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Future Career Essay

Crafting an essay on the theme of one's future career can be both an enlightening and challenging
endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the task of articulating personal aspirations but also in the
need to delve into a thoughtful analysis of one's skills, passions, and the ever-evolving landscape of
the professional world.

The challenge begins with introspection, as the writer must navigate the intricate maze of self-
awareness to identify and articulate their goals. This involves contemplating not only the obvious
professional paths but also the nuances of personal inclinations and values. Balancing these elements
while maintaining a coherent narrative can be akin to walking a tightrope.

Furthermore, predicting the future career landscape adds an extra layer of complexity. Rapid
technological advancements, shifting economic trends, and the emergence of novel industries make it
a daunting task to anticipate what the professional world will look like in the years to come. A
successful essay must incorporate an understanding of these dynamic factors, showcasing
adaptability and foresight.

Additionally, expressing these thoughts in a structured and compelling manner is another hurdle. The
essay must captivate the reader, weaving together a story that is both unique and relatable. The
challenge lies not just in conveying the aspirations but in doing so with eloquence and authenticity,
striking a balance between confidence and humility.

In conclusion, composing a future career essay is a demanding task that requires a delicate interplay
of self-reflection, awareness of current trends, and the ability to articulate one's thoughts effectively.
It is a journey into the unknown, as the future is inherently uncertain. Yet, it is through this
exploration that individuals gain insights into their aspirations and contribute to the evolving
narrative of their professional lives.

For those seeking assistance in crafting essays or navigating the challenges of self-expression, various
resources are available. Services like provide a platform where individuals can
find support and guidance in their writing endeavors. Whether it's exploring future career aspirations
or delving into other essay topics, such platforms can be valuable allies in the pursuit of effective and
impactful writing.
Future Career Essay Future Career Essay
The Quality Matters Model
Using the ASSURE (Analyze, State, Select, Utilize, Require, and Evaluate) Model of
Instructional Design and the Quality Matters rubric for course review, I have just
completed IDOL, an online course that follows such skills. By participating in group and
course discussion forums, I actively monitored announcements, questions, and postings to
guide my learningand recognize the guideposts of objectives and expected quality levels
for achievement. Writing measureable objectives set the tone for communication and
characteristics of the ABCD model: audience, behavior, condition, and degree. Both as a
teacher and as a student, I have experienced transformative learning in a structured online
learning environment that provided extensive resources,... Show more content on ...
The course materials and learner interactions and supports link the instruction to
achievement, and Chickering and Ehrmann (2009, March 5) agree that interaction
between students and teachers remain active when provided with Rich, rapid
feedback. For me, increased student transformation took place when materials,
technology, and media were flexible and cross linked providing a variety of ways of
learning. Still, I ve learned that online classes demand a lot of time much more than a
face to face setting, at least for this learner. Read two chapters, watched three videos,
read three articles, created a quiz, typed a script, took a quiz, and created a component
of a course design project for a group all in one day! Not really the best way to spend a
summer day when the whole family is sitting around waiting for me to finish, but I
learned new information and developed more insight into how to manipulate technology
to be clear about what I want to see from students as well as how to afford them the
opportunity to explore and deliver what they are capable of completing within a
structural design for all to achieve. Parents don t understand the digital native concept,
and adults don t want to for the most part. However, now is the time to press higher
education to lead the change? Students are fickle and so is the learning community.
Procedures, rules, and communication need to be step by step and clear something this
ambiguous girl is going to get frustrated with, but will navigate through as I continue
through teaching. I just need time to organize a real
Thesis Statement Of Sweatshops
The Benefits Behind Sweatshops
Thesis statement: Sweatshops, when left to operate without government intervention, are
the most efficient way of out poverty.
Introductory rationale: When it comes to social justice issues, most people believe the
government needs to solve the problem. Social justice in sweatshops is no exception. In
my research, I have found that what people see as the cause of injustice in developing
countries, sweatshops, are actually what is responsible for lifting people up out of
poverty. As a result, any sort of government regulation will fail to solve the problem. The
audience I am writing for is a diverse group of peers who are concerned with social
justice though they may have different solutions and beliefs about the topic. My goal in
this draft is to expand their knowledge and show them the benefits of not interfering with
the free market.
I. Claim 1: Sweatshops increase the standards of living for the workers and their
1. Evidence:
1) Kristof, Nicholas. Where Sweatshops Are a Dream. The New York Times, 14 Jan.
2009, Accessed 7 Sept.
This article has a personal story from the author about improving conditions. This makes
for a good pathos argument
2) Powell, Benjamin. Sweatshops: A Way Out of Poverty. Mises Institute, 20 Mar. 2014, way out poverty.
Comparison of changing living standards due to sweatshops
3) Templin, Paul. The
Saddle Thrombus Research Paper
In most cases, if you were to tell a client that their cat has a paralysis inducing spinal
cord disease they would be rather confused. Let me break that down for you; paralysis
is a loss of voluntary movement in the animal. The spinal cord clearly has to do with
the back, and a disease is something that causes the body to not be one hundred percent
healthy. Saddle Thrombus is a form of a paralysis inducing spinal corddisease that is
found in cats. Saddle thrombus can come on with no warning. It causes them to be in
extreme pain and will become paralyzed. Some symptoms of this disease are crying,
hiding and panting. Saddle thrombus is a blood clot that is in the middle of main
arteries. The pain itself can cause the pet to have heart
Andrew Carnegie and the the Second Industrial Revolution...
Andrew Carnegie and the the Second Industrial Revolution Andrew Carnegie, the King
of Steel , the benevolent employer, the giant of industry, was among the greatest
influences of the second industrial revolution. It is sometimes questioned whether
Carnegie was the ruthless, sneaky steel tyrant some made him out to be, or the
generous, benevolent education benefactor he appeared to be. I believe him to be a
combination of both, but more so the great giant of industry. Carnegie was the classic
rags to riches story, the penniless immigrant who made it big in the land of opportunity.
Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, and migrated to America in 1848 at the
age of 13. His first job was in a cotton mill, earning a measly $1.20... Show more content
on ...
As young as 33, Carnegie was pulling in an annual income of $50,000 a year, a huge
amount at that time, and this was enough for him. Carnegie was a firm believer that
anyone could make it to the top, and that it was the wealthys duty to help the poor
work towards a more comfortable life. Carnegie said that the man who dies rich, dies
disgraced. This is a greedy, unselfish philosophy that a robber baron could not
conceive. Without Carnegie, the steel industry, and the second industrial revolution in
general, would never have progressed as much as it did. Carnegie did what was
necessary to make the steel industry more productive and more efficient, for less
money. He was a shrewd, ruthless, businessman who s aggressiveness made the steel,
railroad, and oil industries so economically successful. These characteristics, though
not always looked upon as nice or sympathetic, were sometimes necessary. He had paid
his time as a poor factory boy, and now it was his turn to live comfortably and aid
others less fortunate to work towards the same success. I feel that Carnegie was a very
generous and benevolent philanthropist in his giving of hundreds of millions of dollars
to schools, libraries, arts and music centers, and other educational and recreational
facilities. However, I believe it would have been more ethical to be more
Probation And Parole And Juvenile Offenders Essay
Probation and parole were unknown concepts until the early 19th century. Just over one
hundred years old, the emphasis has moved from the offender to concern for the welfare
of the community, altogether public safety. Probation and parole accommodates the
offender by allowing them to reenter or remain in society, while they serve their
sentences. Today, the probation and parole agencies in the United States handle millions
and only sixty percent of probationers complete their obligations successfully. Fifteen
percent of parolees eventually return to prison, suggesting that there is success in the
probation and parole system. The goals of corrections include punishment, rehabilitation
and deterrence of crime; supervision of criminals and preparing offenders for re entry
into society. Corrections also aim to prevent recidivismor relapse of criminal behavior as
well as reducing delinquency and violence in communities. The first probation officers
were expected to provide moral leadership to their probationers, helping them shape
positive attitudes, behaviors toward family and religion, how they use their free time,
along with gaining employment. There has been enormous change in the philosophy and
practice of sentencing and corrections over the last twenty years. The historical changes
in sentencing and corrections policies are characterized in four major goals; retribution,
rehabilitation, deterrence and incapacitation.
Retribution refers to punishment for doing

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