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With Scholarship and Practice in Mind:

The Case Study as Research Method

Paula Dawidowicz, Walden University

Abstract: Unlike theoretical scholars who seek knowledge to expand humanity’s (or their) understanding of a
topic, scholar practitioners seek knowledge that can be applied to understand change or create change in a spe-
cific phenomenon. Although many of the same research methods can be used by both groups of educational
scholars, and although research designs are determined in large part by the research questions being asked, sev-
eral research methods can prove most useful for scholar practitioners examining learning environments. One,
the case study, stands out as perhaps the most versatile and researcher-friendly, though. A case study, bounded
by specific location and topic parameters, can allow solid evaluation of the workings of a program or teaching
method. It can also allow consideration of specific needs to address an educational situation. This article brief-
ly discusses the nature and purpose of different types of research, then focuses on the nature and usefulness of
the case study methodology.

Keywords: case study, practitioner research, evaluation, program evaluation

The point of research for an instructional de- search agenda that has involved previous explanatory
sign scholar-practitioner is not to discover knowledge and exploratory research in some form. Survey re-
in a vacuum for the sake of having that knowledge. It search, sometimes used in quantitative analysis and
is to gain knowledge to create change in instructional sometimes used descriptively, allows researchers to
design—to develop better programs, identify student gain a concept of the environment (people, circum-
needs, determine the usefulness of an intervention, or stances) related to the phenomenon they are studying.
understand some other aspect of instructional designs Mixed methods research, a quantitative-qualitative re-
in relation to educational environments. As such, in- search hybrid, allows researchers to gain generalizable
structional design researchers attempt to gain a clear and in-depth insight through analysis of a small portion
enough picture of what is occurring related to a specific of quantitative data and a small portion of qualitative
design to be able to draw logical conclusions about data which, because of the design’s nature, must ad-
instructional design activities. dress tightly focused questions about a narrowed aspect
For the scholar-practitioner determined to of a phenomenon in order for researchers to maintain
make the most of time and resources, a number of re- design integrity. Qualitative research, limited in some
search methods are available, all of which offer both researchers’ eyes by its lack of generalizability, offers
benefits and drawbacks. Quantitative research, exam- researchers the flexibility to gain exploratory and ex-
ining specific relationships between variables or the planatory insights into numerous questions that could
causality of a specific effect through the testing of one not be answered effectively using quantitative or mixed
or more hypotheses, has stood the test of time—but is methods designs.
most often used at the culmination of an in-depth re-

The Journal of Applied Instructional Design ∙ Volume 1 ∙ Issue 2 5

Why Choose a Case Study? ies, and conclusions about designs and interventions
that can allow researchers to hone phenomena’s usea-
Among what are perceived as the qualitative
bility and value in multiple situations (Hrabe, 1997).
research traditions, case study provides the most flexi-
However, since case studies rely on inductive reason-
bility for researchers conducting everything from pro-
ing to gain transferability (not generalizability) from
gram evaluations to exploratory resource examinations
the examined data, researchers do not always value
to even people’s perceptions of their needs in specific
case study designs (Merriam, 2002; Stake, 2006; Yin,
situations. To illustrate, case studies have been used to
examine the development of cultures (Doron & Rehay,
This use of inductive reasoning, as well as
2011), to explore effective reporting of results to audi-
several other factors, have influenced some researchers
ences (Greer, 2010), and evaluate methods for teaching
to avoid using the design for fear their own research
ethics to public health students (Howard, Lothen-
results may be called into question. First, research
Kline, & Boekeloo, 2004). For instructional design
consumers may be concerned that the researchers con-
researchers in particular, Uribe, Klein, & Sullivan’s
ducting a study may not have been meticulous, con-
(2003) examination of the application of transferability
cerned instead with interpreting and presenting data
problems with computer-mediated collaborative learn-
skewed to their own purposes rather than objectively
ing provides a good example of the flexibility and use-
(Yin, 2009). Further, as previously mentioned, re-
fulness of a case study design.
searchers using case studies gain in depth knowledge
about a given bounded case because case studies are
Concerns Regarding Case Studies
“immersions into one real-life scenario” (Tashakkori &
Case studies are often misunderstood and,
Teddlie, 2010) and “particularizations” rather than
because of those misunderstandings, undervalued and
“generalizable” (Stake, 2006). However, this lack of
under used by researchers. Today’s research landscape
generalizability can be seen as a weakness rather than a
tends to be riddled with judgments about the superior
strength by some researchers, creating frustration for
value of different types of research methods (Miles &
them when they hope their studies’ results will identify
Huberman, 1994). The decades old debate of whether
a “right” answer or conclusion (Yin, 2009). In addi-
quantitative research—more objective and applicable
tion, the length of time researchers may need to con-
to a larger population—is more useful than qualitative
duct a case study and the sheer size and complexity of
research—focused on rich description of processes and
data acquired can also concern researchers and dis-
reasons for people’s actions—has been joined by a
suade them from considering conducting such studies
third methodological design, mixed methods, which
valuable in relation to other research designs. Finally,
combines the two. In the heat of this three-philosophy
the emphasis in education research on the establish-
research debate, it appears that the value of the versa-
ment of causal relationships has created a blind spot in
tile case study may have, for many, gotten lost (Plano
researchers who do not recognize that case study re-
Clark & Creswell, 2008). Ironically, Tashakkori and
search can fill gaps in understanding about reasons for
Teddlie (2010), prominent in the development and
causality that may be unexplainable through an experi-
refinement of the mixed methods methodology, have
mental or quasi-experimental study (Yin 2009).
stated that case studies are prime examples of the fact
that mixed methods studies are not – in fact, should not
Benefits of Case Studies
be – placed on the design terrain but, instead, “entail or
One value of case studies is that, although
privilege a particular design” (p. 241). In either case,
often considered a qualitative research design, such
the research landscape continues to evolve, providing
studies can actually involve the use of either quantita-
increased research design choices to researchers and, in
tive or qualitative data or both. Although quantitative
the process, increasingly eclipsing the potential values
data are often analyzed in case studies only as descrip-
of qualitative research and case studies in particular.
tive statistics, that is not always the case and certainly
Case studies provide a venue for researchers
does not have to be the case. With that kind of flexibil-
to expand their understanding of phenomena and ex-
ity, researchers can adjust case studies to effectively
plain the phenomena’s landscapes and development in
address a myriad of research situations. Quantitative
specific bounded cases, including why different previ-
data sources—designed to include raw statistical com-
ously tried instructional designs did or did not work
parisons rather than specific predictability relation-
(Bouck, 2008). They also allow evaluations, summar-

6 ∙ November 2011 ∙ ISSN: 2160-5289

ships—can provide clear snapshots into the numbers negotiated participation in a specific community to
related to results—results teachers, a school, or a dis- allow optimal data collection. They also provide re-
trict achieve with incorporation of a specific design searchers the flexibility, when appropriate, to take ad-
aspect into the curriculum (Showler, 2000). On the flip vantage of hindsight—analyzing the effects of the pas-
side, qualitative data sources—designed to gain in- sage of time—and applying those data to the present
sights into why, how, or under what circumstances a (Guba, 1990; Merriam, 2002).
specific event occurs in relation to a phenomenon— Case studies yield thick, rich descriptions of
can provide insights into under what circumstances the phenomena being researched, highlighting in the
those results will likely occur again (Küçük & Çepni, process the many complexities of a situation and the
2005). Studies that combine both aspects, when the factors that can contribute to those complexities
questions to be answered require it, can provide com- (Howard, Lothen-Kline, & Boekeloo, 2003). As a
prehensive insights into both the what and the how, result, researchers can identify the influence individu-
when, where, or why (Teddlie & Tashakkori, 2009). als have on issues, including differences in attitude and
In addition, this use of broad, multiple data sources how differing attitudes may have impacted overall re-
that is a hallmark of qualitative research designs allows sults. Using a wide variety of data sources, among
researchers to gain in-depth knowledge about a given which can be test scores, observations, interviews, and
bounded case—its circumstances, particulars, results, newspaper articles, researchers using a case study de-
and impact (Merriam & Associates, 2002; Stake, sign can gain a comprehensive view of deep factors
2006). involved in the phenomenon they are studying
Perhaps equally valuable is the ability to con- (Merriam, 1988; Yin, 2009).
duct comparative and multiple case studies, as de-
scribed here. By combining data collected from sever- Case Study Approaches in Education
al locations—several classrooms or several schools, for
Often researchers attempt to define case study
example—researchers can gain a clearer picture of a
research based on what they perceive as the design’s
phenomenon [loosely equated to what Stake (2006)
uniqueness. However, case studies should not be de-
refers to as a quintain]. Because this type of study
fined by the methods employed but, rather, by the
involves a larger total amount of data, as well as illus-
questions a researcher asks and the research gap re-
trations of how the phenomenon occurs in different
searchers are attempting to fill. Case studies’ findings
cases, the total picture developed provides greater in-
are more concrete, more contextual, more developed
sight into the utilization variations that occur so that
by readers’ interpretations, and based more on refer-
the overall results are more transferable (Stake, 2006;
ence populations as determined by readers (Merriam,
Yin, 2009). Even better, researchers can build studies
1988; Nachmias & Nachmias, 1976).
to specifically compare aspects of implementation of a
Case studies have certain essential properties.
program or process in two different locations to identi-
Along with being particularistic and inductive, they are
fy, through comparison and contrast, the strengths and
also descriptive and heuristic. They are almost never
weaknesses of different aspects of the program and
used to test theories but, instead, to build case study
how it is implemented in different circumstances. A
propositions (Yin, 2009). Proposition development,
good example of such a use is Zolla’s (n.d.) study ex-
begun as researchers inductively develop the direction
amining different information technology diffusion
they take in a study (rather than deductively presup-
implementation methods.
posing a hypothesis and testing it during the study),
That said, if someone wrote a commercial
continues throughout the study and is completed only
about case studies, it could sound like television com-
when final study conclusions are drawn (Guba, 1990;
mercials for the “incredible, edible” egg—multiple
Merriam, 1988). They emphasize the process-product
uses and an unstoppable tool in the researcher arsenal.
approach, the emphasis of illustrations or exemplars,
Case studies can be used to define both the importance
compromises and fusions to combat the differing con-
and impact of immediate interactions between different
straints of both generalizability and case specifism, and
groups, roles, instructional designs, or other factors in
a series of contextualizations (Fowler, 1988; Guba &
specific situations, depending on study research ques-
Lincoln, 1988; Hammersley, 1995; Hedrick, Bickman
tions. This is in part because case studies provide a
& Rog, 1993).
structure for unobtrusive but effective researcher-

The Journal of Applied Instructional Design ∙ Volume 1 ∙ Issue 2 7

They can contextualize to accommodate political reality. Researchers conduct analysis using axiomatic
and social contexts and value-free understanding of the criteria (displaying resonance with constructivist in-
social world, control, social engineering, to advocate quiry), rhetorical criteria (relating to the form and
the underprivileged, and to affect given processes and structure, or presentational characteristics, of the writ-
human interactions by heightening their awareness of ten document issuing from the inquiry), or action crite-
individuals. They contextualize to either verify data ria (demonstrating the case study’s potential to evoke
gathered by review or input from the individuals being and facilitate action from the readers). These criteria
studied, to gain subjects’ buy-in on changes suggested serve either as empowering for individuals (providing
by study conclusions through periodic subject input a structure for the analysis) or as transferability criteria
and review, and to create an educational revolution that (Guba & Lincoln, 1988; Merriam, 1988). The result-
changes, through collective action, the nature of educa- ing research conclusions can either be grand, mid-
tion itself (Firestone; Fowler, 1988; Guba & Lincoln, range, or substantive. Grand conclusions attempt to
1988; Hammersley, 1995; Hedrick, Bickman & Rog, explain large categories of phenomena and are most
1993). common in the natural sciences. Midrange conclu-
sions address one conceptually abstracted area of hu-
A Moment for Epistemology man experience and emphasize an explicit data base as
A number of epistemologies (research per- their foundation. Substantive conclusions are restrict-
spectives) commonly drive case studies. Some case ed to particular settings, groups, times, populations, or
studies are quantitative (Yin, 2009) and, as a result, problems (Yin, 2009; Merriam, 2002).
utilize straightforward epistemologies. The majority of
case studies, qualitative, are so impacted by researcher Conducting a Case Study
epistemologies that understanding the perspectives Given its value, then, a quick review of the
researchers conducting case studies might apply proves process of developing case studies is useful. Case
important. Four good examples are provided here studies are by definition studies that are bounded to a
briefly for consideration. Postpositivism can be specific location and topic (phenomenon). When re-
thought of as social engineering, designed to create an searchers conduct case studies, they intensively exam-
appropriate or effective societal structure where reality ine and analyze specific units, individuals, or bounded
is what works or what can be verified, knowledge is systems in specific locations to gain information that
small, and truth is a relative idea. Constructivism can identifies (exploratory) and explains (explanatory) spe-
be thought of as storytelling, where researchers attempt cific issues and problems. A case in a case study does
to paint a picture of what life is about—a social and not have to be just a specific, bounded location,
multiple construct where time does not stop and though. A case could also be a specific phenomenon
knowledge is drawn from a consensus of individual (experience, event, or even time of year). For re-
perceptions, meanings, and underlying values in rela- searchers, this can prove confusing during the design
tion to a specific phenomenon. Critical theory can be process, particularly as researchers may read accounts
thought of as social activism, where researchers at- of nonlocation-related “cases” described instead as
tempt to inspire members of underprivileged or disen- “phenomena.” Regardless of the term used to describe
franchised groups to work to affect change and strive the case, however, case studies themselves are limited
themselves to both discover knowledge and enact what to specific geographic locations with identifiable
is good or right (Guba, 1990). boundaries because they are peculiarity-seeking rather
Most education case studies use constructivist than generality-seeking (Stake, 2006).
frameworks, attempting to portray and interpret the Study Questions and Locations
intersubjective meanings used in culture, language, When considering conducting a case study,
symbols, and human organizations. They are nonfoun- researchers need to pay close attention to the questions
dational, growing from the concerns of the paradigm their studies are designed to answer. Case study ques-
represented in the phenomenon they are investigating tions, even if the case studies use quantitative data,
and present multiple, holistic, competing, and often should not be designed to identify causality or correla-
conflictual realities of multiple stakeholders and re- tions between two or more variables treated as varia-
search participants rather than using abstraction bles. Instead, since they are designed to identify the
(reduction) or approximation (modeling) of a single nature of the factors involved in the phenomenon being

8 ∙ November 2011 ∙ ISSN: 2160-5289

studied inside the bounded case, a narrow, two-factor Case Study Options
examination should be replaced with an in-depth con-
Case studies normally incorporate face-to-
sideration of the factors that present themselves. So, as
face interaction so they can faithfully represent the
researchers develop their overall research questions,
often multiple, constructed, conflicting realities re-
serious consideration about whether the research prob-
searchers may encounter due to the humanistic nature
lem being examined yields questions appropriate for
of qualitative inquiry. They also emphasize maintain-
exploring or explaining the what, how, why, or when
ing respondents’ privacy and anonymity while utilizing
of a case study is necessary. Further, a clear examina-
extensive word-for-word, natural-language quotations
tion of their questions will help researchers decide
(Guba & Lincoln, 1989; Merriam, 1988).
whether or not they should use a single, multiple, or
Case studies can focus on everything from
comparative design for their case studies (Stake, 2006;
individuals to institutions. For example, researchers
Yin, 2009).
use the “One-shot Case Study” design to observe a
As mentioned previously, case studies can be
single group at a specific point in time for exploratory,
used to examine either single or multiple locations. In
or information-gathering, studies only. Normally, they
basic exploratory studies, often one location is select-
observe their sample group following a specific event
ed. Depending on the size of the instructional tool or
expected to elicit strong response. Researchers might
method developed, an instructional design researcher
use such studies following the evolution of an instruc-
might invoke a single case method (one location) to get
tional program’s use, the introduction of an radical
a strong exploratory handle on the impact of that tool
design into a classroom, or when exposing a group of
in one location before considering expanding its use to
students to a potentially revolutionary collaborative
other locations. The transferable results, conclusions
process. Other researchers may focus on specific as-
practitioners may draw when their own bounded loca-
pects of a case by looking at the culture’s interaction
tions are similar enough to the described bounded case
with the phenomenon (ethnographic case study) by
(location and phenomenon) studied so that practition-
conducting a semiotic analysis (a unified approach that
ers can reasonably expect similar research results were
examines surface manifestations and their underlying
the study to be conducted in their location, as well
meanings), a dramaturgical analysis (an analysis based
(Merriam, 2002; Stake, 2006; Yin, 2009).
on the content of drama), or a deconstruction (a search
However, if an instructional tool or method
for multiple meanings implicit in such things as texts,
researchers wish to study is already in use, researchers
conversations, or events). Historical case study re-
might choose to examine multiple locations (multiple
searchers may focus on developing descriptions of
case method) in order to get a more “instrumental”
institutions, designs, and practices as they have
perspective (Stake, 2006). This type of study could
evolved over time (historical). Psychological case
examine one of two different types of scenarios. In the
studies examine educational problems focused on the
first type of study, the expectation is that all of the lo-
individual, which can prove particularly useful when
cations, for example, use an instructional design in the
examining aspects of human behavior, like individuals’
same manner—this is a simple multiple case study. In
learning or behavior related to the use of twitter in a
this type of study, if data bear out the commonality of
classroom. Sociological case study researchers explore
outcomes, then the thick description of the specific
the constructs of society and socialization related to
locations and circumstances supplies information about
some phenomenon like social networking software,
the number of circumstances in which x result may be
considering demographics, people’s roles in that social
expected to occur if enough other factors are similar.
life, and the community and other social institutions,
In the second type of study, the expectation is that
and related social problems. Phenomenological case
some locations are using the design in one manner,
studies look for core meanings and understandings
while others are using it differently. In this type of
through those shared experiences, compare and ana-
study, a comparative case method, the expectation is
lyze the experiences of different people to identify the
that the thick description provided in the report or arti-
essences of phenomena, and seek to gain some sense
cle will help practitioners identify to which type of
of defining characteristics of phenomena like collabo-
circumstances (case) their location is closer. As a re-
rative instruction (Feldman, 1995; Merriam, 2002;
sult practitioners might better identify how to apply
Nachmias & Nachmias, 1966; Pedhazur & Schmelkin,
study results.
1991; Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2008; Yin, 2009).

The Journal of Applied Instructional Design ∙ Volume 1 ∙ Issue 2 9

Researchers collect different types of data enhanced learning, they consider what methodology
based on the goal of their case study research. Typical would work best for them. They determine they need
data sources for each case study construction are dis- to conduct an exploratory study to see whether cell
cussed here. First, however, it is important to quickly phone use is actually a viable alternative. Since they
consider the number of data sources required to con- discover they cannot conduct the study in local public
duct a strong case study. Based on the nature of the school systems, they decide they will examine cell
data sources used—normally qualitative or a combina- phone usage in a Montessori high school in their area
tion of qualitative and quantitative sources— using a case study. They train classroom facilitators
researchers using a case study design utilize source (Montessori classroom teacher equivalents) on poten-
triangulation, which means collection and analysis of tial uses of cell phones, and brief students on how they
no less than three and, based on current case study can use the cell phones after they have participating
trends, closer to six data sources (Yin, 2009). For ex- students complete surveys about how they believe they
ample, researchers examining the use of twitter for might use cell phones in their classrooms. Following
students to share “aha” moments in a classroom might that, for one month they conduct two-hour long class-
conduct interviews with teachers in different grades, if room observations twice a week at random times.
possible, considering each group of teachers a different Concurrently, they have students keep a journal about
data source. They might consider archival records for their use of cell phones and the types of activities for
each of the grades; interview teachers as a data source; which they used them. After collecting all these data,
interview administrators as a data source; or review the researchers analyze the information, identify which
students’ twitter records, journals they ask the students questions they would like to ask the students and facili-
to keep, or extensive observations of each class as a tators based on the analysis, and conduct an interview
data source. Each group of records for each class with each student and facilitator to answer those ques-
could serve as a data source. tions. They conduct one more analysis and, if they still
Data sources useful for each type of case need more information, they conduct final focus
study need to be considered, as well. Ethnographic groups where researchers share with students and facil-
case study researchers most often use observations and itators a number of their conclusions and the patterns
groups of interviews or focus groups with relevant they identified, getting feedback on their conclusions.
participant groups (teachers, administrators, students, Having collected this extensive data, they draw final
or parents, for example). Historical case study re- conclusions about students’ use of cell phones to ex-
searchers examine primary source materials pand learning in Montessori high schools and write the
(interviews, focus groups, journals, archival records report.
about the period of time), often amassing hundreds of In another example, researchers plan to con-
pages of data to analyze. Psychological case study sider the use of blogs and Skype to create collaboration
researchers employ observations, interviews, archival between schools in different parts of the country or in
records, and measurement techniques utilized by psy- other countries. They identify four schools—two in
chologists. Phenomenological study researchers use the Northeastern United States and two in the South-
data sources that provide the participants’ own western United States. The four schools are sister
words—journals answering specific questions asked by schools, networking sixth grade social studies classes
the researchers, interviews, focus groups, essays—all with each other through the use of individual student-
of these sources answering specific questions being created blogs and classes’ weekly small group activi-
asked. Sometimes archival records, like photographs, ties. Two schools, one in the Northeast and one in the
drawings, or other materials are used to stimulate dis- Southwest, are Montessori schools, while the other two
cussion (Merriam, 1988; Yin, 1994). (Feldman, 1995; use a traditional classroom structure. This could pose
Merriam, 1988; Merriam, 2002; Yin, 2009) particular problems for researchers, but it does not
Study data collection can occur sequentially need to. Researchers in this case begin by conducting
or concurrently (Stake, 2006; Yin, 2009). For exam- interviews by Skype (with a phone back up) with
ple, if researchers determine there is a gap in teachers and administrators in each of the four class-
knowledge surrounding whether the use of cell phones rooms in each location. After that, they conduct re-
in the classroom could facilitate students conducting views of student blogs for a one-month period and of
instant internet research and networking to facilitate their Skype record interviews, each serving as a differ-

10 ∙ November 2011 ∙ ISSN: 2160-5289

ent data source, categorizing and analyzing them by References
type of classroom structure and, also, by part of the
country. They follow that with a set of questionnaires Bouck, E. C. (2008). Exploring the enactment of func-
students in all locations complete that ask relevant tional curriculum in self-contained cross-categorical
questions about the blogging and interaction experi- programs: A case study. The Qualitative Report, 13(3).
ence. After one more analysis, they present their find- Retrieved from
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cus groups and get one last round of data as they re-
ceive feedback on the conclusions they have drawn. Doron, B. & Rehay, R. (2011). The Jewis quarter after
Finally, they write a report on their study and its re- 1967: A case study on the creation of an ideological-
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One last important consideration when con- Urban History, 37(5), 775-792.
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the methods for ensuring research integrity and trust-
worthiness are different for qualitative research. Feed- Fowler, Jr., F. (1988). Survey research methods.
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ample, provides peer reviews for study conclusions
and increases study accuracy. Intersubjectivity (input Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding reliability &
from numerous individuals/subjects) proves important validity in qualitative research. The Qualitative Report,
to allow greater representation of multiple perspec- 8(4), 597-607. Retrieved from
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(representation of a number of different inputs) and, as
a result, study validity. Finally, focusing specifically Greere, R. R. (2010). Reporting results to a skeptical
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worlds of the theoretical and the practical. Examining Hammersley, M. (1995). The politics of social re-
learning needs and testing the impact of designs, such search. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
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curring with the design or instructional methods they Hedrick, T., Bickman, L., & Rog, D. (1993). Applied
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not just the what, but also the how, when, why, or who
of a phenomenon. Although a number of study de-
signs could be tailored to serve that purpose, case stud- Howard, D. E., Lothen-Line, C., & Boekeloo, B. O.
ies often provide the best source. This article has pro- (2004). Using the case-study methodology to teach
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factors to consider in order to ensure the design’s in-
tegrity. Case studies can be useful tools in the re-
searcher practitioner arsenal.

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12 ∙ November 2011 ∙ ISSN: 2160-5289

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