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Activity # 1 on Human Resource Planning
1. Importance of Human Resource Planning in achieving company’s goals and objectives:
Human Resource Planning (HRP) plays a crucial role in helping a company achieve its goals
and objectives in several ways:
a. Strategic Alignment: HRP ensures that the organization's workforce is aligned with its strategic
goals. It helps in identifying the skills and competencies required to meet those goals.
b. Talent Acquisition: Effective HRP allows the company to anticipate its future talent needs. It
ensures that the right people with the right skills are available when needed, reducing recruitment
costs and improving employee quality.
c. Resource Allocation: HRP helps in efficient allocation of human resources, preventing
overstaffing or understaffing issues that can hamper productivity and financial performance.
d. Succession Planning: It facilitates succession planning, ensuring a pipeline of talent for
leadership positions and critical roles, reducing disruptions during leadership changes.

2. How to manage human resource surplus:

Managing human resource surplus, or overstaffing, is important to maintain organizational
efficiency and control costs. Here are some strategies to manage surplus human resources:
a. Attrition and Natural Turnover: Allow natural attrition to reduce the surplus by not replacing
employees who leave voluntarily. This can be achieved through hiring freezes.
b. Temporary Reassignments: Consider temporarily reassigning surplus employees to other
departments or projects where their skills can be utilized until demand increases.
c. Training and Development: Invest in training and development programs to upskill employees
for future roles within the organization.
d. Voluntary Redundancy Programs: Offer voluntary redundancy packages to employees willing
to leave the organization voluntarily.
e. Reduced Work Hours: Implement reduced work hours or job-sharing arrangements to distribute
available work among surplus employees.

3. Which is more difficult to handle: human resource surplus or shortage? Give your explanation:
Handling human resource surplus and shortage each comes with its own set of challenges, but
the difficulty can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the organization. =
- Human Resource Surplus: Managing surplus can be challenging because it may lead to
increased labor costs, reduced employee morale, and underutilization of resources. The
difficulty arises from the need to make tough decisions such as layoffs or reassignments,
which can have negative consequences on employee engagement and company culture. It
also requires careful planning to avoid legal and ethical issues associated with downsizing.
- Human Resource Shortage: Dealing with a shortage of human resources can be equally, if
not more, challenging. Shortages can lead to missed business opportunities, increased
workload on existing employees, and potential burnout. Recruiting and training new employees
quickly enough to meet demand can be a significant challenge, especially if specific skills are
in short supply. It may also require offering higher salaries or benefits to attract and retain
talent, which can strain the budget.

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