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What is image retrieval in AI?

Image Retrieval is a fundamental and long-standing computer vision task that

involves finding images similar to a provided query from a large database. It's often
considered as a form of fine-grained, instance-level classification.
What is image retrieval vs classification?
Image classification: Train the model on a data set called training set and then test
using a data set which is disjoint from training set (most important). Image retrieval:
Given a query image, get the "closest" image to the query image from database. 27
Feb 2013
What are the two types of images?
There are two primary types of images used in print and other applications: Pixel-
based raster images and line-based vector images.
How to do image retrieval?
In an image retrieval scenario, you'll compare the search query vector with each
image's vector. Images that are above a certain threshold of similarity can then be
returned as search results. The following example code calculates the cosine
similarity between two vectors.30 Jan 2024
What is text image retrieval?
Image-text retrieval is a fundamental cross-modal task that takes image/text as a
query to retrieve relevant data of another type. The large-scale two-stream pre-
trained models like CLIP have achieved tremendous success in this area.

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