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ISTUS (fate, destiny)

Geshtai (lakes, rivers, wells) *

Xan Yae (twilight, shadows, stealth, mind over matter, et. al.)
Zuoken (male demigod; physical and mental mastery) *

(* indicates statistics not available)

Overview Description
The deities listed above are in all likelihood only a subset of the full Baklunish pantheon:
namely, those deities who have gained service and worshippers within the central Flanaess. (This
supposition is borne out by online correspondence between Gary Gygax and Paul Stormberg in
early 1997, wherein Gygax writes, "I had planned a different pantheon for the Baklunish, but I
never got around to detailing it.") Nonetheless, it is still clear that the Baklunish tend towards the
matriarchal and monotheistic. All the gods listed above are True Neutral and, with the exception of
the demigod Zuoken, female. (Despite this, none are known to support druidical clerics.)

Istus spins the fates of all gods and mortals who come after her. Allegedly she has few
faithful followers, but there are dedicated temples within the largest of Oerik's cities (Dyvers,
Greyhawk, Rauxes, Rel Mord, and Stoink). Among her daughters, Xan Yae is the most notable;
she and her protege Zuoken promote the martial arts (monkish studies), and she is also known to
associate with Rexfelis the Cat Lord. (Xan Yae's odd name may signify her origin in foreign lands
even beyond those of the Baklunish.)

See also the online work by Iquander (Erik Mona) for more of the mythology of Xan Yae and

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