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Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division DESIGN CRITERIA MEASURE, CONTROL, DATA PROCESSING AND SIMILAR ASSOCIATED ELECTRONIC SYSTEM PROTECTION SUBJECT TO INDIRECT LIGHTNING 20531.VAR.STA.PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD ; 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni SpA. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division Sheet, 2 of 28 FOREWORD Rev.0 Total number of pages 28 September 1997 Issue for adjustment to EEC regulations Rev.1 Total number of pages 28 December 2004 Issue for contents and regulation adjustment ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD “risaoumet open afen spa Drsere Daren eatan fd nae Schon Traber nto! ; 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni Sp.A. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division Sheet. 3 of 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PURPOSE. 2 DEFINITION! 3. REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DOCUMENTS 4, PRINCIPLES AVA, OVEIVIEW rrennmnnnnrenennnnans 4.2. The phenomenon of lightning 4.3. The effects of indirect lightning. 5. PLANT ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS: 5.1. Overview. 5.2. Supplementary protection. 5.3, _ Electronic systems earthing ..... 5.4, Installation of protection devices... 8. TESTS AND CHECKS OF PROTECTION DEVICES. 6.1. Overview 6.2, Static check: 6.3. Impulse tests. ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni Sp.A. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division Sheet. 4 of 28 1 PURPOSE This document aims at developing solutions that best allow to reduce the occurrence and propagation of harmful voltages (interference) in electronic equipment, data processing and similar associated systems due to indirect lightning, It also aims at determining which tests should be carried out in order to check the operating characteristics of the devices that protect electronic circuits with reference to standard artiicially-produced overvoltages with pre-set intensity and waveshapes This document applies to plants consisting of industrial instrument, data processing (and similar associated) electronic systems wihich may be subject to damage due to induced and/or conducted interference exceeding the equipment and systems natural immunity levels ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD ‘ 20531, VAR STA. PRG Eni S.p.A Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division Sheet. 5 of 28 2 DEFINITIONS Lightning, ‘Atmospheric electric discharge between a cloud and the earth with one or more strokes. Direct lightning A lightning that directly strikes the structure or its protection system (LPS) Indirect lightning A lightning that strikes the earth next to the structure or plants which are built inside the earth, Current peak value The lightning current highest value. Current average course (dial ‘Average course of the wave front of the current estimated between 30 and 90% of the peak value Protection system (LPS) ‘The entire system used to protect a plant/structure against lightning effects. It consists of both outside and inside protection systems, Qutside protection system Protection system that consists of air-catchers, a down conduction system and an earth electrode. Inside protection system Al protection measures taken to reduce the electromagnetic effects of lightning current within the structure to be protected Earth system A system consisting of earth electrodes, earth conductors, earth buses (or nodes) for protection and equipotential conductors required to camy out both Equipment and System Earthing Earth electrode Conducting body or group of conductors under electric contact with the ground and implementing an electric connection with earth Protection Conductor (PE| Conductor required for protection against indirect contacts ; for the connection of the following parts = Masses Foreign masses ‘© Main earth bus (or node) + Earth electrode: ‘© Source earth point or arti ial neutral Earth (soi The Soil as the conductor whose electrical potential in each point is conventionally considered equal to zero, ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD ; 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni SpA. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division Sheet, 6 of 28 Earth conductor ‘A conductor not directly in contact with the earth which connects earth electrodes to each other and to the main earth bus (or node). Bus or main earth node Element connecting together the earth electrode with the protection and equipotential conductors, as well as the conductors for the functional earth, if any Equipotential conductor Protection conductor that ensures the equipotential connection, Ground resistance Resistance between the main earth bus (or node) and the earth. Totalearth voltage A voltage occurring after an insulation failure between masses and a sufficiently far no- voltage point Mass Conductive part of an electric equipment that can be touched and that is not live under ordinary conditions, but which can become live in case of fault Foreign mass Conductive part not pertaining to the electric installation capable of introducing a potential, generally the earth potential Eunotioning earth with low disturbance level Earthing where external sources do not induce unacceptable disturbances preventing the data processing equipment from operating properly. ” electric di ‘An electric signal not belonging to the system ordinary functioning which is superimposed to the correct signal and liable to change its characteristics in a more or less significant degree. Particularly severe interference may irreversibly damage equipment and systems (destructive interference). ‘Common-mode interference Disturbing voltage that seam to be applied between an equipment terminals and 2 ‘common reference point (usually the earth) Differential-mode interference Disturbing voltage that seem to be epplied between two terminals in an equipment. Electromagnetic compatibility A condition where the intensity of electromagnetic phenomena in a given environment does not cause interference whose entity and frequency are incompatible with the immunity level of sensible equipment Susceptibility Equipment sensibility to disturbs/interfaces, Electronic common earthing Reference bus of circuits! voltages, conventionally supposed at no potential ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD “risaoumet open afen spa Drsere Daren eatan fd nae Schon Traber nto! Eni S.p.A. Exploration & Production Division 3. 20531. VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Sheet. 7 of 28 REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DOCUMENTS, This paragraph lists rules mentioned in the document or that refer to other sections included in the document Norme CE! 81-1 (1995) Norme CEI 64-8 (1992) Norme CEI EN 60079 (2004 Vol.1/2) Norme CE! 81-4 (1998) Norme CE! 81-8 (2002) Norme CEI EN 6163-1 (2008): Norme CEI EN 61663-2 (2002) IEEE STD 587-1980; "IEEE Protezione delle strutture contro i fulmini Impianti elettrci utiizzetori Impianti elettrici nei iuoghi con pericolo di esplosione Protezione delle strutture contro i fulmini Valutazione del rischio dovuto al fulmine Protezione delle strutture contro i fulmini Guida allutiizzo di limitatori di sovratensioni sugli impianti elettrici utlizzatori di basse tensione Protezione delle strutture contro i fulmini-Linee di telecomunicazione-Parte 1 Installazion’ in fibra ottica Protezione delle strutture contro i fulmini-Linee di telecomunicazione-Parte 2: Linee in condluttori metallic! "Guide for surge voltages in low-voltage AC power circuits", Particularly interesting extracts are taken from this document (see ene. 1 page 30) ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD ; 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni Sp.A. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division Sheet. 8 of 28 Laws and decrees Legislative and regulation provisions in force are applied, an ar DL 626104 "attuazione delle diretive CEE riguardanti il miglioramento (19/11/1994) della sicurezza e della salute dei lavoratori durante Il lavoro" DPR 647/55 "Notre per la prevenzione degli infortuni sul lavoro(saivo (27/04N955) deroghe implicite ed esplicit, in particolare al TITOLO (Ber quanto ancora applicabile) ily DL 624/86 “'Norme per la sicurezza sul lavoro nelle Industrie estrattive (25/11/1986) per trvellazioni e alla sicurezza e salute dei lavoratori nelle industrie estrattive a cielo aperto e sotterranee” DPR 128 ‘Notte di polizia delle miniere e delle cave" (09/04/1959) (per quanto ancora applicable) DPR 886/79 "Integrazione ed adeguamento delle norme di polizia delle (24/05/79) miniere e delle cave contenute nel Decreto del DPR n.128 (Per quanto ancora applicable) —_—_ a fine di regolare le attivita di prospezione di ricerca e di coltivazione degli idrocarburi nel mare terrtoriale e nella piattaforma continentale. (TestoCoordinato al Digs. 624/96)" Legge 791 "Attuazione della diretiva 72/23/CEE relativa alle garanzie (anone77) di sicurezza che deve possedere il materiale elettrico Gestinato ad essere utlizzato entro alcun limit di tensione" DL. 626196 "Attuazione della direttia 93/68/CE in materia di (28/11/96) marcatura CE del materiale elettrico destinato ad essere utiizzato entro alcuni limit di tensione" OL.27797 “Modificazioni al decreto legislativo 26/11/1996 n.626 (3107897) recante attuazione alla direttiva 93/68/CEE in materia ci marcatura CE del materiale elettrico destinato ad essere utlizzato entro taluni limiti di tension” Legge 46 ‘Norte per la sicurezza degli impianti (05/03/1990) DPR 447/91 “Regolamento di attuazione della Legge 46/20" (on) DPR 462/01 “Regolamento di semplficazione del prowedimento di (22/10101) denuncia di installazioni e dispositiv di protezione contro le scariche atmosferiche, di dispositivi di messa a terra di impienti elettrici e di impianti elettrici pericolosi" Legge 186 "Disposizioni concerenti la produzione di materiali (01/03/1968) apparecchiature, macchinari,installazion e impiant| elettrici ed elettronici DPR 126/98 “Decreto di recepimento della direttiva 93/68/CE (2303/98) riguardante i material per atmosfera potenzialmerte ATEX 95 esplosiva™ ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20831, VAR STA.PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division Sheet, 9 of 28 4. PRINCIPLES aA. Overview Measure, control, data processing (and similar) electric equipment protection against damage resulting from lightning indirect effects finding confirmation in the following normative Norme CEI 81-1 (1995) Structure protection against lighting Norme CEI 81-4 (1998) Lighting protection of structures Assessinent of the risk of damiage due to lighting Norme CE! 81-8 (2002-2) Electrical installations of buildings Application guide for the selection and installation of the surge protective devices Norme CEI EN 6163-1 (2000-5) Lighting protection Telecommunication lines Part 1: fibre optic installations. Norme CEI EN 61663-2 (2003-9) Lighting protection Telecommunication lines Part 2: lines using metallic conductors Because of the high sensibility of electronic equipment to all kinds of noises - particularly to those connected with atmospheric discharges - the problem of protection has various critical aspects. This olearly requires the early definition of important parameters in the following specific areas ‘© The "natural" susceptibility of sensible equipment and systems, ie. their degree of sensibility to noises, with particular reference to noises that may cause damage + "Standard stress levels (amplitude and waveshape) representing the environment disturbance state = Ad hoe building and plant-engineering solutions that can guarentee desensitisation (increased immunity) to the structures to be protected from standard disturbances Accordingly, the problem of protection ageinst indirect effects of atmospheric discharges should be faced by following two different ways: 4) reducing the stress levels generated in the environment by direct lightning to compatible, standard values. Suitable plant-engineering measures should be taken to such purpose 2) suitably increasing the equipment immunity level, if necessary, by using proper protection devices that thwart incoming stresses (after their reduction to the above- mentioned compatible, standard values) ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20831, VAR STA.PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 10 of 28 42. The phenomenon of lightning ‘A ground lightning is an extremely rapid and violent discharge on the ground which carries electric charges accumulated during the storm cells formation process from @ cloud to the earth (negative lightning) or vice-versa (positive lightning) The phenomenon entails the formation of a conductor "channel" between the cloud and the earth which carries extremely high, impulsive-shaped currents liable to strike any conductive structures they find on their way Most of the times, ground lightning consists of several elementary discharges in quick succession and of decreasing intensity. It should be noted, however, that each elementary discharge entails the dissipation of a huge amount of energy, estimated in hundreds of millions of joules. This clearly gives an idea of the severe direct and indirect damage people and things might suffer because of this phenomenon (direct lightning). A lightning current is invariably unidirectional and has an impulsive shape - quite similar to that of a condenser discharge through a slightly inductive resistor. In fact the impulse consists of a very rapid ascending front with a rising time between 0,3, ‘and 10 microseconds (general values), followed by a much slower descending tail which halves after some hundreds of microseconds (general value), The intensity or seventy of lightning is mainly given by the | crest value and the ict steepness of the rising front of the lightning current: the former is linked to the rising of the earth potential in the ground dispersion point of the current (with respect to a distant point with unchanged potential); the latter is responsible for voltages induced on Conductors which connect with the rapidly variable magnetic field associated wth the current impulse. 80 to 90% of lightning are usually negative, They oour in multiple discharges (usually four), and the first is the strongest. Statistics showed that its amplitude exceeds 30 kA in 50% of the cases, and 80 kA only in 5% of the cases. The steepness of the rising front exceeds 12 kA/micraseconds in 50% of the cases and reaches 30 kA/microseconds only in 5% of the cases. It lasts 200 microseconds only 5 times out of 100. The discharges that follow have a lower amplitude (12 kA in 50% of the cases), although @ higher steepness (40 kA/microseconds in 50% of the cases, up to 120 kA/microseconds in 5% of the cases). Positive lightning, on the other hand, consists of one single discharge whose steepness exceeds 30 kAImicroseconds only in 5% of the cases, but whose amplitude can attain 300 kA. Fig. 4.1 shows some waveshapes typical of lightning currents. Fig. 4.2 shows a slandardised waveshape representing the typical atmaspheric impulse Analytically, this waveshape corresponds to the following expression’ I(e* -e")A crest current (A) instantaneous current (A) t= time(s) constants (b is > than a) basis of natural loganthms ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20831, VAR STA.PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 11 of 28 43, This kind of impulses are conventionally defined by the Tr - Td ratio expressed in microseconds ‘The occurrence of lightning, i.e. the number of likely statistically determined lightning on ‘the ground per square km and per year, varies with places and depends an isokeraunic maps. In Italy, the number goes from min. 1,5 to max. 4 lightnina/sa kmfyear, depending on the specific places (see addendum B and fig. B.1 of CEI 81-7). Accordingly, an industrial Plant on a 2 square km area cauld be struck by about ten flashes of lightning every year on average if the place where itis located has a high lightning inoidence. The effects of indirect lightning A protection system against direct lightning (basic protection systems) of buildings and structures - when due to law provisions or specific sett-interests - is highly likely to prevent people and things inside the protected facility from suffering damage, because the atmospheric discharge is intercepted, conducted and dispersed to the earth by properly sized devices, However, if sensible electronic systems or equipment are installed on a high risk lightning area, common expenence shows that such installations may be permenently damaged - whether there was or wasn't a basic protection system. This is due to high energy electric interference deriving from the lightning phenomenon itself. Interference usually occurs as overvoltages with a very high value (often around tens of kilovotts). When a circuit is subject to an interference, overvoltages, depending on how they propagate, may be applied between the equipment terminals and the earth, i.e. appear as "common-mode" voltages, or applied between any terminal couples and thus appear as ‘cifferential-mode" valtages. The origin and propagation of lightning interference are usually due to two main causes’ ‘© Voltage drops on the earth system plant * Voltages induced by 2 rapidly variable magnetic fleld generated by the lightning current Let's consider two pieces of equipment connected to each other and built on two different pieces on the same industrial installation (such as a couple consisting of a field transrritter and its corresponding receiver or card in a control room). The metal cases are earthed, either on purpose or otherwise (to comply with electric safety rules for example) in two different points of the same earth electrode (article 9.1.01 of norms CEI 64-8 does not allow the use of separated earth systems). When the lightning current goes through the earth electrode, potential differences occur between the two earthed points, and the higher the potential gradients in the earth electrode and the distance between the two points, the higher the potential differences, Here is an example: if the impedance of the earth electrode near the max. value of the lightning current is 0.8 ohm (a definitely optimistic value), the voltage rise (the earth total voltage) Is 500 VIKA, Le. an 80 kA lightning can generate a 40 KV earth voltage, ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20531, VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 12 of 28 ‘A higher or lower fraction of this voltage, applied between the two earthed points of the pieces of equipment being considered, appears like a common-mode voltage divided between the two pieces of equipment if the live circuit is insulated from eartn, or applied totally on one of them ifthe live circuit is earthed near the other (for example in the control room) Such votages are always strong and highly likely to damage components or perforate insulations| However, theoretical as well as financial reasons do not allow to make earth electrodes ‘whose impedance can be so low as to "de-activate” earth voltages generated by the dissipation of lightning strong currents, (On the other hand, what cauld and should be done is to reduce the potential gradients, improving equipotentiality of the earth electrode and of the masses (for instance by following the technical requirements indicated in section 5 of this document) In this respect, it should be noted that the use of an earth electrode in electronios, separated and different from the earth electrode for the electric system, not only is forbidden, as we already mentioned, but it can also produce effects opposite to what one expects, 2s it clashes against the fundamental ofiterion of equipotentiality. Such an option should then be absolutely avoided As far as electromagnetic induction interference is concemed (which combines with that coming from the earth system), it derives from the excitation that the magnetic field (essociated with the steep front lightning current) generates on conductors and on screens connecting equipment and on the conductors of the earth system, Together, all these conductors and the masses take shape of a set of tums, more or less wide They induce electromotive forces which appear to the equipment terminals as common-mode interference, and the greater the working flow and the di/ dt steepness of the inductive current, the higher the common-mode interference, Onoe again, this is @ case where voltages always largely exceed the equipment resistance limits Much lower voltages, although annoying, may also be induced by tums formed by double-way conductors of cables for signals. The disturbance appears then to be superimposed on the working signal as a differential-mode interference. Plant-engineering solutions and measures to take ta reduce inductive interference ere also referred to in section 5 of this document. ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20531, VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 13 of 28 5. PLANT ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS 5A. Overview This section mainly deals with supplementary plant engineering provisions to take (whether there is or isn't a basic protection system) in order to meet the protection requirements of measure, control, data processing (and similar) electronic circuits, In this specific case, supplementary measures aim at suitably lowering the value of overvoltages generated in the environment by the passage of lightning currents. ‘Such measures mainly involve the development of earth, power, and signal transmission systems, as well as the use of proper protection devices, ‘Such measures should also be taken when there is no basic protection system against structure lightning 52. ‘Supplementary protection As in almost all industrial plants, and ol plants are no exception, the way an earth system is designed and operates plays a key role with respect to the influences on electronic systems. This fect, slong with the awareness that @ single earth system is mainly conceived to meet the (safety and functionality) requirements of electric systems in general, and. where necessary, to safely clear lightning currents, should be taken into special consideration by designers and developers of earth systems. In fact, they are in charge of taking all necessary supplementary measures to reduce the oscurrence of harrnful interference as much as possible. ‘The key measure involves the development of equipotentiality between the protection earth system, the metal structures above and under ground and the control room/s earth system! The earth systems of a building usually include a grid type electrode. A grid type electrode consists of an external conductor having a proper section (the earth itself) hich is placed directly on the ground, and is integrated by a system of other conductors, in a grid type arrangement which aim at reducing step and contact potentials to values that are safe to people. This kind of system, from a lightning interference reduction standpoint, is the system that more than any other meets equipotentiality requirements. And the thickest the earth plate mesh, the more powerful equipotentaality. In this respect, the mesh shed should not exoeed 30-50 rm In this context, any integration, even above ground, that strengthens the existing equipotential connections, developed with both intentional and existing conductors, proves beneficial to reducing harmful interference. In this respect, it is not possible to give strict and specific guidelines apart from the principle indications just mentioned. However, it is up to the designers and installers’ skill and professionalism to look for and find parts (already in the system performing other functions) which could be taken into consideration and used as conductors to develop multiple equipotential connections on above ground structures, to replace or integrate equipotential connections. [Equipotentiality conditions can be considered satisfactory ‘when lightning overvoltages between any two points of the system do not exceed the max. value of 1-1.5 KV - good practice rule)}. ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni Sy pA 20531. VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 14 of 28 53. 531 534.4 53.1.2, Special attention should be focussed on the development and improvement of equipotential connections to the control room. The basic concept is unchanged: to provide the control room and the factory plant with one single earth system. This allows to create the best equipotentiality on the entire area where the instrument plant is located Electronic systems earthing This paragraph aims at giving indications to develop the protection and equipment earthing of electronic systems that, in compliance with the provisions in force, makes it also possible to obtain the best ow disturbance earthing! conditions, Protection earthing The protection earthing system and its co-ordination with protection devices, aimed at reducing indirect touch voltages and their duration to values that are safe for people, should be meeting the general criteria of CEI 64-8 rules "Impianti eletric utlizzatore” Control room equipment When developing a protection earthing system for control room equipment the following indications shuld be complied with: ‘The earth system must be a single system. In order to develop a low disturbance earthing for electronic equipment, the equipment earth and protection conductors should have a redial configuration, In_ particular, Protection conductors must be separated and insulated up to the point where they are connected to the same terminal or main ground bus, either directly or by intermediate terminals. A typical solution is shown in fig. 5.41 Protection conductors must be made of copper, insulated and sized for the earth fault currents as indicated in CEI 64-8 rules (see table 5.1 for minimum sizes), However, in order to reduce the value of interference due to fault currents circulation, protection (and earth) conductors should be over-sized with respect to the minimum cross-section areas indicated in the rules as shown in the example in fig. 5.1 Connecting the equipment masses to each other in other ways must be avoided, Protection conductors connections must be of permanent type. Plug connections should be avoided and used for mobile and portable equipment ony, In case of high leakage current equipment (as in computers with capacitive fitters), supplementary indications of Section 7, chapter 707 "Earth systems for data processing equipment of CEI 64-8 rules should be complied with, Field equipment ‘The masses of field equipment must be earthed by an intentional or existing protection conductor which must be sized for the earth fault current (see table 6.1, for minimum sizes), (In case of instrument equipment installed both on boards and on field, existing protection conductors may consist of foreign masses. These will be earthed like, for example, support metal structures, piping 2nd equipment, provided they dontt contain gas oF inflammable liquids). The circuit must also be able to autometically cut off as indicated in CEI 64-8 rules to protect against indirect contacts, All this can also be applied to masses of equipment belonging to circuits fed by so-called "Very low functional voltage" sources It is not necessary to earth equipment masses connected to "very low sefety voltage” systems (CEI 64-8 rules), ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD ; 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni Sp.A. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 15 of 28 TABLE 5.1 Minimum cross-section areas for normal protection conductors System phase conductors Minimum cross-sectional area for normal 8.2. S(mm’) protection conductor S36 ‘Sp=S ‘Sp=S Part of the same | Its not part of the same sable cable or itis |and is not inserted into the same Inserted into the duct, with minimum, same duct | = 2.6 if mechanically protected 2 4 If not mechanically protected S=16 Sp=S 16<8<35 ‘Sp=16 S> 35 Sp= 4S NOTE: The above minimum cross-sectional areas concern protection conductors made up of the same material pertaining to phase conductors. Conversely, said 0.8.2. shall have equivalent conductivity ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20531, VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 16 of 28 532 System earthing It is an earth connection of specific points of electric or electronic circuits made in order to guarantee their proper functioning. The system earth of electronic systems taken into consideration in this document is the point the systems signals refer to ({t is also called "reference" earth), A typical solution is shown in fig. 5.1 when the reference is done in the control room. The following criteria must be adhered to: a) first of all, the system earthing must be developed in compliance with the equipment’s manufacturer indications, and of course in compliance with safety rules, which must always be given the prionty with respect to functional requirements. Indications about the system earthing in contrast with provisions referred to in this paragraph can be applied only with the client's prior permission ) The system earthing conductors must all depend on a system earth bus electrically separated from the protection conductor (fig. 5.1) If the two buses are fixed on one single metal structure (such as platform modules or package type cabins), the system earth bus must electronically be insulated from the structure (by insulating supports for instance). Both the protection and the system buses must be separately connected to the main ground bus terminal by an insulated conductor having proper section. The shortest path should be used and contacts wth circuits that might oreate interference sources should be avoided ©) The system earthing of the different system equipment must be done with connections to the system earth bus as mentioned earlier 4) The system earth conductors system must be developed in such a way as to avoid intentional connections or accidental contacts between them and the protection Conductors, 80 as to avoid the formation of closed rings and subsequent application of Spurious voltages to the system earth e) Because current may circulate in the system earthing, connection of conductors to the system earth bus must be sized in such a way that, for the alleged current, the voltage at their terminals does not damage the running operation of the systems 4) Cable screens for signals must be connected, if necessary, ta the system earth and not to equipment earth 4g) Cable ermours must not be connected to the system earth but to the protection bus (at one or each ends) h) A system earthing in more than one point on the same circuit is not allowed ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20531, VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division Sheet. 17 of 28 5.4, Transmission systems 5.44 Overview This paragraph deals with general criteria conceming the choice of cables for transmitting signals, and other piant-engineering measures (screening, routing choice, laying on trays, etc) so as to reduce the level of induced or conducted interference, 5.42. Bipolar cables @) Bipolar cables for signal transmission must be twisted conductortype, shielded, and armoured if necessary - such as those used for exemple in standard systems and EExi and EExd safety systems b) The simple shield, in aluminium tape with drainage wire ar strong coating (at least 195%) copper braiding and insulated, must be earthed at one end only, preferably in the control room, unless otherwise indicated (depending on the system requirements). In case of thermocouples with earthed hot joint, the shield will be earthed on the thermocouple head. In junction and distribution boxes, shield metalic continuity must be ensured, for example by a terminal insulated from the mass. Unshielded type cabies can be used for current analogue signal transmission ©) The metallic armour of the cables must be earthed at both ends in proximity of junction and distribution boxes 4d) Cables inserted in conduit in EExd plants do not need to be armoured ifthe protection by conduit covers its whole length Conduit pipes, electrically continuous all along theit route, or so developed, must be earthed at both ends and, if possible, on more points along over-head routing. In underground sections, they can directly be in contact with the ground, improving the earth electrode efficiency. Next to the cable pulling wells, where the conduit can be cut off, such earth continuity must be ensured by suitable connections, The connections to the earth system should be done with flat section conductors (such as copper bus bars). 5.43 Mutticore cables Multicore cables must be armoured, with twisted pair conductors and _ individually shielded. They must not have any intermediate junctions along their path. Spiralling, shielded and earthing oriteria must comply with indications in 5.4.2. Global screening multicables can be used for current analogue signals. In case of digital signals, itis preferable to use individually shielded pair cables separate from analogue signal-carrying cables. 544 Coaxial cables Type, shielding and earthing criteria must comply with the manufacturers’ indications, Coaxial cables with data bus or similar function, belonging to distributed digital systems, must be installed in conduits or a closed metal raceway. Earthing the external conductor of coaxial cables at both ends not allowed, ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20531, VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 18 of 28 5.45 5.46 BAT Power (and similar) cables Both direct and alternate current power supplied to equipment should be done with unspiralled cables. Also, it usually should follow routing separated from those provided for signal cables. Field equipment with a strong inductive nature (such as solenoid valves) must be equipped with devices that prevent overvoltages from occurring during transient circuit opening. The non-compliance with the above requirements may cause disturbances due to cross- talk phenomena, Isolation transformers LV network power supply of instrument and data processing systems should preferably be done by isolation transformers which should at least be of double screen type, fig. 5.2 (see norms CEI EN "Transformers safety of power end similar unit The first screen, which should reduce differential-mode interference, must be connected to the nominal tap of the primary winding (jf any) or to the neutral terminal if power is derived between phase and neutral The second screen, which should reduce common-mode interference, must be connected to earth through the transformer mass with @ conductor as short as possible. The maximum capacity between the primary and the secondary winding should not exceed 1pF. The secondary winding must be isolated from earth, both to reduce the propagation of residual disturbances coming from the power system and to allow the (temporary) continuity of the service even with an earthed phase. Cable trays Cable trays used to support cables on overhead routing should be made of metal and sufficiently resistant to corrosion so as to keep the electric continulty ‘The following indications must be complied with’ a) Avoid installing cable trays exposed to atmospheric lightning so that they do not become intercepting elements b) Make sure there is electric continuity in the joints of the various components of the cable trays. If possible, the cable trays should have metal covers ©) Preferably, the cable trays support metal clamps should be fixed on the system supporting structures so that the cable trays themselves will be naturally earthed qi The free ends of the cable trays must be connected to the closest earth terminal or to suitably earthed structures by conductors having @ proper cross-section area or proper bolted connections e) I the cable trays used are not made of metal (due to a risk of corrosion), they will have to be provided with a metal conductor connected to earth in more points (apart from the ends), such as next to the main branches In case of cable tray portion sections having a main collector function, the conductor cross-section area will not be lower than 16 mm2. As for the branches, the sections must not be lower than 6 mm2 (these sections, considerably higher than those indicated in norms CEI 64-8, aim at meeting the specific functional requirements of the systems considered). ‘The connections to the earth system should be done with flat section conductors (such as copper bus bars) ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni Sp.A. 20531, VAR.STA.PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 19 of 28 55 Protection devices 551 Overview ‘The implementation of measures indicated in paragraph 6.2 and following make it possible to control overvoltages highest value in an environment struck by an atmospheric discharge, Such value (around a kilovolt), however, is still too high to be safely supported by most of the sensible equipment of the plant In such a situation, it is necessary to take @ further protection measure for input, output and power supply circuits, Suitable devices should be used that may further limit residual overvoltages until they become compatible with the equipment immunity characteristics. ‘The most frequently used devices to this end are the following, * Voltage limiters + Galvanic separators 5.5.2 Voltage limiters “vitae ape ston opi bnew Canoe cP tl aeons aos ae ‘These devices automatically and temporarily short-circuit incoming overvoltages to earth, that exceed a spenific threshold value set so that the residual voltage, downstream the device, does not damage the protected circuit, ‘The most efficient devices of this kind (also called “current dischargers") consist of a first entry stage which sends incoming overvoltages to earth: then there Is one or more exit stages with a high response speed that oan further reduce the residual voltages from the previous stages, (Other main requirements that voltage limiters must have are’ + Suitable and safe dissipation capacity of energies connected with common-mode overvottages ‘Reliability and time lasting ‘+ Their presence in instruments circuits must not interfere with the integrity and acouracy of signals under ordinary working conditions (adjustment of intervention thresholds to the protected circuits operating voltages, compatibility with working frequencies, ete.) ‘= Compliance with the rules for systems classified as hazardous because of the presence of inflammable substances ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20531, VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 20 of 28 553, Galvanic separators Galvanic separators are insulation devices that, inserted in the instrumention circutts, introduce a supplementary electric separation allowing @ different and improved distribution of overvottages inside the circuits themselves, The lower the capacity between input and output of these devices with respect to the capacity to earth of the protected circuit, the greater their efficiency, ‘The input/output capacity of the galvanic separator and the capacity the earth of the protected circuit form a capacitative divider where overvoltages distribute inversely to their respective capacities. Beoause the capacity of the galvanic separator becomes negligible, overvoltages are applied almost entirely on the latter. Other main characteristics of these devices are: ‘+ Proper impulse voltage tight of the insulation between input and output and to earth with respect to the overvoltages concerned © No interference with the signals integrity and accuracy under ordinary working conditions If there is a risk of overvoltages exceeding the insulation tight limits, these devices will have in tum to be protected by voltage limiters. Galvanic separation protection devices can consist of Isolation transformers ‘© Electromechanical relays Translators Optoelectric couplers provided they were expressively conceived for this function. Galvanic separation barriers (active barriers) used in intrinsic safety circuits (Exi systems, CEI EN 60079 (2004) must net be considered as a suitable protection system against overvoltages. Circuits depending respectively on downstream and upstream galvanic separators can be earthed in cifferent points of the same earth electrode ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20531, VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 21 of 28 56. Installation of protection devices 5.6.1 Overview ‘When a protection system is developed with surge arrestors, such devices will usually have to be installed both on field and control room equipment They may be avoided on non-electronic, low impedance equipment that can support impulsive currents deriving from limiters protecting other associated equipment, ‘As an example, thermocouples, especially when earthed locally, may not need a protection system. 56.2 Field equipment In field equipment, it would be better to use voltage limiters having dimensional and construction characteristics that facilitate their installation, such as those, for example, with @ %" threaded nipple shape or sealed inside cettified cases (ADF junction boxes) ‘with %" threaded entries, ‘The device must be connected to the earth bus in the shortest possible way (in any case the distance shall not exceed 0,3 m). The earth bus is the same one used as @ protection against the equipment indirect contacts. If such terminal is not available, the device will be earthed directly on the metal enclosure of the equipment, In tum, the latter will have to be earthed, either intentionally or naturally In case of protection devices directly earthed in their casing, no further earthing requirements are necessary provided that @) there is good electric continuity between the device metal case and the equipment enclosure bj the equipment enclosure is already or intentionally earthed Protection devices must be installed without prejudice to polarities, Also, they will have to be certified if they are used in hazardous areas according to CE! EN 60079 (2004) ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20531, VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 22 of 28 5.63, Control room equipment In case of equipment installed in control or adjacent rooms (reat panel board and similar) and connected to field equipment, special protection measures against lightning overvottages will have to be taken, even if the field equipment ta which it is connected has already been equipped with the protection devices indicated in 5.6.2 Voltage limiting-type protection devices must be installed at the building entrance, next to incoming and / or marshalling boxes if ary), or in sensible equipment boxes or instrument boards, In order to limit inductive voltage drop to earth (common-mode voltage), the connection to the earth of protection devices will have to be done by conductors as short as possible, Devices to be placed on the earth bar (designed to such an end besides as a mechanical support) should be opted for. In this case, they could alsa be used as input and support terminal boards. The connection of the bar to the earth electrode involves the use of the same conductor used for the connection of protected circuits and equipment to the system earthing This solution is not in contrast with low disturbance level earthing criteria because the main purpose of a protection system against a catastrophic equipment damage prevails over any other consideration However, the temporary, accidental and extremely short nature of the interference introduced by the earth discharge currents of protection devices usually does not create an instability in the controlled systems or cause irrecoverable damage to measure, monttoring and information processing systems. ‘An example is shown in fig. 5.3 ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni S.p.A. 20831, VAR STA.PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 23 of 28 6. ‘TESTS AND CHECKS OF PROTECTION DEVICES 61. Overview This paragraph lists tests and checks to carry out (by sample) on voltage limit protection devices in order to assess beforehand their suitability for electronic instrument equipment and circuits Static electric and dimensional checks will have to be carried out, as well as impulsive tests with proper generators, 6.2. Static checks ‘They consist of: 6.21 Dimensional checks 6.2.2 Electric checks: To determine the protection device compatibility with the signal characteristics and the circuit power voltage it will to be used on To this end, the following measurements will have to be taken: a) Insulation resistance to the conductive part and between terminals, Instruments with an internal power voltage lower than the usage nominal voltage of the device being checked must be used b} The device “longitudinal” electric resistance, measured between terminals or input conductors, by short-cireuiting the output ¢) Total inductance (same cifcult arrangement as in point b) above) 4) Both the common and differential-mode electric capacity of the device €) Leakage current to the mass and between terminals, applying a continuous voltage equal to 1.2 times the maximum working voltage of the device circuit and not higher than the device itself nominal voltage 6.3. Impulse tests Impulse tests altn at testing the maximum and duration values of residual voltages, both common and differential-mode, present as output of the devices, when an impulse having a pre-set waveshape and amplitude is applied, as input. Repeating inverted polarity impulse tests aims at checking the device suitability to operating with both positive and negative polarity overvoltages. The final repetition of static checks as indicated in paragraph 6.2.2. above is useful to determine the device suitability to keep its functional characteristics unchanged over time. ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni Sp.A. 20531, VAR.STA.PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 24 of 28 631 “vitae ape ston opi bnew Canoe cP tl aeons aos ae Tests performing The impulsive waveshape to be used in these tests is indicated in the IEEE Guide Std 587-1980, with a rising time of 8 microseconds and a descent time of 20 microseconds (8/20 designation), ‘The principle circuit arrangement when carrying out impulse tests in a common-mode configuration is shown in fig, 6.1 The impulse generator must be @ low intemal Impedance unit (see paragraph 5.3.2 of IEEE Guide std. 587-1980) able to generate discharges of a suitable energy level with respect to the dissipation capacity of the device being tested (approximately > 5 J). The generator discharge voltage, at no-load conditions, must not be lower than 1 KV. Tests should be carried out in the following way: a) With reference to fig. 6.1, the common-mode test must be carried out separately for each input terminal, using the results on screen of an oscilloscope with memory. ‘The test is posttive if the output common-mode residual voltage is lower or equal to the one indicated in the specification ‘The test is positive also if the residual voltage lasts less than 0,5 microseconds, even though it exceeds the declared valve. A series of impulses, not fewer than 3, will have to be applied for each input. ‘The test must be repeated with the generator set in inverted polanty. If the impulse generator and the oscilloscope are powered by the same network (which is common), the oscilloscope will have to be powered by a separation transformer. Ifa current discharge 8/20 impulse generator is not available, the test can be carried out with a voltage discharge 1,2/60 generator. In this case, however, because of the high internal impedance of this device (usually 300-500 ohm), the tests so far mentioned will have to be carried out with impulses having an amplitude not lower than 6 KV. If @ differential-mode impulse test needs to be carried out, the generator will have to be connected to the two input terminals, and the oscilloscope to the two output terminals. ‘The test results will be assessed with the same criteria mentioned in point a) ‘When the impulse tests are finished, the device conditions will have to be checked again by repeating the measurements indicated in paragraph 6 2 above, The values must not considerably differ from the initial values. IMPULSE OENERATOR oscttoscore EVE TOBE TESTED ! ‘SEPARATOR Pre ‘TRANSFORMER tL Fig. 61 Circuit arrangement to carry out impulse tests on voltage limit devices ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD ; 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni Sp.A. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 25 of 28 z 80 ° 50 100 150 us © 500 1000 1500 us. Fig. 41 LIGHTNING CURRENTS WAVESHAPES 2) First impulse of a negative lightning b) Following impulse c) Impulse of a positive lightning ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD ; 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni Sp.A. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 26 of 28 all = Ke Fer _ on Pee aU peer ae Els ee os rouse oF oS oA | oo Soe | gy zi q Some 4 5 5 eee iz yas [ | | tS eoraneceareansa| fa | re acoare = ort EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEM EARTHING Typical configuration ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD ; 20531,VAR.STA.PRG Eni Sp.A. Rev. 1 December 2004 Exploration & Production Division ‘Sheet. 27 of 28 Fig. 5.2 ISOLATION TRANSFORMER SCHEME HTT ae ‘SURGE PROTECTING DEVICES. SUPPORTING & GARTHING BLSBARS. PROTECTION CONDUCTOR FUNCTIONNG BUS EARTH TONAI BUS EARTH PROTECTION (SEE Fo.54) TOMARIGUS EARTHFUNCTIONNG. (SEEFIG.51) v Fig. 53 VOLTAGE LIMITERS EARTHING FOR CONTROL ROOM EQUIPMENT (Typical solution) ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD Eni SpA Exploration & Production Division 20531. VAR STA. PRG Rev. 1 December 2004 ‘Sheet. 28 of 28 ENCLOSURE 1 (IEEE Std 587 - 1980) (Omiss.) 5.3.2. Quidoor. In the outdoor ond service entrance environment, as well as in locations Jose to the service entrance, substontial ene er current, Is stil avaiable, For these locations the unidiracticnal impulses long established for secondary arrestes are more appropiate than oscillatory wave Accordingly the recommended waveshape is 50 ys for the epen-circiut veltage or voltage gpplied to @ high—impedonce device, and X20 us for the discharge current or corrent in a lowmimpedance device. The numbers used to describe the impulse, 1,2x50 ond 8:20 ys, ‘ore as defined in ANSI/IEEE Std, 28-1974 Figure 3 present the waveshape and grafic desription of the numbers. (0) Open — Cireuit Waveform: In the case of the unidirectional wave, current prac tice in laboratoires is to produce either © wave shope of voltage or @ waveshape of current depending on the nature of the test specimen 12x50 is for insulation valtage withstand test, 820 us for discharge current test For qualification or acceptance test of @ device whose characteristics ore unknown, it would be desirable to have a single test—generator copable of producing the open-circuit voltoge wove shown, with a short-circuit current equal to the discharge current wave shown, The woveshope selected to represent the en- vironment con be produced in the laboratory with conventional high-voltage impulse gene raters ar with custem-made generators (Omiss.) (b) Discharge Current Wo ty oF 2 vm lea a | ue oe / on 6.3 Unidirectional Waveshapes (ANSI/IEEE Std 28-1974) ENGINEERING COMPANY STANDARD “viisimet ape ston spa bnew Oacreen Pn

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