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When you pick the Orruk Warclans faction for your army. you_can say that it will be a Gnmta Stampede anny
ofre.nowu. lfyou do so, use the rules on these pages. Every unit in your arrny must have the OnnuK WARCLANS
keyword and either the MAW-GRUNTA or GonE-GRUNTAs keyword. Everyunil in your army gains the

Jmt befare the stampede crashes headlong into HOGSOFWAR
the e11emy /i11es, tire Tuskboss bel/ows a n¡ighty Other gruntas roce at the flanks of the Maw-gnmtas,
'Waaagh!; e.ncouraging the /adz and their steeds eage,· to crunch dowu on the gory mes.s ca.used by the
cause as nmch carnage as possible with theír impact. rampages of their larger cousins.

Once per battle, at the start of your cnarge phase, Friendly GoRE-GRUNTAS units gain the Battleline
you can pick 1 friendly MAw-GRUNTA general on battlefield role.
the battlefield and say that they are calling a Grunta
Waaaghl. lf you do so, untíl the end oJ that phase, 'ERE W E COM.EI
add 1 to charge rolls made for friendly units, in Once a gnmta stampede gets going and the hogs are
addition, each time a friendly MA.W-GRUNTA model ni/ riled up, there are few forces in the rea/ms with
finishes a charge move, each enemy unit within J" the power to halt fts 111ome11tum.
of that MAW-GRUNTA model suffers D3 mortal
wouods. During thefirst and secondbattle rounds, do not
SMASHING AND BASHING subtract 1 from the momentum i;core of friendly
In the combat phase, after a friendly IRONJAWZ unit has fought, MAW-GRUNTA units at the end of each turn.
if any enemy units were destroyed by an attack made by that unit,
you can pick 1 friendly IRONJAWZ unit that has not yet fought in
that combat phase and that is within 3" of an enemy unit. That
friendly IRONJAWZ unit fights immediately.
When you carry out a monstrous
rampage with a friendlyMAW-GRlTNTA, you can carryout 1 of tbe

monstrous rampages below inslead of any othe.r momtrous rampage you can carry out w1th that unit.

Gr eedy Gobble: You canonly carry out this monstrous rampa ge with a unit that has a
mo mentum score of 3 or less. Pick 1 enemy modelw,thin 3" of il and rolla dice. Ifthe roll ,sal
least double that model's Wounds characleristic, it is slain and this unit heals D3 allocated

ChargeDown: You con onJy carry out this monstrous rampage wlth a unit that made a chargc
rnove this turn. 'Ihat unit can make a D6" move but must finish that move "'ithin 3" of any
enemy uníu. Toen, add I to the momentum score of that unit.

Tus1<soss general only. TUSKBOSS only.

Monsta Hunta: 11,is heal'ily scurred orruk is Da Boom Skull: 11,e Waaagli! maglc i111bt1ed
always on the lookoutfor tl,e largest and most wlthin this gru11t·a sku/1 amplifies tf,e bearer's voice
ferocious beasts of the realms. After al/, t/ieir into a clwnderous roar that shakes l/1e battlefield.
sku/1s make the flashicst trophies!
1l1e bearer can issue commands to any frieodl)'
lmprove lhe Rend charncteristic of this gencrnl's unit on the battlefield. ln additlon, each time the
Pig-hacka by 1 for attac.ks that target an bearer issues a command, you can pick 1 enemy
enemy MONSTER. unit within 3" of lhem and roll a tlíce. On a 3+,
thal unil suffers l mortal wound.

You can pickup lo 3 friendly MAW-GRUNTA unjts to GRAND STRATEGY
each have l dltferent mount trait from the table below.
lfyou pick u umt that has more than l modcl, cach WHERE1Z WE GOlN'?
model in that unit has the mount tralt. Grunta Stampede army only.

Hcad ofDa Herd: Vvhen the battleends, you

SUPA-SNORTAZ complete this grand strntegy if your general had
a momentmn score of6 at any point during lhe
Propa 'Ard: 11,c thlck learhery hide of tl,is beast is ba1 tle and ha.� not been slain.
a/most as to11gli as its plg-il'on armour.

When this unit is targeted by an attack, worsen BATTLE TACTICS

the Rend characteristic of the weapon used for that
attack by 1. In addition, substract 1 from wound rolls WOT'S NEXI?
for attacks that target this unit. Grunta Stampede army only.

PropaNasty: J11junng t/1is bet1s;f only serves to Out ofContro]: You complete this battle tactlc if
make it even a11gr./er and moreferocious. you carry out Greedy Gobblc, Charge Down and
2 other monstrous rampages this tu.rn.
Add l to hit rolb and wound rolls for attacks
made with melee weapons by this unlt's mount(s) Da Boss Leads Da Way: You complete this
if any wounds or mortal wounds were allocated battle tactic if, during turn, your general
to this unit in tht' same phase. calls a Grunta Waaagh! and any enemy units are
destroyed by attacks made by your general or
Propa Wild: lmpetuor,s a111l greedy, tli is benst abililies used by your general tlus turn.
c11m10t conrro/ lL� 11rges to ru11 down the enemy.
Full-specd Stampede: You complete Llm battle
At che end of the enemy chargc phase, befo re any Lactic if, al the end ofthe tura, lhere ar� 3 or more
momtrous rampages are carried out, lf this unll friendly MAW·GRUNTA units on the battldidd
is more than 3" from all enemy units but within that each have a mornenlum score ofS-t-.
12" of any enemy units, you can roll a dice. On a
2+, th1s unil can attempt a charge.


MELEEWEAPONS Range Attacks To Hit ToWound Rend Damage
Gouger Choppa and Axe 1" 4 3+ 3+ -2 2

Mighty Tusks 2" 2 3+ 3+ -3
Trampling Trotters 1" 4 3+ 3+ -1 D3
Kill-choppas 2" 2 3+ 3+ 2

Momentum Score Move Kill-chopp as MightyTusks
9" -1 D3
2-3 10" -1 D3+1
4-5 11" -2 D3+2
6 12" -3 D3+3
A Maw-grunta with Hakkin' Krew is Unstoppable Momentum: Once a
ridden by an Ardboy armed with a Maw-grunta begins its charge, it can
Gouger Clwppa and Axe. 011/y stop by crashing into something,
and as i ts speed i ncreases, it becomes
ELITE: Models in this unit can issue ever more deadly.
commands to their own unit.
1his unit has a momentum score that
MOUNT: 1his unit's Maw-grunta affects the values represented by a ♦ for
is armed with Mighty Tusks and this unit as shown on the momentum
Trampling Trotters. table above. Al the start of the battle,
CREW: 1hisunit's Hakkin' Krew is this unit has a momentum score of l.
armed with Kill-choppas. Each time this unit finishes a run or
charge move, add D3 to its momentum
score.1his unit's momentum score can
never exceed 6. At the end of each t urn,
subt ract 1 from this unit 's momentum
score (to a minimum of 1).
Headlong Charger: Once a Maw-grunta
begins its charge, 011/y the strongest of
blows can bril1g it to a hall.
While this unit has a momentum score
of 4 or more, this unit can charge even if
it ran earlier in the turn.
Hack 'n' Charge: 7/ie job of the Hakkin'
Krew is to c/ear a path through hordes
o enem ies to ensure the Maw-gnmta
mai11tai11s its momentum.
You can carry out the Carve a Path
monstrous rampage below with this
uni t instead of any ot her monstrous
rampage you can carry out with
this unit.


Carve a Path: Pick an enemy unit with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or less within 3" of
this unit and roll a dice. If the roll is less than this unit's momentum score, that enemy unit
suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the roll and you can immediately attempt a
charge with this unit even though it is within 3" of an enemy unit. When a unit charges in
this manner, it can pass across enemy units with a Wounds characteristic of 4 or less in the
same manner as a unit that can fly.




ELITE: Models in this unit can

issue commands to their own

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