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Why Do We Write Research Essays

Writing an essay on the topic "Why Do We Write Research Essays" can be a challenging endeavor,
as it requires a thoughtful exploration of the multifaceted reasons behind engaging in this academic
exercise. The difficulty lies in the need to articulate a coherent and convincing argument that delves
into the purpose, significance, and benefits of writing research essays.

To begin with, one must navigate through the intricacies of conveying the importance of research
essays in fostering critical thinking skills, honing analytical abilities, and cultivating a deeper
understanding of the subject matter. This involves not only presenting a well-structured thesis but
also supporting it with relevant evidence and examples. Crafting a compelling introduction that
captures the reader's attention and a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression further adds to the

Moreover, the task demands a mastery of the research process, involving the ability to gather,
evaluate, and synthesize information from various sources. It requires navigating databases,
distinguishing between credible and unreliable sources, and integrating diverse perspectives into a
cohesive narrative. This process often involves grappling with the challenge of avoiding plagiarism
and maintaining academic integrity.

The essay's difficulty is also heightened by the need for clarity and precision in expressing ideas.
Balancing a formal, academic tone with a lucid and engaging writing style is no small feat. The
challenge lies not only in meeting the structural requirements of an essay but also in articulating
complex thoughts with clarity and coherence.

Furthermore, addressing potential counterarguments and presenting a nuanced perspective

contributes to the intricacy of the task. Anticipating opposing viewpoints and effectively refuting
them requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter and the ability to think critically.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic "Why Do We Write Research Essays" is a demanding
undertaking that requires a blend of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. It
entails navigating through the complexities of structuring an argument, conducting thorough
research, and expressing ideas with clarity and precision. Despite its challenges, mastering this skill is
crucial for academic success and intellectual growth.

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Why Do We Write Research EssaysWhy Do We Write Research Essays
The BBC Organization Essay
The BBC Organization The BBC stands for the British Broadcasting Co operation.
The British Broadcast is a very well established organisation. It was formed in 1922 by
a group of leading wireless manufactures, the daily broadcasting by the BBC began
from Marconi s London Studio on November 14th, this followed the next day by
broadcasts from Birmingham and Manchester. During the following few months the
BBC organisation was successfully able to broadcast around the U.K this effectively
showed how popular and in demand the BBC became around the U.K and therefore had
to remain a prestigious and impressive organisation and to remain its high standards and
popularity. The Secretary of State s... Show more content on ...
To maintain a degree of independence from the state of the governing administration
was to appoint a committee of 12 public figures on a five yearly basis who would, in
turn, appoint a director general. The extent to which these committees were composed
of political appointees who could steer the BBC in directions favourable to the
government has been a subject of controversy . So has the BBC s real independence in
light of the government s power to set licence fees and therefore apply financial
pressure in the event of unfavourable or controversial political coverage. Under its first
director John Reith the BBC was given a mission to bring the Best of British culture to
the nation, to enlighten, elevate and educate wherever possible. The BBC is formally
obliged to remain politically impartial especially in times of political conflict. The
governors role is to ensure that the BBC fulfils its obligations as laid down by the law
by remaining an impartial and politically correct organisation. The BBC is set up by the
Royal Charter therefore programmes on war, Remembrance services, Queen s speeches
are broadcast to remain as a high well respected
Taking a Look at AWS Cloud Services
AWS provides encryption for the login information of the users. The encryption is
provided through Key Pair. The Public key, Private Key together form a key pair. The
public key would be used for encryption (passwords) and the private key would be used
for decrypting the data.
The creation of Key Pair is well explained in the launching of EC2 instance (Amazon,
3.6 AWS services:

AWS offers lot of cloud services for the developers based on their need right from virtual
servers to the Mongo DB databases. All the services offered by the AWS are accessible
even in the mobile devices with the help of android and ios console apps.
The following are all the services that are offered by the AWS.

Figure 6: AWS services

From the available services, the most central and well known services are Amazon EC2
and Amazon S3. Cloud community uses S3 and EC2, to store the documents and host the
servers that are required.
3.6.1 Amazon S3:
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is one of the storage and content delivery
system offered by the AWS. (Amazon,, 2014)
AWS can be used to store, retrieve large amount of data at any given time, anywhere
from the cloud.
Amazon S3 features:
Store objects up to 5TB in size.
Read and write entire objects.
Every object has unique developer assigned key
Collect object into buckets.
Every object has unique URL.
Full Control of access rights.
Eventual consistency data model.

S3 terms
Importance of Ambitions in Life Essay
Importance of Ambitions in Life Ambition is defined as a strong desire to obtain
success, power, or riches or as something that you want very much to do or to obtain.
Having an ambition represents everything to many people. The only purpose in a man
s life is fulfilling his dream, because am ambition can be associated with a dream. And
if this dream doesn t exist you can t say that you have lived your life to the full. In the
moments of solitary meditation when we are alone with ourselves and we can no longer
lie or delude ourselves, we ask the fundamental question: why do I have to die, why is it
that my life must end, why is my existence finite, limited in time? Ambition is the
catalyst that... Show more content on ...
The creative act is born from an irresistible impulse towards the absolute, that is the
wish of the individual to lift his subjectivity to the maximum perfection allowed by his
spiritual resources and then to transpose this degree of spiritual elevation into a
concrete world. On the other hand, the creative act is born from the hope that people
will recognize the value of his work and therefore remember his name forever. You
should consider the first aspiration of the individual. We can assert that that it is
dissolved in a paradox. Of course, the process of creation augments substantially the
spiritual energies of the individual, it even makes him think that he represents the
supreme measure of the generating principle of life, but the work, the product of this
process does not succeed in conveying all the superior exigencies of the creator and,
consequently, it does not completely confirm his exceptional self appreciation during
the creation of his work. But in my opinion when you have an ambition it means that
you are living for fulfilling it, you live your life to the full, you are completely
dedicated and focused on what you want to achieve or fulfil. When you have a certain
ambition, even if it is a very strange one and you hope every day that one day you will
fulfil it, you have passion and you give everything you have to see you dream come true.
To take an example I can

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