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TITLE: Insufficient drainage infrastructure causes flooding during heavy rains in Payawan. Advocacy Campaign Proposal 1. Improvement of Drainage System As | observed in the place of Payawan one of their poor situational awareness is Drainage system, they need to give an eye on this matter to improve the environment of the city. If this problem cannot be solve then a lot of people will suffer in this environmental conditions which may cause a risk to there lives like an illness, landslides or mudflows. 2. Retention ponds and Basin As we step in new era, our communities grow faster as we experience climate change one of the good solution ina matter of flooding is to improve the ponds and basin of our places, every increases of water need to divert it so we need to build a basin to collect the water and release it, at this rate we can prevent flooding or erosion. 3. Green Infrastructure One of the cause of flood or landslide is having a lack of trees or green plants. In order to make our city look beautiful and improved we need to establish green infrastructure because it can gives as a natural environment and engineered system to provide us clean water. Green Infrastructured also enhance our community safety and good environment. 4. Elevated Roads and Walkways our road here need to improved like widening of roads and a proper walkways, a lot of people got an accidents because of our poor roads that needs to be develop. 5. Community awareness and preparedness Based on experience one of the things to be improved is our community awareness and preparedness, a lot of natural disaster happened but our local community and government still don't have a proper solution on this matter and | do really suggest that every barangay should have a shelter to stay in case of emergency so that people can stay there if there is a disaster or environmental issue as a result many people will be safe and save. 6. Urban Planning | agree on this matter in order to havea good and better environment we need to urbanize our areas to meet the needs of our community. | know that if our province will be urbanize a lot of things will be change the roads, buildings and also our environment but this also improves the lives of our city. 7. Infrastructure Investment This is also a good solution in our problem if we have a proper Infrastructure investment then we have a better development and maintenance in our economic and social activities. It makes a lot easier the transportation, communication and etc.

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