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Media Topics For Essays

Writing an essay on the topic of "Media Topics For Essays" can be quite challenging for several
reasons. Firstly, the media landscape is vast and constantly evolving, making it difficult to narrow
down specific themes or issues to discuss. Additionally, the media encompasses various forms such
as print, broadcast, digital, and social media, each with its own complexities and implications.

Furthermore, delving into media topics often requires a nuanced understanding of communication
theories, media literacy, cultural studies, and sometimes even legal frameworks. This necessitates
thorough research and critical analysis to effectively explore the chosen subject matter.

Moreover, the media is a multifaceted entity that intersects with numerous other fields including
politics, sociology, psychology, and technology. This interdisciplinary nature adds another layer of
complexity to crafting a coherent and insightful essay.

Navigating through the vast amount of information available on media topics can also be
overwhelming, requiring careful selection and evaluation of sources to ensure credibility and

In conclusion, while writing an essay on "Media Topics For Essays" can be daunting due to the
breadth and depth of the subject matter, with dedication, thorough research, and critical thinking,
one can produce a compelling piece that sheds light on important issues within the media landscape.

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Media Topics For EssaysMedia Topics For Essays
Alfred Hitchcock North By Northwest
Just when you thought Hitchcock couldn t do it any better, he does. North by
Northwest is yet another classic Alfred Hitchcock espionage thriller which is said by
many to be the Hitchcock picture to end all Hitchcock pictures . Myself, along with
many others have listed North by Northwest as one of the greatest films of all time. It
was selected in 1995 for preservation in the National FilmRegistry by the United States
Library of Congress, as being culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant .

Roger Thornhill (Cary Grant) is an advertising executive who was mistaken as a

government spy who ends up in a chase across the country. While evading both capture
from authorities and the mysterious group of thugs chasing him,
Implementing Sustainability And Adaptation For Sustainability
Incorporating sustainability and adaptation

Mayukwayukwa is a refugee settlement in Zambia that is home to over 11,000
refugees (Engineers Without Border, 2016). The town was established in 1966 and
relies on diesel generators to power there boring devices (1). However, these generators
only run for a few hours a day leaving the community to hand pump for the remainder of
their water supply. The design that is proposed in the design section of the report will
function all day and through the night to combat this issue. This report will also
demonstrate how climate change is an issue related to sustainability. It will demonstrate
how these issues are incorporated into the design of the project for the people of
Mayukwayukwa. ... Show more content on ...
However, the generators only run for a few hours a day due to insufficient funds for
diesel. During the time the generators are not running the staff have to walk to the closest
borehole to collect the water for use (Engineers Without Border, 2016). This is where the
design could be integrated into the community. Implementing solar, and wind boring
systems running simultaneously to bore the water in to tank storage facilities. This
solution runs without labour and without the need for fossil fuels. This would mean, a
constant supply of water for the health clinic. This allows the nurses to focus on the
patients rather than retrieving water.

Possible sustainable measures to be incorporated into the design:

Table 1:

1.Minimum environmental footprint (including embedded energy)
1.Efficient and effective
1.Benefits to outweigh the cost
2.Low cost over time

The following paragraph explains how the design is influenced by the triple bottom line
shown in table 1 to promote sustainability.
The design is environmentally sustainable as none of the material required to build these
systems are wood, eliminating the factor of deforestation. Also, the design eliminates the
need for fossil fuel generators, mitigating the ongoing cost to the community to supply
diesel to the generators. This is one of the reasons why the design is economically
sustainable. Alternate reasoning is the design cost nothing to maintain
Figurative Language And Imagery InJuggler, By Richard
The poem Juggler describes how the tricks the juggler acts out for the crowd amaze and
intrigue them. In the poem Juggler by Richard Wilbur, the author uses imagery,
figurative language and tone to describe the juggler as someone who brings happiness
and fun to others.
The use of imagery, figurative language, and tone are used to describe the juggler and
reveal the speaker s own views about the world.
Throughout the poem the author uses imagery to describe the juggler s appearance and
the tricks he is accomplishing in his show. For example, Wilbur states, it takes a sky
blue juggler with five red shake our gravity up. (lines 6 7). The author s
description of the juggler as someone who can shake our gravity up (line 7) shows that
the juggler is someone who has a tremendous impact on the audience and the speaker.
This is true since the crowd is full of serious people and the juggler evokes happiness
and astonishment from the audience. Moreover, by saying this the audience is able to
get an insight into the life of the speaker; we are able to see that not a lot of things
happen in the speaker s life that cause or bring up excitement and happiness.
Additionally, Wilbur shows the reader how the juggler is performing, the author says,
Oh, on his toe the table is turning, the broom s Balancing up on his nose, and the plate
whirls. On the tip of the broom! (lines 9 21). We can see that as the juggler is
performing his great trick the crowd is excited and amazed at what he is accomplishing
through his performance when the author says, Damn, what a show, we cry... (line 21).
Having the crowd cheer at the juggler as he completes his trick of the balancing act
showed that the juggler was able to bring happiness and amazement with the many tricks
he was able to perform for the crowd.
As the poem progresses, we can see how the juggler manipulates the five red balls he
is using to move around his body. In the poem, Wilbur uses figurative language like
personification to show how the balls move by the tricks the juggler does. For example,
Wilbur says, The balls roll around, wheel on his wheeling hand, learning the ways of
lightness, alter to spheres, grazing his finger ends, cling to their course
Teaching Diversity, Inclusivity And Differentiation
Teaching in Diverse Australian Schools Assessment One:
Diversity, Inclusivity and Differentiation

We come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. Why should the way learn and
think be any different to the way we look. What is inside us reflects who we are and
how we function. It is what separates us from the people around us. Diversity expresses
our cultural background, our social and family status, our academic abilities and our
sensory/physical abilities. Every child is deserving of an education no matter what sets
them apart from the crowd. Diversity is what makes us an individual. Students are on
their journey of discovery who they are and who they want to become. As an educator it
is our responsibility to cater the journey to match the unique, diverse and individual to the
students we have in our care.
All children can learn and the right to an education. Inclusive education is based on the
moral, legal and human rights that each of has. The idea of inclusive or differentiated
instruction is an approach to teaching that advocates active planning for and attention to
students differences in classrooms. Inclusion in its most general sense is the right to
active participation and achieving equity, the achievement of outcomes that are equal,
through engagement in all aspects of daily life. A process through which barriers are
removed to help with participation and progress for all students, it is therefore a process
of responding to the uniqueness of the students and
Okonkwo A Tragic Hero In I Fall Apart
A tragic hero is a literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to
his/her own destruction, someone who works hard to achieve a goal, even if it means
taking a downfall, and a person who brings honor around them. Okonkwo from I Fall
Apart , fits all the characteristics of being a tragic hero. In the book it gives many
examples/ reasoning on why i think that, to support my statement.

Importance is the state or fact of being of great significance or value. Having great
significance is what Okonkwo did. Being a tragic hero throughout a community, you ll
have to be important to the society. Having importance means being known. In the
book, it reads, Okonkwo was well known throughout the villages and even beyond
(page 1). This supports that not only was he known from his village, but other places
too. He was a man of action, a man of war ,(page 10). Actions involve the well being of
others, Okonkwo used actions to show his place that he stands. Actions speak louder
than words, maybe that s why people looked up to him. One more example, He ... Show
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He accomplishes the goals he sets and accomplishes what is important to him As a
young man of 18, he had brought honor to the villages by throwing amalinze the cat .
Doing that was hard enough, not to mention the fact he was 18 at the time. Okonkwo
works hard for what he wants, He was the greatest wrestlers of all the 9 villages , (page
8). To be the greatest you d have to work for it. He works for what he wants, until he
achieves his goals, that s what makes him fall into this category. Another quote to
explain how Okonkwo works hard to succeed is on page 13, chapter 2. During
planting season Okonkwo worked daily on his farm until, from cock crow until the
chickens went to roost . He is successful, he likes to succeed. He works until the goal is
met, and that s exactly why he fits under the category of a tragic
Stereotypical Roles of Australian Males Essay
Stereotypical Roles of Australian Males

The typical Australian: lazy, beer guzzling, faded blue singlets, thongs, slang words.
This is the dominant reading formed by the media, commonly in advertisements and
novels. The image constructed by such media is one of an unfit couch potato who sits
around all day drinking and watching television. This stereotype is not only
downgrading, but constructs Australian males as underachievers in society. Some
Australians may be like this, as for many the pursuit of leisure is a serious business.
Indeed texts such as Chris Franklin s Bloke (2000) and The Wind and the Monkey
(1999) support this theory of the common Australian man. However texts such as
Crocodile Dundee (1986) and The Castle (1999) ... Show more content on ...
Michael Dundee has such a loving attitude towards life that he leaves a positive lasting
impression on everyone he meets. He tries his best to greet everyone he sees in the
street by saying, G day, mate. The viewer of this text is positioned to react in a
positive way towards Dundee. Dundee may not always abide by the laws of America,
but he acts on what he believes is right. There are many scenes in the film where
Dundee was seen knocking someone out for some reason or another, but at the same
time the viewer is still positioned to look at his positive aspects.

Crocodile Dundee is set in the cultural context of outback Australia and it s Aborigines.
Michael Dundee was born in the Australian outback and raised by the Aborigines of his
area. He sometimes performs many cultural acts that only the Aborigines do. Such as He
s gone walkabout. In outback Australia nothing changes, the towns are small and
everybody knows one another. The social context of the outback Australian in
comparison to New York is portrayed as being very primate for its time.

Another text that shows no relevance to the dominant reading of Australian males is
The Castle. This text follows the life of an Australian man by the name of Darryl
Kerrigan. Darryl is a tow truck driver and father of four whos only distinguishing feature
is his reverence for his home and family. The dominant reading of this

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