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“BUT IN GOOD HEALTH AND LOOKING FORMARD To THE DAY WHEN THE WAR ENDS AND 1 SAN GO HOME, ITH THE AUSTRALIANS 17 1§ CONSIDERED A OUSGRAGE TO BE CAPTURED, IT WAS BAD SOLDLERING ON WY PART TO GET. WITHIN THE ENEWY'S ADVANCED LINES SUT | KNOW YOU WILL UNDERSTAND “NOT LACK OF COURAGE ue aN fo THAT, «* > .tch has been received for delivery subject to the Regulations and Conditions under which Cablegrams ‘to be transmitted in the Commonwealth of Australia. REPETITION OF ANY DOUBTFUL WORDS MUST SE OBTAINED THROUGH ae * ‘are authorised REPETITION OF ANY (be transmitted in the Commonwealth of Australia. a ele ‘to the Regulations and Conditions under which Cablegrams STFUL WORDS MUST EE OBTAINED THROUGH THIS OFFICE. i j

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