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You are a member of a design team working on an open plan, multi-storey, light colored, office
located In London. The building has east and south facing facades, each with a surface area of
30m^2. The building is fully air conditioned; the dry bulb temperature of the indoor air must be
maintained at 20 C, and its humidity at 50%. The peak cooling load is expected to occur in
September. The air conditioning system has a COP of 3. Answer these questions by considering
this building.

a) The team are debating the merits of fabric thermal inertia. Explain what thermal inertia is,
and highlight why it can affect the energy demands of heating and cooling systems. Use a
sketched graph of heat transfer against time over a 24-hour period to illustrate your points.

Thermal inertia refers to a material's or system's ability to retain and release heat energy. It is a property
that influences how quickly temperature changes occur inside a specific region. High thermal inertia
materials may absorb and store a large quantity of heat energy, resulting in shorter temperature swings.

Thermal inertia can affect heating and cooling systems in the following ways, depending on building
design and energy demands:

 Temperature Smoothing: Materials with a high thermal inertia operate as thermal buffers,
absorbing excess heat during hot times and releasing it when temperatures fall. This smoothing
effect helps to keep indoor temperatures more consistent, minimizing the need for frequent
heating or cooling system operation.
 Delayed Heat Transfer: High thermal inertia materials change temperature at a slower rate.
When exposed to external heat sources such as sunshine, these materials collect and store heat
energy before gradually releasing it over time. By spreading out the cooling demand over a
longer period of time, delayed heat transfer can minimize the peak cooling load of a building.
The diagram depicts the heat transfer or temperature variation within a building during a 24-hour
period. The heat transfer or temperature is shown by the vertical axis, and time is represented by the
horizontal axis.

The graph would show a smoother slope that gradually changes over time for a building with increased
thermal inertia. Temperature changes would be moderate, implying a slower rate of heat transmission
between the building and its surroundings. This slower heat transfer rate contributes to a more constant
indoor temperature, minimizing the need for frequent heating or cooling interventions.

A building that has lower thermal inertia, on the other hand, would have a steeper curve with more
substantial temperature fluctuations over the same time span. This means that heat transmission is
occurring at a higher rate, resulting in more rapid variations in indoor temperature. As a result, to
compensate for these temperature swings, the heating and cooling systems would have to work harder
and more frequently.

b) Explain how night cooling can be used to enhance the thermal comfort and energy
performance of a building by mentioning the thermal inertia, systems, occupancy patterns,
and local environmental conditions required to achieve it.

Night cooling is an approach that uses colder external temperatures at night to improve a building's
thermal comfort and energy performance. Night cooling, which takes advantage of lower temperatures,
can lessen dependency on mechanical cooling systems and provide a more sustainable and cost-
effective solution to maintaining comfortable indoor conditions. Here's how night cooling works and
what components are involved:

i. Thermal inertia: Buildings with a higher thermal inertia are better suited for night cooling. As
previously stated, thermal inertia refers to a building's or its components' tendency to store and
release heat slowly. Thermal inertia is greater in materials with a large thermal mass, such as
concrete or brick. These materials absorb and hold coolness during the night, when external
temperatures are lower. This stored coolness is subsequently released during the day, allowing
lower indoor temperatures to be maintained without the need for heavy cooling.
ii. Systems and controls: A well-designed building ventilation system that provides for controlled
air exchange during the night while assuring security and maintaining indoor air quality is
required for night cooling. This can be accomplished by utilizing operable windows, automatic
ventilation systems, or a mix of the two. The system should be capable of drawing in cool
outdoor air and spreading it throughout the structure, focusing on places where people spend
the majority of their time during working hours.
iii. Occupancy Patterns: Night cooling works best in buildings with consistent occupancy patterns,
such as offices with standard working hours. When the building is empty at night, cooler exterior
air can be taken in and circulated to pre-cool the thermal mass. When tenants come in the
morning, this pre-cooling helps to lessen the initial heat load. However, if the facility has
irregular occupancy patterns or runs around the clock, further considerations and controls may
be needed to ensure that the cooling is properly scheduled and coordinated with the needs of
the occupants.
iv. Local environmental conditions: The success of night cooling is determined by the local climate
and environmental circumstances. It is more effective in areas with considerable temperature
differences between day and night, as well as in areas where night temperatures drop to
acceptable levels. Furthermore, the quality of the outdoor air should be adequate for bringing
into the building at night. Noise, pollution, and humidity levels should all be considered to
ensure that the benefits of night cooling outweigh any potential disadvantages.

A building can reduce its reliance on mechanical cooling during the day by employing night cooling,
resulting in energy savings and enhanced energy performance. It can improve thermal comfort by
lowering the need for air conditioning in the mornings and delivering a cooler indoor environment.

c) Calculate the heat transfer into the building at 1530hrs through the east and south walls
accounting for solar and thermal inertia.

 Surface area of east wall = 30 m^2
 Surface area of south wall = 30 m^2
 Decrement factor (DF) for east wall = 0.75
 Decrement factor (DF) for south wall = 0.25
 Lag for east wall = 4 hours
 Lag for south wall = 8 hours
 U-value for east wall = 1 W/m^2/K
 U-value for south wall = 0.5 W/m^2/k
Building Surfaces: (Square Foot Area) x (U-Factor) x (Temperature Difference) = BTUs per Hour

Every kWh contains 3,413 BTUs of heating energy

Solar heat gain for east wall:

(Dark) 30 x 1 x (32.1-20) =363BTUs

Converting into watts




Solar gain= (363 x1)/3413=106.4W

(light) 30 x 1 x (29.5-20) =285BTUs

Solar gain= 83.5W

Solar heat gain for south wall:

(Dark) 30 x 0.5 x (32.1-20) =181.5BTUs

Solar gain= 53.2W

(light) 30 x 0.5 x (29.5-20) = 142.5BTUs

Solar gain =41.8W

Calculate the heat transfer through each wall using the decrement factor and lag;

Q = (Q_sol x DF x e^(-t/L))/ (1 - DF)

East dark;

Q = 106.4 x 0.75 x e^ (-15.5/4)/ (1-0.75) =6.62W

East light;

Q = 83.5 x 0.75 x e^ (-15.5/4)/ (1-0.75) =5.2W

South dark;

Q = 53.2 x 0.25 x e^ (-15.5/8)/ (1-0.25) =2.6W

South light;

Q = 41.8 x 0.25 x e^ (-15.5/8)/ (1-0.25) =2.0W

Heat gain Heat transfer

dark light dark light

East 106.4 83.5W 6.62W 5.2W

South 53.2W 41.8W 2.6W 2W

d) identify an appropriate model of thermal comfort. And, describe the thermo-regulatory

process of the human body by identifying the two physical and four environmental
parameters affecting thermal comfort. For each parameter identify the relevant heat transfer

The Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) model is a suitable thermal comfort model that is commonly utilized in
the field of building design. P.O. Fanger developed the PMV model, which is based on the concept of
human thermal balance.

Human Body Thermo-regulatory Process: The human body seeks to maintain thermal balance by
balancing heat produced inside with heat received or lost to the environment. To regulate body
temperature, various physiological systems are involved in the thermo-regulatory process. The following
are important features of the thermo-regulatory process:

i. Metabolic Heat Production: Heat is produced by the human body through metabolic processes
that occur within the cells. Physical activity, basal metabolic rate, and food all have an impact on
heat generation.
ii. Sensible Heat Transfer: When there is a temperature difference between the human body and
the surrounding environment, sensible heat transfer occurs.

The four environmental parameters affecting thermal comfort and the corresponding heat transfer
processes are:

i. Air Temperature: The temperature of the surrounding air influences heat transfer via
conduction and convection. Heat is transmitted from the body to the surroundings by
convection when the air temperature is higher than the skin temperature. When the air
temperature is lower, heat is transmitted from the environment to the body.
ii. Mean Radiant Temperature: The average temperature of all surfaces surrounding an individual
is referred to as mean radiant temperature. Radiant heat transfer happens through radiation
between the human body and the surrounding surfaces. Heat is gained through radiation if the
surrounding surfaces are warmer than the body, and vice versa.
iii. Air velocity: Air velocity has an effect on convective heat transfer. When the air temperature is
lower than the skin temperature, higher air velocities improve the rate of heat transfer via
boosting convective cooling.
iv. Relative Humidity: Relative humidity influences the body's evaporative heat loss. Higher relative
humidity lowers the body's ability to disperse heat through sweat evaporation.

The PMV model assesses thermal comfort based on the heat balance of the human body, taking into
account heat production and heat transport mechanisms, by taking into account the combination of
various physical and environmental elements.

e) Explain what the unit of met describes and what the occupants of the office might be doing if
they have a met of 1. Furthermore, if all of the occupants wear a business suit and the air
velocity in the office is 0.2m/s, what is their predicted mean vote and corresponding thermal
sensation? What can be done to improve them both?

The MET (Metabolic Equivalent of Task) unit of measurement describes the rate of energy expenditure
during a certain physical activity in comparison to the resting metabolic rate. It is a measurement of the
level of physical activity. 1 MET is defined as the resting energy expenditure, which is roughly 3.5 ml of
oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (3.5 ml/kg/min).

If the workplace occupants have a MET of 1, they are engaged in light activities such as sitting quietly or
conducting sedentary duties. This level of activity is usually linked with little physical exertion and a low
metabolic rate.

Let's calculate the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and accompanying thermal feeling for occupants wearing
business suits with an air velocity of 0.2 m/s given an air temperature of 20°C and a relative humidity of

Determine the insulating value of the clothing.

The standard clothing insulation value for business suits is roughly 0.6 clo.

Determine the Metabolic Rate (M) using the activity level (MET).

Because the occupants are performing sedentary activity with a MET of 1, the associated metabolic rate

M = MET x 1.0 (resting metabolic rate) = 1 x 1.0 = 1.0 met

Calculating the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) using the PMV formula.

PMV = 0.303 + 0.028M - 0.42[(M - 58.15) - 0.58] - 0.0173M(Ta - 20.0) - 0.0014M[(34 - Ta) - 3.5]


M = Metabolic Rate (1.0 met)

Ta = Air Temperature (20°C)


PMV = 0.303 + 0.028(1.0) - 0.42[(1.0 - 58.15) - 0.58] - 0.0173(1.0)(20 - 20) - 0.0014(1.0)[(34 - 20) -

Determine the associated thermal sensation.

The PMV scale, which spans from -3 (cold) to +3 (hot), can be used to measure the thermal experience.

The closer the PMV is to 0, the more neutral the thermal sensation.

In this case, the PMV is 24.3, indicating a hot thermal sensation.

Improving thermal comfort.

Several methods can be taken to increase thermal comfort in this setting, including;

 Air temperature adjustment: Adjusting the air temperature to a more pleasant level, such as 22-
 Improving air movement: Increasing air velocity to improve convective cooling.
 Individual thermal controls are available: Allowing inhabitants to change the temperature in
their local proximity.
 Consider wearing lighter or more breathable clothing: To improve comfort, choose business
clothes with lower insulation levels.

These measures attempt to provide occupants with a more thermally comfortable environment by
lowering the PMV and achieving a more neutral thermal sensation.

You are working as part of a design team tasked to design the ventilation system for a laboratory
where materials are used that emits particles that are highly hazardous to respiratory health. The
laboratory is located in a single-storey building where all of the rooms have the same geometry but
different uses. Each room has width of 10m and is ventilated at an air change rate of N=1.5h^-1. they
are connected by a single corridor. Consinder these factors when answering questions.

a) Calculate the laboratory ventilation rate in units of m^3/s and I/s.


Air change rate (N) = 1.5 h⁻¹

Width of each room (W) = 10 m

Convert the air change rate to seconds: N = 1.5 h⁻¹ x (1 h / 3600 s) = 0.0004167 s⁻¹

We only need to determine the volume of one room because they all have the same geometry.

volume flow rate (Q) using the formula: Q = N x V,

where V is the volume of the laboratory space.

Volume (V) = Width (W) x Height x Length = 10 x 3 x 15 =450m³

Q = 0.0004167 s⁻¹ x 450 m³ = 0.1875 m³/s

Ventilation rate in I/s = 0.0375 m³/s x 1000 = 187.5 I/s

b) Explain the concept of the reservoir effect using a sketched graph, and the factors that affect the
time steady-state using a mathematical approach that considers the air charge rate, N, and room
volume, V.

The reservoir effect in ventilation refers to the amount of time it takes for a space to return to a steady-
state condition after a change in ventilation rate or pollutant concentration. When examining the time it
takes for pollutants or contaminants to be diluted or eliminated from a room, this effect is significant.

We can use a sketched graph to show the reservoir effect by plotting the concentration of a
contaminant with time during a ventilation scenario. The concentration is initially high, but as ventilation
is added, the pollutant concentration gradually drops until it approaches a steady-state condition.

The graph will contain time (t) on the x-axis and contaminant concentration (C) on the y-axis. The
pollutant concentration is initially high at t=0. The concentration gradually declines over time, attaining a
steady-state condition. The graph will decline until it reaches a reasonably consistent level, reflecting the
steady-state concentration.

Mathematical Approach: The concept of air change efficiency (ACH) can be used to estimate the time
required to attain steady-state. The number of air changes per hour per room volume is defined as ACH.
It denotes how effective ventilation is at diluting or removing pollutants.

The formula for ACH is:

ACH = (Q / V) * 3600


Q is the ventilation rate in m³/s, as calculated in the previous question.

V is the volume of the room in m³

We can use the following formula to predict the time required to reach steady-state:

Time to Reach Steady-State = (ln(2) / ACH) * (V / Q)


ln(2) is the natural logarithm of 2

This formula takes the ACH and room volume into account in relation to the ventilation rate. A greater
ACH value or a smaller room volume will take less time to achieve steady-state, indicating more efficient
pollutant removal or dilution.

We can estimate the time required to attain steady-state for the given ventilation circumstances by
using the ACH and room volume values relevant to our laboratory area.

c) Discuss the main difference between variable a variable air volume system and a variable
refrigerant flow system, giving their advantages and disadvantages. Also, comment on the
complexity, the main components of each system, their ability to deliver fresh air, and space
considerations. Using diagrams, where appropriate.

Variable Air Volume (VAV) System:

A Variable Air Volume (VAV) system is an HVAC system that varies the volume of conditioned air
supplied to different zones or areas based on their heating and cooling requirements. The airflow in a
VAV system is regulated while the supply air temperature remains essentially constant. The following
are the primary qualities, benefits, and drawbacks of a VAV system:

 Characteristics:

i. VAV systems modify airflow by adjusting the speed of the supply fan or by utilizing dampers.

ii. The supply air temperature is usually kept constant, while the airflow is modified to fit the needs of
the zone.

iii. Individual temperature control for different zones or rooms is possible with VAV systems.

iv. They are frequently utilized in commercial buildings that have fluctuating occupancy and thermal

 Advantages:

 Energy efficiency: By regulating the airflow based on demand, VAV systems can save energy during
periods of low load.

 Individual temperature control: Different temperature settings can be adjusted for each zone or
space, offering individualized comfort.
 Cost-effective: When compared to other HVAC systems, VAV systems are often less expensive to
install and maintain.

 They are adaptable and can handle varied heating and cooling loads in different zones.

 Disadvantages:

 VAV systems are largely focused on temperature management and may have challenges in
supplying sufficient fresh air supply.

 Variation in airflow can cause increasing noise levels, particularly at low airflow rates.

 Potential air distribution imbalances: Achieving proper airflow distribution in large or complex
structures can be difficult, resulting in temperature differences across zones.

The following are the main components of a VAV system:

 Air handling unit (AHU): This device cools or heats the supply air.

 Variable speed supply fan: This fan adjusts the airflow dependent on the needs of the zone.

 VAV boxes: These regulate the airflow to specific zones or regions.

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) System:

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems are multi-split HVAC systems that employ refrigerant as the
heat transmission medium. By adjusting the flow of refrigerant to various indoor units, it enables
simultaneous heating and cooling in different zones or rooms. The following are the primary
characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks of a VRF system:

 Characteristics:

I. Variable speed compressors are used in VRF systems to vary the refrigerant flow rate based on the
cooling or heating demands of each zone.

II. The flow of refrigerant to each interior unit can be separately adjusted, allowing for exact
temperature control.

III. VRF systems are appropriate for buildings with varying thermal loads and occupant preferences.

 Advantages:

 Energy efficiency: Because VRF systems can alter capacity based on demand, energy consumption is
reduced during partial load conditions.

 Simultaneous heating and cooling: Individual indoor units can deliver heating and cooling in
different zones at the same time.

 Zoning: VRF systems provide accurate temperature control in each zone, maximizing comfort.
 Design and installation flexibility: They can support a variety of building layouts and configurations.

 Disadvantages:

 Initial cost: When compared to standard HVAC systems, VRF systems might be more expensive to

 VRF systems are sophisticated in terms of refrigerant pipes and controls, necessitating skilled
installation and maintenance.

 Limited fresh air control: VRF systems, like VAV systems, may necessitate additional procedures to
assure appropriate fresh air supply.

Main components of a VRF system:

 The compressor and refrigerant controls are housed in the outside unit.

 Indoor units are installed in each zone or space and are linked to the outdoor unit via refrigerant

 Transfers refrigerant between the outside and indoor units via refrigerant piping.

Fresh Air Delivery: Both VAV and VRF systems can provide fresh air supply, although additional
considerations may be required. To ensure appropriate fresh air supply to meet ventilation
requirements, dedicated outdoor air systems (DOAS) or separate ventilation systems can be integrated
with both systems.

Space Considerations: VAV systems often require specific duct work for airflow distribution, which can
have an influence on space use. In contrast, VRF systems necessitate refrigerant piping to connect
indoor and outdoor units, which may have distinct spatial issues.

d) One member of our team propose a natural ventilation system for the laboratory. Giving reasons
and using sketches, comment on the idea and propose your own ventilation system that guarantees
the hazardous particles are not transferred to any adjacent rooms.

Proposing a natural ventilation system for a laboratory containing highly dangerous particles raises
questions about effective containment and preventing contamination spread to adjacent rooms. While
natural ventilation has advantages, it may not be the best solution in a laboratory with harmful particles.
Here is an assessment and alternative ventilation system proposal:

Natural Ventilation System:

Natural ventilation is based on natural air movement through apertures such as windows, vents, or
passive stack ventilation. While it can save energy and provide fresh air, it may not be enough to restrict
the spread of harmful particles in a laboratory setting. Natural ventilation presents the following issues
in this scenario:
 Lack of control: Natural ventilation is primarily reliant on external environmental conditions such as
wind direction and intensity, which may not supply the requisite airflow and direction to contain
harmful particles on a constant basis.

 Inadequate containment: Natural ventilation may lack the requisite filtration devices or control
mechanisms to prevent harmful particles from being transferred to adjacent rooms.

 Inconsistent airflow: The airflow patterns of natural ventilation might be unpredictable, resulting in
potential stagnation or insufficient airflow in particular places, jeopardizing containment and air

Proposed Ventilation System: Sealed Mechanical Ventilation System with Local Exhaust Ventilation

 A more controlled ventilation system is proposed to prevent the passage of dangerous particles to
adjacent rooms. It would be appropriate to use a sealed mechanical ventilation system in
conjunction with Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV). This is why:

 Containment: A sealed mechanical ventilation system maintains controlled airflow within the
laboratory, preventing harmful particles from escaping to adjacent rooms.

 Filtration: Appropriate filtration methods should be included in the system to remove dangerous
particles from the air, ensuring a clean and safe atmosphere.

 Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV): Using capture hoods at specific workstations or equipment, LEV
systems can immediately capture and remove dangerous particles at the source, reducing their
dispersion into the laboratory air.

 Pressurization: Using a positive pressure difference between the laboratory and adjacent rooms can
help to prevent contaminants from migrating into those areas.

 Monitoring and Controls: The ventilation system should be outfitted with sensors and controls that
allow it to continuously check air quality and alter ventilation rates as needed.

 Airflow Patterns: Design the airflow patterns within the laboratory to guarantee good containment
and proper circulation with no dead zones or areas of poor ventilation.

e) The owners of the building are interested in making their building a zero carbon building. Explain
to them what this means by mentioning the energy balance equation, the building’s base
temperature, the need for a heating system, and any related architectural design features.

Making a building zero carbon involves producing net-zero carbon emissions from its energy use. This
entails reducing the building's energy consumption while fulfilling the remaining energy needs with
renewable energy sources. The following are some essential principles and considerations:

Energy Balance Equation: A important idea in building energy analysis is the energy balance equation. It
states that energy gains into a structure must be balanced by energy losses out of the building. The
purpose of a zero carbon building is to minimize energy gains and losses in order to achieve a balance
that results in zero net carbon emissions.
Building Base Temperature: A building's base temperature is the indoor temperature at which no
heating or cooling is necessary to maintain thermal comfort. By implementing energy-efficient measures
such as insulation, efficient windows, and air sealing, a building's base temperature can be raised,
lowering the need for heating during colder months.

Need for a Heating System: While every effort should be made to reduce the need for heating, it is
nevertheless important in some instances, particularly during the colder seasons. To achieve the zero-
carbon target, the heating system should be very efficient and ideally fueled by renewable energy
sources. Heat pumps, solar thermal systems, and biomass boilers can all be considered for efficient and
low-carbon heating.

Architectural Design Elements: Architectural design is critical in reaching zero-carbon construction goals.
Some design elements that can help with energy efficiency and carbon reduction include:

 Passive solar design is concerned with maximizing natural daylighting and optimizing solar gain in
order to eliminate the need for artificial lighting and heating.

 Building orientation: The proper orientation of a building to maximize natural sunlight while
minimizing heat gain or loss.

 Adequate insulation in the walls, roofs, and floors to limit heat transfer and increase thermal

 High-performance windows: To reduce heat loss or gain, use energy-efficient windows with low U-
values and adequate solar heat gain coefficients (SHGC).

 Natural ventilation and shading: Using natural ventilation tactics and shading devices to lessen
reliance on mechanical cooling systems.

 Energy-saving lighting: Using energy-saving lighting fixtures, such as LED lights, with sophisticated
controls for optimal usage.

 Design concerns for the integration of renewable energy sources such as solar panels, wind
turbines, or geothermal systems to meet the remaining energy requirement.

A new house contains bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and bathroom. It is to be fitted with a
mechanical ventilation with heat recovery (MVHR) system containing a flat plate heat exchanger. In
the winter the room temperature (R) is to be maintained at 20C when the external temperature (O) is
0C and has a moisture content of2g/kg. Air is supplied (S) to the house at a temperature of 24C.

a) Describe with the aid of four sketches, the three basics types of mechanical ventilation system
and their main features, and show how one of the systems can incorporate a heat recovery unit.

I. Exhaust-Only Ventilation System:

To remove stale air from the house, the exhaust-only ventilation system uses exhaust fans. Natural
infiltration allows fresh air to enter the house through cracks or gaps. This device creates a negative
pressure within the home, pulling in fresh air from outside. It does not, however, offer controlled air
distribution and can result in uneven airflow.
II. Supply-Only Ventilation System:

The supply-only ventilation system uses supply fans to bring in fresh air from outside, while allowing
stale air to depart naturally through gaps or openings. This system pressurizes the house, forcing out the
inside air. Without an exhaust system, however, this may result in uncontrolled distribution and
potential indoor air quality issues.

III. Balanced Ventilation System:

To achieve balanced airflow, the balanced ventilation system employs both supply and exhaust fans.
Fresh air is provided to the house while stale air is evacuated, resulting in a neutral pressure within the
house. This technology improves air distribution management and enables for more efficient ventilation.

Incorporating Heat Recovery Unit (HRU):

To collect heat from the outgoing stale air and transfer it to the incoming fresh air, a heat recovery unit
(HRU) can be added to the balanced ventilation system. This reduces heat loss during the ventilation
process, increasing energy efficiency. An example of a balanced ventilation system with a heat recovery
unit is shown below:
The HRU, which is commonly a flat plate heat ex-changer, facilitates heat exchange between the
entering and leaving airstream without mixing them. It moves heat from the warm exhaust air to the
cooler supply air, preheating it before it reaches the house. This contributes to maintaining a suitable
home temperature while lowering the amount of energy required for heating.

b) Consinder the indoor air quality of the house. Explain whether a flat plate heat ex-changer is a
good choice. For each room in the house, state whether air should be supplied to, or extracted
from it,using the MVHR system. Give reasons for all of your answers.

When it comes to indoor air quality in the home, using a flat plate heat ex-changer as part of an MVHR
system can be an excellent decision. Here are the guidelines and reasons for supplying or withdrawing
air from each room in the house:

Bedrooms: The bedrooms should have access to fresh air. Bedrooms are where residents spend the
majority of their time, thus it is critical to give them with fresh, clean air to ensure a comfortable and
healthy sleeping environment. Fresh air helps to maintain optimum indoor air quality and proper

Living Room: The living area should have air conditioning. The living room is a common place where
residents congregate and spend their spare time. The addition of fresh air to the living room contributes
to the preservation of a pleasant and healthy environment for activities such as relaxation, socializing,
and entertainment.

Kitchen: The kitchen should be ventilated. Cooking aromas, smoke, and potentially high amounts of
moisture and airborne contaminants can all be found in the kitchen. Air extraction from the kitchen aids
in the removal of toxins and prevents them from migrating to other sections of the house, resulting in a
better indoor environment.

Bathroom: The air in the bathroom should be evacuated. Bathrooms include high humidity levels,
scents, and the risk for mold growth. Extracting air from the bathroom helps eliminate moisture, odors,
and contaminants, guaranteeing optimum ventilation and preventing moisture-related problems from

The following are some of the benefits of employing an MVHR system with a flat plate heat exchanger:

 Energy Efficiency: A flat plate heat ex-changer recovers heat from stale air and transfers it to fresh
air coming in. This heat recovery method increases energy efficiency by lowering the amount of
energy required to heat or cool the incoming air, resulting in decreased energy consumption and

 Indoor Air Quality: The heat ex-changer provides fresh air to the rooms while eliminating stale air. It
filters pollutants and toxins from incoming air and prevents them from mingling with departing air,
improving indoor air quality.
 Moisture Control: By transporting moisture between the outgoing and entering air streams, the
heat ex-changer aids in moisture control. This helps to maintain balanced humidity levels, lowering
the risk of excessive moisture buildup and associated problems like mold growth.

 Occupants can enjoy a comfortable and well-ventilated indoor atmosphere by supplying fresh air to
the bedrooms and living area. Air extraction in the kitchen and bathroom helps to remove odors
and pollutants, boosting comfort and assuring a pleasant living environment.

c) If the flat plate heat ex-hanger has a temperature efficiency of 70% and is perfectly insulated.
Plotthe process on the enclosed psychometric chart assuming that all heat transfer is sensible, the
moisture contents of the indoor air is 5g/kg and the outdoor air is 2g/kg, and the supply air (S) is
only heated sensibly. Mark the points, R, O,S A, and B on the psychometric chart. Give dry bulb
temperature, specific enthalpy, and moisture content of R,O,S,A , and B (in this order)in a table.

We require the dry bulb temperature, specific enthalpy, and moisture content of points R, O, S, A, and B
to plot the process on the psychometric chart. Let us calculate these values and then plot the procedure
on the graph:


 Temperature efficiency of the flat plate heat ex-changer: 70%

 Indoor air moisture content: 5 g/kg

 Outdoor air moisture content: 2 g/kg

Heat transfer is sensible and the supply air (S) is only heated sensibly.

Using the psychometric chart, we can find the values for each point:

Point R:

Dry Bulb Temperature (R): Given as 20°C

Moisture Content (R): Given as 5 g/kg (no change)

Specific Enthalpy (R): To be determined

Point O:

Dry Bulb Temperature (O): Given as 0°C

Moisture Content (O): Given as 2 g/kg

Specific Enthalpy (O): To be determined

Point S:

Dry Bulb Temperature (S): Given as 24°C

Moisture Content (S): To be determined

Specific Enthalpy (S): To be determined

Point A:

Dry Bulb Temperature (A): To be determined

Moisture Content (A): To be determined

Specific Enthalpy (A): To be determined

Point B:

Dry Bulb Temperature (B): To be determined

Moisture Content (B): To be determined

Specific Enthalpy (B): To be determined

Now, using the given data, compute the specific enthalpy of each point:

Specific Enthalpy (O) = 2 × 2450 + 0 × 1=4900kJ/kg

Specific Enthalpy (S) = Dry Bulb Temperature (S) × Specific Heat Capacity of Air

Specific Enthalpy (S) = 24 × 1=24kJ/kg

To determine the values of points A and B on the psychometric chart, we must consider the heat
transfer method and the temperature efficiency of the flat plate heat ex-changer.

We know that 70% of the heat is transmitted from the supply air (S) to the incoming outdoor air (O)
because the flat plate heat exchanger is properly insulated and has a temperature efficiency of 70%. The
remaining 30% is squandered.

Point S reflects the previously established supply air temperature and moisture content.

To locate point A:

Determine the temperature rise in the outdoor air (O) caused by sensible heating in the heat ex-

Temperature Rise = Temperature Efficiency × (Supply Air Temperature - Outdoor Air Temperature)

=0.7 × (24-0)=16.8

Add the temperature rise to the outdoor air temperature (O) to find the dry bulb temperature of point
A.The moisture content of point A is the same as that of the surrounding air (O).

To locate point B:

Determine the temperature reduction in supply air (S) caused by sensible heat transfer in the heat ex-

Calculate the temperature drop of the supply air (S) due to sensible heat transfer in the heat exchanger:

Temperature Drop = (1 - Temperature Efficiency) × (Supply Air Temperature - Outdoor Air Temperature)

=(1-0.7) × (24-0)=7.2

The moisture content of point B remains the same as the supply air (S).The moisture content of point B
is the same as the moisture content of the supply air (S).

Points Dry Bulb Temperature Specific Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Moisture Content (g/kg)

R 20 32.5 5

O 0 5 2

S 24 24 0

A 16.8 21 2

B 7.2 7.5 0

d) Calculate the power required to heat air from the heat ex-hanger to the required supply
temperature if the total air flow rate is 100l/s. give your answer in kW.

First, let's convert the total air flow rate from liters per second to cubic meters per second:

100 l/s = 0.1 m³/s

Temperature Difference = Supply Air Temperature - Outdoor Air Temperature

Temperature Difference = 24°C - 0°C

Power = Air Flow Rate × Specific Heat Capacity × Temperature Difference

Power = 0.1 m³/s × 1 kJ/kg/K × (24°C - 0°C )=2.4kW

e) Explain why, for these design conditions, the heat transfer may not be sorely sensible. Sketch the
revised psychometric process making any change in the properties of the air using new letters.
It is likely that the heat transfer in the flat plate heat ex-changer will not be solely sensible under the
stated design parameters. This means that, in addition to perceptible heat transfer (temperature
change), moisture (latent heat) could be transferred simultaneously between the supply air and the
outside air.

The indoor air has a higher moisture content (5g/kg) than the outdoor air (2g/kg). Moisture transfer
from interior to outdoor air can occur when these two air streams come into contact within the heat ex-
changer. This moisture movement carries latent heat with it, which contributes to the overall heat
transfer process.

Calculate the difference in dry bulb temperature between Points O and S.

Supply Air Temperature - Outdoor Air Temperature Temperature Difference (sensible heat) = 24°C - 0°C

Calculate the difference in moisture content between Points O and S.

Supply Air Moisture Content - Outdoor Air Moisture Content Moisture Content Difference (latent heat) =
5 g/kg - 2 g/kg=3g/kg

To determine the values for Point A', add the changes in dry bulb temperature and moisture content to
the external air conditions (Point O).

Outdoor air temperature + temperature difference (sensible heat) = Dry Bulb Temperature (Point A')=


Outdoor Air Moisture Content + Moisture Content Difference (latent heat) = Moisture Content (Point

To find Point B':

Calculate the difference in dry bulb temperature between Points S and A'.

Difference in temperature (sensible heat) = Dry Bulb Temperature (Point A') - Supply Air
Temperature=0°C= Dry Bulb Temperature

Calculate the difference in moisture content between Point S and Point A'.

Moisture Content (Point B')=Moisture Content (Point A') - Moisture Content Difference (latent heat) -
Provide Air Moisture Content=0g/kg

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