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Small Essay On Pollution

Writing an essay on the topic of pollution can be both challenging and thought-provoking. The
difficulty lies not only in presenting well-researched information but also in conveying the urgency
of addressing this global issue. Pollution encompasses a vast array of environmental problems, from
air and water pollution to soil contamination, making it a complex subject to cover comprehensively
in a small essay.

To effectively tackle the topic, one needs to delve into scientific data, governmental policies, and
socio-economic factors contributing to pollution. Balancing statistical evidence with a human touch,
conveying the impact of pollution on individuals and communities, requires a delicate approach to
engage the reader emotionally.

Furthermore, addressing potential solutions adds another layer of complexity. While there are various
strategies to combat pollution, discussing them within the confines of a short essay requires careful
selection and concise articulation. Striking the right balance between informative content and
maintaining the reader's interest can be quite challenging.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on pollution demands meticulous research, a nuanced understanding

of the subject, and effective communication skills. It requires navigating through the intricacies of
scientific data and socio-economic factors while maintaining a compelling narrative. Despite the
challenges, raising awareness about pollution is crucial for fostering environmental consciousness. If
you find such tasks daunting, consider seeking assistance. Similar essays and more can be ordered on
platforms like , where professional writers can provide the expertise needed to
address complex topics effectively.
Small Essay On Pollution Small Essay On Pollution
What Is The Theme Of Isolation In To Kill A Mockingbird
Robertson Davies once said, A truly great book should be read in youth, again in
maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light,
at noon and by moonlight. (Davis). He was a Canadian writer, who has won the Lorne
Pierce Medal for his literary works. Davies speaks of perspective differences during
one s life, and Harper Lee speaks of perspective differences in various cultural groups.
In Harper Lee s novel, Scout, a young girl in the south, learns that sometimes you have
to step into someone else s shoes to get the whole story. Throughout the novel Scout
Finch has to deal with her Aunt is moving in, her brother growing up, and the disease,
or social mores, circling Maycomb. Though these events Boo Radley was shut up in his
house for years. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee portrays the character of Arthur
Radley to establish that isolation cultivates an anti dogmatic perspective. Arthur
Radley also was known as Boo is an unusually secretive character who has a frightening
history. Scout hears a story from Stephanie Crawford, the town gossip. Scout is told
that Arthur Radley is a dangerous person, who killed his father. When Boo Radley
was a teenager he had got not in trouble and instead of sending Boo to boarding school
his father kept Boo inside the house for many years. Ms. Crawford had said that Mrs.
Radley ran screaming into the street that Arthur was killing them all when the police
came later they saw that Boo was thirty by then (Lee 13). Even though what he did is
not completely known the town has come to know he has someone very dangerous
and avoided. As that knowledge is passed down to the children the facts can become
warped as they are passed around. Further down the line, Miss Maudie s house catches
fire, and while standing outside Scout gets cold and ends up with a blanket around her.
Atticus, Scout, and Jem later realize that Boo must have put the blanket on Scout.
Atticus tells Scout to thank him for giving her the blanket, she asks who and he says
Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn t know it when he put the
blanket around you (Lee 96). As Scout and Jem become more comfortable with the
Radley house they will get closer to it.
Breed Specific Legislation
Everyday, animals worldwide are discriminated upon strictly because of their
appearances. Could you imaging your beloved chihuahua being taken out of your
home and killed for the sole reason of it looking aggressive ? For many, this vision is a
harsh reality. Dogs of several breeds are becoming banned and illegal to own because
some consider them an aggressive breed or a threat to the safety of others around them.
This discrimination is inhumane and should ultimately be stopped. Breed Specific
Legislation (BSL) is the law that bans or restricts certain types of dogs based on their
appearance, usually because they are perceived as dangerous breeds or types of dogs. In
many cases, the classification of these breeds are incorrect. The University... Show more
content on ...
They aren t born aggressive. A dog s breed has far less to do with aggression than
owner dependent factors such as how a dog is trained. If a dog was raised to fight or
was brought up in a poor home environment, the dog is more likely to be aggressive
regardless of its breed. The American Temperament Test Society evaluated the
temperaments of various dog breeds, 85.3% of American Pitbull Terriers passed the
test whereas other breeds such as Border Collies and Old English Sheep Dogs ranked
in the 70th percentile. In many cases, the influence of owners have no effect on the
conduct of the dog. Take Lilly, for example. Lilly was a Pitbull gifted to an alcoholic
as a method of sobering her up. As any humans can infer, living with an alcoholic is no
easy vocation, even for a dog. However, Lily s hard home life didn t clog her
judgement. One night, Lilly s owner passed out on a pair of train tracks with a train hot
in pursuit. Thanks to none other than Lilly, her owner was pulled off the tracks just in
time. Although her owner escaped without scratch, Lilly wasn t as fortunate. Even with
life threatening injuries, Lilly remained by her owner s side until help arrived.
Ultimately, Lilly had to undergo several serious surgeries and ended up losing a leg.
Lilly, a pitbull, put her inattentive owner s life above her own. Even today, Lilly and her
owner remain best friends even though that commitment almost cost her her
Explorers Perceptions Of Native Americans In The 16th
When facing Native American abnormalities, explorers are quick to criticize their culture

and traditions, despite their complex advancements compared to European society.

Explorer s

inclinations toward the Natives were harsh and degrading. Luckily as the century grew,
people s

attitude fluctuated from mainstream thoughts as they took a closer look at the native

Explorers realized that what they fathomed were misconceptions toward the American

At the beginning of the age of exploration, Native Americans experience opinions of

hatred and

bigotry toward their religion, lifestyle, and resources, but as the 16th century progresses,

European explorers perceptions become more accepting of the Natives culture. ... Show
more content on ...
He believes the Natives are to be respected far greater than those in his

own country. I am not sorry that we notice the barbarous horror of such acts, but I am

sorry that, judging their faults rightly, we should be so blind to our own (Montaigne 4).
In the

sixteenth century, european explorers were first cautious of the Natives supposed

acts and lifestyles, but as the century progressed, so did the minds of explorers. They

open minded towards the New World locals customs.

In addition to social structure, another aspect of the European misconceptions towards the
Natives is they also strive to procure the Natives local resources. In 1492, Columbus
arrives in

North America. He is determined to take the Natives gold from their land. I... strove to
learn if
they had any gold...About sunset we anchored near the enquire for gold...
(Columbus 6

7). Columbus spends most of his time in North America searching for gold. Because

doesn t have the gold assets Columbus finds in America, he obtains it from the Native s
Bilingual Ed Essays


English only sink or swim? Yeah right! Instead of English Only Advocates worrying
about bilingual education cost in our school system, why not take advantage of the skills
our ethnic minorities possess to move our economy forward? They are obviously not
thinking clearly, because the benefit of bilinguals, significantly outweigh the bad. To
deny our youth the opportunity for upward mobility and skill to become more
marketable in a worldwide capacity is inhumane. They believe bilinguals threaten to sap
our sense of national identity and divide us along ethnic lines. They also fear that any
government recognition of ... Show more content on ...
They should encourage and support students to the attainment of bilingual or
multilingual skills. They should also consider that students coming from homes where
two or more languages are used will face difficulty in applying while in the school
environment. The fact that so few Americans command any other language than English
is largely a result of educational failure and cultural inadequacies. The American economy
will benefit from bilingual education because historically multilingual personnel are
smarter, academic skills are sharper, and their contributions to society are immeasurable.
English is the one language that offers the biggest market, the largest pool of talent, and
the greatest probability of being able to communicate with anyone on the planet.
Bilingual education is a tool for better education that children whose primary language is
not English learn more easily. Industry and Information Technology dance to English
lyrics. Students will have no future in the Information Technology field if they cannot
command English as an effective medium of communication. ìFurthermore, good
bilingual programs are about more than learning a language. They should be based on a
respect for diversity and multiculturalism, and parents and community must be essential
partners.î (Rethinking schools Vol 1. 13, #2.). Over 80% of todayís Internet WEB pages,
databases and other enhancing computer programs are in English. It is in

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