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CLASS – XI SUBJECT –Physical Education

Physical Fitness and Wellness


What do you mean by the term 'physique'? Explain the
body types in detail.
Meaning of Physique :-
The word 'physique' has been derived from the Latin word 'physicus' which
means 'physical". It can be defined as the natural constitution or a physical
structure of a person. In other words, it can be said that the general
appearance of the body with regard to size, shape and muscular development is
called physique.

Body Types :-
It is a fact in this world that no two persons are all alike. There are various types
of individual differences among them. Even the twins are not all alike. They are
also quite different with each other in various terms. It has also been observed
that even physically, they are also different. Some are tall and some are short,
some are fatty and some are thin or skinny. Owing to such differences, it is a
very difficult, intricate and complex task to classify the individuals. No doubt,
there are individual differences but even then there is also a similarity in various
characteristics of those individuals. On this basis of similar traits, some of the
psychologists put their endeavors to classify them. Not only, they tried to
classify the individuals physically but also mentally and practically. We are also
well aware that there are various types of physical activities, games and sports.
In fact, different types of characteristics are required in different types of
activities, games and sports. Each and every individual can not reach at the
apex level in each game. Therefore, the classification of students becomes even
more important for a teacher in the field of physical education and sports
because he can teach various physical activities, games and sports in a better
and effective way to the students after having proper classification on the basis
of physical , mental and practical.

Define Physical fitness and elucidate the importance of
physical fitness and wellness.

Physical Fitness:-
Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the
ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical
fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous
physical exercise, and sufficient rest along with a formal recovery plan.
Physical fitness is achieved through exercise, among other factors.

Before the Industrial Revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out
the day's activities without undue fatigue or lethargy. However, with
automation and changes in lifestyles, physical fitness is now considered a
measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and
leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, improve immune
system and to meet emergency situations.

To put it simply, physical activity and exercise is important for everyone.
Children, adolescents, and adults of all ages need regular physical activity.
Physical activity promotes good health, and you should stay active throughout
all stages of your life regardless of your body type or BMI.

Understanding the benefits of physical fitness and knowing how active you
should be can help you maintain good health and improve your overall quality

of life. Here are a few benefits of regular physical activity that demonstrate the
importance of physical fitness.

Save money
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, chronic diseases
cause 7 out of 10 deaths in the U.S., and treating chronic diseases accounts for
86% of U.S. healthcare costs. While some diseases cannot be prevented, you
can reduce your risk for certain disease – such as heart disease and diabetes –
through reducing risky behaviors and living a healthy lifestyle.

Making healthy choices, such as engaging in regular physical activity, can reduce
your risk for many health issues and complications that can result in expensive
medical care.

Increase your life expectancy

Numerous studies have shown that regular physical activity increases life
expectancy and reduces the risk of premature mortality. There’s not a magic
formula that translates hours of physical activity into hours of life gained, but
research suggests that people who are more active tend to be healthier and
tend to live longer.

Reduce your risk of injury

Regular exercise and physical activity increase muscle strength, bone density,
flexibility, and stability. Physical fitness can reduce your risk for and resilience to
accidental injuries, especially as you get older. For example, stronger muscles
and better balance mean that you’re less likely to slip and fall, and stronger
bones mean that your less likely to suffer bone injuries should you take a

A sedentary lifestyle and a lack of physical activity can take a toll on a person’s
body. Physical inactivity is associated with an increased risk for certain types of
cancer, numerous chronic diseases, and mental health issues. Exercise,
however, has been shown to improve mood and mental health, and provides
numerous health benefits. Of course physical fitness also allows you to do things
that you may not otherwise be able to do.

Stay active
Staying active and healthy allows you to do activities that require a certain level
of physical fitness. For example, hiking to the top of a mountain is a rewarding
experience that instills a sense of accomplishment and provides spectacular
scenery, but there are people who cannot experience this due to fitness

But even walking around the zoo with your family or playing on the playground
with your children can be challenging for those who neglect physical activity for
extended periods of time. Being active means that it’s easier to stay active as
you get older.

Improve your health

There are numerous health advantages to physical fitness. Regular exercise and
physical activity promotes strong muscles and bones. It improves respiratory,
cardiovascular health, and overall health. Staying active can also help you
maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes, heart disease,
and reduce your risk for some cancers.

Explain the components of health related physical fitness in

i) Cardiovascular endurance:
the ability to perform exercises at moderate-to-vigorous intensities for a
prolonged period of time.
ii) Muscular strength:
how much force your muscles can exert or how heavy weights they can lift.
iii) Muscular endurance:
the ability of your muscles to sustain exercise for a period of time.
iv) Flexibility:
the ability to move muscles and joints through a full range of motion.
v) Body composition:
your body’s ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass like muscle and bone.
Explain classification of Sheldon in details.

Sheldon classification of personality: Sheldon based his classification on the
temperamental and physical characteristics to provide three types of

(a) Endomorphic: These individuals are pear shaped. These individuals have
short arms and legs. They have large amount of fat on their body. Strength
sports are suitable to these individuals. They easily gain weight. They have
round, fat and soft bodies, are fond of food, easy going. slow in reaction and
(b) Mesomorphic: These individuals have a well developed, rugged and
athletic body. They are adventurous, assertive, courageous and having a liking
for physical activity. They individuals excel in strength, speed and agility
activities. The.v have broad shoulders with muscled arms and legs.
(c) Ectomorphic: They have a weak, fragile and delicate body build. These
individuals have a narrow chest, shoulders, abdomen and hip, with lean
muscles. They do not gain weight easily. They are reserved, anxious, pessimistic
and having inhibition towords physical activity.

What do you mean by Body Mass Index? Explain the
procedure of calculation of Body Mass Index with an example.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms (or pounds) divided by
the square of height in meters (or feet). A high BMI can indicate high body
fatness. BMI screens for weight categories that may lead to health problems,
but it does not diagnose the body fatness or health of an individual.


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