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Proposal Essay

Crafting a proposal essay is a task that demands a blend of creativity, critical thinking, and effective
communication skills. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a compelling idea but also in
persuading the audience to accept and support it. The process starts with selecting a topic that is not
only relevant but also interesting to both the writer and the readers.

One of the challenges is defining a clear and concise thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of
the proposal. This statement should succinctly outline the problem, propose a solution, and highlight
the significance of the proposed course of action. Striking the right balance between specificity and
broad appeal is crucial, as the essay must be detailed enough to be persuasive but not too technical to
alienate the general audience.

Research becomes another hurdle in the journey of crafting a proposal essay. One must delve into
existing literature, studies, and data to support the proposed solution. The ability to synthesize
information, analyze data critically, and integrate it seamlessly into the essay is a skill that adds to the
complexity of the task.

The structural organization of the essay also poses a challenge. Crafting a compelling introduction to
grab the reader's attention, presenting a logical progression of ideas in the body, and concluding with
a strong call to action are essential elements. Ensuring a smooth flow between paragraphs and
maintaining coherence throughout the essay adds another layer of difficulty.

Moreover, addressing potential counterarguments is an intricate aspect of a proposal essay.

Anticipating opposing viewpoints and effectively refuting them requires not only a deep
understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to think critically and analytically.

In conclusion, writing a proposal essay demands a combination of research skills, critical thinking,
and persuasive writing abilities. It is a challenging process that requires careful consideration of the
audience, meticulous planning, and a thorough understanding of the chosen topic.

If you find yourself struggling with similar assignments or need assistance in crafting well-
researched and persuasive essays, various services, such as , offer professional
support to guide you through the intricacies of academic writing.
Proposal Essay Proposal Essay
Holden Caulfield Journey
In the novel The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger a journey is depicted through
acceptance, identity, mortality, youth and knowledge. The story is told in flashback
by seventeen year old Holden Caulfield who is allocated in a mental hospital. Holden
is a depressed teenager who faces his sexuality, death and phonies. All of his concerns
are elevated by being kicked out of his Prep School Pencey for failing all of his classes
besides one, English. However Holden chooses to run away from reality and drowns
himself in liquor and cigarettes, he does not realize that there are other outlets to escape
from reality. Holden Caulfielddid need something to do to release all of his stress from
being kicked out of school, but he could not find a hobby to do because he could not
recognize who he truly is. The one hobby Holden had was fencing, he was the manager
of the team, but he was ridiculed for leaving the equipment on the subway. Holden finds
peace in getting drunk and smoking, I must ve smoked about three cartons that day (p.
161). After he got out of the cab ride, he... Show more content on ...
His brother Allie s death was the catalyst to his depression. He is scared of death, the
ducks in the pond shows Holden s thought process of living things leaving. The way he
keeps asking about the ducks in the winter is a contrast to his suicidal thoughts, he
wonders what happens to them after something harsh, a winter comes. He keeps
mentioning a trick picking them up, which can be related to someone else doing work
that should be done by oneself. In the park when Holden was looking for the ducks he
says I thought probably I d get pnuemonia and die. (p. 154) along with many other times
he wishes death upon himself, only something a depressed person would think.
Whenever Holden finds something funny he says That kills me , which he actually
wishes upon himself. With the repetion of this phrase he expresses his emotions in a
Essay about Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation was founded in 1863 when Mr. Henry Williams
purchased Old Fort Park and donated it to the city of Fort Wayne. Since then, Fort
Wayne Parks and Recreation has continued to grow acquiring 85 more parks which
include Reservoir Park in 1880, Foster Park golf course in 1928, Fort Wayne s
Children s Zoo in 1962, the Botanical Conservatory in 1979 and more recently Robert
E. Meyer s Park in 2008. This organization does much more for the community than just
taking care of the city s parks. Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation also hosts many
activities in town including multiple different camps for children and young adults. (City
of Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, 2013) The employees of Fort Wayne Parks and
Recreation... Show more content on ...
(City of Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, 2013) Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation
organization budgeted for and planned a way to help save this tree species. For the past
couple years, biannual Ash tree treatments have been in place to help save the Ash trees
of Fort Wayne. This past summer 647 Ash trees in Fort Wayne were treated to prevent
the Ash Borer from killing them. Because this treatment is a biannual treatment, only
half of the population of Ash trees was treated the summer of 2013. The other half of
the population was treated the previous summer and will be treated again in the summer
of 2014. (City of Fort Wayne Parks and Recreation, 2013) Davey Resource group was
the lowest bidder and took on the project of treating the Ash trees. Davey Resource Group
provides a full range of natural resource and utility consulting services to the commercial,
residential, municipal and governmental markets. (Davey)
The question arose about the cost benefits of treating the tree versus cutting them
down. It cost approximately $43.00 to treat one tree versus the $400.00 to cut the tree
down, grind the stump away, and plant a new tree in its place. Even though many Ash
trees have been saved by this treatment, it was too late for some. So far 10,500 Ash
trees have been cut down in the city of Fort Wayne because they were attacked by the
Ash Borer. This year another 2,447 will be cut down also. Mudrack Tree Experts have
Advertising And Marketing Operations Of Pharmaceutical...
For decades, the business dealings of pharmaceutical companies and physicians has
been identified as a potential conflict of interest. Providers have an obligation to their
patients, and society as a whole through their work. It is my belief that the majority of
providers seek to do well by their patients and the majority of Americans agree (Benson,
Blendon, Hero, 2014, p. 1570). This good intention can be overwhelmed by deeply
rooted human behavioral tendencies despite any tangible monetary value. Patients should
reasonably expect that their providers are making medical decisions based upon sound
medical knowledge and not advertising material. We will explore the role of a
practitioner that gives rise to conflicts of interest and then... Show more content on ...
In the business ethics world, social responsibility is generally self imposed as a
competitive mechanism and conflicts of interest are discussed within Emerging Business
Ethics Issues in a recent and popular textbook on the subject by Ferrell, Ferrell Fraedrich
(2015). We will keep this in mind as we discuss the provider pharmaceutical industry
relationship. A relationship in which the physician is a public figure bearing social
responsibility and the pharmaceutical company is a business that bears social
responsibility in response to regulation.
In other words, the physician can experience a conflict of interest in placing personal gain
over the responsibility to her patient (Friedman, 1992, p. 245). In the same instance, the
pharmaceutical company would not experience the same conflict of interest per se when
it is operating within business parameters to influence the physician s choice to gain
profit through marketing. The pharmaceutical company would be forgoing its fiduciary
responsibility if it were not to engage in such practices when leveraged as a business
entity. Especially if actions are classified as marketing expenses aimed at informing
rather than influencing provider actions. What is personal gain in this conflict of
interest? The debate over what constitutes a personal gain has continually been evaluated
for decades. In 1967 Ruge described the
Southern Culture Research Paper
The southern part of America is a great place that you will love to live and visit. The
weather down here feels so good and it is great. You will like the foods and many more
places. I m going to talk about three main points: It is the Southern Culture, Race
Relations, and Economy. Southerners have a very well developed culture consisting of
food, music, art, literature, dance and even manner and mores that differ from the rest of
America. You may be surprised to discover just how much of what is truly Southern
culture has been adopted by the rest of America and been taken for granted as American
culture. Southerners definitely have a unique way of talking that differentiates them
from the rest of the English speaking world. Not only are their accents different, but their
way of talking, their slang words, colloquialisms, and even their rate of talk. The South
have variations on the southern accents. For example, East Tennesseans do not have the
same accent as a Texan, and the North Carolinians do not sound like the Georgians. There
are easily as many subtle variations on the Southern accent as there... Show more content
on ...
In earlier years, relationship between Blacks And Whites were strained. Whites even
passed a series of laws to prevent Blacks from participating in the mainstream of society.
These laws restricted Blacks from using the same facilities as White, separate water
fountains, parks doctors offices. Race is a social status that individuals occupy along
with other statuses, such as ethnicity, occupation, religion, age, and sex. Race relations
have also been characterized by extreme social distance between whites and nonwhites, as
indicted by long standing legal restrictions on racial intermarriage, racial restrictions in
immigration laws, extensive incidents of racially motivated conflicts, and the presence of
racial antipathy and stereotyping in literature, the press, and legal

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