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London Tests of English

Session Three: 2006

Mark Scheme



Task One
Example: B -
1. A 2
2. B 2
3. A 2
4. C 2
5. C 2
6. B 2
7. B 2
14 marks

Task Two
Example: the south -
1. 30 years 2
2. 6 2
3. south / near the restaurant / near the main office 2
4. 1996 / 10 years ago 2
5. horse riding 2
6. £10 (an hour) 2
7. fishing 2
8. (after) 5 o’clock / when it’s not too hot 2
16 marks

Task Three
(A wide variety of answers is possible for this task. Any answer which makes
sense in the context is acceptable but marks will be awarded according to the
degree of accuracy and the extent to which it is suitable for the context. Below
are possible answers)

Example: Hello, are you a guide? -

1. How long have you been a guide? 2
2. What did you do before this? 2
3. Which do you prefer? 2
4. Why did you become a guide? 2
5. Do you work every day? 2
6. What are you going to do now? 2
7. Can I come with you? 2
14 marks

Task Four
Example: We’ll be at your house in 5 minutes. -
1. Anna, Teresa’s here! 1
2. Can I open it now? 1
3. This is my friend Anna. 1
4. Don’t make a noise or it’ll go away. 1
5. Have you hurt yourself? 1
6. Thanks Teresa. It’s been a great day. 1

Distracter 1: Her you are. This is for you. -
Distracter 2: Don’t worry. I’ll be alright. -
6 marks

Task Five
Example: had -
1. it 1
2. really 1
3. best / nicest 1
4. so / really / very 1
5. if 1
6. would 1
7. After / Before 1
8. to 1
9. Have 1
10. ask 1
10 marks

Task Six:

Effective Communication
The overall effectiveness of the candidate’s response as a piece of writing.
Lexical Accuracy and Range
The appropriate use of a range of vocabulary
Grammatical Accuracy and Range
The degree of control over grammar and the variety and complexity of grammatical
structures used
Task Completion
The extend to which the candidate’s response fulfils the requirements set out in the
instructions for the task

20 marks

Paper Total: 80 Marks

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