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CPSC 1030 – Web Development I

Lab1: [20 marks] Introduction to the Internet and WWW

 Look up the IP address of a website
 Review a website
1. Read Chapter 1 of the textbook.
2. Create a new folder named CPSC1030 inside your computer
3. Create a new folder named Labs under your CPSC1030 folder.
4. Create a new folder named Lab1 under your CPSC1030\Labs folder.
5. Save this file as CPSC1030Lab1Ans.docx under the new folder Lab1 and enter
the answers for each of the following questions into CPSC1030Lab1Ans.docx.

What to do

1. [2 marks] Use the following website (IP Address and DNS Lookup) to determine
your current IP address.

2. [3 marks] Use the website above to lookup the following domain names and
record the resulting IP addresses:


3. [15 marks] Visit a website that interests you. Write a one-page summary of the site
that addresses the following topics:

a. What is the URL of the site?

b. What is the purpose of the site?
c. Who is the intended audience?
d. Do you think that the site reaches its intended audiences? Why or why not?
e. Is the site useful to you? Why or why not?
f. Does this site appeal to you? Why or why not? Consider the use of color,
images, multimedia, organization, and ease of navigation.
g. Would you encourage others to visit this site? Why or why not?
h. How could this site be improved?

What to hand in

 Upload CPSC1030Lab1Ans.docx to BrightSpace

When to hand in
 By 11:59pm, Tuesday, September 12, 2023

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