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Elite Plan

1. Professional Resume Service: ( Cover Le�er Included)

Our professional resume service is designed to create or enhance your resume to make it stand out to
poten�al employers. Here's what we offer:
-We will start with your contact informa�on, ensuring it's complete and professional.
-If desired, we can cra� a well-targeted summary or objec�ve statement.
-We'll list your relevant skills and cer�fica�ons.
-Your work experience will be showcased in a clear, organized, and impac�ul way, with a focus on
your achievements.
-We'll highlight your educa�onal background and any relevant honors.
-Importantly, we'll tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for by including keywords
from the job descrip�on, increasing your chances of ge�ng no�ced.

2. LinkedIn Makeover Service:

Our LinkedIn makeover service aims to improve your professional online presence. Here's what it includes:

-We will help you select and upload a professional profile photo and cover image.
-Cra�ing an engaging 'About' sec�on that effec�vely communicates your career goals and strengths,
-including industry-specific keywords to boost visibility.
-Upda�ng your work experience with detailed descrip�ons aligned with your resume.
-Lis�ng your skills and encouraging endorsements from your network.
-Reques�ng recommenda�ons to enhance your credibility.
-Offering guidance on how to engage with your LinkedIn network effec�vely.
-Monitoring and providing insights through LinkedIn analy�cs to help you make data-driven

Improved chances of landing job interviews with a professionally cra�ed resume.
Enhanced online visibility and networking opportuni�es on LinkedIn.
A strong and consistent professional image across both your resume and LinkedIn profile.
Tailoring your documents and online presence to your specific career goals and desired industries.

Here's how our process works:

We'll start with a consulta�on to understand your career goals and gather necessary informa�on.
Our team of experts will then work on crea�ng or upda�ng your resume and LinkedIn profile.
We'll provide dra�s for your review and make any necessary revisions.
Once you're sa�sfied, we'll finalize your documents and provide guidance on how to use your revamped
LinkedIn profile effec�vely.

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