Patriotism Essay For Kids

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Patriotism Essay For Kids

Crafting an essay on the subject of patriotism for kids might seem like a straightforward task at first
glance, given the seemingly simple and positive nature of the topic. However, delving into the
intricacies of conveying the essence of patriotism in a way that is both engaging and understandable
for children poses its own set of challenges.

Firstly, simplifying complex concepts such as love for one's country, national pride, and civic
responsibility without oversimplifying or losing the essence can be tricky. Striking the right balance
between providing enough information to make the essay meaningful and keeping it accessible for
young minds requires thoughtful consideration.

Secondly, maintaining a tone that is both inspiring and age-appropriate is crucial. The challenge lies
in delivering a message that encourages a sense of patriotism without resorting to jingoism or
inadvertently fostering an exclusionary mindset.

Furthermore, capturing the attention of young readers necessitates creative approaches, whether
through storytelling, relatable examples, or vivid imagery. Creating an essay that not only imparts
knowledge but also instills a sense of connection to one's country demands a careful blend of
informative content and captivating narrative.

In conclusion, while the topic of patriotism for kids may seem like a simple one, the process of
composing an essay on this subject requires navigating through the complexities of language, age-
appropriate communication, and the challenge of inspiring a sense of national pride in young hearts.

For those seeking assistance in writing similar essays or exploring a wide range of topics, various
resources are available. One such option is , where you can find professional help
and order custom essays tailored to specific requirements.
Patriotism Essay For Kids Patriotism Essay For Kids
Basketball Vs High School Football
The YMCA is and was my second home. I d go there at least 4 days a week just
because I was bored and had nothing else to do. My goal every time I stepped onto
that basketball court was to make myself a little better and have some fun. It wasn t as
nice of a court as the high school due to the slippery floors, the smell of sweat, and the
noise of little kids screaming on the other side of the court divider. But it was better
than nothing. When I was young I went there to screw around with my friends and to
play horse, tips, and some not so serious serious games. But as I ve grown it s less
screwing around and more seriousness so we can become better. Nowadays us high
schoolplayers, play noon ball . Which is games between high school players
Racial Slur
People have been associating where others reside with who they are for the majority of
history. In June 2015, this issue brought itself into the limelight when a McKinney,
Texas police officer said, Go back to your section 8 home, to a group of African
American teens who were using a community pool in a primarily white neighborhood
(The Washington Post, 2015). The term section 8 home is loaded, and refers to an old
public housing communitycreated by the Housing and Community Development Act of
1974, which was considered viable for white Americans at the time of its creation, that
has unfortunately become a place where poverty stricken people of color often reside
(The Washington Post, 2015) Sadly, the basis of this racial slur is valid;... Show more
content on ...
Be that as it may, this goal is a long shot, and it would be for any minority group trying
to achieve it. Discrimination is something that is learned, and sometimes even a
subconscious bias can unintentionally lead to it. For example, a white real estate agent,
born and raised in Highland Park, Texas, is showing homes to an African American
family of 5. The family consists of a man, woman, and their four children. When they
meet for the first time, the man is wearing baggy jeans, a t shirt that exposes his two
sleeves of tattoos, and sneakers, and the woman adorns a bright pink dress with some
jewelry and strappy sandals. They do not give the real estate agent a price limit. The
agent s upbringing may cause her to believe that this family is of a different class than
her based on their appearances, despite not knowing anything about their income, and
she may feel inclined to show them lower priced options. They eventually choose a
home, because they assume the best options are being shown to them, and both parties
move on. In this case, the family has been discriminated against, whether it was
intentional or not. They were not given the same opportunity as maybe a white family
from Highland Park would have, and are therefore left in a home of lesser quality than
they could have had. This integrated kind of discrimination has made it very
Robotic Prosthetics Vs. Real Limbs
We are all so used to using our limbs, most of us wouldn t know what to do without
them. However, some people, because of accidents or sickness, have lost theirs. Through
the use of prosthetics, they can have some of that use back, though it still can t compare
to a real limb. But, recent advancements in robotic prostheticsand a steady increase in
capabilities show that prosthetics may eventually be replaced with robotics, and may
become just as good as or better than real limbs.
While robotic prosthetics are a recent development, prosthetics have been around for a
long time. In the Funk Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, It gives a short history of
prosthetics. They were first carved from wood, more than two thousand years ago,
because it ... Show more content on ...
Prosthetics require pre programed movements and take practice to be able to use right,
although connecting prosthetics right into our nervous systems could fix this
problem(Atzori, Manfredo). There are also only a few areas on prosthetic limbs right
now that can feel. Scientists have been experimenting with synthetic skin that can feel
temperature, to improve senses, but this hasn t been used on limbs yet. Robotic
prosthetics are nowhere near perfect, but advancements like these show progress toward
making this the future of prosthetic limbs.
Robotic prosthetics are in use now, although they aren t nearly as advanced as some of
the ones just mentioned. Some amputees have them, and they are able to perform
basic tasks like walking and picking things up. However, movements are still limited
and the lack of senses prevents the kind of precision our own limbs provide. They are
also very expensive so most people don t have access to them. An average robotic leg is
around one hundred thousand dollars, and may not even be very versatile. Many don t
allow much movement, and often are not waterproof. They are a good start, but have
much to
Senior Project Proposal
Lenora Vidaurrazaga
Christina Meyers

CET 402L
Senior Project
Prof. Kavianpour

DeVry University
Spring 2005

Project Proposal
Due: April 8, 2005 Table of Contents:
Executive Summary.........1
Project Operation.........7
Project Scheduling (Gannt Chart) .........11
Bill of Materials.........13
Future Use and Expansion.........14
Hardware Schematics.........15
Hardware and Software Block Diagrams..........18

Executive Summary:

The ... Show more content on ...
The equipment is also out of the price range for most college students. Students would
be looking at spending around $3788 for the kind of lab equipment used at DeVry. By
creating an inexpensive and portable oscilloscope, function generator, and power supply
that fits in one box about the size of a brief case we ve addressed the primary issues
associated with this equipment. This project has many applications and many future
expansions and functions that can be added on. By having a variable floating DC
power supply, 7Hz 6 KHz function generator, and oscilloscope with leads connecting to
any circuit built, the comprehensive hands on learning tool would be ideal for most
DeVry students. Project Operation: There are three main parts to this project: the power
supply, function generator, and oscilloscope. There are a few hardware and software
requirements for these components. The power supply will require two wall wart power
supplies connected to two potentiometers to control the variable voltage and display it on
the LCD. Then it will connect to the student s circuits. The function generator can be
completed in two ways. One method is to assemble it through hardware. This would have
little involvement with the 68HC12, but would allow a more hands on approach. The
other technique is to generate it through software. This would allow it to be more
portable, but creates more use of the computer instead of circuits. The function
The Informative Speech On Sports In Sports
General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about different
sports. Central Idea (Thesis): There are so many sports leagues out there, and we
would like to inform you a little bit about the NFL, MLB, NHL, and competitive
swimming Introduction Football American football developed out of a combination
of soccer and rugby. No single variety of the sport was played some schools played
soccer, others rugby, while still others played various combinations of the two without
any written rules. The first ever college football game was playing in 1869 which was
Princeton vs Rutgers. Soon after, other colleges started playing as well. Professional
football became a reality a few decades after the sport became popular. The first
evidence of someone being paid money just to play a football game came on
November 12, 1892. William Pudge Heffelfinger was paid $12,000 by the Allegheny
Athletic Association to play a game. Only one year later, the first professional football
contract was signed, and more poured in. As the sport became more popular, it also
became more violent, especially because of mass plays. Mass plays required every
member of a side moving together to try to score. According to,
in the 1905 season, 149 serious injuries were recorded from the sport, along with 18
deaths. Action had to be taken, and people were asking for a changes including
President Theodore Roosevelt. This led to the creation of the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (NCAA), which still governs college sports in the U.S. today. The
rule changes allowed the sport to become more about speed and skill, rather than just
brute force. This significantly reduced the number of injuries and deaths. The next few
years consisted of teams being formed, but most of them from the early 1900s died out.
Without a true league, teams had no control over the sport. Players would move from
one team to another, chasing the highest salary. The official league s name was set as the
American Professional Football Association (APFA). The early years were still
unorganized. Teams came and went, and players still switched squads frequently. It wasn
t until 1922 when the league was renamed to the National

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