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Child Marriages Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of child marriages can be a challenging task due to the sensitive nature
of the subject. It requires a careful and empathetic approach, as one needs to address the gravity of
the issue while remaining objective and informative.

Researching the prevalence of child marriages, its causes, consequences, and potential solutions
involves delving into a complex web of cultural, social, economic, and legal factors. Balancing the
exploration of these intricacies while maintaining a coherent and persuasive argument can be

The emotional aspect of child marriages makes it crucial for the writer to handle the topic with
sensitivity and respect. Addressing the impact on the lives of young individuals, particularly girls,
requires a nuanced understanding of the human stories behind the statistics. This can be emotionally
taxing for the writer.

Furthermore, it's essential to approach the topic from a global perspective, acknowledging that child
marriages are not confined to a specific region or culture. This requires a comprehensive review of
international efforts, laws, and initiatives aimed at combating this issue.

Crafting a compelling introduction that captures the reader's attention, formulating a clear thesis
statement, and developing well-structured arguments are essential components of a successful essay.
The writer must also be adept at synthesizing information from various sources to present a well-
rounded perspective.

In conclusion, writing an essay on child marriages demands a combination of research skills,

empathy, and the ability to navigate a complex and emotionally charged subject. It requires a writer
to strike a delicate balance between shedding light on the severity of the issue and maintaining a
respectful tone throughout the essay.

For assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing needs, various online platforms,
including , provide services to help students and writers navigate challenging
topics and assignments.
Child Marriages Essay Child Marriages Essay
Swot Analysis For Kaplan Singapore
SWOT for Kaplan Singapore

1.0 Introduction


Kaplan Singapore has been a prestigious business related education provider with widely
recognizable teaching quality and remarkable training programs since its establishment in

It offers a wide array of career oriented training and education programs with various
academic qualifications which arrange from diploma to master degrees and professional
certifications, especially in the business fields of business and management, media and
mass communication etc. (, 2015)


Majorly, the businesses of Kaplan international syndicate in Singapore comprises

professional training and academy teaching in the local market which is saturated with
fierce competition ... Show more content on ...

The process of SWOT analysis is a universal method widely approached in corporations to

scan the internal and external environment so that companies can deploy relevant
countermeasures to make improvements. It contains four elements, they are strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Helms Nixon, 2010).

The four elements of SWOT analysis are classified as two different analysed objectives,
one is for the internal analysis of the company (i.e., strengths and weaknesses), and the
other one is the external analysis (i.e., opportunities and threats).

2.1 Strengths

2.1.1 Service quality

For the majority of the part time and full time students currently in Kaplan Singapore,
who are also the customers taking academic courses meanwhile, they would have been
through their study initially starts from professional certifications, Bachelor, and
Detective Marlowe Research Paper
There were once two detectives. The guy is John Marlowe and the girl is Brooke
Willow. The guy is passionate about his job but the girl is an undercover spy, little did
she know her life was about to change for good. Detective Marlowe was born in Ohio
he is 21 years old. John has brown hair, green eyes and light skin. He is smart and
goofy, he can take things seriously but also have fun. When he was younger he lived
on a farm and his passion was to be a detective. He attended a small private school and
did not have many friends,he mostly stayed to himself but he took an after school class
to study being a detective. When he is not working on a case he is teaching line dancing
classes as a hobby. He is in the top five. best detectives
Speech Persuasive Speech Comparison
Speech Comparison #2 Ted Talks is a treasure trove of information, capable of
providing anyone with a mountain of information on whatever might interest them. It is
different to many other sources in regards to how that information is given out, this
being the way most all their videos are of people giving speeches. Given the vast
collection of speeches on the site, we can find many a great performances where it is
obvious that the speaker had a great effect on the audienceand also where the audience
wasn t very much influenced. On the topic of aging and general health, there were two
speeches by Aubrey de Greys and Dan Buettner, and we will be comparing these two
speeches together No great speech can be created without a good hook. Unfortunately, it
seems like neither of them really created a great hook. They failed to really capture the
attentionof the audience and reel them in. Both introductions had weak hooks, but they
made it so that you at least knew what the speakers were going to talk about and what
direction they re going to take with their speeches. Despite both intros being weak,
Aubrey de Grey s introduction was clearly weaker. Grey did not have any hook
whatsoever. Instead, he told the audience that he was strapped for time and that he
would need to dive in right ahead. Buettner on the other hand, at least tried to create a
hook by starting off with a fact that not many people would know. It was weak, but
better than nothing. The hook is out of the way and next is fluidity for the
introduction. Bueller makes it easy for the audience to follow along with what he s
saying. His use of transitive words guides the audience and it makes it easy to follow
along. This along with his pleasant tone and flow makes it easy to pay attention. A
stark contrast to Grey s speech. Grey at times became quite hard to follow due to his
near monotonal voice and the speed at which he spoke. It was hard to follow what he
was saying and often times I ended up lost, missing quite a bit of the information that
he was giving out. At one point, I even checked that I had not accidentally changed the
video s speed because of how fast it was going. This combined with the lack of any real
hook, made it very hard to pay
Why Polytechnic Students Take Up Part Time Jobs
Executive Summary

The main aim of this report is to present the various reasons why polytechnic students
take up part time jobs and develop an analysis. Data for the report was obtained through
a survey with 15 questions and given to 60 respondents.

From the survey findings, it was discovered that a large percentage of polytechnic
students are taking up part time jobs. Reasons for taking up part time jobs are to earn
extra income, daily allowances and for experience. Despite having lessons during
weekdays, some of the polytechnic students still work during weekdays. But still,
majority of the respondents work on Fridays and weekends.

Most of the respondents enjoy working and feel that taking up part time jobs will benefit
them in the ... Show more content on ...
This can be reflected by the survey results itself. Of the 60 respondents, 83% (50
respondents) of them take up part time jobs currently.

There are many reasons as to why polytechnic students take up part time jobs. Among
all the others, the main reason is to earn extra income for their daily lifestyle activities.
This reason is chosen by 42% (25 respondents) of the respondents. Other reasons are for
daily allowance (18%), experience (20%) and for productive use of time (18%).
Polytechnic students have no uniforms when attending lessons unlike secondary schools
and junior colleges. The students will then have to spend money on clothes and apparels.
This can be the main reason why polytechnic students need to have extra income more
than students from secondary school and junior colleges.

Also, survey also shows that more than half (52%) of the respondents are not receiving
monthly allowance from their parents. With no monthly allowance, it is a must for them
to work for money to cover their expenses. As for the rest (48%) of the respondents who
are still receiving allowance from their parents, 69% (20 respondents) of them receive
$101 $200.This amount is insufficient for polytechnic students therefore they need to
work for extra income which constitutes such a huge percentage of the reasons on why
they take up part time

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