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Educational Goal Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of "Educational Goal Essay" can be quite challenging. Firstly, it
requires introspection and self-analysis to identify one's educational goals clearly. This process can be
daunting as it involves assessing one's strengths, weaknesses, passions, and aspirations. It demands
deep reflection on past experiences, current circumstances, and future ambitions.

Furthermore, articulating these goals in a coherent and persuasive manner is no easy feat. It
necessitates effective communication skills to convey the significance of these goals, how they align
with one's academic and career trajectory, and the steps one intends to take to achieve them. Crafting
a compelling narrative that highlights personal growth, academic interests, and professional
aspirations requires careful planning and precise execution.

Moreover, there is the challenge of making the essay stand out amidst a sea of similar submissions.
Admissions committees often receive numerous essays on educational goals, so it's crucial to inject
originality and authenticity into the writing to capture their attention and leave a lasting impression.

Overall, writing an essay on educational goals demands a blend of self-reflection, persuasive writing
skills, and creativity to effectively convey one's aspirations and leave a memorable impact on the

At , you can find assistance with crafting essays on various topics, including
educational goals, ensuring your writing is compelling, coherent, and tailored to meet your specific
Educational Goal Essay Educational Goal Essay
Using Two Different Switching Switches And Hubs
In this lab, we have set up switched LAN using two different switching devices i.e
Switches and Hubs. Various performance metrics like throughput, collision count, traffic
received, traffic sent and delay are analysed by implementing the network with and
without switches. The network is then modified such that its maximum performance and
efficiency is achieved.
The main objective of this lab is to design a network with and without switches and
examine the network s parameters in both the scenarios. Two such scenarios were
created: 1) Only hub (where one hub is connected to 16 work stations) 2) Hub and
Switch (where 8 work stations are connected for two hubs and a switch connecting
them). Here, a hub is a device which ... Show more content on ...
The X and Y coordinates are set to 50. The name of Ethernet16_hub is set to Hub1.
Each work station is configured by changing its attributes to as shown in the image
below. This is done for all the sixteen work stations.

The next step is to Choose Individual DES statistics. For this project, various statistics
like Delay, Traffic received, Traffic sent and Collision count are selected.

The simulation is then run by selecting the duration to 2 minutes. The graph is as follows.

The red curve represents Traffic received, green represents Traffic sent and blue
represents Delay. From the graph, it is clear that the delay is almost negligible when it is
compared with the traffic sent and traffic received.
Now the current scenario is duplicated and named as HubAndSwitch. In this scenario, a
hub which is Ethernet16_hub and a switch which is Ethernet16_switch are added to the
work place by selecting from the object palette. The names are set as Hub2 and Switch
The network is then modified by placing the switch in between the two hubs and
connecting 8 work stations to each hub with 10Base T links. The network appears as
shown in this image below.

The DES statistics are same as that of the OnlyHub scenario. The results are obtained by
running the simulation and setting the duration to two minutes.
The Last Report On Miracles At The Little No Horse
Family, peer influence, nature versus nurture, religion, and formal schooling all have an
impact on making individuals unique. With so many factors shaping one s identity, it is
difficult to determine which play the most pivotal role in one coming into their own.
Most interestingly, identity is a controlling factor in motivating one s behavior and
actions. A common thread in shaping identity across all cultures is the role of spiritual
tradition. Through the characters in The Last Report on Miracles at the Little No Horse,
Louise Erdrich confronts individual and communal responses to that reality. Since
tradition is symbolic, not material, one can not physically hold on to their tradition. In
other words, an individual makes the conscious decision to allow or disallow tradition to
shape their own identity. Pauline Puyat is the product of cultural conflict, which shapes
her twisted, violent nature as a character, and through her Erdrich explores the winning of
the west from a non western perspective.
While some literary figures choose to continue along the lines of their cultural traditions,
others find flaws in traditional practices and decide to rebel against tradition. Marie
Kashpaw. Defying tradition is an interesting theme in literature, as well. Not all traditions
should be continued, such as the succession of abuse in the PUyat amily. Father Jude
knows nothing about Ojibwe culture, so he misses the undertow of clan meaning when
Father Damien explains that Sister
The Nine Satanic Beliefs
Satanists are Atheists with humanist philosophies. Members of the Church of Satan
believe that all gods were created by man. So their belief is, by worshiping these
invented gods, religious folk actually worship human inventors. The Church s belief is
that we, as humans, are responsible for ourselves and not to a god. Members value
characteristics such as pride, liberty, and other human traits that some religions consider
inappropriate. The Church aims to end the clash between religious policies and natural
inclinations so that members can live without guilt for doing these human instincts and
The Church of Satan was founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey. The religion began
in San Francisco and, over time, spread throughout the entire ... Show more content on ...
This means that responsibility and trust will go to those who are responsibility instead
of going to leeches who abuse their power. Leaders are determined, not by titles, but by
their actions and accomplishments. Real power and responsibility should be given to
those who can wield it and not to those who just demand it.
The seventh statement is, Satan represents man as just another animal. Satan represents
man as just another animal, sometimes better, sometimes not better than those that walk
on all fours. Elevating the human species as instantly superior to other animals is just
blatant self deceit. While our intellect as allowed us to accomplish fantastic things, which
should be appreciated, it can also be credited with terrible acts of cruelty throughout our
The eighth statement is, Satan represents all of the so called sins. This means that all
the so called sins, that lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification, that breaks a
moral or religious law, aren t actually bad and Satanism is strictly against following
such herding. When a Satanist avoids a certain action, it is because of personal,
concrete, reasons. Not because the bigger groups deem it bad. And when a Satanist
realizes and action that they indulged on is wrong, the response they are supposed to
have is to accept what they did is wrong, learn from it, and not do it again instead of
beating yourself up for the

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