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Question 1: Who starred as Bruce Wayne and Batman in Tim Burton's 1989 movie


Correct Answer: Michael Keaton


- George Clooney

- Val Kilmer

- Adam West

Question 2: In "Homestuck" the "Kingdom of Darkness" is also

known as?

Correct Answer: Derse


- Skaia

- Prospit

- The Medium

Question 3: If someone said "you are olid", what would they mean?

Correct Answer: You smell extremely unpleasant.

- You are out of shape/weak.

- Your appearance is repulsive.

- You are incomprehensible/an idiot.

Question 4: What is generally considered to be William Shakespeare's birth date?

Correct Answer: April 23rd, 1564


- July 4th, 1409

- September 29th, 1699

- December 1st, 1750

Question 5: What fast food chain has the most locations globally?

Correct Answer: Subway


- Starbucks

- McDonalds


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