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It's really crucial to invest in smart technology if we want to

reduce Green house emissions from the house. Greenhouse

gases are very harmful for earth and it is of paramount
significance that we should reduce it. So what we can do is
install smart sensored based systems in our home. We have
heard of IOT right. So if we install fans, bulbs, heater, geysers
which turn of automatically when we are not present in room.
It will reduce the electricity consumption significantly. If we
save electricity we save greenhouse gases.

When we add things like solar panels on our roof or wind

turbines in our yard to our house, it's like having our own mini
power plants. The sun helps the solar panels make electricity,
and the wind turns the turbines to make electricity too. This
electricity can power our house, just like the regular kind. If we
make more electricity than we need, we can even send some
back to the power company and get credit for it. Plus, it's good
for the planet because it doesn't make pollution like some other
kinds of power do, which is great for the environment. So, it's
like having our own clean and green source of energy right at

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