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AI Based Game Control System Using Gestures


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Government College University Faisalabad
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Revision History....................................................................................................................................4
1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................5
1.1. General Information...............................................................................................................5
1.2. Purpose..................................................................................................................................5
1.3. Document Conventions..........................................................................................................5
1.4. Project Objective...................................................................................................................5
1.5. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions........................................................................6
1.6. Project Scope.........................................................................................................................7
1.7. Product Perspective...............................................................................................................7
1.8. Product Features....................................................................................................................7
1.9. User Classes and Characteristics............................................................................................8
1.10. Operation Environment......................................................................................................9
1.11. Design and Implementation Constraints............................................................................9
1.12. Dependencies.....................................................................................................................9
1.13. User Documentation........................................................................................................10
2. System Features...........................................................................................................................10
2.1. Mobile Friendly Use............................................................................................................10
2.2. Unique recognizable Design................................................................................................10
3. External Interface Requirements..................................................................................................11
3.1. User Interfaces.....................................................................................................................11
3.2. Hardware Interfaces.............................................................................................................11
3.3. Software Interfaces..............................................................................................................12
3.4. Communications Interfaces.................................................................................................12
4. External Interface Requirements..................................................................................................13
4.1. Performance Requirements..................................................................................................13
4.2. Safety Requirements............................................................................................................13
4.3. Security Requirements.........................................................................................................14
4.4. Software Quality Attributes.................................................................................................14
5. Tools & Technologies...............................................................................................................14
5.1. Programming Languages.....................................................................................................14
5.2. Database/Data Storages.......................................................................................................14
5.3. Operating System.................................................................................................................14
6. Diagrams.....................................................................................................................................15
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6.1. WBS.....................................................................................................................................15

6.2. Sequence.....................................................................................................................15
6.3. Collaboration.......................................................................................................................16
6.4. Use Case..............................................................................................................................16
6.5. Object..................................................................................................................................17
6.6. Class.....................................................................................................................................17
6.7. E-R Diagram.........................................................................................................................18
6.8. Dataflow..............................................................................................................................18
7. Appendix A: Glossary.................................................................................................................19
8. Appendix B: Check List..............................................................................................................20
9. Appendix C: Supervisory Committee..........................................................................................21
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Revision History

Name Date Reason for Changes Version

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1. Introduction
1.1. General Information

Project Name: AI Based Game Control System Using Gesture Starting Date: 28-01-2024_

Controlling Agency: _______________________ Final Date: _____________

Prepared By: Name of the Studednt Authorized by: __________

1.2. Purpose

Gesture recognition is technology that uses sensors to read and interpret hand
movements as commands. In the automotive industry, this capability allows drivers and
passengers to interact with the vehicle usually to control the infotainment system without
touching any buttons or screens. Artificial intelligence is the theory and development of
computer systems that are able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence,
such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between

Artificial intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust
to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today—
from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars—rely heavily on deep learning and natural
language processing (

AI or machine intelligence (MI) is intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast

with the natural intelligence (NI) displayed by humans and other animals.

1.3. Document Conventions

AI is the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks

commonly associated with human beings. It is technology with the ability to reason and solve

AI mainly focuses on understanding and performing intelligent tasks such as

reasoning, learning new skills, and adopting to new situations and problems. It is a
combination of computer science, psychology, and philosophy (Mogali, Artificial
Intelligence and its applications in Libraries).

1.4. Project Objective

AI refers to science and engineering that explores how to simulate various issues and
functions in the field of human intelligence. AI technology fields cover perception,
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recognition, reasoning, the learning process, natural language, machine translation, games,
chess, and so on.

From Apple’s SIRI to self-driving cars, AI is progressing rapidly. While science

fiction often portrays AI as robots with human-like characteristics, AI can encompass
anything from Google’s search algorithms to IBM’s Watson to autonomous weapons
(Benefits & Risks of Artificial Intelligence. Future of Life Institute. Max Tegmark). AI is a
major part of many cutting-edge technologies, including robotics, driverless cars, web
searches, and video games. AI technologies use sophisticated algorithms, or sets of
instructions, to solve very difficult tasks.

Some AI technologies work behind the scenes to figure out who and what people like
while they are using social media or shopping online.

1.5. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is a field of computer science that became established in

the 1950s. It was described at the time as a new science which would systematically study the
phenomenon of ‘intelligence’. This goal was to be pursued by using computers to simulate
intelligent processes. The central assumption of AI was that the logical operations of
computers could be structured to imitate human thought processes. Because the workings of a
computer are understood while those of the human mind are not, AI researchers hoped in this
way to reach a scientific understanding of the phenomenon of ‘intelligence’.

Intelligence is conceived of in AI as a general mental ability that encompasses several

more specific abilities, such as the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, comprehend ideas,
use language, and learn. AI research commonly focuses on a specific ability and attempts to
develop programs that are capable of performing limited tasks involving that ability. The
highest goal of AI was to construct a computer system with the intelligence and reasoning
ability of an adult human being. Many early AI researchers claimed that this goal would be
reached within only a few decades, thanks to the invention of the digital computer and to key
breakthroughs in the fields of information theory and formal logic. In 1965, the noted AI
researcher Herbert Simon predicted that computers would be able to execute any task that
human beings could by 1985.

How might it be demonstrated that a computer is as intelligent as a human being?

Alan Turing [1950] proposed the Turing Test, in which a computer and a human being are
placed behind a screen, and a test person is to ask questions to both in order to find out which
of the two is human. If the test person cannot make such a judgment after a reasonable
amount of time, the computer has supposedly been demonstrated to be in possession of
general intelligence. The Turing Test is still often invoked, but has not remained without
criticism as a test for general intelligence.
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AI researchers agreed that AI studied intelligent processes and aimed to create

intelligent computer programs, but they soon developed different viewpoints on the extent to
which AI should be directed at the study of human intelligence. Some researchers, like Allen
Newell and Herbert Simon, believed that intelligent computer programs could be used to
model thought processes of humans, and made it their goal to do this. This is sometimes
called the cognitive simulation approach in AI, or strong AI. Strong AI holds that suitably
programmed computers literally have cognitive states that resemble the cognitive states found
in human minds, and are therefore capable of explaining human cognition. Some proponents
of strong AI even go further and hold that a suitably programmed computer is capable of

1.6. Project Scope

Underlying these claims of strong AI is a belief in computationalism: the doctrine that

mental states are computational states, and that cognition equals computation [Pylyshyn,
1984; Shapiro, 1995]. In the mid-1970s, computationalism became a widely held view within
AI, linguistics, philosophy, and psychology, and researchers from these fields joined to create
the field of cognitive science, a new field that engages in interdisciplinary studies of the mind
and intelligence [Boden, 2006].
1.7. Product Perspective

Whereas many researchers in AI embraced the cognitive simulation approach, many

others merely wanted to develop computer programs that were capable of performing
intelligent tasks. For all they were concerned, the underlying mechanism by which computers
were capable of intelligent behavior might be completely different from the working of
human minds. This approach has been called weak AI. Many proponents of this more
cautious approach nevertheless believed that research in AI could contribute to an
understanding of the phenomenon of intelligence, by uncovering general properties of
intelligent processes, and that AI could therefore still meaningfully contribute to cognitive
In recent decades, the view of AI as a science that studies the phenomenon of
intelligence has been partially superseded by a view of AI as an engineering discipline in
which researchers focus on developing useful programs and tools that perform in domains
that normally require intelligence. AI has therefore in large part become an applied science,
often merging with other fields of computer science.

1.8. Product Features

The following are some essential characteristics of smart AI systems:

 Sensor Technology: Smart AI systems make use of a range of sensors to gather data
in real-time on environmental factors like temperature, humidity, soil moisture, pH
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levels, and light intensity. These sensors aid in resource management optimization
and offer insightful information about crop conditions.
 Connectivity over the Internet of Things (IoT): IoT connectivity enables
frictionless communication across sensors, gadgets, and systems in the AI ecosystem.
It makes it possible to remotely monitor, transmit data, and control different smart AI
system components.
 Control and automation systems: Automation is important in smart AI. It entails
using machinery to automate processes like fertilization, AI, and even harvesting.
Automated control systems guarantee accurate and efficient resource use.
 Utilizing computers or mobile devices: Smart AI solutions enable farmers to
remotely monitor and manage their activities. Even if they are not physically on the
farm, they can still access real-time data, get alerts and notifications, and make wise
 Sustainability and Environmental Monitoring: Smart AI systems encourage
sustainable AI practices by maximizing resource consumption, minimizing waste, and
minimizing environmental effect. They make it possible to monitor water use, nutrient
management, and pesticide application to make sure that farming practices are
environmentally benign.

1.9. User Classes and Characteristics

Ancient civilizations in many parts of the world practiced AI. In fact, civilization
would probably not be possible without some form of AI. The earliest form of AI probably
involved people carrying buckets of water from wells or rivers to pour on their crops. As
better techniques developed, societies in Egypt and China built AI canals, dams, dikes, and
water storage facilities. Ancient Rome built structures called aqueducts to carry water from
snowmelt in the Alps to cities and towns in the valleys below. This water was used for
drinking, washing, and AI.

Modern AI systems use reservoirs, tanks, and wells to supply water for crops.
Reservoirs include aquifers, basins that collect snowmelt, lakes, and basins created by dams.
Canals or pipelines carry the water from reservoirs to fields. Canals and pipelines, just like
the ancient Roman aqueducts, often rely on the force of gravity. Pumps may also move water
from reservoirs to fields.

Crops are irrigated by several methods: flooding an entire field, channeling water
between rows of plants, spraying water through large sprinklers, or letting water drop onto
plants through holes in pipes.

Letting water drop onto plants through holes in pipes, known as drip AI, is considered
one of the most efficient methods of AI. Drip AI focuses the water onto the plant itself. Other
methods can waste water by letting it absorb into the ground where there are no plants. Water
can also evaporate into the air when sprayed through sprinklers.
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1.10. Operation Environment

The environment in which smart AI operates is dynamic and linked, including a

variety of stakeholders and elements. Here is an example of a junior level explanation of the
smart AI operational environment:

Farmers, technological firms, and the natural environment all play a part in the
complicated context that smart AI functions in. The primary users of smart AI methods and
technologies are farmers, who implement these developments on their fields. They rely on the
assistance of tech firms who create and offer the systems and technologies required for smart
AI. The natural environment, which includes soil, water, the weather, and ecosystems, is also
very important. Farmers must be aware of their local conditions in order to apply sensible AI
practices. Governmental organizations and agencies also contribute by offering rules,
regulations, and assistance.

1.11. Design and Implementation Constraints

 Technology accessibility: It is assumed that the infrastructure and tools required for
smart AI, including sensors, IoT devices, and data analytics tools, are easily
accessible and widely available. Reliable internet connectivity is assumed to be
available in farming communities in order to facilitate real-time data gathering,
communication, and access to cloud-based technologies.
 Data reliability: The assumption that the data gathered from sensors and other
sources is trustworthy and accurate for decision-making.
 Scalability: The idea that smart AI technologies may be expanded to handle larger
farms or AI businesses.
 Farmer adoption: The presumption that farmers are open to learning and adjusting to
new techniques as well as willing to adopt and embrace the use of technology in their
farming practices.

1.12. Dependencies

 Dependency on qualified professionals or technical experts who can help with the
setup, upkeep, and troubleshooting of smart AI systems. Technical expertise and
 Financial resources: Investment in the necessary infrastructure, training programmers,
and technologies for smart AI will depend on having the money to do so.
 Dependence on government initiatives, financial incentives, and laws that foster the
implementation of smart AI practices.
 Dependence on continuing research and development projects to improve current
technology, provide novel solutions, and handle particular issues in smart AI.
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 Dependence on strong data privacy and security measures to safeguard sensitive

information gathered from farms and guarantee compliance with laws.

1.13. User Documentation

What is user documentation? User documentation is the content that you provide the
end user in order for them to be more successful with your product or service. Also known as
user guides, instruction manuals, or user manuals, user documentation is there to hold your
customer's hand as they learn about your product.

2. System Features

2.1. Mobile Friendly Use

In order to assist farmers in improving their AI techniques, a smart AI system must to

incorporate a few elements. It must be able to measure critical parameters including
temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and light levels using a variety of sensors. These
sensors will provide information so that farmers can choose their crops wisely.
Additionally, the system should be able to manage and examine the sensor data. This
implies that it should contain capabilities for processing and comprehending the data, as well
as secure storage for the data. Farmers can learn more about the health and requirements of
their crops by analyzing the data.

A smart AI system must have automation and control. It should be able to automate
processes like watering, fertilizing.

2.2. Unique recognizable Design

In order to guarantee a smart AI system's overall effectiveness and usability, several

non-functional needs must be met.

First and foremost, it must have an intuitive user interface that is simple to use and
comprehend, especially for farmers with little technical knowledge. Users should be able to
engage with the system easily thanks to its intuitive design, clear instructions, and visual

 Another crucial non-functional criterion is reliability: The system must be planned

to run consistently and precisely, offering trustworthy data and functionality. To
maintain continuous operation and reduce downtime, it should be resilient to
environmental conditions like as power fluctuations or signal disturbances.
 Scalability: Is a crucial factor to take into account since as a farm grows; the smart AI
system may need to accommodate an increasing number of sensors, devices, and data.
 To safeguard sensitive data and maintain the system's integrity: Security is
essential. The right security safeguards, such as user authentication, data encryption,
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and protection against unauthorized access, should be in place for the smart farm
system. Farmers must have faith in the security of their operations and data.
 Another non-functional need is performance: Which refers to how quickly and
effectively the system reacts to input. Users should receive real-time or almost real-
time feedback from the system as it processes and analyses data. It needs to be tuned
to handle a lot of data and produce effective results.
 An essential non-functional need for a smart AI system is compatibility. It ought
to be able to interact and integrate with a range of sensors, gadgets, and current farm
management systems.

3. External Interface Requirements

3.1. User Interfaces

The Language we use in the system is C Language. The widely used C programming
language offers a disciplined and effective methodology for software development. It is
renowned for being easy to use, portable, and capable of low-level programming. C is a
programming language that enables hardware-direct code interaction, making it suited for
embedded systems and systems programming. Its extensive feature set, which includes
control structures, data types, and functions, enables the creation of sophisticated programs
with high productivity. A sizable library of functions is provided in C, which is also used as
the basis for many other programming languages.

3.2. Hardware Interfaces

To effectively store, manage, and retrieve AI data, databases can be employed in

smart AI projects. Here are some applications for databases. AI data collection from sensors,
weather stations, and other sources can be stored in databases in a systematic and organized
manner. Data on soil moisture, temperature, crop health, pest incidence, yield, and other
factors are included. Farmers can effectively store and access vast volumes of data over time
by employing databases.

Integration of data: Databases make it possible to combine data from several sources,
giving farmers a complete picture of their farming activities. Consolidating and analyzing
several data streams, such as meteorological information, AI records, and market prices,
might yield insightful results.

Data reporting and analysis: By allowing for querying and analysis functions,
databases enable farmers to derive useful information from the gathered data. Farmers may
run complicated analyses, prepare reports, and visualize patterns with the aid of database
management systems and suitable querying languages, assisting them in making educated
decisions regarding crop management, resource allocation, and planning.

Databases make it possible to save historical data, which allows farmers to keep track
of patterns and trends over time. Farmers can determine long-term trends, evaluate the
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efficacy of various farming techniques, and make improvements to improve future results by
studying historical data.

3.3. Software Interfaces

Yes, a smart AI project can use an operating system. In fact, operating systems are
essential for the many parts and technologies in a smart AI system to work. A few instances
of how operating systems can be used are as follows:

Data management and collection: Operating systems are able to offer the software
architecture required for data collecting devices, such as sensors and IoT devices, to
communicate and send data to a centralized system. The operating system manages storage,
communication protocols, and data input and output activities.

Processing and analysis of data: Operating systems enable the use of software
programs that process and evaluate the gathered AI data.

Automation and management: In a smart AI setup, automated systems like robotics or

actuators can be controlled and managed by operating systems. The operating system makes
sure that hardware parts and the software that controls them work together smoothly,
enabling precise automation of processes like AI, fertilization, and harvesting.

User interface and interaction: Operating systems can offer farmers a simple way to
communicate with the smart AI system. In order to monitor data, make educated decisions,
and modify system parameters, farmers can use mobile applications, control panels, and
visual dashboards.

Network connectivity is made possible by operating systems in the smart AI

ecosystem, allowing for communication between various systems, sensors, and devices. They
manage communication protocols like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular.

3.4. Communications Interfaces

 Arduino UNO Board x 1

The Arduino UNO is the best board to get started with electronics and coding.

 Soil Moisture Sensor x 1

The output of the soil moisture sensor fluctuates between 0 and 1023 on the ADC scale. This
can be expressed as a % moisture value using the formula below. The 10-bit ADC's
highest value with zero moisture is 1023. This results in 0% moisture.

 Relay Module x 1

Because a 1-channel relay only has one switch or channel, it can only be used to regulate one
load or circuit at once.
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 LCD Display x 1

A 16x2 LCD can display up to 16 characters per line on each of its two lines.

 I2C Module x 1

I2C_LCD is a simple-to-use display module that can simplify display.

 Battery Holder x 1

Open Battery Holder Box With 150mm Wires Leads.

 Jumper Wires

They used for connection.

 Foam Board

They used to connect wires for further processing.

 12-Volt Water Pump

They used for controlling the pressure of water.

 NPK Sensor

NPK sensors that can gauge how much fertilizer should be applied to the soil.

4. External Interface Requirements

4.1. Performance Requirements

Management of AI systems should be based on the desired objectives or outcomes
consistent with economic, energy, environmental, labor, water, and resource constraints.
Goals can vary from maximizing profit, producing a contracted yield, optimizing water
resource use, maintaining the quality of produce, or assuring an attractive landscape.
Managers cannot achieve these goals without considering the performance of the AI system.
This chapter discusses the basic characteristics of various AI systems, defines terms that
quantify performance, describes basic requirements all systems must provide, gives a range
of attributes for systems, and discusses how water supply requirements are governed by ET
and system characteristics. Detailed characteristics of specific systems are presented in later
chapters. The key here is to understand the basic systems and their relative performance.

4.2. Safety Requirements

Smoke detectors save lives by providing an early warning of a smoke or fire incident,
but can do nothing to extinguish a growing fire or protect those physically unable to escape
on their own, such as the elderly or small children. Too often, battery-operated smoke
detectors fail to function because the batteries are dead or have been removed. As the percent
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of homes in America that were "protected" with smoke detectors increased from zero to more
than 70%, the number of fire deaths in homes did not significantly decrease.

4.3. Security Requirements

Security in AI system is based on many things. The types of system, the hardware
design of the system, the software used in the system and its structured and how the system
itself is prepared, used and deployed, this latter point includes not only the election day use
but the pre and post-election process as well.

4.4. Software Quality Attributes

The quality of water and its characteristics influence the plant’s growth, the soil
structure, and also the AI system itself. The quality of AI water refers mainly to its physical
and chemical composition, or more in details to the mineral composition of water and to the
presence of solid and organic substances in it. Both chemical and physical properties
(murkiness, presence of seaweed etc.) determine the suitability of water for AI. The
parameters for AI water widely differ from the drinking water ones; moreover, quality
parameters can vary depending on the crop: they react differently to specific minerals or
water properties. To observe the characteristics of the water it is necessary to use laboratory
chemical analysis. The parameters for AI water widely differ from the drinking water ones;
moreover, quality parameters can vary depending on the crop: they react differently to
specific minerals or water properties. To observe the characteristics of the water it is
necessary to use laboratory chemical analysis.

5. Tools & Technologies

5.1. Programming Languages

C Language

5.2. Database/Data Storages

Here are some applications for databases. AI data collection from sensors, weather
stations, and other sources can be stored in databases in a systematic and organized manner.
Data on soil moisture, temperature, crop health, pest incidence, yield, and other factors are
included. Farmers can effectively store and access vast volumes of data over time by
employing databases.

5.3. Operating System

Data management and collection: Operating systems are able to offer the software
architecture required for data collecting devices, such as sensors and IoT devices, to
communicate and send data to a centralized system. The operating system manages storage,
communication protocols, and data input and output activities.
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6. Diagrams
6.1. WBS

6.2. Sequence
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6.3. Collaboration

6.4. Use Case

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6.5. Object

6.6. Class
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6.7. E-R Diagram

6.8. Dataflow
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7. Appendix A: Glossary

 Purpose:
You need to identify a suitable water source for your AI system. This could be
a nearby river, well, pond, or access to a municipal water supply. It's essential to
ensure that the water quality is suitable for AI purposes.

 Project Scope:
An initiative called "smart AI" makes use of modern technology to assist
farmers in improving AI growth and environmental protection. It consists of things
like sensors and equipment that gather data on the soil, temperature, and other
crucial variables.

 Features:
Sensor Technology, Connectivity over the internet of things (LOT), Control
and automation systems, Utilizing computers or mobile devices, Sustainability and
Environment Monitoring.

 Assumptions:
Technology accessibility, Data reliability, Scalability, Farmer adoption.

 Tools:
Arduino UNO board x 1, Soil moisture sensor x 1, Relay module x 1, LCD
display x 1, I2C module x 1, Battery holder x 1, Jumper wires, Foam board, 12 volt
water pump, NPK sensor.

 Programming Language:
C Language.
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8. Appendix B: Check List

Check List Yes No

Starting/Ending Dates


Project Scope




Programming Language
Government College University Faisalabad 21

9. Appendix C: Supervisory Committee

For approval of any two consultant Teachers

Name: Name:

Designation: Designation:

Comments: Comments:

Signature: Signature:

(For Office Use Only)

Approved Time: ________ Group ID:
Meeting Required Date:
Rejected Place:_______


Project Title (If revised):

Project Coordinator __________________________

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