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Topics For An Essay Paper

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Topics for an Essay Paper" is, paradoxically, a challenge in itself.
The inherent difficulty lies in the vastness and ambiguity of the topic. While it may seem broad and
accommodating at first glance, the sheer array of potential subtopics and angles can be
overwhelming. Selecting the right approach becomes a meticulous task, as the essay must strike a
balance between being comprehensive and focused.

The challenge is also rooted in the need for originality. Given the countless essays already written on
various subjects, finding a unique perspective on the topic of essay topics requires a creative and
innovative mindset. There is a constant pressure to deliver fresh insights that engage the reader,
making the process of brainstorming and idea generation a critical and sometimes elusive aspect of
the essay-writing journey.

Moreover, the dynamics of essay topics evolve with time and societal changes. Staying current with
the latest trends, issues, and discussions adds another layer of complexity to the task. A timeless
essay on this topic must not only capture the essence of traditional concerns but also address
contemporary nuances, making it a dynamic and challenging endeavor.

The struggle intensifies when attempting to strike a chord with a diverse audience. What might be
intriguing to one reader might not resonate with another. Crafting an essay that appeals to a broad
spectrum of readers requires a delicate balance of language, tone, and content that adds an additional
layer of complexity to the writing process.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Topics for an Essay Paper" demands a blend of
creativity, originality, and adaptability. It involves navigating through a vast sea of possibilities while
striving to remain relevant and engaging. Despite the inherent challenges, conquering this task can be
immensely rewarding, as it hones one's skills in critical thinking, research, and effective

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Topics For An Essay PaperTopics For An Essay Paper
United Methodist Church
The nature of the United Methodist Church is tied to the historic Christian church that
can be traced all the way back to Jesus and the disciples and is a part of the body of
Christ. At our core we understand ourselves to be part of the tradition that proclaims the
same gospel that true Christians have always proclaimed. We are based in this historic
nature but we also understand that the world is always changing and as such we
understand ourselves as a living tradition. This means we adapt the witness (of the
Church) to new circumstances that arise over the course of time. This also means that
our nature is ecumenical, working within the context of the broader Christian
understanding and tradition and in a very broad world. In more simple... Show more
content on ...
We are living in a time where for many the perception of the church is one of sitting in
pews on Sunday mornings and a faith that does not leave those four walls. We are also
challenged by the failing of institutions. People are not joining organizations like they
used to from Boy Scouts to the Rotary Club to the church membership is down. This is
especially challenging in the church when we are dependent on the giving of our
membership to continue our ministry. With commitments down how do we continue to
reach out and how do we prevent ourselves from slipping into survival mode which
becomes very inward
The Elimination of the Designated Hitter in Baseball Essay
The Elimination of the Designated Hitter in Baseball

Baseball is a simple game. You throw the ball. You hit the ball. You catch the ball.
At least it used to be that way until Ron Blomberg became the major league s first
designated hitter in 1973. Now, for a DH, baseball has become even simpler: You eat
some cheese fries. You hit the ball. You eat some more cheese fries. Fortunately, this less
than strenuous regimen might not last much longer. Baseball team owners have notified
the players union of the possibility the DH will not exist in 1999. The DH is a part of
playing rules, and owners said they can therefore phase it out without first receiving
approval from the players union.
Bad news for players, but good news for ... Show more content on ...
Worst of all, the DH singlehandedly creates Hall of Famers. Of the players who have
reached 3,000 career hits during this decade, only Robin Yount did so minus the aid of
the DH rule. Neither Dave Winfield, Paul Molitor nor George Brett would have achieved
that milestone were their careers dependent upon their ability to play defense.
Spectacular careers notwithstanding, these players lifetime stats should be accompanied
by asterisks the size of baseballs when compared with those of their Cooperstown
Such a move by the owners would be good for baseball on even more fronts. The
American League s big thunder offensive philosophy has left the junior circuit totally
devoid of the strategy that all big league managers used to invoke. In the National League
, managers play for the run. If the lead off hitter gets on base, the No. 2 man bunts him
into scoring position. An NL team can send half its lineup to the plate and see a total of
only six pitches from the opposition.
When was the last time you saw Roberto Alomar or Alex Rodriguez bunt? With their
brand of smash mouth baseball, AL teams play for the six run inning. A typical lineup
card might feature one hitter who doesn t bring the house on every swing. As a result,
ERAs are higher, and games progress more slowly.
Sure, AL games are longer, too, but
Advice And Analysis On Your Meetings Regarding Future Of...
TO: Mrs. Mia Foster, CEO Levendary Café
FROM: Qian Zhao
DATE:November 9,2014
RE: Advice and Analysis on your meetings regarding future of Levendary Café China
WORDS: (803 word)

Statement of Problem
The following three issues were the main problems in Levendary:
1.Louis Chen, Levendary s hand picked president unwillingness to follow to the company
s direction and reporting status. This problem stems up from how he was introduced to
the business. Leventhal gave him abroad latitude to execute his plans in establishing a
strong market position as a base franchise outlet throughout China.
2.Reporting system was adopted from U.S Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
which was not a suitable practice for the growing China market.
3.For a whole year, no senior executive had visited China to see what Chen was doing.
Lack of supervision could have caused Chen to set his rules and how to operate the
China market.
1.The most important decision to take on this problem will be to ensure:
2.There are documented cultural competent management reporting system that will fit in
many cultures including China.
3.Lavendary should have more formal hiring process with set regulations to avoid more
cases similar to Chen s case.
4.The failure to supervise Chen for a whole year can be corrected by ensuring that the
company has executive and CEO meeting regularly so that important decisions on
Network Tunnel Rail Link Between Britain And Continental...
In 2007, Britain s first high speed railway was completed on time and within Budget,
This project was initially known as Channel tunnel Rail link and renamed HS1 in
November 2006. HS1 runs at a speed of 300km/h between the channel tunnel and
In this report, the writer will be discussing the various management features of the HS1
and analyzing the management of the programme.
Objective of HS1 Program
To develop a national railway system effectively, it is essential to establish what it was
intended to achieve as a basis for investment and management (Bolden Harman, 2013).
The program was initiated for the main purpose of providing rail link between Britain
and continental Europe for the purpose of enabling travel to more distant
destinations.HS1 was defined by the technology and business problem it aimed to solve.
However to capture the maximum benefit, it has to be developed in an integrated fashion
with the surrounding environment (competition) and with the aim of creating a major
zone of 3rd tier activities hotels, retail, leisure, and offices.
Its developmental objectives was to enable easy access to the east Thames side, thereby
diverting the developmental pressure from west of London to the east of London.

The HS1 line was constructed and owned by London continental Railways (LCR), a
commercially owned consortium until the controversial period where a restructuring
crisis led to a governmental intervention in the form of capital
Thousand Cranes By Yasunari Kawabata
When it comes to emotions, there is always a reason to why one experiences them. It
can be happiness due to getting a favorite toy, jealousy at another s position, hatred due
to one s actions, and so on. Even sub categories are due to an experience bringing it
forth. Such as suffering, one doesn t suffer randomly, it happens because it was the effect
of some cause. One of the biggest causes being unfulfilled desire; depending on the
significance of the desire the greater the suffering. In the novel Thousand Cranesby
Yasunari Kawabatathere is this intricate web of suffering that occurs between the main
characters, Kikuji, his father s, his father s mistresses and Fumiko. All as an outcome of
unfulfilled desire. For Yasunari Kawabata,... Show more content on ...
Her Mother s Lipstick, Fumiko s gifts a second Shino bowl to Kukiji, in which the use
of tea utensils, but there is an underlining connection between the two shino bowls and
Kikuji s father and Fumiko s mother that link the two. The final scene in Double Star
Kikujiki, searching for Fumiko, and running into the shade of Ueno Park. An
ambiguous ending that gives no indication if Fumiko is alive or not. Suffering is seen
between the protagonist s father and his two mistresses. Kikuji s father s first mistress
was Chikako, he had a relationship for a short time. Then, he eventually left Chikako
for Mrs. Ota, to which he spent his last days with. The dismissal from his service
caused a great amount of suffering for Chikako, for she believed that she abandoned
due to the birthmark on her breast. Though she never showed outward disdain for the
mark on her chest, Kikuji s mother explains that any women with such a mark would
be self conscience. In addition, that dread would follow a woman, because she would
constantly feel fear that her husband would be disgusted by it. Also, that if she were to
have children they would be forced to suckle from that hideous mark, all this Chikako
was aware of which is why she never married. However, as a prostitute she had some
semblance of fulfillment, since she was able to complete that sexual desire. Yet, Kikuji s
father s leaving her and choosing another concubine, especially, a woman without her
defect caused

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