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Ambient Loop research part two of two

Task 2/2: Interpret your research to help develop your product (U10:LO1_AC1.2)

1. Answer ALL of these questions. There are five in total.
2. Some are tasks which require collecting images together to form a MOOD BOARD.
3. PROVIDE EXAMPLES for each one of them in the form of URLS and/or images.
4. Explain WHY you have chosen each one (what you like/don’t like: reflection).
5. You will be expected to add small aspects of research to your weekly blog after doing
these sheets.

Question 1/5
Select three genres of ambient music you think your chosen audience could like. Pick your final choice and
say why you chose it.

Specific examples of music URLs (research):

1. Minecraft
2. Halo
3. Genshin Impact

Reason why you like each one (reflection):

1. nostalgic, low notes, slow tempo, thin textured
2. nostalgic, low and high notes, slow tempo, thick textured vocal and instrumental, accelerando
3. calming, wind instruments – very light notes, thick textured, crescendo

Final choice and reason:

Number 1 – Sweden (Minecraft score) it’s the simplest score out of the 3 I have chosen to example, I think that
even though complex scores can be nice and also calming, the simpler ones are better for ambience.

Question 2/5
Create a mood board of AT LEAST 3 environment-based sets of backgrounds which you like by selecting several images
per setting. Say where you got them from and why you like them. They MUST be from 2d animations.

Environment 1 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
1. Minecraft landscape
3. I like the idea of having a boat drifting through the water past the trees

Environment 2 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
1. Deep space background
3. I would have a deep, distant, stary space background slowly moving as a character walks round a
moon or small planet.

Environment 3 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
1. Forest
3. I like the bridge in the background of the image I think I might make my character walk n the bridge
then get closer to the camera.

Final choice and reason:

Question 3/5
Create a mood board of AT LEAST 3 character styles which you like by selecting several images per setting. Say where
you got them from and why you like them. They MUST be from 2d animations.

Character type 1 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)




I love the cartoony animation style used in adventure time, drawn originally by Andy Ristaino who is a
storyboard artist and formerly the lead designer and a character designer on Adventure Time. He began
working on the series during its second season and later took over from Phil Rynda as lead designer.

Character type 2 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)



Steven universe has a very cartoony look like adventure time it is however more bouncy and bright, originally
drawn and developed by Rebecca Sugar who had worked on adventure time.

Character type 3 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
I like the old hand drawn style of animation the most especially with robots

Final choice/style and reason: type 3 because it looks the most hand drawn

Question 4/5
Create three mood boards of AT LEAST 3 colour schemes which you might use on your chosen environment/style.
Ideally these would be schemes with a minimum of five colours in each. Say why you like them.

Colour scheme 1 (insert image here)

What you like about this scheme: I like this colour scheme because purple and green are contrasting colours so
they make each other stands out and work well together.

Colour scheme 2 (insert image here)
What you like about this scheme: I like this colour scheme because green and blue are close colours so they go
well together and can blend together easily

What you don’t like about it:

The green is very murky

Favourite potential choice for your animation and reason:

Colour scheme 1 because I love the contrast of purple and green especially the darker shades.

Question 5/5
Create a mood board of AT LEAST 3 post-animation effects which you like by selecting several images per setting. Say
where you got them from and why you like them.

Effect 1 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
3. i like this one because it shows you how to easily make a simple smoke look which can add a lot of
depth to your loop as it shows there are more things to see in the scene rather than what’s right at
the front

Effect 2 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
3. this one is good because it shows you how to make a quick and easy fire, if you were to add this to a
scene you have drawn you can use fire in many ways and could even pair it with the smoke from
before to add extra detail to the loop.

Effect 3 (research: add URL for each as well as name of artist or work and why you chose it)
3. Rain can add a lot to an animation, it can be used to create different atmospheres, and portray a
character's true emotions, rain starting - sad, heavy rain - anger, clearing rain - happy. etc…

Final potential choice for your animation and reason:

smoke - because i can use it to create a hazy sort of background.

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