much
just because he has no memory?"
He smiled lightly along with the sound of the wind. His wrinkled smile
made people look really good.
‘I want to go out too.’
You don't know how to get out. The teddy bear had no intention of
speaking to me after that.
No matter what I ask, I always answer in silence. What the hell are
you complaining about?
“You won’t even feel the taste anyway, so what does this mean?”
And then the man rattles the car,
a filled teacup
He sat down with his hand
Nya also drank tea without saying a word. what's over
It sounds like it's going away, but it's true that you don't feel it at all.
'You should eat this. '
In real life, I feel like I'm pretending, so I'm just eating salad.
I was going to ask for a light snack though, but that was impossible
as I ended up talking to the maid.
“The child you let go of becomes the emperor, how do you feel?”
“I feel like I want to eat well and live well except for me.”

<Episode 41>
"Did he find you?" "yes."
I replied, but I don't know how this man knows so much about the
relationship between Illyana Glein and Magnus.
Doubts welled up in my head, but I'm afraid to open my mouth.
I didn't want to know the truth that I couldn't handle anymore.
With a wrinkled face, he tilted the tea and put down the teacup with a
strange expression in his mouth.
“Illiana Glaine, you see. Does he look like a good emperor?”
"He's going to be a good emperor. He's got a sense of revenge for
what he's doing now, but he's forsaking me and doing it right."
It will not be long if we meet and take care of the empress who has
“Perhaps soon, the Royal Night will also be obtained.”
As if he had heard something unexpected, he lifted his eyebrows
while slicing the cake with a fork with a light gesture.
''Huh... , Why the Royal Knight?"
Because I saw a dark spirit. I was trying to answer that far, but I
hurriedly cracked down on his mouth.
My dragon can buy any doubts
He preferred not to speak.
As I remained silent, the man did not question me further.
Actually, that was fortunate. If he gets questioned, he doesn't have
the guts to beat him.
He felt that way even though nothing had happened to him.
'When is this person waking up?'
Only when this person wakes up can I go back
Anyone who sleeps at this time should take a nap.
I thought he might be a sleeping child, but I didn't know he would be
a beast with such black hair.
“Illiana Glain, do you have any intention of becoming the Empress?”
“Not at all. as you do.”
I shook my head in amazement at the soft tone.
I have no intention of becoming an empress. I'm still full of thoughts
that I just want him to quickly lose interest in me... … .
“Oh… that’s kind of sad.”
"I'm not going to die enough to give him my heart. But why do you
keep talking nonsense?"
“Were we talking nonsense to each other?”
There was no lie in the voice that answered with a smile. Since when
have they been arguing with each other?
Maybe it's the story of Illyana Glein that I don't know.
I had a bad mistake, so I acted shamelessly.
"Oh yeah? Then I'll talk nonsense too."
With that smile on my face, as I was being treated as a subordinate,
a feeling of displeasure rose from my feet.
The way he speaks is soft, but it feels like he treats people naturally
as subordinates.
"Any more questions?" "not really…."
I'm just curious when you'll be gone.
Learning the tasteless cake in three pieces, I pressed the palm of my
hand on the uncooked stomach.
“Then it’s my turn to ask a question.”
At his words, I looked at him. The man looked at my expression and
burst into laughter.
"Don't make that face, I'm bothering you
seems to be.”
"••••••• "
What expression am I making?
She tried to harden her face, but Illianna Glaine was less expressive,
so I don't know what expression she might have had.
‘Should I carry a mirror with me?’
The man took another piece of cake.
Fluffy daughter he raised a fork
I cut the front part of the cream cake and put it in my mouth.
“Illiana Glaine, how did you get here? It's my dream.”
‘Do, when do you wake up?”
To be honest, I want to go out for a bit. Dealing with this man was
more tiring.
"me? At least I have to sleep. But are you talking now?"
There was a thump-thumping sound. When I woke up screaming, I
was standing up from my seat.
Maybe he couldn't contain his anger and got up after hitting the devil.
Realizing that later, I sat down again in embarrassment.
“If you haven’t slept well in a month, usually go to bed.”
'Is that a lie? It's not like I can't get out of here for four days.'
There must be a way out of something. I couldn't sit at the table any
longer in my nervousness.
As I circled around the tea table, I took a deep breath as I couldn't
find an answer.
I know what will happen if I don't go back. Besides, if done wrong,
Magnus might find out about this power.
When I thought about it that far, I was even more anxious.
Then, a sudden thought occurred to me and I opened my eyes.
'The door through which you can get out of here.'
Since it is a place where imagination becomes reality, wouldn't it be
possible to create a door to return to the original world?
I completely forgot the man in front of me and imagined Magnus and
my bell.
As I imagined the way back there, a black passage appeared in front
of me. It was a black hole that looked like a subspace surrounded by
blue flames.
“Are you going?”
Suddenly, a man came up to me and asked.
'When did you get here?'
Shaking his shoulders, he nodded his head reluctantly and flew
himself down the aisle as if he was running away.
Fortunately, the man didn't chase me and the aisle closed as soon
as I entered.
The moment he stopped his feet thinking that he was trapped in a
new black darkness, his feet went out.
started to
The moment I woke up and recognized reality, I realized that my
whole body was wet.
If it's early, it's fast, if it's late, it's late. I didn't want to lie down any
I know I have to get up, but my body is a little heavy. I feel like I don't
want to lift a single finger.
When I turned his head, it was still daytime outside.
But I felt like I was popular in the room, and I cringed.
With a hard expression on his face, he got up on the bed and slowly
got up and looked around the room.
I was mesmerized for a moment by the sight of Magnus looking
through the papers on the table in the corner.
As if I was still dreaming, I rubbed my eyelids with the back of my
hand, and he shifted his gaze as if he had noticed my pretense of
Magnus' eyes lit up in surprise. He put down his papers and came
over to me.
"Are you okay? Ilya."
He leaned back on the bed with one arm and leaned back reflexively
at the sight of him leaning against his face.
My actions put strength in Magnus' eyebrows. I glanced at him, but
he bit his body slightly without saying a word.
Are you okay in the first place, what happened to me?
He rolled his eyes, not understanding the meaning of Magnus'
My body is damp as if I was sweating in a cold sweat
It does feel a bit heavy, but it's not the kind of greeting you hear
when you just wake up from a nap.
I don't think I've ever had any luck.'
Rather, it is closer after getting sick and having a concussion.
“He was ill for seven days. A member of the doctor... No, Sheryl said
you were not feeling well.”
Somehow, the answer I was hoping for came back
hey what did i do So, how the hell did I spend a few days with that
man and then lost my mind there?
I was going to ask him, but I didn't want to say sorry for nothing, so I
closed my mouth.
Because I could find out the date by reading the newspaper or just
listening to what people are saying.
When I did not continue to speak, Magnus sat down next to me with
an anxious expression.
“Illiana, you need to talk. Are you angry?"
"ah "
A hoarse voice leaked out while trying to answer the blamed voice.
He opened his mouth and realized it, but his throat was parched.
Rather than continuing, I looked around and looked for water.
Fortunately, there was a water jug nearby. He was about to reach
out, but Magnus raised his hand and blocked it.
“Sit down, I will follow you.”’
"••••••• "
Magnus, who gave the lukewarm water into his hand, was silent
while I drank.
Can a person pretend to be by drinking water?
That gaze is unbearable.
Nya deliberately drank the water little by little while lowering her
Yeah, it's only one cup.
It took him less than 3 minutes to drink water.
Water got into his parched neck.
The tingling and pain were gone.
‘‘I’m not mad.”
It's not Magnus' fault that I was sick in the first place. I just got sick
because my immune system was weakened.
Of course, that weakened immunity made
responsibility for
he will be with him
‘‘Aren’t you mad?”
"Yes, how many days have you been sick?" “It’s been five days since
that day.”
I lost my mind at Magnus' answer. If it's been five days, it seems like
I've slept because I haven't slept properly for the past five days.
I couldn't sleep thinking that I was next to Magnus.
Now that I look at it, it looks like she has changed clothes and is
wearing different clothes.
I decided not to ask who changed my clothes for the sake of my
mental health.

“I heard that lack of sleep also causes gastritis and signs of

malnutrition. Even if I ate too little.”
Better than pretending It was more convenient to flounder because I
was hungry, considering that I was going to have to evacuate it up
and down.
However, after realizing that five days have passed, I feel a little
“Am I uncomfortable? Iliana.''
"Of course you do. I only do that.
Because I heard it.”
Watching Magnus answering his own question, I
did not answer he
I thought Ram was on fire. what bar
What the hell has happened in the last five days? I can't even ask
When I read the novel, it was developed in the third person, so I
didn't have any questions at all... .
The character's point of view is so inconvenient.'
In the novel, I tell their story
It's powerless to watch. There is no way to stop it no matter what the
It is the same in any world where power and money are thugs.
“But it seems to be true that I pushed too hard.”
He said it in a tone that he regretted a little. He is so weak in
affection, where should he go to live?
If I had decided to take revenge, I wouldn't have given any
consideration to whether I was starving or not.
'It would be easier if I pretended not to know.'
He was really like this, so he seems to be worried. As for him, I'm
sure he doesn't want me to be defeated before he completes what
he thinks of revenge.
This was close to setting up a relationship for a reasonable sense of

<Episode 42>
He must have hoped that I had become weak and leaned on him, so
now his kindness is natural.
“I will allow you to give orders to the maidservant from start to finish.
If you do not feel comfortable eating, please eat in your room.
However, instead of eating alone, the amount you eat is higher than
There must be many.”
Averting my gaze, I listened to him with one ear and was captivated
by the other.
Rather, I was so dry that I wanted to let him go even before he died,
but I wondered if I had the mental strength to endure it.
What will happen if I keep running away from dream to dream?'
It seems that the teddy bear can hide in the shadows, but can't I?
How did the Marquis of Glain not get any contact? Still, I knew he
was trying to be a father.
You're not trying to create a new heir, are you?'
Of course, if that face is different enough
I will catch ram.
"your majesty."
His gaze turned to me at my call.
“No matter what happened in the past, is it difficult to just bury it?”
‘‘What do you mean?”
"You are the emperor now, and you have people you love and you
are not lacking. If I am guilty, I do not know why you choose the most
troublesome method over the numerous punishment methods that
can punish my sins."
The voice that had subsided due to being locked for a long time
made the atmosphere gloomy.
Magnus wasn't angry at my words. He looked at me with squinting
eyes and tilted his head.
"that is… "
Magnus placed his hand on my cheek.
“I will make you the most miserable.”
At that, I shut my mouth. My mind that I was afraid to spit out any
excuses that my memory was not perfect vanished.
I didn't answer, just nodded my head.
The lips I touched with his fingertips were chapped. When I grabbed
Magnus' shoulder, he glanced over his shoulder and looked at me.
I leaned my head back and kissed his lips. Magnus' dilated pupils
reflected the expressionless Illyana Glein.
Nya moved clumsily by pinching her tongue and shoving her tongue
between his lips.
Not knowing what the hell to do with his tongue, he flinched to lick
his mouth.
As I tried to entangle him with his tongue, Magnus moved his tongue
to match my movements.
In an instant he laid me down, got on top of it, and tucked his tongue
towards me.
As I surrendered myself to the sensation of the ashes of the ashes
opening my mouth gently, he tucked his tongue into my throat and
slowly pulled his lips apart.
Seeing him exhaling above me, I wiped my lips with the back of my
I slid from underneath him and got up.
‘‘Give me permission to go for a walk with the library, Mack.”
"••••••• "
He didn't say a word for a moment, his face hardened. am i missing
I wondered if it was because he didn't get down on his knees, and as
he tried to lower his feet under the bed, his arm was pulled out.
With his helplessly dragged body, he was laid on the bed at an angle
once more.
“I don’t say anything.
Do not try to get down on your knees in front of me.”
“What do you want from me?”
They told me to do the same thing, so I tried to do the same thing,
but they told me not to do it, so I don't know which rhythm to dance
I didn't know that Magnus' lips would open at my point.
"You only have to do what I tell you to do."
Yes, you would. i avoid the gaze
Then he grabbed his chin and made him face forward again.
‘‘Don’t even close your eyes when you talk to me.”
“Yes, Mac.”
Magnus' eyes lit up again at my answer.
One thing I've noticed though is that he's not used to me being
He often sees a nursery rhyme,
It's obviously different from the direction I thought
Or maybe I missed his expectations because I wasn't rigid.
“So why not?”
When he asked for an answer that did not come back, he hesitated
and opened his mouth.
“I will tell you separately.” ''Thank you"
With a determination that it might not be halfway
I've been screaming, so I'm a little nervous.
Magnus looked startled, then slowly shut his mouth.
What kind of expression did I put on that face?
'There is a banquet in Do-Daumju. stand by me Are you going to
officially announce that I will welcome you as Empress on that day?"
A sigh leaked out of his mouth at his words. How much does he
have to fall for me before he leaves me?
He said he had no intention of killing him, so unless he was lucky,
the probability of a novel-like ending was low.
‘Did the writer want this?’
If Illyana wished she lived, she might have wished for a new ending.
If it is true that it even shows an epilogue, is it okay to see a new
ending like this?
‘Then you mean I have to get hurt in the end, right?’
face frowned In fact, there are many cases where we break up
because we love someone.
Even if she pretends to be a lover and die and can't live, that doesn't
mean it will last forever.
Giving your heart might be possible if you give up.
But the problem is that what he wants is not 'love'
He intends to depend on me. 'Love' and 'dependence' are different
Without love, people will live, but when the person they depend on is
gone, it will be completely
There were also those who were unable to recover.
“And in the future, get regular check-ups with Cheryl. You can talk to
her while she is checking her up."
It would be nice to ask for a private room, but I don't think they'll
allow that.
I don't know how we ended up sharing the same room. On the
subject of asking if you ever need anything, one by one.
Of course, if you try to ask for it, you won't get a tag with ten kisses.'
I guess I should have bought a kiss like I did by saving money.
I stood up again and leaned against the head of the bed. Magnus put
his hand on my forehead.
“Don’t get sick when you’re annoyed”
The moment I understood the large, warm body temperature along
with the voice, my heart dropped.
In an instant, my heart pounded in my head. The place he touched
was hot.
I stiffened in that state, looked at Magnus, and stopped breathing. It's
a very familiar feeling.
Two years ago, the feeling at the time when I barely got rid of it and
entered the temple education gardening.
'Crazy, Illyana Glaine... … .'
Where the hell do you like a guy like this kid? no where was good
Magnus had an order, and he couldn't break his line at all, and he
was hardened, and he let out a sigh and fell.
“You’ve been starving for a long time, so please eat something for
I know this is false tenderness to break with my hands.
Still, the reason I can't get out of that snare is because I fell for
Magnus in the novel, or
Is it because Illianna Glaine's feelings are still there?
I suddenly had a thought
“Nice to meet you, Your Majesty. My name is Perto, the Royal
Knights Knights, the commander of the Storm Storm.”
As soon as breakfast was over, a storm struck.
With dark hair, a beast-like bright yellow with a different feel from
Magnus' gold.
The familiar man, with his eyes, neat appearance, pure white skin,
and soft tone, was dressed in a bright indigo light uniform and raised
a hand on one of his chest to greet him.
‘‘I swore allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor a few days ago. Our
storm will surely protect His Majesty's life, and will also protect what
His Majesty seeks to protect."
"••••••• "
“I heard that you were a little sanctioned, but he said it was okay to
have a conversation with Storm Rang.
He has been given a fall.”
That's not why I'm speechless.
I kidnapped the emperor... No, the fact that the man who knew that
Iliana Glein had kidnapped the emperor was the commander of the
Knights of the Storm.
And I was also surprised to find out that he was the same person as
the shrewd man I had met in my dream a few days before I fell ill.
When I was silent, Perto tilted his head with a smile.

Surprised by his call, I met his eyes. Behind Perto were the Storm
Knights who often served as my escort.
“I am not the Empress.”
"Yes, but I heard that you will soon become the Empress. You have
also received permission from His Majesty, so it is better to get used
to it gradually."
Naturally, the man who used half-talk began to use honorific words.
Even the atmosphere was completely different back then.
At that time, there was a lot of dark energy behind the soft
atmosphere, but now it is not as scary as it was then.
“No, call me Young Glaine or call me Iliana.” "I'll ask your majesty's
Perto replied with a smile. He is not sure. I met you in my dream
Unlike his time, he couldn't see the dark side at all, and he was still
somewhat uncomfortable.
I looked behind Perto.
“Ah, I thought it would be convenient for those familiar with me, so I
brought the children who had escorted the Empress Dowager.”
“… Your Majesty's orders? escort me.”
"Yes, we have ordered at least one person to follow the storm when
leaving the room."
Perto's smiling face didn't say anything.
If Magnus told me to do it, what could I have said?
He had chosen to be obedient to him, so he had to endure the
‘If your Majesty is okay with it, may I ask you to introduce yourself?”
I was tired, and it was hard to stand with my head pounding.
He sat on the bed and nodded his head.
Perto turned around slightly. he
He still looked smaller and dwarfed than the rest of the crew.
“Introduce yourself.”
Perto smiled softly and gave orders. The man with red hair on the far
left took a step forward.
With his cool looking features, he has thick lines and thick eyebrows.
His hair was short enough to not waver. It was more like a sports
“This is my first formal greeting, Empress.
your majesty. My name is Marriott Ross.”
<Episode 43>
‘Yes, yes.”
I think the Ross family also remembers hearing about it somewhere.
In fact, it is true that young people should use honorific words for
knights and half-words for empresses.
But replace my mediocre positional theory
I don't know what to say
In this situation, honor was the most comfortable for me.
Marriott lowers her head, takes a step closer, kisses my hand briefly,
and steps back from her.
I'm sure I'll actually go through something like this.'
I've heard that there is such a thing as a knight's oath, but it's
embarrassing for me to take it.
Fortunately, the faces of Ilya and Glaine, who are strong in poker
faces, are not visible.
Standing next to Marriott was wearing glasses.
He was a scholar-type man.
He was wearing a sword, but he was so muscleless that I doubt he
was really a swordsman and looked as dwarfed as Perto.
His standing posture was so upright that even he took a step and it
looked angled.
Not even a single strand of his gray hair had flowed down to all
whites, whether he had used wax or not.
The corners of his eyes were raised upwards, and his mouth was
also fixed in a straight line.
"My name is Phillip, Your Majesty. Only
It's an honor to meet you."
A good-sounding voice knocked on my ear
Dia, emotions are revealed even in your voice
He placed his hand on his chest and almost
45 degrees
He bends his back at an angle and does not wobble.
He erected this body.
Philip took a step closer and held out his hand.
in action
It seems to be saying that there is no more energy.
I put my hand on his palm and gently kissed him as if he was about
to touch it.
Gon left.
As Philip lined up and returned to his seat, the woman with dark blue
hair next to him took a step forward.
Although of the same gender, she was taller than me by one head.
The woman with her hair tied up in a tight ponytail looked arrogant at
first glance.
''My name is Keaton. Your Majesty, please take good care of me.”
Lightly greet with a light voice
Keaton gave it a laugh.
The tense atmosphere seemed to have loosened up a bit, so I
smiled and nodded his head.
“Please take good care of me for a while.”
Keaton stepped back, kissing the place where he reached out. Perto
stepped forward again in front of the three of them.
“For now, these three people will take turns escorting for 8 hours
every 24 hours.”
"••••••• "
I didn't even point out whether it was an escort or a watchdog. The
storm follows only the emperor's orders anyway.
If Magnus tells me to kill one day, they are the ones who hang my
head casually while protecting me.
‘It is useless to give affection.’
It seems that it is a weakness of human beings to think that they are
friendly even though they know it. Or am I weak?
‘‘If there is a case where the number of people is changed due to
unavoidable circumstances, I or one of these three will tell you
directly, so please do not trust anyone other than us.”
Perto smiled contentedly at my words. He glanced around and
looked at the three of them.
"Isn't each one of us to do?" "yes."
“Once you all go, I will talk a little more with your Majesty the
Everyone nodded as if they were familiar with Perto's soft tone. Only
Marriott raised her hand with a bewildered look in her eyes.
"Uh, what about me, the leader?"
“Oh, are you on turn?”
"Yes, can I escort you outside?"
He pointed out with his finger and said. At Marriott's words, Perto
shook his head.
“Is that so?”
"all right!"
The three men rushed out. When silence fell around me and the only
people left in the room were him and me, Perto smiled and brought
me back again.
"You said you weren't feeling well, are you okay now?"
"you… Who is it?"
“If it’s about self-introduction, it sounds like you’ve already done it.”
Perto tilted his head at my cold voice.
It's not even cute, but when I tried to do cute things, my stomach
churned for nothing. The man in front of me was afraid.
When I found out who he was, I was even more suffocating.
'You mean you knew everything...'
The moment he opens his mouth, Magnus Horn
Witnesses arise in the conviction of his pride.
The knight who is framed by the emperor testifies
It is the weight of the covering and the royal standing
I also thought the worst could have been avoided.'
As the blood drained away, my skin felt tingly.
亡: 亡
The ingenuity to bring down goosebumps
Without it, I had already opened my mouth.
”Replaced by the Knights Commander of the Royal Knights
why "
Hearing my trembling voice, Perto's smile widened.
He was standing with his back in a lighter voice than when he was
I gulped down his saliva as I looked at the uniform he was wearing.
"Why, I, Ana... did you close your eyes to what I did in the past?"
"Because I wasn't sure whether or not I would have the current
Majesty as my master.
I was speechless again at Perto's light reply. There were also
references to such content in the novel.
Even if they were emperors, the content was that they would not
serve anyone other than a person appointed as their master.
There was no detailed mention of the storm, but the main character,
Magnus, was recognized anyway, so it was not that the content was
not released at all.
As if he was making an expression that he couldn't understand,
Perto opened the door lightly.
"Isn't Stormrang a special group created by His Majesty the First
"The first emperor?"
“Yeah, it’s a special group that the first emperor created to protect
the empire in order to entrust it to watch over a certain place.”
It was something that came out of nowhere.
What is the surveillance in any place? Is this really true in the novel?
What if, as Teddy Bear said, I was in a different world?
Thinking like that before anything else
full of ribs
"There is a rule in the storm that only the owner who has signed the
knight's oath can obey. It is only the authority of the commander of
the storm storm to decide the opponent, and the condition is that the
owner must have the blood of the imperial family."
It was clear that the reason for such a condition was to prevent
storms from escaping from the imperial family.
He must have judged that even if he did not help the imperial family,
he should not become an enemy of the imperial family.
“However, if there is no one in the royal family who can be
acknowledged, there is no need to intervene in anything. That was
the promise between His Majesty the first emperor and the first
But why was this man telling me this?
He listened naturally, but realized later. He had no need for me to
hear this.
As if noticing my embarrassment, Perto leaned against the wall with
his arms crossed.
I gave
“This was recorded in the first law of the imperial family, and there
are restrictions that the descendants can never touch. There was no
lumber in the last imperial family, so the previous storm did not
choose any owner, and it was passed down my own way... … "
He ended the conversation by blurring the end of his speech. He
could infer the story behind the scenes without having to listen to
Either he wasn't going to choose him either, or he didn't have
enough timber. It was Magnus who changed his mind
It's because
“Why are you telling me this?”
‘‘If she becomes the Empress, shouldn’t she know about Illyana
Glaine as well?”
“I have no intention of becoming the stolen Empress.”
He didn't respond to my words. Rather than that, by letting his words
flow softly like a willow branch, he expressed that his will and mine
were not the same.
“And Illiana Glaine’s weakness.
What can you do if I tell you my secret story because I'm holding it?"
I didn't know how fast my heart was beating at that one word. What
expression am I making now?
When I finally came to my senses, I had already fixed my gaze on
the ground.
“Are you going to talk to Magnus?”
"I swore allegiance to His Majesty yesterday, and decided to make
His Majesty the master of the storm.
I have no choice but to answer.”
Each word revealed the location of Perto and Magnus.
It is not known exactly what happened, but it was clear that Perto
acknowledged Magnus.
"What if I don't ask?"
“You don’t have to go ahead and tell me, do you?”
That's right. I can't talk about the past, and I don't ask.
It is strange to say that something like this has happened in the past
and something like that has happened.
“And today is the last time I come to speak to you like this. I didn't
seem to be able to adapt at all, so I'm just explaining in a way that I
can understand, so please understand."
“The alternative Magnus… .”
I've ordered him to destroy him, so doesn't that put him in the right
His mind was complicated. he will be
I know better that there are no angles
After keeping his mouth shut for a long time without saying a word,
when he looked up again, Perto had already disappeared.
Still no answer came.
I let out a deep sigh as I was spread out on the bed in a room where
no one came in.
I don't know what Magnus was thinking. After that day, when I was
completely asleep, I went to my room
I no longer had to leave the room and meet face to face before I
woke up.
'It's not like they're a married couple.'
He forced me to sit in my room, and he didn't seem to have the will
to have a conversation.
Actually, I still don't know what to talk about. Still, not seeing his face
deepened his embarrassment.
‘Is there any meaning in being close like this?’
After all, the opponent will be acting, and I may have to act as I am.
For me, since everything is in a limited state, there will be more
times when it won't be acting.
Even now, I look forward to seeing when we can have a
If this is part of his plan, then I'm probably playing around.
'that is … It will make you the most miserable.’
The way you say cruel things without any hesitation
'Don't be sick if you're annoyed.'
I don't know which one of them seems to be genuinely concerned
about me.
What is certain is the fact that at this rate, it will only be to force
twisted and broken cogs into each other.
<Episode 44>
‘Shall we go for a walk?’
After suffering once, I was allowed to
it was Of course, in this room after that
going out
First time. It was today that showed movement
It's been three days since I got sick, but in the meantime
Because she had no intention of leaving at all.
The cape prepared by the maids on the shoulder
I put on it and knocked on the door. Then the door carefully opened
and the escort
I saw it, it's clear that it's Hana among the Knights of the Storm..
Was it Philip?'
The angled posture was still vividly remembered. Perhaps this man
will not even have a break.
‘‘What are you doing? Her Majesty the Empress.” And no matter
what they say
I didn't think to change the word. I don't even know what Magnus
was thinking.
“I want to go for a walk.”
"Yes, I heard. There is a garden nearby, is that all right?"
‘Did he even designate a place to go for a walk?”
“It is not.”
Philip shook his head neatly with a puzzled look on his face. How
much he pushes himself with his straight tone.
seemed to know
He has a cold impression, but I wonder if it is a system that is only
making up.
“Then I will go wherever I go. Because I don't really want to go
anywhere." ‘‘I understand, if you take the lead, I will follow you’’
"Yes, Thanks."
After giving a formal greeting, I turned around. There were no
servants other than Phillip around.

Nya went down the stairs slowly and left the castle after a time she
didn't even know how many days had passed.
‘‘Have you eaten? Philip.”
‘Where do knights usually eat? I heard that there is a restaurant for
users inside Hwangseong, do you do it there?"
“Usually yes.”
I worked hard to ask him various questions.
Mostly big.’ ‘No.’ ‘Yes’
There were three types of answers, but it was important to have
someone who responded anyway.
As I worked hard, I realized that people were suffering more than I
Don't be afraid'
I didn't even think about it because I didn't have that kind of mood at
I think that maybe the reason why I stayed depressed in the room all
the time was because someone was hungry.
It was a conversation with a person who only had three types of
answers alternately, but just having someone listen would make a
“Do you think I will become the Empress?”
“I think so.”
This man, whose answer never exceeds ten characters, was really
an FM. How long has he been imprisoned in the Imperial Castle?
I wonder if people are already hungry. with the book
Do I have to spit?
I walked around Hwangseong while thinking about this and that
As I was about to go through the rose bushes, I shook my head
"Or . .•?"
What kind of little boy is walking around in the bushes. Is he just
three years old? The back jerking motion is unstable.
Then I feel like I'm going to turn backwards
He walked in stride and reflexively grabbed the child's back.
The big-eyed child was startled and tilted his head all the way to look
at me.
He was a child with pale emerald eyes
The cute boy's hair was dark brown, and that color
She looked a lot like Cheryl Cynthia.
He was holding a seedling shovel of an unknown meaning in one
hand, but seeing that the soil had come up in the summer, it seems
he was trying to make a sand castle.
The soil was hard and watery, so it didn't seem like there would be a
big problem to make a fortress.
‘It would be a little less than a sand castle.’
Would you rather play with your child? I don't know if it's appropriate
to spend time rather than thinking
If you were with a child, your worries and worries would disappear.
Nya squatted in front of the child.
"Who is it?"
''Don't mind me, my soul is mine. Philip.”
As I said with a smile, Philip shrugged his shoulders and shut his
mouth tightly. I wonder if there was any special order
I took a quick glance and saw that he was quite troubled.
I was making an impression.
''castle? What?"
“Ugh, that one.”
I took the child's shovel, gently compacted the ground, and began to
pile up the soil little by little.
It's not that I'm very good at making sand castles, but I often used to
do sculpting as a hobby in the past, so I think a similar feeling will
come out.
He didn't talk much and he didn't whine.
“Wow, whoa… "
Her eyes twinkled next to her as she burst into exclamation of
continuous exclamation, collecting the soil with her little hands and
giving it all away.
As far as I can see, the perfection of the castle was quite good,
considering that it was made by hand with a seedling shovel.
It's good to focus.'
But whose child is this? Usually, children are not allowed to enter the
she knows that
Seeing that her clothes are made of high-quality fabrics, I wonder if
she is probably one of the sons of aristocrats.
When I finished everything and came to my senses, the sun was
setting slowly.
The child looked around the completed castle and sat down with his
knees folded and his chin tucked away, captivating him with laughter.
'Oh, Philip.'
I turn my head to the existence that came up late
Now Philip was three steps behind me and was looking at me with a
strange expression on my face.
I got up slowly. I grab hold of the nearby Nyamu at the tingling pain
that rises from my toes.
and caught his breath for a moment.
I squatted too much and it looks like I'm a mouse.
' 'What did your parents do? I'll take you nearby."
The child, who had turned to me at my words, jumped up from his
seat with a happy expression on his face.
Following the child running past me, I shifted my gaze.
‘‘Casio! Oh my gosh, you were worried.”
"••••••• "
"••• ••• "
Oh, this combination is also amazing. I was speechless for a
moment, looked down at my hands that had been messed with dirt,
and then looked up again.
Cheryl Cynthia held her baby in her arms, stroking the baby's body.
As if trying to get confirmation that you were there.
"Aha "
I had no idea that Magnus and Cheryl Cynthia had already had
He broke his beating heart, pretending not to know, and tried hard to
‘But he’s about three years old, so how… ?'
Belatedly, I had a realistic question, and when I looked up, Magnus,
who appeared with Cheryl Cynthia, was in front of me.
He, like Philip, had a bizarre expression on his face, but by this point,
he couldn't help but seriously think about what I had done wrong.
‘It would be funny to build sand castles at this age, but… .'
However, the question still remains as to whether it is necessary to
make an expression that says that you have seen something you
cannot see like that.
I blinked slowly and looked Magnus and did not avoid it.
‘‘What are you doing here?” ‘Do, uh, making sand castles.”
"I never allowed this."
He spoke in a low voice and grabbed his black hand that had been
messed up with my dirt.
Aren't they included in this tidying walk? You can even play with the
I was afraid of voicing my dissatisfaction, but because I didn't want to
start a fight after seeing each other after a long time, I nodded my
head in agreement.
".. .... "
He politely apologizes and then looks at Nya with a blank look during
the day that he doesn't like something.
If you have any problems, please tell me
do it
I wanted to give you a word, but I thought the same thing again and
stopped thinking.
“Oh, Illyana! Has your child ever made you uncomfortable? Thank
you for taking care of me.”
"••••••• "
I saw Cheryl Cynthia talking to her, then the child clinging to her leg,
then Magnus, and shut her mouth.
He allowed her and her to be examined.
I couldn't respond because they were just talking when they came.
Wouldn't it be a problem to have a conversation with a nerd child?'
As I thought about it, I shook my head. When I came to my senses, I
saw myself censoring every single thing I did and meeting his
I was so funny that I bowed my head.
'Go back to Gerald'
“… you still.”
Cheryl Cynthia frowned and looked at Magnus.
I don't like what I wear
It doesn't seem like he was holding on tight.
Shaking her teeth, she clenched her fists with a pale face.
When I saw Magnus standing next to her, it was cool.
with eyes
her looking at her
there was.
“Let’s go, Lina.”
He grabbed my wrist and pulled me tighter.
I had no intention of rebelling from the beginning, but I was a little
concerned that the child was looking at me with wide open eyes.
She couldn't be as cruel to the child, so invisibly she smiled a little at
the child.
Her terrified, dark-eyed child opened her eyes and waved her hand
slightly. The kid was pretty quick too.
'Is it really two years old?'
It may be because it is said that the child's developmental state is
different from that of others.
No, no matter how much revenge she gets in front of a woman who
has even given birth, what does she mean by making me empress?
"You're only doing what I tell you not to."
‘It’s just that I made a sand castle. You said taking a walk is
‘‘Since when do you start touching the pile of dirt on a walk?
Is there any act involved?"
It was not difficult to tell from his cool voice that his heart was
He dragged me to the room and almost threw me on the bed.
His hands, soiled with his dirt, touched the bed and pulled them
‘‘What are you doing… !"
“I told you not to do anything other than what I was allowed to do.”
Magnus said, putting his knee between my legs.
He grabbed my shoulder with his other hand and pulled me up to the
back of the bed.
She couldn't hide her bewildered look and she looked at him.
‘‘You have broken your promise to me, so walking is prohibited. You
must have been aware of your position.”
“That’s a shame!”
Magnus' cool eyes turned to me.
I didn't say anything and kept my mouth open.
Magnus pressed his thumb against my lower lip and smiled
“You should use a high-level word. Lina.”
"••••••• "
A large hand gently stroked her hair.
<Episode 45>
I shook my head with my face hardened. His voice is obviously
sweet and soft, but I don't know why it's so cold.
“If the domestic fox doesn’t listen, I have no choice but to punish
him.” ''Magnu..."
“You are my beast, when will you realize that?”
His appearance and a scene in the novel where Illyana was dealing
with Magnus overlapped.
I just stared blankly and lost it.
It seemed that Magnus knew from whom all these things were
learned and what he was seeing.
Magnus pulled out a black cloth from somewhere.
The long fabric looked like it was going to be used as a headband at
a sports day, and he brought it to my eyes.
Strength entered his hand holding Magnus.
“Make me your everything. Without me, you wouldn't be allowed to
do anything."
My body stiffened at the sound of a voice whispering in my ear.
It's friendly, but somehow frightening, I couldn't bear the difference
and ended up closing my eyes tightly.
"You're smart."

L 亡 Go higher
Close your eyes a couple of times and close them
put it on the back of my head
Nya's mouth blankly
o o1
I gave strength to his hand holding
‘‘Lina, are you starting now?
己 can not work. even a small sound
Moment, when did I do this?
又l will not know. of course
to release
I can’t even go on.”

Nothing was visible. In the darkness, I could only feel the owner of
the cloth I held on to move.
Something soft touched his forehead and fell.
Only that feeling was so clear that I gave him a little more strength in
the hand that was holding him.
“As long as you don’t say it’s okay for me to say it, you shouldn’t
even answer my words. Did you know?"
"••••••• "
"Smart foxes have a taste for nurturing, you can answer that. You
know?" “… … my''
I barely licked my lips, leaning on the way he was stroking my hair.
A cold sweat ran down my cheeks in the darkness that had
descended. His back was getting wetter and colder.
I didn't know my vision would be so terrifying.
Magnus, who pulled off the hem of the robe I was holding on to,
moved the room.
Lee came
His hearing became several times more sensitive than usual. He
pricked his ears and shrugged his neck.
" II "
Something cold touched my fingertips. My body, which had been
very tense, withdrew even more.
I knew that people depended on their vision for a lot, but I never
knew I would have to go through something like this again.
It's different from just being trapped in the dark. it could still move
And when you get used to it, things went a little differently. But this
darkness is different.
"I have work, so I have to leave."
His hand stroking his hair ran down the line of his face and stroked
his cheek. The warmth quickly faded away.
I heard him get up. Ash clenched his fist tightly and bit his lower lip.
“Don’t bite your lip.”
At those words, I immediately licked my lips. nothing else
Once it was clear that he was angry, he just thought he needed to
calm himself down.
After all, there were scenes like that. Magnus, who was desperately
trying to relieve Illyana's anger, was also shown.
saw it several times
Do I have to do that too? Breathing in, he grabbed the blanket and
buried his face.
I heard the door open and close. Magnus left the room. I was the
only one in the room.
Without any ingenuity to escape from the fear that struck me at that
moment, I buried myself in the blanket a little longer.
Apprentice Ral.'
A swear word leaked out later. what the hell did i do wrong
Would it be so off-putting to say that I was only going to build a sand
castle? Or it's just that I'm out of his expectations
Is this the problem?
'What did I do wrong?'
The reason Philip didn't step out was probably because he told me
to let it go no matter what.
I was going to educate you like this at least once. It was clear that he
was caught up in the act. And this also made sense.
If your vision is taken away, you will have to rely on him for most
things to see.
‘Not as inhumane as Iliana.
Should I be satisfied with that?'
It was funny that I uttered the word “satisfaction” with such things.
It's not something I did, but it's now taken for granted that I'm being
This may also be one of the things the author has tamed with me.
I'm scared too.'
It was scary. The fact that I couldn't see anything was scary, and
someone took my body
I was terrified that I couldn't even say anything to the touch.
I told you not to make a small noise, so no matter what I do, I won't
be able to say anything.
‘ …….’
What he wants from me, I still don't know.
Recently, Hwangseong was a thin ice sheet.
This is because the emperor's mind has been dizzy for several days,
and even Medens, the father-in-law of Euijinwon, who was good at
dealing with the ungrateful emperor, was too busy to reveal the
emperor's name and growl.
Not only that, the Marquis of Glein did not show a peep in the
Imperial Palace, let alone a meeting, as if it were a protest.
The woman who was forced by the emperor to sit as the candidate
for the Empress did not leave the room at all, so the recent imperial
castle was literally on a piece of thin ice that could not be broken at
any time.
There was not a case where all the agendas were settled properly in
the meetings that followed day after day.
The emperor sharply inspected every case.
We all started suffering from stomach pain together, so we had to go
to the doctor's office.
As it went on, the Marquis Glaine showed up at the meeting after
more than a week's absence.
“My wife is an empress, and I cannot afford it.
It’s not.”
' 'If she likes the child, I'll have a conversation with her and not be
against it, but I don't think so. It cannot be permitted.”
Marquis Glain's voice was calm but cold.
He looked directly at Magnus with his blue eyes and did not avoid his
gaze. In response to Marquis Gulain's objection, Magnus
face hardened
It was no longer an attitude toward the emperor. He was polite but
clearly hostile.
At least there was no one here who did not realize that fact.
The Marquis Glein had no disturbance in her upright posture, but it
was ashes that exposed her displeasure to the point that everyone
she knew was embarrassed.
Magnus sat on the throne and leaned his chin at an angle.
"You sound disrespectful. What's wrong with letting her sit as the
“I am not aware of such power.”
Magnus' face frowned slightly. It's a very unique family.
I know the Marquess of Glaine has been around for a long time, but
obviously it wasn't particularly striking.
It's not like I've accumulated money or wealth, and it's not a place
where I can get anything out of my head.
If it's the only home, it's probably a disgraceful thing about the
'imperial son' committed by Illiania Glein, but it was Magnus who
didn't intend to reveal it.
It would be best for her to grab her by her mouth and wield it as she
pleases, but she didn't want to hurt this.
'It's definitely something strange.'
Her memories of when she was terrified and when she was her
beast are still vivid today.
But one day, she completely changed. No matter what she did, she
would show her eyes that she was embarrassed, troubled, and often
Also, the third day.'
For the third day after she had her eyes covered, she had to hear
him come into her room and lay next to her, but she managed to
surrender herself to her steed.
No one was allowed to enter her room, so she was often the only
one who visited her room.
She couldn't speak, and shrugging her body in fright, no matter how
much she thought about it, she lacked the vigor of her past.
Illiana Written by Magnus
Lane, to be defined in one word, was charisma itself.
There was something pressing down on people and controlling them.
She knew how to handle people, and every gesture was elegant and
‘If you think about it now, you must have resembled the Marquis of
Every move is more and more energetic
that resembles him
She was always bitter and unkind to her.
There were only those two things between her orders and
obedience, between her and herself. She seldom showed her
But on that day, she suddenly changed everything the day she gave
her the antidote.
Her mood changed, and her relationship with herself and her
She became oddly affectionate, and she began to frown, and she no
longer called herself a beast.
She was tired of the cup.'
She trembled as a woman who seemed terrified was locked in the
She fell asleep only with her own pretense, and she held her breath
as she surrendered herself to her unfamiliar hands.
It was clear that she should be in a good mood. For her this was her
revenge and was intended to put her in the same position as her
I also did her own meals and did most of her service myself.
When she sees her obedient, she should have been happy. It was
something she had longed for.
I've been waiting all the time for her to respond only to her touch and
she obeys me.
By the way… …
The more time passed, the more I looked at her like that, the more
her mood plummeted.
The whole time I was swallowed by waves of unknown emotions, I
couldn't find the answer.
‘‘Your Majesty, I will take the child with me.’’
"Not allowed."
“I did not ask for permission. I was notified.”
After Glaine, who didn't avert her gaze, the little one definitely
resembled the old Iliana Glein.
Two escorts from Wind Rang, unable to listen to the words of the
Marquis of Glain, stood in their way.
‘‘Your Majesty, I understand the circumstances, but it is your safety.
Have an example.”
Despite the turbulence of the storm, Marquis Glain did not blink an
eye and simply raised his eyebrows.
He doesn't even pay attention to the storm
He looked at Magnus again.
“The child has no memory now. I can't afford it either, so I'm barely
holding it in." "...what?"
Magnus, who had been thinking through one ear, hardened his face.
<Episode 46>
He raised his head and looked at the Marquis Glain.
It sounded like something I shouldn't have heard. The Marquis Lane
raised his head in response.
“What did you say now? Marquis Glain.” “You said your memory is
incomplete.” “Do, when?”
“It’s been since I came back from the temple training center.”
Investigations into Illyana Glein are over. She also received reports.
Obviously there was something like that.
Two years ago, she knew that the place she went after leaving
herself behind was a temple and a temple training center.
She thought she was really evil. Because she was there, Magnus
couldn't find her after that, even though he searched for her like that.
“… You lost your memory?" "Simply speaking, yes."
The Marquis Glaine replied straight. Magnus, who met his cold eyes,
stood up from his seat. He stood before the Marquis of Glein with a
large stride.
"From when do you remember?"
“It’s a memory from before the temple training center.”
Power entered the brow of Marquis Glaine as he answered. Magnus
clenched his fists.
He ruffled his hair with a look of disappointment, then took a step
“My children have been educated for successors since birth. He is a
child who can rule and rule over others.
I assure you, you are not suitable for the Empress.”
At the words of Marquis Glain, Magnus' lips hardened.
He raised Illiania Glaine as her step-daughter after perfect.
He did not make him a person who would support someone and give
his heart to someone.
She is the Empress, and she is the person who must assist and
support him by the Emperor's side.
But Iliana Glein didn't.
She was born and raised as a child with the qualities of a king.
She gave priority to the real interest over sympathy, realistic reason
rather than personal emotion, and the public interest over private
Illyana Glaine was such a child.
Even now, she has lost her memory. She doesn't know herself, but
she's like that
there is going
Just as there is a distinction between those who stand and those
who do not, so is Illyana Glein.
"Marquis Lane. Let her later make her place. But I have no intention
of letting her go."
Magnus turned his body. A storm followed behind Magnus as he left
the conference room. This was the first time the Marquis Lane saw
the storm to appear in public in person today.

Do Pung-Rang admits?”
Marquis Glein's blue eyes sank heavily. He looked at Magnus as he
walked away and opened his mouth.
"He doesn't like dark things very much."
"••••••• "
“The meeting is disbanded.”
After throwing the horse, Magnus quickly became the chairman of
the council.
disappeared from
Do, as expected, what happened to this body?
Otherwise, there would be no way to be immersed in such extreme
fear just by covering your eyes.
It's the complete opposite of my personality. My original self doesn't
break down so easily
I wasn't even so afraid of the dark
Without the presence of people, my body trembled like a tree, and it
was hard to bear.
It was only for these three days that I had to hold my breath and wait
for someone to come.
'I'll just do what I'm told.'
I wish I had done what I was told. If I had followed the orders, it
wouldn't have been this complicated.
After practicing silence for a few days, I realized that people don't
talk more than I thought.
It's just that it was possible to live without it and that the imprisoned
person was the reason behind the madness.
‘It’s not even sad that it’s like this.’
Just moderately bent and bowed down,
It is only necessary to give strength to something that is not a rudder
One thing I realized is that you can't do anything with your eyes
Even escaping into a dream was impossible.
That's actually what I see
Because basically, you can't do anything when your eyes are
Meanwhile, I heard the doorknob turning.
The body reflexively tensed. The buzzing got closer and closer, and I
took a deep breath. A familiar body odor hit the tip of his nose.
‘… Magnus?'
I'm listening closely, so my breathing is fast.
was relieved by the fact that
My back was wet with a cold sweat, but it quickly subsided just the
fact that he was there.
He called twice, but I kept my mouth shut as I lay down.
I was nervous because I wondered if I was taking the test again.
The scorching heat drew closer to his cheeks.
The sharpened senses were feeling each and every movement of
“You can answer me, Iliana.” " yes."
A locked voice came out. I coughed a couple of times while paying
attention, and then I fixed my face to the place where I heard the
voice again.
He was afraid because he could not see where his hand would
“I remember where you and I met.
Do you mind?"
'do…・It was my first time in Hwangseong.”
I sighed when I answered clearly.
“Illiana, I have no intention of blaming you for that.”
Magnus' hand touched my cheek. The scorching heat hardened his
I got up from my lying position. he was straight
barely speak

“If I had ever wanted to investigate what you did, I would have done
it the day I recognized you. So be honest.”
"••••••• "
I don't know how much is the truth and how much is a lie. In the first
place, I don't even know if I can talk now or not.
I wasn't sure how far I could move to Magnus now.
“… … Answer, can I?"
"••••••• "
The hand that touched my cheek stiffened. He slowly ran his hand
away from my cheek. Whether it was an eye patch or a piece of
cloth, the pupils continued to move within the blindfold.
Can't you see how you feel?
“Yes, tell me. If I don’t tell you otherwise, you may continue.”
Is this another new type of bullying? Or was it some kind of trap
The reason Philip didn't actively stop me was probably because
Magnus kept his word.
To me, it felt like he had dug a trap.
“I don’t know what your Majesty is.”
口l- standing 0 root CJ root
you do
He was speechless again. footsteps
There was no sound, so it was right in front of me, but I couldn't even
hear my breath.
The fear of the invisible has been well experienced in these few
‘I kept saying no… .'
Now, I can't even say, 'Actually, I'm right.' Above all else, I can't trust
Being invisible is so powerless. I thought he had a sword right under
my neck
The sound that you never know even if you aim at it
Tightly tensed up at the waist
A cold sweat was forming on my back.
"memory … ."
I tilted my head slightly to where the sound was coming from.
“Ilyana, I heard that your memory is not perfect.”
It was like a thunderbolt. In an instant, the door of the horse shrank.
It was true that I was going to reveal the truth, but I ended up not
saying it.
After all, I thought that this would not be any excuse for him, and
could have made him feel even worse.
Who wouldn't feel bad about the person who tormented them saying
that they forgot their memories?
I thought you would be disappointed. And that doesn't mean much to
him either.
So I hesitated to answer. If he was going to lose interest quickly, I
thought it would be better to bully him and lose him while he was as
obedient as he is now.
He tried to resist, but gave up.
He realized while facing that it was better to bend than to face him.
I was going to leave if he let me go, and I was desperately trying to
get him to say he would forget me.
Did the Marquis Glaine say? He doesn't even come to see his own
daughter, but the emperor Lang, who has his daughter in prison,
seems to get along well.
I couldn't hear any news from the outside, so I had no idea what was
going on or how.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” “Yes?”
I asked stupidly. He reached out and placed his hand on the back of
my head.
He heard the rustling of the hem of his cloth, and his vision
I couldn't stand the sudden pouring light and closed my eyes tightly.
When his eyes got used to the light, he slowly raised his eyelids
again. Magnus stood before me.
He was dressed quite differently than me, who was sitting on the
bed. He was dressed in a uniform, as if he had just been watching
an affair.
It was so neat. It was messy all over the place though.
"Why didn't you tell me that? If you did..." ‘‘If I told you?”
At my answer, Magnus' golden eyes turned to me.
' 'Has anything changed if I said that? your majesty."
"••••••• "
“It’s true that I don’t have a complete memory. However, it is not
entirely absent. I just, vaguely know what happened.”
''What happened?"
Magnus will grab his horsetail. I held my breath for a moment and
rolled my eyes.
As I averted my gaze, Magnus grabbed my chin and forced him to tilt
his head to face the line.
“Do you remember what happened to me? Do you know what you
did to me?"
"••••••• "
"that day "

Magnus drove me to his eyes with some ecstasy.

Whether they made excuses or said they weren't, I had to argue and
listen to them saying I don't know what they're talking about, but
everything was impossible.
His eyes were terrifying.
“Since the day you first gave me the medicine saying it was an
antidote… You are obviously different. Come to think of it, you
haven't called me a beast since that day."
"••••••• "
"From the time he returned from the Little Temple Training Institute
after Glein, he said that his memory was incomplete..."
Magnus kneeled on the bed and came closer to me. I tilted my head
and couldn't open my mouth.
“Probably a long time ago. Illyana, it's so much better that you left
… … •"
Jeongguk was stabbed and he couldn't say anything.
<Episode 47>
I just couldn't close my mouth and opened it, bound by Magnus'
I can't move because he doesn't allow it
“I didn’t know that at the time, but now that I think about it, it feels like
I’ve become a different person. It was then that you became friendly
and that you started avoiding me outright.
It was about.”
I can't ask how far you have guessed.
I tried to bite my lower lip, fearful that the voice was about to
explode, but his gaze moved slowly and touched mine.
It was as if they were blaming me, so I licked my lips in a hurry. he
“I’m going to quit this. If you don't remember, it's just unfair to you.
Shall I?”
When you say, 'I'm quitting this', does that mean you're going to do
something else?
Even if I wasn't in the first place, he seemed already convinced.
He opened his mouth first, so there was no point in hiding it.
I wanted to give up on anything that added to my frustration and
I'd rather just pretend to be a crazy bitch from the beginning. Marquis
of Glein and Magnus, let them all go away.
Being crazy, playing the role of Marquis Young-ae
by doing
You should go to the temple like a crazy bitch during your walk time.'
People who go outside can see me as a crazy person for the temple.
I really want to donate all of my fortune like crazy for the temple.
Is repentance the problem? It would have been better if the goal was
to act like someone who is obsessed with a pseudo-religion.
Recommend religion to everyone you meet
If you say that it is because God watches over you every time, and
that you can't travel, have sex, or kiss because God doesn't allow it,
then people will leave in an instant.
I kept my mouth shut, and Magnus opened his mouth, Dot
"Why don't you say anything?"
‘‘What should I tell you?”
He must have been looking for another way to bully anyway.
Dealing with it more is cumbersome. He let go of his hand as he
wrinkled his brow as he felt uncomfortable with the jaw held by me.
You can do it, but don't even think about running away from me. I
have no intention of letting you go.”
“Because I like you.”
Magnus whispered to me as if it were Mac.
He kissed the nape of his neck and whispered in a very friendly

I just laughed helplessly. There was the sound of wind blowing from
his lips.
When it was a Mac, it was just something brainwashed into cooking
and whispering. But now it was different.
He was clearly thinking. He had any intentions.
"Why? Why do you like me?"
“Illiana, do you need a reason for liking?”
Magnus spoke the lie in a sweet voice.
'Oh, let's just match the rhythm.'
One such thought came to mind. Then, if I fall apart, that's
something to think about when I go there.
I wasn't the type of person to think with my head down from the
beginning. Thinking and calculating one by one like this is Ilya or
Glein's method.
I was no different from Cinderella from the beginning. It won't change
if you put a wound on it and become bloody.
Illianya Glein's face smiled as brightly as she could.
Magnus' expression darkened.
I put my hand on his cheek as if to comfort him. I wrapped my arms
around the nape of his neck and pulled him right in front of me.
Magnus suddenly lost his focus and collapsed, and hastily put his
arms on the bed and leaned back.
I could feel his breathing tight.
Magnus' eyes, seen up close, were transparent and sparkling as if
the sun had melted and hardened.
The black pupil inside it was wide open. I smiled as kindly as I could.
“Your Majesty, can I just love you?”
"••••••• "
"What if I'm obsessed with you and can't live without you?"
".. .... "
“Your Majesty, so fed up, forsakes me.
Then will I be free?"
If that's what you're looking for, then you should be able to match it
to the rhythm.
I loved you and got used to your warmth, so if you abandoned me
then I had to leave everything behind.
After making a decision, everything seemed transparent, and the fog
that had filled it had disappeared.
I kissed him.
It wasn't even a kiss, it was a simple suffix, but he remained firm and
didn't say anything.
I couldn't
“If you do, I will love you.”
"••••••• "
“As you wish.”
I slowly loosened his arms around his neck. His hand, which had
fallen onto the bed, was very fresh. The tips of his fingernails also
looked blue.
Only after seeing it did I realize that I was trembling.
We didn't talk to each other for a long time. Magnus said what
Magnus said.
I couldn't find it, and I couldn't find anything to say to him.
He doesn't know, but I've been in love.
It was an excruciatingly painful unrequited love in my original world. I
never thought I'd do something like that again.
The only thing that's a little better this time is that I've decided that it
suits his prank, and I'm realizing it.
It was clearly different from when I was stabbed in the back.
I thought that the pain you experienced once won't hurt you twice.
Fortunately, now that I am a noble, my work like a dog will not be
'Do so.'
Magnus seemed to have decided on an answer after a long silence.
I lifted my head and looked into the ghastly eyes in which that
emotion had disappeared.
‘‘Because you love me, you only need to look at me, just as I acted
like a beast at your feet… Be desperate for me too.”
"••••••• "
“You can just fall to the floor like that.”
Magnus kissed my lips as if answering my kiss. It was the first time
we were honest with each other.
He raised his sluggishly bowed body and bit his back.
“Then, can both your Majesty and I be free?”
"Well, won't you find out when that time comes?"
He kissed the back of my hand. The curved eyes were kind.
He is such a kind person, but he has no mercy when he gets bitter.
I'll have to get used to this kindness.
' 'Is it all right for the two of us to eat together from now on? If Cheryl
is uncomfortable, I will order it separately.”
“Then I think she will be offended.”
No matter what, the person to be the empress
Can I make you sad?
Right now, she is a friendly person, but she knows that the position
of the Empress has a lot of meaning.
A culture that I am not familiar with is a class culture, but for us, it
was worth looking at the fact that we were upgraded from an
ordinary citizen to a conglomerate conglomerate.
‘Is there a problem with Geryl?”
...... 0 "
Magnus was originally a little like this cloth
Did you feel like a kite?
Of course, if you try to leave the filial piety between two women,
you'll be offended.
Of course, if you didn't learn about that side properly, you might not
“No, your Majesty, do as you please.”
Magnus smiled habitually and nodded his head.
"You know there's a banquet going on soon.
are you?"
“Yes, I will stand by your side.”
“You thought well. For a while, I was being rude. Forgive me.”
I was able to set the scope of action thanks to realizing what I
needed to act on.
Do what he tells you to do, but don't do what he tells you not to do,
and just get permission from him.
I don't know how long this will be or how long the delay will be. But I
thought it would be less than a year.
I have a weakness for trusting people, so if I start to unravel my
mind, it will quickly fall apart.
It won't take long for Magnus to get what he wants from me.
"I won't go for a walk, but there was a temple inside the Imperial
Castle, is it okay to set foot there?"
"Temple? By the way, the temple education center
I heard you graduated. I thought it was a sudden change of heart... "
“I was worried because my memory was incomplete. I prayed to God
and realized that the place was reliable. So I became dependent on
I mixed lies and truth in my unconcerned voice.
What was unsettling was the fact that the memory was not perfect,
but that a completely different person had entered.
I prayed to God, but it was because I needed a place to swear rather
than trust it.
Relying on it is true to the end.
Hearing my words, Magnus narrowed his eyes and shook his head.
"Isn't that what you're relying on?"
"••••••• "
‘‘You may enjoy the walk, but ask me for permission to leave or visit
anything other than the library.”
I didn't want to argue anymore, so I nodded my head. anyway he
Everything will go as it is.
There was nothing I could do there.
I leave my body in the flowing water and just hope that time will
pass. May he quickly get tired of it, and be satisfied quickly.
‘‘I see, Your Majesty.”
soup ·
”... o-,n you □ · "
"It's all about Mac, Lina. It's the name you gave it to me."
“I will, Mac.”
He bent over and placed his lips on my cheek and fell. It was a kiss
as light as his feather.
I just smiled quietly. I heard the sound of ice freezing somewhere.
“I waited.”
Magnus reached out to me. Magnus in black uniform is certain
He hid his gaze.
It was the first time I had come to a place with so many people since
being locked up in that room.
Looking into his golden eyes, I placed my hand on the palm of his
‘‘I thought it would suit you as well.”
“Yes, thank you. Mac’’
He looked down shyly and nodded his head.
in front of him in the clothes he gave him
As he stood, he made the expression he wanted. It's been like this
for the past week.
He suggested a meal, and I even made a hostile joke in front of him.
It seems that I can't eat at all, so I often eat first and wake up.
I know it's caring, but I don't know if it's a good thing or not.
What is the difference between feeding pigs well and slaughtering
them well?

<Episode 48>
Not wanting to think any further, I followed the movement he led.
There was no need to think deeply. Illianna Glein's body was steadily
moving with a perfect gait if she didn't think about it.
"His Majesty the Emperor and the young Illiana Glein enter!"
The moment I entered the banquet hall with Magnus, the
atmosphere changed.
Illyana Glaine's body tensed naturally. Her waist tightened and her
expression disappeared.
Because her body became mine, she felt more sensitive. Magnus
lifted me up on the platform and stood beside it.
Among those who bowed their heads in courtesy, there was also the
Marquis of Glein.
Do you think that person would be so happy
He must have done something bad, but he felt like he was the only
breather in this place.
The forged air pierced his skin, and a mixture of hostility, curiosity,
desire, and slight favours, cluttered his mind.
“Everyone worked hard to get here. Let’s raise our heads.”
Nobles almost angled their waists
The view looking down from the top was amazing.
As if everyone was a well-educated aristocrat, there was no fuss in
his movements.
I blinked at the ecstasy.
“Today is a regular banquet, but the domestic sentiment has
stabilized recently, so there is nothing to announce. Everyone is
doing well.”
To be precise, Magnus, who was recently sensitive, caught it, so
everyone basically reviewed and uploaded documents ten times.
It must be because
I accidentally heard a murmur like a complaint while going to the
Anyway, ultimately, it would be nice if the efficiency of work
Even in the novel, Magnus was largely ignored by the nobles at the
beginning of his life.
In the novel, it was described in the novel that it was natural because
he had a gentle appearance and had a soft tone and lack of
charisma... … .
'Aren't you charismatic?'
If he had seen this scene and read the novel, he would have burst
out laughing. Your voice is soft, but your eyes are cold
He basically looked a lot like Illyana Glaine.
The description in the novel was similar, but the real atmosphere
was the same. It seemed natural to put others down.
Everyone at his feet cringed, except for a few nobles, including
Sheryl and the Marquis Glaine.
Some people were leisurely sipping wine. I didn't know how light the
outfit was.
He was close to the Marquis of Glein and seemed to be having a
conversation, but the Marquis of Glein responded very little.
Are you annoyed?'
It seems that the forehead of the Marquis Grain, whose emotions are
not well expressed, is slightly frowned.
Do, why am I looking at this?'
How bored are you to recognize such a thing? I don't like this a little
“Ah, recently, there has been an increase in the number of monsters
running rampant, so pay attention to the maintenance of each
territory. I haven't received any reports of any other unusual things."
Magnus, who tapped the armrest with his fingertips, nodded his
There's something I learned while clenching my teeth while studying
because of the Marquis of Glain.
Regular banquets are basically domestic
It is the fact that the event is held periodically for the purpose of
notifying the trend or guidance in the case of unrest or warning in
case of unsafe factors.
That is why there are many cases of reflection meetings.
Naturally, that was only for the nobles who succeeded the title. Other
than that, it was also an opportunity to introduce young people and
young girls of their age to each other, and to establish regular
friendships in the social world.
In other words, after all, this is also one of the social circles.
“I just wanted to introduce a woman who will stand by my side, so
you can enjoy the banquet comfortably.”
In an instant, my eyes focused on me. I looked at dozens of pairs of
eyes with a firm face.
I turned my gaze to Magnus as he clasped his hand tightly, and he
was smiling brightly with a smile that seemed to melt.
heart fell to the floor. For a moment, I felt as if my legs were losing
I stopped as I was in a sad mood
As he danced, he could see Magnus' lips tingling.
“Even you, even if you haven’t been able to do it before, get rid of it.
Magnus kissed the back of my hand as if lavishly. I looked at it
indifferently and smiled like a painting.
I could feel the gaze from below. Turning his head, the Marquis Lane
was looking straight at me.
“I’ll just be there, Mac.”
There is no place I want to go to, and no one I want to talk to.
I've been wanting to talk a little with the Marquis of Glain, but
Magnus has told me that he'll set up a place soon.
Magnus beckoned to the band behind him, and the sound of the
instrument filled the banquet hall.
The nobles started dancing in pairs. I was standing next to Magnus,
watching the first song finish and the second song end.
Magnus whispered softly. As I shifted my gaze, he got up from his
seat and pulled me slightly towards me.
"Would you like to dance a song with me?"
He bent over on one side of his waist and held out his hand politely.
When I looked around, everyone seemed to have stopped dancing
and stood still.

'I can't refuse.'

I had no intention of rejecting it. ‘‘Of course, Mac.”
''Thank you"
He led me carefully down the stairs with a happy face. After the
band's song ends, a new song starts again.
Me and Magnus standing opposite
They greeted each other lightly and held his hand.
'Can I give it to you?'
Come to think of it, I've never heard of Iliana being able to dance.
When I glanced at the Marquis of Grain, it was very rare that he had
an expression of dread and anxiety.
As if receiving my gaze, he closed his mouth and shook his head
slowly. At the same time as I was startled, strength entered his hand.
do… · No, no.'
Magnus pulled me in and started moving. And I trampled on his feet
from the first game.
When I lifted his feet in amazement, Magnus looked at me with a
strange expression.
On defrost.’
I didn't say that Illyana should fuck off. When move two steps; a mug
He stomped on Nus's instep every once in a while.
If it's once in two, that's an amazing hit rate.
‘‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
I bowed my head with a reddened face. Magnus seems to have
admitted that I am in great shape now.
It was when I stepped on his foot ten times.
“Great...” 7
The sound of laughter was heard right next to my ear. As the wind
touched my ears, the trunk of my back shivered.
''sorry… … .”
“Relax your body and look straight ahead, Lina.”
I think they were all laughing at me, but how the hell am I supposed
to look at the front? However, I am in a position where I cannot take
his word for it.
When he told him not to bite his lip, he bit his mouth as hard as he
could and Nya raised her chin and looked ahead.
Not surprisingly, the facial expressions of the veterans who noticed
the strangeness of my feet were very strange.
Rather, he hardened his expression in embarrassment, hoping that
he would appear even more terrifying.
Then I heard another small laugh next to me.
“Lean on me and just let me move.”
A voice filled with laughter whispered soothingly. I nodded my head
slightly, blushing my cheeks.
Of course, blushing is just my opinion.
Anyway, her face was hot, so if it weren't for the fact that there's
really a lot of iron on Iliana Glaine's face, she'd be red.
Power entered Magnus' arms. On the contrary, as I lost my strength,
he seemed to be a structure that had no choice but to support me a
little more.
Still, his footsteps were significantly reduced.
The world spins and turns dark, then brightens again. Gradually, my
breath caught in my throat.
However, unlike me, Magnus did not have an inch of confusion, so I
had to hold my breath.
All perfection requires mutual effort. He was fine, but I couldn't sit on
the floor gasping alone.
No matter how much I choose not to live like Illyana Glaine.
"Are you following well?"
‘‘I think it’s Mac’s ability rather than me.”
“It’s great that you’ve come this far.”
He whispered in my ear every time I got close. You don't know how
soft the voice that breathes but is not disturbed is.
It's so terribly sweet that I really resented this situation a little bit.

‘‘I didn’t know there was something that Lina couldn’t do. It’s the
perfect fit.”
he smiled and told me And I, too, realized desperately about Illyana
Glaine's terrifying physical strength.
Despite the fact that he leads and tries his best to keep pace with
Seeing that he couldn't hit his feet even once until the end of a long
song, he beats his body properly.
Nya moved her feet just in time
It was straight, but it stumbled in the air and then landed in a strange
It seems that there is a jet lag between the song and the body that
enters the ears.
“I’m sorry that I wasn’t perfect as I was standing next to you.”
Some blunt words came out.
Illyana Glaine was perfect as if her body was angular, and I couldn't
believe she couldn't dance, a socialite.

'For some reason, the dance scene didn't come out.'

If there was a reason for this, it would have been better to notify in
If so, she would have rejected it because she couldn't dance when
she was invited in the first place.
“You always looked great in the past. It was so huge and high that I
thought I would never be able to reach it.”
He said gracefully moving her feet, pulling me close to her body.
In the next move, I was caught by his arm in an instant, bent his
waist, and looked at the ceiling of the banquet hall.
“So it’s nice to know this different side of me.”
"is that so."
"Yeah, it's nice to feel a little closer to Lina."
Facing him, he smiled without a shady look.
It was completely different from the painted smile I had ever seen.
Even precious memories or treasures seemed to be in his heart, as if
he was happy.
Seeing that dazzling bright smile, I unknowingly avoided his gaze.
<Episode 49>
Belatedly, I realized that this dance was about making eye contact
and turned it back, but he continued the rest of the movement with a
slightly firm expression as if he had seen me avoiding his gaze.
I thought I should apologize later, but since then, there has been no
movement, so there has been no opportunity to talk again.
After a long time, he and the body once again

He opened it before I could even open it.
“This is the last move. i hand
If you let go, say hello and come with me
Just grab it and walk away.”
"Ah yes."
de alwaysnum

Hearing my answer, he kissed my forehead lightly and gently

released his body wrapped around me.
The body, which had been spinning round and round, was bent
again, facing the sky again.

Even after seeing the chandelier, the body returned to its original
position in a short time.
He kissed the back of his clasped hand, and then slowly pulled his
hand away.
I hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether it was sincere or not.
Belatedly lowering my arms in the air, I quickly grabbed the hem of
the dress with both hands and greeted me lightly.
“Good job.” “Oh, yes. Mac too.”
he laughed softly. different from before

It was a painted smile. It was not uncomfortable to see it.

But that smile earlier was somehow reluctant and skinny, so I had no
choice but to avoid it.
'Should I apologize?'
But with such a casual expression on my face, what am I doing by
However, I was concerned about the firm expression I had seen for a
moment to just pass by.

“I think I met the Marquis after a long time, would you mind not
talking to me?”
"ah "
“Come on, I must accept the nobles to greet you for a moment.”
He put my hand under the podium. It felt as if he had been hurt, so
no matter how much I thought about it, it felt strange.
He stretched out his hand thinking that he should also apologize, but
he had already climbed onto the podium.
Did you escape?'
Just obviously avoided it. I looked up at him in embarrassment, but
Magnus didn't look at me.
Instead, he beckoned to one of the stormtroopers standing on one
side. Keaton, who was escorting him, took a step forward.
‘‘Keaton, escort’’
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
She bent over and strode towards me. Then she smiled kindly and
bent her back.

“I will see you, Empress.” ‘‘Keaton.”

“Yes, tell me.”
“Is that a title that can be used in public like this? it."
"Of course"
I don't know what the hell Magnus is trying to do. As I turned around
with limp steps, he was suddenly calling in Cherylol.
I felt bad seeing two people talking.

Pretending not to notice his beating heart, he tried to turn his head
away. I don't know why, and I don't even know this feeling
Even my identity was vague. I'm not Illyana Glaine, but I always felt
like Illyana Glaine.
Nya struggled to turn her heavy feet towards the Marquis of Glein.
I didn't like other places, so I thought that the face I knew would be

He took off his tight glove and reached out his hand to me. I looked
at the Marquis of Glein, a little perplexed, and placed my hand on the
palm of his hand.
The man standing next to him was holding a new wine glass, and
when his eyes met, he took a step closer.
“Hello, Young-ae.”
‘‘I’m Marquis Young-ae, I’m not a child who deserves to hear you say
that, so please be polite. Duke of Kirriston.” ‘‘The Marquis is very
strict. so polite

You will not be loved by women if you do it all.”

A man with dark purple hair, who looked very young, frightened and
teased beside the Marquis of Glein.
The emerald green eyes were reflected in the light of the chandelier
and shone colorfully.
His tone was infinitely light, but looking at the words and atmosphere
he spoke, there seemed to be no doubt that he was a nobleman.

‘Ah, peacock… ?'

I was a little embarrassed because I remembered Marquis Glain's
words late.
I glanced at him, and the little boy named Duke of Keyriston smiled
softly and gave me a wink while half sipping the wine.
"I don't need it"
The Marquis Glain blocked my way and answered the Duke of
It's clearly a straight and neat way of speaking.

It is strangely mixed with anger.

At least he was a person who didn't show his emotions easily, and
he didn't seem accustomed to even showing his emotions, so it must
be my mistake or something very rare.
“Oh, you mean bias? Well, if it's your love, I know better than my
fellow academy classmate." "••••••• "

Academy Motives? Are you two the same age or similar?

It is true that the Marquis of Glein certainly looks young for his age,
but he was clearly old if you look closely.
Such were the wrinkles around the eyes and the nasolabial folds that
were often lightly dented.
In contrast, the Duke of Key Liston was completely
He looks in his late 20's.
It's possible because it's in a real novel."
You have to be at least 40 years old to be the same age as the
Marquis of Glain, but it's probably because this place is in a novel
that makes you look like that.

Is it true that there is no human wrinkle?

“Did you fall for me? Young boy.”
‘‘The Duke of Keyriston.”
The Marquis Glein called him as if to contain him and turned his
head to me.
“You go to the terrace for a while. Don't even dare make eye contact
with this estrus."

‘Baljang/Kye… ?'
I looked at him with a bewildered look and barely nodded at his bitter
In spite of the fact that I had turned around quickly, I was startled and
backed away.
The Duke of Liston, who had been in front of the Marquis of Glain,
was suddenly in front of me. He had a bright smile on his face.
“It’s called Sabel Key Liston, Marquis Young E.”

The Duke of Liston, who reached out his hand with a smile, was
clearly saying hello to me.
He reached out his hand to shake hands, but there was no reason to
refuse. But when I got it right, I heard a chill from behind.
It's an oddly familiar name. It's a familiar name, but I can't remember
where I heard it.
He still holds out his hand to me so he crouches down and doesn't
say anything

I couldn't
It's scary to look back. The temperature around the Marquis of Glein
However, in terms of rank, the Duke of Key Liston is higher than the
Marquis of Glaine.
Marquis Young-ae is not a status that can be ignored. Shaking from
the chill behind him, he barely reached out his hand and placed it
into the hand of the Duke of Key Liston.
The Duke of Kirriston clasped her tightly without hesitation and
waved his hand up and down.

The Duke of Key Liston looked behind him and smiled tallly. I'm
afraid to turn around, are you laughing now?
‘‘Marquis, can I make a scandal with your girlfriend?”
‘‘I think that would be enough.
Stop it.”
“The house is still there. How are you, Aquila, whom you courted
hard for all seven years of the academy?"
who… what did you do... ?

I couldn't hide my astonishment, and as I turned my head, I quickly

fixed my gaze on the front again as it was.
Siberia was there. When I said that my body was shaking for some
reason, it was Siberia.
There was a popping sound. I don't know if it's clenched fists or
clenched teeth, but I'm going to give it a shot.
No matter how much I think about it, it doesn't seem like this
“Your girl looks just like Aquila, except for her pupils.”

What was certain was that this man just wanted to argue with the
Marquis of Glein, and that the Marquis of Glein hated the Duke of
Keyriston very, very, very, very fervently.
A fight here is likely to result in murder.
I reached out and grabbed the clenched fist of the Marquis Glaine.
Marquis Glaine's eyes turned to me in amazement.
He looked down at my hand for a while, not knowing what to think,
and then raised his head.
‘‘Hey, Father.”
When I called him, Glaine kicked his tongue low as if a little bit of a
bunch of edgy sensations had loosened up a bit.
He quickly cleaned up his messy face and looked at me with the
same indifferent eyes as the first time.
“I saw something I couldn’t see.” “No, that’s fine…”

It's strange that people don't get angry when they sting like that, and
since the Marquis of Glaine is a human being, it's strange to get
angry, but it's not that surprising.
‘‘You know you can’t kill, right?” But, it just can’t be murder.

“If you are going to do it, you have to do it secretly. I will never let
you know.”

After a small whisper, Glaine looked at me with a strange look and

then nodded his head.
He looked so serious on his face, it didn't seem like he was going to
do anything recklessly.
‘Even so, it’s a thin ice sheet… .'
There is no need to turn the peacock into an enemy here. Unless it's
something to be quietly resolved.
“Even so, you are ignorant

isn't it?"
I heard the voice of the Duke of Keyriston from the side, and then I
realized that this man was still there.
When he turned his head in a bit of embarrassment, the Marquis
Glaine lightly ignored him and turned around.
‘‘Go to de Las.”
“This is the first time in my life I have been so neglected, Marquis.”
Thoughts of the chirping sound getting far away
No, I'm obviously following the Marquis of Glaine.
After Glaine, the little one wasn't as angry as before, but he didn't
even react at all.
"Is your father doing anything to you, is your mother well in spirit?"
“Yes…? Oh, yes. Maybe. I haven’t seen you in a while.”
I actually didn't see it at all. I don't even know what the hell he looks
But again, the mother's face is not at all

She couldn't say she didn't mind, so she was as quiet as possible.
‘‘Don’t you want to hear how much courtship Beriel is Aquila and
how great it is? It looks like she has such a dignified face now... "
‘‘Saber Keyriston.”
The Marquis Glain opened his mouth in a gloomy voice.

<Episode 50>
He went out to the terrace, so I followed.
The Duke of Keyliston did not get tired of it and followed him around.
As if his tongue was lubricated, his demeanor is also supple.
“Now, let me talk when no one is around. If you were a marquis, you
would definitely have raised your child strictly.
Talking is also important to a child, isn't it?"
"••••••• "
At Duke Kiriston's words, the Marquis Lane looked at me once and
shut his mouth.
The man had a slightly different atmosphere than the first time I saw
You care so much about your children, why the hell are you being so
harsh on Illyana Glaine?
There are signs that he has been abused, but he
He doesn't look like he's going to be abused
Obviously, the attitude of the users was also strange.
As he was still in his thoughts, the Duke of Keyriston leaned his body
against the railing and spoke again.
“Because Aquila didn’t like men very much. Whenever I go nearby, I
open my eyes sadly and throw things... … .”
"eww "
If he threw things, wouldn't there be a problem with the Duke of Key
Liston's attitude?
Illiana Glaine's mother thought she was sickly, but she seems to
have a more personality than I thought.
He nodded as he tucked his hair behind his ear, which was blown
away by the wind.
“But Bariel would visit every day without exception, deliver gifts, get
herbs when he said he was sick, and if it was a competition, he won
every single time and put Aquila in the place of glory.”
“Where is your father?”
I'm really surprised.
I never thought that I would be so sincere to the other person.
In the novel, the Marquis wife was killed without regret. In my
memory, it was. He killed the Marquis himself.
After a sneak peek at Glaine, the little boy already had his arms
crossed and his head was turned with a tired look.
It was evident that he had given up on keeping the Duke of
Kirriston's mouth shut.
"Aquila, who was always pushing me away, seemed to be waiting for
Beriel from one day onwards. Did he just get married after
graduating from the academy?"
"Come on..."
This could be used as a romance novel. I didn't know it was going to
be a hit. First of all, that austerity rule, the face of the Marquis Glain,
will become money.
Duke Kirriston shrugged his shoulders at the Marquis Glaine and
smiled brightly.
“Ah, that one when the wedding invitation arrived.
Key Liston ball exaggeratedly shaking his head was smiling with a
small loose face. The joy of seeing a child who has grown up well
Illiana Glaine's mother, whom I have never seen a face because of
her face.
I had to think about what kind of relationship it was including.
“But Young-ae is different from the last time I saw her.
It feels a little different.”
‘Do · ah, me?”
“Yeah, it used to look like you wanted to kill this guy with a cleverly
smiling face. He was staring like he was going to kill him. Have you
ever been reconciled?"
‘‘Hey, it’s me… .”
I don't know. Because I didn't do it.
What the hell has he done to the point of wanting to kill his father? I
can't quite understand Illyana Glaine.
A star to the smiling Duke of Keyriston
When he couldn't answer another question, Marquess Glaine threw
the Duke of Key Liston's arm on his shoulder and pushed him away.
Then, as if there was something dirty, I gently brushed off his
shoulder twice.
The pushed Duke of Liston sighed exaggeratedly, then jumped
lightly and sat across the railing.
“You seem to have been locked up for quite some time, are you
"Ah yes."
‘If you don’t want to be the Empress, tell me.
If you don't want it, it sounds like you're going to take it out of the
palace right away.
I couldn't believe that calm voice, so I blankly looked up at him and
smiled awkwardly. I don't know if it was a proper smile.
‘It sounds like your Majesty’s orders, so you can escape.”
The Marquis Glaine loved the Glein family very much. I loved her
more than her family
I think.
So was his attempt to raise Illyana Glaine as her successor without a
single blemish, but his efforts to protect her successor.
It was the same when looking at the East.
At least from what I've read in the novel, the Marquis of Glain loves
the family.
So, knowing in advance that everything would be revealed and the
emperor was coming, he burned all the material left in the marquis.
And even the Marquis, who knows the information, kills her with her
own hands and dies at the guillotine.
“Yeah, that’s it.”
‘Your Majesty your Majesty will not stand still.”
As soon as I run away, the story in the novel might be repeated
There could have been an overturning sin of treason and trying to
get my hands on me, excluding me completely, or ending in a hut
locked up.
"I'm asking if you want to
It's about whether or not I'm not saying you have to worry about the
‘‘Marquis, at times like this, you’re saying you’re worried. It annoys
me to see my lovely daughter hate it.”
I looked at the Duke of Key Liston with a puzzled expression.
Anyway, that's not much.
The Marquis Lane, who had expected the answer to be no right
away, did not return an answer after a period of time, so she looked
at him again.
He made an impression, but he did not give an answer of no in the
It was only then that Nya realized that he was quite sincere.
Realizing that, he was speechless and shook his head a little hastily.
“It’s still okay now.” “What is this yet?”
"Five... "
The man under the black sky was a little more human than I thought.
I wondered if the Marquis Glain in the novel and the Marquis Glaine
in front of me were the same person.
“I have committed a crime. I think it will be fine for a while.”
‘Do, is that so?”
“Anyway, it’s a momentary play for your Majesty. Once he's satisfied,
he'll be fine."
Marquis Glaine's eyebrows fluttered up. He raised his left eyebrow
all the way up and looked uncomfortable.
Duke Key Liston, who was sitting on the railing, burst into laughter.
“But if you can’t, I’ll tell you.”
You may not be able to afford it. Magnus basically had the power to
attract people.
And Illyana Glein liked Magnus. It won't be long before the day I
mistakenly think this feeling is mine.
“That’s it.’’
The Marquis of Glein recommended me more or
didn't speak Even so, I was strangely willing. I nodded slowly and
went back to the banquet hall.
‘‘Hello, Young-ae, Marquis of Glaine.”
On the third day of the banquet, I was talking with people until I got
tired of it.
To be precise, I am only answering 'yes' and 'no' to one-sided
I didn't want to offend him, knowing that Magnus' gaze was all on
And to be honest, I don't even know what kind of young girl the
coming young girl is from.
Apparently, I'm familiar with Illyana Glain, but unfortunately, I was
only a modern-day commoner, so I had no choice but to cover it up
with chic and arrogance.
‘‘I didn’t know that His Majesty the Emperor would choose Glein
''Me too."
Answering indifferently, he drank champagne, which might be the
next few glasses of champagne.
I know that eating more than this will make you want to go to the
bathroom, but I couldn't do that as I tried to stand still while
answering yes with a short answer.
‘Do, ah, that… is that so?"
The other party stuttered as if embarrassed by my answer. I nodded
once more.
Would you have known that I would be nominated for Empress? In
the first place, I didn't know that Cheryl and a mourner would act like
that for revenge.
“By the way, I didn’t even think that he would have gone to a temple
training center or something like that because he suddenly
Another young-ae spoke next to the young-ae who spoke to me.
Hana is tall and the other is short. Instead of answering her, I shifted
her gaze to look at her.
''Great is the God of Legneva,' I whispered quietly.
It was a phrase I kept hearing tired of every time Mass. At my words,
the two youngsters held back a laugh.
The meerkats who gathered around and listened also laughed, but
decided to exclude them as they were not people.
“I’m worried that the common stench didn’t come on.”
“It’s not just the citrus smell. It is said that she was a male and
female dormitory, so I wonder if she might cry because she was safe
from the savage commoners.”
Is this an argument or bullying?
Even a single spirit sneaks in and throws a dirty story. Even if the
former makes me laugh, the latter feels a bit bad.
Isn't that a joke?'
In fact, even in modern times, that is the case, but in an era when it
was worse than that, it is impossible to expect such a civic
Not surprisingly, Keaton, who had been listening silently, was about
to take a step forward, so I raised my hand and blocked it.
I don't want to draw attention for nothing.'
By the way, how could you argue with Illyana Glaine like this?
Is it because I've been soft for a while, or it's Illyana Glaine's body?
Was it because the force and aura that flowed in the movie
disappeared when I entered?
Nya pondered the answer for a moment. It was quiet around me, so I
didn't want to be noticed, but if I didn't answer Yeong-sik's words, it
would become a fact and wander around the social world.
We paused for a moment and took a sip of champagne.
“Young children seem to ask for the smell of mint when they go to
such a place.”
“Of course it is! Of course, if you go to a dirty place, you will smell it.”
“Because I was born noble and raised noble, I do not ask about the
smell of the people around me. I am different from yours from birth,
so I will take advice from my own experiences and only my heart.”
At my words, the other person became quiet. It squeaks with its
mouth open like a fish.

<Episode 51>
But, frankly, it's not wrong. If it was Iliana Glain, it was different from
There was an aura in the typeface, too, because sometimes I felt
overwhelmed by the text.
Of course she's nya, although she doesn't feel that way at all with
that body.
It's a little embarrassing, but for me with the body of Illyana Glaine,
pearlwood on the neck of a pig.
The word girl is just right.
The pearl is Illyana Gulane and the pig is.....
Let's just think here.
“And for Young-sik, it’s difficult to think that just because you’ve done
it yourself, other people think that too. Not everyone lives with such
an unusual common sense.”
I slowly touched the glass of champagne and smiled deliberately
coldly. It was actually annoying.
Young-shik's face turned dark. Too
Were you treated meekly?
'How the hell did Ilyanya Glein move?'
How do you make an expression, how do you behave, and what kind
of atmosphere do you need to set so that useless bugs don't get
Or was it simply because I had been away from social life for a long
time and went to the temple education center?
‘Are you saying that I’m abnormal to Do Young-ae?”
"God Regneva is watching our every move, how dare you do
anything else."
Young-sik was born in front of him in his 30s, but looking at what he
was talking about, it was clear that he had just completed his
coming-of-age ceremony. In addition, the eyebrows are thick and
Feeling a little unlucky.
“Songchung can’t live without young, black thoughts.”
"To whom do you dare to be a caterpillar...!"
It seems that you did not understand the class diagram properly.
If the Duke of Keyriston did not have children, there would be no one
in this social circle who sat in a higher position than me.
I grabbed the man's hand with my gloved hand.
The first thing that came to my mind was to throw away these
gloves. I purposely put strength on my face and opened my mouth
with an expressionless face.
“If possible, go to the temple from today
How about poetry? No matter what sins you have committed, no
matter what ungodly and filthy thoughts you have, our God Legneva
will forgive you. Once you soak in the holy water and walk bare and
barefoot on the thorny path slowly, repent, close your eyes, offer
your blood to the gods, and pay more than 2,500 gold bars that
donated the principal to the temple, your stupid brain and A pathetic
sin is evident
… … !"
Whispering softly with the rapid-fire paper, he touched his face, and
the man was startled.
he moved farther away.
'Your courage is weak'
With a white tired face seeing what he couldn't see, he turned his
head to follow his gaze, which was moving away from the crowd,
and then he looked at Young-ae and Young-sik, who were far away.
Now the surroundings are quiet. As I moved my gaze to the throne,
Magnus was looking at me.
What is unpleasant is that the facial muscles are slightly twisted.
more hurtful
It was time to approach him because I didn't want to.
“So no!”
A child's voice is heard in the banquet hall
It rang, but that voice was so deaf
I'm used to it
There was no need to find the source of the sound. All eyes in the
banquet hall were focused on one place.
“Are you going to shame Uncle Raphael!”
''I don't know! What do I know? ! On the subject of a greedy man.”
This unfamiliar voice is definitely familiar. And I was convinced by the
name of Raphael.
Because I didn't think there were two people in the world with this
personality and this voice.
At the entrance to the banquet hall, a well-dressed girl clenched her
fists on her floor and screeched at her with her sprawled hair.
what you don't like so much
The ball was full.
' 'Is that the child of that famous family?"
"Yes, that's right. But, as you can see, he's a tomboy and a wild
horse that he can't control at all..."
Aristocrats who like to play with their mouths are talking hard in the
Is it that good to talk about other people's stories?
I don't know what fun it is to be in a social world, but how do you
treat a child?
Would you consider using it as a side dish?
‘‘It sure looked pretty, but… Is that kid so talented?"
“Yes, I heard that the new weapon this time was also made by that
child. They say that it is a bomb that is detonated at a specified time
using a magic stone.”
“Ah, I went to that demonstration, and you are right.”
Another nobleman intervened. Seeing the male nobleman's eyes
It was clear that he was obviously interested.
He also seemed a little excited.
As I listened, I checked the condition of Raphael, who had turned
white and was wearing a crook.
That kid is wary of people themselves
I'm on the side, so I don't like banquets like this
It was clear that he didn't.
“Did you go to the demonstration? It was a 100% lottery system, so I
couldn’t go because I couldn’t get it right.”
“Yeah, it was great this time too.
There is a sword among the weapons from that family, and it is quite
different from the general sword. Although it was much lighter than
steel, it was a sword that cut even steel.”
‘‘A sword that cuts steel… huh. If it's real, that's great."
"Of course, it is possible for anyone who has reached a certain level.
It was also a knight who could use Sword and Soul to demonstrate
Sword and Soul was often a sword. It was a state that could be
reached by a knight or a swordsman who reached a certain limit.
There were also grades.
The Sword Master I know is the highest level in the use of Sword
and Soul.
“It was said that it was that little child who developed that special
In other words, he is a genius in developing weapons.
He was a crying child with a face that somehow looked tired of
everything in the world. It was obvious that he resented the world.
As I took a step, Raphael jumped up and looked up as if pretending
to be popular.
Dia Raphael's eyes widened
"... you ."
Raphael's index finger stood clean and pointed at me.
"The Trespasser!"
"••••••• "
that damn little boy The hand that was meant to greet you with a
smile stiffened as it was.
A child hangs out in a hellish hell
It ran backwards and hung on my leg, as if it had found a
'all !"
Her wide-eyed eyes shone as if it was unfair. I looked down at
Raphael with difficulty, then groaned slightly as the gaze focused on
me in an instant.
Magnus was slowly coming down as he turned around with the chill
he felt behind him.
Even the mark of the Marquis Glaine below him was hard. It's the
Duke of Keyriston.
Everything was in good shape.
The old man, who seemed to be Raphael's uncle, looked perplexed.
“Come here, Raphael.”
“Take me out of here right now”’
Even the act of ignoring his uncle's words and giving orders is very
“It’s not because Tsujuk is so informal.”
"Viscount Silver must be very tired, too. I raised an orphan who had
nowhere to go."
Raphael caught the hem of my dress and it turned white.
Surprisingly, no one knows that children have better hearing.
The children's hearing was better than expected, even in areas that
adults could not hear.
I bent down and held Raphael in my arms. It was heavier than
expected. But I already bent my back, but I can't
I can't say I'm going to do it
and straightened his back.
"••••••• "
Still, it takes a lot of force to lift it, but after lifting it, it was more
bearable than I thought.
How can I survive for up to 10 minutes? I approached Magnus with a
large stride.
‘‘Your Majesty, is it okay for me to go back to my room?”
“Do whatever you feel comfortable with. I will be there soon.”
Hearing the emperor's polite remarks, he heard the nobles gasping
for breath again.
At this point, I think it's time to get used to it, but Raphael was
trembling, so he can't pretend he doesn't know.
The fact that he met in a dream has to be confirmed.'
He slightly bent his back and turned around, and again, his eyes met
the Marquis of Glaine.
The Marquis Glaine looked at Raphael in my arms with a slightly stiff
expression and then met my gaze.
He bowed his head once with a puzzled look and left the banquet
Raphael's uncle followed me, followed by Cheryl and Keaton, who I
don't know why.
No, I don't think there's any need for me to come out with this child.
I couldn't even open a conversation at the familiar faces I felt behind
me, and I had to put the child down after walking a few steps.
"it's okay?"
' 'It's not okay, why are you chasing me! What is that lady! all off!
She's unlucky, so go away!"
The child who played hiss de ri had no glimpse of the comfort he had
seen in his dreams.
Nya looked down at the child and walked over to Cheryl.
"Where is he? Kashi.
Oh, Cheryl.”
When asked in a low voice, Cheryl's expression hardened slightly.
"ah. If it's okay, I'm thinking of going to Casio's place. As you can
see, I hate adults... … ."
"Hey... if that's the case."
“What are you doing there! I mean, don't just talk to aunts other than
Raphael screamed and ran and hung up on my leg again.
I press Raphael's head and see Cheryl cry. Sheryl accepts my offer
by shaking her head slightly.
"and… "
I looked at the man with a tired face next to Cheryl. His uncle, he
looked very tired and struggling.
Above all else, I don't think Raphael will help the conversation at all
as he starts a game when he stops.
‘It seems that there is a circumstance in its own way.’
There is a need to get Raphael to go into lockdown, and to tell the
story of that time, anyway.
It is better to have as few people as possible.
“If it’s okay, can I take care of the baby for a moment?”
<Episode 52 >
“… are you okay? Young er, Marquis of Glein
Damn you know.”
“Yes, my name is Damien Silver of Viscount Silver. He is the one
who has been making a lot of noise lately.”
He smiled weakly and said.
Raphael said that I had a conversation with Viscount Silver.

The whole time we shared, I buried my head in my legs and didn't

say a word.
Nya shared a few more words with him. Then he forced Keaton to
order it, attached it to Damian Silver, took it off, and headed towards
Cheryl's castle.
“Illiana, there you are. I don't care, but can I ask you one thing?"
“You want me not to tell you anything about that child?”
“Yes, he is still too young and my location is also a location, so I
don’t want to tell you right now.”

I said yes to Cheryl.

It was Magnus and Cheryl's child, so it was up to the two of them to
decide when to reveal it.
'It's not for me as a third party.'
I don't think it's right to leave a person who has even given birth to a
child like this because of revenge.
“It’s not my business, but…
It's good that the child still has a father. Wouldn't it be better if we
talked well and have a wedding soon?"
If you let me go like that, it would be a win-win for each other. Cheryl
laughed bitterly at my words. It was also surprising to see a bitter
look on that proud man's face.
‘‘Have you heard from Magnus?”
'Well… No, it’s not like that, but even if you don’t listen to it, you can
get a rough sense of it.”

Cheryl turned white at my words. Am I so tired of noticing the

relationship between the two of them? She hurriedly opened her
mouth with her stiff face.
“Is that so annoying?”
“Ah, I’m in a special position, so it’s usually true that I don’t know
“Is that so? thank god. In fact, I still haven’t been able to speak my
What can't you say? It felt strangely inconsistent with the
conversation. Because we have different conversation styles

As I kept pace with Raphael's stride, my pace was infinitely slow.
Raphael was speechless, so he glanced at him and was walking with
his head bowed down. A shadow in the moonlight appeared on
Raphael's back.
‘… Are you over there?'
You said the teddy bear was hiding in the shadows. I was looking at
the soft shadow, but I couldn't see a single fluff of the teddy bear.

“Actually, I know that he has a light relationship with women.”

'Do-ah, did you?"
Did Magnus have such a difficult relationship with women? I knew it
was plainer than I thought, but surprisingly, when I was living with
Cheryl, I went to the entertainment district a lot?
It doesn't fit, but... It may have been necessary to drain the
accumulated poison.
My heart kept aching. I try to assume equanimity and casually

He shook his head.

‘‘Because I and I went to the capital to buy medicinal herbs and only
happened to do it once. I'm drunk and crazy There is no such thing
as a bastard.”
"··· Aha."
I didn't want to hear what Magnus and Cheryl's first relationship was
Suddenly, I realized that this person didn't really care about me.
Even if Magnus behaves like that, the last

It must be because he has the belief that he will come back to him.
'I feel like a real foreign body'
Knowing that I would definitely be abandoned had the effect of
strengthening my heart and motivating me to never give up, but at
the same time I was disappointed.
"Then you're saying he doesn't even know he's his?"

‘Wow, I didn’t see that.”

Magnus, when did you become such garbage?
No, of course, I wonder if Magnus's own love that he said he would
hold him as his own child was his love, but you're not even asking
whose child it is?
"But why didn't you tell me? You're going to get married anyway."
"I do not know."

why not? Wasn't she supposed to be the empress? I looked at

Cheryl with her bewildered eyes.
Her dad is fine and she gets along, so why doesn't she want to get
' 'I've lived as a commoner all my life, but being a nobleman is a little
bit... And Casio wants to live freely. I do what I want to do, and I don’t
stick to standards.”
''hey "

If that's the case, it's a little understandable. She is not at ease with
Seo-min, even if she suddenly becomes the wife of a chaebol.
It was then that I readily agreed. Cheryl's steps seemed heavy.
“But since he has dealt with so many women, I don’t know if he will
ever be a good father. I’m not the kind of person who resonates with
being tied down.”
Since when has Magnus been such a skinny man?
Obviously, in the novel,

I don't think it's because he's a Mac, but he's grown too much.
“Did you touch that much?”
“Yeah, if I use ten fingers and ten toes, there would be more.”
Cheryl laughed weakly. A look of tiredness could be seen on her
face, which was full of bewilderment. Are you really talking about
In just two years, can we meet so much that even using all ten
fingers and ten toes is not enough?
changing people once a day

Nor would it be.

There is something strange about the conversation. Sheryl sighed as
she turned her head back with her bewildered eyes.
“Actually, after spending one night in the capital at that time, I broke
up without knowing her name, so I came to this imperial castle and
got to know her.”
"••••••• "

It's not about Magnus. What the hell have I been talking about and
pretending to know something?

Her speech was choked. I lost my place to focus. The flower stared
at the floor.
“I never thought that I would have such a high status as a duke. I
thought there would be a lot of female bias.”
Only one person came to mind at Cheryl's self-helpful voice. She
had nothing to reason about.
Because there was only one duke in this empire whom the Marquis
of Glein considered terribly.

Duke of Keyriston, this ungrateful human.

“Of course, I didn’t know he was that old. Why is he in his 20s just by
looking at his face?”
‘Do-ah, Cheryl, how old are you? I don’t even know his age.”
"He's 30 this year. They say he's forty this year."
Oh, there was a pretty big age difference between you and Magnus.

A ten-year age difference is certainly not an easy number to

convince yourself of. No, what did you do without contraception in
one night?
‘‘ Contraception … didn't you?"
“I did. I also took medicine.”
Let's make Casio great. In fact, that child should have been born
In the first place, it doesn't feel good to think that I can't be born
because of adult circumstances.

“How old is the child?” “‘Three years old.”

He's been pregnant for at least 4 years... . Then he said he first met
when he was 26.
26 and 36. It's not an inconceivable number, but it's not a number
you can easily nod your head around.
'It doesn't matter if we like each other... .'
This situation is a situation where you do not know what to do

Still, having him as his husband is not a good choice.

' But was there such a setting?'

The story of having a child is not mentioned at all in the novel.

How the hell are there so many behind-the-scenes stories that this
author has omitted?
He would have been able to write an epic poem by collecting things
not mentioned.
“After I said this, Magnus will make her empress, and she will make
her the prince.

He said." "Aha."
Was that the way it happened? It seems that it was closer to
reciprocation than love.
The Duke of Keyliston doesn't know anything about it, so it looks like
he's still throwing flirts around... … .
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk to him at all?”
“I’m scared of what kind of reaction I’ll get, and in fact, if I’m in the
National Assembly, I can earn without lack of money, and not only

Do doctors make more money than you think.”

That's right, dealing with human life isn't easy. In particular, she was
a very good person.
Wherever she goes, she will be treated. She'd be loved by anyone if
she didn't know her other than this.
Would she dare to do the terrible thing of marrying a man who has a
home and doesn't know when to have her boyfriend?
The fact that she was in a relationship in the first place means that
she didn't want to take any responsibility.

“Then why… I don't need to tell you, right? It's not that Casio is
resentful or hateful, is it?"
“It’s not like that. There was definitely something wrong with that.”
Cheryl pursed her lips, then saw Raphael holding my hand, and then
bit her lips.
She thought that there are things that cannot be said where there
are children.
“Then she would rather be the empress
Isn't it good?"
‘Do, that’s Illyana’s place.”
“No. Have you heard of Cheryl? All I did was just want to get
revenge on him."
Cheryl gave me a nice expression at my words. To be precise, she
has an ambiguous and ambiguous expression. All of a sudden, it
was Cheryl's castle.
“I have something to talk about with my child, so will you come in
first? She will be in soon.”

Aren't you going to tremble?"

"Yeah, otherwise it's not too cold, so I think it'll be fine to bring Casio
with me."
“Then I will. She waits a minute.”
I sat down on a bench in the side of the garden, watching Cheryl's
back to enter the castle with wide strides after giving a cool answer.
“Why do you only play with other people?”
“Because you didn’t talk, I didn’t know we would meet like this
anyway. The world is really small.

‘‘I didn’t know you were a noble. Hong, which door is that?"
"House Glein."
"What is the Marquis family? You're not going to say that you're
going to be formal enough to use rude and respectful words from
now on? You're different from other grown-ups."
Watching the child talking with the same vigilant expression as when
we first met, he nodded slowly.
I don't want to force it even to the relationship I met in my dreams.

'I'm still young.'

Besides, I'm so daring, hearing the word 'hey' doesn't feel bad.
I never thought that I would call you an illegal intruder if you didn't tell
me your name.
“By the way, isn’t it too much to be an illegal intruder?”
‘‘That’s right.
Raphael mumbled as I said, shaking my head as if saddened.
"and… He didn't even teach me his name."

<Episode 53>
"I didn't think it was necessary to teach my dream friend my name."
"Dream friend.·?"
Raphael's eyes widened.
"Yeah, but since we actually met, we've become real friends. I'm Ilya
or Glain. How about you?"
“Raphael Silver. Are we then friends?"
"right ."
Although there is a slight age difference, friends these days have no
age or border.
Raphael's expression became brighter, perhaps because my words
were distracted. It wasn't as dark as before.
"But why haven't you been here? I've been preparing for it every
“Did you wait?”
"••••••• "
Raphael was quiet. I was trying to make excuses because I didn't
want to talk, but Raphael, who closed his eyes tightly, opened his
mouth with a big mouth.
“Wait! He said he and Billy decorated the table every day.”
You say you've been locked up because your eyes have been
Besides, he didn't know how to wait. I must have been there less
than five times.
“Something happened. In the future, if I don't contact you, I write a
letter. I will send you an answer.”
“又10} • ”
“Instead of Gree, it’s a secret that we met in a dream as dream
friends. You can't tell anyone."
“Of course. I know you look like a crazy person when you say this.”
Raphael snorted and answered confidently.
How the hell do you know that at that age? sugar instead of rain from
the sky
I'm at an age to believe even if I run out of sweets.
Not long after Raphael started talking to each other, Cheryl came out
holding Casio.
Magnus shook his head. She watches over her every move and is
driven by a desire to control everything.
On the other hand, I often want to talk to someone
When I looked at her when she was, I also felt her desire to leave
her free.
But if you let it go, it will fly away. she will run away
She tames herself to the fullest, turns her back with no regrets and
leaves her hut, and she will vanish like the wind.
It was easy for her to accept her even if she hated her anyway, since
neither of her could hold her in her arms with her sincerity.
It's a feeling that comes from revenge anyway, so I thought it would
be enough to keep it under my feet for the rest of my life.
By the way… …
When did you get to know Viscount Dosilver again?'
Again she is getting out of her grip on me.
She thought she had barely put it on her palm, but without her
noticing she ran away again.
she likes her hair She is fickle and she always thinks of things she
never even thought of herself.
She was like that before. Even my thoughts were read casually and
To 20-year-old Magnus, Illyana was a god.
She alone was her world and she was her own world. But she didn't
make it easy for Iliana.
He entered the room slowly. Fortunately, Iliana was already back in
her room.
She was satisfied with that fact. It seems that she remembers her
home properly.
As she sat at her table and clasped her chin, she was deep in her
thoughts. Magnus approached Illyana, deliberately killing her
She put her hand on her cheek and then she looked at herself in
“I think I would have been angry if I hadn’t come back.”
"••••••• "
“Good job, Lina.”
He slowly stroked Illyana's head and sat across from her. Illyana said
she thanked her, as she looked at him and her without saying a
Magnus is kind with her fox eyes
she laughed wildly.
“So I haven't heard of you having a connection with the Silvers' son-
in-law... When did you build a relationship like that without my
The voice asking is languid but cold. Illiania opened her mouth with a
look of tension on her face.
She said, "I saw it when I was in the town of Kotan. I didn't know you
were a noble, but I was just surprised to meet you."
Magnus' eyes narrowed as she heard her answer.
Her face was expressionless and cold, but her facial muscles
twitched and her pupils dilated and shook slightly.
'That's a lie.'
Magnus recognized her without difficulty. It's a fact I learned in the
hut that dilated pupils lie.
Every time she lied
There was little change, but even the shaky pupils could not be
“That’s right, you must have misunderstood something.”
Magnus, though, did not inquire further of her for her peculiarity of
her, who would have continued to roll her head up until now for her.
Unsurprisingly, it was seen that her pupils were slowly getting
smaller again, relaxing.
Looking at it, she was grumpy for nothing. Magnus hesitated for a
He took her hand and smiled.
‘‘I don’t like lies.”
"••••••• "
The sound of breathing in filled me with tension
Every little breath, every eye, everything was sweet to him. Her
fingertips became cold, nervous in fear.
“So don’t do it twice.”
She had no intention of questioning in the first place. Whether she
met her little kid like that or not, she had nothing to do with him.
Her child's attitude was a little off-putting, but it didn't matter as she,
who she was, didn't seem to care.
“Come to think of it, there were people who dared to argue with you
"ah "
“You must not do that. Reena. to me
you should have said What if you mix things up with such a low-level
thing? My heart hurts a lot."
“Because I can do it on my own… … "
Illyana barely opened her mouth. Even her nervous voice was nice
to hear. She liked this voice.
She liked the low voice that gently knocked on her ear even in the
She now doesn't raise her tone of voice until she purposely hurts her
vocal cords.
Now you hide your original voice from me
I felt more embarrassed because I felt like I had quit.
Magnus stroked the back of her hand, clasped her arm, and slowly
grabbed her by the nape of her neck with her large hand.
“No, Lina.”
The gap between her face and voice was so great. Illyana was so
tense that she couldn't even breathe.
The distance between her eyebrows of her Magnus narrowed.
Magnus ran her finger across the back of her neck.
"You won't be able to do it alone."
Magnus spoke firmly and met her hardened eyes and gaze.
“Is that right? What if you don't depend on the person you love? I sit
in the supreme seat and have all the power
There is.”
‘‘If you ask me, I will always help. I am your only love.”
Magnus whispered in her ear, pulling her hand close to the back of
her neck.
Magnus laughed as he looked at Illyana, who could not even bend
her back and had her neck stiffened.
“Hurry up, Lina.”
There was kindness in her urging voice.
Illyana was speechless for a while as she looked at her face to see
what she was thinking.
She eventually opened her mouth.
‘‘Help… please, Mac.” "You did well.
You can do it. Dare to touch mine
We have to make sure that the lean punishment is fully paid.”
Magnus smiled brightly. He stroked Illyana's hair as if it were very
Illyana was still frozen and didn't say anything.
He looked at her tired, white face, and then got up and put on the
She came out with the liquor at her side.
“Would you like a drink? Reena." "... yes ."
Her tense look was a strong answer. Magnus smiled like even he
was adorable.
Just being by her side made me smile. The fact that she was in my
arms couldn't be more pleasing. Magnus took out her glass and
poured her clear, yellowish wine, and pushed her toward her.
I poured my cup and sat down and saw Illyana waiting for my
‘‘You may drink.”
Illyana nodded her head and tilted her glass up.
The hot Jimmy's liver narrowed a few times, but as if she got used to
it, she drank her cup in no time. Magnus refilled her cup.
She obviously thought she would make the same when she left the
She wasn't mad at what she had done to her, but because she
abandoned herself.
Because, having sought and tamed her in any form, she has plunged
herself back into this hell.
It was Magnus himself who knew better than anyone that my heart
was twisted.
But it didn't matter. After all, she and herself were twisted and crazy
about her.
are you
Hanging out with crazy people isn't a problem at all.
So there is no guilt about this. All in all, my mind has changed a bit.
I didn't want to see her grieving. Her heart that she wanted her to be
ruined melted and disappeared.
As she looked at her clumsy figure, looking at her smiling face, and
seeing her chagrin expression, those feelings disappeared from her
one by one.
Her desire to tame her was still there, but it was in order to
completely deprive her of the idea of escaping her.
‘‘Drink slowly;
Watching Illyana's speed, he added water to her alcohol.
Illyana raised her head with her flushed red face.
'I think I'm going crazy.'
I didn't like my body reacting to every move he made, and I didn't like
the way I was surprised and relieved by his absurd praise.
Obviously, I thought it was my will to obey him, but now that I see the
situation, even he is in doubt.
He drank the strong alcohol that Magnus gave him. His throat was
hot and the sensation of scratching his esophagus and going down
was strange.
After taking a cup of unknown number and drinking it, Magnus added
water to my drink.
quite ride... I just want to eat... … . ’
Something got a little sad. I mean, I just wanted a strong drink.
I looked down at the glass with a depressed expression.
I just wanted to eat… … .
I just wanted to drink. The more I thought about it, the more I felt
embarrassed and the heat in my eyes grew.
He bit her lip and lifted her head. Magnus was looking at me. It is
also very surprising.
“Do Illiana?”
"why• .."
A sad voice leaked out.
“Why are you getting water… I just wanted to eat.”

<Episode 54>
My eyes got hot. Something like alcohol ran down the ball and
dribbled down. A drop of water fell on the glass, making it even

He looked at me with unbelievable eyes

I looked evil. How startled he was, he stuttered.
Seeing it made me sadder. Is it so bad to just drink alcohol?
I even thought it was childish.
He bit his lip hard, as if annoyed by my stuttering tongue, then slowly
opened his mouth again.
In the meantime, someone kept pouring water into my glass, drop by
drop. I'm sad and I'll be back
He pressed his hand to his mouth and spoke again slowly.
"that… Because alcohol is toxic... I guess I drink water… It is better
to Your stomach will hurt.”
“I just wanted to eat… Strong alcohol is good... … If it hurts, say so
Did you... Since when did you start worrying about me? … ”
It hurts more when I say it. What's wrong with being an emperor and
having a lot of money? You could just give me a bottle of wine.
Enemy, I'm sorry, I was short on thoughts. elk
Please don't cry.”
Stuttering Magnus hastily exchanged his and mine. Magnus' glass
was an unsoaked glass.
But I wanted to eat from my cup... … .
I didn't like it, so I was looking down at the glass, so Magnus spilled
the alcohol in my changed glass on the floor, poured the new wine
and pushed the glass too.
Magnus walked over to me and wiped my eyes clumsily with the
hem of his robe.

My blurred vision became a little clearer. I looked at expensive

clothes, wondering if they had that kind of ability.
‘I didn’t know you like alcohol so much. You can drink it whenever
you want.”
After hearing the answer, I felt a little better. Holding the glass with
both hands and sipping again, Magnus let out a long sigh.
He looked relieved, but he was restless.
Why are you staring at me like that? i also
Even if it looks like it will break.
Thinking about it again made me sad. to do nothing Why do I want to
go all out so sad?
"Why do you hate me all the time..."
At my murmuring, Magnus looked at me again with anxious eyes. He
shook his head in embarrassment.
Magnus was so surprised that he couldn't even sit down properly
and his feet trembled.
No matter why I wanted to go there, dissatisfaction erupted and I
was saddened again. His eyes were split in two.
Magnus became two. It's even more sad that there are two monster-
like guys.
“I don’t hate you, Iliana. How do I hate you?” “Me too… hey, I
couldn’t help it… I don't know... Suddenly there is a large man in
front of me... I don't want to die... I just… "
"••••••• "
“I was just scared… … "
scared and ran away I am afraid that I will suddenly fall into a world
that I know only through texts and that I will die later.
It's scary, but I don't have the courage to die, so I have to run away.
“How I hate waking up in the morning… … There were a lot of
kkondaes… "
“Yes, was it?”
Magnus heard the story and
He looked at me with his face and naturally took the glass from me
and put it on the table.
‘‘Hey, my drink.”
It's sad to lose what you have again. Magnus hugged me tightly and
put me on the bed.
He sat down on one knee in front of him, wiping my eyes and cheeks
over and over again.
"We'll have a drink tomorrow, Lina. You're drunk."
“I don’t even drink alcohol anymore… … Don't do this, don't do that,
to bleed to death... "
sad, sad I can't even drink strong alcohol... . You take what you
have... .
My eyes clouded again. I was so sad that I wanted to throw it all
away and run away.
Magnus sat next to me and hugged me tightly. A friendly hand
stroked his hair.
‘‘If you are going to get revenge, do it quickly and play with it.
If it's there, play with it quickly and throw it away. It's annoying, I'm
suffocating... .”
“I have no intention of abandoning you.
God will never be free. You are the day I was abandoned in hell
I put them in hell, but I have no intention of doing that.”’
“You are hell to me… … "
The strength came into his hand holding me. He slowly released his
strength from his arm.
The hand that wipes the back is still friendly. It was warm and big, so
it felt good.
I leaned over to him slowly and rested the ball on his shoulder.
‘‘When you tamed me, I was afraid because you were always scary
and inaccessible. So at first I thought I was going to have to kill it
because I wouldn't be able to have it anyway."
It wasn't me who did it, it was Illyana Glaine. I'm not... Everything is
my fault
Nya didn't do anything in the first place
You don't even know what Liana Glaine is thinking.
“But now I think I can tame you. Now that it's more human, I like it a
lot. It’s good to know that there are things you can’t do, and it’s good
to know that you’re not good at alcohol.”
"••••••• "
“I love you, Lina. So get used to it. Like I said, I wish I was the owner
and you were the beast. I have no intention of abandoning you.”
Kind but scary I don't know how those opposing feelings can exist.
I blankly leaned against him and closed my eyes. I know it can't be.
you're talking stupid
This world is not kind to me. Illyana Glaine is not welcomed into this
Whatever she resented or whatever happened, the fact that Illiania
Glaine was ruined isn't wrong.
“I love you, Ilyana.”
"••••••• "
he kissed my lips It felt like the smell of salty alcohol permeated the
inside of my throat.
I blankly opened my mouth to kiss his kiss, and moved his tongue
sullenly. It was a reflex action.
"Do you?"
Even in my commanding spirit, I craved his lips and did not answer.
Who said alcohol is the enemy of everyone? To be sure, it was clear
that I joined the ranks today.
My head felt like it was going to break. I don't have the strength to
wriggle in a lying position because my stomach is full of food and
How many glasses of liquor did you drink yesterday? The whole
room smelled of alcohol.
I'm not even drinking, but I feel like I'm going to suffocate.
'What happened yesterday?'
Obviously drinking... Let's go drinking....
I have no memory at all. What was going on? Maybe I'm making a
mistake or something like that, right? Why are your eyes so puffy?
It's like my eyes have gotten one or two times smaller
I was crazy
"mirror…… ."
"Do you need a mirror? Can I bring it?
My body stiffened at the sound of laughter from the side.
Of course, since we live in the same bed, it is natural to sleep, but
why is he there until I wake up?
Usually before I even get up
used to go out Even now, looking out the window, it was clear that it
must have been well past noon.
When I turned his head with a trembling gaze, Magnus returned
suddenly, and with a clean face, the mirrors were pushed in front of
"••••••• "
I just stiffened.
The monster reflected in the mirror... No, no, no, no, no, no, no
words, no words, crazy You are looking at one, shame and shame fill
your head

‘‘Lina?” “Why • “
The voice was hoarse. The double looks like a swollen face, or a
sprawling head, or a bloodshot frog's eye that has been punched
and beaten.
He pursed his lips and slowly closed his eyes.
"Why didn't you go to work...?"
“Did you decide to take a day off today?
"••••••• "
He was looking at me with such sweet and lovely eyes, and I could
only think of how good his acting skills were.
He showed me that he harbors a deep hatred in his heart that can
not laugh even when he sees this face.
'Otherwise, I would be able to smile at a face like this.'
There was no way he could have had such a bright smile. I got up
from my seat, clutching my groaning inside.
"Small_1 °
Are you okay? take a meal
‘‘I’ll help you.” ‘‘Unrooted J ”
I looked at him with a tired expression on my face, and then saw a
worried face that didn't even think of these bad thoughts at all.
The door is blocked.
Yeah, I guess I was just like a newborn foal... .
“Are you afraid of slipping and getting hurt?
“Why don’t you call people, Your Majesty… No, Mac does.”
“Is there anything more reluctant between us?”
He came closer with a smile. The smell of alcohol in my body grew
stronger as I got attached to it.
It seems to get drunk on the smell. yes i will see
I've seen them all, but... … .
“Who are you going to show your body to?”
He turned his head to his words. I nodded slowly, and he smiled and
touched my clothes.
If only I could get tired of it quickly, what would it be? He paused for
a moment to undo the button.
''It's cold, so I'll get some water and take off my clothes. Please
come to the bathroom when called.
yo. this."
I don't even want to fight anymore because it's so loud
I hurriedly trimmed my hair with my hands, but it was still sporadic. It
must not have been that I drank alcohol with my hair, so why is this?
“… Head hurts."
looks like it will break Every time I move, the liquid inside sloshes
and feels like I'm going to die
I heard
Today, I was able to understand the heart of a person who decided
not to eat after drinking real alcohol.
‘‘Lina, you can come in.”
When I entered the bathroom, the bathtub was full of hot water.
Magnus rolled his arms and leaned against the sink. He smiled and
came over to me.
“Are you dizzy?”
As I nodded his head with a frown, he carefully unbuttoned me and
untied my laces.
As he took his arm out of his clothes as he moved, the hem of his
fabric slid down.
“… Why are there so many wounds on your body?"
"I don't know."
I thought it felt bad to touch people's warmth, but Magnus' touch
Oddly enough, I didn't feel bad.
<Episode 55>
However, his body trembled slightly as he touched the wound.
' Looking back, it seems that Iliana has also become very
accustomed to it.'
It wasn't only Magnus that was tamed, but Illiana must have tamed
all of Magnus' arts.
Illianya's suffering did not come out, but was she really suffering?
Her questions engulfed her mind.
Magnus' gaze passed through my body with a gentle glance. I don't
know if it's been a while, but I was embarrassed to have been like
this all the time.
After taking a step back, Magnus raised his head and saw Nya.
"It's cold."
''sorry. If you go into the bathtub, I will wash your hair.”
‘I really don’t know why you are having such a hard time buying it.”
“Because I love you. I told you, Ilya nya I like you.”
To make me miserable. She turned her head, thinking skeptically.
Her heart pounded at the thought that all her cautious actions were
false. Even making her voice was painful because her head was
"••••••• "
That's why I didn't answer with that excuse. If you ask me why I like
you, I'll get the same answer again.
Magnus wet my hair with water and started shampooing slowly.
What is certain is that his movements were clumsy. It's hard to
wonder why the maid didn't do it.
What men and women are doing in Echo
do… … '
I don't know what kind of situation it is. that
I can't help but obey.
'So what did I do yesterday?'
what are you saying
What was said was that Magnus became more active and he
disappeared like dawn.
If you're going to kill me, did I tell you to kill me quickly..?'
No matter how stupid you are
Would it be open? He felt a hand gripping his head.
He wanted to see if he was doing a massage. In fact, he wondered
for a moment if he was pressing the point, but his body relaxed.
My hair, which was about to break, was a little refreshed. I closed my
eyes and breathed in slowly.
‘‘Is the water temperature okay?”
"Ah yes."
It really feels like a hair salon. to the hairdresser
I really liked washing my hair. The hand feels very good.
Warm water splashed on the shampoo-soaked hair.
"I'm done. I'm going to wipe my body, so would you like to sit here?"
‘Can’t I do it too?”
"Yes, you always washed me, so this time it's my turn."
'do… ·Aha."
I see. I washed you... … . Iliana Glein, great. if you really know
The more I knew, the better it was.
Yes, I don't remember, but of course I didn't do it, but you did it, so I
understood the mindset.
He smiled as I shut my mouth and sat down in the bathtub with my
wet, damp hair behind me.
I really thought that getting accustomed to such an easy life might be
“I always wanted to do something like you. Because I wasn't allowed
to touch you.”
His warm hand touched me. As I slowly wiped his arm, it was filled
with white foam.
Turning his head in embarrassment, he bit his lip and chewed his
mouth in surprise instead.
It's fortunate that his body is covered with foam, otherwise his face
would have already exploded.
He bowed his head in shame. When will this playful playing house
‘‘Recent Illyana is like I know
It’s like a different person from Dunn.”
His expression hardened at his remark. Fortunately, Magnus, who
concentrated his attention on wiping my body, didn't seem to notice
my hardened face.
I let myself in Magnus' touch and relaxed.
“To be honest, I like you better. Now I know what you are thinking.”
"••••••• "

That's because someone else is in. As soon as he thought to put his

back up, he felt a softness on his lips.
Magnus was looking at me with his half-moon eyes.
"You're cute, Illiana."
"••••••• "
"Do you know what expression you put on me every time you see
me? It's a face that longs for me."
Magnus grabbed my hand. He who set me up carefully sprinkled
water on my body.
The bubble was swept away in an instant. After washing his body in
an instant, he wrapped a large bath towel around my body.
It must have been filled with hot steam, but I felt a chill in my body.
That I'm looking at him like that?
I couldn't believe it. It's not me, it's Iliana Glaine.
However, in the absence of the soul of Iliana Glaine, even her eyes
filled with desire.
Does it make sense to say
Or he lied and put the possibility in his head.
Ol 0
“But the thought of running away still hurts my heart.”
“I have eyes like that?” “Yes. Even when you saw me with Cheryl,
fire fell from your eyes.
It's creepy, whenever you make that face.''
I was stunned for a moment. Magnus smiling brightly with a smile on
his face
No lies can be found on the face of
He wrapped the running water on the tip of my head with another
small towel and led me outside.
He sat down on the chair and started drying his hair.
“But I can’t believe you, because you often have a precarious
expression on your face that looks like you’re about to walk away.”
“So give up and get used to it.”
"When did I … .”
“Yesterday you did. It seems like she doesn't remember anything
about Lina."
What the hell was I talking about when I was drunk yesterday?
Contrary to my shock and tiredness, his hand was only soft.
Suddenly, the temperature in the room was getting warmer, so there
was no chill.
‘‘If you’re going to get revenge, hurry up and if you’re going to play
with it, play it quickly and throw it away.
You said it was painful.”
His voice mixed with laughter was light. That light tone was creepy.
The light voice was rather terrifying to me.
I sat down on the chair and couldn't run away, even though I gave
myself hopelessly to the hand that dried his hair and combed it.
“Are you afraid that you will become more dependent on me than
this, get used to it and be abandoned late? You are afraid that you
will be ruined now.”
"you… … "
“But I have no intention of throwing it away, so you will have to get
used to it. For me and for that fear. And admit it. I know you will
never get out of hell.”
I feel like I'm choking with fear. It may not sound like much, but I was
afraid to think that I would never be able to get out of this play for the
rest of my life.
I barely moved my stiff body, trying to turn around. But it didn't have
to be. mug
Nuth turned around the chair first and appeared in front of me.
He knelt down on his knees, stretched his back, and lined up the line
when he came out, and he wrapped me in a towel and pulled me into
his arms.
“My reel is . . .”
I am going to cancel the case of the Empress that I brought to Geryl.
She didn't want her too much and she made you more important to
Don't look like you're watching your rapid breathing
Gnus patted my back.
It was swept away very slowly, as if to calm down. Then he
whispered his breath close to my ear.
I inhale and exhale naturally following his breath.
Even that was what he wanted. Even that fact was tragic.
‘‘Lina, the imperial family where you lived before I met you… It was
literally hell for me.”
I couldn't open my mouth easily. him
I had never thought about what kind of place the crab Hwangseong
was, and I didn't even want to think about it.
There was no need for me to understand him.
He was just a character in print, and I was the reader who wondered
about his relationship with Illyana Glaine.
I understand that their relationship was more catastrophic than I
thought. Not what Illyana Glain wants
What Gnus wanted was different.
Since they had different orientations, they would have had no choice
but to collide.
“No one recognized the weak prince, and fortunately, I did not like
quarrels, so I gave up the throne early. But everyone saw me as an
"why• .."
“In the end, I was abandoned in the mountains by my brothers. I fell
down a cliff deep in the mountains full of beasts.”
I hadn't heard of him falling off a cliff. Did Illyana Glaine bring that
man back to life and tame him in my arms?
I don't know either. What did Illyana Gulane think of Magnus and
why she killed her own family and killed herself.
"••••••• "
‘‘I wish I was not the emperor, but just your humble, noble dog. As
long as you come to me at least once a month, as long as you don't
throw it away, it's fine."
He looked like he was about to cry. Maybe that's the truth. Magnus is
I said so before I left him
please come back Whether it's a month or two months, please come
back. But I ignored him and ended up with this situation.
"I… … "
“I know, you were embarrassed back then.”
he said softly.
“But you told me that you were afraid
I threw it away and sent you back to hell, so you too, be bound by a
hell called me for the rest of your life.”
After swiping my neck once, he wiped me with a towel and brought
my clothes.
He moved as he led and put on all his clothes. He kissed my
forehead as if praising me and sat me down on the bed.
“I love you, Iliana.”
Now whisper in my ear almost like a spell
I quietly nodded at the voice.
Hearing it all felt like my fault. To him, Illyana Glaine was everything.
She was his world. He must have been afraid because the world
suddenly disappeared.
“Promise me, Your Majesty.” ‘What do you mean?”
“I’m going to release the tired limbs intact. Are you going to walk
away cleanly?"
So, if I can't go back, I'd like you to let me live a perfect life even
I lived a life like a beggar and was drawn into a world like a beggar,
but I don't want to die for the same reason as a beggar.
I wasn't strong enough to be okay with death.
If I had not really regretted my life, I would have tested whether I
could die and go back on the day I changed my body.
Magnus laughed at my words. It was the bright smile of a spring day.
"I don't like it"
And the cruel reply came back.
<Episode 56>
He has no intention of letting me go. I had no intention of giving
Illiana Glain any freedom.
You will never be forgiven for getting off this theater stage in your
The moment he realized it, the thread he was barely holding on
‘‘I think you are eating too little, Iliana.”
“I’ll eat some more.”
Illyana, who had put down her fork at Magnus' voice, mechanically
dipped her food and put it in her mouth.
Magnus, who watched him murmur, frowned slowly.
"How much more can I eat?"
‘‘If you don’t want to eat, don’t eat it.
It's possible."
At Magnus' words, Illyana looked at him quietly, and then she slowly
lowered her fork.
A week ago, after that brief conversation, Illyana stopped
To be precise, no matter what he had to say, no matter what he
asked me to do, I couldn't refuse.
He does not add words or comments of refusal. He just nodded as if
it was all natural.
Magnus rubbed his forehead with a tired look, then slowly turned his
I asked her to tell me if there was a reason, but she didn't open her
mouth and tell me frankly.
From that day on, even Magnus knew that she had pledged
something to her.
“What are you going to do today?” “I was going to be in my room.”
Another thing has changed. I couldn't leave the room at all.
She wasn't concentrating on going to the library, and when she was
bored she would sleep, so Magnus saw her as she slept, ate, or
whatever, with a look on her face that she didn't know what she was
thinking. .
She was far from what she had hoped for. She never wanted a
relationship like this.
Still, it seemed like he had given up trying to run away, so that was
She was replaced by a feeling of uneasiness as if she would be ash
and scatter the moment she touched it.
“How about going for a walk today?”
"Yes, where are we going?"
“Anywhere is fine. Oh, I'll make time, so let's go together. There is a
pond behind the Imperial Palace, so it would be nice to have a light
boat ride there.”
Magnus looked over at Iliana's Jojo.
house the pupil
She hardly reveals her expression, so the change in her eyes had no
choice but to guess the change in her thoughts and emotions.
The pupil dilated slightly. She revealed a change in her emotions.
"Yes, I'll prepare it. How about having a meal there? It's like packing
a lunch and going to a picnic."
She was glad she seemed to like her. Magnus smiled and kissed her
Illianya opened her mouth familiarly and met his tongue. But she
doesn't reach out and hug my neck.
"After talking with the Marquis of Grain, I'm going to raise you as
Empress Wool."
Magnus whispered in his ear. Iliana's body trembled slightly.
Her pupils shake and she touches herself.
It's a bit annoying that this is how she's been exposed to her recent
doll-like feelings of not revealing her agitation at all.
“But, if you don’t want to, I’ll wait until you feel like it.”
Illyana didn't say anything. Magnus looked at her quietly, then gently
brushed her hair.
‘Someday you will get used to it.’
She'll get used to it just like she was, and she'll be smitten with me.
Wait until then.
She couldn't escape, and Magnus was very patient with her.
‘‘Do you need anything?”
“Do you have anything to say?” “Yes.”
Magnus's forehead narrowed. He smiled as he laid his hand on her
He slowly rose from his seat, kissing her on the cheek. It's her time
to do her little thing. Lately I've been too attached to her.
“Okay, are you ready to tell the maids, how about a light breakfast
with Cheryl in the morning? I will pick you up in the afternoon.”
"Yes I will."
Iliana gave her a short answer, turning her head.
Magnus spread his arms. As soon as Iliana saw it, she reflexively
she hugged
And then she hardened when she realized that my body was acting
without thinking.
As if realizing it, Magnus pressed the back of her head on Illyana's
head, stroking her hair.
“It’s okay to not have to think about anything.”
" hey"
“It is enough for me to respond to my touch and look after me.”
"••••••• "
“I love you, Lina. Even if you doubt anything else, don't doubt that
fact alone. Because I really can't live without you.”
She loved him and wanted this stage to end, but when she realized
that Iliana didn't get anything for her.
She was already in his grasp and the stage showed no sign of
"Do you?"
'Don't do it.'
Magnus' brow at that ambiguous answer
There were wrinkles, but that was all.
He licked her lips, then shut her mouth, gave some orders to her
maid, who had not served her any longer, and left the room.
Seeing this, Illyana drooped over her bed.
‘‘I have a boil on my buttocks.”
Illyana grunted exaggeratedly with a changed voice.
Magnus is a little nervous about my reaction.
In order not to fall from your side for the past few days
That may be one reason.
to do that
mouth- O
For that I am too
gave up on
And I was going crazy. Because I feel Magnus' touch, kiss, and
If he's taming me, that's very successful.
I wanted to hug him when he opened his arms, and even at night I
got to the point where I couldn't sleep well without him.
If I'm not crazy, the world is crazy, or I'm on drugs, or this is my
But all of them are not possible, so I was right.
I said I was going to break it because I loved him, but if I had known
that it was a game where the stage was never closed, I wouldn't
have even started.
'driving me crazy.'
This can't be solved unless it explodes properly and fights by the
It wasn't a thing.
The goal was too deep, and the relationship between Magnus and
Ilyanya Glein was already too shaky.
Whether he's tired or I'm tired, I thought one of the two had to get
However, due to my personality, no matter how much I thought about
it, I did not think I would fall out. And I don't even have the
confidence to do that.
That day, on the day I thought I would never be able to get off this
theater stage, I realized one thing.
Either make this play real by making him really love me, or he
It's mutually beneficial to turn the whole stage upside down by
making me despise you.
After losing reason and thinking deeply, I chose the latter.
The former was not a possibility at all. He's just taking revenge.
‘The Empress… .'
The scale of the stage was too big. However, the former is not a
I know that Magnus truly loves me
I can't even imagine
It was
let's remind that thought
walked away heart throbbing
Magnus' hand is kind. His voice and his actions are all very sincere.
You should think of it as acting, but you can't.
When I woke up, I thought I was half-drowning in a deep swamp and
having a hard time getting out of it.
‘Do-Ana! Illyana!"
A voice that was heard from far away flashed
let's raise our heads
I was perplexed. Cheryl was in front of him.
He just didn't pay attention to the people around him because he
was immersed in thought for a while, but suddenly a man was
pushing his face in front of him.
‘Do, ah, Cheryl.”
"it's okay? I came about 30 minutes ago, and you're still thinking
about it, so I thought you had something to think about.
Ah... I'm sorry if I disturbed you."
“No, no. I am so sorry.”
I shook my head with his hand. I was engrossed in useless thoughts,
but I didn't know how much time had passed.
When I turned my head, it was after the sunlight got a little stronger,
unlike before.
What time is it?" ''It's almost eleven."
Hearing Cheryl's answer, he grabbed her head.
It's impossible to say it's eleven o'clock. It was about nine o'clock by
the time I lost my mind.
By the way, what you thought was only a few minutes of thought, you
mean two hours?
Also, it's a bit bad.'
It was strange that I hadn't noticed the passing of time so far.
Unless my nerves are broken somewhere, the flow of time usually
stops like this.
There's no way it'll feel like it.
' 'Have you eaten? I also brought Casio... If it's okay, can we do it
“Oh, of course.”
Sheryl, with my permission, poked her head out her door and she
beckoned to the boy.
It looks like they had to wait outside. It meant she had been standing
for at least thirty minutes, and when she realized that, she felt even
more embarrassed.
“The child waited outside for thirty minutes.
did you? I just did not inhale it.”
“Still, you might feel uncomfortable.
“Ahead of… Don't be mean, you're human. " I'm a radish
There is no reason to feel uncomfortable or offended if the child is
not a child who has had an accident.
I got up from my frustration and drank the cold water from the kettle.
“Do you have any concerns? I won’t be of much help, but if you tell
me, you will feel refreshed.”
‘No, no, how about with that duke?”
“Actually, even if a position has been created, it is still there because
commoners like me are not easy to talk to. Rather than hovering
around like a cicadas by my side, I would rather just quietly grow up
and grow up on my own.”
Sheryl said tiredly, rubbing the back of her neck.
<Episode 57>
While I was resting, the maids also came and went, so the table was
so full that I wondered if my legs would break.
I saw the children's table and tableware not there, and called her
maid and ordered them to be prepared.
“So what about Iliana?”
what's going on
"eww... "
I smiled without a word. I couldn't do anything about the smile that
showed my troubles
She shook her head to reassure Nya, as if she had sensed my
“I don’t tell anyone. When it comes to Magnus, there is nowhere to
confide in. I feel at ease because I have a place to discuss Casio
these days.”
I pondered for a moment at Cheryl's words. Sheryl knows best about
Magnus over the past two years.
It might be better for her to tell her about her troubles.
You know the distance. I, that… She did something a little bad for
her. I know he resented me... … "
Without speaking, I shut my mouth. After all, it was because she
didn't seem to be talking about her to her.
“No, I just wondered why she wanted to raise her wife as Empress.”
She changed her inner destination a little later, which she was about
to reveal to Cheryl.
She actually thought she would tell the Marquis Lane that she might
run away.
She told the Marquis to speak if you need it, so it's not that she
doesn't want to rely on him.
However, if I reach out to him in a state where I am neither here nor
there like this, in the end, I will be confused even there.
I know well.
"ah "
Cheryl listened to me and she closed her mouth in surprise.
With a slightly troubled look on her face, she shredded the meal
brought by her maids in front of the child and looked back at me,
who was still sitting on the bed.
“It seems to me that the two of them are really twisted.”
‘‘I know.”
“Illiana, I don’t mean to say that I’m struggling with the duke, but I
think it would be better for the two of you to be a little more honest.”
Cheryl sat down next to me and said, the bed wobbled loudly. The
child kept her mouth shut and moved her stretched hand.
It seemed to me that Casio was a little clumsy in words or had a dark
expression of his emotions.
“When I looked after Magnus,
It was a human disbelief. I was afraid of my touch and didn't believe
what I said, and when I tried to touch it, I trembled terribly.”
“Did you?”
I opened my eyes wide at the unexpected words. Was it like that in
the original novel?
No, Magnus just needed warmth. Sheryl was also just desperately
clinging to her, and there wasn't even a single scene that pushed her
"I doubted everything I said whether I had been betrayed, and I have
anxiety symptoms and I couldn't sleep all night."
“Yeah, that’s right.”
"Yeah, it was like taming an untamed, good-bred wild horse. Oh, why
was it called pedigree… He was more demanding than I thought."
Cheryl laughed and added her words. Her gaze was fixed on Casio,
who spoke her in a low voice that Casio would not hear, but Cheryl
did not stop her.
''I had a very high level of eye to see even small furniture tastes. He
was smart enough to pick out the cutest ones among the cheap
"Oh really? Maybe it's because he's of the imperial bloodline, isn't
Being an imperial family is also different from birth. Everything I ate,
slept, and drank was good, so I hope that will be reflected in the
blood as well.
I mean Cheryl is a little bit absurd
She looked at me with a puzzled expression on her face and finally
burst into laughter.
Haha, the refreshing sound of laughter leaking out was very clear
and clean.
“More than that… The person who had it must have treated it very
dearly. It was more crumbly when I took care of her with all my heart
than when I met her through her messy spear.”
“Is this like that?”
Illiana Glein's taste was very strong. How much do you love
He said that he even gave me a bath myself.
I think it's great, but I don't think I could have done it if I had told
myself to do it on my own.
I was ashamed to say that I almost died.’
Speaking of washing the naked body of Magnus... … .
I shuddered and trembled. To be honest, I just feel like Illyana Glein
is great.
"Yeah. Actually, there was nothing I could do about detoxing. I simply
needed to help with the very rare withdrawal symptoms from drug
side effects.

"that… thank god."
I barely answered. I didn't know she would ever talk about
If nothing else, the detox was the only thing I did. It's not what Illyana
Glaine did, I'm here
It started with my own judgment.
Maybe that's what made the main line of the story go elsewhere. I
didn't know I had to build stones to make the aqueduct run
‘‘When I saw Magnus, I wondered if this really was the kind of
person who took care of me and let me go.”
"Yes? What do you mean?"
I was a little startled at her sharp words, and when I asked the
question, she let out a salivating voice for a long time as if
contemplating her answer.
Cheryl, who had been quiet, spoke again when Cassio grabbed her
empty glass and squirmed about to drink it.
Cheryl got up quickly and poured water into her glass and returned.
“The person taking care of Magnus treated him like a jewel,” she
said. A beautiful gem puts its form into value
I didn’t care how much the kernels inside were rotten.”
I looked at her with her puzzled eyes. Iliana Glein is Magnus'
It is true that I paid special attention to moisture.
But that didn't mean he was ruined.
“You could tell by the clothes he wore, his appearance, and his
elegant movements.”
Of course, it certainly broke Magnus, though. It was also a role that
Illyana Glaine would one day play that slowly came to mind after
Although she escaped without being fully detoxified, turning to
“But, the one who let go… It seemed desperate. I tried to treat him
like a human being, and I let the well-maintained jewels look like
people, not like jewels.”
In fact, this man might not have been a psychologist in his previous
life. I thought so for a while.
The size of the sharpness is like a sharpened blade. I am really glad
that this person is not my enemy.
“It was his knowledge and hesitancy,
I could tell by his movement to act like a human being. Of course, I
realized that his hair was less well-maintained compared to other
places, unlike his appearance and luxurious clothes.”
She said so and smiled splendidly.
I didn't know what kind of expression I was making, so all I could do
was give my face strength and harden my expression to manage it.
That's because I can't keep my face hardened just because it's
‘‘Unlike clothes and skin, hair is something that you have to take
good care of almost every day.”
I didn't even care until there. However, I couldn't wrap it myself like
I was just desperate to get out of the situation and desperate to
make him human.
Desperate is the right word. I was desperate. Rather than Magnus, I
was desperate to live.
it's never commendable
it wasn't
“The former and the latter are different. Whoever freed him, I could
tell he was trying to make Magnus very fine.”
Still, there is nothing more moving than this that there was someone
who recognized my efforts.
I felt like I was about to cry a little. Cheryl, who was watching the
reporters while I swept my hair, opened her mouth.
‘‘Magnus often asked me to stroke his head. So every time I stroked
him, he shook his head saying it wasn’t like this and apologized.”
I couldn't say anything. that
Who got into the habit of looking for what to do?
It's not that I don't know
He had no idea that Magnus was suffering so much from the
“Then one day he said something like this.”
'Are you baby?"
“There was a certain person, and at some point it changed. They
became friendly as if they had become a different person, and that
kindness was like discovering a new world.”
I guess that's what I was talking about that day. The day I lost my
mind in a world that suddenly fell.
The days when I spit out everything from my mouth, thought that he
was a human, and tried to stay away from him.
It was hard for me too. I played a lie and I rolled my head to live
After living desperately, he even entered a temple training center like
a retreat on his own.
I'll be back as a real penitent mother-in-law.'
You got the concept wrong.
If I had rather repented and shaved my head and acted like a
pseudo-religion, selling drugs and evangelizing, then Magnus might
not have behaved like this to me.
You'd treat me like a madman and keep me away
It was also probable.
“What he had known all this time was actually not kindness, but the
fear of becoming a crouched mouse in front of a snake, and that he
realized that it wasn’t a warm feeling but a different emotion after
meeting that friendly person.”
‘Did Magnus do that?”
'big. Then one day, out of the blue, he declared that he was going to
make that person look just like him. I used to be a beast, but she
made her a man, so this time she must be her beast.”
This time, the mindset that I am a beast seems to have started from
I sounded sick.
I called him a human, but I didn't mean that I would become a beast.

<Episode 58>
“So I asked if it was revenge. Then he said yes.”
“Yeah, Magnus hates me. Because I want to raise my life to the
happiest place and throw it to the floor.”
“Yes, of course, you can see it that way, but I don’t know either.

yo. this."

At Cheryl's words, I brought her and her dog back to her. Magnus
just doesn't know how
He had no choice but to use that method, as he had never had a
relationship other than a human and a beast with Ilya or Glaine.
Of course not, but if Magnus didn't know how to make a different
relationship with Illyana Glein, it made a little sense.

“Of course, the field of psychiatry is not my specialty, so I can’t say

for sure.”

Cheryl added, but he already had quite a bit of trust in me. Just
saying everything I didn't say was conjecture was enough.

“He was terrified when he touched me. Not only me, but Casio was
also scared.”
“Are you that scared?”
“Yeah, you probably still hate being touched.”

Come to think of it, she would always dress up by herself, without

the help of a maidservant when she wore her clothes.
She hadn't thought deeply about it, but I didn't know there was a
reason for that.
She had her heart pounding again. I let out a short sigh and gently
touched my chest.
“But, Sheryl, aren’t you okay with your touch now?”
“With the efforts I have consistently suppressed and treated, maybe
my touch
I’ve been able to hold on to it for a while.”
In the past when Magnus was treated,
Were there any forces?
When she laughed at the unexpected story, Cheryl also smiled. It
was a very kind smile that was different from me.
“In the end, it will endure. Even if I touch it, goosebumps will come
out of my body somewhere.”
When I was silent, she turned her head and looked straight at me.
thought map

As our eyes met, I shuddered and shook my head.

Sheryl was also a strangely powerful force that made it impossible to
avoid people's eyes.
“Yes, you are the only exception.”
“You are the exception to Magnus, Illyana.”
she said hard again.
“Should I actually call it revenge or a master-slave relationship?

Or really, the owner and the pet… I don't know if I should call it
something like that."
She grimaced her brow as if she was a little cocky at the word pet,
but did push her to stop.
I bit her lip, still unable to get enough words to say back to her.
“Magnus looks fine, but he has a mental problem. He can pretend
he's fine.”
"••••••• "
"Originally, talking about the patient is a top secret, but her family
has rights. Illiana is going to be Magnus' wife, so I'll tell you."
She had no desire to be the empress nor his wife, but it seemed that
Cheryl didn't really think about it either.
She just needed a reason to tell me. So she couldn't stop her mouth
from opening.
“Until I took care of him, he suffered from insomnia, refused to eat,
and was constantly ill.
There were times when I was lost in a dream and couldn't wake up
for several days.”
My heart hurt. Because it was like that even though I detoxified it and
let it go.
I had a little sense of how painful Magnus must have been in the
novel, and how betrayed he must have felt.
So Magnus was angry with me when we first met. But he felt so
much joy and laid his hand on me.
Magnus was my third world. Illyana Glein was the third world.
I took the world from him
It was natural for the living things that lived there to die.
Sheryl slowly opened her mouth again, examining my eyes and
breathing. It was clear that she was checking my condition.
Her heartbeat was so loud that it made my ears ring, but I pretended
to be casual.
Illyana Glein's poker face was of a high standard, enough to deceive
Cheryl, an outstanding member of the parliament.
“So she continued to take the medication, and she hated skin
contact so much that she occasionally touched her body and showed
no symptoms.
I even scratch my body as if I had a rash.”
It was a serious story that I hadn't thought of until then. I stared at
her as she ordered, with a firm expression on her face.
“It just brainwashed me … "
He barely stuttered and opened his mouth, but the words that came
out were useless words that were close to excuses. To the extent
that it became a meeting after I said something stupid.
“That doesn't change the fact that Illyana is the only one for him. To
Magnus, if you are the world, you must end it.”
Sheryl's resolute words choked her out. She said you were
responsible for what you did.
Strictly speaking, it's what Illyana Glaine did, so it's exactly what
Illyana Glaine should do.
I still haven't admitted that I'm Illyana Glaine.
But how the hell do I get his three
I'm going to end the cycle again.
how do i... Knowing everything, would you be able to end Magnus'
world twice?
"I'm… I'm not sure, Cheryl." I shook my head.
“Actually, I have no memory of that time at all, and everything that is
happening now is just unfair to me, frustrating, and I don’t know what
to say. Do I still have to intervene in this?"
I said it as honestly as possible. I tried to be honest. I have no choice
but to
This problem has been something I've been thinking about all along.
About why I should be responsible for something I didn't do.
"You don't remember?"
"Yeah, I probably haven't remembered from that time. Ever since
Magnus told me I was a different person."
Cheryl opened her eyes wide in disbelief. She looked at me for a
long time with a look of astonishment and shook her head.
“Then you have to do it all the more. Iliana. You destroyed Magnus'
original world and created another world! “
‘What do you mean?’ ‘‘What Magnus couldn’t forget… You are the
one who has changed. You lost your memory. He never forgot
everything you did. All I missed was you back then.”

What nonsense am I? Sheryl looked at me.

Cheryl wrinkled her brow as if a little frustrated, then rolled her feet
and stood up from her seat.
She grabbed my hand with both of her hands as if she had found her
“To use your analogy… You made it into a beast, wool, and human.
That was a new world for Magnus. Magnus, who lost the world, set
out to find you.”
“Is that a reason for me to take responsibility for my work, having lost
my memory?”
“Yeah, after all, you’re Illyana Glaine now.”
It was a firm word. I was speechless and couldn't open my mouth
any more.
She was resolute, and Nya couldn't think of an answer to refute that
resolute statement.
After all, I couldn't escape from this situation because I was inside
Iliana Glaine's body.
‘‘From the day Magnus forced Iliana to sit here, I
I didn't even prescribe any medicine.
Gnus went to counseling
I did." He didn't come.
“That means… "
‘‘For Magnus, you are the stabilizer and you are the answer. I can't
live without Iliana."
'Geryl, no matter what, I can't be the victim of his revenge. He's
trying to force me to sit here without love, but I... … "
I do not like it. I had no reason to do that.
It's not that I want to deny reality to the end, but I didn't want to be
punished for a crime I didn't commit.
I feel like I'm going to die of embarrassment.
“I don’t have the confidence to match the rhythm to that false love.”
"Why do you think that's a lie?"
The person he should have originally had in mind is Cheryl Cynthia.
Anyway, Illianya writes at the end of a normal story
there is no lane
Only Cheryl Cynthia knows that he is the only one standing by him,
but he knows everything Magnus has done to Illyana Glaine, so how
can you trust him casually?
How do you think I could?
Now, I am not saying that the story will go according to the novel, or
that it will have to go that way.
But one thing was certain. Magnus will never fall in love with Illyana.
this will be love
It can be pure, but it can't be love.
I know Magnus and Ilya better than anyone.
We know a lot about what kind of life the two of us lived, what kind of
feelings they had for each other, and how they lived their time
It was the reader's right. I guessed a lot and realized a lot when I
entered this body.
Illyana loved Magnus. Perhaps that feeling was the same in the
But then she tells Illyana why she doesn't let Magnus love her.
It was because she had no choice but to do so. She must have had
a reason for Iliana that she couldn't reach Magnus.
I was aware.
Even if we bring out all the tens of thousands of endings that exist in
the world, there is no way that our relationship, which has become
rotten, will be sweetened.
Didn't Illiana come to know how to deal with Magnus? Didn't she
know how to win his love?
That smart man, such a smart woman, really protect Magnus and
stand by her dozens and hundreds of ways
Didn't she either know how to make her own wishes come true?
No way. It can't be. she can't do that
Illyana could not stand beside Magnus.
But in the end, she grabbed Magnus' deepest, darkest and most
unforgettable emotion.
She makes Magnus harbor hatred and resentment, the ugliest
emotions a person born can have, and in the midst of it she pushes
a being named Iliana Glein.
I think it was Illyana who was desperate.
All she had to do was take the one and only thing she could take
from him.
‘The emotions that Do Magnus can have for me are not that sweet.”

<Episode 59>
That is the feeling he can have for Illyana Glaine. I closed my eyes
painfully and opened them.
I can’t even understand it.” “You don’t have to understand.”
In the first place, it was not within the scope of Cheryl's
understanding. swirled in my mind

The storm has subsided.

Illyana Glaine was terribly resentful and hated of Glaine.
Ginyung-ji「-...Q, etc. T
At least put the Glein family to their limbs.
As much as I want to celebrate everything.
Illyana Glein was not my normal. I would have been
I'm smart, my mindset
“I’m sorry, I said something very strange.”
I'm gibberish in my mouth- O
I apologized

It was disrespectful for me to speak up and say I didn't have to

understand. I bent over and buried my face in her thighs and lifted it.
‘Gerald medically. Can't Magnus live without me?"
"····••• ?"
She had puzzled eyes.
“I don't think he's going to die. But he depends on your warmth. Your
warmth leaves
I’m afraid to do it.”
Know. It wasn't the story of yesterday or today that I thought that it
might be because revenge is not the only reason why I'm being
coercive and anxiously hovering by my side.
Nevertheless, the reason he did not think deeply and acknowledge it
was because he had placed sanctions on him somewhere in his
mind, saying that the possibility of such a thing was slim.
"Someday you'll forget me, right?"
At my question, Cheryl shook her head with a very strange
I wonder if that's what it means, and she slipped her water and saw
her, her Cheryl sighed her slightly.
“I don’t know what kind of pain a person can endure because it
varies from person to person.”
‘Geryl, that’s the case with me. I don't know, if I had hurt him that
much, in the end it would remain like a lump for the rest of my life,
and it would turn into a scar on him that would rot and rot... … "
What will it mean to Magnus that the subject is there?
I can't afford to love him. I will whisper to him false love for the rest of
my life.
How will that help each other?
It would be better to disappear. If I rot, he rots, and in the end, both
of them are crushed to death, then I... … .
‘I’d rather find a way back.’
I will give up on Magnus.
I didn't want to be swayed by him, not knowing if this was Illyana
Glaine's or mine.
I too was afraid of the days when I got used to his touch and fell
asleep in his warmth.
I'm also afraid of the warmth that I get used to. It's not that I'm not
afraid of all these situations.
Magnus isn't the only one who's afraid of this world, so am I.
The Marquis Glain... … .'

Meet the Marquis Lane.

The Marquis of Glein told me to ask for help if I needed it myself.
Perhaps there is a backstory at the end of the novel by Marquis
All the endings I've seen so far have a backstory.
Illyana actually liked Magnus and found out that she had set her free.
Magnus was more attached to her than she thought, and Cheryl
already had a child of another seed.
Guerryl and Magnus' relationship may not have been love.'
He hugged and comforted Magnus who was lonely, and even formed
a relationship, but there was no scene in which he actually said that
he loved him.
Maybe the two of them were friends or partners like they are now.
When one thing is sorted out, a fever rises in my head, then
subsides in an instant, and my brain
calmed down
As I wiped my quiet brain as if I had poured cold water on it, I could
think of households and unexpected thoughts one by one on the
surface of the water.
If there is a way to get here, there must have been a way back.
At least if the author of the article is God, there must be a way to
contact God.
There was no way in the temple, so there was no choice but to use a
different number.
In the worst case, I thought it was the death of Illyana Glaine.
It has nothing to do with Magnus either.
ending without dying.
If the writer really wanted the ending
You probably don't want this kind of death
There are many ways to outwit your opponent. Whenever you make
someone else feel embarrassed by doing something unexpected,
loopholes are exposed I quietly the window
He shifted his gaze towards him.
Also, it was.'
If I wanted to see God, there was an easier way.
“Yes, Cheryl.”
“I am eating slowly. I heard there is boating in the afternoon.”
Yes, there was boating. The depth of the pond was deep, and it was
suitable for testing.
I nodded slowly and stood up. Cheryl was sending her anxious
glances at me.

“My lil.”
"Yes, why?"
“I’m afraid too.”
I was afraid to walk into an unexpected world, and at some point I
felt his warmth and fell asleep.
What scares me the most is the fact that I don't know if the feeling is
mine or that of Ilya or Glaine.
“Illiana… ?"

And if those feelings are mine, I'm also afraid of what answers I'll
have to give.
I blinked slowly as I looked at Sheryl Wool. It's not good for her to
show her.
Sheryl will eventually support Magnus in the end. I will never be on
the side of Illyana Glaine.
“Me too, my eyes are dark.” I walk into a world where nothing is
It's so scary and unsettling to go in.
What I was trying to do was not to see the end of a fixed novel, but
to find my life.
I couldn't take responsibility for Magnus' unstable life. I am not the
one responsible.
Illiana Glaine should take care of it. If I have to work it out, that's
after I've ended my relationship with Illyana Glaine.
After I finished thinking and sat down at the table, the afternoon
boating time approached very quickly.

‘‘Lina, I’m here to pick you up’’
Magnus finished his preparations and held out his hand to me as I
sat on the bed.
I put my hand on his palm, pretending to be expressionless again.
Sheryl's words suddenly came to my mind, and I looked carefully at
him, but he didn't seem to be offended by my touch or warmth.
In contrast, other servants and maids
I didn't even touch one of his trunks.
Most of the work was done by Magnus, and even accepting items
from someone was also solved by Magnus holding the edge.
When he came down, a carriage was waiting for him.
I went up with him, closed the door, and as we were facing each
other, a useless thought occurred to me. There was no horse in the
The door was tightly closed so that he could not even see out of the
window for the escort, so there was no room for his eyes.
As if noticing my troubles, Magnus opened his mouth first.
“You seem to be feeling refreshed after a day or so.”
I was taken aback by the words Magnus smiled at me.
I looked up at him with a slightly bewildered look. He smiled as if he
had noticed my thoughts.
"I know what Lina is thinking, even if you don't say it."
'do … · Why?"
"I do not know. You couldn't see your expression before, but you
didn't know what you were thinking by looking at the shape of your
lips... .”
Magnus hurriedly came to sit next to me and took his hand tightly.
The warmth that was facing each other grew closer.
“Since that day, just by looking at the shape of your mouth, you know
that you are in trouble.
Foot found out. From that moment on, I started getting to know you.”
After all, it was impossible to think that if a soul entered the same
body, it would be possible to act like that person. I wasn't even an
“So, did you talk to Cheryl and let go of your worries?”
It was a quiet question. Magnus was always gentle as long as I didn't
touch his heart.
It felt like a golden sun immersed in the sun.
"Your Majesty"
Magnus' gaze fell on me. It was a friendly smile, but I quickly
realized my mistake.
He wasn't angry, but as if he was going to blow his mind, I closed my
lips and opened them again slowly.
"Why do you want Mac to make me Empress? I will love you all my
If not, what are you going to do?"
“I will do my best to win your heart. I still do, Lina.”
''I'd rather have revenge... … .”
It would be better to destroy the house and put him in prison.
Rather than die of blood drying out, there might be a side where the
head is blown off the guillotine at once.
I know too well how to depend on people's emotions. I know better
than anyone the moment I fall apart based on that feeling.
It was
Magnus is going to do that to me, but if I had to go through that
moment again, I think I'd rather die than that.
Life is precious, but it is not an order to be compared with that
If the world were to ask you which is better to live as undead
garbage or to die cleanly, I would say death rather than death.
' 'What are you afraid of? Reena."
I was startled and shook my head.
Belatedly, I realized that someone's hand was on my cheek and
stopped breathing. His body relaxed naturally in his warmth.
He gave me strength and forced me to lean on my shoulder. I don't
know if it was forced or not.
The moment he gave strength to his hand, I was naturally releasing
the power from the body.

‘‘You asked, Lina. What are you afraid of without telling me?" "••••••• "
His voice got a little cold. The tone is still soft, but he is blaming me. I
don't even know what I'm afraid of.
Are you afraid of being abandoned, or of having to live as Illyana
Glein in this world for the rest of your life, or are you afraid of falling
in love with Magnus?

"I don't know."

I barely vomited an answer with my breath.

<Episode 60>
He looked into my eyes for a long time, trying to find out the truth
from me, and then smiled and nodded in agreement.
It was more like a kind of tolerance, saying that I would believe you
because you said that rather than because I really believed you.
He stroked my cheek and lowered his hand. Every gesture reminded
me of Illyana Glaine.
‘‘I told you, Lina.”
He moved his lips to the chair opposite to the wagon that was slowly
coming to a stop.
I shifted my gaze following his movements and made eye contact
with Magnus who was sitting opposite him again.
“You don't have to think about it. All you have to do is be my sweet
fox if you want.”
‘‘If you don’t want to… ?"
“Anything as long as you don’t get away from me. You can do
whatever you want. within the space I allow.”
I don't know what's different about that with pets. When I made an
impression, he pressed his thumb on my forehead and gently
released it.
When the carriage door opened, Magnus got down first and escorted
A large pond spread out in front of me like a spectacular view, as if
this was really a royal castle.
I forgot to walk in surprise. I just looked at the pond where the
butterflies flew and the birds drank.
As an escort, storm storms were called out, and there were already
storm storm knights near the pond.
Seeing that it was near the ship, it must have been that they had
inspected the ship in advance to see if there were any injuries.
Of course, it was Aquila, the head of the storm. Magnus frowned in
displeasure, but quickly hid his feelings.
Of course I saw it all. Aquila's Smile
The darkening is also.
Philip was beside Aquila. When our eyes met, the two bowed their
Even so, Phillip wasn't used to seeing Aquila bowing her head at me.
That's how we first met.'
It was a bit shocking and surprising meeting.
Keaton was in the back because I was in the escort procession when
I came here.
Besides, there were quite a few storms that I had never seen before.
'I can't see Marriott.'
I looked closely, but one of the familiar escorts didn't catch my eye.
That being said, I don't think I've seen it recently.
"Who are you looking for like that?"
“Ah, I don’t have a familiar escort… I'm sorry if I offended you."
I added an apology instead of adding more words in case Marriott
might catch fire.
At my words, Magnus moved his gaze once more and looked at me
''If it were a Marriott, she'd been reported to have been called up on
a mission yes this time. And unless something happens to Lina, I will
not touch the escort escorting her.”
Magnus was as smart as Cheryl, and he didn't say anything.
It felt like I had found out all the insides, so I was skinny
And that is in line with the meaning of going to an escort if something
happens to me.
I frowned and stiffened in my seat, so Magnus led me to the boat.
It was about two or three times larger than a ferry, and it was filled
with meals that could never be expressed in a picnic lunch box.
Not only that, there was a soft cushion made of red silk inside, which
was carefully blown here and there.
It was wrapped in a dry cloth, so it didn't seem like it would hurt at
least the back or the waist.
No matter what modifier you add, it won't be enough
It was a luxurious ship.
I even had the useless thought that the boat was going to sink
because of the weight of other things.
Several ferry boats different from those boats were lined up around
‘‘That’s an escort boat. Don't worry, we'll keep you away from us."
"ah "
“I’m going up first, so just watch and sit down with me.”
Thankfully, today I asked her to wear a dress with little decoration
and not much lace.
It might be uncomfortable to get wet, and it was not the heart of a
river enough to wear heavy clothes.
Fortunately, the clothes were simple. There was no corset, the dress
itself was not rich, and it was a dress to be called a dress.
It was modest enough to be close to S.
Magnus jumped lightly over the boat and held out his hand.
The sun shone on Magnus behind his back, and his golden eyes
twinkled even more.
It felt as if I was out of this world, so I rolled my eyes in a little
"Ah yes."
His hastily stretched out his hand, and Magnus smiled delightfully
and grabbed my hand tightly.
He seemed to be in a particularly good mood today. He seemed to
be reminded of how he was feeling as well as laughing all the time.
But I can't cry just because I look good. If we listen carefully, we will
only hurt each other's feelings.
He smiled when I shut my mouth. He sat me down and sat across
from me.
The ship we boarded departs first
A windstorm moved the boat behind it.
I turned my head away from the gaze of Magnus who sat across
from me, looking at me with a smile on my face.
“When I was in that hut… " "yes?"
''I wanted to go on a picnic somewhere like this with Lina. I thought it
would suit you very well.
I wanted to make you smile, who is anxious and confused every time
you see me."
He is telling my story. It's not about Iliana Glein.
This is the story of a time when I had a short time with him, and I
was afraid he might kill me, and I was afraid of what I would do.
Because Illyana Glaine can't do that.
‘‘Look around, do you like it?”
After hearing Magnus' story, I
turned her head fixed in front of her and looked around.
Take a look around in the middle of the pond
was a different feeling.
It was something I couldn't do in the world I lived in before, and of
course it's the first time I've experienced it even after coming here.
It is a quiet place as if the silence has subsided as the noise is far
away. The sound seemed to be swallowed up by the pond.
It felt like my mind was calming down in an instant.
It was beautiful. It was a small resting place in the imperial castle
that seemed to have entered the forest.
“It is said that this place was built by the emperors of several
Daejeon to create a resting space.”
A soft voice fell in my ear
As I nodded, I felt trapped in a white room where nothing but
Magnus' voice existed.
“We planted trees around densely, and created an artificial pond
between them to nurture living things.
Loosen up and add fish and rocks to create an environment. After so
many generations, it has now become more real than real.”
"••••••• "
' 'Isn't it like a forest? It is said that the emperor worked very hard to
make this. To make the fake look real.”
As I listened to his explanation, I felt a subtle sense of incongruity.
As I slowly turned my head, he was still smiling and looking at me
with the same expression as before.
There is obviously nothing strange, so why do I feel uncomfortable?
He paused for a moment, as if waiting for my reaction, and looked at
“Yes, it is beautiful.”
“Yes, it is beautiful.”
Saying so, Magnus leaned back slowly on the chair, clasping his
The chair under the comfortable cushion had even armrests.
“It is said that ‘love’ is the most powerful and powerful emotion that a
human can feel. Love rules everything from the head to the body."
It was a sudden story. I naturally listened to those words, but I
couldn't stop my head from tilting.
He was smiling while looking at it like that, but it was strange
because he looked at something very lovely.
I doubt if something lovely is a beast or if it's looking at a human
It was rough though.
“It was said that the feeling was so absolute that it could destroy a
person.” "that… did you?"
I barely answered. These words almost never crossed my mind
because I felt like I had to say something.
He neither nodded nor responded to my answer.
He just smiled quietly and smiled as usual.
“I love you, Lina.”
So he whispered the same thing as always.
It wasn't whispered like a machine, but it seemed to have been
It seemed like he was just spitting it out reflexively, and it seemed
like a habit.
Saying I love you to him was very light. At least that's how it seemed
to me.
“If you keep talking like this, one day this will become real.”
"u'A •••••• ,,
I couldn't hide my embarrassment and called him because I realized
the sense of incongruity I felt from him.
Magnus smiled brightly. It was the most beautiful smile of any actor.
He reached out and stroked my cheek.
“I have read countless definitions of love and hundreds of novels, but
in the end I failed to understand.”
I listened quietly to Magnus. Magnus seemed to understand him little
by little the more he talked.
He has so many conversations that I can understand him only if he
or I show his true feelings.
In the end, I had to admit that Cheryl said we needed a conversation.
But Magnus was good at hiding his thoughts, and he had many
secrets, but too many.
So there's no way we can have a proper conversation.
This award in which each other really gives up everything and
doesn't reveal their true feelings.
“The feeling I feel for you is like love, but it’s not. Of course, I will
remember you constantly, I want to be by your side, and I want a
man named Illyana to be happy.”
“But why… .”
“But the reason you are happy has to be me. I must be the only
reason to be sad, this judo of despair."
It was a word dotted with obsession and madness. How can you say
those words casually with such a fresh face?

<Episode 61>
I did the opposite.
it's more understandable
Yes, even from my point of view, this is not love. The sweet words of
love can't be put into words.
I don't know if it's madness or obsession. me
even say that
I couldn't even breathe
I'm speechless, what can I say?
“I want to lock you up and keep you under my feet, but that’s not love
at all, because there aren’t many dictionary definitions I’ve seen.”
he said with a smile. It was a very bright and friendly expression.
If he had known that the reason his expression was always bright
was because he, too, had made a decision on something, he would
have refused to come here.
I don't want to know his secret. you know
Because it was a crazy story that could not be understood by
common sense the more you know.
Nya held her breath and slowly closed her eyes and opened them.
‘‘If you run away from me… I’m going to catch you, break Lina’s leg
and blind her. But if you still run away, I'll kill you when you're as
whole as possible."
'do… ·under."
I gasped for breath and then exhaled in despair. creepy on the back
I got goosebumps.
It was chilly and it felt as if this place was not on a pond where the
sun was shining, but on the Arctic glacier.
He said that he would kill me without any hesitation. As he said that,
he whispered that he loved me.
Never, incompatible words, he casually put together.
''I'm going to kill Lina and keep her by my side."
He smiles as he says that, so
it looked like luck It seemed as if he had thrown away all the pain
and anxieties that had been frustrating.
He alone admitted what I could not admit.
"So I've come to the conclusion that this isn't love."
“Yeah, I don’t think so. It’s… it’s not love, it’s nothing, Mac.”
As I barely opened my mouth, he nodded lightly. I wanted to get rid
of the smile somehow.
My stomach twisted as I smiled as if I was happy with my
It's not like that. Our relationship is not something that can be
resolved just by agreeing like that... … .
“But, what if it’s not in the dictionary definition? Just as this false
pond has become real, so will you and I.”
He held my hand tightly as if to express his will to do so.
Nya lowered his head without even holding his hand.
Can it be twisted like this?
I couldn't even open my mouth at the maddening words spit out with
a normal smile.
It's more correct that I couldn't find any dumb words to say.
That doesn't mean I can't say, 'Yes, it is.'
The original Magnus wasn't like that, but even if Illyana Glein
messed it up, it was messed up properly.
It makes me wonder how easy it is to destroy a person.
Don't tremble, Lina."
Magnus stretched out his hand as he spoke to me, and he chinked
as he placed the cut sandwich close to my lips.
He paused for a moment at the signal to eat before opening his
mouth. He carefully put the food in my mouth.
I can't believe it's someone who just said such crazy things.
I was shivering from the cold, but I was afraid of him, so I
mechanically moved my mouth and chewed the food.
Magnus, watching me eat, smiled and put one of his sandwiches in
his mouth.
I opened my mouth, trying to break through the blocked speech.
"Why does it have to be me? Wasn't it just that I loved you and
abandoned you?"
He laughed at my words.
“No, no. I thought about it, but it wasn't. We have no end. I'm not
going to leave you, how the hell is this relationship going to end?"
A soft voice whispered to me like a soothing voice. He gently kissed
my lips.
Even if you cover your ears, you can recognize it by the shape of
your mouth. The gaze was fixed on me to the point of fearful.
‘‘Lina, I had a very long nightmare in the hut.”
My body reacted to the word nightmare
I looked at him in amazement, but luckily he didn't seem to have any
“All the time you were away I dreamed, dreamed and dreamed. It
was a terrible, crazy dream.”
"••••••• "
“In it Nya was a lowly slave,
They were beasts, hated pets, and livestock. When I got out of there
because I couldn’t bear it, Nya was caught again by the owner and
thrown away in a terrible way.”
It was something I knew. I didn't know it would be that serious.
I could not breathe with guilt as I had read all the novels and knew
how painful he was and how much he thought he was going to die.
It's not what I did, but I was the one who left him prematurely. I left
him to live.
Knowing that he wasn't ready yet, he mercilessly pulled him away
and turned his back on him.
He looked at me and shook his head. He pressed his finger against
my lips, beckoning me to be quiet.
“I needed warmth. It was a dream in which nothing but cold death,
rolling and rolling on a sheet of ice, enduring the cold gaze, and
desperately running away.
yo. this."
I listened to his story in silence. I had to listen to him as he unraveled
his terrible past one by one.
But I didn't want to hear it. However, they were not allowed to cover
their ears either.
He didn't allow me to make eye contact.
It seemed like something big was going to happen if I covered my
ears. Holding his breath, he smiled contentedly.
“So I waited for you longer. I had to wait for you. No one gives me
warmth, but you are the only one who gives me warmth.”
Illyana Glaine was so tamed that Magnus gradually became
obedient to Illyana Glaine.
I wandered in search of warmth. Frightened, Magnus needed a place
to lean on.
But after all, there is no Illyana Glein, who took her everything from
him and made herself into a world. There is only me who overturned
her shell.
‘‘If I just obeyed the orders and just fell on my knees, you gave me
as much warmth as I wanted and embraced me.”
that's not me I've never given him warmth except for once, when I
hugged him tight.
I was afraid to touch him, and Ilya or Glaine, who must have been
accustomed to his warmth.
I was afraid of how Iliana Glaine felt.
“But, that was the warmth of that time. Because when you leave, the
warmth goes with you, and I have to fall in the cold again with terrible
His golden eyes gleamed and shone. He looked at me and smiled
softly with his eyes closed.
“However, it’s been a little different since you changed. The warmth
that touched me for a short time was full of sympathy and regret, and
the warmth remained for a long time after you left.”
"under "
I let out a breath that had barely stopped. It was only then that I
realized that my breathing had stopped.
When I looked down, I was trembling. As I slowly lifted my head, he
gently caressed my hand.
“Of course, Lina didn’t show her face to me any more than she did
back then.”
Magnus said playfully, as if trying to reverse the mood.
He said jokingly, but I didn't even laugh.
Magnus stopped laughing himself as he looked at my hardened
Magnus's eyes had gone cold.
The madness I had hidden with a smile on my expressionless face
suddenly rose to the surface.
“So I can't forgive you any more. You who took all my beginnings
and ran away.”
Magnus placed his hand on the side of the table, pulled his waist out,
and brought his face closer to me.
He kissed the corner of my mouth and looked me over from head to
“I want to have all your firsts too. Since you are subordinate to me.”
"Even now… is that so?"
I barely opened my mouth. There was one thing I was curious about.
Isn't it my
He looked puzzled at the question.
‘‘What do you mean?” “Are you still having nightmares?”
"••••••• "
As if my question was very surprising, Magnus said nothing for a
long time as if he was taken aback.
He frowned for a brief moment, then shook his head, smiling as if
nothing had happened.
“No, not now.”
The brief silence bothered me, but as he returned to his seat and sat
up straight, the atmosphere was relaxed again.
Magnus, who changed the mood in an instant, pointed to some food
and urged me to try it.
I looked at him blankly at the expression he put in his mouth as if
trying to stop him from speaking. He looked a little childish, so he
chewed his food coldly and swallowed it.
“Try this too. Answer.”
“Ah 1=3 •
Unknown food filled his mouth the moment he was about to speak.
He glanced at him, and quickly chewed his food and swallowed it.
I don't know if it tastes good or not.
“It tastes good too.” “I’m fine… town!"
The food is delicious, but as soon as I chewed and swallowed it, it
came in without a break.
Even if I wanted to say something like this, seeing the playfulness in
my eyes, I thought it might be that I had no special thoughts.
Where the hell did the man who just got the most out of it went?
Even though he shows a bit of annoyance, he still has a smile on his
On the contrary, he was moving his fork in search of another food.
I quickly swallowed what was in my mouth the moment he took the
‘‘Where did Mera… Marriot go?”
Avoiding Magnus who offered food as if he had been waiting for a
while, he snapped his body and asked as many questions as he
could think of.
Magnus smiled as if it was a pity, and then gently put the food into
my mouth.

<Episode 62>
‘Is this an expression of not answering this time?’
I looked at him nervously, so Magnus folded his arms and sighed.
After thinking for a while, he finally opened his mouth as if he could
not find a proper conversation point.
“He went out at night with some storm knights.”
"Is it? Are you talking about the Dark Zone?"
Somehow, it was an out-of-standard area that did not belong to any
country outside the empire. It was literally a space where the black
night continued endlessly.
It was said that from the outside, it was all covered with dark
nodules, so no one knew what was inside.
That's all I know
It is said that this is a story that is so prevalent not only in the empire
but also in many countries, there is even a ghost story that says that
if a child does not listen, he will be sent away.
"Yes, it is a neutral zone, and it has been managed by the Empire
from generation to generation. Each country also has secret
agreements for its management. I have heard this time as well."
No, the moment you tell me now, it's no longer a secret.
I'm freezing without even closing my ears
Well, he laughed lowly. He leaned slowly against the backrest.
“This gives you one more reason not to run away.” “… … yes?"
I didn't hear it because I wanted to hear it, but you're ignorant
While he couldn't get his mouth to get there, he quickly turned his
head away, as if trying to keep me from paying attention.
“Hokya is an area originally managed by storm surges.”
He leisurely added explanations to me. His gentle voice is just like
any other.
A sweet story rang in my ears. He said that the fact that he had just
learned about the hockey gave me a reason not to run away, but
instead I would like to give him more details.
“No, I don’t want to know more… "
He cut off my words and came in. His smile is coercive.
His lips did not stop moving, as if to let me know that I had no
options in the first place.
“If they are not recognized, the detailed story of the night will not be
passed on to the Imperial Emperor. The emperor is unable to attend
the meeting, which is the regular rule of night and night, but instead,
Pungrangi will attend.”
I was speechless. Wasn't that a matter that could have caused the
majesty of the Emperor Utnarye to be disregarded?
It's strange when you think about it.
Other countries would be under the jurisdiction of the king, but if the
imperial emperor did not appear there, it meant that other matters
could be ignored.
“Those who are clever will know what this means. An emperor who
is not recognized by the storm is half as good.”
It's like the storm chooses the true emperor
Sue sounds like Kingmaker. He took the throne, but he's half-named
"The storm and the empire and the night are close. He has more
information than other countries, so unless he can afford it, he won't
reach out."
Even so, I don't think it's good to be in a position where you can be
ignored outright.
Nya kept her mouth shut and pondered why he was telling me this.
“All of this happened when the first emperor delegated full power
over the night and night to Storm Rang.”
Of course, as if to prevent even that, he whispered to me non-stop.
‘But why did you do that?’
Isn't the imperial power stable only when the emperor holds all the
Things necessary to stabilize the imperial power
Giving it all over to the Royal Knights under his command is
incomprehensible. I glanced at Magnus all the time I thought.
He looked away from me once.
It was me who kept lowering my head in contrast to the line of sight
that was terribly embedded in me.
“According to reports, the land of the night is getting wider.”
‘‘It seems that the realm of night is getting wider. Apart from that, I
I didn't want to be recognized by them."
He frowned with a very annoyed expression on his face.
Looking at me with a smile and seeing Magnus biting his mouth, I
rolled his head to find something to say to him.
If I don't lead this conversation by force, I feel like I'm out of breath.
‘Hey, what’s the reason? Among the successive emperors, the
emperor recognized for the storm
I know there aren’t many.”
"Do you think I'm great?" 'Do I?"
Looking at it objectively, the fact that he was recognized was for his
own reasons, and there is no way that Aquila would have
acknowledged him for a reason that was not trivial.
He must have admitted it because he saw something in him.
Magnus laughed happily at my answer.
“Did you think it was annoying to me?
But, if you said that, it would certainly be an honor.”
“Perhaps because I summoned a dark spirit and signed a contract,
the storm fell to my knees without any quarrel.”
I heard that it is very difficult to summon a dark spirit, so maybe it is.
However, Aquila would not have recognized the person who could
not be fed back simply because he had summoned a spirit.
Something must have happened .'
In Magnus, everything is gloomy and
looked tired every time you see me
Except for the cows.
“It is.”
“Yes, there are probably no spirits as helpful in the dark as the Spirit
of Darkness.”
He answered with a look of indifference. It didn't seem like he was
really interested in being chosen by the storm or signing a contract
with the spirit of darkness.
Every time he saw me, he smiled and laughed, it felt like a lie.
“What will happen if the night gets wider?” ‘‘Do you want the world to
be immersed in darkness?
As Magnus said that, his eyes softened. He, who had not been fun
until now, looked as red and rich as it is now.
Just as a child smiled as he cut off the dragonfly's wings one by one,
so did Magnus.
What happens to dragonflies when their wings are cut off? What
happens when insects lose their antennae?
Just as she tramples life out of pure curiosity, so does Magnus.
I wonder what will happen when darkness comes and the cold
season comes.
“If that happens, Lina will freeze as she is. It might not be so bad if
you think I might own you forever
“… Mac would be frozen.”
“Then we can hold her hand together and freeze to death. ”
No, I don't want to die.
Why do you keep trying to bring a cold season to a place that is still
in good shape?
They say that the reason dinosaurs went extinct was because of the
cold, but I didn't want to die like that.
'People somehow survived lJ�1-… … ’
I don't think I'll be standing among the survivors.
Does it make sense to come all the way here in the first place and
die from the extreme cold?
‘‘You mean that?
"ah "
Magnus laughed and added. It is a face that clearly shows what I am
After seeing that expression, I slowly turned my head, feeling
“But, frankly, it is not good that the land of the night is getting wider.
Without the sun, crops die and people die. We need to find the
cause, but it seems we haven’t found it yet.”
“You don’t know what it really is?”
At my question, he curved his eyes like a crescent moon. With round
eyes, he leaned close to me.
He moved his lips to near his ear and slowly opened his mouth.
‘‘There is a magician.”
A wind blew in my ear. He burst into laughter as he trembled with
goosebumps on his back.
“Yes, there were reports of beasts and carnivorous plants and
animals of terrible shape that we had never seen before.
‘‘You don’t even know how to get rid of it?” “For now.”
I asked some questions, and Magnus answered them silently. It was
just a matter of curiosity.
As he opened his mouth to ask the next question, our eyes met, and
he was smiling with great satisfaction.
I stopped asking more questions. Reluctance was smeared over his
old-fashioned expression.
“Don’t ask any more.” ‘No, no. My curiosity has been sufficiently
“Apart from the emperors and kings of each country, there are only
the special knights and the queen or the empress who know this
much about the night.”
“So there is one more reason for Lina to become Empress.”
What kind of absurd nonsense is there? When I looked at him with
my mouth open, in embarrassment, he groaned.
His hand reached out and closed my gaping mouth, stroking my
“There are a lot of people missing there. You can't even get your
body back. No one knows what lives in the heart. It is said that the
previous head of the storm also disappeared there.”
It was about Aquila's predecessor. I don't know what the relationship
between Aquila and her predecessor is, but there must have been a
I stared at him silently
he nodded his head. Magnus looks at me softly.
“You seem to feel sorry for the storms of your predecessors.”
“It’s not, it’s just… … .”
I just don't feel well. The moment I lowered my gaze to the surface,
thinking it might have been seasick, I remembered what I had
forgotten to do.
I took a sneak peek at Magnus, and I can't just cause trouble here.
In particular, it was so good that Magnus was in a good mood right
He is a man who wants to cut off my leg and dig out my eyes, but I
was reckless to do it in front of him.
He rolls his tail and disappears in an instant to such an extent that
his hardened heart is funny.
"What was inside?" 'There is a swordfish and a fish."
"Yes, it is said that there was a multicolored carp somewhere in this
area. Now, it is said that it is a carp whose habitat is unknown ... It is
said that they live without fear for a hundred years."
Magnus followed me, slid out of the boat and explained.
I glanced at him and nodded, then my eyes widened as I turned my
gaze back to the surface of the water.
I saw something unbelievable under the water
<Episode 63>
What was visible under the water was a small room measuring 6
An optional sunglass bed, an unconnected small TV, and an old
laptop were placed on an open table instead of a desk.
can't forget It was a place I couldn't forget even if I tried to forget it.
It was hellish and terrifying, but it's my go-to place anyway.
''Reena? What do you see like that?"
I thought Magnus was talking next to me, but I couldn't hear it
It feels like hearing with one ear and passing by.
I closed my eyes tightly, exhaled slowly, and then opened them
But what existed before was still there.
A scene like a fantasy shakes the water surface
Each time it was released, it faded as if it was going to disappear
and then came back repeatedly.
Nya slowly got up from her seat. It's like telling them to jump in here.
When he heard the sound and turned his head, Magnus was looking
at me with a startled face.
I was barely standing at the edge of the boat. The moment Magnus
was about to reach out his hand, I reflexively kicked the boat.
The ship wobbled once, and my body floated into the air. Belatedly, I
realized that terribly cold water had wrapped around my body.
I fell because I thought I had to fall out now, but the last thing I saw
on Magnus's face was a huge wound.
The moment I saw it, it felt like I had made the wrong choice.
His body gradually sank down. I didn't even give my body strength,
but it should come to mind
It's very strange to see your body sinking down.
From among the rocks at the bottom of the pond, black things came
out and wrapped my arms around me and pulled me a little deeper
In between, I could see the colorful carp swimming leisurely.
It was a carp much larger than me.
Is it hairy or deep?' Thinking I have to go up, I turn around
I want to go, but there is a tornado
cuff and
_71-that EI more
The black on my ankle pulled me deep
I was short of breath. Air bubbles were created.
[I can't go back.]
last me-O
breathe all
spit it out
Breathe 7 mouth-}-亡�
I was concentrating my whole mind on
I heard a voice
[I can't go back.]
I hear the same voice again. It was a voice from a distance.
The voice piercing directly into my head as I struggled with
suffocation was terrifying.
Whether I struggle or not, my body sinks deeper and deeper.
[You can't go back.] My mind went blank.
The boat grows bigger with the splash of water
The moment Magnus is about to jump into the pond without waiting,
someone will grab him from behind. Magnus' face contorted.
At the same time, there were several popping sounds, and the boat
shook again.
Magnus twisted his body with a stiff face. how tightly you hold on
didn't know
“Let go, storm.”
' 'Our kids are in. your majesty. You are the most supreme in this
country, and you cannot enter.”
"I'm telling you to let go... … .”
A dark energy flowed around Magnus. Aquila's forehead, which had
been holding his waist tightly and preventing movement, frowned.
A fairy with a black silver ring on her wrist was placed on Magnus'
He crossed his legs and sat down.
A dark scab began to slowly swallow Aquila's arm. Aquila lifted her
head and looked at Magnus.
With her marvelous eyes, I looked at the dark hump that swallowed
my arm, and then I saw the man standing before her again.
"You are the master
I can't hear you o l-L
A pitch-black darkness rose and enveloped her in an instant. Aquila
finally took a step back, clasping her hand.
The moment Magnus turned around again, two storm surges came
up to the surface with the limp Iliana.
Magnus' golden gaze returned in an instant. The dark spirit was still
For a moment, Aquila thought that he was standing on the brink of
It's amazing.'
I've heard of dark spirits, but I never thought it would be this much.
Magnus' expression hardened. He bent over and took the wet Iliana
into his arms.
Sparks fell from Magnus' eyes. She must have run away on her own.
I don't know what it is, but while watching the sleep, she hesitated
and jumped off without any regrets.
Dare to put yourself in front of you.
‘Who is trying to run away from me at will?”
Magnus blinked at Aquila.
The darkness that swallowed up half of the pond is gone
Higo Pond
I got my color back in an instant
Aquila glanced at the fainted Illyana for a moment with her pitiful
eyes before moving her stomach.
As soon as the ship touched the ground, Magnus strode forward with
a stiff face.
The darkness creates a black gap,
The place where Magnus walked away and disappeared in the blink
of an eye arrived in front of the Imperial Castle.
As Magnus entered, there were clear sounds of surprise here and
Among them, the chaplain came to him quickly and inquired about
the situation.
“Get your bath water ready and leave your change of clothes
“Are you okay with the crowd?”
“Okay, I don’t need all of them, so I’m close to my room.
Don’t even come close.”
"I will obey your orders."
Bending his back, the chaplain withdrew without difficulty guessing
what Magnus had planted.
Returning to her room, Magnus placed her on her lap and made her
rest her head drooping over her shoulder.
“What was the matter? Illyana.”
In the ear of Iliana, who passed away,
I deleted it, nothing has changed since the old days
I heard
She kept thinking about running away. Even she was going to die
this time.
“I was wrong”
Apologizing for not knowing what he was, she kissed the nape of her
"I didn't mean to give you a break."
It was my fault for being soft. upon surrender
It should have definitely succumbed to the kill.
It would have been better if I had educated myself so that I could not
escape. As if she didn't even dare to run away from her... … .
She should have done that too. It was a mistake that she was shy
because she didn't want to see her shrewd.
After all, she almost lost her right in front of her eyes.
I thought her heart was falling to the floor
The moment she thought she would lose her The first thing she
thought of was her regret.
She stupidly regrets not holding on to her leash properly.
“I should have made it impossible to think unless I ordered it.”
Magnus' eyes were cold as he held his body that was getting colder
in his arms. The maids who had finished preparing for this prison
quickly disappeared while bending their backs.
Magnus took off Illyana's clothes in one go and walked into the
She put her in her hot water and slowly warmed her body, and
Magnus, who had looked at her hair down to the last, wiped her
naked body with a soft towel, changed her into her pajamas, and
covered her with her duvet.
“You brought this on yourself, Lina.”
He muttered as if saddened by her pity. His lips touched her
forehead and she fell.
“I love you, Lina”
If you think this is love, you will eventually have the name of love one
If it's such a powerful emotion, it's time to brainwash her into her.
She should be brainwashed like that.
Magnus sat silently in front of her for a long time, listening to her
exhausted breathing.
Her gloomy eyes did not fall, holding Ilyana for a long time. This
prisoner Magnus laughed.
It was a slightly distorted smile.
Her head felt like it was going to break. I thought that her body was
chilly, but that feeling disappeared and she fell into a deep sleep.
She couldn't reach the world she was trying to reach, and only
remembered what she didn't want to remember.
I never thought I would have died in the first place.’
How can a person get rid of those memories?
And can you enter someone else's body? If this isn't God's trick,
what should I name it?
Still, it was strange to see the five-colored carp under the pond.
Nya slowly opened her eyes. I was nervous for a while because I
thought my eyes would be dazzled, but I couldn't see at all.
As I was about to raise my hand, wondering if it was even my real
name, someone grabbed my hand tightly.
In fact, there was no such thing as 'someone'. A familiar body
temperature and a familiar touch. It was Magnus.
Still, I was relieved to know that he was by my side. If it wasn't for his
real name, he would have covered his eyes again like last time.
I'm also angry.'
Because I threw myself into the pond, unable to contain my
excitement when I saw my world.
From his point of view, either angry or shocked, there is a possibility.
I calmly cleared my mind and thought of a suitable excuse.
Illiana Glaine said she was crazy for a second
I wanted to say something, but I quickly threw it away.
That didn't seem like a very good excuse.
‘‘Mag… … "
‘Lit, don’t say it. Iliana.”
"••••••• "
voice is very low. Apart from his soft tone, his voice was cold.
He felt as if he had no emotion. I want to say one more word
I had no choice but to stick with it.
“I am you to you”
“_口「-A.•.• .• "
I made a mistake
‘‘You told me not to tell you, Lina.”
He tightened his grip on the wrist. Something invisible pressed me
from above.
It didn't have any direct weight, so I couldn't move it.
"••••••• "
I was terrified and forgot to breathe. Banung wasn't too bad to think
that Magnus was very angry. His body shuddered.
At that moment, the intangible energy that had been suppressed
from above disappeared.
‘Stomach pressure? live... ?'
I don't know what it is, but I'm afraid. I admitted that I was terrified.
<Episode 64>
The invisible thing and the voice of Magnus are scary. Now I am
afraid of this situation.
“Even if it hurts when I beat you, I should have beaten you properly.”
I couldn't understand his words for a moment, so I couldn't even
open my mouth.
It's like being a stupid human being
I frowned and took a quick breath
tried hard
He pressed me down, and I was crushed by the energy without even
“I liked to hear you thinking and chattering in my ear, so I was soft.”
Magnus said in a voice full of regret. In fact, it sounded like he was
regretting it. what?
' To me, you were soft... … .'
rolled softly I only realized it after hearing that. Everything he did
wasn't really that bad.
It was cute compared to what Illyana had done to Magnus.
He did not use violence, he did not use drugs, and he defended his
victory. She did not suppress her freedom.
Conversations with other people eventually became ineffective as he
I will make the Empress wait for you in the end.
It must have been a consideration of its own. Regretting it is his
It meant that things would change in the future. He clicked his
tongue low, as if feeling my body hardened.
“I never thought you would die in front of me.”
Another hand, not holding his wrist, brushed my hair and stroked my
cheek. the air is full
Goosebumps swelled up on his arms. I didn't mean to die. just there
I just thought I couldn't see the answer if I didn't fall for it.
Nya licked his lips. I had to make an excuse, but he ordered not to
Between the two emotions, my head spins rapidly. He closed his
mouth and shook his head vigorously.
“I should have trampled you down a little bit more, I should have
tamed you so that you wouldn’t even dare to leave me.”
I can't even think, just rest
He shook his head without hesitation. Anyway, I had no choice but to
put his madness to rest.
I knew easily that I was going to be in danger.
“Just like you did to me, I should have used drugs…”
How could Illyana Glaine do this to Ul Magnus?
I can no longer understand
Enjoy the story from the reader's point of view
I was so dazed that I miss the time I read it.
His sigh, mixed with anguish, was deep. The breath that touched my
ear felt like a cold chill. It hit my ear as if to blame me.
Daddy's sweet voice touched me kindly in the world.
‘Have you ever been trapped in a dark ashes? An empty universe
without a single star. Reena."

I don't know why you're asking me a question that I can't answer.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head instead of opening his
mouth to answer.
“You are smart.”
He praised Nya and whispered a low smile in his ear.
I barely reached out and grabbed the hem of his robe, and he ripped
it open and set it down on the bed.
“Beasts are not allowed to attack their masters without permission.
You are not touching your body.” 'do … ·hey"
I got goosebumps. He has never been far away from my touch. But
now he drew the line.
he drew me a line I decided not to do it. He decided to treat me like a
“My beautiful beast has a good brain and will soon be loved again by
I keep getting goosebumps. Contrary to his sweet tone, the content
was not so sweet.
I bit my lip for a while, then finally bit my lip.
‘‘It’s a horse, not only does it take away your sight, it also eats your
sound. No matter how much I scream, I can’t reach it.”
No matter what he said, he didn't seem to listen. He could tell by his
cold tone of voice that he had made up his mind.
“Because you won’t hear anything.”
“I will take your voice away from you, and it will be impossible for you
to say this now.”
He whispered, lightly covering my mouth with the palm of his hand. It
was scary. Fear engulfed my head incessantly.
he is the devil The demon who was pretending to be human finally
threw away its shell.
No, it was a created demon. iliana
Glaine made him a demon, and Cheryl Cynthia was supposed to
make him live like a human.
You acted softly in front of me and forgot
He will kill me... The fact that he is a cruel tyrant without blood or
“Do you know?”
He whispered in a friendly voice. As I shook my head, I felt him
stroking my hair.
I thought he wouldn't stand still. He had to run, but there was no way
he could escape.
He was the emperor and I have no authority.
Magnus gently stroked the back of my head. Soon, my vision was
exposed. It was a dark night.
On a night where only the moonlight barely came in, golden eyes
were looking straight at me from above.
The dazzling gaze is terrifying. The tooth just hit.
I don't know what he's trying to do
It's the first time in my life I've felt so much fear.
‘I ask, ‘Why did you want to die? You can also answer. ”
“… … I was about to die... I wanted to die"
Where the hell is Iliana Glaine?
If it were her, what would she have done when she was like this?
How can I smile as detached as her in front of her death?
Magnus frowned at my fragmented answer. He smiled kindly,
bending the corners of his eyes.
“Not the answer I was looking for, Nidia. Your chance has been
blown away, Ilyanya.”
It was a voice full of regret, but it only gave me goosebumps.
He looked really sad. It seemed like something had gone wrong. He
sighed and let out his laughter.
“Illiana. I hope you find the answer I'm looking for before you go
completely crazy.”
“… … I am... . .”
He wanted to go back, but he lowered his head, unable to utter those
words. I wanted to go back.
Whether it was a hellish world or a world where everything was
governed by money, this is where I was born, so I wanted to return to
my body.
"I'll take your sight
Magnus gently closed my eyes with the palms of his hands and
pressed them tight. He thought he was a little sick.
When I opened my eyes again, I couldn't see anything anymore. He
quickly reached out and touched his eyes, but nothing covered them.
I open my eyes, but I can't see ahead. I felt like I was about to
suffocate with fear. I opened my eyes again, but I still can't see
The feeling itself was different from simply having your eyes covered
with a cloth. It was incomparable to how dark it was everywhere.
It was literally a terrible night.
I can't see anything and I can't feel anything. As he was churning
through the air, he hurriedly grabbed the hem of Magnus' robe.
“You will no longer hear your voice. "Ilya?"
“Please don’t like it… … .”
“Then why did you want to die in front of me? heartbreaking.
Because it makes you regret not holding you down
That’s right.”
He blamed me. I acted as if I was to blame for everything that made
this situation happen.
I wanted to say that because I had never been far from a completely
different world.
But on the other hand, he couldn't even say that he was a creation
that someone in the world of paper had created for all of his life, so
he bit his lip and bowed his head.
“Next time you have to ask me for forgiveness
will do You must obey me and do whatever I command you.”
Goosebumps arose at his possessive words. He doesn't want to
know why he wanted to die.
What was important to him was the fact that I was about to die, and
that was the reason.
It seemed like I was starting to become something I wasn't.
I wanted to know what Illyana Glein was thinking.
I can't see anything, but I'm barely relying on that voice
I was afraid to think that the car was going away.
‘‘Lina, if I bark, bark, and if I tell you to kiss, kiss me. I will give the
world to you, and all you have to do is command them from my arms
and order what you want.”
Even if you give me the world, this place will never become a haven.
He's obsessed with not knowing who it is, whether it's me or Illyana
his life was ruined by her
It's because
And now I'm Illyana Glaine. If I can't return to that world anymore, I'm
his sinner who has no choice but to live here.
I couldn't help but stare at him while hanging on the leash he gave
“I must be the only reason you die, cry, and live. Your God is not like
Legneva, but me.”
I'm going to a place I can't see
turned the dog I shifted my gaze to the place where the sound was
I wanted to see what kind of expression he was making, but I
The fear of not seeing anything engulfed me. Was the darkness so
It was after I realized that I was in darkness right now that I realized
my body trembling like an aspen tree.
Since you have lost your sight, you will not be able to escape from
the eternal darkness.
‘‘Lina, pray to me and ask me
There is nothing that you cannot achieve. If I were your God … You
are my god and my beast.”
While I was looking into the air, something warm touched my earlobe
and then fell.
A friendly hand came and went completely away from me.
“All of this is what you made me do… … no."
As he was talking, he suddenly became quiet.
I stopped breathing as the silence was approaching, and then I
looked up at the sound of his low tongue.
“You said you lost your memory.”
He was very sorry. It was only when I heard your voice. I feel sorry
for someone who doesn't know what to do.
But what he was about to do was even more terrifying than the
demons of the underworld.
“That’s why I didn’t want to be hated as much as possible.
I wanted to treat you kindly after being greeted.”’
“You, who lost your memories, didn’t just see you trying to run away
from me.
<Episode 65>
Magnus' voice is scary now, especially since he can guess what he's
going to do from now on.
Without saying anything, I had no choice but to keep my head fixed
on the side of the sound.
“If you have something to say, say it without hesitation, and I will
listen. for a while
It will be the last time you open your mouth.”
His fingers pressed against my lips, and the mouth that had been
closed forcibly opened.
He scanned my teeth and gums with his fingertips.
“I… I’m afraid of you.”
“Soon, even he will be excited about it.”
At my words, I could hear a smirk in response. There was a moment
when a large thing touched my ear and I trembled.
His hand gripped my ear tightly and slowly fell away, feeling naked.
I was born into such a terrible silence that I wondered if it was
possible that the world could be so quiet.
What came to me was literally darkness.
I couldn't even guess how many days had passed or how many
hours had passed.
I didn't even think to move out of bed all day.
I can't even hear it, I can't see it, so I can't even move.
Every time someone touched me, I couldn't help but tremble.
I couldn't even open my mouth at first because I didn't know if it was
water or a drink, or if I was taking poison or drugs.
After two full nights like that, I was so thirsty that I had no choice but
to put my mouth on the glass that was barely leaning.
I realized for the first time in my life that I am so afraid of not seeing
and hearing.
Since I couldn't hear it, I couldn't feel anyone approaching, and since
I couldn't see it, everything was blocked.
Even eating with my own hands was not easy. Meals were irregular,
so snacks were often given.
The time to put food into my trembling mouth continued.
Not knowing the passing of time, everything became meaningless.
Magnus has been coming here for a long time, always. He came at
an unexpected time and slept with him.
There were times when the bed shook and grabbed my hand, and
there were times when he hugged me and fell asleep.
Anyway, he came to see me every few days or every day.
Naturally, I waited for that warmth.
When I woke up, I found that I slept because of anxiety before he
that he couldn't
I was terrified to think that someone didn't know what to do with my
When I thought about how much the maidservant would laugh when
she saw this, I felt like I was going crazy.
I couldn't hear what the other person was saying, so I had no choice
but to be a helpless and weak being who was blind and deaf.
He couldn't help but chew what he puts in his mouth and desperately
cling to the warmth he imparted.
I was afraid and scared when the warmth disappeared, so I waited
terribly for the warmth to come.
and realized Why was Magnus so desperately waiting for Glaine
Wool and clinging to her, even kneeling at her feet when she came.
And I realized how much I had hurt Magnus.
Nya made him feel comfortable because he was afraid of me, and
after leaving him for a month or a few weeks, he came to visit me out
of the blue and left without contact.
Because I was scared, because I wanted to live. I never thought of it
from Magnus' point of view.
I just thought it would be fine.
There was a time when I couldn't make a voice.
I tried to say something to tell him I'm sorry, but the vocal cords didn't
ring as if the sound had been eaten.
There was no such feeling. Magnus hasn't had much contact with
me since then.
They didn't even kiss, and at best they held hands or hugged them
when they shook violently.
I didn't even know what he was whispering or what he was talking
about in the first place.
It was at this time that I realized that a sane person can go crazy
knowing himself.
I stopped counting how many days passed. Meals were always
erratic, Magnus didn't come every day at least once a day and I
wouldn't curl up in bed without him.
He has his eyes open, but there is no light. Even though I
desperately looked around because I wanted to run away to the
dream, it was impossible to go to the dream without my sight.
It seemed to be sinking deeper and deeper into the swamp of
‘… why.'
Why did this happen? I just wanted to go back, was that so wrong?
Still I haven't found the answer. But I also wonder if I need to find it.
Anyway, now I can't go back, I have no choice but to live here.
It had to be Illyana Glein. Even the Marquis Glaine will be deceived.
What's inside is a fake daughter, not a real, hard-educated girl.
I'm afraid of the answer.
My mind was sinking deeper and deeper into the depths of the
ocean, and I felt like I could swim down to the deepest part of my
It was dark everywhere and I felt like I was going to die right away,
but everything was in place.
E… Why am I here?]
Deep in the darkness, perhaps from my psyche, I heard a very
familiar and unfamiliar voice.
Am I so limited?
It wasn't that hard to get rich in the spiritual world.
Deep down in my consciousness, I was able to open my eyes. I have
to say, the fact that I couldn't see anything was still there because
the whole place was dark. I didn't have to open my eyes.
It may seem a little scary. [Illiana, open your eyes.]
noisy. I raised my hand to cover my ears, and then lowered my hand
in surprise. Somewhere Magnus is watching
I didn't even know
I don't know when he'll release his anger, but I didn't want to go
against his heart as much as possible.
Meliana, slowly open your eyes.]
Something wrapped me in my arms. I couldn't see anything, but I
could feel it.
Warm and cozy, yet firm. But it wasn't Magnus. I know this voice
I opened my eyes very slowly. however
I didn't want to, but I knew I had to.
I felt a hand stroking my hair clumsily and felt like I was about to
burst into tears.
It was the warmth I had longed for.
It was strange to feel the warmth in the dream, but it didn't matter.
It was important that the warmth reached me, who was shivering in
the unknown cold right now.
I hung from the hem and bit my teeth.
" =。- ••••••••
The opponent stopped as if hearing a small cry. I bit my lip hard and
held my breath in fear that my opponent might back away.
As if the opponent noticed my change, I slowly resumed the stopped
movement again.
Meliana, open your eyes.] “But”
This familiar voice is familiar
Why can't I come up with a name? Why can't I just remember who it
I couldn't remember the other person's face well. When I opened my
eyes, I would know it immediately, but I kept wanting to bury my
mind in the ambiguity.
Meliana, don't let the darkness eat you. Darkness is our food and our
foundation. If you rule, you rule. Don't be swayed by it.]
It was a soft but firm voice. It seemed to be blaming. I'm tight
He gave strength to the eyes that couldn't open well.
It looks like someone has glued some glue to the eyelids.
He clenched his teeth in a throbbing pain. After a while, Tongye
whispered that it was okay to take it slow next to me, and I could
barely open my eyes.
I thought bright light would pour, ah
Just like you, even when I open my eyes, it’s still dark
it was
What was a little different was the fact that someone was standing in
front of them.
I blankly looked at the silver hair and dark sky blue eyes that shined
brightly in the dark.
Unlike usual, he was wearing only one shirt and had three buttons in
front of him blue and disheveled.
But it was beautiful as if I was going to be seduced.
And over her silver hair, she saw something that shouldn't be there.
Two horns sprout long and dark blue.
And I could see the black wings folded behind his back.
“Father… other.·?"
I reflexively took a step back and called him. Hearing my call, he
nodded his head.
The man who used to be ascetic now looks very sensual. It is said
that there was nothing strange about bringing a woman and going to
bed right away.
[How did it all get here?]
His voice and tone were different from what he remembered. A little
more overbearing and a little more overbearing.
I used to be a person who didn't have a tom easily.
However, even though he looked disorganized now, he didn't seem
to have a place to stab him with a knife.
''hey "
[Even if the emperor asked me to meet you, I was reaching the limit
because I kept refusing it.]
I was mesmerized by the appearance that could hardly be described
as a human. Who the hell is he and what am I
is it. no … what is iliana glain
does that mean
It is a world of consciousness. I don't know how you came into the
hall. Tell me what happened.]
He looked at me in shock and said, I looked at the Marquis of Glein
and shook his head.
Oh, what if he was? A demon in human disguise is right next to me.
"father "
"Help… … .”
I grabbed the hem of his robe. He clutched at his new white shirt and
clung desperately to him.
I can't be so happy with this color I've seen in a long time. The voice
that seemed to penetrate into the mind was willing.
"Please help me… … .”
The face of Marquis Glaine, who was looking down at me with a
hardened face, became even harder.
It was when I realized something was puddled in my chin and then
dropped when I realized that something was whistling on the ball.
[What did he do to you?]
The voice that asks me is always standing up. radish
Pretend you didn't always stand up.
<Episode 66>
I felt a chill, but realized that it wasn't directed at me as the Marquis
Glaine wrapped my arms around my shoulder.
He patted my back slowly.
' 'I can't stay here. W Because it's not my seat... … .”
She can't afford to live as an Illyana Gulane. He cannot afford to live
without the eyes of the emperor.
I didn't want to live a life with him when he might abandon me.
Please let it go, Father... … .”
I didn't bother to rub my eyes to stop the tears from falling helplessly.
If these tears aroused his sympathy, I hoped it would.
Nya will live as the son of the Marquis of Glein.
he is not himself What Iliana Glein had was too heavy to hold on to.
Taeil Late at night, don't visit me. ]
The Marquis Glaine declared to me without further gattabuta.
I just reached out and let the flowing hair of his hand, and slowly put
the back of his hand to his tears, then took a step back.
I then nodded and closed my eyes with the back of his hand. I just
realized it, but it's too vivid to be a dream
I felt it.
Even if it was a dream world, it was different from other dreams in
which neither taste nor pain was felt.
'Is it because he's a demon?'
Demon or not, it doesn't matter. Either way is fine. As long as he can
save me, it's okay if it's a Demon Lord.
' 'Here .. how
[Close your eyes and remember where you were
When you open your eyes again, it will be where you are.]
I don't want to go, but I have to go back to reality. I slowly closed my
eyes while trembling at the reality that I would face again.
When I thought that the warmth of his holding my hand was fading
away, my vision darkened again.
Magnus D. Cloud is the best of life
He remembered the dark times better than anyone.
When he was abandoned by his brother, it was sad and painful, but
in the corner of his heart, he had a feeling that he was thinking, 'Yes,
it is.'
He thought he was betraying because he was someone he would
When first picked up by Illyana Glaine, she neglected her, and so
was her tame.
She was her own blind warmth, but if someone gave her another
warmth, she would easily cling to it again without difficulty.
There was nothing special. to Magnus
There was nothing special.
Until she, Illyana Glaine, turned into a different person.
Illiana Glein, who came to her that day too, was always like me.
She demanded of me her submission and I knelt to her knees to live
and covet her warmth.
Looking back now, I don't know why I was so desperate. he always
calls himself a beast
and he was pleased with himself, and made the little hut into a cage.

There was nothing inconvenient in life. Except when always enduring

loneliness and waiting for the next warmth to come.
Meldan, get up on the bed... Rum.]
I remember her clumsy commands
As if she were the first person to look at the command of her life, she
couldn't find a place to turn her gaze and barely touched her lips.
[In the future, even if I come, I will not kneel
It's been a while.]
She was sweet, but it was an embarrassing command that she
would never have made, but it was a command she wouldn't do.
Yes, that was the first sense of incongruity she felt. Even in her hazy
state, she realized she was her strange.
It's only recently that I started to think that maybe it was because she
lost her memory.
Magnus put down the papers she had been reading her
meaninglessly and slowly settled her chair next to her bed where she
was sitting.
Tightly holding her breath, she hugged her lap and curled her body
into a circle, attached to the end of her bed.
It was natural to feel fear because nothing could be seen or heard.
She never left her side.
But she didn't even touch her easily. Watching her softly was all he
It was a strange feeling to be terrified of someone who always
seemed to look down on me from above.
He sometimes trembled when he touched his hand, but he leaned on
Hee-yeol kicked up from inside the stomach. It was satisfactory.
Even the meal that I initially refused to eat, I chew it in my mouth and
swallow it with trembling.
As if she remembered her warmth and her touch, she felt relieved
only when she was confident that she fell asleep and only when she
was confident.
It was only 3 weeks today.
It was only three weeks that she would let her go and he would
neglect her and try to tame her.
In just three weeks, she was given an A in her product. But she
doesn't want to cheat.
She wasn't in a good mood.
She said she thought it would be good
On the contrary, I was angry. She felt nauseous and felt strange. I'd
rather hear a chattering voice.
Neither her not speaking nor her mouth gasping and desperately
closing her mouth annoyed the man.
I don't know why. She must have wished for it, but seeing that she
was actually doing this twisted her stomach.
Besides, yesterday seemed to be dead for a while
I fell asleep and then I woke up, lying in bed like I was dead.
Then she buried her face and clenched her fists repeatedly, as if she
had resigned from something, until she finally shook her head.
Her figure was strange and I hugged her in her arms, but she
couldn't fall asleep easily even though she found her warmth and put
her body on it.
She closed her eyes, but I could see her eyes moving non-stop.
It was proof that she was thinking too much and that she couldn't
sleep. He slowly got up and sat down on the bed.
His shoulders trembled heavily on the swaying bed. her gaze is
She came to God.
Her eyes are open, but there is no focus at all. Her eyes, which had
died hazy, were still beautiful.
She wants to pull it out as it is and decorate it somewhere. She
aroused her own eleven desires over and over again.
At the same time, she wanted to keep her by her side and love her.
She said she wished she only looked at me.
I wanted her to call my name, stroke her hair and kiss her tenderly.
Regret, resentment, desire, and guilt are dotted, creating
indescribable emotions
She called her name, knowing she wouldn't answer, knowing she
wouldn't hear
She rescues herself from her hell, plunges her into her abyss, and
turns in an instant, cowardly she imparts her warmth to herself and
then pushes her back to hell.
She is resentful and annoyed enough to want to kill her, but she
never kills.
She breathes with me all her life
She will be distressed and will not be able to run away from me and
will eventually have to get used to my body temperature and resign
and stay by my side.
Magnus let out her low sigh, biting her hand that had reached her
He slowly placed her hand on her ear, and her body stiffened as
Illyana was startled by the touch of her touch on her ear.
Magnus suppressed her displeasure and slowly removed her hand
from her ear.
As I called her name low in the silence of her, an unbelievably
frightened gaze slowly turned towards where I was.
Pricking her ears in response to her own voice, she lifted her head
She hurriedly opened her mouth and muttered, but she bit her mouth
slowly without raising her voice.
Her two emotions swirled as she looked at her waiting for her
permission, her gaze fixed on an unknown place.
“If you have something to say, say it, Rina.”
Slowly stroking her hair, suppressing her murderous intent, her
trembling subsided little by little. She is the same as she was when
she was her beast.
I feel relieved by the warmth and feel relieved like a lie when it
touches me.
She was out of focus, so she couldn't tell what she was thinking.
She slowly opened her lips as she looked into her eyes.
It was a dry word. The apple that suddenly came out of his mouth did
not please people as much as he thought.
Beautiful ankles so that they can't run away by suppressing them
and making them look like themselves
I thought it would be good to put shackles on it...
‘I feel like trash. '
Magnus fumbled with his palms over my distorted face, his eyes
wide open.
I squeezed the two sticks together.
I think I was hoping for something like this, but seeing it in my eyes
can't make me feel this bad.
'Did you say you don't remember?'
It was strange that people could change like this just by the fact that
they have no memory.
It's like becoming a different person. Even the aura that had style
and atmosphere had completely disappeared, and the person in
front of him was a person with a soft heart.
I didn't feel like living like I used to, I didn't have the spirit to put
people down, and I didn't even feel arrogant.
On the contrary, she was seen only as a woman who was not
accustomed to that arrogance and was trying to act in order to be
She doesn't look different from a distance, but if you look closely at
her, she's definitely different from the 'Lina-sama' she served.
Unlike the owner, who never tried to show her even though she was
scared, she was clear in everything.
And she did not give up easily, nor gave up easily.
she doesn't even Magnus looked at Illyana's face.
Her ashes, who couldn't get out of her bed or sleep because she
didn't say anything to her, and her body trembling all over her.
She seems to have been able to easily kill someone she previously
thought would never be able to kill with just one touch of her hand.
She looked so weak. It looks like she's someone else or really can't
be left in my grasp.
“Illiana, are you okay?” “.. .yes .”
"••••••• "
Her shoulders trembled. Magnus' expression darkened as he looked
at it.
How to care for people? How do you keep your partner from
Does it exist in this world, other than breaking my leg and hanging it
on a leash to make it look like a doll by kneeling at my feet?
Magnus slowly closed her eyes.
She is pathetic and lovable, though she trembles and does not avoid
my touch.
She should be in a good mood, but one side of her chest felt heavy.
If I break it like this and lock it in the product, will this feeling go
away? What if I completely stop thinking?
If you let her go, she will disappear again one day.
As she slowly lifted her hand, she opened her eyes.

<Episode 67>
My trembling eyelids were tense, and my stomach became heavy
without realizing it. Two emotions are constantly boiling inside me.
But Magnus skillfully hid his feelings. It was not difficult for him to
hide his own feelings.
His smiling face is full of happiness. Whenever the emotions she
created and the smile she drew met, she would blush.
When she was her master, she smiled brightly, and after losing her
memory, she blushed.
It was nice to see that face that seemed to be in trouble, as if in
trouble, and smiled.
But contrary to her expectations, she was terrified.
The expression on Magnus's smiling face slowly disappeared.
Then, startled, Illyana forced her to pull up the corners of her lips,
and eventually lowered her head.
Her shoulders trembled. No matter how kind she pretended to be,
there was no smile on her face.
After Magnus was silent for a moment, Ilyana shook her head
A powerless reply came. Even though her voice was unfamiliar to
her, she hung her neck and touched her, lowering her gaze.
If we even make eye contact, I will be severely scolded
It's like seeing someone like you.
Yeah, it's like… … It was very similar to the eyes of a god looking up
at the emperor.
“If you say you’ll be by my side, I won’t bother you any more. I will
put you in the most noble place in the world and let you see only the
"••••••• "
“So, just say one word, all I need to do is say that you will be by my
Magnus couldn't define my feelings, but he found a compromise.
When she said she wouldn't leave her she had a lot of things he
could do to close her eyes too. She didn't want to be harsh with the
person she promised to be by her side.
“Jewels, honor, position, people, everything will be under you. Iliana
is the only one who needs to stand by my side and look at me.”
"••••••• "
“Then I promise I won’t break it anymore. It won’t happen again.”
She was sweet and gentle, and she could give her whatever she
wanted. If you just promise you won't leave.
She always ran away and she always left herself. Magnus also didn't
want to be abandoned anymore.
“I don’t want to be abandoned anymore.”
Magnus made a weak voice. He touched the most delicate part of
her, pathetic and pitiful.
Losing her memory and weakened, she is pitiful
It's not going to be easy to throw away Magnus.
Except when she detoxified her drugs and ran away.
“I love you, Iliana.”
Even with her crooked confession of love, she no longer responded.
Magnus hugged Illyana in her arms and gently stroked her back.
Feeling her trembling body, he smiled.
“Every day since I was abandoned by you was hell, and I said that I
would throw it away again.
o Don't do it."
". ...."
‘‘If you promise me, Lina will gain the world.”
Magnus whispered in her ear nonstop.
Desperately, I patted her on the back, hoping that my earnest
whispers would reach deep into her.
Naturally, the sound of her breathing faded as she rested on her

"Huh? Lina"
Magnus calmed her as if she had not answered her. After a while,
Illyana slowly opened her mouth.
"Yes I will."
The answer he gave with an ambiguous expression, as if he knew it,
still didn't show a single emotion.
Still, Magnus was relieved and kissed her on the forehead.
“I will welcome you as Empress.”
And when Magnus, who had fallen into a deep sleep that night, woke
again, he could not see even a single strand of Iliana's hair.
I slowly opened my eyes, realizing that my vision had dimmed with
the sound of soaring fire.
A blue flame enveloped the black darkness. I still couldn't feel my
sight returning properly, so when the darkness descended, the fear
Magnus was terrible, and he had no other choice but to lean on.
But when Illyana thought about it, she couldn't even think of it as
terrible again, so she hated the gap.
I'm not Illyana Glaine, and I hate having to think of her as Illiana
Now I know what Illyana Glaine did to Magnus wasn't all that good.
What she did was a crime, and this is another crime. No, maybe it
could not be used as a crime in this world.
It was a natural thing because it was power. But there's something I
can't understand
So I just wanted to get away from this warmth and embrace.
However, I also realized that it would be difficult to even fall asleep
without this warmth.
In that short period of time, his accustomed body did not even allow
him to sleep.
I woke up slowly as I watched the blue flames of goblin-like fire in
front of my eyes.
Magnus was sleeping peacefully with a comfortable face, and there
was no sign of waking up.
I shook my head at the quiet voice. I thought I was about to burst into
tears, so I bit my lip and got out of bed cautiously.
Even if he walked away from him, Magnus did not wake up at all.
It's amazing that I just fell asleep and there's not even a slight
But without even having to think about it, the Marquis Glein slowly
walked out from among the blue flames like goblin fire.
Stepping on the carpet naturally as if you had come out through the
darkness. There was a slight annoyance on the disheveled exterior.
‘‘The Emperor will not wake up. At least tonight.”
"... father ."
I'm not familiar with that dry voice either. The Marquis Glaine also
opened his eyes wide in surprise, and then the momentum went
He slowly reached out his hand towards me.
‘‘The Emperor wanted to own you.” “He was guilty. root
place "
Even if I want to pour out tears and words,
He is also the father of Iliana Glain.
Thinking about it, he couldn't say anything.
There is nowhere to lean on here. This place was hell, but to me, this
place is hell.
Even the Marquis of Glein will turn around when they find out that I'm
not Illyana Glein.
It's scary. Rather than running away, the fact that I had no
relationship here was more frightening.
“I want to leave.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
He reached out his hand to me with a graceful gesture. I looked
down at his callus-filled hands and shook his head.
“Father too… "
I said. Not as Illyana Glein, I thought and I said.
‘‘I want to go to a place where there is neither Magnus nor Sheryl.”
Even if that place was really called hell, I would be more comfortable
breathing than here.
Like in other novels, what if Illyana Glaine had been a good person
or someone with special powers?
I must have been happy She might have been happy if she hadn't
been her villain, or if I had possessed Cheryl Cynthia's body.
However, it was not pleasant for her to overturn the sins of others
and leave her whole body to the malice of the other person.
I feel like I'm riding an endless tightrope. To cross the single rope
safely, I had to borrow someone's hand over and over again, but
they were all roses.
A rose that never knows when to set its thorns.
“You hated me terribly.”
"••••••• "
His voice was hoarse, but soft. There was absolutely no intention to
offend or blame.
Without even raising my head, I listened to his story.
“Knowing that I am not human… .”
A dark voice rang in my ear. I never thought I would ever hear the
Marquis of Glain bring these words up first.
I looked up without realizing it, and the Marquis Glaine was looking
at me strangely.
"I found out that you weren't a perfect human being, so I wounded
myself for not needing this kind of blood."

There were certainly various wounds on Illyana Glaine's body.

She thought it was the scar from being beaten, but apparently not all
of them. The scar on her back and the scar on her arm were
completely different wounds.
“I tried to get an apology from your mouth with a stick to scold you
and educate you as a proper heir. I thought I had to make a promise
not to do it again.”
At a time she never thought of Illyana's past, she didn't know that
she would be heard by someone she didn't expect.
I stared at him, my eyes wide open.
“In a good way, I was harsh, and in a bad way, I must have used
violence against you.”
I didn't understand why he said this. I wouldn't know if I didn't tell you
anyway, so why did this to me?
are you talking
Even if I think it's Illyana Glaine, she's saying that Nya has lost her
memory now.
“We do not attach meaning to children. Basically, it is enough to give
birth to a child, give it a spirit, and throw it away somewhere. It is not
up to the parents to live or die after that.”
“That’s scary.”
It is in line with the saying that a newborn baby is fed one meal and
thrown away immediately.
Hearing my words, Marquis Gullein's eyes widened slightly, and then
he shrugged.
“Yeah, you never did that to me.”
“If that’s the case… .”
°1- O
‘‘It’s scary, it’s painful, it’s wrong, it’s apologetic… You never
apologized to me or admitted anything wrong.”
What kind of relationship did these two have?
Of course, due to the nature of Ilyanya Glein, bones
I would have been clenching my teeth even if my teeth were broken.
So, she was offended by Magnus, and in the end, she met such an
But if she acted like a reed and that's the end of it, then maybe
Illiana Glaine's choice would be better.
If you were asked which one you are more comfortable with, a happy
doll life or an uncomfortable life of confinement, you will definitely
think for a long time before answering.
“Then I’ll end up locking you in the room.
I had no choice but to I locked myself in the dark to get used to the
darkness. Our power is unlocked in the dark, so I thought that if we
felt that power, we would realize something."
<Episode 68>
'therefore … .'
So why was he so afraid of the dark? I was afraid of the darkness
and trembled at the horror of the darkness.
Then, pretending not to be afraid, pretending to be strong, I stiffened
my neck in front of him, and gave strength to my eyes.
Still, fear was engraved. Did this man know that?
I shuddered at the dazzling sensation,
stepped back his kite sky blue TL doo
He had a strange light.
“I realized later when you were broken and one day you picked up
something and started taking care of it by confinement.”
It sounded like regret
It also sounded like a bag.
Illyana looked at the expressionless man. The middle-aged man
hardly looked old.
'It's because it was a dream.'
So, does the Marquis know who he is?
His inhuman appearance is finally here
At least it was explained. i still
I didn't say anything, but Marquis Glaine's glassy eyes turned to me.
“What kind of go are you… … "
he takes his eyes off me
He wasn't offended or offended.
“Can you go to that person?
no luck
Knowing the name, even me
1 one 7 ” “
It was not difficult to know who the Marquis Glein was talking to now.
Everything is Magnus.
Iliana Glain is a long time ago.
put him in mind
I put it
she was clear
‘‘Did you know? I… "
Her body stopped and hardened.
''know… "
‘‘There was, you kidnapped Go and who was in your hut.”
I was speechless at the calm words that cut off my stuttering words.
I don't know what to say to someone who calmly says that a child is
holding the prince in his hand and treating him like a dog.
I turned my head and looked down at Magnus. I also resent this
world like hell, but he must have been too.
The world is resentful and he doesn't know what he is resentful
about, but eventually he gradually killed himself and got used to it.
But the person who became that world abandoned him again. He
must have gone crazy somehow.
“But why… ““I left it on purpose.”
He sentenced me again.
“Because I thought it would be wrong for you to block your pores if
the boy had a pore. I thought you should also have a place to
Neither Illyana Glaine nor Magnus D. Cloud walked through hell. It
was like we were all ties to each other in hell.
But now that I have cut all the ties, I too can be sane.
No, Magnus must have gone crazy in his own way.
If Magnus stays with Illyana, he will be infinitely ruined.
He will ruin himself, he will ruin me, and in the end everything will be
doomed. That was the relationship in the first place.
The ending of the novel was catastrophic. Magnus got her Iliana in
her hands forever and Illyana eventually gave him
I would have had to live as a subordinate until I die.
“But what are you so resentful of?
After all, from one day onwards, you tried to kill us and started killing
yourself, using your clumsy abilities at random.”
‘‘What, the sound.”
“But, recently, seeing you, I sometimes thought of that.”
Even as I listened to my words, the Marquis of Glein did not get
What he said was very meaningful. It's like Illyana Glaine is dead... .
. I'm talking like that

“Let’s talk a little more.”

The Marquis Glaine took a step closer. I reflexively stepped back.
As I staggered back, Marquis Glaine's head tilted slightly. He looked
into my eyes as if wondering.
Even he was terrifying, so I took one more step back from him.
‘‘Didn’t you ask for help?”
"••••••• "
“I was well aware of this stranger.”
My heart sank. I slowly raised my gaze and looked at him. My heart
was beating so loud I felt like I was going to catch my breath.
How do you know that?
“I don’t know where it flows and how it will come back, but that there
is a world I’ve never seen before.”
There's a rumor between us. There is not even a slight tremor in the
added voice.
I looked at him for a moment, then stopped breathing and tightly
closed his eyes.
"The way back..."
At my words, the pupil wrapped in the sky-blue iris narrowed
When an animal is excited right before it catches its prey, or when it
looks like it, I stop moving and feel like a prey.
stopped breathing.
“Because we flow through our dreams
only dreamcatcher,
Have you ever crossed that
"When this stranger came this way, I've only heard of it once or twice
because of the wind. A long time ago."
It was a disappointing answer. There's no way for me to go back.
Of course, the body
there's no going back
Even if there was a way, I wouldn't be able to go, but ah
Still, it hurts me to be hit with a straight ball from the front.
“Most of them seemed to come from the original world and face
“How, when, from, did you know?”
When did you first realize that I wasn't his child?
At the restaurant, he clearly showed a sign of trust.
“I’ve been doing this since the first time we met Jim.
had been."
He shrugged his shoulders when I gave him a surprised look.
He wasn't dressed in a stuffy uniform as usual, but even his
strangely disheveled appearance suited him well.
“Everything I taught you is slowly disappearing or starting to
Time seemed to stop at his words.
That's what I realized too.
I wasn't Illyana Glein, so it was natural for me to be broken. It was an
unavoidable procedure.
"O 又-1l 0口1 ,
Law too.”
Behavior, speech, and gaze processing room
The Marquis Glaine's eyes became thin.
‘‘I was convinced when you asked me for help. When you hugged
me without any hesitation. now clearly
I see that the color of the soul is different.”
I don't know why that's a reason to be sure that they aren't children,
but one thing is for sure, it's that this wasn't a very good relationship
“Why the hell are you helping me?”
Knowing all this, he has no reason to help me.
Anyway, I'm the one who deceived him
It was the man who took the place of his daughter.
But how did you manage to do it so casually?
He licked his lips very slowly and let out a long sigh. It was a very
self-helpful sigh.
He looked at me with troubled eyes and opened his mouth again
after a while.
“It seemed that all of our values had changed since we were not the
same person.”
Sharp eyes turned to me. that
The horns that sprouted over his forehead were so well suited to his
decadent mood.
No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't believe he and
the Marquis Lane were the same man.
“If the soul had changed, not the memory, everything would make
sense. He seemed to have common sense, but strangely, he acted
as if he had no common sense in this world.”
Glaine then raised his little lips. It was literally a dream come true
that the corner of one of his lips was twisted and curved.
It doesn't seem strange to be tempted right away.
“The memory was strangely cut off.”
I didn't believe the Duke when he never said he liked the character
of the Marquis Glaine, but now I might have to believe it a bit.
He kind of seemed to have a bit of a bad personality.
"I didn't mean to lie. I'm just embarrassed... How can I
I don’t know if I should respond.” ''It doesn't matter'
''me too
He said that he was trying to find a way back, and he tried to ask
them to investigate together about a way back.
But the answer that came back seemed like nothing really
happened, so I blinked stupidly for a moment.
“It was Aquila who wanted to have children. I will obey her will
I gave birth to a child and studied human childrearing and did my
best to raise them.”
“But, why… .”
“The downside of a clumsy or young dreamer is that you can get
The words of the Marquis Glain were not understood at once.
Even after talking for such a long time, Magnus did not wake up, and
the surroundings were still and quiet.
“So make sure they know where to go
I recommend not using your abilities as much as possible until you
can make a choice and make a decision.
ji. I also warned you.”
“If you assimilate too much in your dream, you will lose your return,
so please be careful.”
Go A: always
I don't have good memories of my family, but I know that family isn't
like this.
It's dry and dry, so I don't know if the place I'm standing on is in the
desert or the ground cracked by drought.
“Nevertheless, you used your powers excessively to destroy the
boy’s psyche, and in the end you lost your way back.”
A laugh leaked out at the explanation of the Marquis Glain.
He keeps expressing himself as me
This isn't me, it's Illyana Glaine
this is one thing that
I understood a little. an embarrassing situation
Do · So, was I possessed in that situation?'
So I was in a strange situation to be possessed.
Maybe then if she tried to use her powers and lost her way there,
she's right.
Taking a short sigh, I blinked my eyes.
‘‘Originally, you were supposed to follow me and I was going to leave
the house to you and leave for a few years to deal with the neglect.”
I wouldn't have been able to. he wouldn't have left He trembled as he
raised his claws and scraped off his arm.
Why is he so calm when he says his son may never come back?

<Episode 69>
“You should bring Iliana Glein, not me. i'm fake You know?”
“You have the body of Illyana Glein, you are Aquila and my children.”
“No, it’s just the shell! ha, no You know. What's the deal with different
kernels? that is. paper
In a situation like this... … !"
He pounded her chest in frustration. No, how can you be so carefree
when your child is gone?
It's ridiculous that I asked someone like that for help. If I had no one
to lean on, I really feel pity for everyone. I feel pity for everyone.
‘I don’t want to be with Magnus like that.’
he is scary He'll be withdrawn if he's around, he'll notice, and he'll
keep going.
You will have to kneel before him and obey.
He said he would give me the world, but it must be like the wallpaper
of a small bird cage he made.
If he whispers love, he should whisper
Then one day, when it becomes the truth... … .
‘You will never be able to escape from this world forever.’
Even if the opportunity comes, I won't be able to leave. I had such a
Just as Persephone ate the food of the underground and could not
leave the underworld, so if I had a real connection with someone, I
felt like I would be subordinated to this world as well.
"I don't know why you're angry. I must have said that children didn't
mean much to me."
"However… You comforted me because I cried. Didn't you comfort
Iliana Glaine when she cried?"
“I was only comforting you because you were crying.” “So that’s what
Illyana Glein is
That's right. your child.”
There was a deep groove between the brows of Marquis Glain. It
was the expression he made whenever he cried when he didn't like
The mouth is stiff, the gap between the eyebrows is narrow, and a
valley is formed between the eyebrows.
"You've been ripped off by the title." “… So I.”
“As long as you have that body, you are my child. All you have to do
is be courteous to your mother.”
I was speechless. Of course, others may think that it doesn't matter
because they are the same person anyway, but first of all, they are
not their children.
It was a memory and I have a memory, how can I... … .
"ah "
“There is no way to bring an already lost soul. I have given enough
warnings many times and in many ways, and you are the only one
who refused.”
This person has nothing. weight
The billions and memories are all just not enjoyable, so it doesn't
matter if you cut them as they are.
The only thing dear to him is his wife, Aquila. I was the only one who
had never seen her face.
“My soul has changed… Are you really okay? Mr. Aquila... Is it really
okay to cheat? Would you be hurt?"
“It’s better for Aquila to get to know you than to wait for a letter every
time she struggles to get to know you. It really is like seeing a human
I was frustrated and wanted to bang my forehead against the wall.
Just look at me and tell me to trick the girl I love and pretend to be
her child.
"I… It’s not Illyana Glaine.”
“Then who are you?”
"I'm not a person here. What if you know it all and pretend you don't
know it. I want to go back."
When I ripped open my chest and spoke in despair, he gave me a
sad look on his face.
> Looking at her face, her heart sank.
“The condition for a stranger to come to another world is that the
soul loses the body, so where are you going to return to?”
He sighed as he tried to plug his ears.
He looks down on me and it's very difficult
He had an expression on his face, but his eyes were also looking at
things that were difficult to deal with.
‘‘The reason why the dreamer can get lost and go to the world of
strangers is because we are made up of souls.” ‘‘I have a body,
what… .”
‘‘The higher-level dreams are their own bodies.
can make . However, you are a bit of an exception. It is a form where
the body and the soul are separated because they are of mixed
blood with humans.”
The Marquis Lane said with her arms crossed. Rolled up the sleeves
of her new white shirt.
He stuck his tongue out at her low.
Her marquis reached out to me. I glanced back at my pushed hand,
then backed away one step further.
“It is unreasonable to bring this dream into reality and maintain it. If
you don't go, I'll leave you alone. I'm helping because you asked for
"that "
It sounded as if I had asked for help, so I had to follow him. smolder
In a moment, I bit her mouth tightly.
As I glanced at him, her lips stiffened, waiting for my answer.
‘You said ‘If you need help, tell me to help’.”
“Yeah, if you ask for help, I will always help you as your parent. So
get it. It’s not that relaxing.”
It's ridiculous to call them parents. The real Iliana Glaine is said to
have become a soul and lost her way, she ignores it
And they say they make me a child.
I know you have a different opinion.'
Even if you can understand with your head that thoughts and
cultures are different, that's all. gritty and unwilling Different races
and different cultures are unavoidable.
Just as you can't impose human discipline on a beast, neither can
So I didn't have a choice. Whether it's a rotten rope or a half-cut
rope, it's only natural that you have to grab the two ropes in front of
Of course, it is already decided that the rope will break and fall
sooner or later. I slowly put my hand on the palm of his hand and
swallowed the tension.
The corners of the Marquis Glaine's lips draw an arc.
Leader soon grabbed my hand tightly.
He took my hand and slept away from his body, leaving a dark, black
hole in the space where he was standing.
It felt like an animal with its mouth wide open, like the entrance to a
dark cave.
“Go in.”
It felt like a completely different space. It seems to suffocate in the
dark. I'm trying to take a deep breath, but blood drips from my
It seemed to slip away. look at
At the end of the fall, there was me trembling
It wasn't the same trembling as it used to be. It trembled like an
aspen, and her teeth just clashed.
The dark darkness provoked fear.
I know best how frightening it is to see nothing.
I knew what darkness could do. It eats sound, eats sight, and in the
end devours me.
It was a dark mystery that even without sharp pain, a person could
fall into a pit with terrible memories.
His arms were pulled tight. I looked up to see why I was pulling
someone else's arm, and the Marquis Glaine was looking at me with
a strange expression.
He was standing in his place. That is, the thing that moved is Nya.
"ah ·."
realized late. i step back
I'm the one who ran away from him
that's right I think I ran away from the dark
As he tried to take a step back, his jaw leg was blocked and he
Now there was nowhere else to go. Right behind it was the bed
where Magnus was sleeping.
“For us, night is the world and home. You must not be swallowed up
where it should melt.” ‘How are you?”
His eyes narrowed.
‘However, the comfortable darkness of night and the darkness
created by the spirits of darkness are definitely different.”
The Marquis Glein let me go and stretched out his other arm.
Magnus made by moonlight
The shadows stretched out over the bed
His brush touched the shadow of Magnus, and his forearm
disappeared into the shadow.
It was very strange to see the Marquis of Glain waving the shadows
with an indifferent expression.
A few minutes after he put his hand into the shadow and began to
rummage, a cold sweat began to trickle down Magnus' face.
My heart sank when I saw that face distorted in agony to the extent
that it felt like my internal organs were being ripped apart.
“Now, what are you doing… … " "You're hiding too deep."
He pulled his hand out of the shadows as if he was grabbing
I slowly moved away from him. I don't know what the Marquis Lane
was doing now, but he was skeptical.
In the hands of the Marquis Glain, a elf the size of a fist was flapping
its wings disorganized.
A pointed cone that looks like something out of a fairy tale book
The new black fairy with a hat on her head trembled and lifted her
'What are you doing now, daringly! Twelfth!>
The fairy groaned, contorting his face in displeasure. The sound I
screamed like a scream was so loud that it made my ears numb.
There is no way to know where such a large amount of energy is
leaking from such a small body.
I didn't know how fierce the momentum was.
Behind the little fairy, there was black darkness, and it moved
menacingly as if it was about to swallow it up at any moment.
The darkness that guards the spirits was like a living creature.
I brought my bitten foot closer to the Marquis of Glein again. It was
because, no matter how much he thought he could rely on him now,
he had only the Marquis Lane.
I don't have the strength to do anything right now.
'What can get rid of the darkness?'
It won't burn or be submerged in water. It doesn't conduct electricity
either, so the physical attack itself will be useless.
Light was the only way to overcome darkness, but I had never heard
of a spirit of light.
“Father… sir … ?"
After glaring at my call, I gently turned his head away without a blink
of an eye.
Nya looked at him and the spirit alternately.
looked into the eyes As he was looking at me intently, the spirit
turned his gaze towards me.
“This has planted fear in the darkness in you.”
"You instill fear? That's because you've been locked up for a long
time, of course..."
“You can sow fear of the dark. Your body is so terrified that you don't
even know it. Because this has imprinted the fear of darkness all
over your body.”
When I looked at the spirit, the spirit crossed her arms and Hong! He
made a loud noise and shook his head.
I looked at the dark spirit of Ash who couldn't erase her stupid

<Episode 70>
Clearly, the darkness creeping from behind the spirit of darkness
was so terrifying that it was difficult to even make eye contact.
It felt like darkness was the only thing that was dark. It felt like my
legs were going to lose strength, so I could only stand there.
To be sure, it is not common to feel this level of competition and fear
just by looking at the darkness from afar.
'That's the horror my contractor felt! The fear of the darkness that I
ate at the same time as the contract!
'Do, what, Sori?"
“Are you talking about the pain you gave to my contractor? What is
needed to summon the spirit of darkness is an endless and extreme
fear and despair of darkness, a desire for revenge and a malicious
That's a fact I already knew. The fact that the Dark Spirit is a difficult
race to summon.
Of course, I never thought it was necessary to fear the darkness to
summon the spirit of darkness.
“This contractor was the third contractor I had summoned, and he
had a strong aspiration I had not seen in nearly a thousand years.”
The dark spirit was full of hostility to me. The darkness was burning
like a black flame that flickered in my eyes.
The more I looked at the spirit of darkness, the more I felt like I was
going to suffocate in fear.
“You are my contractor’s.”
"it is not so."
“What the contractor desires is the eternal bondage of your soul.”
I took a step backwards without knowing even a word at the
horrifying remark. The dark spirit slowly reached out to me.
Darkness flickered around his palm, gradually increasing in size.
The darkness that had stretched out to me began to enlarge in an
instant, with the force to engulf my body.

"-'-One ............"
My body trembled nonstop. I felt like I was going to die because my
head was pounding from fear.
I clenched my teeth and clenched my fists so that my nails were
nailed down because tears seemed to come out of my eyes.
For the first time in my life I have realized that people can be so
helpless with fear.
Now if Magnus stretched out his hand and ordered him to come
back, he would do it.
only like
Perhaps I will have no choice but to follow
"You're not going anywhere."
A voice as low as a cave came out with a hint of unpleasantness.
I was stiff as I stood and couldn't say a word, but on the contrary, I
heard a voice next to me.
I staggered towards me, barely pulling my gaze away from the
approaching darkness.
“It would be good to reconsider who stole the prey of others. This
woman belongs to the contractor.>
“This child is my child. This is not a place to recklessly bring in that
low-level thing.”
< child? Twelfth, you say you are raising children? this is human >
The darkness that flew around the dark spirit of Dot, who was weak,
The dark spirit that gave me a lot of strength
Leaving his mouth wide open in embarrassment, he took turns
looking at the Marquis of Glaine and smirking.
“This is human blood. That means you made a human and a child...
The spirit of darkness approached me step by step.
As the spirit drew closer, the size of the dark spirit grew bigger and
bigger, and soon he became a young man as tall as me and pressed
his face close to the face of the Marquis of Glein.
“Isn’t that taboo?”
A voice that seemed to resonate in a cave became a clear voice in
an instant.
The young black haired young man with a cone hat on his head grew
only in size, wearing the same clothes as when he was a fairy, but a
round silver ring on his black skin fluttered on his wrist.
His pointy ears and a large body made him look like a dark elf I saw
in a novel.
Silver eyes and silver feet
Every time the young man walked, a faint halo left a trail.
"Taboo? Who decided that?"
"The thing is, there are rules. Don't implicit rules exist everywhere. It
is taboo to form a relationship with humans."
The Marquis Glaine snorted lightly, as if it wasn't even funny.
The dark spirit, who had become a young man, took a step back and
looked at me slowly this time from top to bottom.
The pupils were still darker than the normal black, and it felt like
endless darkness.
It was difficult to even make eye contact, so when he avoided his
gaze, the young man quickly moved away from me.
“It is said that there is a stupid king who abandoned his realm in
order to establish a relationship with a human.
Your twelfth, it was you. That's why it's imbalanced."
。t3l - number - flag
o Byeon mumbled his words without meaning and touched his chin. I
can't fit
it was mad
Looking back, Magnus fell into a deep sleep again. I slowly placed
my hand on his forehead.
'fear… … .'
I didn't know that the fear I felt was the fear he felt. He was so afraid
of the dark and so afraid of being alone.
Magnus was not strong. At least, so was the Magnus, whom Illyana
Glein tamed.
He had to be strong. In order not to fall, in order to get revenge...
And to live.
My heart thumped. The loneliness of being alone, the fear of being
blinded, and the darkness were all Magnus's.
It was a painful time for him. You could just throw them all out in front
of you, but Magnus dared to keep them nearby.
'why ?'
Why does he have to keep Nya by his side?
what do you say
I exhaled slowly. After all, it's Illyana Glaine who he wants revenge
on, and I'm not the real Illyana Glaine.
I can't be Illyana Glaine for him.
He had no desire to accept revenge and no desire to become his
beast. He did not want to live tame at his feet, begging for his love.
I hate being like this, but there's no reason I should ruin my life.
If the Marquis Glein abandoned me, anything
That's what you have to do to live and eat.
Fortunately, there are not many jobs that require great skill in this
world, so whatever you do, if you have good tips, it will not be difficult
to make a living.
‘‘Twelfth, did you know that it is not good if the balance is broken?
You should know that other kings are suffering because of your
"It's useless meddling."
A cold voice came out gracefully.
The Marquis Glaine, who drew a clear line, had no expression on her
face. I can't even see where I'm going to poke with a needle. He
beckoned to me.
I lifted my hand from Magnus' forehead and slowly moved away from
him. As I stood by the Marquis of Glain, he
He grabbed his wrist tightly.
“I never thought that the twelfth, who considered humans the most
terrible, would devote their whole life to humans… … .”
o Years seem to be very pleasant
Even though he spoke a certain way of speaking, he looked at the
Marquis of Glain with a curious gaze for a long time.
The Marquis Glain pushed me lightly into the darkness he had
Without a second thought, I set foot in a new space.
“Leave that woman alone. It is my contractor's."
"I'm not generous enough to listen to nonsense. If you offend me
once more..."
The night fluttered at the fingertips of the Marquis Glain. His
darkness, like a universe full of stars like the Milky Way, was
distinctly different from that of the young man.
I could clearly see the difference between the darkness of night and
the dark spirits of the dark spirits.
“I will no longer have mercy on me.”
The Marquis Lane slowly turned around and entered where I was
and took his hand.
As if he had noticed my trembling, he glanced at Nya once again,
and then met the young man standing outside the dark space.
‘‘If you have a conscience, you cannot go.”
The young man took his gaze from the Marquis Lane and said to me.
There is a firm determination in the cold gaze. I turned my head after
looking at the young man's dark eyes.
Marg still hasn't woken up
Nuss was seen.
I can't imagine how angry he will be and grab him by the back of his
neck. Biting my lips, I faced the man again.
“Tell him, I don’t even have the heart to become a beast.”
“Is that your answer?” “Yes, yes.”
“Darkness devours everything. You will be as prepared as you are to
lie and deceive him and leave.”
The spirit was blaming me. His eyes were full of reproach. I didn't
know this was a run after spitting a lie
But that doesn't mean I want to admit everything I didn't do, kneel
before him and face the same ending with open arms as Illyana
Glaine locked in a hut.
I nodded vigorously. “If you get caught again, there won’t be a
second time.”
The spirit warned me with dark, unpredictable eyes.
The passage between the world with Magnus and the spirits and the
world with me and the Marquis Glein was slowly getting smaller.
Eventually, when it became as small as a dot, night fell around it. I
tightened my grip on the hand of the Marquis Glaine and closed his
eyes tightly.
The Marquis Glein did not move.
"Open your eyes. The spirit of darkness and our night are different."
The Marquis Lane began to walk slowly. With each step he took, his
eyes brightened a little.
I slowly opened my eyes to the dim light that was seeping through
my tightly closed eyelids.
And I had no choice but to stop walking.
“For their darkness or fear, but our nights are beautiful.”
The way he spoke was still formal. I stare at the night that fills my
He opened his mouth with his teeth taken away.
The darkness was full of stars. Hundreds of thousands of stars
obscured my vision and clouded my mind.
I wanted to immerse myself in this sea of stars right away.
“We are seducers and seducers. Neither we nor the surroundings
that surround us will be successful if it is not beautiful.”
It would have been ridiculed if someone else had said it, but when he
said it, somehow
faith has gone It was so beautiful in front of me.
Nya was standing in the middle of the universe and it felt like she
could reach the stars if she stretched out her hand.
<Episode 71>
“If we stay in this passage for a long time, we, who are accustomed
to the night, also become enchanted. Let's go so we don't get lost."
"Ah yes''
‘Well, is your father also obsessed with you?”
At my question, the Marquis Glaine glanced at me and nodded
“To be possessed is to lose the direction of the way back. Being
possessed by beauty means forgetting what I was supposed to do.”
"ah. .. "
“The longer I stay, the more I fall in love with this beauty, the more I
forget what I was trying to do, what I knew, and who I was.”
He replied sternly, but explained it without even saying it was
I didn't stop holding my hand
My hands, which had already faded from fear, were no longer
He walked slowly. He was a surprisingly considerate person.
Hearing this, the duke's words gained some credibility. Suddenly, as
I was walking while looking at his back, I became depressed.
There will be no one in this space, so you can be a little greedy. After
hesitating, he licked his lips.
“You know, I’m going to talk on my own, so will you listen? You do
not have to answer.”
"••••••• "
The Marquis Glaine didn't really respond to my words.
I didn't mean not to say not to answer this, so I glanced at him
slowly. After thinking about it, I opened my mouth.
“The world I used to live in is completely different from this one.”
Fortunately, he didn't even look at me if he meant to listen quietly.
He didn't even say anything.
Then I was relieved and made a sound a little more comfortably.
"There is no identity like here, no race. There are things that can be
classified as beasts or animals, but there are no races like monsters,
umm, dreamers, or elves."
Longing and a place to return to are different. That is where I will
return. I don't miss it, but it's where I live.
If you are not happy here and your wife is not happy, of course, in a
familiar place.
Struggling to live is normal. At least for me.
“It’s just an ordinary world. A world where there are many people,
there are many countries, and there is no king. The people are kings,
but as they say, people with money are the best.”
It was a familiar place, and a smile leaked out again. A place where
rich people can rule like a king.
They have their own world. Just as the lives of kings, nobles, and
commoners are divided here, in fact, we
So is the world we live in.
Those who make money will enter the world of their own, and there
will be numerous transactions going on behind the scenes.
Probably beyond our imagination. Things that appear in dramas or
movies are not meant to be in vain.
“Of course, there are countries that still have kings, but they are rare
now and the kingship is not that strong.”
There is warmth in my hand, but the other person does not speak, so
I feel more comfortable
Dia I slowly traced my memory. Fortunately, I did not forget the
memories of that world at all. I remembered the taste, appearance,
and people's faces.
Where I lived and what I was doing.
‘‘There are no aristocrats and wars have become uncommon. I was
one of the common people living among them.”
It was even more beautiful when I tilted my head. It was like I was
walking through the night sky.
seems to have been
I'm sure this is something that you probably wouldn't have seen in
that world.
‘‘Except for the fact that my parents died early and I had to be
independent a little bit sooner.”
I glanced at him, but he was still walking slowly, looking ahead.
He didn't see me, he didn't sympathize with me, he just didn't say
The Marquis Glaine tells my story properly
It didn't matter if I was listening or not
Coming here, I couldn't tell anyone about myself and I wanted to
have my identity confirmed.
I just wanted someone to convince me that I'm not Illyana Glaine
That's why his tongue was constantly moving non-stop.
“Ah, but anyone can study. All ordinary people are of high standard. I
saw the math and science being done here, and even close my eyes
yo. this."
The math here was actually closer to arithmetic than math.
It is convenient if only addition and subtraction are possible.
Of course, some advanced studies
It seemed like it, but it was also high school
It didn't seem like it was going too far.
level up
"ah! And yes. Actually, there were people I liked there, but I got
The Marquis of Glein responded. His wiggling eyebrows clearly
showed his displeasure.
He's a dreamer, so I don't know why he looks so neat like a genitalia
or a priest.
Collectively, the dreamer is a kind of devil, isn't it?'
There were also horns.
In hindsight, he is a race that is far from justice, but he is a firefighter
in a strange place.
expressed pleasure.
Didn't he still listen silently and respond?
Still, it feels good to hear that you are being heard properly.
“I didn’t know it was a swallow swallow that was cheating on the
“… swallow?"
“Ah, swindling rich women… Well, what should I say? There are
some kids who hit women on the back of the head and eat them.”
This time, the face of the Marquis Glain is plain.
It got worse and worse. Discomfort ran over his hardened face.
A growling cry came out. I looked at him for a moment, then slowly
lowered my eyes and opened my mouth.
"But, I was stupid too. There's nothing I can do about it."
what to do with the fish
They say they study, so they earn hard money, and because they
have sick parents, they come to help and earn money.
He stayed by my side, but it must have been a scam.
The sick parents were homeless hired on a few 10,000 won bills,
and the gosiwon to study was just borrowed from someone else, and
it was all a scam.
The truth is, there are so many times that I have eaten something
like this, so how does it feel to put my hand on another woman's
shoulder and drag her foreign student around?
‘Maybe Magnus would be better.’ At least the quality is different from
that kind of garbage
ji. It would have been fine if he hadn't been entangled with Illyana
Glaine and had Nya in custody.
I might have accepted that kind of obsession with a smile.
It's nothing else, but she says she will take care of the empress and
asks her to only love herself, so why can't she do that?
But for Magnus, for Iliana Glaine, and for me, it is impossible for me
to accept this situation with my body.
“You are lazy… • "
“I know you are stupid. You decided not to talk. nothing to say.”
As I hurriedly raised my hand to remind him of the promise, he shut
his mouth and started walking again.
It was a very slow pace. I quickly shook my head and brought up the
next story.
Except for the fact that I still couldn't tell him that it was a story in a
“Because of that, I lost my mind, fell into books and struggled, little
by little,
I started coming back to the thread... .”
I started to read like crazy to forget the pain, and when the number
of novels surpassed 100, I started to realize the reality little by little.
Thanks to the novel, I was able to see reality to some extent, and the
pain was relieved to some extent thanks to the novel.
I thought that sooner or later I would be able to live like a human
Little by little, while I was working and starting to read again, I met
the 'Rebellion of the Tamed Beast'.
“Then I fell asleep one day and it must have been a gas explosion.”
“Gas explosion?”
"Yeah, it's gas… um. Isn't it here? It was a bit like gunpowder."
He briefly answered his words and continued explaining. In fact, it's
funny even when I say it.
The moment I died, I laughed at how stupid I was that I didn't even
know that I was dying.
“Actually, even after possessing this body,
I didn't know what to do, so I thought about how to go back... When I
remembered, there was an explosion and I was trying to escape
from there, but there was a second explosion.”
There was no pain, so I might have to think of it as an act alone.
It's sad that that's the only thing I can take comfort in, but what can I
do? reality is like this.
“And I have no memory.” "is it."
I smiled lightly, shrugged my shoulders, and spoke softly.
As I think about it, my mood gradually subsides. He shut his mouth
and bowed his head.
"Why are you bringing that story to me?"
A voice fell over his head. I lifted my bowed head again. Why did you
take it out?
why did you take it out I just wanted you to listen... I wanted you to
know and... … .
"It's true that I want to go back. Whether I'm dead or not, I just want
to go back there. If I die, I will die there as soon as I die. If I live, I
have to live there, either half paralyzed or a plant man."
I wanted to go back if I could. At my words, he crawled to a halt and
turned around.
The gaze looking down is sharp. I did not avoid that clear, shining
sky-blue gaze.
"Do you want to die?"
“No, not at all. But I don't want to deceive the man named uh her
money who takes her body and loves her.”
“I don’t understand.”
He spoke as if he really didn't understand. I couldn't understand he
couldn't understand more, but I know this is our street.
I opened my mouth thickly and then slowly opened it.
‘Do you know how difficult it is to live someone else’s life? Please
help me get back. And talk to Illyana Glein properly. To adopt
someone else's soul as your daughter... .”
What I don't understand is that you throw away your own child
how could that be They're fine parents. That doesn't mean I didn't do
my best.
If you have lost it, you should try to find it.’
I know it's Ojiram, but still... I don't want to take that place.
What will the Marquis Glaine be, who knows nothing.
“Of course, because the environment we live in is so different, we
have different values and different worlds, so we may have different
cultures, but I don’t think this is the case.”
<Episode 72>
“Then what do you mean by knowing what is going on?”
He did not laugh at my resolute words and questioned.
To the extent that I thought it was inevitable even if I laughed at him,
his calm words were surprising.
‘‘I told you, it was my fate whether I lived or died.”
You're going to be my successor." "Yes?"
' 'Be a successor. If you can't stand the authority of the emperor, I'll
give you a place like that.
I was taken aback by his words and couldn't find anything to say for
a moment. He giggled stupidly, and finally let out a sigh.
“So, let me go back to my seat.
Serve the real Illyana Glein... .”
“The probability of getting back what was lost is extremely close to
zero. The night is pervasive everywhere, and it leads to another
world, and the road we walk on is not even the smallest particle of
dust on the great road."
The Marquis Glein cut off my words and spoke firmly. He said while
looking at the vast, endlessly vast space, not me.
In this place where the night sky is all over the place, honestly, I can't
tell where the end is or where the entrance and exit are.
there was no
It's just that when the Marquis Gulaine walks, he walks, and when
the Marquis Glein moves, he moves.
As he said, this place was spacious. There was no end, so I had no
idea how wide it would be.
“There is no chance of finding the real thing in it. That’s what it’s like
to get lost.”
He made it clear to me, who was frustrated, and cut off my thoughts
in an instant.
I closed my mouth with my eyes on this place, where there is
nowhere to go if he left me.
"You've been given a chance, don't think about avoiding it, take it."
Still, I don't know. I know that this is not normal in the first place. If
you could just pretend to be a child, anyone would be fine.
I'm afraid it sounds like I don't care if I leave.
‘‘If you want to be with the emperor, learn to manipulate your powers,
learn to stand up to others, and get down on your knees as servants
and not beasts. If you want to run away from him, take the title and
face him head on.”
I could be honest with him, but I wouldn't be able to tell him
everything. After all, it is a pity that there is no place for me to stand
anywhere. He looked down at me and let out a low sigh.
"It's enough that you're not used to a world where such hierarchical
relationships exist.
Okay, but you'll have to get used to it."
"As long as you take on that body, I will treat you as my child. You
will be the only heir to the Marquis of Glaine, and I will never
abandon you."
He calmly said that he had even read my heart.
His voice is always like a calm lake, and even if he is angry, it
subsides in an instant.
He's so gentle, but he draws people in.
had the power
“And I won’t talk about this any more. This is the last time, okay?"
He looked back at me and said, who had slanted his body at an
angle. I met the gaze directly.
“Answer me, Illiana Glaine.” “It’s Do Yuna.”
His eyebrows rose sharply. I hit the player before he opened his
mouth any further.
“Sometimes when the two of you are together, please call me Yuna.
Then I will try to adapt.”
He didn't say anything to me for a long time. I wasn't in a hurry and I
liked the atmosphere in this passage, so I just waited quietly for his
I will live in someone else's name for the rest of my life
At least one person remembers my name
bad too
seems like
‘‘Is that one thing you want?” “Show me here sometimes.”
“It's not a good place to come often.”
" ·."
''i get it.
I didn't say anything
he's awkward
she agreed
with expression
nod your head
lips too
He is surprisingly considerate. Sticking out and looking at me
‘‘You can give up your soul, but don’t hit me or imprison me because
I don’t want to get hurt.”
“It seems that humans are educated that way. ”
After Glaine at my resolute remarks, he seemed a little perplexed,
and then he nodded his head.
The tense body slowly began to relax. put something on him
was not an easy task.
“And my father is strange. Can I call you father? Dad… is it a bit
“Do what you feel comfortable with.”
He responded to one of my titles, and then straightened up his face
and gave permission.
Maybe he didn't like his father's name, so his expression changed
slightly. Anyway, your father is so polite
do not want to go
without sticking to the mouth.
“Really, the world is cruel. To live someone else’s life.”
“Now is your life. Live your life and do what you want to do.”
I stared at him with narrowed eyes. It's different from before.
‘‘You want me to be your successor?”
“It’s essential and you can do anything other than that.”
The Marquis of Glein was resolute this time as well. Graceful
gestures and graceful voice. I'm a noble person from birth.
From his gestures, his movements, his gestures, his voice, his way
of speaking, every move he makes is perfect.
“One more thing.”
“What is your father’s true identity?” “The twelfth of the lumps.”
So, I'm asking what the lump is. You have to explain it in a way that
people can understand.
As I squinted my eyes, he let out a short sigh and opened his mouth.
Or, in this world, it is a place called hokkya. It is a world full of
"ah! That's where you say the land is getting bigger, isn't it?"
I'm pretty sure that's the problem
was done by Magnus. yourself and…
Together, when we went to the lake.'
The relationship was twisted due to a brief mistake. I think it was
something I would have to go through at least once anyway, but he
doesn't seem to think so.
“Geez, there were thirteen rulers in them, and they kept their
“It will be similar.”
He meekly agreed. How wide is the night, so that there are twelve
Once again, he was told that he was the king of another world, and it
was easy to understand. If it's a king with this face, it's actually not
“Because I got out of there, my balance is off and I’m leaning too far
to one side. If I passed you the marquis, some of you were going to
go there and look at my hands.”
“Aha, what if that happens? When the balance is broken.”
Magnus said something like a cold season would come, but I don't
know what will happen in reality.
He glanced at me and turned back to the front with a nonchalant
expression on his face.
He didn't seem to care much about the widening of the night.
‘‘Night will come, our power will grow stronger, and the human realm
will shrink.” ''Well… Is that a good thing?"
“Anything is good in moderation. Excessive is good.
There is nothing.”
The Marquis Glein answered. The curiosity was just cleared up.
It was the first time I knew that there was a place called Hokya, but I
never thought that he was one of the kings there.
“Ah, this is a personal question. Really, Mr. Aquila... "
Marquis Glaine's eyes grew fierce. He did not hide his displeasure.
It was a little strange that he was obsessed with the name Ro.
Realizing my mistake, I quickly corrected the word.
“No, do you love your mother?” “Yes.”
When I corrected the words, he answered firmly without any
hesitation with his eyes wide open. I was all amazed
The Marquis Glaine sighed and looked at me.
“Now, let’s speed up a bit when we’re done with the questions.”
"Ah yes."
The pace he had resumed slowly was fast again. I also worked hard
to keep pace with him.
"But where are you going?" "It's home"
"Is this a house? Is this really a road? If you keep going this way, you
will get to the house?"
It seems that I have walked for a long time, but surprisingly, I did not
come out of the house easily.
I didn't know because I only rode a horse-drawn carriage every day,
but I think the distance was a bit long.
Lee Ok-go, Marquis of Grain, stopped in one place. There was a
black hole.
“Go away.”
'Well… .”
I glance back and it's still black
The night stood in its place.
I wondered where this would end, but I also wondered what would
happen if I got lost in it.
I'm curious, but I don't want to know exactly.
"If you go in, don't be rude. I missed you a lot."
“It must be Illyana Glaine, not me.”
He smiled lightly in response. It wasn't a sharp voice, but you're so
There was also a little bit of laughter leaking out at the act of
declaring the crab.
After rubbing his arms several times, he stopped to step forward.
'do… · No, wait a minute. Where are you here? Didn't you say it's our
But why are you talking as if you had a marquis? Seeing my stiff
head, he nodded.
“Yes, Bonga-dya in the territory’’
“… Have you been walking all the way to Yeongji now?"
“Yeah, it took a while because it’s a bit far away, but it’s a lot shorter
than a wagon.”
Somehow, he said it was taking too long anyway. I think I walked for
almost an hour.
When I saw him in embarrassment, he looked at me proudly with an
expression of what was the problem.
‘‘My heart is not yet ready.”
“Do it now.”
“No, I don’t even have a good memory… I don't know anything. In
fact, I don’t even know his face.”
‘‘I told you that I lost my memory because of being bullied. I've barely
stopped talking about destroying the temple, so don't talk about it too
Yes? What did you say you stopped doing? Even though he escaped
from the situation, he and I are very calm.
Considering that Magnus is the emperor, this is actually not very
"But, I'm worried. What are you going to do if the Emperor finds out?"
“It’s okay if you leave for the night.” 'door."
I blinked my eyes for a moment.
<Episode 73>
Come to think of it, I heard that he killed Mr. Aquila and then
beheaded him when everything was revealed.
After that, Iliana Glein is locked up in a hut.
Of course, I don't know what happened to her after that, but it's
strange now that a man who seemed to care for her marquis really
carelessly killed her and opted to commit suicide together with her.
I know that
‘‘You know, what if.”
The Marquis Glein looks a little tired now. He's been asking non-stop
questions all the way here, so it's good enough, but there are too
many questions.
'Cause I haven't had time to learn about this world, and I've been so
busy struggling to keep what's in front of me.
Feeling a little guilty about those tired eyes, he opened his mouth
“There is no I in Illyana Gulane’s body.
and she keeps her father and her mother
I hate you to annihilate Marquis Glaine
It’s a home when you want to go.”
I opened my mouth carefully. If he's really the one to kill Mr. Aquila, I
don't think I'll ever be able to entrust myself to him.
In this case, another way
I guess I'll have to find a run away.
go or go
I can't believe someone who can kill a loved one for their family.
"If the Emperor finds out that I have done something like treason, he
will seek revenge."
I looked at him very nervously and even licked my lips.
“So when the Emperor tried to annihilate all of the Marquis Glaine by
weightlifting... … ."
The Marquis Glein looked at me with a look that said something out
of the ordinary and nodded lightly.
With permission to continue, I quickly opened my mouth.
“If there is a case where the father himself kills the mother, destroys
all the data and information of the Marquis of Glein, and is caught by
the emperor himself and died, why did it happen?”
I'll find out when we're together. He is a very capable and calm
He is not afraid of the emperor and needs
flax on his neck
He was a man who might have been. to point the sword
He was a man with more power than Ilyanya Glein's clumsy abilities,
and it would have been easier to get out of such a situation than
breathing if he made up his mind.
"Why are you asking such a question all of a sudden?"
“It just suddenly occurred to me.”
When he spoke moderately, he didn't ask any further questions.
The Glaine I thought I would think about for a long time
After a very short silence, the Marquis opened his mouth faster than
expected and gave an answer.
I will stand for destruction.” "yes?"
“If you hated us and wanted to annihilate the Marquis, I would have
given you it. If I had killed Aquila, it would have been a disguise, and
it would have been a dream that someone saw instead of reality.”
“Why are you standing?”
“Aquila loves you, and I thought that was my last duty as a parent.
I will.”
It was a really surprising answer. Hearing that answer, I couldn't
open my mouth with a blank expression for a while.
It was an answer that I never expected the Marquis of Glein would
come up with.
I licked my lips for a while and then slowly opened my eyes.
The man who seemed cold and cold-hearted had a really
unexpected side, and I couldn't help but be surprised by that
unexpected side.
“It’s a precious family.”
‘‘Nothing is more precious than Aquila, and it was only when Aquila
told me to do it that I moved like that.”
Everything is centered around Mr. Aquila. I had nothing more to say.
He did his best.
The result was, in my opinion, a terrifying ending.
What was the Marquis of Glaine thinking when she saw Illyana
Glaine drenched in madness?
"I see."
I nodded and barely agreed. I guess that's what it means that people
can do their best for people.
I didn't hesitate any longer. As we got out of the passageway at
night, there was a huge mansion in front of us.
I heard a low tongue click from behind.
Turning his head, he began to walk towards the entrance of the
mansion, looking quite dissatisfied.
“Aquila, it’s cold here, so why are you here?”
"You said you're coming with Lina today. I'm nervous, so I'll have to
get things done. How about my kid?"
Hearing the voice I heard, I hurriedly walked along the path that the
Marquis of Glein had walked.
As I walked with my head bowed, I was contemplating what to say
and with what expression, but my body shook violently.
Power to your feet to fall backwards
I had to hold on tight and rolled my eyes in bewilderment.
A woman hugging my neck was holding me tight. She sighed for a
moment with a stupid expression on her face.
Glancing over the shoulder of the woman holding me as if asking for
her help, the Marquis Lane looked at me and nodded her head.
Oh, she's her marquis. After thinking, I opened my mouth.
"mother… ?"
She tilted her head as if worried and asked, and the woman hugged
me and held me for a long time as if overwhelmingly, then moved a
little further away from me.
Standing with her feet wide apart, she glanced at me.
She was a new white woman with ruby red eyes, and her skin pale.
In this world, where light green hair reached up to her wing bones,
she had relatively short hair. The contrasting eyes and hair color
matched very well.
She was a beautiful person. She can't believe she's even close to
Iliana Glaine's crazy look
She seemed to know where she came from
Father to the Marquis of Glein, mother to
Little Illyana Glee if her marquis
In has a slightly more crazy look
Even if I was born, I don't think it would be strange
it was about
If a sense of ordinary inferiority had been born, she would have been
full of other
place … .'
with a thick shawl over her shoulder
She looked weak. beat the temple
Can't believe she tried to break it
She actually thought that she might be a little exaggerated, but I
don't think it's an exaggeration for the Marquis of Glaine.
“What did you say now? Would she like to call her one more time?"
"Yes? Hey .. How are you?"
Isn't this Do you have a different calling? Are you your mother?
o Seo l 亡 L.
It's Marquis Glaine, but I forgot to ask before and asked a weird
question. Of course, it was a necessary question.
“My, those damn temple bastards
nah... … .”
I must have done something wrong. If it wasn't my mother, did you
call me Marquis in a strict way?
Her glee was her marquise, and she called her because I was
“You are the one who stopped me when I said I exploded everything
with gunpowder and I am Lee!”
There was a dull popping sound. I blinked, wondering if I had heard
the wrong sound.
Looking at the Marquis of Glain, he did not change a single
expression. There was no reason to mistake it for a dream.
All in all, her Marquis clenched her fists and slapped her in the back,
stroking her Mrs. Glaine.
Her hands are usually dull or not spicy.
The sound is very terrifying.
“Why explode the temple, I dealt with them properly.”
Yes? When did you process it?
A story I had never heard of went back and forth between the two of
Illyana Glein You lived your life under the surveillance of every move
you make, right?
Beautiful and kind-looking, she seems to be blown away by the wind,
so her mouth and hands are a little rough.
“How did you manage to make it look like a beggar by blocking the
road ahead? And are they the problem? The problem is with the
upper-heads that are not properly managed by the little ones! "
She seems to be a little rough, but not a lot. At first impression, it
looked like it couldn't even cut a flower, but now it seems like it won't
cut the flower but the neck.
I looked at their studio with a puzzled expression.
"••••••• "
“Aquila, I told you. I don’t have a good memory.”
“Oh, right.”
The Marquis Glaine turned her to me
Then he licked her lips and looked at her awkwardly for a long time.
She seemed to be troubled because neither she nor she could find a
suitable answer.
"that… Well. How have you been? Do you remember her mother's
At her Marquis' question, I glanced at the Marquis Lane and hers
once in a while, then barely nodded her head.
Oh no, I can't even call today's first meeting.
"little… Eun... ?"
It was an outrageous lie.
At my words, the Marquis let out a low sigh and was relieved. I
looked at him and her.
The Marquis Glaine, who knew how to say something to me, had no
said a lot
亡 : O1 1_ Always standing 亡
De, are you okay?"
‘‘Well, yes.”
She suffered a lot, but it's the work of your real daughter, so there's
nothing you can do about it.
Because if I want to become her, I have to bear even that. She
looked at me and grabbed my hand.
She said she wanted to see her during the first meeting, but in my
case, she didn't know what to say, so when I spit out an appropriate
word, she somehow had a bitter laugh.
Was there a mistake in her answer? Marquis Lane looked at her and
he shrugged her shoulders without saying a word.
‘‘Have you eaten?”
"You're much thinner than the last time I saw you. It looks like
nothing but bones. Let's go and eat."
Ash took my hand and walked into her mansion. The mansion was
clean enough to show the character of the Marquis Glein.
I've heard that she's taken care of her, so maybe her Marquis'
character is as neat as that of the Marquis Glaine.
"Her hands are cold, haven't you been outside too much?"
“It doesn’t break if I touch anything, I just know that my hands get a
little cold.
"Although my body is weak. I heard that you were seriously ill a while
There is a lot of worry in the shrill voice. The indifferent eyes of the
Marquis Glain were filled with emotion.
Discomfort, irritability, worry, and affection were mixed in his eyes.
"Simple body aching. I slept a little less, so it's okay"
Surprisingly, it may be a handful. persimmon
I also think that if we make a fuss like that, if we catch the flu, it might
destroy everything in all directions.
The difference between this house and the capital's Marquis Glein...
‘It’s cozy.’
<Chapter 74>
If there was a cold and sharp atmosphere, here it was equally neat
and tidy, yet warm.
There was not a single atmosphere, not a single picture that I saw
along the way, hung up in vain.
“It may have been unfamiliar because it’s been so long.”
"yes I'm okay."
It may not be unfamiliar, but it is definitely unfamiliar. It's better than
having half-memory information.
It's more helpful not to know for sure.
However, the dining table was very uncomfortable, and the Marquis,
who was watching me, was so concerned that I had to shove food
into her mouth and forcibly avoid her gaze.
“Wow… .”
It came as a late regret that I could not get out of the bathroom
attached to the room all night because of it.
Quang-! shed-!
Objects kept falling to the floor and shattered by rough hands.
Magnus couldn't beat Boon and smashed his fist.
The maids and servants are tensed by the sound that has been
going on since morning.
He was waiting at the door.
It was fortunate that there was an order not to enter.
Perto, who walked leisurely between them, calmed his pink eyes.
The still young emperor did most of the things fairly, acted boldly,
and had a good head, but in one case, he really acted like a child.
‘Ilyanya Glein… … .'
From the first time I saw it, I thought it was unusual, but it scores a
lot more than I thought.
When I first saw you in my dream, I was an unusual existence, and
as we talked, it was not a bad thing.
However, it was a problem if it disturbed the mind of the owner this
He would have advised me to cut all the tendons and turn them into
It might have been less painful that way.
How important is the storm
If it was their master and he could keep him stable, they would
quietly deal with the madness of periodically killing people.
His lips trembled slightly and twisted bitterly.
‘‘If you call, come in and clean it up. Do you understand ?"
'The Great, Sir Perto'
The mayor answered. Perto beckoned to Keaton and Philip, who
they had brought.
The two together lead Perto
entered the room. After closing the door, the situation in the room
they saw was a mess.
as it came in
It is right to say that it is an indescribable slander.
Perto took a step forward with a smile on his lips as always.
When he saw that he was about to grab the vase and throw it, a
small object flew in front of him and blocked it.
“Contractor, don’t do that. Are you hurt?>
“Why miss that! You should have forced me to wake you up!"
“Your mind would have been broken if you were against what the
Lord of the Night was trying to do in the space he made. >
Knox said in a panic. His hair and clothes were all a mess, and he
had small scratches on his body.
Perto's eyes narrowed and then hardened.
"your majesty."
“Hey, you bastards are real. i'm your guys
There must have been only one thing I had ordered. You protected
and locked her up and ordered her not to go anywhere!"
“So it’s not the people’s fault. It's the twelfth hump, so if it isn't the
same hump, you can't do great... … Ahh!>
ソ Grand!
Knox, who barely escaped the flying vase, looked at Magnus in
amazement. Flames are rising in my blurred eyes
There was a deep darkness in his clear eyes.
This is Knox's favorite bright darkness.
Standing in the dark, wishing for only one thing, he longed for only
one thing. His gaze was both eerie and creepy. Knox flew towards
him again.
"Calm down, Your Majesty. What ran away will have to be brought
“Even if you catch me, I will run away. she is such a person She
doesn't give up until she gives up. Even if I hold on to you like that,
even if I instill fear... … "
I never give in to what I hate
Noble and noble, whoever was so untouchable, is still a long way off
no matter what.
She didn't like it so she went up on her own and the rest of her who
lacked her tried to pull her down.
She broke herself as much as she broke, and she had to rely on me.
But in the end he ran away. She said that when the Marquis Lane
came out, she was asking for her help.
She wanted her to rise to the highest place she had ever made...
totally messed up
"The Marquis of Grain was charged with treason..."
Magnus' golden eyes, which had moistened his lips, became heavy.
He closed his mouth with a dark light glimmering in his eyes and
shook his head.
If Marquis Glain is ruled for treason, she will never be able to
become an empress or concubine.
Sit down at my feet forever
You will get cute
She's like that, and she'll be ruined little by little. If so, would you
really enjoy it? Magnus sat down on the bed.
“Ah, that’s what the contractor was asking you to tell me. I have no
intention of becoming a beast.”
Magnus laughed. You have no intention of becoming a beast?
It means that I have no desire to be in the same position as myself.
She had to know herself. She knew her pain she felt and she knew
her situation and she had to sympathize with herself even more.
So that she, who has lost her memory, cannot abandon herself. She
can't be thrown away easily, so keep her by her side in the end.
Losing her memories, she was a soft side
She and she, who didn't seem to feel pain, were in pain and afraid
"What is the true identity of the Marquis of Grain?"
It was clear to her that he had taken her from her in her hands. To
prepare for her, you need to know your opponent.
At that moment, her spirit came down to the ground with a bright
smile on her face and set her feet on her floor.
The spirit, who had grown up in the blink of an eye, sat comfortably
with her legs crossed at the feet of Magnus, who sat on the bed in
the form of a beautiful young man.
“Or, say hawk night by your name.
I mean, you are a contractor.”
"Anyway, you mean the Marquis of Glein has something to do with
Perto asked the spirit.
The spirit, crouching on the floor, glanced at Perto, then moved his
head up and down, then looked back into Magnus' darkened eyes.
The darkness embedded in the sparkling gold is beautiful. I was so
ecstatic that I felt like I was going to fall for it.
A beautiful darkness that burns. That pure new black flame will
someday be his
I wanted to see it wrapped around me.
"There are rulers who guard the realm of the hump. Thirteen rulers.
Beings who have jurisdiction over each region and keep the realm of
the hump from expanding, and keep the balance."
'I've been there several times, but I've never seen it as a living thing."
“What you cry is the very outside of the hump, and no one comes out
there. Darkness hides itself in the depths."
The young man laughed softly. Beneath that stern smile, happiness
peeked out.
Magnus looked down at the softly curved round lips. All he had in his
mind was the thought of the warmth that had gone away.
‘When? .'
How did you become so nice?
When she came to her senses, she wanted her, but she abandoned
So this time, you go to her
Didn't it make sense for her to lose?
She has abandoned herself but she has confidence that she will not
abandon her on herself.
No matter how ugly she gets, no matter how deep she sinks, as long
as she owns it, she will never be abandoned by her.
But why is she running away? I can't even understand
She's just moving as she taught her, and she keeps trying to get out
of her hand.
She doesn't want to be a beast?'
whoever you like
It is the most stable relationship. The relationship between the beast
and the owner is better than the relationship between humans and
the name only.
Dogs do not betray their owners. If you feed them, give them
affection, and give them warmth, they pledge their allegiance forever.
No more ideal relationship existed in the world. Magnus' eyes
darkened even more.
“The more you go into the hump, the deeper you go, the less likely
you are to get out, but the more you can see the hump.
there will be.”
Magnus clicked his tongue low at the voice of the young man digging
into deep thoughts. If I catch them all, I'll definitely tame them.
Even if I break my leg and imprint pain, I will make sure that the third
run will never have been.
“Whether it’s the Marquis of Glein or whatever, he’s the twelfth ruler
of the hump, the king of nightmares.”
“… nightmare?"
Knox smiled brightly at Magnus' question.
“Yes, yes! I took that blood
That woman is also a mixture of a dreamer and a human.
la. They have a passageway in the night
It is a unique thing to control.”
"What if it's something unique?"
there is
“It is a special mineral in the hump. If left alone, it is an ordinary
stone, but if it is processed properly by heat, it can prevent the
dreamer from moving into a dream.”
Magnus' expression hardened. A good feeling ran across my back.
“Does even a half-dream have the ability to control dreams?”
"Of course! Dreams and nights belong to the dreamer. It is very easy
to break into other people's dreams, manipulate dreams, and create
passages into the night."
Magnus' gaze sank into darkness. A cruel light shone over his clear
“Can you find it?”
Magnus' gaze turned to the storm this time. Perto bent over and
nodded his head.
"Nothing is impossible for a storm..."
A gentle wind blew around him.
Lee Ok-go The wind wrapped around him as if he was threateningly
smiling, rusting like a strong storm.
Philip and Keaton, standing behind them, turned 45 degrees.
Bend your back at an angle.
‘There is no place the wind cannot go’
Dark pink eyes gleamed dazzlingly, and Magnus watched him
A dark smile spread across Knox's lips as he blinked.
A colorless and transparent wolf emerged from behind and stood at
Perto's feet with his chin raised.
“What you command, what you want, our storm will make it come
true, so please stay firmly there.”
<Episode 75>
Magnus' eyes narrowed. He met Perto's gaze and seized a picky,
sullen laugh.
It was also partly thanks to Illyana Glein, her and her that they were
“All you have to do is build up your business and lead us as an
emperor who will survive and leave a mark in history.”
She made me aware of the darkness, made me aware of her fear of
cancer, and she made me obsessed and lustful, and at the same
time made me a pathetic idiot.
So she had to live her whole life by my side.
She said, "She'd get what she wanted if she was the only one in her
She was annoying and she didn't want to do anything. It didn't matter
if she became emperor and was treated to her liking.
It was okay to set up a puppet emperor and use that power alone. To
be honest, he didn't really care.
It was her means to obtain her, her place of confinement, and the
stairway to raise her to her most noble place.
She doesn't care much about storms, nights, or politics. She didn't
intend to give any orders to the storm.
"The land of hard nights was getting wider, and in order to prevent
the land of hard nights from expanding, we have to kill the beasts
that live in the warm nights."
So after work she was talking about putting her hand there. Magnus
pondered for a moment, then nodded his head.
Knox raised the corners of his mouth as he listened to the two of
them. The curled corners of his lips had a strange color.
“Oh, are you awake? meal… Would you like to join us?"
As soon as I opened the door in the morning and walked in, I
stopped walking at the person I saw.
The Marquis, who must have been walking around anxiously
outside, had a smile on her face as soon as she saw me, but then
she awkwardly invited me.
“Have you been waiting? come in and wake me up
./2. ••• "
"You didn't like me just walking in."
'Well, did you?"
Seeing her awkward laugh at me, her mouth twitched as if she had
also shut her mouth.
After a while, her mouth twitched, and then she slowly approached
me. She even smiled brightly at her.
“Let’s eat, let’s listen, so it’s okay to skip a meal.” "Ah yes."
The hand that grabbed her tightly was soft and warm.
She had never felt the warmth of her mother.
She's never been, but she's in a weird mood
She was taken helplessly and led away, and when she carefully
grabbed her hand, the Marquis trembled as if in surprise, and then
grabbed her with a little more force.
“If you don’t have anything to eat and do, will you visit the estate
after a long time?”
“Yeah, Mom, let me guide you.” “Thank you, mother.”
At her words, she sees with her thrilling eyes
She looked at me and shook her head.
She seems to know very well that the Marquis likes Illyana Glaine
seriously enough.
'I feel guilty.'
If I had been a cold-hearted person, I wouldn't have felt so guilty.
She'd cry more if she had been like her Marquis Lane and didn't care
who the child was. But the Marquis was really her mother
‘It feels like a dream to walk together like this. There were a lot of
things she really wanted to do.”
“I heard that you hated my mother.”
“Yes, as you may have heard, the berry is a unique race. That's what
she must have been so resentful of.”
Berry, the tone was so cute, I felt like I was about to burst out of
She gave strength to her eyes and swung her head away, but in the
end, her lips parted open and her smile leaked out.
She heard my laughter
Crab she laughed and then
came open. Mouth with a serious expression
“But, Lina. I never care
I didn't choose him. possessed
No. he did his best for me
If I were this man too, he thought that it was not worth entrusting his
life to him, so he chose it.”
“Yeah, I think so.”
I don't think I need to explain in words how much the Marquis Glein
loves her.
Perhaps he has given up a lot
'Cause she'll be standing here throwing away even her own
obligations for her and her life with her.
“But at the time, I thought you would understand, but apparently you
"Why did I hate my mother?"
The Marquis laughed bitterly at my question.
“It must be because the person you liked is the prince.”
Nya stopped walking. It was a story I knew, but my mouth also wrote
It was sad that she lost a lot of her because of her love.
‘‘The companion of the royal family must have children.
But the child you will give birth to
It must be because of you.” a human
Iliana Glaine realized that she loved people but she couldn't lead
It seems that was the reason.
Because she had no chance of a child being born as a human.
After all, she would have had to deal with her family of resentment
with nowhere to turn.
When she realized everything, she felt so young.
It was because he left behind people who treated him so preciously,
greed for himself, and eventually collapsed.
I was born and raised with love. I have no regrets. Berry did his best
for you in his own way.”
I think you can tell just by looking at Illyana Glaine. I don't have
rough hands.
She was given the right education, empowered to think, and
empowered to prevail over others.
she was smart And her taste was also quite picky.
It means that she had a quality education and that she ate only good
At the words of the Marquis, that she did her best,
There will be nothing wrong.
‘‘If the marquis wants you to have it, let him give you a decent
education again.
“What about your mother?”
“I never said no. He smokes her stubbornness where he is useless.”
The Marquis, who raised her head, said so, but she looked very
I look at her slowly
nodded her head.
To get her title means to stand before Magnus again, and to go there
at night means to run away from him.
‘‘Lina, do you still like the prince?” “I don’t know. After losing my
memory, I don't know if this feeling is real or fake.
I don't know."
Whether it's a remnant of feelings left by Illyana Glaine, she doesn't
know if she really fell in love with him at first sight, or if she's really
accustomed to him.
It's like I don't exist in this place. So my heart ached.
“You will know in time. If it is really simply a remnant of a memory, it
will be forgotten, and if it is really, it will remain in your heart and
come to mind often.”
“Is that so?”
"Of course, I'll go back to it slowly. If it's your choice, I and Berry will
support you."
The words of the Marquis touched me tenderly.
She listened to her, so she thought I'd be fine with whatever choice
she made.
Even if it's not Illyana Glaine
‘‘If it’s true, he wants me to be locked up like a beast. I… Like he did
to him.”
"Have you ever apologized?" 'do… ·no.''
I shook my head.
Apologize because you think it's not my business
I didn't do it because I thought that even if I apologized, I wouldn't be
Since it was a twisted relationship in the first place, I couldn't even
think of the word forgiveness because I thought it was inevitable.
“Then be brave and go find it. After apologizing and asking for
forgiveness, I think it's okay to do justice to the relationship after
“But, I don’t think I did it because I don’t remember. Even if I
apologize, I'm just trying to be comfortable, I honestly can't seem to
do it. still
Is it right to apologize?"
Either way would deceive him. If that's the case, I'd rather not
The Marquis took a strange look at my words for a moment, but then
she closed her mouth as if contemplating.
“Then how about staying here for a while and thinking and learning?”
"Thinking… Are you learning?"
“Think about what you are going to do in the future, get to know you
It’s about learning and realizing how to manipulate the powers you
I nodded slowly as I listened to her sweet words.
I needed it once. It was necessary to bump into Magnus and split it
like this.
"Yes I will."
“After making that decision, you can do what you really want to do.
Lina, this one thing is for sure. I am so glad that you are by my side
like this.”
The Marquis dragged me into the dining room and said:
Her Nya followed her and de Las entered her dining room.
Oseo l 亡
In the restaurant, which is full of antique atmosphere, every
tableware and candle holders were handmade.
“I think it’s scary not to know anything.”
“But don’t be afraid, Berry and I will always be on your side.”
Instead of answering, I first caught the laughter that leaked out, then
slowly opened my eyes. Her worries may have something to do with
her, but it's not something I'm going to reveal about her now.
“It’s fine, mother.”
Just pretending not to know, she meekly seized her smile, and she
The restaurant was already full of food. She led me and sat me
opposite her.
“What about your father?”
‘‘I have to go to Hwangseong.
“I’m comfortable with that ability.”
I know it is quite a distance, but it would be advantageous if I could
cover that distance in just an hour.
It'll be faster if you take a wagon or horse, so I'll have to ask if that's
not the case next time.
‘What is Magnus trying to do?’
You must be angry. perhaps
I didn't know that the road was running rampant to catch and kill.
You said the Marquis of Glein was responsible, so I think we'll take
care of it.
“Can I take a rest for a few days?” “Of course, I toured the territory
and ate food.
0 take
- Cl
“Yes, I want to rest.”
I was so tired and tired. It's been rare for me to get a good night's
sleep from the ongoing tug of war with Magnus recently.
I needed time to think. really beautiful
Time to relax without thinking about anything else.
I needed it.

<Episode 76>
mind is clear and pure It will be pure and pure in the world like this.
Haha, the three phases are so clear and clean... Indeed, horn.
It's been the third day since I've been here, and I've been up all night
with my eyes wide open as to what I'm worried about. At this point, I
thought it might be a little crazy.
Do, this isn’t a little bit.’
I can't sleep because I'm anxious. If you were to ask me what I was
worried about, I would be uneasy about the lack of the warmth of
Magnus, which I had gotten used to for only a few weeks.
I buried my face in the pillow in despair.
A few days later, the shadows under the eyes became thicker. I
really can't be more annoyed than this.
He sighed and got up slowly. I've been trying to sleep for three
hours, but I can't sleep.
It felt like I needed some warmth
Will they take even a stolen animal?'
If you bring in a large dog, I think we can sleep together.
It's not the warmth of Magnus, but anyway, if there's something
warm, it'll make me sleepy.
When the morning comes tomorrow, I'll go down to the estate right
away. I'll have to get my mother's permission before that, though.
Her mother was really sincere. Ilyanya Glein, no. very much to me
I was careful.
He carefully looked at every single expression on my face and gave
me the advice I needed, but I never interfered more than necessary.
It strangely warmed my heart, and even though it had only been
three days, I felt like my heart would be relieved.
Anyway, I decided to go to the Marquis of Glein and Hockey with my
successor class.
Marquis Klein seemed to be in a bit of a difficult situation.'
As far as that dark spirit can speak, it's because I've done something
I shouldn't have done in the first place.
I don't know what the world of hawk night looks like, but I didn't hate
“But luckily it’s quiet.”
There is no contact from either the Marquis of Glain or the Marquis
of Glain.
That means that Magnus is quiet.
I have heard from the dark spirit, but my eyes are closed, or
You must be decorating and preparing something.
At least I didn't think he would let me go so simply. His obsession is
something I only saw through text.
On the contrary, it is very tenacious and intense
'I can't sleep like this.' It seemed that people would break down first.
Perhaps the reason Magnus is quiet now is because I know it will be
like this.
Just like a dog returning to its owner,
He might be waiting for me to come back too.
But, both for me and for Magnus, time is needed. Because if they
stick together, they will only hurt each other.
I didn't have the confidence to love him and he wanted me, so we
needed time to reflect on each other.
The ability and position of Marquis Glain was unexpected, but thanks
to him, he was able to escape like this.
I drank water nervously with a throbbing headache and lay down
again with the blanket over.
Sometimes I get tired and go to sleep
When my eyelids came down, my heart would fall to the floor
because I was afraid of the darkness.
I thought it would be nice to bring a really big puppy in the morning.
I rolled up the blanket warmed by my warmth and embraced it, and
barely closed my eyes again.
It was less than an hour before I opened my eyes again.
At my call, a large thing from afar, with blood dripping from its mouth,
leapt and sat down with its front paws slightly raised in front of me.
The new black, large beast was an abuser.
When I first met him, he thought it was a female lion because he had
no hair, so he named him Sherry.
Yes, this was the lion the Marquis of Glein brought from the hawk
Originally, it seems that the Marquis was a lion that the Marquis had
brought out of the night and had been raising him since he was a
young boy, but when I heard that he was thinking about adopting a
big dog because I couldn't sleep, he gave the lion to me.
I still don't know what that person thinks.
Anyway, this lion is noble and elegant, resembling the Marquis of
Glein, so it is a picky eater and hates dirty things.
After eating, I wipe my mouth like a cat, and I do not even eat food
unless it is live food.
I don't know how the picky Marquis Glein got his taste buds.
After all, she didn't even have a name, so giving her a name and
cuddling and sleeping with this kid every night has become a routine.
Still, thanks to the warmth, I was able to sleep a little at night.
Even now, if I open my eyes after having nightmares of wandering in
the dark, I think he will ask me to forgive me... .
It's been a year since she ran away, and she seems to have gotten
used to the nightmares and pain.
Still, when I open my eyes, there is always the abuser
Glowing bright yellow eyes, gently wipe me away
I was always relieved to look down.
okay. At the time of playing like running water, Nya got used to this
world to some extent.
She became accustomed to calling her mother or father, and as a
successor to her, she also developed her own character.
However, it did not look like the old Illyana Glein in any way.
The charisma and aura of Illyana Glaine became less felt to me as
time went on, so I became who I was, not Illyana or Glaine.
Neither the Marquis of Glein nor her Marquis blamed it at all.
On the contrary, the Marquis side was more willing.
She seemed to have a lot of things she wanted to do with Illyana
Glaine, so she was busy taking me from place to place.
She didn't hate her time with her Marquis, for she had nothing to call
a memory with her mother or father.
It's just boring to know that all you can do is go shopping, tea time,
and outing.
I think it would have been fun for her to go out on a cafe tour.'
Going on a restaurant tour or a cafe tour would be a lot of fun.
Although not modern, it is impossible.
“Jerry, I don’t want to go.”
Sherry got up from her seat at once as she sat down on the floor and
hung her around Sherry's neck.
Then he came up to me and tried to raise my arm by biting without
“Oh, I don’t know… … .”
Sherry wept low. Don't even say you don't like what you don't like.
This abuser was so smart that whenever I did anything he would
chase after me and nagging me.
She still sits on the floor and says that clothes get dirty.
When I seduced him, she glared at me as if she was unfair. She's
pitiful, but I'm more pitiful.
The Marquis of Glain I can't sleep
It was said that the Marquis of Glein was assigned a mountain of
work, or that he often pushed the Marquis to work that did not
require him to do it.
It is said that Magnus only once had summoned Raphael, who gave
him refreshments and exchanged opinions about weapons, stroking
his head just before parting.
“I mean, there are no three times I want to tell you to be careful not
to get caught. >
He said that he was still stiff and barely asked what he was talking
about, but to be honest, I think he must have found out everything.
Raphael was still young .
Raphael knew I was curious about things outside, so he would pile
up stories for a week and then work hard to explain to me for a
Magnus was running the country without any problems.
Neither the Marquis of Glaine nor his wife of Marquis dared to
explain anything to me and complain about it.
And I took a leave of absence not long ago.
He said that he had asked, and suddenly returned to the territory and
suggested that I go to the night.
Words were a recommendation, in fact, it was nothing more than a
Oh, I also learned to use my dream-manipulating powers.
Thanks to you, I can handle shadows.
I also learned how to make other people dream and how to bring out
a dream and make it a reality in front of my eyes.
Dreams are my space and the world I have created. The moment I
bring my dreams into reality, I become the owner of that space.
So that Magnus didn't wake up the other day, he brought me and
talked for a long time.
The Marquis of Glein, who was lying down, was also
used the ability
explained to me that
Thanks to you, very rarely when no one is there
When I was with Sherry, I used to bring dreams of my world into
I still miss and miss you, so I tried desperately not to forget that it
was this country.
There is one good thing, but if you bring your dreams into reality, you
can eat the food made in your dreams in reality.
Even the taste was felt. of course eventually
Because it's a dream, I don't call the ship.
“I think I told you not to sit recklessly anywhere, Yuna.”
And when the two of us were really together, the Marquis Glein
called me by my original name.
I can't tell the Marquis, but I'm glad I was able to honestly talk to him.
I was a little surprised when he came in and called me that once
when I was bringing a modern dream into reality.
The Marquis Glein said nothing as he saw my dream come true.
“I was complaining to Sherry because I didn’t want to go.”
I had to go there and learn it, too. You are compatible with both
worlds, so it is better to know what kind of place it is in advance.”
“I know.”
He got up from his seat and brushed off the dirt.
I knew it, but still to some extent
I found stability in the tone, but I was afraid to go to a place full of
dark nights.
The Marquis Glaine looked at me sullenly.
He smiled lightly when I glanced away and grunted that I knew.
“I am leaving tonight and not coming back for at least half a year. So,
say goodbye to your mother.”
<Episode 77>
to take over the role of Illyana Glaine.
was not that terrible.
The two of us hardly talked about Ilya or Glein in the past than I
thought, so it wasn't difficult for me to adjust as well.
Perhaps it was due to caring.
Still, it's a little strange that he doesn't say anything even though he
hasn't found his memory yet.
“Aquila wants to eat.”
“Oh, are you here to pick me up?” “Gree’’
His voice was dry, but he knew that was his best.
It wasn't because she didn't spare Illyana Glaine.
What is most special to him is the Marquis, and he has such a blunt
He was also a person who did his best.
He doesn't mean anything to him, just because I don't mean
Because he was the one who said that children were not important in
the first place.
“If you come back at night, I will give you a formal marquis title. Do
what you want to do.”
I never thought about what Illyana Glaine was going to do when she
got the title.
It was a successor class that suddenly started
She and she learned things like Illyana Glaine, but she never knew
what she was thinking
If you even look at the epilogue, you really don't get a chance.'
Since he is a god, he may not even be able to bring the dead back to
Or can I live here again by letting Illyana Glaine find her original body
and I ask for a new one.
“I said it was what you wanted to do, Yuna. Don’t think useless
When I lifted my head at the sound of a voice piercing into my ears,
a man who had stopped walking suddenly looked at me.
Oh, I guess I stopped first. Laughing awkwardly, he took a deep
‘‘Originally, this marquise belonged to your mother, not me. I got her
title by marrying her.”
“Ah, the woman… .”
“Yeah, back then, she couldn’t be a woman. One day, Aquila, who
was indignant, stopped being annoyed, put me on top of the
marquis, and started doing her own business."
He knew that this world was still dominated by men.
Even if it changes little by little, it is not a radical change.
“And eventually she changed.” "yes?"
I didn't know what he was talking about, so I asked stupidly for a
Glaine then explained by opening her mouth again instead of
blaming me or saying something to me.
“Aquila changed the law by collecting her data, she formally
protested to the imperial court, and collected petitions. All I did was
submit her material she gave her to her palace and open her mouth
as she told her."
It was something I hadn't thought of. Seriously, doesn't it mean that
he didn't interfere much with the work of the marquis?
What he intervened was to educate Illyana Glaine so she wouldn't
mind, and to mirror her face in her golden star instead.
''Instead of giving up, she used me as a puppet. Up until now, all the
important things of the writer after her have been decided by her.
The hilt of her sword she holds.”
''Marquis .. No, your mother?" "Yeah if she's her sword I'm a shield
ji. All I had to do was stay by her side and block the tip of her sword
towards the writer after her so that she could work with confidence.”
There was no regret or regret in the calm voice.
On the contrary, it just sounded too obvious.
Is it because he's not human? Or is it because he was originally the
king of hawk nights?
Even though he said his worth was low, he didn't seem crimson.
No, on the contrary, he was a king. Yes, I don't think I'm used to
serving others.
I didn't know that the reason the two of them went to the office to talk
for a long time with their faces shining once a week was for this kind
of discussion.
“Thanks to her, she has recently been able to see women earning
titles without difficulty, and after that, she is showing up in shops and
pubs where women are the bosses of her, and even as mercenaries
and imperial knights.”
Marquis Glaine's eyes widened tenderly as he said that.
Just thinking of her makes him feel like he's going to die of love.
The moment I saw him, the mood changed dramatically with just one
smile, I was mesmerized.
He seemed to understand why he was called the King of Dreams.
And that's why he usually has an expressionless face.
It really got everyone hooked. I didn't even think that there were
people who had color just because one expression had changed.
‘If you laugh and walk around, you will be possessed by both dogs
and cows.’
In an instant, Nya's heart almost dropped and she had to grab it. He
is the father.
And I was lucky because I was a dreamer. If it hadn't been, my heart
might have already stopped or I might have been in his arms.
Fortunately, it was only for a brief moment that he smiled.
Soon, he turned into an expressionless face, as if he had ever been.
‘‘On the contrary, there are many cases where they are more
resourceful and have a good reputation. It is because there are
many people who do not like to acknowledge the changing times.”
The Marquis Glaine snorted lightly and walked again.
I followed him and glanced at him over and over again. I think I want
to see you smile again... … .
'Isn't your mother great?'
How can I casually treat this person
Can you live with it for over 20 years?
I think my heart has already burst.
“Aquila got what I wanted five years after I took the title, and the
world has changed so much in just 18 years.”
he said softly. He never raised his voice, and he always had a voice
like a calm lake.
I'm not blaming myself outright, but should I say that I point out my
own faults?
"I think that's the great thing about being human. Being able to live
the shortest life of any race that exists, and to be able to carry
through everything that is possible within it."
I turned my head as if I heard a voice from somewhere nearby, and
he was looking at me.
My steps were very slow, walking and rolling, and I had no choice
but to stop again in the end.
“You are too long by human standards.
can live life I gave you a new life, I didn't tell you to live as an
extension of my children.”
"However "
But even so, it's Illyana Glein who's wearing her face down, and I'm
still cheating on the Marquis.
That fact is unbearable.
“Think carefully about what you want to do.”
He didn't open his mouth any more. And those words were no
different from the words of the Marquis, whom he once told them.
I am powerless
I nodded, thinking it was a couple.
“I will go.”
“Ah, I will miss you. my daughter"
The face of the Marquis does not hide
With her eyes dripping with regret, she grabbed my hand and held it
for a long time, complaining that she did not want to let me go.
She was taken aback as it was the first time she had ever seen her,
who was always mature, express her feelings like this.
I smiled awkwardly and took her hand.
"I'll be back soon, Mother."
"okay … . If that bothers you, tell your mother right away.”
"Yes I will."
As I seized her giggle and her smile, she backed away, kissing her
lips gently on my forehead.
She smirked when she opened her eyes wide, startled by the
sudden touch of her and the warmth that had gone away.
She asked me to let it be destroyed. I haven't been there at night,
but there are many dangerous beasts, so please come back
Too much passion, Aquila.”
“There are no parents who are not yet comfortable with sending their
child to such a dangerous place.
What did you do?”
After the glare, the little girl gave her a look that she didn't know what
was wrong, but she didn't respond to her words and bit her mouth
From there, her heart for the Marquis Lane was revealed.
' 'It'll be fine. bring you safely
“Still, worry is worry. You will come back safely.”
“ by mouth
will come true as you wish
The Marquis Glaine smiled faintly and kissed the back of her hand.
It is surprising to me that he speaks such a squeaky thing, that he is
so plain, that his heart is trembling and that he seems to cry.
‘Is the face the end of everything?’
I don't know if everything will be forgiven if it becomes a face no
matter what I say.
Aquila grinned and reached out her hand to the well-groomed hair of
the Marquis of Glaine.
scattered all over
“All I want is for you and my child to return safely. Okay?" "Don't
overdo it, I'll get it done quickly."
“You’re doing a little bit. You're the king who threw away work, so
come back quickly."
The Marquis Lady said it in a voice full of regrets, perhaps because it
was a pity.
It's a little bit like she's showing her weak side
I was excited
Saying goodbye late at night made me feel like I'll never see you
Even though I thought they were so affectionate, thinking about the
fact that we were together every day, even if I didn’t like it, I think it
would have been unavoidable.
“Go and be careful, sweetheart.” “Yes, mother.”
The Marquis Glein creates another black hole the size of a human
had been
As she walked into the dark, all-seeing nook, she still made her heart
beat faster.
It's night.'
If you go inside, you can see the night, but you only thought of that. I
bowed her back to say hello once more and then slowly turned
The Marquis Lane also took her once in a hug and followed her me
into her hall.
“I will go”
Her Marquis smiled brightly and waved her hand as she saluted her
through her closed hall.
From there, I felt a strong will not to cause me any worries.
'Illianya Glee India is very blessed.'
Being born with good parents is also lucky and fortunate.
still i don't know Why did she give up her former wealth.
Was she worth it to Magnus?
I still often remember her. She suddenly appeared in her dream if
she could only forget it, and if she could only forget it, she missed his
<Episode 78>
There were times when I purposely focused on the book because I
wanted to see him. Was it that hard for him to forget someone?
'Or was it worth it to me?'
Were you kind? He tried his best to be kind to me, but he wasn't.
But he has never been terrified of his possessiveness.
If I'm already used to him, is it unreasonable to get out of it?
‘‘What do you think?”
“Just. How is Magonus?"
I don't think I'll leave it alone if I catch it."
“I would.”
Even if I draw in my sword, I have nothing to say
From Magnus' point of view, it was absurd.
right. I can't understand it, so
It doesn't move at all.
If there's anything I should apologize to him, it's that I ran away to
get rid of him by judging him and not asking his opinion.
I can't apologize for taming him. that's not me
“When you hold the government properly and move
It was so small that no one could object to the emperor’s words.”
‘‘Are you scared?”
“It also has it, and it’s sharper than I thought. You have a good brain.
You can understand why Storm Rang decided to serve him as the
master to serve him after a hiatus of several decades.”
said Marquis Glain.
As I listened to his story, I tried to recall a flimsy novel, as if I had
seen it a long time ago.
Gyul-guk, I didn't know the true meaning of the notebook.'
But when it comes to her number of times she was locked in her
darkness and her marquis punished her, it makes sense.
What I'm curious about is the words that the author who wrote at the
end wrote. I still haven't figured out the meaning.
“Come on, what kind of place is that?”
I don't walk that long, he tells me
I said it was the exit
“There are a total of six entrances to Hokkya, and this is the closest
entrance to the empire.
Perto explained. Magnus looked down at the dark space before his
The world of day and night is divided by a line
On one side, it was an evening with a soft moonlight, and on the
other side, it was a completely black space without a single star.
“The only way to enter this place is when the moonlight falls.”
“So what can I do?”
“This time, all you have to do is just watch the nightmare, subdue the
beast, and get what you want.”
Perto explained lightly. Magnus looked down at the misty night and
nodded lightly.

“After that, His Majesty must judge and decide, and think of a way to
defeat Hakkya.
Have you confirmed reducing the size by gold?”
All the Storm Knights surrounded Magnus.
Magnus waved his hand lightly as if he was annoyed. State affairs
were urgently given the Duke of Key Liston a certain amount of work.
Does he know anything about the night?
Without a word, he meekly agreed and walked away.
It is Perto's opinion that Magnus will go to the villa to take a break
and work, so there will be no problems for a while.
Magnus lightly grabbed the paperwork he had received from Perto
and handed it back.
Philip, who was standing there, took it and burned it to destroy it.
“There are 27 magical beasts that have been discovered so far.”
he laughed lightly.
As Knox said it's just a swivel, it's hard to tell how many more kinds
are hiding.
・-1 一・
<Woah, you are a contract person.>
"Guide me to the heart of the night."
“It doesn’t matter, but it must be very difficult because there is no
Knox said worriedly. Because he knew very well that Magnus had a
fear of the dark.
Magnus looked at Knox indifferently. There were days when I
couldn't even fall asleep.
It was hell for him, and he was engrossed in work. I was afraid of the
dark, and I was tormented by the lack of warmth that I had become
accustomed to.
It was hell. I resented the woman who created that hell, but I missed
her, so I couldn't do it either, and in the end, all I had to do was take
my anger out with the Marquis of Glein.
“Worse than this hell I’m walking through.”
Magnus stepped into the night. Dark darkness seemed to swallow
him up.
Perto followed him, and Knox and the Storm Knights entered the
night at the same time.
Magnus looked up and spread out before his eyes.
Nin 0l - annihilation.
It's like three giant moons without a single star appearing on top of
each other. It's like another world.
Ne 2. U2 •
When she holds her, she does not let go of everything she has done
dozens of times. He looked back dozens of times to see if it was his
own fault.
But she was not with her. She wanted to tame it, but she did not fall
off easily.
' What must I do to have it fully .'
He even thought that it wouldn't hurt to dig his eyes, break his legs,
and put him in a cage.
You couldn't forget the gentle touch of her who whispered that you
were her human, her clumsy smile and embraced her herself.
I'm afraid of her and I'm reluctant to hold her
so gloomy.
But, if that's something that has to let her go, she'll embrace her
Magnus wanted her to be in her hands, even if not her entire body.
He wanted to make her his own.
“Ah, as expected, this is the easiest way to use your abilities, so this
is the contractor.”
Knox, who suddenly became a human, smiled brightly.
I casually walk through the darkness
He seemed quite familiar with this situation.
krrr. Somewhere, the howling of an animal was heard.
All of the Storm Knights, who were nervous, drew their swords.
It looked quite spectacular, but Magnus was indifferent.
He also calmly drew his sword from his waist and followed Knox in
stride stride.
“Where are you going?”
“No need to deal with useless junk.
There is no yon.”
The beasts of different shapes exposed nervously and tilted their
heads as if puzzled when the opponent did not attack.
Magnus strode forward with his sword.
Perto looked at him and followed him, sighing.
The beast doesn't attack first, so he thought it would be better not to
touch his hand as he said.
‘‘Isn’t this the first time you’ve seen a beast not attacking?”
“Have you ever attacked before?”
“I don’t think I have any memories.”
Philip answered.
It was not so completely black as to be unable to see even an inch
ahead as seen from the outside.
However, it was a night with three moons without a single star.
Deep indigo blue is scattered all over the sky, and on it you can see
The moon caught my eye.
The surroundings were barren and there was nothing, but
sometimes trees and grass were visible.
“Ah, that is dangerous. have to go this way You are a contractor.”
said Knox, pointing to one side. The front looked like a stretch of
wilderness, but I don't know what's dangerous.
As Magnus looked at him puzzledly, Knox sighed lowly.
"It's the first realm. The first one hates intruders and strangers so
much that if you get caught, you'll die horribly."
This question came from Perto. Knox was pretty generous, as he felt
better after coming to the realm of the night.
He nodded his head broadly with a smile on his face.
“Yeah, first. the king over death
It is a place.”
“Is it the Demon King?”
“Isn’t that a bit grandiose, just the king of demons. Among the
winged and horned races, those who can use magic are the best.”
Knox, who deliberately chose the path to go round and round,
walked away, accustomed to
It was night, so the visibility was not clear, but it was not difficult to
discern because there were three moons and it was very bright.
‘‘The root of the dreamer and the devil is the same. Thanks to this,
the two races are quite similar, but technically they are different.
Dreams are not magic, they deal with dreams and nights.”
"Is there each realm even at night? Like he said that he was the king
of the thirteen?" ''right! Walk around here and you'll reach the third
area. I'm still here
I'm on the angry side. ah no matter what
There lived a beautiful fairy king.”
Hearing Nox's explanation, Magnus moved forward.
I wonder who lives where
It wasn't a thing.
What the storm wants is the stagnation of the night and detailed
information, and a way to prevent the night from spreading and
reduce its size.
And the reason he came here is because he wanted to keep in mind
the special ore that could prevent the dreamer and the location of
her where she might escape.
"The Marquis of Glein said he was the twelfth. Where is the realm?"
"It's the farthest area from here. I have to go a long way..."
“Why stop…..”
pounding. My heart raced. The faint smell of soap reached the tip of
his nose.
The scent of soap that was so light that it seemed to be scattered at
any moment was familiar to him.
Magnus' face hardened. He slowly shook his head.
“Illiana, Glaine”
I felt a sense of joy at every single word that was cut off. The beast is
cruelly beautiful
made a cow
‘‘Here, where are you?”
The moment I entered the night, I was speechless. The three moons
high in the sky had different colors, but the world unfolding before my
eyes was so... It was also because it resembled a entertainment
But the problem is that this is not a human entertainment district, it is
an animal entertainment district.
The store has dog food… Selling the same thing and dog leashes…
They were also sold in various sizes and animals… This one was
hanging a sign around his neck and talking to another beast.
Chimseung speaks... .'
speak Of course, it's not strange that there are talking beasts in a
world that also has dreams... .
No, it's definitely weird though.
Yes it could be .
I struggled to avert my eyes from the scenery in front of me
“It is the seventh realm, the king of beasts.”
“Um… yes.”
"He likes orgy and is of bad quality for both men and women, so if
you ever see it, don't even make eye contact."
Oh, the idea of a puppy having an orgy was magical.
<Episode 79>
I looked down at Sherry, who stood dignifiedly next to me, and,
feeling the gaze of other sly beasts, pulled her towards me.
‘Jerry. If you go to such a beast, the gentle Sherry will be eaten, so
you should never go there, okay?"
“I’m going to protect you, so I’m not going anywhere”
"Ugh, never go, go..., go..."
The creak seems to be coming from the throat.
I barely closed my mouth, which had been acting like it was broken
by repeating the same words over and over again.
“Jerry, did you tell me now?”
“Because this is our hometown.”
"Five… … .”
Even intelligent creatures can't think properly.
Of course, people of the opposite sex are also thinking, but the
problem is that I didn't think of such a high-level abuser.
In my mind, the sacrament of confession was made at will.
The words and actions I had told him so far flashed through my mind
one by one like a lantern.
'Did I not do anything in front of him?' Being lonely and sleeping in a
hug and being depressed
The one that said it was over and the one that he wanted to go back
to... Every day I cringe .. I have a lot of memories
As I turned white, I looked at Sherry, who suddenly saw Sherry
pushing one of the flocking beasts with her feet, with a look of
annoyance on her face.
'You look annoying.'
It's because I realized I was talking. They seem to be seeing faces
one by one.
“It bothers you, turn it off.”
I watched as she raised her claws, growling and threatening. Sherry
was a colder abuser than I thought.
I couldn't stand the flooding of information in my head and eventually
turned my head.
A smile could be seen in the gaze of Marquis Glain, who turned his
head and looked at me.
A little embarrassed, she shook her head and spit out almost
“I never thought that a place like this would exist someday.”
Fortunately, it was a better word than I expected.
It was the first time I knew of a place called Hokya, but I never
thought that there would be a space in which these creatures live in
a new black place.
And it was wider than I thought.
It may seem endless because there are no carriages or horses, but
the castle and village built amongst the vast wilderness was a little
As I glanced around with curious eyes, he led me to one side.
Perhaps because it was sad, no one would come any closer.
The moment he entered the haze, it was after he pulled out his
wings while wearing a small coat after glare.
The horns that rose on his head, and the light blue eyes that were
transparent and icy like ice, matched the darkness very well.
“First of all, there is the ‘Negro’, which is the part of the shell that
surrounds the outside. Here, there is only a wasteland and there is
almost nothing.
I've never seen a wilderness area at all.
Is there another entrance? As I moved around, he opened his mouth
as if he had guessed what I was thinking.
"We didn't go through Negrore because we used the passage."
Nya heard the story with interest
His story was like a fantasy, but it was not a fantasy, so it was very
enjoyable just to hear the story.
Maybe that's why the Marquis of Glein didn't seem too bothered.
‘‘The second is ‘Hokya’, a collection of areas where living things live
like this. This place is divided into a total of thirteen realms, and
many races other than humans live together.”
It seemed that the only human beings were not allowed to enter this
hazy night.
After all, humans hold all the territories except for this land, so it may
have been the right answer for them to live together in this narrow
Still, it was kind of sad.
If the races and humans here live mixed together, I think there will be
synergies in it's own way.
There is no need to live in the dark.
“And in the center there was a great dark hump.
has a part We call it ‘Cidus’.”
“Cidus? What is it?"
He thought deeply about the answer to my question, and soon
opened his mouth.
He is careful with every word he says.
one person Don't talk nonsense
and be careful with your answers.
'That's why the Marquis will always believe in you.'
If he does, he will do it and he won't.
“But the fact that some cool dreamer who lives somewhere fell in
love with a human and threw everything away and worked so hard
that I lost my shit.”
The head of the Marquis of Glain was cut off. He had an unpleasant
stranger at once.
I couldn't help but be surprised by the almost disgusting feeling on
the face of the Marquis Glain.
I've never seen him so outwardly displeased.
‘Even during the Duke of Key Liston, he was definitely annoyed.
I saw... .'
This was not tidy. A chill felt as if the air around him had gotten
I stared blankly at his face, trembling at the voice I heard next to him,
and turned my head.
"The X and the hole have been cut in half, you know? Twelfth.
Fucking long time no see, how's your X?"
The one who did not hesitate to spit out his harsh words was a wolf
the size of two men.
It was a man who had his red hair beside him grown up to his waist
in an unorganized way.
He was smiling wildly with his fangs sharp as a beast.
"what? This human bitch. No, not completely human again. Where
did you pick up the halves?"
“Illiana, are you looking around in moderation?”
"Fuck, whoever you are. I'll have to watch you cry while laying your
baby under me, or see you kneel in front of me and apologize."
‘‘It’s superficial’’
The Marquis Glaine, who was openly licking his tongue, swung wildly
with a face full of displeasure.
I was moved by the emotions the man showed, who did not show his
expression easily.
He shuddered and took a step back without realizing it.
Belatedly, the Marquis Glaine softened his expression and hardened
his face as if he felt me. Still, the chill spread around the island.
“When and now I threw away my work
Come and break into other people’s territory.”
“I’m here to deal with the things I threw away, so shut your mouth,
because the kid is surprised.”
The man who spoke as harshly as the Marquis Glein pointed out did
not want to back down.
Whoops! her! The man who had been gasping for breath as if in
absurdity quickly stretched out her hand toward me.
The Marquis Glein reacted quickly. I only discovered it when his
hand was in front of me, and the Marquis of Glein
At that time, I was already holding the man's wrist tightly.
Tendons protrude above the back of his hand.
Blood spurted in the temple of the Marquis Lane, and life fluttered in
his eyes.
“What, are you the new bitch you’re playing with these days?”
“Illiana, will you come back?” “…ah.”
"hurry ."
At his urging, I barely walk
The floor on which her man stands is hollowed out. That is a sign
that her man is heavy or that she is very strong.
"Why, damn it. Are you the only one playing? If you don't want to lay
it down, then let me lay it down. It's been a long time since I've
tasted a human."
Her man's pupils were torn vertically, and her hazy golden eyes
looked like beasts.
When I met those eyes, I was caught by a predator
I couldn't move around like a herbivore.
I was enveloped in the feeling of being ripped out from the inside out.
The Marquis Glaine called me. As she slowly lifted her head, he saw
me with a frown on her face.
When I came to my senses, I was holding onto the hem of his robe
and holding him close.
“Oh, I’m sorry. father… "
The life that had been saddened disappeared in an instant as if it
had been suffocating.
It wasn't the life of Marquis Glaine, it was the life of the opponent. It
became easier to breathe.
' 'Hey, girl. you … What do you say?"
"••••••• "
The man, with his eyes full of vigilance and his mouth closed, raised
her head with a frustrated expression and looked at the Marquis of
As if in disbelief, he couldn't even open his mouth wide open, so he
raised his index finger to point to the Marquis of Glaine.
Unsurprisingly, the eyes of the Marquis Glaine filled with displeasure.
‘‘Twelfth, do you have such a dirty hobby? Is it that kind of play? !
You, you… You said that you were going to live a quiet and ascetic
life, and you were a dreamer... ““Daughter”
“… … what?"
“I said it was my daughter.”
The man's expression hardened in embarrassment.
He looked at me and the Marquis Lane in turn as if in disbelief as he
put his hand to the mouth of the troubled Dot.
"Yes, daughter...? With a human? Did you have children?!"
"Is there a problem?"
"A lot of problems! Are you crazy? ! Who has a relationship with a
human and has a child? Turned around, very! You, you, fuck no
matter how much my X
It works as a brain, but he knows he can't!"
her man pointing between my legs
She shot him harshly. what do you mean
As I looked to go, the Marquis Glaine closed his mouth without
saying a word.
<Episode 80>
Unlike before, he was dealing with the man with an expression that
didn't show much emotion.
She stumbled upon her feet in her place, the man sighed heavily,
then squatted down on her floor, and then jumped up again with a
smirk to the Marquis of Glaine.
The brows of the Marquis Glaine twitched slightly.
“You fucking… , you … Do you love that human girl? Is there any
chance she'll tell you that she's just had children?"
“This poor bastard… Hey, you crazy twelfth bastard, I already knew
you were crazy, but how are you going to deal with it?"
"It's none of your business, seventh."
What the hell are you talking about? The man sighed deeply and
waved her hand.
Shrugging her shoulders with an exasperated expression, he sat
lightly on top of a wolf the size of a man.
“So you’re here to take care of it?” “For the next half year, let me
take over Sidus.”
“So. Fuck you, you have to make up for half my X. know?"
Although he complained, he did not sharpen his teeth like before.
The Marquis of Grain also slightly pricked his forehead.
It was just a relief, but it didn't show any displeasure. He lightly
clicked his tongue.
Your name is still half
what? iliana is fine
“… … my"
“Oh, don’t look at me like that. It's bad for this one who left work in
the first place. If you have to get mad, you're the one who broke me,
not me."
I kept my mouth shut because I couldn't find a suitable word. Of
course, I was wrong first.
Although the Marquis of Gun Grain is long.
Did you say your arms are bent inward? Since he did, I think there
must have been a good reason for it.
' 'I know... No, I don't know. Anyway, it's hard to stop that. He said
that he had to cut off the roots while pouring out his magical energy
without stopping."
What does it mean to cut off the roots? He beckoned lightly to bring
the wolf closer to me.
The wolf closes his eyes and cries slowly
He came right up and put his forehead on the back of my hand. His
hair was soft.
''The night is more
I'd swallow it, but when it expands, it's the human trick that I don't
really want
he waved his hand. Among the two wolves, the wolf whose man had
not sat on his back lowered his body to the highest level and rubbed
the cheek with my hand to show affection.
I glanced at it, slowly raised my hand and touched the wolf's
'It's soft'
It's huge, so I think it'll be enough to run with people on it. It's as big
as a big word.
When I woke up, I realized that I was stroking my cheeks and ears
with both hands.
When I lifted his head, the Marquis Lane was looking at me with a
subtle expression and his man was smiling.
"Isn't it cute? So take a look. It's hard for us too."
I caught it, and I caught it well too. I sighed deeply and eventually
buried my face in the wolf's fur.
What kind of wolf is so soft and cute. Her man grinned, revealing his
' 'Cute, I'm the seventh. You are the king of the beasts. This is the
land of beasts and also the land of desire."
"It's a poor place, I won't be staying long, so let's go, Illiana." "Ah
Looking at the wolf with regretful eyes, he slowly retreated.
I want to ride too. A strange desire was overflowing. I wanted to be
The man who introduced me as the seventh looked at me and
smiled mischievously with round eyes.
‘‘Do you want to ride?”
"eww· … .. "
I glanced over at Marquis Lane and nodded his head.
Isn't it a human dream to ride on such a large beast?
He beckoned to the wolf as he nodded like a very cheerful and
generous man.
‘‘Take a ride, there are no freebies, so you will have to grant one
The body that was about to move, swelled with anticipation,
stiffened. I am one step forward
I put my foot back again.
The man's face, looking at my hardened expression, was still
“I have no money.” ''need
He immediately countered my resolute words, as if absurd.
So what wish are you asking for? He whispered the words that ran
through her mind.
“I can’t even give you my soul… .”
“What the hell did you see? Neither do I eat souls.”
He smiled with an even more absurd expression. In fact, even when
I said this, it was absurd.
The idea that came to me this time was very credible, but I felt a
goosebumps all over my body and I retreated further.
‘‘I’m sorry, but I’m not with anyone else.”
The Marquis of Glein intervened to see if he didn't see it.
No, then the first meeting was like that, how can I trust the flirty man
in front of me?
‘‘No need! I don't do it with a kid who doesn't have blood on his hair
“Then what are you asking for?”
"You can listen, I'm not asking for anything."
He laughed mischievously again. serpentine
the smile is hiding something
It looks like it, but the wolf has a tooth on the back of his hand.
Marle bibini again
My heart is loose
desire overflows. It was hard to feel the need to put up with what I
wanted to do.
“Illiana, let’s just go.” "ah. but father... .”
When I stopped looking at him, the whistle man whistled.
Then the wolf rushed to him and took his body.
He lowered it and bit me and threw it lightly.
The moment he screamed, his buttocks touched the soft thing.
His body staggered, and for a moment he grabbed anything he could
get his hands on and stuck it on. One day I was sitting on a wolf
It felt good to have a better view.
The Marquis Glaine was staring at her man angrily and her man
smiled constantly and waved her hand at me.
“My request, please, let me accompany you. After all, this land is
wide for humans to walk on. It will take a long time, but go for it.”
“It’s up to me to decide… "
“If you say yes, the twelfth will be like that. Don’t you want to ride
It is. I smiled as I felt the softness in my hand.
It's natural to do what you want to do, but do you have to endure it?
Strange thoughts began to enter my mind.
“Do it right, seventh.”
The words of the Marquis Lane cleared her mind.
uh? I am soft in my hand
I tilted my head at this bad thought I had, even as I continued to
touch it.
“The seventh is the master of desire. Stimulate the desire of the
other person. You have maximized your desires.”
Oh, that's right. Sherry below
It looked like a growling crab with an uncomfortable face.
Oseo l亡�
Ah, I guess it's like possessiveness deprived of its owner. Sherry
was so cute that the wolf leaned over when he slapped the wolf on
the back.
As I went down, Sherry came up to me and grabbed my hand and
pulled me in.
She followed Sherry, who was pulling her towards the Marquis of
Glaine, and followed her steps.
“Chat, are we going to accompany you anyway?” “So that’s….”
The Marquis Lane grabbed my hand and turned her around. As I
walked along with him, I rolled my eyes.
One hand was being bitten by Sherry, so it looked like something
was being done.
'What is this?'
did i do something i couldn't
It was rare for the Marquis to look so angry, so I kept my mouth shut.
Of course, I didn't think he was angry with me, so it wasn't that scary.
As I closed my mouth and started walking, the man also jumped off
the wolf and followed me slowly.
"But your name is the seventh?"
"name? What's your name?"
"So… Your name is your name, right? Someone else is calling you.”
“The seventh, seventh king… What else do you have?"
No, it is a little too much to call it the seventh.
However, to say that it is number 7, it is not a number plate, and it is
very embarrassing. However, the guy who says he doesn't have a
name is so casual that it's hard to say anything.
“I have a father… … "
“My name came down to the human world and I made it. Her
surname was taken after her.”
The Marquis of Glein answered me in a voice that quickly found his
He nodded lightly when he saw him, and he looked at her man with
an annoyed expression.
“Can I have that too? name." “Yes, you can do it.”
"okay? then build it I also want a new name other than the seventh
The muscular man pretended to be cute and smiled broadly.
Of course, it was an act that was not suitable for her man to do, so
his eyes ran away.
"ah . . My name is yo... … .”
I have no naming sense. It's never been there before. The first name
I was going to give Sherry was also Hok-soon or Na-mang.
After hearing the name, the Marquis of Glain did not say anything for
a long time. Then, he suggested that I give him a human-like name,
so I realized the seriousness of my name and read a few novels. The
name I stole from there was Shera....
Even so, he misunderstood the gender, so it became a name that
could be misunderstood by some people.
“Ir p … … "
I glanced at the Marquis, and the Marquis was smiling slightly. that
Should I say I'm smiling?
Should I say that Nya is smiling? In the end, I had no choice but to
take a deep breath.
“Build one.”
The Marquis Glain pushed my back.
If it was made with red, it was obvious that he would resent me the
moment he knew the meaning of it. I think the country is like that too.
'Red·· ·?'
His hair is red, so all I can think of is that. Because he carries a wolf
and looks like a wolf...
Red Wolf... . what is this Still, I'm glad to see you're still there
I just need to give it a name, so should I choose one of Red or Wolf?
But it doesn't sound that bad.
" O 立 1_
how about it?"
Her man moved the word wolf several times, and then nodded her
head as if satisfied.
“Okay, that.”

<Episode 81>
Should I say that his voice is lively or ferocious, he was very harsh,
but his tone and actions were harsh.
He thought that if he had a high blood temper, it would probably be
this man.
'Wolf is good. So what's your last name?"
“… … Yes?"
"Last name. You said a name is a combination of a first name and a
last name? It was the twelfth, so I should be there too."
Ah, that's right. Yes. That's right, though... . I'd really be a red wolf,
would that be ok?
I glanced at him tremblingly, then slowly to the Marquis Lane, then
shut his mouth tightly. He didn't even look at me.
'Are you mad?'
Because it's not a funny name? But wouldn't it be pretty
embarrassing if his name was Red Wolf?
After Glaine, I took a small peek and then opened his mouth again,
wiggling his fingers.
‘‘Red… .”
‘Wolf Red? It's fine."
He said that the tone was not bad, and after calling his name a few
times, he happily nodded.
Walk closer to the Marquis of Glein
See him, he's still expressionless
He is making oysters.
"But where are you going?" “First area.”
“Oh, then I’ll go past the third one. I mean, the third one is really
“If you don’t be vulgar and vulgar, we’ll get along better than we are
The Marquis Glaine turned around with a light rebuke.
When I face his ice-cold gaze
Seodo Wolf giggled as if it was fun.
He blinks slowly as he smiles.
“If you lie to my daughter, she will not stand still.”
“If it’s a fight, it’s welcome.”
The belligerent man aggressively responded and accepted anything
he said.
In fact, it was my first time with this kind of person, so I was worried
that I would be tired.
On the day when two people fight
I don't think I can be safe. I
Half Lee, using his survival instincts,
stroking what
The abuser growled as if he was in a good mood.
‘‘Is there a king in the third? What kind of king are you?"
did you?"
You say you're rude, so answer yes
prayer is ambiguous When I don't answer, he clicks his tongue and
shakes his head.
Wolf looked at me for a long time as if he was dissatisfied with
something, and then suddenly opened his mouth bluntly.
“Anyway, are you protecting me as my father?”
“I never thought of having a child, but this is why I want to have
another child. Of course, I won't give birth."
He shrugged his shoulders and walked forward. Large wolves follow
the same path he walks.
It is a strange companionship of one abuser, two wolves, and three
‘‘The third is the realm of the fairy king. He hates things worse than
"Aha .. ."
“I have a really bad relationship with the twelfth one again, and we’re
pretty good. It's the third time he didn't say anything when they
quarreled and jumped.
If he is the king of the fairies, is he like an elf? If he's an elf, he'd be
great. Actually he wants to see the elves too.
The man kept circling around me, wondering what was so strange
about me. It doesn't look like he's tired.
"Why do you keep looking?"
“No, it’s funny. Looking at it this way, it sure looks a lot like that one.
How can a human smell be so strong?"
Her man, who had put his nose on the nape of my neck and
thumped, looked at me with curious eyes again.
I don't know what the Marquis Glain looks like
The color of her hair was the same, but Illiana Glein was originally
similar to him in her actions or thoughts.
“Still, there is also a strangely mixed scent of a dream. Come and
play sometimes, I think you would be welcome.”
burden. This man was terribly burdensome.
I sneakily approached the man on the other side of the Marquis of
Grain and hid myself.
The man felt my gritty look and narrowed his eyes and let out an
exaggerated sigh.
"I hope, I want to have a child like that. Don't you want to have
another one? I can raise him well."
The Marquis Glaine frowned harshly. The sharp gaze of the Marquis
reached this man.
Wolf revealed this and grinned. That person doesn't seem to be
afraid of the Marquis of Glein.
It's because the outside is the king.'
By the way, it seems that he always gets this angry when his little
marquis gets involved after Glaine.
The growling wolf was definitely unlucky.
When I came out of the seventh village, the forest and wilderness
were spread out.
The existence of such a space itself is so amazing that the forest
that spread out under the night was full of all kinds of things that
were neither beasts nor beasts.
I couldn't even call it a beast.
I've never seen such a beast in my life, and the reason I couldn't
even call it a beast was because it was different from the beast I
They didn't attack first, but at the sound of people behind them, they
moved away from each other.
'that's interesting.'
I moved slowly, watching all the things passing by and flying.
And soon enough, I had to sit down. The unpaved road was rough,
there was a long way to go, and my physical strength was limited.
After clenching my teeth and chasing after me, I finally stopped and
bowed my head, and Marquis Glaine looked at me carefully.
He put his hand on my forehead with a hardened face and clicked
his tongue low. Wolf poked his head in between them.
"What, kid. Why is your face so white? Are you okay? Did you get
bitten by a leech? Is your face sucked in blood?"
He looked at me anxiously as he uttered harsh words.
I didn't know what I was looking for, and even if I was really bitten by
a leech, I wanted to reply that the leech couldn't suck blood enough
to turn people's faces white, but only rough breathing came out of
my throat.
“If it’s hard, you should have told me in advance.”
"I'm having a hard time? What's going on? I haven't walked in a
while? I can still see the light of my town."
Obviously, in the dark world of night, the lights seemed particularly
bright. Thinking like that, I don't think I've really walked that long.
But my legs trembled and I wanted to sit down right away. My feet
hurt and even my head is dizzy
o It’s just that, I distorted my expression
Now, the Marquis Glaine embraced me at once.
He firmly supported under his thighs,
As if holding a child, you leaned on me on the shoulder.
Without even feeling the problems and shame about it, I drooped
What kind of road is endlessly stretched with wilderness and forest
like this?
' 'Have you got any disease? Have you been poisoned? But it's still a
long way off the tenth."
“I’m tired of being tired.”
'do… · Tired? Did you just walk this far? Oh, isn't that a bit harsh?"
After hearing Marquis Glaine's words, Wolf wondered what was so
strange, and for a long time he circled around the Marquis Glaine
holding me.
Even that line of sight doesn't have the energy to shoot a single
“Human physical strength is different from ours. And I walked quite a
bit before I came here. Do you sit down in a suitable place and rest?"
"Where do you rest, and what do you rest? ! It's just a matter of
walking two or three more days. Rest.
You never know when you will arrive.”
"Go back to your seat."
The Marquis Glaine was irritable.
He went into the woods, looking for a place to rest, but Wolf's mouth
could not rest.
It's so noisy that I even thought about putting a mouse down.
“Father, it’s noisy.”
Rest by my side saying I can't believe it
As he muttered helplessly, tired of the birdless man, the Marquis of
Glein staggered out, kicking his tongue low.
“Aww, hey! you ! Twelfth!"
I glanced at the screaming voice and turned my dog to see a dark
haze holding Wolf's here and there.
It seemed to be his shadow. After Glaine, I strode forward without
looking back.
He dug among the trees, in the little grass
Laney sat me on the rock on which it lay.
Then he moved his hand in the air.
There was firewood and a fire, and there was food to eat next to it.
'Are you asking me to eat?'
Of course, I have memories of eating that kind of ability because I
was able to use it too.
Thanks to that, I was able to think about modern food and eat it, and
it was good.
Even though I could taste it, I wasn't full.
“Eating this, I didn’t feel full.”
‘You’re not calling me?”
"Yes, do you call your father?"
He nodded his head slightly, and then he pondered with his gloomy
A deep concern was felt in his eyes as he touched his chin.
Suddenly, the shadows seemed to have scattered, and Wolf came to
us while gasping.
The Marquis Lane kicked his tongue openly. It's rare for him to be
this offended, but I think we're seeing a lot of different aspects of the
Marquis of Glain today.
Nya glanced at him. Wolf came over to my side and sat loosely
under the rock, cross his legs.
Thinking about it again, Wolf is really unstoppable.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine? not okay! that shadow is frozen
Do you know if mana is bothering you? A really, really, really bad
Grinding his teeth, he shouted. I frowned slightly at the piercing
The Marquis Lane crossed his arms and looked down at Mi Wolf and
opened his mouth.
“Is there anything to eat in this forest?”
“Something to eat? it's here"
“I ask if there is such a thing as human food.
"ah… , human? why? Doesn't this make you hungry? It's full of
Having said that, Wolf reached out and took the food the Marquis
had prepared for him with one hand and poured it into his mouth.
It was like a finely chopped steak, but it disappeared into his mouth
in an instant.
‘‘Well, it’s delicious and okay, but is there anything human can eat? If
not, what meat should I eat? You just have to hunt lightly.”
He said, sticking out his tongue and licking the sauce full of his
The squeaky look really resembles a beast. It was a part that gave
me a little more insight into why he was the king of the beasts.

<Episode 82>
“Oh, how many do you have? Is the meat okay?"
‘‘The vegetables are
'Jesus? weeding? Do you eat almost anything here? I don't know,
like that. It’s because we usually just make a mass of magical power
like this, shape it into food ingredients, and sprinkle some sauce on
I blinked without a word at Wolf's explanation.
I thought that all trees had neither fruit nor flowers, but I never
thought that there was such a bleak reason.
"Aren't there any fruits?"
“What is a fruit?”
What are the benefits of trees? Of course, I don't think there will ever
be a tree that can only grow under moonlight.
However, it has grown abundantly, so there is a rule of some kind.
I thought.
It wasn't the kind of thing I just wanted to eat because it wasn't
Illyana Glaine's lack of appetite, but it didn't mean that I didn't like my
head again.
‘Does it feel like crocodile meat? '
I couldn't even imagine the meat of a beast or a strange animal that
looked like that.
Of course, there are hedgehogs on the other side of the earth or
I've heard that dog licks are eaten unconditionally as long as they
have flesh.
“I hope I will be like that.”
After a small mumble, the Marquis Glaine glanced down at me.
Wolf stood up slowly, stretching his body and narrowing his eyes.
His pupils narrowed vertically like a beast, and he lightly kicked the
ground and climbed up.
Jumping high, he circled in the air and landed on a tree.
Then, in an instant, it disappeared like the wind again.
lower his body and raise his arms as if
moving is really
Boy was told.
make him a beast
“A wolf is really a wolf, isn’t it?”
“The frost wolf and the red thorn wolf
What is a frost wolf and a thorn wolf?
are you a wolf
seems to be
the wolf
talking about wolves
Maybe it's because I sat down and rested my body
It became comfortable. All my doubts 0
He sat down on one side and opened his mouth.
“The frost wolf is a wolf that deals with ice that lives in cold places,
and the red thorn wolf is a wolf covered in thorns that contain flames.
Both are huge.”
I couldn't help but be surprised by his story, adding that it would not
be an exaggeration to say that it was the size of a house.
two wolves entangled
I can't even imagine
Wasn't it the wolf's
because it didn't rise.
"But it looks like a human?"
“If you have high magical power, it is possible to transform into a
human being, even for beasts.”
"It's amazing here, it's like having a long dream."
Coming to this world, meeting him, and living in a place called a
nightmare are all like a dream.
I just laughed quietly. It's like being in a dream and walking in a
“If this is a dream, it must be a very long dream
“This is not a dream. It's your life.”
“But why did you bring me here?”
“Because I wanted you to see, hear, and learn.
You can live as you please, or you can become my successor.”
said Marquis Glain.
I'm going to say what he says at once.
I couldn't do it, so I had to blink a few times and swallow my breath.
I didn't quite understand what he was saying.
“What does it mean to live here?”
"If you really hate the emperor and don't like the world, it's a story
that there's a place to escape."
He is giving me options. There were several options, and I could
choose any of them.
He will do his best for me. Even though I know I can't do my best for
“I don’t know why the Marquis is so nice to me. No matter how much
children say they don't care, the real thing doesn't exist anymore...
Why are you doing this?"
"••••••• "
Even a shell wouldn't be enough. Seriously, it’s not like I didn’t love
Illyana Glaine.”
He would have loved her in her own way
it's all
The Marquis Glein looked at me slowly, then turned his gaze to the
blazing bonfire. He crossed his arms and let out a short sigh.
“Yeah, as you said, I loved my child.”
"Yes. I know. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so cherished and
educated as the heir of a marquis other than the Empress."
That's not all. I love his sincerity
I saw it in the study of the Marquis Glein and realized it.
He read, studied, and tried numerous parenting books.
To the extent that I thought I might have read all of the parenting
books that were available on the market, the house where the
Marquis was living was filled with childcare books.
“But, this must also be what the child wanted. In the end, whether he
lost his way, lost his ego, or gave up his body, that's what the kid
“I still couldn’t say that to the Marquis.”
So I chose a substitute. Not bad, not bad either
This is one of the best endings imaginable.
Because he's a person who doesn't have to boil a boat and will do
anything he wants.
'It is unavoidable to feel depressed.'
It's not my job to expect and be disappointed. If you take what you
are given and do it well, that's enough.
I scratched the back of my head, wondering if I was making any
noise. Watching him lick his lips, he quickly hit the player.
“Oh, I’m hungry. father." thud! There was a lot of dust.
"Hungry? Kid, is this enough?"
A large beast that made a heavy sound fell down heavily, engulfed in
The man who had been dragging a strange beast resembling a giant
wild boar with one hand did not show any signs of fatigue.
He couldn't believe that he had been holding it in one hand in the
first place, but still, he's more than happy in an awkward situation
like now.
' 'Hey, but while I was catching it, I thought about it, and I'm going to
feed your daughter, so why do I have to catch this?"
“No one told me to go.”
Where the Marquis of Glein is quietly sick
stabbed Wolf was silent for a while, as if he had lost his words, and
then let out a breath.
Then he ruffles his hair and sits down.
"But why did the atmosphere become so X-like?"
' 'It's so lighthearted."
The Marquis Glaine didn't hide his displeasure as he didn't like the
way he spoke.
Of course, Wolf shrugged his shoulders, bewildered by his
nonchalant ears.
“You cook the rest, you cook.
The Marquis Glein glanced at Wolf and then created something.
Large enough to be used for cutting meat or meat
A meat knife cuts the neck of a wild boar without mercy
Blood spurted out like a fountain, and soon Wolf took it all over.
> In the meantime, not a single drop splashes on me
I'm surprised it didn't.
The tendons on the back of Wolf's hand dripping wet and dripping
with blood
Are you a fucking bastard?"
"It was the most absurd joke I've heard this year that a mere beast
would kill me."
"You shouldn't be arguing with me because I feel like X. Do I look like
a furoshiki because it's really quiet?"
"Isn't that disrespectful to the furoshiki?"
The Marquis Glein was fighting surprisingly.
He speaks clearly to the last
Although I was offended, the choice of words could not be so
explicit. The enemy's intent is clear.
“Ah, the twelfth motherfucker!”
Wolf jumped up from his seat.
Two giant wolves standing behind him revealed their teeth, and
Wolf's pupils narrowed vertically.
In the meantime, the abuser was crouching at my feet and yawning
‘No matter how much I say I’m the owner… .'
The original owner was the Marquis of Glein, but I wonder how it can
be so indifferent.
However, Sherry is not moving, so it is difficult for me to pray.
I repeated that I only touched the hem of the ash flower, which I
couldn’t do this or that.
If there is a real fight like this, at least neither side will be safe.
I don't even think the Marquis of Glain is going to be knocked out,
but this fire
I didn't even think that a man with the same personality would attack
the Marquis of Glein, but he wouldn't succeed.
If it's an arm, maybe it's better to block it, right?'
I don't want the food I've caught at all to be wasted. Come to think of
it, I was hungry because I was starving all the time.
I slowly got up from my seat. When I got up, even the smooth-bodied
abuser stretched and stood up.
It's really like a cat'
It was like a cat with its claws up and its back straight.
“Wolf, is there any lake or creek nearby?”
number of people? Oh I don't know where you are, why? I'm this
bastard today, I'll put it under me and never again... … !"
Wolf's eyebrows rose and he only rolled his eyes and looked at me.
he said i grabbed his wrist
looking at him, his eyes narrowed
He took a deep breath and sighed.
“Oh, I’m going to live with shame. I have a child
Pupil soon
I pulled his hand.
I'm back.
Close mouth亡 文R
He glanced at the Marquis of Glain for a moment, then turned
around with a mischievous smile.
Root ..Q..2.
on the shoulder
The smell of thick blood stimulated the sense of smell.
Before entering the bush, I looked back at Marquis Glaine's wool and
saw him staring at me with gloomy eyes.
When our eyes met, my back shivered
The gaze was no longer felt.
"By the way, Wolf are you gay?" 'gay? What is that?”
He blinked his eyes as if it were the first time he heard the word
to hear
It looked innocent and innocent again. Of course, it was a word that
didn't go well with a man with a coat of arms.
“Uh, I love a man and a man and what… You're also building
relationships. What to do with my father from the first time we met...
What do you... to do it.”
"Aha… , no? In a nutshell, doesn't it matter? Either way, it has its
own taste.”
"Five… Are you as messy as you look?
“Is that what you usually say face to face? In a strange way, it
resembles the twelfth cub."
Wolf laughed softly.
<Episode 83>
It's as if he's completely forgotten what happened with the Marquis of
On the contrary, it was a little surprising. Although he has a good
personality, he can shake it off if he turns around.
'Surprisingly, he's very hot-tempered, but he could be a decent
It's better than procrastinating and struggling for a long time.
I quietly walked along the bush next to him.
He didn't talk until he took a bath at the shore of the lake he had just
arrived at, so it was good to think about it.
The wolf, who threw himself on the shore of the lake and ran wild in
the water, lightly fur... No, he was wiping his hair and wiping it dry.
I also wiped his hands and the nape of his neck roughly.
He strode towards me and
Mugwort pushed his face.
"But you're my taste too?" "yes?"
“Not to mention the soul, but she inherited the twelfth gene properly,
so her body is very pretty, right? Of course, I don't like it when it's
less ripe, but I like it as it is."
He stopped in front of me and smiled bitterly. The man who dripped
with water was captivated by a strange color.
His red tongue slowly moved his ah
licked his lip.
‘‘Do you know carnal lust? If you don't know, will you tell me kindly
and kindly? I'm sure of that again. I'll teach you how to make a man
cringe in bed."
He said so and wrapped his hand around my waist.
He laughs again when he is unable to move due to his fishy-eyed
being stunned.
The fangs you see every time you smile are sharp as if they weren't

“At the most, if you were born with such a beautiful body and mind,
you should make your partner serve you. Even if you don't have a
difficult relationship."
"So… Well, you want to have sex now?"
“It’s more straightforward than I thought, right.”
Oh, right?
It's even more surprising that this statement is correct.
So, it seems that I have suffered what is now commonly referred to
as fluttering.
After thinking up to that point, my head
I have very few memories of being fluttered in my life.
Even if there was, most of them refused, saying that they had a lover
on my side. Of course, he actually had a lover.
The problem is that I was the only lover I thought of.
“If I’m a man after a failure in unrequited love… well, yes.” ''crush?
The twelfth daughter? What kind of merciful kind of luck has been
rolled over?"
Actually, I thought she was a couple, not an unrequited love, but she
was shoveling alone, but it's a bit embarrassing to say that.
‘‘Well, and I’m not really a daughter.”
At my words, Wolf rolled his eyes and tilted his head. They look
exactly the same, but not where?
At the sound of an absurdly muttering voice, I still opened my mouth,
holding him by the waist.
'It doesn't matter that he's the same king anyway.'
I would also like to get some advice on this ambiguous relationship
with the Marquis of Glein.
And I wanted to determine how much of his words were true and
how much of them were false.
“Because I am not originally from this world.”
‘‘Well, this body is actually the body of the father and daughter…
ability in my father's words
I got lost while trying to write, so I can’t come back forever.”
“Ah, there are rare cases like that among the dreamers. You’re the
kind of person who doesn’t know where to go and where to come
Wolf nodded his head lightly as if he understood what I was saying.
Then he hugged me and sat me down in a suitable place, then put
me on his lap. It was a bit of a disappointment.
Of course, I'm not dating anyone.
It really doesn't matter, and Wolf doesn't care.
It seems like it's more of a reaction here
I think I will... … .
I don't know where to start pointing this out.
It was probably the behavior of Wolf.
“Go on.”
"uh… Yes. But in that empty body, I, ah. So I was from another
world, and I must have died there. That's why the soul came into this
body, didn't it?"
"iced coffee."
Wolf added a chuim as if he understood
Gon nodded. Wolf seemed to ponder for a moment, and then he
opened his mouth.
“So, in short, are you a foreigner?”
“Yeah, that’s what they usually say.” "Aha, it's a very rare case.
Unless you're lucky enough, it usually works that way.
No. Usually the soul wanders and dies
It’s basic.”
Wolf explained to me in amazement
I have a good idea if this is surprising
I wasn't caught, so I was surprised at Wolf's Banung.
The body of the man who was close was definitely a lump of muscle.
'Well… It's really hard.'
How much exercise does it take for the human body to become like
this? Of course, you said he was a half-wolf.
“By the way, you’re lucky that you used some medium or channel to
come all the way here and enter an empty body.
“It’s no luck. Have you ever been a saint in your past life? It's very
strange. Somehow, he said that he had a very clean soul.”
He put his nose in the nape of my neck and thumped. Thinking it
was a wolf, I understood this strange behavior.
This is because the beasts often stung their noses to recognize
human odors.
“So the original body was not this beautiful. I thought I was dating the
person I love, but he only used this dragon to earn money and
passed the exam, and then I found out that I was secretly dating a
woman with more money.”
Wolf looked at Nya with a look of what kind of dog-like bastard he
He seemed to be looking at me a little pathetic. Fortunately, he didn't
say that.
“Anyway, it reminds me of the fact that I couldn’t kick between those
little legs.”
''Hey Kid. Of course, it would be nice if the body was beautiful too,
but you are beautiful enough, but in your case, you were talking
about the soul, right?"
"yes ?"
This time, on the contrary, I asked the question absurdly. He twisted
his lips and shed tears of ridicule.
Nya looked at it silently.
tilted his head. He pressed his finger against my heart.
"Your soul, a very rare soul."
“Uh, okay?”
It's a little embarrassing to be praised for not only the looks, but also
the soul. A soul I can't see... .
I glanced down and looked at my chest, but there was nothing but a
trace of wild boar blood, let alone a soul.
“Geez, I would be lucky to be able to see it once every few
generations. Right now, it's still blurry because of the traces left
behind by the soul of this body, but it's still so conspicuous, so soon
you'll know it's you just by looking at the soul from afar, right?"
Uh, I hate that. Not any name tag. Seeing my brow furrowed, he
laughed out loud.
He rests his forehead on my shoulder and the sound of laughter
giggling makes me embarrassed.
what kind of expression is he making when he raises his hand
I looked at him as he was fat as he touched my face, and he quickly
stopped laughing. Yes, it seemed like he was holding back his
laughter, so there wasn't much of a difference.
“So you said. The blessings that rolled in were filled with tears. As
long as you're by my side, I'm sure all the things I've done will go
"Are you getting loose?"
“Yeah, that bastard isn’t anything special, but if you’ve caught a lot of
money and passed an exam, it’s all thanks to you. It's because you
cared for him."
So, that means it was the best among hogus.
I passed the exam and boasted a lot of money.
Actually, my life was quite unhappy, but what is this… … .
“So, your heart will go away and everything will probably go wrong
without you?”
“Because of you, I have spent a lifetime of luck, so all that is left is a
life of unhappiness. After you break up
Didn't you contact me?"
seems to have come I got annoyed and threw my phone into the
water .
I don't even know how the call came.
I think he came home too, but he was locked up in his room and was
reading novels or nights and nights.
“I don’t know, I’m not interested.”
He looked at me as if surprised by the cold voice.
He ruffled my hair and put my chin on the top of my head. Thanks to
you, my head was bowed down.
‘‘Hmm, unhappy souls will lead you to
it's meant to be if you are by my side
be able to breathe
I will hear it.” feel the same
'Are you an unfortunate soul?"
Why did Magnus flash through his mind for a moment?
I quietly bowed my head and pondered.
Without any further thought, the voice above my head gave the
“Yeah, there are people who have a lot of karma in their previous
lives, are born with karma, or are born with misfortunes from birth.”
“Those people are instinctively attracted to you. You of your pure
soul will shine and you will not be able to bear the desire to have a
being like you.”
Wolf's voice was serious. He continued his speech in a voice that felt
no playfulness at all.
I get nervous at that serious voice.
It is my side to do.
Why, the mischievous person suddenly lost
They say it's a little scary when it gets dark.
F was a bit like that.
“When they basically have a lot of karma,
The desire for the door is strong. kill you yes
Do you want to defile your soul, or chew on it, and you will have the
urge to slaughter.”
“… … Yeah? No, why?"
“Originally, clean things are the ones you want to get dirty. That’s
how I think I can have them.”
Wolf spoke again in a mischievous voice. He grabbed me lightly and
got up from his seat.
I don't know why the Marquis Glaine or Wolf can hold me so lightly.
He held me as if holding a small child with his one arm, and moved
slowly without showing any signs of difficulty.
Looking further away from the lake, it seems that he is returning to
the place where the Marquis of Glein is.
"By the way, I said that I have a clean soul. Actually, I wasn't very
happy, but that happiness doesn't apply to me?"
‘Um, this is so complicated… .”
Wolf scratched my shaggy hair with his other hand.
After thinking for a long time and holding his chin, he opened his
mouth as if he was convinced.
It was
“Normally, it’s given to the people around, so nothing falls on the
person himself.”
<Episode 84>
Are there any cases like that?
Besides , my parents even died .
Exactly, one died and the other lived and left me.
It was an accident that destroyed the car in half.
It was a miracle that Myeong was alive.
“So, actually, it’s really hard to stay connected with someone like you
for the rest of your life.”
Does that mean I'm going to be single for the rest of my life?
He shrugged as he glanced at his side face with bewildered eyes.
He sighed as he said it as an excuse that this wasn't something I
could do.
“I don’t know if it continues to boast of the world’s greatest power.
Kids like us, kings of the night, or emperors of human empires.”
I think you'll understand the meaning of the word being speechless.
So, this life seems to be just a story about living a clean single life.
I nodded my head.
“Yeah, anyway, those who are born with a vessel to be king are large
because their vessel is large.
A big home isn't even a home. Since it was you, the other party will
be fine, and then you will be able to replenish the things you cannot
have, like water pollen.”
"Aha "
In conclusion, the only thing that comes to mind is Magnus. Is this a
forced worldview or a forced probability?
Or is this what we call fate?
It is Magnus who can handle me, and even Magnus who tries to
destroy me.
After being in deep trouble, I came to my senses, and before I knew
it, I had arrived at the place where the Marquess of Glein was.
In the middle of the bushes, a colorful and antique table was laid out,
and it seems that I was already seated.
The well-grilled meat was dazzlingly shiny in front of me.
''hey! All I have is bones!"
Wolf screamed. Surely there are a lot of sheep in front of him, but all
that is left is the flesh attached to the bones and the leftovers from
It was
After Glaine, the little girl held out her fork and knife to her without
saying a word. As if he couldn't even hear Wolf's voice.
"Huh! Really, really. Do you want to live with shame!"
After uttering a single word, Wolf became silent.
When he lifted his head slightly, he was eating the flesh with the
bones of a large wild boar in both hands.
Watching him nibble with excitement, he seems to have an appetite
that he didn't have.
“Are you going to eat?”
“Oh yes, thank you.”
At the urging of Marquis Glein, I also grabbed a fork and knife. The
meat was cut very softly.
Thinking that the craftsmanship of the Marquis Lane was so good,
she put it in her mouth and her meat melted.
“… … it's delicious."
Nya muttered with surprised eyes. It was so delicious that I didn't
even think of it, but it came out of nowhere.
The Marquis Glain, who was looking at me, smiled softly and started
eating with my fork and knife.
I glanced at him with a fork in my mouth. In many ways, I really don't
Wolf is really only a bone
looking at what's left behind
looked at me piercingly.
‘‘Hey, the twelfth.”
chin chin
Glein Hujak looked at Wolf while he was eating while leaning down
to the wine glass to see where the wine came from.
'Is that also made with magic?'
Sprinkle sauce on food made with magical powers, then season it
and eat it. It's a very strange age.
In fact, in such a harsh environment, it would be difficult to plant and
grow crops.
Farming in a world where there is only night in the first place
Building itself was unreasonable. Will it rain?
If you can't water, you don't need two things to grow a crop.
'The wind is not blowing.'
It was very quiet here. as if nothing.
"Can you give me your daughter?" “Crazy.”
He blew out a single word. He looked at Wolf with contempt.
I cut the meat and put another one in my mouth, and I looked at him,
wondering what kind of bullshit this was.
“You know better than to go out anyway, and you have no choice but
to eat and live, don’t you? You didn't even know it at first, but that
soul... did you see it?"
He tilted the wine glass without a word.
There was wine next to Wolf, which, oddly enough, was not a glass,
but a bottle.
No wonder he ripped off the cork and gulped the drink into his
The excessively poured wine ran down the corner of his mouth and
dripped down to wet his chest.
The Marquis Glaine had a long eyebrow.
I didn't specifically point that out.
Nya watched the two of them at the studio and put another slice of
melting meat in her mouth.
Did you cook it so it doesn't feel greasy, eat it
I don't get tired of eating either. A smile was built up.
‘‘If you go out there, you won’t live long. don't just get eaten You
don't know what the ending was like, do you?"
The Marquis Glaine lowered the glass to a loud noise.
Every movement is always as light as flowing water, so there is no
sound. This was unusual.
“But when you see that first thing, keep quiet.
won't let
Did you bring it?" But what were you thinking?
Wolf ran out of a bottle of wine in an instant.
Putting it down like throwing a bottle
The bottle rolled and fell to the floor.
Was I that dangerous?
Mel, I don't like coercion and I won't touch her if she doesn't want it.
It’s very moving, but I don’t mind waiting for it to come more ripe.”
“You better shut your mouth.”
The Marquis of Glein made the cut. Wolf sneered at him as if
sarcastically, then shrugged.
The line of sight sharpened again. However, it seemed that he had
no intention of attacking like before.
“All decisions will be made by this kid. I
She gave this kid her options and it's up to her to think and choose.
You or I have no right to interfere.”
"Hmm… , yes, I respect that idea.”
Wolf folded his arms and tilted his head. Wolf turned his head to look
at me and clicked his tongue low.
Then I looked at the Marquis of Glein again. Before I knew it, I felt
that there was only one piece of meat left, like eating popcorn, and
my mouth was dry.
The Marquis Glaine gave me all that was on my plate.
Did his eyes run next to him? His chest seemed to tickle me, so I
lowered my head involuntarily.
Oh, I'm not really a person without some kind of parent. Why is it so
good to be so concerned about even insignificant actions?
It's just that the fact is a little annoying. My heart was pounding.
"Twelfth, I mean it sincerely. If you've seen that soul, you'd know."
"stop. Make it there, seven
Regarding the condition of the second child, the parents
I know better.”
Wolf went silent as if he was speechless.
He came out for a while, taking turns looking at the Marquis Glaine,
then shut his mouth quietly. Wolf seemed offended, but didn't cry any
more, realizing that he wasn't wrong.
“Yeah, that’s what you would be. Do it yourself before it's all broken.
Even though it wasn't because she was staying in her room, her soft
soul was hurt... … Pot, ah. Yes, I understand.”
Feeling the harsh gaze of the Marquis Glaine while speaking, Wolf
closed his mouth in annoyance.
Wolf grunted for a long time, asking if it's okay to worry about it, and
eventually fell asleep on one side without saying a word.
After that, there was no conversation between them during the meal.
It was a bit uncomfortable later on.
I also quietly closed my eyes in the arms of Sherry and the wolf. The
bodies of the two beasts are hot
It was hot and not cold.
It was the next day that we arrived in the third area.
The next day, after taking a good rest, I thought about my stamina
and moved on the wolf's back.
Sherry seemed to be very dissatisfied, but when I asked her to play
with me, she didn't even want to refuse.
The moment Wolfe suggests that the Marquis of Glaine ride with
them, the Marquis of Glain
As if nothing more to be heard, it spread its wings and flew into the
To be honest, I was a little surprised because it was the first time I'd
seen him spread his wings.
Of course, it wasn't because they didn't suit me, it was because they
matched so well.
The big wings that flew casually over the night sky were pretty cool.
“What, is this the first time you see me flying?”
Breaks me from keeping my head down and unable to take my eyes
off the Marquis of Glein
Wolf attached a wolf
two things
I cried
"Yes. In the mansion, the appearance of an ordinary human being is
there it is Actually, you are good at cooking.
It was the first time I knew.”
"Oh yeah? that's interesting. Alone Yes, I thought you would be
scared. ”
The wolf is so big that it gives me great stability.
Then Wolf made a surprised expression and folded your arms.
“Wow, you look like that.”
"no. I was more surprised than I thought. you can laugh I thought it
was because I was always smiling helplessly, looking at distant
mountains, or just being distracted by orders.”
At Wolf's honest words, I even wondered if I was that much. He
nodded firmly. that much
it was
The added voice is very strong. After a moment's silence, he giggled
and rode towards me.
“Would you like to ride with me?”
"Is fluttering your daily life?" "Fluttering?"
'Well, you're messing around with me."
Wolf smiled wildly and nodded his head. yeah right The added voice
is full of laughter.
He was definitely an Energizer. picture
I had a strong feeling of brightening the surroundings.
It wasn't long before we reached the realm of the third.
Wolf grabbed me and landed on the high wolf's back.
As the ground drew closer, I felt my body fall, and I closed my eyes
His feet touched the ground with a heavy sound.
“What, are you scared?”
“If anyone suddenly falls, yes.
yo. this."
The ground of his feet was dug deep.
I was mesmerized for a moment by his strength, which did not even
blink an eye, and then nodded his head.
It was also funny to say that I was sorry so easily that it made me
even more angry.
<Episode 85>
"it's okay."
The Marquis Glaine landed with her wings folded next to me. Even
he is so elegant, I wonder if that person was really born to be a king.
‘If I had a father like that, what would it be?
I don't think a man like him will sleep."
Of course he's my father now, though. The realm of the third person
was very forest.
It just feels like it has changed from a bush to a forest, so I'm
confused as to whether this is the third area or just an extension of
the forest.
‘It seems that the atmosphere is a little different.
I also felt that the smell was a little more refreshing.
“Ugh, this place still hasn’t changed. A terrible smell.”
Wolf covered his nose as if he was in pain.
He had an expression of embarrassment. It certainly has a slightly
pungent, cool and refreshing scent, but is it enough to make you
shiver like that?
As he was puzzled, the Marquis Lane opened his mouth with a wry
“A dog’s sense of smell is hundreds of times that of a human.

I hate that I understand it, but I am also surprised at the Marquis of
Glein, who refers to Wolf as a dog with an innocent face.
But once I do not know
After nodding the dog... … .
"I feel like a filthy beast that shakes the whole forest."
A voice was heard from the front. It is refreshing and calm, different
from the Marquis of Glein.
it was the voice
However, the other person's voice is also full of displeasure. It was a
beautiful man with long transparent green hair.
She was more beautiful than the Marquis of Glein, and in fact, from a
distance, it seemed that she would be mistaken for a woman.
The man with a quiver on his back and a very luxurious new white
bow in one hand had pointed ears and sharp eyes.
“Long time no see, twelfth. that
I'm glad you seem to be doing well."
“It’s been a while, third time. It's caused a lot of trouble in the past."
“I’m sorry. I think there must have been a reason.”
Two beautiful men formally greeted each other.
Even if our wolf is forgotten, it remains properly forgotten.
With his arms crossed, he doesn't seem to care much about the
situation. This is proof that you are so used to it.
“Somehow, the twelfth is the bottom
Did you bring a light bastard?”
“Hey, what? Who's to blame for a topic that isn't fun? Is it my fault
that your front and back are sympathetic? all to be jealous
Jealous of the other side, it looks ugly. third''
Wolf didn't lose, he was joking around. I always think about it, but I
think his personality is great.
I was sometimes envious of such a strong person who could show
his teeth in front of someone he despises and react sharply.
"It's better than being treated like you. Wouldn't it be better to let low
desires act as your brain?"
“I don’t know the lust of the flesh, so I have no color. If you have a
pretty face, what do you do, but if your personality is dirty, you can't
date once in your life. This bastard.”
Wolf was more talkative than expected. There was a deep hole in
the elf's beautiful forehead, the third king.
Wrinkles appeared around his eyes.
I smiled awkwardly and averted my gaze.
‘Are all kings like this? '
It would be a bit sad to realize that Wolf is not on good terms with all
the kings. Even among kings, there was bullying and I didn't know
you would cry.
“Child, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but stop right now, it’s kind
of unpleasant”
"Yeah? Oh, I didn't even think about it." I open my eyes and turn my
As he stirred, Wolf shrugged.
The third king's gaze fell on me. He looked closely at Nya and then
looked at the Marquis of Glain.
“You look just like you, have you already made a successor?”
“You are my daughter.”
“… … Well, yes, so the successor.”
“It’s just that she’s my daughter. My son, I gave birth.”
The third mouth shut.
Astonishment and fear in dilated pupils
And the denial of the incomprehensible reality came to mind.
No, is it that surprising? In what part?
"You mean you're having a physical relationship?"
Oh, was it that one? Of course, the Marquis Glaine is ascetic, but
wouldn't every born creature have a sexual desire?
Male or female, whatever, the same goes for animals.
In particular, the Marquis of Glein is said to be the king of dreams.
What the hell is sexual credibility? why so high
The common sense between the dreamer I know and the dreamer
the world knows seems to be a little different.
"Is it a problem?"
“No, it’s not like that, but… It's surprising. Is the opponent another
dreamer? Or the devil?"
"What kind of garbage is your nose? You can smell animals so well,
but why can't you smell humans? Anyone can see that you are
oh It smells like a human being.”
After saying that, Wolf put his nose in the back of my neck again.
No, this isn't something a puppy does when he wants to check on his
owner or sniff his owner.
Why is this person smelling like this?
You said you couldn't wash the door
I have a sensitive sense of smell, so I smell it for nothing
What do you do when you're done?
Wolf washed yesterday, but it turns out that the Marquis of Glein... …
. But does the monster need to wash?
Or maybe I took a bath by myself when I wasn't there.
After Wolf's ridicule, the third king's reaction was no different from
He opened his mouth wide, then trembled with his fingers and
pointed at me, then again at the Marquis of Glaine.
Then I hid behind a tree to see if I couldn't control my body properly,
and after a while, I took a deep breath and appeared again with a
slightly open face.
“Are you .. with a human connection?” “Yes.”
On the other hand, the Marquis Glein was blunt, as if he had
expected all Ban Woong. I knew it was really thorough, but it was
The Marquis Glaine let out a short sigh in her neat outfit.
“I was just passing by for a moment to get into the first area. Look at
your face.
It's okay to say hello."
"no! Wait a minute, wait a minute, the twelfth right now... you're in a
relationship with a human? Did you give birth to a hybrid with a
yo. this? Are you?"
“I would have done that.”
“You, didn’t you hate humans? I know you despise them.”
He murmured for a long time as if in disbelief, and then moved his
head vigorously.
The three who shook his head hard as if trying to shake off useless
The second took a breath.
"But you're going to see the first one now? Are you taking that with
‘‘It’s not me, it’s Iliana.”
No, father. No matter how much I think about it, the point to point out
now doesn't seem to be the case.
Well, I guess I should point out something else? I'm more concerned
about the previous words than that.
“How clinging to the human soul he
You're not saying you don't know what you're doing, are you?
Besides, that pure soul... … "
“I heard that he is currently managing Cidus, so I just thought I
should report it.”
The Marquis Glaine was very sincere. He still didn't like him, so he
wasn't as sharp or annoyed as he was with Wolf.
It seems that I am a very unique being in their particles.
'' Well… . I'm still mixed race, so it's better.
would do it though. Did you come with me at all?"
“No, I plan to go out again after looking at Sidus for about half a year.
That's what I've been saying."
‘I don’t really want to say this to you, the twelfth, but what are you
going to do with this?”
I could no longer ignore the words I had heard twice. So was Wolf.
He had said the same thing.
What the hell can't you handle
ji? Still, the Marquis of Glein has no
He doesn't even respond.
“You think so too? But what… If you like him, what are we going to
The third person who answered Wolfe's harsh words could not open
his mouth any more.
Maybe it's because I agree with Wolf's words.
Can I intervene here or not?
Would it be better to be an indifferent child who seems to intervene
in adult conversations, or to just keep my mouth shut?
would it be okay?
“What do you think your father can’t handle?”
To be honest, it didn't last long. Better to be a kid It is true that I am
To be honest, if everyone I meet says the same thing, it's weird that I
don't care.
“It’s a story of life.” “What is life?”
Wolf and the third, both opened their mouths at the same time. I
closed my eyes a couple of times and then let out a sigh of relief.
Come to think of it, since I am not a human, the lifespan of a human
is definitely different.
'Then what about me?'
He's not completely human, but he's not entirely a dreamer either.
You said it smells stronger, so one-third are humans and one-third
are ghosts?
"It's none of your business."
The Marquis Glein said with a slightly tired face. Perhaps he was
tired of hearing the same words several more times in the future.
Or maybe he doesn't like having to say the same thing to me.
"Yeah, I don't care at all."
As I meekly agreed without a word, the Marquis Glain looked at me
with a puzzled look.
“After all, both mother and father knew this. It's not like we met
without thinking about that when we were in a passionate
"••••••• "
“Both mothers and fathers are deeply thoughtful, so it was a decision
that each of them made after much deliberation… Nothing to say
from the outside.”
Shrug your shoulders and open your eyes
look at
Then Wolf smiled wildly and patted me on the back.
This person has no awareness that I am a woman, that I am a
human being, or that I am not aware of my own strength.
He glanced at Wolf with annoyance, then turned his gaze to the
Marquis Glain, and caught his hazy smile.
He shrugged his shoulders once more at that happy expression on
his face. It's really not my concern.
<Episode 86>
“I’ve seen your face, so let’s go.”
“I don’t even go out after eating one meal.”
“There is not much time. Leaving this child in the dark for a long time
would be no good.”
The third had a slightly disappointing face at the words of the
Marquis Glaine, but he did not hold him further.
‘‘When the next time comes, how about having a drink or a drink? ”
“Yeah, let’s get back to you soon.”
"Okay, then I'll make a passage for you, so you can keep going down
this road."
The third one saw us off as if nothing had happened with a neat
expression on his face.
Nya turned around, leaving behind the third forest, but in the end,
she didn't see anyone except for the one who was called the King of
I thought there were elves or fairies.’
too bad.
I was about to get on the wolf and head back to the first realm.
The spine was terrifying. I glanced around to see a wolf riding on the
wolf next to him, wringing his nose with an ambiguous expression.
"What, do you smell human again?" The subtlety of Wolf's facial
expression came to mind.
When he stopped the wolf, the Marquis of Glain, who was flying in
front of him, also leaned back.
He moved closer to Wolf.
Are you there?"
“No, it smells human… oh right? you are human Should I get him out
of here, or should I kill him?"
The wolf, who was muttering to himself, remembered what he was
thinking, so he jumped up to the wolf I was riding on and landed on
the floor holding me in his arms.
The moment he landed on the floor, his spine shivered as if the gaze
of an animal had touched him.
"ah "
I didn't even think to turn around as I was hugged by Wolf.
When I didn't want to go down, Wolf seemed puzzled and asked if he
was okay.
"Why? Did I come down so hard? Little one, are you okay? You're
half-human too.
So, I was trying to persuade you.”
When I hugged him by the neck and didn't even say anything, Wolf
himself began to slap his feet, seemingly embarrassed.
“Illiana, Glaine.”
A call was heard from behind.
The name that leaked out through the teeth of the door, which was
very thoughtful, made my back feel cold and my body felt chilly.

'why… Here.'
Wolf sighed, as if reading my panicked emotions. He patted my back
“Why are you there, I found a lot.”
"••••••• "
“Come here.”
Even looking back is scary. breath
made this
Wolf let out a low sigh.
A grunt could be heard between his teeth, and when Lee Ok-go
threatened his opponent, a cry came out.
“What about our little boy? on human subjects.”
what's wrong with you
“It belongs to me, so I should get it back.”
“Hell, my little one is attractive, but I only had my eyes on it. A
human being who is like a sick god who looks like a star-kissed
Go baby.”
Shirong - I heard the sound of someone drawing a sword.
I don't know who it is, but the truth is that I don't really want to know.
I struggled to get my breathing back to normal in Wolf's arms.
“You told me to come before I go crazy and cut off all your limbs.
"Wow. That's a crazier dog than me, you bastard. Hey, twelfth. you
My daughter is trembling, so why is she waiting there?"
When I lifted my gaze at Wolf's voice, I saw the Marquis of Grain
standing in the sky with huge wings outstretched in the air.
As if feeling my gaze, the Marquis Glaine looked at me, then shifted
his gaze again.
From a distance he couldn't see the image on his retina, but it was
clear he was looking at Magnus.
“I am thinking”
"Why? If you're going to kill me, I'd be happy to help."
As Wolf lifted his finger, he saw two giant wolves glinting their saliva,
their eyes twinkling to attack at any moment.
Suddenly, Sherry jumped off the wolf's back and stuck close to me.
He called my name softly as if he were calling a dog.
I grabbed Jae Wolf's shoulder, holding his breath, and released it
I patted my shoulder lightly and Wolf made my feet land on the
“Why would you even run away from me?” "No, I'm fine."
After taking a few deep breaths, seeing Sherry by her side, her
rapidly beating heart calmed somewhat.
She slowly hardened her expression and turned her body.
Even in her dreams, her man, who had never been forgotten, stood
there, looking a little thin and unfamiliar.
The dark spirit was in the form of a human, with arms crossed and
smiling mischievously, and sad life came from the storm knights that
surrounded them.
"What would I be in other cubs, Lina."
“I don’t think your Majesty will care what I do in anyone’s arms.”

He let out a low laugh at my hard words. There was a hint of pity in
that expression that seemed to grow tall and happy.
He stretched out his arm towards me. He was giving me orders with
his open palms outstretched.
“Have you slept properly?”
"••••••• "
‘‘I haven’t been able to sleep at night, because the child is worn out
by you, and the body that has been accustomed to you did not allow
the night to be easy.”
It was still a polite voice. But he was impatient. At least it seemed
that way to me.
impatiently and impatiently, but easily
don't show it
“Come here while I am patient.”
“Wow, that rotted and rotted. I told you, you're going to have a lot of
twists and turns."
Wolf holds Magnus with his fingers
The Marquis Glain came down and blocked my way. His wings
obscured his view, and he acted as if to protect me.
‘‘I didn’t expect to see you here, Marquis of Glain.”
‘‘You have set foot in a place where you shouldn’t have stepped on
it. In your lungs.”
“What would she not be able to do to get her her into her hands?
Having said that I'd give her all of her even though she ruined my life
to come."
The voice over the shoulder of the Marquis Gullein is irritating.
Somehow, he seemed to know his feelings just by hearing his voice.
Feeling my helplessness
Sherry came over and laid her head on my lap.
' 'Lina, I missed you. Please come out.”
he called me It was a sweet and mournful voice. Everything I had
done over and over again collapsed.
Knowing that it was just a sweet lie to draw me out, I had no choice
but to show myself in front of him.
Even though they know that they will ruin each other if they get
close, they pretend not to know it. It is a fact that he and I also know.
Even though I knew that if I went this way, I would be nothing more
than a fire moth that jumps into a fire to burn the last of my life in
order to die anyway.
He was still reaching out his hand to me. I glanced at the hand and
opened his mouth.
“As I said before, I have no intention of being your majesty’s beast.”
“It will be so.”
“No, if that’s the case, I won’t go out of this heath forever… or… I'm
going to die"
Hearing my words, his expression hardened as it was. Looking at his
slowly hardening expression, I watched his outstretched hand slowly
go down.
The moment he turned his gaze back to Magnus, he had a distorted
expression instead of a grim expression.
' 'What if I say I don't want to give up? If you say that you will
somehow grab hold of you, break your wings and break your legs to
escape, and stay by my side.”
“I’m going to kill myself.”
“If you want to make that even impossible.”
At his words, I quietly rolled my eyes. There was only one answer to
Even after thinking about it for a long time, I cannot become his
beast or live by his side.
“Then I should congratulate you.”
His eyebrows trembled greatly. His agitation could be seen in his
trembling eyebrows. I smiled on purpose.
Because he was a little more agitated and wanted him to give up on
At first, when I entered the temple, I thought he might forget me
sooner or later.
So I thought I'd either become a priest and live quietly, or else get
away from the social world and see the end of him.
I never expected things to turn out like this. His obsession with me is
‘Because Daeha will have my shell.”
"••••••• "
He didn't speak for a long time. He could feel the gaze of the
Marquis of Glein, but he didn't even bother to turn to it.
Neither Wolf nor Sherry came to mind now. I was only looking at
“I will place you on the highest place in the world. If you want, you
can have a country….”
‘‘I don’t want it.”
“Then tell me what you want.” “… … I want to go back.”
To a cold space with nothing. Still, to a world where I could be
It was cozy and warm, but it was uncomfortable as if I was forced to
fit my body in a different shape.

"You want to go back, where are you talking about?"

The gaze of the Marquis Glein who was beside him was hot. The
back of the head with the wolf is also hot.
Meanwhile, Magnus' gaze was still cold and cold. I turned my head
back to face him.
“Are you sure you want to leave me?’’
“I’ve already been abandoned by you twice.
It is the second.”
Magnus couldn't even smile anymore. he said desperately.
At this unexpected meeting, I was calm and just trying to let out a
Then I saw that i left him
Illiana Glaine just brought him in and tame him, but it was me who,
afraid of the future, decided to go to the temple of God and threw
him away, and it was me who left him as he fell asleep holding the
hand of the Marquis of Glain.
‘‘The third time I decided to kill you. I thought it would be better to kill
and break it, cut off his limbs and keep it with me... … .”
He contorted his face with a more painful expression on him. Nya
was still looking at him with a smirk.
"Why do you come up with such a cry-like expression?"
<Episode 87>
I thought he was looking at me with an expressionless face, but I
was surprised when he was pointed out. She tilted her head and
rubbed her forehead.
I didn't mean to be serious, but it seems to have gotten a little more
Placing Magnus in front of him always makes his body tense.
‘‘Well, anyway. There are a lot of good people, but don't be like that.
take revenge

If you are going to do it, do it.”

He didn't speak for a long time. An hour passed as he only met his
The moment I was about to go first, his lips opened after a long wait.
“How long are you going to be here?”
‘‘About half a year.”
“Where have you been going?”
Why did it suddenly become a question-and-answer period? I
narrowed his eyes, but he didn't

There was no other commotion in sight. He even made Lear look

“Yeah, um… did you say first realm? Father.”
When I asked, he looked at me with a firm expression on his face. Is
it my mistake to be angry?
Looking back, Wolf also shrugged his shoulders with a curious
‘… You might want to go back .'

It's because they haven't been to another world.

For me, even after several years have passed, I do not become an
enemy easily.
A world where there is an emperor and nobility. By the way, I'm a
noble, so everything is fine.
“… … okay."
“That’s right, Your Majesty.” ‘‘I’ll accompany you too.” “Is that so…

He hurriedly cut off the tail of his horse without answering, but the
words that had already been uttered were after they had been
He looked at me and walked closer to me. He held my hand and
kissed the back of his hand, smiling as brightly as before.
“I said I would accompany you. I thought about it.”
He smiled, blinking his long eyelashes.

“After we got back to where we were, I don’t think we’ve ever had a
proper conversation or time like this.”
That's true, but do we really need to talk to each other?
It would be nice if we just broke up with each other here.
'It must be because I have regrets.'
I don't know if it's my regret or Illyana Glaine's. In the end, I feel

It was a sticky feeling.

I can't help but admit it The fact that I am feeling very much like love
for Magnus.
“I want to grab you, press you, and tie you to my side. I wonder if it's
because Lina keeps running away."
“What nonsense is that… "
“So, let’s sort out the emotions. Did you not have time to stick around
like this? If my feelings are simple vengeful obsessions, then I will
soon put an end to this mess.”

Of course, if you are caught, you run away, and if you are caught,
you run away, so it can be a bit annoying.
There are some that are even more annoying. In fact, I call it a
feeling that is close to coming.
“You haven’t completely forgotten me either.”
He put his face close to me and said, I could hear the pulse from the
gripped wrist in my ear.

He must be feeling this fast sound

His face turns red when I think of it.

“So you too have this feeling.

Can you tell if it's fake or fake?
is. You'll lose your memory and you won't feel like me."
"••••••• "
“I ask again, did you sleep at night?”
sleep well

I bit my lip and avoided my gaze, as if I found the answer in my gaze

He smiled softly.
Magnus let go of my wrist and stepped back. Behind him stood the
Storm Knights in a row.
"There are too many to accompany."
It looked like they came to invade.
“Ah, they are humans who often come to hunt and go hunting. Oh
my gosh, why am I in a foreign country to hunt animals?”

Perto reacted to Wolf's sneer, so the light in his eyes under the
gloomy expression was bitter.
Wolf laughed out loud. vertically
I see the narrowed pupil
It looks uncomfortable.
very deep

“Yeah, it will look like a wild beast in your eyes.”

“It must be because your land is expanding at will and invading our
place, am I mistaken?”

it's falling over But in our own way, we are doing our best to block it.
Who wants to use the same land as you guys?"
Wolf picked up his ear carelessly and blew on the wind. With his
arms crossed, he yawned lightly.
Power entered Perto's sword. A pure white energy seemed to rise
from his sword, and his new form, standing there, disappeared.
‘‘If you remove the beast, it will inflate even more.

It's not moving, so it's moving."

Suddenly, a voice was heard from the left. With a crackling wind,
Wolf lightly raised his hand and grabbed his sword.
There was the sound of bones breaking in his hand, and his blood
gushed out.
"What, are you a wind spirit?"
Wolf said, licking the palm of his hand with his tongue, and his
wounds healed in an instant.
Wolf's fingernails sharpened, and as he swiped his hand from top to
bottom, the Marquis of Glaine clicked his tongue low.
"Don't make a fuss, seventh." “Is this the first area already?”
'I crossed the border'
"一0 .t:l.Q.... .. .. .• •"

Wolf quickly lowered his hand. As he clapped his blood-stained

hand, he approached me and opened his arms to me.
Prepare for shock knowing that you are about to embrace

But suddenly, the body was pulled back.

‘‘Don’t let the stench of other beasts stink, Lina.”
"Yeah, can't I just go crazy?"
He whispered coolly in my ear. His face is smiling, but his eyes are
full of strength.
“And let the storm leave the rest, except for a few.”

He quietly ordered.
Perto protested, but only after the Marquis of Glein advised that it
was not good for a large number of people to enter the first realm,
and the spirit of darkness agreed to it, he withdrew with an annoyed
In the end, those who remained were the elite among the elite even
in the storm.
But the problem is that they're all familiar people. It was Keaton and
Philip, including Perto, and Marriott Ross.

That's right.'
It seems that all the elites were attached to me. My heart was broken
when I found out again.
The Marquis Glaine didn't say anything and Wolf said he didn't care,
so in the end, a sudden and outrageous accompaniment began.
The place called the first area was barren.
No matter where I go, I can’t see a single grass

In the first place, I wondered if this was a place where living things
However, as I went into a very deep place, I started to see
something little by little.
“Wonderful place.” "Ah yes. That’s right.”
I replied stiffly at the warmth I felt behind me.
Magnus smiled and sat on my back as Wolf offered to ride behind
me, so Wolfe was eventually pushed aside.

Magnus is behind me, and Perto is behind Magnus.

I don't know what the hell this is. Seriously, I'm a yangban in my
form. The wolf side is more of a spectacle.
It's like the three knights and the wolf are grabbing the wolf's fur so
that they don't bump into each other even if they die soon. Wolf
climbed up to the wolf's head.
"how are you?"
"Why do you keep asking? Do you want me to miss you?"
"My you get used to me and fall asleep

I hope you didn't sleep. I wanted you to think of me and think of me,
is that greed?"
Magnus' sweet voice gave me strength in my eyes. I knew he was
saying such sweet words on purpose.
It's also meant to convince me. It's a little annoying that I'm shaking
"I have no intention of becoming the Empress, and I have no desire
to become His Majesty's beast."
“How are you standing? Do you have a lover

are you?"
“Do you have a married marriage?” “Do, no?”
“Then why don’t you give me a chance and say no to me?”
It tickled my ears thanks to you whispering with my lips close to my
Confused, Nya covered his ears and twisted his body at an angle.
Magnus, who is already close to his body, is relaxed.

it was satisfying
“You seem too close.” “I have a narrow back, so I can’t help it.”
Where is the narrow back of a wolf the size of a house?
Just looking at the three knights over there sitting right apart, it's not
that narrow.
As I properly checked the wolf next to me and tried to open my
mouth on the basis of them, I felt him slowly moving his head.
When I turned my head again, the three knights

All of a sudden, they were sitting together.

"••••••• "
“Look at that, no matter how you look at it, it’s not narrow.”
“Since when did you become so childish?”
"As long as you're a child, I've always been a child. I couldn't even
sleep. Without your warmth, I couldn't sleep."
Yeah, obviously he changed his tactics.

Otherwise, this voice would not sound so pathetic. Or there is a very

small chance that I have a problem with my ears.
‘‘I still love you, Ilyanya.”
I was speechless again. His confession of love always took my
breath away.
The fact that I can't tell if it's sincere or not is because it just sounds
Just translating the engraved words

as if it didn't pass.
"Your love, I can't believe it, Your Majesty."
“You will believe it, I love you.”
Even at my words, he whispered in my ear again. The will to imprint
this as love was overflowing.
Without trying to open the blocked mouth, I closed my mouth.
‘‘Magnus, it would be better for us not to meet.”

“Who made that decision?”

“Even if no one decides, I know. We are ruining each other.”
“It will be fulfilled if we are with each other.”
he said firmly. I do not understand his love.

<Episode 88>
Since they treated each other while hiding their true feelings, it's not
unusual for the story to keep moving around.
The sun flashed in the sky for a moment. It looked like lightning
“Get off.”
"Ah yes."
Magnus kissed the nape of my neck and gently held me in his arms.
Then he jumped off the wolf's back, just like Wolf did.
Yeah, I'm the only one who can't run here.
In addition to the storm and the wolf in the next wolf, Perto jumped
off too.
Being among such people, it seems that I am not normal.
Let's go down to the big wall
I saw an enclosed space.
'do… ·rampart?"
“It is the center of the first realm”’
The Marquis Glein came with folded wings. Come to think of it, both
Magnus and the Marquis Glein were completely ignoring each other.
They don't even pay attention to anything except for a brief
conversation at first.
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
Said Magnus, carefully placing me on the floor.
I wonder if he would have passed on it if he hadn't known his true
form of taking care of each and every place.
'What's your plan?'
He suddenly offered to accompany me and became kind.
I looked into his eyes and sighed. He blinked slowly.
The Marquis of Glein and Wolf took the lead.
Next to me and Sherry, Magnus, with a dark spirit again in his small
form, walked after him, and the rest of the storm came out and
followed Magnus.
Even when the Marquis Glain stood in front of the tightly closed
gates, the gates remained firmly closed for a while.
He sighed briefly.
“I don’t plan on staying long, so let’s open it.”
< You are brave enough to dare to bring a human into my realm.
A voice rang out from the sky like thunder, and it was so loud that it
shook the earth.
The moment I put my hand up to cover his ears, Qwaang!
The sky flashed and lightning struck the Marquis Glaine and Wolf's
There was no one who noticed and was surprised. Light was faster
than the speed of any living creature in the world.
Smoke rose from his arms, as if Wolf had crossed his arms and
stopped a lightning bolt from falling to his head.
I stood still and didn't say anything. Marquis Glein's clothes were
also burnt here and there.
“Ah, first of all, this bat-like bastard is really welcome. Do you know
what the twelfth brought?”
“Because it’s a beast, it’s still stupid. seventh. see you know
Humans, too.>
I heard the sound of grinding teeth in the sky. They seem to really
hate humans.
As if familiar with the voice, Wolf shrugged his shoulders. It looks
really annoying
“How long have you been here? Have you eaten?"
Magnus, clinging to me, had no interest in their work.
Honey drips from the voice whispering in my ear
They fight in front and whisper useless words in your ear.
‘‘What a twelfth daughter, daughter!”
The sharp gaze of the Marquis Glain turned to Wolf. Wolf snorted
and shouted proudly.
There were no words in the sky. Instead of answering, the gates
were opened.
“Oh, it’s open. little boy! let's go."
At the moment Wolf approached and was about to rub his shoulders,
Magnus pulled Nya and hugged him to the product. I could smell his
“It is mine, do not touch it.”
“Hey, are you okay? If you want this kid, don't even think about
destroying it. Well, if you can't overcome the desire that drives you
guys, you'd better just fall off. Let's live a normal life."
Wolf's voice was ferocious.
He waved his hand and added a piece of advice, patted Sherry's
head next to me, and then slid back to the side of the Marquis of
“Jerry, are you okay?”
<I'm fine, I'll hide in the shadows if I do it again>
‘‘Is the lioness talking? Where did these strange creatures come
from?” ‘‘It’s a male, not a female.”
I corrected his thoughts and moved on. Magnus took my hand and
walked leisurely after the Marquis of Glein.
His expression was always bright, so I wanted to know if he was
doing anything on a date.
Upon entering the castle wall, this was another world.
Contrary to what I thought there would be no grass like outside,
there was a village inside the fortress wall.
And there were many people with wings and horns that looked like
the Marquis of Grain.
Among the dogs, some took the form of humans, some took the form
of beasts, and others were neither beasts nor humans at all, but
were half-human, half-beasts, or those that looked like beasts.
They all had different shapes, but they all had horns and wings in
''Isn't that a mongma?"
"The devil. He can't control his dreams, he uses magic."
Wolf explained lightly. mischievously
I could feel the deep redness under the raised eyes.
The demons knelt one by one and bowed their heads before the
Marquis Glain and Wolf.
“You were a real king.”
"What, did you think it was fake? After all, we are pretty scary kings.
We're famous for being merciless, especially kids."
Wolf's finger pointed to the back of the Marquis Glaine.
I casually stretched out his hand and apologized
The one who brought the rum-shaped fruit from the stall
asked for a bite of the fruit.
"Aren't you giving me money?"
how about mel? Those kids are up to us.”
‘It’s because you have no body and are vulgar, you just have to look
at it.”
No, I can just watch it and pass it on
to do… . absolutely
I wonder if this is the case, so it's stealing or something. Gapjil
Of course it's not something I care about.
but. I tried to respond, but I just shook my head
it was thanks
'Come to think of it, this is the first time I've come here to see other
I had seen the beasts.
It's strange that no one was on their knees back then. I tilted my
head, but I thought it might be because of Wolf.
With such a personality, he might have told other kings not to kneel.
“If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.
It will be, Lina. I'll lead, so you can just look below."
“I always thought about it, but Lina acts as if she is not used to the
class system. Aren't nobles and commoners unwilling?"
I was a little surprised by his words. He thought it was a sharp point.
I wasn't wrong
He brought out the parts that even I didn't think deeply about, so
"Why did you think so?"
‘If you look, you will know. Namul Boo
Lee is not used to it, and when someone tries to serve you, even he
has a shaky expression on his face.”
So far, I didn't think he had teased.
I can't say it's an instinctive rejection, but there were a lot of things
that my head didn't quite understand.
Still, it was such a world, so I was just trying to get used to it.
“If you are not used to it, you just have to get used to it slowly.”
“You’re not telling me not to get used to it.”
“It’s an impossible world. You and I are each born with obligations,
and we must stand above others."
Magnus calmly explained. It was soft and not coercive, and it
sounded like it was stroking me.
He wondered if I was originally in a different world
I even had the illusion that I might have known that I had been living
“So you'll have to get used to it, but you don't have to run from the
"••••••• "
"It's a time when it's necessary. Even if you don't want it, it is
necessary to hold on to the lower things and press them down.
Magnus added that there are things we have to do even if we don't
like it.
We made our way down the open road as we watched the people
split to their knees like the miracle of Moses.
‘‘The Empress must have such a guiding principle for something the
Empress does not like.”
I said nothing, but he nodded his head alone, as if he had
understood something.
He felt strange. It felt like he was trying to slowly dig up on me, one
by one, and the fact that it wasn't strangely offensive made him
made to feel
‘‘Lina, Nya wants to know about you.”
“What you dislike, what you like, what you think, what you like and
what you don’t like are everything.”
The fingertips that were caught trembled at his calm reply. Only
anxiety kept creeping up.
“You know what you are going to do?”
"I'm trying to understand you. I'm trying to understand you, who said
you didn't like it, and you who abandoned me."
I was speechless at Magnus' words.
There were no other words that came to mind, so I ended up
chewing only my lips and then had to bow his head helplessly.
I don't think that would change anything.
"I want to go home
The old book
亡0 •...••. "
"That's it. Don't let the unpleasant odor in my territory any longer."
I didn't know it when it thundered in the sky, but it was a woman's
voice. I tilted my head in amazement.
A woman with her huge wings spread out in the air slowly came
down with her eyes wide open.
The woman with her new black hair and bright red eyes, which is
rare to see here, was a typical demonic figure I saw often in novels.
'I didn't know it was a woman.'
I thought the voice that sounded like thunder was actually not
completely neutral.
I hear neutral
A woman with red eyes stained with blood rushed to her feet and
stood in front of the Marquis of Glein.
She literally clenched her fists and threw her fists in the face of her
Marquis Lane.
The Marquis Lane stared at it slyly, then swung back and dodged her
Everything happens in a very fleeting moment
it flowed
"Did you avoid it because you wanted to die?"
"If it's a pity, I remember that I got one shot earlier."
“Do you think it can be solved with just one? It's shameful that
someone isn't the type of people who take away the spirits by
possessing humans."
The woman spit her words out at the Marquis Lane like her rapid-fire

<Episode 89>
The voice that came out with a hard face that did not even smile was
full of life.
I did not know that I would come to realize the intensity of living here.
'Besides, why did you bring this unlucky, lightweight bastard?" "I
don't know."
"Like a dog
Wolf seems to be a bully among kings. I looked at him with slightly
sad eyes.
The Marquis of Glein is too weak. We've been together for quite
some time, but I cut it with a single knife.
It was the most surprising attitude.
It is the age of Wolf's
He snorted his nose with a very harassing smile.
I wore it as if I was used to it.
Whoa, who sells this conscience for X
Do you know that I've been chasing you?"
"Suck your dick and get in my territory
If there's nothing to do, go away. pet entrance fee
"Huh, fuck it. Auntie, you're so old and talkin' like a dog. Don't you
think that's an outdated idea these days?"
No, is there somewhere to point out? There are words that are more
problematic in my opinion, so why are you making a fuss over there?
As I listened to the story, I felt more and more confused in my mind.
‘‘How the hell did you ever meet such an idiot?”
Magnus leaned close and whispered softly in my ear. He was very
concerned about his touch behind him.
It seems this guy is no different. As soon as I gave it to him, he
smiled brightly.
“So, what do you mean daughter? twelfth.”
‘‘Literally, she’s my daughter, but I don’t know why you guys are so
interested in me.”
It's already the third... Perhaps it was because every king he met
had the same banwoong, and the Marquis of Glein finally threw out a
Of course, neither the first king nor the wolf gave him a single
“Is this kid?”
The first red eyes twinkled. To explain, it was as if a curious child had
found a fun toy.
As I reflexively took a step back, Magnus grabbed my waist and
hugged me tightly.
I closed my eyes as I exhaled a breath that had stopped slowly at
the hand that tightly embraced me as if to be relieved.
She came closer to me and pushed her face up to her nose. Then he
began to look carefully between my breastbones.
“Is this, this is your daughter? twelfth”
“First, get away from him.”
"under. This twelfth child will sell to me and give me what I want.”
“She would have told you to fall”
When I saw the face of a woman who casually told me to sell her
with an expression that felt even excited, I was mesmerized.
Do humans even look like objects?
Reflexively trying to step back, it only happened that he and Magnus
got closer together.
“Shh, it’s fine. No one can touch you with a single hair.”
Magnus whispered softly into my ear as if he had noticed me
Actually, he acted like he was going to protect me. Of course, I know
he'll protect me if something goes wrong.
“It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a human with a soul like this. Was he
allowed to become an adult soldier during his lifetime?"
What the hell is she seeing on my breastbone
He stared at her chest for a while, then took a step back with her
ecstatic eyes.
“I want to eat.”
She smiled as she kissed her lightly on my cheek.
Her bright and charming face loses strength and slowly and gently
curves, it's scary that she'll surely be seduced. Same girl... .
“Can I eat it?”
‘Do or no?”
I don't want to be a person whose soul has been devoured.
If not, it's an unstable world, and I'm not an Anpanman, and I can't
eat anything.
I ate all of her as if she was sorry for what I said.
"Right. So, what's going on here? twelfth. This traitor.”
as she strokes my hair
Said Magnus smiled and bit me back.
Wrinkles of displeasure were wrinkled between the first king's
forehead, as he stroked the air.
‘‘I don’t mean to touch other people’s things.”
"What is this, this dark thing is rotten inside
Just before it is rubbed and completely ruined
military how
Is it ?" Walking around alive?
She sees the inside rather than her outward appearance.
Ram Inji, when I look at people, I don't look at her face, I really look
at the chest.
She seemed to see something of her to her. While she had been
looking at Magnus with me for a while, she suddenly burst into
“Oh, that’s right. So you're obsessed with this kid. Being alive is
questionably broken, so it is only natural to cling to it in order to live.”
‘‘What do you mean?”
Magnus' voice became sharp.
The arm that hugged my waist was also full of strength, making it a
bit difficult to breathe.
I don't know why you keep touching a normal person.
The first one raised the corners of her mouth with a frown as if she
didn't like her.
“You have done many karma in your past life, and you are now on
the verge of rotting your soul, which is filthy and smells like blood.”
“So what's the matter with that?”
Magnus asked proudly. There was no sign of strife in his voice.
The first thing to do with Magnus' attitude was to look at me with a
smile as he bowed his head as if he had lost his red hair.
"The king's lumber is usually like that. Those who survive like crazy
and can put people down."
“So, if I survive to the end, isn’t it my victory in the end?”
"right. This child-like soul is king
If this happens, it will break and disappear sooner or later.
and stand on it.”
Every time she looked at me, she smiled brightly and licked her head
as if she was looking at something delicious, but when she saw
Magnus, it just kept getting colder.
''If you're a mixed-race dreamer, do you know how to control your
‘‘Well, a little bit.” “A shadow?”
"I learned it."
‘‘The twelfth seems to have done a good job as a father.”
As I answered, she smiled as she looked me up and down with a
curious expression.
Embarrassed to receive her sympathetic gaze, she flinched as she
scratched her cheek.
“Then I will leave the management of Sidus to you.”
"First, it pisses me off
If not, I don’t want it to be stimulated any more.”
“This is my order, the twelfth, who dare you to hold an angle in front
Even after her cold voice, her cold gaze, and her gaze that seemed
like she would stretch out her hand and cut someone at any
moment, she did not take her eyes off her with her pale blue eyes
that contrasted with the small girl after Glaine. .
“You are still a child.”
‘‘I am in charge of managing Sidus.
It must be the sole authority of each king to decide who will take over
your handover. And in terms of human age, being an adult.”
she clicked her tongue I was just speechless at the conversation that
didn't even fit my opinion.
I don't think I've ever wanted to go.
“This child is inexperienced and young to enter there, so I came here
to show him around, not to put him in Cidus.”
Even in the defense of the Marquis Glain, there is no mention of the
fact that I did not express my intention to go.
All Magnus had to do was stand behind me and rest his chin on his
“Come on then, I wonder what Sidus will swallow.”
‘‘What do you mean?”
“Oh, didn’t you tell me? Sidus started swallowing all around.”
Wolf said in a light voice, as if he was telling me the menu for the
next day's meal.
The expression underneath the smiley face was somehow not very
"Cidus, the center of the night, has not moved very often, but the
number of beasts that come out of it has increased than before, and
he continued to eat nearby life as if he was hungry more than
anything else."
“Are you going to put my child in a place like that now?”
The Marquis Glaine's face hardened as he listened to Wolfe, and
then slowly grew ferocious.
She had her vicious spirit in his voice as he turned her arrows back
at her.
“There was only one human who intruded into my realm only once,
so I threw it away as food for Sidus. It ate and came back alive.”
"What, that! I didn't hear that?!" “Because I didn’t tell anyone. ”
She looked at Wolf with her pitiful eyes and replied indifferently.
She thought it was better to deal with the Marquis Lane than to deal
with Wolf, so her gaze was fixed on the Marquis of Lane.
‘‘The living man said that he met something that looked like a mist or
a shadow, but he sent it back because it wasn’t what he was looking
Her pigmented lips are glamorous
It didn't look like she had lipstick on, but her lips were pretty red.
Her horns that grew on her head were very sharp and pointed.
"I don't think the things inside of me really look like your daughter.
The smell of her soul is different, and basically, there's no way your
daughter has such a clean soul."
“… … your boy.”
“If it’s a stranger, it’s a different story. I think Sidus is looking for this
Saying that, it was me who pointed with her finger.
She turned her head to look at Magnus, but her head could not be
turned completely, and she had to give up quickly.
Magnus, who barely rolled his eyes, seemed to have a stiff
expression on his face.
‘‘These two seem to be talking about something I don’t know at all,
The moment you hear your voice, it's true
had to realize A cold voice whispers in my ear.
It seems like the boiling point is dripping, but the voice itself is cold,
which is funny even thinking about it.
“I think we really have a lot to say to each other.”
"••••••• "
“You always hide a lot from me, so I never asked. It was when I was
your beast, and it was when I came to tame you, and so it is now.”
Magnus' voice as he said that was cold and sad, and I was
hid a lot It was never wrong.
<Episode 90>
I didn't tell him my feelings, my feelings, my thoughts, or my
nothing was shown Because the moment I cried was scary. Because
I wanted to live.
As soon as I say that, I feel like I will not be able to face reality and
live. It seemed like it would work for him.
For ever since I couldn't get out of him,
Also, like the days when I was only used like a fool, I fear that one
day I will be thrown away.
‘‘If you are going to end up with me, please take good care of me. So
whether you start over from scratch... After all... Can't we see the
I totally agree with him. You can't do anything if you hide and hide
and hide.
There was nothing he could do while hiding. It's just that I'm broken
and scared of him.

'How far should I say... ?'

that this place is a novel? To me, this is closer to a dream than
I didn't even know where to start and how to explain it. As I
pondered, my body leaned over.
"uh … ?"

Magnus unwrapped his hand around my waist and turned me around

and hugged him tightly in his arms.
There was no time to calm down. The Marquis of Glein looked far
away, as if I had fallen into something.
His face, twisted in embarrassment and astonishment, spreading his
wings and approaching this way, collapsed horribly.
There was no longer a relaxed or expressionless face.
I've never seen his hard expression crumble like that. The spirit of
darkness and Perto run after them.

I saw him trying to come in, but he couldn't get into the hole in the
end as if he was blocked by something.
“It’s okay, close your eyes and hold on tight.”
Even in the midst of falling, Magnus comforted me with a calming
voice that did not tremble.
Even if he falls and gets hurt because he's downstairs, it's clear that
he will get hurt first, but why is Magnus' voice reassuring?
He clenched his teeth and buried his forehead on his shoulder, as if
he was about to cry.
How deep are you trying to drop it? It felt like it had been falling for a
while, but it still felt like it was falling.
'It's black. I can’t even see Ilyanya.”
can't you see? I looked His slightly stiff expression and his mouth
that were bitten in a straight line.
Maybe it's because it's a dream? if not

Is it because he has learned to manipulate shadows?

Magnus's face was blurry and not clear, like a hazy afterimage in the
dark, but it was clearly visible.
He opened his eyes with strength in his eyes and repeated his cold.
realized late. The fact that he fears the dark as much as I do.
I stuttered, moving his hand and hugging him close to me. Then his
hardened expression spread astonishment, and then softly curved.
That innocent and candid expression was unfamiliar to me, so I
couldn't take my eyes off of it for a moment.

It was like seeing his true face only now.

Magnus suddenly moved his body. With his back on his back, he
slowly changed his body to a position where he hugged me.
Suddenly, the ground rumbled loudly, and he stood with his feet on
the floor.
“How did you know?”
“The feeling of touching the ground is a little different from having an
empty space. It just seemed like that.”
He slowly explained with a smile

put me in my arms Still, holding his hand tight gave him a nervous
The ferocious beast cried with a rustling sound as if it were
scratching its insides.
Magnus drew the sword from his waist.
It would have been a little better if Sherry had come, but it seems
Sherry couldn't even follow.
“Stay close to me. There are no walls here, so it was difficult.”
“At the front, there are two of them.”

At my words, he turned his head to me with a surprised look.

It makes me want to ask how you can pinpoint where I am so
precisely because you can't see ahead.
“Can you see ahead?”
“No, it’s not… Blurry outlines.”
“Are you only in front?”
There is one right on the right side holding the sword. but i don't
know what that is

I will
It had horns running and some wings, but there was no answer
because I couldn't see the details.

“No, it’s right up to your standards.

It was on the other side.”

As soon as I finished speaking, Magnus' face frowned.

Is it because the distance is too far to measure properly, or is there
some other reason?

"It was close to a certain extent by Lina's stride.

seem to be in
Closer?" Which one?
“I think the one on the right is closer. Hmm.. roughly my stride length,
one twenty steps to the right, and thirty steps in the front? No, is it
I wasn't sure because it was so far away that the outlines were very
blurry. Moreover, the sense of distance is not certain because it is
dark everywhere.
As I fumbled unsurely, Magnus carefully ran my hair through.
"Stand here. Just keep an eye on the front, and if the beast moves,
just tell me."
‘Where do you want to go?”
“I try to hit from the right. Illyana is in danger if it is surrounded on all
sides because it is empty.”
Isn't it dangerous for him to move without seeing his eyes?
I wanted to ask a question that reached my throat
Mia Magnus has already turned around

He seemed to measure the distance, and he

He ran out quickly.
Then he drew his sword right in front of the beast.
swung beast
I was shut up.
halved or bar
Confused by the movement, he stopped breathing and quickly
turned to the front.
on the front
already two
Marie's Beast

'Did you do it?'

Turn your head left and right to quickly outline

Tried to find it.

It was because of the rude outline that it was hard to see if you didn't
focus your eyes on it.
The reason I found Magnus running from his right and left was
probably because I was paying attention to him.
‘‘Magnus! Right and left!"
As soon as I screamed, Magnus quickly retreated back as if he
sensed something.
Two horned and winged beasts, running from both sides, bit each
other's necks instead of prey.
Magnus cut them apart at once. Even the bones were cut very softly,
as if the sword could be all-purpose.
So fast that I'm speechless.
“Illiana, are you okay?”
"Ah yes."
“Call me one more time.” Magnus, who came close to me, released

Are you laughing out loud?

I told you what to call
I look at my face, but Magnus
's face came closer.
He kissed my lips lightly and walked away.
“My name, please call me one more time.”
“… How can I name your Majesty?” ''You're just too cowardly
because you've only called me well."
‘‘•••••• ’’

I was screaming too loud. When I couldn't even do this with a

bewildered expression, he bowed his head as if in great
How pathetic it was, I opened my mouth without realizing it.
“One more time.”
"one more time ." "...Magnus."

It felt strange to keep calling my name. He pushed the sword into its
sheath and hugged me tightly.
He smiled softly as he breathed in as if breathing out.
‘‘It was like that when I sat on the throne of the emperor, but since I
was born, no one has called me by my name properly. Do you
“… why? Family or parents?"
“I’m the youngest because the older brothers will tease me.
There was always time when you called my name, I was a prince to
Abama, and to my mother, too.

It was like that.”

Magnus smiled happily.
You smiled as if you had everything in the world by just calling your
name once.
Out of guilt I couldn't say anything
After all, I am not the devil to him.
The existence of Illyana Glein was considered a demon to Magnus.
"You call me human

From the day I set myself free from the beast, you were the only one
who called my name.”
Seeing someone cherishing the words I uttered in order to run away
and not to feel guilty, it was as if glue had stuck to their lips.
“You are the only one who makes me human.”
“Do, I ruined your life.”

"It's just that you gave a new life to a broken life. And I like you better
now than you were then."
"why?" 'Because you've been kind.'
The gentleman was Magnus.
If I told him that I had to do something like that and later he
abandoned me and ran away and lost my memory, I think he would
want to kill me bluntly.
I didn't have the guts to say this. I'm thinking of making it the same

As you can see, it must be full of thoughts of wanting to kill you just
‘‘The saint is like you, not me.”
The leaking thoughts caught me from my lips
It was a small voice, but Magnus, who was close to me, did not
speak for a long time as if he could have heard it.
He immediately burst out laughing as if he was excited.
“If I am a sage, it is limited to you. I am the vicious and vicious
demon. I can't even count how many people I killed."
“You are keeping the person you are most resentful of.”
He kept his mouth shut at my point and smiled.
Even in the dark, he was close enough to see the contours of his
facial muscles.
I let out a low breath and seized a light smile.

<Episode 91>
“Let’s go ahead and find an exit, shall we?”
"I can't see anything ahead, so Lina must guide Nya."
He then grabbed my hand and took a step back. It was so dark that I
couldn't really see anything.
It's an empty space and it's like a vast wilderness.
However, he also knows that it is Magnus' own foolishness. The fact
that he is in a very good mood right now.
“Do you know if it’s a truth game? You probably don’t know.”
"Yes, I'm hearing this for the first time. What kind of game is that?"
“It’s just a game of telling each other the truth. A game that sets
That's it. Usually, instead of a penalty by drinking one glass of
alcohol at a time... .”
When I grumbled that there was no proper penalty to do here,
Magnus seemed to ponder for a moment, then pulled my arm
I stopped walking instead of walking forward.
I turned around and saw him looking down at me with a mischievous
I narrowed my eyes to take a closer look at his expression, but only
the back of my head gave me a chill.
‘‘How about a kiss?”
“As a penalty, the person who fails to answer is kissing the other
“Is that a penalty for you?”
When I questioned in bewilderment, Magnus leaned close to me.
He brought his face close enough to breathe, as if trying to get me to
show his expression, and smiled.
‘‘I am a person who enjoys being bullied. So there is no penalty for
People call it a masochist, in other words, a pervert.
I made a bewildered expression on my face, but apparently he didn't
respond at all.
‘‘You know what you’re talking about, right?”
“Why? I think it’s a very good idea.”
“Then my penalty is that, and Magnus’ penalty is something else.”
What the hell am I supposed to do? There is no penalty that comes
to mind.
Usually, when it comes to punishment at a drinking party in novels,
it's usually a one-shot of a drink, one shot, or a game of undressing
for fun... … .
“What kind of penalty do you usually take?”
“If it’s like hitting a drink or something… or taking off your clothes.
But, it’s a bit too much for the Emperor to do it all.”
No, but what novel was this? Is there an original undressing game?
No, I don't think there was. I've never played a game of truth.
I just needed an appropriate excuse to be honest.
‘Did you just do it with a kiss?’
No but this guy really enjoys it
say it seems
“That’s good. I do that.” "yes?"
"Take off your clothes. Looks good."
No, I think I made the wrong choice. There was no sign of
seriousness in his curious face.
I'm the one who gets into trouble when I get naked like this. At first, I
thought I was naked, and I went crazy.
Of course I want to see you, but... .'
No, you want to see the upper muscles, not the lower ones. I heard
the sound of my ego breaking apart.
I couldn't handle his blushing face, and in the end I bowed my head.
"Except underwear." ‘‘Oh, why?”
“It’s a game of undressing, not a game of taking off your underwear.”
When he made a firm voice, Magnus nodded his head in
“Okay then, let’s do it while walking again.”
“Yes. But it’s not okay to deliberately not say what you could have
said. I’ll leave it to your conscience.”
‘‘Conscience is already when you behead your brothers.
I've given up, but I will, as Illyana says."
The fact that the world is known to have died in an accident is called
The voice of Magnus as he spoke gave me goosebumps.
I want to ask why you don't hide it from me
‘Well, let’s start first. That's not what you wanted to ask me."
“Then I will continue with the question I asked earlier. How have you
been while I'm away?"
obsessive It was really tenacious. Obviously, I would have found the
answer by avoiding my gaze, but I will soon hear the answer even if I
That will was great.
But I was surprised to find that it wasn't terribly offensive or creepy.
“Answer me. If not, you are."
“I was trying to get along.”
I took a deep breath for a moment.
I didn't want to know what kind of expression Magnus was making,
so I didn't turn around.
“But I didn’t do well.”
Slowly walking through the empty darkness, I cleared my mind.
I needed time like this in the first place.
I don't know where the hell it is or why it's coming to such a random
place and talking about it.
"I couldn't sleep because of your lack of warmth, and I was afraid of
the darkening night, and I barely took the sherry and leaned on the
So I went to sleep.”
Still, I couldn't sleep deeply. It was the first time I realized that taming
is such a scary thing.
In the novel, I found out why Magnus suffered so much and clinged
to the female lead.
He couldn't get it off easily.
“Did I miss you?”
Destruction is over, it's my turn. I mean, I love you. Do you really
love me? otherwise you just have to
Do you mean that I think?"
He was the first to ask a question that he had always wondered
about. Not surprisingly, Magnus became quiet.
Nya held his hand and continued moving forward until she heard an
"I don't know"
After a while, an answer came out of Magnus' mouth.
From the man he thought he would take off his clothes or loose if he
I was a little surprised by the unexpected reaction that came out.
‘‘When you say something, it makes you feel at ease and makes you
feel good. I want Lina to be in my sight and I want to break her leg
and lock her in... .”
The terrifying words came out haphazardly.
I hesitated for a moment, wondering if I was asking a stupid
question, and in the end I didn't say anything.
We decided to be honest with each other, so don't do our best to be
o Seol 亡 71
Thinking about it, to some extent
to understand
“The thing that most resembles that feeling, I
I thought it was love. so
I say I love you."
what a nonsensical argument. of course
it is not again
You might think like that. I just can't understand

“Then it is my turn. Did you want to see me?"

"••••••• "
He pokes only the really painful places without care. I pondered
slowly, holding my breath.
Did I want to see him? can't be sure But he was constantly
Is it a feeling of love or another affection? I'm not sure about that
either. I couldn't find an answer
He stopped walking, lifted his body as far as possible, then kissed
him lightly and kissed him back.
I turned it on my lips
I feel sorry for the prison
Surprise spreads, then fills up.
“This is good, but your sincerity
' 'You've been punished. This time it's my turn. Why are you chasing
Magnus is
He smiled and opened his mouth, but then he stiffened.
And then he shuts his mouth again. After crying for a long time, he
took off the jacket he was wearing and threw it on the floor.
“Why are you throwing it away?”
“Isn’t this a game like that?”
No, that's what I had to throw away. When I stopped, he strode
forward, this time leading me.
She has no regrets about those expensive clothes
Yang Yi-dya, the emperor has a different view of criminals like mine.
“It’s my turn again. Why did you avoid me?"
What kind of question workshop is this? It's very easy to ask a
question that we didn't understand each other's light actions.
So was I, and so was Magnus. So, every time we get involved, we
have to keep bumping into each other.
‘‘Because I’m scared.”
At the end of his contemplation, strength entered his hand as he
uttered a single word. I didn't give my hand, so there's only one
I didn't look back on purpose
only now Only now, when no one is there and no one is watching,
will I be able to have such an honest conversation with him.
In the darkness where I can't see anything
I might have had a little more courage.
“I have no memory, but a person kneels before me and clings to me,
and they say that he is also of a great royal family.”
The embarrassment at the first meeting is still hard to forget.
At first, I thought it was a dream, so I ran away, but after seeing the
reality, I ran away because the reality was terrible.
“I thought I was going to die. I left you and ran away to live. I hid
because I was afraid, and I ran away because I was in pain.”
And because I thought I could go back, I gave priority to that.
I can't even say it so far, so it's up to my neck
Although he had to suppress his right horse.
“Illiana, did you think I was going to kill you?”
‘‘Honestly, yes. It's Magnus
No, because I thought I would have killed him. You ruined my whole
life, threw me on the floor, said that I don’t remember, and ran away.”
If I had been in Magnus' position, I would have done my best to
chase and kill Illyana Glaine, or torment her for the rest of her life.
The behavior of Magnus in the novel was also understandable.
I would have isolated them because I wanted to make them feel the
same pain.
So she might have put her in her hands and raised her all her life in
her dark hut.
‘‘I will tell you in the name of the emperor, but I have never thought of
killing him once.
“Did you mean to put me in a situation that was as good as dead?”
Seeing that there was no answer, it seemed right. Maybe it's similar
to the fact that I couldn't answer the question of why I was chasing
He chose silence instead of answering, but he could get a rough
idea of the answer there.
“The answer is that. I was scared of you and I was scared of my
situation and just
<Episode 92>
Shin Se, who was nothing more than a wanderer with nowhere to go,
was terrible. However, I can't even complain about it to anyone.
As a floating being, yes, even myself
I live, but I'm not here.
“The answer is here. It's my turn. What do you want to do with me as
“I want you to stand by my side
Magnus raised his clasped hands and kissed the back of my hand,
and he smiled.
His eyes were kind enough to be felt even in the dark.
I hated being suspicious of whether that kindness was real or not.
"I want you to give me the world, the world, and me, so that I won't
leave again. If that doesn't work, I'll call you Empress.
I will keep you under your name.”
‘Do, this is scary in another sense.”
‘The Empress is not free anywhere. When you become Empress, I
give you the right to seek rightly wherever you have fled.”
The sincerity revealed under the sweet words is very dark.
Being honest with each other gives me more goosebumps, but I feel
more at ease. Maybe it's because the darkness hides his expression
I don't know
“The answer is ideal. I want you to answer this question at any cost.”
‘What kind of question do you have?”
“Where do you want to go? Illyana.”
His arms were pulled tight at the sound of a knocking in his ear.
When I lifted my head in pain, suddenly I
I was looking down at the floor
I don't know what expression I'm making
But, I think I know that it will be a lousy expression.
“Where did you want to go, so you had such a painful expression on
your face?
“Whether it is a small island in the world, an uninhabited island, or a
mountain village, I will conquer it and present it in front of you.”
The man who knew how to shout that he would destroy the place
was unexpected.
came out
I couldn't help but be confused. Among the many answers I thought
of, there was no option for him to conquer the place and bring it to
“It’s a place you can’t take me.”
"Where are you? Does it have anything to do with what you
ol o
It is a sharp and sharp question. I couldn't even force a laugh.
I could go back to his friendly voice
As if they had received permission, as if they had hoped to return,
their heart was pounding.
"I'm… … .”
“Yes, please tell me.”
Would talking make a difference? that
My name is Illyana Glein.
Magnus D. Cloud was obsessed with being Illyana Glaine, and I
could have been the daughter of the Marquis Glaine.
“I just want to go somewhere nobody knows.”
In the end, the words that came out were very different from the
direction he wanted and the direction I wanted.
But it can't be helped. It's funny that I'm here to tell him my true
feelings that I hadn't even told the Marquis of Glein.
‘It’s not that I didn’t say it.’
In the end, I offended him by revealing the truth.
because I made it
I was worried that I would get angry, but because I was afraid that
something would happen, this world that makes other things happen
in advance is so amazing.
‘Is this also called foresight?’
What the hell is in this all black space?
Seeing that there are strange beasts, it seems that living things can
survive. Not a single Ron has been seen since then.
“Didn’t I say that this game is a game of truth? Iliana.”
His point hurt as if someone had stabbed him in the heart. As he
raised his head with a low chin, Magnus was looking at Nya with the
supremely cold eyes.
Even if it's cold, they're just blaming me.
You were mad at me for telling lies
“Yeah, that’s a lie.” “It seems so.”
I grabbed Magnus by the shoulder and tried to climb up. Magnus
gently bit me and grabbed my shoulder and pushed me away.
The youngest 0 times-, the lower L-
Ver 2. -,
it was a refusal in absurdity
raised his head.
Are you gelling?"
“Since you did not carry out the penalty, you must tell the truth.”
“If you stay still, I think you can carry out the penalty.”
He laughed silently. I don't think it will ever move smoothly. I think
this may be a bit too much of a violation of the rules of the game.
But again, I never said no to him, so I have nothing to say if I risk
that part.
“You know what a cowardice is?”
“It is very much to Lina’s fault for not setting the rules clearly.”
"Even if you hear me, don't tell me because you can't do anything
about it."
I drew a line firmly, and he
Damundia, I took the opportunity, quickly kissed his lips lightly and
walked away.
What kind of game are these lovers playing?
I didn't mean to get caught up in penalties.
“Is it okay if I don’t answer?”
' 'Didn't you say you didn't want to answer that?"
That's what it was, so gently water
I feel weird again. His face, which had sunk in silence, looked hazy
even in the dark.
He puckered his lips like a crucian carp, and finally lowered his head.
“I have no questions now.”
‘‘Lina, how can I stay by my side?”
“How do I… Isn't it?"
“I became a human because I told him not to become a beast, but I
don’t know what to do when you say you won’t become an animal.”

Magnus' voice trembled a little.

I didn't think he would even ask such a question, so I stopped
thinking for a moment.
"I thought a lot about you after you left. I've been thinking nonstop
whether it would have been better to act in a different way. I read
books, searched the dictionary, and did my best."
"••••••• "
got a little bored It was scary and frightening to see him different
from me.
Never have I ever tried to take him seriously.
He had never met him seriously. I just ran away using excuses to
These are funny days that, after running away, eventually come back
without even being able to cut it off properly.
As I listened to Magnus' words, I became a little anxious.
“Beasts do not betray humans; they do not abandon their masters
who raise them and tame them and feed them.”
"••••••• "
“However, the relationship between humans and humans is very
fragile. Even families that are said to be connected by blood are so
brittle that they are separated, and you and I are strangers.”
Perhaps this was Magnus' long trouble.
As much as it is the biggest memory that Illyana Glaine imprinted on
him, he
Time must have seemed like shackles.
“You can leave me at any time.”
Trembling and afraid, they must have found a way to be with each
other forever.
Magnus had no intention of running away from Illyana Glaine or
betraying him, so it was only natural that Magnus thought it would be
“It’s the same with master-slave relationships. Work
When this happens, we can always turn our backs on each other. I
don't even want to have a master-slave relationship in the first
Other than that, all his emotions were vague and uncertain, and he
trembled with anxiety.
Among them, the most reliable way was to write to me.
But I rejected it and he must have been confused.
"The relationship between a couple is very thin and weak. As it is a
relationship that relies on a single emotion, it is ephemeral when
emotions disappear.
Doesn't this melt away without leaving a trace?"
“So far…”
I was speechless. Having lived in a world where divorce, meeting,
and parting were free, I couldn't even say that it wasn't like that.
A life dependent on emotions ends with emotions
I think it's better not to even start.
We got used to each other and showed everything to each other, but
in the end we turned our backs on each other
I hated being
How can you guarantee that you won't remember your partner for
the rest of your life? If the relationship ends anyway, why start it?
In the end, only the abandoned side will be rolled down the floor
As if the fool himself had been taken advantage of.
"Even after you left, time passed, and I couldn't find the answer. So if
you know the answer, please let me know."
But even with that thought, I
He seemed to lose his mind at Magnus' words.
His words were desperate and I was too serious to think of it, so I
couldn't come up with any easy answers as usual.
"How can I make sure you stay by my side until I die?"
Jin-shim, who could no longer take it lightly, twisted his heart.
He was sincere, twisted or untwisted.
Everything about wanting to break my leg and lock me up, and
saying that I will give the world to the Empress Dowager, are all
He's doing his own courtship.
It was a courtship on the verge of being broken, twisted and broken.
So you can't ignore it
''If you say, 'I'd rather kill you and stuff you, if I want to break your
mind and turn you into a doll...' Can't you name it love?"
Push him without telling him why
It's my fault
Because of my escape, he was more rotten than he was when he
was broken by Illyana Glaine.
Maybe it was me who ruined him completely.
“Illiana, I want to know all about you. Knowing everything to hide and
to think, I want to be your only sanctuary."
Through his choked speech, the thought that came to him was that
he never wanted to talk to him.
But he exposed everything to the very bottom of me.
But if I don't tell you now, when will I be honest?
Is it Iliana Glein that he loves? If not, is it me?
He had no idea who he was obsessed with.
“I want to be the same to you as you are to me.
<Episode 93>
It was a painful question. This was the truth, and he was honest. He
did his best to keep his promises.
But I'm still hiding and running and struggling to deceive him.
suddenly fell into the world. A world away from where I lived was just
something I was unfamiliar with.
Nya let go of his holding hands. two
He took a step back and clasped his warm hand.
"I just want to go back... I just want to go back..."
I don't know what I want to do when I go back, but I just wanted to go
back. Raise your head with a voice full of weeping
Stirring, Nya stopped breathing.
“It’s not that I hate this world. Kind and gentle... .”
Still, I couldn't help but think of the world I lived in. A flashing
memory engulfed me.
Not a great memory. Just some kind of ice cream from a certain
store, the memories of buying food at the market, or the memories of
climbing a mountain while muttering come to mind.
Even watching TV alone made people depressed because the
memories of drinking in front of a convenience store just came to
“But, I’m not used to it at all.”
I shook my head. The emotion that I had barely swallowed and
swallowed suddenly popped my head.
I've been here trying my best not to reveal it. I don't think the Marquis
Glain would like it either.
‘I don’t think I can stand it either.’
I comforted myself saying it was okay and threw it away.
“No nobles, no emperors, no royals… no wars,
Whether it's a dream or a beast... I'm not even familiar with clothes...
I raised my head to where Magnus was.
The man who had come all the way to my nose was looking down at
me with hardened eyes.
I didn't know what those eyes were reflecting on or what they were
“If it were you, would you be able to stand it? Magnus. If you... I have
Can you live casually in this world?"
"When you're by my side, I fall into your world and I can't understand
It seems like it would be fine.”
"...... ''
“I will protect you anyway. If Lina-sama is afraid, I can do it.”
Magnus knelt down on one of his knees. He lowered his gaze along
the top of his head, which was lowered in an instant.
The man smiling kindly is my hand
I kissed him on the back and slowly stood up and kissed his lips.
“To me, a world without you is more
“That’s how I tamed you.”
“Did you really do that? Or was it the one who took me out of hell
and ruined me with drugs?"
Magnus has a good brain. He derived his own hypothesis by
combining the fragmentary facts that I uttered.
no doubt about it
Should I replace the man I trust?
what to say
“Do you believe this nonsense?”
“Because he acted this badly like a different person. And I believe
whatever you say.”
“Really. If you don’t believe me, tell me the sea is red.
please. I will pour that sea forward
I would say color.”
words full of sincerity. go to the dark
I'm glad it's gone.
Because I don't have to see a blushing face or a pathetic face that
looks like I'm about to cry.
Magonus let out a crazy noise without thinking.
“No one in the Empire would call the sea a different color.”
“It’s called abuse of power.”
' 'Did you tell me? I will give you the world as a mouse. If you want
the sky to be green, you can. Home
If you can find a way back to, do it."
The last sentence is very absurd. I shook my head in surprise. He
groaned and grabbed my cheek, then slowly lowered his head and
pressed his forehead against my forehead.
As I stiffened in the sudden warmth, he gently stroked my cheek.
“Instead, you have to take me with you when you go.”
What the hell is the emperor talking about? Isn't the emperor the
only empire in this world?
He let out a small laugh, as if he had noticed that I was speechless.
‘‘Let anyone who wishes take the throne of the emperor. All I want is
" yes?"
“I couldn't live without Ilyana. So how dare I get out of your sight
peel. You told me to become a human, so you have to take
responsibility until I become a fully human.”
There was a particularly bulging part of the body that was interlocked
without a single Tom.
I let my bewildered gaze foolishly through the air, then twisted my
Each time it happened, my body got closer and closer.
‘Suffice it to say, it seems to function as a human being.’
In particular, I noticed that the genital area was very strong. He burst
into laughter at my words.
He kissed my ear like a fool and gave strength to the arm that
wrapped around my waist.
"I'm serious''
"••••••• "
“Wherever you go, whatever you do, do whatever you want. If you
just take me with you, I won't stop you."
The voice he heard was sincere. I didn't expect to hear such words,
so my heart was tickled and I was scared.
"If I'm not Illyana Glaine, you're saying it's okay?"
"I needed the warmth you used to wake up to, but you've changed
and you just like yourself.
It's unbelievable right. They all have the same face, but I realized
that I was different
The fact that it was all was surprising.
But surely he knew exactly when I got weird.
'I even made a tea.'
Anyway, now this darkness was just frustrating. If I don't go out
quickly, I wonder if I'm going to go round and round here and eat
[Ah, I found it.]
I get goosebumps at the voice in my head
The moment I trembled, Magnus embraced me in his arms.
" what?"
His voice stood out. At least I was relieved to know that I wasn't the
only one who heard this thunderous voice.
If Magnus can hear it, at least I'm not crazy.
[I found the key to the root that will destroy the root.]
“Don't get away from me”
"Ah yes."
I tried several times to use the dream to make it a reality, but nothing
came out because this place is completely cancerous.
Literally, the word powerlessness is appropriate.
[Ah, I can't see it. Yuna, close your eyes and imagine the most
familiar space, your imagination will soon become your strength.
He raised his head in amazement at the familiar name.
Only the Marquis G. Glein knows my real name. He was the only
one who knew the name he spit out impulsively.
I know this voice that seems to stick in my head. It was the voice I
heard in the water when I fell into the pond.
Is the partner a woman or a man? This voice was ambiguous.
I feel young and old
It was impossible to imagine the opponent after hearing the voice of
Nya closed her eyes slowly. The only thing that comes to mind is the
animal cafe I showed Raphael every time.
I closed my eyes tightly, thinking about it, and when I opened my
eyes again, the dark dark nodules were lifted and a familiar
landscape appeared.
"Ah yes?"
‘‘Somehow… how are you?”
Magnus looked nervous and held Nya in his arms.
He asked a little while holding her tight.
It was evident from the trembling in his voice that he was perplexed.
I thought about how to explain it, but decided to just be honest. I've
said it all anyway, so there's nothing to hide now.
“It’s the world I used to live in.”
‘‘In the original Lina, did you live in a place full of dogs?”
The puppies flocked to me and started babbling around me.
It was definitely something a little different from the scenery I wasn't
interested in at all when I made it with Raphael.
“No, this is a cafe… It’s like a shop for drinks.”
' 'Sound. It’s amazing.”
He looked around curiously, but never let me go. The dogs that had
been rushing back and forth moved away in an instant.
It is as fast as a cockroach that senses danger.
Someone went inside the cafe's bar.
The familiar smell of coffee brushed my nose and I heard the sound
of grinding coffee beans. The clicking sound is like brewing coffee
and operating a machine.
I looked there, but couldn't confirm the opponent. It was like a whitish
black mist.
He had an indescribable outward appearance that was neither in the
form of a human nor in the form of a beast.
It's a strange creature that can't be explained with words, but can't
even come to mind.
The mist moves like a hand, and the coffee is quickly brewed and
placed on the bar. The mist came with a light footstep, carrying a
The fog placed a tray with a glass on the table with three chairs, and
took a seat on one side.
The fog had no eyes, no body, no form, but it was as if it was looking
at Nya.
As if urging you to come here and sit down.
‘Do, go over there and sit down.”
‘Are you saying, ‘Are you saying that you are going to do something
like that?”
“… It feels like it will be pierced.”
You don't know how hot your eyes are. I wondered if my back was
really on fire.
At my words, Magnus gave a displeased face, but in the end made a
compromise by sitting the chair a little farther away.
〔nice to meet you.]
Another voice entered my mind. not
The dog pushed out the fog.
Seeing that it was a long fog, it felt like a hand.
No, objectively speaking, it's just a fog, but it would be more
accurate to say that it was somehow like a hand.
As I tried to grip the mist with a deep expression on my face, another
large hand that came in quietly grabbed the fog.
The fog that I thought would disperse
It was held together like a horse's hand and swayed up and down.
"... .magnus."
“Yes, Lina.”
<Episode 94>
When I looked at you with the gaze of why you were holding the
hand I should have held, he let go of the fog and smiled silently.
[You are very obsessive.]
“Do you really need to have a conversation with your voice in your

Magnus clicked his tongue offendedly low.

Sitting with his arms crossed, he came out slightly in front of me, as
if he was trying to protect me.
He didn't like being treated like that, so he smiled pleasantly.
回 Are you a little used to the world? It's Yuna.]
“… Yeah? Who the hell are you... ?"
"Is it something like a common god or something?"

[Certainly, he did not have such omnipotent powers, and God could
not interfere with this kind of providence to resurrect the dead.]
The fog shook left and right. It's like waving a dog.
I don't know if it makes me think that way or if I really see the
shaking of the mist that way.
Either way, it's clear that all of this is unfamiliar to me. Living and
speaking in my head
I never even thought about fog
there was no
[Does God exist in the first place?]

The fog inquired on the contrary. Something to let me know if there is

a god or not.
Naturally, there are temples in this world, there are priests and
priests who worship gods, and in the world I live in, there are
different gods, be it Jesus or Buddha.
When I was speechless, the fog gave me an awkward look and
swung the tray in front of me.

pushed out
I saw a black Americano. As soon as he reached out his hand and
took a sip, the bitter taste suddenly rose.
“Jade, how many shots did you put in?”
[The glass doesn't fill up easily, so I put it in five times, but is it too
It is powerful enough to keep you sleepless for three days and three
nights. It was like sipping espresso into a mug.
Nya barely suppressed the urge to pour it into a 1.5L plastic bottle
and leave it alone.

[Should I give it to you? PET bottle .]

A plastic bottle floated in front of me. The plastic bottle filled with
water was like that of a famous brand in my memory.
"Did I ever say it with my mouth?"
There was a small tremor in the fog. He seemed to be shaking his
But how do you know what I'm thinking?

The fog seemed to be in trouble again, so he opened the cap of the

plastic bottle and held out a bucket of water.
I took it tremblingly, drained some water and poured espresso into it.
Then it was colored like an Americano.
After taking a sip of it in a mug, it was finally a familiar taste.
Everyone is a being who saved you by acting on a whim. It has
existed since ancient times and has existed until now, but there is no
clear answer to who I am or what I am.]

Mist, who seemed to be paying attention to my actions, started

talking in his head again.
I glanced at Magnus, and he was also listening with a pretty serious
expression on his face.
Feeling my gaze, he looked at me and smiled and took his hand.
As the great warmth touched me, my shaky heart subsided in an
instant. He calmed down and his anxiety subsided a little.
[Someone called me a prophet

Some said I was a wise man, and some said I was the source of evil
that will never exist again. Or have you ever been called darkness,
world, or hell?]
It was a story that I could neither understand nor understand. The
fog seemed to have fallen into deep thoughts somehow.
The fog was cautious. He did not open his mouth easily and was
silent for a long time, and once he opened his mouth, he explained
I was in the middle of writing a story that was about to happen at my

Then I met you who read my story J

It was as if he was talking about a novel. It was a novel that was
being serialized on the Internet, but how is the fog related?
I did not dare to catch whether this was
[After listening to your story, I thought that there was no need for the
future to flow as it was set. So Nya broke the providence… … ]
“You are against the providence…”
[Originally, I saved you, who was going to celebrate ramen.
Originally, Ilyanya Glein's soul would have been lost and returned.
Since it was a fixed future, I must have put the lost soul back in its
place for the sake of my records.]
The voice of the mist was fierce and heavy. The fog was not to
blame for me, but somehow I felt heavy on my shoulders.
It was hard to breathe, so it was difficult to even open my mouth.
[But, I do not interfere

didn't I just let it flow . Instead, I moved to the other side and put you
in that soulless body.]
It was like they were saying that Illyana Glaine died because of me.
She never wanted to live my life against my destiny by stepping on
others. If I had to die, she would have died there.
[Oh, no. No, it’s Yunya.] With a friendly voice, trouble and trouble

Anxiety is mixed. I couldn't even imagine what the fog originally

looked like.
Usually, I hear a voice and imagine a person's appearance, but the
fog made that impossible.
It just existed as a fog. The voice of the mist was just that of a fog,
neither a child nor an old man, neither a woman nor a man.
Even I, who thought so, found it funny.
[After all, the soul of Illyana Glaine, who bears a heavy burden of
guilt, will not be long.

Oh, it was meant to disappear. end of story

Were you curious about this?]
The fog whispered quietly to me as if to calm me down. Instead of
answering, I gave strength to Magnus's clasped hands.
I was afraid he might let go.
And I got tired of thinking like that.
Considering what I've done to him, this can't be happening.
The fog pushed me again with an Americano full of plastic bottles.

I don't know why I keep pushing my curls like this.

As I stared at the mist with trembling trembling, the mist filled my
mind again with a voice.
[Illiana Glaine, imprisoned in a hut, scatters in the dark, her soul
Wandering, it must have been weathered by the passage of time and
gradually disappeared. I haven't been able to hold out for two years
after that.]
“… why?"
[There are so many karma that I have assimilated with darkness.
The dreamer always loses her way

Be careful.]
As if the fog were warning Nya, Nya had not understood why this
place had been prepared before that.
[But she continued to wield the kind of ability to oppress her others
with her inexperience, and she lingered in it for a long time, unable to
take her eyes off her aisle.]
Beautiful stars are densely embedded

I remembered the road I was on.

The advice that her Marquis of Glein had not to look at for too long
came to mind.
A space that seemed to be captivated by its beauty definitely
seemed to attract people.
[So, can't you cancel the request to get out of the shit? I was a little
[I was surprised that the swearing was so intense, but I don't care.

In addition to being unaware of , I can only move in a limited space...

The fog said to me as if I was very sorry
What the hell was Mist talking about? She rolled her head and then
stopped her movement.
Come to think of it, there was a time when I went to a new ritual and
spit out abusive language instead of praying hard.
He also went to another man's temple and spit swear words. leg...
Was it Neva?

I thought this person might be the God of Legneva, so I was

swearing with nowhere to go.
With a reddened face, she bowed her head.
“Is it Ilya? Why?"
Magnus asked anxiously. Instead of answering, I shook my head and
slammed my forehead into the table with all my might.
I feel ashamed and go crazy. I did it because I thought no one would
hear it, but ·.

''I'm sorry."
[No, I'm also bad for not explaining.]
Mist coolly accepted her apology and passed it over.
Of course, it's nice to be cool, but anyway, now her head is about to
explode with a different thought.
[So you're just a little lucky.]
‘‘Should I say thank you for saving me?”

If the swarm didn't want it, there's no need for it.]

‘‘Why did you suddenly appear?”
Finally, it was time for questions. The mist cleared my doubts, but
nothing has been explained to me about this meeting place today. At
my question, the fog fell into silence again.
The swarm will be shocked, but I thought I should clean it up once in
a while. It is impossible for me to return you to the original world.]

"••••••• "

To some extent, very slightly, it was expected, but when I heard it

openly, my stomach felt strange.
It was a little frustrating and I was choking, so I tried to laugh without
saying anything, but in the end I shook my head.
“What do I do?”
The herd life is over. This is the life I forcefully connected. At least it
was possible because there is no karma in your soul.

The fog shook violently. It was a clear refusal, but when I saw the
person shaking their head, I smiled in disappointment.
The impact that was expected and actually heard was greater than
[The realm has become unstable because I saved you against
Providence. Beasts are born faster than expected, and their roots
deepen and expand, trying to swallow up the human world.]
“… Is it your home?"

[Yes, it was originally my area. Because I was lonely, I received

wanderers one by one, so it became a place for non-humans to live.
It's a small world compared to the realm of humans. It's so narrow
that I feel sorry for my children.]
The voice of the mist was hollow. It was low and low, but it was
empty and cold, as if talking to the air.
It went by so slowly as if time had stopped. I have no idea what to
say here.

“Is there no way for Ilyanya to return?”

[No, of course, even if this child goes back, it will be impossible for
you to follow. You are bound to this land.]
Mist answered coldly. Magnus made an open impression.
He was obviously upset, but he couldn't afford to worry about it. It
was a desire to go back.

<Episode 95>
This is the life I gave to you, who is getting hurt and dying. You don't
have to follow the life of Illyana Glaine.]
[You have to acknowledge and understand the reality. You've been
given a new life I have time to live. The person you were so worried
about now knows all the facts.]
said the fog. i am magnus
I looked. Magnus kept his mouth shut and looked at me for a while.
He doesn't seem to know what to say to me either.
"You don't want me to be your root?"
“A root?”
‘‘Yes, I am the emperor, so I will be strong. Even if your foundation is
unstable, I will support you.”
Have you ever heard such a desperate confession cry in your life?

Courtship is the first such kind of courtship. I laughed helplessly.

It feels strange to think of starting all over again in a place where
there is nothing.
“I don’t know when I will start working again.” “You have wealth like
the awakening of Hwa-su-bun and the power called the Supreme
Being held in your hands.
So you just have to use it.”
Magnus smiled sweetly and said, trying to convince me somehow.

“Everything made that way will be yours.”

[You're trying hard, usually they don't get along well, and there are
many cases where the soul rebels, but this is because they are
attracted to each other.]
said the fog as if in doubt.
I looked at the fog in bewilderment at the unexpected words, so the
fog rose from my seat with a sigh.
The space was falling apart little by little.

You have to pay the price for your disobedience. You will sleep for a
long time. To do that, I need your soul.]
What nonsense is this? You mean to live and kill?
As his mouth gaped open, Mist panicked again.
Even though he doesn't have a clear expression on his face, it's
strange to himself how he can know that he is bewildered.
The bewildered fog is ameri to me again
Kano held out a plastic bottle.
What the hell do I look like to this mist? As I close my eyes, the fog
pushes out the cup.
When he picked it up with an absurd expression, the fog continued
talking again as if he had received an apology.
[You have to go all the way to the center of the root. Only good
people can reach it.]
“The center of the root?”
[Yes, there must be a marble the size of a fist. hold it in your hand

You just have to break it.]

“What if I break it?”
When I asked, he looked down at me. I didn't even have snow, but I
felt that way anyway.
Magnus stretched out his arm and wrapped it around my waist, so I
got up.
“Stop talking nonsense.”
[Dreams will be shattered.]
I was afraid to finish Magnus' words.

The voice of the mist lodged in my mind.

This one was like a thunderbolt.
His body stiffened as if he wasn't even allowed to move.
[The realm that separates the human world from the night sky
disappears. There will be three moons in the sky, and there will be
quite a few non-human creatures in the human world.]
He added that he had to do this for a long time. On the other hand, I
am crazy

This world had its own order. There are thirteen kings only at night,
how do you get along with the emperor of the human realm?
is he the only one It was not only humans who were in trouble when
this happened, as everything from lifestyle to living things to food
was all the same.
The first was that he hated humans and that Wolf didn't want to be
merged with the human world.
“No, can I be so irresponsible? What if the environment suddenly

[There is no proper solution in this situation. If you leave this realm
as it is, one day the night will cover the world. If that happens, it will
eventually merge into one.]
The fog answered me.
Of course, Mist's words made sense, but it was also true that it was
difficult to understand for sure.
I narrowed my brow in embarrassment, and when I heard a sound of
pain, the fog held out a plastic bottle to me as if in trouble again.

Now that it's a bit salty, let's aim at the plastic bottle, and the mist
gently puts it on the table.
The fog seemed to hesitate for a long time, and after not saying a
word, he slowly sat back down on the chair.
隔nya, this must have happened someday.]
"Of course, I'm not saying I'm going to meddle here, but I'm saying
it's too sudden. You have to give it time to prepare."
“In what form, exactly, is the world we live in turned upside down?”

Magnus, who had been silently listening to me and the mist,

At Magnus' story, the mist turned its head toward him this time.
The fog was still for a very long time, as if thinking about it again.
[There will be three moons in the sky, and different races other than
humans will roam around.]
“That’s what I said before, is that the only thing that will change?”
[Yes, there are no other changes. It just got a little bit more magical
and the human

Even among them, they are born with an abundance of magical

Nin 亡1-TO

After much contemplation, Mist came to that conclusion.

In the end, I was not in a good mood when I even thought that it was
all because of me.
[Again, it's not your fault, Yuna. It is because you were the catalyst
that brought you into this world. Only you could break the darkness.]
“But I don’t live like that.

I did.”
Saying that you are a pure soul does not give you a clear sense of it.
I lived an ordinary life like everyone else, and I lived with reasonable
thoughts like others. I don't really remember living like an adult.
[Wrong, didn't you live so that you didn't get paid for your actions?
You didn't get paid as much as you did, and you risked an unhappy
‘Do-uh, is that so?”
[Nevertheless, it may harm others

I didn't do anything worthwhile. I just have a little bit of a subdued

soul on a very rare occasion. Even after going through several lives,
Bak Bok… … ]
The fog seemed to look pitifully at Nya, and I felt strange.
I never expected that I would hear the word 'blessed' because I was
born in my life.
As I got a little dazed, the fog calmed down a bit.
[Yes, I get paid for my work

My soul is pure... … . It's really rare, so it's hard to find it even if you
search the world of multiple dimensions.]
But why should it be me? Even if I live a good life, in the end, I am
the person who has lived many times without receiving a good
I feel a little weird. It's never a good feeling.
“So, are you a blessed soul?”
[Yeah, on the other hand, suffering from the temper of a king, this
man carried a wicked karma
In spite of all this, he is a being who has been blessed more than
necessary by himself.]
"eww·… .. "
[In essence, being together will help each other.]
I didn't want to hear that. As I stared at the fog, it rose from its seat
There was no sign of wanting to avoid it.
sin against me

“Where are the roots?”

回 If you keep walking down the street, you will come out
Hey.] The road you have to walk alone
"It's far away?"
Mist turned to my question.
All I could see was the wall of the cafe where it was made, but I was
staring at a distant place for a long time to see something in the fog.
[It's far and it's close. very

You'll see things that are far away and nostalgic. Still, if you move
forward, you can take hold of your whole life.]
''I will go with you."
Magnus said to me. I thought that permission should be obtained
from that mist, not me, but neither of them looked at each other at
The fog shook slightly, but somehow it felt like rain laughter.
[It will crumble before it reaches you. Yes, you, with a rotten and
chapped soul

The fog just cut it off.
The fog is strangely cold to Magnus, as he pushes coffee with the
gaze of a caffeine addict who is about to die without caffeine.
“Still, I can’t go alone. You must know that to walk alone in her
common darkness means to her to die.”

At my words, the fog looked straight at me. That's right, it was a

black space here.
There was no light, so even I could barely see an inch ahead.
I don't feel that way at all right now.
In an instant, goosebumps erupted in the trunk. I don't know how
long it will be, but having to walk alone is definitely intimidating.
The swarm's body has committed slaughter, ignoring the Heavenly
Law, and I can't go because the smell of blood is already thick and
dirty. in the soul

There is no smell... I honestly want to say it’s unreasonable.]

Even at the words of the mist, Magnus did not blink an eye.
There is no kindness in the eyes that gaze at the mist with a cold
On the contrary, the expression of what to say was stronger.
[If you want to go even if you are prepared to die, do it. However, the
soul is so fragile that it does not have a body, so I will not be held
responsible for when it breaks.

“No, I will go alone.”
“I don’t like it. Aren't you the one who said we needed some alone
You have enough time left, right? He's going to die, but why is he so
stubborn about something strange?
Looking at him in frustration, Magnus shrugged his shoulders.
“I have no intention of letting Lina go anymore. When and how again
in front of me

I don't know if it will disappear from the

His words were mixed with disbelief, and he was speechless for a
moment. Where the hell am I going to go in the pitch black darkness
of this empty field?
Perhaps he saw my absurd gaze and avoided his gaze.
“No, even if I can’t come back forever, that means I won’t be able to
see you again.”

He always whispers to me such desperate words.

I've never really thought of him, and I have nothing to say because
Magnus has always been sincere to me.

<Episode 96>
[And if you intervene, this place will be messed up. The guards will
come to drive out your rotten and bruised soul, and the root will
create an environment that will kill you.]
“If I don’t go, is she safe?”
“It’s about both the body and the mind.”
The fog is silent. If the body is healthy, the mind seems to go to the
next world.
Didn't you say that? Feeling betrayed, I looked at the fog, and the
fog shook violently.
I wonder if he is shaking his head violently from side to side.
“Am I in danger?”
[No, it is not. No, of course, it's not completely dangerous, but it's not
really dangerous either... … .]
‘‘Tell me specifically what could happen.”
At the sound of my resolute voice, the mist moved here and there,
and stopped walking.
The fog, which seemed to be moving impatiently as if in trouble,
decreased as if painfully, then increased in size repeatedly.
[The worst thing is that you get lost in this world forever, and then
your soul corrodes and disappears.]
No matter how stupid I want to be
If I didn't, I couldn't help but spit stupid noises.
A person who thought he was sending an errand to go somewhere
could actually die in the middle of that errand, but how many people
can survive without making a stupid question?
[So… Actually, my essence is to bring out the inner human being.
The happiest memories, the most difficult ones, chewing the cud
right in front of your eyes.] “Remember?”
[Ong, the reason why this place is dark is the best place to bring out
the inner human being.
It's the door when you win. You are dazzled by the sweet scenery,
and when you catch a prey, you eat it, or to be more precise, it
slowly melts your soul.]
The more you say it, the more difficult it becomes. At this point, I
want to see what the mist is doing now.
As if I could feel my expression hardening, the fog has now become
so disorganized that it is difficult to maintain its shape properly.
A person who reveals everything so honestly and surprisingly... No,
it's fog.
As he blinked his eyes in embarrassment, the form of the mist
became even more dazzling.
It's not a lump anymore, it's just plain
It became a fog like smog.
“Shall I ring? Reena."
Please don't say such cruel things with a fresh voice.
Seeing him in absurdity, Magnus was already ready to draw his
sword from his waist. The will to cut at the same time as pulling is
“Are you saying that I am feeding now? Your?"
[Oh, don't get me wrong! Please don't misunderstand me. This is not
my intention. Should I say it's like an instinct that I can't even
‘‘I’ll cut you, Ilyanya, just give me permission.”
“Could you please stop talking like that… ?"
It's hard to deal with the fog in front of you, but I can't wait to see
when your sword will come out.
Somehow, I felt a tingling sensation as if I had been hit hard in the
back of my head.
touched the
Fortunately, there was no bleeding or no lumps.
As if realizing the meaning of my actions, the fog repeatedly gathers
and then breaks apart.
[Is that so? You should be able to get there. Because you are a
clean and good soul
I'm not going to create a harsh environment or make a watchman!]
“No, why do you keep calling me a rotten soul?”
Listening quietly, it's annoying since before. Who tried to kill
someone? It's rotten.
At least he used to try to break me, but he never tried to kill me.
He probably wouldn't have pushed him with a smile on his face.
Of course, the problem is that they tried to destroy it.’
I don't know how to do this part. to some extent through dialogue
think it's a problem
Of course, this guy who hasn't given us a chance to talk before has
nothing to say.
〔uh… ? Mi, sorry. It was my fault, but my soul was rotten. Of course
you don't know... … .]
The fog now began to stutter without hiding its embarrassment.
I glanced at the fog and sighed.
Anyway, if there is only good news, you can't believe it.
“Then why do you think I might not be able to return safely without
such a watchman?”
[To the extent of assuming the worst!]
As if the fog was unfair, I screamed coldly
As I tilted my head, the mist gathered again and began to stutter.
[Yuna wants to return to her original world.
because the desire is strong. I was just thinking that I could stay in
the fantasy of the happiest days that Darkness shows.]
“It’s a fantasy of happy times.”
[Yes, if you go alone, there is nothing to worry about other than that.
But I'm not that good. Anyway, if that one breaks in together, the
roots will be desperate to protect themselves.]
Usually these creatures have strong self-defense abilities and are
very wary of intruders.
Magnus was still quietly gripping the handle of his sword.
“What was the root of it in the first place?”
At the question Magnus posed, the fog became silent again.
It took a long time for the story to come out again from the gathered
As if they were uttered after a long deliberation, somehow the voice
of the mist seemed to have subsided a little.
[The world's night, darkness, the fences of different races, governing
life and bursting life, the place where the power of the moon is
locked, the other side of the world, there are many modifiers]
‘‘The night of the world? this side?"
[The moon is the time when the magic power is amplified the most,
the body of the root, the fruit itself, the life itself, all of which are
driven out by humans.]
Magnus' expression turned puzzled. Mist flinched for a moment, as if
trying to say something, then turned to let out a brief sigh.
It was clearly avoidance of conversation.
[The beads seemed to hold their roots here, but that became
impossible. So Nya will just rest. The roots will gradually extend to
the world.]
“Is that really the only change?”
[Your empire is like that. Your empire won't change as much as it
was closest. However… , very far from here
If it's in another area, the story will be a little different.
Mist slowly began to clean up the table he ate.
It seems like it's trying to clear up a messy mind, so I don't want to
say anything else.
[Night will come to a country where night never came. If the sun
always rises and sets at the same time, the time will change
depending on the movement of the roots.]
Up to that point, the fog had quieted down.
It was as if Mist was thinking a lot about how much to say and how
far to say it.
The fog dispersed, then gathered and repeated the road
[Other than that, it is no different from what I said. As the moon is
unleashed, the magical power will rotate, so there will be people who
are affected by that kind of influence even among humans.
"is it."
[Isn't it okay? you are the king
“Was it something I had to get my hands on? As you said, if it was a
natural thing, it would have taken care of it.”
At the words of Magnus, who seemed not very motivated, Mist was
silent for a long time, as if he was very absurd, but soon nodded her
head with a burst of laughter.
It would be better if it was an emperor like floating.]
In your case, I think it's because you're obsessed with other things. It
seemed as if the added fog looked at me.
The fog dissipated and in an instant
I came
A mist enveloped Magnus' whole body. He was buried in the fog, and
his face was somewhat unpleasant.
As the fog disappeared, Magnus became translucent. No, not only
was it translucent, but somehow the kid came out with something
worn out here and there.
It feels like the new is the old. It also feels like being stabbed in the
back in front of you!
I don't look blindly behind
While looking at Gnus, he could not hide his embarrassment and
hurriedly looked at the fog.
"What did you do?"
[The body was removed and only the soul was pulled out. Look, you
look full of scars, don't you?]
All CL ·•• •"
Why are you talking so much like a scammer?
Unable to hide his doubts at the words of the fog, this time he raised
his head as if it was unfair.
I didn't pay for it, it's like this
The tattered things are full of wounds
Hey, there is no place where there is no groove
There were a lot of cuts that looked like they had been cut by a knife,
not only on his limbs, but also on his face.
[I told you, a rotten and bruised soul. This is the job this guy is
carrying. So what if you get into this state?
You said that it would break in any form.]
Mist explained it quite seriously, but Magnus looked around my body
as if there was no red taste at all.
He held the sword in his hand, moved a few times, and then tucked
the sword back into the scabbard at his waist.
"It doesn't seem to be a problem with moving, Lina."
‘‘You say it can be broken?”
“With your mental strength, you will be able to do something.”
He was like a kid who forced himself to go with him. I wasn't the only
one left speechless at Magnus' blatant remarks.
The fog has no words. I looked to the side and saw that the fog had
reduced its size and had shrunk.
[Uh-huh, did you say that kind of thing is called a big cockroach in
your world?]
“Is that what you are referring to too?”?]
The fog suddenly became quiet. As far as I know, I thought the word
itself was referring to a couple.
Even the fog shuts its mouth as if realizing it too late. I really have
nothing to say.
[Anyway, if it breaks, give me your soul. I have no choice but to fill in
the blanks here and there.]
"Yes? What if I share my soul?"
[Well, ashes are cured. There will be no big problems for you.]
Mist said kindly.
To the extent that I wondered if it was a bit of a double personality,
the voice became softer when he called me.
<Episode 97>
[Actually, even if it is a soul, it is similar to a spirit. The soul can be
regenerated as long as it is not physically injured.]
He tilted his head at the words of the fog. I never thought he would
come to another world and take lessons on soul and body.
I wasn't very interested in studying.
But he nodded his head vigorously.
[Usually, it is the body that protects it. But now, the ashes cannot go
to the root of the root while holding the body, so only the soul has
been separated.]
“Yes, it is.”
[Yeah, so it is vulnerable to external attacks, so the soul will receive
all the physical attacks that the body would have received, so it will
break down faster.]
The fog shook. I'm shaking my head
It was clear that
With such a risk, I don't know why you would follow me.
Taking a peek at Magonus, he was looking around the cafe with no
red eyes.
[Of course, just because you give away some of your soul doesn't
mean you're in trouble. On the contrary, not treating it is the problem.
If your soul is broken by more than 80%, you are in a state
commonly called a vegetative in your world.]
"If it's 80 percent..."
[For reference, that soul is broken by about 50% now.]
“It’s pretty good though… … yes?"
The moment I thought it was okay, someone slammed a baseball bat
in the back of the head again.
I clicked my tongue, wondering if this mist was actually a former
baseball player in our world.
The fog was speaking in a tone of no regret at all, but on the
contrary, it made people more uncomfortable.
Fog stretches out to Magnus
I looked at him carefully and spoke again.
[I have 30% left until I become completely inactive from now on.]
The death sentence would be even heavier than this.
His voice was lighter than that of a doctor. I listened intently to this
story on behalf of Magnus, who has no red rice.
[If possible, while we are together, share a part of my soul so that
you can heal me.
If you do, you will live longer than you do now.]
“Are you living long? Is he dead?"
[Well, 50% is broken. didn't i say It's surprising that he's still alive in
that state.]
The top of the mist is tilted to and fro
I wondered if he was tilting my head, so I gave my eyes strength and
tried to stare, and the fog stopped suddenly.
Mist stood up stiffly and began to croak and cough.
It looks like there is no organ, so why the hell?
Are you sleeping?
I had eyes that were pathetic, so it was almost foggy, so it was quiet
Do you have to live a long time in a floating state to be 30 years old
in human age? In fact, it will live a long life in that state. If you don’t
live long, you may die by the age of 28.]
“Where is the longevity for a 30-year-old man?”
Not to mention being twenty-eight years old.
As I gave a hint of absurdity, the fog gradually receded, and the
got smaller
He folded his arms and narrowed his eyes.
[So they say it will be easier if you give me some treatment.]
‘‘How do you treat it?”
The fog spoke as if it was unfair, but it became quiet again.
Now he realized that this silence was for finding the right words
because he was in trouble.
Thoughtful thinking is also deep, but it's difficult for a foggy dog to
not spit out words indiscriminately
Try to avoid one answer.
〔What… You have to make contact, you're in a spirit state, so you'll
be better absorbed.]
I heard an ominous feeling. He looked at Magnus semi-privately.
I thought Magnus would react first, but he was showing a fairly
indifferent reaction with his arms crossed.
I'm not interested in that kind of thing at all.
as if
“Okay, let’s open the way. Let's go quickly. Reena."
"Uh, can I not listen to that?" "Yes, at best, it's kind of asking for
sexual contact, but I have to listen.
what reason to do it.”
No, didn't Mist say that he would die at the age of 30?
Even if I don't want to do it, shouldn't I be forced to do it?
I was looking at him with a puzzled expression
Rather, he wiped the fog with his gloomy eyes.
“Open quickly.”
It's true, even if they tell you how to live. Anyway, it's my job to have
a relationship, and then what's next... ]
Magnus drew his sword. The fog moved as it saw a sharp
anticipation coming from nearby.
Part of the mist escapes and slowly forms a passage.
The cafe I had built collapsed and darkness set in. Perhaps because
it was buried in darkness, the appearance of the fog was completely
“Let’s go, Lina.”
he reached out to me Holding the hand of Magnus, who looked
translucent and half mixed with darkness, I entered the foggy door.
The door closed and the dark came again.
What was the space before and the space now?
I don't know if it's different, but it must have been something different
since I passed the passage.
“I thought you would be interested in the first thing I talked about.”
“I am? I don't want to. I don't want to hold you for a reason like that."
Magnus answered, changing the sharp voice he had turned towards
the Mist as sweetly as ever.
Magnus, who shrugged his shoulders with his smiling face, had no
“If you just stand up and cling to me, I don’t know if you want to hug
me out of a sense of duty.”
“Then they say you will die.” “Then that’s good.”
I couldn't even ask a question. There was no tenderness in that
unfeeling voice.
The reason there is no tenderness in that voice is because the words
are not directed at me, and the answer is that of Magnus himself.
because it was meant to be.
Saying he's happy with his death
I couldn't believe it.
Slowly blinking, holding his breath, exhaling slowly, he pondered his
"Is it okay to die?"
"Yeah, I'd rather be lucky. It'll be more for Illyana to die sooner than I
live long."
" why?"
After a very long silence, Nya barely spoke a word and asked him.
My stomach was stuffy and I felt like I was going to run out of breath.
But I couldn't learn without asking.
Why are you thinking like that?
“Because that way it won't hurt Lina any more, she won't have to
come around for the rest of her life, and you'll be set free when I die.
Your shackles are gone. Isn’t that just a happy thing?”
That's why I can't believe the words of Magnus' love. His love is full
of lies.
He was united only by his own selfishness. He whispers love, recites
love, and eventually throws it away.
What's different from his ex -boyfriend's dog.
My body became heavy as if I was drowning in a heavy sea.
I don't even have the strength to raise the feeling of being subdued
“Is it Ilya? Are you okay?"
“You mean, what do you think of me?”
"Do you think you can tame it and throw it away? Are you saying that
you'll be fine, as you said, because the Empress is made to be the
Empress and locked up next to you, and then you'll be free when
you die?"
Now you are me, can you do that? only a few months? No, not even
a few months.
I was with him for a few weeks, so I got used to his warmth, but after
years of suffering, I couldn't sleep well.
But after a few years together, what do you think and believe in a
person who calls you freedom?
He knew that his love wasn't a foul, but he didn't know that he
wouldn't even think about what he would be like after his death.
It is the result of me becoming stupid, who thought I had to seriously
think about it in my heart.
"Am I the one you like? Is it Illyana Glaine?"
‘‘Do you want revenge or do you want to love?”
Magnus did not answer easily. I stopped walking and waited for his
I feel like an asshole who was hesitating on how to help.
'No, I've always been like an asshole.'
Being used stupidly every time, misunderstood by myself and thrown
away. In the end, he dies without gaining anything.
It is not wrong to choose the word for the fog, which is said to be a
blissful life. It's been a blessed life
“I love you. I love you, who was kind to me and whispered to me to
be human.”
I realized that this word of love is a light word.
He also knows that among the maximum limits he can express, he
picks and writes words based on the most similarity to his emotions.
“It’s true that you want Ilyanya Glein to go through the same thing,
but if you change
After that, a lot of that feeling was gone."
After a very long hesitation, Magnus calmly began the conversation.
You can see the face, but Magnus doesn't show any expression, so
he didn't have to hide his contorted face.
“At first, I was vengeful, but seeing you cry, I just wanted to have it. I
wanted you to be by my side even if I broke you.”
He patted me with his fingertips. The touch that touches the cheek is
It was so sweet and kind that I thought I was going to cry.
I hate the me who is used to this warmth, and I hate the me who
cannot throw away this warmth.
“If I say I’m broken and I fall next to you, are you going to leave me
like that and die?”
“Aren’t you unhappy with me? I want you to be happy
There is not. So, I thought that you and I would be happy if we wet
Am I wrong? Magnus asked me. Nya, I don't know.
I never even thought of dying for the happiness of others.
I was so wretched and miserable, but I never thought of dying.
“What do you want me to say to you? Are you attracted just because
your soul is clean?
So is it comfortable? Then you have to live.”
“Ilyanya Glein took me out of Hell, locked me in a penthouse, and
tame me.”
Her voice, telling her own story, is calm and she is neither angry nor
I don't know why.

<Episode 98>
If it were me, my anger would explode and I would not have been
able to relieve my heart even after scratching and throwing away all
the curses I knew, just like I did at the temple.
"What kind of existence are you to me?"
He voiced my question.
funny little
“You push me back to hell
I'm the one who put... .”
His large palms covered my cheeks.
I thought it was wrapped around the right side, and the other side
also wrapped my cheeks and lowered my waist to put my face close
His pupil was visible. Is he looking at me too?
If he got this close, he thought he might be able to see me.
The gleaming golden eyes were hidden in the darkness, but they still
looked murky.
‘‘The person who made me, who was living like a beast, into a
human being… "
He gently stroked my cheek.
The warmth spreads across my face and I can't breathe
Even taking a break was difficult.
“Did you give me knowledge and feelings?”
Breaths were mixed nearby. For some reason, I had to breathe
deeply, as I was tired from lack of oxygen.
Magnus's lips rounded wildly, and he kissed my forehead.
“You are my world, and you are the end of my world.”
“… You said it many times, but you were originally human. He was
even a prince.”
When Magnus heard my words, he laughed in front of his nose.
Hesitating for a moment at the breath that covered my face
As I sat down, he kissed my lips lightly, kissed the back of his nose,
and kissed my forehead.
There was more to the piety that a priest would show than a sexual
He wasn't a priest, and he wouldn't be a very good person, but it
made me laugh a little when I felt that way.
"When I was born, I was a doll born in Hell and given the name
Prince, when I was saved by Illiania Glein I became a beast, and
after meeting you I became a human..."

i geos-eun gobaeg-il kka, geugeosdo ani myeon igeos-i dang-

yeonhadaneun senoe ilkka? eoneu jjog-iljineun moleugessjiman,
hwagsinhageondae geuneun naege jib chaghanda. geuga jug-eum-
eul seontaeghalyeoneun geos-eun geuga jugneun geos ioee naleul
noh-eul bangbeob-eul moleundaneun tteus-i da. "dangsin-i nae
bumoija, nae seuseung-i myeo, nae jonjae ui iyuga ani
gessseubnikka.” geuga naege maengmogjeog in iyuneun yeojeonhi
jal moleugessji man, hanamankeum-eun hwagsilhaess dya
mageunuseuneun jasin-ui jug-eum-eul gyeongsihal jeong dolo naleul
jung-yohage yeogigo issda neun geo dya “naega, ne seuseung-ilago
…?" "nae dangsin-i baeun daelo umjig yeossseubni dya dangsin-i
naege galeuchyeojusyeossji anhseub ni kka. sig saleul anj-aseo
halageo na gogae leul sug-iji anh-ado doendageo na chaeg-eul ilg
eodo doen dago hasyeossjyo.” “geugeon neomu dang-yeonhan… "
“geu dang-yeonhan geol nugudo galeuchyeojuji anh-ass-euni jegen
dangsin-i bumoija seu seung-ib ni dya" mageunuseuga nae bol-eul
jab-eun son-eul cheon cheonhi ttemyeo mulleo nassda. malheo lileul
jallabeo lin geosmankeum danhoha ge tteol-eojijin anh-assjiman.
geuleodeoni dasi nae son-eul dandanhi maj jab-assdya ‘ yeonghon-
inde ttatteushane .' dwineujge geuga yeonghon sangtae laneun geol
kkae dal-assdya bantumyeonghage dwiga bichyeo boi neun sangtae
yeossji. yeong hon-i ongiga issdaneun solileul deudjineun
moshaessneunde. angaeneun galeuchyeojuji anh-eun ge neomu
manhdya ‘‘magnae hwangjalan bonlae geuleobni da. geuda ji
jumogbadji moshago wie issneun hyeongje ga agdoghamyeon
amugeosdo gaji ji mosha neun gyeong-udo manhseubni dya"
“geulaess-eo?" ‘‘ne .” mageunuseuneun geudaji tteoolligo sipji anh-
eun gieog-i eossneunji, mal-eul deo ieoga jin anh-assdya
mianhagido haessjiman, hwagsil hi haedul geos-eun pil-yohaessda.
naega ib-eul yeollyeogo haja geu gisaeg-eul nunchi chaegi lado han
deus mageunuseuga meon jeo mal-eul galogessda. ”uimugam-eulo
an-abeo limyeon gyesog geu ping gyelo domang-gasil geos gat-euni
silhseubni dya" "mwo?" "gedaga kkeumjjighan sangdaeege
angineun geosmankeum bi chamhan ildo eobs-eusil tenikka yo.”
mageunuseuui mal-e malmun-i maghyeossda. i leol ttaen botong
eogji lolado chwihal geola go saeng-gaghaessneunde.
jigeumkkajiwa wanjeonhi haengdong-eul dwi bakkwoss dya hagin,
sasil jigeumkkeos seolo ib majchum jeong doneun nanun jeog-i issji
man, geu isang-ui haeng-wileul hageo na geuga bulpil-yohan
jeobchog ol hamyeo naleul heungbunsi kyeossdeon jeog-eun
eobsneun geos gatdya naleumdaelo jeobchoghal ttaedo juuileul
haessdeon geos gatgo. eojjaessdeun geuui haengdong-e
bulkwaegam-eul neukkyeoss deon jeog-i geuli manhjineun anhda.
gongposim-eul je-oehal ttaeui mal-ijiman. ”i daelodo sang-gwan-
eobsdaneun geon jeongmal-ibni dya" “geuleom nal geunyang noh-
ajwo.” ”…silhseubni dya ilju-il-e han beon-ila do, him deusi damyeon
han dal-e han beon-ila do boebge haejusibsio. jega dangsin-eul
gildeul-in chae dugo tteo naneun geos-i geogjeongdoen damyeon
jeob chog-eun haji anhgessseubni da.” nega naege gil deuneun
geos-i museobdamyeon, geugeos-eul haji anhgessdago malhaneun
mageu nuseuui dya mal-i jan-inhamyeonseodo ansseuleowoss
geuga geuleohge saeng gaghal il-i manh-assdaneun geos-il deni
kka. geuleogo boni, geuttaedo geulaessda. han dal-e han beon-i
lado joh-ayo. gwi chanh-eusi myeon jamkkanman bogo gasyeodo
gwaenchanh ayo. geuleoni kka… geuleonikka budi … jeol beolijiman
mal-a juseyo. linya nim …. cheojeol hage bil eossda. geuneun
pilsajeog-eulo naege mae dallyeossda. sasil, geuttae ui gieogdo
nam-a iss-eul te ni geuneun eolmadeunji naege geuleohge gul-eo do
dwaess dya geuleul gildeul-in geos-eun illi ana geulle in ijiman
sangcheoleul jugo mil-eonaen geos-eun gyeol gug nayeossdya
jamkkanman bogo gado gwaenchanhdago. beo li jiman mal-a
dallago. naneun naega salgi wihae modeun geos-eul dwilohaessji
man, sasil gajang bichamhago goe lowoss-eumyeo i yudo moleun
chae heodeog yeoss-eul geos-eun mageunuseuyeossda. mundeug
nan saeng gag-eun geuege sagwaleul hae ya handaneun sasil jeong
doyeossda. "wae geuleon mal-eul hae? geunyang .. geo jismal ol
hago geuttae gaseo nal beo lyeodo doejanh a. nado, neo hande
geulaessneundae” nae mal-e geuneun maj-jab-eun son-e him-eul
jueossdya geuga heulishaejin tas-inji pyojeong i jedaelo boiji anh-
assda. jeog-eodo mom-i iss-eoss-eul ttaecheoleom ttolyeosha jin
anhdya mageunuseuneun aju olaesdong-an joyonghaessdya “i
leogo iss-euni machi yejeon gatseubni dya" ‘‘yejeon? eodi ga…?"
"dangsinkkeseo jege mal-eul pyeonhage haneun ge ileohge gibun-i
joh-eul jul al-ass-eumyeon jinjag pyeonhage mal-eul halago
myeonglyeonghal geol geulaessseubnida.” mageunuseuui us-eumgi
seokk-in mogsolie naneun geujeya meomchishaessda. naega
yeolsimhi banmal-eul hago iss-eossdaneun sasil-eul kkaedal-assda.
silje lodo naboda eoli jiman, yaggan heungbunhaeseo jejeongsin-i
ani eossdeon moyang-i dya “geu, joesonghabni da.” “anyo,
pyeonhage hasi lago deulin malsseum ibni da." ”eu... Cl • geunde
hwangje ga gyeong-eoleul sseuneunde, naega hwangjehante
banmal-eul sseuneun geon jogeum eodin ga munjega iss-eo boi ji
anh-eulkka sip-eun de jeongjag mageunuseuneun jeonhyeo
singyeong sseuji anhneun deus eoseo dasi haebolamyeo jae
choghal ppun-i eossji man. “jeongmal gwaenchanh-a?" "ne, jeoneun
aecho-e dangsin-ui geu maltu ga deo igsughamni da.” kkwae gin
sigan sseo wass-eul teni swibge ba kkwijin anhgessjiman geulaedo
geuga hwangjela go saeng gaghani yeogsi bulpyeonhada.
umuljjumulhago issja geuga malmeolileul dollyeossdya ‘‘jeoneun
dangsinkke geuleoji anh-eul geobni da. domang-gasi ji anhgessdago
hasi myeon, gangje haji do anhgessseubni da.” "wae? sasil neol beo
lin geos-e daehan bog suneun nahande haedo….” “geugeo manh-i
apeubnida, li na.” nae mal-eul kkeunh-eumyeo deul-eoon
mageunuseuga gogaeleul jeosneunda. geu mogsoliga neo mudo
damdamhago geu naeyong-i neo mudo apaseo naneun jamsi mal
eul ilh-eossdya geuga ileon mal-eul hal jul-eun saeng-gagjido
moshaeseo. "manh-i apayo, li na.” " " “geu leonikka dangsinkke gat-
eun il-eul gyeokkge hajineun anh-eul geobni da. gyeot-e iss-eumyeo
kkae dal-assjiman, li nakkeseon chung-gyeog-e yagha sin deushani
.” geuleon apeun geol gyeokkgoseo wae naege gat eun gotong-eul
julyeogo haji anhneun geo nyago mudgo sip-eossdya illi ana
geullein-i han ilgwa naega han ilgwa mageunuseuga han il-eul
cheonching-e ollimyeon deo mugeoun joeleul gajin salam-eun nugu-
ilkka? mageunuseuneun dansunhi bogsuleul wihae um jig yeossda.
illi ana geullein-eun amado jasin-ui chulsin-eul wonmanghae geulle
in baegjaggaui myeol mun-eul wihae umjig yeossda. naneun salgi
wihaeseo geuege geo jis-eul malhago yaegido eobs-i beo lyeossda.
“geuleoni domangman gaji masibsi o.tto dasi domang-gasineun nal-
en……" mageunuseuui mogsoli ga eumsanhaejyeossda. soleum-i
dodneun geu maltu e nado moleuge geuui son-eseo beos-
eonalyeogo baleujaggeolyeoss dya geuleona mageunuseuneun nae
son-eul noh-aju neun daesin dolieo dandanhage jabneun jjog-eul
taeghaessdya ‘‘jeodo jega eodi kkaji innaehalji mo leugessseubnida.
gwang-giye michyeoseo sajileul jallabeo liljido moleundaneun geon
jinsim-ini budi deoneun jageughaji maseyo.” sondeung-e
malkanghan geos-i dah-assdaga tteol-eo jyeossdya dwineujge
gogaeleul deulja geuui eolgul-i nae sondeung-eseo meol-eojigo iss-
eossda. eodum e banjjeum mudhin namjaneun usgo iss-eossda.
"dangsin-i wonhandamyeon salgessseubni da. won haji
anhneundamyeon ttaega doemyeon juggessseubni dya" “geuge
museun…….” ‘‘li nyakkeseo je saengmyeong julkkaji jwigo iss
daneun mal-ib ni da. jega salgil balasi myeon, dangsin-i jeol wonhasi
myeon doebni da.” sogsag-ineun mogsoli ga dajeonghada. jasin-eul
jug-il kaljaluleul son-e jwiyeoju neun namjaneun yeojeonhi
hwasahage usgo yeoss eoseo hwangmanghan gi bun-eul jiul suga
eobs-eoss dya “geuleo myeon i mi cheonhan jim seung-eun, eonje
eodiseodeun beonsiggiga dolaehan jimseungcheo leom
gulgessseubni da.” “naega neol… wonhaji anh-eumyeon?"
"byeonhaneun geon eobs-seubni da, geunyang i si gan-i gyesogdoel
ppun-ib ni da.” “neo, nega jigeum museun solileul haneun ji algin
hae?" mageunuseuneun dae dabdo haji anhgo pyojeong do
boyeojuji anh-eun chae mom-eul dollyeo yu yuhi geol-eo gassda.
geuleomyeonseodo son-eun kkwag butjab-eun jaeyeoss dya
jaengeol-eum-eulo geuleul ttalagadeon jung amhog-e gyun-yeol-i
saeng-gideoni cheoncheonhi si gong-gan-i ilgeuleojideus biteulligi
sijaghaess dya yunaya! eodi seonga deullineun haemalg-eun
mogsoliwa igsughan bal-eum-e geol-eum-i jeollo meomchwoss da.
mageunuseuwa jab-eun son-i paengpaenghi dang-gyeo jyeossdya
naneun jogeum neogs-i nagan eolgullo gogaeleul dollyeossda.
yunaya, igeo bwa! jib-eseo gi leuneun goyang-iga sae kkileul nah-
ass-eo ! neomu gwiyeob ji? waa…. eomcheong jagda. hangug-
eo yeossda. i se gyeui kkobulkkobulhan bal-eum-i anin, hangug-eo.
geutolog geulideon igsughan saeng-gimsaeui ai yeossda. geuligo
geu yeop-eseo jjogeulyeo anj-a sang jaleul bogo issneun geos-eun
eolin nayeossda. eonjejeog-inji gieogdo naji anhneunda. jeo jeong
domyeon yeoseos sal-inga ilgob saljjeum doe eoss-eulyeona?
heulishan gieog-i nun-ap-eseo ttolyeoshage yeonghwacheoleom
pyeolchyeojigo issneun geos-i singi haessdya “illi ana?" " "
mageunuseuui mogsoliga deullyeodo keun sin gyeong-i sseu-i ji
anh-assda. a, ilaeseo geu angaega naege geulaessgu na. meol
sudo issgo gakkaul sudo eossda go. eoduwossdeon segyee
igsughaessdeon pung-gyeong-i geulyeo jyeossda. ap-eulo geol-eo
gaya haneun geos ol almyeonseodo bal-i tteol-eojiji anh-assda. “il li
ana, jeoge dangsin-ui wonlae moseub ibni kka?" 99hwa
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Résultats de traduction
Is this a confession, or is it just brainwashing that this is normal? I
don't know which one, but I'm sure he's obsessed with me.
If he chooses to die, it means that he doesn't know how to let go of
me other than to die.
“Aren’t you my parent, my teacher, and the reason for my
I still don't know why he's blind to me, but one thing was certain.
That Magnus cares so much about me that he downplays his own
“I am your master … ?"
"My, I moved as you learned. Didn't you teach me to sit down to eat,
you don't have to bow your head, or you can read a book?"
“It’s so obvious… "
“No one taught me that natural thing, so you are my parent and
Magnus slowly released his hand on my cheek and backed away.
Although it didn't fall as decisively as cutting off the waist.
Then he held my hand tightly again
' It's a soul, but it's warm.'
I later realized that he was in a state of spirit, and he had a
translucent view of his back. I've never heard of a soul that has
There are so many things the fog didn't teach me
‘‘The youngest prince is like that. In many cases, if you don't get
much attention and your brother above you is evil, you can't have
“Did you?”
''yes ."
Perhaps it was a memory that Magnus did not want to recall, so he
did not continue his words.
I'm sorry, but I'll make sure
thing was needed
As I tried to open his mouth, Magnus spoke first, as if he had noticed
the sign.
“I don’t like it because if you hug me out of a sense of duty, you will
keep running away with that excuse.”
“Besides, there is nothing more miserable than being hugged by a
terrible opponent.”
Magnus was speechless.
At times like this, I'll usually force myself to get drunk
I thought
I completely changed my behavior from before.
Truth be told, we've been kissing each other for a while, but I don't
think we've ever done anything more or made any unnecessary
contact with him to excite me.
He seems to have been careful when making contact with himself.
Anyway, there aren't many times when I've been offended by his
Except for fear.
“It’s really true that it doesn’t matter even this way.”
“Then just let me go.”
“… No, please let me see you at least once a week or once a month
if you are having a hard time. If you're worried that I'll leave you
tame, I won't contact you."
If you're afraid to tame me,
Marg Says Won't Do It
of nus
Dia was cruel but sad
It must have been that he had a lot to think about.
Come to think of it, that was the case back then.
“Once a month is fine. If it bothers you, it's okay to take a look. So…
So please... Please don't leave me. Lina... .>
begged desperately. He desperately hung up on me.
In fact, the memories of that time will still remain, so he treats me like
it's done
It was Iliana Glein who tamed him, but it was I who hurt and pushed
him away.
It's okay to go and see for a while. Please don't throw it away.
I left everything behind for my life, but in fact, it was Magnus who
suffered the most miserable and agonizing, unaware of this
All of a sudden, I thought that I should apologize to him.
"Why do you say that? Just .. lie
You can come and then go and leave me. I said I did the same thing
with you.”
At my words, he tightened his clasped hands, but he couldn't see his
expression properly because he was blurry.
At least it's not as sharp as it was when I was in the body. Magnus
was silent for a very long time.
“It’s like it used to be when I’m doing this.”
''Previous? Where… ?"
"You make it easy for me to speak
If I had known that crabs would feel this good, I would have ordered
them to speak comfortably sooner.”
At that moment, I stopped at Magnus's laughter-filled voice.
I realized that I had been swearing hard.
He's actually younger than me, but he must have been a little bit
“Hey, I’m sorry.”
“No, I told you to take it easy.
no see."
Cl •
But the emperor uses honorific language, but I wonder if there is
something wrong with my use of half-words for the emperor.
In fact, Magnus didn't seem to care at all and just urged him to try
“Are you really okay?”
"Yes, I'm more familiar with your tone of voice in the first place."
It won't change easily since he's been using it for quite some time,
but it's still uncomfortable to think that he's the emperor.
As he hesitated, he turned his head.
‘‘I won’t do that to you. If you say you won't run away, I won't force
“Why? In fact, even if it’s me who will take revenge for leaving you…”
“It hurts a lot, Li Na.”
After interrupting my words, Magnus came in and shook his head.
His voice was so calm and the content was so painful that I was at a
loss for words.
I never thought he would say something like this.
“It hurts a lot, Lina.”
“So I'm not going to let you go through the same thing. I was there
and realized it, but it seems to me that Lee is weak from shock.”
I wanted to ask why you don't want to inflict the same pain on me
after going through such pain.
If I put on the scale what Iliana Glein did, what I did, and what
Magnus did, who has the heavier sin?
Magnus moved simply for revenge.
Illiana Glein probably resented her origins and moved to destroy the
Count Glein.
I lie to him to live
He spoke and left without a word.
“So, don’t just run away. On the day you run away again… … "
Magnus' voice grew gloomy. Unknowingly, I struggled to get out of
his hand at the creepy tone of voice.
But instead of letting go of my hand, Magnus chose to hold it firmly.
‘‘I don’t even know how far I can endure.
I will. I'm serious about going crazy and cutting off my limbs, so
please don't provoke me any more."
Something soft touched the back of his hand and fell.
When I looked up late, his face was moving away from the back of
my hand. The man, half buried in darkness, was smiling.
"I'll live if you want. If you don't want to, I'll die when the time comes."
“What… … .”
‘‘It means that Lina is holding my lifeline. If you want me to live, you
can want me.”
The whispering voice is sweet The man who held his hilt to kill him
was still smiling brightly.
I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment.
“Then the already lowly beast will behave like a beast whose
breeding season has arrived anytime, anywhere.”
“I… What if you don't want it?"
“Nothing changes, it just goes on and on.”
“Do you know what you are talking about?”
Magnus turned around and walked leisurely, without answering or
showing his expression.
Even so, his hand was tightly gripped with ashes. As I followed him
at a brisk pace, a crack appeared in the dark nook, and slowly began
to twist as if time and space were distorted.
I stopped walking at the clear voice and familiar pronunciation I could
hear from somewhere.
Magnus and his hand were pulled tight.
< Yuna, look at this! The domestic cat has a baby! Isn't it so cute?>
<Wow... . Very small.>
It was Korean. The twists and turns of this world
Korean, not pronunciation. He was a child with a familiar appearance
that he had been drawing so much for.
And it was me who was squatting next to him and looking at the box.
I can't even remember when Was he supposed to be six or seven by
that time?
It was strange that the blurry memories were clearly unfolding like a
movie right in front of my eyes.
Even if Magnus' voice was heard, he didn't pay much attention.
Ah, that's why the fog did it to me. It could be far or near.
A landscape familiar to the dark world was drawn. Even though I
knew I had to walk forward, my feet did not fall.
“Illiana, is that who you are?”
<Episode 99>
"• • • • • •"
If I jumped into that landscape right away, I thought I would be able
to live in the original world again.
But, the warmth of holding my hand doesn't seem to allow it.
‘That’s an illusion.’
it's an illusion Even though I think like that, there are me who cannot
easily take a step.
My toes trembled because I wanted to take a step. At that moment,
the warmth covered my back.
‘‘Lina, you can stay here if you want.”
“… yes?"
I'm in the theater-like scenery in front of my eyes
He asked without taking his eyes off him.
At the same time, I was a little disappointed as I watched the little
child burst into laughter. Magnus grabbed my waist tightly.
“It doesn’t matter if you want to be in an illusion.”
‘‘I don’t think your Majesty the Emperor is going to say that.”
“But if this place makes you happy, I think that will be enough.”
Blind and not hidden. He was sweet and kind, and he was cruel and
Things that were incompatible were all coming to fruition for him. I
didn't want to admit it.
“I just wanted a world to be with you, and if you say this is the happy
world, I don’t mind staying here for hundreds of years.”
“If that happens, I think I’ll buy Wonseong.”
Instead of talking to Magnus, I barely managed to keep my
In the scene I was looking at, I barely turned my gaze and slowly
closed my eyes.
"Why don't you look at me any more. Young Linya is cute too."
“It’s funny. Isn't this the place to show the happiest memories for me
to hold onto my ankles?"
“Perhaps it will.”
Magnus really sticks his head out of the box, his eyes are twinkling,
and I, fingering, have a smile on my lips.
I was enveloped in the feeling that he was rummaging through my
albums of memories.
“If you are going, I will take the lead.”
“I, I don’t know if I know your love.”
His warmth made me realize where I was standing in reality.
As I moved slowly, the two children on the stage, which had been
making a lot of noise, stopped laughing and looked straight at me
with expressionless faces.
It was a little creepy.
‘‘No matter what happens, you just have to believe that I am behind
you. There is no need to know anything else.”
'Do, don't you ask what I said was funny?"
I couldn't find the answer to what Magnus said, so I went to this
broken place for nothing.
I turned
Then Magnus smiled softly and gave strength to the hand that was
holding my hand.
“What was funny?”
“The fact is that those are the happiest memories in my memory.”
Actually, to be honest, it's a memory that doesn't really matter.
It was a scene that didn't make me desperately want to stay there,
even though it would evoke nostalgia and nostalgia.
With every step you take
The unfolding scenery was usually like that.
The day I found a delicious ice cream shop, I was lucky enough to
pick up a 10,000 won bill while passing by.
Those days when I was watching a movie or watching TV on a
holiday after a long time and suddenly thought that this life was
Those happy pasts that could have made me pause for a moment,
but never made me go back.
It was a little happiness. In fact, except for the fact that I couldn't
adapt, being in this world was a much more comfortable and hassle-
free life.
"Did you not have any happy memories?"
‘‘I told you the fog, it must be a rough life. Come to think of it, I think I
was definitely beaten.”
As I said with a smile, he glanced at me with subtle eyes and then bit
his lip.
Upon realizing it, I realized that I was still looking at him. Was he
curious about his Ban-woong, or wanted to believe that he was by
his side?
Instead of darkness, full of small memories
It was easier to walk on the cold road than I thought. It was not dark,
so there was nothing to get lost or afraid of.
The memories I put one by one on the path I walked were always full
of happiness.
They start with small and trivial happiness, and the more you walk
forward, the more clearly they come to mind.
The happiest moment will come soon
Yeah, the thing I thought I was the happiest was… … .
“I think I like you. If you do not mind … Won't you date me?>
It was the time of confession that I shared and put on that cheap and
clumsy coupling.
Although he walked slowly while looking back at his memories, he
had no choice but to stop at that scene.
It was the brightest time of my life. I thought it was a happy life. my
It was a star that fell into a dark world
And there was a man like the sun.
It was the first time I came to believe that trusting someone is not a
bad thing.
Even though it ended in the worst, it was the happiest memory for
me so far. There are no happier memories than that.
It's ironic and terrifying. Magnus would be a hundred times better
than that bastard who deceived me with a smile and hit the back of
the head.
“Illiana. Are you okay?"
I couldn't take my eyes off of it.
From my face as I received the shabby single rose he held out, from
the cheap silver-plated ring he put on, from the man's face as he
embraced me with a bright smile.
I think Magnus was talking next to me, but now I have tinnitus in my
Somewhere, there seemed to be a sound of a broken machine.
The scenery in front of me disappeared with a cry like a cry.
I now realize that my eyes are hotter than usual and that the water
on my large hands is hard.
The darkness was the scariest, but now the darkness is the most
“Are you okay, Lena, why are you like this?”
,,••• ••• "
"I'll cut it if you want."
What made me want to go back to my original world? Is it only to
experience this happiness come again?
I don't even have good memories of restarting an accident that I
stopped on my own.
My happy memories were so short
I had only seen fewer than ten happinesses, but the happiest
memories I hated the most came out of nowhere.
".. .please."
‘‘Is that Lee?”
‘‘Please cut me, Meg’’
I barely heard a voice that seemed to crawl as I hung from the hem
of his robe.
Then, the palm that had been covering her eyes with strength moved
away. Magnus was caught in the blurry vision.
He licked my cheek lightly.
He slowly sticks out his tongue to follow the traces of the tears that
flowed down, and he persistently licks even the formations on the
corners of my eyes.
You smiled beautifully.
‘‘If you wish, I will do it a hundred times, even a thousand times.”
Bend on the back of my hand
He will wear it at the waist dance slowly
hit the sword
took it out
Magnus who hid me behind his sword
It was pulled out to show clear hostility.
At that time when I confessed my love
the sun ran
If you go there alone, there is nothing to worry about. But I dunno .
Anyway, if that one breaks in, the roots will be desperate to protect
Suddenly, the words of the fog came to mind. Is this vision one of the
delusions of the roots?
That would be the tip of the spear towards Magnus.
Magnus exposed his teeth like a demon.
moved swiftly.
His sword quickly slashed through Nya and her ex.
The distorted form could no longer maintain the illusion and was
broken. The cub split in half and my figure squirmed on the floor like
It was too grotesque to see the upper and lower body moving
“Who is that person? Why did you receive another flower?”
“I am a lover.”
'do… Please tell me one more time
Five. It was like I was dreaming.”
Magnus said, splitting in half and placing his feet on the cub's head,
which was rattling on the floor.
Her face was full of bright smiles, but her eyes were cold and cold.
“He was dating.”
" ... hey"
Aww- !
Magnus smiled brightly and looked like a watermelon bursting while
his eyes were sold.
A sound was heard.
When I looked down in embarrassment, only the body of the cub,
whose head had disappeared, was wriggling.
‘‘Are you jealous?”
“Can't we? Reena."
‘No, no, that’s not it.”
Of course, it wasn't that I was able to stop my feelings.
I lose my shape and see my body Lee and his body Ri slowly
seeping into the dark, and I feel strange.
"Do you want to go back to tears?"
''yes ?"
“Isn’t this the happiest memory?”
I laughed out loud at Magnus' words.
I just nodded my head. I have the happiest memory
A memory that changed my whole life and a memory that took many
firsts from me

“Yes, it’s a happy memory.”

There cannot be a happier memory than this. My life was so dark
and so insignificant.
No matter how hard I tried, I didn't get as much as others. No matter
what I drew, it was always only bad things.
‘Is that right?”
"Yes, but the happy memories never end
There is no way to be happy."
I grabbed Magnus' hand. Magnus seemed quite surprised, but he
took it for granted.
I felt pretty good about that touch, too. The corner of his mouth had
drawn a light arc.
“What happened?”
“If there is a meeting, there is a parting.”
"Have you broken up?" "yes ."
Hearing my firm answer, Magnus was silent for a moment.
It was so quiet that I glanced at him to see if there was something
‘‘Well, I loved it, but it wasn’t over there. He met a rich woman and
was living a good life. Someone gave me their best from the moment
I rolled on the floor.”
<Episode 100>
It has been several years since I applied to take the recruitment
He wasn't a bad-headed guy, but desperate was always lacking.
If you give me food and say I don't have money, I'll always buy you
something, and if you want something, I'll buy it for you.
I never thought that the work of women on TV would be mine.
But after going through it all
Bonnie, I was a typical hogu-sang.
The person who used it was the first bad guy, but I was also stupid
when I got caught.
So there were no people around me. There was no one to tell me
that it was wrong, no one to complain about, no one to turn to for
It was my first love in my first love. For him, he got a good drink, and
for Nya, he did the right thing.
"Are you saying I'm having an affair?"
“No, it wasn’t an affair, because it wasn’t marriage. Dare to name it
I am Ram.”
“It is… You look like a crazy bastard."
Saying that, Magnus' hand suddenly drew his sword.
Why but I wanted to look at the front and this time it was another
scene. It was probably the day we went on a date together when we
turned 100.
He did pretty well at first. It may have been a fisherman , but I did my
best without showing any trouble until about a year after we started
dating .
< Yuna, on the 100th day of dating... … >
The face of the guy who was talking was split vertically.
As I was swallowing a smirk with my thin eyes open, this time the
man with his limbs in half was wriggling like a caterpillar on the floor.
Magnus, still smiling like a gentleman with a gentle smile, shredded
his limbs and crushed them completely.
Magnus saw the original illusion of me
For some reason, the illusion on the stage where I was in my original
self did not attack Magnus.
Magnus slowly reached out and placed his hand on my cheek.
‘‘Lee must not have always smiled the same way at this time as it is
I was dumbfounded at the comments made by Magnus, who was
carefully examining my face.
I was sick
Of course, that illusion is not smiling now, but it was natural because
it was a doll.
' 'I'm sorry. I wish I could have gone to Lena’s world.”
'You will eat well and sleep well no matter where you come. No
matter what you do, your job will be confirmed.”
In a world where appearanceism is rampant, Magnus will do
anything he can do to win the jackpot.
If you have the acting ability to smile like that, to be honest, even if
you become a celebrity, you will be on the money cushion.
"Is that so? Then I can feed Rina for a living."
Magnus swung his sword lightly and split my body in half. Thanks for
sharing it with a bright smile, I got goosebumps.
'Yeah, if I die later, would I die like that?'
I slowly melted away and disappeared into the darkness.
Magnus tucked his sword around his waist and strode towards me.
Then he kissed his cheek.
“If I went to that world, I would have been able to incinerate even the
ungrateful garbage that I didn’t know about grace.”
“It is a crime because it is murder.”
‘‘A crime? Isn't there a law against killing people even for justifiable
It's natural. When I nodded his head, Magnus shook his head as if in
great disappointment.
I thought it was a lie, but it doesn't seem like that at all. As I looked at
my drooping head, I smiled weakly.
“I didn’t know you had ever been in love.”
''there is. ”
“What kind of love did you have?”
he asked me But Nya couldn't answer.
All the happy memories that came after that were related to the cub.
And soon the road was over. I did not answer for a long time.
Then I could barely open my mouth until I stood in front of the exit.
‘‘I miss him and no matter what I do, I keep thinking of that person,
and I just think of him over and over again. No matter what I did, it
was not worth it and I want you to be happy... … Until the very end, I
couldn’t properly resent it.”
“Then what is the difference between that feeling and mine?”
He slowly lifted his head at Magnus' mysterious voice. Magnus was
looking at me.
o It was an instant to lose words on his puzzled face.
"What's the difference between how you feel for me and what you
say about love?"
Magnus bent his back. he
When I lowered my gaze, I met his face.
I couldn't take my eyes off her when she met her sparkling golden
"You and I said we wanted to see each other."
‘‘I have always wanted to see you, and it is not a waste to give you
the world.
There was a weak sense of anticipation for him, who poured out his
voice that filled me with an overwhelming feeling.
I breathed very slowly. His emotions flooded me.
"I never really resented you for leaving me twice in the end. What's
the difference between this feeling and what you call love?"
"• • • • • • "
I was speechless. listen to him
Actually, there is nothing wrong with looking at it. On the contrary, it
was too perfect.
Was it the love I was talking about? The meaning of the love he
insisted on was not much different.
To point out that the problem is the feeling of wanting to break
someone and keep them by their side, in fact, it is no different than
an obsession.
So what's the difference between his feelings and the name of love?
His question turned out to be a question I asked myself.
''If there is no difference between the two
noodle… "
I had no idea why Magnus looked so daunting.
He grabbed my arm tightly. Even so, his hand didn't feel so painful,
so I was speechless for a moment because of his consideration.
‘‘I love you, right?”
' 'Would that make any difference?"
"You give me the feeling of love
You will be informed.”
Magnus kissed my lips
In fact, if you had come this far, you would have already been dating.
However, it was difficult for Magnus to break that boundary. I don't
even know why.
The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I became.
‘‘Lina, can’t you give up too?
"Love it. die without you
I think that. don't leave me anymore
I hardened at him who whispered sadly
Instantly Magnus pushed me down
it went
I hesitate on the floor I thought was hard
seated, but
It wasn't dark or hard
On the contrary, it seems to absorb even the shock
Even if you lose, you are not weak.
Toe 0 Z 0 come up
“Can you give me you? I will give you everything so that you can be
happy without lifting a finger for the rest of your life.”
He knelt before me.
I had no choice but to sit down on the floor and face his gaze.
Unlike when he was a slave, as he ascended to a position where he
could not touch anyone, he bowed lower than anyone else.
“You called yourself subdued, but it doesn’t matter.”
He bent down to meet my eyes, pleaded with me and lowered
himself to kiss me.
I just stared blankly and couldn't do anything.
“I’m going to give you everything. I will give you all the blessings I
have gathered. If you have nowhere to go, stay by my side
stay at If there is something missing, please fill it in through me.”
I am a person who thinks that human love is futile.
I am no different from Magnus. I also feel that human relationships
are empty and empty, so a relationship that relies on emotions is
The opinion that this won't hurt even if it breaks
It was
So when I first heard it, I was surprised and the more I thought about
it, the more I understood it.
I thought that Magnus was a man no different than me. can't believe
in love
Standing crooked man.
I found my own way. I gave up on having a relationship with
But Magnus was different. Instead, he broke his opponent's limbs
and broke his legs, hoping to keep them by his side.
"You can use me like an ungrateful, ungrateful man who deceived
you. You don't have to love me. Tell me lies. Even if you're clumsy.
I am willing to be deceived.”
“Then please don’t throw it away.”
Magnus, who was a little younger than now, who knelt in front of me
and cried bitterly, trembled in front of his eyes.
I kept putting him back. Abandoned, abandoned and abandoned
Because I didn't want to be in a relationship. Because I didn't want to
delve into the relationship that was decided anyway.
Because I didn't want to get hurt. Because I wanted to go home.
There were too many reasons for this.
If you try to stick it, you will find hundreds of reasons.
But, the scariest thing was... .
“No matter how I think about it, I can’t live. It’s been that way since
the moment you gave me warmth.”
It was because I thought that if I fell for him, I would be unable to
escape like a prey caught in a spider's web.
Whether it's his crazy obsession, Iliana Glaine's obsession, or my
wandering feelings with nowhere to turn.
‘‘Why the hell are you doing this? why
is it me Why, why are you on your knees to me?"
“Other than this, I don't know how to catch you. What should I do to
make sure that you, who is unshaken no matter what you give, are
by my side?"
he leaned close. It's the same with him and Nya, wandering around
looking for warmth.
Me and he and each other broke each other
Whether they like it or not, they have become unique to each other.
I couldn't run away from him, and he couldn't blame me and
abandon me. They still long for each other's warmth, and in the end
they want each other.
<Episode 101>
I don't think this ending will be very happy.
I have never believed that this misaligned relationship would last for
so long.
The year that was not too far apart was shattered, but I don't know
what will be made when the two people who have been shattered
In the end, what remains at the end is probably dust that is not even
human debris.
The rate was remarkably high.
“I promise it won’t last long.”
“No, I have no intention of abandoning you, unless you leave me
behind… … I dare say we will forever.”
I laughed helplessly. Even though he was determined not to be
deceived by the rumors, his words felt so sincere. His eyes were not
‘‘The Empress
'do … · What do you mean?" 'Dude."
At my resolute words, Magnus furrowed his lip. Still, it was peculiar
that he held himself tight and did not utter a single word of
I opened my mouth to say the words I had not finished.
“But I think your lover will be fine.
yo. this."
,,••• ••• "
‘‘Magnus, shall we be officially dating?”
As he spoke out what he had been thinking about, his heart became
more at ease.
I was out of breath.
It's like I've been waiting for a long time to say this
Like waiting for meat.
I was also a little surprised by the change in my body, so I raised my
hand and pressed my chest here and there.

When he raised his head to the sound of a call, he did not believe it.
He expanded his pupil to the limit.
Magnus even stopped breathing. I couldn't believe he had stopped
"Are you experiencing a fantasy of showing me the happiest thing I'll
ever do this time?"
“Uh, if I were real, maybe not… ?"
“If you are ill or have a vision
Don't you know?"
Magnus asked me with very serious eyes.
I was at a loss for words at Magnus' sudden reaction, who I thought
would be happy right away.
Magnus shook his head hurriedly, as if confirming my stupid
‘‘I’m sorry, I can’t believe it. Maybe buy .. "
he raised his hand and covered his mouth
Danny added his words in a very low voice.
His slightly red earlobes let him know that he was very upset right
“I thought it would be too sad if it was a dream, so I made an
“Oh, no. It could have been.”
Especially in a space where you don't know whether this dream or
reality, or something in between, it was likely to be suspicious
I shook my head saying I was okay, and Magnus finally messed up
his face.
He hugged me tight and hugged me.
“Anything, anything is fine.”
“It’s good for me to take one step into you.”
I nodded slowly as I looked at the joy and doubt through the broken
He licked my lips in an instant. He shoved his tongue in and stopped
Close your eyes and tangle mine on his tongue
I, who was going to, also hardened together.
He bit his tongue back as far as he could, then pulled his lips out
I wonder what this is doing
Looking at it, Magnus hesitated and opened it.
01 O
‘‘Can I kiss you?” “…Yes?”
“… It is because I have been recognized at the most, and I do not
want to be hated any more.”
Even Magnus knew that what he was doing was very embarrassing.
he said avoiding.
Have you ever kissed with the intention of being hated?
Actually, I've never kissed properly.
Most of the time, it was the kind that touched the tip of the lips or on
the lips for a while and then fell off.
‘‘Are you going to keep getting permission from lovers?”
When I said bluntly, he said sorry and kissed his lips.
Thanks to him, I took a full breath of his lips between the quivering
‘It’s my first time working with Do Yeon-in, so I’ll study properly when
I get back.”
I was curious as to what kind of book I was going to read.
Love and other emotions and situations, Magnus learned and
realized many things from books.
If he had a teacher other than me, it would be only books.
A world only of type and letters.
Instead of asking anyone what I had told him or what he was trying
to know, he would have tried to understand, understand, and
persuade on his own.
That's how I've been living
“It’s Yuna. My name is Yuna.” "Yuna."
The moment his low voice called my name, strength came into the
hand holding his shoulder.
I always felt strange when the Marquis of Glein sang, but now
did more
It seemed to stop breathing. He said my name over and over again.
I shook my back every time he called my name
He stroked my back, as if to appreciate my move, then bent over and
pressed his lips to my ear.
“Yuna, I love you.”
It was his confession of love that I'm used to now, but it's sure to call
my name
it was different
His spine shivered, and his fur stood stiff.
It was a feeling I could never feel when I was called Lee Na or Iliana.
He devoured my lips, and as I accepted the tongue tucking in, I still
surrendered myself to the sense of one name he gave me.
The sensations irritating the roof of the mouth reacted particularly
sensitively today.
My back trembled intermittently. He laid me down and got on top of
Contrary to his friendly touch, the movement of his tongue was wild.
The scar on his cheek that had scraped the roof of his mouth slowly
I took a moment to catch my breath and called him, and Magnus
blinked slowly and focused on me.
Magnus' face was ecstatic. The slightly loose lines of poetry
reminded me of a few years ago.
"Yes, Yuma."
Like a person well taught, my teeth
little by little
_曰「One root 亡L
of Magnus
I had a sweet voice
‘‘I was hurt.”
I was scratching my finger
in the end a trace will come
It was on his cheek and scanned along.
It was only for a moment that his eyes widened in surprise at the
wound that had completely disappeared.
He sees the smile that is unleashed in my hand
It's no big deal to follow me and sweep the ball
he laughed out loud.
"Iknow, right."
Then he kissed my lips lightly and got up without any regrets.
Unlike the kiss that we shared hotly, it was a sweet ending.
On the contrary, it was me who was left less kicked in the midst of
desire and pleasure.
"... .magnus?"
"Yeah, I think it's better to just go.
“No, why not?”
He laughed silently. Magnus is
I don't know what you're thinking
Why are you such an indifferent banwoong when the wounds on
your soul have disappeared? I clearly said we were dating.
"Want to do more?"
“No, it’s worse because it falls so suddenly. Are you still thinking of
‘‘Come to think of it, this kind of relationship is good.
It seems like she will come. It's okay if you're not the Empress
anymore. Because you promised to stay by my side."
So what? Magnus laughed boldly as I was not hiding my absurdity.
No, I'm not lying, it looked really embarrassing.
“So, what are you doing now?”
''Don't be angry, it's not good for you.
He came to me and took his hand. No, of course, wishing that our
relationship would change suddenly just because we had to resign.
It's not, but isn't that the same thing as before?
‘‘Isn’t the reason you said you didn’t want to become the Empress
because you were worried about the future? You never know when
this imperfect relationship will break.”
‘‘I don’t think you have any regrets.
if you do. That’s all.”
Actually, it's not me who will use it, but that
isn't it
He has to somehow coax me and sew me to use it, but what the hell
is this situation?
Heh, he spit out a laugh out of embarrassment, and he smiled at
what he liked.
"If that's the case, I'll hide it or hide it."
I growl as I stare between my legs
As he walked away, he shut his mouth.
Then he looked around and smiled awkwardly. He was embarrassed
and even took a step back.
‘‘There is no place to deal with. It’s just a physiological phenomenon,
so you don’t have to worry about it.”
“What is it? Are you going to die dating? Why don't you ask for
treatment? Are you afraid I'll regret it after I healed you?"
"No, I'm afraid I'll be more greedy and ruin you."
I was trying to shoot at what people see, but I shut my mouth at the
nonsensical words I heard.
It was after my mouth and face were already loosened. I don't even
know what kind of expression I am making.
‘‘At last you opened your heart to me… I can't break it. I don't want to
take your luck, I don't want to hurt you, I don't want you to do
anything dangerous."
I don't know if I should see that as a confession or a consideration
for the sake of it.
What is certain is that either of them are equally frustrating.
‘‘You can do it.”
My words had a rib in Magnus' forehead.
"If you don't want it, don't even say that you'll become a lover! Even
if you die, bite your tongue and die.
I'd have said it. It’s something I was prepared for, convinced, and
accepted in my own way.”
When I shot him, he slowly wrinkled his face. He thought he was
going to take one step at the most, and then he ran away five steps
from there.
I was a little annoyed at my situation when I said this.
“I am the one who separates what I can and cannot do. Not you,
‘‘You will regret it. What are you going to do if I say that I will not be
able to let Yuna go for the rest of my life as I live a long life?"
Little by little, I also came to my senses at Magnus' calm reverence.
His voice was gloomy and deep, and there was endless darkness.
Even at this moment, the hidden darkness seemed to cover me.
“Then I will take care of it. If you don't want me to leave, you'll do
your best."
"I'm always doing my best. I've never been rough with you."
Magnus took a step closer.
He swallowed his saliva at the sight of his bulging desire.
There was even a slight sense of wanting to stimulate it for nothing.
However, I can't just let it go even though I know for sure that I'm
going to die.
“Do you have any sympathy for me? Even if it’s not love.”
‘‘If it wasn’t for you, I would have run away already.”
No matter how hard I try, I can't do this with someone I don't like.
I couldn't help myself, but I couldn't even mix my body, and I couldn't
even get myself to kiss.
Before that, my stomach was unacceptable.
As if my words had been amplified, he attacked me at once.
He jumped into my arms and began to covet me like a hungry beast.
He put his lips to the collarbone and stood up.
It left a dark mark.
“I would really like to have you.
are you?”

<Episode 102>
“It’s that kind of relationship. of course… It’s a bit disappointing to
have a place like this.”
It was a little funny that we had to have a relationship while watching
strange creatures die in the dark, not in empty fields.
I can't even watch a man die.
Carefully taking off my clothes, Magnus snuggled into me.
“For me, too, this is gambling, Yuna.”
As he erected it and cleaved his shoulder, the ferocious beast shone
a gleam in the darkness.
It really looked like an animal that found its prey. I moaned low and
listened to him.
"I never set you free
You never thought of letting go."
How long have you been wanting to lock me up?
Is it strange that I am not terrified of this obsession?
I took a deep breath and caught his gaze.
"It's the first time I've decided to have a proper relationship with you.
I've never even thought of having you as a human."
Magnus' speech was polite and respectful as if he was treating a
precious person.
However, the eyes that were facing each other were not much
different from those of beasts. Nya had to try several times not to
lose her mind.
"I don't have the courage like you, so I never thought of a way to lock
you in without breaking my leg..."
he laughed brightly as if happy
He smiled, it certainly wasn't the same as before.
Nya couldn't see his line of sight any longer, so she lowered her
head slightly.
"It seems that the name of lover has come to an end. Thank you for
giving me the opportunity to have you."
To hear you say thank you between lovers. The only love affair I've
ever had in my life is with that bastard, but at least a normal
relationship wouldn't be like this.
I open my mouth saying it's okay, but Magnus
The words continued.
“And I’m sorry.”
He shook his head at his words. No, what are you sorry for all of a
I felt a hot desire from below. I looked at him with tense eyes at the
bitter desire that seemed to pierce me at any moment.
"After all, I don't think I'll be able to let you go so easily.
It's something you brought up. Whispering like that, Magnus pushed
his body tight.
The lower part kept getting wet as he moved his hand. The feeling I
felt after a long time made my back tremble.
“If such a gentle man were to be left alone . . . You and Donna are
going to try to touch you.”
His thing touched the flesh. pussy
I was captivated for a moment by the heaviness that I felt even
though I didn't have to.
It doesn't match the sweet, honey dripping eyes at all.
As I licked my lips, he took it as a sign that it was coming, and he
began to lick my lips greedily as he drew closer.
“Even if I die, I won’t be able to see it.”
he laughed
"large 0
And at the same time, a white lightning bolt struck in my head, and a
burning pain hit me.
After that, my memory wasn't perfect. It just seems like he was
excited about a relationship he had been in for a long time.
In the end, it was difficult, so the clearest memory was hanging
around his neck.
it was
I lay blankly on the floor, my
I looked at Magnus sitting next to me. body
Big and small statues scattered all over the place
The wives have disappeared quite a bit.
It was a completely different change from when we kissed once.
“Do you think I’m kind?”
Magnus turned to me at my question.
He nodded his head, unaware that I was awake, pressing his jacket
a little more over my body.
“In essence, I think

“I thought it was like a mental world, but it hurts the same.”

And then I couldn't pass out or sleep. what kind of situation is this As
I frowned in embarrassment, Magnus held me in a flash.
"In what spirit did I get dressed again?"
“I put it on”
".. . Five."
“There was something more to hide between us.
Yes, where can we hide while we bathe each other?
I smiled awkwardly and nodded as he embraced me and walked
towards what appeared to be an exit from this world.
I thought it was going to come out again. However, what unfolded
this time was a wide plain and a field of flowers that filled it.
In the meantime, like the path I'm on
The road seemed like it was telling me to walk
At the end of the road, there was a very huge Nyamu, which was
magnificent even from a distance.
The branches that stretched out seemed thick and hard, and when I
got closer, I wondered if I would look like a tiny dot.
There was no shadow to feel the astonishment of the mystery of
nature. It just overwhelms people to come.
It was grand and beautiful. still far away
Even though it's so far away, that feeling
it was enough to feel
“The atmosphere has completely changed.” “Oh, yes.”
I nodded without taking my eyes off the tree.
Even to me, the atmosphere has changed so much.
Darkness or fear provoked, and if the road we had just walked made
memories, the road we see now was warm, but there was nothing.
It's not really nothing, but it would be more accurate to say that it felt
like nothing.
"unpleasant… … "
He hung his tongue low and drew his sword. I also tried hard to
move the shadows, but to no avail what the world was like.
Of course, it's strange to deal with shadows in a place full of
Even if it looks like this, in fact, the whole place may be dark. It looks
so bright, but it could be my misunderstanding.
Actually, there were no shadows on everything, neither me nor
“Stand back.”
I carefully kissed you
"If you don't want me to get hurt..."
Magnus grabbed the sword. “It will be so.”
anytime and as you wish.
Moved it low, he swung his sword horizontally, and the beast that
was running was split in half.
He slowly made his way forward. me
is behind Magnus
walked out to
clinging to the front
Magnus really carelessly cut the things in front of him and went
The attack is dodged like flowing water, and the movement is lighter
than the wind.
When to nurse
Seeing you grow like this
bet? mug
口l- uh
己Always close people
Magnus covered in a dark liquid, and it was more like a dark shadow
than a liquid.
Every time you kill an attacking creature, it
The strange liquid that came out of it covered Magnus' whole body.
As I took a step forward, the beasts took a step back. When Magnus
confirmed it and took a step back, the things that were rushing
stopped suddenly.
He is staring at Magnus with wide eyes, but he doesn't attack.
Magnus looked down at it and let out a low sigh.
“It looks like they were only targeting me.”
“Ah, because I said that I was trying to rule out.”
“I am not hostile, but I am not willing to put you in danger like this.”
Magnus said worriedly. It was after getting quite close to the tree.
Even if I go further, I won't be out of sight of Magnus. That's how
close the tree was.
It was cool and cool under the shade of a huge tree.
It was closer to the sky than the shade made by the straight
branches and leaves. Most of where we stood
had been covered
“Come on, they don’t seem to want to let them inside the temple.”
“… Are you okay?"
It is you, not me, who is passionate. So, come back quickly.”
Magnus kissed my lips lightly.
His face was dripping with regret, but every time Magnus moved, the
beasts were busy showing it.
It was your inevitable choice.
I took a slow step towards the tree.
Unlike the splendid exterior, the more I went inside, the more dry I
felt. As we got closer, the condition of the tree was not very good.
I was born with rotten wood. Near the tree was literally only death.
All dry stuff.
Unlike the splendid exterior, the interior seemed to rot.
There was a hole in one side of the tree. Something flashed inside.
I shoved my hand into the life preserver and grabbed the shiny thing
and pulled it out. It was a black, fist-sized bead.
"You didn't want to die, did you?"
I did the stupid thing to talk to the tree, but it doesn't matter. The
wind blew and shook the leaves.
It felt like rejection. I slowly put my palm on the tree and closed my
eyes, because somehow it felt like it had to be.
The moment I closed my eyes, my mind was commanded.
For a moment, something black entered my mind and time stopped.
Poetry started from a seed possessed by someone. Luckily, the
seeds of the trees buried deep in the ground began to grow slowly
and slowly.
As if showing the passage of time, beautiful fields were formed,
flowers and people began to live in the barren fields.
People started to change one by one, and they all started fighting
with swords.
Where there were trees, the blood of people and animals was
' dream… ?'
Nya thought, unable to take her eyes off the scene unfolding before
her eyes.
Is this what I'm thinking of? It felt like someone was sleeping in my
head and reading a story to me.
<Episode 103>
As if showing the life of a tree, a fresh wind blew and then a wind of
blood blew.
The tree was drenched in the blood it had been drenched in.
Everyone was exhausted from the long-lasting war.
Trees have lived longer than expected. Having lived too long, the
tree has learned too much about man.
Killing each other, killing each other, holding blood
Trees can think. Even though I can't move, I have an ego.
A long period of time has strangely changed an ordinary tree.
The tree wanted to know a little more. He extended his roots even
deeper and farther
The tree wanted to know the many stories of the world, but the world
was bloody.
Wars continued everywhere, plants died and animals cried. I was
sad. The tree wanted to keep. The tree is… … .
He built his own nest.
“No, wait, this is not what I was thinking.”
An explanation that seems to be engraved in the mind
do not stand
I couldn't understand it, so I touched this forehead
In embarrassment, I looked down at the black marble the size of a
fist held in my hand and then looked up at the tree.
“So, don’t kill me?” The trees and leaves shook again.

“What, you want me to kill you?”

Nyamu was quiet. It does not waver, nor useless thoughts come into
I stared at the marbles I was holding. The scenes I pictured in my
head are not very enjoyable.
The tree was disappointed with the humans. The tree resented the
man. The tree decided to create a world for itself and for the
alienated races.
o What is done like an arrangement of beams
It was the life of a tree.
It is the life of the tree and the time of the tree. Many species have
survived here.
And it took root there. It gets its nutrients from its deep-rooted roots.
It was created by maintaining and protecting the world.
Trees lived a long time. And you met me at the end of the broad
I took a step back from the memories that had permeated my mind. I
tilted my head with a bewildered face and looked down at the marble
This tree is probably the main body of the fog
So, why couldn't the fog be broken directly?
“Is it enough to break this arrogance?” The leaves shook.
“If I break this, will I die?”
The leaves shook again. I looked up at the mulberry tree, and slowly
lifted the marble with strength.
At the same time, the movements of the beasts surrounding Magnus
suddenly stopped, and the
they stared at me
It was a creepy look. As he quickly picked up the marble and threw it
down to the floor, the marble that made a dull sound cracked and
split in two.
The beasts disappeared with smashed marbles and the darkness
split in half.
[thank you. Yuna.]
The tree began to age in an instant, along with the sound of a voice
riding on the wind from somewhere.
The leaves are gone, and a huge old tree
It began to dry out little by little and then slowly rotted in. I put the
marble in half that had been thrown away on the floor into my arms.
“Yuna, come here.”
As soon as Magnus wrapped around my waist, the dark lump melted
away in an instant. The curtain of darkness fell.
Beriel Glein was momentarily stunned by the series of events.
The child who had disappeared in the darkness came back out of
Sidus. Then, the darkness that had filled the sky gradually lifted.
Nigrore was gradually decreasing among the realms of the night.
Then the thirteen kings gathered and had several meetings.
At this rate, in less than a year, the realm of Nigrore will completely
disappear and half of the realm of the night will be eaten.
And after about two years, he could have completely disappeared to
the realm of Sidus.
Two people who will explain it to you
Ram lost his mind for a week.
It was only after the Marquis of Glein had reached the limit of their
patience with this annoying situation.
Even the child would be worried about death, but there was no
reason not to get a headache from the skepticism of the kings who
kept telling them to get together every day.
It would be nice if the conclusion was reached sooner rather than
“How long will it be? I
I don't know if I'm going to do something like this, but I'm going to fall
for it."
The Marquis of Glein stood up. After all, Mongma is a free clan.
As he traveled to many places through his dreams, he was also the
most unbiased race against humans.
Especially the twelfth king, the Marquis of Glein.
After leaving this place, his spirit
The people who were under the station one by one
set foot in the human world.
There was absolutely no need for him to cry because he was
involved in this in the first place.
“Isn’t that too fancy?”
"First, because of you, my child can't even open her eyes right now.
I'm just barely holding on to wanting to tear you apart, so I hope you
don't provoke me any more."
The glare of the Marquis Glaine's eyes flashed fiercely. In fact, he
was very patient.
He couldn't even get out of the night because he didn't know what
the child might have lost.
Not only that, but the emperor who sat down in his realm and the
emperor's direct storms also raged.
“No matter how you behaved, this time, the dignity of our world is at
stake, so why are you going to step out on your own like this?”
The first showed the unpleasant feelings intact.
“Yeah, if that’s the case, there’s nothing I can do about it. I have to
find a new way to go. I thought this world would be forever
There would be none of these. ”
The round table was silent at the declaration of the Day of the
Marquis of Glein.
In fact, the realm had been maintained since the kings took turns
managing Sidus.
In fact, there was nothing strange about when the realm expanded
and devoured the human world or collapsed at any time.
I knew it wasn't forever, but it was a problem if it was too sudden.
The Marquis of Glein turned around. He slowly walked towards the
entrance of his meeting room, with his large wings folded.
“Yeah, most of your people don’t live in the dark. But how are you
going to sleep if you take your feet off like this?"
“I heard you are having a tabletop discussion here.
If you have an answer, let me know.”
“Even if there is no answer, it must have been a meeting to discuss.”
“If the territory disappears, you just have to find a new home. I don't
think it's useless if it's a discussion because we can't come to such a
simple conclusion."
The Marquis of Glein spoke coldly. In fact, the conclusion to all of
this is
it was me Somehow, I had to find a new home.
If the area was to disappear, all we had to do was find a space to
replace the missing area.
Nothing can be resolved by eating the shells and gathering together.”
“Well, that’s right.”
Wolf, who had been leaning on a chair with his arms crossed and
listening to the story silently, for some reason responded to the
words of Marquis Law Grain.
He got up from his seat, scratching his head.
“Oh, me too. We'll discuss it on our own. What the fuck is that, even
if you sit so hard and your head rots, you can't even come up with an
answer. Ugh."
Wolf whistles towards the Marquis of Grain
The enemy walked away. Anyway, there is only one conclusion.
Who decides first or not?
It was a matter of Human land is wide
Is there somewhere to eat and live?
Her first one called him in her stern voice. Wolfe looked at her for a
second, as if she was worthy of her, and then shrugged her
“Why? Did I say something wrong? The fruit that will fall anyway, if
you want to prepare something more before it falls, don’t sit around
and play with your tongue and move quickly.”
“You guys are probably the most difficult to get into”
ghoul? Are we going to care? Jiral-. Even if you don't worry about it,
we will eat well and live well. If it doesn't work out, I'll attack even the
twelfth territory."
The Marquis Glaine said with a tired expression. Dia Wolf shrugged
his shoulders lightly, poked his nose, passed the Marquis Glaine and
bulged the door to the conference room.
As a Wolf, it is not without regrets, but he was neither passionate nor
full of regrets enough to hang around with issues that had already
been decided.
"I don't want to be ripped off, but it's more temperamental to bump
into it than that. Isn't it? Twelfth."
“Z A •”
The Marquis of Glaine clicked his tongue low, but he didn't swear by
Wolfe's saying otherwise. He must have known.
All conclusions are bound to end like this anyway.
And if someone doesn't take on a villain like this, public opinion will
continue for a long time.
that you will lose
“Ah, what should I eat?”
Prisoners in particular have a lot of problems. It is okay to practice
even now so that you can humanize, but it will be difficult to become
a perfect human being.
It is self-evident that they have ears or tails.
Often, when there is a shortage of magical power, there is a
possibility that the face is a beast but only the body is human.
Living in a world like that
By the way, Wolf wasn't in a good mood.
‘‘When your daughter wakes up, I should ask her to live.
“The back room… … what?"
"He's deaf. Damn grandpa's done."
Wolf hurriedly left the meeting room. The Marquis Glein sighed and
followed after him.
The meeting place where the two kings were missing
It became much more subtle than that. For a long time, no one
opened their mouth easily.
In the world that foretold a sudden change of environment, even
kings who had lived for a long time could not find their way easily.
“Heh billion….”
suddenly out of breath. Exhaling a rough breath, I jumped up and
saw unfamiliar landscapes.
I thought it was pitch black, but the room was full of blue flame
It's subtle, but not so bad that it hurts my eyes. I barely took a breath
and turned my head to look out the window.
Three moons hung over the veil of the pitch black night.
"ah "
The familiar yet unfamiliar scenery was clear in my memory. It's still
in the hump.
o I never thought I would lose my god
"Head hurts… .”
It's like a long dream, and it's like a long sleep.
<Episode 104>
But either way, it was clear that the mind was not refreshed. The
memories of the fog and trees came rushing in and then subsided
On a small chest of drawers next to the bed, there were some beads
split in half.
Someone put it there on purpose. I couldn't hold the sigh that leaked
out while I was scanning the room, so I rubbed my hair.

I don't know what I did and I don't know why I'm all lying here.
If I'm still in the dark, maybe the Marquis of Glein has taken care of
I put my feet under the bed and tried to get up, but my body slumped
I hurriedly gave my legs strength, but that was all. In the end, I sat
down on the bed again.
I had no strength in my legs, so I rubbed my hands a few times.
“Oh, how many days have you been sleeping?” It’s like I’ve never
used muscle before.
The feeling of being released makes me sleep for a day or two
He told me that he wasn't sleeping.
I folded my legs a few times and repeated them to straighten them,
then I got up from my seat, giving and pulling out strength.
I was going to the bathroom, but the doorknob turned. I heard the
sound of the iron being loosened.
My body was tense. He smiled weakly at the familiar face that
entered the room.
"father . “
“Are you awake, body?”
“It’s okay, except that my legs are a little loose.
it's okay ”
I was going to the bathroom because he came in.
He turned his feet back and sat down on the bed. that
come striding and put your hand on my forehead
He put it on and clicked his tongue low.
“It was still a fever.”
“Uh, do you have a fever?”
“Yeah, I’ve been sick for quite some time.”
The Marquis of Glein put me back on the bed, covered me with a
blanket, and poured water into a cup.
It was very strange that the water was cold. At least that means it
was recently replaced.
"thank you."
As if tickling his chest, he smiled and brought the glass to his mouth.
Perhaps he was more thirsty than he had expected, so when he
came to his senses, he tilted his head to the fullest and turned on the
“It’s not good to eat so quickly.” “Um, yes.”
It was a late nagging because I had already eaten it all. I put down
an empty glass on the side of the bed and yawned.
I think I slept until I was tired, but I didn't know that I would be sleepy
"I know you're tired, but what's inside?
Do you want me to tell you what happened?"
'' yes? Oh, and fog?" "Fog?"
The Marquis of Glein asked the question with a puzzled face. Come
to think of it, this man had never seen a fog.
I wondered if Magnus had talked to him, but he wasn't the face he
heard at all.
“What about Magnus?”
“I have been unconscious since I came out with you.”
"Did you lose consciousness for those days?"
“It’s only been a week today.”
I have never slept so well before.
The Marquis Glaine's answer was not what he expected, so he
looked at him dumbly for a moment and then tapped his forehead
with his palm.
“You slept for a week?” “Yes.”
“Even Magnus hasn’t woken up for a week.
Is there?"
‘Yes, yes.”
When the story of Magnus came out, the Marquis of Glein was
outright displeased.
Unexpectedly, this person may have a temperament, as Duke
Kiriston said. Coming here, his feelings became more explicit.
"Um, even if you tell me what happened..."
I don't know what to explain.
He met the mist, and the mist talked about the roots and told him to
break the marbles, so he went to meet Nyamu.
The tree said strange things, so I couldn't understand it properly, so I
just broke the marble.
There were too many parts that even I couldn't understand to
explain, so I hesitated to open my mouth.
I couldn't open my mouth easily, so the Marquis Glaine moved slowly
and opened the window to ventilate the room.
“What kind of mist-like creature did you get inside? inanimate
objects? Anyway, it was a hazy figure like a fog.” "okay''
“But they said that the mist brought me to this world… I asked him to
go to the root and break some marble…”
Even if I think about it, I don't think I can really explain it.
The whole time I stuttered my lips, I wondered if what I was doing
was doing the right thing. Still, to the Marquis of Glein
There was no sign of non-smiling at all.
When I finished speaking, the Marquis Glaine crossed his arms and
didn't say anything for a long time. Then he let out a low sigh.
“That was probably the source of Sidus.”
"The origin of Sidus?"
“There is an old saying that Sidus is darkness itself, a dark hive that
has grown out of it, which has created a nightmare.”
I have been there for a very long time
I remembered the story I was standing in.
A time when a tree that should have gradually died in the dark by
embracing the darkness and soaking up blood has come to live for a
long time that is not possible normally.
“Oh, did you?”
“It seems that the source of Greamasidus was that dictation. I don’t
know what that root is.”
he said quietly. I hesitated as to how to bring the story I had heard
from Mist to him.
Because I couldn't say that this world will soon disappear without
any bottom or end.
"Negrore is disappearing." "yes?"
But with nothing I could take out, Earl of Glaine opened the door first.
He shrugged his shoulders very lightly as I stopped and stiffened at
the unexpected words.
‘It’s not enough, it will have an effect even at night
If Dego soon disappears, even Sidus, our world will disappear.”
".. .is that so?"
“You must have known something”’
He casually noticed that I was stuttering. Every time this happens, I
feel like I've become a really bad kid.
If I can't hide it properly, I shouldn't lie too.
"I heard from Mist. He's been here too long and he's dying. And take
me here.
He said he had to pay the price.”
‘Let’s go against the providence. You saved me, who should have
been dead.”
After hearing my story, the Marquis of Glein did not respond at all.
It's not that I feel guilty for Iliana Glaine because he said it's okay, but
it didn't make me feel at ease either.
“Okay, is it a rookie?”
“No, you say you are absolutely not God.”
The class didn't understand at all because he spoke hard words, but
in conclusion, he wasn't that great.
It might be simpler if you think of it as a tree spirit that has been
floating around for a long time.
“It is said that if the night disappears, there will be three moons in the
human world.”
Three daughters?"
‘‘Yes, the moon symbolizes magic, and this place
It's called the space where it was confined... He also said that there
will be many people with magical powers.”
As far as I could remember, I passed on to the Marquis of Glain what
I had heard from the mist.
In fact, I thought that I would be questioned or even my soul would
blow over for breaking the marble, but he didn't say anything to me.
“Did I just do something useless?”
"I was just doing what you were supposed to do. It's clear that you
were brought in for that kind of character in the first place. There
must be many facts that I didn't tell you because I was hiding from
After glare, I replied with a small slur. He nodded his head once
more and patted my head lightly.
He grinned as he looked up at the large hand.
“I thought about it before, but you are very worried.”
"eww•.. "
“So, I decided to go with the emperor.
Marquis Glaine raised his head in shock at the sudden remark.
With a slightly mischievous smile on his eyes, he was unfamiliar and
hardened his body, then barely opened his mouth.
"Lovers. Did the emperor understand that?"
seems to convince me
I barely nodded my head and realized that it was strange that I was
asking such a question and answer.
I hurriedly caught him as I watched Glaine, who was clearing the
cups that I had thrown and rolled around the bed.
“How did you know?”
"The Emperor smells of you." "yes?"
I hurriedly put my nose in my skin and stung, but I can't say it smells
like Magnus.
I don't know.
He looked a little embarrassed by my actions, but he burst into
''You didn't have enough explanation. It's a little bit more
understandable to you
It will be easy.”
"••••••• "
“I should have told you earlier, but I don’t. It's usually because you
know it instinctively. Sometimes you forget that you are a human
Heat rose to his face. He felt like his head was going to explode, so
he buried his face in his lap.
I was even more embarrassed by his troubled expression on his
face, showing his sincere regret.
"that… "
All of a sudden, my saliva went over. It was only natural that his gaze
fell all the way down in embarrassment.
“You know such a thing?”
"It's not normal. But, it seems that the emperor has absorbed your
essence more than you can imagine."
“No, because if you leave it as it is, you won’t be able to live to be
30… ."
“So, did you make any sacrifices?”
His voice was soft, but he had a hard voice. It was clear that he
didn't like something.
I looked at him with a bewildered expression and then licked my lips.
It wasn't an open sacrifice, but from the outside, it might be the case
“No, we decided to become lovers, but we can’t just let them die and
burn. Well, how many times did you die? … ."
murmured and grumbled.
To be honest, it's not even a sentence of any kind.
I was supposed to be dating, but it turned out that I felt like I had
heard from a doctor that a lover had to live a long life to be 30 years
“It is said that he is 30 years old due to his long life, but that’s a little
“So, is it true that you did it because you wanted it?”
“Yes, can’t you? If I lose that spirit, am I in a lot of danger?"
I don't know if he's saying this because he's worried about me, or if
it's just that it's worthwhile to save Magnus.
When he raised his head again, he asked again, and he was smiling
“It is not dangerous. You don't have to worry about your lack of spirit
because I've filled it up."
How did you replenish your period?

<Episode 105>
Words I couldn't ask were circling in my mouth.
Of course, since it was the job of the Marquis of Glein, I don't think
he would have done this bad thing, but I didn't know the details of
how the monstrous exchanged spirits.
Usually, the only way to solve it is through contact through mucous
membranes or other parts.
As I glanced at the Marquis Glein, the Marquis Glein's expression
"It was common amongst the ghosts when parents give spirits to
their children. It's not easy for a young dreamer to get spirits."
“Oh, how?”
“Usually, the spirits are made to drink in the form of a liquid, or they
are poured directly into the body as if by inserting magical energy
into the body.”
Ah, that's how it was. He glared at me as if he had discovered a cold
expression on the inside.
He lowered the line and smiled softly.
The Marquis of Glein looked at me with subtle eyes.
“You really don’t get tired of it.” ''yes? "
“It was about having a good laugh.”
I scratched my cheek at the words of the Marquis of Glein. He was
looking at me with such sweet and warm eyes.
Of course, it wasn't like when he turned to the Marquis.
"Do you want to go back to the original world?"
“… … yes?"
“I asked if you wanted to go back.”
I didn't know he would bring this up, so I was at a loss for words.
He pursed his lips for a while, then slowly nodded his head. Of
course it is.
If I can go out, I want to do it.” "What makes you want to go back?
Can't you fill it up here?"
The Marquis of Glein is truly arrogant.
asked me as if
I never thought I would have a conversation like this with him. It felt
like he was waiting for my answer, who usually seemed relaxed.
‘It’s not that I can’t fill it, but isn’t it just instinct? Well. Not me, but
anyone else would.”
In fact, I suddenly fell into another world, okay, I can do it! I am the
character in my novel! Adapting to it while doing it is something that
is only possible in a novel.

No matter how good and enjoyable the novel may be, it cannot be a
happy and enjoyable thing for me to fall into that world.
It's a story like that, not the kind I hate this world.
“If my father also falls into the world I used to live in as someone
else’s body, wouldn’t he definitely struggle to return to the original
He didn't answer my words. He doesn't even say whether he thinks
so or not.
Either way it doesn't matter. It is a fact that there is no going back
“It’s just that. That's not to say I'm going to stick with it. Mist is right.
It's time to face reality. You can't always be a child.”
It has already happened, and I lost one and gained one.
I don't know what's more important since I lost the world and gained
my life. Anyway, I'm glad I got one more chance
“I didn’t even have the confidence to love Magnus, but in the end I
accepted it.”
“I never thought I would start to think of my father as a real father,
but in the end, I am telling the story.”
“My mother… still seems to be cheating
“You will get used to it though. There will be times when you want
this world to feel like home. It's still a little unfamiliar, but soon
“But sometimes, my world suddenly floats.
There will be times when I will go up, I will miss the language of my
country, and there will be times when I want to eat the food of that
world... .”
Dreams and reality have been reversed, so now I
It was his turn to use his dreams.
“Because my father taught me how to wield the power of the
If I miss the world, I just have to try not to forget it. If you want to eat
food, you can try it even if you are not full.
o If you want to eat, you can give a talented chef a sauce made with
his skills and ask him to make food with it.
“I have a lot of money, I have power, and even they are called
aristocrats, so I have to live a clean life here.”
“So, I wish you all the best in the future. Dad. ”
I held out my hand all the time. After Glein, the little one had the
stupidest expression I've ever seen.
It's as if you've opened your mouth slightly and lost your mind
It was the expression.
also yes."
He barely came to his senses and grabbed me.
L. always
The world has changed rapidly.
The biggest change is the fact that the realm of hot night is gradually
disappearing, and the fact that living beings of hot night are starting
to come out little by little into the human world.
Magnus woke up one or three days after I woke up. Hearing the
situation, he thought about it and left immediately for the Imperial
No matter what he was thinking, he didn't try to force me away.
Thanks to him, I stayed with the Marquis of Glein while he cleaned
up his territory for two more months and explained the situation to
his people who had been left behind.
Even the kings, who were not at all reluctant at first, gradually
acknowledged and started to move.
The first to go out into the human world was the Mongma clan, who
were the closest to humans.
The one who followed was Wolf.
Practicing with chimseung, humanoid
Learned the law, mostly not perfect
Oh, I'll be able to move like a human
It was
Of course, it often seems to return to a four-footed beast when it
runs out of power or something like that.
In the meantime, Magnus had made various preparations in
advance, so the reaction of those who saw the creatures that came
out of the night was not as intense as expected.
On the contrary, there seemed to be a lot of people who felt sorry for
In short, it seems that Magnus described them as a heterogeneous
race exiled from the old world.
Hearing that humans are uncomfortable, he removed the darkness
by himself and came out into a changed world.
At the same time, they explained the characteristics of each tribe
and delivered them to countries around the world and posted posters
even in remote mountains.
of course… To be honest, this award
It wasn't just people who liked sulfur. On the other hand, it wasn't just
that they were the only creatures of the night that liked this situation.
Inevitably, troubles arose here and there, but thanks to each king
taking control of their race, there have been no major problems so
As the area of the night became narrower, the moon began to
increase in the sky.
A person with light magical powers awakened as a magician, and
various problems arose due to magic.
Perhaps because Magnus informed this situation in advance and set
up a countermeasure and established a school, humans with
magical powers were welcomed rather than rejected.
For reference, the teachers at that school are the first and their
subordinates. They were the only ones who could handle magic
Anyway, the change in the world that happened in just a year and a
half was too much for everyone to adapt to at once.
And nya... … .
"Marquis of Glein, to the meeting this morning
I didn't attend.”
“Oh, I was there.”
“Doesn’t my heart hurt a lot if I do that? marquis."
Magnus leaned close to his back and looked around with a
bewildered expression.
Even though there were no people around, I didn't want to be around
like this.
“… You would have decided not to do this outside, Your Majesty."
“That’s why you call me Marquis, aren’t you?”
“It is not a matter of titles, it is a matter of honorifics and behavior.”
When I opened my mouth again, Magnus poked out his lips in
Even so, he doesn't even think about taking off his tightly attached
body. I know you're doing it knowing that no one is around, but
'I say rattle.'
Of course, it's not that I don't like this feeling.
Often when I was talking to someone else or I was away for a few
days, they would chase me the next day and push me away, but
other than that, I was meek.
He just seemed anxious. I'm afraid I'll disappear to somewhere again
without a word.
Besides, as I became a marquis, the time I spent together
decreased. She gave up her position as empress and became a
marquis, so it was frustrating for her.
“Then why don’t we go to a place where the two of us have been
together for a long time? I feel like I am going to die from this.”
“… work later.”
“Yuna, I love you.”
The voice that came out between the lips brought to my ear was
sweet. I opened my eyes at the feeling that the strength in my legs
would be released all the time.
My eyes were tightly closed as the hand that gently caressed my
“Huh? Yuna. I didn’t have much patience.
peel. I waited patiently and kindly.” “Ura… you know that we’re in a
secret relationship, right?”
Magnus just laughed.
In fact, it seems like it has become a love affair that everyone who
knows is a secret love, but it was superficial anyway.
I tried not to stick to public places as much as possible, and at
parties I moved in a direction that I did not attend.
All of this is dissatisfying with Magnus.
It seemed like it, but I can't help it.
However, there was no way to spread the rumor that the marquis
and emperors of the empire were to buy.
"I'm often anxious, Yuna."
Magnus whispered in his ear. I looked at him with bewildered eyes
and rolled my eyes.
Let's just hide a little bit.
Reluctantly, I grabbed his hand and started walking to his room.
Then I heard a low laugh behind me.
“I’m afraid Yuna will leave me and go somewhere I can’t reach. I
really hate that. The third said no forgiveness.”
“Even if you go, don’t worry, because it will break up properly and
you will get a knife.”
When I spoke firmly, he smiled again. It was a laugh that gave me
goosebumps strangely.
As I approached his room, he pulled me tighter.
As soon as I was pushed against the wall without pain, my head was
his golden eyes stare at me
I'm watching
It felt like a helpless beast caught in a snare. I always felt this way
when I saw him.
“Don’t do that. What are you going to do if I cut off my tongue then?”
“Is the only thing you know how to do is intimidation?”
He was silent for a moment. Anxiety was felt between the narrowed
He opened his mouth slowly with a very troubled face.
“If I whisper only pleasant words, won’t you leave me again?”
<Episode 106>
“You and I are dating. Although I, of course, abandoned you twice
because I was afraid... .”
It was a questionable number. I've done it twice and there's no way
I'm going to do it three times.
I'm sure I'll be suspicious of it too, but it doesn't feel good to just say
that it's cut somewhere every time.
"If cutting is a problem... can we just tie it up?"
After much deliberation, he came up with an answer. So, is it difficult
to have a normal love affair that is neither cut nor tied?
Of course, in fact, he had never been so kind to me during these
years and a half.
If I didn't contact him for a few days or didn't show his face for even a
day, he sent the Storm Knights like crazy.
Ah, the storm is the royal night of the imperial family
became He was still in charge of managing the night, but his function
was gradually being lost.
Instead, it seemed to have been scattered all over the place, helping
the dead creatures to establish themselves.
What Perto hates the most is the first king, the only one who doesn't
seem to be of any help to them.
Because Magnus didn't like giving them jobs.
And they were in charge of all sorts of incidents caused by the
creatures of the night.
"hey . . ."
At that moment, I was freed from my thoughts at his call. I fumbled,
opened the door that reached the back of the door, and went inside.
Magnus came in as I led him and closed the door.
“I’m sorry.”
Covering his face with his hands, he barely
It did come out, but he probably never apologized properly.
It was me who instilled distrust in him, and how our relationship
became so disorganized from the beginning.
I took Magnus lightly. I thought he was a character in a simple
I thought that he was not a person who lived, but rather a being living
a life where everything was set.
“It was because I was so scared, because I was afraid.
I did. I overlooked how you felt, how patient you must have been
I did it.”
“It was too daunting to cover my face, so I didn’t even care about
you. I was selfish . I'm sorry for ignoring you."
He bowed his head deeply and apologized. No matter how much I
say, the wound won't heal much for him.
It will be a scar for a long time. I know better than anyone. Such
wounds do not heal easily.
Just as all the actions of my ex-boyfriend were imprinted and
remembered and became a huge trauma to me, it must be the same
for him.
He, too, will be afraid of meeting people in the future.
“I promise, Magnus.” ".. .What?"
The subdued voice returned. It was a very heavy retort that seemed
to be strangled and just to be drooling.
To answer his question, I
I had to open my mouth.
“I won’t leave your side without a word. I could only promise you
this.” ''It sounds like you can leave after talking."
“If our relationship eventually becomes toxic to each other, or if you
or a part of my heart leave, I will tell you to break up.”
I don't want to be in an unhappy relationship.
For him and for me, if the relationship is poisonous to each other, we
need to continue
There was no urethra. At my words, Su's expression was subtle.
Degeunme uh' Magnu
'' I love you. It will be so in the future.”
“I’m talking about when that heart changes. If you think that you will
become a relationship while you are in love, you will get married."
I glanced at Magnus' dissatisfied face and frowned.
It's not like your face is about to burst into tears, even right now
Do you think I'm going to explode my head
“Otherwise, we will break up. That's the reason I'm in a relationship.
We are getting to know each other now.”
“Then do I have to constantly seduce you in order to make you
"uh? Well maybe… well, something like that.”
“Then what are you doing for me?”
"uh? Ah... well. I seduce you too... or whatever, do what each other
The question workshop is so awkward.
No, but was this originally a love affair?
It is true that we try to have fun with each other, but was this
explanation of seducing each other in order to get married really the
correct answer?
"Is that so? So when do you do that?"
The story kept moving to a strange place. I couldn't help but regret
bringing up this story.
“It seems that I have worked hard for seduction so far. Has Yuna
never seduced me yet? ”
“Maybe the reason we are not getting closer is because Yuna is not
working hard. So, Yuna, please do your best."
"eww·… ·· "
It's bullshit, but why do you think it's so true? Of course, what I said
was long. Magnus was moderately fattened there.
it was just Porridge, the ashes brought by itself
it was ang
Please tempt me, Yuna.” this damn situation.
Magnus with his face close
tilted the dog. It's not cute, oh it's ringing
I couldn't say that I didn't like it.
Purple hair fluttered in front of my eyes.
"... no ."
"You said you're trying, but aren't you tempting me?"
His eyebrows drooped. He had the same pitiful expression as when
he was 'Peck'.
And as I realized recently, Nya was weak at Magnus' expression like
this. I don't know if it's touching even a slight sense of guilt.
"Nope . ., Anyway, it's a bit strange that this story suddenly goes this
way... .”
I took a quick step back. Jaw, something caught my foot.
When I turned my head slightly, the bed was right behind me. As he
smiled awkwardly, the corners of Magnus' eyes drooped even more.
No, when you don't have a facial expression, you're scared like
you're going to fly, and when you're at work, you're so terrifying and
cold. How could a person's facial expression change like this?
gave strength to the lips.
“Yuna, I miss Yuna trying her best.”
If I was a person who could ignore those sad eyes, I want to ask
them to come out.
I couldn't even say no, and barely licked my lips.
Ugh it's frustrating. The world is really full of faces.
“Lie down here.”
Lay Magnus down and push him away
He lied down while he was gloomy.
AA -=
Obviously, I am the one who attacks and seduces, but somehow my
side is stiffer. Magnus laughed lowly.
"I mean, I've never done anything like seduction."
Saying so, he carefully loosened Magnus' button of conquest.
I moved very slowly, fearing that it might tear apart even if I applied a
little force.
He opened up the shirt underneath his robe and buried his face in
his chest.
'Temptation… What should I do?'
I've never really thought about what might be called seduction. In
fact, there was no such kind of skinship at all, except when I was
having a relationship with my ex.
At first I thought it was because I hated it
But, it's probably because it wasn't sincere than that.
He kissed his chest and buried his head in his burning face.
How on earth can I use the word seduction? He looked at me and
burst into laughter.
"Do not laugh…."
"You're so cute. Why don't you just do what I'm doing?"
"As you did?"
I wrap my waist by sticking close to my back every day
They were cheap, kissing the nape of the neck or face, biting their
earlobes, or covering their cheeks and kissing them.
do i do that? In a posture attached to an old tree like a cicada?
swallowed a breath.
"I… to do it?"
' 'Yes, can't you? I always did"
“… … Ugh, of course.”
The thought of doing what Magnus used to do every day made his
face go red.
I just realized now that I am not immune to these things.
I wasn't too shy to start a relationship, but I'm sure I'll be ashamed of
such a small thing.
'Isn't this disqualification for a modern person?'
I came from a modern age where there are many people who meet
and break up lightly, but I didn't know that I would be trembling
because I couldn't do this.
He barely patted his lips on Magnus' flat chest. go up slowly
He kissed the back of his neck again.
Then, as he was doing, he stood up and sucked it in with all his
might, and glanced at him.
He was looking at me with round eyes. My heart is tickled by the
emotions buried inside
avoided the good
He moved his lips vigorously to trace the nape of his neck , then
groped his cheek and kissed his forehead .
Are you still doing this?'
What the hell is temptation? I barely remembered his words and bit
my earlobe.
Actually, I don't know how or where this is tempting because it feels
like chewing metallurgy.
It's no different than a dog biting his ear, isn't it?'
What makes me different from dogs? The more I moved my lips, the
more haunted I got.
Look down on your chapped lips
I returned to my chest and buried my face in a blast.
‘How the hell did Magnus do this?’
Gya didn't do anything worse than this. Besides, the atmosphere
was soft. Am I supposed to say I'm speechless because it's so
He looked at the bump on one side of his chest and asked coldly.
"..Q..••• ” A
As I was biting and sucking hard with a low moan, Magnus grabbed
my shoulder.
When he looked up, he saw his face flushed red and his mouth was
'We have to hold onto our weaknesses.'
Anyway, I learned that even my clumsy seduction could make
Magnus' face glow.
It was thanks to him that he did his best. It was clear that Magnus
was perplexed.
As I laughed, he gave me a troubled face.
<Episode 107>
I was sitting on his leg, so my body didn't slip thanks to his strong
muscles. His leg muscles were pretty good.
‘… Were there any muscles between the legs?'
He thought for a moment if Magnus had three legs. Of course, if
humans were normal, that wouldn't be the case.
Haha, I laughed and slid down from above him and set my feet
under the bed.
“The temptation ends here.”
Shamelessly and casually, he opened his mouth and tried to walk
away, but before both feet could even touch the ground, his waist
was caught like a hawk catching a jumping fish.
“If you provoke me like this and run away,
lan. Yuna.”
“No, after that, I have a job. think
Turns out, there was a lot of paperwork to do. The handover is too
complicated... . As you know, it's only been two months since I took
over the title, right? Bedo has been unstable ever since. So it seems
like Nya will have to work hard to survive. That father is also working
hard to help me now... You know how harsh it can be if you don't live
up to expectations. Haha, Your Majesty will understand... … Ouch!"
Ash in his arms, not knowing what to say, rolled his tongue with his
rapid fire gun.
It had to be so, but his arm holding him around his waist would only
add more strength. The more I struggle, the more he smiles.
"It's okay, I'll do what I couldn't handle."
"... no ."
“And even if not, Yuna, whom I love, will be able to do everything
because her abilities are outstanding.”
No, of course, for that

Long but... !
In an instant, the view was reversed. I lay down on the spot where
Magnus was before, and Magnus moved my wrist tightly.
‘‘I have been captured, Yuna.” "uh?"
"It's because you did your best to seduce me. So, take responsibility
for the poor beast that fell into your temptation."
no what kind of dog is that beast
You said no! Not each other's beasts... !
“This time it is my turn to try.” “No, you don’t have to.”
“I will seduce Yuna.”
Magnus took off his jacket and threw it away. Tight muscles were
exposed. Seeing the hard muscles, I lost my mind for a moment and
then shook my head.
Never be tempted. The moment he shakes his head hard, he smiles.

"You can see more, for it is the supreme pleasure for me that you
scan each one."
What kind of lewd thing do you say so luxuriously? He started to take
my clothes off slowly, just like I did.
Of course, it didn't explode as slowly as I did, but it all ended in an
instant while I was lost.
“Then please pass it over to me.”
"-0 ooh
His lips covered mine. His tongue was pushed in.
He probably ate no candy, but his kisses were always sweet.
Naturally, he opened his mouth, stretched out his arms and hugged
his neck.
“Like this, every day of the relationship 口7� 一o
noodle… "
he exhaled His eyes were sharp, biting his neck like an angry bull
with excitement.
It felt like it was going to be eaten by beasts and ripped off all of
them, even if they had any chance to live.
“If I live this long, how long will you stay by my side?”
His anxious gaze became painful and he sat down all over his body.
Red flowers bloomed on the body.
He always thinks of the flowers that he blooms, but he is always sad
and sad.
Anxiety about not completely trusting others
I don't know, but I don't know. I barely made a smile
“I can’t predict the future.
ul-… ”
I leaned back and kissed his lips. A friendly kiss followed.
Magnus, who skillfully shouted at me despite my awkward kiss, was
slightly relaxed.
“I don’t even want to part with it right now.
uh So, don’t worry about unnecessary things.”
"You won't?"
His eyes widened as I spoke provocatively. He shook his head and
swung to me like a beast.
“You have seduced me.”
It wasn't until he spoke commendably that I realized that what I had
said didn't sound very good.
As I was pouting my lips with a red-tinted face, he ate my lips coldly.
‘‘I love you again.” Do, that, me too.”
I buried my face in his shoulder. Come to think of it, I want to say to
Magnus the things I often said to my ex-boyfriend.
It seems like it's never been done before.
“… I like you, Magnus.”
It was clear that I felt him as a lover.
I still have a suspicious feeling that it might be Iliana Glein's, but I
couldn't believe that even this feeling I was feeling right now was an
extension of someone else.
Astonishment spread across Magnus' face at my words, his eyes
wide in disbelief.
he wants to crush me
I hugged him tightly.
“Yes, I love you.”
He said. “I love you, Yuna.”
He whispered loudly again.
"i love you."
As the emotions swirled again, I buried my face in his shoulder and
closed his eyes tightly.
‘I will love you for the rest of my life, so please don’t throw it away. I
will do anything for you."
What was broken probably won't come back for a long time. Yet he
loved me.
I didn't know how serious the feelings that whispered to me as if they
were broken
But he needed me. I also wanted his warmth.
From long insomnia, in his arms
I was able to fall into a deep sleep. So maybe for quite some time, I
won't be able to let him go.
“A little more, we get used to each other.” He gently stroked the back
of his hair.
We get used to each other, love is taken for granted, we know the
good and the bad, and we see each other completely down to the
And then, the hour is by Holler's side
You will find out when this becomes natural.
“Let each other take it for granted. do
Do everything you want to do, love it, and fight. Let me know what
you like. What I don't like.”
Now, these feelings could have been to satisfy each other's
It may just be a home they found because they longed for loneliness.
The relationship I found at that time was easily brittle, easily rotted,
and easily thrown away.
“Even when that happens, if we can still be like this… … ."
At my words, he hugged me and stopped moving.
I stroked his hair as if to untie his long intestine.
He digs into my body a little more, like a fool.
“Then I will become the Empress. You are my only emperor.” “…
Yes, I will ''
He meekly nodded his head. I wanted to make sure I liked him.
That time will be important to me, and it will be a time for Magnus to
look back and heal himself.
"I'll tell you where I'm going. I do not run away without a word or
throw it away. So don't be anxious. However, sometimes I have work
to do, so I may have missed the meeting without contacting you, or I
may have gone somewhere in a hurry.”
“… I don’t like it.”
He lightly ignored Magnus's dissatisfied voice as he shook his head.
it's not over
And he couldn't stay in his sight forever.
Since I became the Marquis of Glein, I also had a job to do.
Hwangmyeong would come down, and it was also necessary to go
back and forth between the Youngji.
“In that case, even if I can’t see your face, I’ll write you a letter. Then
give me your answer there. Then I will reply again
It's Denny."
He clenched his fists at my resolute words, but he didn't refuse.
After a while, he smiled softly as he nodded his head. I kissed his
"That's what dating is. Instead, should we stop dating secretly?"
“… … Is that true?"
"Yes. That way we won't be anxious about each other."
“Are Yuna also anxious when I am alone?”
He nodded at the question. In fact, if it's insecure, I wonder if it's
more on my side.
Do you have bad thoughts all of a sudden, perhaps because of
‘‘Yes, I’m anxious too.” "okay."
After a while, Magnus nodded in agreement with my words.
Instead, there was a message asking me to keep in touch, but it felt
like I was texting.
When I thought about it, it wasn't something I couldn't accept.
"then .. ."
Magnus laid Nya down again and climbed onto it. Magnus's face
filled his field of vision because of the pose that seemed to attack
“How about doing what you used to do?”
“… … yes?"
"I don't think you're going to slip away
It is better not to.”
Desire in the smiling eyes of Magnus
it messed up With his blushing face, he raised his hand
he is spinning
I laughed
he slowly
under my back
touched every
push his hand
put the waist
"I didn't expect to hear such a thing from you."
"... like this
It wasn't the 7th period l-亡O from 入o
yo. this."
"I'm glad"
Magnus swept his thighs slowly, apparently a deliberate hand.
As he grabbed his thighs and lowered his head, a star flashed in
front of him.
“Look, this is cool! Reena! "
''Well… That's cool, how did you make this?"
"I made the power and made it air-conditioning. Pretty cool, isn't it?
Uncle Borders.
I said I liked you."
I nodded slowly as I watched Raphael lick her lips with a bright face.
Of course, I couldn't take my eyes off the thing that looked like a
refrigerator in front of me.
It was made by Raphael. Somehow, every time we met, I asked what
kind of ability the machine had and what principle it was made of.
And there was no contact for a year and a half.
“Are you a genius?”
"Of course! If not me, who would be a genius? Anyway, this is a
poem. I'll give you the first cool thing for free."
“You look good.”
While I was busy crying in the past because I didn't like it.
Raphael shut her mouth tightly and turned her head away as if he
had noticed what I was saying.
"I prefer this rather than making weapons.
It’s better to make.”

<Episode 108>
" .. .Yeah? Well then, that's good. Where did you find something you
"really? Do you really think it's okay? Even if I don't make weapons?"
Raphael's eyes twinkled and he turned his face to me.
Do people here think that in order to have a conversation, you have
to push in your face?
As I slowly stepped back and nodded, the child's face brightened.
“I really hate weapons. They hurt and kill people. I hate that. I want
to make cool things with my skills and see people smiling.”
The teddy bear walking back and forth patted her legs as if
comforting a child.
It looks like that adorable teddy bear is still pretending to be a doll.
As long as all the living creatures of the night come out, someday
they will be found out
would be
As I look, the teddy bear raises his hand and covers his mouth •
Perhaps it was a gesture telling me to be quiet, but it looked like he
was holding back laughter from anyone who saw it. I was a little
“But my uncle says it’s a good thing because in the end people can
laugh… I really hate it. that man.”
Raphael hugged the teddy bear and said, full of dissatisfaction. bear
His older brother gently rubbed Raphael's cheek as if he was sorry.
Perhaps, because it was such a symbiotic relationship, Raphael
could have lived like his peers without breaking his heart.
“Still, this is the first time I have been praised for not being a
weapon. I want to make a lot of stuff like this. Do you have anything
else? It's very heavy and thick, so it's going to take a while to make
the prototype massive.”
The thing I showed you in my dream is definitely a hit
It looked heavy, as if it had to be moved by Luck.
It seemed that he could not reduce the weight because he had
collected five pieces. I didn't even think that there would be enough
technical skills here.
‘But if it’s Raphael, wouldn’t it be possible to make something decent
within a few years?’
I think it would be nice if there was a refrigerator so there would be
no rotting food.
There is also something called horsepower that can be used instead
of power, and this horsepower is a little more
I thought it would be common.
“It will develop, the world will.”
“Huh? What kind of old-fashioned sound are you? Oh, I saw a man
with horns on his head a while ago. He also had wings and was very
strange. He was a devil from the night.”
“How was it?”
Raphael's face, which had been contemplating for a long time at my
question, came to mind red. The expression of the teddy bear
looking at me was strange.
No, it's worse than weird.
Should I do it?
Anyway, he looked very dissatisfied.
'Well… very handsome I almost fell for it In the beginning, all
demons are so pretty and handsome
did you win I wanted to make a friend."
"you … Do you like good-looking things?"
"Hong, it's good if you're handsome and pretty. I like being cute, too.
Of course, a man who's going to take a pretty and talented child like
me must be as handsome and talented as me!"
Raphael shouted. I didn't say anything, but it seems that I was
stabbed myself.
As I smiled awkwardly and nodded, the teddy bear's head drooped.
“Are you doing well?”
“You are dating your Majesty. how is it? are you good? Have you
ever worn a crown? It's flashing."
"Um, it seems like I'm just playing around. Actually, I'm not sure if I'm
doing it right.
Magnus seems to be very patient, and I just accept myself as I am.”
I mumbled and raised my head. I'm so young. What the hell are you
talking about?
He shook his head to say ok, but Raphael nodded his head very
"okay? So, did you just kiss?" "I did more... .”
"Um, so do you have a date?"
"Dating? No, I never did.
When it comes to our first date, all I can say is that I flew myself into
the pond.
Magnus didn't make any other demands on me as long as they
stayed together in bed or in the same room with me.
Come to think of it, two years have come to an end.’
How did you never go on a date? If you do, eat together or
Either that, or they worked together in the office, or they slept in bed.
On my days off, I just quietly read a book in my room, take a nap, or
eat... … .
there is nothing It's not that we're busy with each other. Each of us
gets our work done well, so if the time is right, we meet three or four
more times a week.
Sometimes I went somewhere, but after learning how to use the
passage from the Marquis of Gulane, distance doesn't really matter.
'Although it is a road that only I could have taken a one-way street.'
I never thought that the road to Magnus was cumbersome,
inconvenient, or difficult.
Still, isn't it strange that we've never been on a date even though
we're lovers?
“How about this festival being held? I'll open a shop there. I'll sell you
guys like Billy who moves!"
"Festival? What festival?"
“Are you stupid? of course the imperial festival
ji! Last year and next year, I might not know because I was busy with
work and couldn't open it. Anyway, it's gorgeous, it's so cool, and it's
dope! "
It could not be used as an explanation, but it was clear that it was a
great festival.
Raphael, who noticed that I was curious, began to explain while
drooling at all.
"There, nobles, commoners, people of different races, and people
from other countries can open a shop for a limited time only during
the festival!"
I'm so passionate that I don't know
The dog nodded.
When I saw Raphael rushing at me while hugging the teddy bear
tightly and said that I would think about it, the child backed away just
"A must! You must come and see me!"
"Yeah, shall I open a store too?"
"okay ! Then open next to my shop! I have a lot of guests! A lot every
Raphael got up from his seat and started running.
The expression of the teddy bear shaking helplessly was still not
good. I was somewhat calm about what wasn't good.
“Oh, come to think of it, did you know that there are also dream
demons among the citizens of the night?”
"Mongma? Oh, like you?"
“Yeah, you and I might have a dreamer together.
“Ummm… , okay? I've never seen it. have
I wish I want to have a dream friend too. Are you too? Billy ! "
Raphael hugged the teddy bear tightly. The teddy bear looked at Nya
with resentment and tapped Raphael's cheek.
‘That high-pitched tongue 0 … … • '
He seems to like Raphael, so why don't you show up when the
timing is just right and keep being like a teddy bear?
I made a curious look, but the teddy bear doesn't even look at me.
'Very honey dripping yes, honey dripping.' He turned his head to look
at Raphael.
“What kind of man does Raphael want to marry?”
‘‘Well, is it really cute, or is it good-looking, um… I wish I had a lot of
money! I do a lot of experiments. And I want you to help me out and
help me with what I'm about to make... Here and there
I want to go around.”
‘‘Do you like the owner who was the top one?”
“Well, that’s not bad either. Actually, you don't even need a title. am i
there My uncle said it was me."
I am also a natural goldsmith. Genius gold spoon
Raphael nodded his head shakily, and then smiled timidly, and
hugged his older brother, the bear, tightly.
The teddy bear shook helplessly in Raphael's arms. However, the
teddy bear
I couldn't get out of my thoughts for a long time .
"I'll go soon, if I have an appointment." "promise? What is it, throw
me away?!"
“Ummm. And it'll be morning already. I can't do this for long either.
The body is refreshing, but the mind is strangely tired. must be old ”
As I complained, Raphael burst out laughing, then shook off his
clothes and got up from his seat.
To Raphael, borrowing seems very precious
I did
The sense of disparity would be quite large.
“I must be bored on the way, can you lend me some Billy?”
"Billy? Ummm..."
“I’ll open this passage again and let you go.”
Raphael gladly nodded at my words and took Billy into my arms.
I watched the teddy bear rolling its eyes and looking at me. not
Her eyes, like moving dolls, overflowed with vitality now.
It is clear that the twinkling thing has something to say to me.
'No counselor.'
Of course, now I am able to control my power to some extent.
Thanks to this, I am also able to come out with my own strength no
matter how many dreams I enter.
I also learned how to make passages and how to get out of the road.
I also heard from the Marquis of Glein that I was a very special case
of being able to exert influence in other people's dreams.
I came to know this while being very angry because I was wielding
my powers without knowing it.
“Then I will go.”
"when are you coming?! "
“Next time you come. Oh, I heard from Cheryl a while ago that Casio
wants to see you?"
"What? That stinky little boy.”
Raphael pulled out his lips and grunted, but it's obvious that he's still
thinking about the date when he's going to roll his eyes back and
Even if he looks like an adult, he seems to like the first friend he has
with him, even if he is a child.
“Then you seem to like it too, you seem to like it, don’t you? Isn't it
just a cute little prize?"
“… … What do you mean, it's not that good? What's wrong with
Even that little one of her is cute.”
Raphael's face turned slightly red. A ball of cotton hit my ball. It's not
painful, but I'm in a bad mood
When I looked at the teddy bear in absurdity, the teddy bear was
looking at me with very unjust eyes.
No, no, I'm going to cry. very.'
My anger was gone. As if I have committed some great sin
I shut my mouth tightly and opened the space in a cool way.
<Episode 109>
It went right into the entrance to the Sea Common, which only the
Marquis of Glein could make.
“Then I’ll go first, Raphael.”
''uh ! Good bye! come again! Oh right! big
answer! When did you say you'd be here?!"
Lose self-confidence. I properly counted the date and waved my
one week ! When he answered, he frowned as if he was dissatisfied
with something, and then began to shake his hand vigorously from
side to side again.
‘‘I’ll send Billy right away.”
"%0 ! "
As soon as the entrance to the passage was closed, the teddy bear
flew into the air and changed to the outward appearance of Okgo
After all, it seems that the dreamer is a race that attracts people.
'I haven't seen any ugly long dream'
It seems like it.’
Since she likes Casio, Raphael will probably like this teddy bear too.
I had that certainty. Of course, the feeling of betrayal seems to be no
… … .”
But why did he show up crying again?
Although the teddy bear looked very unfair and felt more moist than
I didn't know you would show up with such an embarrassing face.
“No, why are you crying… " "you…… !"
Unpleasant tears welled up. no what did i do Did you just say that
Casio misses you?! Was it that embarrassing?
No, there are only kids around. I got a little tired.
“Do you think I will let you go? !"
"no. I was just trying to help you.” ‘‘Are you talking about Casio or the
naughty kid?”
No, who is the snoring? The child is modest and neat for his age.
I must have grown a little more now than then
The last time I saw it was when I was three years old and it was
almost a year since I couldn't see it. And it's been about a year since
I spent half a year in the dark night, returning and spending time
doing this and that... … .
'I didn't ask her age, but she must have been about five or six years
Come to think of it, it seems that he didn't take care of his birthday
I thought the child couldn't speak well, but he was just a smarter
personality than I thought.
It was an unbelievable genetic mystery when you think of the Duke
of Liston who gave blood.
Anyway, Casio was really doing well.
Raphael is still a child
It's the same, but it seems she's been a little more arrogant and has
come to realize that Uncle isn't all that bad.
‘You are growing up.’
Everyone is growing up. I didn't know I would feel the feeling of
growing up, but it's amazing.
"How long can you not cheat?"
‘How do you say it? I have been deceiving all this time.”
“Now is the time. All you have to do is be honest and say that she
couldn't tell because the dreamer was being rejected."
At my words, the teddy bear became silent. The teddy bear, who had
kept her mouth shut in dissatisfaction, turned her head and looked at
me cautiously. full of worries
“Are you really okay? Wouldn't Rafi be angry?"
' 'I can be angry. well, that
You lied, so you have to endure it.”
I lied, so I think I have to endure it to some extent. That said, I don't
think Raphael will completely cut the teddy bear.
Is it not the existence who supported me and supported me during
his own difficult times.
'So, what if I say that I don't want to see you for the rest of my life?
I'd rather be a teddy bear for the rest of my life."
“It’s something you have to work hard to solve.”
“Aren’t you too irresponsible?”
“Then you can’t keep telling Raphael to tell another lie, can you? I
was speaking as frankly as I could.”
Demon wings spread out behind the teddy bear's back fluttered.
Seeing that figure, he laughed out loud wondering if there was a time
when he was like this after Glaine. The teddy bear sighed deeply.
"Did you hear anything?"
‘‘I’ve heard it before, now do you ask?”
“I couldn’t really talk. But your personality is kind of like Raphael.”
“We were together like that, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”
After I said that, the teddy bear started looking at me. It seems like
he doesn't care at all, but he's surprisingly soft-minded.
I walked slowly down the aisle, though the teddy bear will fly down
this road anyway.
‘I’m half-naked, but I don’t have wings
I forgot to ask this a while ago. If I had one wing, it would have been
a long time to get around.
“I hate that stinger.” “I don’t like it because it’s a rival.” “Rival? What
is that?”
jeep … Are you competing with each other and fighting? But I don’t
know if Casio has a heart for Raphael just like you have a heart.”
I mean, Raphael is surprisingly popular.
The second thing to look pretty is the time to pretend to be strong
and yet become weaker than expected
"I can't give up on that Rafi!"
“Yeah, who said what? Anyway, Raphael
Casio's only real friend is Casio."
'do … ·I."
“You are a dream friend. ”
A friend who exists only in dreams that do not exist in reality. If the
teddy bear continues to maintain that position, it will be unavoidable.
Even if Raphael is now in love with Billy with a pure heart, there will
come a time when the world will be precious, not just a dream.
“If you want reality, you have to come out.
“You don’t know, we’re always taking the first step, so we’re always
said the teddy bear seriously. I met the teddy bear's eyes and
Anyway, this is not my business to intervene.
“I’m leaving, can I go back to Raphael?”
"What? You said you made a passage!"
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that far, so I think you’ll have to go back.”
At my words, the teddy bear rolled in the air.
The teddy bear, who had been screaming and screaming, finally
drooped his wings and turned around.
“I’m sorry, did you feel bad?”
“No, it’s okay. I want to rest today too."
o The doll sighed heavily. As he turned his head, there was a hint of
melancholy on his face.
o I hit the doll on the shoulder a couple of times and then came out
of the aisle like I was running away.
As I came out from the world surrounded by the beautiful Milky Way,
cool air filled my lungs.
I slowly opened my eyes to the sense that it was reality• The light of
dawn was dim.
I slowly turned my head to see if it was right before the sun came up,
and I met face-to-face with the golden eyes that looked down on me.
“Where else have you been? Yuna.” 'do…・Have you not slept?"
"Yeah, he's not usually this immovable, but he doesn't open his eyes
even when I pretend to be popular."
The cold line of sight is terrifying. His voice was a little chilly, but he
didn't try to question me.
The compulsive press down like before is gone.
Rather... .
''Thanks to you, I couldn't even sleep." I've been getting a little bit
more foolish
I should say He buried his face in my chest and stroked Magnus's
mumbled hair.
After I told him I was going to the dream world, Magnus got a little
“I just went to Raphael.”
‘‘I know, but I was worried because I felt like I was dead.”
“… Do you think he's dead?"
“Yes, no matter how many calls I call, there is no movement and my
body temperature is getting colder. It’s like a person who has just
I don't know because I've never seen a dead person, but a freshly-
dead person doesn't mean any freshly-dead fish.
My sense of humor was offended. Still, it seemed that he was very
“I didn’t say where I was going.”
“It’s not that I don’t believe it… I’m afraid that you will die and go
back to the original world.”
If nothing happened, why would I die before I die? I hugged Magnus'
trembling body.
'It was after we talked about the pond.'
After he said that he saw the world he would return to from the pond
and thought he would have to jump in order to get there, he trembled
with uneasiness.
Of course, it's true that Nya was also anxious, but didn't Mist do
This world is now mine. So, I tried not to be anxious as much as
In fact, if I try to get used to it, I don't feel uncomfortable or anything
like this bad chewing gum.
I didn't even feel it.
‘‘Magnus, I heard there is a festival, is it true?”
“Yes. It is a regular event. During my tenure, it was never held
properly, so this time it will be held a little bigger.”
“Are we going to sneak out too?”
At my words, Magnus widened his eyes as if he had heard
something he didn't expect. It was a look of surprise.
Did I say such a bad thing?
He tilted his head, presumably chewing.
“Why do you want to leave? There are a lot of people and it's
complicated, so you're going to feel uncomfortable."
"Yeah, but it's been awhile since we left our office... Actually, I don't
think we've ever had a proper relationship.
"If it's a date, don't you always go on a date?"
Well, yes. probably think so
I thought there would be.
I know I know, but I'm really worried about whether it's possible to
put the things we sleep and sleep together on the bed, face-to-face
discussions in government affairs, and eat our usual meal in a sex
restaurant, into the scope of a date.
‘‘Well, but that’s not a date. I'm just living 7"
‘‘We are not living together.”
‘‘I know, but I have to tell you openly that I want to be with you in this
countless snowless space, do you want me to understand? You ask
for something like this in a moody way

Acting like an animal on some bed

When it comes to other things, be gentle
I became a herbivore rather than an animal.
My body trembled, and he knelt down.
“No, you can do it with me.
Magnus' quick glance gives the correct answer

<Episode 110>
Yeah, Magnus doesn't always ask first, but when I complain, he finds
the answer really quickly.
Can't we just go from A to Z without going through this series of
“I’m not very smart, so I’ll do my best.”
‘No, no, kneeling down like that
I am not a beating husband of any kind, and I think I have committed
a crime.
As if she hadn't slept properly, the shadows under her eyes were
thick and cold. I felt very tired. Yeah, I can't sleep at night, but what...
“But, she knew that Yuna didn’t like that. She always says she hates
loud noises, she frowns
“That’s because I don’t like loud meetings.
And the nobles who raise their voices over insignificant things are
annoying. festive
It's not that you don't like the noisy atmosphere."
Magnus had a look on his face, wondering what the difference was.
He opened his mouth to explain his frustration, but realized that
there was nothing to explain, and he shut his mouth angrily.
“Anyway, I was just asking if I had time, so it’s okay if you don’t like

“No, no. I will plan a course from one to ten right now. Just give me
two days.”
‘No, no, don’t do it like you’re doing homework.”
If that's the case, I'm not sorry. Everything Magnus did was really the
best of the best.
I was astonished to hear that the person who went out to the pond
the other day was exclusive and had designated everything including
the location, type of food, and time, and even arranged the staff.
"%O ?"
‘‘If you say you’re going, Yuna outside
Are you okay with not seducing me?"
This simple child .
He sighed deeply as he thought of Magnus, who whispered that he
loved me all the time and hugged him.
Of course, he used to try to seduce me if he wanted me. I didn't
know that I could literally 'only' seduce you.
“Didn’t I tell you not to do that outside?”
“It was. Then we'll get rid of that and plan for it."
I'm afraid that this planned person will even set a time for me to drink
My personality was the complete opposite. But I can't hate it
because I know you always do your best for me
there was no
"The plan worked. This time… just, just observe.
How about participating as a stall instead of a customer?"
‘Do, street stall, yo?”
Magnus didn't expect it at all.
It had been a while, and there was no word.
He brushed his hair like a habit. It was clear that he didn't like him.
He thought for a moment and then nodded his head.
“Yes, if Yuna wants it, I will do it.”
‘Normal, just like anywhere else! stomach
It's okay if it's rough."
Magnus looked at my face and suddenly smiled.
When he smiled again, who had always acted like a child, the
atmosphere suddenly changed. He slowly shook his head.
“No, I can't do anything if you want. It may take a bit of preparation,
but we will try. There are storms.”
I don't care too much about the emperor
did you act? After all, he was the emperor.
Even if you treat me softly, I heard that you destroyed an aristocratic
family whose corruption was discovered recently.
Also, it seems that there are too many extinctions recently.’
I heard that it was a kind of corruption close to treason.
In order to bring out Magnus, who seems always gentle, the forces
that are trying to gather troops or spread rumors are also quite large.
there was.
In any case, the nobleman was told that he was sentenced to death
by hitting several times in the throat with a blunt axe.
> In the execution ceremony, all nobles, noble spirits, and noble
daughters were required to participate.
The Marquis of Glein and the Duke of Key Liston were also present,
so no one was not present.
Exactly one person, except for me.
I couldn't see it from afar, thanks to the order to never come there.
He even gave me one of the Storm Storm Knights because he was
afraid that I might even take a sneak peek.
‘Usually I use something like guillotine.
I thought . '
I guess I didn't like it. At least that was the story I found out by
roasting the kitten that was attached as my escort that day.
"Yuna? Why are you like that?"
Possessing a childish smile
A man who smiles kindly is such a person
Thinking that a command has been issued
name has risen
Suspicions arose that even this kindness was also fake.
‘It could change at any time.’
It could be cruel to me at any time. They're probably in a forced truce
with each other right now.
As long as I remain by his side, he will be gentle with me until the
day I die.
Well, unless that feeling doesn't change.
“No, it reminds me of the recent execution.”
"iced coffee… … . Did someone try to trick Yuna into talking?"
Its mouth, which curves slowly, is like a beast looking for its prey. I
shook my head slowly.
I hadn't heard of it at all, perhaps thanks to proper mouth control.
“There’s no such thing, but even so, it’s not that all noble families
were required to attend, except for me, isn’t it?”
‘’ It was not a scene I would show Yuna, who is not accustomed to
blood or death. Didn’t you say that my world is like that?”
"Of course I did, though."
Magnus patted his cheek and spoke softly. His voice was soft, but he
felt firm.
I did say it first. Where I've been, at least the country I've been living
in is war
Neither murder nor violence are so common.
Everything is governed by the law, so if something like that happens,
you will be basically judged by the law.
It seems that Magnus, who listened carefully to my story, came to
the conclusion that he was the kind of person who wanted to keep
me away from such things.
"Yeah, I was just protecting you as far as I could. If you'd seen it, you
wouldn't have faced me like this."
“What are you looking at me for?”
“Don’t get me wrong, Yuna. I don't think Yuna is weak. Had it been
for anything else, there would have been no hiding from Yuna. I must
have shown you everything."
As I expressed my displeasure, Magnus pulled me into his arms with
his back to the sun that had just begun to rise.
Magnus, who sat me on my lap, whispered in my ear and kissed my
“But, it is unbearable for people.
It was a limitation. A man accustomed to blood and slaughter could
have shown him. I wouldn't have to be afraid of how you would see
.;.u..:;:z.. . ”
he said quietly. I would have cried myself out, he says. But even as
he said this, Nya could not refute his words.
I wouldn't be able to laugh at least if I thought that he would order
me to cut people's throats in front of my eyes and work coldly while
ignoring those in pain.
“But, Yuna. It's not good to see something untamed. It's not because
I don't trust you. If you had seen it, you would have run away from
me again.”
He said it as if he had grown up and comforted a child. I didn't want
to see it.
However, I did not want to be discriminated against. I was annoyed
that I thought I wouldn't be able to stand it, and that I was the only
one excluded.
Because I didn't want to be protected like that.
In any case, there is no reason to enjoy being ignored even though
you are carrying the name of a marquise.
"I can put my wrist on that fact. It was too much for Yuna to handle."
“It must have been the same for other Young-ae and Young-sik.
Even noble wives and fathers and mothers… .”
Gree even the Marquis and Marquis of Glein
His wife had also been invited to the execution.
A horse could use a good word for invitation, but no one actually
In the event of a critical condition, or if there was a real immobility or
mental problem, a messenger was sent to check the condition, and
only if it was determined that he was really ill, the absence was
I heard that there were only ten people who were exempted from
Fortunately, seven of them were nobles who had already inherited
the title and had resigned.
"I'm sorry for the former Marquis of Glein, but the other nobles
needed to be warned... They're more accustomed to violence than
Yuna thinks."
Magnus whispered softly.
Those familiar with violence sounded so sweet that I thought they
were whispering any kind of love.
I blinked in embarrassment, and he kissed my cheek.
"What are you talking about?"
“You said that there were no classes in the world where Yuna lived?
She won't be killed or beaten for even the smallest mistake. Of
course, people with a lot of money can get cut off or something like
that, but a small mistake can cost your life, right?"
Naturally, he nodded at Magnus' question.
Of course, the world of those gold spoons, above
Even if I don't know until the other world
I made a mistake right away
probably not killing is
I don't think there's ever been such a crazy person.
"Yeah, but it's full of stuff like that. So who's going to give that
“It must be the ruling class. Literally aristocrats.”
A smile spread across Magnus' lips. It was really fun, so it was closer
to a laugh than a smile that spreads.
At the end of a friendly smile, the ridicule that spreads
What makes him look so real?
I'm trying not to have any prejudice.'
Still I have a prejudice L
It is always doubtful whether or not
“The aristocrats are not used to the violence they are subjected to,
but they are used to inflicting violence, hurting them, executing them,
and ordering them to be beaten.”
“Of course it is, but what the hell
What does it matter?"
"It's a matter of class existence,
Magnus bit my earlobe. I got annoyed and bit his ear too. Magnus
burst out laughing.
<Episode 111>
I gave it quite a bit of strength on purpose, but it hurt my self-esteem
a little as I laughed as if it tickled me.
“Class makes us accustomed to violence. That’s the way it is in the
first place. Just because you’re not used to being vengeful doesn’t
mean you can’t be considered ignorant like you.”
Magnus' words were always right.
I've never clenched my fists and hit anyone in my life, and I've never
persecuted anyone.
Sometimes the murders you see on TV are the same.
Lee didn't like it.
Most of the violence I suffered was verbal abuse, dismissal notice,
and verbal molestation.
I had never thought of killing a person with an ax or a sword. I never
thought of dying.
“So I showed you. They made themselves aware of who they were
under, their rank and position. That brutal execution was necessary
for that."
Magnus laughs. To laugh while talking about other people's death
penalty didn't make sense in common sense.
But now that I am aware that it is such a world, I have no choice but
to get used to it.
"I'm sure the former Marquis and Glein knew. What did they say to
“No, I’m just saying it’s not a big deal.”
“Is that so? I was just used to the class and needed people to see
my Linu. If you had seen it, it would have been a pity for the other
person to have surpassed all ranks and I would have looked vicious.”
Magnus, who smiled clumsily, even doubted whether it was the
same person who gave the order.
I sighed briefly and shook my head.
it was thanks There is nothing better to add to him.
It's already over anyway, and I'm in the process of building a
relationship with Magnus.
It was difficult to put other people's lives there.
"still… The next day, everyone came with bluish faces as if they had
vomited all night, and I was also upset.”
"I'll be careful, Go-gun."
Magnus who burst out laughing is in the atmosphere
He untied and got up from his seat.
It is difficult to completely agree with the saying that killing others is
“Will I ever get used to the ranks?”
“You will get used to it a little, but this is not the place where you
started thinking… it will probably take a long time for you, kindly.”
Magnus slowly shook his head. I think so too.
I was still not convinced that someone gave orders, ordered and
punished for small mistakes, and that one emperor was everything in
the world.
Even if I take the highest position next to him, I'll probably be
anxious about a lot of things to come.
“As much as you know freedom, all of this may seem unreasonable.
Still, there is nothing I can do.”
"freedom. I never thought I was so free.”
When I came here, I wondered where the free world could have
Because money is heavy, it's the same no matter where you go in
the world.
As I got up from my seat, Magnus grabbed my waist and pulled me
“Just as a bird that flew in the sky is caught and locked up and
eventually adapts and lives, Yuna must do the same. I will cover your
eyes and ears as much as possible, but this world still needs rank."
“I didn’t tell you to get rid of the ranks too much.”
“Are you telling me in advance though? I think it will be difficult for
Yuna to lift this up even if Yuna wants it.”
Whenever I see an innocent smile, it is often like going back to the
first time we met when we were really Peck and Lina.
The days when he didn't have a crown on his head, he was just a
normal person.
“In order to become like the world Yuna lived in, it has been
changing slowly for a very long time.
Reform will have to happen. Maybe one day we will become a
country without an emperor.”
"Wait, you're sneaking past me, you say I'm a bird in a cage, don't
you know that analogy is really creepy, right?"
"like ''
Magnus doesn't answer, just smiles broadly. Anyone who sees it is
trying to openly speak out.
He opened his mouth in amazement and shoved his tongue into his
freshly opened mouth.
I pushed him away slightly.
“Are we still getting to know each other?”
“… By the way, I don't want to know the dark side of you."
Magnus stroked his chin exaggeratedly with a puzzled look on his
They act like they're doing some kind of play, and then he smiles.
“Then I will give it to you honestly without hiding it. invisible on the
I want to put you in shackles and make it look like you could actually
get out of the world, but in reality you want to coax you out of
nowhere. You can think of this as not a cage, but a home you can
leave at any time.”
The tempo was neither slow nor fast, but I kept my mouth shut at the
confession that continued without even exhaling a breath.
It is not a sweet confession, but a terrifying one.
“Would you mind if I told you to do that?”
‘‘Well, yes. If you don't throw it away."
I was speechless. What can I say that he is? Without opening his
mouth, he just shook his head.
But don't hide it, tell me honestly
And where are you trying to act... …
What, what is he talking about now?
"it's crazy?"
“Yes, but I am desperate not to.
are working hard. So please don't be dissatisfied with what I often try
not to show you.”
I don't want to see people die, even if I tell them to.
If he hadn't issued an order to summon all the nobles, Nya wouldn't
have even had red rice.
Only after answering that he would do it to a request other than
Magnus did he withdrew.
“Come to think of it, I heard that you are having lunch with Cheryl
“Ugh, he said he had something to discuss.”
"I don't know why that little mechanical kid and Cheryl are always
biting you."
Magnus said disgruntled. Taking a deep breath, he didn't tell me not
to go.
A few things have changed since the conversation.
He tells me where I go and when
Just say you're coming, and I'll wait patiently. Of course, when I
break a promise or something, my eyes swell and they stare at me
for a long time before hugging me.
You don't get red because you're unfair, but because you're angry.
It was scary when the golden eyes really felt like it was burning
'It's a little pitiful, though.'
It wasn't that I didn't understand the anxiety.
The person who even meets the country is in another world
If you are a being who came and left me twice and never knows
when to leave... If it's not in front of you, I'm afraid I'm going to die.
‘‘The Marquis Key Liston hasn’t been very good at recent meetings.”
“Oh, not long ago… Eventually I heard that Cheryl popped it up.”
“Did you tell the marquis that he was the marquis’ child?”
‘‘Well, yes, it’s been a few years since I’ve announced it.
I think I heard recently that you and Marquis Kiri Stern are having a
bit of a flirt, but I heard that they had a big fight this time.
How the hell did things go wrong like that?
' 'Hmm, Cheryl came up a while ago and yelled at me if I could cut
off the marquise."
“… … Cheryl? You must have been very angry.”
I usually don't show empathy for public affairs.
is a person
He was also a person who made the distinction between public and
private too obvious.
I thought some progress had been made as the Marquis took an
interest in Cheryl and she accepted it.
Of course, from Cheryl's point of view, it seems that she was thinking
about the timing to reveal that she is yours:
Sheryl seemed to have folded her mind over the past few years as
she watched the light-hearted behavior of the post-Kiri Stern film.
It seems that she was trying to catch the timing because she couldn't
find the time to speak.
"But do you know why we fought like that?"
"Well, I guess you saw the Marquis of Key Liston with another young
“Ah, it was worth fighting, but I’m wondering if I should cut off
between the legs instead of cutting it at the Imperial Palace.”
Magnus' face hardened with a smile when he heard my muffled
words. strangely
Hardened Magnus grinned, and then he took a step back.
“Are you going now?”
"Yeah, we'll get ready soon and we'll see you at the meeting."
"Ugh, I'll just leave. Anyway, it's okay to see them sleeping together."
“I’m fine.”
Instead of answering Magnus' words, Nya shrugged.
The passage of dreams that the Marquis of Glein taught me
After I was able to handle it, if I worked, I left work.
He had been doing his job at the marquise, washing himself, putting
on his pajamas, walking down the street again, and coming to
Magnus' room over and over again for quite some time.
And before the maids come in, they go back again.
Although I was a little tired, I could sleep well in the meantime, so it
was better than sleeping alone.
It was much closer than the road from the Marquis Palace to the
place where the estate was, so I was able to reach the Hwangseong
by walking for about 7-8 minutes.
“It’s not like we’re in a secret relationship, but it’s okay to even tell
them we’re sleeping.”
"Are you thinking of going somewhere else?"
“No, it’s not… … .”
So, actually, I wouldn't mind if I wasn't Magnus, but I had no intention
of getting married.
I didn't even think about making a relationship with anyone in the first
place, and strangely, I was reluctant to tell others.
When I was silent, Magnus turned his head.
‘‘Okay, I’ll see you in a little bit.
"Oh yeah."
I think I need to say something.
It was the time when the sun was slowly rising.
I struggled to shake off the stinging feeling and entered the aisle.
Magnus didn't talk to me, hug me, or kiss me while the door closed.
It was a very sad parting.
<Episode 112>
‘Do, so that bastard! Iliana?" "Oh, yes? My uh, yes, go ahead."
She asked stupidly several times, stuttered, and then laughed
Cheryl in the white gown, who was looking at my smile, sighed
deeply, and sat on her back.
She leaned on her body.
It didn't seem like he was usually angry when he started drinking
wine during the day.
Cheryl might be a bit of a drinker, so wine or whatever she would
squirt into her mouth without any real fuss.
Are you angry with the system? Cheryl.” “It’s just that I’m annoyed
that I can’t let go of those bastards at once. half laid
But seeing it like that again makes me deceived
It turned over.”
Cheryl, who said so, drank red wine
She drank again and again. Her nice thing about Cheryl is that she
doesn't have to be too formal in front of her.
She didn't seem to know her etiquette just because she was her, but
she doesn't always act her way.
‘Do you like Marquis Jerral?”
As she listened to the story, she suddenly asked
She's been listening to me lately, so she's made it clear that she's
going to end the relationship completely, but she's also heartbroken
because she's been riding together.
are you gone?
Sheryl was silent for a while, as if she was speechless at my
She looked down at the wine in the wine glass with an
expressionless expression on her face, and took a deep breath and
wiped her glass from her mouth.
‘‘I don’t know, I don’t know, so I’m even more angry.”
Cheryl wiped her face. She is a movement with deep agony. There
was a dark shade of snow beneath her eyes.
That is why she has been thinking for a long time
And she also seemed to be thinking about it even now.
‘‘I feel’… "
Cheryl let out her constant sigh. She opened her lips and then let out
another sigh, and as if hesitantly reached over her glass with her
hand, she let out another sigh.
It was clear that she had not properly rendered her justice to her own
‘‘Honestly, I’m annoyed. If you're in the same country, you'll
appreciate him for nothing.
I think that. And I hate that. It's getting narrower and I'm dragging the
gaps that have already ended. It doesn’t fit me.”
Actually, that's what human emotions are. When she first felt and
realized that,
It's not hard for her to name things
This is love and this is affection.
It wasn't difficult to draw conclusions.
However, as time passes, it becomes so hot and fading that I do not
know what this emotion is, and eventually loses even its shape.
I honestly don't think Cheryl can be happy with the Duke of Key
The Duke of Kirriston is one such person. He's only seen it once, but
he's free-spirited and self-reliant.
The fact that he's been light all this time proves that he doesn't want
to increase his precious or responsibilities by that much.
But is Cheryl intervening there?
At first, you may be able to spend a sweet honeymoon life. However,
people do not change easily.
Cheryl had a cool and bubbly personality, while the Duke of Kiri
Stern was sarcastic and playful.
This means that Cheryl and the Duke of Key Liston, who will face
each other head-on when faced with the same difficult situation, are
definitely different.
Even if their personalities don't match, how long can the two of them
'How should I talk about it?'
She brought up her story that it would be better not to meet her, but
she didn't want to touch her heart for nothing.
“I’m just a member of the Euijinwon, and I have a desire to quit and
go to another country.”
Before I could even speak her words, she threw her luck first. She
raised her head coldly and looked at her at her.
“Where are you?”
“Of course, empires are good, but there are countries other than
empires that have advanced medical science. They said that the
treatment of the doctors was good, that I could learn a lot in the
future, and the school was doing well.”
“That’s fine.”
I quickly agreed to Cheryl's words.
In fact, the easiest way to drop someone is to have time and
distance. Time will solve a lot of things.
It probably won't heal big wounds, but it could end up scarring.
There may be days when I can't sleep because of the pain from time
to time, but I don't know if I'm going to meet a new person or spend
As this flows, more precious things are created, and the pain of
scars naturally decreases.
In particular, hasn't Cheryl been living well without Duke Kiriston until
Now that her affection has fallen, it was a very good time to remove
the gold.
There's no need for her to insist on this empire, as it turns out she's
not in love with her Magnus.
‘‘You’re thinking of Casio.”
"Yeah, you're old enough to think about school.
yo. this. As you can see, Casio is more interested in learning than
swords. I want to send it to a country that is a little more academic.”
In a country with advanced medical science, other industries would
also have developed. That wouldn't be bad either.
It's going to be her side that's not with her Duke of Keyriston.
“I think that would be fine. Casio is still young and to be honest, I
think Cheryl can still do anything."
"is that so?"
“Yes, of course. I think it would be better to fly in a slightly wider area
rather than the Empire.”
She doesn't know much about her medical skills, but she often hears
rumors that she is by no means ordinary, she said.
If she doesn't stay in the Imperial Castle, she sees more of the world
and builds more great achievements if she doesn't.
“I think Cheryl is great. I envy you.”
“It seems to me that Illiana, who is already doing her job as her
marquis, is more impressive.”
Sheryl drank with a bitter smile. She seemed to have won her heart,
but her expression didn't brighten as if something was going on.
It was unusual for a woman who was always blunt and never looked
‘‘It must be like that. Just for today, then I have to miss you for the
last time.”
Cheryl filled her glass with the rest of her wine and lit it up, she said
with a flushed face.
As she emptied a bottle of wine by herself, she was clearly in a
precarious corner, unlike her usual.
‘‘To be honest, I liked it because it was so kind. That kindness must
be the kindness that he can show to anyone.”
Seeing her bitter face, I felt guilty for nothing. any advice
didn't you do it?
Of course, all I did was nod her head that I thought it would be good
for her to decide rather than I gave her some advice, but that's all.
I looked into her eyes.
‘‘I was almost neglected because I was born as the youngest in Nara
like this. She has a lot of mouth, and I wasn't in good shape when I
was young. Because of that, she didn't deserve to be loved and
raised. It must have been a little painful even for such a love.”
Talking to herself, she sounded like she was blaming herself. She
does but that's wrong.
There is no need for her to blame herself. The Duke of Key Liston,
who hasn't come after hearing the story, is a bad thing.
“Did you say that you got angry while fighting yesterday? Talking
about Casio."
“Yes, I am ashamed.”
With her blushing face, she wiped her cheek.
Is it because of drunkenness in this hot oil?
I don't know if it's because of her shyness with herself.
Although it seems that her granddaughter has nothing to be
ashamed of.
"But how did you and the Duke of Liston meet that day?"
“He’s just a young girl, but I must have cried for a moment because I
was pretending to be friendly and talking to her. She had an
appointment with me. of course… She was going to talk about Casio
that day.”
She said that everything she had planned went wrong
Mumbling Cheryl, in her embarrassment, pounded her forehead a
couple of times on her table.
I was startled, and put the floor of her hand between her forehead
and the table, blocking it.
‘Are you okay, Gerald?!”
“Hey, it’s okay. Is Iliana okay? You can't just put her hand in a place
like this all of a sudden."
Cheryl spoke brusquely, turning my hand to and fro. Even with her
reddish face, her eyes are as terrifying as her eyes.
She made sure my hand was fine, and then pushed it towards me.
"She hasn't come since then, has she?"
‘‘Yes, I didn’t even think to meet you even if you came. In fact, Casio
didn't have any difficulties while raising him on his own. He is such a
young child .”
“That’s right. Because Cheryl is giving her enough love without her
dad. They wrap me up, go out to play together, and spend time
teaching me this and that.”
“Wow, am I getting compliments on that?”
"Yeah, I'm praising you. Cheryl is
She's doing her best. She's a nice guy who doesn't miss both work
and home."
When I said that, I burst out laughing for a long time as I was very
grateful to her.
She smiled wildly, swung her stretches as hard as she could, and
jumped up with a dainty expression on her face.
“Thank you, you made her mind up. If I'm not studying abroad, I'll
have to look into immigration. I'll ask Magnus for a little help."
“I’ll lend it to you, don’t worry and write.”
As she waved her hand with a look as if asking for permission,
Cheryl smiled wildly again.
While raising her child, she became much more mature than I was.
She was so envious of her heart that she could quickly fold what she
“It’s amazing, how you could change your mind so quickly.”
Let me tell you without hiding my surprise
She was speechless.
With a more awake look than before, she fixed a line on her window
and smiled slowly.
I was mesmerized by how cool that smile was and how much he
Her flawless, clear smile often told me why she was forced to
become the heroine of this world.
Byul-guk, Cheryl in the novel ended up spending her whole life with
If Casio existed, the Duke of Key Liston
She would have given up notifying him. Did she or she didn't know?
‘‘In life, there are many times when I can’t act with my emotions
alone. Now I have myself and I have children . He said that he saw
reality rather than ideals or dreams."

<Episode 113>
“Is that going to happen?”
' 'Yes, it is the privilege of a young age. He's one of the few people
who can fight, bump into, love and be moved by his emotions. There
are a lot of opportunities to start over.”
As if you were giving me advice, Cheryl was smiling as she
continued her words. She never looked sick.
No matter how the Duke of Kirriston tried to convince her, it was
likely that she would no longer open her heart to him.
“For me right now, love is not that much … It's not worth it. Now
Casio is my job.”
"Are you the peacock's child?"
‘‘Well, I don’t really resent that. They were careless with each other
and enjoyed together anyway.”
Could it have been me? To be honest
I didn't even feel like it was my child.
I have a child, but I don't know how funny the other person is. When
I met him again, he was a high-ranking person to play with.
‘‘Hey, I even took medicine to avoid having Casio. very much But in
the end, he was born without dying.”
Said Cheryl as if she had pierced my mind.
I miss you, put on a perplexed expression
He couldn't help but nod his head. Looking back, I had that kind of
nuance even back then.
She didn't know she could speak so directly and openly. I don't know
what expression I was coming up with, but Cheryl shook her head.
“So the moment I was born, I thought that this child was my destiny.”
“It is. I was reckless.”
“No, I’m glad that Casio grew up healthy and I have a lot of regrets.
So I hope Casio is happy."

What about the feeling of guilt and love coexisting? How does it feel
to see the child you were trying to kill finally grow up?
I thought it wouldn't be as much fun
‘‘I want to bring you greater happiness than any other happiness in
the world. I know the Duke of Kirriston will not be a good father to
She answered as if she knew what I wanted to say. I was a little
startled and hesitated. Cheryl was surprisingly quick to notice her in
a strange place.
As I put her hand on the table and touched her glass with nowhere to
go, she leaned close to me.
“Then don’t look at me with those worried eyes.”
Cheryl came out with a drunken face and was facing her gaze. She
was a little shy.
Come to think of it, she's a lot older than me. Maybe she didn't think
of what I thought.
‘‘For reference, my job and career are important next to Casio, and
then the lives of the two of us are important, and now I’m worried
about immigration.”
I hesitated. It's okay if she prioritizes her precious things. I just hope
that the priority is not love.
After all, if it was a feeling that had no choice but to hurt someone,
she thought it was right not to even start talking.
I am inevitably tied up. If it didn't go well with Magnus, I had no
intention of finding anyone or marrying him in the future.
I'm worried about the successor of the marquis, but it's something
you should discuss with your mother and father.
Don't be too passionate, I'm going to make the best choice for both
me and Casio."
'Well then, I'm lucky. I feel ashamed because I feel like I've been
doing something stupid."
“Illiana, there were times when love was at the forefront of my life.
But right now, I don’t have much time to choose and change.”
That's right. In fact, considering the age of this world, she was not
old enough to be able to do anything and start over.
I also have children, so it will be difficult for me to start something
new, especially in the future.
“I hope you make a good choice.”
Don't be too passionate, even if you leave, I'll be sure to contact
Cheryl smiled mischievously and tapped my shoulder. who wants to
lighten her mood
In the end, I too, without power.
can laugh
"But it's nice to cherish Cheryl Casio, but it's Cheryl's life after all. I
hope she doesn't regret it either."
"Did I not want to go on with the Duke of Kirriston?"
“Yes, but what matters is how you want to do it.”
Sheryl had a choice, just as I had decided to stay with Magnus until
a conclusion was finally reached.
There are also advantages to having a peacock. At least until Casio
is an adult, he can get her decent education.
' 'Okay, I see, Magnus
How's Rang?"
"just… We decided to take time to get to know each other.”
“That’s good. As I always said, the two of them needed time to talk.
You're going on a date this time?"
How does she know now what she talked about this morning?
When her I looked at her with her bewildered look at her, she burst
into her laughter. It seems that my Banung is really funny.
‘No, no, why?”
“It reminds me of an ugly person who came to me in the morning and
asked for advice on dating etiquette.”
Oh, Magnus. what the hell are you doing
are you going?
This time I banged my forehead on the table. The empty glass shook
violently. At my reaction, she laughed again
You cross your arms and go around me
turned around
"Well, please look cute. Do your best.
You know.”
''I know. I know, but I don't know what to do with it. We announced
that we are lovers, but I don’t want to disclose until we are in bed.”
“Oh .. why?”
Sheryl asked what I said, as if she didn't really understand her. She
was really surprised.
No, would it be so surprising that she didn't want to announce that
she was sleeping?
No, she's actually dating the master she serves, and she eats cakes
and sleeps in her room.
Wouldn't it be weirder for her to say, between sleeping together and
waking up in the morning?
No, am I weird?
“No, it is. She's the only one who's in love with the emperor, but I
don't think anyone would think that if she had a relationship with the
emperor, she would become an empress."
"Oh, you didn't mean to?"
“I don’t think so. I don't know if I'll come to a conclusion later."
I mean she understands
It was the expression that he couldn't. I shut her mouth and
pondered what I had said.
Did I say something wrong? He looked up and opened his mouth
“I hope Magnus will not regret it. I don't want to gossip about it later
because of the rumors."
“Illiana strangely doesn't really have much confidence in her trust in
Magnus. Um, why do you even think about dating like that?"
“That’s it… … ."
I just can't answer Was it just trauma, his location, or was it just me?
There is no other sick god like this. I was frustrated, so I put my
forehead on the table once again.
“No, but I slept with him just because we were dating. Do I have to
talk and have rules? I usually notice things like this
Isn't everyone ashamed of that?"
"0 ..Q..•. •. •. •. •. •. "
No, since when has this Nara been such an open country?
Usually, even in the world I used to live in, I don't dare show my
friends getting out of bed in the morning.
“I’ll think about it for a bit.”
"okay. I'm going to go with Casio to the festival this time... .”
“Ah, I’m also going to open a store during the festival, so Cheryl,
come with Casio.”
‘‘Did Magnus allow it?”
Because it seems that he willingly allowed it
was a little different.
Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he forced himself to
do what he did not want to do because he did not want to be hated.
“Yeah, well, they say I can do it if I want to.”
“Then I’ll go find you.” “Okay, come in.”
With her drunken face, Cheryl waved her hand cheerfully.
Seeing that expression, I met her and shook her hand and bowed
her head. I let out a short sigh as I looked at Cheryl's back as she
I don't know if they like it either.'
He needs him to sleep and Magnus' warmth brings a sense of
stability, but if you ask me if that's the name of love, I honestly don't
It was never a passionate feeling like the love I had. It would have
been easier to say it was love if we had the same feeling
ji .
‘‘The day
But the depression was evidently still there.
"bread… You mean the store?"
"Ugh, I thought that would be the most comfortable. I'm just thinking
of selling it cheap, isn't it good enough?"
As he whispered to Magnus the thoughtful idea of a street stall in his
arms, he was very nervous.
He had an expression on his face that he would not want to shout at
any moment.
‘‘What kind of bread are you trying to sell?” "Yes?"
He doesn't speak for a long time.
After pondering for a moment whether I said something wrong, this
I figured it out a little bit because I thought I wouldn't be used to it.
In the whale book, I diligently explain bread again
“Are you going to do it yourself? soul
Are you sleeping?"
On her face there is a determination to never say no
I'm young, I'm going to take him quickly
I heard you pulled out one of the ways
“You too, Magnus.”
“… Am I talking with you?”
For some reason, the ribs are fluttering in the voice. I coughed in
vain and nodded my head coldly.
Anyway, I had to get his permission to open any stalls or anything.
It's not a problem for me to open with my own money, but I still want
to be with you.
‘I was worried because I wanted to be with everyone. It seems like it
would be perfect if you knead it, I shape it, and bake it together.”
‘‘There should be a fire pit, but it won’t be easy.”
"Well, how about a day to enjoy? Let's work hard for a day or so. Of
course, we will have to wear masks.
At least there was no one in the Empire who did not know the
Emperor's face.
All kinds of people gather in the capital, and if the emperor was
baking bread there, he could be laughed at or in danger.
We want to have fun together, but let's die
was not
At my words, he burst out into a big smile and crawled into my arms.
<Episode 114>
He crawls into my arms every day, and it was difficult for me to hold
his head.
“Isn’t it time to stop doing this?” “Is my head that big?”
“No, rather than a problem like that, for a moment… Doesn’t it look
It feels like an adult penguin is still pushing his head between his
parents' legs while arguing that he's still a kid.
In reality, the whole body is dragged
while standing
“Yuna, you can do whatever you want. did you say I will do
"ah "
Suddenly, the atmosphere was captured. I grabbed his shoulder to
spit out the words I had been thinking about quickly. anyway
Misunderstandings had to be cleared up.
I blinked my eyes slowly, contemplating.
‘‘You know, that’s what I said back then. I don't want to reveal that
"yes ."
The nuance felt in his sincere reply was strange. It was evident that
he was not very reluctant to talk about this subject.
But if it goes on like this, one day, this problem will arise again
it's all
At that time, the primordial times will be hurt so much that it will not
end with another small conversation.
"It's not because I don't like you, or because I'm trying to go
somewhere. That's it."
Magnus frowned at my words. Strangely, one side of his chest hurts
when he sees me with an unbelievable line.
Because we do not trust each other like this, we continue to doubt
and disagree with each other
I couldn't help it.
I sympathize painfully with Cheryl's insistence on having a proper
conversation. Her words are always poignant.
“It’s just that I’m shy. I think so. Actually, I don't know why, but I just
felt like I didn't want to reveal it reflexively."
‘Why, why are you so shy?” “No, we announced that we were dating,
but we dared to even have a relationship while sleeping.
I needed to let the world know that
hey? Even between married people, we don’t usually talk about such
a relationship.”

When I added that at least I thought so, Magnus looked at me with a

relaxed expression. It just looked ridiculous.
No, what's so absurd? In fact, it is not natural to announce it.
“But, what does it matter what the subordinates know?”
“You’re not someone who sees once and sees twice.” Like a hotel,
see once and see twice.
I don't know if it's not going to happen or if it's completely private, but
I couldn't help but pay attention when I went into the bedroom,
cleaned everything, and ran into people who wanted to stop by while
taking a bath.
"I did, anyway."
“Doesn’t Yuna’s world say anything like that? So, is it closed to
sex...? … .”
Magnus said with a very incomprehensible expression. Of course, he
may have to get confirmation from the users for his every move in
the position of the emperor.
I once saw in a history book that even the king's side was checked in
the old palace.
Of course, it doesn’t seem like that much here.’
Anyway, I just couldn't make it to that point.
I didn't want to show anyone how I woke up in the morning, or how
tired I was.
“My country was a bit closed.
uh ."
“It is.”
Fortunately, Magnus didn't pry at me for more. He shook his head,
asking how many times he had done that, and then agreed.
“So, I hope there is no misunderstanding about that. you… It's not
that I don't like it. Like I said, I’m getting to know you too, and if I
really didn’t like you, I would have run away from the passageway of
my dreams in the first place.”
At the word run away, a fierce line of sight reached me. It was
sensible, but it was not in order to avoid his gaze.
What I realized from looking at each other many times was that it
wasn't just the eyes that tried to press me down.
At the end of my nervousness and anxiety, the line of sight I showed
eventually turned into such a bitter look.
‘Do, that’s why I said let’s have a girlfriend. Of course, I still get a
little scared when I see it like that.”
''sorry. But, I was trying. Yuna."
I knew. Recently, even when he looks at me like that, he often turns
his head away or covers his eyes in surprise.
But what if it feels like it will be eaten once in a while?
‘‘I know, no, I don’t even say anything.”
“I have never made bread before.” “Actually, I don’t have either.
Knead and basic
I'll learn everything, I think you just need to do the simple things I tell
you on the same day."
Anyway, it's probably the emperor's side rather than the marquis' that
has a lot of work to do.
As if dissatisfied with my words, he bit his mouth and sighed.
Seeing that he didn't add any other words, he probably couldn't do
what he wants or wants.
“I love you, Yuna.”
He gently stroked his back at the confession whispered again.
Anyway, I'm glad that you seem to have understood. I slowly closed
my eyes in his arms.
It's warm.'
His large, wide arms were warm and overflowing with warmth. It
makes me want to ask if I'm really wearing a hot pack all over my
"Good night, Magnus."
“Yes, Yuna too.”
I suddenly had a thought. If this kind of time continues, I don't think
this life will be bad.
The festival was very lively.
It was Raphael's shop that was the busiest and most glamorous
among the noisy festivals that gave me a headache.
Setting up a shop in the center of the city
Also, the store hadn't even opened yet, but people waiting in line
were busy laughing and laughing.
On the other hand, our store… … .
“No matter how much I told you to do the same as everyone else, is
it a mistake to say that you are more humble than others? vein."
"A storm? Maybe Perto?"
‘‘Yes, I have a lot of work, so I completely delegated it to him.”
ah, so that's about me
This is revenge.
It must be because I brought him, the emperor, to such a dangerous
Anyway, what the hell is this tent that looks like it's going to collapse?
“Okay, we just need to sell the bread. In fact, thanks to your help,
I’ve done all the basics.”
"Yes, can I just bake?" "Woong, bake and cream bread, wrap it one
by one, and make soboru bread.
I have to make more by pasting them together.”
When I explained it to Magnus, he nodded eagerly. Neither he nor
Nya came out wearing a half mask, so we couldn't see each other's
faces properly.
The mask I was wearing was the one I used to wear, and Magnus
came out wearing a cute cat mask.
"Can you do it?"
"Yes, it's okay. I'll touch the hot stuff, so I think Yuna should do other
things overall."
Magnus stood guard in front of the fire pit and said.
I heard that the festival starts in earnest at 6pm. By then, all
preparations were complete.
After adding the bread dough and kneading it again and repeating
the process of squeezing the cream a few times, the sky quickly
became dark.
Torches and lanterns were lit here and there, and people began to
flock to each other.
Perhaps the busiest place for me is where Rafael is.
Raphael was seated diagonally from me, and contrary to the
ambition of seeing his face once, Raphael seemed to be very busy
running his shop.
'Mostly young guests.'
Maybe that's why Raphael is getting annoyed?
Even in my store, the smell of baking
Thanks to the breeze, people here and there are curious about it.
“Oh, isn’t that a store that didn’t exist last year? It looks new.”
‘‘That’s right, we opened our first store today.”
As I laughed out loud, three middle-aged men who approached me
burst into laughter.
"It's the first unusual bread I've ever seen. What is this?"
"eww... "
A shadow fell on my back when I was about to explain.
"Soboru and cream bread, red bean bread and pea bread. There are
two types of cream bread: regular cream bread and peanut cream
'cutting board-,]?. "
"Go back, Yuna."
Magnus gently pushed Nya back. The bread being baked in the oven
smelled golden.
No, but why are you pushing me back? Didn't I agree to serve you
and order you and bring you bread?
‘‘You want Meg to burn that?”
“No, I will.”
“Are you going to do this as well as order and checkout?”
"yes ."
The voice is very firm.
No, I was looking at him, wondering why he was being so resolute,
so he completely covered me from guests.
It was seen standing in the right direction.
'ah… .'
You act like a really cute cat. I bit my lip and bowed my head.
you shouldn't laugh You can't laugh.' Obviously you'll be greatly
disappointed. power in the eyes
Let's give it and roll your lips inside
His nostrils twitched.
He raised his hand and covered half of his face.
My fingers were itching because I wanted to see the expression
under that mask.
“Uh, huh? ah "
“I can give you the bread.”’ “But, come here for a second. Mac.”
I looked down at Nya with a blank expression on the face of Mac,
who was arranging orders from people in line.
As I lifted the brackets, he quickly bent down to make me
comfortable. At that sudden consideration, my heart sank for a
knocked down Without knowing this, my face went red.
What about when you call me? uh? stupid
asked fervently.
'Come to think of it, there was no such consideration.'
I don't want to think of my ex-boyfriend, but I keep thinking about it,
and I've been compared to it in a beggar-like way.
Nya slowly stroked his chest with her palms.
It was
Even if they were dating, it must have been an illusion of being
alone. Sometimes, when I saw Magnus who was so considerate, I
would wake up.
“Ah, that’s right.”
He brought his lips close to his ear. It was embarrassing, but I
thought it would be difficult to do it unless I felt like this again.
<Episode 115>
“I have decided on one thing.”
''yes ."
“If it’s not you, I have no intention of getting married or dating. If you
break up with me, my first and last, I will live alone and live the rest
of my life.”
Magnus did not hide his surprise at my words.
He quickly pulled Nya into his arms and pressed his lips to the nape
of his neck. A whistling sound was heard from somewhere.
Then I realized where this place was. With his reddened face, he
slammed his shoulder with a dazzling light.
Magnus then slowly removed his body.
“Yes, I love you”’
“Oh, were you two lovers? it's steamed But why don't you give me
some bread? I am hungry.”
Seeing the first three guests chuckling and laughing, Nya quickly
grabbed the bread with her ten right hands and handed it to them.
The men, who had been laughing for a while, took a bite of the
”•••••• • ”
"• • • • • • "
"• "
All three were silent at the same time.
While the silence was flowing, Magnus, who was watching the time,
took it out of the oven where it had been baked to a golden color.
Then, one by one, they began to line up.
‘‘I think you can fill it with cream, Yuna.”
“Ah, ugh.”
I glanced at the three men who had hardened and, hesitantly, fanned
the bread and started cooling it. Wasn't something so tasty?
The three looked at me as if they felt my worried gaze.
“Where is the bakery? miss."
"Yes? I'm not running a separate bakery... ."
“Then where can I go to eat this bread?”
At the serious question, I looked at Magnus for a moment.
Magnus smiled lightly as he sensed something in the eyes of the
three, and began to accept the spell of beauty.
No , you should say something and smile .
‘‘Sorry, this is only for this festival.
sold as... .”
“What was wrong with that! Why don't you sell this great-tasting
right. Red bean bread and pea bread are perfect for the palate of the
Peanut cream bread or just cream bread will suit your palate. maybe.
It was said that it was famous even in the 70's, so maybe it is right?
“My main job is not to make bread.”
"What is your main job, that's me!
Don't do useless things, the two of you come out
Let's open this bakery! It’s going to be a big hit!”
"Aha "
“I do not invest! " "haha"
I'm worried that if the two of us are doing useless work, the country
will stop operating for a bit.
I couldn't even utter a word until there, so I just smiled awkwardly
and started packing the next person's bread.
Not the great solicitation of these people
The line starting to get long thanks to the solicitation was not at all
what I expected, at least.
'Oh, but this isn't bad either.'
I never thought I would be able to feel this little joy with him, but
strangely, my heart tickled.
I can't even say it's a bad feeling. It was actually fun.
I looked at the stretched line and moved quickly.
What is missing from the flood of customers
was when there were no more ingredients left to make bread.
I was completely devastated and I was drooling without even
thinking of cleaning, but Magnus brought me ice water.
Sipping and drinking, he saw Magnus sitting beside him.
“Isn’t this too bad?” “Yes? What do you mean?"
“I just don’t think it would be bad to live simply like this with you. It’s
hard, but it feels good.”
I couldn't even imagine that I would feel this way while I was with
Magnus, so I was even more excited.
I felt a little bit better.
“I wish I could just go back.”
Magnus, who was looking at me, suddenly said, I was going to ask
you to go have a drink, but why?
Magnus hugged me at once, as he noticed my questioning gaze.
“You seem to have a fever.”’
''Heat? uh no I’m in good shape.” ‘‘You have a fever.”
I felt the will to not back down at the firm answer. I licked my lips and
I don't like it, but I don't want to force it
I don't, but that doesn't make me feel good
“I want to drink.”
“I think you should take medicine instead of alcohol.”
I was used to the voice of an adult who hugged me. I was so stupid. I
thought about it, but then I just gave up and leaned on his shoulder.
comfortable and warm If it was like this, it seemed like he would be
with him for quite a long time.
“I realized that I was with you today, but I think it’s okay to live like
''Until there is a succession, I cannot make him an emperor. But, if
you quit, that would be fine.”
Magnus made a troubled voice. I know, but I still wanted to live like
If there are many more moments in the future when you feel this little
happiness and feel that this is okay, it won't be bad.
Magnus, who immediately returned to the Emperor's fortress without
shame with the ashes that embraced me, laid me on the bed.
I don't know how many people found out about it. In the end, I buried
my face in his shoulder.
"yes ."
He answered calmly, putting his hand on my forehead as I lay on the
See, after all, he doesn't touch me when I'm sick.
Just with her slightly frown on her face, she commands her maid to
follow her in something.
“Are we going to get married?”
‘You are drunk on the ranks, please refrain from remarks that you will
'Cause I'm greedy Whispering voice Yes, I don't know how much
desire is dripping
Even if you tell her what you want, she shakes her head and walks
away. I couldn't believe that those appearances were just because
he was so selfish.
I was afraid he was still and still scared.
But aside from that, to be honest, I didn't like him. I didn't hate it, and
I feel joy in such a small place.
So, if Magnus could be relieved to some extent, it wouldn't be bad to
give him what he wanted and have a friendly time like this.
'Or maybe I'll be locked up for the rest of my life.'
If I get married, will the work of a marquise become unmanageable?
He licked his lips to answer his question, contemplating all sorts of
things to himself.
“I think I might regret it when I wake up in the morning… .”
‘‘Yes, so take your medicine and go to sleep.”
“Still, I say it knowingly.” ‘‘Are you saying you will regret it?”
Magnus said with a slightly absurd face. I nodded calmly.
You will regret it, but there is no choice in the world without regrets.
If you choose one of the two paths, don't keep worrying about the
other one.
It's been a long time
Everything in life will be like that. What I don't choose will always
look big and good.
However, I have never bought anything while thinking and simulating
everything like that from the beginning.
“Ugh, I know what you mean.”
‘‘You are saying you will regret it.”
Magnus' voice has subsided. That voice that feels so gloomy
The kindness had completely disappeared.
As he said, I wondered if it was true that the fever had risen.
'It looks like I'm going to get eaten. ’
Do you really want to feel like this when you stand in front of an
animal? He laughed lightly like a sigh.
Then he sat on top of me and bowed his head at an angle to kiss
It was a sweet kiss, as opposed to a scorching gaze.
But the house cost. It felt like his tongue was scouring the inside of
his mouth.
A hard tongue that swam leisurely as he explored his mouth wide
open to the limit, obscuring his eyes.
He pushed his tongue a little deeper, trying to lick his lips.
It became difficult to even breathe with the tongue digging so hard
that I thought it might even reach the root of the tongue.
In the end, he couldn't stand it and hit him on the shoulder with his
Magnus came closer to me with somewhat euphoric eyes and licked
the corners of his eyes.
It was as if I had licked away the tears that were physiologically
welling up.
‘‘Even if you regret it, I don’t know, you have given me permission,
so even if you change your mind later, I will be tough.”
I nod his head and he
exposed and laughed.
It was like an innocent child, and on the other hand, like a cruel
murderer, but I didn't hate it either way.
I was just a little mesmerized by that brightly smiling face.
“I will openly lock you up and put you under surveillance wherever
you go. If you run away, we will issue a wanted order on a large
scale so that no one across the country does not know about it.”
Hearing his story, I laughed.
it leaked out He explains what he's going to do with the worst-case
“Are you all right though?”
It was as if he would back off if he said it wasn't okay.
Did you know that those eyes are shining with greed?
It felt like the fever that had risen was cooling off. “Aren’t I so
“… _:;z..L-That E]-Yo ’’
He answered honestly.
“Even now, when I open my eyes, I have a dream without Yuna. A
terrible dream. Even if I open my eyes, even if I wander around the
Imperial Castle, I realize that you are nowhere to be found and I
dream of despairing and resenting you.”
Magnus whispered to me. It was the figure of a person who had
endured for a long time in pain and was on the verge of being
looking at only one donga line
It was so dangerous that if it were to be broken, it would be cut
I was speechless. I thought that I would never love anyone after the
day I was betrayed.
It was all I was afraid of. I was afraid that the vaguely painful and
painful time of that time would come again.
So I didn't think he would be in so much pain. As I looked at him with
a slightly stern look, the cherry blossoms licked their lips.
But before I could even speak, Magnus took my place.
“So I feel relieved when Yuna is by her side.”
<Episode 116>
‘‘I told you, no more… I won't
"Yeah, I know, but I still have no way of controlling what was a
My power wasn't involved, so it was obvious that he had created his
Trapped in a nightmare, unable to move
and must have been in pain.
“But it’s okay now that Yuna is by my side.”
I felt a deep obsession with the voice that whispered that I don't have
I don't know if it's for the purpose of instilling guilt in me, or if he's
thinking of something else.
“I also had a lot of nightmares because of you. A dream of
wandering in the dark.”
"Is that so? Are you still making ”
‘Do, that, no.”
As soon as I started sleeping with him, those dreams completely
As if his warmth was the key to not dreaming. What would you say if
it wasn't tame?
‘‘I sleep often even when you are by my side’’
“So, every day without Yuna
You will wander through the nightmare, suffer from the terrible
nightmare, and then you will go crazy.”
He sat down on the bed and gently stroked my hair. I don't know if
this is a confession or a threat.
Even this feels so sweet, I thought, maybe I'm going crazy.
“Now that you have said that you will accept me fully, I cannot take it
‘Yes, yes.”
At the answer I gave after a long silence, he raised his teeth and bit
the nape of my neck.
“You are mine, Yuna.”
That one word full of possessiveness made me shiver. What is the
reason why it is more difficult than a bad feeling to stand there.
exhaled low. I moved my head very slowly from top to bottom.
“I love you, Yuna.”
Confessions that always came in made it tickle my legs even more
today. He gently rubbed my back against my stomach.
The greedy gaze captured every change in my expression and
swallowed me up as it was.
His tongue, biting his lower lip, filled his mouth. He chewed his lips
well and had a strong sucking power.
Suddenly, my stomach frowned. In the morning
It was clear that when I woke up, I was going to be puffy.
“I’m not going to take it seriously.”
My eyes were relieved by the soothing voice, saying that I couldn't
finish it because I wasn't feeling well.
He tossed my shirt off and quickly untied my clothes.
The bare skin overlapped each other. His skin felt even cooler. He
draped a blanket over his overlaid body.
The heat trapped in the blanket makes it even hotter
it was felt
"ah "
' ' You can't catch a cold ."
His wet voice was full of sunken ashes.
"ah !"
Something touched below. I couldn't see it properly because it was
covered with a blanket, but I could tell it was definitely big.
Goosebumps welled up in his chest. As something passed by, my
body stiffened with a long intestine.
It was not predicted at all because the situation inside the blanket
was not visible even though the view was not obscured.
All he could see was Magnus' face. Unexpected touches all over my
body gave me chills.
My back was bouncing around • The tips of my fingers that brushed
the cracks made my body heat up.
Unknowingly accepting the finger that slides into his mouth, Magnus
He took a deep breath, as if he was struggling somewhere.
"Fingers, can you lick me?"
The beast was hiding in the polite voice.
It was a shameless act I had never done in my life.
Not knowing what to do, I felt an eerie feeling between my legs again
as I was just about to bite the two fingers that had come in between
my lips.
"Come on. You can move as you please, like kissing. Be greedy. I'll
show you to the floor."
It sounded like a bit of a bummer. The finger that had dug into the
sensitive part of my mouth rummaged through it.
It stimulated me by scratching the roof of my mouth painlessly.
“Am I the only one who looks like a beast?”
Magnus said with droopy eyes. You seemed to be saying that you
weren't even a beast. It wasn't wrong.
He became a mere beast in front of me, not an emperor, and I ended
up becoming a tamed beast in his hands.
We were each other's beasts.
They are each other's masters and each other's beasts at the same
time. Neither of them can abandon each other in the end.
"When animals mate, don't they pay attention to their surroundings?
Just look at me
Only me, please.”
At his words, I barely moved my stiff tongue.
I told him to roll like a kiss, but when I kissed Magnus, all I did was
drag him around.
He moved his tongue clumsily. He pushed in another finger.
It's actually not a big deal, but the wet sound and the act were
obscene, so I was excited too.
“Good job.”
His eyes were folded like half moons as they kissed my forehead in
praise. He scratched the roof of his mouth and slowly lifted his hand.
Pulling it out, he smiled softly and lowered his hand into the blanket.
" *middle ·• •· •· !"
Suddenly, I felt a sensation between my legs and my legs
shuddered. I couldn't see what he was doing.
As he flinched, he touched another sensitive spot. slowly sweeping
Apparently, the fingers digging inside were wetter than I thought.
''Wait a minute. what. .,,
‘As I said, I can’t stop bleeding.
“Where am I going… .”
Magnus' empty hands grabbed my ankles and stretched them apart.
I'm glad that the duvet was turned over, but I was a little less
ashamed because I couldn't see it.
"Is it okay if I come in?"
"You're not going to finish?"
“I was too arrogant. If the condition gets worse, I will take care of you
without leaving your side for a moment until you get better.”
He kissed my face all over my face as if he was very sorry that I had
heard the terrifying voice.
Then he went down and felt a soft touch on his body, and then he
Every time I bit my skin without hurting it, my skin kept standing up
and fluttering at me.
I kept twisting my back. He wrapped his other arm tightly around my
waist and emerged from the blanket.
"Love it."
Before he could answer, our lips met. With him, I felt a pain from
His back stiffened and his mouth was open. Being one with him
When I opened my eyes again, it was a pitch black night.
At night, when there was no moon and no stars, visibility was not
well secured. It was a forest and nothing existed.
A world full of trees and silence was not the dream of anyone I knew.
"what… ?"
I was no longer afraid to be trapped in a dream like this, perhaps
because I was able to deal with it now.
But this dream was somehow creepy. It was terrifying and terrifying.
In the forest where there are no wild animals, neither the owls nor
the grasshoppers can be heard.
All that exists is silence and darkness. Trapped in the night with
endless enemies, it felt like I was going crazy.
I should have escaped from the dream, but somehow it seemed that
I couldn't. A little more
I wanted to see inside.
The Marquis of Glein once taught that dreams reflect a person's
psyche or state of mind.
It is said that the more unstable the mental state, the more difficult it
is to approach the dreamer.
What the dream shows is what the other person desperately wants
or fears the most.
If this was someone's unsettling dream, I would have known who he
Maybe there was that certainty.
“I was wrong.”
The soft voice I heard just after entering the forest is familiar.
A helpless man drenched in fear was crying. I turned to her where
the voice was coming from.
“Please don’t throw it away.”
A mournful voice that seemed to resonate throughout the dream
filled with fear.
I knew the owner of this voice better than anyone. In the end, I
almost started running.
"ah "
Not far away was a shabby child with scars everywhere.
He was a small child who was now about eight or seven years old.
The clothes he's wearing are the ones Magnus wore when I left him
The most helpless childhood and the most terrifying times when I
was abandoned

The boy of ambiguous age and extrovert had wandered through the
woods for so long, bare feet, bare dirt, and full of scars.
" --=- • •
The child, who was about to cry, was wandering around the forest,
rubbing her tears with the back of his hand.
This forest was his world. locked him up
It was a nightmare and he couldn't escape
It could have been hell.
Do · Is this forest where the hut used to be? ’
He may have come across Cheryl while wandering around here like
this. Nya did something he shouldn't have done.
When he saw it in person, the guilt pierced his heart without
As I gazed at this vast and endless world full of forests, I stood up
against a tree.
“I did, wrong… … .”
His face was full of weeping and the sound of hiccups was full of
regret. Taking a few deep breaths while standing before my seat, I
slowly approached the boy.
Hearing the rustling of the grass, the boy jumped out of place.
The boy looked at me with a messed up face, covered in tears, and
knelt down in his place.
''host … sir … ?"
Seeing that face of despair and fear, I barely took a step and
the crab approached
He was crying bitterly. Even then, as I wiped away my tears, my
heart ached.
“I was wrong. Please take me back.”
<Episode 117>
“You did nothing wrong.”
"I didn't listen to my master … I accepted Jim, but I didn't act like an
Hee, I was greedy for the master in my subject."
I knelt in front of him and sat at eye level. The sad and sad child
burst out crying.
Walk on his knees and crotch my pants
The boy who was holding on to it revealed the ungulate that was
piled up on me.
‘‘Master, I have been thinking that it would be good if this was a
beast. I don't want to be abandoned, so my presumptuous
thoughts... … .”
“Not off topic.”
“Suck… yes?"
The boy who wipes his tears is half way to me
I asked
Crying face as if what are you talking about
The question was raised below.
I hugged him in my arms. i am a boy
"You won. You turned me into a beast. I have tamed you."
The cry of the child in my arms slowly subsided. The small body
seemed to increase the size.
"Before you throw it away, I don't
It won't break.”
He needed certainty. Him
What made me unbelievable was my many times
It was because of the action.
it was didn't cry over my words.
still listening
i do
‘‘Lina.. sir?”
“Magnus, as much as you want
Desperately hugging him, he whispered into his ear.
I don't have the courage to face his face properly
Go is something I will never say for the rest of my life.
I'm shy so I don't even talk about it
holding his neck
The story of life
“Once I gave my heart, I couldn’t see well. There was no one around
to tell me that I was doing something wrong. So I desperately put
thorns on my body.
I lived wearing hin armor."
I hoped that the voice that was trying to speak calmly would not
tremble. I've never had a word like this ever come up.
I've never done it to anyone, nor to myself.
“No one is protecting me, so Nya had to desperately protect me. It is
difficult for a child without parents to live in any world. Especially for
I didn't even want to get it out of my mouth, so I've been deceiving
myself. I've been deceived constantly saying I'm fine.
Seeing Magnus' friendly behavior, I realized that I had done
something really bad to him.
"Even if I tried desperately, there is always a modifier attached to it. I
don't have parents.
They say that they grew up well, or that they are fortunate to be able
to do well even though there is nothing.
For me it was The world was rough and full of prejudice.
It was desperate to live, but that desperate thing was also interpreted
by people with sympathy and reasons.
‘‘If I grew up normally, if words ending with the words ‘I grew up well’
or ‘I studied really well’ come to me, it becomes a hard and sharp
standard and becomes a prejudice.
What I did when I was told that it was poisonous and vicious was
rather to let other people hear it.
It must have been someone who took advantage of the other
person's sympathy, but I was the one who didn't.
“I must say, I couldn’t even go to college in the end, but I couldn’t
because I didn’t have the money to pay in the first place. Every
moment was tight, but I didn't have the money to pay the deposit,
nor the money to pay for the first semester.”
A lot of things depend on money.
It was difficult to stand at that starting point.
I don't know if I could save money after graduating and prepare for
college again, but I just lost my motivation.
“I just grew up that way, so I was so desperate to protect myself. It
may have been, it may have been, and it may have been.”
I was desperate to live. I didn't want to hear the voices around me.
It was nothing, but the way the world looked at it was full of
Some end up saying it's just a joke, but I have no parents, so the
modifier was attached.
“I just didn’t want to get hurt. I also didn’t want to be betrayed, and I
didn’t want to live in the fear that you might one day abandon me
because I depend on you so much.”
Magnus was quiet. Rather it was better I can't stand it when he
sympathizes with me or says I'm fine.
I didn't like it, so I've been acting like a mortal.
“I was afraid that one day I would suddenly return after giving my
heart to a world that was not mine. you will kill me someday
I was also scared that I might."
"• • • • • • "
"I'm also stupid enough to think about things that won't happen."
took a deep breath. Have you ever been born and told someone so
honest? I really didn't do it to anyone.
How did you come to another world and do this to the man in your
dreams in another person's body?
“And it’s selfish. I thought you were selfish, but in fact, I'm probably
the most selfish one. I can't be honest and even now, if I break up
with you, I'll divorce myself for the rest of my life and bluff that I will
eat well and live well.
I'm begging, but..."
I stopped talking for a while. After admitting this, I really don't think
so. I didn't want to be weak.
I didn't like to look weak. Asking someone for help was difficult and
So, it was the temple education center that thought alone and ran
away, but in the end, it was useless in terms of the results. It was
also a stupid choice.
"I know it won't be possible in the end. That's why I'm scared and
burdened by you. I'm always concerned and afraid of the authenticity
of your feelings."
I won't let him go. guilt
Whether it's a feeling of love, a feeling of love that's just a little bit
strange, or a feeling of affection, either way.
At that time, I was able to turn around thinking that it was Iliana's
feelings because I had not yet met him.
“It was just that. I was in such a hurry with my wounds, I never
thought that you would be hurt so much. sorry. Sorry for lying and
sorry for running away without responsibility.”
Magnus still had no answer. Maybe it was because I heard an
apology, this confession
I don't know if I'm thinking the same thing.
I smiled helplessly and slowly released his arms and tried to back
away as Magnus hugged me tightly.
Soon the boy had grown up. One of the heads was bigger than
Nyabo. The arms that embraced me were large and firm. I smiled
helplessly and rested my forehead on his shoulder.
"I couldn't look around because I was living like a fool, but I think
there may be many people who hurt like you and passed by
pretending not to know."
"••••••• "
“Maybe I could have created the situation when I was alone.”
It may have been something you made yourself.
There are so many things that I have passed without seeing
properly, so even if I try to feel guilty, I don’t remember anything even
if I try to express my regrets or regrets.
Even if it was painful, he said that he would come and see it with a
straight face.
If I had heard it even if I didn't want to hear it, I could have cried and
cried to someone.
maybe you don't know
“I will never let you go again. I'll make sure I don't get lost alone in a
place like this. If you get lost, I'll come to find you. So don't cry
A heavy answer came. I hesitated for a moment at the unexpected
Then he smiled and nodded and opened his mouth.
“I’ve tried a lot, but I
Love it. This makes my stomach rot. Would you rather hug me if you
cry in front of me?”
“I will.”
When I heard the answer, I was upset as soon as I heard it. I buried
my face in his shoulder and stayed still.
It's embarrassing to raise your face and it's embarrassing to say
anything else.
“If I told you I was happy here, would you cry?”
"uh? no … , not that.”
He grabbed my shoulder and widened me a little.
There was an unparalleled ecstasy on his face as he met him. I don't
know what makes me so happy.
“Did you not want to be abandoned by me?”
‘Do, yes. It will be difficult if you give your heart and abandon it.”
‘‘I like you with a wounded tooth. 'Cause you're going to cling
desperately to me. I treat you more kindly
If I give you affection, won't you get away from me?"
Maybe it will be, but his face when he said it casually looked so
happy that I got goosebumps.
It's like an excited little child. When this dream wakes up, I want him
to be forgotten from his memory.
‘It means that he seems to remember all the dreams in which I
intervened. '
So did Raphael, and so did some dreams.
It was the same with Perto.
So, with a high probability, Magnus will also remember this dream. I
don't know if it would have been better if I didn't remember
"Without you, I can't even breathe, I can't even sleep well, so what
would I say if I didn't call this love?"
Go kissed my lips. The clasped hands were bright white. Nya gave
strength to his clasped hands.
“Do not doubt what I give. You don't have to. I will not do anything to
harm you. I swear.”
He nodded slowly. he smiles
It seems like he'll do anything he can other than harm, but now I
wonder what's the point.
“And, to add to that, you have grown up well enough. the emperor of
You know how to play tricks, so what more do you need?”
he whispered in my ear
“If I could have gone to that world, I could have given it all to you, but
it’s a pity.”
“That’s a sweet dream, yes.”
I wish I had shown that bastard that I was this happy.
I'm crazy about money, so I'm sure my eyes will turn
It was obvious that my baby was going to roll over on the floor with a
Their lips met again.
“Daughter, aren’t you too faceless?”
"ah… I have been there, mother.”
As soon as I arrived, I smiled awkwardly as I saw the Marquis
hugging me.
No matter how many times she receives her hospitality, she never
gets used to it. Tickling in the stomach and
Even though I was sad, a feeling of guilt abruptly welled up.
'I should have told the truth.'
<Episode 118>
To be honest, I was not able to return this body for an apology, and I
doubted whether she would convince me. She's not even her
Even after telling the candid story in Magnus' Nightmare, I held on
for another half a year.
It was only recently that he was defeated by Magnus, who had been
courting him for half a year.
maintaining her succession and bearing children
In any case, Magnus, who was excited to announce that he would be
crowned the Empress, seemed to be in the best mood so far.
‘You said you were announcing it at this party.’
I came back to tell you about it too.
To some extent, I'm used to dealing with the Marquis's affairs, so the
Marquis Gullein didn't even come out well at all.
“Yeah, no matter how much, it’s too much for me not to show my
face for half a year.”
"haha. I'm sorry."
I don't know if smiling is laughing or just reading a Korean book.
While I was smiling awkwardly, a neatly dressed Glaine Hujak came
down from above.
“Are you here?”
“Yes, I have been, Father.”
He smiled faintly at my greeting and nodded his head. It's a really
faint laugh.
It's really great'
How could you stay buttoned all the way to your neck at home?
It's amazing. I want to stick my tongue out in his obsessive-
compulsive manners.
On the other hand, the Marquis side doesn't seem to care about that
at all.

I mean, I've never seen anyone chanting.'

For me, even if I was a little distracted, nagging started pouring out.
It was clear that she pods when she really loves.
The Marquis led me to the dining room
' 'Are you still eating? I was waiting to eat with you.”
"Ah yes. sure."
It's even more awkward because we met after half a year.
Is it because she's feeling more guilty?
She was gritty either way. The Marquis Glein looked down at me,
looked at the Marquis, pulled out her chair and her chair, and sat
down at her round table.
Meals were substantial. It was good that only the things to eat were
plentiful, but the food wasn't stretched out too much.
The two of us started eating first, and I grabbed the tableware.
‘‘Are you doing well as a marquise?”
"Ah yes . What … Just as you taught me.”
“What’s special?”
“This time, one of our customers had an accident and there was a
problem with the items they were bringing from the mine … It was
not difficult to solve.”
As I answered the question of the Marquis of Glein, I imagined what
happened at that time.
She recently discovered that even trees dream.
She borrowed the shadow of a tree and peered into their memories
through their line of sight, so it wasn't difficult to catch the culprit.
“That’s fortunate.”
“I will.”
At the words of the Marquis, who spoke as if praising me, I smiled
awkwardly again and nodded my head.
I hope her expression is fine, but looking at Marquis Glaine's
expression, it seems that I am not really good at acting.
‘‘Magnus… No, your Majesty said we should get married. Maybe I'll
make an announcement as the Empress at this party
“… … What?"
‘‘Well, I should have told you in advance, but I didn’t have time.”
I put the salad in my mouth and calmly explained.
She wondered if her guilt would be diluted in many ways as she
would not have to come here often when she became Empress.
I'm thinking about what to eat next, but my eyes on my face are hot.
Let's put down the fork and raise her head
someone was looking at me
''Well… Should we have consulted?"
"Since when did you say that?" ‘‘About half a year ago.”
“But you never discussed it with us.”
The Marquis spoke with her slightly hardened face, not knowing
whether she was sad or angry.
When a person who always had a smiling face makes such an
expression, the atmosphere is completely changed.
was different
''I'm sorry."
I didn't feel the need to consult. I didn't really dare.
Even though she's not a real daughter, it seemed funny to get
permission to get married. Of course, it is true that they eventually
entered the body of two daughters under their family register.
‘Do I feel uncomfortable?”
"yes? No, not like that.”
“Such an important line like this… I didn’t know that I would only
receive notifications, so I’m embarrassed.”
I never thought she would react like this.
Eventually, her marquis got up from her seat and disappeared from
the dining room. The meal was ashes that were not even properly
I got up in embarrassment, but she had already left the restaurant.
what to do Unable to do this or that, she turned her head, and this
time the Marquis Lane put down the dishes and sighed.
there was
‘‘In your world, you don’t get permission from your parents before
you get married, don’t you?”
"Yes? No, it's not like that..."
I don't have many memories of being born and given permission by
anyone. So I didn't even think about it.
It came to mind once, but I didn't have the courage to do it like I
thought before.
Everything I decided and I had to choose
If I make a mistake or fail, only I
I had to endure it, so it was up to me to think for a long time, whether
it was the Internet or selling a product without it.
It was really awkward to rely on people around me. It's true that the
two didn't know what to do because they didn't think they were real
And I had no intention of consulting with anyone there.
“But why?”
"ah "
What should I say 口l- O? Moderately
No words came to mind. However, she rolled her head as far as she
could and put the answer that came out of her mouth.
“I was so busy that I didn’t have time. And the opponent is the
emperor... cellar. I know I have to decide.”
“If you’re going to make such a stupid excuse, you’re still not like
your parents, so it’s better to be honest and say that you didn’t think
about it.”
The Marquis of Glein stood up. She couldn't catch him as he walked
away and ordered Nya to take her seat.
When both of them left, the strength in their legs was relieved.
It seemed a bit twisted.
I couldn't even sleep at night. Oh no, you have to go to sleep with
steamed skin.
He took a long breath as he rubbed his forehead. No, I can't talk
about that.
'I don't know, really.'
After all, getting married is something I'm going to do, so do I really
need a consultation here?
It's not that there were multiple options, but there is only one option
that exists. Even so, the opponent was the emperor.
Whatever the conclusion, the answer will be the same. I don't know if
it's such a bad thing to just notify you.
Of course, it wouldn't be difficult to apologize if you thought you were
wrong, but even after thinking all night, you couldn't figure out why
you turned around like that.
'Isn't it better to apologize?'
Anyway, the conclusion won't change.
If it is a result that will not change anyway, there is no choice but to
apologize first and solve the problem.
After all, after seeing you this time, you will hardly ever see your face
After drawing a conclusion, he stretched out his body, which had
been squatting for a long time.
I'm still not used to using people, so I only called people when I was
alone after washing and getting dressed.
Magnus told me to get used to it little by little, so I'm trying to get
used to it.
I felt uncomfortable, so my clothes seemed to be tighter than usual
for nothing. Even though it's a one-piece outfit that doesn't have
anything particularly tight.
“What about your mother and father?”
“I saw you two go into the office without eating before.”
''Okay ."
The steps towards the office are very slow. I don't know what to say.
Every time I took a step, the emptiness raised my head.
After several sighs, I was able to knock on the office door.
“This is Iliana.” “Come in.”
I heard the voice of the Marquis inside.
I went inside, pretending to be as calm as possible, recalling the
appropriate words I had thought about several times.
I don't understand why you're getting angry about something you
don't feel necessary.
' 'Well, good
It's morning. mother, ah
I couldn't stand the gaze of the two people who were obviously
looking at me, so I opened my mouth first.
It's because I didn't get a good night's sleep.
Ji's head was throbbing. He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled
as brightly as possible.
“What are you up to this morning?”
The Marquis asked with a slightly startled look.
It was definitely earlier than the time when I was usually sulking and
coming out of the room. Hesitating her answer, I shook her head.
“No, he said he hadn’t eaten yet.”
“There was a report coming up from the territory, so I was just
looking at it.”
"Aha "
Awkwardness flows through
It's difficult to say anything about it here, but I'm sorry to hear that
you're going back to the thoughts and promises you've made all the
way here.
He hesitated and then nodded her head again.
“Well, that was yesterday. i'm sorry
do. I'm married to you for the first time
I've been neglecting my mother and father a lot up until now.
Besides, I fell in love with Magnus while I was alone... I must have
never thought of that.”
I don't know if the words I muttered are correct or if it feels like a
proper answer.
Of course, it's not just the sincerity, it's nothing more than just putting
a good reason here and there.
I bow my head and don't know what the hell I'm doing.
When I was scolded by my teacher in high school
I don't think it felt like this.
“So, I’m sorry if I offended you yesterday.
It will be difficult to decide on the top, but if it's okay, I'll say it again...
… .”
He raised his head, which had been bowed for a while, and blurted
the end of his speech.
I was afraid of what kind of expression he was making, but I never
thought that it would be such a difficult and difficult expression, so I
was speechless in a different way this time.
'What else did I do wrong?'
I think I did my best to apologize.
The Marquis Glaine, with his arms crossed, sighed a little and turned
his head away.
No, what if you turn your head? For me, I have to say something
“Are you serious about that?”

<Episode 119>
''yes ?"
“I really, sincerely think so.
Are you apologizing to me?"
"•••••• ''
She seemed very disappointed, but at the same time, she had a
troubled expression on her face. I don't know what that feeling is.
I pay close attention to her expression
I couldn't easily nod my head.
Isn't it a bit of an illusion to see through my heart?
Only the sound of breathing seems to resonate loudly in the room.
My fast beating heart alerted me to my nervousness.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s okay if you really mean it because you really mean it. I
wasn't angry. Get out of here.”

No, if you go back like this, I don't think you'll ever show your face.
How mad would the Marquis Glein be? Even so, he is overflowing
with love for his wife.
"that• • • ''
What the hell to say about her overflowing with guilt. It is true that
Magnus said he would return within three days.
Today is already the second day and at least my job is
had to go back
“When did you decide to get married?”
“I said Magnus would decide and let you know.”
‘Even though it’s still an imperial family, there must be a formality, but
what about the bride’s dowry or belongings?”
“Magnus said you could come alone.”
‘‘What about the marquis?”
“Magnus is going to do it on his own, so just do what he says… .”
After speaking up to this point, I couldn't finish the conversation
properly because I thought this was not a good thing either.
Come to think of it, he didn't really care
Even if it's a wedding, you can feel it
It wasn't, and now it's almost stuck anyway.
I don't think there will be anything else since I'm living so fast.
As much as I was speechless, the Marquis and the Marquis of Glein
were also speechless.
"Is it true that you really want to get married?"
"Yeah, so far .. that's right."
I didn't like this kind of life, so I suddenly thought that it would be
okay to get married.
It's not that I'm lacking anything. It wasn't because I was lonely, so I
didn't think that I wouldn't be able to die if it wasn't for that person.
“Then why does it look so lackluster?”

‘do · eo. ” jeontong-ideun gyeolhon-ideun ileon munhwa-e dae

haeseon jal aneun ge eobs-euni jeonjeog eulo mageunuseuege
matgyeo noh-eun geosppun-i da. geuleohdago naega os-eul
goleuneun chwimiga issneun geosdo ani go. ‘maeilmaeil ssod-aji
neun ilgeo li lodo beog chani .’ geu wajung-e teum-eul naeseo
kalgat-i myeonglyeong ol naeli neun mageunuseuga daedanhage
neu kkyeojil ppun-i da. naneun hujaggaui illodo chungbunhi
beogchass eunikka. “ibeon-e dol-agamyeon jeongli haeseo boyeojun
dago haess-eoyo. ajig-eun il-i jom beogcha seo yolyeong-i eobs-
eoseo geuleonga bwayo. hong miga eobsgeona geuleon geon
jeoldae ani ye yo.” “geu leoni kka " hujag bu-in-eun ije dabdabhae
boyeossda. geunyang ib-inya damulgo joyonghi sudolo dol-agal geol
geulaessna. gwaenhi geulg-eo buseuleom-eul mandeun geon anin
ga sipda. ib-eul kkug damun chae ttodasi eosaeghage usja geunyeo
ga geubgiya hansum ol naeswieossda. “geuleo ni kka, wae yaegileul
halyeogo hajil anhni ? naega yeossni?" "ne? anyo, ani eyo.” ‘‘hujag-
wi ga beogeoumyeon gyeolhon junbi jom hage il jom bwadallago
hamyeon doejanh-a.” geunde mom an joh-eun salamhante gud-i
geuleol pil-yoga issna? eodi kkajina geullein hujag-ui gijun-in geos
gatgin haji man, doum-eul yocheong handaneun saeng-gag-eun
hajido moshaessda. gidael jul moleuneun salam-ege gidae lago
haneun ge deo isanghan il-i da. "geo gi kkajin saeng gag-eul mos
haessneyo, da-eum buteon juuihalgeyo. joesonghaeyo.” "nan nege
sagwaga badgo sip-eun ge a nilanda. ” ‘eum. jwa··" bansajeog-eulo
ib-eul yeoldaga dasi dad-ass dya nugunga-ege doum-eul
cheonghaneun il-ila gon gansinhi geuleomoa geullein hujag-e ge
maedallyeossdeon ttae han beon jeong doyeossda. naneun honja
haneun geos-i igsughaessda. nugungaleul mid-eumyeon mwoga
dallaji ji? geu salam-i dwitongsuleul chiji anhneundaneun bojang-
eun? eochapi museun il-eul haedo dwieseo yog hal geosman gat-
assda. pyeongsaeng ma-eum-eul jun salam-egekkaji goa laneun
kkolipyoga jwieojyeo heundeullyeossneunde naega nuguleul mid-eul
su issneun ge deo swibji anhna. amuli geunyeoga sangnyanghago
chinjeolhada go haedo eonjenga naega gajjalaneun sasil ol alge
doemyeon geunyeodo wonmanghal geos-i bunmyeonghadya
geuleomyeon naega sangcheobad-eul tende wae gud i geuleon
wiheomseong-eul gamdanghal pil-yoga yeoss eulkka. honjaga
pyeonhadaneun geon geunyang salda bo ni naon saeng-gag-
ieossda. gyeongheom-e uihan geos-i eossda. naega siljelo
geulaess-euni kka. igeol nu gunga i haehaejugil balaneun geon ani ji
man, geuleon dago myeonjeon-eseo geobudanghago sip-eun
geosdo ani eossda. “mageunuseulado delyeo waseo heolag-eul bad
olkkayo?” “… mwo?" ‘‘sang-gyeonlye … geuleonikka gyeolhonhal
jib-an bumokki li mannaseo seolo jasig sogae hae jugo.
mageunuseudo bumonim i an gyesi ni kka… mageunuseulang
insalado … .” “geugeon dang-yeonhan il-i go.” aha, igeon tto dang-
yeonhan il-i eossguna. saeng-gagboda geunyeoneun dam-i
keossda. geulaedo hwangje yeossneunde amuleohjido anh ge
waseo heo lag-eul bad-eulago hane. eojjeoda du salam-i mannage
dwaessneunji singihane. “naneun ne ga uliege uijileul haejwoss
eumyeon johgessneunde, naega ileon geol bala neun geon
jalmosdoen il-ini ?" “anieyo. jega nolyeoghalgeyo.” ‘‘sig saneun?" “ije
halyeo goyo, eomeonilang abeo ji neun-yo?" "god nagal deni
meonjeo ga iss-eulyeom. hwang jeneun eonje deligo ondago?"
geunyeoui mal-e ibsul kkeut-i jeollo hwieo jyeossda. hwangjein
mageunuseuleul jeonhyeo dulyeo wo haji anhneun geoscheoleom
boyeossda. geugeos-i geulle in hujag-ui dogteughan ilyeog ttaemun-
inji , ani myeon wonlae seonghyang-i geuleon geonji
moleugessjiman. ‘‘ sig sahago, han beon mul-eoboleo danyeool
geyo.” “geuleolyeom geumbang galge.” " ne.” yeojeonhi myohan
kkeobkkeob ham-eul moleun cheoghamyeo aesseo mom-eul
dollyeossda. * * * ‘‘teo nohgo malhandago haji anh-ass-eossna?"
‘‘mal-eul mos hagessneun geol eo tteog halago? nalang ppeonhi
geolileul dugo yeossneun ge joe chaeggam ttaemun-in geos gat-
eunde …" “geu laedo ppuliga chaj-awaseo uliwa il li analeul dasi
mannage haejwossdaneun yaegineun haejuneun ge johgessji.”
paljjang-ol kkin geulle in hujag-ui mal-e a kwillaga jal dadeum eojin
wonmog chaegsang-e i maleul kung bag-assda. geullein hujag-i
nolla ppaleuge akwilla ui i maleul son-eulo sseulmyeo najge hyeoleul
chassdya “naega ileon jis haji mallago haess-eul ten de"
‘‘dabdabham-eul nega pul-eojudeonga.” geullein hujag-i heo lileul
sug-yeo akwilla ui ibsul-e ib-eul majchwossda. seoneulhan ibsul-i
dwiseokk-ineun budeuleoun ib majchum-e akwillaga nun-eul jjing-
geulideo ni ileul sewo geuui alaes ibsul-eul kkaemul-eoss dya “apa. ”
“apeulago han jis-iya. jimseung saekkido ani go mwo haneun
geoya? beli eol.” ‘‘dabdabham-eul pul-eodallagi e.” ‘‘dolieo deo
dabdabhaejyeoss-eo.” tujeong-eul nae baetneun akwillaleul boneun
geulle in hujag-ui nunmaega dung-geulge hwieo jyeossda. akwillaga
geu eolgul-eul mulkkeuleomi bala bodaga jalileul teolgo il-eonassda.
ai bogo gaseo gidali lago haessneunde deo yeoss ol sun eobs-
eossda. “neoneun jeongmal amuleohjido anh-a? akwil la. jeogeon
nege iss-eoseo eo jjaessdeun gajja janh-a.” “igeosdo in-yeon inga
boji. illi ana neun pyeon-anhage nun-eul gam-ass-eo . bon-in-i
seontaeghan il-ieoss-euni gyeolgwado saeng-gaghaessgess ji.
dangsin i geu aeleul ganghage ki wossjanh ya" ‘do· geulaessji.
gakkeum-eun jogeum daleun bangbeob ul sseoss-eumyeon
johgessdaneun huhoeleul haji man." geullein hujag-i neulige nun-eul
gam-assda tteossda. bam-ui tonglo-eseo mannan je ai neun
pyojeong-i balg-a boyeossda. deudja hani tongloleul ttala
igosjeogos-eul hemaemyeo danyeossdago haessda. dayanghan se
gyeleul bogo dayanghan i yagi leul deudgo han beon-eun jigeum
jasin-ui mom-eul chajihan yunawa hwangjedo jikyeo bwassdago
haessdya geuleomyeonseo doggi do ppajigo ta jongjog-e
daehaeseodo i haeleul haejun moyang-ieossda. aju neuj-eun ihae
yeossda. mi li ihaesi kiji moshan joechaeg gam-i geuegen jali jab
assdya pyeongsaeng majmullineun il-i eobs-eul geo lago saeng-
gaghaessneunde geugeon teullin mal-i eossda. ‘doseolma geu
aeegeseo salanghandaneun mal-eul deul-eul jul-eun mollassji .”
“nah-ajwoseo gamsahadaneun maldo mal-i ya." jogeum meonghan
nach-ol han geullein mal-e akwillaga si wonseuleobge deosbut-
yeossda. hujag-ui us-eumyeo geullein hujag-i gabyeoun us-eum-eul
hollyeoss dya ”gaman bomyeon nabodan nega deo jeongsinlyeog i
teunteunhan geos gat-a. ilae paedo kkum-eul jibae haneun jongjog
inde mal-iya.” "nan wonlaebuteo jeongsinlyeog hananeun teunteun
haess-eo.” geulle in hujag-i gogaeleul kkeudeog yeossda. geunyeo
wa yeoss-eumyeon eonjena hamkke akade mileul dani deon sijeollo
doedol-aganeun geos man gat-assdya geu gamgag-i joh-aseo
geunyeo ui gyeot-e iss go sip-eojin geol dego. "bon-in-i mi lyeon-i
eobs-euni yeohaeng-eul tteo nagessdaneunde, naega mi lyeon-eul
gajil sun eobsjanh-a. geu ppuli laneun salam-ui maldaelo lamyeon
bon-in-i jeongcheseong-eul hwagsil hi jabgo iss-eumyeon ap-eulo
gil-eul ilh-eul ildo eobsda go hago.” “geuleohdago hadeo lado
dasineun mannyaji moshal geoya. ulineun eodilo waseo eo dilo galji
moleuni kka." ‘‘wonhandamyeon jeong chagdo hal su
issdamyeonseo. bumoga pil-yohan aido issneun banmyeon bu moui
pum-eseo tteonabonaego je gal gil chaj-aganeun aido issneun beob-
iji .” akwillaui mal-e geulle in hujag-eun deo amuleon mal-eul haji
moshaessda. cheoncheonhi gogaeleul kkeudeog yeossda. bon-in-i
wonhan il-i da. geuleoh dago i mi mom-eul chajihan aileul gangjelo
jjoch-a nael sudo eobs-eossda. ‘‘jeo aeneun bumoleul iljjig ilh-eoseo
mattang hi uijihal jonjaega eobs-eossdeon moyang-i ya. uiji haneun
ge yeong igsughae boiji anh-eun geon geu tas-igessji.” "mwoya?
hwalado pullago jeo ae pyeon-eul deul-eojuneun geo ya? yeo jeonhi
naneun hwaga nass-eo ." akwillaga bulmanseuleob ge malhaessda.
geuleom yedo nun-eun budeu leobge pul-eo jin chae yeossda.
“hajiman mili gaideuleul juji anh-eun nae tas-i gido haji. yeojeonhi
joechaeggamdo issneun geos gatgo. sasil dasi cheoeum mannass ol
ttaebuteo neukkim i jom daleudago neukki gin haessneunde ….”
“geu laeseo ileum-eul buleuji anh-assgun.” "eommaui gam-i laneun
ge issjanh-ya" eokkaeleul eusseug-ineun geunyeoleul bodeon geulle
in hujag-i gogaeleul dollyeossda. mulkkeuleomi ib guleul balabodeon
geuga geu nyeoui eo kkaeleul du beon tubaghage dudeulyeoss dya
“nae ttal mom-e deul-eowass-eumyeon jeo aedo nae ttal-iya.
dangsingwado yaegiga kkeutnassda myeo?" “… mwo, biseushae.”
eoneu jjog-ideun sang-gwan-eobs-euni jedaelo ttal yeog hal-eul
halago haess-eul ppun-ijiman. mal-eul haebwaya akwilla-e ge janso
libakk e deudji anh-eul geol algi ttaemun-e geuneun ib-eul dad-
assda. “eojjaessdeun nan ibeon gyeolhon gyeolsabandaeya, belieol
neodo geuleohji?" 120hwa
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Résultats de traduction
'door. ”
I do not know much about these cultures, whether it is tradition or
marriage, so I have left it entirely to Magnus.
That doesn't mean I have a hobby of choosing clothes.
'Are you full of the daily work that pours in.'
In the midst of this, I can only feel Magnus taking a break and giving
orders like a sword.
Because I was full of work as a marquise.
“I said that when I go back, I will organize it and show it to you. I
guess it's because I'm still a bit busy with work and I don't have any
tips. There is absolutely no red rice or anything like that.”
"So "
The Marquis looked frustrated now. Did I just shut up and go back to
the capital quietly?
I didn't just scrape it and make a crumb
I want to go. With her mouth shut, she smiled awkwardly again, and
finally she let out a sigh.
“So, why don't you try to talk? I
was it?"
“Yes? No, no.”
‘‘If the marquise is difficult, you can ask me to take care of my work
so that I can prepare for the wedding.”
But do you really need to do that to a person who is not feeling well?
To the last, the standard of the Marquis of Glein
It seems like it, but I never thought of asking for help.
It's even weirder to say lean on someone who doesn't know how to
lean on them.
"I didn't think of that until then, I'll be more careful next time. I'm
"I don't want an apology from you."
'Well. left..."
I reflexively opened her mouth and then closed it again.
It's asking someone for help
There was only one time when Gon managed to gather up and cling
to the Marquis of Glein.
I'm used to doing it alone. What happens when you trust someone?
that the person doesn't hit the back of the head
No matter what I did, it seemed like I was going to be swearing
behind my back.
Even to the person who gave me a heart for the rest of my life, I was
shaken by the label of being an orphan, isn't it easier for me to trust
No matter how kind and kind she is, she will resent her if she finds
out someday that I'm a fake.
it's clear
Then I would be hurt, so why did I have to take such a risk?
The idea that I was comfortable being alone was a thought that
came out of me just because I was living. It was by experience.
Because I actually did. I didn't want anyone to understand this, but I
didn't want to be rejected face-to-face for that either.
“Shall I bring Magnus too and ask for permission?”
“… What?"
‘‘The meeting … So, the parents of the family to be married meet
and introduce their children to each other. Magnus doesn't even
have parents... Say hello to Magnus... .”
“It’s natural.”
Ahh, this was normal again. She was taller than I thought.
She said she was still the emperor, so come casually and ask for
I wonder how the two of them met.
“I want you to depend on us, is it wrong for me to ask for this?”
"no. I will try.” ‘‘Have you eaten?”
“Are you going to do it now, mother and father?”
"I'm leaving soon, so please go first. When is the emperor coming?"
At her words, the tip of her lips curled up. She seemed not to be
afraid of the emperor Magnus at all.
That is the unique history of the Marquis of Glein.
I don't know if it's because of that, or if it's the original tendency.
‘‘I’ll go out to eat and then ask.”
“Okay, I’ll be there soon.” " yes."
She still pretended not to be ignorant of her strange skin, and she
struggled to turn her body.
‘Didn’t I say, ‘Didn’t I say that?” ‘‘What should I do if I can’t speak?
“Still, it would be nice to tell you that the roots came and made us
and Iliana reunited.”
At the horse of the Marquis Glaine with her arms crossed, Aquila
pounded her forehead against her manicured wooden desk.
The Marquis Lane, startled, quickly stroked Aquila's forehead with
her hand, and kicked her tongue low.
“I would have told you not to do this.”
‘‘Would you relieve the frustration?”
The Marquis Glaine leaned her back and kissed her Aquila's lips.
Aquila frowned at the soft kiss that mixed the cool lips together,
raised her teeth and bit her lower lip.
"hurt. ”
“It was a pain. the baby beast
no what are you doing? Barry Earl.” ‘‘To relieve the frustration.”
‘‘It just got more frustrating.”
The eyes of the Marquis Glein were curved as he looked at Aquila
who spit out a grudge. Aquila glanced at her face, then shook her
head and stood up. She told the child to go and wait, but she was no
longer able to come.
“Are you really okay? Aquila. It's fake anyway because of you."
“Is this also related? Iliana comfortably closed her eyes. It was her
choice, so she must have thought about the consequences. You
raised him strong."
'It was. Sometimes I regret that I wish I had written it in a slightly
different way."
The Marquis Glaine slowly opened and closed his eyes. My child,
whom I met in the passageway at night, had a bright expression on
her face.
She was told she was wandering here and there along the aisle, she
She saw different worlds, heard different stories, and once said she
watched Yuna and the emperor, who now occupy her body.
At the same time, the poison disappeared and it seemed that he did
harm to other races as well.
It was a very late understanding. A sense of guilt that he had not
understood in advance was established in him.
She thought she'd never have a match for the rest of her life, but she
was wrong.
'Damn it, I didn't know she'd hear from him that she loved me.'
“It’s like saying thank you for having me.”
Aquila added coolly to the somewhat dazed and unfamiliar Glaine
Marquis' smile
The Marquis Glaine seduced a light laugh.
“If you look closely, you seem to have a stronger mental power than
me. From now on, even if you lose, you are a race that rules your
“I had a strong mental power from the beginning.”
The Marquis Glein nodded her head. It was like she was going back
to the days when she and she were and she always went to
academy together.
She likes the feeling, so she stays by her side
Take what you want.
“I said that I would go on a trip because I had no regrets, but I can’t
have any regrets. As the person called the root says, if you hold your
identity firmly, you will not get lost in the future.”
“Even if that happens, we will never see each other again. We don't
know where we're coming from or where we're going."
‘‘If you want, you can settle down. There are children who need their
parents, while there are children who leave their parents and find
their own way.”
At Aquila's words, the Marquis of Glein said nothing more. She
nodded her head slowly.
it's all you want However, he could not forcefully drive out the child
who had already occupied the body.
‘‘It seems that the child lost her parents early and had no one to
depend on. That must be the reason why I didn't seem so used to
relying on it."
"What? Are you going to take the boy's side to relieve his anger? I'm
still mad."
Aquila said disgruntled. Then her example, her eyes were softly
“But I pray that it is my fault for not giving me a guide in advance. still
feeling guilty
there seems to be Actually, from the first time we met again, I felt
that the feeling was a little different... .”
“That’s why I didn’t call you by name.” “There is such a thing as a
mother’s sense.”
Seeing her shrugging her shoulders, her Marquis of Glein turned her
As he glanced at her entrance, he slapped her on the shoulder twice.
“If you come into my daughter’s body, she is also my daughter. I'm
done talking with you
“… Well, it’s similar.”
Although she didn't care either way she just told me to properly play
her daughter.
He shut his mouth, knowing that speaking her would only hear
Aquila nagging.
“Anyway, I’m against this marriage affair, Beriel, right?”
<Episode 120>
Seeing Aquila smiling brightly, he simply nodded silently.
He had never defeated her before.
The two headed to the dining room.
"My husband and I are not allowed to get married this time.
Let's sit down and finish the formal introduction
immediately fell down
with a plush look
In a nonsensical way, I
Mouth open.
no what do you mean?
“… … Yes?"
“Are you crazy?”
Me and Magnus reacted at the same time.
For Magnus, who followed me because I thought I would have to get
permission from my parents, at least formally, it was probably a blue
It would be like a bomb.
Also, it's a bit crazy to say that.'
No matter how much you call yourself an emperor, you have to
respect your parents while you are married.
The blood of the East that was sleeping was boiling.
Growing up in a country with a strong Confucian ideology, it was
difficult for me to accept the words of all Magnus.

"I'm serious. Our children who have lost their memories may be
ignorant of basic culture, but not your Majesty.
peel? But I'm obsessed with such an innocent kid."
I was bewildered by the light choice of words and looked at the
Marquis of Glein. Magnus was also full of irritation on his face,
questioning whether he was absurd.
The Marquis Glaine didn't even look at this side at all with her arms
crossed with a very solemn expression on her face.
He said he would have tried to stare at me normally. No, if that's the
case, then don't make a serious face.
Quite a character would collapse if he was just by his mother's side?'
To be honest, I had to check whether the soul inside changes every
time a person changes. Otherwise, I am a dual personality.
“Why do we need your consent when we are getting married?”
"Because it's our daughter. I don't want to send all my holadang-
nurtured children to someone who will forget them."
“Who said she would eat her hollywood!”
“Then when did you think about the wedding?”
“In the next month.”
Hearing Magnus' confident spewing, Marquis Glaine's expression
was completely distorted.
He, who had been looking elsewhere, slowly turned his head to look
at Magnus.
I saw
And I had to watch the series of events with dismayed eyes.
“Usually, marriages between nobles and nobles require at least half
a year of preparation.”
“I’m the emperor, and it doesn’t matter as I can spend money to
advance the schedule.”
“Then what are you going to do if there are insufficient problems?
Other than that, so are the guests. In remote areas, it would take two
or three months to get here. It also takes time to send out wedding
Magnus' forehead, with his arms crossed, twisted irritably. Magnus
had no intention of hosting the wedding itself in a big way.
I said yes, and he agreed with it. Maybe that's why he said it.
“I can only think of ignoring my children.”
Marquis Glaine's words touched one of his heart.
I had to say that because it was my fault, but I was speechless.
Have you ever felt like this to have your parents?
‘It’s not even real.’
What is the real feeling? Obviously I'm happy and there's nothing I
can do about it.
I wish Illiana Glein had something like this.
Ol-Ol- 0
Then you would have wanted to come back. It is a pity that I cannot
return her body.
‘It’s not that we’re ignoring it, it’s that we decided to keep it simple
because we were busy with each other. She will never lack anything
for her.”
"She heard she said she didn't even need a champagne," she said.
After hearing Magnus' words, the Marquis intervened.
Despite her sharp questioning, Magnus did not change her
expression. He smiled mischievously and shrugged her shoulders.
That's why it's so funny
seems to be
“Her, all I have and all her world is hers, what more do you need to
“Your attitude is good, but are you not ignoring our Marquis family
too much? It's our child. What's the difference from telling your
parents not to do anything?"
“What's wrong with that? After all, her world will be hers.”
The Marquis's frown frowned.
The Marquis of Glein also smirked. She looked very uncomfortable.
She couldn't open her mouth easily. Even Magnus slowly seemed to
have limited patience.
“Anyway, I am absolutely against this marriage.”
“Do it your way. We'll take care of ourselves, and if we get married,
we won't be coming here anyway, so it's okay to insulate."
Magnus got up from his seat. At the cold words, the Marquis
She glared at Nuss furiously, then slowly turned her head to me.
I was the one who jumped out of her place as she was suddenly
“Are you really going to do that?” “Yes?’’
“He asked if we were going to get married without our permission.”
No, he's not that tough.
As I hesitated without answering, this time Magnu who stood by and
took my hand
I pulled Sugna slightly.
No, everyone is me, but why are you doing this?
“Ana… of course, that’s not it.” ‘Are you like this too? Yuna."
He shut Magnus' mouth shut. this old guy. Why are you calling that
name here?
Then his eyes were crooked into half moons, and when he opened
his palms with a stinging pain, he smiled.
“You didn’t even let me call you by my first name.”
"you really… .”
Even if it was smirking, the name Yuna was too strange to be used
as a nickname for Iliana. I peek at the marquis' eyes
“Anyway, I must marry you. you said you won't regret it
You are the one who said it first.. You must not come and soften it
His eyes were bitter. If you said you were going to steer clear here,
everything was going to turn over.
Of course, with the Marquis of Glein, I don't think it will be that far.
“Did I tell you? I don't know what's going to happen with the third."
''You said you wouldn't run away. But you have to get hi-lock, so if
you get permission, you do it.”
‘Are you serious? Are you really like this?”
“Um, then what? my parents
You say yes.”
The Marquis Lane told me not to look hateful, but after her Marquis's
wife so vehemently objected, I couldn't force myself to proceed.
If you buy even hate for nothing, grab the nape of your neck and fall,
who will bear the wrath of the Marquis of Glein?
“I didn’t know I was going to be hit in the back like this. I’m going to
write a contract and put a stamp on it.”
“Mia L:. • "
"How can I get you to marry me?"
Magnus gave up quickly and turned his gaze to the Marquis and
‘‘Are you afraid you won’t do it?”
And the Marquis' sword-like answer came.
Magnus didn't say anything for a long time, as if he couldn't believe
that the mat had been cut off because he had nothing to see.
“Yeah, I don’t like it.”
As if the Marquis had really nothing to think about, she tumbled
against it.
When she said that she was playing Dennis, it was as if she was
standing right in front of the court as soon as the ball came over and
slamming it down with all her might.
“Give me the title of Grand Duke?” “No.”
“I will return all the remaining estates in the empire to marquis.”
“Are you saying that I should be overworked while working for my
Do you want Dell?"
‘‘I hope your Majesty will leave my daughter like this and die.”
Magnus shut his mouth at the words of the Marquis. He looked at the
Marquis for a long time, then shook her head.
There was no emotion in Magnus' face, which had subsided coldly.
“I’m sorry, but that’s an impossible request. If you wish, I will give you
the title of emperor in any form.”
‘‘Are you letting go of the title of emperor so easily?”
The Marquis asked, a little surprised. It felt like she was blaming her
I was a little surprised too. Because I never thought she would give it
to me.
“I don’t know what I was thinking
also i love her This feeling is sincere. If things are going fast, let's
slow it down a bit. It doesn’t matter how tidy it is.”
But usually, when you come here, shouldn't your son-in-law lower
himself a bit more?
It's the first time she's had a meeting with anyone, but it seems like
this high-pressure attitude is the problem.
'I have to say a word.'
Once that overbearing attitude broke the mother
I think it's a minus.
However, I was a little reluctant to put only hunsu in the yard where
there was no such thing as Sanggyunrye.
He waited for a long while looking at the Marquis, who did not
respond strongly, but after a moment of silence, he slowly got up
from his seat.
Then he closed all the curtains on the window and strode towards
him again.
‘‘Magnus! ”
i called him
He knelt before the Marquis and the Marquis of Glein. The Marquis,
like me, had a surprised face.
The Marquis Glaine still doesn't know what he's thinking.
“Please allow her to marry her.”
‘I’m embarrassed, what now?”
“Even if you are a half-pun who became emperor after rolling out to
eat, you know the etiquette and culture. I know how to be polite."
Magnus spoke in a low voice. I couldn't quite understand why he
lowered himself so low.
Even so, there is no need to get down on his knees. Isn't he the
“However, it is difficult to openly say that the person who has many
eyes and stands at the top of the country is kneeling, because the
country itself is on its knees.”
I was speechless. Even for the same parents, it is difficult to kneel.
He was the emperor who could put everyone on the floor. He
seemed to know the weight of thinking about Nya, so his breath
seemed to be suffocating.
Even if you try to get down on your knees as a joke, you have to kill
your pride, but what does it feel like to get down on your knees in
‘‘Please be generous with your mother-in-law. I have to be her. There
will never be another person who gave me so much heart. She is my
world and my life. No matter how much you call her mother-in-law,
you can't take her away from me.

<Episode 121>
"••••••• "
The Marquis, who had taken me by the way, was speechless, as if
she was speechless.
Her clenched lips showed her embarrassment.
‘‘It is a precious thing that has barely been obtained in her hands.
So tell me what else you want. I will do my best to match anything.”
“… … Please allow at least one year to get married. I believe that
you will understand the feeling of wanting to send a child after
preparing as much as possible. Please do it urgently so that there is
not a shortage.”
Magnus did not answer easily. He knelt down on his knees and let
out a short sigh.
It was clearly felt that I wasn't getting taller. Even so, he didn't drag
for long.
"I will prepare slowly. I will tell you to come to perfection without
rushing to prepare."
‘‘Even if you get married, don’t take away what this child was doing. I
mean everything the kid wants to do, including the marquis.”
The Marquis slowly stroked her arm, she said. I was speechless for
a moment because there were words I never thought of. Why are
you saying that?
Unlike me, Magnus' expression hardened slightly, as if he
understood the meaning of her words.
‘You are saying not to block the provincial information.”
"Simply put, yes. Her Majesty seems to be trying to do the same
Her Marquis points to her Marquis Glaine, she said. Magnus did not
speak this time either.
He let out a low sigh, not answering for longer than he had been told
to put off a year.
‘‘I will try.”
''It's not effort. This is also the case, but I was caught and I got angry
not long after.”
‘‘To be honest, I want to keep an eye on her every move and every
move she does, so she will block all information that could be
harmful. I will not touch any other examples.”
she's at a loss for words
It wasn't surprising because it was a feeling he had shown me many
times. yes
There was no reason not to be surprised. I stopped breathing and
exhaled slowly.
‘Do, is that different from confinement?”
"yes ."
“Are you convinced too?” ‘‘About half.”
I was the one who decided to push his feet half way into the bog he
gave me.
there was no such thing as
breathe low
didn't know though.
spit and sigh
“Even if I get married, please allow my children to come here.”
“Isn’t it still moving the way you want, don’t worry about that. It does
not interfere with meeting her parents and children.”
“Just get up.”
“I heard that you allow it.”’
If you do, I will
“Even if this child is here for a month
If she says yes, she will.”
The Marquis put the river again.
Magnus' expression softened with embarrassment, and she slowly
sighed and dispersed.
He hesitated for a while as if Ga Ga was gathering her last patience,
and then slowly nodded.
''All right. Until then, I will concede. There must be no more than
“No, no.”
Magnus slowly got up from his seat.
“Then I will understand with the curls that allow it. If you are
considerate, I would like to rest at the Marquis' House for the day
and return early tomorrow."
The Marquis nodded happily. He stroked my thumb slowly on my
back and smiled lightly.
After leaving me with goosebumps on her back, he followed her
maid and disappeared.
“Shall we talk?”
"Yes Yes."
As she sat in her seat, she asked me again what she had said
After asking for a long time whether this was the marriage she really
wanted or what she really wanted, she slowly nodded her head with
a very worried expression.
“I don’t care if you want to.” “Yes.”
“But marriage is not easy. How much less is it to say that in marriage
to the emperor, a child must be born?
There will be medicine.”
That would be it. The child is ready. It seems to be fun to have a
She wanted to raise her and she wanted to hold her in her arms. If
there is a child who inherited my blood, it would definitely be more
enjoyable to stand on this earth.
“If you are making a decision simply because you are lonely right
now, because you don’t have a place to turn to, or because you feel
like you can relate, I want to tell you to think about it a little more.”

I raised my head for a moment at the words that stabbed her inside.
It's not what it is now, but if I had heard from the past, I would have
been thinking about her relationship with her boyfriend a long time
And maybe I didn't realize that wasn't the case.
“We will be together for a very long time, so we must not blindly trust
and follow simple emotions. It's the best thing to do when you have
nothing to regret. regret
when not.”
I wished I had heard this a little earlier. It's already all ruined though.
Still, I got a chance to start anew and met new people.
I just feel it, but he wants me
For a while I thought I'd be fine.
And it felt like that time would never come to an end.
‘‘I don’t know if you think it’s okay to meet and then break up.
However, a lot of awareness
Even considering that this has changed, the prejudice remains. It is
women who receive more attention when they break up than men.”
I stopped breathing for a moment at the sound of the voice.
He clenched his hand, blinked slowly, then clenched and opened his
fist again.
My heart was tickled and tender, and it felt like someone was
sending even a slight electricity through my body.
“I’m not proud of myself in it.
Go is your freedom. Actually, your dignity won't go down, but hey
Yena is overflowing everywhere, right? You will have to stand with
your teeth clenched, covered in a lot of filth over the years.”
She was worried about me. She cares about Iliana Glaine.
She was watching the comfort of her only daughter, fearing that she
would make the wrong choice. In her moment, I wanted to hug her
and gave strength to her standing legs.
“You don’t want to see my daughter like that, do you? So, I made this
I hope it wasn't an easy decision.”
''yes ."
“I hope it will be a good decision if at all possible. It's good that you
met a good person and got married. But I want you to know that a
blind relationship can be difficult ."
I nodded once more. The Marquis of Glein, who normally would have
noticed that he didn't answer, is quiet.
I don't know what to answer
“It’s because he and I have a twisted relationship. There were many
twists and turns while solving. therefore … I know you're worried, but
we probably won't be able to forsake each other."
I tried to cut the relationship and cut it, but it wasn't easy. It was
painful as well.
Barely our hearts overlapped, we peeled off our skins, and we were
able to be honest.
I smiled very slowly.
“As much as it was just broken, we were supporting each other by
satisfying each other.”
‘Do, so?”
'' yes. So you probably don't have to worry about it.”
The Marquis seemed to ponder my answer for a long time, but she
nodded her head in agreement.
The fact that was still not revealed was that this burden was put on it,
but one day... It would be better to speak frankly, even in a letter.
I don't have the courage to look at the cave and say it.'
I know it's cowardly, but I can't help it. In an era where there are no
phone calls, text messages, or social media, conversations can only
be done through letters if not face-to-face.
Because there was no stage
After a few more pointless conversations and greetings, I headed to
the room where Magnus had been waiting.
When I knocked on the door, there was no answer from inside. I
stood at a distance from the outside, so I sneakily went inside.
The place where the sound came from was in the bathroom. Water
was pouring out.
I looked around at the bell that had been given to him in moderation,
and then flopped down on the bed. I came here because I thought I
was going to come earlier...
'It's not a dog, it's really giving orders with just a glance.'
And I hate to know that. “Are you here? Yuna."
‘Do, ah, aren’t you wearing clothes?”
“What are you so shy about while you’ve all seen each other? It’s
cute every time you see it.”
It’s famous.”
No matter what, I don't want to see my earning gossip in broad
The moment he was about to turn his head, his thing slowly began to
stand upright.
“Are you crazy?”
"Yeah, I've told you so many times, but you don't believe me."
"believe. i know you're crazy why
Why do you get down on your knees there and say everything
“Anyway, you don’t want to lie to your mother-in-law, and even if you
lied, you will be found out quickly. Everyone in the Marquis, including
you, is not formidable.”
He ruffled his dripping hair and devoured my lips violently.
The moment he made an impression on the greedy scan lips, he
began to scan his teeth slowly.
Starting with his gums, all the way in his mouth more
As I struggled with pain, he gently pushed me away to catch my
breath, and then slowly took off the hem of his robe and went down.
‘‘Jang Nya… are you kidding me?!”
“No, not at all. I want to eat you. Can't you chew on one arm and eat
“Hey, like a beast… "
His eyes gleamed. He squirmed and let out a low breath, as if the
word beast had hit his switch.
Then I quickly took off my clothes
it started. he was already naked
So, he had nothing to take off.
“Yuna, Yuna. Yuna... .”

<Episode 122>
He started from the secret part, calling my name, and slowly came
up, kissing my lips.
My ankle hurt as he grabbed me by his hand, and he grabbed my
arm and made me hold onto one of his legs.
‘‘Mag, Nus… .”
No, you must not move. Yuna. let me see you all
It should be.”
His hand touched me. I skimmed through the valley and climbed up
slowly, hovering very slowly over the boat.
I don't know if it's a tickling or if it's part of a lower lust, but my lower
back kept twisting as my stomach grew heavier.
Yet, with one arm, the thigh
E 三己 for the mouth
You can't let go of what you're holding on to
It is difficult to move freely.
he gave me strength and took my arm
pressed me tight can i let go
It's the fact that I put my hands on the back of my hand
His long fingers run through it
It was
It moves along the bone, then climbs up the spine, touches the
clavicle again, and then comes down by rubbing a straight bump.
My arms kept getting stronger. The golden-eyed beast looked down
at me from above. He was gently scanning the area exposing his
teeth to eat me.
“I really like the word you are talking about.”
“0 huh?”
“And you are also my beast.”
He grabbed my waist tightly and licked it up and down slowly. that
His body trembled wherever his hot tongue touched.
I feel like my breath is suffocating at the willful hot movement.
o Feeling like letting go of a god, I kept getting rich and falling over
and over again.
I even wondered if that was the reason people were crazy about
“So we are in estrus and we are mating.”
That was a poor choice of words. Then, yes, the reason why I feel
strangely excited is probably because he is looking at me with that
much greedy gaze.
It's probably because of his kindness that is as greedy as he shows
off his huge majesty from below, but he endures it and moves for
He grabbed my other ankle and moved greedily, then slowly started
digging into me.
As I swallowed my breath, arched my back and made a painful
sound, he pressed his lips to my face.
“Dear Yuna, remember all of me. Even this pain now.”
Even so, laughter leaked out at his inconsistency, who moved so
He completely pierced me. After that, it was completely, just as he
said, the mating of beasts.
A feeling of exhaustion came.
I'm so crazy I hang it around his neck
Lida screamed, eventually exhausted.
When I made a sound of pain as I grabbed hold of my back, he tilted
the water and lay down next to me at an angle again.
Seeing Magnus kissing lips again and again, looking for an empty
spot in his reddish body with a very satisfied expression, I closed my
eyes, lost for words.
He didn't even care that much about the hands groping around his
“Yuna, do you know that? The beasts were tied to each other by their
“… What?"
“But there was no master to take care of the two animals, so each
became the master.”
I easily understood what he was trying to say.
At least that's who the beast means.
“If one side tried to run away, the other would strangle, so neither
side was able to escape.”
It's not really what he wanted
The broken him and the broken me.
Neither is normal. It was an incomplete but more perfect relationship
that needed each other's warmth.
The broken parts fit together perfectly, so there was no one who
matched as well as this.
I just laughed helplessly.
‘‘Thanks to you, you and I have obtained each other’s imperfect
‘‘Are you satisfied?”
"Yeah, that's great. You don't break it, you don't make a doll, you
have it.
I never thought I could do it.”
Lying naked on the bed and listening to his gruesome confession, I
was a little worried about whether I had made the wrong choice.
he kissed my forehead Actions speak louder than words.
"I love you."
So, I decided to give the name of love to my act of imagining a
simple future that I also want to lean on his warmth, sleep in his
arms, and spend small everyday life with him.
I've always said I like Namjin to Namjin, but I don't think I ever said
that I loved him.
I was a little embarrassed to say it for nothing, so I buried my face in
his chest a little more.
Magnus hardened like a stone statue and did not react at all. I don't
know if I was surprised or embarrassed.
“Now, what did you say? Yuna.”
"%O ?"
When he naturally raised his head, he jumped up from his seat as if
'Oh, you're right.'
His expression was completely drenched in astonishment. He
grabbed my shoulder in disbelief and then pulled me closer.
“Could you please tell me one more time?”
"Huh? What?"
‘‘What you just said.”
‘What did I say?”
As I continued to be ignorant, Magnus opened his mouth as if he
knew what I meant.
You don't know how desperate it is to see my body shaking while
holding me in place.
Even that figure was a little cute.
‘You’re cute.’
I hate myself for using the word cute for a big guy like this.
“My feet, please, Yuna.”
This time Magnus knelt down without thinking about it.
It didn't look as uncomfortable as before, as I was on my knees on
the bed.
I lean on the head of the bed
twisted lee
It felt like something was being pulled down from the inside, so I
gave strength to my legs and touched my forehead.
Then Magnus let out a low exclamation, and after a long chatter from
his seat, he went into the bathroom and came out after a while.
“I will wash you.” "uh? no i go... .”
“Isn’t Yuna my beast? The beast was originally… "
“You are the same beast. the beast
How do you wash a win?"
Magnus shut his mouth. May I lick you Dello?"
“Are you crazy? very. ”
As I jumped out of my seat with disgust, he grabbed me in his arms
and strode into the bathroom.
The steam-filled bathroom was warm.
Although I wanted to hear the answer, it was strange that I came to
get water because I was worried about myself.
“Then you will have to be served by me, because by nature the more
anxious male is always courting and clinging to the female. I'm
anxious for you."
The bewildered expression on his face is obvious where he has
As I glared at him, I slowly sank into the bathtub. A warm body
wrapped around him.
"Yes, I'm ready to wash my hair.
I looked at the back of him rising from the bathtub floor, and then
Seriously, for this reason, even if you are treated like a half-beast,
you remain still. Because he always does his best
“I love you, Magnus.”
So I wanted to see his surprised expression once more.
Scared that my words are over, he is my
The crab ran
The splash of water overflowed and roared, and he leaned against
Turn on hot water with one hand and
as he kissed me
“I love you more, I love you more. If you run away, you will tie up all
your limbs and keep them by Rado’s side. If you have an affair, you
will have to see the young limbs being shattered right in front of you.”
These greedy words are cute
I've told you everything you can see.
He grabbed my waist and started to lick my lips as he parted through
the water.
For a few days I was like a hungry beast.
“I am your only beast…”
His voice was very dark and low.
"You'll be my only… world."
Nya slowly closed her eyes at the sound of a faint voice in her quiet
The world was afraid. people were afraid
I was afraid of the time when someone would point a finger.
But as much as his kindness, he was not afraid of when it would
At least that madness didn't seem to go away in a few decades.
I stretched out my arms and hugged his neck. I opened my mouth
and craved him.
pull tight
ol 2 0
close the mouth
We were still confined in each other's giant cages, and we still gave
each other the name of beasts.
“You are mine, Magnus.”
It was a complicated relationship from the start. He broke me to have
me and I ran to leave him.
get out
realizing that you can't
i am that
He decided to stay by my side and he
was supposed to be tied to
After all, we were accustomed to each other.

It leads to the epilogue.

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