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Uniforms In School Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Uniforms In School" can present both challenges and
opportunities for exploration. On one hand, the topic offers a structured framework, focusing on the
implications of school uniforms. However, delving into this subject requires a balance between
providing a comprehensive analysis and avoiding a repetitive or one-sided discussion.

To begin with, researching the diverse perspectives on school uniforms is crucial. Understanding the
reasons behind the implementation of uniforms, such as fostering a sense of unity or minimizing
socioeconomic disparities, is essential. On the flip side, exploring opposing viewpoints that argue
against the enforcement of uniforms, citing concerns about individual expression and potential
conformity, adds depth to the essay.

Developing a coherent structure is another obstacle. The essay should progress logically, covering
aspects like the history of school uniforms, their impact on student behavior and academic
performance, and the societal implications. Striking a balance between factual information and
persuasive arguments requires careful consideration.

Moreover, incorporating relevant statistics and real-life examples can enhance the essay's credibility.
Discussing case studies or citing reputable sources helps bolster the arguments and provides a more
well-rounded perspective on the topic.

The conclusion of the essay is crucial, as it should summarize the key points and reinforce the main
argument. Striking a balance between a strong conclusion that leaves a lasting impression and
avoiding redundancy is a delicate task.

In essence, tackling an essay on "Uniforms In School" demands careful research, thoughtful

organization, and a nuanced approach to the subject matter. While it may present its own set of
challenges, a well-crafted essay on this topic can offer valuable insights into the ongoing debate
surrounding school uniforms.

For those seeking assistance in essay writing or exploring a variety of topics, similar essays and more
can be found on .
Uniforms In School Essay Uniforms In School Essay
Measles Is A Contagious Disease
Introduction A few months ago thousands of people went on vacation to Disneyland to
enjoy time with their families, but also unexpectedly faced potential exposure to
measles. A disease that due to an effective vaccination program launched in the US in the
early 1960 s was thought to be eradicated (Orenstein, 2004). This amusement park was a
perfect medium for the airborne virus to find new hosts and with the increased number of
unvaccinated children this provided the perfect circumstances for an outbreak to take
occur. Measlesis a highly contagious, serious disease caused by a virus, (Measles, n.d).
The United States had 668 record cases of measles in 27 states, in 2014. This is the
highest number of cases documented since 2000 (Measles Cases and Outbreaks, 2015).
Among the 110 individuals infected during the Disneyland outbreak, 45% were
unvaccinated, 43% were unknown/undocumented, 6% has two doses of the vaccine, 5%
only had one dose of the vaccine, and 1% had three doses (Zipprich, 2015).
The recommended vaccination protocol is to initiate between 12 to 15 months and
provide a second dose when children enter elementary school. A single MMR vaccine
could cause maternal antibodies to be less effective if the vaccine is given before 12 15
months of age. From the Disneyland data 67% parents had decided not to vaccinate their
children and themselves due to personal beliefs, this included 18 children and 10 adults
(Zipprich, 2015). With this outbreak it is amazing to
Analysis Of The Dead By Billy Collins
The Dead by Billy Collins is an excellent poem about people who have died and what
they do while they are in heaven. Collins describes them as rowing through eternity (line
4) and looking down on us through their glass bottomed boats (line 3). The poem even
has an animation, that shows the animator, Juan Delcan of the group called Spontaneous,
and the animationshows his point of view on what the poem is and what it means to him.
The poem has many poetic devices, and an animation made of it that describes The Dead,
that can help or hinder ones understanding of Billy Collins poem.
Billy Collins s poem The Dead uses many poetic devices throughout the poem. The
whole poem is an open form poem, meaning that it has no specific style, such as
rhyming. The poem also personified, as the dead are animated, and they seem to be
alive as they look down on the people of earth. Billy Collins has also thrown in some
alliteration, line two has two s words and it is shoes or making a sandwich. . . , the other
example of alliteration that Collins put in was two b words in line three bottom boats of
heaven. . . throughout the poem, there is also examples of enjambment; as there is no
break between lines. Lines three and four have this they are looking down through the
glass bottom boats of heaven/as they row themselves through eternity. Lines nine and ten
is the other example of enjambment, as they say, which makes them lift their oars and
fall silent/and wait, like

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