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Writing A Essay About Yourself

Crafting an essay about oneself may seem like a straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies
of personal experiences, achievements, and introspective reflections can make it surprisingly
challenging. The difficulty lies not only in presenting a coherent narrative but also in striking the
right balance between self-promotion and humility.

One of the hurdles is overcoming the natural tendency to downplay one's achievements or,
conversely, avoiding coming across as excessively boastful. It's a fine line to walk, and finding the
right tone can be akin to navigating a tightrope. Additionally, the challenge extends to articulating
thoughts and emotions in a way that resonates with the reader without sounding overly sentimental
or detached.

Another layer of complexity arises when considering the audience. Anticipating the reader's
perspective and expectations adds an extra layer of pressure. Striving for authenticity is vital, but
there's an inherent vulnerability in revealing personal aspects of one's life to an audience, even if that
audience is an academic or professional one.

Furthermore, the struggle lies in maintaining a cohesive structure. Balancing the chronological order
of events, weaving in relevant anecdotes, and incorporating reflections without veering off-topic
requires careful consideration. It's like assembling a puzzle where each piece needs to fit seamlessly
into the larger narrative.

Then comes the editing process, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Revisiting personal
stories, revising sentences for clarity, and deciding what to include or exclude demand a certain level
of detachment. It's challenging to objectively evaluate one's own experiences and achievements
without getting entangled in a web of subjectivity.

In conclusion, writing an essay about oneself involves more than just stringing together sentences; it's
a nuanced process of self-reflection, storytelling, and self-promotion. The difficulty lies in navigating
the delicate balance between humility and confidence, authenticity and objectivity. It's a challenging
endeavor that requires time, introspection, and a keen understanding of the target audience.

If grappling with such a task becomes overwhelming, remember that assistance is available. Similar
essays and more comprehensive writing support can be sourced from professional services like , offering a helping hand in transforming personal narratives into compelling essays.
Writing A Essay About YourselfWriting A Essay About Yourself
It332 Kaplan Unit 10
Running head: Computer Systems Architectures

Computer Systems Architectures

Kaplan University

Computer architecture is a set of rules that say how software and hardware interact to
create a network or platform. In other words computer architecture is the design of the
network base on the needs of the user, the system if it is there or needs to be built, and
the technology that needs to go into the project. System design is all how all the
hardware is set up while the instruction set architecture is the program language.

Table of Contents
What OS file system should we use?
What types of processors?
Cluster Architecture?
Data Backup
Web based diagram

Introduction to Coast to Coast ... Show more content on ...

A client/server architecture is an end to end systems that contains server hosts (contains
the resources and services needed by the client) and clients (users or workstations in the
network). Most client/server networks have more than one client to a server so that the
system shares computing power. There are a few different kinds of servers to include
file sharing, printer services, email services, database services, web services, and a
server can used for it power. Clients can access all of these different servers at one time
and the servers can serve many clients. (Techopedia, 2014) For large businesses with
office throughout the country web based computing or cloud computing shows the
greatest benefit. In web based computing it is not the local computer doing all the work
but rather computers off site that do the work. The user s computer runs off of a cloud
computing system s interface software which uses the offsite network computers to do
the work.

What OS file system should we use? I would recommend a Windows OS and file
system. This is because Windows is straight forward. There may be too many
distributions of Linux, it s possible that this is hurting Linux in the marketplace. It could
be that the lack of a Linux distro from a major computer company is also hurting it in
the marketplace. (Horowitz, 2007) The type of architecture I would use is a web based
computing. This is

1.1 Ford Motor Company

Ford was the pioneer of the motor vehicle, just over 100 years ago.
Today, Ford Motor Company is a family of automotive brands consisting of: Ford,
Lincoln, Mercury, Mazda, Jaguar, Land Rover, Aston Martin, and Volvo, employing
350,321 (Yahoo Finance) workers in more than 200 countries. 1.2 Motor Industry

The American oligopoly in the motor industry, consisting of Ford,

General Motors and Chrysler, has suffered from poor financial results recently. As
reported by (16/06/03), the big three
US car makers are wrestling with the combined effects of over capacity, growing
competition from Europe and Japan, huge pension and health care costs, and a damaging
increase in ... Show more content on ...
The appendix contains a SWOT framework based on Ford and identifies some key points
for discussion. The majority of their strengths focus on their heritage or their reputation,
rather than material or financial strengths, such as efficient manufacturing. This hints at
an alarming lack of quality manufacturing within the group. The weaknesses tie in with
this identifying inefficient manufacturing techniques as compared to their Japanese and
European rivals, such as the lack of multi vehicle platforms, as discussed in, Detroit Tries
It the Japanese Way (Business Week, 3867, 76).

Whereas previously the battle between the big three hit the headlines regularly, it is
now the emergence of Toyota as a serious threat that has left Ford, GM and Chrysler
reeling. Their failure to adapt quickly has let in the competition from abroad and Ford s
financial results have suffered. This is particularly so in the traditionally strong markets
for Ford, such as the SUV (Sports Utility
Vehicle) and truck markets in the United States. Other manufacturers have started to
target these markets which has caught Ford off guard.

Also the failure of recent premium acquisitions in Europe (Jaguar,

Land Rover and Aston Martin) to merge operations effectively has drained resources into
an area in which Ford hoped would bring them considerable financial gain.

Referring back to the SWOT Analysis (see appendix) conducted on Ford, these more
product focused
Heart About Neutering Pets
In Why I ve Had a Change of Heart About Neutering Pets, author Dr. Karen Becker
explains to the reader about why sterilization is the best choice for dogs as oppose to
spaying or neutering dogs due to the increase of health risks. Dr. Becker believes all
organs are vital and none should be removed such as the ovaries and testes. By removing
these organs the animals ability to produce sex hormones is being halted. In the article
she states, scientific evidence is mounting that gonad removal can deliver serious
consequences to a dogs future health. Among those consequences: shortened lifespan,
Cushing s disease, cardiac tumors, bone cancer, abnormal bone growth and development,
CCL ruptures, and hip dysplasia (Becker, para 7). Throughout her years of private
practice as a Veterinarian, Dr. Becker had come to a conclusion that sterilization with
proper techniques... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, she explained the process and methods used for spaying and neutering
gets rid of vital organs the testes and ovaries. Becker said, a complete removal of the
gonads...can force the adrenal glands to produce sex hormones ( Becker para 33). This
means the adrenal glands over work themselves by doing extra work, and it s difficult
to keep up with the body s demand for sex hormones. Just like any other organ, every
organ is important for the body to function well. Removing these valuable organs would
be removing the bodies ability to produce significant sex hormone secreting tissues. She
uses variety of research studies on disorders and diseases linked to spaying and neutering
to support the fact that spaying and neutering worsens the health of a dog, whereas
sterilization would be the solution to the
Shakespeare Hermione Analysis
Shakespeare presents Hermione as a remarkable woman starting from her first utterance,
the personal pronoun I . This drives the audience to believe she is independent, which
connotes to freedom, allowing her to say to Leontes you, sir, charge him too coldly .
Also, this would have shocked traditional audiences as womanwere inferior and were
reliant on men as they were essentially possessions. Also, she only talks when Leontes
says speak you , as a defence in court she said she loved Polixenes even so and no other
than Leontes commanded . Furthermore, she addresses Leontes as sir not by his personal
name meaning he s superior showing Hermione s inferiority. Hermione could be argued
as normal as woman had no rights. As Hermione was impertinent to Leontes saying you,
sir, judge him too coldly . This would have shocked the traditional audiencebut instead of
telling Hermione off Leontes congratulates her saying well said Hermione . This shows
Leontes and Hermione s love. Shakespeare shows Hermione to be the better person and
Leontes as the tragic hero. Shakespeare could be being counter cultural conveying kings
are corruptible not (as believed in culture starting with James the 1) infallible.
Shakespeare is objecting to the divine rights of kings using Leontes as he is not adhering
to this concept. Shakespeare does this in most of his plays under king James for example
in Macbeth king Duncan makes a mistake (culturally unthinkable). Shakespeare uses a

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