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Essay On The Stranger

Writing an essay on "The Stranger" can be a challenging endeavor that demands a deep
understanding of the novel's themes, characters, and narrative style. Albert Camus' work is renowned
for its philosophical complexities and existentialist themes, making it a nuanced subject for analysis.

One of the difficulties lies in interpreting the protagonist, Meursault, whose detached and indifferent
demeanor can be perplexing. Unraveling the layers of his character and exploring the reasons behind
his actions requires careful consideration and critical thinking. Additionally, delving into the
philosophical underpinnings of the novel, such as Camus' concept of the absurd and the
meaninglessness of life, adds another layer of complexity to the essay.

Crafting a well-structured and coherent argument is essential, as the novel's unconventional narrative
structure may pose a challenge in presenting a clear analysis. Balancing textual evidence, literary
criticism, and personal interpretation is crucial to developing a compelling and insightful essay.

Moreover, tackling the broader themes of existentialism, absurdism, and the search for meaning in
life requires a thorough exploration of relevant philosophical concepts. Integrating these ideas into
the analysis of "The Stranger" demands a comprehensive understanding of the literary and
philosophical context.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "The Stranger" demands not only a close reading of the novel but
also the ability to engage with complex philosophical ideas. It is a task that requires careful analysis,
critical thinking, and the skill to articulate one's interpretation effectively.

If you find yourself struggling with such assignments, it's worth noting that assistance is available.
Similar essays and more can be ordered through services like , providing additional
support for those navigating the challenges of literary analysis.
Essay On The Stranger Essay On The Stranger
Compressive Approach To Crime Prevention
Compressive approach The risk factors that can lead to substance abuse are well
documented, with that harm reduction strategies can be put into play. Dealing with the
extensive amount of overdose fatalities in B.C it has become a large concern by both
socially and financially straining, intervention which is costly and often ineffective
(Uyei, J., Fiellin, D. A., Buchelli, M., Rodriguez Santana, R., Braithwaite, R. S. 2017).
An effective approach to crime prevention would be proactive, risk based, problem
oriented, and evidence based; utilizing both informal social control and partnerships (S.
Schneider 2015). Many of the root causes to substance abuse can be traced to the
adolescent years, and reflecting the current state of emergency recent programs would
seem to have a limited effect. It would seem as though the best crime prevention
approach would be through social development, it is important to make use of problem
solving interventions designed to prevent the onset of criminal or deviant behavior
specifically targeted at vulnerable or at risk youth (S. Schneider 2015). This type of
intervention is long term in scope and the only way to give an accurate assessment of its
effectiveness is through long term measurements. However as stated above one of the
early onset risk factors is the environment the individual comes from, so specific... Show
more content on ...
These opinions and fears are often misplaced as supervised injection sites have the
opposite effect. Supervised injection sites are intended to respond to the those who are
already injecting in a public setting, the location for establishing safe injection sites are
typically selected due to an already high concentration of drug use and drug trafficking in
the area (Elliott, R et al
Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy Essay
Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy
Christie Blackwell
HCA 322
Dr. Nine Bell
June 17, 2013

Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Surrogacy Many individuals have a life plan consisting
of college, marriage, and then children. After numerous methods of conception, many
couples are still unable to conceive a child. A woman who enters into a contract with a
couple, agreeing to carry and birth a child, then hand that child over to the contracted
couple, who is often unable to conceive own their own naturally is considered surrogacy
(Pozgar, 2012). Surrogacy raises many ethical and legal issues for all parties involved.
Is it moral or immoral to enter into an agreement with a woman to birth a child for
money? What are the ... Show more content on ...
On the flipside on the issue, can it not also be viewed that allowing these women to do
as they see fit with their bodies as economic empowerment? The money provided to
these women can used for various financial means outside of taking care of medical
heath care for themselves and the child. The amount provided to each female varies
depending on what she and the couple feel is sufficient, therefore any extra monetary
compensation can used to help the women relieve themselves from other debts.
Autonomy does provide the right that women get to choose their reproductive rights
and that includes bearing children for those who cannot do so or for monetary stability.
Suggesting that surrogacy dehumanizes her is another form of paternalism.
Paternalism limits one s autonomy for their own good (Pozgar, 2012). Some view
altruistic surrogacy as a form of exploiting the surrogate. There is no monetary
compensation to woman placing her health and well being on the line for another s
benefit. However, it can also be held that the woman knowingly entered into the
agreement with full disclosure of the risks and benefits to her health and body. Again,
autonomy and justice are extremely prevalent ethical principles to explore when
discussing the topic of surrogacy. Same sex marriage has become a hot topic in the
United States in the last few years. The idea of raising a family by homosexual
Rhetorical Analysis Of Jim Jones Death Tape
Rhetorical Analysis: Jim Jones Death Tape One of the most significant artifacts from
The Peoples Temple is known as the Death Tape because it is the last audio recording
of Jim Jones, which was recovered after the mass suicide of he and his followers. That
day Jim Jones effectively persuaded more than 900 of his followers to commit mass
suicide by reestablishing his strong credibility, using persuasive tactics of love and fear,
and by convincing them that suicide is the rational way and the only way. Jones put
himself on a pedestal during his speech, reestablishing his credibility with his followers
before convincing them to commit suicide. This credibility was already established prior
to the speech given in the death Tape , years... Show more content on ...
As Jones talks about the act of suicide he talks about it as if it were another friend
sitting next to you in church. Jones proclaims, It is not to be feared. It s a
friend...sitting there, show your love for one another. Lets get gone. Jones made
suicide appear to be positive solution for his followers; he downplayed the act of suicide
into the relaxed words of Lets get gone . By doing so he played into his followers
emotions, making suicide appear to be the best solution. Jones isolated his followers and
made the Peoples Temple their only connection and family. Jones made the idea of
separation from the family not an option he was willing to accept; We can t separate
ourselves from our own people. People twenty years laying in some old rotten nursing
home. Jones made the decision of suicide as the answer for himself and his followers.
Jones then made suicide appear to be the only option because separation from the family
is not an option he accepted. Jones manipulated his followers into thinking that any other
option other than suicide was hopeless. He then made living seem miserable, comparing
it to rotting in a nursing home. Jones manipulated his followers into believing that living
was the bad way out and suicide was there way to love and
Pensive Bodhisattva And Korean Buddhist Art
Pensive Bodhisattva and Korean Buddhist Art Our lives are closely connected with an
art. People easily regard an artwork as something that is far from our lives, but it is
always around us. Now, I would like to introduce one of Buddhist artworks of Korea.
The title is Pensive Bodhisattva. The artist is unknown. However, it was made in mid
7th century during the Three Kingdom Period. The dimension of this artwork is 8 7/8
inch and the medium is gilt bronze. It is located in Gallery 233 among other Korean
artworks at the Metropolitan Museum of Art now. Pensive Bodhisattvahas typical
features of the Buddhist artworks. Also, the interesting aspect is we can see the
unique features of the Three Kingdom Period s artwork through this sculpture. When
we see this sculpture at first, the most noticeable point is the bodhisattva s posture. He
sits on the dais and he puts his right leg over his left leg. The right leg also props his
right elbow and his fingers especially the forefinger and the middle finger touch his
right chin and he rests his left hand neatly on his right ankle. The description of his
fingers and toes are very realistic. When we see the fingers and toes, we can feel how
the artist put his or her blood into sculpting each fingers and toes. However, his posture
seems agonizing. When we take a closer look his face, his eyes are closed and he puts
gentle smile on his lips. For that reason, his posture reminds us his anguish, but at the
same time, his facial expression

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