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Piaget Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of Piaget presents a unique set of challenges due to the complexity
and depth of the topic. Jean Piaget's contributions to developmental psychology are extensive,
covering areas such as cognitive development, learning theories, and the stages of intellectual growth
in children. To create a comprehensive and insightful essay, one must delve into Piaget's theories,
understand their implications, and critically analyze their relevance in contemporary psychological

The difficulty lies in the need to synthesize a vast amount of information, including Piaget's key
concepts, research methodologies, and the criticisms his theories have faced over time. Moreover,
addressing the practical applications and implications of Piagetian principles adds another layer of
complexity to the essay. It requires a careful balance between summarizing complex psychological
theories and providing a nuanced analysis of their impact on understanding human development.

In addition, discussing the contemporary relevance of Piaget's ideas and how they have influenced
current educational practices demands a thorough examination of both historical and modern
perspectives. The essay should also consider alternative viewpoints and recent research that either
supports or challenges Piaget's framework.

Overall, writing an essay on Piaget requires not only a solid grasp of developmental psychology but
also critical thinking skills to evaluate and synthesize information effectively. It necessitates the
ability to communicate complex ideas in a clear and coherent manner, ensuring that the reader gains a
deep understanding of Piaget's theories and their broader implications.

For those seeking assistance in navigating such intricate topics, various resources, including writing
services, can offer support. Platforms like provide access to professional writers
who can help with research, analysis, and essay composition on a wide range of subjects, allowing
individuals to tackle complex topics with confidence.
Piaget Essay Piaget Essay
Kite Runner Social Divisions
Joel Huff
Period 2
November 19, 2010

Social Divisions

Two main themes in the novel The Kite Runner are that of social class and gender roles.
Everywhere that Amir, the main protagonist, turns, society is divided. From his earliest
childhood memories to living in America, there always seems to be some sort of invisible
line drawn between his people. There is separation between the Pashtuns and the Hazaras,
between Americans and Afghans, between men and women, and between the Talibs and
the people of Afghanistan. Afghanistan is the land of Pashtuns. It always has been,
always will be. We are the true Afghans, the pure Afghans, not this Flat Nose here. His
people pollute our homeland, our wantan. They dirty our blood.... ... Show more content
on ...
Soraya, daughter of the war hero, General Taheri, was hit especially hard by this
gossip, and it traveled with them to Los Angeles. Though she tells Amir about the
horrible past she has, Amir still pursues marriage with her, loving her all the same.
How could I, of all people, chastise someone for their past? This shows a common
double standard in the Afghan culture that also exists in our culture, to an extent. Their
sons go out to nightclubs looking for meat and get their girlfriends pregnant, they have
kids out of wedlock and no one says a goddamn thing. Oh, they re just men having fun!
I make one mistake and suddenly everyone is talking nang and namoos and I have to
have my face rubbed in it for the rest of my life. To add to the extremity that Afghans
see this sin as, after he made Soraya come home, Soraya s father sat her in a chair,
handed her a pair of scissors, and

Joel Huff 4 calmly told her to cut off all her hair. He watched while she did it, his pride
hurt more than hers. Along with the distinct division of men and women even in
America, there was also a class division between Americans and Afghans. While the
Americans had all white collar jobs, Afghans were given the blue collar jobs, despite
some of them being professionals back in their homeland. Amir s father, once a rich and
powerful businessman, was forced to take up odd jobs and transactions to get by. He
sold his Buick and bought a
Dionysus Research Paper
Dionysus : He is the god of fertility of nature and men, wine and intoxicated ecstasy. He
is also the of of God of Theater and is also considered to be a bringer of destruction and
delight . Dionysus is the son of Semele ( a mortal woman) and Zeus. There are numerous
myths surrounding his birth, one being that after Semele s death, Dionysuswas saved by
being sown in Zeuss thigh. There are numerous festivals which are celebrated in
Dionysus honor, like Anthesteria and Country Dionysia. Dionysus ends up marrying
Ariadne, who is the daughter of king Minos. Dionysus is important for the study of
Greek Myth because he defies categorization. For example , he is a twice born god, he
was raised as a girl and he is the immortal who died. Additionally,
Classic Haemophilia
Haemophilia is an inherited blood clotting disorder where the blood doesn t clot
properly because there isn t enough clotting factor VIII or IX in the blood of someone
who is affected by haemophilia (ref). There are two types of haemophilia. The most
common form, Haemophilia A, or Classic Haemophilia, affects people who are deficient
in factor VIII and Haemophilia B, or Christmas Disease, affects people who are
deficient in factor IX. Haemophilia can also be referred to as the royal disease
because it affected royal families in England, Germany, Russia and Spain in the 19th
and 20th centuries. Queen Victoria from the English royal family is believed to have
carried the altered gene of haemophilia having a factor XI deficiency. In Australia there
are approximately 3000 people affect by haemophilia and majority of them are males,
with severe haemophilia extremely rare in females, but some females do have lower
factor levels and bleeding symptoms. Abnormal bleedings had first been recorded
hundreds of years ago, but wasn t announced publicly until 1803 when a physician from
Philadelphia, John Conrad Otto, published an article about a hemorrhagic bleeding
disorder that affect mainly males.... Show more content on ...
It carries the information required for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce.
Genes hold the information that determines a person s characteristics that are inherited
from the parents. A normal genetic makeup contains 22 pairs of chromosomes and 2
sex chromosomes, having a total of 46 chromosomes. A genetic disorder is a condition
that is caused by an altered gene that is passed from a parent to their child, a gene is
either changed or missing, or the information in a chromosome breaks up and the parts
reform in a different pattern
Detecting and Responding to Malicious Misbehavior in...
INTRODUCTION Owing to the developed technology and cheap prices, wireless
networks have increased more preferences over wired networks in the previous few
decades.Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is agroup of mobile nodes armed with both a
wirelesstransmitter and a receiver that connect with each othervia bidirectional wireless
links either directly or indirectly.One of themajor benefits of wireless networks is it
allows data to be communicated between different parties and still maintaintheir
movement. The main factor in this type of communication is range of transmitters.That
is the node which is outside the range of one node cannot communicate with the other
node which is outside its range.This difficulty in MANET is resolved by letting... Show
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In areas where wired infrastructure is not possible MANETS can be easily deployed.
Theyare free from any fixed infrastructureor base stations.Base stations are absent and
each and every node in the MANET network co operate in forwarding packets in the
network. II EXISTING SYSTEM IDS in MANETs Each node in MANETs accept that
other nodescontinuouslywork together with each other to transmit data.If MANET
can detectthe attackers immediately as they enter the network, we will beable to
completely eradicate the possiblecompensationsproduced bycompromised nodes at the
first time. In this section, we mainly describe three existing Approaches namely, 1)
Watchdog, 2) TWOACK, and3) Adaptive ACKnowledgment (AACK)
A)WATCHDOG Watchdog is a technique used for intrusion detection in Mobile ad
hoc networks.There is no any fixed infrastructure for MANETs.Each node in multihop
MANET forwards the packets to the next node and so the battery power, CPU time
and memory are used up. From a pool of nodes in MANET some nodes are unwilling
to forward the nodes to the next node. Such kinds of nodes are called the Selfish
Nodes. Selfish nodes are unwilling to forward the packets in order to save their battery
power, memory and CPU time.As, a selfish node will not cooperate in the transmission
of packets which affects the network performance very badly. Watchdog detects this kind
of selfish nodes in the mobile adhoc networks. Collaborative watchdog
Oedipus Tragic Flaw
Tragedy as told by Aristotle is an imitation of an action that is admirable, complete (
composed of an introduction, a middle part and an ending), and possesses magnitude. A
tragedy is effective through pity and fear, the actual purification of such emotions.
Tragedy is the branch of drama explained in a dignified style such as the sorrowful or
terrible events encountered or caused by a heroic individual. Oedipusthe King is not a
tragedy. Oedipus doesn t hold the qualities of a tragedy, his story isn t relatable, his
actions aren t admirable, and it isn t complete . Although the story does boost through
pity and fear and the events that led up to Oedipus downfall it lacks tragic flaw.
Oedipus has hubris, would could be his tragic flaw, but it wouldn t classify as having
enough magnitude to put his story on the map of being... Show more content on ...
Though some of his actions today s audience might find hard to stomach down.. In the
beginning of the play, when the people of Thebes are suffering, Oedipus makes it clear
that the pain felt by his people is also felt by himself, and that he will do anything to
make them happy again.. Oedipus was willing to help his people, rather than turn his
back to them. It bothers him to know that Laius murderer hasn t been caught all these
years; indeed, it is the fact that justice has not been served in this matter which springs
him into action. A strong commitment to justice reflects a belief in the moral
structure of right and wrong. Oedipus could be considered a tragedy because he has
hubris that is his pride makes him blind to the truth. He refuses to listen to Tiresias,
who says that Oedipus was the one who killed his father, Laius. He is tragic because he
struggles against the forces of his fate and pity of the prophecy due to his weakness,
which puts fear in the audience. Thus, he is an perfect example of a tragic hero for
causing his own downfall, falling from his own grounds and facing undeserved
The Abilene Paradox
If you have ever found yourself in a situation where you agreed with a group of people
to take an action, even if you believed that the outcome will definitely be the opposite
of what you wanted to achieve, just because you felt that you will be ridiculed or
because you feared about separation from the group, then you probably caught yourself
in the nets of a paradox, The Abilene Paradox .
Abilene paradox is the phenomenon when a group of people agrees to an action which is
opposed to the feelings and thoughts of the individual members of the group. Jerry B.
Harvey, Emeritus Professor of Management at the George Washington University,
introduced this term in his article The Abilene Paradox: The Management of Agreement
in 1974. The name Abilene comes from an anecdote he used in his article which ... Show
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Members of the organization privately, as individuals, understand the problem or the
situation that the organization faces and as individuals again decide about the
appropriate solution for the problem. But when the time comes to take a decision as a
group, individuals fail to communicate their thoughts to the other members of the
organization, because they mistakenly think that their own choices are against group
believes. Therefore they are driven to make collective decisions which are totally
different from what they really wanted to do and the consequences of their actions are
to sharpen problems of the organization instead of solving them and also to create
anger and dissatisfaction among the members of the group, which commit subgroups
and blame the others for the downstream of the organization. All of the above seem to
be absurd as members of the group having fully aware of what they are doing, are
taking actions which are damned to fail. However there are more deep psychological
reasons for these reactions which are analysed

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